The Aztec Empire The Source File of Sacrificial Reality
The Aztec Empire The Source File of Sacrificial Reality
The Aztec Empire The Source File of Sacrificial Reality
Magical power: 14
Although all four types of magic are possible in the Aztec
Empire, the sorcererous arts are rarely used. When they are, Aztec
magic is often found to be similar to Nile magic, in that both realms
have extensive knowledge of astronomy, mathematics and
engineering. Use of magic is frowned upon in the realm, however,
as the High Lord fears anyone with such skill might one day pose a
threat to his power. The stated reason for the low esteem is that a
citizen who wishes a supernatural occurrence to take place is
supposed to ask the gods for aid, not take matters into his own
hands. There have been instances of realm residents blessed by the
gods with magical abilities, but these have been exceedingly rare.
Still, for those who wish to risk the wrath of the gods, alteration is
possible in many varied forms, enchantment of items is possible,
and permanent conjuration [including that of spell creation] is
possible. However, summonings, and spells with self-contained
effects after initial casting [for example, wards, and creations of
magically-based beings such as golems] are not possible.
Social organisation: 20
A relatively large religious bureaucracy exists within the Aztec
Empire to carry out the will of Huitzilopochtli and the chachalmeca.
Rigid castes exist and complex trading relationships have sprung up
between the Aztecs and those nations foolish enough to believe
exchanging goods will stave off invasion. A huge amount of
resources and manpower are poured into making the military
machine run efficiently. The Aztec Empire is able to field massive,
well-trained and well-disciplined armies and knowledge of the chain
of command is all-important. A soldier who disobeys an order does
not live to disobey another. Unlike the CyberPapacy, not even the
pretence of maintaining a civil government is attempted. All major
decisions are made by the priesthood, with military operations co-
ordinated between them and the generals. A battle not favoured by
the gods will not be waged. Warriors who have attempted to bribe
the priests to gain favourable omens have been put to death.
There is very little political discontent within the Aztec
Empire. Most of the transformed believe that the strong must rule
the weak, an excellent argument for expanding the realm. Those
who retain Core Earth's reality organise in small cells, but even
there, it is difficult to co-ordinate a mass resistance movement. Too
many feel that the Aztec Empire is restoring the glory of ancient
Mexico and will punish those who have exploited the nation's
people for so long.
Spiritual intensity: 17
Religion is key to many aspects of life in the Aztec Empire.
The realm is a theocracy led by the chachalmeca [the high
priest/High Lord], with the priesthood and military castes the most
important. Most Aztec residents have some knowledge of the gods
and their powers, but few have been gifted with the ability to
discern the will of the gods. All accept the fact that sacrifices must
be made to retain the god's favour and consider it an honour to be
chosen for death. Certain temples within the realm are believed to
be imbued with the power of the god to whom they are dedicated.
As the axiom level permits regular miracles which can occur without
presence of the faithful, adventurers who brave the perils of these
places may be rewarded with an encounter with a god's
Technological development: 16
The Aztec Empire's Tech axiom is somewhat deceiving -
although higher than that of Aysle, it refers primarily to their
knowledge of science and architecture rather than equipment and
weaponry extant in the realm. The Aztec Empire has access to
relatively advanced concepts of engineering, astronomy and
mathematics- the finite speed of light can be discerned, and the
conceptualisation of gravity is possible. However, although
musketry is possible at level 16, nothing of the sort is used in the
realm. Huitzilopochtli's love for the ancient Aztec culture has limited
weaponry to javelins, dart blowers, bows and arrows, daggers and
clubs called macanas. The effective tech level in these situations is
8, sometimes 9 in cases: note, however, that weapons of up to tech
16 do not create a contradiction. An Aztec attack will usually be
prefaced by an "artillery barrage" of arrows and spears followed by
hand-to-hand fighting. The latter tends to be more devastating than
the former, as the Aztec macanas were commonly studded with
sharpened pieces of obsidian.
Reconnection To Reality
When the Everlaw of One overpowers the Everlaw of Two in a
character, the link to their unliving reality is broken, and they
become limited to whichever reality that they may be in. Possibility-
rated characters may reconnect to their home reality and be able to
cause contradictions again if they make reality skill totals equal to
or greater than the difficulty numbers listed below:
Miracles Of Faith
Earth Swallow
Spiritual Rating: 17
Community Rating: 12
Difficulty: 15
Range: 3 metres
Duration: performance
Effect: traps target character in a pit
When successfully invoked, a pit will suddenly open beneath
the feet of the target character. He must generate a successful
dodge total against a difficulty of the cleric's faith value. If he fails,
he falls into the pit. Upon entering the pit, the walls will
immediately begin to close in. The victim must generate a
successful climbing [or Strength] total against a difficulty number of
the cleric's faith value to escape. If he does not, he suffers damage
equal to the cleric's faith value.