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Pulse 3 Unit 5 WB

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Vocabulary 1
Rubbish and recycling
1. Find 11 more words for describing what’s in our rubbish in the wordsquare.

2. Match words 1-6 with definitions a-f.

1. textiles a) a clear substance used to make windows, etc.
2. cardboard b) a hard natural element found in the ground
3. organic waste c) cloth or fabric
4. plastic d) very thick paper, often used to make boxes
5. metal e) a synthetic substance created by a chemical
6. glass f) biodegradable remains from plants or animals

3. Complete the sentences with the words from exercises 1 and 2.

1. My mum loves gardening, so any ___________________________ from our kitchen
goes onto the compost heap.
2. In the USA, supermarkets always put their customers’ shopping in paper
______________________ .
3. Always think twice before you print something: don’t waste
___________________________ .
4. Before, we used glass milk bottles, but we always buy our milk in
______________________ now.
5. ______________________ isn’t a renewable resource, so it’s important to recycle your
tins and drink cans.
6. I always wash my glass bottles and _________________________ before I recycle
4. EXPRESS YOURSELF. Write sentences about recycling that are true for you and your
I always use scrap paper to make notes when I study.
1) Compost heap
2) Plastic bags
3) Glass jars and bottles
4) Cardboard and newspapers
5) Tins and aluminium cans

Grammar 1
First conditional
1. Circle the correct words.
1. If we finish/ ‘ll finish work early, we go/ ‘ll go out for a burger.
2. I don’t play/ won’t play tennis if it rains/ ‘ll rain.
3. Do you celebrate/ Will you celebrate if you pass/ ‘ll pass all your exams?
4. They don’t come/ won’t come to visit if they don’t have/ won’t have enough time.
5. If we reduce/ will reduce our carbon emissions, the air is/ will be cleaner.
6. I’m/ ‘ll be fitter if I walk/ ‘ll walk to school.

2. Match the sentence beginnings with the endings.

1. If I see Emily, _____
2. If we save enough money, _____
3. If they travel by bike, _____
4. If temperatures increase a lot, _____
5. If you answer all the quiz questions, _____

A) we’ll buy a new hybrid car.

B) life on Earth will become more difficult.
C) I’ll tell her to call you.
D) they’ll reduce their carbon footprint.
E) the computer will calculate your CO2 emissions.

3. Write first conditional sentences. Add a comma (,) where necessary.

1. if you use plastic bags/ you create more rubbish
2. we not reduce our carbon footprint/ if we not change our lifestyle
3. they not come to the party/ if we not invite them
4. we buy you a present/ if you pass your exams
5. if she get a new job/ Helen go to Paris

4. Complete the sentences with a situation or a result. Use the ideas in the box or your own
Be healthy – pass exams – produce less waste – protect our oceans – recycle more rubbish
. reduce our carbon footprint

1) If my family recycles more,

2) Marine species will disappear
3) If we all use air conditioning,
4) If I cycle to school,

Will and might

5. Order the words to make sentences.
1) you/ at school / be/ won’t / on Sunday.
2) increase/ might/ The world’s/ temperature.
3) live/ Jamie/ in/ might not/ another country.
4) big/ disappear/ will/ cities.
5) pass/ exams/ They/ will/ all/ their/ all.

6. Complete the sentences with will or might and the verbs in brackets.
1) We __________________________ more rubbish at home in the future. (recycle)
2) This year, factories __________________________ as much toxic waste as last year.
(not produce)
3) We __________________________ a recycling programme at school this year. (start)
4) They __________________________ on holiday to Australia this summer. (not go)
5) We’re sure that we _________________________ on Mars in the next ten years. (not
Vocabulary 2: The environment: Word families (verbs and nouns)
1. Circle the correct words.
1. The destroy/ destruction of animals’ natural habitats is a serious environmental
2. We have to reduce/ reduction the amount of rubbish we produce.
3. Nuclear power stations produce toxic emit/ emissions.
4. Atmospheric pollute/ pollution can seriously affect your health.
5. If we recycle/ recycling, we’ll help the environment.

2. Complete the table. Use a dictionary to help.

verb noun
change Change

3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1) Scientists believe that a large number of species __________________________
(disappear) every day because of the __________________________ (destroy) of our
planet’s ecosystems.
2) If we __________________________ (recycle) our rubbish, we can seriously reduce
carbon __________________________ (emit).
3) __________________________ (recycle) is a great way to
__________________________ (reduce) the number of landfill sites we need.
4) If we continue to __________________________ (destroy) our habitat and we don’t
__________________________ (create) new forms of energy, our world will soon be
very different.

4. Write nouns to match the definitions.

Disappearance: a situation when something stops existing.
1) __________________________ : the process of using waste materials again
2) __________________________ : damaging something so that it can’t be repaired.
3) __________________________ : the process of making something
4) __________________________ : substances which go into the atmosphere
5) __________________________ : the process of making something smaller

5. Are the underlined words nouns or verbs? Circle N (noun) or V (verb).

1) Your marks are getting better; you are improving.
N/ V
2) If there is no improvement soon, we might have some serious problems.
N/ V
3) There has been no change in the level of pollution in our city.
N/ V
4) We discussed the problem seriously.
N/ V
5) Recycling has lots of benefits.
N/ V
6) Pollution causes many health problems.
N/ V

6. EXPRESS YOURSELF. Answer the questions. Write sentences that are true for you.
1. Why do you think it’s important to recycle?
2. How do you protect the environment?
3. How often do you use public transport?
4. How often do you drop rubbish on the ground?

Grammar 2
Second conditional
1. Circle the correct words.
1) What did you do/ would you do if you went to a desert island?
2) It would be better if we cycled/ would cycle to school.
3) If Kate studied/ would study more, she would get better marks.
4) They wouldn’t produce so much rubbish if they recycled/ would recycle more.
5) If they didn’t have to/ wouldn’t have to work, they would go on holiday.
6) What did you do/ would you do if you lost your mobile phone?
2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1) We _____________________ some pets if we had more space. (get)
2) If she did more sport, she _____________________ so tired. (not feel)
3) I _____________________ up late if I had an exam the next day. (not stay)
4) If I _____________________ some money, I’d save it. (find)
5) My dad would walk more if we _____________________ a car. (not have)

3. Write second conditional sentences. Add a comma (,) where necessary.

1) They travel more/ if they not have to work
2) If we have fewer baths/ we save water
3) I get on better with my sister/ if we not share a bedroom
4) If we protect animals more/ they not become extinct
He do more exercise/ if he not be so busy

4. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
What would you do if you turned your kitchen tap on and there (1)
_____________________ (not be) any water? Many people all over the planet don’t have
access to clean drinking water. If you (2) _____________________ (donate) some money
to water project, you (3) _____________________ (help) a lot of small children survive.
They (4) _____________________ (not die) of diseases if they (5)
_____________________ (have) clean drinking water in their village. They (6)
_____________________ (not have to) walk for miles to find water if we (7)
_____________________ (stop) to think more about their difficult situation.
Please help us to raise money for our water project in Somalia! If we (8)
_____________________ (get) €50, that (9) _____________________ (buy) a well and
many small children (10) _____________________ (drink) clean water, not polluted water!

5. EXPRESS YOURSELF. Answer the questions. Write sentences that are true for you.
1) What would you do if you had more free time?
2) What would your family do if they didn’t have any clear water?
3) What do you think people would do if there were no cars or planes?
4) What would you do if it rained all weekend?

1. Read and listen the quiz. Answer the questions. Then check your answers.

2. Add up your score. Are you an environmental hero or an environmental villain?

3. Match the words with the definitions a-d

1) Tonne ____________
2) Decompose ____________
3) Volcanic eruption ____________
4) Reflect ____________

a) Explosion of a volcano which causes lava to come out.

b) Throw something (such as light) back without absorbing it.
c) Break down through a natural process.
d) A very large unit of weight.
Progress check
Rubbish and recycling
1. Complete the sentences.
1) We always recycle glass bottles and _____________________ at home.
2) One tree produces about 700 paper shopping _____________________: one busy
supermarket uses more than that in just an hour!
3) Some charities sell old clothes: reusing _____________________ reduced your carbon
4) In the USA they use more than 80,000,000,000 _____________________ drink cans
every year.

The environment: Word families (verbs and nouns)

2. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
creation – emissions – pollution – reduce

1) The rise in carbon _____________________ is destroying the ozone layer.

2) We should _____________________ our consumption of water: we waste too much.
3) The increase in levels of _____________________ is due to the use of fossil fuels.
4) The _____________________ of a new environmental programme will result in
positive changes.

First conditional
3. Correct the sentences.
1) I be really happy if you pass this course.
2) If we’ll stop using the car we’ll reduce our carbon footprint.
3) Will you go on holiday if you’ll have enough time and money?
4) She don’t do her homework if you don’t help her.

Will and might

4. Complete the sentences with will, won’t might or might not.
1) They _____________________ come to stay this summer; they promised to visit.
2) She definitely _____________________ pass the course. She doesn’t study at all.
3) They _____________________ be at home. There are no lights on their house.
4) We _____________________ install alternative energy in our new home, but it’s
Second conditional
5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1) It _____________________ better if we did the project in groups. (be)
2) If you had €50, _____________________ the money to charity? (you/ donate)
3) Where _____________________ if they had the choice? (they/ live)
4) If we all _____________________ to school, we would reduce our carbon footprint.

Conditional forms
6. Circle the correct words.

Matt: Hi Sue. Listen, I’m doing a project about the environment. But it’s hard and I
think I (1) ‘ll/ might need some help.
Sue: OK, I (2) ‘ll/ might help you. What is it on?
Matt: I (3) ‘ll/ might write about recycling, or maybe global warming.
Sue: If I were you, I (4) ‘ll/ ‘d concentrate on one topic; how about global warming?
Did you know that if the Earth’s temperature (5) increased/ would increase by
four degrees, sea levels (6) rose/ would rise and whole areas of land (7)
disappeared/ would disappear under water?
Matt: That’s right! And of course if that (8) happens/ will happen there (9) is/ will be
serious droughts in hotter areas.
Sue: How depressing! We need to do something about this now!

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