Astm C-617
Astm C-617
Astm C-617
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C617/C617M − 12
TABLE 2 Example of Report of Qualification of a Capping Material
NOTE 1—Manufacturer: Testing Supplies Co.
Capping Material: Super Strong AAA-Sulfur mortar
Lot: 12a45 Date Tested: 11/3/XX
Signed by:______________________________ (testing agency and responsible official)
NOTE 6—The required consistency of the paste is determined by the molten material reaches the top of the filling hole. Allow
appearance of the cap when it is stripped. Fluid paste results in streaks in sufficient time for maximum shrinkage, due to cooling, and
the cap. Stiff paste results in thick caps.
solidification to occur (approximately 15 min) and refill each
5.3 High-Strength Gypsum Cement Paste: hole with molten material (Note 10). After solidification is
5.3.1 No fillers or extenders may be added to neat high- complete, remove the cubes from the mold without breaking
strength gypsum cement paste subsequent to the manufacture off the knob formed by the filling hole in the cover plate.
of the cement. (Note 7) Qualification tests shall be made to Remove oil, sharp edges, and fins from the cubes and check the
determine the effects of water-cement ratio and age on com- planeness of the bearing surfaces in the manner described in
pressive strength of 50 mm [2 in.] cubes. Retarders may be Test Method C109/C109M. After storage at room temperature
used to extend working time, but their effects on required to the desired age, but not less than 2 h, test cubes in
water-cement ratio and strength must be determined. (Note 8) compression following the procedure described in Test Method
NOTE 7—Low-strength molding plaster, plaster of paris, or mixtures of C109/C109M, and calculate the compressive strength.
plaster of paris and portland cement are unsuitable for capping. NOTE 9—If desired, a 3-mm [1⁄8 in.] thick plate of thermosetting plastic
NOTE 8—The water-gypsum cement ratio should be between 0.26 and (such as phenol formaldehyde), provided with three appropriately spaced
0.30. Use of low water-cement ratios and vigorous mixing will usually filling holes, may be inserted between the cover plate and the mold to slow
permit development of 35 MPa [5000 psi] at ages of 1 or 2 h. Higher the rate of cooling of test specimens.
water-gypsum cement ratios extend working time, but reduce strength. NOTE 10—The second filling helps to prevent the formation of a large
5.3.2 Mix the neat gypsum cement paste at the desired void or shrinkage pipe in the body of a cube. However, such defects may
water-cement ratio and use it promptly since it sets rapidly. occur no matter how much care is exercised, and it therefore is advisable
to inspect the interior of tested sulfur mortar cubes for homogeneity
5.4 Sulfur Mortar: whenever the strength values obtained are significantly lower than
5.4.1 Proprietary or laboratory prepared sulfur mortars are anticipated.
permitted if allowed to harden a minimum of 2 h before testing
concrete with strength less than 35 MPa [5000 psi]. For 6. Capping Procedures
concrete strengths of 35 MPa [5000 psi] or greater, sulfur 6.1 Freshly Molded Cylinders—Use only neat portland
mortar caps must be allowed to harden at least 16 h before cement pastes (Note 11) to cap freshly molded cylinders. Make
testing, unless a shorter time has been shown to be suitable as caps as thin as practicable. Do not apply the neat paste to the
specified in 5.1.1. exposed end until the concrete has ceased settling in the molds,
5.4.2 Determination of Compressive Strength—Prepare test generally from 2 to 4 h after molding. During the molding of
specimens using a cube mold and base plate conforming to the the cylinder, strike off the upper end even with or slightly
requirements of Test Method C109/C109M and a metal cover below the plane of the rim of the mold. Remove free water and
plate conforming in principle to the design shown in Fig. 1 laitance from the top of the specimen immediately before
(Note 9). Bring the various parts of the apparatus to a capping. Form the cap by placing a conical mound of paste on
temperature of 20 to 30°C [68 to 86°F], lightly coat the the specimen and then gently pressing a freshly oiled capping
surfaces that will be in contact with the sulfur mortar with plate on the conical mound until the plate contacts the rim of
mineral oil, and assemble near the melting pot. Bring the the mold. A very slight twisting motion may be required to
temperature of the molten-sulfur mortar in the pot within a extrude excess paste and minimize air voids in the paste. The
range of 129 to 143°C [265 to 290°F], stir thoroughly, and capping plate must not rock during this operation. Carefully
begin casting cubes. Using a ladle, or other suitable pouring cover the capping plate and mold with a double layer of damp
device, quickly fill each of the three compartments until the burlap and a polyethylene sheet to prevent drying. Removal of
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C617/C617M − 12
the capping plate after hardening may be accomplished by and the other blade touching the highest point on the end of the cylinder.
tapping the edge with a rawhide hammer in a direction parallel The distance between the blade of the square and the lowest point on the
end of the cylinder is measured.
to the plane of the cap.
6.2.3 Capping with High-Strength Gypsum Paste or Neat
NOTE 11—Type I neat cement caps generally require at least 6 days to Cement Paste—Mix the paste as described in 5.2 and 5.3. Do
develop acceptable strength and Type III neat cement caps at least 2 days.
Dry concrete specimens will absorb water from freshly mixed neat cement not exceed the water-cement ratio determined in qualification
paste and produce unsatisfactory caps. Neat cement paste caps will shrink tests. Form the caps as described in 6.1 using capping plates
and crack on drying and, therefore, should be used only for specimens that described in 4.1 to achieve the alignment required in 4.2 (Note
are to be moist cured continuously until time of testing. 14). Generally, capping plates may be removed within 45 min
NOTE 12—High-strength gypsum caps soften and deteriorate on contact
with gypsum cement pastes and after 12 h with neat cement
with water and cannot be used on freshly mixed concrete or stored in a
moist room for more than very brief periods. paste, without visibly damaging the cap.
6.2 Hardened Concrete Specimens: NOTE 14—A number of methods have been used to obtain the desired
6.2.1 General—If an end of a specimen has a coating or perpendicularity of the cap to the axis of the cylinder. A mound of paste
can be placed on a capping plate and the specimen lowered into it. A
deposit of oily or waxy materials that would interfere with the bull’s-eye level on the top of the cylinder helps obtain alignment. A mound
bond of the cap, remove such coatings or deposits. If necessary, of paste can be placed on top of the cylinder and a capping plate pressed
the ends of a specimen may be slightly roughened with a steel into it, again using the bull’s-eye level. A better system is to make a
file or wire brush to produce proper adhesion of the cap. If half-height mold with a vertical split so that it can be slipped over the
hardened cylinder. A clamp is used to position the mold and to ensure the
desired, capping plates may be coated with a thin layer of required cap thickness. The mound of paste can then be placed either on
mineral oil or grease to prevent the capping material from a capping plate or on top of the cylinder and pressed until the plate
adhering to the surface of the plate. contacts the mold. As Noted earlier, very stiff paste may require excessive
6.2.2 End Condition—The distance of any point on an pressure and produce thick or defective caps.
uncapped end from a plane that passes through the highest 6.2.4 Capping with Sulfur Mortar—Prepare sulfur mortar
point of the end surface and is perpendicular to the axis of the for use by heating to a temperature between 130 to 145°C [265
cylinder shall not exceed 3 mm [1⁄8 in.] (Note 13). If the end and 290°F] as determined by an all-metal thermometer inserted
exceeds this limit, the end of the cylinder shall be cut, lapped near the center of the mass. Check the temperature at approxi-
or ground prior to capping. mately hourly intervals during capping. Empty the pot and
NOTE 13—This provision is to control the difference between the recharge with fresh material at intervals to ensure that the
thickest and thinnest parts of a cap. The distance may be checked using a oldest material in the pot has not been used more than five
square with one blade touching the cylinder parallel to the cylinder axis times. When capping concrete cylinders with a compressive
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Univ des los Andes (Univ des los Andes) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C617/C617M − 12
strength of 35 MPa [5000 psi] or greater, it is not permitted to middle, and end of the run. Check planeness with a straight-
reuse compound recovered from the capping operation or old edge and feeler gage, making a minimum of three measure-
caps. Fresh sulfur mortar must be dry at the time it is placed in ments on different diameters to ensure that the surface of the
the pot as dampness may cause foaming. Keep water away caps do not depart from a plane by more than 0.05 mm [0.002
from molten sulfur mortar for the same reason. The capping in.]. Check also for hollow areas (Note 15). Record the results
plate or device should be warmed before use to slow the rate of of these determinations in the quality control documentation
hardening and permit the production of thin caps. Oil the for the laboratory. If caps fail to satisfy the planeness require-
capping plate lightly and stir the molten sulfur mortar imme- ment or have hollow areas, remove and reapply the caps.
diately prior to pouring each cap. The ends of moist cured During each day’s compressive strength testing
specimens shall be dry enough at the time of capping to operation, check the thickness of caps on at least three
preclude the formation of steam or foam pockets under or in specimens, selected at random, from the start, middle, and end
the cap larger than 6 mm [1⁄4 in.] in diameter. Replace caps with of that day’s operation. After completing the compression test,
steam pockets or voids larger than 6 mm [1⁄4 in.] (Note 15). To recover at least six pieces of capping material from the top of
ensure that the cap is bonded to the surface of the specimen, the the selected specimen (Note 16). The pieces shall be selected at
end of the specimen shall not be oiled prior to the application random and be distributed over the entire area of the cap. The
of the cap. When using a vertical device, pour the mortar onto selected pieces shall have debonded completely from the
the surface of the capping plate, lift the cylinder above the plate concrete. Measure and record the thicknesses of the pieces to
and contact the cylinder sides with the guides, slide the the nearest 0.2 mm [0.01 in.] using a micrometer, caliper or
cylinder down the guides onto the capping plate while keeping other thickness measurement device. Compare the average and
constant contact with the alignment guides. The cylinder end maximum thicknesses with the values in Table 1. Record the
should continue to rest on the capping plate with cylinder sides results of the thickness determinations in the quality control
in positive contact with the alignment guides until the mortar documentation for the laboratory.
has hardened. Use sufficient material to cover the cylinder end NOTE 16—Caps may be removed by using a hammer and sharp chisel.
after the sulfur mortar solidifies. Place the chisel tip at the bond line and nearly parallel with the plane of
the cap so as to create a wedging action when the chisel is struck with the
NOTE 15—Periodically, the sulfur mortar cap should be examined after
hammer. Recovery of the entire cap may be simplified by placing duct
testing for air or steam pockets in the cap. Before testing, the cap can be
tape over the cap prior to attempting its removal. The tape will keep the
tapped with a coin or rubbed with a light metal implement to see if a
pieces of capping material from being dispersed during removal and will
hollow sound can be detected. Caps with hollow areas should be removed
simplify the selection of pieces uniformly distributed over the cap area.
and recapped. Warning—Hydrogen sulfide gas may be produced 7. Protection of Specimens After Capping
during capping when sulfur mortar is contaminated with 7.1 Maintain moist cured specimens in a moist condition
organic materials such as paraffin or oil. The gas is colorless between the completion of capping and the time of testing by
and has a notoriously bad odor of rotten eggs; however, the returning them to moist storage or wrapping them with a
odor should not be relied upon as a warning sign, since the double layer of wet burlap. Do not store specimens with
sensitivity to the odor disappears rapidly on exposure. High high-strength gypsum paste caps immersed in water or for
concentrations are lethal and less concentrated dosages may more than 4 h in a moist room. Protect gypsum paste caps from
produce nausea, stomach distress, dizziness, headache, or dripping water.
irritation of the eyes. For this and other reasons, the melting pot 7.2 Do not test capped specimens before the capping mate-
must be located under a hood with an exhaust fan and that rial has sufficient time to develop the strength required in 5.1.
capping area must be well ventilated.
6.2.5 Daily Check: 8. Keywords During each day’s capping operation, check the 8.1 capping; concrete; compressive strength; cores; cylin-
planeness of the caps prior to compression testing on at least ders; gypsum cement paste; neat hydraulic cement paste; sulfur
three specimens, selected at random, representing the start, mortar
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Univ des los Andes (Univ des los Andes) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C617/C617M − 12
Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this practice since the last issue, C617 – 11,
that may impact the use of this practice. (Approved November 15, 2012.)
Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this practice since the last issue, C617–10,
that may impact the use of this practice. (Approved August 1, 2011)
(1) Revised the standard as a dual units practice and reversed (4) Revised Table 2 to have only one system of units.
the order of the units so that SI units appear first. (5) Revised Note 8 to provide a generic description of accept-
(2) The flash point temperature of sulfur in was revised able materials for the cover plate.
to agree with published values. (6) Revised Fig. 1.
(3) Added Note 3 to refer to Table 2 as an example of a capping
material qualification report.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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