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Astm C94

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This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles

for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Designation: C94/C94M − 22a

Standard Specification for

Ready-Mixed Concrete1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C94/C94M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope* (Warning—Fresh hydraulic cementitious mixtures are caustic

1.1 This specification covers ready-mixed concrete as de- and may cause chemical burns to skin and tissue upon
fined in 3.2.2 (Note 1). Requirements for quality of ready- prolonged use.2)
mixed concrete shall be either as stated in this specification or 1.6 This international standard was developed in accor-
as ordered by the purchaser. When the purchaser’s dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
requirements, as stated in the order, differ from those in this ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
specification, the purchaser’s requirements shall govern. This Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
specification does not cover the placement, consolidation, mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
curing, or protection of the concrete after delivery to the Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
purchaser. 2. Referenced Documents
NOTE 1—Concrete produced by volumetric batching and continuous 2.1 ASTM Standards:3
mixing is covered in Specification C685/C685M. Fiber-reinforced con- C31/C31M Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test
crete is covered in Specification C1116/C1116M.
Specimens in the Field
1.2 As used throughout this specification the manufacturer C33/C33M Specification for Concrete Aggregates
produces ready-mixed concrete. The purchaser buys ready- C39/C39M Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylin-
mixed concrete. drical Concrete Specimens
1.3 The values stated in either SI units, shown in brackets, C125 Terminology Relating to Concrete and Concrete Ag-
or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. gregates
The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; C138/C138M Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield,
therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other. and Air Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete
Combining values from the two systems may result in non- C143/C143M Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement
conformance with the standard. Concrete
C150/C150M Specification for Portland Cement
1.4 The text of this specification references notes and
C172/C172M Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Con-
footnotes that provide explanatory material. These notes and
footnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not be
C173/C173M Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed
considered as requirements of the specification.
Concrete by the Volumetric Method
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the C231/C231M Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the Concrete by the Pressure Method
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- C260/C260M Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures
priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter- for Concrete
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. C330/C330M Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for
Structural Concrete

1 2
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C09 on See Section on Safety Precautions, Manual of Aggregate and Concrete Testing,
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.02.
C09.40 on Ready-Mixed Concrete. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2022. Published August 2022. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1933. Last previous edition approved in 2022 as C94/C94M–22. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/C0094_C0094M-22A. the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

C94/C94M − 22a
C494/C494M Specification for Chemical Admixtures for 2.3 Other Documents:6
Concrete NIST 105-1 National Institute of Standards and Technology
C567/C567M Test Method for Determining Density of Handbook
Structural Lightweight Concrete
C595/C595M Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements 3. Terminology
C618 Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined 3.1 Definitions—The terms used in this specification are
Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete defined in Terminology C125.
C637 Specification for Aggregates for Radiation-Shielding 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
Concrete 3.2.1 concrete, central-mixed, n—ready-mixed concrete
C685/C685M Specification for Concrete Made by Volumet- mixed completely in a stationary mixer.
ric Batching and Continuous Mixing
C989/C989M Specification for Slag Cement for Use in 3.2.2 concrete, ready-mixed, n—concrete manufactured and
Concrete and Mortars delivered to a purchaser in a fresh state.
C1017/C1017M Specification for Chemical Admixtures for 3.2.3 concrete, shrink-mixed, n—ready-mixed concrete par-
Use in Producing Flowing Concrete (Withdrawn 2022)4 tially mixed in a stationary mixer with mixing completed in a
C1064/C1064M Test Method for Temperature of Freshly truck mixer.
Mixed Hydraulic-Cement Concrete 3.2.4 concrete, truck-mixed, n—ready-mixed concrete com-
C1077 Practice for Agencies Testing Concrete and Concrete pletely mixed in a truck mixer.
Aggregates for Use in Construction and Criteria for 3.2.5 water, target batch, n—quantity of water to be added
Testing Agency Evaluation to the batch through the water measuring system after com-
C1116/C1116M Specification for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete pensating for the quantity of ice, if used, surface moisture on
C1157/C1157M Performance Specification for Hydraulic the aggregates and water in the admixtures, when applicable,
Cement and by subtracting a quantity of water that is anticipated to be
C1240 Specification for Silica Fume Used in Cementitious added at the job site or in transit to adjust slump or slump flow
Mixtures of the concrete batch.
C1602/C1602M Specification for Mixing Water Used in the
Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete 4. Basis of Purchase
C1611/C1611M Test Method for Slump Flow of Self- 4.1 The basis of purchase shall be a cubic yard or cubic
Consolidating Concrete metre of fresh concrete as discharged from the transportation
C1697 Specification for Blended Supplementary Cementi- unit.
tious Materials
C1797 Specification for Ground Calcium Carbonate and 4.2 The volume of fresh concrete in a given batch shall be
Aggregate Mineral Fillers for use in Hydraulic Cement determined from the total mass of the batch divided by the
Concrete density of the concrete. The total mass of the batch shall be
C1798/C1798M Specification for Returned Fresh Concrete determined as the net mass of the concrete in the batch as
for Use in a New Batch of Ready-Mixed Concrete delivered, including the total mixing water as defined in 9.4.
C1866/C1866M Specification for Ground-Glass Pozzolan The density shall be determined in accordance with Test
for Use in Concrete Method C138/C138M. The yield shall be determined as the
average of at least three measurements, one from each of three
2.2 ACI Documents:5 different transportation units sampled in accordance with
ACI 211.1 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Practice C172/C172M.
Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete
ACI 211.2 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for NOTE 2—It should be understood that the volume of hardened concrete
Structural Lightweight Concrete may be, or appear to be, less than expected due to waste and spillage,
over-excavation, spreading forms, some loss of entrained air, or settlement
ACI 301 Standard Specifications for Structural Concrete of wet mixtures, none of which is the responsibility of the producer.
ACI 305.1 Specification for Hot Weather Concreting
ACI 305R Guide to Hot Weather Concreting 5. Materials
ACI 306R Guide to Cold Weather Concreting 5.1 In the absence of designated applicable material
ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Con- specifications, the following material specifications shall be
crete and Commentary used:

NIST Handbook 105-1 (revised 1990), “Specifications and Tolerances for
The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on Reference Standards and Field Standard Weights and Measures-1. Specifications
www.astm.org. and Tolerances for Field Standard Weights (NIST Class F),” National Institute of
Available from American Concrete Institute (ACI), P.O. Box 9094, Farmington Standards and Technology., U.S. Dept. of Commerce, http://www.nist.gov/pml/
Hills, MI 48333-9094, http://www.concrete.org. wmd/upload/105-1.pdf.

C94/C94M − 22a
5.2 Cementitious Materials: 6.1.3 Slump flow, or flows, desired at the point of discharge
5.2.1 Hydraulic Cement—Hydraulic cement shall conform from the transportation unit (see Section 7 for acceptable
to Specification C150/C150M, Specification C595/C595M, or tolerances),
Specification C1157/C1157M. 6.1.4 Total air content at the point of discharge from the
5.2.2 Supplementary Cementitious Materials—Coal fly ash transportation unit for concrete that will be exposed to cycles
or natural pozzolans shall conform to Specification C618. Slag of freezing and thawing or anticipated exposure of the concrete
cement shall conform to Specification C989/C989M. Silica (see Section 8 for sampling for air content tests and tolerances).
fume shall conform to Specification C1240. Ground-glass
pozzolan shall conform to Specification C1866/C1866M. NOTE 7—Table 1 provides total air contents for concrete that vary by
Blended supplementary cementitious materials shall conform exposure condition and aggregate size. Total air contents less than those
shown in Table 1 may be specified or used for concrete that is not subject
to Specification C1697. to freezing and thawing. This may be done to improve workability and
NOTE 3—Specification C1697 does not apply to the combination of cohesiveness, reduce the rate of bleeding, reduce the water content for a
individually batched supplementary cementitious materials during the given consistency, or achieve required lightweight concrete density.
manufacture of ready-mixed concrete. Specified total air contents higher than those shown in Table 1 may reduce
strength without any further improvement of durability.
5.3 Aggregates—Normal weight aggregates shall conform Exposure conditions for freezing and thawing environments in Table 1
to Specification C33/C33M. Lightweight aggregates shall con- correspond to the following:
form to Specification C330/C330M and heavyweight aggre- Moderate Exposure—Concrete exposed to freeze-thaw cycles but not
gates shall conform to Specification C637. in contact with the ground or with limited exposure to water, limiting the
ability to cause saturation of a portion of the concrete prior to freezing.
5.4 Ground Calcium Carbonate and Aggregate Mineral The concrete shall not receive deicing salts or other aggressive chemicals.
Filler—Ground calcium carbonate and aggregate mineral filler Examples include: exterior beams, columns, walls, girders, footings below
the frost line, or elevated slabs where application of deicing salt is not
shall conform to Specification C1797.
anticipated. The air content requirements for this exposure are consistent
5.5 Water—Water shall conform to Specification C1602/ with those for Exposure Class F1 of ACI 318.
C1602M. Severe Exposure—Concrete exposed to freeze-thaw cycles while in
contact with the ground or with frequent exposure to water, potentially
5.6 Air-Entraining Admixtures—Air-entraining admixtures causing saturation of a portion of the concrete prior to freezing. The
shall conform to Specification C260/C260M (Note 4). concrete may receive deicing chemicals or other aggressive chemicals.
Examples include: pavements, bridge decks, curbs, gutters, sidewalks,
5.7 Chemical Admixtures—Chemical admixtures shall con- canal linings, or exterior water tanks or sumps. The air content require-
form to Specification C494/C494M or C1017/C1017M as ments for this exposure are consistent with those for Exposure Classes F2
applicable (Note 4). and F3 of ACI 318.
NOTE 4—In any given instance, the required dosage of air-entraining, 6.1.5 Which of Options A, B, or C shall be used as a basis
accelerating, and retarding admixtures may vary. Therefore, a range of
dosages should be allowed, which will permit obtaining the desired effect. for determining the proportions of the concrete to produce the
NOTE 5—Interchanging kinds, characteristics, types, classes, or grades required quality,
of the materials permitted in ready-mixed concrete may produce concrete 6.1.6 When lightweight concrete is specified, the equilib-
of different properties.
rium density,
5.8 Returned Fresh Concrete—Returned fresh concrete,
when permitted by the purchaser, shall conform to Specifica- NOTE 8—The density of fresh concrete is the only measurable density
of lightweight concrete at the time of delivery. The density of fresh
tion C1798/C1798M. concrete is always higher than the equilibrium or oven-dry density.
NOTE 6—Specification C1798/C1798M provides requirements for Therefore, for acceptance of lightweight concrete based on density at the
using, measuring, and reporting returned fresh concrete. These require- point of discharge from the transportation unit, a relationship between the
ments are in addition to those stated herein. The purchaser may further equilibrium density and density of fresh concrete needs to be established.
clarify which concrete within an order, such as specific mixtures or Definitions of, and methods for determining or calculating equilibrium
applications, may incorporate returned fresh concrete. and oven-dry density, are covered by Test Method C567/C567M.

6. Ordering Information 6.1.7 When high-density or heavyweight concrete is

specified, the density of fresh concrete, and
6.1 In the absence of designated applicable general
specifications, the purchaser’s order shall include the follow- NOTE 9—High-density or heavyweight concrete typically contains
ing: aggregate with a relative density of 3.3 or greater conforming to
6.1.1 Designated size, or sizes, of coarse aggregate, Specification C637. This concrete is used for radiation shielding or other
applications where higher density is required by design. For acceptance of
6.1.2 Slump, or slumps, desired at the point of discharge density at point of discharge from the transportation unit, a relationship
from the transportation unit (see Section 7 for acceptable between the fresh density and the density of hardened concrete required by
tolerances), design should be established.

TABLE 1 Total Air Content for Air-Entrained Concrete Exposed to Cycles of Freezing and Thawing
Total Air Content, %
Exposure Nominal Maximum Sizes of Aggregate, mm [in.]
Condition 9.5 [3⁄8 ] 12.5 [1⁄2 ] 19.0 [3⁄4 ] 25.0 [1] 37.5 [11⁄2 ] 50.0 [2] 75.0 [3]
(See Note 7)
Moderate 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 3.5
Severe 7.5 7.0 6.0 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5

C94/C94M − 22a
6.1.8 If desired, any of the optional requirements of Table 2 manufacture of each class of concrete ordered by the purchaser.
in Specification C1602/C1602M. The manufacturer shall also furnish evidence satisfactory to the
6.1.9 Purchaser shall state any drum revolution limit as to purchaser that the materials to be used and proportions selected
when the concrete discharge must begin. If no drum revolution will produce concrete of the quality specified.
limit is stated by purchaser, the manufacturer shall determine 6.5 Option B:
and communicate the limit to the purchaser prior to delivery. 6.5.1 When the purchaser assumes responsibility for the
6.1.10 Purchaser shall state a time limit from the start of proportioning of the concrete mixture, he shall also specify the
mixing defined in 12.3 or 12.5 to when the concrete discharge following:
must be completed. If no time limit is stated by purchaser, the Cement content in kilograms per cubic metre
manufacturer shall establish and communicate the limit to the [pounds per cubic yard] of concrete,
purchaser prior to delivery. The time limit to complete dis- Maximum allowable water content in litres per cubic
charge shall be stated on the delivery ticket in accordance with metre [gallons per cubic yard] of concrete, including surface
14.1.14. moisture on the aggregates, but excluding water of absorption
NOTE 10—This specification previously included a 1 1⁄2 h time limit to (Note 11), and
end of discharge since its original publication in 1935. There are many If admixtures are required, the type, name, and
options available to the manufacturer to provide the required quality of dosage to be used. The cement content shall not be reduced
concrete with end of discharge limits beyond 1 1⁄2 h or less than 1 1⁄2 h. The
purchaser should consult with the manufacturer for available options to when admixtures are used under this option without the written
establish a time limit to end of discharge prior to or at the time concrete approval of the purchaser.
is ordered. Selection of a time limit to end of discharge should consider 6.5.2 At the request of the purchaser, the manufacturer shall,
ambient conditions, types of cementitious materials and admixtures used, prior to the actual delivery of the concrete, furnish a statement
placement procedures, and projected transportation time between the
batch plant and the point of delivery.
to the purchaser giving the sources, densities, and sieve
analyses of the aggregates and the dry masses of cement and
6.2 If a project specification applies, the order shall include saturated-surface-dry masses of fine and coarse aggregate and
applicable requirements for the concrete to be produced in quantities, type and name of admixture (if any) and of water
compliance with the specification. per cubic yard or cubic metre of concrete that will be used in
6.3 If the type, kind, or class of cementitious materials in the manufacture of each class of concrete ordered by the
5.2.1 and 5.2.2 are not designated by the purchaser, it is purchaser.
permitted to use cementitious materials in concrete mixtures 6.6 Option C:
that will satisfy the concrete properties and other requirements 6.6.1 When the purchaser requires the manufacturer to
of the purchaser as ordered. assume responsibility for the selection of the proportions for
6.4 Option A: the concrete mixture with the minimum allowable cement
6.4.1 When the purchaser requires the manufacturer to content specified (Note 12), the purchaser shall also specify the
assume full responsibility for the selection of the proportions following:
for the concrete mixture (Note 11), the purchaser shall also Requirements for compressive strength as deter-
specify the following: mined on samples taken from the transportation unit at the Requirements for compressive strength as deter- point of discharge in accordance with Section 17 and speci-
mined on samples taken from the transportation unit at the mens made, cured, and tested in accordance with Section 18.
point of discharge in accordance with Section 17 and speci- The purchaser shall specify the requirements for strength in
mens made, cured, and tested in accordance with Section 18. terms of tests of standard specimens cured under standard
The purchaser shall specify the requirements in terms of the laboratory conditions for moist curing (see Section 18). Unless
compressive strength of standard specimens cured under stan- otherwise specified the age at test shall be 28 days.
dard laboratory conditions for moist curing (see Section 18). Minimum cement content in kilograms per cubic
Unless otherwise specified the age at test shall be 28 days. metre [pounds per cubic yard] of concrete. If admixtures are required, the type, name, and
NOTE 11—The purchaser, in selecting requirements for which he dosage to be used. The cement content shall not be reduced
assumes responsibility should give consideration to requirements for
workability, placeability, durability, surface texture, and density, in addi- when admixtures are used.
tion to those for structural design. The purchaser is referred to Standard
NOTE 12—Option C can be distinctive and useful only if the designated
Practice ACI 211.1 and Standard Practice ACI 211.2 for the selection of
minimum cement content is at about the same level that would ordinarily
proportions that will result in concrete suitable for various types of
be required for the strength, aggregate size, and slump or slump flow
structures and conditions of exposure. The water-cement ratio of most
specified. At the same time, it must be an amount that will be sufficient to
structural lightweight concretes cannot be determined with sufficient
ensure durability under expected service conditions, as well as satisfactory
accuracy for use as a specification basis.
surface texture and density, in the event specified strength is attained with
6.4.2 At the request of the purchaser, the manufacturer shall, it. For additional information refer to Standard Practice ACI 211.1 and
prior to the actual delivery of the concrete, furnish a statement Standard Practice 211.2 referred to in Note 11.
to the purchaser, giving the dry masses of cement and saturated 6.6.2 At the request of the purchaser, the manufacturer shall,
surface-dry-masses of fine and coarse aggregate and quantities, prior to the actual delivery of the concrete, furnish a statement
type, and name of admixtures (if any) and of water per cubic to the purchaser, giving the dry masses of cement and saturated
yard or cubic metre of concrete that will be used in the surface-dry masses of fine and coarse aggregate and quantities,

C94/C94M − 22a
type, and name of admixture (if any) and of water per cubic permitted in 12.7, whichever is later. The first and last 1⁄4 m3
yard or cubic metre of concrete that will be used in the [1⁄4 yd3] discharged are exempt from this requirement. If the
manufacture of each class of concrete ordered by the purchaser. user is unprepared for discharge of the concrete from the
He shall also furnish evidence satisfactory to the purchaser that vehicle, the producer shall not be responsible for the limitation
the materials to be used and proportions selected will produce of minimum slump or slump flow after 30 min have elapsed
concrete of the quality specified. Whatever strengths are starting either on arrival of the vehicle at the prescribed
attained the quantity of cement used shall not be less than the destination or at the requested delivery time, whichever is later.
minimum specified.
6.7 The proportions arrived at by Options A, B, or C for 8. Air-Entrained Concrete
each class of concrete and approved for use in a project shall 8.1 Unless otherwise specified, for air-entrained concrete
be assigned a designation to facilitate identification of each the total air contents in Table 1 shall apply based on the
concrete mixture delivered to the project. This is the designa- exposure condition stated in the purchase order. It is permitted
tion required in 14.1.7 and supplies information on concrete to reduce the total air content values in Table 1 by one
proportions when they are not given separately on each percentage point for concretes with a specified compressive
delivery ticket as outlined in 14.2. A certified copy of all strength greater than or equal to 35 MPa [5000 psi]. Total air
proportions as established in Options A, B, or C shall be on file content that differs from the values in Table 1 is permitted for
at the batch plant. concrete not exposed to cycles of freezing and thawing (Note
6.8 The purchaser shall ensure that the manufacturer is 7).
provided copies of all reports of tests performed on concrete 8.2 The air content of air-entrained concrete when sampled
samples taken to determine compliance with specification from the transportation unit at the point of discharge shall be
requirements. Reports shall be provided on a timely basis. within a tolerance of 61.5 of the specified value.
6.9 The manufacturer shall obtain the purchaser’s permis- 8.3 When a preliminary sample taken within the time limits
sion to incorporate returned fresh concrete. of 12.7 and prior to discharge for placement shows an air
content below the specified level by more than the allowable
7. Slump or Slump Flow tolerance in accordance with 8.2, the manufacturer may use
7.1 Unless other tolerances are indicated by the purchaser, additional air entraining admixture to achieve the desired air
the following shall apply. content level, followed by a minimum of 30 revolutions at
7.1.1 When slump is stated as a “maximum” or “not to mixing speed, so long as the revolution limit of 6.1.9 is not
exceed” requirement: exceeded (see Note 13).
Tolerances for “Maximum” or “Not to Exceed” Slumps NOTE 13—Acceptance sampling and testing in accordance with Practice
C172/C172M is not obviated by this provision. Increasing the air content
For Slump of: Tolerance
may increase the slump or slump flow.
75 mm [3 in.] or less +0 and –40 mm [11⁄2 in.]
More than 75 mm [3 in.] +0 and –65 mm [21⁄2 in.] 9. Measuring Materials The maximum or not to exceed slump provision 9.1 Except as otherwise specifically permitted, cementitious
shall be used only if a job site water addition is permitted by materials shall be measured by mass. When supplementary
the specification in accordance with 12.7. cementitious materials are used in the concrete mixtures, the
7.1.2 When slump is stated as a target or nominal slump: cumulative mass is permitted to be measured with hydraulic
Tolerances for Target or Nominal Slumps cement, but in a batch hopper and on a scale which is separate
For Slump of: Tolerance
and distinct from those used for other materials except for
ground calcium carbonate and aggregate mineral filler. The
50 mm [2 in.] and less ±15 mm [1⁄2 in.] mass of the hydraulic cement shall be measured before
More than 50 to 100 mm [2 through 4 in.] ±25 mm [1 in.]
More than 100 mm [4 in.] ±40 mm [11⁄2 in.]
supplementary cementitious materials. When the quantity of
cementitious material exceeds 30 % of the full capacity of the
7.1.3 When the purchaser states a slump flow requirement
scale, the measured quantity of the hydraulic cement shall be
for self-consolidating concrete:
within 61 % of the required mass, and the cumulative mea-
Tolerances for Slump Flow sured quantity of hydraulic cement plus supplementary cemen-
For Slump Flow Tolerance titious materials shall also be within 61 % of the required
cumulative mass at each intermediate weighing. For smaller
Less than or equal to 550 mm [22 in.] ±40 mm [1 1⁄2 in.]
concrete batches to a minimum of 1 m3 [1 yd3], the measured
More than 550 mm [22 in. ] ±65 mm [2 1⁄2 in.]
quantity of the hydraulic cement and the measured cumulative
7.1.4 The tolerances for slump or slump flow apply to the quantity of hydraulic cement plus supplementary cementitious
values stated in the order when adjustments in accordance with materials used shall be not less than the required amount nor
12.7 and 12.8 are permitted. more than 4 % in excess. When the purchaser requires alternate
7.2 Concrete shall be available within the permissible range methods of measuring cementitious materials, measurement
of slump or slump flow for a period of 30 min starting either on methods and reporting shall be stated in the order (see Note
arrival at the job site or after the initial slump adjustment 14).

C94/C94M − 22a
NOTE 14—Cementitious materials in bags may be used when requested amount required or plus or minus the amount or dosage
or permitted by the purchaser. required for 50 kg [100 lb] of hydraulic cement, whichever is
9.2 Aggregate shall be measured by mass. The quantity of greater.
aggregate weighed shall be the required dry mass plus the total NOTE 18—Admixture dispensers of the mechanical type capable of
moisture content (absorbed and surface) of the aggregate. adjustment for variation of dosage, and of simple calibration, are
9.2.1 For individual weigh batchers, the quantity of aggre- recommended.
gate weighed shall be within 62 % of the required mass;
10. Batching Plant
except if the required quantity of aggregate is less than 15 % of
scale capacity, the quantity of aggregate weighed shall be 10.1 Bins with adequate separate compartments shall be
within 60.3 % of scale capacity. provided in the batching plant for fine and for each required
9.2.2 For cumulative weigh batchers, if the required quan- size of coarse aggregate. Each bin compartment shall be
tity of aggregate is equal to or greater than 30 % of the scale designed and operated so as to discharge efficiently and freely,
capacity, the quantity of aggregate weighed shall be within with minimum segregation, into the weighing hopper. Means
61 % of the required mass at each successive weighing. If the of control shall be provided so that, as the quantity desired in
required quantity of aggregate is less than 30 % of the scale the weighing hopper is approached, the material shall be shut
capacity, the quantity of aggregate weighed shall be within off with precision. Weighing hoppers shall be constructed so as
60.3 % of scale capacity at each successive weighing. to eliminate accumulations of tare materials and to discharge
NOTE 15—The batching accuracy limit of 0.3 % of scale capacity
10.2 Indicating devices shall be in full view and near
establishes a reasonable minimum weighing tolerance that is independent
of the quantity of material being weighed. enough to be read accurately by the operator while charging the
hopper. The operator shall have convenient access to all
9.3 Except as otherwise specifically permitted, ground cal- controls.
cium carbonate and aggregate mineral filler shall be measured
by mass and on the same scale as the cementitious materials. 10.3 Scales shall be considered accurate if their accuracy is
The masses of ground calcium carbonate and aggregate min- verified through the normally used capacity in accordance with
eral filler shall be measured after the cementitious materials. Table 2 and load indicated relative to applied test load is within
Each cumulative measured quantity of cementitious materials 60.15 % of the total capacity of the scale or 0.4 % of the net
with ground calcium carbonate, aggregate mineral filler, or applied load, whichever is greater. The minimum quantity and
both shall be within the cumulative mass tolerances in 9.1. sequence of applied test loads used to verify material scales
When the purchaser requires alternate methods of measuring shall conform to Table 2 and its notes.
ground calcium carbonate and aggregate mineral filler, mea- 10.4 All exposed fulcrums, clevises, and similar working
surement methods and reporting shall be stated in the order. parts of scales shall be kept clean. Beam scales shall be
equipped with a balance indicator sensitive enough to show
NOTE 16—Ground calcium carbonate and aggregate mineral filler are
movement when a weight equal to 0.1 % of the nominal
not considered part of the cementitious materials.
capacity of the scale is placed in the batch hopper. Pointer
9.4 Mixing water shall consist of batch water (water travel shall be a minimum of 5 % of the net-rated capacity of
weighed or metered at the plant), ice, free moisture on the the largest weigh beam for underweight and 4 % for over-
aggregates, wash water retained in the mixer before batching, weight.
water added at the job site in accordance with 12.7 or by an
10.5 The device for the measurement of the added water
automated truck mixer system in accordance with 12.8, and
shall be capable of delivering to the batch the quantity required
water introduced from admixtures if the quantity added in-
within the accuracy required in 9.4. The device shall be so
creases the water-cementitious materials ratio by more than
arranged that the measurements will not be affected by variable
0.01 (Note 17). The batch water shall be measured by mass or
pressures in the water supply line. Measuring tanks shall be
volume to an accuracy of 61.5 % of the target batch water. Ice
equipped with outside taps and valves to provide for checking
shall be measured by mass. In the case of truck mixers, any
their calibration unless other means are provided for readily
wash water retained in the drum for use in the next batch of
and accurately determining the amount of water in the tank.
concrete shall be measured; if this proves impractical or
impossible the wash water shall be discharged before loading NOTE 19—The scale accuracy limitations of the National Ready Mixed
the next batch of concrete. Quantity of mixing water shall be Concrete Association Plant Certification meet the requirements of this
accurate to within 63 % of the amount established by the
designed mixture proportions. 11. Mixers and Agitators
NOTE 17—Mixing water is the total amount of water in a batch less the 11.1 Mixers include stationary mixers or truck mixers.
water absorbed by the aggregates. Mixing water is used to calculate the Agitators include truck mixers or truck agitators.
water-cementitious materials ratio (w/cm).
11.1.1 Stationary mixers shall be equipped with a metal
9.5 Chemical admixtures in powdered form shall be mea- plate or plates on which are plainly marked the mixing speed
sured by mass. Liquid chemical admixtures shall be batched by of the drum or paddles, and the maximum capacity in terms of
mass or volume. Admixtures measured by either mass or the volume of mixed concrete. If used for the complete mixing
volume shall be batched with an accuracy of 63 % of the total of concrete, stationary mixers shall be equipped with an

C94/C94M − 22a
TABLE 2 Minimum Field Standard Weights and Test LoadsA
(in terms of device capacity)
Device Capacity Minimum Loads for Verification of Scale Accuracy
Field Standard
Test LoadsC
0 to 2000 kg
100 % 100 %
[0 to 4000 lb]

2001 to 20 000 kg Greater ofB Field standard weights or test load to used capacity, if greater than minimum
[4001 to 40 000 lb] 10 % or 500 kg specified.
[1000 lb] 50 %D
Strain-load testsE are permitted to be used above test load minimums. During initial
verification, a scale shall be tested to full capacity.
If the configuration and set up of the scale system prevents access or application of adequate field standard weights or if an unsafe condition is created by the verification
process then the use of the scale above the verified position shall be discontinued until corrective measures have been completed.
Field standard weights used in verifying accuracy of weighing devices shall comply with requirements of NIST Handbook 105-1.
The term “test load” means the sum of the combination of field standard weights and any other applied load used in the conduct of a test using substitution test methods.
Substitution Test—In the substitution test procedure, material or objects are substituted for field standard weights, or a combination of field standard weights and previously
quantified material or objects, using the scale under test as a comparator. Additional test weights or other known test loads may be added to the known test load to verify
the accuracy of higher weight ranges on the scale.
The scale shall be tested from zero to at least 10 % of scale capacity using field standard weights, and then to at least 50 % of scale capacity using a series of substitution
load tests that utilize field standard weights equaling at least 10 % of scale capacity.
A strain-load test shall be conducted to verify the accuracy from 50 % of scale capacity to the used capacity of the scale. At least one load test shall be performed in
each quarter of scale capacity. Strain-Load Test—In the strain-load test procedure, an unknown quantity of material or objects are used to establish a reference load or
tare to which field standard weights or substitution test loads are added.

acceptable timing device that will not permit the batch to be or a more efficient charging sequence. If required, the unifor-
discharged until the specified mixing time has elapsed. mity of concrete shall be evaluated in accordance with Annex
11.1.2 Each truck mixer or agitator shall have attached A1.
thereto in a prominent place a metal plate or plates on which 11.6 Mixers and agitators shall be examined or their mass
are plainly marked the gross volume of the drum, the capacity determined as frequently as necessary to detect changes in
of the drum or container in terms of the volume of mixed condition due to accumulations of hardened concrete or mortar
concrete, and the minimum and maximum mixing speeds of and examined to detect wear of blades. If these conditions are
rotation of the drum, blades, or paddles. If the concrete is truck considered extensive enough to affect the mixer performance,
mixed as described in 12.5, or shrink mixed as described in Annex A1 establishes the basis to determine whether correction
12.4, the volume of mixed concrete shall not exceed 63 % of of deficiencies is required or if the correction of the deficien-
the total volume of the drum or container. If the concrete is cies is adequate.
central mixed as described in 12.3, the volume of concrete in
the truck mixer or agitator shall not exceed 80 % of the total 12. Mixing and Delivery
volume of the drum or container. Truck mixers and agitators
shall be equipped with means to readily verify the number of 12.1 Ready-mixed concrete shall be mixed and delivered to
revolutions of the drum, blades, or paddles. the point designated by the purchaser by means of one of the
following combinations of operations:
11.2 Stationary and truck mixers shall be capable of pro-
12.1.1 Central-Mixed Concrete.
ducing uniformly mixed concrete within the specified time in
12.1.2 Shrink-Mixed Concrete.
12.3 or the specified number of revolutions in 12.5. The
12.1.3 Truck-Mixed Concrete.
capability to produce and discharge uniformly mixed concrete
shall be determined in accordance with Annex A1, if required. 12.2 Mixers and agitators shall be operated within the limits
of capacity and speed of rotation designated by the manufac-
NOTE 20—The sequence or method of charging the mixer will have an
important effect on the uniformity of the concrete.
turer of the equipment.
11.3 The agitator shall be capable of maintaining the mixed 12.3 Central-Mixed Concrete—Concrete that is mixed com-
concrete in a uniformly mixed condition. The capability to pletely in a stationary mixer and transported to the point of
maintain and discharge uniformly mixed concrete shall be delivery either in a truck agitator, or a truck mixer operating at
determined in accordance with Annex A1, if required. agitating speed, or in non-agitating equipment approved by the
purchaser and meeting the requirements of Section 13, shall
11.4 Slump tests of individual samples can be used to conform to the following: The mixing time shall be counted
provide a quick check of the probable degree of uniformity. from the time all the solid materials are in the drum. The batch
Sampling and testing shall be in accordance with Annex A1. If shall be so charged into the mixer that some water will enter in
the difference in slump exceeds the limits in Annex A1, the advance of the cement and aggregate and the target batch water
mixer or agitator shall not be used unless the condition is shall be in the drum by the end of the first one fourth of the
corrected, except as provided in 11.5. specified mixing time; or in accordance with the central
11.5 Use of the equipment not conforming to 11.2 is concrete mixer manufacturer’s recommended charging se-
permitted if operated with a longer mixing time, a smaller load, quence.

C94/C94M − 22a
12.3.1 If no mixer performance tests are made, the accept- flow needs to be increased to comply with the requirement
able mixing time for mixers having capacities of 0.76 m3 [1 stated in the purchase order. Unless otherwise stated, obtain the
yd3] or less shall be not less than 1 min. For mixers of greater required slump or slump flow within the tolerances stated in
capacity, this minimum shall be increased 15 s for each cubic 7.1.1, 7.1.2, or 7.1.3 with the addition of water, or water-
metre [cubic yard] or fraction thereof of additional capacity reducing admixture, or both. The maximum quantity of water
(see Note 21). or water-reducing admixture that can be added at the job site
shall be determined by the manufacturer and shall not exceed
NOTE 21—Stationary mixers of similar design bearing a Performance
Rating plate of the Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau have been tested the maximum water content for the batch as established by the
for their ability to produce uniformly mixed concrete in accordance with designed mixture proportions. Adjusting the concrete mixture
Annex A1 for low slump (<50 mm [2 in.]) and normal slump (100–150 with water or water-reducing admixture shall be done before
mm [4–6 in.]) concrete in a mixing time between 30 and 90 s. discharge of concrete, except when obtaining a preliminary
12.3.2 If mixer performance tests have been made in accor- sample in accordance with 17.6. Additional water shall be
dance with Annex A1, the acceptable mixing time is permitted injected into the mixer under pressure and direction of flow to
to be reduced to the time equal to or greater than that used in allow for proper distribution within the mixer. After the
the qualification testing. If the mixing time is so reduced the additions, the drum shall be turned at least 30 revolutions at
maximum time of mixing shall not exceed this reduced time by mixing speed. The quantity of water or water-reducing admix-
more than 60 s for air-entrained concrete. Mixer performance ture added shall be recorded.
tests shall be repeated whenever the appearance of the concrete
12.8 For truck mixers with automated water or water-
or a comparison of coarse aggregate content of separate
reducing admixture measurement and slump or slump flow
samples as described in Annex A1 indicates that adequate
monitoring equipment defined in 12.8.1 and if permitted by the
mixing has not been accomplished.
purchaser, water, or water-reducing admixture, or both, may be
12.4 Shrink-Mixed Concrete—Concrete that is first partially added during transportation to the job site. Such additional
mixed in a stationary mixer, and then mixed completely in a water shall be injected into the mixer under such pressure and
truck mixer, shall conform to the following: The time of partial direction of flow to allow for proper distribution within the
mixing shall be the minimum time required to intermingle the mixer. The water content of the batch shall not exceed that
ingredients. After transfer to a truck mixer the amount of established by the designed mixture proportions. If water or
mixing at the designated mixing speed shall be that necessary water-reducing admixture is added, the mixer shall be turned at
to meet the requirements for uniformity of concrete as indi- least 30 drum revolutions at mixing speed. Said mixing shall
cated in Annex A1. Additional turning of the mixer, if any, take place after the last water or water-reducing admixture
shall be at a designated agitating speed. addition but before the start of discharge. The acceptance or
12.5 Truck-Mixed Concrete—Concrete that is completely rejection of concrete based on slump or slump flow shall be in
mixed in a truck mixer for 70 to 100 revolutions at the mixing accordance with Section 17.
speed designated by the manufacturer shall produce uniformly 12.8.1 The automated slump or slump flow monitoring
mixed concrete as defined in Annex A1. The start of mixing equipment shall be capable of obtaining one or more physical
shall be when all the materials have been loaded in the mixer. measurements on the truck mixer related to concrete slump or
If requirements for uniformity of concrete indicated in Annex slump flow and providing an indication of slump or slump flow
A1 are not met with 100 revolutions of mixing that mixer shall based on pre-established correlations. The slump or slump flow
not be used until the condition is corrected, except as provided measurement equipment shall report in terms of slump or
in 11.5. If satisfactory performance is found in one truck mixer, slump flow. The device for the measurement of water shall be
the performance of mixers of substantially the same design and accurate to 63 % of the amount added with said device. The
condition of blades are permitted to be regarded as satisfactory. device for the measurement of water-reducing admixture shall
Additional revolutions of the mixer beyond the number found be accurate to the greater of 63 % of the amount added or 630
to produce the required uniformity of concrete shall be at a mL [61 fl oz]. Upon request by the purchaser, the manufac-
designated agitating speed. turer shall submit data no older than 6 months substantiating
the accuracy of the devices used for the measurement of water
NOTE 22—Truck mixers of similar design bearing a Performance Rating or water-reducing admixture. The equipment shall have con-
plate of the Truck Mixer Manufacturers Bureau have been tested for their
ability to produce uniformly mixed concrete in accordance with Annex
trols to prevent discharge of water at pre-set limits to avoid
A1. exceeding the maximum water content for the batch as
established by the designed mixture proportions.
12.6 When a truck mixer or truck agitator is used for
transporting concrete that has been completely mixed in a 12.9 Discharge of the concrete shall be completed within
stationary mixer, any turning during transportation shall be at time limit as established in 6.1.10. This limitation may be
the speed designated by the manufacturer of the equipment as waived by the purchaser if the concrete is of such slump or
agitating speed. slump flow after the specified time limit has been reached that
it can be placed, without the addition of water, to the batch.
12.7 For concrete delivered in truck mixers, no water from
the truck water system or elsewhere shall be added after the 12.10 If a drum revolution limit (6.1.9) for start of discharge
initial introduction of water during batching, except as permit- or time limit (6.1.10) for the completion of discharge is
ted in 12.8, and if on arrival at the job site the slump or slump specified by the purchaser, these limits shall govern.

C94/C94M − 22a
NOTE 23—Depending on the project requirements, technology is 14. Delivery Ticket Information
available to the manufacturer to alter fresh concrete properties such as
setting time, slump or slump flow, air content, and alter delivery and 14.1 The manufacturer of the concrete shall furnish to the
discharge times, or both. Discharge limitations should consider ambient purchaser with each batch of concrete before unloading at the
conditions, placement procedures, and distance or projected transportation site, a delivery ticket containing information concerning said
time between the batch plant and the point of delivery. concrete as follows:
12.11 Concrete delivered in cold weather shall have the 14.1.1 Name of ready-mix company and batch plant, or
applicable minimum temperature indicated in the following batch plant number,
table. (The purchaser shall inform the producer as to the type 14.1.2 Serial number of ticket,
of construction for which the concrete is intended.) 14.1.3 Date,
Minimum Concrete Temperature as Placed 14.1.4 Truck number,
Section Size, mm [in.] Temperature, min, °C [°F]
14.1.5 Name of purchaser,
14.1.6 Specific designation of job (name and location),
<300 [<12] 13 [55] 14.1.7 Specific class or designation of the concrete in
300–900 [12–36] 10 [50]
900–1800 [36–72] 7 [45] conformance with that employed in job specifications,
>1800 [>72] 5 [40] 14.1.8 Amount of concrete in cubic yards (or cubic metres),
The maximum temperature of concrete produced with 14.1.9 Time loaded or of first mixing of cement and
heated aggregates, heated water, or both, shall at no time aggregates, and
during its production or transportation exceed 32 °C [90 °F]. 14.1.10 Amount of water added at the request of the
purchaser or the purchaser’s designated representative and
NOTE 24—When hot water is used rapid stiffening may occur if hot their initials.
water is brought in direct contact with the cement. Additional information
on cold weather concreting is contained in ACI 306R. 14.1.11 Type and quantity of admixture or other adjust-
ments made to the batch after batching.
12.12 The producer shall deliver the ready-mixed concrete 14.1.12 For trucks equipped with automated water or water-
during hot weather at concrete temperatures as stated by the reducing admixture measurement and slump or slump flow
purchaser. monitoring equipment as defined in 12.8.1, the total amount of
NOTE 25—Specifications ACI 301 and ACI 305.1 state a maximum water or water-reducing admixture added by said equipment.
temperature in hot weather of 35 °C (95 °F), unless otherwise specified. 14.1.13 Revolution limit to begin discharge as established
Owners or agencies may have different temperature limits. Concrete for
in accordance with 6.1.9.
mass concrete members may have temperature limits specified or stated in
the thermal control plan. The temperature limit should be communicated 14.1.14 Time limit to complete discharge as established in
to the manufacturer. See 6.2. accordance with 6.1.10.
14.2 Additional information for certification purposes as
13. Use of Nonagitating Equipment designated by the purchaser and required by the job specifica-
13.1 If the use of non-agitating transportation equipment is tions shall be furnished when requested; such information as:
approved by the purchaser, the concrete shall be manufactured 14.2.1 Reading of revolution counter at the first addition of
in a central mix plant. The following limitations shall apply: water,
14.2.2 Type, brand, and amount of cement,
13.2 Bodies of nonagitating equipment shall be smooth,
watertight, metal containers equipped with gates that will 14.2.3 Class, brand, and amount of coal fly ash, or raw or
permit control of the discharge of the concrete. Covers shall be calcined natural pozzolans,
provided for protection from the weather if required by the 14.2.4 Grade, brand, and amount of slag cement,
purchaser. 14.2.5 Type, brand, and amount of silica fume,
14.2.6 Type, brand, and amount of ground calcium carbon-
13.3 The concrete shall be delivered to the site of the work ate or aggregate mineral filler,
with a satisfactory degree of uniformity. Satisfactory degree of 14.2.7 Type, brand, and amount of blended supplementary
uniformity is defined in Annex A1. cementitious materials,
13.4 Slump tests of individual samples obtained and tested 14.2.8 Type, brand, and amount of ground-glass pozzolan,
in accordance with Annex A1 can be used for a quick check of 14.2.9 Type, brand, and amount of admixtures,
the probable degree of uniformity. If these slumps differ by 14.2.10 Type, brand, and amount of fiber reinforcement,
more than the limits in Table A1.1, the nonagitating equipment 14.2.11 Source and amount of each metered or weighed
shall not be used unless the conditions are corrected as water,
provided in 13.5. 14.2.12 Information necessary to calculate the mixing
13.5 If the requirements of Annex A1 are not met when the water, as listed in 9.4,
nonagitating equipment is operated for the maximum time of 14.2.13 Maximum size of aggregate,
haul, and with the concrete mixed the minimum time, the 14.2.14 Mass (amount) of fine and coarse aggregate,
equipment shall only be used when operated using shorter 14.2.15 Ingredients certified as being previously approved,
hauls, or longer mixing times, or combinations thereof that will and
result in the requirements of Annex A1 being met. 14.2.16 Signature or initials of producer’s representative.

C94/C94M − 22a
15. Plant Inspection checks. In addition, these tests shall be made when specified
15.1 The manufacturer shall afford the inspector all reason- and always when each set of strength specimens are made.
able access, without charge, for making necessary checks of 17.5 Strength tests as well as slump or slump flow,
the production facilities and for securing necessary samples to temperature, density, and air content tests shall generally be
determine if the concrete is being produced in accordance with made with a frequency of not less than one test for each 115 m3
this specification. All tests and inspection shall be so conducted [150 yd3]. Each test shall be made from a separate batch. On
as not to interfere unnecessarily with the manufacture and each day concrete is delivered, at least one strength test shall be
delivery of concrete. made for each class of concrete.
16. Practices, Test Methods, and Reporting 17.6 If preliminary checks of slump, slump flow, or air
content are made, a single sample shall be taken after the
16.1 Test ready-mixed concrete in accordance with the
discharge of not less than 1⁄4 m3 or 1⁄4 yd3. All other require-
following methods:
ments of Practice C172/C172M shall be retained. If the
16.1.1 Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the
preliminary measurement of slump (12.7) or air content (8.3)
Field—Practice C31/C31M, using standard moist curing in
falls outside the specified limits, address as indicated in 17.6.1
accordance with the applicable provisions of Practice C31/
or 17.6.2 as appropriate.
16.1.2 Compressive Strength Tests of Cylindrical Concrete 17.6.1 If the measured slump or slump flow, or air content,
Specimens—Test Method C39/C39M. or both is greater than the specified upper limit, a check test
16.1.3 Density (Unit Weight) and Yield of Concrete—Test shall be made immediately on a new test sample. In the event
Method C138/C138M. the check test fails, the concrete shall be considered to have
16.1.4 Air Content—Test Method C173/C173M or Test failed the requirements of the specification.
Method C231/C231M. 17.6.2 If the measured slump or slump flow, or air content,
16.1.5 Slump—Test Method C143/C143M. or both is less than the lower limit, permit adjustments in
16.1.6 Slump Flow—Test Method C1611/C1611M. accordance with 12.7 or 8.3 or both, as appropriate, and obtain
16.1.7 Sampling Fresh Concrete—Practice C172/C172M. a new sample. If the sample of the adjusted concrete fails, a
16.1.8 Temperature—Test Method C1064/C1064M. check test shall be made immediately on a new sample of the
adjusted concrete. In the event the check test fails, the concrete
16.2 The testing agency performing acceptance tests of shall be considered to have failed the requirements of the
concrete shall meet the requirements of Practice C1077. specification.
16.3 Testing agency reports of concrete test results used to
determine compliance with this specification shall include a 18. Strength
statement that all tests performed by the testing agency or its
agents were in accordance with the applicable test methods or 18.1 When strength is used as a basis for acceptance of
shall note all known deviations from the prescribed procedures concrete, the sample of concrete shall be taken in accordance
(Note 26). The reports shall also list any part of the test with Section 17 and standard specimens shall be made in
methods not performed by the testing agency. accordance with Practice C31/C31M. The specimens shall be
cured under standard moisture and temperature conditions in
NOTE 26—Deviation from standard test methods may adversely affect accordance with the applicable provisions of Practice C31/
test results. C31M. The specimens shall be tested for compressive strength
NOTE 27—Deviation from standard moisture and temperature curing
requirements of Practice C31/C31M is often a reason for low strength test in accordance with Test Method C39/C39M.
results. Such deviations may invalidate the use of such test results as a 18.2 Laboratory Personnel—The laboratory personnel per-
basis for rejection of the concrete.
forming compressive strength testing of specimens used for
17. Sampling and Testing Fresh Concrete acceptance testing shall meet the personnel qualification re-
quirements of Practice C1077, including an examination re-
17.1 The contractor shall afford the inspector all reasonable
quiring performance demonstration that is evaluated by an
access and assistance, without charge, for the procurement of
independent examiner.
samples of fresh concrete at time of placement to determine
conformance of it to this specification. 18.3 For a strength test, at least two standard test specimens
17.2 Tests of concrete required to determine compliance shall be made from a composite sample secured as required in
with this specification shall be made by a certified technician in Section 17. A test shall be the average of the strengths of the
accordance with Practice C1077. specimens tested at the age specified in or (Note
28). If a specimen shows definite evidence other than low
17.3 Samples of concrete shall be obtained in accordance strength, of improper sampling, molding, handling, curing, or
with Practice C172/C172M, except when taken to determine testing, it shall be discarded and the strength of the remaining
uniformity of slump within any one batch or load of concrete cylinder shall then be considered the test result.
(11.4, 13.4, and Annex A1).
NOTE 28—Additional tests may be made at other ages to obtain
17.4 Slump or slump flow, air-content, density, and tem- information for determining form removal time or when a structure may
perature tests shall be made at the time of discharge at the be put in service. Specimens for such tests are cured according to the
option of the inspector as often as is necessary for control section on Field Curing in Practice C31/C31M.

C94/C94M − 22a
18.4 The representative of the purchaser shall ascertain and ACI 301. Pertinent data are given in Appendix X1.
record the delivery-ticket number for the concrete and the exact 18.5.3 When the specified strength is greater than 35 MPa
location in the work at which each load represented by a [5000 psi], no individual strength test (average of two cylinder
strength test is deposited.
tests) shall be less than 0.90 f 'c.
18.5 To conform to the requirements of this specification,
strength tests representing each class of concrete must meet the 19. Failure to Meet Strength Requirements
following two requirements (Note 29):
18.5.1 The average of any three consecutive strength tests 19.1 In the event that concrete tested in accordance with the
shall be equal to, or greater than, the specified strength, f 'c, and requirements of Section 18 fails to meet the strength require-
18.5.2 When the specified strength is 35 MPa [5000 psi] or ments of this specification, the manufacturer of the ready-
less, no individual strength test (average of two cylinder tests) mixed concrete and the purchaser shall confer to determine
shall be more than 3.5 MPa [500 psi] below the specified whether agreement can be reached as to what adjustment or
strength, f 'c. adjustments, if any, shall be made to the mixture proportions,
NOTE 29—Due to variations in materials, operations, and testing, the
production process, or testing procedures.
average strength necessary to meet these requirements will be substan- NOTE 30—ACI 318-14, Sections 26.12.4 and R26.12.4 (commentary)
tially higher than the specified strength. The amount higher depends upon address when and how low strength test results can be investigated.
the standard deviation of the test results and the accuracy with which that
value can be estimated from prior data as explained in ACI 214R7 and
20. Keywords
ACI 214R-11, “Guide to Evaluation of Strength Test Results of Concrete,” 20.1 accuracy; blended hydraulic cement; certification;
available from American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, ready-mixed concrete; scales; testing
www.concrete.org, 2011, 16 pp.


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Significance and Use A1.2 Concrete Mixture, Load Size, and Mixing
A1.1.1 This annex provides procedures to evaluate the A1.2.1 Unless the intent is to evaluate special project
ability of stationary and truck mixers to produce uniformly situations or concrete mixtures, the concrete mixture used for
mixed concrete. The procedures described herein can also be this evaluation should be typical of that produced in the
used to determine the required minimum mixing revolutions in production facility. Recommended mixture characteristics in-
truck mixers for shrink-mixed concrete and for evaluating the clude the following:
uniformity of concrete mixtures delivered in nonagitating A1.2.1.1 Cementitious materials content of 300 to
equipment. 350 kg ⁄m3 [500 to 600 lb/yd3],
A1.1.2 The sequence and method of charging mixers has a A1.2.1.2 Coarse aggregate size No. 57 or No. 67 from
significant effect on the ability to produce uniformly mixed Specification C33/C33M,
concrete. The procedures in this annex can also be used to A1.2.1.3 Fine aggregate fineness modulus 2.5 to 3.0,
evaluate the effect of batching sequence for charging or loading A1.2.1.4 Target slump of 100 to 150 mm [4 to 6 in.] or for
mixers of acceptable condition. paving operations at 25 to 50 mm [1 to 2 in.], and
A1.2.1.5 Air content of 4 to 6 %.
A1.1.3 It is not the intent that this complete evaluation be
performed on mixers at an established frequency. For equip- A1.2.2 The load size used for this evaluation shall be within
ment in operation, a visual inspection of the condition of the –20 % and +10 % of the rated mixing capacity of the mixer.
mixer for blade wear and hardened concrete buildup can be A1.2.3 Use a batching sequence of concrete materials that
conducted as an alternative. If one mixer of a specific design has been used previously with success or in accordance with
has been evaluated by procedures in this annex, it can be the recommendation of the mixer manufacturer. Use alternative
assumed that mixers of essentially the same design and of procedures if the purpose is to evaluate the effect of batching
different sizes will also produce uniformly mixed concrete. A sequence.
selected portion of this evaluation, such as comparison of NOTE A1.1—The standards of the Truck Mixer Manufacturers Bureau,
slump or coarse aggregate content, can also be performed as a TMMB 100 and of the Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau, CPMB 100,
quick indication of the uniformity of concrete mixtures. provide recommendations for batching sequence.

C94/C94M − 22a
A1.2.4 For stationary mixers, mix concrete at the mixing actual quantity of concrete discharged, the intent is to provide samples that
speed and minimum duration recommended by the mixer are representative of widely separated portions, but not the beginning and
end of the load.
manufacturer. The start of mixing time shall be from the time
all solid materials are in the mixer. Mixing time is taken as the A1.4 Slump
earlier of when the mixer is stopped or when the first material
A1.4.1 Perform the slump test on each sample in accordance
is discharged. Use a suitable timing device, accurate to 1 s, to
with Test Method C143/C143M. Start the slump test within 5
measure and record the time duration of mixing.
min after the sample was obtained.
A1.2.5 For truck mixers, mix concrete at a mixing speed
exceeding 12 r/min or at the speed recommended by the A1.5 Density (Unit Weight) and Yield
manufacturer. Complete mixing using between 70 and 100 A1.5.1 Determine the density of each sample in accordance
revolutions of the drum at mixing speed. To determine the with Test Method C138/C138M. Use the measure for measure-
mixer drum revolutions, the start of mixing shall be when all ment of air content by Test Method C231/C231M unless the
the materials have been loaded in the mixer. Record the concrete contains a larger nominal maximum size coarse
number of revolutions at mixing speed. aggregate than is appropriate for this measure.
A1.3 Sampling A1.5.2 Calculate the density (unit weight) of each sample as
A1.3.1 Separate samples, each consisting of approximately follows:
0.1 m3 [2 ft3] shall be taken after discharge of approximately M
D5 (A1.1)
15 % and 85 % of the load (Note A1.2). These samples shall be V
obtained within an elapsed time of not more than 15 min. The where:
samples shall be secured in accordance with Practice C172/
C172M, but shall be kept separate to represent specific points D = measured density (unit weight), kg/m3 [lb/ft3],
M = net mass of concrete in the measure, kg [lb], and
in the batch rather than combined to form a composite sample.
V = volume of the measure, m3 [ft3].
Sufficient personnel must be available to perform the required
tests promptly. Segregation during sampling and handling must A1.5.3 From the average density (unit weight) of the two
be avoided. Each sample shall be covered to prevent moisture samples, calculate the yield of the batch in accordance with
loss or contamination. Remix the minimum necessary before Test Method C138/C138M.
performing the tests.
A1.6 Air Content
A1.3.2 Sampling From Stationary Mixers—Samples of con-
crete shall be obtained immediately after mixing duration is A1.6.1 Measure the air content of each sample in accor-
completed, in accordance with one of the following proce- dance with Test Method C231/C231M. Use Test Method
dures: C173/C173M if the concrete is made with lightweight aggre-
gate or if the coarse aggregate in the concrete has an aggregate
A1.3.2.1 Alternative Procedure 1—The mixer shall be
correction factor larger than 0.5 % when determined in
stopped, and the required samples removed by any suitable
accordance with Test Method C231/C231M.
means from the mixer at approximately equal distances from
the front and back of the drum, or A1.7 Air-Free Density (Unit Weight)
A1.3.2.2 Alternative Procedure 2—As the mixer is being
emptied, individual samples shall be taken after discharge of A1.7.1 Calculate the air-free density (unit weight) of each
approximately 15 % and 85 % of the load. The method of sample as follows:
sampling shall provide samples that are obtained from widely D
air-free density= 3 100 (A1.2)
separated portions, but not from the very ends of the batch 100 2 A
(Note A1.2). where:
A1.3.3 Sampling From Truck Mixers—The concrete shall be D = measured density, kg/m3 [lb/ft3], and
discharged at the normal operating rate for the mixer being A = measured air content on that sample, %.
tested, with care being exercised not to obstruct or retard the
discharge. For the duration between obtaining samples, the A1.8 Coarse Aggregate Content
mixer shall be turned in the mixing direction at agitating speed. A1.8.1 Use the concrete in the measure used to measure
Obtain samples by intercepting the full discharge stream from density (unit weight) to determine the coarse aggregate con-
the chute without stopping and starting the discharge during the tent. If a separate portion of the sample is used, the concrete
collection of the sample. sample shall be at least 15 kg [35 lb]. Place the concrete in an
A1.3.4 Sampling From Nonagitating Equipment—Obtain adequately sized container and determine the net mass of the
the two samples from approximately 15 % and 85 % of the fresh concrete.
discharge from the nonagitating equipment in accordance with A1.8.2 Wash each sample over a 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve
Practice C172/C172M. Mix the portions obtained from each sufficiently to remove the cement and most of the fine
location into uniformly mixed samples. aggregate. Determine the mass of the wet coarse aggregate,
NOTE A1.2—No samples should be taken before 10 % or after 90 % of store in a plastic bag, and transport it to a laboratory facility.
the batch has been discharged. Due to the difficulty of determining the Dry the coarse aggregate in an oven at 230 °C [110 °F] for 16

C94/C94M − 22a
6 2 h. Sieve the coarse aggregate over a 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve TABLE A1.1 Requirements for Uniformity of Concrete
to remove any fine aggregate particles. Determine the mass of Maximum
dry coarse aggregate in each sample. Test Permissible
A1.8.3 Express the mass of dry coarse aggregate as a Air-free density (unit weight), kg/m3 [lb/ft3] 16 [1.0]
Air content, % 1.0
percentage of the mass of the original concrete sample: Slump, mm [in.]:
c If average slump is less than 100 mm [4 in.] 25 [1.0]
coarse aggregate content, % = 3 100 (A1.3) If average slump is 100 to 150 mm [4 to 6 in.] 40 [1.5]
M Coarse aggregate content, % 6.0
Average compressive strength at 7 days for
where: each sample,A % 7.5A
c = mass of dry coarse aggregate, kg [lb], and A
Approval of the mixer shall be tentative, pending results of the 7-day compressive
M = net mass of same fresh concrete sample, kg [lb]. strength tests.

A1.9 Compressive Strength

A1.9.1 Make at least three 150 × 300 mm [6 × 12 in.] or 100
× 200 mm [4 × 8 in.] cylinders from each concrete sample. A1.10.1.2 Type and description of mixer and rated mixing
Cure the specimens in accordance with Practice C31/C31M, capacity.
except that the cylinders shall be immersed in water immedi- A1.10.1.3 Concrete mixture proportions, batch quantities,
ately after molding with the temperature maintained between density (unit weight), and yield of the batch.
the required temperature limits for initial curing of the standard A1.10.1.4 Mixing duration for stationary mixers or number
curing procedures in Practice C31/C31M for the first 24 h. of revolutions at mixing speed for truck mixers.
Transport the cylinders to the laboratory facilities after 24 h A1.10.1.5 Slump of each sample and the difference between
and cure in accordance with the standard curing procedures of samples, mm [in.].
Practice C31/C31M. A1.10.1.6 Air content of each sample and the difference
between samples, %.
A1.9.2 Test the cylinders in accordance with Test Method A1.10.1.7 Air-free density (unit weight) of each sample and
C39/C39M at an age of seven days. If the strength of an the difference between samples, kg/m3 [lb/ft3].
individual cylinder differs from the average strength of either A1.10.1.8 Coarse aggregate content of each sample and the
sample by more than 9.5 %, this value can be disregarded for difference between samples, %.
determining the average strength for the sample. A1.10.1.9 Average strength in MPa [psi] and percent of
A1.9.3 Average the strength of the cylinders from each overall average for each sample and the percent difference
sample and express that value as a percentage of the average of between samples.
all cylinders made from that batch. Calculate the difference in
strength between each sample as a percentage of the overall A1.11 Requirements for Uniformity of Concrete
average. A1.11.1 The maximum permitted difference for each prop-
erty obtained from the two different samples of the same batch
A1.10 Report are as provided in Table A1.1. Test results conforming to the
A1.10.1 Report the following information: limits of all five properties listed in Table A1.1 shall indicate
A1.10.1.1 Purpose of the evaluation. uniform concrete within the limits of this specification.


(Nonmandatory Information)



X1.1 Section 18.5 of this specification contains the same tion when no formal submittal is required.
strength requirements as those contained in ACI 318 and X1.1.1 Table X1.1 provides the statistically based formulas
ACI 301, except it does not require the submittal of the data to calculate the required average strength f 'cr when strength
and calculation of the average strength, f 'cr necessary to meet test records from previous projects are available. The strength
those requirements. This appendix does not include all of the test results are used to establish the standard deviation, s. At
detailed requirements of the ACI Code and Specification that least 30 consecutive test results are required to obtain a robust
will govern a submittal for their respective purposes. The estimate of the standard deviation. If the number of tests is
following material is intended to guide users of this specifica- between 15 and 30, the calculated standard deviation is

C94/C94M − 22a
TABLE X1.1 Required Average Compressive Strength when Data tion between 1.16 for 15 tests and 1.00 for 30 tests. The test
are Available to Establish a Standard Deviation record should be obtained from a similar mixture with a
Specified Strength, f 'c Required Average Strength, f 'cr specified strength within 7 MPa [1000 psi] of the specified
#35 MPa [5000 psi] Use the larger from Eq X1.1 and X1.2 [X1.2M]:
f 'cr = f 'c + 1.34s (X1.1)
strength for the new project for which the average compressive
f 'cr = f 'c + 2.33s – 500 (X1.2) strength is being determined. The equations are related to the
[f 'cr = f 'c + 2.33s – 3.5] [X1.2M] strength acceptance criteria in 18.5 and establish less than a
>35 MPa [5000 psi] Use the larger from Eq X1.1 and X1.3:
f 'cr = f 'c + 1.34s (X1.1) 1 % chance of failing these criteria if concrete is produced to
f 'cr = 0.90 f 'c + 2.33s (X1.3) achieve the required average strength at the same degree of
variability implied by the standard deviation used. Because the
f 'c = specified compressive strength, average strength, f 'cr, must be high enough to conform to both
f 'cr = required average compressive strength, and averages of three consecutive test results and the requirements
s = standard deviation. on minimum strength of an individual test result, the highest
average strength (f 'cr) determined from these two equations
governs. More detailed guidance on this subject matter is
TABLE X1.2 Required Average Compressive Strength When Data
available in ACI 214R.7
Are Not Available to Establish Standard Deviation
Specified Strength, Required Average Strength, f 'cr X1.1.2 If it is a new mixture or strength level and a strength
f 'c, MPa [psi] [MPa] psi test record is not available to establish a standard deviation
<21 [3000] [f 'c + 7.0] f 'c + 1000 then Table X1.2 provides default levels of strength over-
21 to 35 [3000 to 5000] [f 'c + 8.3] f 'c + 1200
>35 [5000] [1.10 f 'c + 5.0] 1.10 f 'c + 700 design.
X1.1.3 Table X1.3 provides calculated values of over-
design and required average strength for selected standard
multiplied by a factor to allow for the uncertainty of the deviations and specified strength levels that might be consid-
estimated standard deviation. The factor is a linear interpola- ered typical. More exact values are obtained from X1.1.2.

TABLE X1.3 Overdesign Necessary to Conform to Specified Compressive Strength
Inch-Pound Units Required Overdesign SI Units
Specified Standard Deviation from Test Record, psi No data Standard Deviation from Test Record, MPa No Data
Strength, f 'c, 300 400 500 600 700 SD unknown 2.0 2.5 3.5 4.0 5.0 SD Unknown
Strength, f 'c, MPa
psi Overdesign above f 'c Overdesign above f 'c
<3000 1000 <21 7.0
3000 400 540 670 810 1130 1200 20 2.7 3.4 4.7 5.8 8.2 8.3
4000 400 540 670 810 1130 1200 30 2.7 3.4 4.7 5.8 8.2 8.3
5000 400 540 670 810 1130 1200 35 2.7 3.4 4.7 5.8 8.2 8.3
6000 400 540 670 800 1030 1300 40 2.7 3.4 4.7 5.8 7.7 9.0

Required Average Strength
Specified Standard Deviation from field data, psi No data Standard Deviation from field data, MPa No Data
Strength, f 'c, 300 400 500 600 700 SD unknown 2.0 2.5 3.5 4.0 5.0 SD Unknown
Strength, f 'c, MPa
psi f 'cr, Required Average Strength, psi f 'cr, Required Average Strength, MPa
<3000 f 'c + 1000 <21 f 'c + 7.0
3000 3400 3540 3670 3810 4130 4200 20 22.7 23.4 24.7 25.8 28.2 28.3
C94/C94M − 22a

4000 4400 4540 4670 4810 5130 5200 30 32.7 33.4 34.7 35.8 38.2 38.3
5000 5400 5540 5670 5810 6130 6200 35 37.7 38.4 39.7 40.8 43.2 43.3
6000 6400 6540 6670 6800 7030 7300 40 42.7 43.4 44.7 45.8 47.7 49.0
C94/C94M − 22a


Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C94/C94M – 22) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved August 1, 2022.)

(1) Revised 2.1 and 9.1. (2) Added 5.4, 9.3, Note 16, and 14.2.6.

Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C94/C94M – 21b) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved June 15, 2022.)

(1) Revised,, and 18.1. (4) Added Note 3.

(2) Revised 6.1.2, 6.1.3, and 6.1.4 and Note 8 and Note 9. (5) Added 14.2.7.
(3) Revised 2.1, 5.2.2.

Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C94/C94M – 21a) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved September 1, 2021.)

(1) Revised 12.12 and Note 25. (2) Revised 5.2.2 and added 14.2.8.

Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C94/C94M – 21) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved June 1, 2021.)

(1) Revised 9.4.

Committee C09 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C94/C94M – 20) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved April 1, 2021.)

(1) Added 6.1.10. (3) Revised language in 12.9, 12.10, Note 23, and 14.1.13.
(2) Added Note 10 beneath 6.1.10. (4) Added 14.1.14.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the Copyright Clearance Center, 222
Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600; http://www.copyright.com/


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