Asme P Number
Asme P Number
Asme P Number
Mechanical Properties
Indiscriminant substitution of materials in a set of P-Numbers or Group
Numbers may lead to problems or potentially failures. Engineering
assessment is necessary prior to a change in materials.
The table below is a guide and is for instructive purposes only. Anyone
specifying materials or requirements should refer directly to the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code to specify materials.
2 Not Used
6 Martensitic Stainless Steels (Grade 410, 415, 429) (six Group Numbers)
10A, B, C,
F Various low alloy steels
10H Duplex and Super Duplex Stainless Steel (Grades 31803, 32750)
11A Various high strength low alloy steels (six Group Numbers)
11B Various high strength low alloy steels (ten Group Numbers)
12 to 20 Not Used
26 to 30 Not used
32 Brass
33 Copper Silicone
34 Copper Nickel
35 Copper Aluminum
36 to 40 Not Used
45 Nickel, Chromium
47 to 50 Not Used
ASME F Number
The F-number grouping of electrode and welding rod in QW-432 is based
essentially on their usability characteristics, which fundamentally determine
the ability of welders to make satisfactory welds with a given filler metal. This
grouping is made to reduce the number of welding procedure and
performance qualifications, where this can logically be done. The grouping
does not imply that base metals or filler metals within a group may be
indiscriminately substituted for a metal which was used in the qualification test
without consideration of the compatibility of the base and filler metal from the
standpoint of metallurgical properties, PWHT design and service
requirements, and mechanical properties.
Number General Description
4X Nickel alloys
5X Titanium
6X Zirconium