Patanjali Products and Market Efficiency: Mahesh K.M Arabhi Krishna K.A
Patanjali Products and Market Efficiency: Mahesh K.M Arabhi Krishna K.A
Patanjali Products and Market Efficiency: Mahesh K.M Arabhi Krishna K.A
Mahesh K.M*
Arabhi Krishna K.A**
Indian consumer segment is broadly segregated into
urban and rural markets, and is attracting marketers from
across the world. Global corporations view India as one
Keywords: of the key markets from where future growth is likely to
Segmants emerge. The growth in India’s consumer market would be
Consumer Behaviour primarily driven by a favorable population composition
Consumer Satisfaction and increasing disposable incomes. To purchase a product
. the customer will go through a process of buying
behavior. Patanjali Ayurveda home-grown firm in
businesses such as food, consumer packaged goods and
healthcare. According to IIFL Institutional Equities report
patanjali is expected to create revenues of Rs.20,000crore
by fiscal year 2020. So the present study is conducted in
the Ernakulam district of Kerala.this study also aims at
identifying customer’s perception towards products from
Assistant Professor, Rajagiri College Of Social Scieneces, Kalamassery
Assistant Professor, St. Albert's College,Ernakulam
1. Introduction
A well-known yoga guru Baba Ramdev started an association PatanjaliAyurved in 2007. The
main aim of the company is to bring awareness among Indian people towards swadeshi products.
Also the profits earn by the company will be either plough back or profits will be used for social
welfare. The firm, to increase its sales, also provides its products at discount. Patanjali is also
said that it will be very beneficial for consumer to shift in their preferences towards herbal and
ayurvedic products which are deemed to be healthy and also closure to nature. It has also placed
itself as a swadeshi brand, which has a request among a class of consumers. The idea is to be
present in as many categories as possible in order to give consumers more choices, and profits
are to be reinvested in innovation and capacity expansion so pricing can be made more
competitive. The firm, in fact, has priced its product at a significant discount to others in a
number of categories, which is helping drive sales. Patanjali is also said to be benefiting from a
shift in consumer preferences towards herbal and ayurvedic products which are considered to be
closer to nature. It has also positioned itself as a swadeshi brand, which has an appeal among a
category of consumers.
3. Research Method
This paper is based on primary data collected through questionnaires from 50users of Patanjali
Products within Ernakulam District. The questionnaire design is built up to know the type of
products people use, the reason for their buying such product and their post buying satisfaction
level from that product. Secondary sources have been used to collect information about
Patanjali‟ brands. Journals, articles, research reports and government documents were reviewed
to get the insight of the previous interventions that the stakeholders and policy makers have
already in place. A Study on Patanjali‟ has ever changing marketing scenario over the globe has
amplified the role of brand at unparalleled level. Every person is a consumer of different brands
at the same time. For analyzing the data and providing the relative of the research outcome
suitable statistical techniques were applied.
4. Data Analysis
Table 1. Age wise classification of respondents
Age in intervals No of respondents
15-25 4(8%)
26-35 10(20%)
36-45 24(48%)
46-55 08(16%)
56-65 04(8%)
Total respondents 50(100%)
(Source: Primary data)
Refers to age where Patanjali products are being preferred by the age group of 36-45 followed by
the age group 26-35.Youngsters are not that much interested in Patanjali products.
Most of the respondent frequently purchase ayurvedic product followed by cosmetic items.
Yes 40(80%)
No 10(20%)
Total respondents 50(100%)
(Source: Primary data)
5. Conclusion
The study has revealed that the people between the age group of 26-45 are the major consumers
of Patanjali products. It was observed that between age group 0f 26-35 years are preferring
cosmetics. The rest of the age groupsprefer food related products. Hence the mileage can be
taken to drive the market as people are becoming morehealth conscious by introducing healthy
food products. Resons for referring products from patanjali Majority of the respondents 40%
opines that the quality is of the product is the reason for referring the products to others followed
by trust and health.It was observed in the study 60% of the respondents say quality is the factor
which has more impact on respondents as compared to price, availability and other
factors.However Patanjali is enteringinto much business it is suggested that it focus on more
cosmetic, health and food related products.
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