An Overboosted Mitsubishi l200
An Overboosted Mitsubishi l200
An Overboosted Mitsubishi l200
Spin Doctors
Written by Charles Figgins - Blue Print Technical Consultant
The Mitsubishi L200 pick-up is well known for its ruggedness and load lugging capabilities. The example in
question is a 2003 model, which is regularly put to work pulling a mini digger in addition to other ground
work duties. The vehicle has covered over 140,000 miles and was still going strong; until a few months back.
If the vehicle was fully laden and going uphill, the engine management
Figure 1
lamp would come on and the pick-up would lose power – a few weeks
later it was booked into the workshop. On initial inspection and after
a road test it seemed to perform as normal, however, this was in an
unladen condition. After finding a suitable hill to replicate the driving
conditions, sure enough the engine management lamp came on
(Figure 1) and the power went flat.
It was time to start the diagnostic process; first I checked if there were
any fault codes and code ‘49 Over Boost’ (Figure 2) came up. After a
discussion with the owner of the vehicle, I found out that a turbo had
been replaced about a year ago after similar drivability issues.
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The deflector blade angle Figure 4
is adjusted by turning an
adjuster ring (Figure 4). This Deflector blade setting for Deflector blade setting for
then sets the deflector blades high turbo pressure low turbo pressure
to the desired angle. On
this L200 the adjuster ring 1 2 3 4 5
is operated by an actuator
which is controlled by a
solenoid valve, this is then
controlled by the engine ECU.
Thus the turbo pressure can
be adjusted to the optimum
setting in response to a range
of inputs.
On reviewing the road test
data, was I dealing with
sticking deflector blades on
the VG turbo, VG actuator Key: 2. Adjusting ring 4. Adjusting lever
failure, a vacuum system 1. Turbine 3. Deflector blade 5. VG actuator
fault, or a sensor fault?
Looking closely at the road test data, the variable turbo charger
Vacuum Supply
control pressure seemed slow to react, but before I started
condemning parts I needed to check the system out and
confirm what reading I was getting from serial diagnostics. Boost Pressure Sensor
Inlet Manifold
Vacuum pipe to
Vacuum pipe diagram VG Turbo Actuator
First I checked the vacuum lines for splits and perishing, then I looked at the vacuum supply from the pump driven
by the alternator – the vacuum produced by the pump at idle was 90kPa.
With a good vacuum supply and pipe work
I ruled this out; I then checked the sensors Figure 6
(Figure 5) to confirm the measurements I was
getting. I unplugged the vacuum pipe from
each sensor and connected a hand vacuum
pump – this was to test each sensor and at
the same time
to compare
the readings
to the ones I
was getting
from G-Scan 2
(Figure 6).
To continue reading...
July 2014 15
Technical Feature
With both the boost pressure and the variable turbo Figure 7
charger control pressure sensors confirmed to be OK
and reading accurately, I checked the operation of the
VG actuator. The VG actuator rod moved freely and the
diaphragm showed no signs of leaking.
Note: Do not apply more than 59kPa of vacuum to
the diaphragm otherwise damage may occur.
I then turned my attention to the control solenoid
which is found under the intercooler pipe. Once it
was removed, I checked its resistance across the two
terminals using the multi meter function on G-Scan 2.
The reading was 32 Ohms; this was within the tolerance of (29-35 Ohms at 20C) (Figure 7).
Battery connected to
After replacing the VG turbo solenoid valve, a
both terminals road test and recording was required to test if the
problem was fixed (Figure 9).
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