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Rulebook (Bad)

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GAME- Ironhedge© is a quantum role playing game of fighting,

magic, power, and treasure. It can be played in a world the
Referee designs (see Worlds), in the world included in this The best
game (Ironworld®), or in any suitable world. To play you need game ever!
wargaming dice (4, 6, 8, and 10-sided), paper, pencils, and
erasers. Wargaming dice can be purchased at your local hobby
shop. A Referee and 1-10 players are also needed.
Play-The players control a party of characters known as
Adventurers in a world moderated by Referee. Each player
controls his own characters, 1 if there are several players, 2
or more if there are few players, but 6-12 is a good number to
divide among the players. The player's goal is to have their
characters gain experience, power, and wealth without being
killed (easier said than done). The Referee's job then using the
rules/procedures/formulas in this rulebook is to moderate the Translated from the
player's characters continual status in the game. These rules ancient tablets of Torth
are general and occasionally situations will arise that aren't
covered by these rules; if so the Referee must logically and
fairly determine what will happen (his decisions are final).
Dice-To condense these rules, abbreviations are used throughout
this book. Take note of dice especially. D4, D6, D8, D10, and %D
mean 4-sided, 6-sided, 8-sided, 10-sided, and percent dice re-
spectively. More than one die (n) is denoted by putting the
#of how many in front (for n%D multiply the %D roll times n),
for instance: 2D6 means two 6-sided dice, 3%D means a %D * 3.
When used in the text it infers that those dice must be rolled
to find a random number. To find D3/D5/D7/D9 use the next
larger die, then reroll irrelevant rolls (4's on D3, 6's on D5, etc).
Experience Points (EP) - Immediately after any given
event or battle occurs, the Referee will award EP's (cumula-
tive) to each character, including those killed, for what each
did and/or in proportion to how much damage each inflicted
on the enemies killed (KP's). Each character starts with zero
EP's in each occupational field and may progress in any field
he wishes as long as he meets the MPA's of that field. He can
only earn EP's in one EL field at a time, but may use all of his
abilities of other fields while on that adventure. Magicians
get 10% of the KP's that animations under their control kill.
Each year characters earn 1 EP longevity. Characters who do Generals get 5% of the KP's
nothing for 1 month retire and cease to earn EP's or (mp's). that those under their
Kill Points (KP) - This is the #of EP's the Referee will command kill;
Commanders get 3%
award a character for killing a specific enemy. KP's are listed
in the Spec Tables for each character/creature. The Referee
General concept to
may, at his description, award up to twice this amount if he remember:
feels exceptional courage and bravery was exhibited. No pain, No gain...
Experience Level (EL) - When a character accumulates
the required #of EP's to advance to a next higher EL (listed
on page ~4), and if that character has the MPA for that EL,
then the Referee will promote him to that new EL, and award
him all the abilities of that EL.
Attack Level (AL)- This is the EL that a given character
will fight at in individual combat and in brawls. If he holds 2 or more
EL's in different occupational fields, he may use his highest
AL of those for all combat/brawl purposes.
AL Bonuses-Mounted riders and dwarfs attacking with axes get
Under Net:
lose 6 AL's
lose 4 AL's
1 extra AL (plus the horse/camel may also attack). Chariot
Land creatures riders, those on high ground (stairs/rocks), those invisible
underwater: lose 2 AL's
(or pitch dark), and those defending but not attacking (parry) get
2 extra AL's. Those defending from battlements/walls get 4 extra AL's.
Life Points (LP)-This is the amount of endurability a character has
Severs/Major Wounds in combat. Men have 7 LP, dwarfs 6 LP, and elfs 5 LP. Females
(any max damage hit): have 1 less LP than the males of their race. Characters with high
Roll D6 for each:
1=bad infection strength get extra LP's; 10-12 Str get 1 extra LP, 13-14 Str gets 2
if not treated or cauterized; extra LP's, and 15 Str gets 3 extra LP's. The Spec Tables list what
symptoms appear in D6 days
(see disease page ~21). other creatures have. As a character/creature receives damage the
Referee will deduct points from this score. When the LP tally
reaches zero that creature falls unconscious, if it becomes negative
he will die that melee. In D6 hours those falling unconscious must
save vs shock or revive/die. Healing lost LP's/broken bones takes:
LP's left- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time to heal: 4 mo 3 mo 2 mo 1 mo 3 wk 2 wk 1 wk
Decrement Damage to Each Limb at 1 LP/melee til taken in full
or treated by a medic (minimum damage = finger/toe: -0 LP,
hand/foot: -1 LP, & arm/leg: -2 LP; severs must be tournequeted,
broken bones set). Executioner sword hits to subdued victim's
neck/limbs always do max damage (red hot bladed weapons will
cauterize: limbs lose no LP's).
Minimum Prime Attributes (MPA)- To advance in EL's a
character must have at least the MPA of that type character
field EL (see page ~4). If he doesn't have the required MPA he
may continue earning EP 's, but he may not advance to the
next EL until he meets the required MPA. They are:
Minimum Strength (MS) - For Fighters.
Minimum Intelligence (MI) - For Magicians, Alchemists, Priests.
Minimum Dexterity (MD) - For Thiefs.
Inherent Abilities- Each magician, alchemist, or priest has a quota of
how many spells/potions/blessings he may cast/concoct/give each week,
depending on his EL. There are 4 different levels of spells/potions/blessings.
SW, PW, and BW quotas are listed according to EL by spell/potion/
blessing level on page ~4. Higher level quotas may be used for lower ones:
Spells per Week (SW) - For a magician's spell quotas.
Potions per Week (PW) - For an alchemist's potion quotas.
Blessings per Week (BW) - For a priest's blessing quotas.
This means an enchanter with Magic Points (mp) - Magicians accumulate 1mp per month for each
20 EP will earn 1 mp in 50 1000 EP they have. They can be stored on scrolls, in storing items, mentally
months (must have at least 11 Int), given away, or sold (1mp = 1e = 30s).
They are used to cast spells in lieu of SW quotas or to manufacture
Chemist Guilds: enchanted/magical items.
Sell iç's to members for 2s
Potions: Ingredients (iç) - Alchemists with a lab using PW quotas need
see page ~39 these to concoct potions. They can be purchased from any chemist's
guild or herbalist (1 in costs 3s). Flasks hold ½ pint (8 doses for
most potions); for oil: 1 gallon (1 dose) costs 1s.
Aqua Regia Coca Leaf Mandrake Newt Eye Reagents Snakeroot
Arsenic Ginseng Mercury Nightshade Sage Spidersilk

Charcoal Glycerin Naphtha Palm Oil Saltpeter Sulfur Certain books
Thief Functions -Each time a thief wishes to attempt any if studied give bonuses
given task, the player controlling him must roll the %D. If the see page ~41
#listed in %notation on page ~4 according to that character's
EL plus all %bonuses or lower is rolled, then the thief will
successfully complete that specified task on that particular
occasion (takes 1 melee). Special %bonuses are listed:
Climb Walls (CW)-To climb walls, cliffs, and steep surfaces
without a rope (check every 50ft), or to jump. Failure means falling %D
percent of the distance, see Falls. Elfs +2%
Pick Locks (PL)-To pick any type of lock; or untie ropes. Dwarfs +3% After first NT failure,
Notice/Neutralize/Set Traps (NT) - To notice any obscurity characters must state
their intent to continue
(tracks or hidden thing), or to defuse or set any trap searching.
(failure may mean setting off the trap, see Catastrophic
Failure). Those with LC's can also notice traps & secret Those with helmets
doors, (see page ~20). Dwarfs +3%, Elfs +1% off can Notice;
Pickpocket/Steal (PS) - Ability to successfully get the object non-thief NT=18%.
the thief was after. Victims must save vs thief or they will
not detect the thief, see Saving Rolls. Men +4%, Dwarfs +2%
Move Quietly (MQ)- To move about and not be heard. When This %D roll = sound
in the marketplace, roll %D for background noise: a MQ roll level in decibels
10% less than this also indicates success. Elfs +3%
Move Unnoticed (MU)- To elude; or move about and not be seen,
provided it is dark, or there are shadows/places to hide. Elfs +3%
Hear Noises (HN)- To hear & discern faint noises that others cant, Wizzards – can see the
or to awake from sleep (overrides MQ, Referee must check this). Elfs +3% aura color of special items:
Brown=misc special items
DM/IP/DI Functions - Each time a magician nears/passes some Red= +1xx
enchanted/magical/cursed item or area, or an alchemist finds Orange= +2xx
a potion/metal/ore, or a priest asks for help from above/below Yellow= +3xx
in making major decisions, the Referee will roll the %D. If the Green= mxx
#listed in %notation on page ~4 according to that character's Mythhedge:
EL plus all %bonuses or lower is rolled (success), then the Aqua= +4xx
Referee will tell that character that he senses something en- Blue= +5xx
chanted/magical/cursed nearby, or what type potion/metal/ore Violet= +7xx
it is, or briefly what he would do if he were the priest:
Detect Magic (DM)-Magician's ability to sense energy auras.
Identify Potion (IP)-Alchemist's ability to assay any substance. Save vs:
Divine Inspiration (DI)-Priest's ability to commune divinely Spell, Thief,
Poison, Exposure
with the Referee at any time (%chance of being answered).
SAVING ROLLS - Each time a spell is cast against someone, or Massive Poisoning:
a thief attempts to pickpocket or steal from someone, or Each extra poison dose
someone is poisoned, or someone risks exposure from shock, raises victim's save by 1.
exhaustion, heat stroke, or hypothermia, that someone must
make a saving roll (use D10) to see Saving Rolls: For Save vs Falling
how it affects him: affected or not, Victim's: EL see page ~19
full or half damage, whether or not
he detects a thief trying to rip him Str-Int 1 2 3 4-5 6+ For other Saving rolls:
off, or alive or dead in D6 melees 1 10 9 9 8 8 see pages
(poison) or D6 hours (exposure). A 2-3 9 8 8 7 7 g1 vs Habit, Overdose
successful roll for the victim is 4-5 8 7 7 6 6 s1 vs Control, Maneuver,
greater than or equal to the listed#'s: 6-8 7 7 6 6 5 n1 vs Radiation
cross reference victim's EL with Int 9-10 7 6 6 5 4 m1 vs Impending Doom
(vs spell/thief) or Str (vs poison/exposure).
For distractions add 1 vs thiefs; drunks 11-12 6 6 5 4 3
13-15 6 5 4 3 2
~3 16+ 5 4 3 2 1
add 2 vs thiefs. Whoever saves vs
poison 4 times is thereafter immune.
IRONHEDGE© CHARACTERS-These can be men, dwarfs, or
elfs. Each has 3 attributes: Strength (Str), Intelligence (Int),
and Dexterity (Dex), each is denoted by a number found by
rolling 2D6. If max (12) is rolled for any attribute, roll D6: each
time 5 or 6 is rolled, increment that attribute by 1 (to a max of
15), until 5 or 6 is not obtained. Females have beauty (Bea), not
Str (female Str = 2D4). High Int does not help a character's
For Alternate System, ability to think under pressure, that's left up to the players.
see Starhedge page s18.
Archers- Use Spec Tables for FIGHTERS EL AL EP MS ENC KP #AT
Gunner (page s2) or
Gunslinger (page ö2) Warrior F1 1 0 2 01-30 6 1
Anyone is a 1 level fighter. Master Warrior F2 2 20 4 31-60 7 1
Gladiator F3 3 60 6 61-80 9 1
Master Gladiator F4 4 200 8 81-90 14 2
Centurion F5 5 1200 10 91-97 20 2
Commander F6 6 4000 12 98-99 35 3
General F7 7 10000 13 100 50 3
See page ~40 for insignia. THIEFS EL AL EP MD ENC KP CW PL NT PS MQ MU HN
Shoplifter T1 1 0 4 01-40 4 30 25 20 15 17 25 15
Anyone with at least a 4 Robber T2 2 30 7 41-70 5 45 40 36 30 33 38 25
Dex is a 1st level thief.
Burglar T3 3 100 9 71-90 7 60 52 49 45 50 50 45
Thief T4 4 500 11 91-97 10 70 64 62 60 67 62 65
Master Thief T5 5 1800 12 98-99 15 79 76 75 73 78 74 80
Expert Thief T6 6 7500 13 100 25 87 87 87 85 86 85 90
Conjurer M1 1 1 11 01-40 3 10 1 – – –
Must research at least Enchanter M2 1 20 11 41-80 6 30 2 – – –
one spell to become a magician. Sorcerer M3 2 70 11 81-90 10 50 3 1 – –
Insignia: Necromancer M4 2 250 11 91-95 20 70 4 2 – –
# Wizzard M5 3 1400 12 96-97 50 85 5 3 1 –
## Wizzard II M6 3 5000 13 98 100 90 6 4 2 –
### Wizzard III M7 3 15000 14 99 250 93 6 5 3 1
#### Wizzard IV M8 3 30000 15 100 500 95 6 5 4 2
Must research at least ALCHEMISTS EL AL EP MI ENC KP IP PW- 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 potion to become an Mixer A1 1 1 10 01-30 4 10 1 – – –
Alchemist Potioner A2 1 20 10 31-70 5 30 2 – – –
Insignia: Concocter A3 2 50 10 71-90 7 50 3 1 – –
€ Chemist A4 2 200 11 91-97 10 70 4 2 – –
<€> Chemist II A5 3 1300 12 98-99 13 90 5 3 1 –
¦€¦ Chemist III A6 3 6500 13 100 20 95 6 4 2 –
Must do at least one PRIESTS EL AL EP MI ENC KP DI BW- 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
good/evil deed to Follower P1 1 0 2 01-40 -3 10 1 – – –
become a priest. Disciple P2 1 20 4 41-70 -5 25 2 – – –
See page ~40
for insignia. Monk P3 1 100 6 71-90 -7 40 3 1 – –
Elder Monk P4 1 400 8 91-95 -10 60 4 2 – –
Priest P5 1 1500 10 96-98 -40 80 5 3 1 –
Chief Priest P6 1 7000 12 99 -100 90 6 4 2 –
High Priest P7 1 20000 13 100 -250 95 6 5 3 1
Fighters-Characters with high Str make good fighters. They
can use all weapons, shields, and armor. They make up the bulk
of a party, since most battles are hand to hand; the highest
ranking fighter is in charge of such battles. Fighters earn 5
EP for each mortal and 2 EP for each nasty blow they deal.
Thiefs - Characters with high Dex make good thiefs. They
can use all weapons, shields, and leather armor. They are good
for climbing walls, picking locks, neutralizing/setting traps,
tracking, pickpocketing, stealing, moving quietly & unnoticed, and
hearing faint noises. Thiefs receive for these functions the
below listed %bonuses. Each time a thief successfully steals
or pickpockets and is not detected he earns 5 EP, plus 1 EP
for each trap he sets/neutralizes or lock he picks.
Dexterity: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15+
%Bonus= +1% +2% -3% +4% +5% +6% +7%
Magicians - Characters with very high Int make good Mag-
icians. They can use all weapons, shields, and mythril armor. If Dead animal skin &
he sets his weapons down, he can cast 1 spell per melee, but Metal screws-up
only spells he has a spellbook listing of, up to his SW quota. mental auras.
He earns 2 EP for each new spell he researches the
incantation for his spellbook and 1 EP for each time he These spell
incantations can be
successfully dispells/charms. Wizzards don't age. When memorized.
magicians die, all their accumulated unused SW's and mp's
disappear. The below chart shows the time needed and
cost to research 1 spell of any given level and each spell's
market value (if sold).
Alchemists- Characters with high Int make good Alchemists.
They can use all weapons, shields, and leather armor. They are
good for concocting potions. Each one encountered has D6
potions. With ingredients (iç) he can concoct potions he has
a potionbook listing of, up to his PW quota. He earns 3 EP for
each new potion he researches the formula for his potionbook.
The below chart shows the time needed and cost to research 1
potion of any given level, plus its ingredient cost per potion
and that potion's market value (if sold).
Priests - Characters with some Int make good priests. They
lose half of their EP's if they use weapons, since they're
pacifists, but they may wear leather armor. Priests can be good
(self denial for the good of others) or evil (persecute others
for their sins). They receive a 10% tithe on all found money.
His knowledge of blessings/cursings (1 per melee, up to his
BW quota) comes from his holybook, which he must carry in
order to give them. He earns 2 EP for each listener he converts
or martyr killed, and 1 EP for each successful bless/curse
and/or good/evil deed he does. Priests are not affected by
The scrolls are used
#Of Research Cost: Market Value: Ingredients: for note paper in
Months Level Scrolls Potion Scrolls Potion Blessings Potion deriving the
1 1 100s 25iç 10s 10s 10s 3iç
2 2 200s 50iç 20s 20s 20s 6iç The iç's are use for
~5 experimental mixtures
in deriving the
3 3 500s 100iç 50s 50 500s 15iç
4 4 1000s – 100s – 10000s –
ADVENTURE SETUP - The Referee should first determine
how many characters each player gets; those from previous
adventures should be used if alive. Each player must then roll
up each new character's attributes, decide each's occupation
(Fighter/Thief/Magician/Alchemist/Priest), race (Man/Dwarf/
Elf), and fill out all relevant blanks on each new character's
card, also thinking up names for each. Start them out in a town
where the common language is spoken (E-English, this way
literate characters can read inscriptions), otherwise start
where the old characters left off. New characters may be
rolled up to replace dead ones whenever the party is in town.
Cutthroat- Player's characters may not attack nor steal from
each other, unless such a game is agreed upon beforehand.
Time - For game purposes assume each month to be exactly 28
days (4 weeks). Game time passes as fast as events permit.
Hometowns- Characters generally share a house with family
or friends, who act as caretakers while in their absence.
STANDARD EQUIPMENT (SEQ)- If unsure what to equip a character
with, give each 14 day's food, 2 canteens, plus the following are
recommended as a minimum (SEQ costs 100s). Be mindful of
weight limits (overloaded characters trudge) and MS/MD
requirements (assign alternate weapons as required or desired);
priests may use torches as weapons without penalty if used
when/where it's dark. Give each elf or character with a high
Dex a bow or crossbow. In cold climates assume each new
character owns a fur coat. Other equipment such as grapnels,
rope, torches, oil, matches, backpacks, tents, sacks, etc;
should be distributed among the party. (*AF=Axe if dwarf)
SEQ- Fighter Thief Magician Alchemist Priest
Combat*: Sw-Sh-PA Sw-Sh-LA Sw-Sh-He Sw-Sh-LA To-Sh-LA
Missiles: 2 Sp Bw-Q-12a ––– 2 Fl-6iç –––
Research (prior to Adenture): 1 spell 1 potion Holybook
Optional: Bpk-Te Xbw-Q-12q ––– Port. Lab Ma-Oil
Gr-50' Rp – – – Scrolls Fl's - iç's Sil.Cross
Character Cards- These simplify play and are a convenient
way of listing all relevant attributes, possessions, abilities,
and scores of each player's characters. Use pencil only on these.
Encounter Cards-A convenient way of having encounters. Before
an adventure starts, the Referee would roll up several different
encounters for each terrain type and underworld DR. Then
each time the players have an encounter, the Referee only need
pull out the appropriate encounter card instead of rolling it
up, which can be lengthy, Adventurers especially. This is
also beneficial in that the Referee can tell the players if they
hear them or vice-versa before they meet them face to face.
Retail Prices- Listed per pound. Raw materials cost a third,
wholesale costs two-thirds this (25 coins=1lb, 1 coin= ½oz):

Granite/Marble 2c Iron/Tin/lead 10c Wool/Cotton 10c
Pine 3c Copper 25c Leather/Fur 20c
Hardwood 5c Glass/Pottery 15c Silk/Finery 75c
MONEY- Each new character starts with 200 tithing exempt For really small Change:
silver coins to buy equipment for the adventure. Additional 1 Copper = 10 Iron Coins
equipment may be bought from any appropriate merchant.
Exchange Rate: 1 Silver Coin (1s) = 10 Copper Coins (10c)
1 Gold Coin (1g) = 10 Silver Coins (10s) Barter:
4pigs = 1cow
1 Mythril Coin (1m) = 3 Gold Coins (3g/30s) 3bu wheat = 1 bolt cloth
Weapons: Cost/Weight Armor Sets: Cost/Weight
Giant Sword 15s 15lb Plate Armor 60s 60lb
Battle Axe 15s 15lb Leather Armor 40s 25lb
Sword/Axe 10s 10lb Shield 10s 10lb
Short Sword/Saber 7s 7lb
Morning Star/Mace 20s 20lb Individual Armor: Cost/Weight
Whip (metal barbed) 6s 3lb Helmet (PA) 10s 10lb
Club 4s 10lb Brest Plate (PA) 20s 20lb
Halberd (2 handed) 10s 10lb Shoulder Plate (PA) 15s 15lb
Spear (7ft long) 5s 5lb Arm Bracers (PA) 5s 10lb
Pike (12ft long) 7s 7lb Leg Bracers (PA) 10s 10lb
Harpoon (6ft x 3in dia) 10s 15lb Leather Shirt (LA) 20s 10lb
Knife 2s 2lb Leather Kilt (LA) 10s 5lb
Dagger 3s 3lb
Hatchet 5s 5lb Other Items: Cost/Weight
Throwing Knife 4s 2lb Fur Coat 30s 15lb
Sling 3s 2lb Silk Robe 40s 5lb
Lead Pellet 1s 1lb Peasant Robe/Cloak 5s 5lb
Bow 10s 5lb Horse/Camel 100s –
Longbow 15s 8lb Cow/Ox/Buffalo 50s –
Crossbow 20s 10lb Sheep/Goat/Pig 10s –
Arrow/Quarrel 1s /2lb Dog Sled (2 Man/8 Dogs) 50s 125lb
Quiver 2s 1lb Ox Cart (500 lb load) 75s 1/8 ton
Wagon (1000 lb load) 150s 1/4 ton
Equipment: Cost/Weight Chariot 250s 1/6 ton
Backpack (100 lb load) 20s 10lb Catapult 125s 1/5 ton
Sack (20 lb load) 2s 2lb Scorpion 200s 1/4 ton
Tent (2-Man) 20s 15lb Onager 350s 1/2 ton
Canteen (1 Gallon/full) 4s 10lb Ballista 600s 1 ton
Rope (hemp-per 50ft) 15s 10lb 2-Man Canoe 50s 125lb Meal Prices:
Grapnel (scaling) 5s 5lb 10-Man Boat 300s 1/3 ton Breakfast = 1c
Iron Spike 1s 1lb 30-Man Galley 3000s 4 ton Lunch = 2c
Dinner = 2c
Torch (need oil) 3s 2lb 60-Man Galley 8000s 10 ton
Lantern (need oil) 5s 3lb Small Merchant Ship 5000s 6 ton
Matches (25) 2s 1lb Large Merchant Ship 10000s 12 ton Food Prices:
Dozen Eggs 1c
Hammer 5s 5lb Portable Lab 100s 20lb Loaf of Bread 1c
Nails (25) 1s 1lb Flask/Scroll (blank) 2s 1lb Fish 1c
Anvil 70s 100lb Chicken 1c
Chain & Shackles 15s 15lb Misc: Cost/Weight Shank of ham 5c
Silver Cross 25s 1lb Day's Food 1
/2s 3lb Sack of Potatoes 1c
1 Shot of Whiskey 1c
Wooden Stake 1s 2lb Night's Rent at Inn /2s – Bushel of Wheat 5c
Mirror 2s 1lb Stables (per day) 1s – Bolt of Cloth 15c
Shovel 6s 6lb Ship Fare (per 20 miles) /2s –
Mattock 10s 10lb House (per room) 100s –

Pickaxe/Prybar 5s 5lb Land (per acre/lot) 25s –
Chest (200lb load) 20s 20lb Oil (one gallon kegs) 1s 10lb
Lock w/key 5s 1lb

Chariots- to run over an HAND TO HAND COMBAT-Each melee of combat, roll a D10 for
opponent, roll HTH: each character/creature's attack in combat. If his roll is
Hitting does D8 crushing damage; greater than or equal to his To Hit# plus/minus adjustments,
if knifes are affixed to wheel-spokes: then he successfully hits that opponent. For each hit, roll an
ALSO TAKE appropriate die to calculate the damage that the weapon
D6 Knife hits of damage (listed below) or creature (listed in the Spec Tables) does
and deduct it from the LP's of whoever is hit, adjusting for
armor absorption. Weapon hits (except torches/whips) to the
head/neck/chest/ribs/back, claw/bite hits to the neck, and
horn/tusk/spike hits to the chest/ribs/back doing max damage
(8 on D8, etc) or 11pts or more of damage (2D6/2D8) inflicting
damage all deal mortal blows (kills instantly that melee).
Max damage bites to limbs (arms: if>D7; legs: if>D9) amputate.
Giant swords/battle axes require at least 12 Str to wield with
one hand. If an attacker dont meet the MS/MD requirements
to utilize a weapon, he will be penalized 1 AL for each pt he is shy.
Defense Factor (DF)- There are four DF's of combat: Shields (Sh),
Major Weapons (Mj), Minor Weapons (Mn), or No Weapons (No).
Mj- Giant Sword D10 9 7 5-6ft Arm/Leg *
ft *
Battle Axe D10 9 8 5-7 Arm/Leg Sever
Morning Star D9 8 10 5-7ft Arm Break
Sword/Axe D8 6 4 2-4ft Arm *
ft *
Sht Sword/Saber D7 4 3 2-3 Arm Sever
Whip (barbed) D7 5 10 6-10ft – –
Club/Hammer D6 2 2 1-3ft – –
Mattock D7 5 2 2-4ft – –
Torch (lit) D6 2 3 1-3ft Head (1 eye) *
Mace D8 7 4 2-4ft Arm Break
Halberd D8 4 7 4-6ft Arm *
Spear/Pike D7 2 3 1-6ft – –
Mn-Knife/Dagger D6 2 2 1-3ft
Hatchet D6 2 3 1-3ft *
Permanent Wound
Optionally: 1's always miss. To Hit# (HTH)- Each attacker's AL plus each opponent's DF
determines the base# needed to hit any given opponent. The
Charge Bonus: below chart lists these To Hit#'s vs Shields; subtract 1 vs Major,
Applies if charging or 2 vs Minor, and 3 vs No Weapons. Subtract 1 on charges with
set against charging spears/pikes, subtract 2 vs retreaters (no counterattack allowed),
opponents. add 2 if trying to hit a specific Critical Hit. Surprise attacks
and To Hit rolls of 10 (luckshots) always hit. For wand/staff
Attack Positions:
Front = 1st attacks: DF= Mn; for SW/BW/ring attacks: DF= No.
Flank = 2nd - 3rd AL's DIFFERENCE- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
Rear = 4th - up Higher AL to Hit# 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3
See à Hits pages:
ö4 & g4 Lower AL to Hit# 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10
Example: for DF=Sh Multiple Attackers- When there is more than 1 attacker on any
if miss by à Hit: given defender the 2nd attackers on up get a hit bonus. The
-1 = hit shield
-2, -3 = hit weapon ~8
-4+ = clean miss
max #of attackers vs a man-sized creature is 5 each melee, 8
vs any giant/large creature, and 12 vs any very large creature.
#OF ATTACKERS- 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Subtract from to Hit# 1 1 2 2 3
Melee (1 minute) is the unit to which combat is divided into. When a
battle commences the Referee and players will divide the characters
and opposing party in a logical manner into individual battles. If
any character/s kills his opponent/s, he/they may join other close
battles the next melee.
#AT- The maximum #of attacks per melee that any character or
creature is allowed in combat is listed in the Spec Tables (1 if not
listed), but no more than 3 #AT against any given defender. If any
opponents of a given individual battle both/each have more than 1
#AT, then the extra #AT's mutually cancel, until the #AT's of
one/both side/s is reduced to 1, but no more than 4 #AT's may be
canceled on any combatant.
Armor (AR)-If characters/creatures wear armor it will absorb some
of the damage received in combat. Plate Armor absorbs 2pts and
Leather Armor (LA) absorbs 1pt of normal (not magical) damage per hit.
Treat helmets as PA (see below); hits to the head/neck absorb
accordingly. Creatures are listed as to how much normal damage
their skin absorbs per hit.
Enchanted Weapons-These do their normal damage plus 1 pt of
magical damage per hit. Each has a hit bonus enchantment (+1xx,
+2xx, +3xx, where xx = weapon type) which is subtracted (added for
doublecursed) from the To Hit# of the user.
Magical Weapons-These weapons lower the To Hit# after all
adjustments (excluding enchanted shields) to 1, hence they never
miss their target. They do their normal damage plus 1pt of magical
damage (mxx, where xx = weapon type).
Enchanted Shields-Each has a hit penalty enchantment (+1Sh, +2Sh,
+3Sh) which is added (subtracted for doublecursed) to the To Hit# of
any opponent attacking the bearer.
Enchanted Armor-This armor absorbs its LA/PA base of normal
damage, plus its enchantment quota (+1LA, +2LA, +3LA, +1PA, +2PA,
+3PA) of magical or normal damage. If just magical damage is
received then it absorbs its enchantment quota only.
Mythril Armor (MA)-This armor absorbs only its enchantment quota
(+1MA, +2MA, +3MA) of magical or normal damage, since it has
no LA/PA base. Enchanted statues, spirits, and some creatures
have skin equivalent to MA, (+1, +2, +3, etc).
Optional Combat-For misses, calculate if a defender would have been
hit if his shield then weapon was removed; if so then that item was hit.
For max damage hits from major weapons to opponent's shields/weapons,
roll D6: 1-2 = Broken/cut in two, 3-5 = Knocked out of opponent's hand,
& 6=Knocked up into the air (if save vs Dex someone may attempt to
catch it: make MTH).
Critical Hits-Magic/fire/radius damage aren't critical hits; for others
roll D10 to determine where each hit is (this indicates where the Roll D8Missile Fire:
if obstruction
majority of a hit's damage went): blocks legs;
Use HIT IS TO: WHAT MAN TYPE ARMOR ABSORBS IT: Roll D6 if only head to
sholders are
D10 Men-Type Animal-Type Leather Plate Mythril exposed (treat
1 Head Head Helmet Helmet Helmet as small target)
2 Neck Neck Helmet Helmet Helmet Animals:
3 Left Sholder Left Side Leather Shirt Shoulder Plates Mythril Robe Roll D9 if non-winged
4 Right Sholder Right Side Leather Shirt Shoulder Plates Mythril Robe
5 Left Arm Front Legs Leather Shirt Arm Bracers Mythril Robe Optional:
~9 If Miss by worse than -Ã5,
see Catastrophic Failure
page ~21
6 Right Arm Hind Legs Leather Shirt Arm Bracers Mythril Robe
7 Chest Ribcage Leather Shirt Breast Plate Mythril Robe
8 Back Back Leather Shirt Breast Plate Mythril Robe
9 Left Leg Tail Leather Kilt Leg Bracers Mythril Robe
10 Right Leg Wings Leather Kilt Leg Bracers Mythril Robe
MISSILES-Characters/creatures not charging, hiding (MQ/MU),
using SW/BW/mp's, drinking potions, subduing, waking up, or
engaged in combat may throw/fire/shoot missiles (max 1 if combat
ensues the next melee) or grapnels. For each shot roll a D10;
if his roll is greater than or equal to his To Hit# (listed by
Dex/range) plus/minus adjustments, then he successfully hits
his target. For each hit roll an appropriate die to calculate the
damage that the missile does (listed below) and deduct it from
the LP's of whoever is hit, adjusting for armor absorption.
Rock/shot hits to the head and spear/pike/arrow/quarrel/harpoon/throwing
knife hits to the head/neck/chest/back/ribs doing max damage
Groups/Shot- to allocate inflicting damage deal mortal blows (kills instantly that melee).
hits, see Random Hits To Hit# Adjusts-Elfs subtract 1. Subtract 1 vs giant/large targets,
page x??.
2 vs very large targets, and 3 vs troops/groups. Add 1 vs small,
moving, or shielded targets; add 2 vs flying or tiny targets.
Sharpshooters: add 2 if aiming for a Specific Critical Hit
(missing by 1 hits something adjacent). Halve ranges if shooting up.
Time per Shot (TS)-How long it takes to load, aim, and fire any
given missile. Shot (rock/lead pellets) hits up to D6 creatures.
T 2-3 10 – –
Rock (Grapnel/Flask) X 5 15 30 15sec D5 4-5 9 10 –
Throwing Knife TKn 5 15 30 15sec D6 6-8 8 9 10
Spear/Pike Sp/Pk 5 15 30 15sec D7 9-10 7 8 9
Sling + Rock Sl 10 30 100 15sec D5 11-12 5 7 8
Bow + Arrow Bw 15 40 100 15sec D6 13 4 6 7
Longbow + Arrow LBw 20 60 200 30sec D6 14 3 5 6
Crossbow + Quarrel XBw 20 50 150 30sec D7 15 2 4 5
Catapult + Shot Xpt 50 120 350 3min D5 16+ 1 3 4
Catapult + Pike Xpt 50 150 450 3min D7 Go ahead and run, you'll just die tired!
Catapult + Harpoon Xpt 50 100 150 3min D10
Subdual- Anyone may attempt to subdue an opponent rather
than attack, but only if they outstrength him by at least a 4:3
ratio (add up all the subduer's Str's and ratio it to the subduee's
Str). Subdual rolls must be announced prior to each melee it is
attempted; the subduee gets his attacks but the subduers may
not counterattack. Each melee subdual is tried, roll the die listed
at left: 1=Successful subdual, such creatures cant move/attack
To To Break and may be bound. To break a subdual, roll the
Str Subdue Subdual die listed at left each subsequent melee that the
Ratio /Route /Route subduee is not adequately restrained by ropes,
Chase Route- To pursue ¼1:1 D10 D2 chains, shackles, encaged, or other means:
fleeing opponents, roll 4:3 D8 D3
appropriate die on Route 3:2 D6 D4 1=Subduee breaks free, he may attack or
Table each melee route is 2:1 D4 D6 escape from his subduers that melee. Subduer's
attempted; use MPH ratios 3:1 D3 D8 DF=Mn. Halve Str for creatures wearing
(see page ~16). Success 4:1 D2 D10 bridles/harnesses in ratio calculations.
means gaining 50yards
per melee until route ~10
broken (2mph = 1yd/sec);
see page g15.
Routing-Characters/units may push/trip/deflect their enemies
during battle while attacking. Calculate odds as in subdual.
To route, roll the die listed above: 1=Successful route; router
can direct the routee up to 10yds each melee thereafter (like
off ledges or into a moat). To break a route, roll the above
listed die: 1=Route broken, battle continues as normal.
LARGE SCALE COMBAT (LSC)-To simplify time consuming
battles of large#'s of men, divide each side into 10-50 equal sized
units (for this 1 chariot=2 men) of similar armor and weapons
(see below) and treat each unit as 1 man. The same must be done
for archers and cavalry, treat each as 1 bowman or 1 horseman.
No unit should be larger than 100 men. For phalanxes, divide
lengthwise in 6 to 10 equal matrices, each row in each matrix
will be 1 unit; only units in the front line engage in combat;
destroyed units are replaced by units behind it. Units (on either
side) must contain the same #of men. Assign EL, EP, AL, AR, AF,
and DF to each unit according to what the average man in that
unit is. Units in phalanx formation receive a +1 DF bonus.
Assign each unit 1 LP more than what the average man in that
unit has. Damage Does is 1pt less than what their weapons would
do in individual combat (D8 becomes D7, etc); ignore mortal blows.
Execute the battle as normal, the Referee will prorate survivors
according to the #of LP's remaining in each unit at battle's
end. Characters in LSC units must do combat individually.
TROOP TYPES- All troops must have a Mj hand weapon.
Heavy Infantry (HInf)- Sh/PA plus pike (phalanx/shock troops)
Medium Infantry (MInf)- Sh/LA or Mj/PA (loose formation troops)
Light Infantry (LInf)- Sh/He or Mj/LA (loose order troops)
Archers (Arc) - LA plus bow/arrows
Light Archers (LArc)- No armor plus bow/arrows
Heavy Cavalry (Hcvl) - Sh/PA plus pike/spear (shock troops)
Medium Cavalry (MCvl)- Sh/LA or Mj/PA plus pike/spear (phalanx guard)
Horse Archers (LCvl) - LA or No armor plus bow/arrows
Chariot Unit (Cht)- PA or LA plus pikes/spears and bow/arrows
Siegecraft-There are 3 ways to capture a city: cut off its food
supplies and starve it, blow it apart with stone throwers, or
batter its gates/walls with rams then attack. Scaling ladders,
siege towers, and undermining foundations by tunneling are
effective ways to overcome walls (boiling oil deters these).
Stone Throwers- Flat trajectory stone throwers (catapults)
resemble huge crossbows and are used for destroying small or
wooden structures. Curved trajectory ones (scorpions, onagers,
or ballist<MI>[<D>) operate by torsion of ropes or sinew and are
used for destroying walls or large structures. Roll D10 to hit.
Stone Range in yards: DAMAGE To Hit #-
Catapult 20lb 100 250 500 2D6 4 6 8 3 5min
Scorpion 50lb 125 250 500 4D6 5 7 9 5 10min
Onager 100lb 125 250 500 6D6 5 7 9 7 12min
Ballista 250lb 150 300 600 10D6 5 7 9 10 15min
Rams- Ironheaded logs suspended from wooden frames swung
back and forth or held and charged with to smash thru walls
or gates are rams. They do D10pts of normal damage per 10ft of
ram length per melee and require 12 men to operate the same.
Boiling Oil- One barrel if poured/doused/splashed from
battlement walls onto [up to %D] troops beneath, will delay scaling
attempts for 2D6 melees; and does D6pts of normal damage.
(1 Barrel = 4 Kegs = 32 Gallons; 1 Keg = 1 Bushel = 8 Gallons = 80 lbs)
NAVAL COMBAT- Each ship must have a captain who must
use a sextant (100s) or the ship will randomly veer off course.
Boarding Ships- Faster/unseen ships (in fog) may sail alongside
another ship and board after grapnels/moors are attached.
Ramming Ships- Once every 10 melees a ship may attempt to ram
another; those without rams mounted will crack their hulls if
See Hull Strength page s6 they ram another. Roll D10 to hit, missing by 1pt (-Ã1) sheers
the other ship's oars off. Large galleys To hit# vs vs
do 8D8pts of normal damage per ram, Rammer Merchant Galley
small galleys/large merchants 6D6pts, Galley 7 9
and small merchants 5D6pts. Galleys have Merchant 9 10
Drowning Victims lose 4 inch thick hulls, merchants 3 inch.
consciousness in D6 melees.
Medics may administer Shipwrecks- For ships nearing rocks/reefs/sandbars/shore roll
mouth to mouth on D6: 1=Hit/Run aground; characters in such (or if rammed) take
victims if retrieved D6pts normal damage; those on deck must save vs falling overboard.
within 2D6 melees of Drowning- Characters can hold their breath D6 melees; those at full
this; if so, victim must
save vs shock or die load sink fast. Those swimming/treading water must save vs hypothermia/ex-
anyways. haustion or drown; triple Water Temp: 32° 40° 50° 60°+
times if wearing a fur coat. Roll Save Every: 2min 5min 15min 30min
Route vs Current: SHIP SPEEDS- Sea currents are D4 MPH, roll D8 for direction.
To navigate (via rowing)
against the current make River currents are D6 MPH (2D6 in Spring). If using sails in
route roll (use MPH ratios). strong/medium winds roll D8 for direction, Wind/Current
Success means gaining then adjust all speeds relative to the ship's
50yds per melee until direction for current and crosswinds (below). D8 Direction:
route broken. 1 North
(wind get route roll) Ship: Turning MPH Strong Med 2 North East
(Fully Ored) MPH Radius Adjusts Wind Wind 3 East
Minimum Crew:
10 Man Boat 4 25ft Tailwind +4 +2 4 South East
Small Merchant 6 150ft 45°Tailwind +2 +1 5 South
4 < Large Merchant 6 250ft Sidewind 0 0 6 South West
30 Man Galley 10 200ft 45°Headwind -2 -1 7 West
6- 60 Man Galley 10 300ft Headwind -4 -2 8 North West
BUILDING STRUCTURES- Each man works 60hrs per week. It
takes 5 man-weeks to build a 50ft long by 10ft high (or 60ft by
8ft) by 1ft thick stone or brick wall, including all doors, windows,
corners, and curves it may have. Bridges and arches constructed
from stone or brick take twice as long. 8ft wide bridges
constructed from trees take 2 man-weeks for each 10ft of
length multiplied times each 10ft of height, including river
depth. 8ft wide roads take 400 man-weeks for each mile of
length (12ft per man-week). It takes 4 man-weeks to build a 60ft
long by 8ft high wood wall, including doors, windows, etc.
Destroying Structures- Each 10ft wall or ship hull section, door,
or gate has a LP quota (HS), depending on its construction
(listed below per inch of thickness). Wooden structures/ships
burn at D6pts normal damage (damp wood: D3) per melee until
extinguished, and spreads 10ft per D6 melees. Softer materials
wont damage harder ones. Structures absorb no damage.
Titanium 22LP/in Granite 12LP/in Firebrick 6LP/in Ironwood 10LP/in
Iron 20 /in Marble 10 /in Mudbrick 4LP/in Hardwood 7LP/in
Copper 15LP/in Limestone 8LP/in Pottery 2LP/in Pine 5LP/in
Tin/Lead 13 /in Sandstone 3 /in Glass 3 /in Ice 2LP/in
Magic Lock (MLo)- Magically locks anything to anything, like doors, Lock Str equals Casters Int.
chests, & windows shut, feet to ground, etc. It can be removed by
dispell, or broken by a combined Str greater than the caster's Int.
Enchant (Ech)- Prepares a scroll to store a spell/blessing on or
an item to accept enchantment mp's in manufacturing thereof.
Dispell (Dis)- Undoes a magician's magic or a priest's curses
except damage related ones. Permanent spells must be dispelled
first. The %chance for successfully dispelling any given spell
or item is: Dispeller's EL Dispeller's EL
%chance = 100 * or MDa = Magic Darts
Caster's EL Item mp's
Fire/Icedarts (FDa/IDa)- This 1 long missile explodes where FDa/IDa: if used on ice/
the caster desires it, when it hits an object, or at its 30yd water, will melt/freeze D6
inches of thinkness for
limit, whichever comes first, doing D6pts magical fire (ž) that radius.
or magical frost (Ÿ) damage to a 6ft radius. Victims must
save vs spell, those who save take half damage.
Lightning/Thunderrods (Lrd/TRd)- This 5ft long 40yd range missile MRd = Magic Rods
can be aimed in any direction the caster desires, doing D6pts
magical lightning (#-electrocution) or magical thunder
(@-invisible shock wave) damage on all in its path. Victims
must save vs spell, those who save take half damage.
Mirage (Mir)- Creates a 24hr illusion of any shape the caster MBa = Magic Balls
desires. Each 100 EP the caster has can mirage a 6 ft cube.
Physical contact with the mirage negates it. FBa/IBa: melts/freezes
Fire/Iceballs (FBa/IBa)- Same as Darts except its range is 50yds D6 inches of thinkness
and it does 2D6pts magical damage to a 10ft radius. for that radius.
Lightning/Thunderbolts (Lbo/TBo)- Same as Rods except range
is 60yds and it does 2D6pts magical damage to all in its path. MBo = Magic Bolts
Charm (Chm)- Charms any flesh humanoid creature that fails
its save vs spell. Charmed creatures serve their charmer and
will fight in battles, but wont hurt or kill themselfs. Charmed
creatures may break the charm as time passes:
TO BREAK CHARM - Int: 2-3 4-5 6-8 9-10 11-12 13+
Roll Save each: Month Week 4 Days 2 Days Day Hour
Polymorph (Ply)- Changes any living animal, wood, or plant
into another, but its relative size must not increase. If directed
at an enemy, he must save vs spell or be polymorphed.
Invisible (Inv)- Makes anything indefinitely invisible (area or
object). If cast on invisible objects they will turn visible. Each
100 EP the caster has will make a 6ft cube invisible.
Phase Door (PDr)- Creates a 6hr transparent 2-way door to A Phase Door (4th Level):
anywhere (must be ground level). The caster must be familiar Needn't be at ground level.
with the terrain at the other end. Only those that the caster
wishes may pass thru it, victims must want to go thru it.
Iron/Stone Wall (Iwa/Swa)- Makes one of iron (3inch thick) or
stone (12inch thick) 50ft long by 10ft high from existing dirt/sand/
rock. It must have a foundation, can be formed in any shape
(building/tower/castle), and cant be dispelled/negated.
Flesh/Stone (F/S)- Polymorphs any flesh to stone or vice-versa;
if used on rocks/boulders they become giant blob-like amebas.
Characters turned to stone (adamant) retain all attributes,
abilities, & scores if it is dispelled. No saving roll is permitted.
See TK page m?? Telekinesis (Tel)- The caster can move 1lb of anything per EP
Mythhedge not done yet
he has indefinitely as long as he concentrates on it.
Firestorm (FSt)- Spontaneously combusts 1 acre per 1000 EP
Can affect local weather:
Brief gusts: 475°F with the magician has doing D10pts normal fire damage to everything
80mph winds. within that area, anything flammable will keep burning.
Permanent (Per)- Makes any temporary spell/curse last indefinitely.
MISC SPELLS- Wands cant counter nor negate.
Negate (Neg)- Any magician at any time can negate any non-
damage oriented spell he has cast, without using a SW quota.
Counter (Cou)- Spells being cast can be countered by another
magician by using one of his SW quotas of that spell level, thus
rendering the original cast spell of no effect. Counter spells
Characters may drink must be announced before damage or saving rolls are made.
1 potion per volley.
Unconscious characters 1ST LEVEL POTIONS- Generally available (takes 1hr to make).
may not drink potions Acid (Acd)- Eats thru anything except mythril, glass, or clay. If
drank/tossed at someone it does D6pts normal damage. (Clear)
Slow Poison (SPo): Poison (Poi)- If tasted, drank, or contacts a wound the recipient
Takes D6 days. must save vs poison or die in D6 melees. One dose poison tips
a sword/axe, 2 spears/knifes, or 12 arrows for 1 battle/use. (Clear)
Flaming [Oil]-If doused on someone it does D6pts normal fire
damage for D6 melees. Fuels 1 torch/lantern for 1 week; see
Boiling Oil page ~11. (Clear)
Glue (Glu)- Roll D10 for bond Str; sets in D6 melees. Anyone
with a combined Str greater than the bond may break it. (Yellow)
Explosive (Exp)- Explodes on impact, jolts (character carrying
them), when shocked, or when contacts fire doing D8pts normal
damage to an 8ft radius. They also chain react. (Black)
2ND LEVEL POTIONS- Somewhat available (takes 2hrs to make).
If die from poison first, Healing (Hlg)- Heals D6 LP's presently unhealed on any character/
TOO BAD! creature in D6 melees, but never more than his LP base. Healing
used as Antidote (Atd) counteracts the effects of poison if the
antidote effect occurs before the poison effect, if so then a
save vs poison roll is not required; effect takes D6 melees. (Brown)
Movement is limited to Gaseous Form (GFm)- Turns drinker into a yellow-green mist in
2mph or drifting with
the wind. D6 melees, returnable at will, useful for passing thru cracks.
Equipment other than weapons/armor/special items fall off.
The user will starve if he remains gaseous too long. (Green)
See Steroids page g7. Strength (Str)- Increases the drinker's Str 1pt for 1hr giving the
user any bonuses he'd rate. Takes D6 melees. (Orange)
Sleep (Sle)- Whoever drinks/tastes this will sleep for 20 years
Philter (Pht)- Love Potion (or til kissed by a royal princess). Takes D6 melees. (Milky)
3RD LEVEL POTIONS- Scarce (takes 5hrs to make).
Golden Secret (GSe)- Converts the right combination of earth,
wind, fire, & rain into 3D6 gold nuggets, see page ö7. (Yellow)
Fire (GFi)- as Npm
(Npm)- Explodes in flame when contacts air and does
except flames on
ptsif contacts
water. 2D8 normal damage to all in a 15ft radius. (Black)
Fountain of Youth (FYo)- Keeps the drinker from aging for the
next year; each dose is cumulative. (Violet)
Preach (Pre)- A priest's EL is the %chance of him converting all
listeners (for #of listeners: City=%D, Village=5D10, Town=2D10).
If unsuccessful, he has a 2% chance of being stoned (1 rock per
listener). Converts follow the priest's teaching. Max 1 preach
per week allowed. A converted enemy wont attack.
Bless/Curse (B/C)- Increases/decreases any attribute 1pt for one See Worded Curse (WCu):
event/battle. Affects N creatures (see chart). A curse against an page mythhedge ??
enchanted/magical item or terrain area negates that item's
abilities (2 curses reverse) or negates the abilities of all enchanted/
magical items within that area (min 1/10acre) until such time as
that curse is dispelled or blessed. The %chance of successfully
blessing/cursing an item or area is:
Priests EL * 10 Priest's EP
%chance = 100 * or
Item mp's #of Acres * 1000
Turn/Summon Undead (T/U)- The %chance for a priest holding
a silver cross to successfully turn away/summon N (see chart)
undead of any EL is: Priest's EL
%Chance = 100 *
Undead's AL *1000
Create/Contaminate/Purify Food/Water/Air (CCP)- Creates and/or
purifies N (see chart) day's food, water, and air if needed.
Contaminates food or water (if eat/drink victim must save vs
poison or die) or makes 1 room's air unbreathable for 1 day
(victims must leave room or suffocate in 2D6 melees). Or
Cure Diseases (CDi)- Cures N creatures of any disease, such as: Cause Disease (Cdi)-
Just the opposite.
bubonic plague (fleas), malaria (swamps), leprosy (touch), etc.
Speak (not read) Languages (Slg)- The priest can converse with
any type of creature for the duration of 1 conversation. For speaking in tongues.
Plague (Plg)- Summons a local 1 week long heat wave, drought,
or insect/rodent plague. Each 100EP will plague up to 1 square mile.
Heal/Inflict Wounds (H/I)- Heals/inflicts D6 LP's on up to N Vitalize/Stun (V/S)-
(see chart) characters/creatures presently unhealed/unlost on Same as H/I except
affects BS.
them. It can be used on unconscious ones to revive/kill them.
4TH LEVEL BLESSINGS- Staffs may not resurrect.
Resurrect/Deathbolt (R/D)- Raises one creature from the dead,
provided his bodily remains are available. Characters other
than priests may be resurrected once; Priests (P5-P7) buried
with a Deathbook may be resurrected once. Characters who kill/
rape any Monk/Nun or Priest/Priestess (P3-P7) may never be
resurrected, plus their attributes will be permanently cursed
(reduced 1pt). Each resurrectee retains all prior attributes, Minor Diety:
abilities, and scores. Deathbolts instantly disintegrate one (extra Priest levels)
victim, plus all he is carrying, including his horse/camel, no EL9 EL10 EL11
~15 1000 2000 5000
See Mythhedge for EPs
needed for these levels.
saving roll permitted, into a dissipating dark vapor. Priests,
Powers that Be, jinn/demons, and Titaniuman are immune to
inflicts/deathbolts. Max 1 deathbolt allowed per week.
Priest's EL: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
#Affected: N= 2 5 10 20 50 100 200

WEATHER- Each week the Referee will determine whether the

local climate is temperate, tropical (use summer), or arctic
(use winter) then roll a D6 to determine the temperature. Next
determine whether the local climate is arid, temid, or humid
then roll a D6 to determine the precipitation/sky cover. Roll
a D6 each day to determine the wind speed. Snowstorms (cold)
and rainstorms (cool/mild/warm/hot) with strong winds are
blizzards/thunderstorms; for ships in such, roll D6: 1=Capsize/
Shipwreck. Characters traveling in blizzards or on hot sunny
days must find shelter (tent/cave), if not each must save vs
hypothermia/heat stroke each day or die from it. Sandstorms
are strong winds in the desert. (Fog: temid/humid climes only).
Strong Winds: D6 Summer Sprint/Fall Winter Arid Temid Humid SPEED:
Roll D6 1 Mild Cold+Fog Cold+Fog Stormy Stormy Stormy Strong
1 Violent
2 Strong 2 Warm Cool Cold P.Cloudy Stormy Stormy Medium
3 Gale 3 Warm Mild Cold P.Cloudy Cloudy Stormy Breeze
4 Gale 4 Warm Mild Cold Clear P.Cloudy Cloudy Breeze
5 Near Gale 5 Hot Warm Cold Clear Clear P.Cloudy Calm
6 Near Gale
6 Hot Warm Cool Clear Clear Clear Calm
MOVEMENT/LOADS- The speed (MPH) at which a given character
can move depends on his strength and weight load. The below
Overloaded Chacters chart lists speeds for roads and clear terrain for no (No), half (Hf),
trudge. and full (Fu) weight loads. Double these for short sprints and
runs under one half mile. In forest/jungle divide all speeds by 2;
in mountains/hills/desert/tundra/badlands
MPH: RUN FULL divide by 3; in marsh divide by 4; and
Str No Hf Fu Walk lbs in stormy weather divide speeds by 2.
2-3 7 5 4 3 70 Those hit [shot] in the leg limp at half
4-5 8 6 4 3 80 speed; in both legs: crawl at 1mph. To
6-8 9 7 5 3 90 convert MPH to yards per melee, multiply
9-10 10 8 6 3 100 speeds by 30 (1mph=30yd/min). A party
11-12 10 9 7 3 120 may travel 20mi/day fully loaded, 25mi
13+ 9 8 7 3 150 half loaded, and 30mi unloaded; double
these for mounted parties.
LANGUAGES- All men, trolls, giants, dragons, vampires, grynches,
PTB's and Royalty and sprites speak the prevailing local language. All dwarfs
speak D6 Languages. speak dwarf, elfs speak elf, orks speak ork, and gnomes speak
gnome. Menlike beings and creatures with at least a 3 Int can
speak. Characters below 10 Int are illiterate, but 75% of all
merchants, 50% of all dwarfs/elfs, and 25% of all peasants
living on trade routes (sea coasts, rivers, main roads, cities)
speak a 2nd language, scribes speak D6 languages; see each
world's language table to determine these (the Referee must
design his own language table if he is not using Ironworld®).
When the party encounters speaking beings the Referee will
determine by using the language table what language/s they
speak. If a language barrier exists they must improvise to
communicate. Learning a new language takes 2 years living
where it is spoken. Ancient unspoken, possibly decipherable
languages are excellent for inscriptions or certain writings.
DEBRIS- As a party explores they will find lost, discarded,
or broken items (strewn about old campsites, alongside paths/ For effect:
roads, etc). For each possible wilderness daytime/traveling or Add D10 bodies strewn
about the debris,
underworld encounter, the Referee will roll a D6: 1 = the party For chests see page ~20
finds D6 items of debris. Roll %D on the below table to determine
what each found item is; for books use the table on page ~41 to Scrolls (4) are blank
Flasks(6) are empty
determine type. The Referee shouldn't tell the players if any found or roll D6:
item is special except for DM checks. Roll any die: Odd=broken/rotting. 1=Not blank or empty
(see page ~38 to
Item %Dice Item %Dice Item %Dice determine contents)
G.Sword (GSw) 01-02 Crossbow (XBw) 32 Helmet (He) 66-68
Battle Axe (BAx) 03 Arrow (a) 33-35 Breast Plate (BPl) 69 For Ref Decides Option:
Roll D6:
M.Star (MSt) 04 Quarrel (q) 36 Shdr. Plates (SPl) 70 1 = Find Special Item
Sword (Sw) 05-08 Quiver (Q) 37 Arm Bracers (ABr) 71 (see tables pages ~36-39
Axe (Ax) 09-10 Backpack (Bpk) 38-40 Leg Bracers (LBr) 72 to determine its type)
Short Sword (SSw) 11 Sack (Sk) 41-43 Leather Shirt (LSh) 73
Saber (Sb) 12 Tent (Te) 44 Leather Kilt (LKt) 74
Whip (Wh) 13 Canteen (Ca) 45-47 Shield (Sh) 75-78
Club (Cl) 14-15 %Dft Rope (Rp) 48-51 Fur Coat (FCt) 79
Mace (Mc) 16 Grapnel (Gr) 52 Robe (Rb) 80-81
Halberd (Hb) 17 Torch (To) 53-56 Cloak (Ck) 82-83
Spear (Sp) 18-20 Lantern (La) 55-56 Ox Cart 84-85
Pike (Pk) 21 D8 Matches (Ma) 57 Scroll (Sc) 86
Knife (Kn) 22-23 Hammer (Hm) 58 Flask (Fl) 87
Dagger (Dg) 24 D8 Nails (Na) 59 Key (k--) 88
Hatchet (Ha) 25 Iron Spike (ISp) 60 Book 89
T. Knife (TKn) 26 Wooden Stake (Wst) 61 D10 Copper (c) 90-93
Sling (Sl) 27 Pickaxe (PAx) 62 D10 Silver (s) 94-96
Lead Pellet (x) 28 Prybar (Pbr) 63 D10 Gold (g) 97-98
Bow (Bw) 29-30 Shovel (Shv) 64 Jewel (--j) 99
Long Bow (LBw) 31 Mattock (Mtk) 65 Ref Decides 100

Shares- When dividing treasures or found items use shares; each

character gets as many shares as his highest EL. Everyone
except priests gets his share of total shares, priests split tithe.
Keys/Locks- For each key/lock found, encountered, or bought
the Referee will roll the %D; this will be its serial# (record
these). If the serial#'s match, then the key will open the lock
(for keys: kxx, for locks: Lkxx, where xx = its#).
Jewels- Each jewel has its own value. A jewel's base value is
10s. Roll any die: each time an even# is rolled increment its
value 1 step on the below chart. Repeat the process until an
odd# is rolled. The jewel will be worth its last determined
value (xnnj>, where x is its type, and nn is its value). Jewelers
buy at wholesale; treat uncut gems as raw materials.
D4 Type: Code No Evens- 10s 5 Evens -500s 10 Evens -5000s
1 Emerald ennj 1 Even - 20s 6 Evens -1000s 11 Evens -7000s
2 Diamond dnnj 2 Evens - 50s 7 Evens -1500s 12 Evens -10000s
3 Ruby rnnj 3 Evens - 100s 8 Evens -2000s 13 Evens -15000s
4 Saphire snnj 4 Evens - 200s 9 Evens -3000s 14+Evens -20000s

For flying parties: ENCOUNTERS- Each day the party has 5 possible encounters,
check Enc's each hour 1 in the morning, 1 in the afternoon, 1 in the evening, and 2 during
the night. For each of these the Referee will locate the party's
terrain type on the below table and roll the %D. An encounter
occurs at that time if the Referee rolls the %ENC or less of
that terrain type. If so, the Referee must again roll the %D
and locate the class of the party encountered corresponding to
the row beneath that terrain type. Then using the appropriate
Amplified Encounter Table the Referee again must roll the %D
and locate the corresponding character/creature type of that
class/terrain. The #of columns list how many are encountered.
%ENC- 10% 20% 30% 40% 10% 10%
(use %d) City Meadow Forest Mountain Desert Sea
Village Valley Jungle Hilly Tundra Marsh
CLASS: Town Prairie Wooded Rocky Badlands River
Men 01-50 01-37 01-06 01-07 01-47 01-66
Dwarfs 51-75 38-40 07-13 08-31 48-54 67-73
Elfs 76-85 41-42 14-34 32-33 55-60 74-81
Menlike 86-89 43-59 35-57 34-61 61-68 82-85
Riding Animals Usually 60-63 58-59 62-64 69-71 86
Wild Animals 90-92 64-69 60-68 65-72 72-74 87
Game Animals Usually 70-83 69-80 73-82 75-76 88-89
Reptile 93 84-86 81-83 83-86 77 90-93
Giant Pests 94-95 87-91 84-87 87-89 78-80 –––
Spirits 96 92-93 88-89 90-91 81-83 94-95
Undead 97 94-97 90-95 92-96 84-96 –––
Sprites/Silicon 98 98 96-98 97-98 97-98 96-98
Ref's Choice 99-00 99-00 99-100 99-00 99-00 99-00
City/Village/Towns- Each has 1 inn per 500 inhabitants and 1
marketplace per 2000 inhabitants. Each has a temple, militia
post, stables, wells, and medics who treat wounded. All cities
and villages are walled (each gate is guarded by D6 Militia);
most (especially hometowns) are considered safe; only check
for encounters at such if the party is wealthy, disliked, at
the inn, or wandering about the market (see Marketplaces).
Inns/Stables- Meals/lodging for Adventurers, Merchants, and
Travelers that costs 1s (with horse: 2s) per character per day.
For those encountered during the evening at, roll D6: 1=Drunk.
Temples- Wounded/diseased characters may make offerings at
in return for being healed/cured, those with a High Priest can
also resurrect. Priests may stay at the temples.
Militia Posts- Each contains an armory, a jail (D6 guards per
25 inmates), a judge who hears disputes, a barracks to house
active duty Militia, a mess hall, and stables for cavalry.
Laws- The Referee determines local law, which must relate to
Usually only political of
protection life and property. Punishment is swift and sure:
prisoner are jailed forare
murderers executed; rapists are castrated; thiefs in order of
any length of time. st
offense: 1 =Finger cut off, 2nd=Hand cut off, 3rd=Head cut off.
Other criminals are fined, put in stocks, flogged, jailed, etc.
Of course only those dumb enough to get caught get punished,
even then bribes usually work. Face it, only the poor go to jail.
Wilderness Encounters- Signs are posted at most crossroads in
the prevailing local language, with distances to cities, villages,
towns, geographic locations, and sometimes laws or warnings.
Roads/Rivers- Peasants, Farmers, ox carts, & wagons abound on Ancient Milestones are worn.
roads/paths. Fishermen, Merchants, and rafts abound on trade
route rivers/sea lanes. For each mile of a river roll D6: 1=Fordable. Ref. decides what peons
For debris found at rivers roll any die: Odd=On shore, Even=Submerged. are met on roads/rivers.
Springs/Ponds/Waterholes- In temid/humid climes if the party
is searching for water, roll D6 for each possible traveling
encounter: 1=Find one. In arid climes, only check once per day.
Waterfalls/torrents abound in non-Desert mountain ranges.
CAVES- In Mountain/Rocky terrain roll D6 for each possible
daytime traveling encounter: 1=Find cave of D4 chambers. If
so, roll D6: 1=Inhabited (encounter occurs), roll D10 for type:
1=Cavemen, 2=Cavedwarfs, 3=Caveelfs, 4=Trolls, 5=Kobolds,
6-7=Goblins, 8=Wildcats, 9=Bears, and 10=Ref's Choice.
CLIFFS- In Mountain terrain roll D6 for each possible traveling
encounter: 1=10%Dft Cliff to ascend/descend or party must
detour or turn back. Scaling, rappelling, climbing (CW), and
phase doors are effective ways to overcome cliffs.
Scaling/Rappelling- To scale with a grapnel/rope: throw to hook
on ledge/rocks above as missile (max 25ft up per throw), then
climb up rope; secure at ledge or with piton, then repeat until
up. For each 25ft of cliff height, roll D6: 1=Nothing to grapple
on, 2-5=Crevice, & 6=Ledge. To rappel with pitons/rope, drive
piton in cliff (rock/ice only), double rope thru (must abandon
rope if not), then descend (repeat process until down). For each
100ft a character climbs via rope, or 500ft he rappels, roll D6:
1=Close call, must save vs exhaustion or fall %D percent of the
distance; subtract 2 from this saving roll for those who've
studied Climbing, subtract 1 for high Dex (¾9), and add 1 for
low Dex (¼4). Hemp rope will support 1000lbs, old rope half.
FALLS- For each use appropriate dice to calculate the damage,
and deduct it from the LP's of whoever fell, adjusting for armor Characters falling may
absorption; landing in water absorbs 6pts, in mud: 3pts, on only scream once. Those
having to breathe, then
vegetation/sand: 2pts, on grass/dirt: 1pt. Falls doing max damage scream again ruin the
(at least D6 or 11) inflicting damage (roll Critical Hit) to the effect of a good fall
head: kills, neck/back: paralyzes, or arm/leg/shoulder: breaks. . . . splat!!!
Roll D6: 1=Lands on own weapon if unsheathed.
Theory: Damage proportional to speed Speed I m h * g ft/sec 23
at impact, where h=height in feet, and p =Time h / g sec
g=coefficient of gravity in ft/sec2. =
Impact Speed: /sec 15ft/s 20ft/s 30ft/s 40ft/s 50ftp/s 60ft/s 80ft/s 100ft/s 150ft/s See Starhedge page s10
Damage Does: D3 D6 2D4 2D6 2D8 3D6 4D6 5D6 6D6 (impact speeds)
Height: Earth g= 32ft/sec2 8ft 15ft 30ft 50ft 80ft 120ft 200ft 300ft 700ft
Ironworld® 10ft/sec2 10ft 25ft 50ft 80ft 120ft 200ft 300ft 500ft 1000ft
Moonworld¯ 20ft/sec2 20ft 50ft 100ft 150ft 250ft 400ft 600ft 1000ft 2000ft
Naval Encounters- For each ship encountered at sea, roll D6:
1=Shipwreck if near shore or a reef, 1=Derelict (ghost . . . go down
with theif
ship . . .
at sea. If so, roll D6: 1=Spirit Encounter (double #of if in fog
or stormy), 2=D6 Survivors of type rolled up; normally they
would abandon ship or die in it.
Underworld Encounters- Underworlds consist of many levels/
Also roll D6 every 4hrs to sectors, each assigned a Difficulty Rating (DR) I-VI. Large
check for Enc's for parties chambers/caverns may be assigned 2 or more DR areas. If the
who stay still for more
than 1 hour Referee uses an underworld other than Ironworld©, he must
assign each level/sector a DR. Generally, the further from the
Roll D6 for encountered surface or entrance, the higher the DR. Each time the party
underworld parties: enters any room, chamber, cave, cavern, shaft, hallway,
1-5 = Have torches/oil.
6 = Don't stairway, passage, or new DR UNDERWORLD TABLE CHART
area the Referee must roll D6: Use Difficulty Rating
1=Underworld encounter occurs; Table I II III IV V VI
if so the Referee must roll a A 1-8 1-5 1-2 –– –– ––
D10 on the Underworld Table B 9-10 6-9 3-5 1-2 –– ––
Chart to determine which C –– 10 6-9 3-5 1-2 ––
Underworld Table A-F to use. D –– –– 10 6-9 3-5 1-2
Then roll a D10 on the appropriate E –– –– –– 10 6-9 3-5
Table A-F to determine the F –– –– –– –– 10 6-10
encountered party's type. There are things that go bump in the night. I bump back!
D10 A B C D E F
1 Militia Bandits Bandits Militia Bandits Ref.Choice
2 Nomads Barbarians Cavemen Barbarians Cavemen Ref.Choice
3 – – – Adventurers – – – – – – Adventurers – – – – – – Adventurers – – –
4 Kobolds Goblins Goblins Hobgoblins Ogres Stone Giants
5 Wildcats Gnomes Trolls Tigers Lions S.T. Tigers
6 G.Ants Wild Dogs Wolfs Bears Dire Wolfs Griz. Bears
7 G.Spiders G.Cockroaches G.Rats Wyverns Dragon F.B. Dragon
8 Skeletons Zombies Mummies Ghouls Werewolf Vampire
9 Spooks Shadows Poltergeists Spectres Phantoms Ghosts
10 G.Amebas Pixies Gremlins Gargoyles Stonemen Ironmen
Torches/Lantern- Underworlds are generally dark unless near
entrances/windows, so the party needs light or they cant see.
Chests- For each room/cave the party enters, roll D6: 1=Chest
inside. Roll D6: 1=Locked, 2-5=Closed, 6=Open. If not open, roll
D6: 1=Poison needle (does D4pts damage to opener), 2=Explosive
trapped (blows up). Roll D6: 1=Contains D6 items debris. Roll
D6: 1=Has false bottom, if so roll D6: 1=Special item within.
Doors- For each, roll D6: 1=Locked, 2-5=Closed, 6=Open. Roll
D6: 1=Squeaky door hinges (oil frees them up). Normal noise
can be heard thru wooden doors, so noisy creatures, including
the player's characters (especially ones wearing PA) can be heard
thru a shut door; if nothing is heard this is where a thief's
ability to HN proves useful. Most doors open freely.
Secret Doors/Compartments/Traps- Those making a successful
Anyone can notice (NT);
Non-thief types NT = 18%. NT roll can notice/find these, see page ~3. Roll D6 for each

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