Terminologies in Food Preparation: Preparation and Cooking Tools
Terminologies in Food Preparation: Preparation and Cooking Tools
Terminologies in Food Preparation: Preparation and Cooking Tools
Apple corer - To remove the core and pips from apples and
dry ingredients such as flour or bread crumbs similar fruits
Bake - to cook in the oven with dry heat
Dress - to prepare a food for cooking Baster - Used during cooking to cover meat in its own juices
Barbecue - to cook on a rack or spit over hot coals or some or with a sauce.
other source of direct heat Flake - to break fish into small pieces with a fork
Biscuit Cutter - Shaping biscuit dough
Baste - to spoon pan juices, melted fat, or another liquid over Flute - to make grooves or folds in dough
the surface of food during cooking to keep the food moist and Blow Torch - Commonly used to create a hard layer of
Fold - to incorporate a delicate mixture into a thicker, heavier caramelized sugar in a crème brûlée.
add flavor
mixture with a whisk or rubber spatula using a down, up, and
Beat - to mix ingredients together with a circular up and down over motion so the finished product remains light Bottle opener - Twists the metal cap off of a bottle
motion using a spoon, whisk, rotary or electric beater
Fricassee - to cook pieces of meat or poultry in butter and then Bread knife - To cut soft bread
Blanch - to scald or parboil in water or steam in seasoned liquid until tender
Butter curler - Used to produce decorative buttershapes.
Blend - to stir ingredients until they are thoroughly combined Garnish - to decorate foods by adding other attractive and
complementary foodstuffs to the food or serving dish Cake and pie server - To cut slices in pies or cakes, and then
Boil - to cook in liquid over 212 F transfer to a plate or container
Grate - to reduce a food into small bits by rubbing it on the
Broil - to cook uncovered under a direct source of heat sharpen teeth of a utensil Chef's knife - Originally used to slice large cuts of beef, it is
now the general utility knife for most Western cooks.
Caramelize - to heat sugar until a brown color and Slice - to cut into thin, flat pieces
characteristic flavor develop Spatula - Used for lifting or turning food during cooking
Sliver - to cut into long, slender pieces
Chill - to make food cold by placing it in a refrigerator or in a Funnel - Used to channel liquid or fine-grained substances
bowl over crushed ice Sprinkle - to skatter drops of liquid or particles of powder into containers with a small opening.
over the surface of a food
Chop - to cut into small pieces Garlic press - Presses garlic cloves to create a puree,
Steam - to cook with vapor produced by a boiling liquid functioning like a specialized ricer.
Clarify - to make a liquid clear by removing solid particles
Steep - to soak in a hot liquid Grater - Used to grate foods into fine pieces.
Coat - to thoroughly cover a food with a liquid or dry mixture
Stir - to mix with a circular motion Honey dipper - Drizzles honey.
Combine - to mix or blend two or more ingredients together
Strain - to separate solid from liquid materials Ladle - A ladle is a type of serving spoon used for soup, stew,
Core - to remove the center part of a fruit such as an apple or or other foods.
pineapple Truss - to prepare fowl for cooking by binding the wings and
legs Lemon squeezer - A juicer, similar in function to a lemon
Crush - to pulverize reamer, with an attached bowl.
Deep-fry - to cook in a large amount of hot fat Measuring cup - used primarily to measure the volume of
Devein - to remove the large black or white vein along a
EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, UTENSILS USED IN liquid or bulk solid cooking ingredients such as flour and sugar
shrimp's back FOOD PREPARATION Measuring spoon - Typically sold in a set that measures dry
Preparation and Cooking Tools or wet ingredients in amounts from 1/4 teaspoon (1.25 ml) up
Dissolve - to cause a solid food to turn into or become part of a
to 1 tablespoon (15 ml)
Apple cutter -- To cut apple and similar fruits easily while
Drain - to remove liquid from a food product simultaneously removing the core and pips
Mortar and pestle - To crush food, releasing flavours and Medium Saucepan - Used for medium portion cooking of
aromas soups, stews, pastas or sauces
Basting brush - To spread oil, juices, sauce or glaze on food. Large Pot - Used for large portion cooking of soups, stews,
pastas or sauces
Peeler - Used to remove the outer skin or peel of
certain vegetables, often potatoes and carrots, and fruits such Grill Pan - Used as grilling pan for meat/poultry
as apples, pears, etc.
Casserole Dish - Used both in the oven and as a serving vessel
Potato masher - Used to crush cooked food
Broiler Pan - Used just the top heating element to cook food
Poultry shears - Used for dejointing and cutting uncooked
poultry; reinforced with a spring, they have one serrated blade
and pointed tips.
Skillet or Frying Pan - Used for frying, searing and browning