Nokia SRC Scalable IP Exam Sample Questions Document en
Nokia SRC Scalable IP Exam Sample Questions Document en
Nokia SRC Scalable IP Exam Sample Questions Document en
1.1 Which of the following is the physical infrastructure that 2.1 Which of the following shows a typical data packet flow
provides interconnections between ISPs? when egressing an Nokia 7750 SR?
a. A demarcation point a. SF/CPM -> MDA -> IOM -> SFP
b. An Internet exchange point b. SF/CPM -> SFP -> IOM -> MDA
c. A central office c. SF/CPM -> IOM -> MDA -> SFP
d. A point of presence d. MDA -> IOM -> SF/CPM -> SFP
1.2 Which of the following provides physical separation 2.2 Which of the following is not a recommended usage
between service provider and customer responsibilities? of the compact flashes on an Nokia 7750 SR?
a. A provider edge router a. Using CF 1 to store debug logs.
b. An Internet exchange point b. Using CF 2 to store debug logs.
c. A demarcation point c. Using CF 3 to store accounting logs.
d. A point of presence d. Using CF 3 to store system files.
1.3 Which TCP/IP layer is responsible for path determination 2.3 Which of the following displays a hierarchial CLI command
and end-to-end forwarding of datagrams? structure at the current context level?
a. The application services layer a. show
b. The transport layer b. info
c. The Internet protocol layer c. tree
d. The network interface layer d. help
1.4 What information is part of the encapsulation done at the 2.4 Which of the following is NOT a valid log destination in
network interface layer? an Nokia 7750 SR?
a. Source and destination MAC addresses a. Main
b. Source and destination IP addresses b. Session
c. Source and destination port numbers c. Syslog
d. Source and destination email addresses d. Console
Module 3: Data Link Overview 3.6 After all PCs in the below network have communicated
with each other, which interface will switch D populate in
3.1 Which of the following is NOT a type of Layer 2 network? its MAC FDB for PC1?
a. Point-to-point network
b. Circuit-based network
c. Virtual private routed network
d. Shared network
3.9 Which of the following statements about LAG is FALSE? 4.3 Which of the following is NOT a Regional Internet Registry?
a. It aggregates physical links between devices. a. ARIN
b. It improves performance by increasing bandwidth b. IANA
between devices. c. RIPE NCC
c. It provides point-to-point redundancy between d. AfriNIC
d. It supports auto-negotiation on ports in the LAG. 4.4 Which of the following is a unicast address that is
assigned to two or more devices on the same network?
3.10 W
hich of the following protocols is used to prevent loops a. Network address
in Ethernet networks? b. Broadcast address
a. LAG c. Multicast address
b. STP d. Anycast address
c. ARP
d. ICMP 4.5 Which of the following about hierarchical IPv4 addressing
3.11 An 8-port Ethernet switch is configured with VLAN 100 a. It cre ates a two-level address hierarchy.
on ports 1-4, and VLAN 200 on ports 5-8. What happens b. It increases the number of IP addresses available in
when the switch receives a frame with an unknown the Internet.
destination address on port 1?
c. It supports route summarization to reduce routing
a. The switch will flood the frames on ports 1 to 4. table size.
b. The switch will flood the frames on ports 2 to 4. d. It supports subnetting to divide a network into smaller
c. The switch will flood the frames on ports 5 to 8. networks.
d. The switch will flood the frames on ports 2 to 8.
4.6 A network has an address of and a network
3.12 Which of the following statements about VLAN stacking is mask of How many subnetworks can be
FALSE? created if each subnetnetwork must have at least 25 hosts?
a. It allows a service provider to support customers that a. 4
use overlapping VLAN IDs. b. 8
b. It increases the number of VLANs a service provider c. 16
can support. d. 32
c. It increases the size of the VLAN ID field in the
Ethernet header. 4.7 Which of the following is the broadcast address of the
d. It allows a service provider to add another VLAN tag to network to which host belongs?
traffic. a.
Module 4: Layer 3 and IP Service
4.1 Which of the following is used to connect multiple
broadcast domains? 4.8 How many subnets can be created from network if each subnet must support 126 hosts?
a. Hub
a. 4
b. Switch
b. 8
c. Router
c. 16
d. Repeater
d. 32
4.2 Which of the following IP header fields is used to
distinguish IPv4 from IPv6 traffic?
a. Type of Service
b. Version
c. Identification
d. Protocol
Nokia Service Routing Certification (SRC) Program
4.9 Which of the following statements about a system IP 4.15 Which of the following statements about ICMP is TRUE?
address on an Nokia 7750 SR is FALSE? a. ICMP is used to resolve a MAC address for a given IP
a. It is a loopback address. address.
b. It has a fixed prefix value of /32. b. ICMP messages are generated by Ethernet switches.
c. It is manually configured by an operator. c. ICMP messages are encapsulated within IP datagrams.
d. It is associated with the management port. d. ICMP relies on the CSMA/CD algorithm.
5.4 Router R5 receives four route updates for the same 5.8 Which of the following about the displayed IP filter on
prefix. Which of the four routes will be installed in R5’s an Nokia 7750 SR is TRUE?
routing table?
5.13 Which of the following is used by OSPF to identify the 6.4 Which device adds MPLS labels to packets that enter
most up-to-date routing information? a service provider network?
a. Priority value in the Hello packet. a. CE
b. Age in the Link State Advertisement. b. P
c. Master/slave status in the Database Description c. iLER
packet. d. eLER
d. Sequence number in the Link State Advertisement
6.5 Which device is the termination point of a Label Switched
5.14 Which of the following about BGP is FALSE? Path (LSP)?
a. It is a link state protocol. a. CE
b. It uses TCP sessions to establish BGP peering. b. P
c. It can be used for routing within an autonomous c. iLER
sytem. d. eLER
d. It can be used for routing between autonomous
sytems. 6.6 What operation is performed by an iLER when it receives
a packet?
5.15 Which of the following about autonomous systems is FALSE? a. It pushes a new MPLS label and forwards the packet
a. AS numbers can be assigned by RIRs. to the next LSR.
b. AS numbers can be assigned by ISPs. b. It swaps the MPLS albel and forwards the packet to
c. Private AS numbers are advertised on the Internet. the next LSR.
d. eBGP is used between different autonomous systems. c. It forwards the packet to the next LSR without altering
the MPLS label.
d. It pops the MPLS label and forwards the packet to
Module 6: Services Overview the next IP router.
6.1 Which of the following is TRUE about a CE router that is 6.7 Which of the following devices performs a label swap
involved in a VPN service? operation?
a. It is aware of the VPN services provided by the service a. LSR
provider. b. iLER
b. It resides on the service provider premises. c. eLER
c. It connects to at least one PE router. d. CE
d. It connects to at least one CE router.
6.8 Which of the following about VPWS is FALSE?
6.2 What is the function of a SAP? a. VPWS is a Layer 2 service.
a. It provides a P device with service access. b. VPWS emulates a single leased line between two
b. It provides a CE device with service access. locations.
c. It binds the service to an MPLS service tunnel. c. Each VPWS maintains a MAC FDB.
d. It binds the service to an MPLS transport tunnel. d. VPWS customers do not have knowledge of the service
provider network.
6.3 Which of the following about the service label is FALSE?
a. The ingress PE device encapsulates customer data 6.9 Which of the following about VPLS is FALSE?
with a service label. a. VPLS is a Layer 2 service.
b. A service label identifies the service that data b. VPLS emulates a switched Ethernet service.
belongs to. c. VPLS customers don’t have knowledge of the service
c. The egress PE device strips the service labels and provider network.
forwards unlabeled packets. d. Each PE maintains a VRF instance for each VPLS.
d. A P device performs a service label swap operation.
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