DCS Unit-8
DCS Unit-8
DCS Unit-8
DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
Computer Networks communicate using protocols, which define the procedures that
the systems involved in the communications process will use. A data-link protocol is a set of
rules implementing and governing an orderly exchange of data between layer two devices,
such as line control units and front-end processors.
Line Discipline
Line discipline is coordinating half-duplex transmission on a data communications network.
The two fundamental ways that the line discipline is accomplished in a data communications
network are enquiry/acknowledgement (ENQ/ACK) and poll/select.
ENQ/ACK: ENQ/ACK line discipline procedures determine which device on a network can
initiate a transmission and whether the intended receiver is available and ready to receive
the message. The initiating station begins a session by transmitting a frame of data called an
enquiry (ENQ), which identifies the receiving station. With half-duplex transmission, it waits
for a response from the destination station indicating whether it is ready to receive a
message. If the destination station is ready to receive a message, it responds with a positive
acknowledgement (ACK), and if it is not ready, it responds with a negative
acknowledgement (NAK). A negative acknowledgement (NAK) transmitted by the
destination station in response to an ENQ generally indicates a temporary unavailability, and
the initiating station will simply attempt to establish a session later. A positive
acknowledgement (ACK) indicates that it is ready to receive data and tells the transmitting
Mukesh Chinta,
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
station that it is free to send its data. All transmitted message frame end with a unique
terminating sequence, such as end of transmission (EOT), indicating the end of message
frame. All message frames are acknowledged by either ACK or NAK by the destination
station. An ACK transmitted in response to a received message indicates that the message
received without errors and NAK indicates that the message was received with errors and it
is an automatic request for retransmission of the rejected message.
Poll/Select: The poll/select method of line discipline works with topologies where one
device is designated as a primary station and the other devices are secondary stations.
Whenever multipoint link consists of a primary device and multiple secondary devices using
a single transmission line, all exchanges must be made through primary device. The primary
device controls the link; the secondary device follows its instructions. It is up to the primary
to determine which device is allowed to use the channel at a given time. The primary
therefore is always the initiator of a session. If the primary wants to receive data and send
data, it applies functions called poll and select respectively.
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
Flow Control
Flow control defines a set of procedures that tells the transmitting station how much data it
can send before it must stop transmitting and wait for an acknowledgement from the
destination station. The two common methods of flow control are stop and wait and sliding
Stop-and-wait flow control: The sending station sends a frame of data and then waits
for an acknowledgement from the other station before sending further data. The other
party can stop the flow of data by simply withholding an acknowledgement. Source may not
send new frame until receiver acknowledges the frame already sent. Very inefficient,
especially when a single message is broken into separate frames. The primary advantage is
simplicity and the primary disadvantage is speed, as the time lapse between each frame is
wasted time. Each frame takes essentially twice as long to transmit as necessary because
both the message and acknowledgement must traverse the entire length of the data link
before the next frame can be sent.
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
In the above figure, the source station sends message frame 1, which is acknowledged by
the destination station. After stopping transmission and waiting for the acknowledgment,
the source station transmits the next frame (message frame 2). After sending the second
frame, there is another lapse in time while the destination station acknowledges reception
of frame 2. The time it takes the source station to transport three frames equates to at least
three times as long as it would have taken to send the message in one long frame.
Sliding window flow control: With sliding window flow control, a source station can
transmit several frames in succession before receiving an acknowledgment. There is only
one acknowledgment for several transmitted frames, thus reducing the - transmission time
considerably over the stop-and-wait technique. The term sliding window refers to imaginary
boxes at the source and destination stations with the capacity of holding several frames of
data. Message frames can be acknowledged any time before the window is filled with data.
To keep track of which frames have been acknowledged and which have not, sliding window
procedures require a modulo-n, numbering scheme where each transmitted frame is
identified with a unique sequence number between 0 and n -1. With a three-bit binary
numbering scheme, there are eight numbers possible (0, 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, and 7), and,
therefore, the windows must have the capacity of holding n-1 (seven) frames of data.
Sending window
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
Receiving window
The primary advantage of sliding window flow control is network utilization. With
fewer acknowledgements, less network time is wasted. The primary disadvantages are
complexity and hardware capacity (i.e. buffer space).
Error Control
Error control includes both error detection and error correction. Error detection at data-link
layer can be accomplished with VRC, LRC or CRC and error correction is generally
accomplished with automatic repeat request (ARQ). With ARQ, any time a transmission
error is detected, the destination station sends a negative acknowledgment (NAK) back to
the source station requesting retransmission of the last message frame or frames. ARQ also
calls for retransmission of mission or lost frames.
Two types of ARQ exist: stop-and-wait and sliding window. Stop-and-wait frame
control implements stop-and-wait ARQ and sliding window flow control usually implements
ARQ in one of two variants: go-back-n frames or selective reject (SREJ).
With go-back-n frames, the destination station tells the source station to go back n
frames and retransmit all of them, even though all of them do not contain errors. With
selective reject, the destination station tells the source station to retransmit only the frame
or frames received in error.
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
Go-back-n ARQ
Go-back-n frames is easier to implement, but it wastes more time as most of the
frames retransmitted were not received in error.
Selective reject is more complicated to implement, but saves transmission time, as only
frames that are actually damaged are retransmitted.
Character-Oriented Protocols
Character-Oriented Protocols interpret a frame of data as a group of successive bits
combined into predefined patterns of fixed length, usually eight bits each. Each group of bits
represents a unique character. Control information is included in the frame in the form of
standard characters from an existing character set, such as ASCII. With COP, unique data
link control characters such as start of text (STX) and end of text (ETX) perform the same
action no matter where they occur in the transmission. These are also known as byte-
oriented protocols and some of the examples of character-oriented protocols are XMODEM,
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
YMODEM, ZMODEM, KERMIT, BLAST, IBM’s 83B asynchronous data-link protocol, IBM’s
binary synchronous communications (BSC [bisync]).
Bit-Oriented Protocols
A bit-oriented protocol (BOP) is a discipline for serial-by-bit information transfer over a data
communications channel. Control information is transferred as a series of successive bits
that may be interpreted individually on a bit-by-bit basis or in groups of several bits rather
than in a fixed-length group of n bits. Here, there are no dedicated control characters. With
bit-oriented protocols, the control field within a frame may convey more than one control
function. BOP’s are more efficient than COP and convey more information into shorter
frames. The most popular examples are synchronous data-link communications (SDLC) and
high-level data-link communications (HDLC).
Character Mode: Character codes are transmitted asynchronously i.e. whenever the
operator depresses a key, the data character is sent from the source to destination station
and are displayed on the screen at the current location of cursor.
Block Mode: Here, when operator enters the characters, they are stored in the buffers
and displayed on screen. When the operators gets ready to send the information enter, send
or return key is pressed, which transmits all the data characters previously entered into the
memory. The assortment of characters transmitted as a group is called a block or frame of
data. The block mode is more appropriate for multidrop data communications circuits
operating in a polling environment.
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
The XMODEM protocol was created years ago as a simple means of having two computers
talk to each other. With its half-duplex mode of operation, ACK/NAK responses and CRC
data checking, the XMODEM protocol has found its way into many applications. XMODEM
specifies a half-duplex stop-and-wait protocol using a data frame comprised of four fields.
The frame format for XMODEM contains four fields, as shown below.
The process of transferring data begins when the answer (destination) station sends
a NAK character to the originate (source) station. Each time the destination station receives
a data frame, it responds with a NAK or an ACK. When the destination station fails to
respond to a frame, it is called a time-out, which is treated as an NAK. If the destination
station wishes to terminate transmissions, it sends a cancel (CAN) signal to the source
YMODEM is a protocol similar to XMODEM except with the following exceptions:
1. The information field has a maximum capacity of 1024 bytes.
2. Two CAN characters are required to abort a transmission.
3. ITU-T-CRC 16 is used to calculate the frame check sequence.
4. Multiple frames can be sent in succession and then acknowledged with a single ACK
or NAK character.
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
ZMODEM is a newer protocol that simply combines the features of XMODEM and YMODEM.
KERMIT is a terminal emulation program as well as a file transfer protocol similar to
XMODEM. KERMIT allows transmitting control characters as text. The control character is
transformed into a printable character by adding a fixed number to its ASCII code and
adding‘#’ sign at the front. When the receiver detects the # character, it discards it and
interprets the next character as a control character. In case of transmitting # character, two
#’s are sent.
Remote stations with the 83B protocol may be in one of four operating modes: line
monitoring, transmit, receive, or local. In line monitoring mode, the station is neither
transmitting nor receiving, but monitors messages on the circuit looking for a transmission
with its polling or selection address. If the station is in transmit mode, it has been
designated the master and can send formatted messages or acknowledgements. When the
station is in receive mode, it is selected by the primary and designated as receiver (slave)
and cane receive formatted messages, polls or acknowledgements from the primary station.
For a terminal operator to enter information into his or her computer or terminal, it must be
in the local mode, which can be done by software commands sent from the primary.
83B polling sequence: The polling sequence for most asynchronous protocols consists
of one or two data-link control characters and then a station polling address (SPA). A general
poll using IBM’s 83B protocol is the three character sequence shown below:
The EOT (end of transmission) character is a data-link control character called a clearing
character and precedes all polling and selection sequences. EOT places all secondary
stations in line monitoring mode. DC3 (device control three) means several different things
based on where it occurs. When DC3 follows an EOT, it indicates that the next character is a
station polling address.
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
The EOT and STX (start of text) characters are not part of the message, but are the
data-link characters inserted by the controller to frame the message. STX indicates that the
actual message begins with the character immediately following it. The EOT indicates the
end of message and designates the primary station as the master. Sometimes encoded data
like date, time, msg no etc have to be transmitted, which is sent as heading information. The
SOH (start of heading) character used to identify the heading.
SOH is transmitted first, followed by heading information, STX and then the message,
terminated by the EOT character.
83B selection sequence: A primary sends a selection sequence to identify a secondary
station as a receiver. The selection sequence for the 83B protocol is very similar to polling
sequence and shown below
The SSA (is station selection address) identifies the station being selected and the DA
(device address) identifies the specific device at the designated station.
83B response to a selection: Once selected, a secondary station must respond with
one of the three acknowledgement sequences indicating its status. They include
\ \ Not ready to receive
* * Not ready to receive (have a formatted message to transmit)
\ ACK Ready to receive
More than one secondary station can be selected simultaneously with group or
broadcast address.
83B Primary message format: Messages transmitted from primary stations use
exactly the same data format as messages transmitted from secondary stations as shown
STX, when transmitted by a primary station, is called a blinding character, as it causes all
previously unselected secondary stations to ignore the transmission.
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
BSC polling sequences: There are two polling formats used with bisync: general and
specific. The format for general poll is shown below
The PAD character at the beginning of the sequence is called a leading pad and is either a 55
hex or an AA hex (01010101 or 10101010). The purpose of the leading pad is to ensure that
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
transitions occur in the data before transmission of the actual message. The transitions are
needed for clock recovery in the receive modem to maintain bit synchronization.
Immediately following the leading pad are two SYN characters that establish character
synchronization. The EOT character is again used as a clearing character that places all
secondary stations into the line-monitoring mode.
The PAD character immediately following the second SYN character is simply a string
of successive logic 1’s that serves as a time fill, giving each of the secondary stations time to
clear. The number of logic 1’s transmitted during this time fill may not be a multiple of eight
bits. Consequently, the two SYN characters are repeated to re-establish character
synchronization. Two station polling address (SPA) characters are transmitted for error
detection (character redundancy). A secondary will not recognize or respond to a poll unless
its SPA appears twice in succession. The two quotation marks signify that the poll is a
general poll for any device at that station that has a formatted message to send. If two or
more devices have messages to transmit when a general poll is received, the station
controller determines which device’s message is transmitted. This allows the controller to
prioritize the devices at the station.
With BSC, there is a second form of polling sequence called a specific poll. The format for a
specific poll is the following
The character sequence for a specific poll is similar to a general poll except that two
device address (DA) characters are substituted for the two quotation marks. With a specific
poll, both the station and the device address are included. Therefore, a specific poll is an
invitation for only one specific device at a given secondary station to transmit its message.
Again two DA characters are transmitted for redundancy error detection.
Mukesh Chinta,
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
BSC Selection sequence: The sequence for a selection is very similar to that of a
specific poll except two SSA characters are substituted for the two SPA characters.
SSA stands for station selection address. All selections are specific; they are for a specific
device at a specific station.
BSC message sequence: With bisync, formatted messages are sent from secondary
stations to the primary in response to a poll and sent from primary to secondary stations
after the secondary has been selected. Formatted messages use the following format:
The block check character (BCC) is an error detection character and also called as
block check sequence (BCS) as it is simply a sequence of bits used for error detection.
Longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) is used for error detection with ASCII codes and CRC-
16 is used for EBCDIC coded messages. The BCC is computed beginning with the first
character after SOH and continues through and includes ETX character. With synchronous
protocols, data are transmitted in blocks or frames. End of block (ETB) is used to terminate
all message blocks except the last one, where ETX is used to terminate the last block of
messages. The receiving station must acknowledge all BCC’s with either a positive or
negative ack.
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
There are only six instances when it is necessary to precede a character with a DLE:
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
There are three transmission states with SDLC: transient, idle, and active. The
transient state exists before and after an initial transmission and after each line turnaround.
A secondary station assumes that the circuit is in an idle state after 15 or more consecutive
logic 1’s have been received. The active state exists whenever either the primary or one of
the secondary stations is transmitting information or control signals.
Frames transmitted from the primary and secondary use exactly the same format.
There are five fields included in the SDLC frame.
1. Flag field
2. Address field
3. Control field
4. Information (or text) field
5. Frame check character (FCC) field
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
SDLC flag field: There are two flag fields per frame each with a length of one byte and
are the beginning flag and ending flag. Flags are used for delimiting sequence for the frame
and to achieve frame and character synchronization. The bit sequence for a flag is 01111110
(7E hex), which is “=” in EBCDIC code. Several variations of usage of SDLC flags exist:
SDLC Address Field: The address field for SDLC contains eight bits (thus, 256 addresses
are possible). The address 00 hex (00000000) is called the null address and is never-assigned
to a secondary station. The null address is used for network testing. The address FF hex
(11111111) is called the broadcast address and is common to all secondary stations. The
primary station is the only station that can transmit the broadcast address. In frames sent by
the primary station, the address field contains the address of the secondary station (i.e., the
address of the destination). In frames sent from a secondary station, the address field
contains the address of the secondary (i.e., the address of the station sending the message).
The primary station has no address because all transmissions from secondary stations go to
the primary station.
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
SDLC information field: All information transmitted in an SDLC frame must be in the
information field (I field), and the number of bits in the information field must be a multiple
of eight. An information field is not allowed with all SDLC frames. But, the data within an
information field can be user information or control information.
SDLC Control field: The control field is an eight-bit field that identifies the type of frame
being transmitted. The control field is used for polling, confirming previously received
frames, and several other data-link management functions. There are three frame formats
with SDLC: information, supervisory, and unnumbered. With an information frame, there
must be an information field, and the information field must contain user data. Information
frames are used for transmitting sequenced information that must be acknowledged by the
destination station. The bit pattern for the control field of an information frame is
In an information frame, bits b4, b5, and b6 of the control field are the ns bits, which
are used for numbering transmitted frames (ns stands for “number sent”). All information
frames must be numbered. With three bits, the binary numbers 000 through 111(0 through
7) can be represented. Bits b0, b1, and b2 in the control field are the nr bits, which are used
to indicate the status of previously received information frames (nr stands for “number
received”). The nr bits are used to confirm frames received without errors and to
automatically request retransmission of information frames received with errors. The nr is
the number of the next information frame that the transmitting station expects to receive
or the number of the next information frame that the receiving station will transmit. The nr
confirms received frames through nr-1. Frame nr-1 is the last information frame received
without a transmission error.
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
With supervisory frames, an information field is not allowed. Supervisory frames can
be used to confirm previously received information frames, convey ready or busy
conditions, and for a primary to poll a secondary station when the primary does not have
any numbered information to send to the secondary. The bit pattern for the control field of
a supervisory frame is
When a primary station sends a supervisory frame with the P bit set and a status of
ready to receive, it is equivalent to a general poll. Primary stations can use supervisory
frames for polling and also to confirm previously received information frames without
sending any information. A secondary uses the supervisory format for confirming previously
received information frames and for reporting it’s receive status to the primary. An
information field is prohibited with a supervisory frame, and the REJ command/response is
used only with full duplex operation.
An unnumbered frame is identified by making both bits b6 and b7 in the control field
as logic 1’s. The bit pattern for the control field of an unnumbered frame is
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
field in an unnumbered frame sent from a secondary station is called a response. With
unnumbered frames, there are neither ns nor nr bits included in the control field. Therefore,
numbered information frames cannot be sent or confirmed with the unnumbered format.
Unnumbered frames are used to send network control and status information. Some of the
unnumbered commands and responses are given below:
1. Unnumbered information (UI): can be a command or a response used to send
unnumbered information. Acknowledged with an unnumbered acknowledgement (UA).
2. Set initialization mode (SIM): a command that places a secondary station
into initialization mode. Expected response is unnumbered acknowledgement (UA)
3. Request initialization mode (RIM): is a response send by a secondary station
to request the primary to send a SIM command.
4. Set normal response mode (SNRM): is a command that places a secondary into
normal response mode (NRM).
5. Disconnect mode (DM): is a response sent by a secondary if primary tries to send
numbered information when the secondary in sin normal disconnect mode.
6. Request disconnect (RD): is a response sent by a secondary when it wants the
primary to place it in the disconnect mode.
7. Disconnect (DISC): is a command that places a secondary in the normal disconnect
mode (NDM). Expected response is UA
8. Unnumbered acknowledgement (UA): an affirmative response that indicates
compliance to SIM, SNRM, or DISC commands.
9. Frame reject (FRMR): a response for reporting procedural errors.
10. TEST: is a command/response is an exchange of frames between the primary station and
a secondary station.
Frame check character field: The FCC field contains the error detection mechanism
for SDLC. Frame check characters are computed on the data in the address, control, and
information fields.
3. After a primary has completed transmitting, it follows the last flag of the frame with
eight consecutive logic zeros (turnaround sequence) followed by continuous logic
ones (go-ahead sequence -0111111111 — — — —).
4. The turnaround sequence alerts secondary stations of the end of the transmissions.
5. Each secondary, in turn, decodes the address field of each frame and removes
frames addressed to them.
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
7. Secondary stations cannot transmit frames of their own unless they receive a frame
with the P bit set.
8. The first secondary station that receives a frame addressed to it with the P bit set
changes the seventh logic one in the go-ahead sequence to a logic zero, thus
creating a flag. The flag becomes the beginning flag for the secondary station’s
response frames.
9. The next down-loop secondary station that receives a frame addressed to it with the
P bit set, detects the turnaround sequence, any frames transmitted by other up-loop
secondary stations, and then the go-ahead sequence.
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
10. Each secondary station’s response frames are inserted immediately after the
repeated frame.
11. The cycle is completed when the primary receives its own turnaround sequence, a
series of response frames, and the go-ahead sequence.
Transparency: With SDLC, the flag bit sequence (01111110) can occur within a frame
where it is not intended to be a flag. If it happens, the receive controller would misinterpret
the sequence for a flag, destroying the frame. This could be solved by making the receiver
transparent to all data located between the beginning and ending flags. This is called
transparency and the mechanism used with SDLC is called zero-bit insertion or zero stuffing.
Here, logic 0 is automatically inserted after any occurrence of five consecutive logic 1’s,
except in a designated flag sequence. When five consecutive logic1’s are received and the
next bit is a 0, the 0 is automatically deleted or removed. If the next bit is 1, it must a valid
Message abort: A message abort is any occurrence of 7 to 14 consecutive logic 1’s used
to prematurely terminate an SDLC frame. This is done only to accommodate high- priority
messages, such as emergency link recovery procedures.
Invert-on-Zero Encoding
With SDLC, transmission and reception of data must be time synchronized to enable
identification of sequential binary digits. Inver-on-zero encoding, also called NRZI
(nonreturn-to-zero inverted) is the encoding scheme used with SDLC because it guarantees
at least one transition in the data for every seven bits transmitted.
The encoded waveform is unchanged by 1’s in the NRZI encoder. But, logic 0’s cause
the encoded transmission level to invert from its previous state (i.e. from high to low or low
to high). Consequently consecutive logic 0’s are converted to an alternating high/low
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
HDLC has extended addressing capabilities and uses an eight bit address field or an
extended addressing format that is virtually limitless. If b0 in the address field is logic 1, the
seven remaining bits are the secondary’s address. If b0 is logic 0, the next byte is also part of
the address. If b0 of the second byte is also logic 0, then a third address byte follows and so
on until an address byte with a logic 1 for the low-order bit is encountered. An example is
shown below.
Bit b0 in the first two bytes of the address field are logic 0s, indicating that one or
more additional address bytes follow. Bit b0 in the third address byte is a logic 1 which
terminates the address field. There are a total of 21 address bits.
Control field: With HDLC, the control field can be extended to 16 bits. Seven bits are for
ns, and seven bits are for nr. So, there can be a maximum of 127 outstanding (unconfirmed)
frames at any given time. Also, the supervisory format includes a fourth status condition:
selective reject (SREJ). SREJ is identified by two logic 1s in bit positions b 4 and b5 of a
supervisory control field. With SREJ, a single frame can be rejected and it calls for the
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
retransmission of only one frame identified by the three-bit nr code. A REJ calls for the
retransmission of all frames beginning with frames identified by the three-bit nr code.
Information field: HDLC permits any number of bits in the information field of an
information command or response.
HDLC has two operational modes not specified in SDLC: asynchronous response mode and
asynchronous disconnect mode:
1. Asynchronous response mode (ARM):-. With the ARM, secondary stations are allowed to
send unsolicited responses. To transmit, a secondary does not need to have received a
frame from the primary with the P bit set. However, if a secondary receives a frame with the
P bit set, it must respond with a frame with the F bit set.
Unbalanced operation: A single primary station is responsible for central control of the
network. Data transmission may be either half or full duplex. It is logically equivalent to a
multipoint private-line circuit with a polling environment.
Mukesh Chinta,
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DCS Unit – 8 Data-Link Protocols
Assignment Questions
1 (a). What is synchronous data link control (SDLC)? Describe, in detail, the various fields of
the SDLC frame format.
(b) What is the transparency mechanism used with SDLC? Illustrate with an example
2 (a) What is a data link protocol? List and describe in detail the three data link protocol
(b) What are the three frame formats uses with synchronous data link control (SDLC)? What
are the purposes of: the ns bit sequence, nr bit sequence, P bit and F bit ?
3 (a) What is line discipline of a data link protocol? Illustrate an ENQ/ACK line discipline
with an example.
(b) Compare synchronous data link control (SDLC) and high level data link control (HDLC).
Describe the HDLC operational modes.
4 (a) What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous data link protocols ?
Explain with neat format, how the XMODEM protocol works
(b) What is an invert-on zero encoding? Obtain the non return-to-zero inverted (NRZI)
encoding data stream: 100111001010100010111000111
Mukesh Chinta,