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November 2016 Newsletter

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TKE Xi-Upsilon Newsletter

November, 2016 12/1/2016

November Update:
While the semester is winding down and everyone is gearing up for finals
the brotherhood has been busy trying to end on a high note. This month
has been a busy one for Xi Upsilon as we inducted new members, voted on
a new executive board, had many events, and kept a positive presence
here at RIT.
New Members

We are proud to induct all of the

members of PC 102 into our
chapter. These guys have
worked hard from the beginning
of the semester to earn the right
to call themselves members of
Tau Kappa Epsilon. On
November 6th these fine
gentlemen officially entered the
bond and became members of
this great fraternity.
From left to right we have Frater
Matthew Ganley, Frater Shane
Leary, Frater James
Denkenberger, and Frater
Michael Feldpausch.
Fall Semi-Formal

On November 12th we held our first annual Fall

Semi-Formal, brothers, dates, and some alumni
gathered for food, drinks, and dancing. In hindsight
tacos may have not been the cleanest food for this
event, but they were damn good. It was at Fall
Semi-Formal where we announced our latest
Sweetheart, Samantha Miller, she played a crucial
role in planning and executing this event.
To the left is a picture of Samantha Miller receiving
a gift basket and flowers after the announcement.
Behind her we have her boyfriend Frater Justin

This year we had many

brothers attend Mr. RIT,
a pageant show to raise
money for the Cystic
Fibrosis Foundation. Our
very own Frater Brent
Neves performed a
magic show at Mr. RIT
and raised a couple
hundred dollars for the
cause. There was even
a Teke from Oswego
and a few of their
pledges in town that
weekend who attended
the event.

Here we have our annual Tekesgiving, all of the brothers came together and feasted on
approximately a metric ton of food, as is tradition. Fraters Conner Westover and Kevin
Frederickson took on the challenge of cooking turkeys (that’s right, multiple) for the chapter.
All of the food turned out surprisingly well for a bunch of college students whose cooking
experience is limited to ramen and hot pockets.

Here we have a gathering of

brothers in New York City getting
ready for a concert at Madison
Square Garden. Some fraters
traveled over 300 miles to see
each other and go to this concert.
From left to right
Back: Fraters George Haverly,
Zach Kutik, Max Guerine, and
Harry Eifler
Front: Fraters Joe Perreaux, and
Mike Smith.

Final Intramural Update

Broomball: 6-1-1 The brotherhood had a pretty good
Volleyball: 10-0-0 intramural season this semester with
an overall record of 36-19-2. Despite
Flag Football: 4-5-0 our success during the regular season
your boys in Cherry Red weren’t able to
Dodgeball: 8-2-0
win a championship this semester.
Soccer: 4-3-1 Hopefully we can capture gold next
time around.
Heroes of the Storm (Videogame): 4-8-0
Brotherhood Shout out

Congratulations to past Venerable

Prytanis Christian Lemieux on
getting engaged this month. His
fiancée, Katie Davis, is looking
excited in the picture with that
shiny new rock on her finger. Good
luck to the both of them with all of
their future endeavors.

New Executive Board

 Prytanis--------------------------------------------------------------Joseph Pereira, 641
 Epiprytanis----------------------------------------------------------Brian Bogan, 653
 Grammateus--------------------------------------------------------Damien Dobson, 656
 Crysophylos---------------------------------------------------------Ryan Mazur, 673
 Histor------------------------------------------------------------------Damien Brown, 655
 Hypophetes----------------------------------------------------------Yaroslav Tochinski, 643
 Pylortes---------------------------------------------------------------Austin Balek, 671
 Hegemon------------------------------------------------------------Justin Gerard, 629
 Recruitment Chairman-------------------------------------------Dylan Booth, 654

Important Dates:
 12/3- Christmas Party at 50 Names Road

Final Author’s Note: This will be the last newsletter that I write before
passing the reigns over to Frater Damien Brown’s capable hands. I hope
you all have enjoyed reading the newsletter these past few months, and
thanks to those of you who gave me feedback along the way. As always if
there are any suggestions or comments send me a message or email me
at tkexiupsilonhistor@gmail.com
-Joe Pereira #641

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