This document contains a list of chemical engineering concepts and problems from three days of a course. Some of the key topics covered include:
- Nujol mull, C-14 dating, isothermal processes, radioactivity dating, back titration problems, nuclear chemistry balancing equations, energy problems, lapse rate formula, molecular formula of sucrose, functional groups, solubility product problems, titration problems, vapor pressure lowering, entropy calculations, naming organic compounds, the uncertainty principle, ideal gas law problems, melting points, BOD calculations, enthalpy calculations using Hess's law, heat capacity problems, water power problems, finding ionic strength, van der Waals equations, crystallization problems, humidification problems
This document contains a list of chemical engineering concepts and problems from three days of a course. Some of the key topics covered include:
- Nujol mull, C-14 dating, isothermal processes, radioactivity dating, back titration problems, nuclear chemistry balancing equations, energy problems, lapse rate formula, molecular formula of sucrose, functional groups, solubility product problems, titration problems, vapor pressure lowering, entropy calculations, naming organic compounds, the uncertainty principle, ideal gas law problems, melting points, BOD calculations, enthalpy calculations using Hess's law, heat capacity problems, water power problems, finding ionic strength, van der Waals equations, crystallization problems, humidification problems
This document contains a list of chemical engineering concepts and problems from three days of a course. Some of the key topics covered include:
- Nujol mull, C-14 dating, isothermal processes, radioactivity dating, back titration problems, nuclear chemistry balancing equations, energy problems, lapse rate formula, molecular formula of sucrose, functional groups, solubility product problems, titration problems, vapor pressure lowering, entropy calculations, naming organic compounds, the uncertainty principle, ideal gas law problems, melting points, BOD calculations, enthalpy calculations using Hess's law, heat capacity problems, water power problems, finding ionic strength, van der Waals equations, crystallization problems, humidification problems
This document contains a list of chemical engineering concepts and problems from three days of a course. Some of the key topics covered include:
- Nujol mull, C-14 dating, isothermal processes, radioactivity dating, back titration problems, nuclear chemistry balancing equations, energy problems, lapse rate formula, molecular formula of sucrose, functional groups, solubility product problems, titration problems, vapor pressure lowering, entropy calculations, naming organic compounds, the uncertainty principle, ideal gas law problems, melting points, BOD calculations, enthalpy calculations using Hess's law, heat capacity problems, water power problems, finding ionic strength, van der Waals equations, crystallization problems, humidification problems
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What is Nujol mull
Who invented C-14 dating In isothermal process, internal energy is zero (yes,no), it appeared twice (3) Radioactivity problem- age of rock, given half life Back Titration prob, given conc acid,vol acid,conc base find wt of residue,(no vol of base given) Nuclear chem -balancing (4) balancing equation (3) energy problem, given heat content of wood, number of houses (situational) Thermal inversion Lapse rate formula (stable, unstable) Molecular formula of sucrose, it appeared twice Where is ozone located? (stratosphere) Functional group in Taurine Nucleophilic substitution definition Added to ester to produce alcohol Solubility product problem,given ksp find conc Titration of acid and base,given initial conc find conc of phenolpthtalein, acid and base Titration, given initial conc of acid and base, find the pH after a vol of base is added Find the pH of sodium benzoate, given conc Which has larger atomic radius (positive ion, negative ion) (2) dilution factor problem Vapour pressure lowering problem Entropy calculation of ideal gas with change in pressure and volume Work calculation of ideal gas The solid part in the earth( lithosphere, atmosphere, biosphere) Naming organic compound Uncertainty principle definition What happen in temperature of perfect gas in throttling process? (no change, increase, decrease) Gibbs free energy calculation Ideal gas law problem Which has higher melting point,(glycerol+stearic, Glycerol+palmitic) BOD calculation Enthalpy calculation compound given enthalpy of rxn- hess law Lime added to acidic solution, what is the temperature rise (3) heat calculation- given heat capacities, temp. (situational) (3) water falls ,given water rate and height, calculate the power produce and the final temp (situational) Find ionic strength given conc of salt Derivation of van der waals equations Day 2 Ans. C,B, C Mccabe sample problem 22.1/5th ed. (required is the diameter of the tower only)
(3) Crystallization problem, find the yield, etc (situational)
(3) Find work, enthalpy of isentropic turbine (situational) (5) process control objectives (3) humidification problem, find dew point, etc. (situational) (3) cooling tower, given range, hot water temp, find wet bulb temp etc (situational) (3) given volume of expansivity, β, initial temp, find work, final temp etc (situational) (3) leaching problem,. find conc in overflow, conc in underflow, etc (situational) (3) material balance with chemical rxn, sucrose to ethanol, find ethanol produced, etc (situational) (3) centrifuge problem with capacity factor concept, ∑, find terminal velocity, etc. (situational) Internal energy is dependent on (temperature only, pressure only, temp and press etc Another internal energy question, choices ( enthalpy, gibbs energy, etc) Type of process where the feed is moving up in Glass manufacturing process What is added when glazing in ceramics Ideal gas problem In a hot bath, with Al in one side and Cu in other side, what will happen? -Al will heat faster -Cu will heat faster - heat is equal Day 3
(1) Spring problem, find the frequency
(1) age problem (1) Integral calc (1) What is sinx/cosx (1) size of the largest cylinder in a sphere given radius (1) moment of inertia (1) difference of the distances to the fixed points is constant (hyperbola, parabola, ellipse) (1) fish w/ velocity and mass eats other fish at rest, find the final velocity- momentum (1) find the force need to move the block in an inclined plane given static friction (9) Eng econ- bookkeeping analysis, dimensional analysis, (situational) (3) free fall (situational) (3) statistics- mean,std deviation, variance (situational) (3) ethics objectives (3) quadrilateral- find bisector, distance (situational) (3) two blocks in an inclined plane, what force needed to move the two blocks (situational) (3) rate problem, draining water in a cone (situational) (3) Brine problem, differential equation (situational) (3) Warren truss (situational) (3) probability (situational) (3) 2 points given, find the slope, y-intercept, equation at a given point (situational)