INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 13. The active component of sunblock that reflects UVA radiation
1. What is the total number of completely or partially filled p- a) benzophenone c) titanium dioxide
orbitals in 33As atom in its ground state configuration? b) p-Aminobenzoic acid d) no answer
a) 3 b) 6 c) 8 d) 9 14. What is the mean MW of a sample of fat with a saponification
2. It is a plausible explanation of a body of observed natural number of 100.
phenomena. a) 160 b) 167 c) 168 d) 169
a) Principle b) Experiment c) Law d) Theory
3. Whose rule delineates the placement of additional electrons in
the unfilled orbital of lowest energy?
a) Aufbau b) Avogadro c) Hund d) Pauli
4. The major problem in exploiting nuclear fusion as an energy 15. How many lightseconds is the earth from the sun?
source is a) 499 b) 3.14x107 c) 9.41x1015 d) 350
a) the high radioactivity of the reactants 16. A line in Pfund series (nlo = 5) occurs at 3.74 x 10-6m. What is
b) the high radioactivity of the products nhi for this transition? Rydberg constant equals 2.18 x 10-18 J.
c) the lack of appropriate reactants a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d) 9
d) the high activation energy that is required for the reaction
5. Styrofoam is a good insulating material because
a) it is a plastic material that conducts heat poorly
b) it contains many tiny pockets of air
c) of the structure of the molecules making it up
d) it is not very dense
6. The condensation of water vapor actually ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
a) warms the surroundings 17. Which of these gives mostly the meta product when treated
b) cools the surroundings with Br2 / Fe?
c) sometimes warms and sometimes cools the surroundings a) c)
d) neither warms nor cools the surroundings
7. Spectral lines are produced when
a) electrons are knocked out of their energy level
b) electrons interact with photons
c) electrons move up to higher energy levels Cl
d) electrons return to their energy level b) d)
8. Which of the following species has a molecular geometry of
square pyramidal?
a) ClO3- b) BH4- c) BrF5 d) SF6
9. Pb has a relative abundance of 23.6%. What size of Pb will
contain 8.34 x 1021 atoms of 206
Pb if the density of Pb is 11.35 18. What is the product of the following reaction: 3-Methyl-1,4-
g/cm ? 3 hexadiene + 2 Cl2?
a) 0.25 cm3 b) 1.07 cm3 c) 7.01 cm3 d) 10.7 cm3 a) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachloro-3-methylhexane
10. If the rate of reaction of 0.1M sodium cyanide with 0.1M 1- b) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachloro-1,3-dimethylhexane
c) 1,2,4,5-Tetrachloro-3,5-dimethylhexane
bromoethane is 1.4 x 10-4, what effect will an increase in
d) 2,3,5,6-Tetrachloro-4-methylhexane
NaCN concentration to 0.3 and alkyl bromide concentration to
19. Give the IUPAC name of the polyfunctional hydrocarbon
0.2 have on the overall reaction rate?
derivative below.
a) increase by 2 times c) increase by 6 times
b) increase by 3 times d) increase by 1.5 times
11. An atom of a particular element is travelling at 1% of the
speed of light. The wavelength is found to be 3.31 x 10 -3 pm.
The element is
a) Be b) Mg c) Ca d) Sr
12. It takes 208.4 kJ of energy to remove one mole of electrons
a) Methyl-3-(2-oxo-1-cyclohexenyl)propanoate
from the atoms on the surface of rubidium metal. If rubidium
b) Methyl-3-(2-oxo-6-cyclohexenyl)propanoate
metal is irradiated with 254-nm light, what is the maximum
c) Propyl-3-(2-oxo-1-cyclohexenyl)methanoate
kinetic energy the released electrons can have?
d) Propyl-3-(2-oxo-6-cyclohexenyl)methanoate
a) 3.02 x 10-19 J c) 5.89 x 10-19 J
b) 4.36 x 10-19 J d) 7.82 x 10-19 J
20. In the reaction of 2-Nitrotoluene with Bromine in the the molar concentration of HCl solution used if the sample
presence of iron, which of the products shown below is the contains 19.9% inert matters?
most abundant in the mixture? a) 0.3360M b) 0.4450M c) 0.6360M d) 0.9630M
O CH3 CH3 O 26. Consider two reaction vessels A and B, where [A]o = [B]o at
a) N Br c) N t=0. A and B decompose by 1st order reaction with reaction
O O constants of 4.50 x 10-4 s-1 and 3.70 x 10-3 s-1 respectively.
Calculate the time that must pass to reach the condition such
Br that [A]t = 6.58 [B]t.
CH3 O CH3 a) 394 s b) 453 s c) 580 s d) 637 s
b) N d) 27. A 0.12 g sample of calcite is treated with 36.82 ml of 0.08132
HCl and the excess is found to require 6.2 ml of 0.09677 N
O NaOH for back titration. Calculate the percentage purity of
N Br
Br O a) 99.8% b) 98.3% c) 89.3% d) 49.8%
28. A 347.5 mg sample of meat was analyzed for its nitrogen
21. What is the product when Butyne undergoes a double content. Upon digestion, the ammonia liberated was colleted
hydrobromination under the presence of organic peroxide? in 150 mL of 0.6 M H3BO3 solution. The resulting solution was
a) 1,2-Dibromobutane c) 1,1-Dibromobutane titrated with 45.5 mL of 0.0122 MHCl using mixed indicator.
b) 2,2-Dibromobutane d) 2,3-Dibromobutane Determine the percentage of protein in the sample using 6.25
22. Which of the following pairs of products can be obtained when as factor for meat products.
an alkene such as 3-Hexene is reacted with peroxyacetic acid? a) 1.12% b) 2.24% c) 13.98% d) 27.96%
a) Epoxide and ester c) Alcohol and carboxylic acid 29. 0.180 g of metal upon reaction with excess hydrochloric acid
b) Ether and ester d) Epoxide and carboxylic acid
produced 24.6 ml of hydrogen gas at 270C and 1 atmospheric
pressure. What is the equivalent weight of the metal?
a) 36 b) 45 c) 90 d) 180
23. Identify a conjugate pair from the equilibrium provided:
PO43- + HCO3- ⇌ HPO42- + CO32-
a) CO3 and HPO42- c) PO43- and HPO42-
3- -
b) PO4 and HCO3 d) HCO3- and HPO42-
24. Calculate the pH that results when the following solutions are
mixed: 35 ml of 0.20 M formic acid, 55 ml of 0.10 M sodium
formate, 110 ml of water
a) 4.58 b) 3.64 c) 3.39 d) 3.11
(𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡)(𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒)(𝑀𝑊)(𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒)
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 =
(𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 𝑒 − )(𝐹𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑎𝑦 ′ 𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡)
𝐶 3600 𝑠 𝑔
(5 ) (3.5 ℎ) ( ) (55.847 ) (1 𝑚𝑜𝑙)
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝐹𝑒 = [ 𝑠 1ℎ 𝑚𝑜𝑙 ] (0.68)
(3 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 𝑒 − ) (96500 )
𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒 𝑒 −
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝐹𝑒 = 8.2642 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑠
62. In an experiment to determine the specific heat of copper, a
piece of copper weighing 50 g is heated to 1000C in steam,then
c) DNA is a double stranded while RNA is a single-stranded
d) The base thymine found in DNA is replaced by uracil in
67. Which organ is especially sensitive to a vitamin deficiency?
a) skin b) liver c) heart d) lungs
68. Histidine, an essential α-amino acid present in our body can
transform into histamine under enzymatic activity of histidine
decarboxylase. When the reaction velocity is 2.6 mM/s, 1.67
mM of histamine is formed. Assuming 15 mM of the
decarboxylase (Kcat = 30 s-1) is used, determine the Michaelis-
Menten constant KM.
a) 0.19 M b) 0.29 M c) 0.39 M d) 0.49 M
69. A competitve inhibitor of an enzyme is usually
a) structurally similar to the substrate
b) water insoluble
c) a metal ion such as Hg2+ or Pb2+
d) a highly reactive compound
70. Given an enzyme with a KM = 10 mM and Vmax = 100 mmol/min. if
64. Assume the following, the ionization potential of C3 = 3.89 eV, [S] = 100 mM, which of the following will be true?
h = 6.63 x 10-34/sec and C3 metal is sensitive to real light of a) A 10 fold increase in Vmax would increase velocity 10 fold
700 nm. What number of electrons that can be removed from b) A 10 fold decrease in KM would increase velocity
metallic cesium with the energy required to remove one c) A 10 fold increase in Vmax would decrease velocity 20 fold
electron from an isolated cesium atom d) Both a and b
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 13 71. Which of the following statement is not true?
a) Enzymes are proteins that bind to specific substrates
and increase the velocity of reactions involving
b) Enzymes make thermodynamically favorable reactions to
proceed; they cannot make unfavorable reactions to
c) Enzymes function by overcoming the activation energy
barrier of a reaction
d) Enzymes only function when they are intact cells
72. Causes food poisoning in canned goods
a) Bacillus anthracis c) E.coli
b) Yersinio pestis d) Clostridium botulinum
73. A lab technician may prevent a blood sample from clotting by
adding a compound that prevents from entering the
65. Which of the following is NOT true about enzyme reactions? a) potassium citrate c) sodium ion
a) Enzymes are sensitive or unstable molecules and require b) Vitamin K d) calcium ion
care in their use. 74. Which chemical test is used to detect the presence of amino
b) The reaction conditions for the enzyme reactions are acids and proteins?
very mild.
a) Benedict’s Test c) Molisch Test
c) An enzyme catalyst is highly specific, and catalyzes only
one or a small number of chemical reactions. b) Biuret Test d) Ninhydrin Test
d) The rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction is usually much 75. If a reaction occurs in the absence of inhibitor with rate ν0
slower than that of the same reaction when directed by and in the presence of inhibitor with rate νi, the degree of
nonbiological catalyst. inhibition is defined as
66. The following statements about RNA and DNA are true a) (ν0 - νi)/ν0 b) (ν0 + νi)/ν0 c) (ν0νi)/ν0 d) (ν0-νi)/νi
except 76.
a) Ribose is the sugar unit in the backbone of RNA; while it
is deoxyribose in DNA
b) RNA molecules are much larger than DNA molecules.