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(AdU Special Topics) PhyChm and ChEThermo Problems

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College of Engineering PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY

Chemical Engineering Department Page 1 of 4

1. One g-mole of a gas at STP occupies __________

a. 359 ft3 b. 22.4 L c. 1L d. both a and b
2. Which of the following statements is FALSE about ideal gases?
a. Volume occupied by molecules of ideal gases is negligible compared with the total volume at all pressures and temperatures
b. The pressure of an ideal gas in a container does not change with respect to time
c. The collisions of molecules does not involve losses on both kinetic energy and momentum
d. The pressure of the gas varies inversely with time
3. A certain quantity of nitrogen gas collected over water at 20C and at a total pressure of 745 mm Hg has a volume of 200 mL.
What will be the volume of the nitrogen in a completely dry state at 780 mm Hg pressure and at 48C. The vapor pressure of
water at 20C is 17.54 mm Hg.
a. 211.45 mL b. 209.27 mL c. 206.75 mL d. 204.34 mL
4. Based on kinetic theory of gases, the rate of diffusion of N2 at 25C would be __________ times that of CO2 at 75C.
a. 1.73 b. 1.16 c. 0.97 d. 0.87
5. How many grams of KClO3 are needed to prepare 1.8 L of O2 gas that is collected over H2O at 22C and 760 torr? Vapor
pressure of water at 22C is 19.8 torr
a. 5.1 b. 5.4 c. 5.9 d. 5.7
6. What is the molar volume of helium gas, assumed a van der Waals gas, at 1.3 atm and a temperature of 45C? For helium
gas, a = 0.034 atm- L2/mol2 and b = 0.0237 L/mol
a. 20.06 L/mol b. 20.08 L/mol c. 20.10 L/mol d. 20.12 L/mol
7. Method used to determine the molecular weights in the vapor phase of volatile liquids.
a. Regnault Method c. Method of Limiting Density
b. Dumas Method d. Berthelot Method
8. The densities of a gas at 0C were measured at several pressures with the following results:
Pressure (atm) 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00
Density (g/L) 0.17893 0.35808 0.53745 0.71707
Find the exact molecular weight of the gas in g/mol.
a. 16.03 b. 16.09 c. 16.15 d. 16.21
9. The following data were taken in measuring the molecular weight of a certain gas by the Regnault Method:
Weight of evacuated bulb = 42.5050 grams Temperature = 25.00C
Weight of bulb + gas = 43.3412 grams Pressure (corrected) = 745.00 mm Hg
Weight of bulb + water = 365.31 grams
Find the molecular weight of the gas.
a. 32.32 g/mol b. 48.15 g/mol c. 64.65 g/mol d. 81.19 g/mol
10. The densities of 1-propanol and 2-propanol are 0.789 g/mL and 0.804 g/mL, respectively. What is the ratio of the heights to
which they will rise at 20C in a given capillary? The surface tensions of 1-propanol and 2-propanol are 23.8 and 21.7
dynes/cm, respectively.
a. 1.076 b. 1.118 c. 1.232 d. 1.487
11. A gas whose viscosity is 200 P flows through a capillary tube 2 mm in diameter and 2 meters long. If 5 liters of gas pass
through the tube every 10 seconds, what must be the pressure head in dynes/cm2 under which the gas is flowing?
a. 5.09  105 b. 7.56  105 c. 8.31  105 d. 9.04  105
For number 12 and 13…
Ten grams of N2 at 17C are compressed adiabatically and reversibly from an initial pressure of 0.5 atm to 5.0 atm. Assume CP =
7/ R
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Chemical Engineering Department Page 2 of 4

12. Calculate the final temperature of the gas.

a. 210.43C b. 256.23C c. 287.04C d. 293.19C
13. If the compression is done against a constant external pressure of 1 atm, what would be the final temperature of the gas?
a. 210.43C b. 256.23C c. 287.04C d. 293.19C
14. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
a. The standard heat of formation of an element is negative
b. Since H = U + PV and can never be equal to U
c. Q and W are state functions
d. Q + W is a state function
15. For a closed system, dU = Q+W. Which of the following statement is FALSE?
a. In a process where a gas is stored system.
b. In an isobaric process, the heat in the equation is equal to the change in enthalpy of the system.
c. In an isothermal process, heat in the equation is equal to zero since temperature of the system is constant
d. In an adiabatic process, the work involved is equal to the change in internal energy.
16. During adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas, work is done by the system and U
a. decreases b. increases c. does not change d. none of these
17. A Carnot cycle operates on the following processes
a. two constant pressure and two isentropic processes
b. two constant pressure processes and two isothermal processes
c. two constant volume processes and two isentropic processes
d. two isothermal processes and two isentropic processes
18. The natural flow heat is described in the statement of __________.
a. Kelvin-Planck Statement of the Second Law c. 1st Law of Thermodynamics
b. Clausius Statement of the Second Law d. 0th Law of Thermodynamics
19. Coefficient of Performance is the ratio of
a. work produced to the heat absorbed in a high temperature source
b. heat absorbed from a high temperature source to the useful work produced
c. heat absorbed from a low temperature source and work input
d. none of the above
20. Which of the following processes will result in the increase in entropy?
a. adiabatic reversible compression c. adiabatic reversible expansion
b. isothermal reversible compression d. isothermal reversible expansion
21. A Carnot cycle heat engine operating between 1540°F and 440°F has an efficiency of approximately
a. 35% b. 82% c. 55% d. 25%
22. The minimum work required for the manufacture of 5 lbs. of ice cubes from water initially at 32°F is
a. 87.6 BTU b. 73.0 BTU c. 90.2 BTU d. 70.0 BTU
23. Calculate the entropy change suffered by 2 moles of an ideal gas on being heated from a volume of 100 L at 50C to a volume
of 150 L at 150C using CV = 7.88 cal/mol-C.
a. 3.85 cal/K b. 4.05 cal/K c. 4.65 cal/K d. 5.88 cal/K
24. A copper block (CP = 0.398 kJ/kg-K) weighing 15 kg and a temperature of 500K is placed in a well-insulated vessel containing
100 kg of water initially at 300K. The entropy change of the entire process is
a. – 0.822 kJ/K b. 0.756 kJ/K c. –0.893 kJ/K d. 0.893 kJ/K
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25. For a certain reaction, SR = –59.20 eu, and

3.985  10
3 cal
ΔC P   7.58  17.42  10 T []
mol  K
Find from these data S of the reaction at 100C
a. – 36.67 eu b. – 60.40 eu c. – 73.18eu d. – 85.32 eu
26. Three moles of N2(g) originally at 1 atm pressure, are mixed isothermally with 5 moles H2(g) also at 1 atm pressure, to yield a
mixture whose total pressure is 1 atm. Assuming the gases to be ideal, calculate the total entropy of mixing.
a. 8.14 cal/K b. 10.52 cal/K c. 11.45 cal/K d. 13.97 cal/K
27. If the forward reaction is observed to be spontaneous, which of the following is possible if its reverse reaction is spontaneous at
high temperature?
a. H (+) and S (+) b. H (+) and S (–) c. b. H (–) and S (–) d. H (–) and S (+)
28. For a certain reaction, G = 13,580 + 16.1 Tlog T – 72.59 T. Determine H of the reaction at 25C.
a. 8,963 cal b. 10,569 cal c. 11,490 cal d. 12,215 cal
29. At reversible and constant temperature condition, the maximum work done by a system is accomplished at the expense of a
decrease in the _______________.
a. Gibbs Free Energy c. Entropy
b. Helmholtz Free Energy d. Enthalpy
30. Calculate the difference in calories between G and A at 25C for the reaction:
H2 (g, 1atm) + ½ O2 (g, 1 atm)  H2O(l)
a. –256 cal b. –888 cal c. –904 cal d. –1058 cal
31. Ammonia decomposes according to the equation:
2NH3(g)  N2(g) + 3H2(g) KC = 5.6 x 10–8 at 400C
0.50 mol NH3 was injected into a 2.0L reaction vessel at 400C. Calculate the concentration of NH3 at equilibrium.
a. 0.00337M b. 0.237M c. 0.00143M d. 0.243M
32. For the reaction,
MnCO3(s)  MnO(s) + CO2(g) 3
ΔH   27,660  14.16TlogT  10.7  10 T  10.19T

If the dissociation pressure at 25C is 0.5 atm, calculate the dissociation pressure at 100C.
a. 49.9 atm b. 53.6 atm c. 57.9 atm d. 63.2 atm
33. A liquid is observed to boil at 120C under a pressure of 725 mm Hg. Its molar heat of vaporization is 8200 cal/mol. Calculate
the normal boiling point of the liquid.
a. 122.76C b. 120.80C c. 118.16C d. 112.54C
34. The vapor pressure of a liquid
a. always increases with temperature c. is independent of temperature
b. always decreases with temperature d. increases only up to boiling point
35. If water and ethanol are mixed in equal amounts by weight at 60°C, and the solution assumed ideal, calculate the composition
of the vapor above the solution if vapor pressure of water and ethanol at 60C are 149.4 and 352.7 mm Hg, respectively.
a. 24% mol ethanol and 76% mol water c. 48% mol ethanol and 52% water
b. 76% mol ethanol and 24% mol water d. 52% mol ethanol and 48% water
36. Law that adequately predicts the behavior of dilute solutions.
a. Raoult’s Law b. Henry’s Law c. Nernst Law d. Le Chatelier’s Principle
37. Dry air is bubbled through 25.0 liters of water at a rate of 15 L (STP)/min. The air leaving the liquid is saturated with water at
25C and 1.5 atm. How long will it take for all the water to vaporize?
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a. 32.9 days b. 67.8 days c. 79.1 days d. 80.7 days

38. As the atmospheric pressure decreases, the boiling point of a liquid __________
a. cannot be determined b. is not affected c. increases d. decreases
39. If 10 grams of water was found in the distillate, what is the weight of benzene in the vapor phase?
a. 52 grams b. 103 grams c. 156 grams d. 188 grams
40. One colligative property of solutions is its freezing point depression. Which observation will show that the solute is an
electrolyte? TF/m
a. is not a constant b. is not Kf c. is less than Kf d. is greater than Kf
41. Which of these 0.1 m solutions will give the highest boiling point at 1 atm?
a. table salt solution b. sugar solution c. calcium chloride d. potassium chloride
42. For a chemical reaction in a state of equilibrium, a decrease in temperature will
a. favor the reaction that is exothermic c. have no effect on the system
b. favor the reaction that is endothermic d. increase the equilibrium constant of the system
43. For the process CO(s) + ½O2(g)  CO2(g), it is found that ΔG at a given temperature is –10 kcal/mole. Which statement is correct
at this temperature?
a. The system is in equilibrium c. CO2 will decompose spontaneously
b. CO2 will be formed spontaneously d. The process will proceed reversibly
44. Which of the following affects the equilibrium constant of a given system?
a. concentration b. pressure c. volume d. none of these
45. Addition of salt to water-ethanol system will result in the __________ of the vapor pressure above the solution.
a. increase b. decrease c. equality d. none of these
46. Osmosis is defined as the passage of __________ molecules in a semi-permeable membrane.
a. solute b. solvent c. cationic d. anionic
47. A 0.01 molal solution of K3Fe(CN)6 freezes at –0.062C. What is its apparent degree of dissociation?
a. 25.9% b. 47.2% c. 67.2% d. 78%
48. How many grams of urea must be added to 4000 grams of water to make the solution boil at 100.32C?
a. 75.3 grams b. 150.5 grams c. 185.4 grams d. 205.6 grams
49. A solution of 0.72% wt HCl, freezes at –0.706C. Calculate the apparent molecular weight of HCl.
a. 38.2 g/mol b. 37.8 g/mol c. 37.1 g/mol d. 36.5 g/mol
50. At 30C, the vapor pressure of pure benzene is 119.6 mm Hg. Calculate the vapor pressure of benzene at this temperature
over a solution made by dissolving 15.0 grams of naphthalene in 156 grams of benzene.
a. 98.23 mm Hg b. 104.27 mm Hg c. 112.98 mm Hg d. 126.22 mm Hg

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