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D πt e D π t e dt X DX y y dX

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DEPNAG, Chrysler Kane 1:30-4:30 MW

WALSER, Shana Angela

1. Steady state temperature reached by a small amount of liquid evaporating into a large amount
of unsaturated vapor-gas mixture is
a. dry-bulb temperature c. wet bulb temperature
b. adiabatic saturation temperature d. gas temperature

2. The operating line for an absorbed is curved when plotted in terms of

a. mole fractions c. partial pressure
b. vapor pressure d. mass fractions

3. What is the diffusivity of methanol in water at 20oC?

a. 1.28 b. 5.13 c. 1.80 d. 1.41

4. The shape of the profiles is such that at any time the effective depth of liquid which contains
an appreciable concentration of solute can be specified is referred to as the .
a. Kick’s Law c. Kinetic Theory
b. Penetration Theory d. Fick’s Law

5. A deep pool of ethanol is suddenly exposed to an atmosphere of pure carbon dioxide and
unsteady state mass transfer, governed by Fick’s Law, takes place for 100s. What portion of
the absorbed CO2 will have accumulated in the 1mm layer closest to the surface in this
a. 17% b. 78% c. 37% d. 83%

DCO2 in ethanol = 4 × 10-9 m2/s
(NA)t = CAi
√ D 4 Dt
te −1 − y

(NA)t = CAi

√ π∫ 0
t 2
e 4 Dt dt

Let: =X
4 Dt
2√ D X

y 2−2
and dt = dX
4 D X3

y 2−2 2 √ D X − X 2

Integral = ∫ (¿ )e dX ¿
∞ 4 D X3 y
−y 2

= ∫ X−2 e− X dX
√D ∞

√ ( ){
D −y
2 Xe 2

Molar transfer per unit area = CAi [e −X

( −X ) ]∞ −∫ [−2 X e− X (− X−1 ) ] dX
πt √ D ∞

( √ ){
2 2

X−1 −X
= CAi e e +2−∫ e−X dX

π Xe
− y2

( ){ }
y 2 √ D te 4 D t y
= CAi e − √ π erfc e

√π y 2 √ D te
− y2

= CAi 2
Dt e 4 D t
e − yerfc

2 √D te }
Substituting D = 4 × 10-9 m2/s; t = 100s,
@ y = 0: Moles transferred = 2CAi
√ (4 × 10−9
)(100 s ) = 7.1365×10-4 C

@ y = 10−3 m: Moles transferred = CAi(7.1365×10-4 e−0.626 – 10−3 erfc 0.791 ¿

= CAi(3.8161×10-4 – 2.63×10-4)
= 1.1861×10-4 CAi

( 7.1365−1.1861 )
Portion of material retained in layer =
Portion of material retained∈layer=0.8338 or 83%

6. Material deposits diminishing overall heat transfer coefficient of evaporators.

a. foams b. magma c. salts d. scales

7. When the pressure of the heating steam in an evaporator is increased, the steam consumption
for a given duty and heat transfer area will
a.increases c. remains the same
b.decreases d. no answer

8. A solution is to be concentrated from 10 to 65% solids in a vertical long tube evaporator. The
solution has a negligible elevation of boiling point and its specific heat can be taken to be the
same as that of water. Steam is available at 203.6 kPa, and the condenser operates at 13.33
kPa. The feed enters the evaporator at 295K. The total evaporation is to be 25,000 kg/h of
water. Overall heat transfer coefficient is 2800 W/m2-K. Calculate the heat transfer required
in kW.
a. 19800 b. 17523 c. 24582 d. 30900

Assume 1-second operation
Let: F = feed; B = thick liquor
*from Steam Table: @ Pcondenser = 13.33 kPa; Tcondenser = 325K
@ Psteam = 203.6 kPa; Tsteam = 394K

Hv H2O @ 325K = 2375 kJ/kg

Hv steam @ 203.6 kPa = 2198 kJ/kg

*Solids Balance: F(0.10) = B(0.65) (1)

*H2O Balance: F(0.90) = B(0.35) + 25,000 kg/h ( ¿ (2)
3600 s

Solving 1 and 2 simultaneously:

F = 8.2070 kg/s B = 1.2626 kg/s

Q = mH2O (Hv) + mFCp∆T

Q = 25,000 kg/h ( ¿(2375 kJ/kg) + (8.2070 kg/s)(4.187 kJ/kg-K)(325-295)K
3600 s
Q = 17,523.9368 kJ/s

9. Based from the preceding problem, calculate the steam consumption in kilogram per hour.
a. 28700 b. 35400 c. 40100 d. 43690

Hv steam @ 203.6 kPa = 2198 kJ/kg
msteam =
Hv steam
kJ 3600 s
(17,523.9368 )( )
msteam = s h
2198 kJ /kg
msteam = 28,701.6253 kg/h

10. Based from the preceding problem, calculate the heating transfer area required in square
a. 90.7 b. 70.8 c. 34.8 d. 24.2

U ∆T
17,523.9368 kJ / s
A= 1 kW
(2800 W /m2−K )( ) (394−325 ) K
A = 90.7036 m2

11. Based from the preceding problem, calculate the steam economy.
a. 0.45 b. 0.87 c. 0.67 d. 0.98

kg evaporated
steam economy =
kg steam
25,000 kg/h
steam economy =
28,701.6253 kg/h
steam economy = 0.8710

12. A wet material having a critical moisture content of 15% and an equilibrium moisture
content of 3% dry bulb took 6 hours to dry from 45% dry bulb to 10% moisture. The time it
will take to dry to 15% moisture dry bulb is
a. 5 hrs b. 4 hrs c. 5.5 hrs d. 4.5 hrs

Assume constant drying
@ t1
t = (wi – wc) /Rc + (wc/Rc) ln(wc/wf)
6 hrs = (0.45 – 0.15)/Rc + (0.15/Rc) ln (0.15/0.10)
Rc = 0.0601/hr

t2 = (0.45 – 0.15)/0.0601/hr
t2 = 4.9917 hrs

13. Extraction of coffee from seed is done by

a.Liquid-liquid extraction c. Steam distillation
b.Extractive distillation d. Leaching

Coffee is extracted from the seed by solid-liquid extraction(leaching) when hot water(solvent)
passes through the coffee bean(solute)

14. At minimum reflux ratio, the number of plates is

a. minimum b. maximum c. infinite d. NOTA

The Minimum Reflux Ratio (Rmin) is the lowest value of reflux at which separation can be
achieved even with an infinite number of plates.

15. The Fick’s Law of diffusion gives the rate of diffusion based on
driving force.
a. pressure b. temperature c. concentration d. AOTA
16. Raw cotton has been stored in a warehouse at 29C and 50% RH. For 200 kg of cotton from
the warehouse, how many kilograms should appear in the woven cloth, neglecting lintage and
thread losses? Regain of cotton cloth at 70%RH is 8.10.
a. 202.8 b. 202.7 c. 202.6 d. 202.5

Xm2 = 0.081
GW = 200 kg
RH1 = 50%
RH2 = 70%
T = 29℃

Gross Weight = Bone Dry Weight + Moisture (1)

but, M = Xm(BDW)
M in 1,
GW = BDW + Xm(BDW)
GW = BDW(1+Xm)

@ RH1 = 50% and T = 29℃, Xm1 = 0.066 @ RH2 = 70%

BDW = 200 kg / (1 + 0.066) GW = 187.6173 kg (1 + 0.081)
BDW = 187.6173 kg GW = 202.8143 kg

17. Determine the quantity of heat in KJ/min required to raise 14m 3/min at 80%RH of air from
20°C to 35°C dry bulb.
a. 87.62 b. 247.95 c. 287.62 d. 97.18

From the psychrometric chart, @ Tdb = 20°C & 80% RH,

H= 50kJ/kg d.a.
V = 0.847 m3/kg d.a.

14 m3 /min
=16 . 5289 kg /min
Mass flow rate = 0. 847 m /kg
@Tdb = 35°C
H2= 65 kJ/kg
Q = m(H2-H1)
Q = 16.5289kg/min(65-50)kJ/kg
Q=247.9335 kJ/min

18. Separation of two or more components of a liquid solution cannot be achieved by

a.fractional crystallization c. absorption
b.liquid extraction d. evaporation

19. A mixture of ammonia and air at a pressure of 745 mm Hg and a temperature of 40℃
contains 4.9% NH3 by volume. The gas phase at a rate of 100 cfm through an absorption tower
in which only ammonia is removed. The gases leave the tower at a pressure of 740 mm Hg, a
temperature of 20℃ and contain 0.13% ammonia by volume. Calculate the rate of flow of gas
leaving the tower in cfm.
a. 89.5 b. 98.2 c. 107.7 d. 122.9

G= =0.1108 lbmol /min
0.7302(752+ 460)

G ' =( 1−0.049 )( 0.1108 )=0.1054 lbmol /min

0. 7302( 392+ 460 )( 0 .1054 )
V= 760 = 67.3448 lbmol/min

20. Based from the preceding data, calculate the weight of ammonia in the tower in lb/min
a. 9.2 b. 6.4 c. 3.2 d. 0.19

0.049( x)
0.049 ( x ) +0.951

Amt of NH3 in the tower = 0.9747(0.049)(0.1108)(17)

Amt of NH3 in the tower = 0.09lb/min

21. What is the relative volatility of benzene to pentane at 1000F and 465 psia?
a. 15.2 b. 0.75 c. 3.20 d. 0.30

∝ AB= =0.2063

22. The charge to a simple batch still consists of an equimolar mixture of hexane and heptanes.
If the relative volatility of hexane and heptanes is 2 and 50% hexane has vaporized, what is the
mole fraction of heptanes in the total distillate?
a. 0.37 b. 0.46 c. 0.52 d. 0.73

noa = 50%
nob = 50%
na = 50% vaporized
∝ab = 2

@ Bottoms:
nb n nb 25 mols 1
= a( )
nob n oa
∝ ab
; =(
50 mols 50 mols ) 2

n b=35.3553 mols

@ Distillate:
n a=25 mols
n b=14.6447 mols

Yb =
Yb = 0.3694

23. One hundred moles per hour of solution containing 80 moles of A, the rest B is subjected to
a simple continuous distillation. D moles of distillate containing 72 moles A is obtained. If A is
five times more volatile than B, the concentration of A in the distillate is
a. 0.55 b. 0.75 c. 0.85 d. 0.95

noa = 80 mols
nob = 20 mols
na = 72 mols
∝ab = 5
Basis: 1-hr steady state operation
@ Bottoms:
nb n nb 8 mols 1

( )
= a
nob n oa
∝ ab
; =(
20 mols 80 mols ) 5

n b=12.6191 mols

@ Distillate:
n a=72 mols
n b=7.381 mols

Ya =
Ya = 0.907

24. A binary mixture of 5 moles of benzene and 9 moles toluene will boil at .
a. 110 0C b. 105 0C c. 102 0C d. 99 0C

Based on Diagram for Benzene-Toluene System at 1atm

25. What is the dew point of an equimolar mixture of benzene and toluene at 101.3 kN/m2?
a. 355 K b. 365 K c. 372 K d. 378 K

Based on Diagram for Benzene-Toluene System at 1atm

26. If the temperature of the liquid is lower than the saturation temperature for the existing
pressure, it is
a. saturated liquid b. saturated vapor c. subcooled liquid d. superheated vapor

If the temperature of the liquid is lower than the saturation temperature for the existing
pressure, it is called a subcooled liquid (implying that the  temperature is lower than the
saturation temperature  for the given pressure)

27. An equimolal mixture of benzene and toluene is subjected to a simple batch distillation at
atmospheric pressure. If the distillation is discontinued when the mols of distillate amount to
60% of the mols charged, determine the mole fraction of benzene in the residue. Assume the
relative volatility is 2.55
a. 0.43 b. 0.56 c. 0.62 d. 0.71

40 1 x 1−x
ln( ) =
100 2.55−1
[( )
−2.55 ln ⁡(
x of benzene in residue=1-0.2926= 0.7073 ≈ 0.71

28. Hydrogen will diffuse ___________ compared to oxygen

a. half as fast b. two times slower c. four times faster d. four times slower

Rate Hydrogen MolarMass Oxygen
Rate Oxygen

MolarMass Hydrogen
Rate Hydrogen
√ 16

Rate Oxygen = 4 times

29. The apex of an equilateral triangular coordinate (in ternary liquid system) represents
a. a pure component c. a binary mixture
b. a ternary mixture d. an insoluble binary system

30. It is desired to increase the humidity of the air using a heater and adiabatic humidifier. The
ambient air enters the heater at 80°F dry bulb and 76.9°F dew point temperature. The exhaust
from the adiabatic humidifier has a dry bulb temperature of 110°F and 0.0265 lb water/lb dry air
humidity. What is the wet bulb temperature (°F) of air entering the heater?
a. 85 b. 80 c. 78 d. 74

From the psychrometric chart, wet bulb temperature = 77.5°F

31. Based from the preceding problem, what is the percent relative humidity of air entering the
adiabatic humidifier?
a. 15 b. 17 c. 46 d. 90

From the psychrometric chart, % relative humidity = 90%

32. Based from the preceding problem, what is the dew point of the air leaving the adiabatic
a. 85 b. 80 c. 78 d. 74

33. A single effect evaporator is used to concentrate 7 kg/s of solution from 10% to 50% solids.
The feed enters the evaporator at 294K and its specific heat is 3.76 kJ/kg-K. Steam is available at
205 kN/m2 and evaporation takes place at 13.5 kN/m2. The specific heat of the thick liquor is
3.14 kJ/kg-K. The overall heat transfer coefficient is 3 kW/m-K. The condensate leaves the
heating space at 352.7K. Calculate the amount of steam used in kg/s.
a. 3.9 b. 4.7 c. 5.2 d. 6.5

Steam @ 205 kN/m2, T=394K & H = 2530 kJ/kg
Enthalpy of steam at 325K = 2594 kJ/kg

Mass of dry solidsfeed = (7kg/s)(0.10) = 0.7kg/s

Mass of waterproducts, x : 0.7kg/s = 0.5(0.7+x)
Mass of waterproducts, x= 0.7 kg/s
Water to be evaporated = (7-0.7)-0.7= 5.6 kg/s

Heat entering the feed = (7kg/s*3.76 kJ/kg-K)(294-273.15)K = 548.7720 kW

Heat leaving the product = (1.4 kg/s * 3.14 kJ/kg-K) (325-273.15)K = 227.9326 kW
Heat leaving the evaporated water = (5.6 kg/s * 2594 kJ/kg) =14,526.4000 kW
Heat transferred from the steam = (14526.4+227.9326)-548.7720 = 14,205.5606 kW
Enthalpy of the condensed steam at 352.7K = 4.18 kJ/kg-K(352.7-273.15)K = 332.5190 kJ/kg
Heat transferred from 1kg steam = (2530 - 332.5190)kJ/kg = 2,197.4810 kJ/kg

14205. 5606
Steam required = 2197 . 481 = 6.4645 kg/s

34. Based on the preceding problem, estimate the heating surface required in m2
a. 38 b. 52 c. 60 d. 69
Q 14205.5606
Heat transfer area, A= U (Ti−Tf ) = 3 (394−325) = 68.6259 m2
35. A sheet material measuring 3 ft square and 2 inches thick is dried from 50 to 2 percent
moisture content (wet basis) under constant drying conditions. The dry density of the material is
30 lb/ft3 and its equilibrium moisture content is negligible. Experiment showed that the rate of
drying under the correct constant conditions was constant at 1.0 lb/ft2-h between moisture
contents 50 and 25%. Below 25% the rate decreased. Calculate the time in hours for CRP.
a. 1.67 b. 1.56 c. 3.34 d. 3.12

Ms=3-0*3*2/12=15 lbs
t c= ( 1−.3333 )=3.3335 hrs
36. Based from the preceding problem, calculate the time for FRP.
a. 1.7 hrs b. 3.4 hrs c. 2.3 hrs d. 4.6 hrs
t c= ( 1−.3333 )=3.3335 hrs

37. The liquid mixture of 60% benzene and 40% toluene is charged into a still pot where
differential distillation is carried at 1.2 atm absolute pressure. How much of the charge must be
boiled away to leave a liquid mixture containing 80% toluene? Assume the relative volatility to
be 2.44
a. 14.41% b. 41.14% c. 59.85 d. 85.59%

100 1 .6 1−.2
ln = ∗(ln +2.44∗ln )
B 2.44−1 .2 1−.6
% evaporated =85.5925%
38. An ideal mixture of A and B is to be distilled continuously. If the relative volatility is
constant at 1.75 and feed is saturated liquid with 50 mol% A, feed rate is 200 lbmols/h.
Distillate composition of 90% A and bottoms composition of 10% A. Find the minimum
number of stages.

a. 4.5 b. 5.8 c. 6.8 d. 7.5

x D ( 1−x B )

N min =
[ x B ( 1−x D ) ] [
0.9 ( 1−0.1 )
0.1 ( 1−0.9 ) ]
log α AB log1.75
N_min= 7.5 stages

39. What is the BPR of a 20% LiNO3 solution at 220°F.

a. 6 °F b. 8 °F c. 10 °F d. 11 °F

40. A single effect evaporator is operating under the following conditions: feed = 40,000 lb/h; xF
= 5% solid; TF = 200°F; steam temperature = 250°F and xP = 45% solid. Separation
temperature of the vapor going into the condenser is 125°F. Specific heat of all solution is 1
cal/g°C. Overall heat transfer coefficient is 500 Btu/h-ft2-°F. Assume no boiling point rise,
calculate the pounds of evaporation per hour.

a. 44,000 b. 40,000 c. 35,600 d. 33,500


OB : 40000=mV + m p ; CB : 40000(0.05)=0.45m p
m p=444.4444 lb/hr
mV=35600 lb/hr

41. The diffusivity of ammonia (ft2/s) in air at 25°C and 1 atm is

a. 0.164 b. 0.229 c. 0.240 d. 0.320

42. A cabinet dryer is being used to dry a feed product from 68% moisture content (wet basis) to
5.5% moisture content (wet basis). The drying air enters the system at 54°C and 10% RH and
leaves at 30°C and 70% RH. The product temperature is 25°C throughout drying. Compute
the quantity of air required for drying on the basis of 1 kg of product solid.

a. 195.3 kg b. 200.8 kg c. 215.3 kg d. NOTA

Basis:1 kg product solid

Dried solid Cabinet Wet solid

T =25 ℃ Dryer T =25 ℃
Drying air Drying air
T =54 ℃ T =54 ℃
x 1=68 %
wet basis
{ x 2=5.5 %

Hyb T db =54 ℃ =0.009 kg H 2 O /kg d . a .

( RH =10 % )
Hy T =30℃ =0.019 kg H O/kg d . a .
( RH =70 % )

x a=0.68 ( 1 ÷ 0.32 )=2.125 kg H 2 O /kg dry solid

x b=0.055 ( 1 ÷ 0.945 )=0.0582 kg H 2 O /kg dry solid
mV =mS ( x a−x b )=1 kg ( 2.125−0.0582 )=2.0668 kg H 2 O
m V =m d .a . ( H a−H b )
2.0668 kg H 2 O=md . a . (0.019−0.009)
m_(d.a.)=206.68 kg d.a.

43. 700 kg/h of Halibut livers containing 23.5% oil is extracted with 570 kg/h of pure ether. The
extracted livers are analyzed and is found to contain 1.22% oil, 32.76% ether and 66.02% oil-
free livers. Determine the composition of the extract.

a. 21.5% oil, 78.5% ether c. 33.7% oil, 66.3% ether

b. 1.22% oil, 32.76% ether d. 14.7% oil, 85.3% ether

Extract ya y ¿b Vb Pure ether
V 1 , y ¿a 1 N yb 570 kg /hr
y b=0
Halibut liver xa La xb Raffinate
700 kg /hr Lb 1.22 % oil
23.5 % oil 32.76 % ether
66.02 % oil−free livers
Pure solvent balance :V 'b +0=V '1+ Lb '
Oil−free livers=700 kg ( 1−0.235 )=535.5 kg untreated liver
Oil−free liver balance :700 ( 1−0.235 )=(lb Raffinate)(0.6602)
lb Raffinate=811.1178kg /hr Raffinate
570=V '1+ ( 811.1178) ( 0.3276 )
V '1=304.2778 kg solvent /hr
Oil balance:0.285 ( 700 ) +0=V '1' + ( 0.0122 ) ( 811.1178)
V '1' =154.6043 kg oil /hr
Extract kg %
solvent 304.2778 66.3085
oil 154.6043 33.6915
composition of extract= 33.7% oil,66.3% ether

44. Based from the preceding problem, determine the percentage recovery of oil.

a. 92% b. 94% c. 96% d. 98%

GIVEN: Based ¿ the preceding problem

REQ’D: %recovery

% recovery= ×100
% recovery= 94%

45. If the temperature of ethanol-air mixture is increased to 100°F at constant pressure, what is
the mass diffusivity?

a. 0.56 b. 0.24 c. 0.15 d. 0.12

Solution: DT 2 =1.1 x 10−5 ( 300 ) =1.1206 x 10−6
46. Using Antoine’s equation, the vapor pressure of tetrahydrofuran at 80°C is estimated to be
________ psi.

a. 49.55 b. 38.68 c. 29.36 d. 22.69


C2 C
Ps =exp(C 1+ +C 3 ln T +C 4 T )

C 1=54.898 ;C 2=−5305.4 ;C 3=−4.7627 ; C 4=1.43 ×10−17 ; C 5=6
Ps =156437.246 Pa(14.7 psi/101325 Pa)
Ps= 22.69 psi

47. A vessel with a volume of 1m3 contains liquid water and water vapor in equilibrium at 600
kPa. The liquid water has a mass of 1 kg. Calculate the mass of the water vapor.

a. 0.99 kg b. 1.57 kg c. 1.89 kg d. 3.16 kg

let V V =V L

mV V V
V T =V V +V L ; x V = ;V T= V + L
mV +mL SV V SV L
@ P=600 kPa ; SV V =315.47 cm3 /g ; SV L=1.101 cm3 /g
VV 0.5 m 3 ( 100 cm/m )3
mV = =
SV V 315.47 cm3 /g ( 1000 g/kg )

mV= 1.57 kg

48. One half cubic meter per second of air at 15°C dry bulb and 13°C wet bulb temperature are
mixed with 0.20m3 per second of air at 25°C dry bulb and 18°C wet bulb temperatures.
Determine the dry bulb temperature of the mixture

a. 20.2 °C b. 17.8 °C c. 19.6 °C d. 21.9 °C

Air 1 3
0.5 m 3 /s
T db=15 ℃=59 ℉
T wb =13℃ =55.4 ℉ 2

Air , 0.2m3 /s
T db=25 ℃=77 ℉
T wb =18℃ =64.4 ℉

H 1 T db=15 ℃ =0.0085 kg H 2 O/kg d . a .

(T wb =13℃ )
V 1=13.23 ft 3 /lb ( 2.204 lb /kg ) ( m/3.28 ft )3=0.826 m 3 /kg

H 2 T db=25 ℃ =0.011kg H 2 O/kg d . a .

(T wb =18℃ )
V 2=13.73 ft 3 /lb ( 2.204 lb /kg ) ( m/3.28 ft )3=0.858 m 3 /kg
Q1 0.5 m3 / s
ṁ 1= = =0.6053 kg/ s
V 1 0.826 m 3 /kg
Q2 0.2 m3 / s
ṁ2= = =0.2331 kg/s
V 2 0.858 m3 /kg
ṁ 3=ṁ 1 + ṁ 2=0.6053+0.2331=0.8384 kg /s
ṁ1 T db + ṁ2 T db 0.6053 ( 15 )+ 0.2331(25)
T db = 1 2
m3 0.8384

49. Which of the following is NOT usually a factor in water flux computations?

a. Cp b. Tw c. kw d. Cv

C p , T w ∧C v areusual factors∈water flux computations .

50. Oxygen is diffusing through carbon monoxide under steady state conditions with CO non-
diffusing. The total pressure is 1 atm and the temperature 0°C. The partial pressure of oxygen
at two planes 2 mm apart is 0.128 atm and 0.0642 atm, respectively. Calculate the rate of
diffusion of oxygen in kgmols/m2-s.

a. 1.55 x 10-5 b. 2.16 x 10-5 c. 2.91 x 10-5 d. 1.98 x 10-5

1.87 x 10−5( 1)
N A= ln ¿
2 x 10−3 (0.08205)(273.15)

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