What is its H+
by wt ammonium nitrate and has a specific gravity of concentration?
1.1252. A. 4.0 x B. 1.6 x C. 1.3 x D. 1.0 x
A. 4.22 M B. 6.85 M C. 5.27 M D. 3.08 M 10-11 M 10-10 M 10-5 M 10-10
2. A sample consisting Na2CO3, NaOH and inert matter weighs 12. A sample of soda ash (impure Na2CO3) is titrated with
1.179 grams. It is titrated with 0.2239 M HCl with 0.500 N H2SO4. If the sample weighs 1.100 g and requires
phenolphthalein as indicator, and the resulting solution 35.00 mL of the acid for complete neutralization, what is
became colorless after the addition of 45.62 mL. Methyl the percentage of Na2CO3 in the ash assuming no other
orange is then added and 12.85 mL more of the acid is active component to be present?
needed for the color change. What is the percentage of A. 84.32 B. 90.32 C. 35.00 D. 56.21
Na2CO3 in the sample? % % % %
A. 24.89% B. 64.95% C. 76.12% D. 25.87% 13. What mass in grams of sodium acetate must be dissolved
3. Calculate the molarity of NaOH solution if 12.25 mL was with 500 mL of 0.100 M acetic acid to make a 2L of a buffer
used to titrate 0.2615 gram of primary standard KHP solution of pH = 5? Ka = 1.8 x10-5
(204.22 g/mol). A. 2.28 B. 7.19 C. 7.38 D. 2.12
A. 0.1045 B. 0.1354 C. 0.2509 D. 0.1697 14. How much 0.600 N base must be added to 750 mL of a
4. In standardizing a solution of NaOH against 1.431 g of KHP 0.200 N base in order for the solution to be 0.300 N?
(KC8H5O4), the analyst uses 35.50 mL of the alkali and has A. 240 mL B. 550 mL C. 250 mL D. 900 mL
to run back with 8.25 mL of acid (1 mL=10.75 mg NaOH). 15. What is the percentage of MnO2 in a pyrolusite ore is a
What is the molarity of the NaOH solution? sample weighing 0.400 g is treated with 0.6000 g of pure
A. 0.2118 B. 0.2044 C. 0.7831 D. 0.2598 H2C2O4.2H2O and dilute H2SO4 and after reduction has
5. A 0.500 g sample of impure magnetite (Fe3O4) is converted taken place (MnO2 + H2C2O4 + 2H+ → Mn++ + 2 CO2 + 2H2O),
by chemical reactions to Fe2O3, weighing 0.4110 g. What is the excess oxalic acid requires 26.26 ml of 0.100 N KMnO 4
the percentage of Fe3O4 in the magnetite? for titration?
A. 79.46% B. 37.15 C. 21.06 D. 89.21 A. 30.015 B. 75.00% C. 6.63 % D. 80.03
% % % % %
6. Calculate the pH of 3.5 x 10-3 M HNO3. 16. A 500 mg sample containing NaCN required 23.50 mL of
A. 2.46 B. 0.54 C. 3.00 D. 3.56 0.1255 M AgNO3 to obtain a permanent faint turbidity.
7. What is the molarity of KMnO4 solution standardized Express the result of analysis as % CN.
against 1.356 gram Na2C2O4 (134 g/mol) requiring 25.1 mL A. 15.34 B. 23.01 C. 17.25 D. 30.67%
of the solution in acidic medium? % % %
A. 0.161 M B. 0.403 M C. 1.008 M D. 0.856 M 17. What is the pH of 0.256 M ammonium chloride? Kb = 1.8
8. What is the pH of the resulting mixture made by mixing 25 x10-5
mL of 0.1 M HCl and 15 mL of 0.1 M NaOH? A. 2.64 B. 9.90 C. 11.36 D. 4.92
A. 6.40 B. 1.60 C. 0.40 D. 1.00 19. A 1.500 g sample of impure AlCl3 was dissolved in water
9. What is the concentration of the aluminum ions in 3.0 L of and treated with 45.32 mL of 0.1000 M AgNO3 using Mohr
1.0 M Al2(CO3)3 ? method. Determine its purity.
A. 0.33 B. 0.66 C. 2.0 D. 3.0 M A. 40.28 B. 13.43 C. 4.48 % D. 27.36
M M M % % %
20. In the analysis of a sample of feldspar weighing 0.500 g, a
10. When 0.02 mole of a monoprotic acid is dissolved in 350 mixture of KCl + NaCl is obtained weighing 0.1180 g.
mL of water, the pH is 3.05. What is the ionization constant subsequent treatment with silver nitrate furnishes 0.2451 g
of this acid? of silver chloride. What is the percentage of K2O in the
A. 1.4 x B. 1.4 x C. 1.4 x D. 1.4 x sample?
10-4 10-5 10-6 10-7 A. 89.5 % B. 25.5 % C. 10.5 % D. 3.67 %