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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : IX
Hari/Tgl : Selasa, 13 Februari 2018
Waktu : 07.30 – 09.30

The following text is for questions 1 to 3.

For Grade 7 and Grade 8 students
December has come! It is a special month. The story telling competition will
be held as usual. Go and get it! Join now!
There are interesting prizes for the three best winners.
Practise your English and enroll for the competition soon.

Mr. Suryono (Administration Office)
8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Monday to Friday, before December 20.

1. The text is written to ....

A. explain to the readers about how to join a story telling competition
B. ask the readers to advertise a story telling competition
C. inform the readers about a story telling competition
D. tell the readers about the prizes for the winners

2. What must the students firstly do to join the competition?

A. Meet the winners
B. Practise their English.
C. Bring prizes to the event.
D. Enroll for the competition.

3. From the text we can conclude that the competition is held ....
A. biweekly
B. annually
C. monthly
D. weekly

The following text is for questions 4 to 6.

12 November, 2015
To: All the committee of the Student Organization
SMP N 2 Pandan Raya

As shown in the school program, our school will celebrate its 10th anniversary next
December. Therefore, we would like to invite you to attend the meeting:
Day /Date : Saturday , 13 November, 2015
Place : Student Organization Room
Time : 1 - 3 pm

We have some crucial items to discuss: deciding the date and the place of the
celebration, the prizes we will give the winners, etc. Due to the importance of this
meeting, your attendance is a must.

Please come on time.

Chair person
Student Organization


4. The text is written to ....

A. persuade the readers to succeed the meeting
B. invite the readers to prepare the meeting
C. inform the readers about the meeting
D. ask the readers to attend the meeting

5. What items will be discussed in the meeting?

A. The programs, date, and fund.
B. The programs, prizes and committee.
C. The date, place and prizes for winners.
D. The date of celebration, competition and show

6. “We have some crucial items in the agenda to discuss.”

What does the underlined word mean?
A. Up-to-date.
B. Very difficult.
C. Really popular.
D. Extremely important.

The following text is for questions 7 to 9.

Roma cellular Phone

Pramuka Street 20 Yogyakarta. Telp: 0274 566794

7. What is advertised in the text?

A. A home phone.
B. A mobile phone.
C. A landline phone.
D. A used cellphone.

8. What is the maximum size of the micro SD compatible to the product?

A. 15 GB.
B. 16 GB.
C. 17 GB.
D. 18 GB.

9. From the text, we can conclude that this advertisement is valid for ….
A. all cellphones produced by Samsung
B. all Samsung cellphones sold in the shop
C. all devices sold in Roma Cellular Phone
D. a certain model of cellphones sold in a shop

The following text is for questions 10 to 13.

Yogyakarta, 21 November 2015

Dear Tantri,
Nowadays, it’s difficult to find a true friend like you. I sometimes think I am
very lucky to get you as my friend. Without you, my life would have been very
boring. I still remember the first day of school when we were young. You called

me and gave me a seat. That moment is not easy to forget. It is the beginning of
our long friendship. You even often shared some of your food when my mother
forgot to give me pocket money. You also lent me a dictionary when I forgot to
bring it. It’s almost 15 years we have been shared problems and fun together.
Now, you’re not here anymore. I would like to thank you for being there for me
for the ups and downs of my life.

It’s time for us to be apart. You have to move to Surabaya. I just want to say that
you are my best friend. It is difficult for me to say goodbye. I don’t want you to
leave me but I know that moving to Surabaya is very important for your future.
I only hope that you will get everything that you dream of in your new city. One
thing that I want to tell you, please don’t forget me. Keep in touch. Send me an
email and tell your activities there. Don’t make the distance break our

It is hard for me to stay away from you. I can’t wait to meet you soon.

With best wishes,

Truly yours,


10. What is the writer’s intention to write the letter?

A. To give information about the writer’s past experience.
B. To ask Tantri if she can meet the writer soon.
C. To remind her friend to visit her.
D. To say goodbye to her friend.

11. The unforgettable moment with Tantri that Veny always remembers is when she ....
A. lent her a dictionary in the English class
B. gave her a seat on the first day of school
C. shared food with her
D. gave her some money

12. Why did the writer say “thank you” to her best friend via letter?
A. Tantri was her true friend.
B. She wants Tantry so send her an email
C. Tantri does not live close to the writer anymore.
D. Veny was very lucky to have a friend like Tantri.

13. From the text we can conclude that Tantri....

A. has moved to Surabaya
B. is about to move to Surabaya
C. moved to Surabaya several months ago
D. will move to Surabaya anytime in the future
The following text is for questions 14 to 16.

Mr. Indra, please forward to others. As there will be a camping next month, I want all
scout coaches to lead the dicussion with all the scouts related to the preparation for the
next camping activity.
Remind them to bring everything they need like clothes, cooking utensils and food
Mr. Hakim and I will be responsible for the male scouts. Mrs. Susi and Ms. Dina
will be with the girl scouts. In this way, the discussion will run well.

Mr. Rendy (coordinator)

14. Why is the text written for?

A. To ask the scout coaches to lead the discussion with all the scouts.
B. To invite the scout coaches to prepare the camping next month.
C. To inform the students to prepare the things needed.
D. To ask the students to go camping next month.

15. What should be prepared by the camping participants?

A. Appliances, clothes, food stuff and regulations for participants.
B. Clothes, appliances, food stuff and location of the camping.
C. Tools, clothes, food stuff, and the timetable of the camping.
D. Clothes, camping tools, cooking utensils and food stuff.

16. To make the discussion run well, Mr. Rendi asks....

A. the participants to discuss the preparation of the camping.
B. Mr. Hakim and Mr. Indra to lead the discussion of the scouts.
C. all coaches to be responsible for the discussion of the scouts.
D. the coaches to discuss the preparation of the camping activity.

The following text for questions 17 to 19.

Someone that I admire most is my mother. She is my idol. In my opinion, my

mother is not only beautiful but also kind. In addition, she is a good housewife.
Her beauty comes from her good looking physical appearance. She is average in
height. Her straight, black hair is shiny. Furthermore, the color of her eyes is like
honey. And her light brown skin is still very supple. She looks attractive in whatever
clothes she wears.
Besides her attractive appearance, my mother is very kind. She likes to help
people. For example, whenever there are sick people in our neighborhood, she will
give them a visit. She often gives food and drink to the unfortunate people. She pays
the school fee of some orphans in the surroundings. And something that impresses me
more is she doesn’t like other people to know whenever she does good deed.
In addition, my mother is a good housewife. She takes care of her family well. For
instance, she prepares all the healthy food for the whole family. She keeps the house
clean and organized. She makes sure that the whole family’s need is fulfilled. She is a
great mother and I love her very much.

17. The text tells us about the writer’s …..

A. great experience with his mother
B. mother’s attractive appearance
C. kindness to his mother
D. favorite person

18. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The writer admires her mother.
B. The writer’s mother is very attractive.
C. The writer’s mother has attractive clothes.
D. The writer is impressed with her mother’s kindness.

19. Why does the writer say that her mother is a good housewife?
A. She helps people in need.
B. She takes care of her family well.
C. She prepares food for the whole family.
D. She keeps the house clean and organized.

The following text for questions 20 to 22.

Once, there lived a hen called Red Feather because the color of her feather
was red. One day, the fox caught the red feather and put it into a sack. He intended
to bring the hen home and cooked it for dinner.
Suddenly, he saw a dove lying on the ground. The fox was delighted to find a
dove, he thought of having a lot of food for dinner. He didn’t know that the dove
was a friend of the red feather. The dove knew that the fox had caught the Red
Feather. He wanted to help the red feather by pretending to have a broken wing and
lying on the ground for the fox to catch.
The fox left the hen in the sack trying to catch the dove. As the fox got closer,
the dove instantly flew away leaving the fox. Meanwhile the fox was busy trying to
catch the dove; the hen released herself from the sack and ran away as fast as
possible. The fox wasn’t able to catch the dove so he decided to stop chasing. But
when the fox came back to his sack, how shocked he was to find the Red feather
had already gone. Finally the fox realized that he had nothing for dinner. (Taken
from 366 and More Fairy Tales, 1990)

20. What would the fox do with the Red Feather?
A. Eat it.
B. Help it.
C. Chase it.
D. Release it.

21. What did the dove do to help the Red Feather?

A. Took the hen and put it the sack.
B. Pretended to have a broken wing.
C. Brought the fox home and cooked it.
D. Released the hen free and flew away.

22. What can we learn from the story above?

A. Always believe in your friend.
B. A true friendship lasts forever.
C. No one can live without a friend.
D. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
The following text is for questions 23 to 26.

When I was seven years old, I was given a small wallet to keep my pocket
money in. I felt so happy and put it in my hip pocket.
One day, during the break time at school, I discovered that my wallet was
missing. I checked it but I could not find it. There was some money in the wallet and
without it I could not buy anything to eat. I was close to tears. It was not because of
losing my precious wallet but because I might get scolded by my parents. Anyhow I
went hungry that day.
In the class I could not concentrate well to study at all. I kept thinking about
how I lost my wallet and what my parents would react. How was I going to explain
the loss? I did not know whether someone had taken it from my pocket or it had
merely fallen out. I hoped that someone would find and return it to me.
When I told my mother about my loss, she was angry. She told me that it would
not have happend if I had been careful. When my father came home, I got another
anger. Then he told me that there would not be any more wallets for me until I got
Luckily, I still got pocket money from my parents. I am glad to say that I never
lost anything again. I had learned to be more careful. It is not pleasant to lose
something and then get scolded for losing it. (Adapted from

23. “It was not because of losing my precious wallet but because I might get scolded by my
parents” (second paragraph).
The closest meaning of the underlined word is …..
A. expensive
B. luxurious
C. valuable
D. unique

24. “I hoped that someone would find it and return it to me” (Paragraph three). The
underlined word refers to ….
A. lost
B. fare
C. pocket
D. wallet

25. Why is it difficult for the writer to concentrate on her study?

A. He kept thinking about how his parents would react.
B. He still got pocket-money from his parents.
C. His father got angry with her.
D. He lost his wallet.

26. From the text above we can conclude that the writer ….
A. knew where he lost his wallet
B. learns not to be careless anymore
C. did not get pocket money anymore
D. found the parents were glad about the loss

The following text is for questions 27 to 29.

Tips on Reading a Newspaper

1. Find a good, reliable, local newspaper.

2. Make sure the newspaper is reputable, not a tabloid with gossip and false
 Read the headline of your newspaper and the featured pages and see
if anything interests you.
 If the front page story intrigues you, read it, and carry on inside the paper if
it continues.
3 When finished, go back to the front page and see if any other featured
stories interest you.
 Repeat the procedure above.
4. When done with the front page, turn to the next page and see if any
article there interests you.
 If so, read it, and then carry on if it continues.
5 Repeat until you have read all of the interesting articles or the entire
newspaper. (Taken from www.wikihow.com)

27. “Make sure the newspaper is reputable, not a tabloid with gossip and false stories.”
(Step 2).
The underlined word has the closest meaning to ….
A. respectable
B. adaptable
C. readable
D. capable

28. “If so, read it, and then carry on if it continues.” (Step 4)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. procedure
B. front page
C. next page
D. article

29. The text is written to …..

A. tell experience in reading a newspaper
B. give tips on how to read a newspaper
C. describe a good newspaper
D. select a good newspaper

The following text for questions 30 to 33.

Dragonflies are the fastest flying insects. They swoop over the streams and ponds
up to 90 kilometers per hour. Meanwhile, damselflies have longer, thinner bodies
and are more delicate, with a slow, flattering flight. The wings of the damselfly
are almost transparent. They shimmer as the damselfly searches for small insects
to eat.

Dragonflies and damselflies live near water. They lay their eggs on plants. When
they hatch, the young ones, called nymphs come out of the eggs. They feed on
water creatures, and after two years the nymphs grow into adults.

30. What does the text mostly talk about?

A. Dragonflies and nymphs.
B. Dragonflies and damselflies.
C. Water creatures and flying insects.
D. Dragonflies and damselflies’ wings.

31. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Dragonflies and damselflies lay eggs.
B. Dragonflies are the fastest flying insects.
C. Damselflies have longer and thinner bodies.
D. Dragonflies and damselflies live near water.

32. “When they hatch, the young ones, called nymphs come out of the eggs” (Paragraph 2).
The underlined word refers to ….
A. eggs
B. plants
C. dragonflies
D. damselflies

33. How do damselflies search for insects to eat?

A. They fly fast.
B. They shimmer.
C. They swoop over ponds.
D. They come out from the egg.

The following text is for questions 34 to 36.

Bunaken is one of the very amazing places I have ever visited. It is located in
North Sulawesi. This sea park consists of 5 islands and 2 coastal areas, Bunaken
Island, Manado Tua Island, Siladen Island, Mantehage Island, Nain Island, Molas
Coast - Tiwoho, and Arakan-Wawontulap Coast. Bunaken Island, where once I spent
my holiday, is the most popular. This ±8 km² wide island is located at the Bay of
Manado. This area represents the tropical ecosystem of Indonesia because it has any
kind of tropical water ecosystems, such as mangroves, seagrasses, seaweeds, and
I am always amazed with the diversity of rare aquatic organism species in this
place, such as dugong, dolphin, etc. Because of its high biodiversity, Bunaken can
attract many tourists. It has 20 diving spots with the depth varying up to 1344 m.
These spots are the most often visited by the divers and the submarine panorama
lovers. I have tried one of them and I found it really thrilling. Furthermore, there are
underwater great walls or hanging walls of giant corals that stand vertically and
curve up in this area. They become the food source for fishes in the water around the
Bunaken Island.
Besides the charming submarine park, the islands in this area present the
natural atmosphere. It is something which makes me enjoy staying. There are many
cottages, resorts, and diving centers that offer accommodation and diving services.
Water pool, hot shower, and restaurants are also provided.

34. Which is the most famous in the Bunaken sea park?

A. Nain Island
B. Siladen Island
C. Bunaken Island
D. Mantehage Island

35. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. The islands offer the natural atmosphere.
B. Bunaken has various rare aquatic species.
C. Bunaken consists of 5 islands and 2 coasts.
D. Diving spots are located around Bunaken Island.

36. Based on the text, it can be concluded that the Bunaken sea park ....
A. is not able to attract divers
B. is the home for all rare fish
C. offers local tropical ecosystems
D. does not have any natural atmosphere

The following text is for questions 37 to 39.

Long time ago a remote village, in central China, was inhabited mainly by
farmers and hunters. One day, a poor farmer lost his entire livestock because of a
flood. He prayed hard to God for help or his family would die of starvation.
A few days later, an old man with a long grey beard, passing by his house, took a
pity on the farmer. He gave him a goose and said “ I don’t have any expensive thing
to give you and hope this goose will help you to ease your hardship.” A week later to
his surprise the farmer found an egg in his yard. It was not an ordinary egg. It was a
golden egg. He was suddenly filled with joy.
Thereafter, his livelihood had rapidly improved but the farmer had forgotten his
earlier hardship. He became lazy, arrogant and spendthrift. Strangely, the goose only
laid one golden egg every six months. The greedy farmer lost his patient and
slaughtered his goose thinking there were plenty of golden eggs inside its stomach.
He found nothing! Poor him! Though he very much regretted for his foolishness, it’s
already too late.

37. The farmer regretted at the end of the story because ....
A. the goose did not lay golden eggs very often
B. he had done something stupid to the goose
C. he became a lazy and arrogant person
D. the eggs were not ordinary ones

38. this goose will help you to ease your hardship. (Paragraph 2).What does the underlined
word refer to?
A. This goose.
B. The farmer.
C. An old man.
D. A golden egg.

39. What can you learn from the story?

A. People must do everything to become rich.
B. Greedy people will get nothing in their life.
C. Animals can help people survive in their life.
D. We must listen to old men to succeed in our life.

The following text is for questions 40 to 42.

I was 12 years old when my family and I moved to a new neighborhood. I was
starting my 6th grade in a new school, with new people and no friends. I was a quiet
and shy person, so I never hung out with the other neighborhood kids. Before school
had started, I had met a few people who were in the same grade as me. After that
initial meeting, I never saw them again until the first day of school.
For the first day of school, I asked my mom to do my hair that morning so it
would look nice. She did my hair in my regular hairstyle, 5 ponytails with the
barrettes on the end. I arrived to school and went into my new classroom. Everyone
stopped their conversation to turn and look at me. I looked around the classroom and
noticed that all the females either had their hair in one ponytail or had it pressed and
curled into a style. My hair was styled like the 3rd or 4th graders at that school. I was
so embarrassed that I wanted to cry!

40. The writer never hung out with friends because she....
A. was a new student in a school
B. just moved to a new place
C. just started the 6th grade
D. was shy and also quiet

41. From the text we can conclude that the writer....

A. was not good at making friends
B. had a very common hair style
C. did not go to a good school
D. had many friendly friends

42. After that initial meeting…. (Paragraph 1). Which is closest in meaning to the
underlined word?
A. final
B. first
C. last
D. late

For questions 43 to 45, complete the paragraph with the correct words.

Rose with over 100 species is a woody perennial of the genus Rosa. Roses are best
known as ornamental plants which are grown for their flowers in the garden and
sometimes (43) .... They have been also used for commercial perfumery and
commercial cut flower crops. They also have minor medicinal uses. The flowers are
large and showy in (44) ... ranging from whites through yellows and reds. Rose
plants (45) ... in size from compact, miniature roses, to climbers that can reach 7
meters in height.

43. A. indoors
B. outdoors
C. in the open air
D. under a big tree

44. A.sizes
B. colours
C. flavours.
D. fragrances

45. A.range
B. reach
C. grow
D. move

For questions 46 to 48, complete the paragraph with the correct words.

Fish Sticks
 1/2 cup whole wheat bread crumbs
 1/2 teaspoon paprika
 1/2 teaspoon salt
 1 large egg
 1/4 teaspoon cracked black pepper
 8 ounces cod fillets
 Cooking spray
1. First of all, preheat the oven to 400°F.
2. (46) ..., combine the bread crumbs, paprika, and ½ teaspoon salt on a
shallow plate.
3. Then, beat the egg with a (47) .... After that set the two dishes aside.
4. Next, cut the fish into several stick shapes. Season with salt and ¼ teaspoon
5. Dredge the fish and transfer the fish to the prepared baking sheet and lightly coat
with cooking spray.
6. Finally, (48) ... in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes or until the crumbs are
brown and firm.

46. A.Secondly
B. Firstly
C. Before
D. When

47. A. fork
B. plate
C. glass
D. bowl

48. A.stir
B. boil
C. saute
D. bake

49. Arrange these words or phrases into a good sentence.

the set we a near campfire river have

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A. 3–2–1–6–5–8–4-7
B. 3–2–8–1–6–5–3-7
C. 3–8–4–6–5–1–2-7
D. 3–8–2–4–6–5–1-7

50. Arrange these words or phrases into a good sentence.

with it’s platypus’ are soil so blocked from intruders burrows protected
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

A. 3 – 10 – 4 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 6 – 2 – 11 – 8 - 5
B. 3 – 10 – 4 – 7 – 1 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 11 – 8 - 9
C. 3 – 10 – 2 – 7 – 1 – 9 – 6 – 4 – 11 – 8 - 5
D. 3 – 10 – 4 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 6 – 2 – 11 – 8 - 5

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