Infineon Catalog 1
Infineon Catalog 1
Infineon Catalog 1
[ ]
Product Roadmaps 04
Lighting Applications 06
Application Examples 08
DC/DC 16
Switches 20
AC/DC 24
Support Tools 37
Efficient Lighting
Intelligent solutions for LED drivers and lamp ballast control
η > 90% @ low line Input Voltage
PF close to 1
Technical Features
Supports Dimming –
LED drivers for general lighting and industrial applications
AC/DC current adj.
TLE 4309G
BCR 402W
BCR 401W
TLD 5095EL
TLD 5085EJ
TLE 4242
Mid Current
TLD 1211
TLE 4240-2/-3
Low Current
TLE 4241
BCR 401
BCR 402
BCR 405
Switches Switches
Efficient lighting 5
Advertising and
Outdoor Architectural lighting channel letters
BCR 40x / BCR 450 BCR 40x / BCR 450 BCR 40x / BCR 450
TLE 4309 TLE 424x TLE 4309
TLD 5085 TLE 4309 TLD 5085
TLD 5095 TLD 5085 TLD 5095
TLE 6389-2 TLD 5095 TLE 6389-2
CoolSET™ TLE 6389-2 CoolSET™
Smart ballast IC
BCR 40x / BCR 450 TLE 424x BCR 40x / BCR 450
TLE 424x TLE 4309 TLE 424x
TLE 4309 TLD 5085 TLE 4309
CoolSET™ TLD 5095 TLD 5085
TLE 6389-2 TLD 5095
CoolSET™ TLE 6389-2
Medical and
Retail display lighting transportation
Front lighting /
Exterior daytime running light Rear/signal lighting
Lighting applications 7
General Lighting and Industrial Applications
Single Stage Isolated Topology with PFC >25W
TDA 4863
High power factor >0.9
PWM dimming
High efficiency up to 90%
Optimized system cost
Small footprint
<25 W
TDA 4863, CoolSET™
Universal input 80-270V AC
Variable, stable output (10V-50V)
Very high power factor >0.98
PWM dimming down to <1%
Efficiency >85%
Flexible design
For single string no linear regulator
on secondary side necessary
Automotive Applications
The exEmplary diagram shows a typical central body control module con-
sisting of a microcontroller, lighting elements, power switches as well as supply
ICs and network transceivers.
Industrial Linear Drivers
Application example
Key features With the BCR 401/ BCR 402 driver family, Infineon targets low-current
Output current from LED lighting applications. The output current range from 10mA to 65mA can be
10-65mA adjustable by adjusted with an external resistor. For 0,5W LEDs, three LED drivers can be used
external resistor in parallel operation to avoid hotspots and therefore enable the customer to take
Output current can be low cost FR 4 boards. Due to the negative temperature coefficient of these drivers,
increased to > 1A by us- this can be realized without emitter ballasting.
ing an external booster
transistor The advantages versus resistor biasing are:
Vs up to 40V In case of different forward voltages of LEDs, the BCR401/ 402 ensure homog-
Self-protection due to enous light output z customer can avoid higher purchasing costs for special
negative temperature binned LEDs
coefficient Constant current supply of LED driver avoids thermal overstress and therefore
Enable pin can be used increases lifetime of LEDs
for PWM and ON/OFF
Lowest cost LED driver in the industry
Higher output current precision, less voltage drop and less complexity than
resistor or discrete solution
PWM dimming possible with external digital transistor
Constant current ensures homogenous light output, because current is directly
proportional to light output
BCR 450
High-precision controller for high-power LEDs
Application example
The BCR 450, with features like overcurrent, overvoltage and thermal protec- Key features
tion, is designed for high current general lighting applications. The 85mA current High output current
in stand-alone mode can be extended to up to 2.0A with an external booster tran- precision of +/- 1.5% at
sistor. This circuit for high current applications is described in ‘Application Note 25°C
AN105’ (page 39). Current range:
With the ability to drive high-power LEDs in combination with additional protec- Stand-alone mode:
tion features and a price-performance ratio that is benchmark in the industry, the up to 85mA
BCR 450 offers a unique yet cost-effective way to drive high-power LEDs. Booster circuit:
85mA – 2000mA
Benefits Maximum operating
Thermal shutdown protects the LEDs from permanent damage voltage: 27V
Linear concept eliminates EMI problems Overvoltage and
External power stage allows improved heat dissipation in comparison to over-current protection
monolithic drivers Thermal shutdown
Higher count of LEDs possible in a string due to very low overhead voltage Low voltage overhead
Less space needed on PCB as no coils, inductors or external digital in boost mode of only
transistor required for PWM 0.5V (0.15V at sense
Excellent price-performance ratio due to separation of power stage resistor + 0.35V at
from higher cost IC technology booster transistor)
Direct PWM possible
due to logic-level
enable input
Automotive version
TLD 1211MA
(available Q4 2009)
Industrial Linear Drivers
TLE 4309G
500mA adjustable linear LED driver
Application example
Key features The TLE 4309G is an integrated adjustable constant current source for
Adjustable constant driving loads up to 500mA. The output current level can be adjusted with an
current up to 500mA external shunt resistor. Supplying high-power LEDs with the TLE 4309G ensures
PWM / enable input constant brightness independent from supply voltage or LED forward voltage
<1μA quiescent current spread. Therefore, LED lifetime is extended by protecting from overcurrent and
when disabled overtemperature. The PWM/EN input permits LED brightness regulation by pulse
Overtemperature width modulation. Setting the pin to “low” switches off the IC entirely. Due to the
protection high impedance of the PWM/EN input, the TLE 4309G can be used as a protected
Short-circuit proof high-side switch. Protection circuits prevent damage to the IC in case of overload,
Reverse polarity short circuit, and reverse polarity. A chip temperature monitoring circuit shuts off
protection the power stage and prevents the IC from destruction under fault conditions. The
TO-263 package LEDs are also protected against reverse supply. Input voltage peaks up to 45V
are absorbed by the IC, preventing the LEDs from overcurrent. The TLE 4309G is
provided in the surface mounted PG-TO-263.
Supports all LEDs with currents up to 500mA
Exact brightness setting
Complete protection
Allows extended LED lifetime
TLE 4240-2M/-3M
60mA linear LED driver
Application example
The TLE 4240 -2M/-3M is a monolithic integrated, low dropout linear Key features
constant current source. It is designed to supply white or color LEDs in order to Constant output current
achieve constant brightness and extended LED lifetime, independent from supply of typ. 60mA
voltage or LED forward voltage class. Protection circuits prevent damage to the Low dropout voltage
device in case of overload, short circuit, reverse polarity and overheating. The Open load diagnosis
LEDs connected are protected against reverse polarity transients as well as output (version
against voltages up to 45V. The safe operation area (SOA) monitoring function TLE 4240-3M)
limits the output current in case of a very high drop voltage across the regulator. Safe operation area
The TLE 4240-3M version is equipped with a status output indicating an open- circuit monitoring drop
load failure condition. The TLE 4240-2M/-3M is supplied in a space-saving voltage
PG-SCT5 95-5 package offering minimal thermal resistance. Short-circuit protection
to GND andVBAT
Benefits (up to 45V )
Constant LED brightness Reverse polarity
Extended LED lifetime protected
Protection of LED devices in automotive applications PG-SCT5 95-5 package
Diagnostic capability
Small footprint
Automotive Linear Drivers
TLE 4241GM
70mA adjustable linear LED driver
Application example
Key features The TLE 4241GM is an integrated adjustable constant current source,
Adjustable constant providing an output current adjustable via different means (SET, PWM, reference
output current up to resistor). The output is kept independent from load and supply voltage changes.
70mA The IC is designed to supply LEDs under the severe conditions of automotive
Low dropout voltage applications resulting in constant brightness and extended LED lifetime. It is
Dual mode for tail and provided in the very small PG-DSO-8-16 package. Protection circuits prevent
stop light (high/low damage to the device in case of overload, short circuit, reverse polarity and
current SET) overtemperature. The connected LEDs are protected against reverse polarity as
PWM input (e.g. for well as excess voltages up to 45V. A status output allows handling of open load
individual dimming) and short circuit at the main output. A PWM input offers the possibility to adjust
up to 1kHz the LED brightness by pulse width modulation. With an implemented high/low
Open load diagnosis current switch, the output current level can be reduced, e.g. for brake/tail light
output applications.
Input voltage range
up to 45V Benefits
Reverse polarity Supports the full spectrum up to 70mA
protected Exact brightness adjustment
Short-circuit protection High/low brightness switch without PWM
to GND andVBAT Displays malfunctions
PG-DSO-8 package Complete protection
TLE 4242G
500mA adjustable linear LED driver
Application example
The TLE 4242G is an integrated adjustable constant current source Key features
driving loads up to 500mA. The output current level can be adjusted via an exter- Adjustable output
nal resistor. The IC is designed to supply high-power LEDs (e.g. Osram Dragon current up to 500mA
LA W57B ) under the severe conditions of automotive applications resulting in Low dropout voltage
constant brightness and extended LED lifetime. Protection circuits prevent dam- PWM input (dimming,
age to the device in case of overload, short circuit, reverse polarity and overheat- switching between
ing. The connected LEDs areprotected against reverse polarity as well as excess brake and tail light,
voltages up to 45V. etc.)
The integrated PWM input of the TLE 4242G permits LED brightness regulation Diagnosis output
bypulse width modulation. Due to the high input impedance of the PWM input Overtemperature
the LED driver can be operated as a protected high-side switch. protection
Short-circuit protection
Benefits to GND andVBAT
Support for all currents up to 500mA Reverse polarity
Exact brightness setting protected
Malfunctions are displayed Input voltage range
Complete protection up to 45V
TO-263 package
TLE 6389-2GV
Step-down/buck converter with wide input voltage range
High output current of up to 2.3A
Wide input voltage range up to 60V
Integrated supply supervisory
Diagnostic capability
PWM input
Key features
Input voltage range from <5V up to 60V
Output voltage: 5V fixed or adjustable
Output voltage accuracy: 3%
Output current up to 2.3A
100% maximum duty cycle
Less than 120μA quiescent current at low loads
Max. 2μA quiescent current in shutdown mode
Fixed 360kHz switching frequency
Frequency synchronization input for external clocks
Current mode control scheme
Automotive temperature range –40°C to 150°C
TLD 5085EJ
DC/DC constant current LED driver
Application example
Key features The TLD 5085EJ is a monolithic integrated high-brightness LED driver circuit
Adjustable up to 1.8A that provides all active functions for a constant current switching regulator, capa-
constant current ble of delivering up to 1.8A load current with excellent line and load regulation.
Typical output voltage:V This device is suited for use under the harsh automotive electronics environmen-
bat –1V difference tal conditions, featuring protection functions such as short-circuit and over-
Integrated power stage temperature protection. The switching frequency of 370kHz allows the use of
Input voltage range small and inexpensive passive components. The TLD 5085EJ features an enable/
from 4.75V to 45V PWM input, reducing the shut-down current consumption to <2μA. The voltage
370kHz switching mode regulation scheme of this device provides a stable regulation loop main-
frequency tained by small external compensation components.
PWM input for LED
dimming and enable Benefits
input pin Very small, thermally enhanced package (DSO 8 size)
Automotive PWM capability for LED dimming
temperature range Few external components because of high integration (power stage)
-40°C to 150°C
PG-SO8 package with
exposed heatslug
TLD 5095EL
For advanced high-side applications
Application example
The TLD 5095EL is a smart LED boost controller with built in protection and Key features
diagnostic features. The main function of this device is to step-up (boost) the Wide input voltage
output voltage and regulate a constant LED current. The constant current range from 4.75V
regulation is especially beneficial for LED color accuracy and longer lifetime. The to 45V
TLD 5095EL also has a PWM output for dimming an LED load. The diagnostics are Constant current
communicated on a status output (pin ST) to indicate a fault condition such as or constant voltage
an LED open circuit. The switching frequency is adjustable in the range from 100- regulation
500kHz and can be synchronized to an external clock source. The current mode Very low shutdown
regulation scheme of this device provides a stable regulation loop maintained by current: IQ< 10μA
small external compensation components. The integrated soft-start feature limits Flexible switching
the current peak as well as voltage overshoot at start-up. frequency, 100 kHz
to 500 kHz
Benefits Synchronization with
Well-suited for head lamp and DRL applications external clock source
Very small, thermally enhanced package (DSO8 size fine pitch) PWM dimming
High flexibility in terms of LED chain length, two configurations possible: Output overvoltage
return to ground and return to battery protection
Dedicated feature set specified for LED application in automotive Internal soft start
Available in a small,
thermally enhanced
PG-SSOP-14-3 package
ES samples will be
available in Q3 2009
Application example
Product portfolio
BTS 5231-2GS
BTS 5235-2G
BTS 5235-2L
BTS 5236-2GS
BTS 5242-2L
BTS 5246-2L
Key features Infineon’s new PROFET™ “-2” family is a set of 2-channel high-side
2-channel high-side power drivers ranging from 19 to 140mΩ. They offer complete protection against
power driver the harsh automotive environment. Their state-of-the-art diagnostic features
(140-19mΩ) cover all possible failures that the application may encounter.
CMOS- and TTL- The family is suitable to drive LED lamps, bulb lamps, as well as inductive loads
compatible input such as motors for various automotive and industrial applications. Because of
Open-load detection in high current limitation values, devices in the family can turn high capacitive
OFF and ON state loads on without overheating.
Proportional load- All ICs in the family have current sense, and their diagnostics signal can differen-
current sense tiate between open loads and short circuits in the ON state. The complete family
Differentiation between is PWM-capable in order to improve bulb lifetime.
OL and SC in ON state
Short-circuit protection Benefits
Thermal shutdown State-of-the-art diagnostics and protection feature set for
Overvoltage protection high-side applications
(incl. load dump) High current limitation values
Under- and overvoltage Life span improvement for light bulbs due to PWM capability
shutdown Improved short-circuit robustness (especially BTS 5231-2GS,
Loss of ground and loss BTS 5236-2GS)
ofVbb protection
SOP-20 / SOP-14 /
SOP-12 exposed pad
Block diagram
Product portfolio
BTS 6143D
BTS 6133D
BTS 50080-1TEA
BTS 50080-1TEB
Infineon’s High Current PROFET™ in Green DPAK package are a family of Key features
single channel high-side drivers (with RDS(ON) ranging from 8 to 16mΩ). Overload, short circuit,
The devices have the same functionality and are pin-to-pin compatible; thus, overtemperature and
they enable scalability by RDS(ON) and related parameters; they all have current overvoltage protection
sense, and provide an embedded set of protection and diagnostic features, also Loss of ground and loss
including ReverSave™. of Vbb protection
The family is suitable to drive all types of resistive (bulbs, heaters), inductive Open-load detection
(solenoids, motors) and capacitive loads, and are particularly suitable for loads Multi-step current
with high inrush current, such as high-beam/low-beam conventional and HID, fog limitation
lights, trailer nodes, etc. Current sense with fault
The inverse load current capability, available only on BTS 6133D and signal generation
BTS 50080-1TEB, makes these devices optimized for driving HID lamps. Very low stand-by
Benefits Optimized Electro-
Scalability, allowing complex load combination partitioning and optimized magnetic Compatibility
board design and layout (EMC)
ReverSave™ function; switching the power transistor on, in case of reverse PWM capability
battery, reduces power dissipation
Protection of both the load and the device, with failure diagnostic capability
Load current monitoring from 500mA to several amperes and high current-
limitation values
Application example
Key features spider stands for SPI Driver for Enhanced Relay Control, and can be used
Minimizes PCB to drive various loads such as LED. The new modular family comprises different
footprint RDS(on), packages and add-on features. It comes in 4- and 8-channel low-side con-
Integration enables figurations, as well as configurable 8-channel high/low side configurations. Up to
better handling, quality 3 channels can operate in PWM mode dimming LEDs, for example.
and logistics that lead
to reduced costs Benefits
Daisy-chaining and Latched shutdown for protection from overload, overheating and
detailed diagnostics short circuits
via SPI saves µC pins Open load in off-detection enabled via SPI (open load sensing
Full portfolio of current can also be disable to prevent glowing LEDs)
products with various Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) protection
numbers of channels, Cranking versions available
different features and Limp-home (µC fail-safe) versions available
Scalability – family
concept saves software
Off-line LED SMPS solution for higher power LEDs
Application example
CoolSET™ simplifies LED drive implementation with a minimum
requirement of external components
Efficiency >85%
Key features
Integration of sophisticated control IC and leading-edge
CoolMOS™ FET technology
650V or 800V rated for universal input compatibility
Start-up cell for reduced component count
Low standby power
Frequency jitter for good EMC performance
Overvoltage protection
Overcurrent protection
Overtemperature protection
Auto restart
TDA 4863
PFC-DCM (discontinuous conduction mode) control IC for
Application example
Key features The TDA 4863 IC controls a boost converter in a way that sinusoidal
IC for sinusoidal line- current is taken from the single phase line supply and stabilized DC voltage is
current consumption available at the output. This active harmonic filter limits the harmonic currents
Power factor achieves resulting from the capacitor pulse charge currents during rectification. The power
nearly 1 factor which describes the ratio between active and apparent power is close to
Controls boost one. Line voltage fluctuations can be compensated for very efficiently.
converter as active
harmonic filter for Benefits
low THD Discontinous Conduction Mode (DCM) Power Factor Correction (PFC)
Start-up with low controller
current consumption High-power factor, low THD
Zero current detector Internal start-up with low current consumption
for discontinuous UVLO with hysteresis
operation mode Output overvoltage protection
Output overvoltage Excellent light-load behaviour
protection Totem pole output with active shutdown
Output undervoltage
Internal start-up timer
with low current
Totem pole output with
active shutdown
Internal leading-edge
blanking LEB
TDA 16888
PWM (FF) and PFC (CCM) combi IC
The TDA 16888 comprises the complete control for power factor controlled Key features
switched-mode power supplies. With its PFC and PWM section being internally High-power factor
synchronized, it applies for off-line converters with input voltages ranging from Typical 50µA start-up
90V to 270V. supply current
While the preferred topologies of the PFC preconverter are boost or flyback, the Low quiescent current
PWM section can be designed as forward or flyback converter. In order to achieve (15mA)
minimal line current gaps, the maximum duty cycle of the PFC is about 94%. The Undervoltage lockout
maximum duty cycle of the PWM, however, is limited to 50% to prevent trans- with internal stand-by
former saturation. operation
Internally synchronized
PFC section PWM section fixed operating
IEC 1000-3 compliant Improved current mode control frequency ranging from
Additional operation mode as Fast, soft-switching totem pole gate 15kHz to 200kHz
auxiliary power supply drive (1A) External synchroniza-
Fast, soft-switching totem pole gate Soft-start management tion possible
drive (1A) Trailing edge triggered pulse width Shutdown of both
Dual-loop control (average current modulation outputs externally
and voltage sensing) Topologies of PWM converter are triggerable
Leading-edge triggered, pulse width feed forward or flyback Peak current limitation
modulation 50% maximum duty cycle to prevent Overvoltage protection
Peak current limitation transformer saturation Average current
Topologies of PFC preconverter are fPWM = fPFC sensing through noise
boost or flyback filtering
Continuous/discontinuous mode
94% maximum duty cycle
TLE 4305G
Current and voltage controller
Application example
Key features The TLE 4305G is specifically designed to control the output voltage and
Wide supply voltage the output current of a switch mode power supply. Independent compensation
operation range networks for the voltage- and for the current-loop can be realized with external
Wide ambient tempera- circuitry.
ture operation range The device contains a high accuracy bandgap reference voltage, two Operational
Minimized external Transconductance Amplifiers (OTA), an optocoupler driver output stage and a
circuitry high-voltage bias circuit. The device is based on the Infineon double-isolated
High voltage regulation power line technology DOPL, which allows to produce high precision bipolar-
accuracy voltage regulators with breakdown voltages of up to 45V.
High current-limit
regulation accuracy Benefits
Low temperature drift Minimized Bill-Of-Material (BOM)
Internal fixed amplifi- Integrated temperature compensated current and voltage
cation OTA (Operational Transconductance Amplifier)
Independent voltage Driver for optocoupler implemented
and current-loop
SO-8 Package
[ ]
Application examples
Smart Ballast Control ICs from Infineon integrate all of the lamp start, Key features ICB1FL02G
run and protection features required by current and future fluorescent lamp Critical conduction
ballasts. Digital mixed signal power control is employed enabling speedy, cost- mode PFC with over-
effective and stable ballast designs with the minimum of external components. current and overvoltage
Reliable and robust high-voltage isolation is achieved using Infineon’s propri- protection and internal
etary Coreless Transformer Technology (CLT). loop compensation
End-of-life detection in
Our smart ballast controllers are designed to control a fluorescent lamp ballast multi-lamp topologies
including and detection of capac-
Discontinuous conduction mode Power Factor Correction (PFC) itive mode operation in
Lamp inverter control TS designs
High voltage level-shift, half-bridge driver with coreless transformer technol- Improved reliability
ogy in one package and minimized spread
due to digital and
Key features ICB2FL01G / ICB2FL02G optimized analog
Critical conduction mode PFC with overcurrent and overvoltage protection control functions
and internal loop compensation Due to a minimum
Adjustable end-of-life detection in multi-lamp topologies and detection of number of required
capacitive mode operation external components,
Improved reliability and minimized spread due to digital and optimized system costs can
analog control functions be brought down
Meets emergency lighting standards significantly
Suitable for dimming
Improved ignition control for an operation close to the magnetic saturation
Improved THD and harmonic distortion for low-power applications in DCM
Industrial Automotive
Product Portfolio
Linear constant current source
General lighting
Product Package Vcc, max Current range** VOverhead* Ptot Thermal Overcurrent/ RthJS
[V] Id, typ Id, max [V] [mW] protection Overvoltage [K/W]
[mA] [mA] protection
BCR 401W SOT343 18 10 60 1,4 500 no no 110
BCR 402W SOT343 18 20 60 1,4 500 no no 110
* Required voltage overhead for LED driver ** Current can be adjusted by usage of external resistor
LED driver Vcc, max Recommended max current VOverhead* Ptot Thermal Overcurrent/
[V] current Id [mA] [V] [mW] protection Overvoltage
BCR 450 + BC 817SU 27* 200 350 0.5 1 yes yes
0.5W LED
BCR 402U + BC 817SU 40 200 350 1.4 1 no no
BCR 450 + BCX 68-25 27* 350 700 0.5 3 yes yes
BCR 450 + BDP 947 27* 700 2000 0.5 5 yes yes
BCR 402U + BD P947 40 700 2000 1.4 5 no no
Product Package Green Output Output Operating Drop Accuracy Inhibit PWM
current current range voltage input
[mA] [mA] [V] [V] (%)
TLE 4240-2M PG-SCT-595 60 fixed 45 0.5 10
DC/DC Converter
Package Topology Max. input Output Output Accuracy Short- Overtemperature PWM Enable
voltage voltage current circuit protection dim- pin
[V] [V] [A] (%) protection ming
TLD 5085EJ PG-DSO-8 Buck 40 adj. <16V 1.8 +/-2 x x x x
TLD 5095EL PG-SSOP-14-3 Boost 45 adj. <45V +/-4 x x x x
TLE 6389-2GV PG-DSO-14 Buck 60 adj. >1.2V 2.3 +/-3 x x x x
Product Packages Family Channels RDS (on) (typ) VDS(CL) ID nom PWM Open load Limp- Cranking
type inputs disable home mode
function feature
TLE 7230G PG-DSO-24 Spider LS 8.0 0.8Ω 48.0 - 60.0V 300.0mA 1.0 no no no
TLE 7232G PG-DSO-24 Spider LS 8.0 1.0Ω 48.0 - 60.0V 240.0mA 1.0 no no no
TLE 7232GS PG-SSOP-24 Spider LS 8.0 1.0Ω 48.0 - 60.0V 240.0mA 1.0 no no no
TLE 7230GS PG-SSOP-24 Spider LS 8.0 0.8Ω 48.0 - 60.0V 300.0mA 1.0 no no no
TLE 7231G PG-DSO-14 Spider LS 4.0 1.0Ω 41.0 - 52.0V 320.0mA 1.0 yes no no
TLE 7233G PG-SSOP-24 Spider LS 4.0 1.0Ω 41.0 - 52.0V 390.0mA 4.0 yes yes no
TLE 7240SL PG-SSOP-24 Spider LS 8.0 1.5Ω 41.0 - 52.0V 200.0mA 4.0 yes yes no
Spider HS/LS
TLE 7234E PG-SSOP-24 8.0 0.9Ω 41.0 - 52.0V 350.0mA 3.0 yes no no
Spider HS/LS
TLE 7235G PG-DSO-20 8.0 0.85Ω 41.0 - 52.0V 280.0mA 2.0 yes yes no
Spider HS/LS
TLE 7235E PG-SSOP-24 8.0 0.9Ω 41.0 - 52.0V 350.0mA 2.0 yes yes no
Spider HS/LS
TLE 7236E PG-SSOP-24 8.0 0.9Ω 41.0 - 52.0V 350.0mA 2.0 yes yes yes
Spider HS/LS
TLE 7237GS PG-SSOP-24 8.0 0.9Ω 41.0 - 52.0V 250.0mA 3.0 yes no no
Spider HS/LS
TLE 7238GS PG-SSOP-24 8.0 0.9Ω 41.0 - 52.0V 250.0mA 2.0 yes yes no
Spider HS/LS
TLE 7239GS PG-SSOP-24 8.0 0.9Ω 41.0 - 52.0V 250.0mA 2.0 yes yes yes
Spider HS/LS
TLE 7234G PG-DSO-20 8.0 0.85Ω 41.0 - 52.0V 280.0mA 3.0 yes no no
Spider HS/LS
TLE 7236G PG-DSO-20 8.0 0.85Ω 41.0 - 52.0V 280.0mA 2.0 yes yes yes
Product portfolio 33
Parameter Symbol Value
Voltage RON (max) Operating Switching Standby Protection Power rating Wide range
mode frequency mode features @ 230Vac ±15 % power rating
[mΩ] [kHz] mode [W] [W]
ICE 3B 0365J 6.45 67 Autorestart 17 9
Fixed frequency Active
ICE 3B 0565J 650V 4.70 PWM with 67 burst Autorestart 22 11
jittering mode
ICE 3B15 65J 1.70 67 Autorestart 38 19
Normalized output power; DIP package: Ta = 75°C, Tj = 125°C and without copper area as heat sink
TDA 4863
VCCmin VCCmax ICCmax IStartUP IOUTRise fOperation DMAX PF THD PFC Mode
TDA 4363 10.0V 22.0V 20.0mA 100µA 0.5A up to 200kHz n.a. ~ 0.99 < 10% DCM
VCCmin VCCmax ICCmax IStartUP IOUTRise fOperation DMAX PF THD PFC Mode
TDA 16888 11.0V 19.0V 50.0mA 100µA 1.0A 15 - 200kHz 50% ~ 0.99 < 10% DCM / CCM
ICE1CS02 11.0V 26.0V 22.0mA 1.3mA 1.5A 130kHz 47% / 60% ~ 0.99 < 10% DCM / CCM
Package SO-19
OperatingVoltage Range 10V – 17.5V
Adjustable Self-adapting Dead Time max between LS and HS Gate Drive 2.25µs 2.50µs 2.75µs
Adjustable Self-adapting Dead Time min between LS and HS Gate Drive 1.00µs 1.25µs 1.50µs
LS Current Limitation Threshold: Ignition/Start up/Soft Start/Pre Run 1.5V 1.6V 1.7V
LS Current Protection Threshold during RUN Mode and Preheating 0.75V 0.80V 0.85V
portfolio 35
Adjustable Self-adapting Dead Time max between LS and HS Gate Drive FRFRUN – 160kHz
Adjustable Self-adapting Dead Time min between LS and HS Gate Drive 1.75µs 2.00µs 2.20µs
Package SO-18
OperatingVoltage Range 10.5V – 17V
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Support Tools
LED application design tool for general lighting and industrial
1. Design requirements
Enter your application-
specific parameters
Choose a LED driver from
the selection list
2. Analysis
Check the generated
schematic and modify
parameters, if necessary
Simulate your application
3. Results
Review your Bill-Of-Materials
Download an overview of your
LED application circuit
Support tools 37
Evaluation boards
Board name Product Description Order No.
BTS 5590GX Demoboard This board is part of the SPOC demo kit.
Is a versatile tool to demonstrate the functions of
the: BTS 5241L, BTS 5234G and BTS 5230GS are
2-channel smart high-side power switches. BTS
PROFET™ demo kit BTS 5241L 6143D is a single-channel high-side power switch.
BTS 5234G The control board is equipped with a C868BA µC. It Demoboard
BTS 5230GS is built to be reverse-polarity protected. The power- PROFET™V2.0
BTS 6143D boards are directly connected to the control board.
PROFET™ demo kit This board is part of the PROFET™ demo kit.
PROFET™ demo kit This board is part of the PROFET™ demo kit.
Protected low-side power switch (10 mT at 25°C).
HITFET™ protected LS This board enables easy startup and connectivity Demoboard
BTS 3160D
power switch for the new power HITFET™ BTS 3160. Enables easy BTS 3160D
read out of digital status via LED.
TLE 7234/7237
SPI Driver for Enhanced Relay Control (SPIDER). This
SPIDER (SPI Driver for Demoboard
board is designed to interface with the universal SP000598996
Enhanced Relay Control) TLE 7235/7238
body control module system evaluation tool.
TLE 7236/7239
Demoboard for fluorescent lamp ballast with smart
Evaluation board ICB2FL01G ICB 2FL01G EVAL BOARD ICB2FL01G
ballast controller second-generation ICB 2FL01G.
Evaluation board for dimmable fluorescent lamp
Evaluation board ICB2FL02G ICB 2FL02G ballast with smart ballast controller second EVAL BOARD ICB2FL02G
generation dimmable ICB 2FL02G.
Demoboard for fluorescent lamp ballast with smart
Evaluation board ICB1FL02G ICB 1FL02G EVAL BOARD ICB1FL02G
ballast controller first generation ICB 1FL02G.
Application notes
Application note Info number / Internet link
BCR 402R – Light Emitting Diode (LED) drive IC provides constant LED current, independent AN066
of supply voltage variation
Using BCR 402R/BCR 402U at high supply voltages
BCR 400 family of constant-current, linear mode LED drivers for lighting applications from AN101
BCR 450 using OSRAM Platinum Dragon LW_W5SN
Low-cost, linear mode, 71% efficiency 380mA LED driver demo using the BCR 401R, BCX AN159
68 and LUXEON Rebel LEDs
Inverse operation behavior of the BTS 6143D and members of this product family
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