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Lesson Plan

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Daily Lesson Plan

Teacher: Buffy Thomas Lesson Date: 11/29/16

Subject: Education 201 LDC/Unit Title: 9th

The Keys to Successful Classroom Management

CCSS/CLGs/SC Assessment Limits/Standards: (What are the skills being taught? Which Agenda: (What is the snapshot of my class flow?)
standards are being specifically addressed in this lesson?) 1. Daily do-now assignment
RL.9-10.10: By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literature, including 2. Motivation – Thinking Map
stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 9-10 text complexity band proficiently, 3. Discussion and introduction – Shared Reading
with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range. 4. Small Group Assignment - Establish a Procedure
SL.9-10.1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions 5. Independent Practice—Think-Pair-Share
(one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9-10 topics, 6. Exit ticket
texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and 7. Wrap up activity - Kahoot Quiz
SL.9-10.4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely,
and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the
organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose,
audience, and task.

Lesson Objective: (What will my students KNOW by the end of the lesson? What will they DO to learn it?)
I can analyze and summarize the text using collaborative discussions and present findings.


Note: A variety of formative
assessments should be used at key
points throughout the lesson.

Get started/Drill/Do Now: (What meaningful activity will students complete as soon Students will engage in
as they enter the classroom?) practice drills with each other,
the teacher observes and will
Up to 8 • Students will find a prompt on the board when they enter the room. only become involved when
prior to • Prompt: 1) Using the marker located at your table, write your first name on the recruited by a student.
the “name tent” in clear block letters; 2) Silently read the “Call and Response” handout
start of located on your desks; 3) Using a whisper voice, practice with your neighbor the
“call and response” prompts.

Engage/Motivation: (How will student interest be sparked? Is there prior knowledge that should be tapped? Is there Students discuss their prior
vocabulary that must be cleared? Is there brainstorming that student need to complete before the lesson begins?) knowledge of a “community of
• Thinking Map learners” that developed
• This activity is to engage students’ in the theme of Chapter 10 (“Becoming a through their years of learning.
Teacher,” Parkay 328) by brainstorming using any prior knowledge about the topic.
• Start by saying, “This is a type of thinking map called a Circle Map. We always
write the thing we are brainstorming about in the small circle in the middle. Think
about or brainstorm ideas on ‘What factors create a community of learners?’ We
5 min will write these ideas in the larger outside circle.”
• Students share their ideas as the teaching team writes their responses on the circle
• Congratulate the students on a job well done and invite them to “Kiss your
brain” (initiate the action by kissing two fingers and touching it to your head).
• Note: If they have clarifying questions, try not to give any content specific
information at this time. You want only their initial ideas, not the “right answer.”
Whole Group Instruction: (Focus lessons [explicit teaching/modeling, strategy demonstration, activate prior knowledge], Students will observe the
shared reading, shared writing, discussion, writing process.) teachers’ model and will only
Shared Reading (RL.9-10.10) become involved when
• For this part of the lesson, the classroom management PowerPoint slides are read recruited by the teacher.
aloud, while students read along silently. I will stop and share my thoughts and use
“stop and think” questions about the informational text to aid in everyone’s
understanding of the text.
10 Given your previous knowledge of a democratic society, what do you
min believe a “Democratic classroom” is?
What does it mean to “organize” instruction
What does it mean to “plan” instruction
Give me an example of a “mild” misbehavior.
Give me an example of a “moderate” misbehavior.
Give me an example of a “severe” misbehavior.

Independent Practice: (individual practice, discussion, writing process.) Students use think/pair/share
• THINK PAIR SHARE - Rally Robin Technique in think aloud and reciprocal
• This activity gives students the opportunity to review classroom rules that teaching.
contribute to classroom management; students connect to past or present
experiences with the goal of having the reading become more meaningful.
• Review the Rally Robin technique (see attached) with the students. Tell the
2 min students: “Turn to a neighbor next to you and Rally Robin classroom rules for
elementary-age students. You have 30 seconds to Rally Robin with your partner.”
• At the end of that 30 seconds, use a “call and response” technique (see attached) to
get their attention.
• Tell the students: “Turn to the same neighbor and Rally Robin classroom rules for
secondary level-age students.”
• Use a “call and response” to end the discussion after 30 seconds.
Group Practice/Small Group Instruction: (teacher-facilitated group discussion, student or teacher-led collaboration, Small groups will create
student conferencing, re-teaching or intervention, writing process) routines for classroom
• This activity is to engage students in the classroom procedure making process. procedures with the teacher
Each group will describe the steps required for students to successfully complete facilitating the process.
daily routines.
• Have students get into 4 groups of 4-5 students and direct each group to one of the
four large sticky sheets (from the Post-It easel pad) attached to the walls around the
• Equip each group with colored markers.
• Make each group responsible for illustrating and explaining one important
classroom procedure (assigned procedures are already written on the sheets
attached to the walls).
• Tell the students: “As a team, create routines for the daily procedures included on
5 min your sheet. Include positive reinforcers or consequences you can use in your
classroom. Work quickly with your team—you do not have much time! Then
choose one person to share your team’s procedures~they will have 30 seconds/1
minute to present.”
• The group will have 3 minutes to come up with their procedures.
• Then, one representative from each group will have 30 seconds/1 minute to share
their specific procedure with the class, as required in the common core standard
Group 1: Lining up.
Group 2: Walking in the hallway.
Group 3: “Can I go to the bathroom?”
Group 4: “I’m done, what do you want me to do?”
Evaluate Understanding/Assessment: (How will I know if students have achieved today’s objective?) Exit ticket-- individual
• Exit Ticket summary
• Before they leave the class, on a medium sized Post-It, each student will write
2 min down one example of a classroom management technique reviewed that they will
implement in their classrooms.
• When the students are finished, have the students post their responses on the “Exit
Ticket” poster-board hanging on the wall in the classroom.
Closing Activities/Summary: (How will I tie up loose ends, reinforce/revisit the objective and connect the lesson to the unit?)
• Kahoot Quiz — Online customized quiz
• Using any electronic device (cell phone, computer, iPad, iPod), go to kahoot.it
• Enter the “Game PIN” that will appear on the SmartBoard to join the quiz.
• Choose your own nickname.
5 min • Tell the students, “The questions and answers will appear on the SmartBoard
screen. On your phone, only the shape and the color of the available answers will
appear. Choose the one that corresponds with the answer you want to choose.
• Answer the questions correctly based on what you learned today. Keep in mind that
speed counts.
• Winner gets a treat at the end!
Enrichment/Extension/Re-teaching/Accommodations: (How will my lesson satisfy the needs of all learners?)
• Scaffolding the text
• All documents and activities can be easily modified for special education
students. I.E. fill in some information; give picture/icon clues next to items
in reading; students could use ‘pictures/icons’ that they create – instead of
only writing down routines for classroom procedures.
• Small group adaptations; work in small groups where students assist with
interpretation and writing.
• Give students extra time to complete assignments.
• Text read aloud by teacher or volunteer student readers.

Resources/Instructional Materials Needed: (What do I need in order to teach the lesson?)

• SmartBoard, Text: “Becoming a Teacher,” and Chapter 10 PowerPoint presentation, handouts (“Call and Response,” and
name tent), Markers, 5 large sticky sheets (from the Post-It easel pad), medium sized Post-It, Access to online customized
Kahoot Quiz, and access to any electronic device (cell phone, computer, iPad, iPod), Rally Robin instructions, Exit Ticket


Structure Strategies Included in the City School/ Model of Highly Effective Literacy Instruction
Whole Group -Anticipatory guides/sets -Book/author talks -Cornell Notes
-Close Reading -Questioning the Author (QtA) -Question-Answer-Relationships (QAR)
-Text annotation -Think aloud -Think/Pair/Share

Guided Practice/ -Anticipatory guides/sets -Book/author talks -Cornell Notes

-Close Reading -Literature Circles -Questioning the Author (QtA)
Small group -Question-Answer-Relationships (QAR) -Reading conferences -Reciprocal teaching
-Strategy groups -Text annotation -Think aloud
-Think/Pair/Share -Writing Conferences

Independent Practice -Anticipatory guides/sets -Book/author talks -Cornell Notes

-Close Reading -Literature Circles -Questioning the Author (QtA)
-Question-Answer-Relationships (QAR) -Reading conferences -Reciprocal teaching
-Strategy groups -Text annotation -Think aloud
-Think/Pair/Share -Writing Conferences

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