Welding Dictionary
Welding Dictionary
Welding Dictionary
1 Preface ..............................................................................................................................................................2
2 The process.......................................................................................................................................................2
2.1 General remarks .....................................................................................................................................2
2.2 Current type ............................................................................................................................................2
2.3 Electrode types .......................................................................................................................................3
2.4 Properties of the coating types ...............................................................................................................4
3 Which electrode for what purpose.....................................................................................................................5
3.1 Welding-engineering considerations when choosing stick electrodes....................................................5
3.2 Material considerations when choosing stick electrodes........................................................................6
4 Groove preparation ...........................................................................................................................................7
4.1 Groove shapes........................................................................................................................................7
4.2 Placement of the weld groove side walls................................................................................................9
5 Electrode holders and welding cables...............................................................................................................9
6 Power sources...................................................................................................................................................9
6.1 Power source designs...........................................................................................................................10
6.2 Special functions with inverters for MMA welding.................................................................................12
7 Performing welding work.................................................................................................................................12
7.1 Igniting the arc.......................................................................................................................................12
7.2 Moving the electrode.............................................................................................................................13
7.3 Magnetic arc blow .................................................................................................................................13
7.4 Set welding parameters ........................................................................................................................13
8 Work safety .....................................................................................................................................................14
12 Imprint .............................................................................................................................................................18
2 The process
2.1 General remarks
MMA welding (process number 111) is a
fusion welding process, and more pre-
cisely, a metal arc welding process. ISO
857-1 (1998 edition) describes the weld-
ing processes in this group as follows:
1 Workpiece 5 Coated electrode
Metal arc welding: Arc welding process 2 Weld seam 6 Electrode holder
using an electrode used up during the 3 Slag 7 Power source
procedure. 4 Arc
Metal arc welding without gas shielding: Figure 1 Scheme of manual metal arc weld-
Metal arc welding process without the ing irrespective to ISO 857-1
addition of external shielding gas and
© 2002 EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH 2 11.07
Dr. Günter-Henle-Str. 8, D-56271 Mündersbach/Ww., Germany Item no.: WM.0224.01
The EWM MMA Primer
The electrode is the welder's tool. The
length in mm
Nominal dia-
meter in mm
welder moves the arc burning on the
electrode in the weld groove side walls,
thus melting the edges of the groove
(Figure 2).
Different current intensities are required 1.6 200
depending on the type of groove and the 2.0 r 0.06 to r3
thickness of the parent material. The stick 2.5 350
electrodes are available in different di- 3.2
ameters and lengths, since their diameter 4.0 350
r 0.10 to r3
and length determine the current loading 5.0 450
possible. Table 1 shows the standardised 6.0
dimensions as specified in DIN EN 759.
Table 1 Diameter and lengths of stick elec-
Higher welding currents can be used with trodes conforming to DIN EN 759
larger core wire diameters. Electrodes
2.3 Electrode types R=rutile and B=basic. In Germany the ru-
There are stick electrodes with coatings tile type plays a leading role. Stick elec-
of very different compositions. The com- trode may be thin-coated, medium-coated
position of the coating determines the or thick-coated. With rutile electrodes,
melt characteristics of the electrode, its which are available as standard in all
welding properties and the quality of the three coating thicknesses, the thick-
weld metal. Irrespective to DIN EN 499 coated electrodes are therefore known as
the coating types given in Table 2 exist RR for clearer identification.
for stick electrodes for welding unalloyed With alloyed and high-alloy stick elec-
steels. trodes, there is no such variety in the
A distinction is drawn here between sin- types of coating. With stick electrodes for
gle-material types and mixed types. Let- welding stainless steels, which are stan-
ters are used to designate the different dardised in DIN EN 1600, a distinction is
types of electrode. The letters stand for only made between rutile electrodes and
the following: C=cellulose, A=acid, basic types, for example, as with stick
electrodes for welding creep resistant
steels (DIN EN 1599), but in this case
there are only basic mixed types, as with
the rutile electrodes, although this is not
specifically marked. This is the case with
electrodes that have better welding char-
acteristics in out-of-position welding, for
example. Stick electrodes for welding
high-tensile steels (DIN EN 757) are only
available with basic coatings.
Type Coating
A acid
C cellulose
R rutile
1 Weld groove side walls 4 Molten slag RR thick rutile
2 Stick electrode 5 Solidified slag RC rutile cellulose
3 Molten weld metal RA rutile acid
RB rutile basic
Figure 2 Position of the electrode in the B basic
weld groove side walls Table 2 Coating types to DIN EN 499
said that, the weld metal does have "inner a minimum expansion of 20% (46). An
impact energy of 47 joules is reached up
to a temperature of -30°C (3). The elec-
trode has a basic coating (B). This is fol-
lowed by various pieces of non-
compulsory information on the efficiency
and the current suitable for the electrode.
The stick electrode given in the example
has an efficiency of 105 to 125% and
should only be used for welding on d.c.
(4) in all positions except vertical-down
(2). The hydrogen content of the weld
metal is below 5 ml / 100 g / weld metal
(H5). If the weld metal contains alloy
elements other than manganese, these
are given before the code for the coating
type with the code for the chemical ele-
Figure 6 Welding in pipeline construction
ments and sometimes with numbers for
with cellulose electrodes
the percentage (e.g. 1Ni).
© 2002 EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH 6 11.07
Dr. Günter-Henle-Str. 8 D-56271 Mündersbach/Ww., Germany Item no.: WM.0224.01
The EWM MMA Primer
A low hydrogen content is important Joint type Workpiece Diagram
when welding steel with a tendency to- thickness (mm)
wards hydrogen-induced crack formation, Butt weld
One side 3-8
such as high-tensile steel. The code for both sides <8
the hydrogen content provides the nec- One side 3-10
Single-V butt
with backing runs
essary information here. weld
Similar identification systems also exist Single-V butt
One side 5-40
for high-tensile electrodes (DIN EN 757), weld with
with backing runs
creep resistant electrodes (DIN EN 1599) broad root
and for stainless electrodes (DIN EN face
1600). For creep resistant and stainless
electrodes, however, both the strength
properties and the creep resistance and Double-V butt
Both sides > 10
corrosion properties of the weld metals weld
must match those of the parent metals.
The general rule here is therefore that the
weld metal should ideally be the same
type or higher-alloy than the parent metal. Single-U butt
One side > 12
with backing runs
4 Groove preparation >12
E 46 3 B 42 H5
Code Efficiency % Current type 1. All positions Code Hydrogen content in ml / 100 g
1 A.c. and d.c. 2. All positions except vertical-down weld metal max.
d105 3. Butt weld in flat pos., fillet weld in H5 5
2 D.c.
3 A.c. and d.c. flat and horizontal vertical pos. H10 10
!105 d125 4. Butt weld in flat pos. fillet weld in flat H15 15
4 D.c.
pos. Codes for the hydrogen content of the weld metal
5 A.c. and d.c.
!125 d160 5. Position as for 3. plus vertical down
6 D.c.
7 A.c. and d.c.
8 D.c.
Power source
Stick electrode
= or ~
(core rod + coating)
+ (-) Arc
Workpiece clamp
Figure 10 EWM power source PICO 162
Figure 8 The power circuit [2]
© 2002 EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH 9 11.07
Dr. Günter-Henle-Str. 8 D-56271 Mündersbach/Ww., Germany Item no.: WM.0224.01
The EWM MMA Primer
U [V]
With power line-fed networks, the trans-
former is single-phase connected be-
tween one phase and the outer conductor
or between two phases of the three-
phase network. Different current intensi-
ties can be set via scattering kernel ad-
a) justment, primary side turn tapping or via
With the welding rectifier the current is
rectified after transformation by diodes or
100A 200A 300A I [A] thyristors, i.e. d.c. current is available for
a) Continually falling characteristic welding. For basic welding rectifiers, the
b) Vertically falling characteristic transformer is single-phase or two-phase
(constant current characteristic) connected, but with more demanding
machines, connected three-phase to all
Figure 11 Characteristics for MMA welding phases of the three-phase network. The
latter supplies a very even current without
for MMA welding have a falling, static significant current ripples. The evenness
characteristic, and with conventional of the current is particularly useful when
power sources (such as for the PICO welding with basic electrodes and when
162, Figure 10) generally continuously welding with metal alloys, such as nickel-
falling and with electronic power sources based alloys.
falling vertically in the work area (Figure
11). With simple machines the welding recti-
fier is set in the transformer – see Setting
This ensures that with the unavoidable the welding transformer. Modern welding
changes in length of the arc with MMA rectifiers are set using thyristors, which
welding, the most important parameter for are controllable rectifiers, using phase
the quality of the welding connection – shift control.
the current intensity – is changed only
slightly or not at all. Electronic power sources (inverters) are
also increasingly being used for MMA
6.1 Power source designs welding in practise (Figure 13).
The simplest way to convert mains cur- Figure 14 shows the block diagram of a
rent into welding current is by means of 3rd generation inverter with a clock fre-
the welding transformer. It converts the quency of up to 100 kHz.
current only in terms of the current inten- These Power sources have a completely
sity and voltage (transformer) and sup- different layout to conventional power
plies sinusoid a.c. for welding. The trans- sources. The current coming from the
former principle is shown in Figure 12 [2]. mains is first rectified and then "hacked"
Iron core
Primary Secondary
circet curcet
main welding
~ curcet
Figure 15 EWM inverter TRITON 220 AC/DC for Figure 16 Control (operating panel) for a
TIG and MMA welding modern STICK power source
U krit. t
a) Hotstart current
R B C I [A] b) Hotstart time
Electrode diameter
Welding position
Current intensity
Sheet thickness
for the current carrying capacity for the
Electrode type
various electrode diameters.
Seam type
The rule which can be used here is that
lower limit values are used for welding
root passes and for the vertical up posi-
tion, and the upper values apply to all
4 2.5 75 -
other positions and for intermediate and RA 3.2 140 Root
final passes. As the current intensities in- 6
Flat 4.0 180 Final pass
crease, the melt deposition power in- 3.2 120 Root
creases and therefore also the welding B
4.0 170 Final pass
speed. The fusion penetration also in- V- 3.2 95 Root
creases with increasing current levels. up 4.0 160 Final pass
The current intensities given only apply to 3.2 130 Root
unalloyed and low-alloy steels. With high- Flat B Fill and
V 4.0 170
alloy steels and nickel-based materials, 15 final pass
V- 3.2 90 Root
lower values should be set due to the B
up 4.0 140 Final pass
greater electrical resistance of the core 4.0 160 Root
wire. Flat B Fill and
5.0 220
Settings for various welding tasks are 20
final pass
given in Table 5, Table 6 and Table 7, [2], V-
3.2 90 Root
[5]. B Fill and
up 4.0 140
final pass
8 Work safety Table 5 Settings for butt welds on unalloyed
In MMA welding, risks to the welder arise and low-alloy sheet materials, val-
from the smoke and gases of the stick ues from [2] and [5]
electrode coatings and from metal va- The beam from the arc dazzles eyes and
pour, as well as from visible and ultravio- may cause "arc eye", i.e. an eye inflam-
let rays and infrared radiation emitted by mation. However, the beam can also
the arc; electrical risks are also present. cause skin burns and symptoms similar
Irrespective to current accident preven- to sunburn. Welders must therefore pro-
tion regulations, an extraction system is tect themselves using suitable work
required directly at the point of emission clothing and a welding safety shield with
for MMA welding at fixed workstations. the relevant safety filters conforming to
Only for short-term and mobile welding is EN 166 and EN 169. The safety filters to
air ventilation or a welding-engineering be used should be of protection level 9 –
ventilation device permissible in certain for thin electrodes and low current inten-
circumstances. sities up to 14 – for thick electrodes and
high current intensities. A plain cover
Diameter Length Current Rule of glass in front of the safety filters or a pair
(d in mm) (l in mm) intensity thumb for
of clear glasses protect against eye inju-
(I in A) current in-
tensity in A ries from slag breaking.
2.0 250/300 40... 80
20...40 x d
2.5 350 50...100
3.2 350/400 90...150
4.0 350/400 120...200 30...50 x d
5.0 450 180...270
6.0 450 220...360 35...60 x d
Electrode diameter
However, welders must also protect
Welding position
Current intensity
themselves from contact with current car-
Wall thickness
Electrode type
rying parts by wearing insulated clothing,
Seam type
shoes with undamaged rubber soles and
leather gloves. When working on metal
constructions, use of an insulating mat is
also recommended.
125 Root
170 Hotpass
8 4.0
150 Fill pass
9 Special notes for MMA welding
130 Final pass on different materials
Ver- 130 Root MMA welding is today used mainly for
tical 180 Hotpass welding unalloyed and low-alloy steels, in
10 V C
dow 190 Fill pass
5.0 other words, constructional steels, creep
n 175 Final pass
resistant, high tensile and low tempera-
130 Root
4.0 ture steels, as well as stainless
180 Hotpass
12 chrome/nickel steels and nickel-based al-
200 Fill pass
5.0 loys. Another application for stick elec-
175 Final pass
trodes is GMA surfacing.
Table 6 Settings for butt welds on pipes
made from unalloyed and low-alloy The welding of aluminium and aluminium
steel, values from [2] alloys and of copper and copper alloys
Electrical dangers occur in arc welding with coated stick electrodes has been all
mainly from the open-circuit voltage be- but overtaken by shielded arc welding
cause this is the maximum voltage pre- and is now only used as an emergency
sent between the two poles when the support measure, if for some reason it is
power source is on when no welding is not possible to use shielded arc welding,
being carried out. The arc voltage pro- such as on construction sites.
duced during the actual welding process Given below are some special features
is much lower, on the other hand, and and possible uses with different materi-
depending on the electrode diameter and als.
arc length may be around 20-30 volts. Electrode diameter
The level of open-circuit voltage is there-
Welding position
Current intensity
Eff. throat thick-
Electrode type
value of 113 volts with a.c. and an r.m.s.
value of 80 volts.
The electrical risk to the welder is espe- V-
2 dow RC 2.5 70 -
cially great when welding in small and n
damp areas and when welding on and in 3 3.2 130 -
large ferric masses. In this situation, d.c. RR
180 -
power sources with a peak value of 113 4
RR160 4.0 190 -
volts are permissible. With a.c. the level 180 Root
5 Hor. T RR
of open-circuit voltage is restricted even vert.
240 Final
further. It must not exceed a peak value RR160 290 -
of 68 volts and an r.m.s. value of 48 volts. 4.0 180 Root
Power sources fulfilling these require- RR 240 Final
ments are identified as such. Newly 255 -
3.2 110 Root
manufactured machines bear the "S" sign 8 V-up B
4.0 140 Final
(safety), and with older machines the
mark "K" for d.c. machines and "42 V" for Table 7 Settings for fillet welds on unal-
a.c. machines can still be found. loyed and low-alloy steels, values
from [2]
© 2002 EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH 15 11.07
Dr. Günter-Henle-Str. 8 D-56271 Mündersbach/Ww., Germany Item no.: WM.0224.01
The EWM MMA Primer
9.1 Unalloyed and low-alloy steels ity values of the welding join, with the im-
Due to the low level of investment re- proved quality of the welds sometimes
quired, MMA welding is still used with un- proving more important than economic
alloyed and low-alloy steels in smaller considerations.
companies with less intense welding re- High-tensile steels, including construction
quirements where purchasing larger, steel S355 if present in larger wall thick-
automated welding systems would not be nesses (!20 mm), have a tendency to
economically viable. Stick electrodes are crack during welding if three contributory
also still used on construction sites, e.g. factors are combined, namely, a high hy-
out-of-doors welding, where shielded arc drogen content, high stresses and rapid
welding would necessitate complex pre- cooling after welding. Such hydrogen-
cautions to shield against the wind, induced cracks can be most safely
Figure 20. avoided if the hydrogen content of the
In all other cases, the process has yet to weld metal is kept low (<5 ml / 100 g). As,
prove its efficiency in contrast to other, unlike with shielded arc welding, in MMA
automated arc-welding techniques. High welding hydrogen is supplied primarily by
deposition power electrodes with an effi- the coating, only dry, basic electrodes
ciency of 160-180% are therefore used can be used for these purposes. Elec-
wherever possible. High efficiency rutile trodes that have become damp or may
electrodes are especially well suited to have absorbed some moisture need to be
welding fillet welds with effective throat oven-dried before welding. As a guideline
thickness of 3-5 mm, thanks to high for the drying process, a temperature of
welding speed and good seam appear- 250-350°C and a drying time of 1-2 hours
ance. should be sufficient, but this may vary for
In the construction of pressurised con- different manufacturers. The best option
tainers and boilers, basic stick electrodes is to follow the instructions from the
continue to enjoy a certain degree of manufacturer.
popularity because of the excellent qual- 9.2 High-alloy steels and nickel-based al-
MMA welding still finds relatively wide-
spread application in the construction of
chemistry equipment for welding stainless
CrNi steels. Unlike shielded arc welding,
the MMA welding weld seam is still pro-
tected against the atmosphere during
cooling by the slag. The seams are there-
fore subject to less oxidisation. The oxide
skins produced must be removed by
brushing, grinding, blasting or etching be-
fore using the component because they
have a detrimental effect on corrosion-
resistance. Due to the reduced oxidation
of the surface, less work is required to
clean up the seams. This can compen-
sate for any economic advantages pro-
vided by MAG welding over MMA
welding, for example. When welding cor-
rosion-resistant steels, MMA is some-
times given preference over MAG weld-
Figure 20 Use of inverter power source
ing for fear of lack of fusion.
PICO 162 on a construction site
12 Imprint
The MMA Primer, 1 edition 2002
From the EWM Knowledge range of pub-
lications – All about welding
All rights reserved.
Reprinting, including extracts, is forbid-
den. No part of this brochure may be re-
produced or electronically processed, re-
produced or distributed in any form (pho-
tocopy, microfilm or any other procedure)
without the written permission of EWM.
1 Preface.................................................................................................................................................. 2
2 The process .......................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 2
2.2 Current type ..................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Electrodes ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2.4 Shielding gases................................................................................................................................ 4
3 Groove preparation ............................................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Groove shapes................................................................................................................................. 5
3.2 Placement of the weld groove side walls side walls ........................................................................ 5
3.3 Backing ............................................................................................................................................ 5
3.4 Forming............................................................................................................................................ 5
4 The welding torch.................................................................................................................................. 6
4.1 Cooling............................................................................................................................................. 6
4.2 Torch design .................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 Shape of the electrode tip................................................................................................................ 7
5 Welding machines................................................................................................................................. 8
5.1 Control ............................................................................................................................................. 8
5.2 Power sources ................................................................................................................................. 9
6 Performing welding work..................................................................................................................... 11
6.1 Choice of welding filler ................................................................................................................... 11
6.2 Setting the shielding gas quantity .................................................................................................. 11
6.3 Cleaning the workpiece surface..................................................................................................... 12
6.4 Igniting the arc ............................................................................................................................... 12
6.5 Moving the torch ............................................................................................................................ 13
6.6 Magnetic arc blow .......................................................................................................................... 13
6.7 Welding positions........................................................................................................................... 14
6.8 Set welding parameters ................................................................................................................. 14
6.9 Welding with current pulses........................................................................................................... 15
6.10 Automation options ........................................................................................................................ 16
6.11 Work safety .................................................................................................................................... 16
7 Special features of different materials ................................................................................................ 17
7.1 Unalloyed and non-alloy steels...................................................................................................... 18
7.2 Austenitic CrNi steels..................................................................................................................... 18
7.3 Aluminium and aluminium alloys ................................................................................................... 18
7.4 Copper and copper alloys.............................................................................................................. 20
7.5 Other materials .............................................................................................................................. 20
8 Applications for TIG welding ............................................................................................................... 21
8.1 Uses in manufacturing ................................................................................................................... 21
8.2 Example applications ..................................................................................................................... 21
9 Literature ............................................................................................................................................. 22
10 Imprint ................................................................................................................................................. 23
1 Preface
Welding rod
The TIG welding process (Figure 1) – the Torch
Pure tung-
Pure tung-
with oxide
with oxide
with oxide
pointed shape of the electrode and lowest
on the plus pole due to the low current-
carrying capacity (Figure 3).
1.6 40-130 60-150 10-20 10-20 45-90 60-125
2.0 75-180 100-200 15-25 15-25 65-125 85-160 2.3 Electrodes
2.5 130-230 170-250 17-30 17-30 80-140 120-210
Tungsten electrodes cannot be manufac-
3.2 160-310 225-330 20-35 20-35 150-190 150-250
tured by moulding because of the high
4.0 275-450 350-480 35-50 35-50 180-260 240-350
melting point of the metal. They are
5.0 400-625 500-675 50-70 50-70 240-350 330-460
therefore manufactured using powder
Table 1: Recommended current intensity metallurgy techniques via sintering fol-
ranges for tungsten electrodes, val-
lowed by compression and compaction.
ues acc. to DIN EN 26848
The standard diameters defined in DIN
The process is named after the type of EN 26848 (ISO 6848) are between 0.5
electrode (tungsten) and the shielding and 10 mm. The diameters most com-
gas used (inert). The electrode does not monly used are 1.6; 2.0; 2.5; 3.2 and 4.0
melt due to the high melting point of mm. Standard lengths are 50, 75, 150
tungsten (3380°C) when the process is and 175 mm. The length is based around
used correctly. It acts solely as the arc the design of the torch, among other fac-
carrier. The welding filler is added by tors.
hand in the form of a bar or with fully As well as electrodes made from pure
automated welding as a wire via a sepa- tungsten, there are also electrodes which
rate feed system. The shielding gas is have quantities of around 0.5 to 4% oxide
emitted from the shielding gas nozzle and such as thorium oxide, zircon oxide, lan-
surrounds the electrode concentrically, thanum oxide or cerium oxide mixed in
protecting the electrode and the weld before sintering. The use of pure tung-
metal underneath it from the atmosphere. sten electrodes creates a very quiet arc,
2.2 Current type however electrodes containing oxide
have the advantage that they heat up
Direct current is normally used for TIG less during use because the coming out
welding. When welding steel and many of the electrodes with the oxide in the
other metals and alloys, the colder minus electrodes occurs more readily than with
pole is positioned against the electrode the tungsten. The ease of ignition, cur-
and the hotter plus pole on the work- rent-carrying capacity and service life are
piece. The current-carrying capacity and therefore better with types containing ox-
the service life of the electrode are con- ides. Table 1 with values from
siderably greater with this polarity than DIN EN 26848 contains the recom-
with plus pole welding. Alternating current
a) b) c)
is used with aluminium and aluminium al-
loys, and with some bronzes, in other
words materials which form high-melting
or highly viscous oxides. This will be cov-
ered in more detail later on. When weld-
ing with alternating current, the current-
Figure 3: Fusion penetration with different
carrying capacity also is still lower than current types
direct current welding on the minus pole – a) D.c. (minus pole)
for more on this, please see Table 1. b) D.c. (plus pole)
c) A.c.
© 2002 EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH 3 11.07
Dr. Günter-Henle-Str. 8 D-56271 Mündersbach/Ww., Germany Item no.: WM.0222.01
The EWM TIG Primer
Composition ium or copper, helium (l2) is also used.
Added Oxides Contami- Tung-
When using helium as the shielding gas,
Code nation sten
ing color the arc is hotter. The heat distribution be-
% (M/M) Type % (m/m) % tween the core and the edge of the arc is
more even in particular. The use of pure
WP - - 99,8 green
WT 4 0,35 to 0,55 blue
helium in TIG welding is rare and limited
WT 10 0,80 to 1,20 yellow
to special situations, although ar-
WT 20 1,70 to 2,20 ThO2 red gon/helium mixtures (l3) with 25, 50 or
WT 30 2,80 to 3,20 violet 75% helium have been increasingly used
d 0,20 res-
WT 40 3,80 to 4,20
orange in recent years. This means, for example,
WZ 3 0,15 to 0,50
brown that with thicker aluminium structures the
WZ 8 0,70 to 0,90 white pre-heating temperature required to
WL 10 0,90 to 1,20 LaO2 black
achieve sufficient fusion penetration can
WC 20 1,80 to 2,20 CeO2 grey
be reduced. It is also often possible to in-
Table 2 Tungsten electrodes defined by DIN crease the welding speed.
EN 26848
When using TIG welding on stainless
mended current intensity ranges of pure chrome/nickel steels, argon / hydrogen
tungsten electrodes and those with added mixtures (R1) are also used for this pur-
oxides on both poles with direct current pose, but the hydrogen content should
and alternating current, for comparison not be much greater than 5% to prevent
purposes. This explains the higher cur- the formation of pores.
rent carrying capacity thanks to the The flow quantity of shielding gas is
added oxides. based on the gas nozzle diameter and
Previously, tungsten electrodes with the surrounding air flow. As a rough
around 2% thorium oxide were generally guide, a volume of 5-10 I / min can be
used. The use of these is declining, how- assumed for argon. In draughty rooms
ever. Thorium is an alpha emitter which is (Figure 4).greater flow rates may be nec-
why electrodes containing thorium oxide essary. With argon / helium mixtures,
also emit a low level of radioactivity. This greater flow volumes should be used due
in itself is not dangerous to the welder, al- to the lower density of helium.
though it does increase the general radia-
tion load. What is more dangerous,
however, is breathing in the dust from
grinding the electrode. This is why today
tungsten electrodes containing “arc-
friendly” materials such as lanthanum ox-
ide or cerium oxide are often used.
Electrodes can be identified by the code
and the identifying colour specified in the
standards (Table 2).
Collet casing
5.1 Control
The control has the task of switching the Iend
welding current on and off, adjusting it t
tUp tDown
and keeping it constant. It also provides
additional functions which actually allow
welding to be carried out or which simplify Figure 11 Function sequence at the start and
the process (Figure 10). end of welding
With modern machines the current can which do not have specific devices for
be reduced in a time-controlled way for non-contact ignition, the arc should al-
crater filling (down-slope) when switching ways be ignited outside the groove on a
off at the end of a weld seam. The current run-on plate or on an adjacent copper
can also be raised gradually at the start panel.
of welding (up-slope). These functions There are various ways of igniting the arc
can be initiated from the torch switch in without damaging the electrode. With
non-latched and latched operation. This high voltage pulse ignition, sometimes
produces a welding program as shown in also called high frequency ignition, a
Figure 11. pulsed alternating current of several
With high-tech machines the set rise and thousand voIts (e.g. 6-8 kV) is created
lower times remain constant, regardless between the electrode and the workpiece.
of the current intensity level set. The pre- The very short voltage pulses (e.g. 0.5-
and post-flow times for the shielding gas 1Ps) are transferred from the electrode to
can also be set. the workpiece in the form of a spark gap
Also integrated into the control is the igni- after the torch switch is pressed; with di-
tion unit. Naturally the TIG arc can also rect current welding generally at a fre-
be ignited by touching between the elec- quency of 100 Hz, and with alternating
trode and the workpiece, but in this case current at the standard 50 Hz frequency
there is a risk of the electrode tip becom- or with modern machines at the fre-
ing damaged and the arc burning erratic- quency set for the welding current. The
ally. It is also possible that tungsten is spark gap can be heard and seen. It pre-
transferred into the weld metal where it ionises the gas molecules in the space
would not melt due to the high melting between the electrode and the workpiece
point but would remain as a foreign body. so that the arc ignites without contact
For this reason, with simple machines when the electrode tip is moved to a few
millimetres away from the arc strike. One
rule of thumb is that ignition is possible
across a gap of 1 mm / 1000 volt ignition
voltage. To prevent accidental contact
between the electrode and the workpiece,
it is best to angle the position of the torch
on the edge of the gas nozzle, as shown
in Figure 12, and to move the electrode
tip closer by straightening up the torch,
until the arc ignites.
Only then is the gas nozzle raised off the
workpiece and the normal torch position
Figure 10 Control for the EWM TIG Inverter
current source TRITON 220 DC
adopted. When welding using sinusoidal
powerSinus alternating current the igniting aid must
© 2002 EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH 8 11.07
Dr. Günter-Henle-Str. 8 D-56271 Mündersbach/Ww., Germany Item no.: WM.0222.01
The EWM TIG Primer
Voltage U (V)
1 1.0 4 1.6
2 1.6 4 to 6 2.0
3 1.6 6 2.5
4 2.5 6 to 8 3.0
5 2.5 to 3.0 6 to 8 3.2
6 3.2 8 4.0
8 4.0 8 to 10 4.0
Current I (A)
Table 3 Tungsten electrode diameter, gas
Figure 17 Static characteristics of welding nozzle size and filler rod diameters
power sources with different panel thicknesses
6.4 Igniting the arc Figure 18 Measuring the shielding gas flow
The arc should never be ignited outside
the groove on the parent material, but al-
ways so that the ignition point is melted
immediately again afterwards during
© 2002 EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH 12 11.07
Dr. Günter-Henle-Str. 8 D-56271 Mündersbach/Ww., Germany Item no.: WM.0222.01
The EWM TIG Primer
6.5 Moving the torch be filled using a stringer bead, but which
With TIG welding the leftward welding are too narrow for two stringer beads.
principle is used (Figure 19). This defini-
tion is only applicable, however, if the 6.6 Magnetic arc blow
welder holds the torch with his right hand Arc blow is where the arc is lengthened
and moves the filler rod with the left hand due to being diverted from its central axis
as right-handed persons would normally and emits a hissing noise. This diversion
do, and when viewing the positions from could result in discontinuities. This means
the welder’s point of view. The direction that the fusion penetration may become
of welding is more accurately defined by inadequate and with slag-forming welding
saying that the welding rod is moved in processes, slag inclusions could be pro-
the direction of welding in front of the duced in the seam due to the slag flowing
torch. ahead of the molten pool.
This applies to all positions except for The diversion is caused by forces arising
vertical down welding. With GMA- from the surrounding magnetic field. As
surfacing, rightward welding is also with any current-carrying conductor, the
sometimes used due to the greater melt- electrode and the arc are also sur-
ing deposition power. rounded by a toroidal magnetic field; this
is diverted in the area of the arc when it
The torch is placed in a forehand position
comes into contact with the parent mate-
at a angle of around 20° from the vertical
rial. This compresses the magnetic lines
in the direction of welding, and the filler
of force on the inside and expands them
rod is added from the front at a fairly flat
on the outside (Figure 20 a).
angle of around 15° to the workpiece sur-
face. The arc slips into the area of reduced flux
line density. This lengthens the arc and it
The arc first melts to form a molten bath.
emits a hissing noise due to the in-
The filler rod then melts under the arc,
creased arc voltage this creates. The op-
whereby the welder makes dotting
posite pole therefore exerts a repulsive
movements by moving the rod back and
effect on the arc.
forth. In this process the rod must not be
moved too far underneath the arc during Another magnetic force means that the
joint welding because otherwise the fu- magnetic field can spread more easily in
sion penetration into the parent material a ferromagnetic material than in air. The
is reduced. With GMA-surfacing, where arc is therefore attracted by large ferric
low mixing is of less importance, this can masses. This is reflected, for example, in
be turned to the welder's advantage. that when welding a magnetic material
the arc will move inwards at the end of
With joint welding, the end of the rod
the panel.
should melt on the front of the molten
bath. In this process the welder should
ensure that the melting end does not
move out of the shielding gas bell in the ~20°
dotting movements. Oxidation of the end
of the rod would be the result and oxide
could enter the molten bath.
Welding is normally carried out with no ~15°
movement or with a slight weaving
movement. This creates the least distur-
bance of the shielding gas bell. In the ver-
tical up position (PF) on the other hand, a
slight weaving motion should be used on Figure 19 Positioning the torch and the filler
the torch and the filler rod. The same ap- rod [1]
plies to filler runs in a width which cannot
© 2002 EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH 13 11.07
Dr. Günter-Henle-Str. 8 D-56271 Mündersbach/Ww., Germany Item no.: WM.0222.01
The EWM TIG Primer
Effect of the Effect of large
opposite pole ferric masses
a) b)
The arc blow effect may be particularly Figure 21 Welding positions as defined in ISO
strong due to the surrounding ferric 6947
masses when welding root passes. In this
case it helps if the magnetic flux is sup- 6.8 Set welding parameters
ported by closely positioned tack welds The lower limit of possible use of the TIG
which should not be too short. process for steel is around 0.3 mm, and
with aluminium and copper, 0.5 mm.
6.7 Welding positions Maximum efficiency limits are set up-
Irrespective to ISO 6947, the welding po- wards for the application. The melt depo-
sitions are identified with PA – PG. These sition power for the process is not
are ordered alphabetically when viewed particularly great. For this reason, only
on a pipe from above (flat position – PA) the root runs are commonly TIG welded
starting in the clockwise direction (Figure and the other runs are welded using other
21). processes (MMA, MAG) which have a
The flat position (PA) used to be referred higher level of deposition power.
to as horizontal. Then there are the butt When choosing the set welding parame-
weld positions, horizontal on a vertical ters, bear in mind that only the current in-
wall (PC) and overhead (PE), and the fil- tensity is set on the welding machine, and
let weld positions (PB; horizontal) and the arc voltage is given by the arc length
horizontal/overhead (PD). When welding used by the welder. In this case the volt-
panels, the vertical up position (PF) age increases the longer the arc be-
means welding straight upwards, and the comes. A guideline value for an adequate
vertical down position (PG) is welding current intensity for complete fusion when
straight down. When welding pipes sev- welding steel with alternating current (-
eral positions are used at the same time. pole) is a current intensity of 45 amperes
The vertical up position applies when the per mm of wall thickness. When a.c.
pipe is welded starting from the overhead welding aluminium, 40 amperes/mm are
position without turning upwards on both required.
sides; the equivalent applies to the verti- The appropriate welding data for butt
cal down position for welding from top to welds on different materials can be found
bottom (vertical-down). TIG welding can in Table 4 to Table 8.
be carried out in all positions. The weld-
ing data must be matched to the position,
as with all other welding processes.
© 2002 EWM HIGHTEC WELDING GmbH 14 11.07
Dr. Günter-Henle-Str. 8 D-56271 Mündersbach/Ww., Germany Item no.: WM.0222.01
The EWM TIG Primer
6.9 Welding with current pulses
Tungsten electrode
Panel thickness
Welding speed
diameter [mm]
Groove shape
the current intensity and voltage change
No. of runs
to the rhythm of the pulse frequency con-
tinuously between a low base value and
the higher pulse value (Figure 22).
4.0 I 2 2.0 90 24
I [A]
Table 5 Guideline values for TIG welding
aluminium Current type: A.c. – Ver-
tG tP
tical up position – Shielding gas:
t [s]
Argon [3]
Tungsten electrode
Welding speed
diameter [mm]
Groove shape
IG: Basic current
No. of runs
IM: Moderate current
IP: Pulse current
tG: Basic current time
tP: Pulse current time
T: 1 period = 1/f
f: Frequency Pure 1.0 I 1 1.0 65 13
1.5 I 1 1.6 90 12
3.0 I 1 2.4 140 10
Tungsten electrode
Welding speed
diameter [mm]
Groove shape
high-alloy steel
Tungsten electrode
Welding speed
quate fusion penetration is still ensured,
diameter [mm]
Groove shape however. The effect just described only
No. of runs
occurs if there is a sufficient temperature
difference in the molten bath between the
is also 113 volts, but the r.m.s. value is
“+” pole
“–“ pole
limited to max. 80 volts. Where there is
Carbon steel XX - -
Stainless steel XX - -
Aluminium and Al alloys - X XX
Magnesium and Mg alloys - X XX
Copper XX - -
Aluminium bronze X - XX
Silicon bronze XX - -
Brass X - XX
Nickel and Ni alloys XX - X
Titanium XX - -
9 Literature
[1] R. Killing: Handbuch der Schweißver-
fahren, Teil 1: Lichtbogenschweißen
Fachbuchreihe Schweißtechnik Band
76/I, DVS-Verlag GmbH Düsseldorf 1999
[2] R. Killing: Kompendium der Schweiß-
technik Band 1: Verfahren der Schweiß-
technik Fachbuchreihe Schweißtechnik
Band 128/I, DVS-Verlag GmbH Düssel-
dorf 1997
[3] G. Aichele: Leistungskennwerte für
Schweißen und Schneiden Fachbuchrei-
he Schweißtechnik Band 72, DVS-Verlag
GmbH Düsseldorf 1994
10 Imprint
The TIG Primer, 1st edition 2002
From the EWM Knowledge range of pub-
lications – All about welding
All rights reserved.
Reprinting, including extracts, is forbid-
den. No part of this brochure may be re-
produced or electronically procssed,
reproduced or distributed in any form
(photocopy, microfilm or any other proce-
dure) without the written permission of
1 Preface ..........................................................................................................................................................2
2 The process ..................................................................................................................................................2
2.1 General ...............................................................................................................................................2
2.2 Current type ........................................................................................................................................3
3 Fillers and auxiliary materials........................................................................................................................3
3.1 Types of wire electrodes.....................................................................................................................3
3.2 Welding-engineering delivery conditions for wire electrodes and cored wire electrodes ...................4
3.3 Shielding gases...................................................................................................................................5
3.4 Weld metal properties .........................................................................................................................6
4 Groove preparation .......................................................................................................................................7
4.1 Groove shapes....................................................................................................................................7
4.2 Placement of the weld groove side walls............................................................................................7
4.3 Backing ...............................................................................................................................................8
4.4 Forming...............................................................................................................................................8
5 Welding machines.........................................................................................................................................9
5.1 Power sources ....................................................................................................................................9
5.2 Wire feed units ..................................................................................................................................11
5.3 Tube package and torch ...................................................................................................................12
5.4 Control ..............................................................................................................................................13
6 Material transfer with MIG/MAG welding ....................................................................................................14
6.1 Arc ranges.........................................................................................................................................14
6.2 Short arc ...........................................................................................................................................14
6.3 Long arc ............................................................................................................................................15
6.4 Spray arc...........................................................................................................................................15
6.5 Mixed arc ..........................................................................................................................................16
6.6 Pulse arc ...........................................................................................................................................16
6.7 Special types of material transfer .....................................................................................................16
7 Setting the set welding parameters.............................................................................................................17
7.1 Setting with conventional systems....................................................................................................17
7.2 Synergetic setting of set welding parameters...................................................................................18
7.3 Regulating the MIG/MAG process ....................................................................................................19
8 Performing welding work.............................................................................................................................19
8.1 Igniting the arc ..................................................................................................................................19
8.2 Moving the torch ...............................................................................................................................20
8.3 Ending the welding process..............................................................................................................20
8.4 Welding parameters..........................................................................................................................20
8.5 Automation options ...........................................................................................................................22
9 Work safety .................................................................................................................................................23
10 24
10 Special features of different materials.........................................................................................................24
10.1 Un-alloyed and low-alloy steels ........................................................................................................24
10.2 High-alloy steels and nickel-based alloys .........................................................................................24
10.3 Aluminium and aluminium alloys ......................................................................................................25
10.4 Other materials .................................................................................................................................26
11 Applications for MIG / MAG welding ...........................................................................................................26
11.1 Uses in manufacturing ......................................................................................................................26
11.2 Example applications ........................................................................................................................26
12 Literature .....................................................................................................................................................27
13 Imprint .........................................................................................................................................................27
4 > 5 to 25 > 0 to 8
1 > 25 to 50
M3 2 > 10 to 15
3 > 5 to 50 > 8 to 15
1 100 high oxidi-
2 Residual > 0 to 30 sation
slow to
1 100 Plasma cutting,
F react
root protection
2 > 0 to 50 Residual reducing
) If components not given in the table are added, the gas mixture is designated as a special gas and marked with the
letter S. More information on the designation S is given in section 4.
) Argon can be replaced with helium up to 95%. The helium percentage is indicated by an additional code irrespective to
Table 5, see section 4.
Table 2 Classification of shielding gases for arc welding and arc cutting (EN 439: 1994)
Dr. Günter-Henle-Str. 8, D-56271 Mündersbach/Ww., Germany Item no.: WM.0223.01
The EWM MIG / MAG Primer
ing, group C contains pure carbon dioxide low density of helium. The pressure of the
and a carbon dioxide / oxygen mixture. gas coming out of the cylinder or the ring
The latter is not used in Germany, how- pipe is first reduced. The quantity set can
ever. The gases in group C have the be read off a manometer that has been
highest level of oxidisation because the calibrated together with a nozzle, or on a
CO2 decomposes in the high arc tem- flowmeter with suspended load.
perature, producing large quantities of More information on the effect of the
oxygen in addition to the carbon monox- shielding gases on the welding process is
ide. given later on in the description of the
Lastly, group F includes nitrogen (N) and various arc types.
a nitrogen/hydrogen mixture. Both gases
3.4 Weld metal properties
can be used for plasma cutting and for
forming. With welding fillers for unalloyed steels
and for fine-grained constructional steels,
In addition to the oxidation properties, the
the main factor when choosing a
electrical and physical properties in the
wire/shielding gas combination is recreat-
arc area and thus the welding properties
ing the strength and toughness properties
also change with the composition of the
of the parent material in the weld mate-
gas. Adding helium to argon, for example,
rial. The standard DIN EN 440 provides
improves the heat conductance and the
some help here. Just as for stick elec-
heat retention of the arc atmosphere.
trodes, a designation system provides
Both result in an energy-rich arc and thus
specifications for the minimum values for
in better fusion penetration characteris-
the yield point and fracture elongation,
tics. The addition of active components to
and the strength and impact energy of the
the mixed gases creates finer drop forma-
weld metal. The designation system is
tion when melting the wire electrode. The
shown in Table 3.
heat transport in the arc is also improved,
which in turn means improved fusion In the chosen example, a wire electrode
penetration characteristics. G3Si1 is welded using mixed gas (M).
The weld metal for this wire/shielding gas
The quantity of shielding gas required
combination has a minimum yield
can be calculated using a rule of thumb; it
strength of 460 N / mm2, a strength of 530
should be 10 - 12 x wire diameter in li-
to 680 N / mm2 and a minimum expansion
tres/minute. The greater tendency to-
of 20 % (46). Impact energy of 47 joules
wards oxidation of the material when MIG
will achieve a temperature of up to -30 °C
welding aluminium means that slightly
(3). A similar system also exists for char-
higher flow quantities need to be set.
acterising the weld metal of cored wire
With Ar/He mixed gases, significantly
electrodes in DIN EN 758.
higher quantities should be set due to the
Codes for the strength and expansion properties of the weld metal Codes for the impact energy of the weld metal
Code Min. yield strength ) Strength Min. fracture Code Temperature for min. impact
2 2
N/mm N/mm strain 2) % energy 47 J °C
35 355 440 to 570 22 Z No requirements
38 380 470 to 600 20 A +20
42 420 500 to 640 20 0 0
46 460 530 to 680 20 2 -20
50 500 560 to 720 18 3 -30
4 -40
5 -50
6 -60
EN 440 – G 46 3 M G3Si1
Table 3 Example codes for a wire/shielding gas combination defined by DIN EN 440
Dr. Günter-Henle-Str. 8, D-56271 Mündersbach/Ww., Germany Item no.: WM.0223.01
The EWM MIG / MAG Primer
With creep resistant steels, corrosion- 4.2 Placement of the weld groove side
resistant and heat-resistant steels and walls
with aluminium materials, the general rule With unalloyed and low-alloy steels, the
is that to achieve the necessary material edges of parts to be joined are normally
properties, the weld metal needs to be of prepared by oxygen cutting. High-alloy
as similar type as possible or with slightly steels and metals that can be MIG/MAG
more alloy. For wire electrodes and cored welded (e.g. aluminium) can be fusion cut
wire electrodes for welding creep resis- using a plasma arc. It is not necessary to
tant, corrosion-resistant and heat- remove the oxide skins formed during the
resistant steels, details are given on the thermal separation, but may be required
minimum values for yield strength, in some circumstances. The special fea-
strength, expansion and impact energy of tures of aluminium as a material in this
the weld metal in the relevant standards respect are covered in another section.
as tables. These values do not form part
Joint type Workpiece thick- Diagram
of the designation system, however. ness (mm)
A wire electrode for MAG welding creep- One-sided 3-8
Square weld
resistant steel 13 CrMo 4.5 has the des- both sides <8
ignation as defined in DIN EN 12070: One-sided 3-10
Single-V weld with backing run
EN 12070 - G CrMo1Si 3-40
A wire electrode for MAG welding corro- Single-V butt
One-sided 5-40
sion-resistant CrNi steel with material weld with
with backing run
broad root
number 1.4302 has the following desig- face
nation as defined in DIN EN 12072:
EN 12072 - G 19 9 L
The designation for a wire electrode for Double-V butt
MIG welding material AlMg 5 is: Both sides > 10
EN 18273 - G RAlMg5Mn
4 Groove preparation
One-sided > 12
4.1 Groove shapes Single-U butt
with backing run
The most important groove shapes used >12
in MAG welding on steel are shown in One-sided 3-10
Figure 5. Single-V butt
with backing run
Due to the good fusion penetration char- 3-30
acteristics the process offers, seams with
root faces (square, single-V, double-V Fillet weld T-
One-sided >2
welds) can be welded with complete fu- joint
sion and without gouging on greater
panel thicknesses than with manual arc
welding. Gouging from the underside is Fillet weld One-sided >2
corner joint both sides > 3
recommended, however, with larger ma-
terial thicknesses, to avoid faults. The
root face height depends on the current Fillet weld lap
One-sided >2
intensity being used. joint
Larger weld preparation angles (70 - 90 °)
Fillet weld,
are recommended with aluminium mate- double fillet Both sides > 2
rials for larger thicknesses due to the weld
greater heat carry-off.
Figure 5 Groove shapes as defined in
DIN EN 29692 – ISO 9692
Dr. Günter-Henle-Str. 8, D-56271 Mündersbach/Ww., Germany Item no.: WM.0223.01
The EWM MIG / MAG Primer
If there are any particular requirements spontaneous sagging of the weld metal,
for observing lower tolerances, mechani- e.g. at points where the gap is slightly
cal undercutting of the edges of parts to wider, so that the molten metal is caught
be joined could be advisable. This applies and a root bead can be produced. The
in particular to circumferential welds. The backing also forms the underside of the
modern options for cutting with an elec- root weld. For this purpose a groove is
tron beam or a laser beam are provided therefore generally created for it.
in automated production.
4.4 Forming
4.3 Backing This is the extra addition of shielding gas
Whereas in manual welding the welder to the back of the root where the material
watches the progress of the weld and can being welded is also in a molten state,
achieve an even root weld even if the root but is not reached by the shielding gas
opening is uneven by setting the correct supplied to the top side. Unlike TIG weld-
current intensity, adjusting the position of ing where because of the relatively low
the arc in the groove and the welding welding speed the back of the root often
speed in fully automated welding every- has a “burnt” appearance due to oxida-
thing must be correct from the chosen tion that should be prevented by the form-
welding groove the root opening set to ing gas, MIG/MAG welding does not
the correct set welding parameters and require this forming gas for this reason.
the continuous quantity of filler wire Thanks to the forming process, the for-
added. Backing runs are therefore often mation of oxide skins and annealing col-
used with machine welding to simplify the ours on the back of the root is also
root welding (Figure 6). prevented, or at least reduced. This is
If there is no significant variation in the important when welding corrosion-
root gap, root faces can also be used as resistant steels, for example, because
natural backings, e.g. with square edge these oxide skins impair the corrosion-
and single-V seams (internal backings). resistance of the weld. These skins need
Depending on the root face height, the to be removed by brushing, blasting or
set welding parameters for welding the etching. The best option is to prevent
first pass need to be selected so that the these skins occurring in the first place by
root face is not fully melted. The remain- using the forming process.
der of the root face can then be created When welding pipes, the ends can simply
when welding the backing run, with or be blocked and the forming gas fed into
without gouging. the interior. When welding metal panels,
Artificial (external) backings consist of the forming gas can be allowed to flow
metals, for example, with most metals out of openings in the backing bars. Ar-
and alloys, of copper, and with alumin- gon or an argon/hydrogen mixture can be
ium, which has a low melting point, of used as the forming gas. In many cases,
stainless steel. Ceramic backing plates however, the more cost-effective forming
are also used in welding for this purpose. gases in group F in DIN EN 439 can be
The backing plate should prevent the used. These gases may consist of a hy-
Internal backing root face drogen/nitrogen mixture, for example. In
some circumstances, pure nitrogen can
also be used for forming.
Square edge root face Single-V joint
External backing
5 Welding machines
Machines for MIG/MAG welding consist
of the power source, the control and the
wire feed unit with tube package and
torch. For various applications, these can
be used as compact machines or as uni-
versal machines.
With compact machines (Figure 7) the
power source, control and wire feed unit
are housed in a casing.
The operation radius corresponds to the
length of the torch tube package. De-
pending on the wire electrode diameter
being used, this is 3-5m. Irrespectively,
compact machines are used mainly at
fixed workstations, e.g. in welding booths
or on production lines. With universal
machines (Figure 8), also known as de-
compact machines, the wire feed is
Figure 8 Water cooled universal machine
housed separately in a case and con-
WEGA 401
nected to the power source and the con-
trol using a link cable. the high voltage from the mains and sup-
These machines can be moved to the plying the high current intensity required,
workpiece, which means that the opera- even if a short-circuit occurs. As with
tion radius is 10 to 20 m larger in com- MIG/MAG welding, apart from a few re-
parison to the compact machine. cent developments, only direct current is
Universal machines are therefore gener- used, rectifiers and inverters are used as
ally used at mobile workstations and on power sources. Power sources for
construction sites.
5.1 Power sources
The power source has the task of supply-
ing the welding process with the electrical
energy required. This includes reducing
- single -
Rectivier (diode) Transformer Choke
Figure 11 Functional principle of a thyristor- Figure 12 Block diagram for a 3rd generation
controlled power source inverter
garc rang
- / Lon
Slb / L
Mi b 2
M l
rc range
Short a 3
a) b) c)
< 20°
Panel thickness mm
Panel thickness mm
1 0 PG 0.8 4.0 70 15
1 0.8 3.8 70 18
0 PA 1.5 PA 3.5 100 16
1.0 4.3 125 2 I -
2 2.0 PG 4.0 105 1
I - 1.5 PG 0.8 7.1 130 19 17
1 4 2.5 4.3 115
2.0 PA 4.8 135 3.4 95 15
4 6 1.0
2.5 PG 5.4 160 20 10.0 200 26 2
4.3 125 19 4.4 110 16 1
PA 1.0 8 2
8.4 205 22 2 PA 10.0 200 26
6 V 60 2.0 3
4.7 130 19 1
PG 3.0 110 17 1
5.4 170 20 2
2.0 3.1 135 18 1 12 1.2
8.0 250 28 3
PA 1.2 2 4
8.1 270 28
8 3
Table 6 Guideline values for MAG welding
PF 1.0 3.7 100 17 butt welds on stainless CrNi steel
2 1.4541
3.2 135 19 1 Wire electrode: G199L, shielding
PA 1.2 2 gas: Mixed gas M1.2,
9.0 290 28 values acc. to [2]
10 2.5 3
PF 1.0 4.5 120 18
Throat thickness mm
V 50
3.2 130 19 1
Current intensity
Wire feed m/min
No. of passes
diameter mm
PA 3
9.2 300 29
3.2 130 19 1
PF 2 PB 6.5 100 17
3.0 1.2 4.2 160 20 2.0 0.8
3 PG 7.0 110 18
PB 9.0 200 24
3.8 140 19 1 3.0 1
PG 1.0 8.8 195 22
4.0 10.4 220 26
3 5.0 PB
20 PA 1.2 8.0 250 28
9.5 310 29 4 6.0 3
Table 7 Guideline values for MAG welding
6 fillet welds on stainless CrNi steel
Table 5 Guideline values for MAG welding Wire electrode: G 19 9 L, shielding
butt welds on unalloyed and low- gas: mixed gas M1.2,
alloy steel. values acc. to [2]
Wire electrode: G3Si1/G4Si1 Shield-
ing gas: Mixed gas M2.1,
Values irrespective to [1] and [2]
Current intensity
Wire feed m/min
Opening angle °
ameter mm
age produced in the pulse and base
phase at the set pulse frequency. The ta-
mm bles can therefore also be used as guide-
line values for MIG/MAG pulse welding. If
2 2 0.8 5.0 110 20 no measuring devices are integrated into
I -
4 4 1.2 3.1 1
170 22 the machine, external devices can be
6 6.0
70 1.5 used for measuring, or the welder needs
8 6.8 220 2
26 to refer to the wire feed speed also given
6.2 200 1
10 2.0 6.0 170 24 2
in the tables. The correct arc length then
Y needs to be set irrespective to what the
7.2 230 G
60 welder sees and hears.
13.7 240 26 1
12 1.5 1.2 12.2 220 2
8.5 Automation options
15.6 250 28 G
*) without root face surface spacing G= backing run With partly mechanised MIG/MAG weld-
ing, the addition of the filler material and
Table 8 Guideline values for MIG welding
butt welds on aluminium materials
the shielding gas, and the arc length con-
Wire electrode: GRAlMg5, shielding trol are automated, and only the welding
gas: argon, flat welding position, movement itself needs to be performed
values acc. to [1] and [2] manually.
A simple option for full mechanisation is
Wire electrode diameter
Position no.
1.0 3.8 65 17
PA/PB 7.3 130 19
PG 7.1 100 20
PB 10.6 215 23
3.0 1
PG 1.0 9.0 210 22
4.0 PA/PB 10.7 220 23
PB 1.2 9.5 300 29
PF 1.0 4.7 115 18
PB 1.2 9.5 300 29 3
PF 1.0 4.8 130 19 2
PB 9.5 300 29 3
10.0 1.2
PF 4.2 165 19 2
Table 9 Guideline values for MAG welding
fillet welds on unalloyed and low-
alloy steel.
Wire electrode: G3Si1/G4Si1,
Shielding gas: mixed gas M2.1,
Values acc. to [1]
The current and voltage values used for
information purposes by the welder are
displayed on the measuring devices, Figure 36 Fully automated welding
which are normally integrated into the
Dr. Günter-Henle-Str. 8, D-56271 Mündersbach/Ww., Germany Item no.: WM.0223.01
The EWM MIG / MAG Primer
The functional principle of the process MIG/MAG welder normally wears a hel-
also makes this procedure suitable for dif- met, which leaves both hands free. The
ficult mechanisation tasks where, for ex- filter glass is integrated into this safety
ample, multiple torches are used helmet. This filter has recently been de-
simultaneously on one workpiece. Not fined in DIN EN 169. There are various
without reason is MIG/MAG welding grades of protection that need to be per-
therefore also by far the most commonly manently affixed to the glass. With
used process with industrial robots for arc MIG/MAG welding, filters of protection
welding. grades 10 to 15 are used, depending on
the current intensity, where grade 10 is
9 Work safety prescribed for lower currents and 15 for
In MIG/MAG welding the arc transfers the the higher current intensities.
drop. As a consequence of the high tem- The greatest electrical risk is represented
peratures prevailing there, there is more by the open circuit voltage. This is the
metal vapour than with the TIG process, maximum voltage present on the acti-
for example. More harmful gases and vated power source between the connec-
smoke are therefore produced. With tion sockets when the arc is not burning.
cored electrodes, this amount increases After the arc is ignited, the voltage is
due to the filler components being vapor- much lower; in MIG/MAG welding only
ised. It is therefore a requirement that ex- around 17 to 30 volts. Irrespective to the
traction is virtually always used directly at relevant German accident prevention
the point of origin, both with extended pe- regulations, power sources for direct cur-
riods of welding work performed at a fixed rent in normal operation should have an
position and with short-term usage. With open circuit voltage peak value of max.
non-localised welding work, fresh air is 113 volts. With alternating current sys-
sufficient, or mechanised ventilation of tems, which in recent times have been
the room is sufficient, except for welding used in special cases with MIG/MAG
high-alloy steels and coated materials. An welding, this value is also 113 Volts, but
extractor can be integrated into the torch the peak value is limited to max. 80 Volts.
in MIG/MAG welding (Figure 37). Where there is an increased risk of elec-
It is important that the extraction nozzle is tric shock, e.g. when welding in small
designed so that the shielding gas is not spaces or on large iron masses, reduced
also sucked away from the welding point. values apply for alternating current, e.g. a
The welder must also protect himself peak value of 68 volts and an r.m.s. value
against radiation from the arc and against of 48 volts. Modern welding power
electrical dangers. To protect against the sources meeting these requirements bear
infrared and ultraviolet radiation, the the “S” safety sign in conformance with
DIN EN 60974-1. Older power sources
may still be marked with “K” (d.c.) or “42
V” (a.c.). The safest way for welders to
Torch angle protect themselves against electric
shocks is to wear undamaged welding
gloves made from leather and well-
Extraction chamber insulated work clothes including safety
Vacuum zone shoes.
Vacuum zone
12 Literature
[1] R. Killing: Handbuch der Schweißver-
fahren, Teil 1: Lichtbogenschweißen,
Fachbuchreihe Schweißtechnik, Band
76/I, DVS-Verlag Düsseldorf 1999
[2] G. Aichele: Leistungskennwerte für
Schweißen und Schneiden, Fachbuchrei-
he Schweißtechnik, Band 72, DVS Verlag
Düsseldorf 1994
13 Imprint
The MIG/MAG Primer, 1 edition 2002
From the EWM Knowledge range of pub-
Figure 41 MIG brazing in assembly vehicle lications – All about welding
All rights reserved.
tion. Particular specifications apply to
these welds with regard to preventing Reprinting, including extracts, is forbid-
faults. den. No part of this brochure may be re-
produced or electronically processed,
On car bodies, short MAG seams are reproduced or distributed in any form
used in addition to numerous resistance (photocopy, microfilm or any other proce-
welding points (Figure 41). dure) without the written permission of
Galvanised panels are also MIG brazed. EWM.
Bodywork made from aluminium is resis-
tance spot and MIG welded.
Figure 42 shows MIG welding on tanks
for tanker vehicles, manufactured from Dr.-Günter-Henle-Str. 8
aluminium alloys. D-56271 Mündersbach, Germany
A push/pull unit is used here for welding Phone: +49(0)2680.181-0
so that there are no feed problems with Fax: +49(0)2680.181-244
the relatively soft aluminium wires. mailto:info@ewm.de
Voltage U
metal or slightly over-alloyed.
Arc characteristic
3 Classification of plasma welding of a constricted arc
Plasma welding is carried out exclusively using a
transferred arc. Depending on the application
type, an initial distinction can be drawn between
plasma joint welding and plasma deposit wel- Arc characteristic
ding. Joint welding is sub-divided again by output of a free-burning arc
level. This is covered in more detail below.
Current intensity I
3.1 Plasma joint welding Figure 3: Operating points with free-burning
3.1.1 Micro plasma welding and constricted arcs
Previously the focus was always on the high
3.1.2 Soft plasma welding
energy density of the process due to the constric-
ted arc, from which one might conclude that WIf the opening of the constricting nozzle is
plasma welding was only suitable for thicker enlarged slightly in comparison to the nozzle
workpieces. In actual fact, however, it is with very width normally used in plasma torches, an arc is
thin materials that other typical advantages of the produced which is less constricted and more
constricted arc are revealed when compared to rich in energy, the effect of which is between the
TIG welding. When welding foils and minimal TIG and plasma arc. It offers advantages in
thickness sheets, current intensities of just a few manual welding for panel thicknesses between 1
amperes or even less than one ampere are mm and 2 mm.
required. The TIG arc is highly unstable at such
low currents because no defined operating point 3.1.3 Thick sheet plasma welding
is set. Figure 3 shows this as a schematic dia- DThis range, which ranges up to material thick-
gram [1]. The current sources used in TIG wel- nesses of up to around 10 mm, must be subdivi-
ding have a virtually vertically falling characteris- ded into the extrusion range and the keyhole
tic at low current intensities in particular. The range. The extrusion range is so called because
characteristics of a non-constricted arc also the heat is only supplied from the surface and is
follow a virtually vertical path at low current forwarded to the lower layers by heat conductan-
intensities, in what is known as the ayrton range. ce. The weld metal is extruded downwards by
This means that there is no exact intersection the pressure from the plasma arc and forms a
point at the operating point but instead only a root on the backing side. In the extruded range,
glancing contact between two characteristics, the welding can be carried out both manually
which results in the arc instability described and with full automation. With sheet metal
above. The vertically falling part of the arc cha- thicknesses over around 2.5 mm, a technique
racteristic is missing with a constricted arc, which known as keyhole technology can be used. The
means that this also continues to burn in a stable plasma arc pushes through the entire panel
way on an exact operating point, even at very low thickness and forms a welding eyelet. The heat is
current intensities. For example, the plasma arc transferred via this eyelet not only from the
can be used to join workpieces of just 1/100 mm surface but also across the entire cross-section
thickness in the foil range flush, even at currents penetrated by the beam. This improves the
below 1 ampere. This range up to around 50 efficiency of the process and the potential
amperes is therefore known as micro plasma welding speed increases greatly in comparison
welding. It is normally carried out manually. to the speeds which can be achieved using the
extrusion technique. The liquid pool is pressed to
the side by the plasma beam, but flows back
together on the rear edge of the eyelet and
Ignition unit
hardens there to form a welding bead. Naturally
everything needs to be right here, such as the
distance of the torch and the welding speed. This Plasma gas
+ Auxiliary
type of welding can therefore be fully mechani- power
Powder and
powder gas
3.1.4 Plasma powder joint welding Water - Main
cooling power
A more recent variant of plasma welding is +
plasma powder joint welding, figure 4 [2]. Unlike Shielding gas
plasma powder deposit welding, which is cover-
ed in the section below, no special supply gas Pilot arc
flow is required in this process for the powder Semi-liquid Main arc
welding additive. It is added along with the powder steel
hot wire welding, figure 6 [1] two wires on a metal and is positioned more on a portion of
separate current source are pre-heated via forward brazing metal. This largely avoids the
resistance heating and then melt in the weld pool panels melting on, but sufficient heat is supplied
of a plasma arc. During the onward motion of the to the two parts being joined in order to produce
weld head in the direction of welding, the entire a brazed joint via diffusion and adhesion forces.
system is moved to and fro across the direction of The process can be carried out manually using a
welding to form deposit beads of up to 60 mm in rod filler metal added by hand, but the continu-
width. In this process, and in plasma powder ous addition of the brazing wire to the torch can
deposit welding, the fusion penetration and thus also be carried out using a separate feed unit.
the mixing is at a low level so that only a few Figure 7 shows a plasma torch with cold wire
layers are required to achieve the required feed for manual brazing. In the fully mechanised
composition on the surface. application, a machine torch is used where the
filler wire is also continually moved onto the
3.3 Plasma brazing brazing point. The torch can also be moved via a
welding robot.
MWith the increasing use of zinc-plated panels in
the automobile industry, arc brazing is being
used more and more in place of welding. In 4 Setups for plasma welding
addition to MIG brazing, plasma brazing has also A system for plasma welding consists of the
recently captured a definite range of applica- power source, the control and the torch.
tions. This process variant is different from micro
or soft plasma welding primarily in the type of
filler material. Instead of the steel wires or rods of 4.1 Control
the same or similar type normally used in wel-
Welding machine control INTIG03
ding, copper based alloys are used. For zinc-
plated panels, these are silicon or tin bronzes,
and aluminium bronzes are used for aluminium-
plated panels. Due to the low melting point of
these additives, the metallic coatings are dama-
ged far less by vaporisation and combustion than
in arc welding. In comparison to MIG brazing, a
nozzle and the electrode. This remains switched plasma welding figure 14 weigh only some
on during the welding process as well. It pre- kilograms.
ionises the subsequent arc path so that the arc With electronic power sources, much of what is
can ignite without contact when the main circuit achieved using components such as resistors,
is switched on. chokes and capacitors, is triggered electronically
by the control. The control for these power sour-
4.2 Power source ces is therefore just as important as the power
The power source is tasked with converting the unit. The current is adjusted, for example with
alternating current coming from the mains at switched-mode sources, by changing the ratio
high voltage and lower current intensity into between the current input/current output times.
welding current with low voltage and adjustable The clock frequency can also be changed to
high current intensity. Modern power sources for adjust the current level. To generate pulse-
plasma welding work in accordance with the shaped current, the ratio of the on/off times is
inverter principle. The inverter is an electronic changed cyclically by the control. The new
power source which functions according to a technology also means that controlled power
completely different working principle than sources are possible, which is precisely what
welding technology had been waiting for. The
conventional power sources (figure 9). The
electronic control compares the set welding
Inverse rectifier (transistor) Rectifier (diode) current nominal value with the actual value and
maintains this at a constant level even in the case
Mains of large changes in the welding voltage. An
improved level of efficiency, as well as cos phi
and lower open circuit losses in the inverter
Rectifier (diode) Transformer Choke power sources are produced simply from the
lower mass of the transformer. Inverter power
sources for plasma welding normally have a
Figure 9: Block diagram of a 3rd generation
inverter, clock frequency up to 100 Hz vertically falling characteristic (constant current
K1 A3
U [V]
U [V]
A1 A1 A2
I [A] I [A]
K1/K2 = Power source characteristics L1 = Shorter arc
L1/L2 = Arc characteristics L2 = Longer arc
A1/A2/A3 = Operating points
welding corrosion-resistant steels, for example, Despite this, the general rules for avoiding the
because these oxide skins reduce the corrosion blow effect should also be observed in plasma
resistance of the welded joint. When welding welding, i.e. in root welding the tack points
pipes, the ends can simply be blocked off and the should be located very close together and the
forming gas introduced into the inside. When repelling effect of the opposite pole utilised by
welding panels, it can be allowed to escape the appropriate fitting of the ground connection
through openings in the backing lines. Argon or to the workpiece.
an argon/hydrogen mixture can be used as the
forming gas. DIN EN 439 standardises more
5.7 Welding positions
cost-effective forming gases in group F, however.
These consist of a hydrogen/nitrogen mixture, for Plasma joint welding is only used in the manual
example. Pure nitrogen can also be used for application in the vertical (flat) and horizontal
forming in some circumstances. (horizontal vertical) positions. In fully mechani-
sed welding, longitudinal seams are welded in
the flat position and circumferential welds in the
5.4 Igniting the arc horizontal vertical position or as transverse
First the non-transferring pilot arc is ignited in the seams in the horizontal position. Plasma deposit
interior of the torch between the tungsten electro- welding is normally carried out in the flat position
de and the constricting nozzle. This pre-ionises only.
the gas path between the torch and parent metal
so that the main arc can ignite without contact
5.8 Ending the welding operation
after the welding current is switched on, when the
torch has approached the workpiece to a distan- When ending the welding operation, the current
ce of a few millimetres. The pilot arc can be seen is dropped in a ramp formation to keep the end
by the welder behind the dark safety glass, and crater small. This is especially important when
helps him to find the start of the weld more easily welding using the keyhole technique. In this case
(pilot arc). it may be necessary to drop the gas pressure as
well at the end of the seam to close the keyhole.
ventilation of the room is sufficient. The welder current intensities. The greatest electrical hazard
does need to protect himself against the radiati- arises from the open circuit voltage. This is the
on from the arc and against electrical hazards, highest voltage, which runs between the connec-
however. To counteract the infrared and ultravio- tion sockets with the power source switched on,
let radiation, the plasma welder normally wears when the arc is not burning. After the arc is
a head shield which leaves both hands free for ignited, the voltage is much lower, in TIG welding
moving the torch and adding the filler metal. The only around 12 to 20 Volts, for example. In accor-
welder’s safety filter is integrated into this protec- dance with German accident prevention regula-
tive screen. This filter is standardised in DIN EN tions VBG 15, power sources for direct current in
169. There are various safety levels which need normal operation may have a threshold value of
to be permanently marked on the glass. In the open circuit voltage of max. 113 volts. With
plasma welding, filters in safety levels 9 to 14 are alternating current systems, this value is also
used, depending on the current intensity being 113 volts, but the effective value is limited to max.
used, with level 9 for the lower currents, e.g. for 80 volts. Under increased electrical hazard, such
micro plasma welding, and 14 for the higher as when welding in small rooms or on large iron
masses, lower values apply for alternating
Workpiece Welding Welding Plasma Shielding Welding current, e.g. a threshold value of 68 volts and an
thickness current voltage gas gas speed effective value of 48 volts. More modern welding
mm A V l/min l/min cm/min
0,1 3 21 0,2 5 30
power sources meeting this requirement bear
0,2 6 22 0,2 5 30
the “S” safety sign in accordance with DIN EN
0,4 14 24 0,2 6 35
60974-1. Older power sources may still be
0,5 18 23 0,2 6 20
marked with “K” (direct current) or “42V” (alterna-
1,0 40 25 0,3 7 35
ting current). The welder can ensure maximum
Edge preparation: Butt weld without gap
protection against electric shocks by using
Parent metal: X 5 CrNi 18.10
undamaged welding gloves made from leather
Plasma gas: Argon I1 - DIN EN 439
and well insulated work clothes including safety
Shielding gas: Argon/hydrogen R1 - DIN EN 439
Welding position: Flat
5.11 Special features of different materials
Table 2: Welding parameters for manual Plasma welding is suitable for joint welding a
microplasma welding (values from [5])
large range of steels and non-iron metals and
Workpiece Welding Welding Plasma Shielding Welding
thickness current voltage gas gas speed
mm A V l/min l/min cm/min 5.11.1 Unalloyed and low-alloy steels
2,5 200 24 1,5 15 80
Plasma welding is a good choice for use with
3,0 210 28 2,5 18 75
these materials, assuming certain special
4,0 220 27 2,5 18 65
features are taken into account. Due to the deep
5,0 230 29 2,5 20 45
fusion penetration and the typical edge shapes in
6,0 240 28 2,8 20 40
plasma welding with large ridges which need to
8,0 290 28 3,5 20 25
be melted, the weld metal consists to a large
Edge preparation: Butt
extent of melted parent material. With unalloyed
Parent metal: X 5 CrNi 18.10
steels, such as pipe steels containing little
Plasma gas: Argon I1 - DIN EN 439
silicon, the weld metal can then be disrupted by
Shielding gas: Argon/hydrogen R1 - DIN EN 439 an in take-of oxygen. The consequence of this is
Welding position: Flat a metallurgic pore formation in the weld metal.
Filler metal: For larger gaps with 3 mm sheet metal thickness
and over When selecting the batch, care therefore needs
to be taken regarding the silicon content, or
Table 3: Welding parameters for fully larger proportions of Si/Mn-alloyed filler metals
mechanised plasma keyhole welding need to be added.
(values from [5])
5.11.2 High-alloy steels carriers in the arc. If the minus pole is on the
Plasma welding with keyhole technology is electrode, the electrons move from the electrode
ideally suited for use with this material group. The to the workpiece and the residual ions from the
viscosity of the weld metal specific to these workpiece to the electrode. Cleaning effect is not
materials produces especially flat and finely possible with this pole setup. With the poles
feathered beads underneath. This means that reversed, on the other hand, the heavy ions hit
mechanical backing runs are not normally the surface of the workpiece. They can take off
necessary. and remove the oxide layer thanks to their kinetic
The more intensive heat feeding by the concen- energy. Welding on the hotter plus pole results in
trated arc is compensated by the greater welding Cleaning via
Electrode on the plus pole
speed, in comparison to TIG welding, for exam- kinetic energy
This fact has been exploited in modern current hydrogen taken up during welding must exit the
sources in which the balance of the two half- weld metal before it hardens. Otherwise pores
waves can be changed in relation to one anot- will form in the weld metal.
her, e.g. from 20% plus/80% minus to 80% Sources of hydrogen in TIG welding of aluminium
plus/20% minus. The lower proportion of the plus are primarily oxide skins on the parent metal.
pole results in a higher level of current loading This bind in humidity and must therefore be
capacity of the electrode, or with the same removed before welding by brushing or scraping.
current setting, in a longer service life. With On the other hand, the arc is quieter if there is a
these “square-wave sources” it is normally still thin oxide skin on the surface because this emits
possible to change the frequency of the artificial
alternating current as well, e.g. between 50 Hz
and 300 Hz. Increasing the frequency also
improves the level of wear on the electrode.
The square-wave artificial alternating current
has another advantage, however. As the current
output wave form is very steep when the polarity
is changed, the idle times of the arc in the cros-
sover are considerably shorter than with a sine-
shaped wave form. The re-ignition is therefore
more reliable and the arc is more stable overall.
Modern power sources permit the use of direct
current in welding, both with sine and square
wave-form alternating current.
More recently a variant of minus pole welding
Figure 18: Upper seam sides and fusion penetration
has also been used, in which shielding gas with in the plasma welding of AlMg3,
a high helium content is used. In manual welding t=3mm, no filler metal
the proportion of helium in the shielding gas a) Plasma plus pole welding
needs to be at least 90 % to ensure sufficient I=35A, U=26V, vs=40cm/min,
pool monitoring for the welder. In machine Plasma gas: Ar, shielding gas: 70%Ar / 30%He
welding a helium proportion of 70 % is also b) Plasma minus pole welding
I=70A, U=20V, vs=90cm/min,
adequate. When welding on the minus pole Plasma gas: 30%Ar / 70%He, shielding gas: He
under argon, the oxide skin cannot be broken c) Plasma alternating current welding
open, as explained above. Due to the high I=45A, U=26V, vs=40cm/min,
temperature of the energy-rich helium arc, it can Plasma gas: Ar, shielding gas: 70%Ar / 30%He
be liquefied, however. This means that it is less
of a problem. Figure 18 [4] shows a comparison lighter electrons than the pure metal. A compro-
of the surface formation and the fusion penetrati- mise therefore needs to be found between a
on in plasma welding of aluminium with the stable arc and sufficient protection against pore
variants described above. When interpreting the formation. It has proven useful to remove oxides
results it should be noted that the welds have thoroughly from the workpiece surfaces before
been carried out using different current intensi- welding, but then waiting one or two hours before
ties. starting the welding process so that a new thin
oxide layer can form. The oxide skins formed on
Another special feature in welding the material the surface of the welding rods also contribute to
aluminium is its sensitivity to pores when in the pore formation. Filler metals made from alumini-
take-up of hydrogen. The relationships are more um should therefore be stored carefully and not
problematic than when welding steel. Whereas for too long a period.
iron can still dissolve hydrogen at 8 cm3/100 g
weld metal in the transfer from the liquid to the
solid state, aluminium in its solid state dissolves
practically no hydrogen at all. This means that all
6 Applications for
plasma welding and brazing
Plasma welding can be used to weld joints,
starting from very thin parts in the foil area (micro Figure 19: Edge-formed seam on membranes
plasma welding) up to large workpiece thicknes-
ses. Keyhole technology permits thicknesses of Another example of micro plasma welding is
up to 10 mm to be through-welded on steel as a shown in figure 20. In this case there are longitu-
butt weld, for example. With titanium this upper dinal seams on protective grilles for chemical
thickness threshold is increased up to 12 mm. In ovens. The thickness of the individual rods is
addition to this, a single-V butt with broad root 0.15 mm.
face must be produced.
In deposit welding, on the other hand, a minimum
thickness needs to be specified for the parent
metal. This is around 4 mm for plasma powder
deposit welding, and around 20 mm for plasma
hot wire welding.
Plasma joint welding is used in pipe and closed
container construction, for example when manu-
facturing pipes made from stainless steel with
longitudinal welds, and for welding containers Figure 20: Longitudinal seam on protective grids
such as barrels, storage tanks and gas cylinders. for chemical ovens
Figure 21 shows internal and external round Plasma welding (in comparison to TIG welding)
seams on fittings for heating unit construction Advantages Disadvantages
which have been joined using plasma joint • Reduced sensitivity in • Higher investment
welding. comparison to changes in costs
arc length
• Torches difficult to use
• Greater arc stability at higher output levels
• Deeper fusion penetration • Less suitable for out-of-
and more concentrated position welding
heat feeding
• Longer service life of the
tungsten electrode
• Easier to locate the start of
the weld seam via a pilot arc
7 Literature
[[1] Killing, R.: Handbuch der Schweißverfahren Band 1:
Lichtbogenschweißverfahren (Handbook of Welding
Processes Volume 1: Arc welding processes)
Fachbuchreihe Schweißtechnik Band 76/I,
(Specialist book series on welding technology, volume 76/I)
DVS-Verlag Düsseldorf 1999
[2] Chruszez, M, R. Killing, H. Köstermann and J. Marksmann:
Plasma-Pulver-Verbindungsschweißen – ein Verfahren mit
besonderen Einsatzbereichen (Plasma power joint welding – a
process with special applications)
DVS-Berichte Band 194 (German Welding Association reports,
volume 194), p 21-26, DVS-Verlag Düsseldorf 1998
[3] Aichele, G.: Leistungskennwerte für Schweißen und
Schneiden, Fachbuchreihe Schweißtechnik Band 72,
(Performance characteristics for welding and cutting,
Specialist book series on welding technology, volume 72)
DVS-Verlag Düsseldorf 1994
[4] Dzelnitzki, D.: Plasma welding of aluminium – direct current
or alternating current
DVS-Jahrbuch Schweißtechnik 2000 (German Welding
Association Yearbook of Welding Technology 2000), p.141-156
DVS-Verlag Düsseldorf 1999
8 Imprint
The PLASMA Primer, 1st edition 2004
From the EWM Knowledge range of publications – All about
welding: All rights reserved.
Reprinting, including extracts, is forbidden. No part of this
brochure may be reproduced or electronically processed,
reproduced or distributed in any form (photocopy, microfilm or
any other procedure) without the written permission of EWM.
PICO machines have been specially developed for use on construction sites and in
assembly work: Compact and powerful, ideal for open-air applications.
Tried and test 1000 times over: Robust, step switch-controlled Completely digital inverter machine range with maximum
– specially designed for trade and industry applications simplicity and ease-of-use for all requirements from manual
involving tough operating conditions. work to complex automated MIG/MAG pulse and standard
The innovative plasma welding machines always provide the best possible weld seam
quality. They give efficient results of the highest quality.
For more information please visit our website at