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CMOS Low-Power Analog Circuit Design: Christian C. Enz and Eric A. Vittoz

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Ch ap ter 1 .

CMOS Low-Power Analog Circuit Design
Christian C. Enz and Eric A. Vittoz


This chapter covers device and circuit aspects of low-power analog CMOS circuit
design. The fundamental limits constraining the design of low-power circuits are first
recalled with an emphasis on the implications of supply voltage reduction. Biasing MOS
transistors at very low current provides new features but requires dedicated models valid
in all regions of operation including weak, moderate and strong inversion. Low-current
biasing also has a strong influence on noise and matching properties. All these issues are
discussed, together with the particular aspects related to passive devices and parasitic
effects. The design process has to be supported by efficient and accurate circuit
simulation. To this end, the EKV compact MOST model for circuit simulation is shortly
presented. The use of the basic concepts such as pinch-off voltage, inversion factor and
specific current are highlighted thanks to some very simple but fundamental circuits and to
an effective use of the model. New design techniques that are appropriate for low-power
and/or low-voltage circuits are presented with an emphasis on the analog floating point
technique, the instantaneous companding principle, and their application to filters.

1.2.1 Introduction

The current trend towards low-power design is mainly driven by two forces [1]: the
growing demand for long-life autonomous portable equipment, and the technological
limitations of high-performance VLSI systems. For the first category of products, low-
power is the major goal for which speed and/or dynamic range might have to be sacrificed.
High speed and high integration density are the objectives for the second application
category, which has experienced a dramatic increase of heat dissipation that is now
reaching a fundamental limit. These two forces are now merging as portable equipment
grows to encompass high-throughput computationally intensive products such as portable
computers and cellular phones.
The most efficient way to reduce the power consumption of digital circuits is
definitely to reduce the supply voltage, since the average power consumption of CMOS
digital circuits is proportional to the square of the supply voltage. On the other hand, the
reduction of the supply voltage is also required to maintain the electric field at an
acceptable level. The resulting performance loss can be overcomed for standard CMOS
80 CHAPTER 1.2

technologies by introducing more parallelism [2][3][4] and/or to modify the process and
optimize it for low supply voltage operation [4][5][6].
The rules for analog circuits are quite different than those applied to digital circuits.
In order to clarify these differences, the fundamental limits to the reduction of the power
consumption are recalled in Section 1.2.2. It is shown that decreasing the supply voltage
does unfortunately not reduce the power consumption of analog circuits. This is mainly
due to the fact that the power consumption of analog circuits at a given temperature is
basically set by the required signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the frequency of operation (or
the required bandwidth). A first-order analysis also shows that the absolute minimum
power consumption required to process analog signals is almost independent of the supply
voltage reduction. In addition to these fundamental limits, some practical limits and
additional obstacles to the power reduction are also discussed.
This trend towards low-power has emphasized some aspects of MOS modelling for
low-voltage and low-current analog circuit design and simulation. Particularly, the
necessity to have a clear understanding of the MOS transistor operating at very low-
current and to correctly model the operation of the device in the weak and moderate
inversion regions, which have been ignored by most designers for years, has become a
must. The availability of a good MOS transistor model has thus become a real issue for the
efficient design and simulation of high performance analog and digital integrated circuits.
Section 1.2.3 presents the operation and modeling of the long-channel MOS transistor
with a strong emphasis on low-current. Based on this analytical model, a compact MOST
model (named the EKV model) has been developed for circuit simulation and is shortly
presented in Section 1.2.4.
The advantages of this model are brought out in Section 1.2.5 thanks to some simple
but fundamental circuit examples. The basic concepts such as the pinch-off voltage, the
specific current, the inversion factor are illustrated and exploited to better understand
existing circuits or to develop new ones. They lead to the development of an attractive
ratio-based design technique which is portable from one process to another, to MOS only
current dividers and to low-voltage cascode bias circuits.
Some additional system considerations are given in Section Some analog
signal processing systems like hearing aids for example require a SNR much smaller than
the dynamic range. A significant power reduction can be obtained by distinguishing the
SNR and the dynamic range and letting the noise follow the signal level to maintain just
the necessary value of SNR. This can be achieved thanks to the analog floating point
approach which uses a variable gain (or range switcher) at the input and the output of the
analog signal processing system to realize the compression and respectively the
expansion. Distortion-free operation is obtained thanks to a proper update of all the
system’s state variables.
Section presents an approach to low-voltage analog signal processing called
“log-domain” filtering, where currents are compressed logarithmically when transformed
into voltages and expanded exponentially when converted back to currents. The input
signal has to be predistorted in order to avoid any distortion due to the non-linear
operation. The log and exponential functions are implemented thanks to the exponential
current-to-voltage characteristics inherent to the bipolar transistor or to the MOS transistor
biased in weak inversion. Both of these techniques seem to be very attractive for low-
power and low-voltage circuit design, but still a lot of effort is needed to better understand
them and demonstrate their benefits for low-power.
Finally, a summary and some conclusions are drawn in Section 1.2.7.

1.2.2 Limits to low-power for analog circuit design Fundamental limits

Power is consumed in analog signal processing circuits to maintain the signal energy
above the fundamental thermal noise in order to achieve the required signal-to-noise ratio
(SNR). A representative figure of merit of different signal processing systems is the power
consumed to realize a single pole. The minimum power necessary to realize a single pole
can be derived by considering the basic integrator presented in Fig. 2.1 assuming an ideal
100% current efficient transconductor, meaning that all the current pulled from the supply
voltage is used to charge the integrating capacitor.

C V(t) Vpp VB

100% current efficient
transconductor 1/f
Figure 2.1 Basic integrator used to evaluate the power necessary to realize a sin-
gle pole

The power consumed from the supply voltage source VB which is necessary to create a
sinusoidal voltage V(t) across capacitor C having a peak-to-peak amplitude Vpp and a
frequency f can be expressed as:

2 VB
P = V B ⋅ fCV pp = fCV pp ⋅ --------- (1)
V pp

whereas the signal-to-noise ratio is given by:

V pp ⁄ 8
SNR = ---------------- (2)
kT ⁄ C
Combining (1) and (2) yields:
P = 8kT ⋅ f ⋅ SNR ⋅ --------- (3)
V pp

According to (3), the minimum power consumption of analog circuits at a given

temperature is basically set by the required SNR and the frequency of operation (or the
required bandwidth). Since this minimum power consumption is also proportional to the
ratio between the supply voltage and the signal peak-to-peak amplitude, power efficient
analog circuits should be designed to maximize the voltage swing. The minimum power
for circuits that can handle rail-to-rail signal voltages ( V pp = V B ) reduces to [7][8][9]:
P min = 8kT ⋅ f ⋅ SNR (4)
82 CHAPTER 1.2

E tr [pJ]

Minimum power per pole [J]

10 1
10 0.01
8 kT = 32E-21 J
-14 2
10 m = 50 N

-16 8 kT

10 digital
-20 8kT
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
SNR [dB]

Figure 2.2 Minimum power for analog and digital circuits

This absolute limit is very steep, since it requires a factor 10 of power increase for
every 10 dB of signal-to-noise ratio improvement. It applies to each pole of any linear
analog filter (continuous or sampled-data as switched capacitors [8]) and is reached in the
case of a simple passive RC filter, whereas the best existing active filters are still two
orders of magnitude above. High-Q poles in the passband reduce the maximum amplitude
at other frequencies and therefore increase the required power, according to (3).
Approximately the same result is found for relaxation oscillators, whereas the
minimum power required for a voltage amplifier of gain Av can be derived considering a
single stage common-source (or common-emitter) small-signal amplifier. The signal-to-
noise ratio is obtained by comparing the input rms voltage to the input-referred noise
V in
SNR = --------------------------- (5)
4kTR N ⋅ ∆f

where RN is the input-referred thermal noise resistance, which is given by:

γ γ I VB I
R N = ------ = - ⋅ ------ = γ ⋅ ------ ⋅ ------ (6)
gm I g m P gm

where γ is the noise factor defined by (48) as the product of the input-referred
thermal noise resistance and the effective transconductance of the device. It is equal to
n ⁄ 2 in the case of a MOS transistor biased in weak inversion where n is the slope factor
defined by (19). The power can be expressed as a function of the SNR by combining (5)
and (6):
P = 4γkT ⋅ ∆f ⋅ -------
- ⋅ ------ ⋅ SNR (7)
V in g m

As will be shown in Section 1.2.3, for a transistor biased in weak inversion the
current-to-transconductance ratio I ⁄ g m is equal to nUT , where U T ≡ kT ⁄ q is the
thermodynamic voltage. In this case, the power given by (7) reduces to:
V B nU T
P = 2n ⋅ kT ⋅ ∆f ⋅ -------- ⋅ ---------- ⋅ SNR (8)
V in V in

Since the peak-to-peak amplitude of the output voltage A v ⋅ 2 2V in is bounded by

the supply voltage VB , the absolute minimum power is given by:
P > P min = 8n ⋅ kT ⋅ ∆f ⋅ A v ⋅ SNR (9)

where it has been assumed that the input voltage is maximum and equal to
nU T ⁄ 2 . According to (9), the minimum power for an amplifier is nA v -times larger
than the limit given by (4).
The minimum power for an analog system can be compared to that of a digital
system, in which each elementary operation requires a certain number m of binary gate
transition cycles, each of which dissipates an amount of energy Etr . The minimum power
is then simply given by:
P min-digital = m ⋅ f ⋅ E tr (10)
where f is the signal bandwidth. The number m of transitions is only proportional to
some power a of the number of bits N, and therefore power consumption is only weakly
dependent on SNR (essentially logarithmically):
a a
m ≅ N ∼ [ log ( SNR ) ] (11)
Comparison with analog is obtained by estimating the number of gate transitions that
are required to compute each period of the signal, which for a single pole digital filter can
be estimated to be approximately:
m ≅ 50 ⋅ N (12)
Immunity to thermal noise imposes an absolute minimum energy per transition
Etrmin estimated to 8kT, which provides the absolute minimum power limit. However, in
practice E tr = C ⋅ V B is forced to a much higher value (10-15 to 10-12 Joules) by the need
to recharge the equivalent capacitance C of each gate to the supply voltage VB . As shown
in Fig. 2.2, the minimum power for digital is therefore much higher than the absolute
– 21
limit 8kT ≅ 32 ×10 J at room temperature. The minimum gate capacitance is strongly
dependent on the process feature size and the supply voltage is imposed by the need to
achieve the required delay time and by established standards. Furthermore, if the
activation rate of the circuit is very low (very small percentage of the available gates in
transition on average), then the standby current of each of the gates may contribute to a
non negligible additional static power consumption.
Comparison of these fundamental limits are plotted in Fig. 2.2. They clearly show
that analog systems may consume much less power than their digital counterpart,
provided a small signal-to-noise ratio is acceptable. But for systems requiring large signal-
to-noise ratios, analog becomes very power inefficient. It is worth mentioning that a
comparison of chip area basically leads to the same qualitative conclusion.
84 CHAPTER 1.2 Practical limits

The limits discussed so far are fundamental since they do not depend on the
technology nor on the choice of power supply voltage. However, a number of obstacles or
technological limitations are on the way to approach these limits in practical circuits:
a) Capacitors increase the power necessary to achieve a given bandwidth. They are
only acceptable if their presence reduces the noise power by the same amount (by
reducing the noise bandwidth). Therefore, ill-placed parasitic capacitors very often
increase power consumption.
b) The power spent in bias circuitry is wasted and should in principle be minimized.
However, inadequate bias schemes may increase the noise and therefore require a
proportional increase in power. For example, a bias current is more noisy if it is
obtained by multiplying a smaller current.
c) According to (3), power is increased if the signal at any node corresponding to a
functional pole (pole within the bandwidth, or state variable) has a peak-to-peak
voltage amplitude smaller than the supply voltage VB . Thus, care must be taken to
amplify the signal as early as possible to its maximum possible voltage value, and
to maintain this level all along the processing path. Using current-mode circuits
with limited voltage swings is therefore not a good approach to reduce power, as
long as the energy is supplied by a voltage source. It only becomes attractive if
voltage companding techniques can be used (see Section
d) The presence of additional sources of noise implies an increase in power consump-
tion. These include 1/f noise in the devices, and noise coming from the power sup-
ply or generated on chip by other blocks of the circuit.
e) When capacitive loads are imposed (for example by parasitic capacitors), the cur-
rent I necessary to obtain a given bandwidth is inversely proportional to the
transconductance-to-current ratio g m ⁄ I of the active device. The small value of
g m ⁄ I inherent to MOS transistors operated in strong inversion may therefore
cause an increase in power consumption.
f) The need for precision usually leads to the use of larger dimensions for active and
passive components, with a resulting increase in parasitic capacitors and power.
g) All switched capacitors must be clocked at a frequency higher than twice the signal
frequency. The power consumed by the clock itself may be dominant in some
Ways to reduce the effect of these various limitations can be found at all levels of
analog design ranging from device to system. Other obstacles to low-power

In addition to the fundamental and practical limitations discussed previously, there

are also historical or even psychological barriers to the efficient design of LP analog
circuits. The most important can be listed as:
a) Analog blocks must often be taken from existing libraries with bias currents at the
milliampere level and with architectures that are not compatible with low-voltage
or low-current.
b) The use of very low bias currents is often discarded due to a lack of adequate tran-
sistor models and correct characterization of transistors parameters as well as worst
case leakage currents. Another obstacle is the fear of breaking the psychological

microampere barrier.
c) The requirements on PSRR are often exaggerated and mistaken for insensitivity to
noise generated on chip. Implications of supply voltage reduction

Unlike digital circuits, where the dynamic power decreases with the square of the
supply voltage, according to (3), reducing the supply voltage of analog circuits while
preserving the same bandwidth and SNR, has no fundamental effect on their minimum
power consumption. However, this absolute limit was obtained by neglecting the possible
limitation of bandwidth B due to the limited transconductance gm of the active device. The
maximum value of B is proportional to g m ⁄ C . Replacing the capacitor value C by g m ⁄ B
in (2) and expressing the product of the SNR times the bandwidth yields:
V pp ⋅ g m
SNR ⋅ B = -------------------- (13)
In most cases, scaling the supply voltage VB by a factor K requires a proportional
reduction of the signal swing Vpp . Maintaining the bandwidth and the SNR is therefore
only possible if the transconductance gm is increased by a factor K2. If the active device is
a bipolar transistor (or a MOS transistor biased in weak inversion), its transconductance
can only be increased by increasing the bias current I by the same factor K2; power V B ⋅ I
is therefore increased by K. The situation is different if the active device is a MOS
transistor biased in strong inversion. Its transconductance can be shown to be proportional
to I ⁄ V P , where VP is the pinch-off or saturation voltage of the device. Since this
saturation voltage has to be reduced proportionally with VB , increasing gm by K2 only
requires an increase of current I by a factor K and hence the power remains unchanged.
However, the maximum frequency of operation may be affected by the value of the
supply voltage. For a MOS transistor in strong inversion, the frequency fmax for which the
current gain falls to unity is approximately given by:
µ ⋅ VP
f max ≅ -------------
- (14)
Therefore, if the process is fixed (channel length L constant) a reduction of VB and
VP by a factor K causes a proportional reduction of fmax . However, there is no
fundamental reason to reduce the supply voltage of an analog circuit in a given process.
On the other hand, a reduction of VB is unavoidable to maintain the electric fields constant
when scaling down a process. Both VP and L are then scaled by the same factor K and the
maximum frequency fmax is increased by K. For a bipolar transistor, VP in (14) is replaced
by U T = kT ⁄ q and fmax does not, in first approximation, depend on the supply voltage
VB .
Low-voltage limitations are not restricted to power or frequency problems. Reducing
VP increases the transconductance-to-current ratio of MOS transistors which in turn
increases the noise content of current sources and drastically degrades their precision.
Conductance in analog switches is difficult to ensure when the supply voltage falls below
approximately the sum of the p- and n-channel transistor threshold voltages. For a given
value of time constant, charge injection in a switch does not depend on VB in absolute
86 CHAPTER 1.2

value, but it increases in relative value if VB and Vpp are decreased. The same is true for
any constant voltage overhead such as the base-emitter voltage in bipolar transistors or the
threshold voltage in MOS transistors.
As already illustrated in the previous discussion on the fundamental limits to LP and
LV, many of the problems and solutions encountered in the design of LP-LV analog
circuits are directly related to the properties and limitations of the MOS transistor itself,
which must therefore be properly understood and correctly modelled down to very low
currents. For this reason, the basic operation of the long-channel MOS transistor will be
presented in Section 1.2.3, with a strong emphasis on low current and weak inversion
operation. A complete but simple analytical model that can be used for the analysis and
design of simple analog circuits will be elaborated. Section 1.2.4 will present the use of
the MOST long-channel model and its extension to the EKV MOST model, a compact
MOST model which includes all the second-order effects (so important in real-world
design) and which is dedicated to LP and LV circuits simulation.

1.2.3 MOST basic long-channel static model at low current Drain current, pinch-off voltage and modes of operation

Fig. 2.3 shows the cross-section and the corresponding symbol of an idealized n-
channel MOS transistor. The intrinsic geometric and operating symmetry of the device
with respect to the source and the drain can be preserved in the model by referring the
source voltage VS , the gate voltage VG and the drain voltage VD to the local substrate.
This is clearly not the convention adopted for SPICE models for which all potentials are
referred to the source electrode. The drain current is defined positive entering the drain
electrode which is the most positive electrode between source and drain.

x S
p+ n+ n+ VG

y p substrate

Figure 2.3 Cross-section of an idealized n-channel MOS transistor and the corre-
sponding symbol. All voltages are referred to the local p-type substrate

A general expression for the drain current that includes both the drift and the
diffusion transport mechanisms is given by [11][12][13][14][15]:
dV ch
I D = W ⋅ µ n ⋅ ( – Q′inv ) ⋅ ----------- (15)

– Q′inv
C′ ox

n ⋅ VP

g ms ID = IF – IR
g md
ID ---------
E β
β weak inversion

C Vch

Figure 2.4 Inversion charge versus the channel potential. The drain current is
proportional to the shaded surface
where it has been assumed that the mobility µn is constant along the y axis and that
the carrier velocity is not saturated. According to (15), the drain current is proportional to
the gradient of the channel voltage (or the longitudinal electrical field Ex) and to the
mobile inversion charge density Q′ inv . The channel voltage Vch , which depends on the
position along the channel, is defined as the difference between the quasi-Fermi potential
of the mobile carriers forming the channel φn and the Fermi potential ΦF . This channel
potential represents the disequilibrium in electron distribution produced by the source and
the drain voltages.
As shown in Fig. 2.4, for a given gate voltage larger than the threshold voltage VTO ,
the inversion charge Q′inv is almost a linear function of the channel voltage [14][19]. The
channel voltage for which Q′inv becomes zero is defined as the pinch-off voltage VP and
corresponds in Fig. 2.4 to the intersection of Q′inv with the x-axis (point C). VP
represents the voltage that should be applied to the equipotential channel (source and drain
connected together) to cancel the effect of the gate voltage. It can be interpreted as the
effect of the gate voltage referred to the channel and is thus directly related to the gate
voltage by [14][19]:
γ 2 γ
V P = V G – V T0 – γ ⋅ V G – V T0 +  Ψ 0 + ---  –  Ψ 0 + ---  (16)
2 2

or inversely: V G = V T0 + V P + γ ⋅ Ψ0 + VP – Ψ0 (17)

where VT0 is the threshold voltage which is also referred to the substrate and Ψ0 is
the approximation of the surface potential in strong inversion at equilibrium ( V ch = 0 ). γ
is the body effect factor defined as:

2 ⋅ q ⋅ ε s ⋅ N sub
γ = ---------------------------------------- (18)
C′ ox

The slope factor n corresponds to the slope of the VG versus VP characteristic. It is a

function of the pinch-off voltage and can thus be approximated by:
88 CHAPTER 1.2

120 1.9

Pinch-off voltage VP (left axis)

100 Slope factor n (right axis) 1.8

80 1.7

slope factor n

60 1.6

40 2Φ2ΦFF ==0.7
0.7VV = =2727U
UT T 1.5
ΨΨ0 == 0.776
0.776VV = =3030U
20 γ γ == 1
1 VV ==6.127
6.127UTU 1.4

0 1.3

-20 1.2
-40 0 40 80 120 160
(VG – VT0) / UT

Figure 2.5 Pinch-off voltage and slope factor versus gate voltage

dV G γ
n ≡ ---------- = 1 + -------------------------------- (19)
dV P 2⋅ Ψ +V 0 P
n is also related to the slope S ≡ ( nU T ) of the I-V characteristics in weak
inversion plotted in a log-lin scale. Since VP is a function of the gate voltage, n can also be
expressed directly as a function of the gate voltage:

1 dV P γ
--- = ---------- = 1 – ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (20)
n dV G γ
2 ⋅ V G – V T0 +  --- + Ψ 0 
As shown in Fig. 2.5, for the values of γ and Ψ0 used in practice, the pinch-off
voltage can be approximated by a linear function of the gate voltage:
V G – V T0
V P ≅ ---------------------- (21)
n(V G)

The drain current is obtained simply by integrating (15) from the source, where
V ch = V S , to the drain, where V ch = V D . Assuming that the mobility is constant along
the channel, yields:

– Q′ inv(V ch)
ID = β ⋅ ----------------------------- ⋅ dV ch (22)
C′ ox

W eff
where: β = µ n ⋅ C′ ox ⋅ ---------- (23)
L eff

As shown in Fig. 2.4, the drain current is proportional to the shaded surface
comprised between the source and the drain voltage. It can be decomposed into a forward
current IF and a reverse current IR defined by [13][14][19]:
∞ ∞

∫ ∫
– Q′ inv(V ch) – Q′ inv(V ch)
ID = β ⋅ ----------------------------- ⋅ dV ch – β⋅ ----------------------------- ⋅ dV ch = IF – IR
C′ ox C′ ox

forward current I F reverse current I R

The forward current IF corresponds to the triangle ABC delimited by VS and VP and
hence depends only on the difference V P – V S while the reverse current IR corresponds to
the small triangle DEC delimited by VD and VP and therefore depends only on V P – V D .
Looking to Fig. 2.4 it is clear that when the drain voltage is increased, the area of triangle
DEC is reduced and hence the reverse current is decreased. When the drain voltage
reaches the pinch-off voltage, the channel is pinched-off at the drain and the reverse
current becomes zero. This situation corresponds to the onset of forward saturation. Since
I R = 0 in forward saturation, the drain current becomes equal to the forward component
IF .
It should be noted that in reality the pinch-off point is never reached. The device
progressively leaves strong inversion and enters in a region of moderate inversion
followed by a region of weak inversion, where the inversion charge decreases down to
zero exponentially with respect to the channel potential. For this reason the upper limits of
the integrals in (24) have been set to infinity instead of VP , extending the validity of (24)
to all the regions of operation including weak, moderate and strong inversion. Although
VP has been defined as an extrapolation of the strong inversion operation, it is also used in
weak inversion, which tends to show that it is a good delimiter between the strong and the
weak inversion regions. The pinch-off voltage can thus be used to define the different
modes of operation of the MOS transistor with respect to the source and drain voltages as
illustrated in Fig. 2.6.

(ID>0) IF = IR → ID=0
weak inversion

Blocked (ID<0)
Forward bipolar

weak inversion

Conduction saturation
ID = IF – IR ID = IR

Reverse bipolar

Figure 2.6 Modes of operation of the transistor

90 CHAPTER 1.2

Symmetrical forward and reverse modes are possible, depending on the sign of
V D – V S . For VS and VD both smaller than VP , the channel is in strong inversion from the
source to the drain and the transistor is in the conduction mode. If VD is increased beyond
VP , the drain end of the channel is pinched-off and the device is in forward saturation
mode. If VS and VD are both larger than VP , the whole channel is pinched-off. The device
operates in weak inversion as long as one of the source or drain voltages is still close to
VP , but becomes blocked if both of them are sufficiently larger than VP .
If the drain or (and) the source junction(s) is (are) forward biased beyond a junction
voltage VJ , a bipolar mode is superimposed on the MOS mode [24][25].
There are of course no abrupt limits between these various modes, but rather smooth
transitions. In particular weak and strong inversion are separated by a region of moderate
inversion [11].
Since in strong inversion the inversion charge Q′ inv can be approximated by a linear
function of V P – V ch , the forward (reverse) current IF (IR) is a quadratic function of the
difference V P – V S ( V P – V D ) [14][16][19]:
 ---------- ⋅ ( V P – V S ( D ) ) 2 for:V S ( D ) < V P
IF ( R) =  2 (25)
0 for:V S ( D ) ≥ V P

The current can be explicitly related to the gate voltage either by using (16) or the
linear approximation given by (21). The complete expressions for the drain current in
strong inversion are given in Table 2.1 [14][16][28]. It is interesting to note that the
current-to-voltage relation in the conduction mode can be made linear by maintaining the
sum of the drain and source voltage constant. This technique is used in the design of linear
transconductors [29].

Table 2.1 Drain current in strong inversion


n ⋅ β ⋅ V P – ------------------- ⋅ ( VD – VS) VS ≤ VP
n VD ≤ VP
≅ β ⋅ V G – V T0 – --- ⋅ ( V S + V D ) ⋅ ( V D – V S )

---------- ⋅ ( V P – V S ) 2 ≅ ------ ⋅ ( V G – V T0 – n ⋅ V S ) 2

REVERSE –n ⋅ β –β VS > VP
-------------- ⋅ ( V P – V D ) 2 ≅ ------ ⋅ ( V G – V T0 – n ⋅ V D ) 2


In weak inversion, it can be shown that the inversion charge Q′ inv is an exponential
function of V P – V ch , which results in an exponential forward (reverse) current IF (IR)
VP – VS ( D)
I F ( R ) = I S ⋅ exp ---------------------------- (26)

where IS is the specific current defined as [14]:

I S ≡ 2 ⋅ n ⋅ β ⋅ U T2 (27)

which at a given temperature, depends essentially on the aspect ratio W ⁄ L of the

device and on the mobility µn . As shown in Fig. 2.7, IS corresponds in fact to the
intersection of the weak and strong inversion asymptotes of the normalized
transconductance versus drain current plot. IS can therefore also be used as a delimiter
between weak and strong inversion. Setting the drain current in forward saturation larger
than IS forces the device to operate in strong inversion while keeping it smaller than IS
biases the transistor in weak inversion. The specific current is thus a convenient design
parameter that helps sizing the transistor according to an imposed bias current and a given
mode of operation.
It is convenient to explicit the current in terms of the gate voltage by using the approxima-
tion given by (21):
VG  –VS –VD 
I D = I F – I R = I D0 ⋅ exp -------------- ⋅  exp --------- – exp ----------  (28)
n ⋅ UT  UT UT 

– V T0
where: I D0 ≡ I S ⋅ exp -------------- (29)
n ⋅ UT

is the “leakage” current appearing for V G = 0 The parameter ID0 is not well controlled
since it depends exponentially on VT0 . For this reason, a transistor operating in weak
inversion should always be biased by imposing a fixed current instead of a fixed gate volt-
age in order to avoid the high sensitivity to UT and VT0 [26].
An equivalent expression of the drain current that emphasize the saturation process in
weak inversion can be derived from (28):

 IR  VP – VS  VD – VS 
I D = I F ⋅  1 – -----  = I S ⋅ exp ------------------- ⋅  1 – exp – -------------------  (30)
 IF  UT  UT 

For V D – V S > 4 to 5U T , the reverse component IR becomes negligible with respect to IF

and the transistor enters in forward saturation. The saturation voltage in weak inversion
can thus be considered to be 5 UT , or approximately 130 mV at room temperature, which
would correspond to a contribution of the reverse current to the total current of less than
1%. This obviously makes weak inversion very attractive for low-voltage applications.
The expressions for the drain current in weak inversion are summarized in Table 2.2.
In the region between weak and strong inversion defined as the moderate inversion
region, the current is due to both diffusion and drift mechanisms. Although the general
expression for the current given by (15) holds also for this moderate inversion region, the
92 CHAPTER 1.2

expressions derived for the drain current are not valid in moderate inversion because
diffusion and drift currents have been considered separately for respectively weak and
strong inversion. Considering these two regions more as asymptotic modes of operation,
the drain current can be approximated over a wide range of current with an acceptable
precision by using the following simple interpolation function [32][33]:

 VP – VS ( D)  2
I F ( R ) = I S ⋅ ln  1 + exp ----------------------------  (31)
 2U T 

It is quite obvious to verify that for V P < V S ( D ) (or V G < V T0 + n ⋅ V S ( D ) ), the

forward (reverse) current reduces to (26), while for V P > V S ( D ) (or
V G > V T0 + n ⋅ V S ( D ) ), IF reduces to (25).
The currents defined by (31) can conveniently be inverted to express the voltages in
terms of the forward or reverse currents as it is generally required in analog circuit design:
V G – V T0
V P ≅ ---------------------- = V S ( D ) + 2 ⋅ U T ⋅ ln  exp i f ( r ) – 1  (32)
where i f ≡ I F ⁄ I S and i r ≡ I R ⁄ I S are the normalized forward and reverse currents.

Table 2.2 Drain current in weak inversion


------P --------- ----------
IS ⋅ e ⋅ e –e

- – ------------------
= IS ⋅ e ⋅ 1–e VD > VP
- –VS –VD
n ⋅ UT ---------
UT – V T0
≅ I D0 ⋅ e ⋅ e –e I D0 ≡ I S ⋅ exp --------------
n ⋅ UT
VG – n ⋅ VS VD – VS
n ⋅ UT – ------------------
= I D0 ⋅ e ⋅ 1–e

VG – n ⋅ VS
FORWARD VP – VS -------------------------
- n ⋅ UT
SATURATION IF = IS ⋅ e ≅ I D0 ⋅ e
V D – V S >>U T

VG – n ⋅ VD
REVERSE VP – VD --------------------------
UT n ⋅ UT
SATURATION –IR = –IS ⋅ e ≅ – I D0 ⋅ e
V D – V S >>U T

V S >>V P
BLOCKED IF = IR ⇒ ID = 0 or V S = V D
V D >>V P

The normalized forward current if is also called the inversion factor (or inversion
coefficient), since it defines the inversion level of the transistor. It is therefore much larger
than 1 for a transistor biased in strong inversion, while if much smaller than 1 corresponds
to a transistor biased in weak inversion. For if around 1, the transistor operates in the
region of moderate inversion. Small-signal model

The small-signal transconductances of a MOST biased in conduction are defined

using the voltages referred to the substrate:
∂I D ∂I D ∂I D
g mg ≡ ---------- g ms ≡ --------- g md ≡ ---------- (33)
∂V G ∂V S ∂V D
V S, V D V G, V D V G, V S

where gmg , gms and gmd are respectively the gate, source and drain
transconductances of the model with voltages referred to the substrate. It is important to
note that since the variation of the pinch-off voltage is n times smaller than the
corresponding gate voltage variation and the forward current only depends on the voltage
difference V P – V S , the gate transconductance in saturation (i.e. for I R = 0 ) is n times
smaller than the source transconductance [14][16][19]:
g mg = g ms ⁄ n (34)

This relation is valid in saturation from weak to strong inversion.

Table 2.3 Transconductances in strong and in weak inversion

conduction forward saturation
2 ⋅ β ⋅ ID
β ⋅ ( VP – VS) = --------------------
n ID
2I D -------------
gmg β ⋅ ( VD – VS) = --------------------------------
- n ⋅ UT
n ⋅ ( VP – VS)
2I D
= -----------------------------------------
V G – V T0 – n ⋅ V S

n ⋅ β ⋅ ( VP – VS) = 2 ⋅ n ⋅ β ⋅ IF
gms -------
2I F 2 ⋅ n ⋅ IF UT
= ------------------ = -----------------------------------------
VP – VS V G – V T0 – n ⋅ V S

n ⋅ β ⋅ ( VP – VD) = 2 ⋅ n ⋅ β ⋅ IR
gmd = -------------------
- 0 ------
2 ⋅ n ⋅ IR
= -------------------------------------------
V G – V T0 – n ⋅ V D
94 CHAPTER 1.2

The value of the transconductances in strong and in weak inversion can be calculated
respectively from (25) and (26). They are summarized in Table 2.3. Source and gate
transconductances in saturation are proportional to the drain current when the transistor is
biased in weak inversion and proportional to the square root of the drain current in strong
In forward saturation, the drain transconductance becomes negligible compared to
the output conductance gds due to the channel length modulation. It is important to note
that although the gate transconductance gm and output conductance gds of the model
having the voltages referred to the source are respectively equal to gmg and gds of the
model with voltages referred to the substrate, the transconductance from the bulk is
related to gmg , gms and gds according to [16]:
∂I D n–1
g mb ≡ ------------ = g ms – g mg – g ds ≅ g ms – g mg = ( n – 1 ) g mg = ------------ g ms (35)
∂V BS n

Fig. 2.7 shows the gate and source transconductances in saturation normalized to
their value in weak inversion versus the inversion coefficient. As mentioned earlier, the
strong inversion asymptote crosses the weak inversion asymptote (=1) at a saturation
current equal to the specific current. At this particular point the error made on the
transconductance estimation when using the weak inversion expression of Table 2.3
reaches its maximum which is about 40 %. This is clearly unacceptable for doing analog
design. Furthermore, transistors are very often biased in this moderate inversion region
since it is a good compromise between current efficiency and gate area. A better
estimation of the transconductance in the moderate inversion region is obtained by
differentiating the large-signal drain current interpolation given by (31):

g mg ⋅ nU T g ms ⋅ U T 1 – e – i f
G ( i f ) ≡ ------------------------ = -------------------- ≅ -------------------- (36)
IF IF i f

1.0 weak inversion
γ = 1 V
g mg ⋅ n ⋅ U T
- = ---------------------------


0.9 V = – 0.96 V





g ms ⋅ U T
G(i f) = -------------------


0.2 Exact
Eqn. 36
0.1 Eqn. 56
0.1 1 10 100
i f = -----------------
2nβU T2

Figure 2.7 Transconductance interpolation functions


This interpolation function and the exact result obtained from a numerical
computation are plotted in Fig. 2.7. The simple approximation given by (36) tends to
overestimate the exact result in strong inversion, while it is slightly pessimistic in weak
inversion. The maximum approximation error is now reduced from 40 % to typically 5 %,
which is sufficient for hand calculations. Of course for computer simulation more accurate
small-signal interpolation function are required. Although simple small-signal
interpolation functions can be found, they have to be integrated to obtain the
corresponding large-signal interpolation function used for the current. This generally leads
to relatively complicated expressions which cannot always be inverted in order to express
the current in terms of the voltage as required by the simulator. This has little consequence
in the case of the computer simulation model, since the small- and the large-signal
interpolation functions are independent of the process parameters and of the bias and can
therefore be computed once and tabulated. Furthermore, in some circuit simulators the
derivatives are calculated numerically instead of using an analytic expression. In such a
case, the use of a large-signal interpolation function obtained by integration of the small-
signal function ensures not only an accurate estimation of the operating point but also of
the corresponding transconductances. This is the approach which has been taken for
developing the EKV model (see Section 1.2.4). Noise model

As shown in Fig. 2.8 (a), the noise of the MOS transistor at low-frequency can be
modeled by two independent sources of random noise: a noisy current source connected
between drain and source representing the thermal noise due to the noisy channel, and a
noisy voltage source in series with the gate and modeling the flicker (or 1/f) noise related
to the Si-SiO2 interface.

noiseless transistor D noiseless transistor D

S ∆V S ∆I S ∆V

flicker noise total input referred

thermal noise noise in saturation
a) b)
Figure 2.8 Model of the noisy transistor at low frequency

A general expression for the thermal noise can be derived by first considering the
noise produced by a single elementary piece of the conductive channel and assuming the
rest of the channel is noiseless (c.f. Fig. 2.9).
Like any resistor, this elementary piece of resistive channel produces a local
fluctuation of the channel voltage dVch having a Power Spectral Density (PSD):
dS ∆V = 4kT ⋅ dR (37)
96 CHAPTER 1.2

x x+dx

dx dV ch dx
dR = ----------
- = ------------------------------------------
ID W ⋅ µ n ⋅ ( – Q′ inv )
dI D W
dS ∆V = 4kT ⋅ dR - = µ n ⋅ ----- ⋅ ( – Q′ inv )
g ch = ----------
ch dV ch L
∆V ch ∆I D

∆V ch gch
∆I D

Figure 2.9 Two transistor model of the channel thermal noise

where dR is resistance of the elementary channel section which can be derived from (15):
dV ch dx
dR = ----------- = ------------------------------------------- (38)
ID W ⋅ µ n ⋅ ( – Q′ inv )

The channel voltage fluctuation results in a variation of the drain current having a
PSD given by:
2 ⋅ dS
dS ∆I = g ch = 4kT ⋅ -----2- ⋅ W ⋅ ( – Q′ inv ) ⋅ dx (39)
D ch L
where gch is the channel conductance at point x in the channel:
dI D W
g ch = ----------- = µ n ⋅ ----- ⋅ ( – Q′ inv ) (40)
dV ch L

Integrating (39) from source to drain gives the total PSD of the drain current
fluctuations, which can be expressed in terms of a thermal noise conductance GNth:
S ∆I = 4kT ⋅ G Nth (41)

µn µn
G Nth = -----2- ⋅ W ⋅
L ∫
– Q′ inv ⋅ dx = -----2- ⋅ Q inv

According to (42), the current fluctuation PSD is proportional to the total charge
“stored” in the channel. Since no assumption has been made on the mode of operation of
the transistor, (42) is valid from weak to strong inversion including in moderate inversion.
The total charge in the channel is directly related to the source and drain

transconductances. The thermal noise conductance can thus be written in terms of gms and
gmd according to:

1 g ms
 --- ⋅ ( g ms + g md ) = -------- ⋅ ( 1 + i r ⁄ i f ) weak inv.
2 2
G Nth =  2 2 (43)
 2 g ms + g ms g md + g md 1 + ir ⁄ if + ir ⁄ if
 --- ⋅ ------------------------------------------------- = 2--- ⋅ g ms ⋅ ----------------------------------------- strong inv.
3 g ms + g md 3 1 + ir ⁄ if

which can be related to the bias current or voltages using the expressions given in
Table 2.3. For a transistor operating as a conductance (i.e. for V D = V S or equivalently
for i f = i r ), the source and drain transconductances are both equal to the channel “on”
conductance Gon and therefore (43) reduces to:
G Nth = g ms = G on for: if = ir or: VD = VS (44)

in weak and in strong inversion. It should be noted that even though the drain current
is zero for V D = V S , gms is not equal to zero since it depends on the forward current
which for V D = V S is equal to the reverse current.
It is also interesting to note that in weak inversion the source and drain
transconductances can be replaced by their respective expression given in Table 2.3
resulting in the following current noise PSD:

1  IF IR 
S ∆I = 4kT ⋅ --- ⋅ ( g ms + g md ) = 2kT ⋅  ------- + -------  = 2 ⋅ q ⋅ ( I F + I R ) (45)
D 2  UT UT 

which corresponds to full shot noise of both the forward and the reverse components
Since in saturation g md = 0 (or i r = 0 ), the total charge in the channel only
depends on the source transconductance. The thermal noise conductance is then equal to:

 1--- ⋅ g weak inversion

 2 ms
G Nth =  and saturation (46)
 --3- ⋅ g ms strong inversion

In saturation g mg ≠ 0 and the thermal noise conductance can be conveniently

referred to the gate as a thermal noise resistance by dividing by the square of the gate
 ---------------- weak inversion
G Nth  2 ⋅ g mg
R Nth = ------------ =  and saturation (47)
g mg2 2 n
 --3- ⋅ --------
g mg
- strong inversion

Since the noise current PSD of a transconductor is always proportional to the

transconductance, the noise performance of this transconductor is conveniently expressed
in terms of the noise factor γ defined as the product of the input referred noise resistance
by the transconductance:
98 CHAPTER 1.2

 2---------
G Nth  3-≅1 weak inversion
γ ≡ g mg ⋅ R Nth = ------------ =  and saturation (48)
g mg n
 --2- strong inversion

In addition to the thermal noise, the MOS transistor is also strongly affected by low-
frequency 1/f noise due to the fluctuation of the carrier density caused by trapping of
carriers in traps located in the oxide and close to the Si-SiO2 interface via tunneling effect
and fast surface states. Several theories exist that give rise to different expressions of the
PSD and different relations to the bias. Nevertheless, all these theories agree on the fact
that the PSD referred to the gate varies nearly in inverse proportion to frequency and to the
gate area:
SV = 4kT ⋅ ------------------- (49)
flicker W⋅L⋅f
A ⋅ s 2
 ---------
where: ρ ≈ constant  m - (50)

Factor ρ is strongly process dependent and the p-channel very often has a smaller
value than the n-channel (the ratio can be as high as 100). In general the ρ factor depends
on the bias condition and may also depend on temperature. Measurements have shown
that the bias dependence is weak [19]. The ρ factor can thus be considered as constant for
a given temperature.
In saturation it is often convenient to refer the total noise to the gate and characterize
it with a frequency dependent noise resistor R N(f) defined as:
ρ γ
S ∆V = 4kT ⋅ R N(f) with: R N(f) = -------------- + --------- ( in saturation ) (51)
G WL ⋅ f g mg

where γ ⁄ g mg is given by (47).

According to (51), the value of the total input referred noise at a given frequency
reduces down to the 1/f noise when increasing the transconductance and to the thermal
noise when enlarging the gate area. Mismatch

Like noise, the mismatch between two identical transistors M1-M2 must be
characterized by two statistical parameters: the threshold voltage mismatch
δV T0 ≡ V T01 – V T02 , having a standard deviation σ VT , and δβ ⁄ β ≡ ( β 1 – β 2 ) ⁄ β
having a standard deviation σ β . In a well designed layout, each of these mismatch
components have a mean value very close to zero and are usually very weakly correlated.
They are typically ranging from 2 to 20 mV for δV T0 and 0.2 to 20 % for δβ ⁄ β .
Assuming σ VT and σ β are uncorrelated, the standard deviation σ ID of the drain current
mismatch δI D ⁄ I D of two transistors having the same gate and source voltages (like for
example a simple current mirror) is given by:

2  g mg 2
σ ID = σ β +  --------- ⋅ σ VT  (52)
 ID 

14 35

12 σID 30

10 25
σVT = 5 mV σVG

σVG [mV]
σID [%]

8 σβ = 2 % 20
n UT = 40 mV
6 15

4 10

2 5

0 0
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000

Figure 2.10 Matching of drain current (left axis) and gate voltage (right axis) as
functions of the inversion coefficients of the transistors.

whereas the standard deviation σ VG of the gate voltage mismatch

δV G ≡ V G1 – V G2 of two transistors biased at the same drain current and having the same
source voltage (like for example a differential pair) is given by:

2  ID 2
σ VG = σ VT +  --------- ⋅ σ β  (53)
 g mg 

These results are plotted in Fig. 2.10 for σ VT = 5 mV and σ β = 2 % , by using the
continuous transconductance shown in Fig. 2.7 with nU T = 40 mV .
It can be seen from Fig. 2.10 and from equations (52) and (53) that biasing the
transistor in weak inversion (i.e. imposing i f <<1 and thus a large g mg ⁄ I D ratio), results
on one hand in a very poor drain current matching:
g mg σ VT
σ ID ≅ --------- ⋅ σ VT ≅ ---------- in weak inversion (54)

and on the other hand in a minimum mismatch between the gate voltages, equal to the
threshold voltage mismatch σ VT . A very large inversion factor is required to reduce σ ID
to the minimum possible value set by σ β .
Weak inversion is thus not appropriate when current matching is required like for
example in current mirrors, but it is beneficial for voltage matching like for example in a
differential pair, the offset of which can be reduced to its minimum value set by the
threshold voltage mismatch.
100 CHAPTER 1.2

1.2.4 The EKV compact MOST model for circuit simulation From hand calculation to circuit simulation

The development of the EKV compact MOST model for circuit simulation started at
the end of the 80s on the basis of a strong experience in low-power CMOS analog circuit
design acquired over the years at CSEM [32][33] and at EPFL [19]. It was primarily
motivated by the lack of simulation models able to cover correctly the full range of
operation modes the MOST can provide and particularly the moderate and weak inversion
regions. This gap artificially limited the circuit design creativity that could be expected by
exploiting all these modes. Although at this time many analog circuits did not require any
simulation, their complexity increased rapidly, up to a point where it was essential to be
able to correctly simulate them.
Prior to simulation, the designer has to correctly size each transistor in order to
obtain the desired performance. Very often the sizing procedure is the result of a
compromise between several design parameters such as current, overdrive or saturation
voltage, transconductance (or noise), output conductance and gate area. The asymptotic
weak and strong inversion models presented previously are clearly not sufficient to find an
adequate solution to this multivariable problem. It requires a simple analytical model valid
in all regions of operation. Among the design parameters mentioned above, probably the
most important are the bias current, the transconductance and the inversion factor. As
already mentioned, the use of the asymptotic models could lead to an unacceptable error
when estimating the transconductances in the moderate inversion region. This has been
corrected by the small-signal interpolation function G ( i f ) defined for example by (36).
The effective transconductance in saturation can easily be estimating from the bias current
I F ≅ I D and the inversion coefficient if :
g mg = ---------- ⋅ G(i f) g ms = ------- ⋅ G(i f) (55)

Although (36) gives a sufficient accuracy, it is not convenient since it cannot be

solved to find the inversion factor as a function of the required transconductance and the
fixed bias. A simpler and more accurate interpolation function is given by [14][16][19]:

g mg ⋅ nU T g ms ⋅ U T 1
G(i f) = ------------------------ = -------------------- = -------------------------------------- (56)
i f + --- ⋅ i f + 1

which is also plotted in Fig. 2.7. This equation can be conveniently solved to
express the inversion factor in terms of the fixed bias current and the targeted
1 2
i f =  ------ +  ------- – 1  – --- 
1 1
16 G2 4

A dedicated calculator shown in Fig. 2.11 has been developed to help the designer to
properly size a single transistor according to given specifications and to explore the
multivariable space of solution for his particular problem in order to find a satisfactory

state vector z
x' y'
x ·K · 1/K y
(in) analog (out)
K |x'| Ki
min max
state update
range K controller
x x'

example for 2 ranges:

Figure 2.11 MOS transistor sizing calculator

The design variables have been divided in five groups named specifiers: the voltage
specifier (including if , G, V GS – V T , V P – V S ), the current specifier, the
transconductance specifier (including gmsand gmg) and the W/L specifier (including
W eff ⁄ L eff and β). The first axis (in log scale) of each group is the master axis from which
the other axes are calculated resulting in curious scales. The cursors can be moved
preserving the coherence between the variables of each specifier group. In order to solve a
given sizing problem, two among the five specifiers have to be fixed while the other can be
moved to explore the solution space until a good compromise is found. Additional
informations such as gate area, parasitic capacitances and thermal noise resistance are
monitored to help the designer adjusting his choice.
The next step of the design is the simulation of the circuit and its related problems.
Probably the best compilation of MOS modelling problems to date has been presented in
the work of Y. Tsividis [20]-[22] and completed by G. Machado in a discussion of some
non-technical but fundamental issues in [23]. The basic requirements a MOS model
should fulfil are well described in [22] and will not be reproduced here. The EKV model
meets most of these criteria and fulfils most of the benchmarks defined in [22]. It is
important to note that in addition to these requirements, the EKV model is also
hierarchically structured, presenting several coherent levels, from simple analytical
expressions to support creative synthesis, to detailed expressions for precise computer
simulation. This allows the designers to understand the operation of the MOS transistor
and then to correctly exploit and master its numerous characteristics in order to develop
new high performance analog circuits. The latter aspect is also fundamental from an
educational point of view [23].
102 CHAPTER 1.2

Table 2.4 EKV MOST intrinsic model parameters [17]


COX C′ ox gate oxide capacitance per unit area
VTO VT0 nominal threshold voltage
GAMMA γ body effect parameter
PHI ψ0 bulk Fermi potential (*2)
KP µ ⋅ C′ ox transconductance parameter
THETA θ mobility reduction coefficient due to vertical field
UCRIT Ec longitudinal critical field (velocity saturation)
DW ∆W channel narrowing
DL ∆L channel shortening
LAMBDA - depletion length coefficient
XJ xj junction depth
WETA - narrow channel effect coefficient
LETA - short channel effect coefficient

The EKV compact MOST model for circuit simulation is based on the static long-
channel theory presented in Section 1.2.3, but it also includes all the main second-order
effects such as: channel length modulation, mobility reduction due to vertical field,
velocity saturation, impact ionization and short- and narrow-channel effects
[16][17][18][39]. One of the strong advantage of the EKV model in comparison to other
models is its few number of intrinsic parameters which are limited to only 13 compared
with typically more than 50 for other models. Most of the EKV model intrinsic parameters
listed in Table 2.4 have their traditional SPICE meaning. In addition to these parameters,
the model also includes 3 temperature parameters (TCV, BEX, UCEX) and 2 noise
parameters (KF, AF) used to specify the 1/f noise. Like in any other models, the EKV
model has also its own extrinsic model which is fully described by a set of approximately
20 parameters.
The dynamic model includes both a quasi-static and a first-order non-quasi-static
model. The intrinsic part of the quasi-static small-signal model is shown in Fig. 2.12 (a).
Since it only includes five intrinsic capacitances, this model does not take into account the
transcapacitances [11]. A more elaborated high-frequency model that includes both the
intrinsic and extrinsic part of the device is presented in Fig. 2.12 (b). The intrinsic part
corresponds in fact to the first-order non-quasi-static model, where the transconductances
of the circuit shown in Fig. 2.12 (a) have been replaced by first-order transadmittances.
Unlike the model of Fig. 2.12 (a), it can be shown that the complete model of
Fig. 2.12 (b) takes into account the effect of the transcapacitances which are included into
the transadmittances. Since it is a non-quasi-static model, it gives a correct prediction of
the transadmittance magnitude at high frequency unlike other models that include quasi-
static transcapacitances [37].

Cgs gmg ∆VG Cgd
gms ∆VS
S D Cgb ∆VG
gmd ∆VD
Csb B

a) Quasi-static intrinsic model

Cgs Y VG Cgd
Cov Cov
Cjs Ymd VD Cjd
VS gs gd VD
Cbs B


b) Complete high-frequency small-signal model including non-quasi-static transadmittances

Figure 2.12 EKV small-signal dynamic models

f = 1kHz
KF = 0 (no 1/f noise)
Noise PSD [dBv/ Hz]


EKV model



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Figure 2.13 Thermal noise PSD versus VDS voltage for the LEVEL 3 and the EKV
104 CHAPTER 1.2

It is worth mentioning that the thermal noise in most SPICE simulators is modelled
as a noisy current source having a PSD given by:
S ∆I = 4kT ⋅ --- ⋅ g m (58)
D 3
Since the gate transconductance is proportional to VDS in the linear region, according
to (58) the thermal noise of the device becomes zero for V D = V S , which is obviously
unphysical! This is clearly illustrated in Fig. 2.13 where the thermal noise PSD at 1 kHz
has been plotted versus the VDS voltage for the UCB LEVEL 3 and the EKV model [16].
Fig. 2.13 additionally shows a discontinuity in the thermal noise PSD, the origin of which
lies in a discontinuity of the gate transconductance at the limit between conduction and
saturation. This problem has been solved in the EKV model by properly interpolating the
thermal noise PSD from weak to strong inversion and from conduction to saturation,
insuring a correct value in the linear region and smooth transitions between the different
modes of operation as shown in Fig. 2.13 [14][16][19].

1.2.5 Examples of robust circuits illustrating the use of the EKV model

This section aims at illustrating the effective use of the model for the analysis and
synthesis of some very simple but fundamental circuits. It should help the reader to get
familiarized with the abstract concepts of pinch-off voltage, inversion factor, specific
current through some circuit examples. The section does not cover all the well-known
basic building blocks which are already described in details in some other references
[26][27][67]. Pinch-off voltage extraction

The pinch-off voltage is not only a convenient concept established for the
development of the EKV MOST model, but it can be measured or extracted and used to
properly bias some circuits. Since the pinch-off voltage can be interpreted as the effect of
the gate voltage referred to the channel, it should be possible to measure it for example at
the source end of the device. Considering the expression of the drain current in saturation
( I D = I F ) and using the interpolation function given by (26) while setting V S = V P
leads to [16][38]-[40]:
 VP – VS  2
2 IS 2
I D = I S ⋅ ln  1 + exp -------------------  = I S ⋅ [ ln ( 2 ) ] ≅ ---- = n ⋅ β ⋅ U T
 2U T  2
The particular value of the drain current for which the source voltage is equal to the
pinch-off voltage is thus equal to half the specific current. Hence, the pinch-off voltage
can be measured by setting the drain current to I S ⁄ 2 in a transistor biased in saturation
as shown in Fig. 2.14 (a). Since this circuit should provide the pinch-off voltage for any
voltage applied to its gate, it can be used to measure the VP versus VG characteristic,
corresponding to (16), by simply sweeping the gate voltage and measuring the source
voltage. It is indeed used to extract the key parameters VTO, GAMMA and PHI used in the
EKV model [16][38]-[40].


Mu : unit transistor
M1 Mu
IS 2
I B ≅ ---- = n ⋅ β ⋅ U T 1 Mu
2 VR = 1 – ---------------------------- ⋅ V P VP
1 + S2 ⁄ S1 V R = ------
a) b) c)
Figure 2.14 Pinch-off voltage extractors.

A fraction of the pinch-off voltage can be extracted using the circuit presented in
Fig. 2.14 (b). In this case the biasing current IB is not equal to I S ⁄ 2 but is such that both
transistors operate in strong inversion. Since the gate of M2 is connected to its drain
terminal, M2 operates in saturation, while M1 is assumed to operate in conduction. Since
both transistors M1 and M2 have the same gate voltage, they share the same pinch-off
voltage VP and the same slope factor n . Equating their drain currents yields:
nβ 1 2 nβ 2 2 2
I D1 = I D2 ⇒ --------- ( V P – V R ) = --------- V P – ( V P – V R ) (60)
2 2
The value of the reference voltage VR between the drain of M1 and ground is then given by
solving (60):
V R = 1 – ---------------------------- ⋅ V P (61)
1 + S2 ⁄ S1

where S i ≡ W eff-i ⁄ L eff-i for i = 1, 2 are the aspect ratio of M1 and M2 respectively.
As will be shown latter, it is convenient to implement the ratio S 2 ⁄ S 1 by using series
association of several identical “unit” transistors [42]. For example, M1 and M2 can be
implemented by four stacked “unit” transistors in the same well as shown in Fig. 2.14 (c).
M1 and M2 will therefore have the same width (the width of one unit transistor) and if VR
is tapped at the source of the upper transistor, then S 2 = 3S 1 and thus V R = V P ⁄ 2 .
The circuit shown in Fig. 2.14 (b) can also be used in weak inversion to realize a
simple PTAT voltage reference [30][31]. M1 is again assumed to be in conduction,
whereas M2 is in saturation. Equating the drain currents using the current expression given
in Table 2.2 and solving for VR results in:

 S2 
V R = U T ⋅ ln  1 + -----  (62)
 S1 

This circuit is only useful for realizing PTAT voltages smaller than typically 3U T
due to the logarithmic dependence of VR on S 2 ⁄ S 1 . Larger PTAT voltages can be
achieved by simply stacking the same two transistor scheme and trading β ratios against
106 CHAPTER 1.2


M2 M4

M1 VR M2 M3
ID3 VRtot
 S2  M1
V R = U T ⋅ ln  1 + -----  < 3U T
 S1 

a) b)
Figure 2.15 PTAT voltage references in weak inversion [30]

current ratios as shown in Fig. 2.15 (b). The original S 2 ⁄ S 1 ratio is then multiplied by a
factor equal to the ratio of the currents flowing in the lower and respectively in the upper
 S 2 I D1   S 4 I D3 
V R1 = U T ⋅ ln  1 + ----- ⋅ --------  V R3 = U T ⋅ ln  1 + ----- ⋅ --------  (63)
 S 1 I D2   S 3 I D4 

If I D2 = I D4 = I and S 2 ⁄ S 1 = S 4 ⁄ S 3 = α , the stacked voltage VRtot is then equal to:

V Rtot = U T ⋅ ln [ ( 1 + α ) ( 1 + 2α ) ] (64)

which can be extended toN stacked identical PTAT voltage sources driven by equal cur-
V Rtot
------------- = N ⋅ ln ( α ) + ln [ Γ(N + 1 + 1 ⁄ α) ] – ln [ Γ(1 + 1 ⁄ α) ] (65)
where Γ(x) is the Gamma function. Eqn. 65 is plotted in Fig. 2.16 which shows that a
1 V PTAT voltage source at room temperature requires 8 current branches with
α = S 2 ⁄ S 1 = 30 .

VRtot / UT



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 2.16 Voltage of N stacked PTAT sources

EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES 107 Specific current extractor and ratio-based design technique

In analog circuit design it is crucial to correctly set the operating point of a MOS
transistor in order to precisely control its small-signal characteristics like for example its
transconductances. The specific current represents a well defined operating point on the
DC transfer characteristic of the MOS transistor which is just between weak and strong
inversion in the middle of the so-called moderate inversion region. If a bias current equal
to the specific current IS-ref of a reference transistor is available (say for example a square
transistor having a unity aspect ratio S ref = 1 ), any transistor Mx of aspect ratio Sx can
then be operated at a given inversion factor ifx by means of a weighted copy of this current
IS-ref according to:
S x ⋅ i fx
K = ----------------------- = S x ⋅ i fx (66)
S ref ⋅ i f-ref
since by assumption S ref = 1 and by definition the inversion factor if-ref of the
reference transistor is equal to 1 if it is biased by a current equal to its specific current
I S-ref . The latter factor K can be implemented for example by a weighted current mirror.
It is therefore convenient to generate a reference current equal to the specific current of a
given reference transistor in order to precisely set the inversion factor of any transistor by
using a proper series/parallel combination of this reference transistor [42]. This ratio-
based design technique is very attractive since it is independent to the first-order of the
temperature and of the technology [47].


M1A W Vch

Figure 2.17 Tapped transistor

The specific current generator (or specific current extractor SCE [47]) is based on the
stacked transistor circuit of Fig. 2.14 (b) which is investigated hereafter from an other
point of view. Consider a single transistor of width W and length L where a tap has been
inserted at a distance x from the source terminal in order to measure the channel voltage at
this particular position. As shown in Fig. 2.17, it can be considered as two stacked
transistors M1A and M1B having the same gate and substrate and the same width, but
different length: x for the bottom transistor and L – x for the top. The top transistor
operates in saturation since it has its gate terminal connected to its drain, while the bottom
transistor operates in conduction. The channel voltage at position x from the source can be
deduced by using (32):

V P = 2U T ⋅ ln  exp i f1A – 1  (67)

V P – V ch = 2U T ⋅ ln  exp i f1B – 1  (68)

108 CHAPTER 1.2

where if1A and if1B are the inversion coefficients of transistor M1A and M1B
respectively. Combining (67) and (68) leads to:

 exp i f1A – 1 
V ch = 2U T ⋅ ln  ---------------------------------------  (69)
 exp i f1B – 1 

It should be noted that:

 V P – V ch  2
i f1B = i r1A = ln  1 + exp ---------------------  (70)
 2U T 

since the source voltage of M1B is equal to the drain voltage of M1A . On the other
hand, the inversion factor of the bottom transistor if1A is equal to the inversion factor of
the overall transistor M1 which will be defined as if1 . Equating the currents flowing in
M1A and M1B leads to:
I S1B ⋅ i f1B = I S1A ⋅ ( i f1A – i r1A ) or: ------------ ⋅ i f1B = ----- ⋅ ( i f1A – i r1A ) (71)
L–x x
Introducing (70) into (71) allows to express the inversion coefficient of M2 as a
function of the inversion coefficient of M1 and distance x:

i f1B =  1 – ---  ⋅ i f1A

which can be introduced into (69), resulting in:

 exp i f1 – 1 
V ch = 2U T ⋅ ln  ------------------------------------------------------------------  (73)
 exp ( 1 – x ⁄ L ) ⋅ i f1 – 1 

where if1A has been replaced by if1 since they are equal. Equation (73) gives the
value of the channel voltage at a relative distance x ⁄ L from the source as a function of
the inversion factor. The channel voltage normalized to UT has been plotted versus x ⁄ L
for different inversion coefficients in Fig. 2.18 (a) and versus if1 for different relative
distances in Fig. 2.18 (b).
Equation (73) is rather complicated, but it can be strongly simplified by considering
only the weak and strong inversion asymptotes:

 – U ⋅ ln  1 – --x-  i f1 <<1 ( weak inv. )

 T  L

  x
V ch =  2U T ⋅ i f1 ⋅  1 – 1 – ---  = (74)
 L
 i f1 >>1 ( strong inv. )
 = V ⋅  1 – 1 – --x- 
 P  L
According to (74), the channel voltage in weak inversion becomes independent of
the inversion factor, which is consistent with the curves shown in Fig. 2.18 (b) for low
if1 , whereas it is proportional to the square-root of if1 (or the pinch-off voltage) in strong

if1 =

Vch / UT 15


5 0.01

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0


10 0.75
6 0.5
2 i f1
Vch / UT


5 VP

0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Figure 2.18 Channel voltage versus the distance of the tap from the source termi-
nal of M1 (a) and versus the inversion coefficient of M1 (b).

Note that the two asymptotes all cross at a value of if1 comprised between 1 and 2.
The precise position of the tap can be calculated from (74) in order to extract a defined
fraction of the pinch-off voltage. For example by setting x ⁄ L = 3 ⁄ 4 the tap voltage is
exactly equal to half the pinch-off voltage.
Fig. 2.18 (b) also shows that two transistors tapped at different relative values can
still have equal channel voltages provided they are biased at the two adequate but different
inversion coefficients. This property can be used to generate a specific current by
comparing the channel voltages of two differently tapped transistors. This principle is
implemented by the circuit shown in Fig. 2.19, which is inspired from the well known
current reference proposed in [31].
110 CHAPTER 1.2

1:N 1:M
M6 M7 M8
M5 M9


M1B M4 M2B

Vch1 M1A M3 M2A Vch2 M10 M11

Figure 2.19 Specific current extractor (SCE) [47]

In the circuit of Fig. 2.19, the tapped transistor M1 is biased at low current so that it
operates in weak inversion, whereas the other tapped transistor M2 is biased at a current
N ⋅ M times larger so that it operates in strong inversion. The comparison between the
two channel voltages Vch1 and Vch2 is made in the median branch at the drain of M3 .
Since M4 is made N times wider than M1B its source voltage is equal to Vch1 , whereas the
drain voltage of M3 , which is M times longer than M2A , is equal to Vch2 . Connecting the
source of M4 to the drain of M3 forces the two channel voltages to be equal:

 x1   x2 
– U T ⋅ ln  1 – -----  ≅ 2U T ⋅ i f2 ⋅  1 – 1 – -----  (75)
 L1   L2 

The inversion factor of M2 can be calculated from (75) as a function of the relative
tap positions of M1 and M2 and is plotted in Fig. 2.20.

100 5

4 x2 / L2 = 0.25 4

Vch1 / UT

16 3

8 0.5
6 2
4 Vch1 / UT

1 0
0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
x1 / L1 0.98

Figure 2.20 Inversion factor of M2 versus the relative tap position of M1 for differ-
ent relative tap position of M2

Fig. 2.20 also shows the value of the channel voltage Vch1 (and Vch2 since they are
forced to be equal) as a function of x 1 ⁄ L 1 . This channel voltage should be made as large
as possible to reduce the effect of threshold mismatch. This requires x 1 ⁄ L 1 to be very
close to 1. As an example, x 1 ⁄ L 1 should be made equal to 53 ⁄ 54 ≅ 0.98 in order to
obtain V ch1 ≅ 4U T . Choosing x 2 ⁄ L 2 = 0.75 would lead to i f2 = 16 . The inversion
factor of M1 is linked to that of M2 by I D2 = N ⋅ M ⋅ I D1 or:
S 2 i f2
i f1 = ----- ⋅ ------------- (76)
S1 N ⋅ M

Any n-channel transistor Mx of aspect ratio Sx can then be operated at a given

inversion factor ifx by means of a weighted copy of current ID2 . The weight can be set for
example by the ratio of the aspect ratio of transistors M8 and M7 according to:
S8 S x ⋅ i fx
K = ----- = ---------------- (77)
S7 S 2 ⋅ i f2

The circuit of Fig. 2.19 can be improved on several aspects by cascoding and using
the technique presented in Fig. 2.15 (b) to help implementing large channel voltage while
preserving reasonable area [47]. The concept of pseudo-conductance and its application to MOS networks

Resistors are generally used to perform a voltage-to-current (or inversely a current-

to-voltage) conversion. Since the sheet resistivities of the available layers that can be used
to implement passive resistors are relatively low (typically 100 /o for the polysilicon
layer), high-value resistors may be very area-consuming and are therefore prohibited.
Moreover, passive resistors cannot be electrically tuned as it may be required for some
applications. Passive resistors can thus be advantageously be replaced by MOS transistors
operating in the conduction regime and having a sheet resistance given by:
1 1
R = ------------------------------------------------------- ≅ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (78)
n ⋅ µ n C′ox ⋅ ( V P – V S ) µ n C′ox ⋅ ( V G – V T0 – n ⋅ V S )

which may reach several 10 k /o for a 1 volt V P – V S voltage range. Since the value
of the resistor is voltage dependent, dedicated techniques have to be used in order to
improve their linearity [29]. An example of such a technique can be illustrated by looking
to the expression of the current in strong inversion and in conduction given in Table 2.1
and note that if the source and drain voltages are balanced around a constant common
mode voltage 1--2- ( V D + V S ) , the current becomes a linear function of the VDS voltage. The
other techniques exploit very similar properties and can be used for example to build
MOSFET-C continuous-time filters [29].
Resistors are also required in resistive networks to split currents linearly among the
network branches. They are typically used in analog neural networks [41] to perform a
spatial averaging or in D/A converters to implement reference currents like for example in
a R2R ladder. Such a function can also be realized using solely MOS transistors
[15][44][43]. As mentioned in Section, the drain current is the difference of a
forward current IF depending only on V P – V S through a function F and a reverse current
112 CHAPTER 1.2

IR depending only on V P – V D but through the same function F:

ID = IS ⋅ [ F ( VP – VS) – F ( VP – VD) ] (79)

where F ( V P – V ) is the interpolation function linking weak to strong inversion and

which can be approximated by the log function defined in (31). If function F ( V ) would
be a linear function F ( V P – V ) = – ( V P – V ) ⁄ V 0 where V0 is an arbitrary scaling
voltage, (79) would represent the simple Ohm’s law with a conductance given by I S ⁄ V 0 .
Unfortunately F ( V P – V ) is not linear with respect to V and therefore does not
correspond to the original Ohm’s law. Nevertheless, it can be interpreted as if it would be
by defining transformed voltages or pseudo-voltages by V∗ = – V 0 ⋅ F ( V P – V ) [44]:
 
I D = G∗ ⋅  V D* – V S* (80)

which corresponds to a pseudo-Ohm’s law with a corresponding pseudo-

conductance defined as G∗ = I S ⁄ V 0 and which can be sized by adjusting the transistor’s
W ⁄ L ratio [44]. Linear current splitting can therefore be realized with networks of
transistors interconnected by their source and drain terminals and sharing a common gate
voltage. Since F ( V ) is a positive function of V the pseudo voltage V∗ cannot change
sign but its zero-reference level (pseudo-ground) is reached as soon as the corresponding
real voltage V is large enough to saturate the transistor [44]. Any current flowing to the
pseudo-ground can therefore be easily mirrored by means of a complementary transistor
operating in saturation [44].
Making all the transistors of the network operate in weak inversion has the
advantage that the term depending on VG can be factorized. The pseudo-voltages and
pseudo-conductances can then be redefined by including the term depending on VG [44]:
V∗ = – V 0 ⋅ exp ------- (81)
and: G∗ = ------ ⋅ exp ------- ≅ ------ ⋅ exp ---------------------- (82)
V0 UT V0 nU T

In addition to the individual sizing provided by the aspect ratio of each transistor
(hidden in the specific current IS ), the pseudo-conductances of each transistor of a
network can then be adjusted by controlling its gate voltage. Any network of linear
resistors can thus be implemented by means of MOS transistors, with the additional
possibility of electrically controlling the value of each equivalent resistor if the transistor
is operating in weak inversion.
In particular, the previous concept can be applied to the R2R ladder shown in
Fig. 2.21 (a) resulting in the MOST-only ladder depicted in Fig. 2.21 (b). In order to split
the current equally at each node, the aspect ratios of the even transistors need to be twice
that of the odd transistors, which can be simply realized either by connecting two unit
transistors in parallel for the series branch and one for the shunt branch (or inversely one
for the series branch and two in series for the shunt branch). It is interesting to mention
that the current division is independent of the current and therefore of the mode of
inversion of the MOSTs. The ladder has been used in a volume control circuit [15], but it
can obviously also be used in a simple and compact D/A converter as depicted in
Fig. 2.21 (c).


I/2 I/4 I/8 I/16

2R 2R 2R 2R R

a) Original R2R ladder

Seven = 2·Sodd

M2 M4 M6 M8
I/2 I/4 I/8 I/16 VG
M3 M5 M7 M10

b) Transformed transistor only ladder (M2M ladder)


I/2 I/4 (I/2)N

bN bN bN-1 bN-1 b1 b1



V out = R ⋅ I ⁄ 2 ⋅ bk ⋅ ( I ⁄ 2)
c) Compact M2M ladder D/A converter

Seven = 2·Sodd

I/2 I/4 I/8 I/16 I/16

M3 I M5 M7 M9 M11
M1 M12

M2 I M4 I/2 M6 I/4 M8 I/8 M10 I/16

d) Binary weighted current sources

Figure 2.21 Linear current splitting using the pseudo-conductance concept
114 CHAPTER 1.2

In this circuit, the lower transistors are doubled and simultaneously used as switches
controlled by the input digital word [43]. The accuracy of such D/A converter is typically
limited to 6 to 8 bits, due to mismatch and to the variation of the virtual ground imposed
by the opamp. The digitally-controlled M2M ladder can also be used as a programmable
V-to-I converter which can be used in MOSFET-C continuous-time filters [43].
The transistors forming the ladder are not necessarily required to be all biased in the
linear region. Fig. 2.21 (d) shows an example of a string of binary weighted current
sources using the same principle but where the transistors with even numbers are all in
The performance of the latter circuits are of course limited by a number of second-
order effects. Mismatch of device geometry and oxide thickness will only affect the
accuracy of the division. Threshold voltage mismatch affects the linearity of current-
division in strong inversion, but only its accuracy in weak inversion. The effects of
channel-length modulation, velocity saturation and drain-induced barrier lowering are
mainly affecting the devices when they are operating in saturation and should therefore
not influence the ladder of Fig. 2.21 (b) if all transistors are operating in conduction. Low-voltage cascode stage bias circuits

Low-voltage operation prevents the use of any stack of transistors. In particular,

cascode stages must be implemented in such a way that the common-source device is
biased just at the onset of saturation in order to preserve maximum voltage swing. A well-
known low-voltage cascode stage bias circuit is shown in Fig. 2.22 (a) [27][45].


M2 M3

all transistors
n1  S1 S1  are identical
V D1 = ----- ⋅  ----- – -----  ⋅ V P1 VD1
n3  S3 S2 

V D1 ≅ V P1

a) b)
Figure 2.22 Low-voltage cascode stage bias circuit in strong inversion

All transistors of Fig. 2.22 (a) are assumed to be biased in strong inversion and in
saturation. Equating the current through M2 and M3 and setting V P3 = V P2 and
n 3 = n 2 since M2 and M3 have the same gate voltage, results in an expression of the

drain voltage of M1 :
V D1 =  1 – S 3 ⁄ S 2  ⋅ V P2 (83)
A relation between VP1 and VP2 can be found by equating the current through M1 and M3 :

n3 β3 2 n1 β1 2 n1 S1
----------- ⋅ V P3 = ----------- ⋅ V P1 ⇒ V P2 = V P3 = ----------- ⋅ V P1 (84)
2 2 n3 S3

Substituting (84) into (83) leads to:

n1  S1 S1   S1 S1 
V D1 = ----- ⋅  ----- – -----  ⋅ V P1 ≅  ----- – -----  ⋅ V P1 (85)
n3  S3 S2   S3 S2 

which can be made equal to the minimum value necessary to maintain M1 in

saturation independently of the bias current IB by setting V D1 = V P1 . This can be done
for example by choosing M2 identical to M1 ( S 1 = S 2 ) and implementing M3 as a series
connection of four transistors identical to M1 (resulting in S 3 = S 1 ⁄ 4 ) [45]. Another
possibility is to make S2 much larger than S1 so that the second term of (85) can be
neglected and then to choose S 1 = S 3 .

S1 = S4 = S5

M2 M3 M4 M2 M3 M4 S3 = 2S2
M1 M1

 S2  S4   V D1 = V R ≅ V P1
V D1 = U T ⋅ ln  ----- ⋅  1 + 2 -----  
 S3  S5  

a) In weak inversion b) In strong inversion

Figure 2.23 Low-voltage cascode stage bias circuit

The latter result remains valid even if M2 is in moderate or weak inversion. On the
other hand, the simple circuit of Fig. 2.22 (a) can unfortunately not be used when both M1
and M2 are biased in weak inversion, since it would require a prohibitive ratio S 1 ⁄ S 3 to
obtain the 4 to 6U T required to bring M1 in saturation. This voltage must be provided by
an external PTAT reference as the one described in Section The complete circuit
used to bias a cascode stage in weak inversion is drawn in Fig. 2.22 (a). The value of the
reference voltage is deduced from (63) by setting I D1 ⁄ I D2 = 2 :

 S4 
V R = U T ⋅ ln  1 + 2 -----  (86)
 S5 

which is limited to a value typically smaller than 4U T . A larger value of VR and

hence of VD1 can be achieved by using the technique presented in Fig. 2.15 (b) or by
choosing S 2 >>S 3 resulting in:
116 CHAPTER 1.2

 S2  S4  
V D1 = U T ⋅ ln  ----- ⋅  1 + 2 -----   (87)
 S3  S5  

For example, choosing S 2 ⁄ S 3 = S 4 ⁄ S 5 = 8 results in V R = V D1 ≅ 5U T

≅ 130mV , which is sufficient to maintain M1 in saturation. The minimum value of the
output voltage is then approximately 10U T ≅ 260mV .
It is worth mentioning that the circuit of Fig. 2.22 (a) can also be used in strong
inversion. The value of the reference voltage VR is similar to (61) except for the additional
factor 3 due to the current flowing through M3 and absorbed by M5 :
VR = 1 – ------------------------------------ ⋅ V P5 (88)
1 + 3 ⋅ S4 ⁄ S5

Choosing M4 identical to M5 leads simply to V R = V P4 ⁄ 2 = V P5 ⁄ 2 . On the other

hand, M1 and M4 have the same drain current:
n1 β1 2 n4 β4  V P4  2 n1 S1
- ⇒ V P5 = V P4 = 2 ⋅ ----------- ⋅ V P1
-----------V P1 = -----------  V P4 – --------
2 
2 2 n4 S4

V P4 V P5 n1 S1
and hence: V R = --------- = --------- = ----------- ⋅ V P1 (90)
2 2 n4 S4

The drain voltage of M1 is imposed equal to VP1 by simply choosing M1 identical to

M4 which corresponds to set S 4 = S 1 in (90). In the final circuit, M1 , M4 and M5 are all
identical, while M3 is implemented by connecting two transistors identical to M2 in



Figure 2.24 Low-voltage self-cascode stage [46]

The additional current branch used to bias the cascode stage can be saved by using
the very compact and power efficient self-cascode scheme presented in Fig. 2.24 [46]. It
can be shown that the output conductance of this combination of two transistors M1 and
M2 having each an Early voltage VE1 and VE2 respectively, is given by:
1 + g ds1 ⁄ g md1 1 + ξ ⋅ g ds1 ⁄ g ms2
g o = g ds2 ⋅ ------------------------------------- = g ds2 ⋅ ------------------------------------------- (91)
1 + g ms2 ⁄ g md1 1+ξ

where g dsi = I ⁄ V Ei for i = 1, 2 are the output conductances of M1 and M2 , gmd1

is the drain transconductance of M1 (in conduction) and gms2 is the source

transconductance of M2 (in saturation). Factor ξ is defined as the ratio of the forward

current of M2 to the reverse current of transistor M1:
 S2  V T01 – V T02 
 ----- ⋅ exp  ---------------------------- - in weak inv.
g ms2 I F2 I I S2  S1  nU T 
ξ ≡ ------------ = ------- = ------- = ------- =  (92)
g md1 I R1 I R1 I S1  S 2  V G – V T02 – nV S2  2
 ----- ⋅  -------------------------------------------  in strong inv.
 S 1  V G – V T01 – nV S2 
For transistors having the same threshold voltages V T01 = V T02 (neither short- nor
narrow-channel effects), factor ξ reduces to S 2 ⁄ S 1 in both weak and strong inversion. If
S 2 ⁄ S 1 is made much larger than 1, factor ξ also becomes much larger than 1 and the
output conductance given by (91) tends to that of a traditional cascode stage:
g ds1
g o ≅ g ds2 ⋅ ----------- for: ξ>>1 (93)
g ms2

This can be realized by choosing an equal channel length for both M1 and M2 and by
setting the channel width W2 much larger than W1 . Setting W1 to the minimum width
results in an increase of VT01 with respect to VT02 due to the narrow-channel effect on M1
and consequently helps to further increase factor ξ significantly, while maintaining a
reasonable S 2 ⁄ S 1 ratio. Although this is true in both weak and strong inversion, it is
really effective mainly in weak inversion thanks to the exponential term in (93).
There are of course other cascode bias circuits, but probably the most compact and
current efficient is the one shown in Fig. 2.24. P. Heim proposed a cascode biasing circuit
which has the interesting property that it can operate at any current level with a minimal
output saturation voltage and independently of the technology since the design is based on
ratios [48]. Unfortunately, this circuit requires a relatively large number of transistors and
is therefore not suited for dynamic applications but rather to constant current which is in
contradiction with its ability to work at any current level.

1.2.6 Some additional system considerations General considerations

Power minimization must already be addressed at the system level. A first aspect is
the management of the power delivered to the various blocks of a chip, which will be very
important for digital sub-circuits. For analog blocks, voltage is not critically related to
power, and power management can be limited to shutting off some functions when they
are not needed, and to possibly multiplying (on- or off-chip) the supply voltage if it comes
from a very low voltage source.
High-frequency operation tends to require a power much above the limits presented
in Section 1.2.2, essentially because of the presence of parasitic capacitors. The
architecture of low-power RF receivers should thus be selected to minimize the number of
active devices operating at the carrier frequency. An extreme solution would be to directly
sample the RF signal at a subharmonic of the usual local oscillator frequency. All the
image bands produced by this undersampling process would have to be eliminated by
passive SAW filters just after the antenna. Of course, the signal power available after
mixing would be reduced by the undersampling factor. The sampling mixer should thus be
118 CHAPTER 1.2

preceded by RF amplification stages.

Certain applications such as paging or the Global Positioning System (GPS) do not
require full-time operation of the receiver. Indeed, depending on the protocol, the duty
cycle may be drastically reduced, with a proportional reduction in power consumption.
Commercially available watch pagers already operate continuously for 30 days on a small
battery. The analog floating point technique

For continuous operation, and even when high frequency is not an obstacle, it will
never be possible to pass the limit given by (4), and at least ten times more power will
probably be needed for practical reasons. This means that it will never be possible to
realize a 16-bit audio A/D converter (SNR = 98 dB) that consumes less than about 50-
100 W , and even more power will be needed for amplifying the analog signal before
conversion. On the other hand, a few microwatts per pole will be sufficient to implement
the subsequent digital filtering with an advanced process and low-voltage operation. Thus,
the necessary analog interfaces will (and do in fact already) consume most of the power in
a signal processing chain when a dynamic range larger than 40 to 60 dB is required.
This is true only if the dynamic range must be assimilated with the maximum signal-
to-noise ratio SNR that can be achieved in the whole bandwidth. However, in many
applications, the SNR necessary for a certain level of signal is much smaller than the full
dynamic of the signal. For example, speech transmission only requires a SNR of 40 dB,
but the range of signals to be processed can be as large as 100 dB. By letting the noise
follow the signal level to maintain just the necessary value of SNR, the 60 dB difference
in this example provides the possibility to reduce power consumption by a factor of 106!
A well-known solution along this line is to use automatic gain control (AGC), in
which the gain is slowly adapted to maintain constant the RMS or peak level of the signal,
without affecting its instantaneous wave form. This solution necessarily causes some
distortions, which must be minimized by carefully selecting the time constant(s) of the
control loop.
Another known approach is the automatic range selection used in instrumentation.
This approach can be extended to general analog processing systems by using the
architecture shown in Fig. 2.25.
This approach, called analog floating point (AFP), amounts to multiply the
instantaneous signal x(t) by a factor K which is adapted to maintain the signal x'(t)
entering the processor within a min-max range. The scaled signal x' is then processed to
produce a signal y' which is divided by the same factor K. Distortions by the processor are
avoided if its state vector z (set of state variables) is multiplied by K+/K each time the
factor changes from K to a new value K+. This updating of the state vector must be carried
out in a time shorter than half the period of the highest frequency to be processed. It can be
done between two sampling instants if the system is operating in discrete time. Instantaneous companding and “log-domain” filtering

A possible way to circumvent the dynamic range problems introduced by the

reduction of the supply voltage is to use companding. Companding systems traditionally
used syllabic compression where the gains of the compressor and the expander are
adjusted according to slowly varying characteristics of the signal such as envelope or

Figure 2.25 The analog floating point technique [49]

power [50]. More recent techniques called voltage companding current-mode filtering or
“log-domain” filtering use instantaneously varying gains instead of syllabic detection or in
other words non-linear characteristics [53]-[65]. The currents, having inherently a large
dynamic range, are compressed when transformed into voltages (for example prior to the
integration on a capacitor) and expanded afterwards when transformed back to currents.
This technique makes the voltage swings across the integrator’s capacitors almost
independent of the supply voltage, which can then be reduced to the minimum required
for a proper operation of the circuit. The “log-domain” technique additionally exploits the
properties of the exponential function that can easily be implemented using either the well
known relation between the collector current and the base-emitter voltage of a bipolar
transistor or the drain current of a MOS transistor operating in weak inversion.
In addition to a low-voltage operation, voltage-companding also provides the most
efficient use of current for implementing a given transconductance. A comparison can be
elaborated by considering the g m ⁄ I ratio as a factor of merit. The latter is maximum and
equal to unity for a bipolar transconductor operating in small-signal. The maximum g m ⁄ I
for a MOST transconductor as the one used in the integrator shown in Fig. 2.26 (a), is
obtained in weak inversion but is unfortunately n times smaller than for a BJT. The linear
range of the circuit shown in Fig. 2.26 (a) is strongly limited to typically UT .
The transconductor can of course be linearized in order to get the required dynamic
range. Unfortunately, any linearization technique, as for example the one shown in
Fig. 2.26 (b), results in a degradation of the effective g m ⁄ I ratio which is proportional to
the increase of the linear voltage range with respect to UT :
gm ⋅ UT UT UT 1
------------------ = ---------- = ----------------- = -------------- << 1 (94)
I R⋅I V in-max gm ⋅ R
120 CHAPTER 1.2

active load active load


Vin Vin R

2·I I I

V in-max ≤ U T << V DD U T << V in-max ≤ R ⋅ I

a) Small-signal integrator b) Linearized integrator

Figure 2.26 Basic MOS integrators

The companding technique allows thus to extend the dynamic range while
preserving the maximum g m ⁄ I ratio.

expanding function: y = f(v)

x(t) i(t) iin=0 y(t)
g(v) f(v) companding function: i = g(v) ⋅ x
C v(t)
linear capacitor: i = C⋅

Figure 2.27 Basic integrator illustrating the principle of instantaneous companding

The principle of instantaneous companding is illustrated by the integrator presented

in Fig. 2.27, where the output signal y(t) is expanded by a given expanding function f(v)
from the voltage across the integration capacitor C which is assumed to be linear. In order
to preserve a global linear transfer function:

1 dy
y(t) = --- ⋅ x(τ) ⋅ dτ or τ⋅ =x (95)
τ dt

the current i(t) provided by the input current amplifier (or transconductor) has to be
predistorted with a non-linear gain function g(v) which should satisfy the following
necessary and sufficient condition [51]:
C df
g(v) = ---- ⋅ (96)
τ dv
This general relation demonstrates that it is not necessary to have an exponential
expanding function in order to perform companding. Fig. 2.28 shows an example of cubic


f ( v) = v3 + v (97)
which can be applied to the first-order low-pass filter presented in Fig. 2.28 (a).
The cubic expansion is implemented using a voltage amplifier having a non-linear
gain given by:
A2 = A0 ⋅ ( Vc ⁄ UT) + 1 (98)


Iin=0 5

Vout / UT
Vin gm1 Vout
Ic A2 0

C Vc -5

-2 -1 0 1 2
Vc / UT
a) First-order low-pass filter b) Expansion characteristic

Vin / UT

input voltage 0

Ic / (gm UT)
1.0 0.04
Vc / UT

compressed voltage 0.0 0.00

-1.0 -0.04
Vout / UT

output voltage 0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
c) Large-signal transient analysis
Figure 2.28 Example of a cubic expansion function

The input signal is predistorted by the input non-linear transconductor having a

transconductance equal to:
g m1 = --------------------------------------- (99)
3 ( Vc ⁄ UT) + 1

It is easily verified that the large-signal transfer function corresponds indeed to a

first-order low-pass filter having a cut-off frequency given by:
f c = A 0 ⋅ ----------- (100)
122 CHAPTER 1.2

The circuit of Fig. 2.28 (a) has been simulated for A 0 = 1 and f c T = 100 . The
voltages are plotted in Fig. 2.28 (c) showing particularly the voltage across the
capacitance which looks very distorted but which finally leads to a non-distorted output
voltage thanks to the predistortion introduced by the input non-linear transconductor gm1 .
Although linear integrators can ideally be built with any expanding function, it
requires a non-linear amplifier (or transconductor) satisfying (96) which is not always
easy or even possible to realize. The exponential function is very well suited to implement
companding circuits thanks to the fact that it is invariant to the differentiation operator.
The compressor can therefore be built with the same function as the expander.

Iin Iout

Iin Iout

Vin Ic log-domain
Vb C Vin (compressed Vout
logarithmic exponential
compression expansion
logarithmic log-domain exponential
compression integrator expansion
a) Basic integrator principle b) Log-domain filters principle [59][63]
Figure 2.29 Principle of log-domain filters

Moreover, the exponential function can be implemented with a reasonable accuracy

using BJTs or MOSTs in weak inversion. An example of a BJT implementation (without
bias circuit) is shown in Fig. 2.29 (a). The expanded output current is given by:
y = I out = f(V c) = I S ⋅ exp [ V c ⁄ U T ] (101)

where IS is the BJT saturation current (and not the specific current). According to
(96), the non-linear gain function g(V c) is given by:

C ⋅ UT C ⋅ UT –Vc
g(V c) = -------------------------------------------------- = --------------- ⋅ exp --------- (102)
τ ⋅ I S ⋅ exp [ V c ⁄ U T ] τ ⋅ IS UT

The exp [ – V c ⁄ U T ] term in (102) can easily be obtained by simply connecting the
capacitor to the emitter of a BJT as shown in Fig. 2.29 (a). The current flowing into the
capacitor assuming the base current of the expander is negligible is then given by:

V̂ in + V b – V c exp V̂ in ⁄ U T
I c = I S ⋅ exp -------------------------------- = I 0 ⋅ ----------------------------------- = (103)
UT exp [ V c ⁄ U T ]
I 0 ⋅ I in ⁄ I S
= --------------------------------- = g(V c) ⋅ I in
exp [ V c ⁄ U T ]

where I 0 = I S ⋅ exp [ V b ⁄ U T ] is the bias current setting the time constant,

V̂ in = U T ln ( I in ⁄ I S ) is the compressed input voltage and Iin is the input current.

Comparing (103) to (102) allows to determine the integration time constant:

C ⋅ UT C
τ = --------------- = ------ (104)
I0 gm

which is equal to the time constant of the integrator working in small-signal but valid
also for large-signal operation. Fig. 2.29 (a) shows that a linear current-mode integrator
can be realized with an exponential integrator surrounded by a logarithmic voltage
compressor and an exponential expander.

V̂ s = U T ⋅ ln [ I 0 ⁄ I S ]
V̂ = U T ⋅ ln [ V ⁄ U T ]
gm·Vin Vs
τ = C ⁄ gm
Vin Vout
Vin IR
V = U T ⋅ exp V̂ ⁄ U T IR = UT ⁄ R

Figure 2.30 Mapping between linear- and log-domain [53][63][64]

As shown in Fig. 2.29 (b), this principle can be extended to higher order filters
where the central part is called a log-domain filter since all the voltages are compressed
logarithmically [59][63].
Log-domain filters can be designed by simple component substitution from a linear
gm-C filter using the mapping between the linear- and the log-domain [53][64] presented
in Fig. 2.30. The mapping is defined by the linear capacitance and the expression of the
time constant (or equivalently of the transconductance) being the invariants of the
transformation. Note that a resistor in the linear-domain is transformed into a current
source in the log-domain. This property can be used to tune the quality factor of a filter or
an oscillator.
Log-domain filters can also be implemented in CMOS by simply replacing the
bipolar transistors by MOS transistors biased in weak inversion. As an example,
Fig. 2.31 (b) shows a MOST version of the log-domain integrator originally proposed by
Seevinck [55]. The original bipolar integrator is based on a translinear multiplier which is
redrawn with MOS transistors in Fig. 2.31 (a). In order for this MOST multiplier to
conform to the translinear principle as described in [66], the source-to-bulk voltages have
to be set to zero, which requires that M3 and M5 are implemented in separate wells.
Writing the equation of the translinear voltage loop yields:
– V GB1 – V GB3 + V GB4 + V GB2 = 0 (105)

Assuming all the transistors are in saturation, the gate-to-bulk voltages are related to
the drain currents IDi according to:
V GBi = n i U T ln ( I Di ⁄ I Si ) + V T0i i = 1…4 (106)
where it has been assumed that V SBi = 0 i = 1, …, 4 . The product of the drain
currents is derived from (105) and (106) assuming a perfect matching of the leakage
124 CHAPTER 1.2

current ID0i and identical slope factors ni :

I D1 ⋅ I = I D2 ⋅ I D4 (107)


M3 M4

M1 M2

a) MOS multiplier

I0 I0
iout2+ic1 iout1+ic2

M3 M4
ic1 ic2
iout2 iout1
iin1 M1 iin2
C2 C1

b) CMOS voltage companding current mode integrator

Figure 2.31 CMOS multiplier and log-domain class AB integrator [55]

The current transfer function of the differential log-domain integrator shown in

Fig. 2.31 (b) is obtained by using (107):
I 0 ⋅ i in1 = i out1 ⋅ ( i out2 + i c1 ) (108)
I 0 ⋅ i in2 = i out2 ⋅ ( i out1 + i c2 ) (109)
Subtracting (109) from (108) results in:
( i in1 – i in2 ) ⋅ I 0 = i out1 ⋅ i c1 – i out2 ⋅ i c2 (110)

Since the capacitors C1 and C2 are assumed to be linear, the products of the output
and of the capacitive currents are given by:
di outi
i outi ⋅ i ci = nU T ------------- i = 1, 2 (111)
Substituting (111) in (110) and integrating yields the equation of a linear integrator:

i out = --- ⋅ i in dt (112)

where i in ≡ i – i in2 and i out ≡ i – i out2 are respectively the differential input
in1 out1

and output currents and τ is the integrator time constant given by:

1 C nU T ⋅ C
τ = ------ = ------ = ------------------- (113)
ωu gm I0

which can be tuned by varying the bias current I 0 .

The integrator of Fig. 2.31 (b) can easily be cascaded since the inputs and outputs
are compatible. Moreover, it may be driven by several input current sources and can be
extended to multiple outputs by adding several output transistors.
Thanks to the companding of the input current, the variation of the voltages across
the integrating capacitors C1 and C2 stays small (typically smaller than 4nU T ).
Capacitors C1 and C2 can therefore be implemented by the non-linear parasitic CGB and
CGS capacitances of the n-channel MOS transistors connected to these nodes without
significantly degrading the distortion. This makes the integrator suited for integration in a
standard digital CMOS process.
The original bipolar integrator suffers from a low DC gain and a high sensitivity to
mismatch and base currents. The latter problem is of course solved by using MOSTs
instead of BJTs, but the low DC gain and particularly the relative high sensitivity to
mismatch becomes a strong handicap for this CMOS implementation. Moreover, the
multiplier uses stacked gate-to-source voltages and is therefore not suited to low-voltage
operation (it typically requires at least a 1.8 V supply). The circuit of Fig. 2.31 (b) can be
improved by using a folded multiplier as suggested in [62] and [65].
It is worth mentioning that due to the class AB operation, the SNR is no longer a
linear function of the input current as it would be for a class A circuit. For input currents
larger than the nominal bias current, the noise current can no more be considered as
constant but it increases with the square root of the signal current and so does the SNR. As
shown in Fig. 2.32, the slope of the SNR versus the modulation index in a log-log scale
starts at 20 dB/dec and progressively decreases down to 10 dB/dec for a signal amplitude
larger than the bias current (or a modulation index m larger than 1). Class AB and class A
current mode circuits may be compared by considering that they have initially the same
bias current I0 , the same bandwidth B (or small-signal transconductance gm ) and
therefore the same idle current noise. Both SNR versus input signal characteristics are
thus superimposed for currents smaller than the bias current as shown in Fig. 2.32. The
maximum signal or modulation index mmax of a class AB circuit is set by the maximum
acceptable amount of distortion, whereas it is bounded by the bias current for a class A
circuit. The class AB circuit can thus extend the dynamic range by a factor mmax and
improve the SNR by a factor m max , without any increase of the standby bias current.
This makes class AB companding integrators very attractive to extend the dynamic range
and the SNR, while preserving the power consumption.
The integrator described previously has been used in the 4th-order low-pass (LP)
Tchebycheff filter shown in Fig. 2.33 which has been synthesized from a LC ladder
prototype. All integrators have the same transconductance g m = I 0 ⁄ nUt , which can be
tuned by adjusting a common bias voltage V G0 . The filter requires an input signal
conditioner in order to maintain all currents positive and enable the class AB operation
[59]. The difference of the conditioner output currents is equal to the input current, while
their product is kept constant and equal to I0 .
The simulated transfer functions are shown in Fig. 2.34 for different bias currents.
They are computed from the step responses obtained from a transient analysis in order to
126 CHAPTER 1.2

s AB
10 d



m = in (log)
1 mmax

Figure 2.32 SNR versus input signal amplitude for a class A and a class AB circuit


∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
– – – –
+ – + – + – + –
in + + + + out
– – – – +
+ + + +

Figure 2.33 4th-order low-pass Tchebycheff filter


Mag. (dB)

-60 100nA


10 100 1K 10K 100K 1M
Freq. (Hz)
Figure 2.34 Large signal transfer function simulated for m = 1
demonstrate the correct operation of the filter even for large signals. The step amplitude is
set equal to the bias current, but thanks to the class AB operation, the filter accepts

currents much larger than I0 . The DC gain variation over the 3 decades tuning range stays
smaller than 0.2 dB. The effect of the non-linearities of the capacitors are negligible
thanks to the small variation of the voltages and to the property of the LC ladder filter
which have a small sensitivity to component variations (Fettweiss-Orchard theorem).
The total harmonic distortion (THD) has been evaluated for each cut-off frequency
and is plotted in Fig. 2.35 versus the ratio of the input to bias current defined as the
modulation index m. The THD for a cut-off frequency fixed at about 500 Hz is less than
1 % even for a modulation index as high as 30. The dynamic range is estimated to about
65 dB and the power consumption is 150 nW for a cut-off frequency of 500 Hz.

Total Harmonic Distortion [dB]

VDD = 2 V





-80 I0 = 1 nA
I0 = 10 nA
I0 = 100 nA
1 10
Modulation index (m = Iin / I0)

Figure 2.35 Simulation of the THD versus the input current normalized to the bias
current (defined as the modulation index m)

Although log-domain filters seem to be very attractive for low-power and low-
voltage, a considerable effort is still needed to better understand them and demonstrate
their benefits for low-power and low-voltage analog signal processing applications.

1.2.7 Summary and conclusion

Unlike digital circuits where the dynamic power decreases with the square of the
supply voltage, a first-order analysis shows that the minimum power consumption
required to process analog signals is almost independent of the supply voltage reduction.
This is mainly due to the fact that the power consumption of analog circuits at a given
temperature is basically set by the required SNR and the frequency of operation (or the
required bandwidth). A more detailed analysis indicates that this minimum power
consumption of analog circuits is proportional to the ratio between the supply voltage and
the signal peak-to-peak amplitude. Power efficient analog circuits should thus be designed
to maximize the voltage swing and therefore should handle rail-to-rail signal voltages.
Many of the problems and solutions encountered in CMOS low-power analog circuit
design are directly related to the properties of the MOS transistor itself, which must
128 CHAPTER 1.2

therefore be properly understood and modelled down to very low currents. The essential
features of a transistor can be captured in a symmetrical model where the drain current ID
is the superposition of a forward component IF and reverse components IR , which are
proportional to the same function F of V P – V S and V P – V D respectively, where VP is
the pinch-off voltage which is directly related to the gate voltage. This function F is
quadratic in strong inversion, while it is exponential in weak inversion. The
proportionality factor is the specific current which depends on the aspect ratio of the
device and defines a limit between weak and strong inversion. The ratio of the actual drain
current to the specific current defines the inversion level or inversion factor of a MOS
transistor in saturation. If this inversion factor is lower than one, the device operates in
weak inversion. An inversion factor larger than one corresponds to a device operating in
strong inversion and a transistor having an inversion factor close to one operates in the
moderate inversion region. The transconductance-to-current ratio increases when the
inversion factor is decreased and reaches a maximum in weak inversion. An unacceptable
large error is made when estimating the effective transconductance of a transistor biased in
the middle of the moderate inversion from the asymptotic expressions valid either in weak
or in strong inversion. Continuous expression of the drain current as well as the
transconductances are thus required for doing a correct sizing of each transistor operating
in moderate inversion. Simple analytical expressions can be used and checked by
simulation using for example the complete EKV MOST model. The scaling of advanced
process is an additional motivation for having such a continuous analytical model, valid
from weak to strong inversion. As a matter of fact, the scaling gradually shifts the specific
current of a minimum size transistor to higher values of currents which for a given bias
current progressively moves the corresponding inversion coefficient to lower values. In
other words, for given performance, MOS transistors are more and more biased in the
moderate or even in the weak inversion regions of operation.
The pinch-off voltage, the specific current and the inversion coefficient are not only
abstract concepts which are only useful for the elaboration and formalism of the transistor
model. These definitions show to be also very useful for designing efficient circuits. The
pinch-off voltage can indeed be measured and is used for extracting the key parameters of
the EKV model. It can also be generated from simple circuits and used for example to bias
cascode stages. The specific current of a reference transistor can be generated by means of
a dedicated circuit. It can then be used to precisely set the inversion coefficient of a device
by simple scaling of this reference current using a series and/or parallel combination of
reference transistors. This ratio-based design technique has the advantage to be insensitive
to the first-order to temperature and process variations. It is therefore attractive for
designing circuits that can be ported from one process to another without any major
redesign while preserving the main performance.
The formulation of the drain current as the combination of a forward and a reverse
component can be advantageously used to show that currents can be divided in given
proportion among the branches of a network composed only of MOS transistors behaving
as non-linear resistors. This property is valid independently of the current level and can be
used for replacing any resistors of a resistive network by transistors. The same principle
can also be used to realize a string of binary weighted current sources.
Voltage gain should be achieved by single-stage operational transconductance
amplifier in order to avoid any compensation capacitor other than the load itself and
therefore prevent any additional useless power consumption. The gain can be further
increased without adding any extra current branch, by using a cascode stage which has to

be properly biased at the minimum voltage in order to preserve sufficient voltage swing.
In many analog signal processing applications, such as hearing aids for example, the
input signal dynamic range is much larger than the required SNR. Hence, power can be
saved if the SNR can be reduced to the minimum required while maintaining the
necessary dynamic range. An ideal analog signal processing systems should even be able
to maintain the SNR constant independently of the signal: when the signal is weak, the
noise floor has to be low, when the signal is large the noise may be large as long as the
required SNR is still achieved. This can be achieved by means of the analog floating point
technique, which basically consists in scaling the input signal by an adequate factor
adjusted in such a way that the signal fits within a given range. Distortions are avoided by
correctly updating the state variables of the analog signal processor. This technique is
obviously well adapted to analog sampled-data systems such as switched-capacitor
circuits, since the updating can take place between two sampling instants leaving
sufficient time for the undesirable but unavoidable transients to vanish. The analog
floating point technique can also be applied to continuous-time analog signal processing
systems as long as the state-variables are also updated continuously.
A possible way to maintain a sufficient dynamic range when reducing the supply
voltage without degrading the power consumption of analog signal processing circuits is
to use the instantaneous companding technique. In this approach, the currents are
compressed when transformed into voltages and expanded when transformed back to
currents. The input current has to be predistorted in order to preserve a linear operation.
The expanding function is theoretically not restricted to the exponential function but since
the predistortion of the signal requires the derivative of this expanding function, it is much
easier to realize it using the exponential function since it is invariant to the differentiation
operator and can be implemented either by the current-to-voltage characteristic of a
bipolar transistor or a MOS transistor biased in weak inversion. The instantaneous
voltage-companding technique additionally allows to extend the dynamic range while
preserving the maximum g m ⁄ I available in small-signal operation.

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