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Renewables Information 2017 Overview

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s t a t i s t i c s Renewables

Over view


The following analysis is an overview from the publication Renewables Information 2017.

Please note that we strongly advise users to read definitions, detailed methodology and country specific notes
which can be found online under References at www.iea.org/statistics/topics/renewables/

Please address your inquiries to renewaq@iea.org.

Please note that all IEA data are subject to the following Terms and Conditions found on the IEA’s website:




In 2015, world Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES) Figure 2: 2015 product shares in
world renewable energy supply
was 13,647 Mtoe, of which 13.4%, or 1,823 Mtoe (up
from 1,784 Mtoe in 2014), was from renewable ener- Liquid
gy sources (Figure 1). 4.1%

Solar, Tide Renewable

Figure 1: 2015 fuel shares in 3.0% municipal
world total primary energy supply waste
Wind Biofuels
Solid biofuels/
4.0% and waste
Other¹ charcoal
0.3% 63.7%
Natural Hydro
Nuclear 2.5%
Gas 4.9%
21.6% Hydro
Biofuels Biogases
Oil Renewables and 1.7%
31.8% 13.4% waste
Note: Totals in graphs might not add up due to rounding.
Growth has been especially high for solar photo-
Solar, wind, voltaic and wind power, which grew at average annual
geoth., tide
1.5% rates of 45.5% and 24.0% respectively, both from
1. Other includes non-renewable wastes and other sources not very low bases in 1990. Biogases had the third highest
included elsewhere such as fuel cells. growth rate at 12.8%, followed by solar thermal
Note: Totals in graphs might not add up due to rounding. (11.4%) and liquid biofuels (10.1%).

Due to its widespread non-commercial use in develop- Figure 3: Average annual growth rates of world
ing countries (i.e. residential heating and cooking), renewables supply from 1990 to 2015
solid biofuels/charcoal remains the largest renewable 50% Solar PV
energy source, representing 63.7% of global renewa- 45%

bles supply (Figure 2). The second largest source is 40%

hydro power, which provides 2.5% of world TPES or 35%
18.3% of renewable energy supply. Geothermal, liq- 30% Wind
uid biofuels, biogases, solar, wind, and tide each hold 25%

a smaller share making up the rest of the renewables 20% Biogases Solar
energy supply. 12.8% thermal
15% Total 11.4% 10.1%
TPES Solid
Since 1990, renewable energy sources have grown at 10% 1.8%
thermal Hydro
Renewables Charcoal
an average annual rate of 2.0%, which is slightly higher 5% 2.0%
3.1% 2.4% 1.1%

than the growth rate of world TPES, 1.8% (Figure 3). 0%



The average annual growth rate of hydroelectric pow- major role when looking at “new” renewables, a
er in non-OECD countries between 1990 and 2015, loosely defined term used to delineate between tradi-
was 3.9%, much larger than the 0.6% growth in tional and more recent technologies used to produce
OECD countries. Growth in non-OECD was mainly renewable energy. In 2015, the OECD countries ac-
driven by China accounting for 63.8% of hydro power counted for 64.0% of world energy from solar, wind,
increase in non-OECD countries. China showed 9.1% tide, renewable municipal waste, biogases and liquid
of growth rate between 1990 and 2015. Viet Nam and biofuels, whilst Africa represented 0.4%, 9.4% for
Mozambique are the other main contributors to the Non-OECD Americas, 5.0% for Asia excluding China,
high growth rate, with average annual growth rates of and 20.1% for China.
9.8% and 17.8% respectively.
Figure 5: 2015 shares of renewables of
In 2015, non-OECD countries accounted for 64.5% of regional total primary energy supply
total hydro power and any further increase is likely to 60%

be from these countries, as most of the remaining 49.8%

hydro potential resides in these countries.
Non-OECD countries also account for most of the 40%

production of solid biofuels. In 2015, 83.7% was pro- 30%

duced and consumed in non-OECD countries, where
developing countries, situated mainly in Asia and 20%

Africa, use non-commercial biomass for residential 9.6%

cooking and heating (Figure 4). Africa, which ac- 4.1%
counted for only 5.8% of the world’s total TPES in 0%
2015, accounted for 32.4% of the world’s solid bio- OECD
Africa Non-OECD Asia
Americas excluding
China Non-OECD
Europe and
fuels supply. China Eurasia

Figure 4: 2015 regional shares

in renewables supply About half of the renewable primary energy supply in
Solid Biofuels Hydro¹ OECD countries is used in the transformation sector
to generate electricity and sold heat. However, on a
East global level a majority of renewables is consumed in
OECD and
OECD the residential, commercial and public services sec-
Eurasia Total
7.4% 35.5% tors. Again, this is a consequence of widespread solid
biofuels use in the residential sector of developing
countries. In fact, globally 35.1% of renewables are
used for electricity production and heat production
worldwide, while 45.0% are used in the residential,
commercial and public sectors (Figure 6).
Asia Africa
excluding Asia
China Non-OECD
32.4% excluding
3.1% Figure 6: 2015 world sectoral consumption
32.3% Americas China Americas of renewables
8.9% 8.2% 16.6%

1. Excludes pump storage generation. Electricity

Note: Totals in graphs might not add up due to rounding. Residential/ 31.8%
Comm. &
Largely because of their use of non-commercial solid
biofuels, non-OECD countries are the principal renewa- heat & power
ble energy users, accounting for 72.3% of world total plants
renewables supply. On the other hand, while OECD Heat plants
countries supply 27.7% of world renewables, they 0.5%
Transport Other¹
constitute 38.5% of the world TPES. In OECD coun- 4.2%
tries the share of renewables in total energy supply is
9.6% compared to 49.8% in Africa, 29.6% in Non- 1. Other transformation, energy industry own use, losses.
2. Includes the Agriculture/ forestry, fishing and non-specified
OECD Americas, 25.0% in Asia excluding China industries.
(Figure 5). However, the OECD countries play a Note: Totals in graphs might not add up due to rounding.



Renewables were the third largest contributor to glob- Over this period, hydroelectric power saw its share of
al electricity production in 2015. They accounted for total world electricity production fall from 18.1% in
22.8% of world electricity generation, after coal 1990 to 16.0% in 2015. Taking out hydroelectricity
(39.3%) and gas (22.9%) and ahead of nuclear from renewables, the share of the remaining renewa-
(10.6%) and oil (4.1%). However, the relative position ble sources used to produce electricity grew from
of renewables and gas can be influenced by various 1.3% in 1990 to 6.8% in 2015.
factors among which the weather conditions play
prime role. Figure 7: Fuel shares in
world electricity production in 2015
Hydroelectricity supplies the vast majority of renewa-
ble electricity, generating 16.0% of world electricity, Other¹
which is 70.3% of total renewable electricity, whilst 0.3%

biofuels and waste, including solid biofuels, play a

Natural Nuclear
minor role in electricity generation, supplying 1.9% of Oil Gas 10.6%
world electricity. Although growing rapidly, geother- 4.1% 22.9% Hydro
mal, solar, wind and tide energies accounted for only Renewables
4.8% of world electricity production, 21.2% of total 22.8%
renewable electricity in 2015. Biofuels and
Since 1990, renewable electricity generation world- 39.3%

wide grew on average by 3.6% per annum, which is Solar, wind,

geoth., tide
slightly faster than the total electricity generation 4.8%
growth rate (2.9%). So whilst 19.4% of global 1. Other includes electricity from non-renewable wastes and other
electricity in 1990 was produced from renewable sources not included elsewhere such as fuel cells and chemical heat, etc.
sources, this share has increased to 22.8% in 2015. Note: Totals in graphs might not add up due to rounding.




In 2016, the share of renewables in total OECD pri- TPES for non-renewable energy sources (including
mary energy supply reached 9.7%, the highest share coal, oil, gas and nuclear) was 0.4%.
since the IEA time series began in 1990 (Figure 8).
This represents a slowdown in the growth of the share The largest portion of renewable primary energy sup-
of renewables in TPES with the share increasing from ply in the OECD comes from biofuels and waste,
9.6% in 2015 and 9.4% in 2014, but well above the which accounted for 53.7% of the renewable supply
6% level of 1990. OECD Europe experienced an in- (Figure 9). Of the biofuels, solid biofuels, including
crease in renewable TPES from 14.0% in 2015 to 14.2% wood, wood wastes, other solid wastes and charcoal,
in 2016. OECD Americas showed an increase in re- constitutes the largest share, 36.1% of the renewable
newable TPES from 8.2% to 8.5% in the same period. supply. The second largest renewable energy source is
On the other hand, OECD Asia experienced a decrease hydroelectric power, providing 23.5% of renewable
in renewables share in TPES from 5.0% to 4.8%. primary energy. Solid biofuels and hydro accounted
for 59.6% of the total OECD primary renewable
Figure 8: 2016 fuel shares in
energy in 2016.
OECD total primary energy supply
Figure 9: 2016 product shares in
0.5% OECD renewable energy supply
9.8% Hydro
Natural 2.3% Geothermal biofuels
Gas 7.2% 10.3%
26.9% Solar, Tide
Renewables Biofuels and Renewable
Oil 9.7% waste municipal
36.0% Coal 5.2% waste
Wind 3.0%
17.1% 10.1% Biofuels
and waste Solid biofuels/
53.7% charcoal
Solar, wind,
geoth., tide
Hydro Biogases
1. Other includes non-renewable wastes and other sources not 23.5% 4.3%
included elsewhere such as fuel cells.
Note: Totals in graphs might not add up due to rounding. Note: Totals in graphs might not add up due to rounding.

The average annual growth rate of solid biofuels be-

Primary energy supply tween 1990 and 2016 was 1.2% and 0.7% for hydro
(Figure 10), lower than the average annual growth rate
In OECD countries, total primary energy supply (TPES) of all renewable energies, 2.5%. This is mainly be-
from renewable sources increased from 272 Mtoe to cause hydroelectric capacity is mature in most OECD
512 Mtoe between 1990 and 2016, an average annual member states, and increasingly difficult to locate
growth rate of 2.5%. By comparison, the growth of suitable sites to expand this energy form.



Figure 10: Annual growth rates of Among the different OECD regions, OECD Europe
renewable supply from 1990 to 2016 in OECD total has the highest share of primary energy supply from
renewable sources, with 14.2% in 2016 (Figure 12)
50% biofuels Solar PV and the largest increase in its renewable share since
41.7% 43.3%
1990 (up from 5.8%). The increase of the renewable
40% share in OECD Europe is the result of the implementation
35% of strong policies supporting renewable energy in the late
1990s and early 2000s, in particular the European Union’s
25% 21.4% directive to increase the share of renewable energy in
20% TFC to 20% by 2020, which includes targets for individ-
15% Total 10.8% Solar ual countries. The renewable share of TPES in OECD
10% TPES
thermal Solid
6.0% biofuels/ Geo-
Americas reached 8.5% in 2016, the highest level since
5% 2.5%
Charcoal thermal Hydro
the IEA time series began. In OECD Asia Oceania the
1.3% 0.7%
0% share of renewable primary energy supply remained more
constant between 1990 and 2016 (from 4.0% to 4.8%).
Solid biofuels and hydro influenced much of the Figure 12: OECD regional shares in
growth of total renewables between 1990 and 2001 renewable energy supply
(Figure 11). However, since 2001, the majority of re- 16%

newables growth can be attributed to “new” renewables 14%

which have all seen growth rate above the average for 12%
all renewables. For example, solar photovoltaic experi- Share of renewable energy 10%
enced the highest growth among the renewables, aver- 8%
aging 43.3% between 1990 and 2016. Also experienc- 6%
ing high growth rates are liquid biofuels, 41.7%, and
wind, 21.4% per annum since 1990. Biogases have
grown much more rapidly than solid biofuels, with an
average annual growth rate of 10.8%.
Figure 11: OECD renewable primary energy supply OECD Total OECD Americas
by product OECD Asia Oceania OECD Europe


As a result of diversification in the use of renewables,
sectoral renewables consumption has changed com-
400 pared to 1990 (Figure 13). The most significant trend
300 is the steep growth of biofuels used for transport. In

2015, liquid biofuels and biogases used for transport

constituted 9.8% of the consumption of renewables.
Figure 13: OECD sectoral consumption
0 of renewables
1990 2015
Renewable municipal waste, liquid biofuels, biogases Residential/ Residential/
Solar, wind, tide Commercial Commercial
Geothermal & Public¹ & Public¹
Solid Biofuels/ Charcoal 23.6% 16.6%
Hydro Transport
Transport² Electricity Electricity
0.0% plants 9.8% plants
50.9% 50.7%
However, despite these significant growth rates, the Industry
contribution of such “new” renewables to the total en- 12.9% Industry
ergy supply is still relatively small. Renewable munic- Other
ipal waste, biogases, liquid biofuels, wind, solar, and Heat plants Combined
tide combined still represent only 3.2% of total prima- 0.7% heat &
Heat plants
heat &
ry energy supply. Nevertheless, their growing contri- plants plants
bution to the renewable energy supply should be not-
1. Includes the Agriculture/ forestry, fishing and non-specified industries.
ed as their share of total renewables in OECD coun- 2. Represents less than 0.05%.
tries increased from 3.1% in 1990 to 33.2% in 2016. Note: Totals in graphs might not add up due to rounding.



countries. Hydroelectricity generated 15.4% of total

Electricity production OECD electricity in 1990 but this share has decreased
to 12.9% in 2016. With growth in other types of re-
OECD gross electricity production from renewable newables, the hydroelectricity share of electricity
products (excluding generation from pumped storage from renewable energy sources declined from 89.4%
plants) reached 2 588.3 TWh in 2016, a 3.8% increase in 1990 to 54.2% in 2016.
from the 2015 level of 2 494.1 TWh. This represents
The share of non-hydro renewable electricity in total
23.8% of total OECD electricity production in 2016
OECD electricity production increased from 1.8% in
(Figure 14), which is the largest share of renewables
1990 to 10.9% in 2016. In 1990, the majority of non-
in gross electricity production for any year in the re-
hydroelectricity was generated by solid biofuels and
newables time series beginning from 1990.
geothermal energy accounting for 7.2% and 2.2% of
The increase in electricity production from renewa- renewable electricity respectively, whilst solar photo-
bles was mainly caused by wind and solar PV. For voltaic, wind, biogases and liquid biofuels combined
wind, electricity production increased by 43.1 TWh represented less than 0.6%. However, between 1990
which is mostly coming from the US (36.3 TWh), fol- and 2016, these technologies grew much faster than
lowed by Turkey (3.8 TWh) and Italy (2.8 TWh). So- any other power source (Figure 15). Most notable is
lar PV increased by 35.0 TWh, again mainly driven wind, which grew from 0.3% in 1990 to 23.2% of re-
by the US, which had increased electricity production newable electricity in 2016, a 21.4% average annual
from solar PV by 18.0 TWh, followed by Japan growth rate, making it now the second largest renew-
(8.0 TWh), UK (2.7 TWh) and Chile (1.3 TWh). able source for electricity. The share of solar PV in
Figure 14: Renewable shares in OECD electricity
OECD renewable electricity production increased
production in 2016 from 0.0% to 8.4 % in the same time period, and bio-
gases increased from 0.3% to 3.1%, average growth
0.5% 18.0% from 1990 of 43.3% and 12.7% respectively. All of
these sources experienced higher average growth rates
Natural than older technologies such as hydro power (0.7%),
Gas Hydro
27.7% 12.9% solid biofuels (2.6%) and geothermal (2.3%). As a re-
Biofuels and
Renewables waste sult, non-hydro renewable electricity production expe-
23.8% 2.8%
rienced an 8.5% of average annual growth rate be-
Solar PV
5.5% tween 1990 and 2016 (Figure 15).
Oil Figure 15: Annual growth rates of electricity
2.0% Coal Solar th., production between 1990 and 2016
geoth., tide
in OECD countries
1. Other includes electricity from non-renewable wastes and other
sources not included elsewhere such as fuel cells and chemical heat, etc. 45% 43.3%

Note: Totals in graphs might not add up due to rounding. 40%

Average annual growth rate


Since 1990, electricity generation from renewable en- 30%

ergy sources in OECD has been growing at an average 25% 21.4%

rate of 2.6% per year, almost double the rate for total 20%

electricity generation (1.4%), mainly through the strong 15% 12.7%

growth in “new” renewable products, such as solar PV, 10% 8.5%

wind, renewable municipal waste and biogases. 5%
2.3% 2.6%
0.7% 1.4%

Among renewables sources, hydroelectric power pro- 0%

duction has experienced the lowest average growth

rate of any renewables electricity source from 1990 to
2016, 0.7% (Figure 15). This is because hydroelectric
power has reached its capacity limit in most OECD



Figure 16: Shares in OECD renewable electricity

production in 2016 Installed generating
In 2015, 957.3 GW, 33.1% of total OECD generating
capacity, was renewable energy and waste sources
(Figure 18). Compared to 2014, total electricity gen-
Hydro Non-hydro
54.2% 45.8% eration capacity increased by 31.5 GW with the big-
Solar PV Liquid
8.4% biofuels
gest growth seen in solar PV (28.6 GW) and wind
Solid biofuels 0.3% (24.6 GW), offsetting the decreases experienced in
7.1% Biogases
3.1% nuclear (-2.5 GW) and combustible fuels (-27.6 GW).
Renewable The largest increase in solar PV occurred in Japan
Solar thermal, waste which added 10.8 GW, followed by the US (6.8 GW)
Tide 1.3%
0.5% and the UK (3.8 GW). The sum of these three countries
Note: Totals in graphs might not add up due to rounding. account for 74.6% of total increase. Regarding wind
capacity, the largest growth was in the US, 8.3 GW,
Renewable electricity production in OECD Europe followed by Germany with 5.5 GW increment.
grew 3.6% per annum since 1990. This growth rate is
Figure 18: OECD generating capacity 2015
higher than other OECD regions, 1.9% for OECD
Americas and 2.1% for OECD Asia Oceania. OECD 0.1%
Europe supplied 46.0% of total OECD renewable 16.7%
Biofuels and
electricity production in 2016, up from 35.5% in 2.1%
1990, slightly higher than the level of OECD
Americas of 44.3%. The shares of electricity from 0.2% Solar PV
renewables increased from 18.5% in 1990 to 21.4% in 5.6%
Combustible Renewables
2016 in OECD Americas, from 17.6% to 33.3% in fossil fuels¹ &
OECD Europe, and from 12.3% in 1990 to 12.7% in 56.5% waste
OECD Asia Oceania (Figure 17). As a result of these 8.2%

increases, the OECD region as a whole saw its share

Solar thermal,
of electricity from renewable sources grow to 23.8% Tide
in 2016 from 17.3% in 1990. 10.4%

Figure 17: OECD regional shares in 1. The capacities of plants which co-fire biofuels and waste with
renewable electricity production fossil fuels (e.g. solid biofuels that are co-fired with coal) are included
from 1990 to 2016 under the dominant fuel.
2. Other: fuel cells, waste/chemical heat.
35% Note: Totals in graphs might not add up due to rounding.
Share of renewable electricity


The largest share (16.7%) of total generating capacity is
hydroelectric plants, 483.4 GW, followed by 238.5 GW
from wind (8.2%), 161.7 GW from solar photovoltaic
15% (5.6%), and 62.1 GW from biofuels and waste (2.1%).
10% Of the biofuels and waste, 31.6 GW was solid biofuel
5% capacity, 12.6 GW was municipal waste, 13.2 GW was
biogases and 2.4 GW was liquid biofuels. The re-
maining generating capacity is accounted for by geo-
thermal (0.2%), solar thermal, tide, wave and ocean
OECD Total OECD Americas power capacity, with less than 0.2%. Hydro pumped
OECD Asia Oceania OECD Europe storage capacity represented 70.7 GW.



photovoltaic (PV) electricity in the OECD were the

Detailed electricity United States with 50.1 TWh, Japan with 43.8 TWh,
production by source Germany with 38.2 TWh, Italy with 22.9 TWh, and the
UK with 10.3 TWh. These five countries combined
produced 75.7% of the PV electricity in the OECD.
This section provides more detailed analyses of indi-
vidual renewable and waste energy sources in the While being small in absolute terms, electricity from
electricity production. The energy sources are listed in solar PV increased from 19 GWh in 1990 to
the order of decreasing share in the renewable elec- 218 283 GWh in 2016, achieving a 43.3% annual
tricity production of OECD countries. growth rate, the fastest of all renewable electricity
technologies. US, the largest producer among OECD
Hydroelectricity countries, increased production from 183 GWh in
As mentioned above, hydroelectric power is nearing 2000 to 50 103 GWh in 2016, achieving a 42.0%
its potential capacity limit in most OECD countries. growth rate over that time (Figure 19). Japan, the sec-
Between 1990 and 2016, electricity generated from ond largest producer, increased production from
hydroelectric plants (excluding generation from 347 GWh in 2000 to 43 846 GWh in 2016, with a
pumped storage plants) increased from 1,183.8 TWh to growth rate over those years of 35.3%.
1 401.9 TWh in the OECD, yielding an average annual
increase of 0.7%. While 89.4% of electricity produced Figure 19: Solar photovoltaic electricity
in six major OECD producing countries
from renewable sources came from hydroelectric plants from 1990 to 2016
in 1990, this share decreased to 54.2% in 2016 due to
the rapid growth of electricity generation from other 60000

renewable sources. Despite this decrease, hydroelectric 50000

power is still the largest electricity producer among
renewable technologies. In 2016, the largest hydroe- 40000

lectric power generating countries were Canada, the


United States and Norway which represented 27.7%,
19.1% and 10.2%, respectively, of OECD hydroelectric 20000

production. Whilst the highest share in total electricity 10000

generated was seen in Norway (96.3%) followed by
Iceland (72.6%) and Austria (61.2%).

Wind United States Japan Germany

Italy United Kingdom France
In 2016, wind turbines produced 23.2% of renewable
electricity in the OECD. Between 1990 and 2016,
wind power increased from 3.8 TWh to 599.4 TWh, Solid biofuels
achieving an average annual growth rate of 21.4%.
This is the second fastest growth rate of renewable Electricity generation from solid biofuels grew from
electricity after solar photovoltaic. Among OECD re- 95.2 TWh to 184.3 TWh between 1990 and 2016, a
gions, wind electricity production is the highest in 2.6% average annual growth. As the fourth largest re-
OECD Europe, with 51.4% of the total OECD pro- newable electricity source, solid biofuels accounted
duction in 2016. Most of the growth also occurred in for 7.1% of renewable electricity generation in 2016.
OECD Europe, where wind grew by 25.9% per an- The United States (45.3 TWh) accounted for 24.6% of
num. In absolute terms, the United States, Germany electricity generated from solid biofuels within the
and Spain are the largest producers of electricity from OECD, where it makes up 7.1% of the country’s re-
wind within the OECD, producing 229.3 TWh,
newable electricity production. The second largest
77.4 TWh and 48.9 TWh respectively.
producer of electricity from solid biofuels is Japan
(29.3 TWh), where it represents 18.1% of the coun-
Solar photovoltaic
try’s renewable electricity supply. Other large produc-
The OECD as a whole produced 218.3 TWh of PV ers of electricity from solid biofuels in the OECD in
electricity in 2016, 8.4% of its total renewable elec- 2016 are the UK, Germany, and Finland, producing
tricity production. The five largest producers of solar 19.6 TWh, 11.0 TWh and 10.8 TWh respectively.



Biogases It should be noted that sometimes data are estimates

rather than observations because the energy classifica-
Electricity in the OECD from biogases grew from
tion systems of some countries do not separate renew-
3.7 TWh in 1990 to 81.3 TWh in 2016. With an aver-
age annual growth rate of 12.7% since 1990, biogases able and non-renewable municipal waste.
are the third fastest growing source of renewable elec- In 2016, 32.8 TWh of electricity was produced from
tricity in the OECD. renewable waste in the OECD. By far the largest pro-
The driver of this growth is OECD Europe, which ac- ducer of electricity from renewable municipal waste is
counted for 79.5% of OECD production in 2016. the United States, generating 8.4 TWh, or 25.6% of
Much of the growth is due to Germany, where pro- OECD production. The second largest producer is
duction grew by 20.9% per annum since 1990, mak- Germany, with a production of 6.0 TWh (18.2%).
ing it the largest producer in the OECD (42.0%). The With 2.6 TWh (7.8%), the UK is the third largest pro-
third and fourth largest OECD producers were also ducer. Italy experienced the highest growth rate, in-
located in Europe. Italy produced 9.0 TWh or 11.0% creasing production from 37.0 GWh to 2,538 GWh (a
of OECD production, and the United Kingdom pro- growth rate of 17.7% per annum).
duced 7.4 TWh (9.2%).
The second largest OECD producer in 2016 is the Liquid biofuels
United States which produced 13.3 TWh, or 16.3% of Liquid biofuels for electricity production is a relatively
electricity from biogases in the OECD. However, new technology. The first country to report electricity
despite its large share in OECD production, the production of this type was Germany in 2001 with
United States growth rate (6.6% per year since 1990)
15 GWh. Since then, an increasing number of coun-
has been lower than many of the European Union
tries have produced substantial amounts of electricity
countries that use biogases, e.g. 38.2% in Italy and
20.9% in Germany. from liquid biofuels. In 2016, ten countries reported a
total of 6 499 GWh of production. The largest pro-
Geothermal ducer currently is Italy with 4,818 GWh.

Similar to hydroelectric power, geothermal electricity Solar thermal

production has not experienced significant growth be-
tween 1990 and 2016. It grew at an average annual Solar thermal power production experienced rapid
rate of 2.3%, from 28.6 TWh to 51.8 TWh. growth in the 1980’s and 90’s reaching 887 GWh in
1998, but stagnated in the following years. During the
Geothermal electricity generation remained almost period of 1999 to 2006, average annual growth rates
static in OECD Americas over the period 1990 to for solar thermal were essentially zero. Due to the re-
2016, although the region remains the largest geo-
cent renewed interest in solar thermal, the US has
thermal electricity producer, with a 48.8% share of
increased its production from 527 GWh in 1999 to
OECD production in 2016. The United States is the
largest producer with 37.2% of the OECD total in 5 533 GWh in 2016. Prior to 2007, OECD solar ther-
2016, with a production of 19.2 TWh, slightly above mal production took place mostly in the United States
the 16.0 TWh level in 1990. The second largest pro- with small demonstration plants in Australia. With the
ducer is New Zealand, with 7.9 TWh in 2016, repre- opening of a new solar thermal power plant in 2007,
senting 15.2% of total OECD production. Other major Spain became the third OECD country to report elec-
producers are Italy (12.0%), Mexico (11.7%), and tricity production from solar thermal with 5 506 GWh
Iceland (9.8%). in 2016. These three countries combined produced all
11 045 GWh of OECD electricity from solar thermal
Renewable municipal waste in 2016.
Renewable municipal waste represented 1.3% of
Tide, wave, ocean
renewable electricity generation in 2016 in OECD
countries. Renewable municipal waste has one of the In 2016, 1 008 GWh of electricity were generated from
smallest portions of renewable electricity portfolio. tide, wave and ocean motion in three OECD countries.
The highest share it represented in any one country is In 2016, France and Korea produced 500 GWh and
the Netherlands at 13.8%, Luxembourg at 9.3% and 495 GWh respectively. The other contributor was
Hungary at 7.6%. Canada producing 13 GWh in 2016.


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