Overcurrent and Overload Protection Using Protective Relays: Electricity and New Energy
Overcurrent and Overload Protection Using Protective Relays: Electricity and New Energy
Overcurrent and Overload Protection Using Protective Relays: Electricity and New Energy
Printed in Canada
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ISBN 978-2-89747-450-8 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-2-89747-452-2 (CD-ROM)
Legal Deposit – Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, 2015
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Safety and Common Symbols
The following safety and common symbols may be used in this manual and on
the equipment:
Symbol Description
Direct current
Alternating current
Symbol Description
On (supply)
Off (supply)
To answer the increasingly diversified needs for training in the wide field of
electrical energy, the Electric Power Technology Training Program was
developed as a modular study program for technical institutes, colleges, and
universities. The program is shown below as a flow chart, with each box in the
flow chart representing a course.
The program starts with a variety of courses providing in-depth coverage of basic
topics related to the field of electrical energy such as ac and dc power circuits,
power transformers, rotating machines, ac power transmission lines, and power
electronics. The program then builds on the knowledge gained by the student
through these basic courses to provide training in more advanced subjects such
as home energy production from renewable resources (wind and sunlight), large-
scale electricity production from hydropower, large-scale electricity production
from wind power (doubly-fed induction generator [DFIG], synchronous generator,
and asynchronous generator technologies), smart-grid technologies (SVC,
STATCOM, HVDC transmission, etc.), storage of electrical energy in batteries,
and drive systems for small electric vehicles and cars.
Manual objectives
When you have completed this manual, you will be familiar with the operation
and settings of the instantaneous (ANSI device no. 50), definite-time (ANSI
device no. 51DT), and inverse definite minimum time (ANSI device no. 51I)
overcurrent relays. You will be able to adjust the settings of an overcurrent relay
to obtain a specific time-current characteristic. You will know applications where
it is common to use overcurrent relays and high-voltage circuit breakers in
conjunction to achieve overcurrent protection of electrical equipment. You will be
familiar with the operation and settings of the machine or transformer thermal
relay (ANSI device no. 49) of the temperature-sensor type or the thermal-replica
type. You will know how to combine protection functions in a numerical protective
relay to achieve overcurrent and overload protection of an ac machine or a power
transformer. You will also know how to implement overcurrent protection of a
radial feeder using either definite-time overcurrent relays or inverse definite
minimum time (IDMT) overcurrent relays. You will be able to use the internal
relay test system of a numerical protective relay to assess that the relay operates
as expected.
Safety considerations
Safety symbols that may be used in this manual and on the equipment are listed
in the Safety Symbols table at the beginning of the manual.
Safety procedures related to the tasks that you will be asked to perform are
indicated in each exercise.
Make sure that you are wearing appropriate protective equipment when
performing the tasks. You should never perform a task if you have any reason to
think that a manipulation could be dangerous for you or your teammates.
As a prerequisite to this course, you should have read the manuals titled DC
Power Circuits, part number 86350, Single-Phase AC Power Circuits, part
number 86358, Single-Phase Power Transformers, part number 86377,
Three-Phase AC Power Circuits, part number 86360, and Three-Phase
Transformer Banks, part number 86379.
Systems of units
Units are expressed using the International System of Units (SI) followed by units
expressed in the U.S. customary system of units (between parentheses).
Accuracy of measurements
The numerical results of the hands-on exercises may differ from one student to
another. For this reason, the results and answers given in this manual should be
considered as a guide. Students who correctly performed the exercises should
expect to demonstrate the principles involved and make observations and
measurements similar to those given as answers.
MANUAL OBJECTIVE When you have completed this manual, you will be familiar with the operation
and settings of the instantaneous (ANSI device no. 50), definite-time (ANSI
device no. 51DT), and inverse definite minimum time (ANSI device no. 51I)
overcurrent relays. You will be able to adjust the settings of an overcurrent relay
to obtain a specific time-current characteristic. You will know applications where
it is common to use overcurrent relays and high-voltage circuit breakers in
conjunction to achieve overcurrent protection of electrical equipment. You will be
familiar with the operation and settings of the machine or transformer thermal
relay (ANSI device no. 49) of the temperature-sensor type or the thermal-replica
type. You will know how to combine protection functions in a numerical protective
relay to achieve overcurrent and overload protection of an ac machine or a power
transformer. You will also know how to implement overcurrent protection of a
radial feeder using either definite-time overcurrent relays or inverse definite
minimum time (IDMT) overcurrent relays. You will be able to use the internal
relay test system of a numerical protective relay to assess that the relay operates
as expected.
With the objective of overcurrent protection being different from that of overload
protection, it is common to apply these two types of protection to the same
electric power circuit. Overcurrent protection can be achieved using a variety of
means: fuses, low-voltage (LV) circuit breakers like miniature circuit breakers
(MCBs) and molded-case circuit breakers (MCCBs), protective relays used in
conjunction with high-voltage (HV) circuit breakers, etc. Overload protection can
be achieved using a contactor operated by a device including a thermal-overload
detection function as well as by using any one of the means mentioned above.
The means selected to achieve overcurrent and/or overload protection in a
particular application mainly depends on the technical requirements of the
application as well as on economical considerations. This manual focuses on
overcurrent protection and overload protection achieved with protective relays
used in conjunction with HV circuit breakers.
A single-line diagram is a A protective relay is an intelligent device that detects faults or abnormal operating
simplified means of repre- conditions (e.g., an overload) in an electric power circuit and makes an HV circuit
senting a three-phase elec- breaker (or several HV circuit breakers) open to isolate the faulty portion of the
tric power circuit in which circuit and avoid or limit damage to the circuit. To detect a fault or an abnormal
each three-phase connec- operating condition, the protective relay generally measures currents in the
tion is represented by a electric power circuit via current inputs. However, some protective relays
single line instead of three measure both currents and voltages in the electric power circuit via current and
lines and each three-phase voltage inputs while some other protective relays measure only circuit voltages
(three-pole) device is repre- via voltage inputs. Control (opening) of the HV circuit breaker is achieved by
sented by its single-pole actuating a set of contacts in the protective relay upon detection of a fault or an
symbol instead of its three- abnormal operating condition in the electric power circuit. Figure 1 is a simplified
pole symbol. Single-line single-line diagram showing the connection of a protective relay and an HV
diagrams are thus simpler circuit breaker used in conjunction to protect a three-phase electric power circuit.
than conventional diagrams, Notice that the current and voltage inputs of the protective relay are connected to
and consequently, make it the electric power circuit via current and voltage transformers. These
easier to understand the transformers are required to match the current and voltage levels in the electric
various paths for power
power circuit with the current and voltage ratings of the protective relay inputs.
transformers Operating
Current unit
inputs Protective
The use of protective relays to protect electric power circuits dates back to the
beginning of the 20th century. The first protective relays were electromechanical
units. In any electromechanical protective relay, the protection function (e.g., the
time-current characteristic of an overcurrent protective relay) is implemented
using electromechanical devices. The operation of an electromechanical
protective relay can be summarized as follows: currents and/or voltages
measured in an electric power circuit via current transformers and/or voltage
transformers are applied to coils mounted on magnetic cores in the relay to
produce a mechanical force. This force is used to actuate the relay contacts.
When the mechanical force produced in the relay is strong enough to overcome
a counteracting force in the relay (e.g., the force provided by a spring), the relay
contacts are actuated.
The numerical protective relays are the natural evolution of the digital protective
relays resulting from progress in computer technology. A numerical protective
relay (see Figure 2) uses at least one digital signal processor (DSP) instead of
a single microprocessor to implement the protective relay function. This results in
operating times shorter than those that can be achieved using digital protective
relays. Furthermore, this allows several protection functions (e.g., overcurrent
protection and overload protection) to be implemented in the same protective
relay. This also allows the implementation of logic functions (e.g., interlocking
between a circuit breaker and its associated disconnecting switches in an electric
power substation) in the protective relay. In short, numerical protective relays
provide high-performance protection while being cost effective since several
protection functions can be performed by a single unit. Consequently, numerical
protective relays are now commonly selected to replace older protective relays in
existing installations as well as to implement protection systems in new
Phase A
current Phase B Current
sources inputs
Phase C
Phase A
voltage Phase B Voltage
sources inputs
Phase C
The procedure above should be repeated for each of the specific fault conditions
or abnormal operating conditions for which the protective relay should operate
(i.e., actuate its trip output contacts).
Some numerical protective relays (e.g., relays from the Siemens SIPROTEC® 5
series) include an internal relay test system. This allows protective relay testing
to be performed without the need for an external relay test system, which is
generally expensive. The simplified block diagram of a numerical protective relay
including an internal relay test system is shown in Figure 4.
DSP output
selector To communication port
Normal Test
Internal relay test system
AC current inputs
Phase A A
secondaries Phase B B Digitized-output
of current A/D ac current
transformers sources
Phase C C
AC voltage inputs
Phase A A
From Digitized-output
Phase B B
secondaries A/D ac voltage
of voltage sources
Phase C C
Communication port
External computer
Figure 4. Simplified block diagram of a numerical protective relay including an internal relay
test system.
The numerical protective relay shown in Figure 4 has three current inputs and
three voltage inputs. In normal operation (Mode selector in the Normal position),
the current or voltage at each input is sampled at regular time intervals and
converted to digital format by six analog-to-digital (A/D) converters. A continuous
stream of data is thus obtained for each of the currents and voltages applied to
the inputs of the numerical protective relay. Data coming from all A/D converters
is routed to a digital signal processor (DSP) which implements the protection
To perform relay testing, the protective relay is switched to the test mode (Mode
selector in the Test position in Figure 4). In test mode, data produced by the
internal relay test system is routed to the DSP instead of data coming from the
A/D converters. The internal relay test system consists of three ac current
sources and three ac voltage sources. The output of each of these sources is
readily in digital format and is routed to the digital signal processor (DSP). An
external computer connected to the protective relay is used to control the
magnitude and phase angle of each of the currents and voltages produced by the
sources in the internal relay test system. This allows currents and voltages
whose magnitudes and phase angles are identical to those of the currents and
voltages measured under any specific fault condition or abnormal operating
condition to be easily reproduced. The response of the protection function(s)
implemented in the DSP to the currents and voltages generated by the internal
relay test system is sent to the external computer connected to the numerical
protective relay for display purposes. Analyzing this response allows verifying
whether or not the numerical protective relay operates as expected.
Overcurrent Protection
EXERCISE OBJECTIVE When you have completed this exercise, you will be familiar with overcurrent and
overload protection of power lines, power transformers, and ac motors
implemented with fuses or low-voltage circuit breakers. You will know the
operation and settings of the instantaneous (ANSI device no. 50), definite-
time (ANSI device no. 51DT), and inverse definite minimum time (ANSI
device no. 51I) overcurrent relays. You will be able to adjust the settings of an
overcurrent relay to obtain a specific time-current characteristic. You will know
applications where it is common to use overcurrent relays and high-voltage
circuit breakers in conjunction to achieve overcurrent protection of electrical
equipment. You will be able to use the internal relay test system of a numerical
protective relay to assess that the relay operates as expected.
DISCUSSION OUTLINE The Discussion of this exercise covers the following points:
Overcurrent protection and overload protection using fuses
Overcurrent protection and overload protection using LV circuit breakers
(MCBs and MCCBs)
Overcurrent protection and overload protection using protective relays
and HV circuit breakers
Instantaneous overcurrent relay
Definite-time overcurrent relay
Inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) overcurrent relay
Standard time-current characteristics of IDMT overcurrent relays
Overcurrent protection of a power transformer using a numerical
overcurrent relay
Main features of protection implemented with numerical overcurrent
relays and HV circuit breakers
DISCUSSION Introduction
Figure 5. Fuses of different sizes. The small ones are typically used in electronic devices,
whereas the larger one is more characteristic of a power utility application.
The time required for the fusible element in a fuse to melt completely and the
electric path to break, which is commonly referred to as the total clearing time,
decreases with the magnitude of the current flowing through the fuse.
Consequently, the greater the current flowing through the fuse, the shorter the
total clearing time. Figure 6 shows an example of the time-current characteristic
of a fuse, i.e., the relationship between the current flowing through a fuse and the
total clearing time. The time-current characteristic of a fuse is also commonly
referred to as the inverse-time characteristic or simply the inverse characteristic
of the fuse because the total clearing time varies inversely with the value of the
current flowing through the fuse. Note that the total clearing time becomes infinite
when the current decreases to a certain value. This is because below this value,
the current flowing through the fuse is not sufficient to make the fusible element
melt, thereby preventing the fuse from interrupting current. The minimum value of
current required for the fusible element to start melting is known as the minimum
melting current. The current rating of the fuse, i.e., the maximum value of current
that can flow through the fuse continuously without causing the fuse to blow, is
necessarily lower than the minimum melting current of the fusible element.
10 100 1000 10 000
Current (A)
Fuses are commonly used to protect power lines in distribution networks and
industrial applications. In this case, the fuse provides overcurrent protection of
the power line only. For this purpose, the current rating of the fuse should be
several times the nominal full-load current of the power line to be protected (e.g.,
5 times [500%] the nominal full-load current). Power lines in distribution networks
and industrial applications generally have a radial structure and are powered at
one end only. Such power lines are commonly referred to as radial feeders.
Overcurrent protection of radial feeders using protective relays is covered in
Exercise 3 of this manual.
To achieve proper overload protection, the current rating of the fuse must be
selected carefully, i.e., it must be kept as close as possible to the nominal full-
load current of the primary winding (generally, not more than 1.25 times [125%]
of the nominal full-load current). Overload protection is gradually sacrificed as the
selected current rating exceeds the nominal full-load current of the primary
winding more and more. Note that the fuse selected must be of the slow-blow
type to ensure that it can sustain, without blowing, the magnetizing current
inrush that occurs when voltage is applied to the power transformer. Also, note
that protecting a power transformer using a fuse at the primary winding only is
applicable only to transformers having a single secondary winding.
Figure 8. Pole-mounted secondary distribution transformer with its OC fuse (shown with a
white arrow).
Primary Secondary
To source To load
Figure 10. Overcurrent and overload protection of a three-phase power transformer using
fuses at the primary and secondary windings.
To source
Overload Contactor
detection Open/Close coil
unit command
ANSI is the common abbre- The first column in Table 3 (located at the end of this discussion) summarizes the
viation used to refer to the main protection features implemented with fuses. Fuses can operate at voltages
American National Stand- up to 161 kV. They are available at current ratings up to 6000 A and can interrupt
ards Institute. currents up to 200 kA. Fuses have an inverse time-current characteristic and
their minimum operating time can be less than 0.01 s. The latter feature puts
fuses among the fastest devices available for overcurrent protection. Fuses have
some drawbacks: they cannot be reset (once blown, a fuse has to be replaced),
their nominal current and operating time cannot be adjusted, and their inverse-
time characteristic is sensitive to ambient temperature. Devices holding fuses
(commonly referred to as fuse holders) generally allow electric power circuits to
be closed or opened manually. Finally, from a protective relaying perspective
(i.e., referring to ANSI standard C37.2), fuses are equivalent to the function
performed by standard device no. 51 (ac time overcurrent relay). The function of
standard device no. 51 is discussed later in this manual.
Figure 12. Arrangement of the current sensor, actuation mechanism, and contacts in a single
pole, LV circuit breaker.
Figure 13. Contrary to the fuse, the circuit breaker does not need to be replaced with a new
unit once open. The contacts may be reclosed using a reset lever.
The operating time of LV The current sensor in an LV circuit breaker can be of the thermal type. In this
circuit breakers is common- case, the circuit breaker is referred to as a thermal circuit breaker. A thermal-type
ly referred to as the tripping current sensor is basically a small bi-metallic element that heats up significantly
time. when the current flowing through the circuit breaker exceeds the current rating of
the circuit breaker. The heat produced eventually triggers the actuation
mechanism of the circuit breaker. The more the current flowing through the circuit
breaker exceeds the current rating of the circuit breaker, the higher the heating
effect and consequently, the shorter the time required to trigger the actuation
mechanism. In other words, the operating time of a thermal circuit breaker varies
inversely with the value of current, thereby leading to an inverse time-current
characteristic similar to that of a fuse. Thermal circuit breakers can thus be used
the same way as fuses to achieve overcurrent protection and overload
protection, as discussed in the previous section of this discussion.
The current sensor in an LV circuit breaker can also be of the magnetic type. In
this case, the circuit breaker is referred to as a magnetic circuit breaker. A
magnetic-type current sensor is basically a solenoid that triggers the actuation
mechanism of the circuit breaker as soon as the current flowing through the
circuit breaker reaches a predetermined value (e.g., 5 times the current rating of
the circuit breaker). Figure 15 shows the resulting time-current characteristic.
Such a characteristic is commonly referred to as an instantaneous time-current
characteristic because the tripping time of the circuit breaker is minimum. In fact,
the tripping time is reduced to the time required for the circuit breaker contacts to
open. The time-current characteristic of magnetic circuit breakers makes them
perfectly suited for overcurrent protection since any short-circuit current is
interrupted in a minimum time. However, they are not suitable for overload
It is common practice to
express current in the time-
current characteristic of 100
circuit breakers as multiples
of the current rating of the
circuit breaker.
1 10 100
Current (multiples of current rating)
Magnetic action
Thermal action
1 10 100
Current (multiples of current rating)
electronic MCCB Induction motor
stator windings
To source
Current transformers HV circuit breaker
To load
To source (power transformer,
ac motor, etc.)
Current Open
inputs A B C command
Overcurrent relay
Trip output
(relay contact)
Figure 18. Protection of a three-phase power circuit using an overcurrent relay and an HV
circuit breaker.
Current HV circuit
transformers breaker
To load
To source (power transformer,
ac motor, etc.)
overcurrent relay
The adjustable current An overcurrent relay can have an instantaneous time-current characteristic very
threshold of an overcurrent similar to that of a magnetic-type MCB or MCCB, as shown in Figure 20. The
relay is commonly referred operating time is fixed and has a minimum value limited by the time required for
to as the current setting. the overcurrent relay contacts to close (i.e., for the overcurrent relay to actuate its
trip output). Contrary to most MCBs and MCCBs, the current threshold (i.e., the
Also, the operating time of current at which the relay trips) can be adjusted in an overcurrent relay. An
an overcurrent relay is overcurrent relay with an instantaneous time-current characteristic is commonly
sometimes called the trip referred to as an instantaneous overcurrent relay. An instantaneous overcurrent
time. relay is referred to as a device no. 50 as per ANSI standard C37.2. In this
standard, device no. 50 is termed “instantaneous overcurrent or rate-of-rise
relay” and is defined as “a relay that functions instantaneously on an excessive
value of current or on an excessive rate of current rise, thus indicating a fault in
the apparatus or circuit being protected”.
Current threshold
can be adjusted
(current setting)
Operating time is
fixed and minimal
10 100 1000
Current (A)
The adjustable operating An overcurrent relay can have a time-current characteristic similar to that of an
time of an overcurrent relay instantaneous overcurrent relay in which the operating time can be adjusted (to a
is commonly referred to as value higher than the minimum operating time of the overcurrent relay) in
the time setting. addition to the current threshold (current setting), as shown in Figure 21. Such a
time-current characteristic is commonly referred to as a definite time
characteristic because the operating time of the overcurrent relay has a
predetermined value that is independent of the magnitude of current. An
overcurrent relay with a definite time characteristic is commonly referred to as a
definite-time overcurrent relay. A definite-time overcurrent relay is referred to as
a device no. 51 as per ANSI standard C37.2. In this standard, device no. 51 is
termed “AC time overcurrent relay” and is defined as “a relay with either a
definite or inverse time characteristic that functions when the current in an ac
circuit exceeds a predetermined value”. Note that the letters “DT” (standing for
definite time) are sometimes added to device no. 51 to make clear the nature of
the time-current characteristic of the overcurrent relay.
Current threshold
can be adjusted
(current setting)
Operating time (s)
10 100 1000
Current (A)
The current transformers that feed the inputs of any overcurrent relay no longer
operate linearly when they are subjected to high current levels (e.g., currents
exceeding 20 times the current setting of the relay), thereby leading to a
significant error in the measured value of current. Such an error in the measured
value of current leads directly to a significant error in the operating time of any
IDMT overcurrent relay. To avoid errors in the relay operating time at high current
levels, most digital or numerical IDMT overcurrent relays stop following their
inverse characteristic and pass to a definite time characteristic when the current
reaches about 20 to 30 times the current setting of the relay. For instance, the
time-current characteristic of Figure 22 shows that the IDMT overcurrent relay
stops following the inverse characteristic and passes to a definite time
characteristic when the current reaches 20 times the current setting of the relay.
The time setting of the definite time characteristic (i.e., the definite minimum time)
is equal to the time value calculated using the equation of the inverse
characteristic and a current value of 20 times the current setting of the relay. In
short, these overcurrent relays combine an inverse characteristic with a definite
time characteristic, hence the name inverse definite minimum time (IDMT)
overcurrent relay.
1 10 100 1000
Current (A)
Figure 22. Time-current characteristic of an inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) overcurrent
relay (ANSI device no. 51I).
IEC is the common abbrevi- Standard time-current characteristics of IDMT overcurrent relays have been
ation used to refer to the defined by IEC and ANSI. Figure 23 shows the time-current characteristics for
International Electrotech- IDMT overcurrent relays defined in IEC standard 60255. Table 1 provides the
nical Commission. equations that define these time-current characteristics. Various types of inverse
time-current characteristics have been defined to provide protection engineers
with a means to address a large variety of applications. For instance, the
Standard Inverse (SI) characteristic is well suited for overload protection. On the
other hand, the Extremely Inverse (EI) characteristic is well suited in overcurrent
protection applications mixing IDMT overcurrent relays with fuses because it is
similar to the time-current characteristic of various fuses.
Operating time (s)
1 10 100
Current (multiples of current setting)
Figure 23. Time-current characteristics for IDMT overcurrent relays defined in IEC
standard 60255 (TMS = 1.0).
Characteristic Equation
Standard Inverse (SI) ݐൌ ܶ ܵܯή
ܫǤଶ െ ͳ
Very Inverse (VI) ݐൌ ܶ ܵܯή
ܫ െ ͳ
Extremely Inverse (EI) ݐൌ ܶ ܵܯή
ܫଶ െ ͳ
Long-Time Inverse (LTI) ݐൌ ܶ ܵܯή
ܫ െ ͳ
US CO8 Inverse
1 10 100
Current (multiples of current setting)
Figure 24. Time-current characteristics for IDMT overcurrent relays defined by ANSI (TD = 7).
Characteristic Equation
ܶͲ ܦǤͲͷͳͷ
IEEE Moderately Inverse ݐൌ ቈቆ Ǥଶ ቇ ͲǤͳͳͶ
ܫ െ ͳ
ܶͻͳ ܦǤͳ
IEEE Very Inverse ݐൌ ൬ ൰ ͲǤͶͻͳ൨
ܫଶ െ ͳ
ܶʹ ܦͺǤʹ
IEEE Extremely Inverse (EI) ݐൌ ൬ ൰ ͲǤͳʹͳ൨
ܫଶ െ ͳ
ܶ ܦͷǤͻͷ
US CO8 Inverse ݐൌ ൬ ൰ ͲǤͳͺ൨
ܫଶ െ ͳ
ܶͲ ܦǤͲʹ͵ͻͶ
US CO2 Short-Time Inverse ݐൌ ቈቆ Ǥଶ ቇ ͲǤͲͳͻͶ
ܫ െ ͳ
a In the diagram of Figure 25, the power of the ac power source is rated
as 175 MVA SC, SC standing for short-circuit. This value refers to the power
which the source can supply when subjected to a symmetrical fault.
120 kV / 25 kV
120 kV 7%
175 MVA SC
To load
AC power
source F1 F2
Figure 25. Overcurrent protection of a power transformer using a numerical overcurrent relay
that combines the functions of ANSI devices no. 50 and no. 51DT.
The nominal value of the line currents at the primary of the power transformer in
Figure 25 (i.e., the value of the line currents when the power transformer load
is 8 MVA) is 38.5 A. When a symmetrical fault occurs at the transformer primary
(fault F1 in Figure 25), the value of the line currents at the transformer primary
can reach up to 842 A. On the other hand, when a symmetrical fault occurs at the
low-voltage side (secondary) of the power transformer (fault F2 in Figure 25) and
the protection at the transformer secondary (not shown in Figure 25) fails to
operate, the value of the line currents at the transformer primary can reach up
to 333 A.
The values of current above are the values measured by the numerical
overcurrent relay (via the current transformers) under normal and abnormal
operating conditions. These values of current are used to determine the value at
which the current threshold of the ANSI device no. 50 function in the numerical
overcurrent relay should be set to ensure that the main overcurrent protection of
the power transformer works properly. These values of current are also used to
determine the value at which the current threshold of the ANSI device no. 51DT
function in the numerical overcurrent relay should be set to ensure that the
backup overcurrent protection of the low-voltage side of the power transformer
works properly. For instance, setting the current threshold of the ANSI device
no. 50 function to 400 A makes the main overcurrent protection of the power
transformer sensitive enough to faults at the transformer primary (fault currents at
primary are up to 842 A) and insensitive to faults at the transformer secondary
(fault currents at primary are up to 333 A). Similarly, setting the current threshold
of the ANSI device no. 51DT function to about 190 A makes the backup
overcurrent protection of the low-voltage side of the power transformer sensitive
enough to faults at the transformer secondary (fault currents at primary are up
to 333 A) and insensitive to the nominal value (38.5 A) of the transformer primary
current. The time-current characteristic of the numerical overcurrent relay that
results from these current settings is shown in Figure 26.
10 100 1000
Current (A)
Figure 26. Time-current characteristic of the numerical overcurrent relay used for overcurrent
protection of the power transformer in Figure 25.
Note that the time setting of the ANSI device no. 51DT function in the numerical
overcurrent relay is adjusted to the lowest value (1 s in the present case) that
allows sufficient time for the protection at the power transformer secondary to
operate when a fault occurs at the transformer secondary. Also note that the
numerical overcurrent relay does not protect the power transformer from
overload since it does not operate for primary currents ranging from the nominal
primary current (38.5 A) of the power transformer to 190 A. Another protection
function (ANSI device no. 49 function: machine or transformer thermal relay) is
required in the numerical overcurrent relay to achieve overload protection of the
power transformer. This is discussed further in the next exercise of this manual.
The third row in Table 3 summarizes the main protection features implemented
with numerical overcurrent relays used in conjunction with HV circuit breakers.
HV circuit breakers can operate at voltages up to 1200 kV, which is much higher
than fuses and LV circuit breakers. They are available at current ratings up
to 5000 A (this is a little less than fuses) and can interrupt currents up to 90 kA
(this is significantly less than fuses and LV circuit breakers). HV circuit breakers,
contrary to fuses, are re-usable, i.e., they can be reclosed after tripping. Also, HV
circuit breakers allow electric power circuits to be closed or opened either
manually or through remote control. Numerical overcurrent relays can have any
combination of instantaneous, definite, and inverse time-current characteristics.
The time-current characteristic of numerical overcurrent relays is adjustable in
current and time, and is not temperature sensitive.
LV circuit
Device type Fuse breaker
relay with HV
circuit breaker
Instantaneous and/or definite
Time-current characteristic Inverse
and/or inverse time and/or
Adjustable in current No (Yes, electronic Yes
Adjustable in time No (Yes, electronic Yes
LV circuit
Device type Fuse breaker
relay with HV
circuit breaker
Temperature sensitive Yes (Yes, electronic No
No (blown fuse
Reset capability Yes Yes
to be replaced)
No Yes Yes
Combined protection functions
(51 only) (50 + 51) (50 + 51 + 49)
PROCEDURE a You might need more than one laboratory period to perform the following
exercise procedure if you are not already familiar with the DIGSI ® 5 software
from Siemens. Appendix C of this manual provides information on how to use
software DIGSI 5 to perform various tasks related to SIPROTEC 5 protective
relays. You should read this appendix before performing the exercise
In this section, you will set up a protective relay so that it can be programmed
and tested using a host computer.
Install the Numerical Directional Overcurrent Relay (Model 3812) and the
host computer on your work surface.
Insert the LED identification label for Exercise 1 into the front panel of the
protective relay. The identification labels can be found in Appendix D.
2. Connect the protective relay and the host computer to an ac power wall
Turn the protective relay on. Wait for the protective relay to complete its
initialization routine (this generally takes about 45 s).
3. Connect the USB port of the protective relay to a USB port of the host
4. Turn the host computer on, then start the DIGSI 5 software.
In this section, you will verify the operation of an instantaneous overcurrent relay
(ANSI device no. 50).
Set the language used in the front panel display of the protective relay to the
language used in DIGSI 5.
Figure 27. Settings of the overcurrent protection function of the protective relay displayed in
the working area of DIGSI 5.
Observe that the current setting of the protective relay (parameter Threshold
in time-current characteristic Definite-T1) is currently set to 8000 A.
10. In DIGSI 5, change the current setting of the protective relay by editing the
value of the Threshold parameter in time-current characteristic Definite-T1.
Observe that the time-current characteristic of the protective relay displayed
in the working area of DIGSI 5 is automatically updated after each change of
the current setting.
Set the current setting of the protective relay back to its original
value (8000 A).
11. In DIGSI 5, access the parameters of test sequence Symmetrical fault. This
test sequence is part of the project file currently open in DIGSI 5 and can be
used to test the overcurrent protection function of the protective relay using
its internal relay test system. Figure 28 shows the parameters of test
sequence Symmetrical fault that should be displayed in the working area of
Figure 28. Parameters of test sequence Symmetrical fault displayed in the working area of
a In all test sequences, the magnitudes are expressed as secondary values, i.e.,
the values at the secondary windings of the current transformers.
12. Make the following observations about test sequence Symmetrical fault.
x The test sequence consists of two steps.
x The first step (step 1) has a duration of 10.0 s.
x During the first step, the internal relay test system emulates balanced
currents of 1.00 A at the current inputs of the relay. This is equivalent to
balanced currents of 1000 A in the electric power circuit
because 1000 A/1 A current transformers are used in this project.
x The second step (step 2) has a duration of 2.0 s.
x During the second step, the internal relay test system emulates balanced
currents of 10.00 A at the current inputs of the relay. This is equivalent to
balanced currents of 10 000 A in the electric power circuit
because 1000 A/1 A current transformers are used in this project.
x By default, the frequency of the balanced currents emulated by the
internal relay test system during both steps of the sequence is set
to 50 Hz.
Set the frequency of the balanced currents emulated during both steps of test
sequence Symmetrical fault to the frequency of your local ac power network.
13. Load the configuration (i.e., the content of the project file currently open in
DIGSI 5) to the protective relay using DIGSI 5. Loading the configuration to
the protective relay generally takes some time.
14. In DIGSI 5, restart the protective relay in the simulation mode to allow the
overcurrent protection function of the protective relay (i.e., protection function
50/51 OC-3ph-B1 or 50/51 OC-3ph-A1 in protection function group VI 3ph 1)
to be tested using the internal relay test system. Once the restart process is
completed, the test environment for the protective relay that you are using
should be displayed in DIGSI 5 (see Figure 29). Also, the front panel display
of the protective relay should indicate that the unit is operating in the
simulation mode (the words Simulation mode should appear briefly on the
display at regular intervals).
a The Error LED on the front panel of the protective relay lights up when the unit
is in simulation mode. This is normal. Do not be concerned about this error
a During this procedure, if you notice that DIGSI 5 lags relay operation, press the
Clear list button at the top of the test environment. This should restore normal
operation of DIGSI 5.
15. Observe that test sequence Symmetrical fault is available in the test
environment displayed in DIGSI 5. This test sequence originates from the
project file currently open in DIGSI 5. It emulates balanced line currents
of 1000 A during 10 s then a symmetrical fault producing line currents
of 10 000 A during 2 s.
16. In DIGSI 5, start test sequence Symmetrical fault, then observe the front
panel of the protective relay to see how it responds to the currents emulated
by its internal relay test system. Notice that the protective relay displays the
value (1000 A) of the balanced line currents during 10 s, then four LED
indicators on the relay front panel light up to indicate that the relay picked up
and tripped. In this project, LED indicators 1 to 3 (top three LED indicators on
the left-hand side of the relay front panel) light up to indicate that the relay
picked up on phases A, B, and C, i.e., to indicate that the current
setting (8000 A) of the protective relay has been exceeded on phases A, B,
and C. Also, LED indicator 16 (bottom LED indicator on the left-hand side of
the relay front panel) lights up to indicate that the relay tripped.
Also notice that information (protective function that picked up and tripped
the relay, relay pickup time, relay trip time, etc.) about the response of the
protective relay to the test sequence is displayed on the front panel display.
Use the up and down arrow buttons on the relay front panel to scroll through
this information.
17. Whenever the protective relay trips, input signals (i.e., the currents at the
three current inputs) as well as internal signals (e.g., relay pickup
occurrences, the circuit breaker trip command, etc.) are recorded in the relay.
The signals recorded in the protective relay after any trip event are referred
to as a fault record. DIGSI 5 can be used to download a fault record from the
protective relay and display the signals contained in the fault record in
SIGRA. SIGRA is a Siemens application that displays the signals contained
in a fault record on time charts. These time charts are useful to analyze the
protective relay response to the fault.
A fault record has been created in the protective relay when it tripped earlier
in this exercise. Use DIGSI 5 to download the latest fault record from the
protective relay and display the signals contained in this fault record in
SIGRA. Figure 30 shows the signals (time charts) that should be displayed in
Figure 30. Signals contained in the fault record downloaded from the protective relay
displayed in SIGRA.
Observe the signals in the time charts displayed in SIGRA. Notice that when
the value of the currents emulated at the relay inputs passed from 1000 A
to 10 000 A, the protective relay picked up on all three phases and issued a
circuit breaker trip command immediately.
Does the fault record confirm that the protective relay operated as expected?
18. Reset the protective relay by momentarily depressing the Reset button
located just below the 16 LED indicators on the left-hand side of the relay
front panel. The LED indicators should go out and the front panel display
should resume normal information display (i.e., it should display the values of
the line currents).
In this section, you will verify the operation of a definite time overcurrent relay
(ANSI device no. 51DT).
19. In DIGSI 5, access the settings of the overcurrent protection function of the
protective relay. In the Project tree area of DIGSI 5, the overcurrent
protection function is called 50/51 OC-3ph-B1 or 50/51 OC-3ph-A1 and is
located in protection function group VI 3ph 1.
In the working area of DIGSI 5, check the Definite-T2 check box and uncheck
the Definite-T1 check box to show the time-current characteristic of the
overcurrent protection function resulting from the above settings.
20. In DIGSI 5, change the current and time settings of the protective relay by
editing the values of the Threshold and Operate delay parameters in time-
current characteristic Definite-T2. Observe that the trip area of the protective
relay (i.e., the lightly shaded area in the time-current characteristic of the
protective relay displayed in the working area of DIGSI 5) is reduced when
either one of these two parameters is increased, and vice versa.
Set the current setting of the protective relay back to its original
value (3000 A).
Set the time setting of the protective relay back to its original value (3.00 s).
21. Load the configuration (i.e., the content of the project file currently open in
DIGSI 5) to the protective relay using DIGSI 5. This is necessary because
the settings of the overcurrent protection function of the protective relay have
been modified.
22. In DIGSI 5, access the parameters of test sequence Symmetrical fault. Set
the duration of step 2 to 2.9 s. Also, set the value of the balanced currents
emulated by the internal relay test system during step 2 to 5.00 A. This is
equivalent to balanced currents of 5000 A in the electric power circuit
because 1000 A/1 A current transformers are used in this project.
23. In DIGSI 5, display the test environment for the protective relay that you are
using. Start test sequence Symmetrical fault, then observe the front panel of
the protective relay to see how it responds to the currents emulated by its
internal relay test system.
Briefly describe the response of the protective relay to the test sequence.
24. A fault record has been created in the protective relay when it picked up. Use
DIGSI 5 to download the latest fault record from the protective relay and
display the signals contained in this fault record in SIGRA.
Observe the signals displayed in SIGRA, then briefly explain why the
protective relay did not trip.
The following figure shows the signals that should be displayed in SIGRA.
Signals contained in the fault record downloaded from the protective relay displayed in
25. Reset the protective relay by momentarily depressing the Reset button
located just below the 16 LED indicators on the left-hand side of the relay
front panel.
26. In DIGSI 5, access the parameters of test sequence Symmetrical fault. Set
the duration of step 2 to 3.3 s.
27. In DIGSI 5, display the test environment for the protective relay that you are
using. Start test sequence Symmetrical fault, then observe the front panel of
the protective relay to see how it responds to the currents emulated by its
internal relay test system.
Yes No
28. A fault record has been created in the protective relay when it tripped. Use
DIGSI 5 to download the latest fault record from the protective relay and
display the signals contained in this fault record in SIGRA.
Observe the signals displayed in SIGRA, then briefly explain why the
protective relay tripped.
The following figure shows the signals that should be displayed in SIGRA.
Signals contained in the fault record downloaded from the protective relay displayed in
In this section, you will verify the operation of an inverse definite minimum time
(IDMT) overcurrent relay (ANSI device no. 51I).
30. In DIGSI 5, access the settings of the overcurrent protection function of the
protective relay. In the Project tree area of DIGSI 5, the overcurrent
protection function is called 50/51 OC-3ph-B1 or 50/51 OC-3ph-A1 and is
located in protection function group VI 3ph 1.
Observe that the current setting of the protective relay (parameter Threshold
in time-current characteristic Inverse-T1) is currently set to 1000 A. Also,
observe that the time setting of the protective relay (parameter Time dial in
time-current characteristic Inverse-T1) is currently set to 1.50.
In the working area of DIGSI 5, check the Inverse-T1 check box and uncheck
the Definite-T2 check box to show the time-current characteristic of the
overcurrent protection function resulting from the above settings.
31. In DIGSI 5, change the current setting of the protective relay by editing the
value of the Threshold parameter in time-current characteristic Inverse-T1.
Observe that the time-current characteristic of the protective relay displayed
in DIGSI 5 is displaced horizontally whenever the current setting is changed.
Set the current setting of the protective relay back to its original
value (1000 A).
In DIGSI 5, change the time settings of the protective relay by editing the
value of the Time dial parameter in time-current characteristic Inverse-T1.
Observe that the time-current characteristic of the protective relay displayed
in DIGSI 5 is displaced vertically whenever the time setting is changed. Set
the time setting of the protective relay back to its original value (1.50).
32. Load the configuration (i.e., the content of the project file currently open in
DIGSI 5) to the protective relay using DIGSI 5. This is necessary because
the settings of the overcurrent protection function of the protective relay have
been modified.
33. In DIGSI 5, access the parameters of test sequence Symmetrical fault. Set
the duration of step 2 to 50.0 s. Also, set the value of the balanced currents
emulated by the internal relay test system during step 2 to 1.25 A. This is
equivalent to balanced currents of 1250 A in the electric power circuit
because 1000 A/1 A current transformers are used in this project.
34. In DIGSI 5, display the test environment for the protective relay that you are
using. Start test sequence Symmetrical fault, then observe the front panel of
the protective relay for the complete duration of the test sequence (60 s). The
protective relay should trip after a certain time.
Use DIGSI 5 to download the latest fault record from the protective relay and
display the signals contained in this fault record in SIGRA. Use the displayed
signals to determine the trip time of the protective relay when the value of the
emulated currents is 1250 A.
The trip time of the protective relay is about 46.3 s when the value of the
emulated currents is 1250 A.
The following figure shows the signals that should be displayed in SIGRA.
Signals contained in the fault record downloaded from the protective relay displayed in
36. In DIGSI 5, access the parameters of test sequence Symmetrical fault. Set
the duration of step 2 to 30 s. Also, set the value of the balanced currents
emulated by the internal relay test system during step 2 to 2.50 A. This is
equivalent to balanced currents of 2500 A in the electric power circuit
because 1000 A/1 A current transformers are used in this project.
37. In DIGSI 5, display the test environment for the protective relay that you are
using. Start test sequence Symmetrical fault, then observe the front panel of
the protective relay for the complete duration of the test sequence (40 s). The
protective relay should trip after a certain time.
Use DIGSI 5 to download the latest fault record from the protective relay and
display the signals contained in this fault record in SIGRA. Use the displayed
signals to determine the trip time of the protective relay when the value of the
emulated currents is 2500 A.
The trip time of the protective relay is about 11.3 s when the value of the
emulated currents is 2500 A.
The following figure shows the signals that should be displayed in SIGRA.
Signals contained in the fault record downloaded from the protective relay displayed in
39. In DIGSI 5, access the parameters of test sequence Symmetrical fault. Set
the duration of step 2 to 15 s. Also, set the value of the balanced currents
emulated by the internal relay test system during step 2 to 5.00 A. This is
equivalent to balanced currents of 5000 A in the electric power circuit
because 1000 A/1 A current transformers are used in this project.
40. In DIGSI 5, display the test environment for the protective relay that you are
using. Start test sequence Symmetrical fault, then observe the front panel of
the protective relay for the complete duration of the test sequence (25 s). The
protective relay should trip after a certain time.
Use DIGSI 5 to download the latest fault record from the protective relay and
display the signals contained in this fault record in SIGRA. Use the displayed
signals to determine the trip time of the protective relay when the value of the
emulated currents is 5000 A.
The trip time of the protective relay is about 6.4 s when the value of the
emulated currents is 5000 A.
The following figure shows the signals that should be displayed in SIGRA.
Signals contained in the fault record downloaded from the protective relay displayed in
41. Do the trip times (operating times) that you recorded in steps 34, 37, and 40
confirm that the protective relay operates as an IDMT overcurrent relay with
an IEC standard inverse (SI) characteristic, a current setting of 1000 A, and a
time setting (time multiplier setting) of 1.50? Explain briefly.
In this section, you will configure the numerical protective relay to implement
overcurrent protection of a power transformer and backup overcurrent protection
of the low-voltage side (secondary side) of the power transformer. You will then
perform relay testing using the internal relay test system of the protective relay to
make sure that the transformer overcurrent protection operates properly.
120 kV / 25 kV
120 kV 7%
175 MVA SC
To load
AC power
source F1 F2
Figure 31. Overcurrent protection of a power transformer using a numerical overcurrent relay
that combines the functions of ANSI devices no. 50 and no. 51DT.
44. The nominal value of the line currents at the primary of the power
transformer in the figure above is 38.5 A. Consequently, let us assume that
current transformers with a ratio of 40 A/1 A are used to measure the line
currents flowing through the transformer primary windings.
45. In DIGSI 5, access the settings of the overcurrent protection function of the
protective relay. In the Project tree area of DIGSI 5, the overcurrent
protection function is called 50/51 OC-3ph-B1 or 50/51 OC-3ph-A1 and is
located in protection function group VI 3ph 1.
In the working area of DIGSI 5, check the Definite-T1 and Definite-T2 check
boxes and uncheck the Inverse-T1 check box to show the time-current
characteristic of the overcurrent protection function resulting from the above
47. Load the configuration (i.e., the content of the project file currently open in
DIGSI 5) to the protective relay using DIGSI 5. This is necessary because
several settings of the protective relay have been modified.
Set the value of the balanced currents emulated by the internal relay test
system during step 1 to 0.96 A. This is equivalent to balanced currents
of 38.4 A in the electric power circuit because 40 A/1 A current transformers
are used in this project.
Set the duration of step 2 to 5.0 s. Also, set the value of the balanced
currents emulated by the internal relay test system during step 2 to 21.05 A.
This is equivalent to balanced currents of 842 A in the electric power circuit
because 40 A/1 A current transformers are used in this project. Step 2 of test
sequence Symmetrical fault is now set to emulate the symmetrical fault at the
primary of the power transformer shown in Figure 31.
49. In DIGSI 5, display the test environment for the protective relay that you are
using. Start test sequence Symmetrical fault, then observe the front panel of
the protective relay for the complete duration of the test sequence (15 s). The
protective relay should trip after a certain time.
50. Use DIGSI 5 to download the latest fault record from the protective relay and
display the signals contained in this fault record in SIGRA. Use these signals
to describe how the protective relay responded to the symmetrical fault at the
transformer primary emulated with the internal relay test system.
Yes, the protective relay trips immediately when a symmetrical fault occurs at
the transformer primary.
The following figure shows the signals that should be displayed in SIGRA.
Signals contained in the fault record downloaded from the protective relay displayed in
Set the value of the balanced currents emulated by the internal relay test
system during step 2 to 8.33 A. This is equivalent to balanced currents
of 333 A in the electric power circuit because 40 A/1 A current transformers
are used in this project. Step 2 of test sequence Symmetrical fault is now set
to emulate the symmetrical fault at the secondary of the power transformer
shown in Figure 31.
53. In DIGSI 5, display the test environment for the protective relay that you are
using. Start test sequence Symmetrical fault, then observe the front panel of
the protective relay for the complete duration of the test sequence (15 s). The
protective relay should trip after a certain time.
54. Use DIGSI 5 to download the latest fault record from the protective relay and
display the signals contained in this fault record in SIGRA. Use these signals
to describe how the protective relay responded to the symmetrical fault at the
transformer secondary emulated with the internal relay test system.
Yes, the protective relay trips after a certain time delay (1 s in the present
case) when a symmetrical fault occurs at the low voltage side (secondary) of
the power transformer. The time delay is intended to provide enough time for
any protection at the transformer secondary to act before the backup
overcurrent protection of the low-voltage side of the power transformer trips.
The following figure shows the signals that should be displayed in SIGRA.
Signals contained in the fault record downloaded from the protective relay displayed in
56. In DIGSI 5, restart the protective relay in the process mode to allow normal
operation of the unit. Once the restart process is completed, the display of
the protective relay no longer indicates that the unit is operating in the
simulation mode (the words Simulation mode no longer appear on the
57. Close the project open in DIGSI 5 without saving the changes you made to
this project.
Close DIGSI 5.
Turn the protective relay off, then disconnect it from the host computer.
Delete the copy of the project file that you opened at the beginning of this
CONCLUSION In this exercise, you saw that fuses or low-voltage circuit breakers (MCBs or
MCCBs) can be used to implement overcurrent and overload protection of power
lines, power transformers, and AC motors. You became familiar with the
operation and settings of the instantaneous (ANSI device no. 50), definite-time
(ANSI device no. 51DT), and inverse definite minimum time (ANSI device
no. 51I) overcurrent relays. You learned how to adjust the settings of an
overcurrent relay to obtain a specific time-current characteristic. You saw
applications where it is common to use overcurrent relays and high-voltage
circuit breakers in conjunction to achieve overcurrent protection of electrical
equipment. You learned how to use the internal relay test system of a numerical
protective relay to assess that the relay operates as expected.
REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Describe the objective of overcurrent protection and the objective of overload
3. Briefly describe how the settings of an IDMT overcurrent relay affects its
time-current characteristic.
5. Briefly describe how a single numerical overcurrent relay that combines the
functions of ANSI devices no. 50 and no. 51DT can be used to provide both
main overcurrent protection of a power transformer and backup overcurrent
protection of the low-voltage side of the power transformer.
Russel Mason, C., The Art & Science or Protective Relaying, Wiley, 1964.
Alstom Grid, Network Protection & Automation Guide, 1st ed., 2011,
ISBN 978-0-9568678-0-3.