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Castlevania d20

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An adventure for 4+ Level 8

Adventurers in Pathfinder
Michael Kroll
Editing and development: Michael Kroll
Maps: Michael Kroll
Writing: Michael Kroll

Playtesters: Alexander Turner, Winston Samuels, Leon and Joe Kozlowski,

Leonel Diaz, Nicholas Kroll, Zack Long, Clarence Kroll, John Shultz, Ryan
Edwards, Juan Orozco, Austin Bucholz

Based on the original Pathfinder Rules created by Paizo Publishing©,

Castlevania game series created by Konami©.

Leon Belmont Sprite for armor magic item image made by doom_7953 on

All images and references used in this module are owned by their respective
uploaders, and no credit is taken for their usage here.

Please support all official releases by both Konami and Paizo Publishing.
Table of contents:

1. Introduction
2. Adventure Overview
3. Approach to Ashfall
4. Approach to the Castle
5. Castlevania
6. Concluding the Adventure
7. NPCs
8. Monsters
9. Magic Items/Spells/Knowledge rolls/Feats/Traits
10. Timeline of Events
11. FAQ/Trivia/Version History

1. Introduction
“Castlevania 1 was so fucking cool…it was fresh, exciting, and it felt great. The best part was it had a lot
of thought put into it…for better or worse.”

Erin Egoraptor

Anyone who knows about Konami knows of their long remembered franchise: Castlevania. This module
is an attempt to a Castlevania like dungeon crawl, filled with enough nostalgia to probably have the
players go play one of the games in the franchise right after this.

In this module, the PCs will travel in Transila (a piece of land in Ustalav and Lastwall); will attempt to
enter the dreaded Castle from the Castle grounds, and work their way up to Dracula himself. This quest
has a number of ways it can end, which depends entirely on the PCs choices they make throughout the
exploration of the Castle.

ENCOUNTER LEVELS: This quest is designed for a party of four to six 8th level characters. By the
mid-point of the adventure, the party should reach 9th to 10th level, and should be 12th to 14th level when
the quest is at its end. The Castle however employs much misdirection (much like the game it is based
on), and the party could easily be higher leveled by the time they are finished with it. Since the party will
face extremely dangerous foes as they traverse the Castle (more powerful than what an 8th level party
would be expected to fight; and more powerful than their CR dictates), the DM may wish to modify some
of the encounters that the PCs will come across.
PREPARATION: The GM (or DM as I forever call it regardless of game edition) in charge will need to
have the CRB, APG, Ultimate Equipment, Ultimate magic, Ultimate Combat, Advanced Class Guide,
Mythic Adventures, as well as the first 4 bestiaries to play this game. Many of the monsters used in this
quest are custom made, which can be found on the Monsters section of this document. Please refer to that
section if you are confused on any of the monsters here. All usages of things taken from Advanced Class
Guide use the 1st print edition material before any of the errata was uploaded by Paizo. Please ensure you
have the first printing of ACG before running this to refer to the non errata.

2. Adventure Overview
This adventure begins in the land of Transila; which is pretty much a fantasy version of Transylvania
inside of Golarion. This providence is a small region in between Ustalav and Lastwall, southwest of
Caliphas, and separated by the Path river. Since this module pretty much made to contrast the actual
series, this overview will cover the essential parts of the actual Castlevania story if the DM is not familiar
with them. This is a gutted overview, and does not have all the information on it…anyone curious should
read up the Castlevania timeline when they have the time.

Over 900 years ago during the Shining Crusade, Mathias Cromquvist, a well-known Alchemist/Paladin at
the time, sought a way to scoff at the Gods (specifically Iomedae); blaming them for the death of his wife.
In his despair, Mathias searched for a way to defy the Gods’ plans by acquiring eternal life. Using his
knowledge of the world, Mathias created the Crimson Stone with a fragment of the Starstone, to give him
eternal life. In order to power the stone though and achieve the ideal form he desired (which at the time
was a vampire) Mathias then created an ingenious plan, making his old friend Leon Belmont, strike down
a powerful vampire known as Walter Bernard…which in turn resulted in the death of Leon’s wife Sara.
With his death, Mathias became one of the most powerful Vampires in the world. Leon promised revenge
on him for the death of Sara, but Mathias ignored him and went off on his own, continuing the scoff the
Gods as he did.

Eventually, Mathias acquired the Devil Castle, known by a few as Castlevania. It was here that he
gathered a large coven of followers, and eventually remarried a woman named Lisa. However, during
their life together, she was accused of being a witch, and burnt to death at the stake. With this last offense
done against him, Mathias snapped and cursed all of humanity, and promised revenge against him. He
began to call himself Dracula; and dispersed legions of monsters against all of lands of Golarion.

The churches and temples of the land deployed their soldiers against him, but none of them returned.
Finally, the church dispatched an agent onto the field, known as Trevor Belmont, who was the descendant
of Leon Belmont. Using wicked cunning, unparalleled strategy, the powerful Vampire Killer whip passed
down through his family legacy, and the help of three others, Trevor was able to destroy Dracula. Alas,
the destruction of Dracula was only temporary. Dracula would therefore rise again from that point on
every 100 years…and the Belmont clan would rise to the challenge when the time called for it.

It has been 600 years since the day Trevor Belmont has defeated Dracula, and is currently 4711 of the
Age of Lost Omens. Dracula has risen every 100 years, wreaking havoc every time. The Belmont Clan
however has also risen to the challenge, and for six consecutive centuries, he has been defeated. It is that
time of year again when the darkness
rises over the land, and Dracula’s The Belmont (Optional Rule)
Castle rises out of the mist to strike
For this quest, one of the characters can assume the role of
terror and fear into the hearts of the
the descendant of Trevor Belmont. Because this character is a
Belmont, this character gains some innate bonuses to aid
The castle reappeared sometime during them throughout this quest. Who the Belmont will be is
the last four months, and no one was decided upon by the PCs.
aware of it, until some refugees from
the providence of Transila (a series of The Belmont is considered an acquired template that gives
two towns between Utsalav and the following bonuses: +2 to STR, DEX, WIS, and INT, +4 to all
Lastwall, Southeast of the Dotort Knowledge related skills if they attempt to discern something
Ranch) entered the town of Bree; about Dracula, +1 CL if they are a spellcaster, and a +2 to
spreading rumors of fear and horror their will save. The Belmont PC automatically has the Exotic
that has overtaken that realm. Weapon proficiency, and starts out with the Vampire Killer
whip. In addition, the Belmont PC also can make any
Many days later, the peasants of the
knowledge rolls related to the campaign as if they were
towns there began to notice strange
things about. Strange visages and untrained when using them on Dracula, the Belmont family,
sighting were seen by town guards and and his minions; and automatically gains the Descendant of
peasants alike. Then…which is when the Belmont trait. This character’s last name is always
the peasants finally discerned “Belmont.”
something was wrong, a wall seemly
The Vampire Killer is essentially important to have as Dracula
appeared overnight, spreading far out.
It was then the peasant’s hamlets and takes no damage from any attacks unless the attacker deals a
throps were under siege by the undead, successful called shot on his head. The Vampire Killer Whip
all of which declared Dracula ruler of damages Dracula normally without the need for a called shot.
the land. Though the undead were
If the PCs do not choose to have the Belmont, the whip can
temporarily sent back, the people could
still be obtained later in the quest within Castlevania, but will
no longer afford to remain there. Some
of the peasants managed to leave the result in a difficult fight in order to obtain and use it. Failure
town, and crossed through the open to do this fight will cause the PC to take permanent CON
gate. However, the gate of the black damage. Having a Belmont at the start prevents this from
wall then closed on some of them un- becoming a priority. More information about this will be
expectedly, trapping them inside. And available when the PCs reach Castlevania.
no amount of firepower could breach
it. Unable to leave, the people returned to their homes, and gathered their weapons for the inevitable

The adventure begins with one PC as a descendant of that of the Belmonts, speeding towards the Castle,
with the other PCs who meet him at a crossroads. These PCs are also on their way to the Castle for
various reasons that are decided by them. After much talk and deliberation, the PCs and the Belmont
decide to ally with each other in order to defeat Dracula once again.
If the party does not have a Belmont though, then the story for them is different. After Dracula reappeared
in the land; and was confirmed by the refugees from the massive undead invasion, the church scrambled
across the land to locate the current member of the Belmont clan: Richter Belmont. With his family’s
legacy to live up to, as well as the lives of many others, Richter took the job and went off to find the
Castle. However after two months, Richter vanished without a word; and no one has seen or heard from
him since. And yet; Dracula’s forces still siege the world around them. With the church seemly being
sieged by Dracula’s massive hordes, dealing with a Gnoll invasion from the West which sprung up
coincidentally around the same time, the church had no choice but to call up secondary adventurers.
These well-known adventurers (which are the PCs) were
ordered to perform two tasks for the church: Find Richter EBONY STONE:
Belmont; and then render any assistance to him in slaying
As a result of the Ebony Stone that Dracula
Dracula. If the players want a more story based campaign,
possesses, the area is fixated in a suspended night
then the campaign should be run without a Belmont PC.
for the rest of the entire module. The PCs will
notice this startling change once they hit the forest
CHARACTER HOOKS: outside of the walls of the town that the sun is
already beginning to set. By the time they make
Players will find Dracula’s castle a very dangerous place;
one more hour of travel, the area is encased in
and not something that a person would normally approach.
permanent night. All areas that do not have proper
The PCs may be drawn to the castle via any number of
light are considered areas with dim light. During
reasons, as long as they are united under a common the storm, the PCs are considered blinded.
purpose, and are traveling together to pull it off. Of course,
the Belmont has come here for the sole purpose of The PCs should consider adding light sources in
destroying Dracula, but who says that it’s the only reason their inventory.
he’s here. Some notable examples for reasons for coming

 The character’s has families which are trapped on the other side of the Wall created by
Castlevania. The character may be returning to his home in order to purge this evil which has
befallen his town.
 Castlevania is a well-known castle, with rumors of it filled to the brim with more treasure than
could even hope to count. Taking a risk through the dreaded castle may in fact be a great way for
the character to become hopelessly rich.
 The character is part of a church or temple that is gathering followers in order to destroy the
Count, before the same tragedies of the past are repeated by him. As a result, the character is here
on a major undertaking.
 If the character is male, the character has a young lover, who has been taken prisoner by Dracula.
The character should be aware that young women who are taken by Dracula are either sullied or
used a concubine…or…worst case scenario: transformed into a Vampire themselves.
Alternatively, if the character is female, the character may have had a lover who in fact was killed
by Dracula’s forces when he ordered the siege.
 The characters are allies of the Belmont, who are friends or relatives of him, also seeking to end
Dracula before his dark reign resumes.

A Character starts off as an 8th level character. A character will have roughly 33,000 or 66,000 GP to start
off with. If a DM uses hero points in this campaign, each player has 3 hero points to start with. This
adventure assumes the party has been traveling for a long time; and is well known around the land. Any
race can be used in the campaign, but no created races can be used in the campaign. Characters cannot be
pure blooded Alzantis. When applying for stats, the adventurers can only roll up, but have a free 20 and
18 to use on their stat blocks. The XP progression should be set to fast progression, but you can send
them on medium progression if so desired.

Once everything is set up, the adventure begins.

3. Beginning the Adventure

The PCs begin their adventure on a Thursday morning on an open plain in Lastwall, which quickly turns
into a large forest 1d4 hours later. They should be coming from the South of Oldon. A large storm begins
brewing in the distance, and will reach the PCs within 2d4 hours; lasting for 4 hours when it arrives. After
that, this storm disappears for 1d2 days before returning.

After rummaging through the forest for a couple hours, the PCs will eventually reach a large black wall
that stretches over five hundred feet tall. The wall itself is adorned with statues of gargoyles, demons, and
hundreds of distinguishable figures carved into it. A knowledge local check of 20 reveals that this town
runs by the name of Oldon. The town itself is 20 miles away from the town of Ashfall; but the wall was
nowhere near as large as it was large as anyone makes the check remembered it. The PCs should quickly
be able to deduce that this is a result of Dracula’s
DANGEROUS MONSTERS magic. When the party reaches the gate, the gate
opens up slowly, as if beckoning the adventurers
The monsters in this campaign are far more to come in. Refer to map 1 to know the locations
dangerous than what their CR leaves you to of the small thorp.
believe, and an unprepared party will find
themselves at Dracula’s minion’s mercy. Ensure The thorp itself is as quiet as a ghost. Entering the
that all players know that the CRs in this town reveals large piles of corpses and bodies in
campaign for all creatures are probably higher the street; all of them days old. It is very likely at
than what a monster of that CR should be. this point that there was a purge that had occurred
that the refugees from Ashfall failed to describe
Do remember this is a fan based module. Many
(or did not want to remember what had
liberties were taken when it was developed. If for
happened). The PCs can then begin to explore the
some reason this is a problem for your players,
area of the town.
you can adjust the monsters stats at your
Here are the following descriptions of the areas described upon the map:
1. The Gate.
This large gate is adorned with gargoyle statues. The gate itself is 300 feet tall, and made of both
Obsidian and Steel. The Gate automatically opens up the moment the PCs reach the gate.

2. The Blacksmith.
This blacksmith shop was one of the areas hit the hardest when the town was purged. The south and north
wall of the building is completely demolished, the door still standing as a result of pure luck. The
blacksmith’s body is found on the ground with his head bashed in. A perception check of 20 reveals 3
gloves, and 2 long swords that are covered under nearby rubble.

3. Church
surprisingly, the church is in relatively good condition, though there is no one inside of it. There is some
structural damage inflicted it, and the occupants have been killed. The doors inside the church are opened
wide, and there is a large hole on the roof, a pillar of moonlight coming from the top of the building to the
alter below. A Golden Holy Symbol of Abadar lies in place on the top of the alter. PCs can also remove
the candles on the lanterns here if they decided to forgo light sources (there are 4d4 candles remaining in
total). A Perception check of 25 reveals a Rosary on the ground.

4. The Fountain
The fountain of the town remains relatively normal. If the PCs approach it or go anywhere near it,
immediately the water flowing in the fountain turns to blood.
10 Fast Zombies. 7, 8, 12, 11, 15, 16, 5, 9, 6, 16 (Classic Horrors Revisited). 4 Skeleton Archers. 5, 2, 9,
4. See the Monsters section.

Ten of the bodies on the ground immediately rise off the ground and move towards the PC. 4 Skeletons
appear on top of the Blacksmith and immediately begin to assail the PCs with arrows. A The PCs can
make a perception check of 20 to notice the attack, in which case the party throws initiative. If they fail,
the zombies and skeletons can take one standard and move action to move towards them before they the
PCs can react. A PC can use a Heal check of 20 when looking at the bodies to recognize they are
The zombies constantly advance towards the weakest party member, and will attempt to flank and
surround them. As they are doing so, the skeletons will continue to barrage the party members with
arrows. One of the skeleton archers carries 10 poisoned arrows with Black Lotus Extract (See CRB or
Ultimate Equipment). That skeleton archer aims for the party member who has the lowest Fortitude save,
and bellows him with arrows until he dies, or can no longer be accurately shot it, in which case the
skeleton changes target. The enemies continue to battle against the PCs until all the PCs are dead. The
skeletons utilize cover, and the darkness around the area gives them concealment (20% miss chance).
This concealment bumps up to 50% if the PCs do not have adequate lighting in their inventory. Because
of them shooting off of a higher elevation, the skeletons have +1 to hit.

5. General Store
The general store does not even possess any walls anymore, and most of the shelves have been wrecked.
The store owner has been hung on a pole in his shop, and has no head. The body is the most decomposed.
A search of the house yields 5 torches.

6. Guard’s room
this was a building used by the guards before the town was overran by Dracula. Most of the inside has
been wrecked or ruined, everything turned over. The guards are nowhere to be found, and there are no
signs of a struggle. There is a lever in the room which when pulled will open up the gate at 7. If the PCs
pull the lever, read this paragraph to them out loud.

A large clanking sound is heard coming from the

outside. Quickly leaving the room, you discover that
the lever inside was the gate mechanism, and you can
now enter the next area.

A perception check of 20 reveals a Masterwork Dagger hidden under some of the nearby rubble. There is
also a bag of 100 GP in the drawer of the building.

7. The Gatehouse
This Gatehouse has been sealed as a result of the town guard attempting to keep out the undead when they
were besieged. Read this following paragraph if the PCs have not opened the gate yet:

It does not look like the gatehouse has been used for
days. There might be a mechanism that could open
the gate nearby, assuming anything still works in this

If the PCs want to try and avoid this obstacle, do give them the chance. If they want to scale the large
gate, they must succeed a Climb DC of 25 in order to scale the wall. The difficulty of this is that the wall
is 100 feet, but the PCs only need to scale 90 feet in order to make it to the parapet. In addition, the PCs
could also have a wizard cast Fly to scale the gatehouse without trying. There is a door on top of the
gatehouse which requires a Disable Device DC of 30 to open. The door is locked from the other side,
making the Open/Close spell unable to function. The PCs can do this to avoid the encounter with the Axe
Knight and Skeletons in the room below; but they will miss some treasure by doing so.

It is possible to avoid the entire next area all together if the PCs acquired the key from the Fast Zombies
in the earlier encounter if the key was acquired. If not, the PCs will have to enter this area and continue on
from there. Alternatively, the PCs can also use a Fly spell to go over the entire obstacle.

The gatehouse is dark and quiet, not a single sound of

life seems to be present within it. The only sounds
present are those made by local rats scurrying about,
and the dripping of water from a long past storm.

Two Skeleton Archers. 13, 21. 1 Axe Knight. 50. See Monsters for details.
Tactics: Being a defender of sorts, the Axe Knight remains stationary where it’s at behind the spike trap
while the skeleton archers fire arrows down the hallway at their opponents. The Axe Knight uses its
Returning Axe on the party every round that it can, and keeps its regular battle-axe drawn only if it’s
returning axe cannot be reacquired. The skeletons consistently fire arrows down the hallway behind the
barricade. The barricade grants the skeletons a +2 AC bonus against ranged weapons, and makes them
immune to called shots below the waist.
Note that if the party avoided the earlier encounter with the fast zombies, the zombies will rise and move
in from behind. It will take them roughly 8 rounds to approach the area. The skeletons never follow.

1. Trash
This appears to be a large pile of rubble that came from the ceiling during the siege against the town. A
perception check of 25 reveals that the rubble is actually blocking a nearby door, which leads to the other
side of the Gatehouse. Moving this rubble requires a Strength Check DC of 24.
The door on the other side of the gate (7 squares to the left of 6) is sealed from the room inside by a large
amount of rubble as well. The door remains jammed in place until the cargo is moved. All of this requires
another STR check of 20.
2. Large Spike Trap.

Type mechanical; Perception DC 32; Disable Device DC 10
Trigger Location; Reset none
Effect 60 feet fall, 1d4+1 spikes. +15 to attack for each spike. 1d10 damage per spike.

3. Wooden Barricade built by skeletons. Very makeshift and not well put together. It looks like the
skeletons found whatever they could to stack up here to bar intruders. Requires a full round action to
scale, or an Acrobatics/Climb DC of 10.

4. Location of Skeletons (Marked with black dots). Larger dot marks Location of Axe Knight.

5. It looks a series of boxes that have been raided when the battle took place. All of the boxes have been
broken open, and the items forcibly removed from it. A perception DC of 20 reveals a bag of 100 SP at
the bottom of one of them.

6. More boxes, probably used by the guards. Same as above, the boxes have been raided; expect for one.
Within inside a 2 sets of Leather armor, a flint and steel, 3 Healer’s kits, a Potion of Cure Serious
Wounds, and 4 torches.

7. It looks like hay for horses itself used by the guard. A perception check of 30 reveals a flint and steel.


A smaller thorp encompasses the area outside the
gate, obviously used for travelers who did not get
permission to enter Oldon. What was once a bustling
town once again shares the same fate as its
counterpart on the inside…nothing more than a town
that has been purged of all life. All you can hear is the
wind whishing in the distance, and the approaching
storm from the Northwest.

Here is a description of the areas described in Map 3

1. Outside of the Gatehouse

The outside of the Gatehouse and around the whole town reveals a horror. All of the guards have been
staked through the heart, and left to die here. A heal check of 20 reveals that the guards were staked on
these poles while they were alive, and hung there for many long hours before they perished. They were all
pierced in locations that would be fatal to a person, but not right away. There are also many individuals
who have beheaded all around the area. The sickening sight of the location requires a fortitude check of 8
to avoid being nauseated (PCs who fortitude is already 8 do not have to make any check. You may also
not make a character that has a fitting story not have to make this check either…such as a rogue in a
rough town who is used to blood and such). The nauseating feeling for the PCs lasts for 10 minutes.

2. On the road
When the PCs arrive here, read them this paragraph:

As you walk on the road, you start hearing the sound

of what sounds like the beating of wings. The sound is
faint, and stops. The area is quiet; but the silence now
brings more concern than it does comfort.

The sound reappears again, and this time it is

apparent it is not your imagination. You turn around
to see a large swarm of bats heading your way; three
swarms in fact.

After this, the PCs must roll a Perception check. Those who succeed a Perception check of 26, continue
reading the paragraph under the line in the box (due to the distance the bats are at, the PCs have a -4 to the
check). Those who fail if not informed will be attacked by a Bat swarm in 4 rounds. The PCs can make
one more check to hear them after 2 rounds (only suffering a -2 penalty this time around). If they fail
again, they are immediately hit with a surprise attack after 2 more rounds.
Six bat swarms. 16, 22, 14, 24, 14, 12. (Bestiary 1 Page 30)
This encounter goes differently depending on what the PCs did in Oldon. If the PCs attempt to fly over, or
scale the Gatehouse instead of going through it, this swarm attacks them in midair; and then a new swarm
appears in front of them when they try to leave town (if this is the case, the PCs automatically see the
swarm, and they do not have to roll perception checks). The other swarm carries the same traits as the
previous one, other than the sneak attack.

If the PCs notice the swarm on the first perception roll, the swarm will be 160 feet away from the PCs. If
they fail the first time, the swarm will be 60 feet away from them. If they fail two times, the PCs are told
to throw initiative checks only after the swarm is 20 feet away from them (the swarm gets one surprise
round if this is the case).
If the PCs have fought the swarm while flying over the Gatehouse, the PCs do not have to make the
perception check, and the new swarm will be 120 feet away from them.
All six swarms will concentrate on the Belmont, or the weakest PC of the group, or the spell caster, since
the spell caster is the most dangerous one of all of them. The swarm targets whoever is closer at the time.
The swarm continues to attack this PC, until the PC is in bleed out or dead; whichever is the case.
This tactic is the case for both encounters.

3. This place is a one story inn, and it appears to be a small one at that. There are no occupants on the
inside of the inn. Refer to the Map below to know the inn layout.

1. Read the following excerpt when the PCs enter the inn.

The inn is as silent as the town, although bears no

corpses around the area. The inn, although in good
repair, is in the beginning stages of collapse. It
certainly won’t survive a few more months before the
weight of the roof crushes it. A small sound
resembling moaning appears to be coming from the
next room 60 feet north of you.

2. This is the chamber pot. It has not been emptied in quite a long time. Any PC going near this pot, must
make a fortitude check of 13, or be nauseated for 20 minutes.

3. This door is locked. Unlocked the door requires a Disable Device check of 20, or the proper key, which
can be obtained by searching around the bar with a perception check of 20, or by taking a ten. The door
has a hardness of 5, and an HP of 20.
Inside the room are two skeletons of warriors who were murdered in this sleep. There is a +1 Long sword
under the bed, which requires a Perception DC of 30 to find. Other items on the bed include 1
Masterwork Perception Tool, 1 Masterwork Appraise tool, 1 Masterwork Thieves Tools. The room also
has 2 blankets, and each subsequent room after will also have 2 blankets that can be taken.
4. This hallway leads into bedrooms of the inn. All but 1 of the doors are closed (Refer to 3). The hallway
is full of bodies.

You’ve come now to the inn hallway, where a putrid

smell reaches your nostrils, immediately grabbing
your attention. The occupants of the inn have been
all slaughtered right in front of you, much like
everyone else you have found here so far. The
moaning sound is coming from this room, but there is
no clear direction of where it is coming from.

6 Plague Zombies 12, 11, 5, 17, 13, 12 (Pathfinder Accessory). 2 Apocalypse Zombies. 22, 31 (Pathfinder
Adventure Path #45). 2 Fast Zombies. 13, 11.
When the PCs enter area 4, the Zombies are all scattered about the area, acting as dead corpses. Only after
the PCs arrive in the center of the area do they wake up and begin their attack.
All of the Plague Zombies surround the spell caster or the Cleric of the group and immediately attack
him, doing whatever means necessary to keep him from using a Turn Undead feat. The Apocalypse
zombies move at the weakest party member of the group, and the Fast Zombies target whomever they are
closest too.

5. Ale barrels are set up around the area. There are also 15 mugs scattered about the area. PCs can fill
these mugs with ale and drink from them if they have neglected to buy water. Each barrel in this room has
enough ale for 100 drinks.

6. This area is the kitchen. The butcher and cooks in the area have all been impaled with their own
instruments. There are 6 pounds of meat on the table. Eating these however subjects the PC to a fortitude
check of 13. Failure causes the target to be sickened in 6 hours. This sickness will last for 1 day. There are
also 4 loafs of bread on the stove (these loafs are safe to eat).

7. More ale barrels. Barrels have the same quantity as room 5. There is also a Fine Wine bottle on the top
of one them. A Perception DC check of 25 reveals a key in between the barrels.

8. Looks like a storage room of some form. A perception DC of 20 reveals a secret floorboard that can be
opened up. This leads to a staircase and to a locked door. If the PCs attempt to unlock the door by any
other means other than the key found in room 7, read this to them:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

If the PCs use the key found in room 7, they open it up to go to room 9 (the lower left corner one).
Author’s note: I’m an idiot. I put 2 9s for some reason. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Anyway…we will refer to the 9 in the Lower left
corner as 9A, and the one in the bedroom as 9B.

9A. A secret room where the innkeeper hid. At least for a while…he no longer seems to be in the area. It
is likely he abandoned the area, or attempted to obtain food; and was then killed by the zombies. A search
of his room with a Perception check of 25 yields a Restoration Wand with 5 charges on it. A check of 35
or higher finds a Double Shot item in a splintered section of the wall next to his bed.

9B. In addition to the blankets, this room also has 1d3 bags of 100 GP.

10. There is a potion of Mage Armor in this room on the bed.

4. This area looked a guild house for some mages. The area has been burned to the ground completely.
Only a few splintered sections of wall remain.

5. What appears to be a peasant’s home. On the ground is a piece of Clothing, a hat, and a bag of 32 GP.

6. A supply caravan that was ransacked. Whomever was pushing the supplies may have been trying to
reinforce the area before Dracula’s attackers came through. Most of the equipment has been taken by
Dracula’s men, but they are 2 Longbows, and a stockpile of 40 arrows that can still be taken. A perception
DC of 25 reveals a hidden compartment under a section of the caravan. This compartment carries a +1
Long Bow.

7. This looks like an alchemy shop. The area has been heavily destroyed. Inside there are 3 Monster Vial

8. Another Alchemy shop. The shop has the same features as 7, but carries 1 manna prism. A perception
DC of 30 reveals a elixir of invulnerability in it.

The PCs eventually come to the bridge if they want to reach Ashfall. A knowledge local of 15 reveals that
Ashfall constructed this bridge to connect to Oldon in order to make trade easier. By the time the PCs
arrive here, the storm should have begun pouring down on the area, making the use of Dimension Door
spells impossible as the PC can no longer see the other side of the bridge, especially since they have never
been here before..

You’ve come to the Ashfall bridge, made by a

collaborative effort by Ashfall and Oldon to ensure
that trade would be much easier between the two
areas. To the West, a large dense fog covers the area,
obscuring anything that could be seen in the center of
the lake. At the rate you are going, you will arrive in
Ashfall soon. The bridge seems quiet…far too quiet
for your own tastes at this time.

7 Mermen. 3, 5, 2, 6, 2, 4, 6, 4. 2 Axe Knights. 40, 50. (See monster details in Monsters section)
As soon as the PCs begin to cross the bridge, Mermen begin climbing on the poles holding up the bridge,
and will reach the PCs in 2 rounds. A perception check of 25 is needed to be warned of the attack.
The Axe Knight do not appear in the fight; until the PCs are at least 40 feet from the exit, in which case
they appear from the road in front of them and draw their axes, fighting defensively.
The Mermen do not stop attacking. Once the PCs enter the bridge, the Mermen will continue to attack
until the PCs make to the other side of the bridge. If one dies, another one will begin climbing up the
bridge. The Mermen do not stop attacking until the PCs leave either side of the bridge.
If the PCs attempt to swim to the other side, this makes it even easier for the Mermen, as they will then
ensure the PCs are unable to make Swim checks.
The Mermen always begin their round with
Scorching Ray or they’re breath weapon attack, At this part, the Mermen could infinitely
attempting to deal the most damage possible. They come. If the party has a stable enough
use their breath weapon if they close to a group of group however, this may turn into a
the PCs, or Scorching Ray if their farther away. grinding fest, giving them XP that may make
After this, they immediately assail the PCs with their
the fights up ahead too easy. If you sense
natural weapons, attempting to do the most damage
this, and know they are aware of this be
sure to stop the attacks…or you might find
As for the Axe Knight, they fight defensively. They
they have gained two levels from this fight
will attempt to stop any PCs from exiting the bridge
by the use of Combat Maneuvers and trip attacks. As alone.
like in Castlevania, the Axe Knight will use their
returning throwing axe at the PCs from distances; and will switch to battle axe when they are unable to
retrieve it.
These Axe Knights in addition to their equipment they have also each have 1 Monster Vial 3 on them.
Should any PCs attempt to fly during the fight as a result of the Wizard spell Fly, or go invisible, the Axe
Knights immediately join battle. They both then smash their Monster vials on the ground, activating the
Summon Monster Level 3 spell. The monsters that they will summon will be both Dire Bats.

Once the PCs make it over the bridge, the Mermen stop attacking. The remaining Mermen continue to
fight to the death, until they are dead. The others in the water simply swim back to Castlevania, awaiting
the PCs there for a later time.


After 1d4 hours of walking, or if the PCs decide to camp, Death himself visits the PCs. This is not a
winnable encounter at this time, as the PCs do not have the means or the equipment to properly face him.
Then again, Death is not here to kill the PCs…yet. It would spoil far too much fun for him and his
Master. As soon as Death comes, read this paragraph. If one of the PCs is the Belmont, read the bottom
part below the horizontal line instead.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAAH!” Death bellows in laughter as
he flies overhead. “So…these are the fools who have
come to challenge the Master. Let’s see if your worth
his time. You will meet the same end as the Belmont
who came here!”

“HAHAHAHAHAHAAH!” Death bellows in laughter as

he flies overhead. “So…these are the fools who have
come to challenge the Master.” Death then turns his
foul gaze at (insert Belmont name here). “And
you…Belmont…so you wish to play? Why don’t you
try me first!”

Death, 321. See Monsters Section.
This is not a winnable fight. The PCs though shouldn’t fear, as Death has not come to claim their souls…
yet. He has merely come here to taunt the PCs about the power they face, and nothing more.
Death will only remain here for 1d4+1 rounds. During this time, Death merely uses simple spells to attack
the PCs, laughing as he does as if he is taunting them
(which he is). He will not use any other abilities during DEATH:
this time. The spell levels he will use will only be
between 1-4 of his prepared spells. He may attempt to This being is not the real angel of death,
attack a PC that may have got too close to him, but will but rather a Demilich who is bound to
generally stay far away from them. serve the owner of the Crimson Stone.
After 1d4+1 rounds, Death then uses Summon Monster VI Death here acts as an Enforcer for
to summon an Erinyes Devil, before departing the area Dracula’s will, and carries out his orders
saying to the PCs, “Next time…you won’t be so lucky.” without question.
If the party, through sheer planning, and luck manage to
find a way to gain an advantage over Death, Death leave
prematurely, though this scenario is unlikely.

Erinyes Devil. 114. (Bestiary 1 PG 75)
The Erinyes Devil maintains good distance away from
the PCs, and barrages them with her Flaming Composite
Long Bow. It will try to use Fear on the PC with the
lowest Will save. The Erinyes does not stop its attack
until it is dead.
Despite being a summoned monster, award the party XP for a CR 8 fight. It also has a Red Crystal Ball in
its inventory after it is killed.

Ad hoc XP award: If the party managed to force Death to flee (deal over 50% of his maximum hit
points), award the party bonus XP as if it was a CR 8 encounter.

4. Approach to the Castle


Arrival in town
The town of Ashfall is comes at a crossroads that separates into four paths. The town is well lit, which is a
nice change of pace compared to what the party endured the entire time that they were they were here.
Unless the party is under the effects of spells such as invisible, invisibility sphere, etc, the party is
immediately greeted with hostility, as the villagers appear to be on edge. The party needs a Diplomacy
check of 20 to calm the crowd. If the party carries with them a paladin, they are given a +10 to the check.

Even if the party cannot calm the people, they shouldn’t fear as Haromin, the village chief will come to
the party’s aid and immediately calm the people. He will inform them that they clearly do not look like
anyone who marches under Dracula’s wing. The people then calm down, and then allow the party to enter
the town, though they do so at great reluctance.

Haromin immediately apologizes for the people’s rudeness and immediate denial for them to enter the
town, claiming that the people have been on edge for quite a long time. The town has experienced many
troubles and hardships for the longest time since Dracula and his Dark Priest Shaft have essentially taken
over the land. He explains the town has clearly been under assault quite a few times now, and each time
the people were barely able to drive back the tide. The only reason they were able to the few times was
NG Hamlet
the result of travelers who had been Corruption +0, Crime +0, Economy -3, Law -4, Lore +0, Society -4
trapped in the city since the Wall Qualities: Strategic Location
appeared. Somewhere nearby the town Disadvantages: Hunted
is a large mound of corpses, which the Danger +20
PCs can notice when they enter the
village with a perception check of 15.
Some of them appear to be villagers, DEMOGRPAHICS:
but there are many of which appear to Government: Autocracy
be monstrous or decayed. There are Population: 63 (40 Humans, 5 Elves, 10 Dwarves, 5 Half Elves, 2
even skeletons littered all across the Halfling, 1 Other)
town. Notable NPCS:
Armory Captain Nomis Cruz (LG Human Fighter 6)
If the PCs inquire about this, Haromin
reiterates the information that the PCs Village Chief Haromin (NG Human Aristocrat 4)
are already aware of. He does however Sailor Teledros (CG Half-Elf Expert 5)
go into more information that the Mysterious Individual (Alucard) (LN Dhampir Magus 12/Monk 6)
refuges did not inform them when they
arrived out of the city. They were
visited by Dracula’s main servant, a
dark Cleric known as Shaft to Base Value: 100 GP Purchase Limit: 500 GP Spellcasting: 2nd
surrender to Dracula, or face Minor items 1d2 Medium items N/A Major items N/A
annihilation. Nomis refused them, and
ever since then, the village has been attacked by Dracula’s undead and insidious creatures that Nomis
refused them. Finally, the town’s garrison was reduced to Nomis, some travelers, and a few elite warriors
that he had under his command. They summoned Shaft to the village, where he was greeted with great
dismay. Shaft allowed the village to live, in exchange that they send Dracula one young girl to him every
month. Though the people cried out in anger, Shaft told them that this was their punishment for
attempting to resist the Count. The town is once again considering rebellion, but they do not have the
means or the residence to actually launch a decent rebellion; and with being completely cut off from all
other lands, there doesn’t seem to be much hope. Ideas of rebellion or assisting anyone who might be
considering opposing the Count are usually shot down without incident.

When questioned on where the Castle is, or where the Count has currently taken up residence, Haromin
states that he does not know where Dracula or Shaft’s location is, but did state that around the time the
Black Wall appeared around the land, a strange bellowing fog came from the West. Around that area is a
large island where the people would occasionally go to mine. Since the fog appeared, they haven’t heard
of any person returning from it. He also then reiterates talk about a mysterious individual who has
recently come from the abandoned Port town to the West, who has been staying at the inn since.
Occasionally, they hear him go out and perform music with the inn’s piano, but they hardly see him

If there is no Belmont in the party, if the party inquires about his location, Haromin states that there was a
man wielding a peculiar whip who was looking for passage to the island, but that he hasn’t been seen in
days since.

1. Haromin’s house: This is where Haromin the village chief lives. It used somewhat splendorous,
but the obvious attacks against the town have made the home somewhat desolate. Haromin lives
with his wife and two children. His daughter, Erica, is coming of age at sixteen, and Haromin is
frightened that she will be Dracula’s next tribute…The house is made of a white wood, and does
have a very door mat to it. Most of the house acts as an office, while only a small portion of it is
reserved as a house. PCs that enter it while find many papers scattered across the ground,
showing Haromin is in deep distress.
2. Town Barracks: A once well-built barracks has fallen
down on desperate times. The barracks has lost a
portion of its own wall, and there is much damage
around the area. Most of the barracks is made of a grey
stone, and has a door made of steel in front of it. The
barracks is poorly undermanned, and most of the
soldiers are running about to keep it order. Simon is
generally looking out on the top of the barracks.
3. Town Pub: This is the local pub. It has a small fire,
and plenty of tables and chairs. Because of the destitute
situation of the population, it is usually occupied. The
bar is on the verge of running their ale supply to the
ground. Patrons are limited to 4 cups of ale a day.
4. Shady Dragon Inn: A famous inn for travelers. It
mostly made of brown wood and spruce. There is a group of three elves who are currently living
in one of the inn rooms, since they are unable to leave. There is also a rumor of a strange
individual who stays in the room at the end of the hallway.
5. Ruined Armory: This armory was storage for equipment for the town guard. When the town
surrendered, Shaft destroyed the armory, and had any surviving weapons taken under Dracula’s
command. There are two Halflings who live in the armory ruins, camping out to avoid paying for
inn fees.
6. Ruined house: Another home that was destroyed in Dracula’s raid. The home has been burned to
the ground, and the occupants do not seem to have survived when the house collapsed.
7. General Store: One of the only places who seem to be having a decent time throughout all of
this. The general store is owned by a Half Elf whose mother birthed her here while traveling. She
and her mother have been living in this town for about twenty-two years, managing a general
store. The store has still had some commercial success for a little bit, but with money now
dwindling away, the store has distributed some of the excess supplies and trail rations to the
population. The PCs will be greeted with joy. The PCs can purchase equipment here should they
require it, and the store will offer them deals (such as a buy 2 items, get 1 free, or reduce the cost
of the item by 50%).
8. Blacksmith: This Black Smith is owned by a family of dwarves, who usually are outside of the
home, constantly complaining about the metal shortage, and the town’s reluctance to surrender.
“Shoulda just surrendered to the Count and go this business over with, than us just withering
away slowly.” The blacksmith still is working, and the dwarves still do offer business to the PCs
if they inquire about it.
9. Cottage: This house is owned by a family of four humans. Despite some damage to the north
wall, the house is structurally sound, and well furnished. The people here when they saw the
strange things around the area decided to stockpile food, and are holding out so far. The problem
is that they are running out of food.
10. Cottage: A family of two humans lives here. They were former farmers, before the farmland was
destroyed and uprooted by Shaft and Dracula’s men. The humans here constantly argue about
food usages.
11. Abandoned Home: This house has been abandoned by the humans that formally lived here. If
the PCs do not wish to pay for a room at the inn, the inn keeper informs him that the PCs can use
one of the abandoned houses as a place to sleep at.
12. Cottage: Another home occupied by a human and two dwarves. The dwarves are not particularly
fond of the human, and have the house divided in two…one side for them, and one side for them.
13. Cottage: A family of four humans lives here, one of them with a teenage daughter. The family is
extremely over-protective of the girl who lives here, as the fear of her being abducted by
Dracula’s followers. Calming the family down if the PCs stay too long here requires a Diplomacy
check of 23.
14. Cottage: This cottage is occupied by two humans, and a Half Elf. Most of the house is wrecked
and ruined as a result of Dracula’s men, and most of the occupants inside. The occupants are
another party that were traveling through, and got trapped within the inside.
15. Alchemist’s home: This is the house of an Alchemist, and as well as his workshop. The
alchemist here runs by the name of Darin, and his Half-Elf wife Miranda. Darin has had minor
success, albeit the situation. He will sell Alchemical items to the PC for the standard prices
covered in Ultimate Equipment.
16. Hovel: A family of three Dwarves lives here. The dwarves are all brothers who used to work in
the mines, before the boats to the mines stopped returning. Now they just grumble and spend their
remaining SP on Ale.
17. Abandoned Cottage: A cottage abandoned again as a result of Shaft’s raids on the town. Right
now, there are two elves who occupy the house to avoid paying money at the inn. Occasional
pleasurable moans can be found here at times, which is a constant complaint by their neighbors. If
questioned, the Elves respond with: “These are dark times, are they not? Wouldn’t you do
something to get the fear of death off your mind?”
18. Hovel: Two Dwarves live here. They are miners like location 16, who pretty much are in the
same destitute situation.
19. Hovel: Five humans live in this hovel. It’s tightly compact, and most of the humans here
complain about the lack of the food. One of them tries to keep them together, but is usually
ignored. The house is already beginning to fall apart as a result of wear from the siege.
20. Abandoned Cottage: Another cottage owned by another party which was unfortunately trapped
behind them. Since the occupants were killed in the battle, Haromin has allowed the party to stay,
rent free because of the direness of the situation. The house has enough beds for the two humans,
and two half-elves that live there.
21. Cottage: A home owned by Teledros, the sea farer. Teledros is an older Half-Elf of Venerable
age. He has been a sailor for the town for twenty years, and he is taking life well, despite the fact
that the situation of the town is dire. He generally sleeps a lot, as he says “Sleep is the best thing
one can do during these times. You’re able to forget about the problems that you’re faced with
every day…and get a much needed reprieve.” He also talks shrewdly about the mysterious
individual in the Shady Dragon Inn.
22. Billboard: A large sign made of spruce wood, and has the words “Welcome to Ashfall” written
in three languages on it (Common, Elf, Dwarf).
23. Clothing Shop: A shop owned by three sisters who make clothing for the town. Most of they sell
looks old, albeit a few pieces of clothing that they preserved in the back. They also have not been
able to make anything new because of how well Dracula has situated his presence, and the fact
that they have been unable to acquire goods. It is rumored one of the sisters is planning on
surrendering herself to Dracula to try and help end the town’s situation.
24. Hovel: Another hovel of poor quality. It is the same dire situation as 19.

Gathering Information
After the PCs have conversed with Haromin, they
will more than likely want to go around and find The mysterious individual is actually Alucard, the son
more information about where the Castle is, as well of Dracula. Alucard was present for his mother’s
as more information about the town’s condition. death, but she told him not to hate humans, as
Haromin redirects the PCs to either Teledros or there’s been a hard lot already. To this day, Alucard
Nomis to inquire more information. He also has not hated a human since, believing that her
mentions the mysterious individual who came from death was nothing but a result of ignorance, and not
the Port town in the West. “This village is small; as
because humans deserved to die. Though it pains
well as the Port Town. I pretty much know everyone
him so, he has since taken up his blade against his
who comes from this village and that. That
father, in order to ensure that humanity does not die
individual doesn’t match anyone I know. He isn’t
as a result of his father’s bitterness.
hostile…just peculiar.” Haromin will say when the
PCs ask about him. “He’s pretty socialable, despite
always being hooded. He plays the piano in the town
inn every night at the same time…and then retires to
his room for the rest of night.”

If the PCs decide to talk to Nomis first, Nomis will

be at the Barracks, in which according to the
Haromin is where he lives nowadays. If the PCs
attempt to enter the barracks, they will be barred
from it, but Nomis will quickly disperse the soldiers.
He will take the PCs inside and offer them a drink of
ale. “Hard to get nowadays since our supplies
dwindled.” When questioned about the events,
Nomis reiterates everything that he knows about the
attacks. “I would have preferred to use the village as
a last stand and fight this Vampire to the end. But
when the people couldn’t leave, I couldn’t fight. If I did, they died. Shaft assured me of that. So…here I
am drinking every day…waiting for us to eventually surrender.” When questioned about anything related
to Dracula, Nomis then says: “Before the Count’s forces came upon us, we noticed some strange things.
The first thing was that column of mist that appeared on the Island to the West. Been there for days now.
After that, some of my men went missing to begin with whenever we went around the Graveyard up
North. Finally, the blasted sun hasn’t come up in weeks. Everything around you now seems to be out for

The PCs will then eventually flock to where Teledros is. Teledros is an older Half-Elf who’s lived in this
town for years. He’s been known as a brooding sailor ever since he moved on, always having an angry
outlook on things. Teledros proves to be less than helpful to the PCs, reiterating information the PCs
already know, and generally straying away from what they are talking about. “No one wants to talk about
it, don’t ya hear!?” He will generally say. “This town is gonna surrender to the Count within the next few
weeks or so when our food supplies run out; and we don’t have the means to leave. It’s all inevitable.”
Teledros never answers the PCs questions about anything related to where Dracula’s domain might be. If
he is under a Zone of Truth spell (assuming he makes the spellcraft check), Teledros intentionally strays
away from the question. If the PCs attempt to interrogate or torture him, he will simply tell them. “You
don’t got any authority to do anything.” He says. “You want to get every person in town after you!?
Better leave me alone.”

As for the Mysterious individual, the PCs will find him on the piano in the town inn, or in his room. In the
inn, he will not answer the PCs until he finishes his performance. “Bloody Tears is the name of the
piece.” He will say when the PCs go to talk to him. “Can I help you?” The PCs will obviously ask him
who he is. “Just a traveler.” Since this is actually true, Zone of Truth will have no effect on him, and
neither will any other spells that detect lies. He never answers the PCs with his name, as he says “It’s
been lost in history.” This is also regarded as truth, and the spell does not function. If the PCs ask him
about information considering the Count, he will simply state for the PCs to inquire to Teledros. “There’s
no Castle for miles here…which means the only other place it can be is somewhere over the lake.
Wouldn’t a fisherman know more about what lies beyond the lake, than a man who lives in an inn?”

After gathering all the information they can, the PCs will probably go to rest for the night.

After 1d2 days, if the PCs remain in the city that long, move to Scene 3.

The kidnapping
This scene occurs when the PCs are not anywhere within the area of House 13, or maybe on the outskirts
of town. As soon as they are far enough away, an explosion should be heard behind them. Before they
know it, the PCs will see peasants running away from the area, and Nomis shouting. “Forget the truce!
The town is under siege! Death to the Count!!”

By the time the PCs arrive at the scene, the young girl in house 13 has already been kidnapped. The only
thing left over is a few orcs and a troll.
2 Standard orcs. 11, 11 (Bestiary 1 PG 222), Tough Orcs 21, 33, 24 (See Monsters section). 1 Troll. 87
(Bestiary 1 PG 268). 1 Vampire Mainoel.
While the PCs were out and about, Shaft and his Vampire brethren had come to claim the young girl at
house 13, who is named Tully. Her family immediately refused and made a ruckus, resulting in the
vampire massacring the family. Enraged about this, Nomis immediately called off the Truce and attacked
Shaft’s men. Shaft himself simply used Scroll of Greater Teleport, as he has no concern, and left quite a
while ago. The Vampire wizard however decided to claim the girl as his prize and left the city. He then
summoned several servants through a portal to attack the village, covering his escape.
By the time the PCs begin the fight, the Vampire who currently has the girl in his grasp, has already used
a Scroll of Teleport spell to teleport to the Ashfall Graveyard. The only thing left in the village is now the
orcs and troll.
The party arrives on the north side of town scene with a large battle taking place between Nomis, his 4
warrior guards, and 3 of the dwarves who have been sick of their conditions for quite some time now.
The orcs all go for the weakest individual that they can get their hands on and attack them without mercy.
The troll moves first for his allies, doing whatever it takes to draw fire away from them as the orcs
massacre the town. The orcs target the civilians, only targeting the PCs if they get close.

In the aftermath of the fight, the monsters are dead, but the Vampire has gotten away. Haromin does his
best to calm down the people, but a panic has already started. If the PCs ask what is going on, the PCs are
informed by Simon that the younger girl was kidnapped. More than likely the girl is to be sacrificed as
part of the town fighting back. The PCs of course have no idea, unless they succeeded a Spellcraft check
of 22 (Base DC, +2) on the first round of combat, or a knowledge arcana check of 20. But they should
fear not, if they don’t make it.

The mysterious individual, once the PCs reach a secluded area comes up and informs the PCs of where
they have went, already having succeeded the
check early in the combat from a safe area. If the SIEGE OF THE TOWN:
PCs interrogate him, he will simply reiterate what
If the party decides not to progress towards the
he knows, and casts a simple cantrip to show he is
a spell caster, and knows about arcane magic. If the graveyard and await Shaft to appear, the town
PCs use a Zone of Truth spell, they will discover becomes sieged by the entirety of the
that he is indeed telling the truth. “More than graveyard’s forces. All of the enemies there
likely, he’s going to sacrifice her for a demon converge on the town.
ritual.” He will then tell the PCs that if they assist
in the rescue of the girl, he will tell them something interesting. If the PCs ask him to tag along, he will
simply state. “If you can’t solve this on your own, how do you intend to face Dracula?” After giving the
PCs the location and which direction the Vampire ran off to, he immediately Dimension Door’s away
from the PCs.
After traveling on for a few hours, directed by the
information provided by the mysterious stranger,
you come across a lone graveyard nearby the forest.
A sign that you pass by says “To remember those
who have departed.” The graveyard has a foul stench
about it, and evil appears to be all around.


1 Axelord. 50. 2 Medusa Heads. 5, 6. 1 Yellow Medusa Head. 12. (See Monsters section)
This area is being guarded by more of the Vampire’s servants. The entrance of the Mausoleum is guarded
by the Axelord.
The Axelord fights defensively, and only moves to the PCs when they are 15 feet by him. The rest of the
time he uses his axe to harm the PCs from the distance. As soon as the PCs get within 50 feet from him,
he uses his Scroll of Shield in his inventory.
As for the Medusa Heads, they swarm at the weakest party member and continue to attack them until they
are in bleedout. The yellow one will usually target the strongest party member, and attempt to incase him
stone with its touch attack. If a Medusa head is slain, it is replaced by another that teleports in 1 round
later. The Medusa heads do not stop appearing until after
the PCs have opened the barred door, or found an PREVENT GRINDING
alternative way into the Mausoleum.
At this part, the Medusa heads could
Here’s a listing of all the locations marked: infinitely come. If the party has a stable
enough group however, this may turn into a
1. The Entrance:
grinding fest, giving them XP that may make
The entrance of the graveyard is been broken
the fights up ahead too easy. If you sense
open, the gate itself flung apart. The force needed
this, and know they are aware of this be
to open this would have required a STR check of
20 if a Appraise check of 15 is made. sure to stop the attacks…or you might find
2. Axelord Location: they have gained two levels from this fight
Here marks the location of where the Axelord is alone.
resting at. This also marks where the entrance to
the Mausoleum is. The door is barred from the other side, which requires a STR check of 24 to
break the barring.
Door HP. 60. Hardness 8
3. Medusa Head spawners:
Whenever a Medusa head is slain, another one appears at one of these two squares at least 30 feet
above the ground. The Medusa heads do not stop appearing, until the PCs have opened the door
to the temple.
4. Trap locations


Type mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 10
Trigger Location; Reset none
Effect 40 feet fall (2d6 damage), Pit Spikes (Atk +10, melee 2d4 spikes per target for 1d6+2 damage), Reflex Save
20, Multiple targets (All targets in a 10 foot area)
5. A body of a soldier is discovered here; possibly one of the soldiers who went missing as a result
of Dracula’s influence. His armor has been stripped off and removed, as well as his sword.
6. Another soldier’s body is discovered. This one is carrying 2 Anti-Toxin on him.
7. The Windows on the Mausoleum. These windows are 20 feet high above the ground. Glass HP is
3, with a hardness of 1.
8. This grave appears to have been opened up recently. Looking inside reveals where all of Simon’s
soldiers have gone. They appear to have been all been slaughtered, and this grave to use as a
ditch. Looking inside nauseates a PC for 20 minutes, unless they make a Fortitude save of 13.
9. There is a Vampire’s body on the ground here, impaled by several silver arrows. In his hand is 3
Meal Tickets.

Once the PCs make it inside, by any method, read this paragraph:

The Mausoleum appears to not have been open for

quite awhile. In fact, there’s no inside of it. There are
six vases established in the stone building, all of them
having names inscribed upon the vases. All of them
appear to be part of Haromin’s family, and one or
two of them appear to other important members of
the community who passed on.

The Mausoleum is empty, and there seems to be no one in it. A perception DC of 24 reveals that there
appears to be a change in sound when the PCs walk over the middle of the carpet. Removing the carpet
reveals a hidden dungeon under the Mausoleum.


Opening the secret entrance under the rug reveals a staircase that spirals down for 200 feet. At the bottom
reveals to be a secret temple under the ground.

There is writing on the walls above the door that is listed above the door says “Safe Haven.” A knowledge
local of 20 reveals that this temple was primarily used as a way for the people to hide safely during times
of horror as a means to survive. A blood curling scream is heard then somewhere in the temple.

“Oh Gods!” She screams. “Please help me!” The voice

of the girl is so loud that it seems to emanate all
around you.

Here are some of the locations listed.



Type Magic; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger Proximity; Reset none
Effect Casts Cloudkill in a 20 feet area. Persists for 5 rounds.

2. On entering this room, an encounter occurs.

2 Werewolves. 1 Werewolf Fighter. 27. 1 (See LYCANTHROPY:
Monsters section). Werewolf Rogue. 20
TACTICS: These Werewolves are other PCs afflicted with this must beware immediately! If
servants of the Vampire. They are hiding in the the PC realizes that they are afflicted, they will have
shadows, using their stealth checks, while the to remain within the Mausoleum for his friends to
fighter is taking a 10 on stealth. If the PCs roll a purchase Wolfsbane, or risk becoming a Werewolf.
Perception DC of 13, they spot the Fighter, in
which throws off his surprise. If the PCs make a Night never ends in this area, and the PCs may have
check of 28, they spot the rogue. A PC who has to go on a large, inconceivably difficult quest to lure
Dark vision has a +20 to his perception DC, out their afflicted companion and find a way to
while all PCs take a -4 on their checks due to the subdue him…or worse…outright kill him.
darkness. Both creatures are in hybrid form. The
2 marks the locations of where the Hybrids
are…the DM may place the Rogue or Fighter in either square.
Both of the Werewolves immediately attempt to make a bite attack at the earliest opportunity, inflicting
the PCs with Lycanthropy. After they have made the bite and if successful with their curse, the hybrids
continue to attack with their weapons.
3. Secret Door. A secret door lies here. The screams can be heard coming from somewhere. A
Perception DC of 30 reveals this part of the wall to be hallow on the other side. The wall has a Hardness
of 8, and a HP of 75.
On the door itself is a writing that says. “Light both sides of the arch to remain safe.” Lighting both
torches opens the door automatically.
4. Food Storage shelves. The PCs can find 20 Trail Rations, and 20 Elf Trail Rations.
5. This appears to be a church’s alter of some kind. The area around the alter in this room also
matches that of a church. Obviously this place was made to be a church to pray for haven from evil. A
Knowledge Religion of 15 reveals the God of this location to be Iomeda. The alter has a Golden Holy
Symbol, and a Good Quality Holy Text of Abadar on its top. A perception check of 25 reveals a hidden
drawer with a Cross Boomerang of Abadar in it.
6. A hidden wall. Perception DC of 30 to spot it. Reveals a Scroll of Healing, 3 Uncurses, and 5
vials of Holy Water.


Type Magic; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger Proximity; Reset none
Effect Casts Cloudkill in a 20 feet area. Persists for 5 rounds.

8. Flame Strike Trap. See CRB for details

1 Axe Knight. 30.
TACTICS: The Axe Knight (whose location is marked at 9). Remains behind the trap. Only after
the trap is activated does he begin to advance towards the PCs.
Vampire Sorcerer Maionel. 50.
The Vampire is there performing a demon ritual on the girl. As soon as he sees the PCs however,
he immediately stops it and attempts to deal with them.
On the Vampire’s turn, he immediately goes invisible. He then performs his vampire abilities to
summon 1d4+1 Bat Swarms to aid him. He then will attempt to Dominate Person on a PC when
he is given an ample opportunity. The Vampire then moves to where it has a free reign to run and
move, in which case it begins casting spells. The Vampire attempts its Slam attack only if the PCs
get right next to it.
The Vampire will continue the fight, until it is sure that it cannot beat them. In which case, it will
then assume Gaseous form and attempt to escape.
Once the PC reduces the HP of the Vampire to 0, they will more than likely not be able to kill it.
The coffin of the vampire is outside of the Mausoleum, and is 1 mile away, almost certainly will
be lost in the darkness. The only way for the PCs to kill the Vampire is if they had closed to the
Mausoleum prior to leaving. If they left all the doors opened, the vampire will escape. If not, as
long as the PCs remain in the place for a couple hours, the Vampire dies, awarding the PCs the
XP for the fight.
11. Treasure left behind the Vampire, from raiding nearby ruined villages. There are 1d4+1 Deep
Blue Spinals in the chest, and a Scroll of False Life. There is also a map which reveals the
location of the Castle.

If the PCs managed to solve this area in thirty minutes in game time, the girl is revealed to be alive and
well, and can then be rescued (begin a countdown only after the PCs walk into the graveyard). She
introduces herself as Daria, saying that she never got the fully meet the PCs when they came to town. She
is wounded, and can only move at half-speed. A quick cure spell or Heal Check of 15 rectifies this issue.

Revert back to the graveyard area.

Immediately at the gate of the Graveyard, there is a monster waiting for the PCs.

1 Puwexyl. 101 (See Monsters section)
The gigantic skull remains floating in the air, and then eyes the PCs evilly.
Puwexyl remains afloat in the air, using its 15 foot reach to attack the PCs. It also heavily abuses its
ability to cause a skull storm whenever it is hit, directing the 3x3 square area of shrapnel on the weakest
party member.

Once Puwexyl has been slain, a Red Crystal Ball appears on the ground where it first appeared.

Return to Ashfall
If the PCs managed to rescue the girl, the town praises them as heroes. The family of the girl gives the
PCs a bag of 300 GP. The inn grants the heroes unlimited ale, and the shops give the PCs a reduction in
price for items (20%). If the PCs failed however, the town still retains the same status on the PCs as they
did when they first entered the town, while the girl’s family remains unfriendly with them in their sorrow.

The PCs will more than likely want to leave for Castlevania as soon as they can. But of course, the PCs
may also want to inquire about on information. Not to mention the PCs now that the PCs have a map to
reach Castlevania, they will probably want to inquire about where they can obtain a boat. There’s no way
for the PCs to fly there without falling in the water at some point, and they should not have teleport spells
by now. If the PCs have secured such means, merely skip as many parts as necessary.

If the PCs inquire to Haromin about this, Haromin will tell them that the only person who he could think
of who has a boat in the docks was in the city is Teledros. The last time though he went over to the docks
though, his boat was nowhere to be found. He tells the PCs to go inquire to Teledros about getting a boat,
believing that to be the best option.

If the PCs inquire to Teledros, Teledros will retain the same stance as he did before. Only after the PCs
make a Diplomacy or Intimidate check of 27 does he surrender. He then tells the PCs a story of how he
witnessed a mass slaughter of miners by the forces of the Castle.
“I was Ashfall’s main method of getting to and back
from the Island where the mine is. I was the only one
who had a boat. It ran deep with plenty of ores, and
new caverns discovered every day. We saw the Castle
some time ago, but since we never really went up the
Mountain pass, we assumed it was always there. We
then started hearing some strange sounds, and
seeing strange sights. The men wanted to go home,
but I kept pushing them to harvest more ore. That’s
when a large trio of zombies and Werewolves
descended from the pass and overtook the mine. I
didn’t want to ever go back there because of what I
saw…I had to abandon them…each and every one of

Teledros then makes a personal request to that of the PCs. If there is a Belmont in the party, read the top
part. If not, read the bottom part.

“Please…if you go there…I must ask this of you!

Please find my grand-daughter…Erica. She was head
strung about solving the village’s crisis and made off
with my boat to go the Castle. I have a rowboat that
can take you the Island. I’ve wanted to go there for so
long to save her…but I’m an old man. I can’t fight
anymore…my bow days are done. Please…please save

“Please…if you go there…I must ask this of you!

Please find my grand-daughter…Erica. She was head
strung about solving the village’s crisis and made off
with my boat to go the Castle. When that whip
carrying guy didn’t come back for days, she went off
after him! I’ve wanted to go there for so long to save
her…but I’m an old man. I can’t fight anymore…my
bow days are done. Please…please save her!”

Regardless of what the PCs choose to do, Teledros hands them the location of where he stored his
If the PCs attempt to find the mysterious individual, they will find that he is no longer in town. Not to
their surprise, the town isn’t exactly sad he left.


Here is a description of each of the areas:

1. A destroyed general store. There is nothing that remains here.

2. This looks like the Butcher’s shop. A search inside of here finds a Magic Pot Roast within a wall.
3. The Fletchers shop. Most of the bows and arrows made inside of here have been robbed as a
result of the raid that has occurred here. All of the man’s tools are gone as well. The only thing
that remains is a Quiver of 30 arrows that was thrown behind a chair.
4. The first docks. There are bodies of sailors on the ground here. A knowledge nature check of 20
reveals that the sailors were brutally tortured before they were killed. A perception DC of 25
reveals a Spyglass in between 7 Barrels.
5. Another docks. There are some sailor bodies here, but also many zombie corpses on the ground.
A Perception DC of 20 reveals that none of them are animated.
6. This appears to be an inn, though none of the building appears to have survived whatever has
befallen it. A search check of the area reveals nothing of value.
7. Appears to be a ruined house of some form. Nothing of interest other than dead bodies and fallen
walls. The only thing is a minor small glow around the house. Finding the glow requires a
Perception DC of 25, which reveals it to be an Ever burning Torch.
8. A destroyed Blacksmith shop. There is nothing interesting inside.
9. This appears to be a hovel. If the PCs make a Perception DC of 20 however, read this paragraph:
You notice it out of the corner of your eye. You find a
secret entrance under one of the floorboards. Inside
the secret entrance has a ladder which takes you to a
secret dock. You see a small fishing boat on the
bottom of this dock.

The PCs will have to open the door in order to leave. After this, continue to the Island Scene.

Three Ectoplasm. 32, 22, 19.
Three Ectoplasm attack the PCs the moment they reach 10. If the PCs make a Perception DC of
25, they can see the Ectoplasm before they attack. If they fail, the Ectoplasm gains one surprise
round against them.
TACTICS: Each of the Ectoplasm attempts to place a curse on the PC. Once they succeed, they
switch targets and do it again. If all the PCs are cursed, the Ectoplasm then focuses on bringing
one of the PCs down.

Sailing to the Castle

Read this paragraph when the PCs decide to sail to the castle.

After opening the docks, you begin sail towards the

Castle itself. You sail one for a whole day, sleeping
throughout the night to gain your rest for tomorrow.
The next day you all wake up to the large column of
mist, virtually right next to you. You pass through the
mist, and after an hour later you come towards a land
mass. Looking towards the North, faint torch lights
can be seen.

After the PCs arrive on the Island, regardless of where they are on the island the PCs can then begin their
journey. The PCs can only see the dim lights of the Castle if they arrive on the land masses where the land
meets the sea; otherwise the mountains block out the view of the Castle.

The PCs will then have to head on the path toward of the Castle, as it is the easiest way to get the Castle.

After the PCs travel on for a little bit, they will eventually come to the grounds of the Castle. The castle is
surrounded by a large iron fence, and a large stone wall which covers the bailey in a large radius. There is
a large iron fence which keeps out most patrons. When the PCs approach the castle, a Castlevania Golem

Castlevanian Golem. 80.
This Golem appears out of the ground the moment the PCs go nearby the entrance of the Castle.
TACTICS: The Golem uses its Slam attack whenever a PC gets nearby it. It uses its advantage of dark
vision while some of the PCs may not and flees into the darkness if pressed to. If the PCs group up at any
time, it uses its Breath weapon attack.

After the PCs slay the Golem, the doors of the Castle open, allowing the PCs to enter.

As the Golem burns away, a loud clanking sound is

heard all around you. You look in front of you to see
the gate of the Castle open, allowing you to enter the
castle you see before you. As you prepare, a sound of
someone walking is heard behind you.

The PCs will then turn around to see the Mysterious Stranger in front of them. He informs the PCs that
Dracula has found him worthy of combat. As a result, he has opened the door to the Castle for them. He
tells them that if they want to live, they should turn around now. But if they wish to fight their fears and
go against Dracula, then to press forward. If the PCs ask who he is, he will say nothing other than an
advocate for defeating Dracula and nothing more. He then explains that is why he decided to tell them
where the Vampire ran off to…as a way to test the PCs. If they could rescue the girl and fight off the
Vampire, then they had a chance to defeat Dracula. But if they could not, how could they hope to defeat a
more powerful Vampire? After this, he says that they will meet again, and then assumes Gaseous form
towards the Castle.
5. Castlevania
The PCs are now within Castlevania itself. The PCs should take note of many different things while they
are here. Read this paragraph aloud when the PCs arrive here.

You’ve found it! The cursed castle itself. No wonder

the villagers never found where the Castle was…the
high elevation as well as the thick fog blocked out any
chance of seeing it. The castle is made entirely of a
black stone, with dimly lit lights all around the
windows. Many different assortments of creatures fly
all around the castle, making the castle appear just as
alive as it is dead.

It is highly likely that the PCs may be stuck in the castle for over a span of a day, depending if they are
unable to solve any of the puzzles. DMs should take note that all encounters in the castle reset after 24
hours, including all traps, even if they are disarmed and removed (unless noted otherwise). Once the
party APL hits a 13 however, all normal encounters will cease appearing to prevent grinding. If you are
trying to slow the progression of XP, you can always remove encounters from the area.
A half hour automatically passes in game time when the PCs transition from one map to the next. The
bodies of slain creatures are then disposed of, and then the new ones continue to guard the Castle (unless
otherwise noted). In addition though, all common and mundane items/weapons (with the exception of
Magic items, coins, any other item worth 800 GP or more) also reset after this time.
All rooms that boss like enemies that give a Red Crystal Orb upon defeat are immune to scrying, as well
as any form of sight granted from magic items to see beyond their normal vision (such as a Crystal Ball).
The PCs do not know what is behind the doors until they see it with their own eyes.
In addition, you are not entitled to use every encounter that is listed. If you feel the unending waves of
monsters may kill the party, then use only the encounters you know they can win, amidst any difficulty.
But all encounters that are in scenes must be used.


Castlevania ia arguably the most defensive fortress in all of Golarion’s

history. The following spells are impeded while inside of the Castle:

 Any spells that create dimensional space fail to function

 Any spells that allow for dimensional movement only work in the room
the party is in, or another room if the door to that room is open.
 Dimensional travel to other planes transports the individual into a
similarly looking Castle. The individual can only travel to evil aligned
 Scrying magic fails automatically.

Welcome to the Castle. The entrance here features a convoluted setup in order to deter visitors from the
Castle. Dracula’s followers like to be left undisturbed.

Upon the moment the PCs walk into the castle, the door shuts behind them, and prepares powerful magic
to ultimately bar any chance at escape. The PCs are now unable to do anything, but face destiny (in other
words, any form of dimensional or planar travel has been barred for them escaping the Castle, just as they
would if they attempted to enter it via dimensional or planar travel).

Here is information regarding all the numbers listed below.

1. The Castle hall. It has a finely draped carpet from the entrance to the other side. Old decrypted
bodies are scattered all across the floor. All around the hall on the walls are finely adorned
paintings, some of them famous around this era; which can be identified with a Knowledge
History of 15. There are 4d4 in total, each worth 400 GP. As soon as the PCs are within 25 feet of
1, some of the bodies begin to shake.
Four Apocalypse zombies. 22, 32, 21, 25.
TACTICS: The Zombies like before go for the weakest party member, and assail him or her with
their Slam attacks. When one zombie dies, another body shakes to life and moves towards the
PCs like before. There are a total of 6d6 bodies in the room at the time.
2. While on this area, if the PCs succeed a Perception check of 20, they will find a Bag of 400 SP in
a crack on the floor.
3. If the PCs succeed a Perception check of 25 here, they will discover a hole in the wall, which
could be broken with continued force. The wall has an HP of 45, and has a hardness of 5. After
breaking the wall, the PCs will find a Magic Pot Roast.
4. A staircase. This leads to 5.
5. A staircase. This leads to 4.


Type Magic; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 25
Trigger Location; Reset Bridge is repaired and trap is rearmed after 24 hours
Effect Bridge has Glyphs on the bridge set to explode if anyone walks on them placed on them. Deals
6d6 force damage, destroys bridge and sends PC down to the rapids. Merman are aware of the trap
8 Mermen. 3, 5, 3, 4, 6, 8, 7, 5, 6.
While the PCs are in this room, Mermen assail them.
TACTICS: The Mermen climb the nearby pillars which lead to where the PCs are, attacking
them with their claws, Flaming Burst, or Breath weapon, whichever appears to do more damage
on their end. If one dies, another one replaces it from below. The mermen continue their attack
until the PCs are by the stairs.
7. There is a small switch on the ground here. Pressing it reveals a Beautiful Golden Crown, adorned
with Rubies and jewels, and is made of both Gold and Platinum. It appears in the middle
Explosive Bridge Trap (if it has already been set off, it instead appears 5 feet above it). Crown is
worth 1000 GP.
8. This door is locked. Read this paragraph if the PCs attempt to lock pick this door, or use spells:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

There are two chests in the room. One of the chests contains a Life Apple, while the other contains a
Jeweled Sword.

9. There is a false wall here that makes the hallway appear as if it is a dead end. A perception DC of
40. The mechanism to raise the wall however is on the other side. This false wall is destroyable.
Hardness of 8, with an HP of 90.
10. A staircase which leads to 11.
11. A staircase which leads to 10.
12. On the top of the slightly raised ground here, there are some cracks on the floor. A DC Perception
check of 30 reveals a Double Shot item in the wall. A PC can break the wall. Hardness 8, HP 30.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 40; Disable Device DC ---
Trigger Location; Reset none
Effect Platform drops under PCs. Only falls if all the party is on it.
Castlevanian Werewolf Monk 76.
As soon as the PCs enter the area, the trap at 13 goes off. Once they reach there, a Werewolf
Monk appears from the window, using a special power to leap down and not receive fall damage.
The Werewolf mostly relies on his ranged attacks, and his flipping strike move; using his large
movement speed to constantly barrage the party with attacks they can’t provoke on. He takes
advantage of the fact he can walk on walls, and uses his fireball attack to keep the party at bay.
Once he is slain, a Red Crystal Orb drops from the sky. It does not drop again, even when the
monster respawns. The trap then forever changes into a staircase.
If the party wanders in here again, there is a 50% chance they will be attacked by a Young Red
Dragon. If they have a party APL of 13-15, that will be an Adult Red Dragon. These encounters
happen 1/day every time they pass by here.
Young Red Dragon. 134 OR Adult Red Dragon. 256. (Pathfinder bestiary 1 PG 98-99)
Both of these dragons usually open up with their breath weapons to start off dealing generally
high damage (the adult version will cast Haste before anything). They then use grapple attempts
to drag a party member into the air, before using full attacks to kill them without party support.
15. Chest: Masterwork Dagger, 300 GP
16. Chest: 2,000 GP
17. Chest: Potion of Cure Serious Wounds 4, 3 Wolfsbane
18. A set of stairs which leads to 19.
19. A set of stairs which takes a PC to 20.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger proximity; Reset Automatic after 1d10 rounds
Effect Multiple targets (2d4). Never Miss (6d10 Bludgeoning damage).

Encounters are listed as Purple numbers, while areas of interest are labeled as Blue.

This is the main hallway of the Castle. It features some lounge areas, and a full kitchen for those who
need refreshments, and to distribute food to the populace who has taken up domain in the Castle. This is
one of the areas of the Castle where it diverges off into multiple pathways.

Each Painting in the room if taken is worth 100-300 GP. Also, unless an area of interest is over the
painting and says what is specifically on the painting, the painting can be left up to the PCs imagination.

Doors of this area can be burst open (unless otherwise noted below). Doors are made of stone. Hardness
8, HP 30. DC STR check for locked doors is 25.

Here are the listed encounters that appear in this room.

4 Skeletal Archers. 3, 5, 2, 7. 1 Armor Lord. 100
All the Skeletal archers appear at the stairwell, running down at the PCs, while the Armor Lord
appears to teleport in. The skeletons retreat to the Second Floor if the Sword Lord dies.
The Armor Lord will usually start off by casting Wall of Force and use this time to prep buff
spells. If he is not allotted that time, he will then focus on using his long sword to attack the party
from a massive range. If he is given the time, he will use Cat’s grace on his skeletal archer
backup, and will use dispel magic on any spells the party has on them. The archers mostly focus
on barraging the party with their poisoned arrows, and usually target the one whom has the lowest
AC of the group.
Skeleton Chefs. 12, 14, 14, 12, 13. Skeleton Head Chef. 34
This encounter is more or less used for humorous purposes.
The skeletons in the room pay no attention to the PCs, even when they enter the room, as long as
the PCs abide by the following rules:
 A PC does not attack a skeleton
 A PC does not reveal that they are attempting to defeat Dracula
 A PC steals food with them looking

As long as the PCs do this, the skeletons will ignore them, occasionally giving them a glance or
two just to acknowledge that they exist. On occasion, the skeletons will actually go up to the PCs
and give them a morsel of food that they have prepared as a way of taste testing. If the PCs give a
good and favorable review, the skeleton will give them a portion of the food to take with them
that can serve as a meal. If the PC gives critique, the skeleton will write down what they have
said onto a piece of paper and remake it. If the PCs are disgusted by it, the skeleton will walk
away from the PCs with its head low to the ground, slamming it against a wall once before
resuming work. There is a 15% chance that the food given to the PCs is undercooked, and will
inflict the PC with Nausea 10 hours later, which will last 1 day unless cured by some magical
means. There is also a 1% chance that the food will be so delicious, that the PC will gain a
competence bonus of +1 on his or her base attack for 2 hours.
The Head Skeleton chef isn’t entirely loyal to Dracula; and will aid the PCs if they retain favor
with him (as long as they adhere to the rules, and say hello to often, he will help). He will sell the
PCs information for basic information about the Castle for 100 GP each. Information he sells
includes places to rest at, monsters in certain rooms, and information on certain rooms.
If the PCs watch the skeletons are doing, or get to close, the skeleton shrugs them off, or slaps
their hand to get them away. If they violate any of the above prereqs listed, the skeletons
immediately attack the PCs.
The skeletons, having no weapons prepared at this time, simply grab whatever they can find
(pots, pans, knives,) and attack with them. All of them have a -4 to hit (not like they were built for
combat anyway).

1 Malachi. 78. 3 Bone Musket 13, 18, 20.
The Malachi devil is flying about the room, and only attacks after the PCs have entered the room.
The Bone Musket remains where they are, as they know there is a trap surrounding the area.
The Malachi first remains flying the air and uses both of its breath weapons first. After which, it
then descends to the ground and uses its Claws to continue attacking. If the PCs attempt to
escape, it will Dimension Door on the inside of the room and then continue its attack. As for the
Bone Muskets, they simply provide covering fire. If the PCs destroy 2 of them, the third one
immediately rushes for a button located at 21 and presses it, causing the chest to disappear.
Flea Man. 8, 6, 5, 7, 5, 8, 9, 6, 4.
These flea men are on the ceiling, using stealth to keep the PCs from seeing them. A Perception
DC of 35 reveals their position. If they are spotted, they immediately descend and attack the
party. If they are not, they wait for the party to reach the center of the room first, or spring the
trap to weaken them before descending.
The Flea man simply target the weakest party member AC wise of the group and immediately
flank him. They then do their Bite and bleed attack and continue to assail him until he is dead.
Quickling. 20, 21, 25. (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 PG 227)
Quicklings patrol this hallway.
First, the Quicklings run behind where the trap is in the middle of the room, and beckon the PCs
to come after them, hoping that they’ll run into the trap, before turning invisible. As soon as they
do, the Quicklings then attack the PC who fell for the trap, hoping to weaken him further. Any
Quicklings who are about to perish immediately use their natural invisibility to escape.

Here is now information about the room itself, marked by the blue numbers.

1. These are fine pottery made by craftsmen who lived in the Castle many years ago. Each fine vase
is worth 50 GP.
2. The number 2s are beautiful statues which have been made by craftsmen who live in the castle.
The statues are made in the appearance of Goddesses. A Knowledge Religion check of 20 reveals
the Goddess on the left to be Aleria, while Ihteria is on the right. It is logical to conclude that
while Dracula hates religion, he still seems to have a love for the art that is born from it.
3. These are vases, all finely crafted to adorn the castle. These are worth 100 GP each.
4. If the PC makes a Perception check of 30, they will find a crack in the wall here. The wall has an
HP of 45, and a hardness of 8. Destroying it reveals a hidden room with a chest.
5. A wine rack which is in the Butlery. There are 6d8 Fine Wine bottles on the rack at the time the
PCs enter.
6. This is a food cabinet. If the PCs open it up, they will find 10d12 different assortments of food
items. Touching any will cause the skeletons to instantly turn in their direction. Taking any “out
of the room” will cause them to attack; until the item is returned or the PCs unconscious. The
skeletons don’t mind if the PCs eat the food in the room.
7. This table often has fine assortments of meat on it, and it generally where the Head skeleton chef
is busy working at.
8. If the PCs fiddle around with the couch, they will find a pouch with a Finely cut Topaz wedged in
between the cushions.


Type Magic/Mechanical; Perception DC 30; Disable Device DC 39
Trigger Open chest; Reset Automatic
Effect Fires 2d4+1 Poisoned arrows at the PC who opened the chest (9d6 damage, plus poison, DC
Fortitude save of 14, 1d2 CON plus unconscious for 3 hours.) Never Misses. Item within chest is teleported
into a safe part of the Castle.
A trapped chest is within the room. If the PCs open the chest and spring the trap by accident, the
item that is inside is instantly teleported somewhere else in the Castle, in a safe location where the
PCs cannot grab it. The chest cannot be opened by magical means, as if the trap is still active
when it is opened, the arrows will simply target the PC that opened it, as if magically guided to
him/her. The PCs if they spring the trap will have to return to this chest after 24 hours to reclaim
the Goggles of Castlevania.

Type Magic/Mechanical; Perception DC 30; Disable Device DC 30
Trigger Location, activates 1 second later upon touched; Reset Automatic
Effect Drops PCs into a 100 foot pit. The pit forces the PC in the middle of the bridge back at the
entrance where trap number 6 is. 8d6 fall damage. Pit trap immediately closes, forcing the PC to walk back
to where he or she was originally
11. There are storage crates in here. Each of the crates has 10d6 trail rations.
12. A chest is in this room. The chest is locked which requires a Disable Device of 25 to open. Inside
the chest is a Bandana of AC along with 500 GP.
13. This chest is unlocked, and has 1 Masterwork took of Disable Device, 3 Weapon cords, 1
Waterskin, and a four bags, each having 250 SP in them.
14. There are three chests in the room here. Each of the chests appears to look exactly the same from
each other. Behind the chests there is something written on a plague behind them:

A group of three travelers come across a treasure chest filled to

the brim with gold. One of his friends goes to his right and tells
them with this money they could help their friends who are on
the verge of collapse in their destitute throp. However, his
other friend goes to his left and says that they could use the
money to get out of the land and live all on their own. There
was more than enough gold for the three to divide amongst
each other. The two on his side argued about was the best way
that they could use the gold. Eventually, the left adventurer
lunges at the middle, with his knife to the man’s throat. He is
quickly cut down by the PC on the right with a Magic Missile
spell. As the spell hits him, one of the missiles beam off and hit
a nearby wall, opening it up as if magic was the trigger.

If the PCs open the left chest, immediately a mist appears from the chest. When it clears, a Red
Rust appears in the chest. If the individual chooses the chest on the right, another mist appears
from the chest. When it clears, there is nothing in the chest, but the wall located at 15 begins to
glow. If the PC chooses the middle chest, there will be 2,000 GP in the chest.
Choosing any one of the chests will cause the other two to vanish, and are never seen again.
15. There is a wall here that perfectly looks like a real wall. A Perception check of 20 reveals
something strange about the wall. A Perception check of 30 reveals that the wall is fake. The wall
has a Hardness of 8, and a HP of 540. If the PCs open the right chest, the wall glows. The wall
repairs itself by 20 HP every round. If the wall is hit by a magic missile spell, the wall turns into a
door in which the PCs can enter.
16. On a pedestal, there is a Fairy card.

Type Magic/Mechanical; Perception DC 32; Disable Device DC 27
Trigger Location; Reset After 24 hours
Effect Calls 1d4+3 spears from the ground. Never misses. 1d10 per spike


Type Magic; Perception DC 30; Disable Device DC 45
Trigger proximity, 5 feet; Reset After 24 hours
Effect Summons a Wall of Fire along the Green shaded areas. Automatically teleports the chest in the
center of the room into another area. Chest does not reappear until after 24 hours.
19. Another door. When the PCs attempt to open it, they will discover it is barred from the other side.
The PCs will have to go around the door to the other side in order to open it.

Type Magic/Mechanical; Perception DC 32; Disable Device DC 27
Trigger Location; Reset After 24 hours
Effect Calls 1d4+3 spears from the ground. Never misses. 1d10 per spike
21. There are two things about 21. The first is the door below 21 is barred from the other side, and the
PCs will have to work their way around it before they can open the door. The second thing is that
there is a switch there. If the PCs press it, the chest in the room instantly teleports to another
room, and will not reappear until after 24 hours.
22. In between the barrels here is a finely cut topaz worth 500 GP.

One of the more unusual areas of the Castle. The walls and floor of the Alchemist lab is made of a white
marble, and the walls possess a weird geometry to them, with many unusual and strange geometric shapes
to them. There are even strange creatures in glass tubes all around, and multiple cauldrons all around the
area, including hovering around the ceiling. Dracula here conducts weird and unusual experiments here to
advance his understanding of science.

The doors here can be destroyed. The doors have a Hardness of 8 and a HP of 30.

In this area, encounters are marked by purple numbers, while areas of interest are marked as blue


1. 2 Axe Knights. 34, 40.

Two Axe Knights guard the Alchemist’s work with their lives.
One of the Knights takes to the stairs and fights defensively, while the other goes to the stairs,
preventing the PCs from moving upwards. The Two Knights fight until they perish.
2. 4 Bone Scimitar 16, 18, 20, 11. 6 Skeleton Archers. 4, 2, 5, 4, 2, 6.
A blockade of skeletons blocks the stairwell from the party.
The Bone Scimitars first block the other side of the stairwell from the party to prevent their
movement and total defense. The archers hide behind their comrades and fire arrows at the
incoming party. The Bone Scimitars continue this plan, until the party activates the acid vat trap
by walking on the stairs. After this, they cease their total defense and immediately charge the
party, leaving the other line to remain on the stairs.
3. 2 Lesser Demon. 55, 65. A trio of 7 Level 3 Alchemists.
Two Lesser Demons flutter about the room until they spot the PCs. As soon as this happens, the
two immediately roar, causing the Alchemists to flee the room. The Alchemists flee into hidden
passages that are found in different rooms, while the demons occupy the intruders.
One of the Lesser Demons bars the path of the party, using magic to keep them at bay. The other
will use his special ability to summon another one from the inner circles of Hell. After the demon
has made a successful Summon, it then moves to the PCs to attack while the other begins another
4. 1 Slogra. 69 1 Gabion. 65.
The boss of this floor. These two guard the entrance to Hallways 1. The monsters are invisible
when the party first enter the room and do not reveal themselves until after the PCs have taken the
elevator down to where they are at.
Slogra will use his Glaive to assail the party from within his reach, and will occasionally cast any
spells of which weaken the parties ability to fight. Gabion protects Slogra using his Breath
weapon, and will occasionally grapple a party member. If he succeeds, he will fly high into the air
and drop them from 80 feet in the air. Slogra uses his lance when Gabion does this to distract the
party as this happens. In addition, sometimes Gabion grapples Slogra. When this happens, Slogra
allows the grapple to happen and allows Gabion to take him 100+ feet up. Gabion then releases
him and let’s Slogra fall on a party member for 10d6-20d6 additional damage from the fall of
Slogra, with a +1 on the attack per 10 feet Slogra was taken up (Slogra is immune to fall damage,
thereby this is no consequence to him).
When both monsters are finished, a Red Crystal orb materializes above them. This item does not
reappear, even if the two monsters are killed again 24 hours from now.
5. 4 Level 4 Alchemists. 33, 24, 11, 40. See Alchemists in the monster section for details
Alchemists in this room are tirelessly working to aid in Dracula’s alchemy lab.
The Alchemists first throw a stink bomb, while another casts an Obscuring mist scroll around the
area that the alchemists are at. Another will then use a Scroll of True Seeing to allow them to see
through the cloud. They will then lob bombs out at the PCs, throwing bombs. One of them will
drink a mutagen to increase his STR and CON, blocking the PCs from coming at the other
Alchemists as best as he can. The alchemists stay to protect their work until they die.
This encounter does not happen again, even after 24 hours.
6. 6 Skeleton Archers. 6, 4, 7, 6, 3, 2. 2 Bitter flies. 33, 22.
Skeletons patrol this large open hallway…or so it seems.
Unless the PCs are concealed by an invisibility sphere, or something that obscures them, the
skeletons spot them instantly. One of the skeletons at 33 in blue numbers (or 7 if the PCs come
from the other side) immediately pulls a lever which opens up a chasm marked in the dark gray
areas on the map. This chasm is 100 feet deep, and has spikes at the bottom of it, dealing 3d10
damage (A pc that falls is subject to 2d4+2 spikes attacking them). In total falling in this pit deals
8d6 damage, as well as a theoretical 10d8 damage (this almost always results in a party member’s
death…be sure to give them plenty of saves to ensure that this does not happen). When the battle
commences, the skeletons immediately spring the trap on the platform raised 20 feet up, which
activates the magic trap with Obscuring mist and true seeing on it, allowing the skeletons to shoot
at the PCs with concealment; as well as seeing through it. All the skeletons possess Black Lotus
extract poison on their arrows. The PCs will have to work their way over to the skeletons by
acrobaticing over the platforms. While they do this, the bitter flies move in and attack the PCs,
applying poison and reducing their scores as best they can. If the PCs get next to the skeletons,
they will attempt to Bull rush them off the platforms.
7. 1 Axe Lord. 70. 2 Attaching Imps. 22, 31.
An Axe Lord and Imps patrol this room to protect the Alchemists.
The Axe Lord remains in the center of the room, fighting defensively. The imps flutter about the
room, and swoop down to attack when the party least expects it. They always go for an attach.
8. 1 Fire Demon. 115.
A Fire demon protects the chamber above.
This area has many insanity mist fumes wafting in it. Anyone who enters the room must make the
fortitude saves for insanity mist poison.
The Fire Demon uses its most powerful attacks first on the weakest members of the party and
then uses its claw attacks afterwards.


1. 3 Potions of Poison lie on the table, among 10 bottles and 12 flasks scattered around the table.
There is also an Alchemist’s lab and an Abacus on the table as well.
2. There are 3 Potions of Cure Light wounds on the table. There is also a note on the table written by
the individual who worked on the table here. It reads:

Hey Stephano…have you seen a Black Panther with a sword in

its mouth around Hallway 2 or the Cathedral? If you have,
please tell me. I know the Alchemy lab was nearby the
cathedral so I wanted to ask you since you’re the only one I
know here. The reason is that I sent one of the panther’s off to
deliver a sword to someone at the Place of Arms, but the
bloody beast got lost probably. That sword is extremely
powerful and it would take weeks to get a new one made.
Sephiron will not be pleased if it gets lost.

3. This table has an Alchemist’s lab, 1 Hourglass (1 Hour), and 10 bottles on the table. There is also
a Spell component pouch on the table as well.
4. There is a Potion of Bestow Curse on the table here, which looks like a Potion of Cure Critical
wounds. Drinking it causes the spell Bestow Curse to be cast on the PC. Identifying the item
requires a DC Spellcraft check of 26.
5. This Alchemy lab has been cleared off, and there are several broken beakers all over the
Alchemist lab. There is also a letter on here addressed to the man who works on this table:

I here there’s a hidden room somewhere in the Alchemy lab

where some really weird weapons and artifacts were
manufactured…I think Stephano might know more…I’ll ask him
about it next time I’m at his table.

6. There are 4 Alchemist Fire and 4 Bottled lightning on the table here.
7. There is a lever right next to the door here. Pulling this lever causes the floor above the spike
pitted areas (marked by dark gray shades) to fade out. It takes 1 round after the lever is pulled for
them to dissipate entirely. Pulling the lever back up returns the platforms back. If the lever at 33
is pulled, this lever remains locked in place and does not move. Pulling the lever with the other
one still pulled requires a Dispel Magic spell to be placed on it, (CL DC of 19) and even so, only
returns the platforms for 1d4+1 rounds before the lever switches back to off and causes them to
vanish again.
8. This secret passage is in perfect likeness of the wall, and requires a DC Perception check of 45 to
be discovered as fake. To open the wall requires the PCs to be on the other side, in which case
they can pull a lever to open the door. The wall has a Hardness of 10 and a HP of 120. This wall
heals 20 HP every round.


Type Magic/Mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger Location; Reset After 24 hours
Effect Bestows Darkness, Cat’s Grace, and true seeing in a 20 foot radius.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 29; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger Location; Reset none
Effect Pulling trip wire causes a cauldron of green slime to fall on the individual below.
11. There are three doors on this wall, each of which will lead to the same area. If the PCs select the
door on the left, it will let them proceed forward. If they select the door on the middle, the door
explodes for 12d6 force damage (reflex save DC 21 for half). If they select the door on the right,
they are teleported to one of the rooms in the Clock Tower. The door on the left has a fire symbol
etched into it. The door on the middle has someone walking into the door, and the door on the
right has a clock on it. A dispel magic on the door (CL DC 22) causes both doors other than the
real one to fade.
12. There is a lever in this area. Pulling this lever activates the elevator at 26.
13. There are three chests in this room. The first chest on top has 2,000 SP in it. The one below it has
1 Stone Sword. The bottom one has a Deep Red Ioun stone, and a Stone of Weight in it.
14. On this Alchemy table is 3 Weapon Blanche Silver.
15. There are 4 Bottles on the table.
16. Energy Drain trap. See CRB for details.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 50
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Effect 6d10 Liquid Acid damage. 2d10 for every round of exposure after the first for 1d4+1 rounds.
Liquid trap will cover the squares below the trap in a 15 foot cone. Never miss.
18. There is a secret passage here which is 50 feet above the PCs on the ceiling. DC Perception check
to notice is 30. Requires flight to reach. Shimming up this area moves the PC to area 19.
19. This is the opening which leads the PCs to 18. There is a ladder here which can be dropped down
for easy access.
20. This is a fake wall. A PC needs to have a Perception DC of 26 or higher to know that the wall is
Hardness: 10 HP: 60
21. This wall is also fake, and has the same stats as 21, but has a DC Perception check of 31 this time.
22. This chest has a magical aura about it. A Spellcraft of 25 reveals it to be a chest of holding.
However this is not the case. If any PC looks into it, they will be instantly teleported to Area 7 in
Dormitories 1. This chest will teleport only 1d2 PCs. After this, the chest falls apart and does not
reappear ever again. A Spellcraft of 35 reveals the deception. By using a Dispel magic on the
chest (which will only function for 1d4+1 rounds CL DC 26), the PC can open the chest up to
obtain a Tyrfing.
Destroying the chest automatically triggers in its effects to anyone within 30 feet of it.
23. This chest is locked, and requires a DC Disable Device check of 26 to open. Inside the chest is a
Cloak of Blood.
24. The wall of where the chest at 24 is located at is hollow, but cannot be damaged due to the magic
effect of the Castle. To reach the chest, the PC must use a Teleport or Dimension door spell and
look through the holes in the wall to see where he should teleport. A Perception DC of 30 reveals
that the wall is hollow. There is a Alucart Sword in this chest.
25. This is an elevator that takes the PCs down to the area where Slogra and Gabion is. The elevator
ceases to function after that until the monsters are slain.
26. This is an elevator which allows the PCs to ride up two levels down. By riding down the elevator
once, the PC will end up at 28. Riding again ends the PC up at 29. Riding down again ends the
PC up at 37.
27. This is a fake wall. This wall cannot be destroyed. This wall automatically raises up when Slogra
and Gabion are dead.
28. See 26 for details
29. See 26 for details
30. There is a chest in here filled with 3,000 GP.
31. There are two chests in here. One of the chests has a pain of Castlevanian Sunglasses. The other
has an Armor of Arrow Attraction.
32. There is a Bat Card in this chest here.
33. See 7 for details.
Meeting Erica
Once the PCs have made it here, they are immediately subjected to an encounter. This encounter
does not reappear, even after 24 hours.
6 Spear Guards. 22, 34, 22, 8, 36, 32.
The Spear men surround the PCs and then engage them, targeting the weakest PC if possible.
They always use their ability to Deflect Arrows with their Lance, and charge for double damage
at every opportunity.
After 1d3 rounds, Erica Lecardi
appears into the battle and ERICA LECARDI
assists the PCs.
Erica is a fan based version of Eric Lecarde from Castlevania
After the encounter, Erica Bloodlines. The writer of this mod thought Eric was a girl due
brushes off her dress and looks to bad voice acting on Castlevania Judgment, and was
at the PCs. At first she assumes confused for quite a bit, seeing as he never played
a cautious stance, but with a Bloodlines up until he was 22.
Diplomacy of 15, she is quickly
coaxed into a calm state. Erica
then introduces herself as
Teledros granddaughter. When
the PCs question as to why she
has entered the Castle, she did
so as a way to relieve her village
of the present crisis. She
conversed with the mysterious
stranger, and he gave her a
weapon that she could use
against Dracula’s men. This
confirms to the party that he is at
least working in the interest of stopping Dracula. After that, she snuck into the Castle. She’s since
been wandering around, fighting off Dracula’s denizens.
If the PCs wish to propose an alliance, she will agree and then join the party. She will give a PC a
key to a room in Dormitories 1, which is the room she is hiding in.
35. There are 8 capsules in this room. Each of the capsules have inside of them a strange energy
inside of them, making it impossible to see what is on the inside. If the PCs break a capsule, the
following will happen depending on which one they break:
Capsule Symbol on Capsule Effect
Upper-Outer left A cloud made of emeralds Unleashes Cloudkill in an 80 feet
radius. Lasts for 8 rounds.
Upper-Inner Left A simple drawing of a 1d4 diamonds fall out, each
geometrical diamond is etched worth 3,000 GP.
into the marble capsule
Upper-Inner Right A ruby that has been cut to look Summons a Pit Fiend that fights
like a red glaive is melded with the PCs for 15 rounds before
the capsule leaving. No XP award due to
Upper-Outer Right A white ring drawn onto the A piece of Mithral Chain mail
capsule falls out from the capsule
Lower-Outer Left A simple candle is drawn on the A helm of brilliance appears
Lower-Inner left A gold sphere is inserted into the A Retriever is summoned onto
capsule the room and fights the party. No
XP award due to summon
Lower-Inner Right A water drop made of emeralds Acid falls out from the capsule
and doses everyone in a 15 foot
radius, dealing 6d6 acid damage.
Persists for 1d4+1 rounds.
Lower-Outer Right A translucent gem is on the A Prismatic wall is cast on the
capsule. area.

36. There is a Cube of Zoe in this chest.

37. See 26 for details. In this area, there is a switch. If the switch is pulled, the cannons on the wall to
the left of 37 fire, destroying the wall. This allows the PCs to shorten the trip that they take when
back tracking through the Castle.

Belmont Differences

The following changes are applied in the story if one of the party
members is a Belmont.

 Richter does not exist in the story

 Maria Renard is not in the story.
 This individual is considered the head of the clan at the
time. Anyone who has the descendant of the Belmont
trait is only a root of the family.
 Various dialogue differences.
 This individual is in most cases a follower of Iomedea, or
any lawful good deities or subdeities.
 This individual already has a marginal amount of fame.

This area is simply a large series of hallways that interconnect various areas of the Castle. There are a
couple meeting rooms here, and various displays of suits in armor, but there is very little in the way of
noticeable features here.

Encounters are…uhh…I think you get the pattern here.

Paintings in this area are worth 400-700 GP.

Doors in this area can be destroyed and damaged. Doors have a hardness of 8, and an HP of 35.


1. SCENE 7
Erica Separates
As soon as the PCs walk into this room, read this paragraph aloud:
The hallway is clear when you walk in, only you all and Erica
occupying it. But it is not like that for long. Out of the darkness
of the hallways a vampire appears. He holds his hand out to the
party. “That’s the one I’ve been chasing!” Erica shouts. She
immediately runs at the vampire without looking back.

Since the vampire appeared from the darkness of the stairs, and how sudden the vampire it appears, the
vampire’s spends his surprise round by beckoning Erica to chase it, and then spends a standard action to
pull a lever behind him. On her initiative, Erica runs at the vampire with her spear held out at it. The
vampire assumes gaseous form the moment Erica gets too close to it, and then flees down the towards the
Cathedral. While this happens, 5 bat swarms emerge from the window and attack the party. As soon as
Erica runs towards the Cathedral, a wall closes behind them, and an Anti-magic aura appears behind her,
blockading Erica from advancing. She takes no notice and then runs down towards the Cathedral.

5 Bat Swarms. 13, 12, 19, 17, 10. 1 Castlevanian
DM’s Note:
Vampire: Gigori. 115.
5 Bat swarms emerge from a nearby window and attack It is highly possible that with some
the party. planning, the PCs may be able to defeat
TACTICS: the Vampire, and get across to where he
Gigori flees down towards the Cathedral while the is before the bat swarms distract them. If
swarms engage the PCs; and prevent them from
this is the case, simply skip Scene 8 and
reaching Gigori. Within 2 rounds, the wall closes down
use the alternate scene which will be
obstructing the pathway, preventing the PCs from
listed when the PCs arrive there. Award
reaching Erica.
This encounter does not repeat again; even after 24 the PCs the Red Crystal Orb for their
hours. victory. Award the party an Ad-hoc XP
2. ENCOUNTER: award of a CR 6 encounter if they manage
1 Sword Lord. 110. 4 Flea Men. 4, 3, 7, 4. to do this.
A Sword Lord and several fleas walk about the hallway, attacking those who come to it.
The Sword Lord moves towards the PCs and engages them. The Sword Lord engages the
strongest party member against him. The fleas move around and attempt to go for the weakest
party member, attempting to inflict their bleed attacks on that party. Any party member who gets
close to the Sword Lord will result in its attacks.
5 Corner Guards. 23, 21, 30, 20, 25.
5 Corner Guards are hiding amongst the statues. From first glance, the statues appear to
motionless and not alive; but a DC perception of 25 reveals that they are alive. The statues attack
the PCs when the move to where they can flank the PCs, or if the PCs spot them.
The Corner Guards each divert off into 2 groups (one group of 2, one group of 3) and attack the 2
weakest party members in the group.
1 Greater Shadow. 60 1 Shadow. 18 (Pathfinder Bestiary 1 PG 245)
One shadow and one Greater Shadow hide in the room. The Shadows do not attack until the PCs
are in the room; or the PCs activate the Darkness trap in the room.
The Greater shadow will target the PC with the strongest STR modifier, as well as the smaller
one, hovering 10 or 15 feet in the air, whichever prevents the party member from attacking them;
while allowing them to attack the PCs.


1. There are 3 Holly and mistletoe in the pottery.

2. This wall appears to be cracked and crumbling. A Perception check of 25 reveals something on
the other side. The wall can be breached with damage. The wall has a Hardness of 8, and a HP of
3. This wall can be brought down from a lever in a different room, or from a lever 1 square behind
3. This wall has a Hardness of 10, and a HP of 70; and regenerates 30 HP a round.


Type Magic; Perception DC 28; Disable Device DC 30
Trigger Touch; Reset Automatic
Effect Casts Prismatic Spray in a straight line from the door.
5. There are two chests in this room. Both of them are locked and are trapped with the following
trap listed below. The Top chest has 2,000 SP in it, and the other one has a 4 Scrolls of
Restoration in it.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 25
Trigger Touch; Reset Automatic
Effect Causes a poisoned needle to come from the lock when fiddled with. Deals 1d3 damage. Fort save
of 11 to resist poison. 1d2 CON.
6. There are 6 Pints of Oil in this chest.
7. If a PC looks inside this pot, they will find a Double Shot item.
8. This wall is fake. Noticing that the wall is hollow requires a Perception check of 23. Wall has the
same HP as 2.
9. This wall is also fake, and has the same stats as 2. It however requires a Perception check of 30 to
10. This appears to be a lever to open the wall at 3, as well as a series of 3 levers under it. However,
the instructions on the lever say “Poison gas release. Pull levers 1, 3, 2 going from left to right to
shut off release.” in Undercommon. It requires a Linguistics check of 20 to read properly. If
pulled, the wall behind them will close, and release a Burnt Othur Fumes gas into the area. Wall
must be either broken again, or the levers pulled in the proper order to release.
11. This lever opens the wall at 3.
12. There is 132 GP in this couch in a pouch.
13. This is another fake wall; but this one cannot be destroyed. The PC however can look through it
to see a chest in the room (DC perception check of 20 if the PC does not have Dark vision). The
only way in is to use a spell, such as gaseous form, Dimension Door, etc.
14. There a Castlevanian Cape in this chest.
15. This is a beautiful stunning portrait that seems to be made in the likeness of a woman (The
Belmont can use a Knowledge history DC check of 40 to identify this woman as Lisa, the woman
who’s death spurred Dracula into his rage). If the PCs make a Perception check of 30, they will
notice that the portrait is hanging out of the wall more than it should. A search will reveal a lever
behind the portrait. Pulling this lever deactivates all the traps on this room. This lever returns to
active after 24 hours.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 30; Disable Device DC 25
Trigger Sound (Fiddling with the Door or opening it); Reset Automatic
Effect Spreads Deeper Darkness in a 40 Feet radius.
17. This wall has the same stats of 2.
18. There are two chests here. There is a Robe of Powerlessness. The other one has a Helm of
Opposite Alignment.
19. There are four goblets on the table, each made with silver and a red ruby imbedded in it. Each of
these is worth 150 GP each.
20. This door is locked. A DC Disable Device check of 30 unlocks the door. The key to the door is
located at 21.
21. See 20 for details.
22. There is a note on the table here. It appears to have been abandoned in a haste, as there is a
scribbles on the bottom. One can still read the rest of it:

I heard the Arcane laboratory are working a new and improved

Time stop spell; and the wizards and imbedding it into a Gold
stopwatch…at least I until I heard from a couple others that the
stop watch was blue. Blue…Gold…I keep getting mixed
messages on this. I really hope someone gives me the right
information soon…because I’m sure Dracula doesn’t like mixed
23. There is 30 PP in this couch.

One of the display rooms of the Castle. The Marble Gallery is made up of almost entirely marble, with
many stained glass windows all around. It appears to be places where works of art are made and stored.
There are many statues adorned all around the entirety of the area. Most of depict creatures or great evils
of legend.

The walls cannot be damaged in this area. The doors however can. The Doors have a hardness of 10, and
a HP of 45.

I’m pretty sure you know which encounters are what, and what areas of interest are.


2 Gelatinous Cubes. 60, 50. (Pathfinder Bestiary 1 PG 138)
A Gelatinous Cube hides in the pots that the statues hold.
The cubes remain in the pots that the statues hold until the PCs attempt to reach into them, in
which case the cube then immediately attempts a grapple and pull the PC in. If the PC is able to
break out of its grip, the cube then emerges from the pot to attack the PCs. The other cube will
remain hidden until the PCs have found it, in which case it repeats the same tactics.
1 Castlevanian Vampire Fighter. 47. 1 Nova Skeleton. 12.
A Castlevanian Vampire Fighter and his Nova Skeleton cohort patrol the Marble Gallery,
and occasionally glancing at the statues. Once he sees the PCs, he immediately draws his Great
Sword and moves to fight them, while the skeleton supports him from the rear. The Nova
Skeleton is usually hidden from view.
The Castlevanian Vampire first charges at the PCs with his Great Sword, steering clear of any PC
who possesses Reach. He mainly tried to bait the PCs into corralling into the small enclosed area,
until the Nova Skeleton can fire its energy attack. On the round that the skeleton can fire its
attack, the skeleton will delay its action until the Vampire has safely assumed Gaseous form and
flies up. After which the skeleton then fires. If the skeleton is destroyed, the Vampire assumes
gaseous form and retreats through cracks in the wall to a safe place.
Medusa Naga. 113.
When the PCs first walk into this room, read this paragraph:

You come to a strange room within the gallery. The statues

here all seem to be in the likeness of travelers of some form;
many of which appear to be adventurers. The looks on their
faces all appear to be some form of terror.

After this, the PCs are able to walk about the room. Roll a perception check for each PC. If they succeed a
stealth vs perception check against the Medusa Naga, they will see a pair of eyes watching them from
behind a statue (pick the position carefully).
Seconds later, a Medusa Naga will emerge from the statues and attack the party if it is caught. If the PCs
fail, the Medusa Naga will attempt to draw in the PCs towards it by making some small objects fall, or by
making small noises. If it is spotted, then it begins combat. Once directed in combat, the Medusa Naga
always tries closing distance against the PCs to use its gaze attack. It uses its beam attack on combatants it
can’t damage, and its Flaming sword on targets it can hit.
Once it is slain, a Red Crystal Orb appears where it died.

3 Ectoplasm. 22, 16, 17.
This encounter mimics Number 10 at the Ashfall Docks.
1 Four Armed Gargoyle. 107 (Tomb of Horrors for 3.5E)
In this room, there is a lone statue of a Gargoyle. Around its neck is a Moon Necklace, which
hangs about.
If the PCs attempt to grab the necklace, the Gargoyle immediately comes to life and attacks the
PC who tries to take it. If the PC tries to take it from around its neck, it attempts an immediate
grapple check on that PC. In most cases, the Gargoyle will always use its Rend attack on the PC,
and will always grapple if possible.
This encounter does not occur again, even after 24 hours.
Guardian. 210.
A Golden Armor Lord appears in one of these rooms.
This encounter only occurs when the PC possesses all five pieces of Dracula, and are intent on
burning them on the alter to reach Dracula. The Guardian will appear in any one of these rooms
that has a Purple 6 on it; and will always be there regardless of what tactics the PCs attempt to
pull to move around it.
First, the Guardian immediately uses Summon Monster IV to summon an Eryines Devil to aid it.
After that, it will use as many debuff spells on the party that it has at its disposal at the time (refer
to the monster section). Only after it has exhumed all its spells does it begin its attack. As the
Devil fights, the Guardian moves up towards the PCs, using its Fire Trail attack to damage as
many as possible. It uses its Rapid Strike attack only on PCs that have the most HP in order to
further reduce their Hit points, and full round attacks PCs who are by themselves. If the PCs
target it and not the devil, it will use its Force wall spell to cut the PCs off from it, and then once
again use its spells until they are exhumed.

This scene only occurs if the PCs did not choose to be a Belmont at the beginning of the quest. If
they did, neither the Vampire Killer nor the Belmont’s body will be found here.
Also note that the actual fight does not occur here.
When the PCs first make it in here, read the following paragraph:

You enter this lone room to find what looks like an old storage.
And there he is…Richter Belmont…the Belmont sent by the
church to stop Dracula. Dead in his tracks. Oh what horrid day
is this; to see the man who should have stopped this madness
dead on the floor.

A Heal check of 25 reveals that he perished as a result of a Poison which seeped into his system.
He must have accidently set off a trap, or fought a monster which a powerful potent poison; at
least from your observations. By searching his body, the PCs can find all of his gear listed on his
person in the NPC section. PCs should be aware that using the Vampire Killer whip immediately
deals 1 CON damage to them a day, and the whip’s properties become inert as a result. However,
the DM should find a way to encourage the PCs to picking up the whip; as it is the only way to
get the PCs a chance to wield it.
Should a PC pick up the whip, the obvious of what is listed above occurs. However, during the
night, if the PC succeeds a Will DC of 20 in his sleep, the PC will be transported into a Dream
world that looks like the town of Oldon. Those who have also touched the whip are subject to the
same dream.

Ghost of Richter Belmont. 104.
Only the PC who gripped the whip will see this. Once they are here, Richter appears before the
PC and challenges him to a duel. If the PC wins, the PC will be granted the ability to wield the
Vampire Killer whip, as well as be imbued with all the benefits of being a Belmont. If he loses,
he will be bestowed 1d3 negative levels. (A PC who dies here simply wakes up in his cot with the
Energy Drain effect applied to him. He may try to face Richter again another night or simply pass
the whip onto the next PC. The Negative levels applied to him require Restoration to cure). After
this, the PC and Richter battle. If the PC believes he will lose the fight, he must make a Will DC
check of 23 to awaken at any time; as long as he spends a full round action to do it.
For the rest of the fight, Richter never attacks the PC and always fights defensively, unless the PC
pulls out any weapons that use Range. In this case, Richter then switches up and rushes at the PC.
Richter will always attempts any attack of opportunities that he is given, and will use his own
ranged weapons if necessary. Richter uses Cleansing Fire if the DM is sure that the attack will
finish the PC off.

Once the PC has claimed victory over Richter, the PCs are taken to a place where they must
decide who will wield the Vampire Killer. Once decided which PC will wield it, Richter bestows
to him all the benefits of being a Belmont (which are listed at the beginning of the module); and
without the Level adjustment. The PC can use the Vampire Killer whip’s full abilities without
danger. Richter never appears again after this. The party member who slays him gains 1 mythic
If this is done, resurrecting Richter is no longer possible. His spirit will not return to the Material
Plane again.

Of course, this whole battle may be avoided if the PCs possess a Resurrection scroll, spell, or
item which does the same thing. They can cast the spell on Richter and resurrect him, gaining a
valuable ally and information. Once Richter is resurrected, they will have to keep Richter there
for a couple days, or cure his fatigue.
Once this is done, Richter will thank the PCs and provide the PCs with valuable information that
he learned before his death. For one thing, he will inform the PCs of how to enter Olrox’s
quarters if the PCs cannot figure out where to go. He will inform the PCs that Crisie; a vampire in
this castle was misled by Dracula, and proof of his deceit would in fact win them a valuable ally.
He also tells the PCs a theory that there is a chance the Dracula here may not in fact be the real
one, as during a fight against him, Richter sensed something off.
Richter will help the PCs by then joining their ranks.

2 Human Warriors. 33, 15. 1 Elf Wizard. 21.
Some of Dracula’s cultists were moving about when they ran into you.
First thing the wizard does is drink a Potion of Glibness to attempt to deceive the party that they
are merely agents of the church (if the party gives him an opportunity to do so). If their bluff
succeeds, they allows the party to pass on by…at least for the moment. As soon as the party turns
their back on them, he casts Invisibility spear on his group and they immediately flee the scene.
(They are carrying a Golden Circlet to the Arcane Lab and did not want to be caught).
If the PCs deny them the chance the escape, the Wizard will cast his highest level of Summon
Monster and then immediately begin to apply buffs to his guards. After this, he will flee on his
next round, casting invisibility, carrying the Golden circlet with him.
This encounter does not occur again, even after 24 hours.
1 Diplocephalus. 102
A Diplocephalus stays at the other end of the hallway to bar the PCs from traveling onward.
The Diplocephalus uses its ranged touch attacks and spells first, drawing the PCs towards it,
hoping that they will hit the ceiling trap that it stays behind at all times (If the PCs are coming
from the other direction, then it appears on the other side; though the trap is not as convincing
now). Once the PC activates the trap, the monster moves towards it and grapples it to eat them. If
it eats the PC, the female head of the creature uses a scroll of Teleport to escape with its meal.
Frost Dhuron. 123.
This room appears to be bitter cold, as most of the statues around the area are frozen, as well as
the room itself. The Frost Dhuron appears to be frozen in the center of the room; but breaks out
immediately when the PCs get close. As soon as it breaks out, the stairs leading into the room
retract, and the doors are sealed.
The Frost Dhuron will use Lance in a charge attack on the weakest PC within range so that it can
deal triple damage with it. If the PCs group up, it will use its Ice needles attack on the whole
group. Every 1d4 rounds, it will send its head out to attack the PCs with a Slow Curse, and even
use Rock throwing before returning to its regular pattern. The Frost Dhuron can walk on the ice
without penalty, while all the other PCs must make the proper checks to move correctly.
Upon victory, the PCs receive a Red Crystal Orb. The ice in the room will also begin to melt and
will return to a damp room with marble statues after 1 hour. This encounter does not occur again,
even after 24 hours.

1. There are four statues here, each with a jar in hand that is low enough for the PCs to take. Two of
the jars have gelatinous cubes in them, another jar has nothing, and 1 jar has 4 Scrolls of
Restoration in it. The DM must randomize which item is held in which jar.
2. There’s a piece of fine glassware with a flower in it. The glass vase is worth 120 GP.
3. These statues are built in the image of a Goddess. A Knowledge Religion check of 20 reveals
these Goddess’s to be Iomeda.
4. This statue is a statue of a warrior carrying a large great sword. A Perception DC of 24 reveals
that the sword can be taken out of the warrior’s hands. This sword is a Large Stone Great
5. There is a Sapling leaf on the table.
6. There is an Empty Spell book on the table here.
7. If a PC looks into this door, the door will appear as if it is centered at location 19. Walking pass
this door automatically returns them to area 19. To dispel the field requires a Dispel Magic check
of 26 A PC cannot use Teleport or Dimension Door to cross, as the magic on the door makes it
appear as if the PC is looking at Area 19 instead of beyond the door. To undo the spell completely
requires the PCs to extinguish both torches that it is in between it. A hint to extinguish the torches
is at location 8.
8. On this statue, there are words on here inscribed in Orcish. The words say “The true path ahead
lies in shadow.”

Type Mechanical; Perception DC 30; Disable Device DC 31
Trigger Touch; Reset Automatic
Effect Causes 2d6 blades each doing 1d8 damage each. Blades have Green blood Oil coated on them.
Blades have +15 to hit.
10. This is a picture of an artistic depiction of the Alchemy lab. If the PCs make a Perception check
of 20, they will see that the portrait is slightly out of place. By lifting up the portrait, they will
find a lever which causes the large pottery at 12 to lower into the ground.
11. This is the same thing as 11, but has a higher DC check to see (25). If they pull the lever however,
the part of the wall that they are looking at (what’s in front of them) opens up to reveal a wall
adorned with 2 Exploding runes, which explode immediately for 12d6 damage.
12. This set of fine Marble Pottery is larger than normal. If the PCs succeed a Perception check of 40,
they will find a hidden door behind it all. The Pottery has an HP of 60, and a hardness of 8.
13. This chest is magical in nature. The chest is tightly locked, and cannot be opened by any magical
means. The chest is made of marble and has a Merchant scale on it. On the surface of the chest
nearby the lock, there is inscribed on it in Orcish “I give to thee to whom gives sparingly, but of
equal value.” On the scale there is a finely cut Sapphire which is valued at 2,000 GP. If the PC
removes the gem, the chest instantly teleports out of the room and is never seen again. If the PC
places one item on the scale (and only one) that is greater or equal to that in value of the gem, the
chest glows brightly for a second, and unlocks a Mirror Cuirass in it. The chest can only be
opened in this fashion. Even if the chest is subject to a dispel magic effect, the chest only remains
open for 1d4 rounds, before shutting. Even more so, the item itself does not appear within it, as
the item is teleported in from somewhere. The chest is immune to spells such as Dimensional
14. On this table there is a note that was left here. Read this text box aloud if the PCs decide to read
it. This note is only here if the PCs have no Belmont with them:

Richter is around here somewhere; that battle against Dracula

definitely has weakened him. He’ll probably be dead soon as his
blood has nearly been drained from him. Still, Dracula wants
him dead…he’s somewhere in the Marble Gallery; that we
know for sure.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 35; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Effect Teleports the party at the entrance of the castle. The Teleport was delayed while the party was
jaunted back to the start, and they do not reappear until 24 hours later…in which case resetting all
encounters and traps,
16. There are three chests here. One is trapped, while the other two are not (trap is listed above). One
of the chests has a Crystal Cloak in it while the other has 100 CP. If the PC opens any of the
chests, the other two vanish and are never seen again.
17. This wall is fake. The PC must succeed a Perception check of 25 to notice. The wall has a
Hardness of 8 and an HP of 30.
18. Much like area 7, the door here has the same effect in place. A PC who walks through this door
appears at area 19. The magic on the door here can be dispelled, but the spell only dispels it for
1d4+1 rounds. A PC who possesses the Jewel of Open who enters the archway of the door
disables the magic effect on the door forever.
19. See 18 and 7 for details.

Type Mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 32
Trigger Location; Reset Automatic
Effect Opens a 70 foot deep pitfall trap. At the bottom of the trap is a Teleporting Trap that is the same
as 15, but -2 CR and teleports the PC instead to Area 14 in the Crystal caves if the PC survives the 5d6 fall
21. There is a Moon Necklace on the statue of the Gargoyle here. See Encounter 5 for details
22. This wall is fake and possesses the same stats as 17.
23. There is a Necklace of J in this chest.
24. There are two chests in this room. The first chest above has 2,000 SP. The bottom chest is locked
with a lock that requires a DC check of 25 to break. Inside is what appears to be Boots of Striding,
but are really Boots of Dancing.
25. This is a stone alter that is 5 feet high, and 15 feet long. On the stone alter, there are three things
inscribed in Abyssal. They say:
 Unlock the path to True Darkness by offering the body of Vlad.
 When the lone face’s hands raise to the sky, the path to Olrox will be opened.
 When the flow of time is suspended, the path to treasure will lie ahead.

If the PCs find all 5 body parts of Dracula here, and then burn them on the alter until they are all
but ash, the clock tower’s bell will ring out several times. The wall at 26 lowers to give PC access
to the true throne room, where the final battle begins.
Mysterious Individual Reappears
As the PCs come by, they see the mysterious stranger who is looking at the altar. When the PCs
arrive, he greets them and asks if they have Erica with them. If questioned about Erica, he says
that he has been aiding her in a hunt against a Vampire, but has been separated from her. If the
PCs tell him where Erica has gone to, and her pursuit of the Vampire, he will look worried and
then assume Gaseous form to where the PCs said she was last spotted at.
If the PCs do not tell him
anything, or intentionally lie, he
will merely assume gaseous
form anyway and depart,
eventually discovering Erica’s
path on his own.
The Mysterious individual does
not reveal his identity in any

SCENE 8 (Alternate)
If through cunning and quick
reaction, the PCs manage to slay
the Vampire and keep Erica
around, the Mysterious
Individual will be there. Play out
Scene 10 here instead of at the

26. This wall is fake; but looks so perfect that it cannot be discerned as fake. This wall cannot be
destroyed or damaged.
27. This wall has the same properties as 26. If the PCs use the Gold or Blue Stop Watch, or a Time
stop spell in this area, the wall opens up.
28. This wall is fake, as has the same properties KEEP TRACK OF TIME:
as 26 and 27. If the Clock’s hands in the The wall at 28 opens up only two times a
middle of the room are both pointing up (aka day; 12 PM and 12 AM; and stays open only
both on the number 12), the door here opens for 1 minute. Keep track of the time of day in
up. The door remains open for 1 minute. this world and how much time you let pass
29. This whole wall is adorned to the brim with to give the PCs opportunities to enter Olrox’s
different clocks. Quarters. They’ll need to get in there if they
30. If the PCs have no Belmont in their party, the
wish to finish this quest.
PCs will find his body here. More
information about the Belmont’s body can be In addition, the items known as the Moon
found on Encounter 7; Scene 10 above. and Sun Necklace only operate when worn
31. There are two chests here. The one on the left between certain times. Keeping track of time
has 4,000 GP, 5 Potions of Cure Critical is necessary for their effects to work.
wounds, 3 Potions of Bull Strength, 1 Wand
of Restoration, and a Chain shirt+2. The one of the right has a Mystic pendant.
32. There are two chests here. One has the Alucart Mail in here, while the other has a +3 Heavy Steel
shield in it.
33. There are 3 levers here. The one on the left has a greenish cloud above it, the one in the middle
has a fireball above it, and the one on the right has a gold mark on it. If the PCs pull the lever on
the left, all of the doors shut in the room and lock. Then gas will come from the ceiling, and begin
to fill up the room. If the PC breathes in the gas, each PC on a failed Will save (DC 27) will be
subject to the following curses listed on the table below. The only way to escape is to pull all
three levers at once. If the PCs pull the middle one, their weapons become imbued with the
Flaming Burst enchantment for one day (if the weapon does not have the requires enchantment
bonus for it, the weapon also gains that); but promptly after gain Weakness 5 for the next day
(their weapons deal 5 damage less at all times). If the PCs pull the right one, all of their armor
instantly gets turned into Gold.
Once one lever is pulled, all of the levers freeze in place for the rest of the day. If all three were
pulled, the device explodes, dealing 12d6 damage to everyone in a 20 foot radius (Reflex 21 for
34. This is a large fountain with has blood coming from it. A Perception check of 20 reveals
something in the fountain. A PC who digs his hand through will find a Moai Statue.
35. These four statues appear to be travelers, all of which had fallen prey to the Medusa Naga. Two
of the statues have 1 Scrolls of Stone to Flesh. The one in the lower left hand corner has a Moai
Statue in its hands.

Type Mechanical; Perception DC 40; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger Touch; Reset Automatic
Effect Fires a Colossal spear out from a Ballista on the other side of the door. Spear has +15 to hit.
Deals 4d8 damage. Has Giant Wasp Poison on it. Fortitude save of 18. Frequency 1 round/ 6rounds. 1d2
DEX damage.
Type Mechanical; Perception DC 26; Disable Device DC 29
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Effect Causes a crushing ceiling to come down on the PC for 14d6 damage. Never miss. Reflex save of
23 for half damage. If the PCs believe the blue area is the trap (which is really an illusion), the trap has a
+5 to the DC to notice.
39. Flame Strike Trap. See CRB for details. The chest in this room is an illusion. The PCs must break
the wall on the left (has the same HP as 17) to find the real one.
40. There is a Sun Necklace in this chest.
41. This statue’s sword appears different than the rest. A Perception DC of 25 reveals that the sword
can be taken. +1 Obsidian Long sword.

% Roll Curse
1-16% The PC’s alignment shifts as radically as possible.
17-29% The PC’s classes are exchanged for something else entirely (Does not replace Belmont
30-41% PC’s Gender changes.
42-49% PC’s race changes.
50-62% One of the PCs weapons becomes a -2 Weapons; and assumes the same properties as
that of the -2 Long sword listed in Ultimate Equipment. Requires Spellcraft of 26 to
identify. Remove Curse spell removes the curse on the weapon as well as the PC.
Does not affect Vampire Killer, or other magic item already imbued with an
63-72% The PC has a -4 to all physical or mental attributes
73-82% The PC has a -4 to all saves.
83-91% All of the PCs equipment is teleported to Area 13 in the Marble gallery.
92-99% The PC receives 2 negative levels. PC must have a Remove Curse spell casted first, or
the Restoration spell has no effect.
100% Reroll twice. PC has two curses afflicted on him/her.


One of the other reasons the Castle is so dangerous is

the Castle itself is a sentient being; an extraplanar being
if you will. The Castle reroutes all the information the
party converses and does to Dracula, who then in turn
uses telepathic bond to direct this information to the
denizens. Because of this, most of the citizens with the
Castle will be prepared.
The Castle is considered to have greater scrying, arcane
sight, telepathic bond, true seeing, discern location and,
prying eyes that cannot be seen. Telepathy range is
unlimited, and the Castle has a +30 to spellcraft checks.

This Cathedral is primarily used to hold worship services to Dracula, and force his cult to worship him.
Others use this place to worship evil Gods. It is apparent from the black stone, and the spruce wood
fixtures around the area that this place is anything but holy. Most of the stained glass windows carry
demonic symbols and paintings around the area.

This entire area has a desecrate spell placed on it.

The paintings here are worth 200 GP a piece if removed.

Each square for a bookshelf contains 5d6 books on it. The books on the shelves are worth varying values
of 1-10 GP.

Walls and doors cannot be damaged in this area.


1. 2 Corner Guards. 22, 30. 6 Skeletal Archers. 3, 2, 5, 4, 3, 2. 1 Axe Knight 43.

A trio of followers from Dracula stay at the top of the stairs. It is defended heavily defended to
keep intruders out.
The Two Corner Guards will first light a barrel of gunpowder and roll it down the stairs. This
barrel travels at a speed of 40 feet a round. The barrel explodes after 1d3 rounds, dealing 6d6 fire
damage. While this happens, Skeletal Archers fire arrows at the PCs, attempting to deal
additional damage, or to poison them if they possess the proper arrows. An Axe Knight moves
onto the stairs and Fights Defensively, moving slowly towards the PCs. The Corner Guards go
prone and then await for the PCs to reach them.
2. 2 Winged Guardian 33, 22. 2 Bat Swarms. 12, 17.
A series of monsters patrols this tower, defending it the best they can. All of these creatures
flutter about the area.
The Winged Guardian attempts to inflict Bleed on the PCs. If they try to climb the stairs, they
move to bull rush the PCs off the stairs. The Bat Swarms merely attempt to cause as much
damage as they can.
3. Castlevanian Vampire Gigori. 105.
Versus Vampire Gigori
If the PCs fail to stop Erica and Maria from entering the chapel, or do not slay Gigori, they will
find Gigori here in the chapel.
The PCs walk towards the door to see a lone shadowy figure standing in front of it before they
enter the chapel. The following in the blue box below are conversations used after this, the top
one used if there is no Belmont, while the bottom is used if there is one.

“Greetings.” He says. “So…these are the cretins who have

chosen to oppose Dracula. How foolish. No one can slay
Dracula. The strongest paragons of the Belmonts are gone
now. The legacy of that accursed family has been put to rest all
but recently.”

“Greetings.” He says. “So…these are the cretins who have

chosen to oppose Dracula. How foolish. No one can slay
Dracula. The strongest paragons of the Belmonts are gone
now...you Belmont are nothing compared to your ancestors!”

Gigori then informs the PCs that Erica is on the inside of the door, and that he will be disposing
of her in the next hour or so. He then beckons them to come and stop him. After this, Gigori casts
Darkness on the door, preventing the PCs from teleporting or using Dimension Door in (methods
to block dimension door would include placing Darkness in front of the door to prevent the PCs
from seeing in the door).
Once the PCs locate the key to the chapel, they see Gigori sitting on the alter itself, while Erica is
suspended in the air. Erica has been poisoned by the Vampire’s blood, and needs Restoration, or
else she will turn into a vampire in the next 1d4 hours (she is dying). Gigori taunts the PCs one
last time, and claims that point to come here was worthless, and that he will claim them soon
In the midst of his talking however, the Mysterious Stranger reappears. He moves into the area
and casts Telekinesis on where Erica is to pull her to him, while Quickening Gust of Wind to blow
Gigori away. Since he was surprised, he fails the check, but manages to get on his feet. The
Mysterious Stranger then runs off with Erica, and places her outside the door to try and stop the
vampirification process with one of his scrolls of Restoration, leaving the PCs to fight Gigori.
Only after 1d8 rounds does he reappear (sooner if the party needs it).
If the PCs managed to stop Erica and Maria from entering this area, then nothing about Erica or
Alucard being here occurs.
Gigori first starts off by Quickening Shield, and then casting Mage Armor. He then uses
Invisibility and moves about the chapel, until he reaches a PC. If he manages to stay hidden, he
then uses Magic Jar to allow his body to remain hidden in the chapel, while he kills the PCs with
their own party members. He then uses Bestow Curse on the PC, and then once again moves
around the area away from them, doing this 1d3 times. After which, he will cast Glitterdust on a
group of the party, and then begin unleashing damaging spells at them. If a PC gets next to him,
he will slam attack them to do Energy Drain to them. If he gets into a bad spot, he will use
Hellfire to jaunt away from them. If given a chance, he will use Eagle’s Splendor to make the
DCs of his spells increase further. Gigori ensures to deal with spell casters first, instead of
muscle, as they can be the worst of the bunch to deal with.

After Gigori has been slain, a Red Crystal Orb appears where he was slain.

When the PCs gather to where the mysterious stranger is, they will find him and a properly
treated Erica on the ground (assume he took a 10 on his heal check). At this point, if they did not
find Maria injured on the floor (which they could only have done if they went through the
entranceway in Hallway 1, or searched around a bit), she will appear as well. Hurt, but alive. The
Mysterious Stranger then says he will take Erica back to her room to rest, and escort the lady as

When the PCs arrive there, they will find Mysterious Stranger in the room, with his cloak
removed. At this point, if a PC makes a Knowledge Nobility check of 40, they realize that the
Mysterious Stranger is none other than Alucard, the son of Dracula (45 or higher reveals his true
name as Adrian Tepish). Alucard supposedly after the battle with Trevor Belmont, sealed himself
away in a deep sleep to submerge his bloodline forever. However, something had awoken him
from his sleep. Alucard never intended to awaken from it, so he knew something was up. After
this, he traveled around the area to find his father’s castle in the providence of Brinford. Seeing as
the town of Ashfall was having trouble from the attacks, Alucard made his temporary home for
the time being, until he was ready. It is implied that Alucard fought to defend the town alongside
the people.
If there is a party Belmont, then Alucard’s reasoning for not telling him who he was simply as a
means to test the Belmont to see if they were capable hunters. If the Belmont could not defeat the
vampire Maionel, then how could they defeat Dracula?

If there is no party Belmont, Alucard says he was at the inn simply because he did not wish to
face his father, but could not allow the people to fight alone. However, sometime while he stayed
there, he felt as if caught a scent of Richter’s blood, which made him worry that something had
happened. And then the party appeared, in which case Alucard sent them to face the vampire for
the same reasons as before.

As per his relation with Erica, Alucard was the one who convinced Erica to rise up against
Dracula, telling her that Dracula wouldn’t rest till her village had been turned, or dead. To help
her, he had given her the Alucard Spear, a spear made of his own devices to aid in her journey.
As of now, the spear only answers to her, which makes it impossible to wield in the hands of

You can allocate the rest of the time the PCs are in the room for character development. Maria
will remain engaged with Alucard, whereas the party can do what they want.

The next day as the party sleeps, Alucard leaves and disappears. When the party awakens, Maria
informs them that he had left to track down the location of his father. Eventually, Erica awakens
in the room. From here Maria and Erica join the party, and if they are needed can be found in
their room. If the party asks for their assistance, they will assist the party for 2d10 hours.

This encounter with Gigori does not occur again, and the party is awarded a Red Crystal Orb.

If the party manages to defeat Gigori or keep Maria and Erica from going to where, the scenes
with Alucard, Maria, Erica and the party play out, but without Erica being unconscious, and more
just Alucard revealing himself.

If the party fails to save Erica in 1d4 hours, Erica will not be present here. The party must fight
Castlevanian Vampire Erica before they face Dracula.

Ad hoc XP award: If the party managed to slay Gigori without the help of Alucard, award them
XP of a CR 8 encounter.

4. 2 Level 7 Dwarf Clerics. 32, 44.

Two Evil Clerics walk about the hallway, all of them Shaft’s followers.
Both Clerics use Summon Monster IV, and summon the best creature they can conjure (preferably
something not affected by Negative Energy so that they can cast Negative energy against the
PCs). After that, they use Unholy Blight against the PCs to try and weaken them. If any of the
PCs are archers, they set up a Wind wall to prevent them from shooting arrows at them. The
Clerics exhaust their spells before trying to advance and cast Negative energy on the PCs (unless
channels deal more damage) though they begin to do this now if the PCs get close.
This encounter does not occur again, even after 24 hours.
5. Same as 4.


1. There are two chests here. One of them towards the North is unlocked and contains 3,000 SP. The
other chest is locked and requires a DC Disable Device check of 25 to unlock. Inside of that
contains 4 Good Unholy Texts (Dracula’s Cult), 4 Zicorn rings (worth 400 GP), and 3 Mana
2. It’s Maria Renard if the PCs were unable to stop Erica and her from running towards the Chapel.
She is here with her arm bleeding, and lucky that no one has found her yet. She frantically tells
the party that Erica ran on ahead despite the fact of how quickly she was defeated. If the PCs cast
a spell, or give her a Cure Light wounds spell, she will get up and assist the PCs in rescuing
Erica. Maria at the time the PCs find her has 0 HP.
If the PCs do not come here before, Maria will not be here, instead moving up to where the party
is, having cast a Cure Light wounds spell on herself.
3. This chest contains 2d4 Medium Quality gems.
4. This statue is an appearance of a wizard, and is out of place as all other statues in this room depict
Knights of the Crusades. If a PC touches the statue, they are teleported to location 5. The statue
breaks apart afterwards. The spell can be detected via detect magic and identified with a spellcraft
DC of 24 (26 to know the triggers).
5. Read above for details, though this one has a Moai Statue in its hands. The magic activates if the
individual grasps it.
6. This door is locked, and requires the Chapel Key in order to unlock. If a PC attempts to fiddle
with the lock, read this following paragraph:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

7. This area is a confessional booth, in a private room. This room is warded by spells that Richter
Belmont had put in place (though if there is a Belmont in the party, then it only adds to the
mystery), and the room acts as a safe haven for the PCs who need to rest for the night. Monsters
from the castle cannot enter this room.
If a PC sits in the chair of where the individual who is confessing their sins is supposed to sit, the
curtains will close. After this, one of two events can happen (the first event happens if the DM
throws a d100 and the die lands on 50 or below, while the other happens if it’s 50 or above). If it
is 50 or below, a ghostly preacher will appear on the other side (on the inside, so to see him
requires the PC to pull away the curtain). The Priest will bless the individual, giving him a holy
benediction from a religion that no one knows about (use the Christian benediction: Now may the
Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord shine his countenance upon and you and be gracious.
The Lord shine upon you with favor, with grace and peace…in the name of the Father, son, and
Holy Spirit, Amen.) When this happens, the individual’s weapons are instantly imbued up to +7,
allowing them to deal epic damage for 1 day. The individual is cured of all conditions, and is
healed fully, and has all of his spells restored for the day. When the PC checks the other side of
the confessional, all he will see is a Fine Wine Bottle, and a Magic Pot Roast.
If the d100 is above 50 however, the PC will hear someone on the other side walk into the booth,
followed by a demonic laughter. If the PC does not move in that round, on the next round he must
make a reflex save of 20, or be subject to 2d4 spikes that appear from the other side of the
confessional, which deal 2d12+5 damage each; and do not miss.
The latter result always occurs if there is more than one “conscious” PC in the room. The only
way to get the 50% chance is if any of the PCs are asleep or not in the room at the time.
8. This chest is locked, and requires a DC Disable Device check of 25 to unlock. Inside is an Ankh
of Life.
9. There is 4,000 GP in this chest.
10. There is a note on this desk.

This is so weird…it’s weird enough no monster can

enter that confessional booth…but it’s even weirder if
you try and sit down in that confessional. It’s meant
to be a trap for those who still cling to religion, but
I’ve seen some weird stuff happen in there that
freaks me out if you try to check on the trap when
you’re by yourself.

11. On this side of the table, there is 10 pieces of parchment, 4 Mugs of ale, 2 Glasses of wine, 10
pieces of silverware (worth 20 GP each). If a PC makes a Perception check of 20 around here,
they will find the Chapel Key under the table around there.
12. There are 3 bags of 400 GP here.
13. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 19, they will
find a book called “The feud between Terpes and the Belmonts.” This book is worth about 100
14. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 21, they will
find a book called “Natural Alternatives to Alchemy.” This book is worth about 70 GP.
15. One of the barrels has a smells like chicken around here. If a PC makes a Perception check
around here, they will find a Magic Pot Roast. The other barrels contain 5d10 various liquors.
16. There is a pair of Holy Glasses in this chest. There is also a note in here that says: “To stop those
who are possessed.”
17. The wall around here appears to be cracking and could be broken open. The wall has a Hardness
of 8, and a HP of 200. If a PC destroys this section, they will find a Glittering crown. It is worth
2,000 GP.
18. These crates contain 10d10 various weapons in each crate.
19. This chest contains 4d4 High Quality gems.
20. There is an arrow engraved on the alter, which is pointing to the secret passage on the left. There
is also 3 Golden Goblets on the table. There is also a Rosary on here. They are worth 400 GP
each. There is also what looks like a Platinum and gold holy symbol on the alter. If the PC
attempts to remove the Gold Holy symbol, it is revealed to be a lever, and the wall at 21 opens. If
they attempt to remove the Platinum Holy symbol, the alter reveals some text, which is revealed
to be exploding runes. The alter deals 12d6 damage to the PC.
21. This wall is fake and requires a DC Perception check of 24 to notice. The wall has a hardness of
8, and has a HP of 100.
22. There are two chests in this area. One of the chests contains a Mablung blade, and the other has
an N demon card in it.

This area is another series of hallways built specifically to interconnect pathways that lead to other
various locations of the Castle. Most of what is seen here is very little, but there are various rooms that
have other uses. In addition, this area connects to the Arcane Lab, one of the more important rooms in the
Castle, which has a hallway dedicated all to itself. There is even a fountain in the room just before it.
Other than that, there are several rooms that serve as meeting rooms and storages.

Paintings in this place are worth 100-300 GP if removed.

The doors here are destroyable. They all have a Hardness of 8, and a HP of 24.

1 Armor Lord. 110.
An Armor Lord patrols the hallway and attacks PCs who enter the hallway.
First, the Armor Lord uses Cat’s Grace to give himself more defense from touch based spells,
and then progresses forward to the group. If he sees someone off to the side, the armor lord will
engage him.
2 Salem Witches. 42, 50.
Two Salem Witches hover about the hallway, preventing any PCs from trying to make it to the
Arcane Lab. This encounter only occurs after the PCs pull the switch in area 27.
These witches are here to weaken the party members so that the Frost Necromancer will have an
easier time fighting the PCs. Mostly, they use their wave of light attack to deal damage to them;
since it deals the most reliable damage. They throw their debuff spells on the PCs, weakening
their stats by any amount, or forcing the PCs to use up their items in order to deal with them.
When one of the witches is on the verge of death, the witch passes through the walls to avoid
being killed.
Same as 1.
4 Shadows.13, 14, 12. 1 Black Panther. 60 (15% of it appearing)
There are 4 shadows hiding in this room.
The shadows hide all among parts of the room and wait for the PCs. If the PCs trigger the
Extended Darkness trap, the shadows move from the room with no torches and swarm the room.
1d2 of the shadows will move first, following by another shadow with 4 rounds, until 4 shadows
have fought the PCs. If the PCs disable or maneuver around the trap, the Shadows will wait in the
dark room for them come. The Shadows attempt to flee if their HP drops below 5.
If the Panther is in this encounter, it will attempt to flee away from the party and towards
Dormitories 2. At the time, it should be in the middle of the room. If it reaches there, assume the
Panther has gone to another part of the Castle. If the PCs manage to get the sword out of its
mouth, it will stay and fight until it is slain. The sword is a Masemune.
1 Sword Lord. 91. 4 Level 4 Drow Warriors. 32, 42. 32. 34.
A Sword Lord and his cohorts walk among this hallway, attacking anything that comes in that is
not associated with Dracula.
The Sword Lord takes front, while 2 of the Warriors go to assist him. The other two pull bows
and fire arrows at the PCs, using their Poisoned arrows to weaken the PCs attributes. The Sword
Lord continues to fight until he is slain. If the Sword Lord turns into a Vandal Knight upon death,
the Sword Lord continues his attack. If he is slain, the warriors flee.
If all 4 Drow are killed, they do not reappear, even after 24 hours. Replace them with 4 Corner
Frost Necromancer. 76. 1d4+1 Medium Water Elementals. (Pathfinder Bestiary 1 PG 126)
A Frost Necromancer hovers about the ice filled area, guarding the entrance to the Arcane lab.
Water Elementals encompass the water that is within the fountain. Every 5 rounds, one Water
Elemental emerges from the fountain and begins the attack.
First, the Frost Necromancer uses his special ability of Ice surface to evaporate the hallway the
PCs were in with a sheet of ice. The first water elemental appears on this round, and then the
Frost Necromancer then uses his special ability to transform the Water Elemental into an Ice
Elemental. The Frost Necromancer will then take flight, and from that point on continues to cast
its more powerful abilities on the PCs, dealing as much damage as possible, and using as many
debuff spells as he can to weaken them. Icy Prison will be his usual go to spell. Every time a
Water Elemental appears after the first one, the Frost Necromancer will wait until the Elemental’s
HP has dropped to near death, in which case it uses its ability again to transform it, and heal it at
the same time. If the Frost Necromancer runs out of spells, he flees the area by passing through a
wall. The PCs will have to wait until he appears again before they will have a chance to fight him
and enter the Arcane Lab.


1. This wall appears to be real. A will save of 25 reveals it to be an illusionary wall. The PCs will be
able to pass right through it.
2. This statue appears to be holding a +2 Flaming Burst Great axe. If the PCs reach for it however,
the statue attacks the PC with it (BAB +7, STR modifier +5, 1d8+5, plus 1d10 fire). The axe
disintegrates afterwards. Obtaining the axe requires that the PC use a spell on the statue, such as
Telekinesis to lift it up, or a Dispel magic to stop the statue. (CL 21).
3. There are two chests in here. The one of the left is locked, and requires a DC Disable Device
check of 25 to open. Inside there are 6 Cure Moderate wounds Potions. The right one has 6 Inflict
Moderate wounds potions.
4. This statue looks as if it’s carrying a meal on a plate, which looks like a Pot roast. The statue of a
pork roast is cracking. If the PC shatters the statue, it reveals a Magic Pot Roast.
5. There is a note and several wine glasses, along with a Fine Wine bottle on the table here:

It seems that some rats have entered the Castle. Dracula has
ordered that the Entrance to the Arcane Lab be sealed off. If
the church’s forces enter the Arcane lab, it’s on your head. I do
hope you remember where the switch to lock up the Arcane
Lab is in on this floor.

6. There is 7 Mugs on the table here, along with a silver goblet worth 35 GP.
7. This wall appears to be cracked and weak. If attacked, the wall will break open. The wall has an
HP of 15, and a hardness of 8.
8. There is a potted vase made of marble that holds a pink flower in it. The vase is worth 50 GP.
9. There is a series of pottery on this table, all of it very finely crafted. The set is worth 120 GP. If
the PCs search around this area, they will discover a note, which seems to have been dropped
there…probably by accident.
I tried talking to one of Shaft’s men about how to enter his
domain in the Castle…seeing as I’m a new initiate and all. The
response I got was “Hit the Clock Tower corridor with your
head to make a hole.” Apparently, the initiation part of joining
his guild is to try to find where his domain is. After that, he gave
me a red gem and told me good luck.
Gem is still in my room in Dormitories 2…and I still don’t know
what to do to get in there…FML.

10. These wine racks hold 12d12 Fine Wine bottles at the time the PC arrives here.
11. On this side of the table, there is a set of beautifully crafted tableware all adorned about where
people would be sitting. The tableware is worth 200 GP in total, and weights 20 lbs.
12. There is an Elixir of Invulnerability on the table.
13. These barrels have a sweet amber smell coming from them. If the PCs investigate the barrels,
they will Whiskey in these barrels, enough to fill 100 mugs. There are 4 barrels that contain the
whiskey in here.
14. If the PCs look in the fountain, they will find a series of 250 SP, and 100 CP tossed into the
fountain. Around the fountain, it says “Offer up coin greater than gold to claim your reward.” If
the PC tosses a PP in the fountain, the top of the fountain will spew a Devil Card.
15. This wall is fake, but cannot be damaged or destroyed. To open the wall requires the PCs to pull
the lever at 27.
16. There is a Wall of Force that blocks the PC from reaching the Arcane Lab (CL 24). The use of
Dispel magic disables the wall, but only for 1d2 rounds. A PC can still go across the wall through
the use of Teleport or Dimension Door spells. To shut down the Wall of Force, the Frost
Necromancer must be slain.
17. The Lumnis sword that this statue is holding can be removed and used.
18. This pottery is broken slightly. If it is broken, there is a bag of Dust of Sneezing and Choking.
19. There is 4,000 GP in this chest. The other chest has 3,000 CP.
20. This wall is fake, and possesses the same stats as 7. Perception DC to notice this is 25.
21. There are two chests back to back here. The one on the top has 20 PP in it, while the other one
has 3,000 CP.
22. There is a note on this table:
The church’s followers came in the darkness of the night, and
had eliminated many of our cohorts on land…as a result, we
had no idea they would arrive here so quickly. We’ve managed
to stick many of the valuables in the Castle in hidden chambers
so that they wouldn’t be as easily found…and the most valuable
equipment in the Treasure Room; to which only Dracula knows
the location to…and I guess Olrox. We’ve also distributed a
number of cursed items among the magic items as well…I don’t
know why we don’t kill the church followers here and now to
deal with them for good…but Dracula seems to enjoy this cat
and mouse game they’re playing.

23. There is a Zewihandler in this chest on the right, while the other one has a Backbiter Spear in it.
24. All of these chests are locked, and appear to have items in them. Opening up the chests though
only reveal mundane equipment, which is worth 1-5 GP. If the PC rummages through it however,
they will find a Jeweled Key, which can open the door at the Main Entrance leading to the
Jeweled Sword.
25. This wall is fake, and possesses the same stats as 15. Perception DC is 20.
26. This wall is fake, and is an illusion. PCs who walk nearby the wall are allowed a Will save of 25
to see past the illusion.
27. This lever dispels the fake wall at 15 when pulled.
28. There is a total of 2,000 GP in both of these chests.
29. There is 2,000 GP in the top chest here, and 3 Life Apples on the bottom chest.

Much like Hallway 1 & 2, this place serves the same purpose. The various rooms seen here are a lookout
for a telescope, and several storage rooms, but not much more after that.

Paintings here are worth 100-300 GP each.

Chests and doors in this area cannot be destroyed as a result of HP damage, but can still be destroyed as a
result of spells.


1. 2 Bone Muskets. 22, 14. 1 Sword Lord. 76.

Two Bone Muskets wander around the hallway, accompanied by a Sword Lord.
First, the Sword Lord makes a charging attack against the PCs to deal additional damage to them.
The hope of the Sword Lord in doing this is that the PCs will be right next to him so that they will
have to spend actions accordingly in order to avoid an attack of opportunity. As for the Bone
Muskets, they fire their musket rounds out at the PCs in order to deal damage to them. The Bone
Muskets leap out of a windows to their deaths if the PCs slay the Sword Lord.
2. 1 Sword Lord. 100. 4 Yellow Medusa heads. 12, 11, 7, 5.
A Sword Lord lies in ambush along with a triage of Medusa heads. These monsters wait in the
Ethereal plane because of scrolls they had used prior in advance and await for the PCs to enter the
room with the Telescope. After the PCs exit the room, they appear to begin battle.
The Sword Lord bars the path of the PCs, and engages them if they get close. If the PCs use their
ranged weapons against it, it then begins its slow advance over to them. While this occurs, the
Medusa heads attempt to bestow their petrification curse on them, hoping to reduce the PCs
action pool as best as they can. If one is slain, another reappears at the Blue shaded squares listed
above (15 feet in the air), until the Sword Lord is slain.
3. 1 Bomb Knight. 70. 1 Rock Knight. 70.
Two strange knights wander around this area, waiting for the PCs. The Knights appear to be
frozen like statues, and require a Perception DC of 22 to discover that they are animated.
The Rock Knight and Bomb Knight lob their bombs and rocks at the PCs, and use their natural
attacks when PCs get close to them, giving the other knight a chance to back up in order to avoid
being overwhelmed by the PCs.
4. 1 Stained Glass Golem. 121. (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 PG 138)
A Stained Glass Golem acts as if it’s part of the windows of this room. A Perception check of 38
is needed to see that there is actually a Golem there. Failure to notice will result in a surprise
attack from the Golem.
The Stained Glass Golem; if it did not get the attack of opportunity will immediately use
Dazzling Brightness…following after this continues its attack normally.
5. 1 Bodak. 140 (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 PG 48).
A Bodak is walking around, appearing to be enjoying the scenery. The room is very dark and
requires a Perception DC of 35 to spot the Bodak, unless the PC has Dark vision, in which case
vision rules apply normally.
The Bodak uses its Death gaze attack, and does nothing else. If the Bodak appears to be losing the
fight (if one occurs), the Bodak retreats to the room with Encounter 3.


1. There is Regal vase on this table, with a beautiful blue sapphire adorned onto it, worth about 200
2. This vase is cracked and breaking. Breaking the vase reveals a 0 Shot item.
3. This door is locked. If the PCs try to do anything to this door, read this paragraph:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.
4. It’s a window that leads to the outside. Read this paragraph if the PCs look outside:
There’s an unnatural beauty found as you gaze out
into the night. Despite how evil the Castle truly is, you
find by looking out at the world below an unnatural
breathtaking sight that many of you will probably
never see again in a long time.
5. …There is no 5 on the map…im an idiot and forgot to put a 5. :\
6. It’s a Spyglass, set on a pedestal, making it a telescope. The PCs can look into the telescope and
analyze much of the area, and the landscape around them. If the PCs use it to look at the lake,
they will see Dracula’s Boatman wading across the river on his raft. He will then stop his rowing,
and look in your direction.
This triggers Encounter 2, and the monsters will be in the room the next time the PCs enter it.
7. There are two chests in this room. The top most chest has 3 Spyglasses in it, while the bottom
chest has 3 Healer’s Kits, A Starmap (worth about 200 GP), 20 Paper, 1 Ink pen, 4 Ink.
8. On the table, there is a journal here. The Journal is written with a number of mundane reports of
someone’s fixation on local constellations, as well as some basic experiments with gravity and
light. One of the most notable entries is this:

One of the nights, I witnessed something spectacular.

I saw a starlike object hit the ground nearby the
Castle. I rushed to find it was some form of glowing
metal…perhaps magic in nature as a result of the
Master’s night. I sent it to the Arcane lab…I’ve heard
recently they made a Rod out of it.

9. There is a note written on the table:

The false path gives birth to a new one if patience,

and a short rest is exercised.

On the table, there is a key. This key opens the door at door 3.

10. This door is locked and has the same qualities as the door at 3.
11. There is a pouch, full of 45 PP in this dark corner. Requires a DC Perception check of 22 to find,
and the PC must be in that area to make the check.
12. There are three chests in the room here. The chest on the left has 4 Potions of Poison. The one in
the middle has a Loadstone in it. And the one on the right has a Red Rust in it.
13. This is a set of iron bars that bar the PCs from entering the next room. Breaking the bars off the
wall requires a Strength check of 25 to pull them off. PCs can use spells such as Dimension Door
and Gaseous form to break through. The Bars have an HP of 30 and a hardness of 10.
14. There are two chests in this room. There is a Gladius and two finely cut topaz (worth 300 GP
each) in the top chest, and a Magic Pot Roast in the second (along with 1,000 GP).
15. This wall is fake, and requires a Perception DC of 24 to notice the obvious cracks in the walls.
The Wall has a Hardness of 8, and a HP of 45.
16. This wall on the top has the same inscription as at 9. The wall in front of the PCs cannot be
damaged in anyway due to the Castle’s magic. If the PC sits down and relaxes for 1 minute, they
will be sucked into the wall, and come out the other side. On the other side of the wall, there is a
lever that can be pulled, which destroys the wall.
17. There are 4 chests here. Going from top to bottom, the first chest has a set of 2 Rosaries. The
second one has 3 bags of gems, each containing an assortment of 10 gems worth 130 GP each.
The third one contains an Opal Circlet. The final one contains has a beautiful Crown of Silver

This is one of the two dormitories that came with the Castle when it rematerialized into existence. The
dorms here have several living quarters for residents who live here. The section of the Castle includes a
kitchen for the residents who live here, a bathing pool and sauna, and with a lengthy storage room.

As soon as the PCs enter the area, a Perception DC of 10 will let the PCs see a piece of clothing on the
ground. It does not seem as if it is made in the castle.

The doors of this hallway cannot be burst open, and are immune to damage. They are not subject to spells
that allow the PCs to unlock them, as they can be barred from the other side, making it impossible to open
them up. Doors listed as locked, cannot be breached.

Encounters in this area are listed as purple numbers, while locations of interest or items are marked by
blue numbers.
2 Dhurons. 32, 22.
The Dhurons patrol this area to be sure intruders, or those not affiliated with the castle disturb the
residents within the dorms.
One of the Dhurons go to secure the door, while the others engage the PC.
2. 1 Armor Lord 80, 1 Human Warrior 15, 1 Dwarf Warrior 18. 10-12 different assortments of
Level 1-3 NPC classes (these do not take up actual combat).
People walk about the Castle in cheerful bliss, practicing whatever rites or tasks they want
without the fear of others or the church admonishing them. An Armor Lord loyally patrols the
hallway to ensure their safety, along with its two companions.
As soon as the PCs enter the room, the Armor Lord turns in their direction (unless they are
stealthing, in which case as long as they do not enter within direct sight of the Armor Lord, they
will be fine). As soon as the NPC classes see the PCs and recognize them as invaders, they will
immediately shriek with terror and flee for the dorm rooms, locking them behind them. On his
action, the Armor Lord runs to where the PCs are and uses his Spell like ability of Force Wall in
order to ensure the PCs are not able to harm any of the residents. During actual battle, the two
warriors will wait behind the Armor Lord until someone approaches it. After this, they will then
attempt to Acrobatics around the PCs CMD and attempt to flank to deny them their dexterity
modifier, and give a +2 to the Sword Lord. Once the Armor Lord is dead, the warriors flee.
If both warriors are slain, they do not reappear, even after 24 hours.
3. Three is the same encounter as the above…just in a different room. There is no difference.
4. This encounter is exactly the same as Encounter 2 in the Main Hall 1st floor.
5. 1 Will o Wisp. 65
A Will o Wisp is aware of the PCs existence, and is hiding…waiting for them to come.
Knowing that the PCs are going to eventually come upon its area, the Will o Wisp has already
used it’s natural invisibility and is hidden in the room. As soon as the PCs enter, the Will O Wisp
targets the PC with the lowest HP and continues to attack him until the PC has been placed in
Bleedout. It then switches target to the next.
6. 1 Salem Witch. 32
A Salem Witch hovers about the in the room, as if she was expecting the party. Occurs at both 6s.
The Salem witch first uses its ability to pass through walls like incorporeal creatures and moves
out where it has more room to fight. It then bestows as many Hexes and debuffs on the party as it
can. If the witch is unable to defeat them, it will then pass through the walls to safety.

Areas of interest:

1. This is the closet of one the Privy chambers (toilet). Inside of it holds several mops and cleaning
tools for janitorial duties in the castle. A Perception DC of 20 reveals a bag of 56 GP, 20 pieces of
parchment, and a Disguise kit.
2. In this Privy chamber, someone had used a lot of paper recently. A Perception DC of 17 finds an
Artisan’s tool under the paper.
3. There is a chest in this area. The chest is locked by a lock, which requires a DC Disable device
check of 26 to open up. Inside the chest is 500 GP.
4. Another chest is in this room. This is another locked chest; and is armed with a trap utilizing a
heavy poison:


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 38; Disable Device DC 38
Trigger Touch; Reset None
Effect Sends a small prick out to stab finger. Never miss. Inflicts 1d4 damage. Fortitude Save from
Tears of Death 22 (1d6 CON damage, plus paralysis for one minute.)
If the PCs spring the trap, 1 Will O Wisp will then immediately appear in the room and attack.
The encounter that happens here runs exactly the same as Encounter 5 listed above. The lock on
the chest requires a DC Disable device of 22 to unlock. Inside the chest is 3 Neutron Bombs.

5. Another chest in the room. This chest is unlocked. It contains 400 SP, and 2 Karma Coins.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 45; Disable Device DC ---
Trigger Visual; Reset None
Upon opening the chest, there are two pieces of parchment in there with Exploding Runes on them written
in small letters. The PC may only make the Perception check upon opening the chest. Failure deals 12d6
Force damage. Reflex Save of 24 to half.
7. In the Alchemy lab, if the PC activates the teleport trap in the Alchemy lab, they will teleport to
this room.
8. This room is owned by Vampire Crisie, who at the time the PCs arrive here is taking a long nap.
When the PCs enter this room, she wakes up slowly to see who has intruded on her nap to see the
hunters there. Read this paragraph aloud:

You come into the dimly lit room only to find a vampire woman
sleeping on the bed. She responds to your presence by awaking
sharply, with no clothing on her at all. She immediately covers
her chest and glaring evilly at you. “There is a conformity you
people call knocking, traditionally done when entering a
stranger’s room.” She pulls herself out of bed and goes to her
dresser. “Well do you want a show or not? May I have at least
the curiosity of you turning away for the moment?” She then
removes the blanket behind a curtain and puts on a robe,
seating herself down on a chair.

The Vampire introduces herself as Crisie Foaris. She works in the castle as a scribe in the library,
and generally sorts away scrolls and magic scrolls. She came to the Castle over 200 years when
her family was murdered by the church (her family’s name is Foaris, which if a PC uses a
Knowledge History check of 30, the PC is aware that her family was part of a cult who wanted to
kill people; and what she told was a lie). She has seen many hunters come to the castle and seen
the ones who succeed, and many fail.
While Crisie acknowledges to the PCs that she is their enemy, she is keenly interested to see how
far the PCs are capable of going to the Castle. Crisie will help the PCs by answering simple
questions about the Castle (what parts of the Castle there are, which doors are breakable, what
consumable items do, and about the Main Hall entrance). Crisie does not reveal secret
information about the Castle, or where secret passages are. Using Diplomacy to make her give
information about the Castle requires a Diplomacy 36.
If the PCs bring Crisie the note from Olrox’s Quarters, she will immediately break down and
curse Dracula for this lie. She will then give the PCs important information about the Castle.
If the PCs attack her at any point, on the first occasion, she will simply assume Gaseous form
(unless she is unable to), and move to another room to go back to sleep. The second time she sees
the PCs, she will react hostility to the PCs and attack them, until she cannot defeat them. She will
then again assume Gaseous form and attempt to escape.
9. There is 43 GP that is in this statue.
10. The public bath for this part of the dorms. If the PCs are here between the evening hours (PCs
determination), there will be several commoners, adepts, and aristocrats bathing. If the PCs are
attempting to disguise with a check of 20, none of them will do anything to overreact. Otherwise,
the people immediately flee away from the PCs, some ducking into the sauna; and hurriedly
trying to put on their clothes for the sake of conformity.
11. This is a food cabinet. If the PCs open it up, they will find 10d12 different assortments of food
items. Touching any will cause the skeletons to instantly turn in their direction. Taking any “out
of the room” will cause them to attack; until the item is returned or the PCs unconscious. The
skeletons don’t mind if the PCs eat the food in the room
12. This is a liquor storage. The crates here have different varieties of alcohol. The chest in the room
has 10 bottles of whisky.
13. There is 600 GP in the chest.
14. There is a piece of paper on the table, along with an envelope. It seems that this paper was
intended for someone in the Castle. The letter says:

Hey Zobek…I heard over from some people down in the

Alchemy lab about these familiar cards. Is it true that they allow
you to have another Familiar when you practice magic!? I saw
Mary sitting down in the Mall Hall Common room with both a
Raven, and this floating skull; which she addressed as her
Familiar!! Can you enlighten me on this!? I want two familiars!!

15. There is a piece of paper on the table, along with an envelope. It seems that this paper was
intended for someone in the Castle. The letter says:
I heard there is a room somewhere in the Castle that is
supposedly filled to the brim with gold. And not just filled, but
the walls of the Castle are gold as well. It’s extremely difficult to
find from what I hear…guess Dracula isn’t too trusting. Makes
sense. I’ve looked around the Castle for information, but the
only thing I’ve been able to come across is something related to
a Goddess Statue, a moon, and the Fearie card. Geez…getting
one of those Familiar cards is already a major pain in the ass.

16. When the PCs come across this room, they will find that this room was occupied. A Perception
DC of 20 reveals a similar fabric to that of the fabric picked up the PCs earlier. There is also a
dress, an explorer’s outfit, and some lingerie on the ground here. There is also a used Disguise kit
on the ground, along with some trail rations and a waterskin.
If the PCs come here during the evening hours (DM’s decision) the PCs will discover Erica in the
room, busy changing (Unless Scene 7 has already played out, in which case she is not here until
the PCs find her in the Chapel). She will immediately shriek, and dive under the bed, yelling at
the party and calling them “stupid perverts!”, and other general anime shrieks that anyone is
normally accustomed to. The PCs will need a Diplomacy of 26 to get Erica to stop shrieking, and
if they cannot settle her down in 3 rounds, they will attract the attention of the Armor Lord.
After the party calms her down, if the party has never met her, simply redo the scene in the
Alchemy lab here instead of there; and without the encounter. Then continue to add information
as listed below.
Erica has been hiding in the Castle ever since she arrived three days ago (+1 day for every day the
party was in the Castle). During her trip here, she managed to acquire some outfits made by
artisan’s in the Castle, and used those to conceal herself as she moved around the Castle. She’s
been avoiding combat for the most part, but she did have to dispose of some of the agents here.
“Dracula must not be as omnipotent as we thought if I’ve been here for long without
repercussions…that or my disguise is working better than I thought. As long as I stay in the
Dormitories and don’t make myself noticeable, Dracula’s men don’t take too much notice. I tend
to get in fights though going beyond any of the Dorms and into the other parts of the Castle, even
when disguised. I guess some creatures are fooled; while others are not. I don’t situate myself in
just this room though…I have a couple places I’ll hide to get a cat nap. This is just one of them.”
Erica then offers the party a key to her room, and says that she will be able to find them clothing
to disguise themselves if they give her a couple days. They should still continue their exploration,
and pick up the garments when they have the chance. After this, it will take 1d2+1 days for Erica
to obtain a number of Disguise Kits, and clothing for the PCs to fit all of them.
Erica joins the party after this.
17. There is a piece of paper on the table, along with an envelope. It seems that this paper was
intended for someone in the Castle. The letter says:
I’ve seen him Terrance…Shaft. That head priest that Dracula has
around. Gods, I’ve never seen a creepier man in my whole life.
He just gives you shivers down your spine when you look at
him. I’ve seen him hang around the Clock Tower a lot, or at
least that’s where I see him go. But I can never find where the
bastard is at. It’s like after he turns down this one hallway, he
vanishes in the next room. There are no known secret passages
I know of around there. I would know…I clean the damn

This is one of the two dormitories that came with the Castle when it rematerialized into existence. The
dorms here have several living quarters for residents who live here. The section of the Castle includes a
kitchen for the residents who live here, a bathing pool and sauna, and with a lengthy storage room.

Paintings here are worth 200-300 GP.

Statues here are worth 300-400 GP.

Pottery is worth 100-200 GP.

The doors and walls in this area cannot be damaged or destroyed.

1. 1 Armor Lord. 76. 3 Level 3 Warriors. 23, 18, 29. An assortment of different character classes or
NPC classes.
There is an Armor Lord and three level 3 warriors wandering about, along with others of the
Castle. If the PC is disguised, and make a Disguise check of 20, the Armor Lord and the guards
will pay no attention. If however the PCs walk about as they are, the will be attacked by the
Armor Lord and the three warriors. The NPCs will then flee to their rooms while this happens,
locking the door.
This encounter is the same encounter as in Dormitories 1, Encounter 2.
2. This encounter is the same as 1.
3. 1 Oni Ogre Mage. 148. (Pathfinder Bestiary 1 PG 221)
An Oni Ogre Mage wanders around the area, occasionally observing the area in the form of a
maiden. As soon as the PCs enter the area, he asks like a frail girl who is in need of help. Only if
the PCs get close does he reveal his true form and attack. PCs must make a Disguise check of 29
to avoid fighting the Oni.
Once the PCs get close, the Oni does a full round attack against the PCs on his surprise round,
and then on his next initiative attacks again. After this, he five-foot steps back and then uses Cone
of Cold to damage the PCs further. If he is attacked, he will at will use Invisibility, walk behind a
PC at random, and then perform an attack, always using invisibility to avoid being hit. In
addition, it will also attempt to bait the PCs in springing the trap in the room, which it is aware of.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 30; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger Touch; Reset Automatic
Bestows a Curse on a single target. Will save 21 to negate.
If the Oni is about to be slain, he will use Gaseous form and escape the area, leaving the PCs
bruised and consuming more resources to keep healthy.
4. This is the same as 1.
5. This is the same encounter as Encounter 2 in Main Hall 1st floor.
6. 2 Black Panthers. 67, 54.
Two Black Panthers wander around the area, keeping an eye out for intruders here. As soon as the
PCs walk into the area, if they are disguised, it will not matter as the cats will sniff them and
identify them as intruders.
First, the Panthers cast Darkness at will, and enshroud them in shadow. After that, the Panthers
assail the PCs, using their ability to grapple after an attack, and they’re ability to teleport before
being hit.
7. 1 Greater Water Elemental. 130. A number of NPC and Character classes bathing
A Water Elemental makes up the water. If the PCs are disguised, as long as they make a Disguise
check of 20, they can avoid an encounter. If they are not, a Greater Water Elemental will reveal
itself. A wizard among the group uses teleportation circle and teleports those within the bath out,
leaving the Elemental to fight.
Once it is slain, a Red Crystal Orb appears at the entrance. This encounter does not happen again,
even after 24 hours; although the people can still be found here normally…the water will just be
normal water.
The Greater Water Elemental assails the PCs with its massive slam attacks, and always drenches
it’s victims to prevent them from using fire based attacks. If it can lure the PCs or Bullrush them
into the pool, it will do that to use its Vortex attack.
8. 1 Shambling mound. 107.
The room appears to be the room of a nature lover, who has many assortments of plans around. It
also happens to be some form of wizard, as the individual has managed to contain a Shambling
Mound to the room, and make it not slay the individual. Unfortunately, it seems to have an
affinity only for the one who has charmed it; and no one else.
The Shambling mound remains stationary until the PCs go close to it. Once there, the Shambling
Mound uses its attack to grapple the PCs, constricting them as they do. If other PCs attempt to
save him or her, the mound attacks them.


1. This door is locked and requires a Disable device check of 25 to properly open. The door can be
unlocked automatically by opening it up from the other side.
2. There are two chests in this area. One of them has a Buffon’s sword, and the other has a Rod of
Foiled magic.
3. This door has the same qualities, and checks as Area 1.
4. This stone chest appears to have a simple poison trap in it as listed below:


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 15; Disable Device DC 25
Trigger Touch; Reset None
Sends a small needle at the individual messing with the lock. Deals 1d6 damage, plus Black Added Venom
poison. Never miss.

Once the trap is disarmed, the PC must then make a Disable device check of 20 to unlock the
chest. The chest contains what looks like a Metamagic rod of Quickness, when it actually is a
lever. Pulling the lever reveals the real trap.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 32; Disable Device DC ---
Trigger Touch; Reset Automatic
Dumps a vat of boiling acid on the PC that deals 6d10 acid damage. Reflex save 26 for half. Deals 2d10
damage for each round of exposure in a 2x2 square.

5. Someone left something in the hand of the statue here. It is a Masterwork Dagger.
6. This painting seems to be made in the likeness of a large clock tower. It is so real that the
clockwork appears to be moving. If the PC touches the painting, they will find that they’re hand
can pass through the painting. This reveals a secret passage to the Clock Tower.
7. There is a Glowing Red Gem on this table here. On the table is the same note from Hallway 2,
Area 9 in a journal. The journal contains mostly hate rants on how he finds the task given to him
is the most annoying one ever.
Other 7 over chests (Yes I screwed up again): There are two chests in this room. There is 2,000
GP in one of the chests, and there is a 2,000 SP in the other.
8. There is a note on this desk written in Elven:

I’ve heard rumors that with those who are gifted in the creation
of magical items that by using a Double Shot Plaque, and with
enough material resources, one can create an even greater
version of the wondrous item. Such flexibility magic gives
us…although I have heard some horrible stories of cursed items
being made in their place if a used one is used as a component.

9. There is a note written in Drow on the table.

Dracula’s coven has truly made some fearsome guardians for

the Castle. The Salome ranked witches are truly a nightmare to
fear…they’re magic barriers can block practically everything in
front of them, and they’re magic isn’t bad to boot either. They
fly around on their brooms, casting many spells which weaken
travelers, and then summon creatures to finish them off, while
they take the forms of cats and flee. One has to flank those
sorcerers in order to deal damage to them reliably.

10. The cabinet here has 2 Healers kits, 4 Mugs, 3 Empty spellbooks, and 1 Wine bottle.
11. There is a mop, bucket, 50 paper, 1 broom, 4 Bulls eye lanterns, and 7 pints of oil in this closet. If
the PCs come here disguised, there might be a patron who comes in to use the garterobe here.
12. There is a regal vase, which is beautifully decorated. There are several emeralds placed within the
vase here, each of them are worth 200 GP each. There is a total of 8 on it.
13. There is another vase here that is the same as 12. If the PCs grab it however, they will feel what
sounds like an object in the vase. Inside they will find a Wand of Cure Light wounds with 50
charges on it.
14. This door is locked. If the PCs attempt to open it, read the following paragraph:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

15. There is another vase that is the same as 12.

16. There is the Bath Key on this table, along with a hooded lantern.
17. There are two chests in this room, all of which are made with marble. One of the chests has a Bag
of Holding MK II, and the other has a Bag of Devouring.
18. There are two chests in this room. One contains a Skull Shield, while the other has 4 Neutron
Bombs, and 5 Greater Anti-toxin.
19. There is a journal on the desk here. Most of it is mundane information about some girl’s life, but
the most notable entry you find is this:

I’ve heard by attaining a certain scroll within the Arcane Lab,

and if one is a powerful enough wizard, one could in theory
craft his or her own Armor Lord. I can’t imagine what having
one of those fearsome guardians on one’s side would be like.
One has to be skilled in Crafting Constructs though.
20. It’s a closet. Searching through it can find the PCs 2d6 Noble’s clothing, 3d6 Adventurer’s
clothing, 1d6 hats, 1 royal outfit, and 1 Royal Cape.
21. It’s another closet with the same stuff as 20, but has a Sorcerer’s Robe instead of a Royal Cape.
22. There are 3 Life Apples growing on this particular plant.
23. There is a mug of ale on this table.
24. This statue’s axe is strange by comparison of the others. A Perception DC of 20 reveals that the
axe that the knight is carrying can be lifted out of its hands. This is a Masterwork Battle-axe.
25. This is the same thing as 24, but the Axe is a -2 Cursed Battle Axe.
26. This chest is both locked and trapped. The lock requires a Disable Device check of 25 to open up.
If the trap is not disabled when fiddling with the lock, the trap activates. The trap is listed below.
Inside the chest is 1,000 GP.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 24; Disable Device DC 15
Trigger Touch; Reset None
Ejects a needle out of the trap that pricks the user. Deals 1d3 damage, and afflicts them with medium
spider venom. 1d2 STR, Fort save 14. Cure 2 Consecutive saves.

27. This closet has the same items as 20, but has a Monk’s vestments instead of a Royal cape.
28. This chest is both locked and trapped. The lock requires a Disable Device check of 25 to open up.
If the trap is not disabled when fiddling with the lock, the trap activates. The trap is listed below.
Inside the chest is 1 Damascus Sword.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 24; Disable Device DC 15
Trigger Touch; Reset None
Ejects a needle out of the trap that pricks the user. Deals 1d3 damage, and afflicts them with medium
spider venom. 1d2 STR, Fort save 14. Cure 2 Consecutive saves.

Type Mechanical; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 25
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Locks both of the doors, and sprays a cloud of Ungol Dust Poison in the room, which will continue to fill the
room at a range of 10 feet a round, starting from the radius of the trap. Deals 1d2 CHA damage, Frequency
once every 4 rounds. Fortitude save DC 15. Doors require a Disable Device check of 25 to unlock. Trap has
+10 to Perception DC if the room is dark. When the trap is disabled, the vapors are sucked into the trap to
be used later.

30. SCENE 12
The First Maiden
This door has a powerful Wall of Force surrounding it, preventing people from entering it. When
the PCs arrive here, they must make a Perception DC of 17. Success will let them hear a woman
crying from the other side.
If the PCs ask who the person is on the other side, the woman will identify herself as one of the
maidens who was taken from the village as tribute (doing any kind of action such as this provokes
the Encounter in this room into attacking the PCs if they do not cease what they are doing in
1d4+1 rounds), her name being Tera. She has been in charge of the bathing room, serving food to
people who live on this floor, as well as checking the ale supplies. She is basically a bar maid,
dressed in a sultry outfit serving food and drinks to everyone in this dormitory. She also
desperately wants to go home.
To get her out of the room requires the PC to dispel magic on the door (CL 26). After she is
rescued, she will ask the PC to take her to a safe location. Any place such as a dormitory not on
this floor, or a safe area will count as such. Once she makes it to this location, she will award the
PCs with 4 Scrolls of Greater Restoration, a Rosary, and a Periapt of Vitality.
If the PCs have rescued the other maiden, she will then reveal from a rumor she overheard how to
reach Shaft’s domain in the Clock Tower.
There are 3 Mugs of Ale, and a Fine Wine bottle on the desk here.

31. This toilet has seen better days. Looking in it will nauseate a PC for 10 minutes, unless they
succeed a Fortitude check of 13.
32. There is an assortment of meat on this table here. Taking any one of these meats will cause the
skeletons to look at the PC holding it. Taking it out of the room causes them to attack the PCs
until it is returned.
33. There is an assortment of 10d10 food items in this pantry. Same rules as above apply.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 28; Disable Device DC 21
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
If a fight was triggered with the skeleton chefs, this trap becomes active. Causes a rain of Caltrops to come
from the ceiling, dealing 6d6 damage. Removes the Wine bottles and trapped chest from the room for 24
35. This wine rack has 10d12 Wine bottles on it.
36. This chest is both locked and trapped. The Disable Device check is 25 to remove the lock on the
chest. Fiddling with the lock before disabling the trap will cause the trap to activate. Inside the
chest is 6 Elixirs.

Type Mechanical, Magic; Perception DC 30; Disable Device DC 25
Trigger Proximity; Reset None
Messing with the lock activate a teleporting trap, which teleports 1d2 members of the party to Area 18 at
the Alchemy lab. The chest itself is then teleported away and is never seen again.

37. There are two chests in this room. The top chest contains 8 Royal outfits, while the bottom chest
contains 6 Vials of Troll oil.
38. This is a closet. It contains 10d6 randomly assorted articles of clothing in it.
MAIN HALL, 2nd Floor

This is the second floor to the of the main floor, and has more rooms than that of the lower one. Much of
the rooms are similar to that of the 1st floor, but have new ones to that are not seen, such as a massive
dining hall, a sewing room, and even a few rooms which are more often than not used as jails.

Doors in this area cannot be damaged or destroyed, unless indicated otherwise.

Transitioning from this area to Main Hall 1st Floor, and vice versa does not give a half-hour push in time.
The 1st and 2nd floor is 60 feet apart from each other.


1. 1 Guardian. 200
A single Guardian guards the entrance of the Throne room. This Encounter only occurs if the PCs
have enough Red Crystal Orbs to be able to pass into the throne.
The tactics used here mimics that of Encounter 6 in the Marble Gallery.
2. 1 Golem, Alchemical (Embalming). 150
An Golem protects the chests, and the switch needed to unlock the area. The Golem patrols the
area, and waits for victims to walk in. As soon as the group walks into the area, the Golem pulls a
lever to close the door. Slaying the Golem deactivates the mist leading to Iris.
The first thing the Alchemical Golem will do will throw a Negative energy bomb at the party,
hoping to deal as much damage to the party members who are grouped up together. The Golem
always makes sure it has one bomb to throw at all times. Every round, the Golem moves towards
the weakest party member so it can use its slam attack. If it cannot reach the party member, it will
instead throw a negative energy bomb at the PC.
When the Golem is slain, a Red Crystal Orb appears where it was slain. This encounter does not
occur again; even after 24 hours.
3. 4 Dhurons. 22, 12, 18, 30.
4 Dhurons hide in the statues, which are actually a form of Mock Armor. If the PCs do not make
a Perception check of 24, the Dhurons emerge from the statues and attack the PCs for a surprise
round, before removing they’re armor.
As mentioned above, the Dhurons wait for the PCs to get in the middle of the room and attempt a
surprise round. If they succeed, they get one round free to do as they please. If they fail, they
remove the mock armor and duel the PCs there. The Dhurons fight till they are slain.
4. 1 Human Castlevanian Vampire Sorcerer. 54. 2 Quicklings. 22, 33.
The Quicklings and the Vampire are waiting for the PCs to come into this room.
The Quicklings immediately use their natural invisibility, while the Castlevanian Vampire will
use a Scroll of Greater Invisibility to disappear from the parties vision. The Castlevanian Vampire
then assumes a corner and uses its highest level of Summon Monster which is shown on its
monster stats below, and will continue to use Summon Monster to unbalance the odds. Following
after this, the Vampire will attempt to slam attack the party in order to inflict negative levels on
them. The Quicklings will on occasion appear and disappear in accordance to what keeps them
alive. While the party fights the monsters, the Quicklings will appear to flank and attempt to
poison the party. If any of the monsters are about to perish, they will use invisibility and vanish,
and then attempt to find a way around the party to safety. The Castlevanian Vampire will simply
use Gaseous form to attempt to escape.
5. 4 Flea Man. 3, 5, 2, 6. 3 Flea Knights. 14, 22, 31.
4 Flea men, and 3 flea knights hide on the ceiling and await the party to arrive. If the party
succeeds a Perception check of 28, they will discover the flea man, and will not be surprised. If
they fail, the flea men will wait until they either spring or disable the trap below them, attacking
immediately if they spring the trap.
The Flea Knights tank for their allies, in trying to draw the party’s attacks at them. While they do
this, the Flea Men will attempt to flank the party and inflict bleed status onto them.
6. 3 Hunting Girls. 32, 40, 33.
There are 3 swords on the table in this room, all appear inanimate. If the party goes to pick one up
however, the party is immediately subject to an attack of opportunity from the Hunting girl. If the
Hunting girls suspect that the party is aware of the deception after 1d4+1 rounds, then they begin
their attack.
The Hunting girls attack in a frenzy against the PC. Being Incorporeal, Invisible, and their true
weakness being their swords, the Hunting girls find the PCs easy to content with.
7. 1 Bone Pillar. 77. 2 Axe Knights. 23, 33.
A Bone Pillar is guarded by its 2 Axe Knight companions. This encounter always appears at the
other side of the room that the PCs are coming from.
The Axe Knights fight defensively, and take ready actions to attack the PCs the moment they
spring the trap in the room. As soon as the PCs do, they throw their axes at the PC who spring the
trap to continue to inflict damage. The Bone Pillar will use Scorching Ray and fireball attacks on
the PCs, and use a Breath weapon attack if they get too close.
8. SCENE 13
Meeting Dracula
As soon as the PCs walk into the Main hall, they will see the Count himself sitting on a throne.
Read the following paragraph below…if there is a Belmont in the room, read the paragraph below
the divider line.

There he is…the Count himself sitting on a black throne in the

room. “I am Dracula; and I bid you welcome…knaves of the
church. I’ve been watching you sense you arrived on the island
of which I made my domain…have you come to meet the same
fate as Belmont…or have you come to become my slaves?

There he is…Count Dracula himself. *Insert name of Belmont*,

your families enemy lies before you. “Belmont…” He says. “Son
(Daughter if the Belmont is a girl) of Belmont…we meet once
again…has a century already passed?

Dracula continues to sit there and answers any inquires that the party has, but never divulges in any secret
information, or gives them any hints. It is very apparent as he talks that he is very arrogant and is in total
belief that he has the situation in his hand, always mocking the party’s efforts at every term, attempting to
antagonize them at every moment.
Inevitably, someone will attempt to attack
him, but it is then revealed that Dracula
was never there, but merely a Programmed
Image spell laid in place to greet the PCs (
A Spellcraft of 29 reveals that this image is
fake, DC 30 will save). After this, Dracula
will then say “Do not worry; our battle will
come soon! In the meantime, why don’t
you contend with this?!” After that, a
summoning circle appears and a Sniper of
Goth appears to battle the PCs.

Sniper of Goth. 154.
The Sniper of Goth appears 60 feet above
the party.
The Sniper of Goth is here to inflict as
much damage to the party as possible, and
uses its arrows with the intent to kill at every moment. It always aims for the weakest party member and
fires it’s arrows to deal as much damage to the party as possible. The Sniper will not stop fighting until it
has been slain by the party.

After the Sniper is slain, Dracula’s bellowing laugh will be heard all around the area. A Red Crystal orb
will appear then.
This encounter does not happen again, even after 24 hours.


1. There is a large gold alter on the ground which is 30 feet long. In this alter there are many
spherical slots which is equal to the number of enemies which create Red Crystal orbs upon
death. There is a text written on the alter which is written in Abyssal. The text says which says
“Offer up your tokens of victory to proceed.” The door in front of the PCs is warded against
spells and abilities, and the door cannot be damaged as a result of HP damage. To open the door,
the PC must place at the minimum 12 Red Crystal orbs on the top of the altar in the slots. As
soon as this happens, the room will shake for a few moments, and all of the lanterns will go out
on the floor as the door opens. The lanterns and torches automatically relight when the PCs pass
by them, and will continue to do so.
If the PCs place every single possible Red Crystal orb onto the alter, the alter will open up and
reveal a Twilight Cape. The party also equally gains one mythic tier as a result as well.
2. This statue is cracked and degrading. Breaking the statue will reveal a 0 Shot plaque.
3. This wane rack seems to be obscuring something. A Perception check of 25 reveals that there is a
door behind this rack. Moving the wine rack requires a Strength DC check of 20.
4. There are 10d12 fine wine bottles on this wine rack.
5. There are two chests in this room. One of them has 1,500 GP in it, and the other has 3,000 CP.
6. On this table there are 4 Anti-Toxin.
7. There are 5 Mugs of ale, 3 glasses of Whiskey, and 2 Good meals. There is also a note written on
there, which was crumpled up. The note however has Explosive Runes written on it, and deals
12d6 damage to the PC who reads it.


Type Magic; Perception DC 40; Disable Device DC 25
Trigger Touch; Reset Automatic
This fireplace if a PC stares into it will appear to be bringing the PCs into a vast treasure room. If the PC
however touches it, the trap will activate 1 round later. PCs who are within the green shaded area are
teleported out of the area and into the Crypt. The trap then shuts down for 24 hours.



Type Magic; Perception DC 26; Disable Device DC ---
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
A simple pit which is covered by a beautiful rug. There are 6 spikes at the bottom of the pit made with Blue
Whinnis poison. Spikes have +10 to attack, deal 1d10 damage. Fortitude save DC 14. 1d2 CON.
Unconsciousness for 1d3 hours.

10. There is an inscription here, which is written in Alko. The text says: “Darkness is the path you
begin to take, and then march towards unto the sky. Then, tread through the lush forest, and
plunge into the shadow flames below.”
11. There are 12 levers here, each with different colors: Blue, Green, Black, White, Red, Yellow,
Orange, Purple, Pink, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. If the following levers are pulled in the proper
order, the mist at area 26 stops functioning: BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, FIRE. If the wrong order
is pulled however, the same mist at area 26 erupts all around the whole room.
12. This wall is fake, and requires a Perception DC of 30 to notice. The wall has an HP of 70, and a
Hardness of 8.
13. This chest is locked, and requires a Disable Device check of 25 to open. If the chest is damaged
or destroyed in anyway, the item inside of it teleports to another area, where it cannot be found
ever again. In it is an Iron Fist.
14. There is a chest here that has 2,000 GP. The chest is locked and requires a DC Disable device
check of 25 to unlock.
15. This chest has 2,000 GP in it, and has the same lock on it as 14.
16. Flame Strike trap. See CRB for details.
17. There is a Noble outfit on this table, which has been recently been completed in the sewing room.
18. This is a closet. There is 10d10 Sewing needles, and 10,000 Feet of String and twine, Spiders silk,
Masterwork Crafting Tool, 6 Signet Rings, and 10d6 clothing.
19. There is a Snakeskin Tunic on the table here.
20. This door is locked. If the PCs try to open the door, read this paragraph:
This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded
against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

Other 20 (Fucked up again…)

Type Magic; Perception DC 30; Disable Device DC ---
Trigger Touch; Reset Automatic
Touching the green shaded squares teleports the PC automatically to the entrance. These areas are
represented by the Darker tiles on the ground.

21. This wall is fake, and requires a Perception DC of 25 to see. The wall has an HP of 30, and a
Hardness of 8.
22. There are three chests in this room. The left chest has an Ice Brand in it, along with 1,500 GP.
The middle one has a Flameberge in it, and the right one has 6d6 high quality gems in it. Above
the middle chest is a lever which disables the magical mist at 26. There is another lever to the
right in lowers a wall to blockade the entrance to this room.
23. There are 2 Scrolls of Remove Curse in here, and there are 4 Potions of Lesser Restoration.
24. The barrels in this room each are carrying ale in them, which is enough for 100 drinks with a
25. There are two chests in this area. One of the chests has a Bracers of Defenselessness in them, and
the other has a Belt of Weakness in it.
26. There are strange yellow vapors in this area. These vapors prevent anyone from going into the
room. If a PC walks in this room while the vapors are going, the PC’s equipment is immediately
teleported away from him, and the owner is teleported at the entrance of the Castle, leaving him
naked and with nothing (humorous, but frightening at one time). A Dispel Magic spell (CL 28)
only dispels the vapors for 1d4 rounds. A spell such as True seeing reveals a locked door on the
other side of the area, which requires the PC to use a Disable Device check of 25 to unlock.
Spells do not work in this corridor. Any spell with a duration automatically ends after 1d3 rounds.
27. SCENE 14
The Second Maiden
When the PCs arrive here, they find a lone girl who is alone to herself. The girl introduces herself
as Iris, who was one of the tributes brought over from the town of Ashfall. Her name is Iris, and
Dracula has assigned her to attending to sewing dresses in the sewing room.
Iris desperately wants to get home, and will do everything in her power to do so. Seeing as the
PCs have removed the lock, she requests that the PCs escort her out of the room and to a safe
area. Any place such as a dormitory not on this floor, or a safe area will count as such. While the
PCs are escorting her, all of the encounters that are met will specifically target the girl at any
given opportunity.
Once the PCs have gotten her to a safe area, she will thank the PCs. She then gives the PC an
Amulet of Natural Armor +4, a elixir of invulnerability and a Bag of Holding MK II.
If the PC managed to rescue the other maiden, she will then reveal how the PCs can enter Shaft’s
28. There is a spellbook on the table here. The spellbook contains the following spells written in it:
Mage Armor, Scorching Ray, Phantasmal Killer, Stone to Flesh, Restoration, Remove Curse.
There is also a Key to the Main Hall there. If asked on how Iris obtained these items, she will
state that she pilfered them when no one was looking to find a way to deal with her current
situation, but none of them helped.
29. This chest is unlocked, and contains 7 Silver Knives.
30. This wall is fake and requires a Perception DC of 25 to reveal that it is indeed fake. The wall has
an HP of 30, and a hardness of 8.
31. There are two chests in this room. One of the chests has 3,000 GP worth in jewels in it, while the
other has a Healing Mail.


Type Magic; Perception DC 26; Disable Device DC ---
Trigger Touch; Reset Automatic
The ground here is fake and walking over it makes the PC fall 50 feet, receiving 3d6 fall damage.
Succedding the perception DC enables the PC to hear the sound of air being drawn in. Will save 27 reveals
trap. There are 6 spikes adorned in the pit, each coated with Blue Whinnis poison. Spikes deal 1d10
damage. Fortitude save DC 14, 1d2 CON, Frequency once every 2 rounds. Spikes have +15 to attack. PCs
fall into the kitchen on the 1st floor.

33. This chest is locked. Requires a DC 25 Disable Device check to open the lock. Has a Dark Armor
in it.
34. This wall is fake and possesses the same stats as 30. Perception DC +5.
35. There are two chests in this room. One of them carries a Medal of Power and Defense while the
other carries a Loadstone.
36. There’s a note on the inside of this desk, obviously meant for someone or forgotten here.

I hear of rumors of a powerful ring that is guarded in

the Castle by a mighty Golden skeleton known as a
Paranthropus, which are usually found in the Arena
portion of the Castle. These skeletons are dangerous
and difficult to deal with; and I here that not all of
them have it. I guess if one wanted the ring, they
would have to keep slaying all the skeletons they find
until they discover which one has it.

37. Someone’s pouch spilt over here, and there are 22 PP here in the couch.
38. On this table here, there is a note left on the table here.
I heard Dracula is developing his own Whip of
Alchemy somewhere in the Alchemy Lab. It’s
apparently a really secret project, and he’s hidden
behind a hidden door somewhere in the Lab. I really
want to see this supposed Counter to the Vampire

39. This door is locked. If the PCs attempt to break the lock, read this paragraph:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

40. There is a Pistol here along with 10 Rounds. In addition, there is also a Fine wine bottle on the
table here.
41. This black throne is probably where Dracula sits. It is adorned with many different images of
distorted faces all around the throne. There are also 10 well cut red rubies inserted into the throne,
which are worth 400 GP each. In front of the throne there are two keys…one that opens the door
at 20, and the other opens the door at 39.
42. There is a Magic Ballroom mask here, and 6 Mugs of ale around here.
43. This door is locked. If the PCs attempt to fiddle with the lock here, read this paragraph:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

44. There is a note left on this part of the table here.

Legends speak of a sword that was capable of actually

harming Dracula back in the older days. It used to be
a sword that the church owned, but was stolen away
by the Master years ago. I heard he hide it away
somewhere in the Castle to keep it safe.

45. There are 2 Potions of Bull’s Strength, Eagle’s Splendor, Cat’s grace, Bear’s Endurance, Owl’s
Wisdom, and Fox’s Cunning on this part of the table here.

This network of caves is used primarily to store creatures that Dracula has gathered all over the world and
place them in pens to research. Some of the creatures are sentient, and are capable of intelligence, which
only intrigues Dracula further.

Any area that is not a pen area (areas perfectly square or circular like) is subject to the Bad Air Hazard.

Transitioning from the Crystal Caves from here does incur a half hour increase in time passage and vice

The walls of the cave can be damaged and destroyed, as well as the doors. Normal building parts of the
area however cannot be damaged. Cave area is represented by the areas that are not boxes (black outlined
areas in a box or rectangle shape) and parts of the Castle are resembled by those areas.


1. 1 Shadow Demon. 91 (Pathfinder Bestiary 1 PG 67)

A Shadow demon guards this corridor.
The Shadow Demon is already invisible, as a result of Dracula’s orders, and has its shadow blend
ability active. When the PCs enter the room, it simply waits for the PC to move to one of the
other rooms of which possess an encounter. If a PC enters that room, it will position itself behind
the PC and wait for them to begin combat, in which case it begins its attack 1d2 rounds later. It
first starts off by using its magic jar spell. If it succeeds, it will have the host PC betray its allies
during the fight.
If the demon is discovered beforehand, the Shadow Demon will instead attempt a summon to try
and summon another Shadow Demon alongside it. This Shadow Demon will attempt both Magic
jar and Telekinesis to keep the party in a constant state of disarray. Only after its spells have been
exhausted does the demon resort to its claws.
2. 2 Level 2 Clerics. 22, 30. 1 Level 8 Master Summoner. 44.
The Beastmasters of this area are sitting about and enjoying a merry drinking, and do not expect
the party’s arrival; unless the party triggers the trap in encounter 3, fight encounter 3 and not
defeat it in 1d3 rounds instead of avoid it, or fight the Shadow Demon in the room with
Encounter 3, in which case causes them to lock the door and prepare in advance.
The Clerics have already prepared Summoned Monster II, Shield other on each other, and are
taking ready actions to use Hold Person the moment a PC walks through the door. The Master
Summoner has already used his Spell like ability for Summon Monster VI and has Dire Wolf
ready to charge out at the PC the moment one of them breaks down the door.
The Clerics hold the use of their remaining Level 1 spells in order to heal the creatures that
receive damage from the PCs, and may use Shield of Faith on Summoned creatures to keep them
from being hit. If one of the monsters are destroyed, the Summoner uses the next best Summon
Monster ability that he can in order to keep the flow of creatures going. If the Master Summoner
is slain, the Clerics will both use scrolls of invisibility, and attempt to flee. If they cannot, they
will fight until they perish.
If the PCs manage to defeat Encounter 3 within 1d3 rounds, the people are unaware of the PCs
location, and do not prepare for their arrival.
This encounter does not occur again, even after 24 hours.
3. 1 Fire Demon. 87.
A Fire Demon wanders around the area, specifically around the trap. Once it sees a PC, it moves
behind the trap, biding them to come and harassing them with fiery spells.
As mentioned above, the Fire Demon moves behind the trap and attempts to bait the PC into
walking into it. Since it is a Flame Strike trap, the demon takes no damage as a result of it, so it
has no immediate worry. While it does this, it uses its spell like abilities and flaming spheres to
force the PC into coming at it. Once the PCs activate the trap, it goes into rage and tears the PC
apart as best it can.
4. 1 Bone Pillar. 70. 3 Spear Guards. 22, 43, 33.
A Bone Pillar and its guardians keep the PCs from reaching the other side.
The Bone Pillar uses its Scorching ray shots to assail the PCs, and since it has infinite shots, will
continue to pelt them. The two spear guards move to the sides of the Bone pillar, and all take
ready actions to deflect any ranged attacks coming at the Bone Pillar, protecting it from harm.
One of them moves to the sides and takes a ready action to strike a PC who attempts to jump over
the platforms to send them down below the cliff, fighting defensively to ensure it doesn’t die
while doing so. This encounter always occurs at the other side of where the PCs are moving.
5. 2 Frozen Shades. 45, 50.
Two Frozen shades move about this frozen area.
One of the Frozen shades will move towards the party to attempt to slow them down, and will
stay out of reach to keep constant non-lethal damage from cold lands on them. The Frozen shades
prefer to use their cold spell since they gain additional damage dice from their spell like abilities.
They never go into melee combat unless they are not able to, even though their touch attacks
could do more damage.
6. 1 Nessian Hell hound. 143. 1 Hell hound. 22. 2 Kytons. 48, 66. 2 Mummies. 60, 34.
If the PCs step on the trap here, the encounter is activated. A Wall of Force disappears that is
blockading the creature from leaving, and each time the PC slays one of the creatures, another
Wall of Force disperses and lets the next creature out.
Each of these creatures use the basic strategies that are listed on what they generally do in
Bestiary 1…if none are listed, read what they can do and develop your own tactics.
7. This encounter is the same as 4.
8. 1 Malachi. 98. 6 Skeletal Archers. 4, 2, 6, 4, 2, 8, 4, 3.
A Malachi guards the bridge, along with a small force of skeletal archers.
The Malachi first moves to a PC and attempts a Grapple check. If it succeeds, it will attempt to
bring the PC over the 80 foot cliff and drop the PC down there. After that, it will continue to do
the same thing again and again. While it does this, the skeletal archers fire their poisoned arrows
to disorientate the PCs as much as possible.
9. Cerberus Panther. 149
While this appears to be a cage, it seems that this place was created as a trap. Those who walk in
there watch as the door shuts behind them, and a large creature emerges from the dissipating Wall
of Force.
To start off the battle, the Panther first uses its Breath weapon to inflict severe damage to the
party. After which, it selects on person who received the most damage and in which case attempts
to attack and grapple him. It then continues to attack a person in this regard until they are in
bleedout, or dead…either or is fine. If the party begins to surround it, it uses Mighty leap as a free
action to leap away and then resumes its tactics from the beginning, starting with its breath
weapon, and then continues with claw or gore attacks from there.


1. This lever here controls the area of where the rug is covering. By pulling this lever, the middle
part of the room descends into the ground and to where the bestiary is. The platform moves in 3
rounds after it is pulled, and has instructions on it written above the lever. Lever moves back into
off position the moment the platform returns.
2. This portion of the ground has been cut around and is suspended by magic. By pulling the lever at
1, one causes this cut off area of the room to descend to where 3 is in three rounds.
3. This portion of the ground has been cut around and is suspended by magic. By pulling the lever at
4, one causes this cut off area of the room to descend to where 2 is in three rounds.
4. This lever here controls the area of where the rug is covering. By pulling this lever, the middle
part of the room descends into the ground and to where the road to the 2nd floor of the Main Hall
is. The platform moves in 3 rounds after it is pulled, and has instructions on it written above the
lever. Lever moves back into off position the moment the platform returns.
5. It’s a series of 3 crates here. There are 6 Saddles, 20 Feed, and 20 Saddlebags.
6. This wall of rock is crumbling and cracked. A perception DC of 25 reveals that the wall of the
cave is guarding a cavity. This wall has an HP of 100, and a Hardness of 8.
7. This chest has 2d4 diamonds in it. However, along the sides of the wall in this chamber are
Mnemonic crystals, facing the back of the front side of the wall to keep them from being seen.
These crystals begin absorbing prepared spells when a adventurer opens the door.
8. These crates have the same items as 5, but one of the crates also has 5 Veterinarians kits.
9. At each area indicated, there is a Wall of Force established here, preventing creatures from
exiting the area and running amok. The Wall has a Hardness of 20, and a HP of 250. The walls
can be dispelled, but only remain dispelled for 1d4 rounds before returning active. The wall is
transparent, and allows an individual to look through it to see the creature on the inside of the
pen. These walls block most spells from both sides, and have a CL 23 for being dispelled.
10. There is a Dryad in here that is in desperate need of attention. She has been separated from her
tree and is very sick. Dracula’s magic has kept her in a statue of suspension of where she has
stopped dying, but he cannot reverse the CON damage done by her separation due to her bond to
it. As a result, she is lying on the bed very ill. When she sees the PCs, she turns to them and
recognizes them as none of Dracula’s men and immediately begs for them to save her:

“Oh please…” The Dryad moans as she looks at you.

“Please…please save me…I’ve been imprisoned here
by the Count…he has had his underlings perform
experiments on me in order to learn about my people
and kind…and has left me in this state of sickness…if
you free me…I promise to make it up to you for this…I
just cannot do anything in this condition.”

If the PCs choose to help her, they first must dispel the Wall of Force (CL 23), or destroy it, and then
quickly retrieve the Dryad. Once they have her, they must help her reach Garden of the Castle. By
reaching this garden, she can bond with a tree and disappear from the Castle to her own bonded tree.
If the PC succeeds in doing this, and they wait 2d4 days, the Dryad will send to them through a Hawk
a Darkwood Rapier+3, along with a note thanking them for their kindness for saving her, and where
they may find her should they wish to be thanked more in person.

11. There is a Gorgon in this pen.

12. There is an Owl bear in this pen.
13. There is a pacified Mind Flayer in this pen. A Spellcraft DC of 25 reveals that the Mind Flayer
has been pacified by some form of powerful magic, and seems to be in a daze. There are many
notes on the side of the pen, which have many details written about the creature. The Mind Flayer
does not react to anything the PCs do, even if they deliver the Coup de grace on it. The Mind
Flayer awards no XP for the coup de grace.
14. There is a Denizen of Leng here. Like the Mind Flayer, he has also been pacified as a result of
Dracula’s magic.
15. Flame Strike Trap. See CRB for details.
16. This door has been lodged in place as a result of a large boulder behind it. The door cannot budge
because of the boulder. In order to get through, PCs will have to use a certain magic, or dislodge
the boulder with a DC Strength check of 24.
17. This door is locked. The door requires a Disable device check of 25 in order to open. A stealth
check of 25 must be maintained in addition when picking the lock in order to avoid alerting the
people on the other side.
18. There is 4 mugs of ale, 4 Good meals, 1 Fine wine bottle, 2 bottle of whiskey, and 3 Potions of
Cure Moderate wounds on the table here. There are also 5 bags with 200 GP in them.
19. There are two crates here, each with 20 Feed in them.
20. There is a journal here. The journal has a very notable entry being written on the part of the book
that is opened.

We keep discovering new things on how monsters

and other creatures work and operate here; and
more fey and monsters are expected to come here
soon. Our Master Summoner, along with Shaft’s
servants have managed to create a foul aberration;
though the creature is so aggressive that we had to
provide it a bigger pen, and isolate it away from all
the others here.

Sad too…I think one of the most powerful magic

spellbooks ever crafted in Golarion was dropped in its
pen by accident; but no one has verified that.

21. This wall is actually a cavity that leads into a secret area. Finding that the way is fake requires a
DC perception check of 25. The wall has an HP of 60 and a hardness of 8.
22. There are two chests here. One of them carries a Shotel and the other has a 3,000 GP and a Ring
of Wizardry.
23. There are 4 floating platforms here. These platforms move in the directions that are indicated with
the blue arrows on the map. The platforms move 15 feet a round, and reverse direction every hour
or so.
24. These crates have the same items as 5 in them.
25. This door is locked. If the PCs attempt to fiddle with the lock, read the following paragraph:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

26. This wall is fake, and requires a DC perception check of 30 to notice. The wall however cannot
be destroyed. PCs must think of other magic in order to bypass this wall (such as gaseous form to
go through the cracks, or Dimension Door).
27. There are two chests in here. One has a Loadstone in it, while the other has Incense of Obsession.
28. There is a Shining Child in this pen. The creature has been pacified by Dracula’s magic and does
not respond to any form of stimuli.
29. There is a Bythos Aeon stored in this pen. It is pacified and does not respond to any form of
stimuli. If the Bythos is attacked, it will awaken from its trance and then immediately attempt to
do whatever means necessary to leave the Castle.
30. There is a Nymph here who has been chained up. If the PCs enter the room, she will shriek in
fright, believing that they are Dracula’s men. If the PCs do not succeed a Diplomacy check of 27
in 1d4 rounds upon entering, she will then cast Blinding beauty on the entire party.
Once calmed down, she will say that she used to be the local Nymph who lived in the forest north
of the Ashfall graveyard. Dracula’s men found and captured her, to which then began a series of
experiments with her (some with Dracula that she will not go into personally…a Heal check of 25
reveals that rape may have been involved). She has wanted to leave to return to her forest, but the
chain she is bound to has anti-magic on it, and she cannot cast spells because of it. The PCs can
open the chain binding her with a Disable device check of 30. They can break the chain with a
STR check of 27.
Once she is freed, the Nymph will thank the party, and promise to pay them back someday. She
will then ask if they can escort her out of the castle. Of course they cannot actually leave the
Castle, so the Nymph will be suited to wherever place she can hold up in until the party slays
Dracula. While the party attempts to do this, the Nymph will be the main one targeted during the
encounters, and enemies will take priority on her over the PCs if passage to her is possible. The
Nymph clings to the strongest member of the party, begging them to protect her. The Nymph will
assist with her prepared spells, but will take very little part in combat.
Once she is freed, she will use animal messenger and ask the party to take the Dove she summons
to the outside. If they do so, 2d4 days later, if the party is still in the Castle, a falcon will deliver
to them a Mantle of Spell Resistance, 2 Rosaries, 1 scroll of Greater Restoration, and 3 Potions
of Cure Serious wounds.
31. There is a Moonflower here, but the creature has been pacified by Dracula’s magic. Anyone who
inflicts one point of damage awakens the creature.
32. There is a Nessian Hell hound in this pen. This creature is alive and actively trying to escape its
jail cell.
33. There is 1 Hell hound in this pen.
34. There are 2 Kytons in this pen, both of which seem intently on escaping from the jail.
35. There are 2 Mummies lying comatose in this pen. If the pen is opened, they awaken from their


Type Magic; Perception DC 35; Disable Device DC 27
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Casts Dispel magic on 4 pens. Locks the door at the end of the room.
37. There are four chests in this area, 2 of which in this pen. In the top most of the chests on the north
pen, there is 2,000 GP. The other chest contains an Adamantine Short sword. In the Southern pen,
there is 15 Silver Weapon Blanch, and a -2 Longsword.
38. This wall appears to be cracking. A Perception check of 28 reveals that the wall is hollow on the
other side. Removing the wall requires it to be sundered. The wall has a Hardness of 8, and a HP
of 100.
39. There is an Estoc in this chest.
40. These platforms follow the same pattern as 23.
41. There are 3 chests here. One of the chests has 2,000 GP in it. Another has an Amulet of natural
armor +4 and the final one has a Ring of Lifebleed.
42. There is a Beholder in this pen. It has been pacified as a result of Dracula’s magic and does not
respond to stimuli.
43. A Grey Render is sleeping in this pen. If the PCs wake it up, it will attempt to escape, but will
find it cannot fit through the pen door and eventually give up. (Not to mention the wall of force
blocks it from leaving).
44. There are several Werewolves in this cage. All of them are pacified by Dracula’s magic.
45. There are two Merfolk in this pen, chained to the door. Water from the ceiling comes down to
ensure they do not run out of air.


Type Magic; Perception DC 32; Disable Device DC 28
Trigger Touch; Reset Automatic
A PC who steps on this area, will have the bridge collapse under him, forcing him to receive 6d6 fall damage
as a result of the fall.

47. There is a note written on this table:

I’m losing my power…my life is fading before my

eyes…oh how I curse Dracula and these evil creatures
that follows him…my life is fading…I…I can’t see

48. There is 3 Candles here as well as a vial of invisible ink.

49. On the bed here, there is a Spell Component pouch. The body of a Dryad can be found here as
50. A sylph is in this room. She has died as a result of starvation. Adventurers approaching her to
investigate her must make a perception check to notice the Rot Grubs Hazard in the area.
51. This is a large pile of skulls, mostly composed of victims of the Cerberus Panther. Searching
through the skulls with a Perception check of 23 reveals a pair of Coat of Arms Tome.
52. This is the exit of the cave, which leads back up to the surface, at least five miles away from the
Castle. This seems to be the area where Dracula let’s mounts and other creatures move from in
and out the Bestiary.

This hallway again serves simply to interconnect areas of the Castle together. There are a lot of hallways
here, and some rooms that are split all around the Castle.

Paintings on the wall here are worth 200-400 GP.

Pottery is worth 100 GP.

Doors cannot be destroyed in this area.


1. 2 Axe Lords. 46, 55.

There are two Axe Lords in this hallway. One is positioned close to the door, while the other is
farther away, using his axe at a range.
Both Axe Lords use their scrolls of mage armor at the first round, and fight defensively, boasting
their AC to 26. On the second round, the closer Axe lord moves to the PCs, while the other hurls
his axe at the PCs. They both continue to fight, until they are slain.
2. 2 Wraiths. 70, 55. (Pathfinder Bestiary 1 PG 281)
Two Wraiths are hiding in the walls, place their eyes in the portraits eyes on the sides to maintain
stealth. A PC who successfully makes a Perception check of 33 successfully finds them. Failure
will allow the Wraiths to make a surprise attack on the PC when they cross the second portrait.
The Wraiths find the weakest party member, and constantly attack him with their slam attacks to
deal CON damage. All of them prefer to sink under the ground and attack the adventurers through
the ground.
3. 2 Bone Muskets. 23, 25. 1 Axe Lord. 76.
Two Bone Muskets sit on the top of the stairs, hiding behind the trap, while the Axelord hangs in
front of them, baring the PCs from advancing further. This Axe Lord has a Monster vial 2 on it.
The Axelord fights defensively, casting Mage Armor and Shield via scrolls if possible. If not, it
will fight defensively, throwing its axe at the PCs. The Bone Muskets shoot at the PCs, dealing
damage to the more squishy ones. If a PC goes invisible, the Axe Lord will uncork a monster vial
2 to summon a dire bat.
If the Axe Lord is slain, the Bone muskets retreat, forcing the PCs to walk up the stairs, hoping
they hit the trap. They all take ready actions to shoot at the PCs who falls for the trap if they can
reload fast enough.
They fight until they are slain.
4. 2 Bone Pillars. 56, 78. 1 Nova Skeleton. 12
Two Bone pillars bar the PCs path. A Nova skeleton stealths in the back. PCs must succeed a
Stealth check of 28 to notice him.
The Bone pillars use their breath weapon, or flaming burst, whichever deals more damage. While
they do this, the Nova skeleton charges its Nova ray. Once it’s charged, the Nova skeleton holds
its attack until the PCs have defeated the Bone pillars, to which it fires it, dealing massive
5. Blade Brother. 100.
A Blade brother hides in this room, waiting for the PCs to arrive. It acts like a statue, which
requires a Perception DC of 35 to determine it is fake. It will either wait for a clear surprise
attack, or wait for it to be discovered.
The Blade Brother fights off the PCs using its two swords. He will target the weakest PC in the
group who has the lowest HP.
6. Doppelganger 02. Equal to PC it is copying.
A Doppelganger appears in this room in the form of a sphere of white magic. It floats around and
selects on PC in the room. After this, the Doppelganger assumes the form of that PC, along with
everything he has and fights the PCs.
Utilize the PCs strengths and weaknesses and develop a strategy for yourself.
Upon victory, the PCs are awarded with a Red Crystal orb. This encounter does not occur again
after 24 hours.

1. There are two small pots on this table. Both of these pots have 4 gems in them, each worth 50 GP.
2. There is a note crumpled up on this table:
I heard the Venus Weed woman’s been at odds with
Dracula for over the last few weeks. Something about
her and Shaft really set her off. Even Dracula is
annoyed with Shaft for whatever got her mad.
3. This is an animated portrait, although the size is marginally bigger than the stock version. The
portrait appears to be a large garden surrounded by the Castle. If watched, eventually a naked
woman with long blue hair will emerge from a large flower. Any time after that, Richter Belmont
can be seen walking in the background, if there is no Belmont in the party.


Type Magic; Perception DC 29; Disable Device DC ---
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
The floor below is an illusion. Falling in results in a 70 foot drop. Succeeding the Perception DC allows the
party member to hear air being drawn in. Will save 23 to recognize false floors. There are 8 spikes at the
bottom, each dealing 1d6 damage. The spikes are coated with medium spider venom. Type poison (injury);
Save Fortitude DC 14. Frequency 1/round for 4 round. Effect 1d2 STR damage; Cure 1 save

5. This pot on this table appears cracked. Breaking it open causes a Magic Pot Roast to appear.
6. This jar is made of marble and gold, and is well made craftsmanship. It is worth 100 GP.
7. This wall is cracked and with a Perception DC of 26, it reveals that is hollow. The wall has a
hardness of 8, and a HP of 80.


Type Magic; Will Save DC 25; Disable Device DC ---
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
The floor below is an illusion. Falling in results in a 70 foot drop. Succeeding the Perception DC allows the
party member to hear air being drawn in. Will save 23 to recognize false floors. There are 8 spikes at the
bottom, each dealing 1d6 damage. The spikes are coated with medium spider venom. Type poison (injury);
Save Fortitude DC 14. Frequency 1/round for 4 round. Effect 1d2 STR damage; Cure 1 save

9. There are two chests here. One has 4 Fire Elemental gems. The other has 5 Monster vials (1, 2,
and 3).
10. This statue appears to be made in the likeness of an Axe Knight. It has an Axe Knight shield in its
hand. The PCs must succeed a Strength check of 25 to remove the shield.
11. This portrait looks weird and strange. A Perception DC of 25 reveals that the portrait can be
removed, and a secret passageway to the other hallway is unveiled. The check must be made in
the area of the portrait.
12. It’s a pit. This
13. This is where PCs land if they fall in area 12. PCs can look up to see the floor above them.
14. This jar is made of silver. Breaking it open reveals a Silver Warhammer.


Type Magic; Perception DC 30; Disable Device DC 26
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Casts an Extended Cloudkill in this area.

16. There’s a note on here, along with a Bottle of Whiskey. There is also a statue of a goddess in here.
A knowledge religion check of 20 reveals it to be Uragathoa. The statue is worth 200 GP.

I heard that the Fearie Familiar, which is imprinted on

one of the Familiar cards in the Castle has a painting
made in her likeness in the next room over. I have no
idea why though…she sure is cute I’ll give her that. I
hear her music can lull even the most troubled spirit
into a deep rest…hell…I’m an elf and I have trouble
staying awake from her magic voice.

17. Insanity Mist trap. See CRB for details.

18. There are 4 Wine glasses along with a Fine wine bottle on the table here.
19. There are two chests here. One contains a Masterwork Perception tool, Masterwork Instrument, 2
Antidote kits, and 3 Disguise kits. The other contains 3 Scrolls of Healing circle, 2 Scrolls of
Restoration, and 1 Elixir of Invulnerability.
20. This wall has a mural which is made in the likeness of the fearie familiar giving a very vulgar
pose. The fearie familiar will attempt to divert eyes from her commenting that the painting was
“made by a vulgar man,” along with making accusations that she would never pose like that.
Though after that, she will remark on how her brassie size seems smaller than it should be.
If the PCs take a break here, and have her use Midnight Nocturne, they will all instantly fall under
a sleep spell for one hour (no save.) When they awake, the wall with the mural will have
vanished, allowing them to access the treasure room.
There is no way to detect if this wall is fake or not, and no way to destroy it.
21. A bag of 124 SP was left on this table.
22. Another animated portrait. This portrait appears to be a GIF of the 1st level in Castlevania from
the 8 bit era. No one can identify in game what this is.
23. This portrait appears to be in the likeness of a door, and appears to be opening. A perception DC
of 34 reveals that the portrait wall behind it has air circulating in it. Removing the portrait unveils
a secret door.
24. There are two chests in here. There is the Sword of the Hardor in one of the chests, and the other
has the sword Harper.
25. Behind these statues is a lever, which requires a perception DC of 23 to see. Pulling this lever
unlocks the door to the Long Library.
26. There is a note left on the table here.

Dracula unearthed some sort of cart like object which

he had placed in the Museum. He seems really
confused on it…and I even think the Master Librarian
has no idea what’s in it.

27. On this bookshelf, there appears to be many different scientific journals. One of the books
appears to be out of place. The book is revealed to be a Manual of Gainful Exercise +2.
28. This wall is fake, and requires a DC perception check of 28 to notice. The wall cannot be
destroyed, and requires magic such as Teleport, or Dimension door to gain access to.
29. There is one chest in here. The chest contains a +2 Heavy Steel shield.
30. There are two chests in here. The chests can be seen from the outside of the walls with a
Perception check of 25. Any part of the wall where they are trapped can be damaged. The walls
HP is 100, and its hardness is 8. One of the chests contain 4 Potions of Inflict Critical wounds,
and the other has Medusa head shield.
31. The door the library has been locked. Refer to 25 to open the door. Alternatively, the door can be
opened with a Disable Device check of 30.
32. There are 10 units of Caltrops on this table.

This area of the Castle is made of up an orange spruce wood, and a golden marble adorned all around the
area. The main distinguishing feature of the library is the bookshelves which are scattered all among the
library, and as well as all the carpets and paintings all around it. There are many balconies around the
stairs of the building.

Paintings are worth 500-700 GP.

Each square of a bookshelf contains about 20-25 books. The books if taken as treasure possess varying
values of 1-7 GP. Searching for a book pertaining a subject on one of the Knowledge checks requires a
Perception DC of 25 to find. Reading any one of these books for an hour grants a temporary +1 to that
knowledge check…a PC cannot stack more than a +1 by doing this in this manner.

When the PCs first walk into this area, there are denizens of the Castle walking about. However, as soon
as they see the PCs, one of them instantly casts teleport and causes everyone to leave with him/her. The
library is then empty, unless otherwise noted.

1. 2 Dhurons. 23, 29. 2 Magic Tomes. 34, 40.
2 Dhurons patrol this corridor to make sure that the PCs never come through here. 2 Magic
Tomes hide about the area and await for the PCs to come, and only become active once the PCs
have begun to move about the room.
While the Dhurons move at the PCs, the Magic Tomes begin casting spells on the PCs and the
Dhurons. If the PCs use arrows to pick off the flying Tomes, one of them will use Wind wall to
block the oncoming shoots, or obscuring mist. The Dhurons use their rapiers to deal damage to
the PCs.
2. 3 Magic Tomes. 23, 35, 33.
3 Magic Tomes await the PCs arrival. As soon as they arrive, the Magic Tomes spring to life.
This encounter acts much like the top encounter, discounting the Dhurons. The Tomes use spells
to harm the party, and debuff them.
3. Same as above.
4. 9 Skeletal archers. 2, 5, 3, 6, 3, 5, 5, 3, 8. 2 Axe Knights. 45, 55.
A row of skeletal archers wait at the top of the stairs, while Axe Knights remain at the bottom.
The Axe Knights prevent the PCs from reaching the area to the best of their abilities. The archers
fire their arrows from the stairs and attempt to poison the PCs with their poison arrows. The Axe
Knights throw their axes to damage them.
5. 2 Ectopalsm. 23, 33. 1 Green Ectoplasm. 41.
2 Ectoplasm, and 1 green Ectoplasm hover around the room, waiting for the PCs to come. They
begin their attack as soon as the PCs arrive in the room.
The tactics of the monsters here mimic that of the Ectoplasm encounter at the docks.
6. 1 Salome. 65.
A Salome witch flies around on her magic broom, assailing the party with powerful magic.
The Salome witch positions herself so that her shield can block all incoming attacks and shots.
She then proceeds to cast spells that debuff the party’s attributes, using attacking spells at the end.
When her HP drops below 20%, she uses assume shape to take the form of a tiny cat before
running away to one of the corners are, where there is a cat shaped hole that can she can escape
7. Same as 1.
8. Same as 6.
9. Same as 1.


1. This portrait appears to be made in the likeness of a child who has long blonde hair, sitting on the
knee of Dracula. There is also a woman in the background beside Dracula as well. A Knowledge
Nobility check of 30 reveals the woman to be Lisa. A check of 35 reveals the boy to be Alucard.
The painting is worth 743 GP. The watermark on the frame appears to be done by someone called
the Master Librarian.
2. This painting appears to be a wolf howling at the moon. The wolf appears to be very close, while
the mountains in the background all seem to gradually fade away in the darkness. The watermark
on the frame is Alucard.
3. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 16, they will
find a book called “The history of Vampires.” This book is worth about 20 GP.
4. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 21 they will
find a book called “Vampire Evolutions: A compilation of all known Vampire species in the
multiverse.” This book is worth about 45 GP.
5. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 17 they will
find a book called. “An Oral history of the Belmonts.” This book is worth 30 GP.
6. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 30, they will
find behind the rows of books a book called. “Becoming a Lich; for Dummies.” This book is
worth 100 GP. A PC who obtains this book may attempt to go for the Lich template when they
acquire the other necessary items.
7. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 21, they will
find a book called. “ ‘Insert Class name’; and why we hate them.” The book is worth 10 GP.
Reading this book for an hour grants a +3 to attack and damage against whatever class name is
indicated on the book, and a +2 CL if any spells are made against them.
8. There is a note on the desk here.
So I found out today that the Master Librarian; the
one who rules this whole part of the Castle. Turns out
the dude is a Lich….it all makes sense now. No
wonder his records seem to date so far back in
history…even as a member of this glorious Castle, we
can’t live forever, unless we become immortal. I think
he mentioned something about a Tome that could be
used to become a Lich somewhere in the library.
9. There is a girl on this privy when the PCs first enter here. The door is unlocked, but the girl bars
the door with her feet if the PCs attempt to enter, yelling. “Occupied! If you need to urinate, use
the next one!” If the PCs force their way in (STR check 20), the PCs will see the girl sitting on
the toilet, who she will respond next with saying. “Wait…you don’t live in the Castle.” A second
later, she smiles and then casts teleport.
If captured, she will answer simple questions (only if allowed the curiosity to pull her skirts up)
about the library, but she knows nothing about anything hidden. Her name is Amanda, and
Dracula’s forces took her in when an orc raid burned down her home in exchange for her service
to attend to the library. She offers no other assistance and information beyond this.
10. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 17 they will
find a book called. “Scrolls; alternatives to scribing.” This book is worth 75 GP. Reading this
book for an hour grants a wizard a 10% reduction in price to scribing scrolls for 2 hours. Studying
this for longer than 2 weeks makes this reduction permanent.
11. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 23 they will
find a book called: “How to please a Vampire in bed; and how to survive the night more or less.”
The book is worth 20 GP.
12. This painting is made in the likeness of skeletal creature that seems to be studying a book. The
creature appears to be looking similar to that of Death.
13. This painting is done in the image of Dracula himself, sitting on his throne. The watermark on the
frame is written with the name Alucard.
14. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 30 they will
find a Manual of Clear thought +2.
15. There is a bag of 100 PP on this table, along with a Masterwork dagger. There are also 3
Candles, 4 Ink, and 1 Ink pen.
16. There is a book on this desk, which is a Vacuous Grimoire.
17. There are 4 Candles, 23 Paper, 1 Ink pen, and 2 Ink. There is also a note on here as well.

I hear the Master has powerful spellbooks layered out

throughout all of the book cases where the witches
are residing at. I guess it makes sense…they are some
of the more powerful casters here.

18. There is a note on this desk.

Dracula knows the Belmonts are coming. As per his

instructions, we’ve stored many of the weapons and
artifacts within secret compartments in the Castle’s
walls. The walls themselves are difficult to break; and
some cannot be harmed at all, making them the
perfect defense. I hope they hold out…we just didn’t
have time to grab everything.

19. There is a Merchant’s scale, 2 rubies worth 200 GP, and an Artisan’s tool on the desk.
20. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 21 they will
find a book called: “Paradise in shadow: The best planes for vampires to live in.” The book is
worth 20 GP.
21. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 16 they will
find a book called: “How to build an evil demonic castle for a Vampire lord.” The book is worth
50 GP.
22. Someone left a pair of Ghostvision Gloves on the table.
23. This door is locked, and requires a key to open. If anyone attempts to fiddle with the lock, read
this statement:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.
24. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 26 they will
find a book called: “A compilation of the Gods of this Plane.” The book is worth 200 GP.
25. There is a Glowing glove on the table.
26. This painting depicts the Castle itself on a hilltop, with mist all around it. The watermark has
Dracula’s signature.
27. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 26 they will
find a book called: “Interview with Dracula.” The book is worth 200 GP.
28. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 15 they will
find a book called: “A spellbook for the Master wizard.” If the PCs read it however, they will
find only one page that is actually written, and has 2 sets of explode runes on it. This book deals
12d6 damage with a reflex save of 20 to half it.
29. This door is locked, and requires a key to open. If anyone attempts to fiddle with the lock, read
this statement:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

30. There is a Fearie card on the table.

31. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 18 they will
find a book called: “Twilight.” Most of the book’s pages however have been torn, and a heal
check of 20 reveals dry blood on certain pages. Mending the book restores it all to full HP; and
reveals more blood splatters. The book is worth 0 GP.
32. There is a note on the table.

I heard Dracula‘s wine that he drinks is a special one,

reserved only for him. It’s supposedly wine that no
longer exists because of the plants that need it have
gone extinct. Dracula obtained it for fulfilling a job for
a devil. I don’t know how the wine tastes, but I hear
it’s very valuable since it can be hardly found
nowadays. What was its value…at least 300 GP a

33. There are 3 Wine bottles, 4 glasses, a Library key, and 1 bottle of whiskey.
34. This painting is appears to be Dracula, Shaft, Death, Succubus, and Olrox in front of a grand feast
hall. Dracula is a large red throne while the others are gathered around him. The painting is worth
800 GP.
35. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 18 they will
find a book called: “Paizo the Great’s Bestiary.” The book is worth 100 GP. If the PCs study this
for an hour, they gain a temporary +2 to gathering information on monsters.
36. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 20 they will
find a book called: “The basics of constructing Armor Lords.” The book is worth 250 GP. A PC
who possesses this along with the Armor Lord Scroll and the Craft Construct Feat can use it to
construct an Armor Lord.
37. There is a note on the desk here.

I can’t find the damn museum! I know it’s somewhere

in the Long Library; but I can’t find it!! They said it
was behind something. I’m going to search this room
later today.

38. If the PCs make a Perception check of 20 around here, they will discover that there is air coming
from the other side of the book case. If they attempt to move it, they will find that the bookcase
revolves around, and turns, allowing them to walk on the other side.
If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 35 they will
find a book called: “Bram Stoker’s Dracula: A memoir by Dracula.” The book is worth 500 GP.
39. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 20 they will
find a book called: “Act like a human, think like a vampire.” The book is worth 40 GP.
40. SCENE 16
The Master Librarian
When the PCs arrive here, they will see an older gentlemen sitting in what looks like a private
study. The man, despite an undead aura around him, seems surprisingly gentle and sincere. He
gets up and introduces himself as the Master Librarian, who rules over the Long Library. He is
already aware of the PCs existence, and the fact that they are hunters, but chooses not to care as
they are no threat to him, and he is no threat to them; unless the PCs wish to insight
something…which he warns them they may not like the result.

He explains to them (if they are not already aware) that Dracula has seen their approach coming
for days now, but the reason he hasn’t done anything yet is that it is too easy. He then tells the
PCs a story.

“Perhaps you wonder how come the Belmonts are always so successful in their
missions? Cunning? Strength? Magic?...yes it is true that some of the Belmonts
possessed these qualities, and were able to in fact go through Dracula’s forces to
the Count and slay him there. But those individuals were paragons to humanity.
Some of their victories, such as that of Sonia Belmont won by mere flukes.
Dracula has seen their presence long in advance before they arrive, but choose
not to deal with it as it would be too easy. The Belmonts are strong; but no man
can defeat an infinite horde of creatures. Within the Castle itself, monsters
appear every day, with no creation or components needed to create them. The
castle itself, invulnerable to attack, is an impenetrable fortress. If Dracula wanted
to overwhelm a Belmont, it is indeed within his power to do so. But as the master
says…”That is too easy.” History says that the drawbridge for the Castle always
lowered for the Belmont…I’m sure that itself should verify my claim.
He then explains that the PCs here are under the same conditions right now. Sure there are guards, but
they are not honing in on the PCs location. Dracula has multiple arcane eyes all around the keep, making
it difficult, near impossible without sufficient disguises or powerful magic to avoid being detected. Still,
the PCs themselves is a much different turn of events than the church sending another vampire hunter,
and Dracula is very intrigued with this (this part of the conversation about the difference in Hunter is not
said if a Belmont is in the party. The Master Librarian instead simply bows to the Belmont in a polite
manner and says. “Greetings Belmont, son of Belmont. Know I bear no disrespect to you or your clan.”)

The Master Librarian himself has been instructed by Dracula to lend the PCs aid, with hopes of making
the game he is playing more intriguing. To help them, the Master Librarian will impart three services to
the PCs

The first service is he will open up a shop to the PCs as they traverse the Castle that will help them out
with their supplies situation.

The stats for the shop are as follows: Base limit: 50,000 GP, Purchasing limit: 50,000 GP. Spellcasting:
9th Minor items: 6d6 Medium items: 3d6 Major items: 1d6.

The Master Librarian will also not deal in magic items, unless the PCs also give him a magic item as part
of the gold. (A PC who wants a Glyphbane Glove could give him a Glowing Glove which is 2,000, and
then the 7,000 GP to cover the rest of the cost. Unless there is a magic item factored in the Gold cost, he
will not deal magic items to the PCs. This does not apply for Scrolls, Wands, and Potions). The Master
Librarian does this under Dracula’s orders to inconvenience the party as much as possible. He also has a
hard limit on how much he will allow the party to sell to him at a time. The first time will be as much as
they have, but afterwards will invoke a hard limit on how much he will allow.

For each Red Crystal orb the PCs have obtained, the Purchasing limit increases by 5,000 GP, allowing the
PCs to purchase more items. If all of them have been
collected, the PCs can purchase the Duplicator necklace for
500,000 GP.

The second service he offers them is a room and board

service. Using his powerful magics that he has gained
through knowledge from the Crimson Stone, he will ward the
off one room within the Library for 24 hours, preventing any
enemy forces or combatants from entering the room (though
there is a 20% chance the enemies will simply set an ambush
in front of the door and attack them when they leave...create
a random encounter for this). The price for this service is 250
GP per person, and the ward lasts for 24 hours. This will
allow the party to gain back some hit points via rest, and gain
restful sleep without fear of reprisal.

The final service the Master Librarian offers is a

teleportation service. The Master Librarian will help the PCs
by teleporting the party to any area that they have
“previously visited at some point.” The price he charges for this service is 1,000 GP per person.

The Master Librarian as a rule of thumb also charges for spellcasting service as per normal if the party is
looking for spellcasting; and will identify items for them free. He also enjoys conversation, so he can be
used to gain various hints or information about the Castle. He will not disclose secret information, such as
Richter Belmont’s whereabouts, or the location of the Treasure room, but he will give the party usually
the direction of where to look.

The PCs should not attempt to harm him, though it is possible one might try. As soon as he detects
hostility, he warns them not to try. If a PC attempts a Knowledge Religion on him of 31, they will
discover he is a Lich (or have read the 1 note that reveals his Lich-hood). He will simply laugh then and
say another story:

“Yes…I am indeed a Lich…and you should be careful around me. I am not a lowly
wizard; and am quite powerful. Even if you did manage to slay me, it’s not like I
would die. A Lich does not perish until his phylactery is destroyed…and truth be
told…mine is not even in the Castle. I am not like my foolish colleague in the
museum who has his hidden somewhere in here…who you will more than likely
face soon. So…even if I die, I will still persist on. And if you slay Dracula in that
time, I will await in my actual lair for his return, studying all the materials I
brought over from the Castle to there…I’ve existed for over 400 years…waiting
another 100 is okay by me. I am allowed to deal with you these magic items, as
long as you don’t try and harm me…so…let’s be friends then…okay?

Continued provocation after thus point results in him teleporting away. If he cannot do so, then he will
fight the PCs, though is more likely that
they will run away for he is way out of the Limitations on patience:
Always remember; while the Master Librarian is lawful; he is
If the PCs push up his chair into the air as a
still evil; and even his patience has a limit. If the PCs do not
result of a spell, a Ring of Arcana and an
retain favor with him; or abuse his services, the Master
Axe Lord Full plate will appear from under
Librarian may withdraw his word on some of his services. For
him. He will respond with… “Good God,
example, if the party takes too long with purchasing, he will
how did that get there!?”
close his shop for the rest of the day until 8 AM tomorrow. If
From this point on, as long as the PCs they constantly purchase a room, but don’t move on
don’t do anything with him, he will remain (example: people constantly crafting in there) he may choose
as a shop to them at all times. He gives to not ward that room for that day. The Master Librarian will
each PC 1 library card, of which allows always allow teleportation service; and will always sell Library
them to teleport back to him at any time cards.
they want. He will sell them additional
library cards for 300 GP each. If the party constantly attacks him, the Master Librarian may
attack them on sight, but he never retains Hostile status with
41. If the PCs search for a book
them. At this point though, if the party wants to talk to him,
around here, and if they succeed a
they must succeed a Diplomacy check of 30 to get him to stop.
Perception check of 20 they will find a book called: “Werewolves; and how to subject them.” The
book is worth 40 GP.
42. On the table here, there is a book called. “Hellsing: How to achieve a state of Over-poweredness
that just isn’t fair.” Unfortunately, the inside of the book is damaged beyond repair. Spells such
as Mending and Make whole only restore the paper without the words.

With similar attire to that of the library, the museum possesses very similar qualities to it in terms of
appearance. The museum also possesses its own café and theater in addition to the contributions of
history that Dracula has found.

Paintings in here are worth 500-700 GP.

Display cases carry various historical items all around the world. The items have varying values of 300-
500 GP, and it can be left up to the DM’s imagination of what they are to tell the PCs, except in the cases
of a number being written on the case, in which case the item has details to it.

1. 1 Armored Lion Monk. 102.
A Lion Monk patrols this section of hallway.
First thing the Lion Monk does is use Claw Aura to effectively “throw its slash” at the enemies. It
then does a Charge at a PC if given the opportunity, and does a full attack so it may attempt to
grapple that said PC, which it then uses a bite attack. After which, it continues to full around
attack the PC until it is in bleed-out.
2. 3 Schmoos. 34, 55, 54.
Three Outsider spirits fly around the corridor, winking in and out of walls.
Since Schmoo hits on touch, and can still make a move action right after it does, Schmoo hits a
PC and then retreats instantly into the wall to avoid an attack. The PCs must prepare ready actions
when they emerge in order to hope to defeat them.
3. Same as 1.
4. Same as 2.
5. Dmitri the Foul. 121
A lone Lich lays in this room on a throne. The Lich does nothing until the PCs approach him. He
looks at them and then throws his book down. “Well…what are you waiting for, an introduction!?
Surely the Old man has already told you about me. Let’s just get this battle over with!” And then
the battle begins.
The Lich opens with Greater Invisibility and use it’s
quicken rod to cast Fly. On its next round, it will use
quicken Wall of Stone, and then prepare to Summon
as many monsters as it can from behind the wall.
Once it has summoned enough of them, it will then
dispel its own wall of stone. Then it proceeds to
move behind the party and touch attacks the weakest
member to paralyzing touch it. If any party member
casts spells that it knows, it well do a ready action to
counter it the moment it comes up, and will dispel
any buffs applied on a PC if they are bestowed on a
party member. The Lich continues to fight, until it
has exhumed its spells, in which case it will attempt
to flee or teleport away (teleport is always a must;
unless it cannot in which case it flees out the door).
If it is slain, it cannot die due to its phylactery is not
here. From this point forward, if it comes back, it
automatically teleports to the PCs and reengages
them in battle. Do not award XP to the party for
every subsequent defeat it suffers after the first time.
If the PCs destroy its phylactery and kill it, award
XP to them.
6. Ghostly Couple. 98.
A Ghostly Couple dances all about the room, striking the PCs with their mighty attacks.
The Ghostly Couple uses all of its Ghostly abilities on the PCs first, to do any attempt to weaken
them. They then dance all throughout the room, striking at the PCs with their weapons, and their
spell like abilities.
Once the ghosts are slain, they will reappear after 2d4 days later, in which case that they will
search the castle for the PCs until they find them and attack them again. Refer to Area of Interest
63 to find out how to stop them forever.


1. In this display case, there is a collection of old arrow heads. A Knowledge History check of 25
indicates that these arrows were elven made, and used during a great war between Elves and
Dwarves some 300 years back. There are a total of 2d6 arrowheads in the display case. An
Appraise check of 25 reveals them to be authentic; and worth 200 GP each to the right bidder.
2. There is a Platinum Holy symbol that is very old and rusting heavily. A Knowledge Religion
check of 25 reveals this holy symbol to be the symbol of a deity Saint Cuthberd over a thousand
years ago. It is worth 1,000 GP.
3. There is a piece of bloody clothing in this display case. A Knowledge history check of 30 reveals
this to be the dress of Bathory Liz, one of the first few known Vampires on Golarion. The dress is
worth 600 GP.
4. There is a Knuckle born of Infinite fortune in the display case. If the PCs attempt to touch it, they
are subject to a trap. Recovering this artifact gives the party one mythic tier.


Type Mechanical/Magic; Perception DC 49; Disable Device DC 35
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Summons several spikes to appear, as if through a Stone shape spell. There are a total of 3d6 spikes, each
dealing 1d4+1 damage, and have +15 to attack. The spikes deal bleed damage 4 which has no save, unless
the PCs make a Fortitude save of 18. Those who are within 5 feet of the stand are subject to the trap.
Healing requires a Heal check of 15, or 1 point of magical healing. Reflex save 20 for half. If the trap is
triggered, a Teleport spell is cast on the Knuckle born of Infinite fortune and it is taken to a safe part of
the Castle, which can never be found. The item never appears again.

5. There is a beautiful vase on this table. Breaking it creates a Magic Pot Roast.
6. This display case holds 1d4 Masterwork Mithral Elven Curved swords. A successful Knowledge
History check of 25 reveals these swords were made over seven centuries ago. They are worth
twice their current value.
7. This painting shows a depiction of the nine circles of Hell. The watermark on the painting is
Dracula, as it was painted by Dracula himself. The painting is worth 200 GP.
8. This painting displays a vision of the celestial and lawful planes. The watermark on the painting
is Dracula, as it was painted by Dracula himself. The painting is worth 200 GP.
9. This painting appears to be a Picasso, containing many abstract images around it that appear to
form the body of a lantern archon. The watermark on the painting appears to be someone by the
name of Carmilla. The painting is worth 200 GP.
10. This painting is a depiction of the Castle behind a blood red moon, with a dark purplish sky all
around it. The watermark on the painting is by Alucard. The painting is worth 220 GP.
If the PCs attempt to fiddle with the painting, they can make a perception check. If they succeed a
perception check of 25, they find the painting is concealing a secret door.
11. This display case is holding a Rusty Amulet of Natural armor+4. The item’s magic has become
inert due to years of degradation. Exposing the amulet to a Make whole spell restores it to
12. Pit Trap; Camouflaged Spike pit. See CRB for details.
13. There are two chests here. One contains the Famous Sword Gram, while the other contains
Alucart Shield.
14. This portion of the wall behind the table is cracked and breaking. This portion of the wall has a
Hardness of 8, and a HP of 50. If broken, a Double shot item appears.
15. This display case contains a Flametounge in the chest here. However, if the PCs attempt to fiddle
with it, a trap activates.

Type Mechanical/Magic; Perception DC 29; Disable Device DC 29
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Summons several spikes to appear, as if through a Stone shape spell. There are a total of 3d6 spikes, each
dealing 1d4+1 damage, and have +15 to attack. The spikes deal bleed damage 4 which has no save, unless
the PCs make a Fortitude save of 18. Those who are within 5 feet of the stand are subject to the trap.
Healing requires a Heal check of 15, or 1 point of magical healing. If the trap is triggered, a Teleport spell
is cast on the Flametounge and it is taken to a safe part of the Castle, which can never be found. The item
never appears again.

16. This display case contains a Life Drinker in the chest here. However, if the PCs attempt to fiddle
with it, a trap activates.


Type Mechanical/Magic; Perception DC 29; Disable Device DC 29
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Summons several spikes to appear, as if through a Stone shape spell. There are a total of 3d6 spikes, each
dealing 1d4+1 damage, and have +15 to attack. The spikes deal bleed damage 4 which has no save, unless
the PCs make a Fortitude save of 18. Those who are within 5 feet of the stand are subject to the trap.
Healing requires a Heal check of 15, or 1 point of magical healing. Reflex save 20 for half. If the trap is
triggered, a Teleport spell is cast on the Life Drinker and it is taken to a safe part of the Castle, which can
never be found. The item never appears again.

17. This display case contains a Coral Circlet in the chest here. However, if the PCs attempt to fiddle
with it, a trap activates.
Type Mechanical/Magic; Perception DC 35; Disable Device DC 35
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Summons several spikes to appear, as if through a Stone shape spell. There are a total of 3d6 spikes, each
dealing 1d4+1 damage, and have +15 to attack. The spikes deal bleed damage 4 which has no save, unless
the PCs make a Fortitude save of 18. Those who are within 5 feet of the stand are subject to the trap.
Healing requires a Heal check of 15, or 1 point of magical healing. Reflex save 20 for half. If the trap is
triggered, a Teleport spell is cast on the Coral Circlet and it is taken to a safe part of the Castle, which can
never be found. The item never appears again.

18. There is a pile of 35 Electrum coins, each worth 10 PP each. These coins look real old, and most
of the metal is degrading. A appraise check of 25 reveals the coins are over 3,000 years old.
19. This painting depicts a woman upon a bed, with a vampire coming over to her to drink her blood.
The watermark on the frame is Dracula. The painting is worth 220 GP.
20. This painting abstractly depicts the moon being covered with clouds in the night sky. The
watermark on the frame is Alucard. The painting is worth 100 GP.
21. This chest contains 1,200 GP.
22. This wall is fake, and requires a DC Perception check of 25 to know that is fake. The wall itself
has a painting of a fairy on a flower on it. The wall has a hardness of 8, and a HP of 70.
23. This display case has a Dark Armor in it. If the PCs attempt to mess with the case however, the
trap activates.


Type Mechanical/Magic; Perception DC 29; Disable Device DC 29
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Summons several spikes to appear, as if through a Stone shape spell. There are a total of 3d6 spikes, each
dealing 1d4+1 damage, and have +15 to attack. The spikes deal bleed damage 4 which has no save, unless
the PCs make a Fortitude save of 18. Those who are within 5 feet of the stand are subject to the trap.
Healing requires a Heal check of 15, or 1 point of magical healing. Reflex save 20 for half. If the trap is
triggered, a Teleport spell is cast on the Dark Armor and it is taken to a safe part of the Castle, which can
never be found. The item never appears again.

24. In this display case, there is a series of very old Masterwork Artisan’s tools. These tools, if
scanned with an Appraise check of 25 are revealed to be tools used by ancient dwarf lords of the
past. They give no bonus to checks, but they are worth triple their original value.
25. There is a Reverse Cape in this chest.
26. This painting has the depiction of a chest that is locked on it, in a dark room with only a single
beam of light illuminating the room. The light expands and bounces all over as a result of hitting
the chest’s gleaming surface.
If the PCs attempt to fiddle with the painting, they can make a perception check. If they succeed a
perception check of 25, they find the painting is concealing a secret door.
27. This animated portrait appears to be a GIF of the first level of Castlevania III. No one can identify
what the portrait is, and there is no watermark on it.
28. This display case contains the journal of Walter Bernard. It’s worth 400 GP.
29. This display case carries inside of it a Diamond. An appraise check of 25 reveals that this
diamond was forged by a king’s smith over 200 years ago for his wife. The party can assume
Dracula disposed of the King and his family through inference. It is worth 7,000 GP.
30. This painting depicts an army of orcs and goblins marching towards a kingdom. A Profession
check of 20 reveals that the painting was actually made recently. An appraise check reveals that
the painting is worth 50-100 GP. There is no exact amount that can be calculated. The watermark
appears to have Dracula’s signature.
31. There is a series of scrolls in here, and all of them carry markings of the Astral Plane on them. A
Knowledge Planes check of 30 reveals them to be the last rites of a dying God. The scrolls worth
400 GP.
32. There is a painting here, which depicts a nude vampire on a bed in an erotic position. The
watermark on the painting appears to be Dracula.
If the PCs attempt to fiddle with the painting, they can make a perception check. If they succeed a
perception check of 25, they find the painting is concealing a secret door.
33. There are two chests in this area. One the chests in here contains a 1,200 GP and the other chest
contains a Holy Rod.
34. This wall is fake and requires a DC Perception check to identify that it is fake. The wall has a
Hardness of 8 and an HP of 100.
35. There is a lever here. If pulled, it will dispel the illusion, and unlock the door at 47.
36. This painting shows the Lords of Shadow II Dracula sitting on his throne, with the blue fire lit all
around the area. On the frame of the portrait, it says. “From another era.” There is no watermark
to identify the painter.


Type Mechanical/Magic; Perception DC 32; Disable Device DC 27
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Summons 1d6 spikes to emerge from the ground and deal 1d6+5 damage to the target who walked on the
area. Spikes have +10 to hit. Reflex save 22 for half. Spikes are coated with Bubonic plague. Save Fortitude
DC 17 Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day Effect 1d4 Con damage and 1 Cha damage and target is fatigued;
Cure 2 consecutive saves.

38. There is a Metamagic Rod of Quicken Greater in this display case. The rod is also coated with
many different runes of a famous wizard. A knowledge History check of 25 reveals this to be the
Metamagic rod of a wizard known as Magnus the great.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 28; Disable Device DC 29
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
70 Foot Fall, dealing 5d6 damage. 2d6 spikes at the end, dealing 1d4+5. +10 to attack. Reflex save 20
40. This display case contains on the inside is the Armor of Leon
Belmont and a signet ring that has the Belmont family sigil on it.
This case is invulnerable and only can be opened with a key found
in the book talking about the Crimson Stone in the Arcane lab.
41. This display case has a plastic gray cart like object, which has the
words written in Common than says. “Castlevania II: Simon’s
42. This is a family portrait of Dracula’s family. The portrait shows
Dracula on his throne, with a young Alucard on his lap, smiling.
Then there is Lisa, who sits on the floor below the throne, with her
dress spread out. The watermark on the portrait has the name Master Librarian on it.
43. There are two chests in this display case. The display case must be broken in order to open. One
of the chests contains a Moonstone, while the other contains a Sunstone.
44. This display case contains a broken Headband of Mental Superiority. The headband’s powers
have all but left it, and cannot be restored (although the headband could be used as a material
component for making a new one, and reduces the material cost by 10% if used in this manner).
A knowledge history check of 25 reveals that this headband was once used by a grand Mind
Flayer many years ago, who perished at the hand of Simon Belmont five years after he purged the
curse of Dracula.
45. This painting depicts a nymph out in the wilderness, bathing in the presence of many fairies in a
beautiful grove. The watermark on the painting is Alucard. The painting is worth 240 GP.
46. This painting has a series of fairies gathered around a green blossom, in the presence of a
beautiful garden. A figure in red is seen wandering away from it. There is no author for this
painting. The painting is worth 240 GP.
47. This door is locked and requires a mechanism to be activated in order to open.

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

Unlocking the door requires the lever at 35 to be pulled in order to unlock it.

48. This throne appears to be drawing air, if the PCs succeed a Perception check of 25. Moving the
throne requires a Strength check of 26.
49. There are three chests in this area. The first chest contains a Jewel of Open in it. The second chest
contains 3,000 GP.
50. There are two chests here. One of the chests contains a Headband of Mental Superiority +4,
while the other contains 5 Scrolls of Restoration, 10 Maximized potions of Cure Serious wounds,
and One scroll of True Resurrection.
51. This painting depicts a party of elves celebrating out in the wilderness, surrounding by an array of
torches. The food all seems to be an assortment of hunted kills, assorted greens, and has many
harmonious musicians off in the distance. A knowledge history check of 20 reveals this to be a
famous elven painting painted by Letoia, a well-known painter for the elves. The watermark has
his name on it. The painting is worth 180 GP.
52. This painting is of a similar design to that of the above painting, but it is a bunch of dwarves in a
downtown bar, drinking ales and displaying many gemstones to their kind. The watermark is
again Letoia. The painting is worth 210 GP.
53. The painting here is the same as 51.
54. There are 4 barrels here. Each of the barrels is filled with ale; and each barrel has enough for 100
mugs of ale.
55. This winerack here holds 10d10 Fine wine bottles.
56. Same as 55, but there is also 6d6 whiskey bottles here as well.
57. These crates hold a variety of what appear to be stage props, which are used in setting up for
scenes in a play. They hold no value.
58. There are two chests here. One of the chests has 2 Wands of Prestidigitation, 4 wands of Ghost
sound, 3 wands of fireball. The other chest contains 10 Disguise kits.
59. There are two chests here. One of them has enough coffee in it to make 100 cups. The other chest
contains 6 hats, 5 Explorer’s outfits, and 4 Entertainer’s outfits.
60. This area is a closet. It holds 6d6 various outfits on the inside of it, used purposely for stage
61. There are two chests here. One of them
Dangers of Plane Shifting
has a Robe of Scintillating Colors, and
the other has a 4 Hats of Disguise. Castlevania isn’t just stationed in the material world. It
62. This area is the same as 60, but has borders on a nexus for multiple planes; most of them evil
10d10 clothing instead of 6d6. aligned. Not only does this mean that those who plane shift
63. There are two bodies here. One appears
are still trapped within the Castle and subject to its magical
to be a woman, and the other a man. A
barrier, but they can easily run into a devil or demon host
heal check of 25 reveals that the two
right in front of them.
were slain by a sword many days ago. A
Perception check of 24 reveals them to If a PC plane shifts for whatever reason, designate an evil
be the same ghosts that were slain aligned plane. A PC will end up in a Castle in that plane of
earlier. If the PCs bring the corpses
exact similarity to Castlevania, and with the restricted
together again, and bury them in the
dimensional movement and prevention to alter the area
same grave outside, the Ghosts stop
around them.
Once this is done, a Red Crystal orb Even more so, the party has a chance to run into evil hosts
appears over the PCs and lands on the around them. There is a 50% chance when the party plane
shifts, that they will run into an evil host. If this happens,
create an encounter using Devils, demons, or daemons that is
at least 75% higher than the party CR.

While in the Castle, the party cannot seemly travel to Good

aligned or neutral aligned planes.

One of the most notable outside sections of the Castle, the garden is outlined with many exotic plants all
around the area. Many of these plants are not native to this region, and are very pleasing to look at, and

Remember to consider the storm which reappears every 1d2 days when the PCs come to this part. It may
be raining when the PCs arrive here.

Chairs placed together are considered benches.

Tree leaves sections on the map people can pass through, as they are considered 15 feet above the ground.
The Brush rises up to 30 feet. A PC can walk through the brush at half their movement speed.

Doors cannot be damaged, as well of walls.


1. 3 Assassin Vines. 30, 36, 40. (Pathfinder Bestiary 1 PG 22)

3 Assassin Vines are concealed around the area, waiting for a victim to come by them.
The Assassin Vines wait patiently, until enough PCs have come around them so they may
entangle as many of them as possible, and cause immediate disorientation. After this, they then
begin constricting as many people as they can, dealing out as much damage as possible.
2. 1 Moon Flower. 112. (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 PG 192)
A Moon Flower seeds itself around the area. It remains docile until it spots prey, in which case it
begins a fiery assault upon its victims.
The Moon Flower uses Blinding flash on the area first to blind the PCs. After this, it will attempt
to use Pod Prison an individual. From that point on, it then assails the PCs with a series of grapple
attacks and tentacle attacks.
3. 3 Ectoplasm. 32, 26, 40.
3 Ectoplasm fly around the area of the fountain.
This encounter mimics the encounter at the Docks.
4. 2 Shambling Mounds. 102, 78. (Pathfinder Bestiary 1 PG 246)
2 Shambling Mounds are hiding among the vegetation. A Perception check of 36 reveals their
positioning when they come into the area.
The Shambling mounds, as long as they are not noticed, will remain still until the PCs move next
to them. The Shambling mound will then attempt to grapple the PCs, constricting them and
dealing as much damage as possible, while trying to take out as many combatants as they can.
5. Same as 1.
6. 10 Mermen. 3, 4, 2, 6, 5, 3, 7, 8, 6, 5.
Mermen swim around the small pond around here, which interconnects to the lakes of the Castle.
There is a total of 4d6 mermen that swim within the pond. The PCs can roll a perception check of
20 to see that there are mermen in the pond. As long as the PCs maintain a stealth check of 23,
they PCs can completely avoid combat with them. If they are discovered, the mermen will
continue to pour out from the pond until all have been slain.
The Mermen use the same tactics as used on the battle of the bridge.
7. 1 Blue Venus Weed. 141.
A large Blue flower grows in this area. If the PCs move towards it, the flower grows until it is
large sized, and then the woman of the weed emerges. The PCs need to make a perception check
of 30 to notice the flower growing.
First the Venus weed attempts to entrance everyone with her Seduction aura, and then activates
her Entangle and Black Tentacle spells all around the area. She then uses her more powerful
spells to weaken the PCs, and keep herself protected. If she begins to receive too much damage,
she will return herself inside the flower and prevent herself from receiving any further damage,
and heal some of her HP. Once she has exhumed all of her spells, she will use her flower petal
attack on the PCs.
Scene 17
Garnering the flower’s loyalty
The Blue Venus Weed does not attack the party on sight. She merely exits her flower and then
simply tends to her garden, sulking as she does. If approached, she will yell at them in Sylvan to
go away. The party has to diplomacy her in order to find out further what she is, and she is doing
(Diplomacy DC 28). Once brought down to Indifferent or further, she can then be talked to
without battle.
Once she is there, she will state who she is, and what she does to serve her “father.” The Venus
weeds are a rare nymph like creature that Dracula raises as his own daughters after they are
birthed from the flowers watered in Demon’s blood. In Dracula’s cult, there was a woman by the
name of Iouna, who was the Blue Venus Weed’s Nurse maid. Her name is Mina. She disappeared
after an argument with Dracula’s dark priest Shaft; and is mad at Dracula for not looking into this
matter further, for she herself was very fond of her; as she viewed her as a mother, since Dracula
has chosen not to remarry. If the party asks if they can look into this for her, she will simply say
to do whatever they think they should. As long as they do not bring harm to her sisters, she will
not attack them. However, if the party even slays one Venus Weed, the Blue Venus Weed will
attack them on sight. She also states that she will not tell her sisters to not attack the party.
Once the party brings news from Shaft that Iouna is dead to her, she will break down and cry, and
embrace the closest PC whom brought her the news. After her cry, she will assist the party in
their search by telling her sisters to avoid the party. The Venus Weed encounters from here on out
results in no battle; just them staring at the party, occasionally flirting. The Blue One can be seen
1d4 days later, who then be diplomacied for later assistance, even to the point of her assistance in
battles. She will not however fight Dracula.
Only by killing her does a Red Crystal Orb appear.

8. Venus Weed. 103.

A Venus weed plant lays here. This encounter’s tactics and openings is the same as 7, except that
this one does not surrender.
9. Same as 8.



Type Mechanical; Perception DC 28; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger Touch; Reset Automatic
70 Foot Fall, dealing 5d6 damage. 2d6 spikes at the end, dealing 1d4+5. +10 to attack. Reflex save 26

2. There is a chest in this area. In the chest there is a Potion of Owl’s Wisdom 4.
3. This flower bed garden has something sparkling in it. A Perception check of 19 made around the
area reveals a Platinum Ring. The ring is adorned with several clear cut diamonds around it. It’s
worth 2,000 GP.
4. This tree in this garden is bearing a strange red fruit, which is very pleasing to look at and eat.
Eating this fruit however exposes the eater to a curse, which deals -6 to two attributes, unless the
user makes a Will save of 25. Even if they succeed however, the individual is sickened for 4
To make matters worse, the wood of the tree is Poisoned Oak.
5. This patch of plants right here are highly toxic and poisonous if their sap enters a PCs
bloodstream. If a PC does not run at half of their movement through the grass, and/or does not
possess armor with a value of medium or above, a PC cuts themselves. The cut deals 1 HP point
of damage, and infects them with a toxic substance. Fortitude save 18, Onset in 5 rounds,
Frequency 1/10 rounds. 1d6 CON damage.
A PC can use the toxic thorns and leaves from this plant, and use it as a poison. Each square can
create up to 40 vials.
6. This tree in the garden is producing multiple fruit at once. All of the fruit is safe to take and eat. A
fruit that is picked regrows in 1d4+1 hours.
On occasion, the tree bears a Life Apple when it produces its fruit. When the PCs first see it, there
is at least one growing on it and can be picked. From then on, there is a 5% chance that the next
fruit grown will be a Life apple. If not, it will be a randomly created fruit.


Type Mechanical; Perception DC 29; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger Touch; Reset Automatic
70 Foot Fall, dealing 5d6 damage. 2d6 spikes at the end, dealing 1d4+5. +10 to attack. Reflex save 26

8. There is a chest hiding in this corner. It is both locked and trapped. A PC who attempts to fiddle
with the lock without checking for traps activates the following trap listed below:


Type Magic; Perception DC 29; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger Touch; Reset None
Casts Cloudkill all around the area of the chest.

The lock on the chest requires a DC 25 to open. Chest has a hardness of 5, and a HP of 25. Inside the
chest are 4 Artisan’s tools, 1 Masterwork Artisans tools, 4 Extended Entangle Scrolls, 3 Warp wood
scrolls, and 1 Call Lightning wand (20 charges).

9. Same as 7.
10. This chest contains the Key to the shed.
11. There are two chests in this area. One contains 4 Life Apples, while the other has a Wizard’s hat.
12. There is a series of boxes around here. If the PCs make a search check around the area of 35, they
will find a Moai Head on the ground.
13. This door is locked. If the PCs attempt to fiddle with the lock, read the following paragraph:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

14. This particular flower bed has an array of blood red roses all around it. If the PCs make a
Perception check around this area, they will see something gleaming on the top of the soil. A
Perception check of the area reveals a Double Shot item.
15. There is a Sundial here, which seems to serve no purpose at all since it is always night. If the PCs
expose to the Sundial to a Light spell, the Sundial will gleam slightly. Seconds later, an arcane
mark of the Sun will appear on the Sundial. If the PCs expose it to a Sunburst spell, the area that
is covered in shadow on the sundial will begin to move all around the dial supernaturally. It will
continue to do so for over 2 minutes, steadily gaining speed, until the 2 minutes pass. After 2
minutes, the Sundial will spit out the Golden Pocket watch.
16. If a PC walks through this brush without wearing medium armor or higher, the PC will be cut and
sliced by large thorns. These thorns deal 1d4+1 damage, and cause the PC to bleed for 10 rounds,
taking 2 points of damage each round.
17. Same as 16, but there is 1d6 magic herbs that can be found growing on this shrubbery.
18. This fountain is constantly spurting water and is made of a translucent crystal. The fountain is
magical in nature. A PC who drinks a full flask of water from fountain acts as if it was a Cure
Moderate wounds potion. However this only works up to 5 times a day. After drinking 5 doses,
the effect downgrades into a Cure Light wounds spell. After 5 more uses, the effects stop working
all together until after 24 hours. Exposing the water to any blight spell changes it into Inflict
Exposing this fountain to any ray spell causes the ray to split off in 12 different directions. There
is also usually 1d6 magic herbs growing here.
19. Same as 5.
20. Same as 16, but there is a poison effect that is additionally applied as well. Fortitude save 15, 1d3
DEX damage and Sickened condition, Onset 1 round, Frequency 1/6 rounds.
21. Same as 20, but the PC must wear Heavy armor to negate the thorns.
22. Same as 7.
23. Same as 21.
24. There are two chests in here. One of them is locked, and requires a Disable device check of 30 to
open. The chest has a Hardness of 10, and a HP of 40. Inside this chest is 1 Scroll of Sunburst.
The other chest contains the same thing.
25. Same as 7.
26. This pond is very deep, almost 60 feet deep. A PC who searches the pond under water with
proper lighting will discover a hole on the side of one of the walls. Swimming down this hole will
reveal a secret passage that leads to a part of the Clock Tower with water. The PCs can see other
doors at the bottom, but these are reserved for the Mermen, and will open only when the Mermen
go near them.
This pond counts as an accursed pool hazard.
27. Same as 7.
28. There are two chests here. One of them contains a Cloak of the Elvenkind, and the other contains
a Star Flail.

The Clock Tower is famous to those who know of the Castle, as it is the one area which has been
consistently seen and the one area that always appears no matter what form the Castle takes. It is reached
by walking over a large bridge, which leads into the tower itself, which is full of contraptions and gears to
make the massive clockwork move.

In the large courtyard area with the bridge area to tower, it is considered a 100 foot fall if a PC falls off
the area. The staircase with the door on the bottom of the area nearby the fountains can be used to get to
the top.

The cliff areas are considered a 30 foot drop. The PCs who fall on there go to the next area that is below
that particular box.

Paintings here are worth 100-200 GP.

There is an empty text box. It was never filled because it wasn’t needed.

Doors cannot be destroyed here, but walls can.

1. 1 Protean Imentesh. 140.
Dominated by Dracula’s unnatural power, this Protean guards the entrance of the Clock Tower.
The Protean first casts Haste on itself, and fights defensively for the rest of the round. On its next
round, it uses Dimension door and then attempts to grapple a target on the next round. On its next
round, it drops the PC into the 100 foot drop, and continues to do so. If a PC tries to use a spell, it
will try to dispel the magic; especially taking an opportunity to dispel a fly effect. If all the targets
have been dropped into the shaft, it will then dimension door to the bottom of the pit to engage
the PCs in battle.
This encounter does not occur again, even after 24 hours.
2. 4 Yellow Medusa heads. 12, 13, 15, 12. 1 Harpy. (Pathfinder Bestiary 1 PG 92)
Medusa heads float around the area, while a Harpy perches itself on the top of the area, giving a
captivating song to enthrall her victims.
First the Harpy delivers her captivating song. As soon as she has managed to captivate someone,
the medusa heads move to the victim and begin attacking, attempting to turn them into stone. If
they succeed, they then move onto the next target. If a Medusa head is slain, another teleports in
by a torch, until 2d6 have been slain, in which case they stop teleporting in for 24 hours. The
harpy only attacks if the PCs reach her location, as she is on the second floor from where the PCs
3. This encounter is the same as Encounter 5 in Main Hall 2nd floor.
4. 1 Cloaked Knight. 121
A glowing purple knight lays in the room. His swords are flying all around him, and are ready to
strike the PCs. The knight has been watching the PCs since they walked on the bridge.
First the cloaked knight ascends into the air, and uses the Heaven sword to strike at the PCs,
while delivering a series of spells at them. When he runs out of spells, he draws a Flametongue
and then uses a Scorching ray from the sword. After that, he then moves into the fray alongside
the Heaven sword, fighting at the PCs. After about 2d4 attacks, he flees the area along with the
sword, and will not reappear for 24 hours.
If slain, a Red crystal orb will appear where it was first seen. This encounter does not occur
again, even after 24 hours.
5. Same as 2.
6. 1 Sword Lord. 89.
A Sword patrols the area.
The Sword Lord waits on the other side of the trap, and tries to lure the PCs into walking into it.
Once they set off the trap, he then begins his attack on them. If he changes into a Vandal Lord, he
continues his attack after he rises.
7. 1 Karasuman. 120.
A bird like creature stands on a post, which hangs 20 feet above the PCs. The demon jumps onto
the ground to greet the PCs, following then to preparing to fight.
First, the demon begins by using a Crow wave attack, and then will use a series of spells against
the PCs. If it begins to be attacked as a result of melee attacks, it flies away.




Type Mechanical; Perception DC 35; Disable Device DC ---
Trigger Location; Reset None
Collapses the area under the PCs when they walk. PCs receive 8d6 damage as a result. Reflex save 20 to
avoid. Cannot be disabled.

2. This hidden chest here is hiding within the shadows. A PC must be searching around this area to
have a chance to find it. Inside is a Dragon Helm.
3. This gate is locked, and barred heavily with a powerful magic. The magic cannot be dispelled by
any means. Attempts to teleport and dimension door into the room fail automatically the moment
a PC attempts, and manipulating any form of Planes like spell does not work in there. The only
way to open the door is to realign the cogs until a clicking sound is heard. After this, the magic
disperses on the door, and PCs can walk through it.
4. There is a cog off to the side of the wall here. The cog still looks like it can be turned. To turn the
cog, the PCs need to use a grappling hook on the cog, attach it, and then use a STR check of 28 to
pull down the cog. The cog can make 20 rotations before its back to where it is. On the 12th
rotation, a clicking sound is heard instead of a turning one.
5. There are two chests in here. The first chest on the left contains a Ghost Card, while the other
chest has a Sword of Dawn.
6. Falling block trap. See CRB for details.
7. There is a cog off to the side of the wall here. The cog still looks like it can be turned. To turn the
cog, the PCs need to use a grappling hook on the cog, attach it, and then use a STR check of 28 to
pull down the cog. The cog can make 20 rotations before its back to where it is. On the 15th
rotation, a clicking sound is heard instead of a turning one.
8. This wall is fake, and requires a DC perception check of 25 to reveal it. The wall has a hardness
of 10, and a HP of 300.


Type Magic; Perception DC 28; Disable Device DC 29
Trigger Proximity; Reset None
Unveils 2d4 blades that begin to swing back and forth all around the hallway. The blades deal 2d6 damage
each, and have +10 to attack. PCs who stay in the area are subject to attacks, unless they make a
successful acrobatics check of 25, in which case they avoid all damage.
10. This painting seems to be a portrait of the Clock tower from a distance away. The watermark on
the painting is that of the Master Librarian. It is worth 213 GP.
11. There is a single chest here. The chest is locked, and requires a DC Disable device check of 25 to
open. Inside the chest is a Moruneblade.
12. There is a single chest here. The chest is locked, and requires a DC Disable device check of 25 to
open. Inside the chest is a Runeblade and Shaft’s key.
13. This massive window appears to be the back part of a cloak that you can see on the outside of the
tower. Inside of the glass you can see the clockwork for the clocks. You cannot see out of the
window unless you are 5 feet in front of it, due to how opaque the window is.
14. There is a cog off to the side of the wall here. The cog still looks like it can be turned. To turn the
cog, the PCs need to use a grappling hook on the cog, attach it, and then use a STR check of 28 to
pull down the cog. The cog can make 20 rotations before its back to where it is. On the 6th
rotation, a clicking sound is heard instead of a turning one.
15. There is a cog off to the side of the wall here. The cog still looks like it can be turned. To turn the
cog, the PCs need to use a grappling hook on the cog, attach it, and then use a STR check of 28 to
pull down the cog. The cog can make 20 rotations before its back to where it is. On the 12th
rotation, a clicking sound is heard instead of a turning one.
16. Falling block trap. See CRB for details.
17. There is a chest in this room. Inside there is 2,000 GP.
18. This is an animated painting, which appears to be a hallway where people are passing by. If
people use the secret in Area 6 in Dormitory 2, this is where they will appear.
19. There are two chests in this room. One of the chests contains 5,000 GP. The other chest contains
Joseph’s Cloak.
20. This rug appears to have a depicting of a dark coven meeting in the night to worship a figure that
appears to be Dracula. The painting in this room depicts the same cultists facing in front of a wall
in the middle of a spring. In the center of the rug, there is a hole, of which looks like can fit a
spherical object, namely a gem. Removing the rug reveals a pedestal in the ground. If the PCs fit
the Glowing Red Gem in the center of the rug, and then duck down facing the wall for one
minute, the PCs are teleported into Shaft’s Coven.


Type Magic; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Sprays Burnt Othur Fumes in a 20 foot radius.

22. This set of stairs leads to a higher elevation, which takes the user to 23.
23. Same as above but in reverse.
24. This set of stairs leads to a higher elevation, and takes the user to 25.
25. Same as above but in reverse.
26. This set of stairs leads lower into the Clock tower, which takes the user to 27.
27. Same as above, but in reverse.
28. This set of stairs leads lower into the Clock Tower, which takes the user to 29.
29. Same as above, but in reverse.
30. This set of stairs leads to another part of the Clock Tower and takes the user to 31.
31. Same as above but in reverse order.
32. This door is locked, and requires a disable device check of 25 to open.

This is an underground barracks, where Dracula arms his dark host with an infinite supply of weapons. It
is adorned with orange and brownish stone all around the area, and has wooden panels for the ground.
There are statues depicting warriors all around the walls, and weapon racks all around.

Barrels here contain up to 5d10 mundane items, or contain enough ale to fill 70 mugs.

Weapon racks contain in each 5 foot radius carry 4d4 weapons, 2d6 pieces of armor or shields, or 7d10
ammo on the racks. Weapons can be variable to the DM and can be placed in advance. Weapons and
ammo reappear after 24 hours, unless they are specifically mentioned, and or worth more than 800 GP.

Walls can be damaged in this area, but doors cannot.


1. 1 Armor Lord. 87. 2 Tough orcs. 23, 28.

There are three creatures that patrol the hallway in order to ensure that no one gets through that is
not associated with Dracula.
The Armor Lord slowly looms towards the PCs with his Great sword, using spells to disorientate
the PCs. He will use his fire trail attack to deal damage to them after the orcs had been slain, as
the orcs will charge first and disorientate the PCs if at all possible. The Armor Lord uses its spells
if necessary to gain a benefit over the PCs.
2. Same as 1.
3. 2 Castlevanian Minotaur’s. 55, 60.
Two Castlevanian Minotaur’s patrol this section of the Castle, searching for intruders. This
encounter does not persist in this one area, as the Minotaur’s search for the PCs once they enter
this area. The Minotaur’s can either show up here, or in the middle of another encounter.
Both Minotaur’s immediately use their breath weapon against the PCs the moment they run into
them. If there is anything in the room that they can use as a throwing weapon, they will
supplement that to stay away from the PCs. After this, they begin to use their large axes to attack
the PCs.
4. 4 Tough Orcs. 32, 33, 21, 18. 1 Orc Elite. 67.
Orcs patrol this hallway and discuss amongst themselves of what to do to assist Dracula. The
tough orcs stand to the side of the doors to make sure no one gets through, while the Elite orc
stays around the middle.
In addition to those monsters, there is a 15% chance that a Parathropus skeleton will appear in the
The orcs target the weakest party member, while the elite orc uses his glaive to keep himself from
being attacked.
If the Parathropus is here, this skeleton mainly uses its slam attack to deal negative levels, and
throw its bone at the PCs.
5. Same as above.
In addition to those monsters, there is a 15% chance that a Parathropus skeleton will appear in the
6. Frankenstein. 109.
A horrible monstrosity walks among the training room. There are many bodies of creatures in
here, obviously sent to their deaths in order to test this monsters ability. As soon as the PCs enter,
the doors turn into solid walls, preventing their escape.
The Frankenstein creature drinks a Fox’s Cunning extract. Then he throws as many bombs as he
possibly can to deal damage. Only if a PC ventures too close does the Frankenstein use its slam
attack against the PCs. He will drink other extracts if needed to make him more dangerous.
Upon defeat, a Red Crystal Orb appears where its body was slain. This encounter does not
happen again, even after 24 hours. The doors return to being doors again after this.
7. Same as 7.
8. 2 White Dragon. 55, 44.
2 White Dragons guard the area behind them ensuring that the PCs do not get close.
The White Dragons always use their breath weapons, and flaming burst against the PCs. If the
PCs get close to them, they then try a bite attack against them in order to curse them. The entire
area is coated in an Anti-magic field, but the White Dragons can still use their Spell like abilities
within it.

1. This axe that the statue is holding is peculiar. A Spellcraft of 25 reveals this axe to be an
Undercutting Axe. A PC can remove the axe with a STR Check of 28.
2. This statue is holding an axe that is very peculiar. It is a Biting Battle-axe. Removing the axe
requires the same check as above.
3. This wall is fake and requires a Perception check of 28 to reveal to be fake. The wall has a
hardness of 8, and a HP of 100.
4. There are two chests here. On the wall by the chests there is an inscription that says “A treasure
hides in the veil, as well as a terror that lurks in the metal.” The chest towards the North is made
of wood, and has a small Fog Cloud spell hovering about it. The other one is made of silver. If a
PC opens the Silver chest, a burst of energy comes out and Summon Monster IX is cast in the
area, forcing the PCs to fight off a creature. If they choose this chest, the other chest disappears
from existence, and is never seen again. If the PCs choose the other chest, they will find a Topaz
5. There are 4 mugs of ale on this table, and there is also a note.

The Shield Rod…probably one of the more interesting

creations in the Castle. From what I heard, the Shield
Rod has different effects when an adventurer is
carrying shields of different metals on him. For
example, I heard that if one is carrying a Shield made
of a Blood Crystal and activates the rod, the rod will
make everyone around him (except those he
designates as not targeted) would suddenly have
grievous wounds afflicted onto them.

6. If a PC is searching for weapons on this ammo rack, they will discover a Masterwork Blood
Crystal Long sword.
7. If a PC is searching for weapons on this ammo rack, they will discover a +2 Elysian Bronze
8. This chest is locked, and requires a DC Disable device check of 25 to unlock. Unlocking the chest
reveals Shield of Flame.
9. If a PC is searching for weapons on this ammo rack, they will discover a +1 Darkwood Long
10. If a PC is searching for weapons on this ammo rack, they will discover a +1 Elysian Bronze long
11. This wall is fake, and requires a DC perception check of 30 to notice. The wall has a hardness of
8, and a HP of 100.
12. If a PC is searching for weapons on this ammo rack, they will discover a +2 Chain Shirt.
13. If a PC is searching for weapons on this ammo rack, they will discover a +1 Buckler.
14. This chest contains Armor Lord Scroll. A PC who obtains this scroll along with the book; and has
the Craft Construct fear can build their own Armor Lord.
15. This table has 5 Mugs of ale and a bag of 200 GP.
16. This table has the same as 15, but in addition of a note on the table.
Two of my friends have disappeared in the Arcane
Lab. They went to one of the bedrooms there to have
a nap. I had heard that those bedrooms were off
limits, despite the fact that no monster can go in
there. I could have sworn I heard a woman’s voice
moaning in there…oh well… this isn’t important right
now. The arena key is missing, and someone has to
find it soon…I hope those orcs in the storage didn’t
drop it by accident.

17. If a PC is searching for weapons on this ammo rack, they will discover 4 Arrows of Slaying.
18. If a PC is searching for weapons on this ammo rack, they will discover 4 Arrows of Slaying .
19. In this area, there are 24 Heavy Steel shields. Each of these shields is made with a different type
of metal on it. Refer to Ultimate Equipment for listing of all the special materials and primitive
20. This is a battle dummy, although there is a man strapped to the dummy. He has died as a result of
what looks like an Alchemical bomb if a PC succeeds a Heal check of 25.
21. This chest contains 3 Potions of Cure critical wounds.
22. This chest contains a Rod of Negation. However, there is a trap on the chest.


Type Magic; Perception DC 35; Disable Device DC 28
Trigger Touch; Reset None
Casts Empowered Chain Lightning on the PC.

23. This wall is fake, and requires a DC perception check of 25 to notice. The wall has no hardness
around here, and only 20 HP. If the PCs break apart the area, they will find a set of explosive
runes that deals 12d6 damage (reflex save for half 20).
24. Same as 20.

Type Mechanical; Perception DC 35; Disable Device DC 28
Trigger Location; Reset None
Stepping on this area causes the pit to activate, which reveals an 80 foot drop. There are 2d4 spikes in at
the bottom, each dealing 1d8+5 damage. Spikes have +10 to attack.

26. If a PC is searching for weapons on this ammo rack, they will discover Sword of Marsil. If the
party has already found the blade from killing Flame Demons, then it is not here.
27. Same as 25.
28. Same as 25.
29. Same as 25.
30. This chest is locked, and requires a Disable device check of 25 to unlock. Unlocking this chest
reveals a Scroll of Healing.
31. This golden chest is locked, and requires the Simons Armor key to open. The chest cannot be
opened without it, and cannot be destroyed or dispelled. Inside is Simon Belmont’s armor.
32. If a PC is searching for weapons on this ammo rack, they will discover a Mithral Breastplate.
33. If a PC is searching for weapons on this ammo rack, they will discover an Adamantine Long
34. If a PC is searching for weapons on this ammo rack, they will discover a Terminus Est.
35. This chest contains a Walk Armor.
36. This chest requires a Disable device check of 25 to unlock. Inside of it is 2,000 GP.
37. If a PC uses a perception check of 30 around this area, they will find the Arena Key.
38. These doors are locked, and require the Arena Key to unlock. If a PC attempts to fiddle with the
lock, or use a spell, read the following paragraph:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

Dracula’s assortment of magical and cursed trinkets are all crafted and assembled here. Within the library
up here as well as the black hallways covered in bluish flame, evil magic is conducted here, and the
wizards of Dracula work tirelessly to arm his forces with magical trinkets. Most of the Arcane Lab has
been abandoned due to the PCs coming about.

Paintings here are worth various money from 400-700 GP.

Blue fire torches emit 5 feet more light than a standard torch.

Each 5 feet of bookshelf contains 4d6 books on it. Each of these books are worth varying values of 10-17

Transitioning from this area to Hallway 2 and vice versa does not cause a half-hour to pass by.

Doors cannot be destroyed, but walls can.

1. 1 Salem Witch 43. 1 Salome. 45.
Two Salem Witches fly about the room, awaiting PCs to come at them.
The Salem Witches use flight in order to avoid melee attacks from the PCs, and use spells to
disorientate the PCs, before they begin assailing PCs with damaging spells. Salem witches pass
through walls if they are near death to avoid being killed.
2. 1 Kitsune Sorcerer. 34. 4 Human Adepts. 12, 11, 15, 14.
A Kitsune here has disguised itself as one of the maidens, and has laid an elaborate trap to have
the PCs come close to her. 4 Adepts have used Scrolls of invisibility, and are waiting in ambush
against the PCs. The PCs need to succeed a Bluff check of 29 to discern the Kitsune is actually
lying, in which case the adepts appear and begin their attack against the PCs.
First, the Kitsune casts its highest level of Summon Monster, and uses debuff spells to stop the
PCs from attacking. The Adepts fire barrages of spells at the PCs. If they are all slain, the Kitsune
casts Fog Cloud around it, and then uses a Scroll of True seeing. If it succeeds the Use Magic
Device check, it then beings casting spells on the PCs. If a PC gets close to it, it changes shape
and tries to fake out the PC of where it has gone. It continues to do this until it has a clean
getaway, and then departs the room.
If the PCs slay all combatants in the room, this encounter does not happen again, even after 24
hours. If they fail, the Kitsune will reappear with four new followers.
3. Same as 2, although replace Kitsune Sorcerer with Elf Wizard Level 9.
The Wizard first summons a creature using its highest level Summon Monster, and then uses Hold
Monster on the PC it feels is the most threatening. The Adepts use blasting spells, and any spells
that might injure PCs, and continue to do so until they have exhausted their spells. After this, they
draw daggers and fight the PCs. The Elf Wizard continues to attack the PCs, until his spells are
exhausted, all except for a Gaseous form spell, to which he uses to escape the area through cracks
in the walls.
4. 2 Attaching Imps. 32, 22. 2 Magic Tomes. 32, 36.
2 Attaching Imps flutter about the area, while two magic Tomes ready attacks on the PCs.
The Imps choose one of the weaker PCs, and then attach onto them, while the Tomes use a
variety of magic weapons that come from their mouth, or spells to disorientate the PCs, and harm
them. If the books are slain, the Imps flee the area.
5. Same as 4, but there are 2 Green Ectoplasm instead. 22, 30.
The fight moves about in the same manner, but the Green Ectoplasm attempt to place curses on
the PCs. Once the PCs all have curses, they and the imps flee the area.
6. 2 White Dragons. 34, 55.
This encounter mimics that of Encounter 8 in the Place of Arms. There is also indeed an Anti-
magic field present here.
7. 1 Pet Succubus. 115.
Slaying the Succubus
This Encounter only occurs if the PCs go to the bedroom, and is never fought if they go to the
larger area. The Succubus will not be there otherwise (also…there’s no way the PCs should be
able to get there without the Succubus taking them there anyway).
When the PCs arrive at the bedroom, they will notice an uplifting aura in there. A Knowledge
Arcane of 25 reveals the aura to be a blessing, which prevents all monsters from entering the
sanctioned area. Obviously, some PCs will attempt to rest and relax.
While the PCs are resting in the room, the Succubus will activate the subduing aura from outside
of the room.
Any PCs who escape the room do not take part in the fight.
Once the PCs are trapped within the Dream world, the battle begins.
The Succubus uses her Special abilities while within the Dream world to deliver as much pain to
the party as she can. She always uses a Dream effect to drain the PCs attributes, and afflict them
with as many conditions as she can. She always renews her Projected Images, and uses her claw
attack when PCs get too close to her.
The Dream World ability may in fact make her too difficult to defeat without assistance. If this
seems to be the case, have Alucard enter the fight. Alucard will activate a Greater Dispel magic
spell right away to immediately throw the dream world away (if the PCs haven’t figured that out
to dispel the Illusion). When this happens, the PCs are automatically teleported into the larger
Area 7 for the Encounter, which continues to play out until the Succubus is dead.
Once she is slain, a Red Crystal Orb appears where she is slain, as well as the Heart of Vlad, and
a Silver Inscription Ring. This encounter never happens again.


1. This wall is an illusion, which appears to be an ordinary wall. Discerning the illusion requires a
Will save of 20. The use of a Detect magic makes the wall glow.
2. There is 2 Mugs of Ale on this table. There is also 3 Manna Prisms and 4 Potions of Cure Serious
3. There is an Alchemist Lab on this table, as well as a Portable Alchemist Lab.
4. There’s a note on this desk here.

Steve…do you know what’s going on right now? I just

went into the bedroom, and felt what I think is some
form of Holy Aura. Why do we have a Holy Aura
there…that kind of power blocks out our creatures!?
Give me a report on this when you have the chance.

5. There are 2 Uncurses on this table, as well as a Ring of Energy Resistance (Fire) on it. The
drawers of this table contain a Bag of Holding MK 2.
6. There is a Staff of Cackling Wrath on this table.
7. This wall is fake, and requires a DC perception check of 28 to notice. The wall has a Hardness of
10, and a HP of 100.
8. There are two chests here. One of the chests contains a Magic Pot Roast. The other contains a
Handy Haversack.
9. This wall here is an illusion. A PC needs a Will save of 27 to discern that this wall is fake.
Casting a Detect Magic spell causes the wall to glow.
Inside the room here is a table of which has a note on it, along with a vial of ink, 4 Scrolls of
Sunburst, and a Silver Ink pen. The note says:

Our first model for the new improved Time Stop spell did not go
as intended. The Blue Stopwatch we created only is able to cast a
normal Time Stop up to three times a day. This was not however
part of original goal, and we therefore went off to improve the
original design. We managed to complete yesterday a Golden
Stopwatch, which not only allows one to stop time, but to attack
foes as well, contrary to the normal Time Stop spell which stops
time, but the wielder can only cast spells, and none of which can
harm others.
Because the agents of the church have broken into the Castle, I
had some of my agents hide the stop watch. From what I heard,
they hid it somewhere around that Sundial in the Garden.

10. This door is locked, and requires a Disable Device check of 30 in order to open the lock. When
the door is unlocked however, the lock reassembles itself after 1d4 rounds, unless exposed to a
Dispel magic spell.
11. This cylinder vat contains something in it. It is unclear what the object is within the cylinder. The
cylinder has a Hardness of 1, and a HP of 40. Breaking the cylinder releases a potent gas into the
When the gas clears, a Ghoul’s Lament remains.
12. This cylinder vat contains something in it. It is unclear what the object is within the cylinder. The
cylinder has a Hardness of 1, and a HP of 40. Breaking the cylinder releases a potent gas into the
room. The gas does nothing but smell funny.
However, breaking the container releases 2 Will o Wisps into the room. The gas lasts for 1
13. There is a Rosary on this table here.
14. There is a note on this table.

Frank, I got you’re note. Listen, that aura was set up

for a specific reason. Don’t go prying into things that
aren’t you’re concern.

15. There are 6 Manna Prisms here.

Type Mechanical; Perception DC 35; Disable Device DC ---
Trigger Touch; Reset None
Fires a 1d3 Colossal Ballista bolts from a Ballista set up from the other side. Deals 4d8 damage, plus Blue
Whinnis Poison. Fortitude save DC 14. 1d2 CON. Unconsciousness for 1d3 hours.

17. This cylinder vat contains something in it, and the cylinder is too dirty on the other side to see
what is going on. It is unclear what the object is within the cylinder. The cylinder has a Hardness
of 1, and a HP of 40. If the Cylinder is broken, a Huge Ice Elemental appears and fights the PCs.
18. This cylinder vat contains something in it, and the cylinder is too dirty on the other side to see
what is going on. It is unclear what the object is within the cylinder. The cylinder has a Hardness
of 1, and a HP of 40. If the Cylinder is broken, a Medium Fire Elemental appears and allies itself
with the PCs until it perishes.
19. There is a note on this desk.
I think something else that isn’t Holy is moving about
that room. I can’t help but feel uneasy when I stay in
that bedroom. Guess it’s a good thing they closed it
off for the time being. What is Dracula doing?

20. There is a Mystic Pendant on this desk here.

21. This cylinder vat contains something in it, and the cylinder is too dirty on the other side to see
what is going on. It is unclear what the object is within the cylinder. The cylinder has a Hardness
of 1, and a HP of 40. Breaking the cylinder releases a potent gas into the room. The gas does
nothing but smell funny.
A Living Steel Greatsword+4 is left over.
22. There are 10 Alchemist Fire and 8 Weapon Blanche Silver on the table.
23. There is a Bloodletting Kukri on the table here.
24. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 21 they will
find a book called “Other known Blood-suckers.” This book is worth about 66 GP.
25. There is a Shield Rod in this chest here. There is also a trap that surrounds the entire area.

Type Magic; Perception DC 35; Disable Device DC 30
Trigger Location; Reset Automatic
Teleports all PCs into the entrance of the Castle, 100 feet up. Trap Changes position if it goes off.



Type Mechanical/Mechanical; Perception DC 29; Disable Device DC 26
Trigger Touch; Reset Automatic
Fires arrows from the walls which deal 1d8 damage, plus applies Sassone Leaf Residue. Fortitude save 16,
onset 1 minute, Frequency 1 minute/6 minutes. 2d12 damage, plus 1 CON damage. Trap must have a
Dispel magic cast on it (CL 22) or the trap reassembles itself in 1d4 rounds. Always fires when the PCs are
in the area. Never miss.

27. This door is barred from the other side. It must be opened from the other side. It requires the
Storage Key to open.
28. There is a Frostband on the table here.
29. There are 4 chests in this room. The list of what is inside the chest is goes from left to right.
 2,000 GP. 1 Regal Scepter (worth 500 GP). 1 Golden Goblet Adorned with Jewels (worth
700 GP).
 1 Ring of Telekinesis, 1 Mystic Pendant, 1 King’s stone
 1 Ring of Ares, Dmitri’s Phylactery
 Storage Key, 2 Elixir of Invulnerability
30. There is a note on the desk.

Dracula stored a rare treasure somewhere nearby the

entrances of the Marble Gallery. I think I’ll help
myself to it when those pesky adventurers leave.

31. This door has a sign written in Abyssal on it. The note says: “Warning. This bedroom is not safe.
Do not sleep here.”
The two chests in the room are empty.
32. Same as 17.
33. This door is locked, and requires a DC Disable device check of 25 to unlock. The lock repairs
itself and rearms after 1d4 rounds.
34. Same as 33.


Type Magic; Perception DC 28; Disable Device DC 23
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Sprays both Burnt Othur Fumes and Insanity Mist into the room in a 20 foot radius. Refer to those in the

36. There are two chests here. One contains an Amulet of Magecraft. The other has an Ectoplasmic
37. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 21 they will
find a book called “Vampire Advantages.” This book is worth about 66 GP.
38. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 21 they will
find a book called “Cheaper alternatives to crafting.” This book is worth about 100 GP. A PC
who possesses this book has a 10% reduction to crafting
39. There is a Blue Pocket Watch in this chest.
40. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 15 they will
find a book called “Diaries of a Vampire.” The book is worth 100 GP.
41. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 15 they will
find a book called “The hole problem: A call for exterminating orcs.” The book is worth 20 GP.
42. There are two chests here. One of them contains a Scroll of Mage Armor 6, and the other contains
10 Uncurses.
43. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 19 they will
find a book called “The origins of the Crimson Stone.” Unfortunately, the book seems to have
lost its pages, and has been worn out due to age. Using Mending or Make Whole only restores the
paper with no text on it. A key to the armor can be found to open the display case with Leon
Belmont’s armor in it.
44. There is a note here.

Just a memo here from the higher ups: We’re hearing a lot of
rumors about Dracula being a menace, and that we should cease
our research. Listen to me you little knaves: This man has given us
the ability to progress our research further than anyone ever has
before. So I want these discussions to cease immediately.

Also tell all those idiots in the Castle to stop leaving their journals
unattended and stop writing down their thoughts on
paper…you’re giving information that could benefit those knaves
Dracula is playing Cat-and-mouse with.

Many riches are found in this cave, and are mined to acquire gold pieces to garner the loyalty of other
nations and mercenaries to continue Dracula’s campaign. The cave is very dark with few sources of light,
though the gems themselves emit a small light.

Walls and Doors can be damaged here.

Crystal Formations have a hardness of 12, and a HP of 120. Breaking them creates 10d10 High quality


1. 2 Bomb Knights. 45, 55.

Two Bomb Knights wander around the area, looking for targets that they can hurl their bombs at.
The Bomb Knights take positions, one in front, and one in the other. The Bomb Knights then
summon their bombs, and hurl them forward at the PCs, attempting to damage them in the blast
2. 2 Trolls. 54, 60.
Two Trolls wander about the cave area here, awaiting the party. They have hidden in the dark
corners of the area here, and are taking 20s on Stealth checks. A party member needs to make a
Perception check of 22 to see them (+10 to DC if they cannot see in the dark, +20 to the DC if the
PC has Dark Vision).
The trolls sprint forward and attempt to grapple one of the PCs, while the other attacks his
followers to keep him from losing his grip. If one of the trolls makes a successful grapple, it will
attempt to bring the PC to one of the holes and drop him in to make him take massive fall
3. 1 Elder Water Elemental.
A Water Elemental hides in the Accursed Pool, waiting for PCs to come into the water. The
Water Elemental is taking Stealth checks in order to avoid being seen. The PCs need to make a
Perception check of 37 to discover there is one in there. The Water Elemental does not attack
until the PCs are in the water, or until it takes one point of damage, in which case it emerges and
If the PCs fell for its deception, then it will use its Vortex attack and trap the PCs in that. If not, it
will simply use its Slam attack against the PCs.
4. 4 Crysmal. 26, 14, 34, 22. (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 PG 61).
4 Crysmals have found their way from the native plane into this part of the material plane, and are
gathering gems to reproduce. Surprisingly, as long as the PCs don’t bother them, the Crysmal
leave them alone. If the PCs attempt to take gemstones out of the cave however, they will assume
aggressive stances, fighting as soon as they feel the PCs have no intention of leaving the gems
The Crysmal all fire their tail spike, then immediately burrow underground. They then burrow
back up and attacks the PCs by creeping up underground. If the PCs runaway, the Crysmal
resume their work, forgetting the PCs were ever there.
This encounter does not happen again, even after 24 hours.
5. 2 Frost Shade. 43, 56.
Two floating spirits hover about the area, awaiting the PCs.
The Frost Shades use their cold spells and slow spells to weaken the PCs ability to fight, having
one of their number move close to have its chill aura slow them down. If a PC threatens to kill
them, they fly through the walls and flee attacks.
6. 1 Scylla. 198. (Pathfinder Bestiary 2 PG 241).
It seems Dracula’s power has even intrigued the powerful Scylla, and because of that, she now
serves Dracula as a guard to his evil crypt.
The Scylla mostly remains in this room. It usually have Mirage Arcana cast, making the party
believe that the lower right half of the room is made of deep water, and attack from there. While
it does not have actual water to go to, it is still a dangerous monster to contend with; even if it’s
illusion is seen through. It mostly starts off activating its frightful presence, and then moves
towards the party. It may activate its Control Weather spell to start a thunderstorm in the cave,
but it mostly will use black tentacles to cut off any chance for the party escaping. It then relies on
its bite and tentacles attack.

1. This section of the wall has a patch of 4d8 assorted Medium Quality gemstones on it that are all
giving off an unnatural glow about it. Removing the gemstones requires a STR check of 24 (+2
given to the attempt if the PC has a miner’s pick). The gemstones all give off an unnatural blue
light up to 10 feet, which tacks on an addition 200 GP to their value. After they are removed from
the wall, the gemstones lose this unnatural light after 3 hours, unless subject to a Permanency
spell, in which case they glow forever.
2. Same as 1, but the color of the gems are red.
3. Same as 1, but the gemstones are actually High Quality gems, there are only 2d6 of them, and
they are green.
4. Same as 1.
5. Same as 1, but there are also Mnemonic crystals mixed in with the gems. These have a +5 to any
attempts to be noticed due to them mixed in with the crystals (DC 30 to notice).
6. Same as 1, but the gems here are Grand Jewels, and all give off a white light. There are only 1d4
of them.


Type Magic; Perception DC 26; Disable Device DC 26
Trigger Location; Reset Automatic
Activates a fan which blows a tremendous gust of wind at the PC. This wind attempts a CMB check (+15)
against the PCs CMD to push them into the ravine. Never misses, always gets the check if activated. PCs
caught in the wind must escape it, or be subject to another check next round. Fan operates for 2d4 rounds.

8. Same as 1. Messing with the gemstones activates the trap.

9. Something was dropped at the bottom of this pit. A PC who searches this pit will find a Magic
Pot Roast.
10. Same as 7.
11. This door is locked, and requires a Disable device check of 25 to open.
12. There are two chests in this area. One of the chests contains a Masterwork Miner’s Pick, and 5d6
High quality gems. The other chest contains 1,000 GP, a golden goblet (worth 240 GP), a map of
the mine at Ashfall (worth 100 GP), and a Neutron Bomb.
13. Same as 1.
14. Same as 2.
15. Same as 2.
16. This cliff is actually an illusion, while appearing to be a 100 foot drop. Seeing the illusion
requires a Will save of 25.
17. This hole right here is hidden, and hard to see from the surface of the lake. Seeing that there is
this hidden grotto here requires a Perception check of 30.
18. This chest is locked, and requires a Disable Device check of 25 in order to unlock. Inside there
are a Clear Ioun stone, pale blue Ioun stone, Deep Red Ioun stone, and a loadstone.
19. This chest is locked and requires a Disable device check of 25 in order to unlock. Inside is a
Moon Rod.
20. Same as 1.
21. There is a small hole here, big enough to fit a medium sized creature in it. The hole obscured by
darkness, 80 feet above the ground, and requires a Perception check of 28 to notice (+20 to the
DC if the PC does not have Dark vision). A PC must be prone while going in this hole.
22. There are two chests inside of here. One contains Crystal Bow of Elysium, while the other
contains a Fist of Tulkas.
23. Same as 3.
24. Same as 1.
25. This is the same as 1 here, but if the PC succeeds a Perception check of 17, they will see the
cavity in the cave on the other side of the gems. This wall of the cave has a Hardness of 10, and a
HP of 100.
26. Flame Strike trap. See CRB for details.
27. There is a single chest here. The chest contains a Crown of Blindness.
28. Same as 25.

Type Magic; Perception DC 30; Disable Device DC 28
Trigger Location; Reset None
Drops several stalactites from the ceiling onto the PCs. Never miss. 2d12 Bludgeoning damage, plus 8d6 fall

30. These glowing gemstones are blocking the way to a chest. The crystals must be broken in order to
reach the chest. The chest here contains a Rod of Foiled magic.
31. Same as 3, but there is also magnetized ore here. This magnetism affects all PC gear and
32. Same as 31.
33. Same as 6.
34. Same as 1.
35. Same as 6.


If a PC has the descendant of the Belmont trait,

Richter and Maria will be aware of who this
individual is; if not right away, after an
explanation of the PC’s family.

This underground mass of structures is the home to the DemiLich Death. It is very deep in the earth, and
magma can be seen spewing from certain cavities in the cave on the way down. In the crypt are hundreds
of coffins, bodies, and dried bones all over, already to be made into skeletal warriors, and other various
undead. It must be braved if the party is to destroy Death.

Doors and walls can be damaged.

The entire area is filled with a desecrate spell. Areas with lava have poisonous gas hazards in them.

The drop down to any of the magma pools is 30 feet. Given the dangerous nature of lava in Pathfinder,
give the PC a reflex check of 20 to maintain their position if they move towards the edge.

The Mound of gold is 10 feet high. Each 5 foot square of gold contains roughly 10,000 coins.


1. Castlevanian Bloody Skeleton. 11, 12, 15, 12, 15. 13. 14. 1 Axe Knight. 34.
Bloody Skeletons hide among the masses of bone and flesh that hang about the room. The
Skeletons act as if they are broken and disassembled, which have a 35 to their stealth check (+5
DEX, +20 Taking 20, +10 Circumstance). The Axe Knight however is visible and prepares to
fight the PCs.
The Bloody Skeletons move towards the PC as soon as they appear and use their slam attacks
against them, while the Axe Knight fights defensively and uses his throwing axe.
2. 1 Castlevanian Vampire Assassin. 56. 6 Skeletal Archers. 4, 5, 2, 3, 6, 4. 2 Bone Scimitars. 12,
A Vampire and his minions are preparing an ambush for the party. The Vampire is hiding in the
back of the room, and has already drank a potion of invisibility by the time the party comes in.
The Vampire has his skeletal minions fight the party, and take the brunt, while he prepares to
The Vampire selects his target for a Death Attack, and silently moves towards to the intended
target. While this is happening, the skeletons and bone scimitars battle the party to draw attention
away from him. As soon as the Vampire can deal his death attack, he commences it and dispels
his invisibility, launching his death attack on the PC. Whether or not it succeeds or fails, the
Assassin then assumes gaseous form and attempts to leave through cracks in the wall.
3. 1 Grave Keeper. 87. 1 Bitterfly. 23.
A Bitterfly hovers about, while the Grave Keeper wanders about, collecting bones for a fell
The Grave Keeper attempts to down the weakest party member, while the Bitterfly retains
invisibility, waiting for a lone party member to move away by itself. It then bites them to poison
4. 1 Fire Giant. 160. (Pathfinder Bestiary 1 PG 148)
A Fire Giant has been recruited for Dracula to guard the crypt’s treasure.
The Fire Giant approaches this in one or two ways. First, since the giant is immune to fire, it can
move through the lava with relative ease, and without impediment. It first destroys a section of
the bridge that leads their way back. It then moves towards a party member that has the lowest
CMD, and then grapples them. It then moves them towards the lava and drops them in it. If it
cannot succeed, it then targets the bridge the party is on the next round, attempting to destroy it
and send them into the lava.
5. 1 Adult Red Dragon. 250.
A red Dragon lives in the caves. It mostly remains under the lava, waiting for the party to begin
jumping, by stealthing under the lava.
The Red Dragon attempts a grapple check on the PCs, emerging from the lava. It then drops
down with the party member and attempts to immerse them in the lava. It then continues this for
each party member.
6. SCENE 19
Before the party enters the area if they acquired the Gold and Silver Rings, any NPCs that they
have managed to aid (Erica, Richter, Maria, and/or Alucard) will approach them, claiming that
they just so happened to meet up with them. They then inform the PCs that they have discovered
that Death is on the other side of that door. Without their help, the party will more surely perish,
so the party should obviously not refuse their help.
Death sits on the throne, obviously eagerly awaiting the PCs to come here. “So…you have made
it this far.” He said. “I am impressed. I thought the minions of the Castle would have disposed of
you by now.” He snarls at the PCs, and then draws his wicked scythe. “Though they have failed, I
shall not. You shall go no further!!”
Death uses his Demi Lich abilities first, attempting to Soul suck a party member. If he fails, he
will then cast Mind Fog and attempt it again. If that fails, he then uses his most powerful spells
against the party, staying far away from them in the air. If the fight gets rough, he will use
Invisibility to go out of sight for a bit while he ponders his next action. Only if a party member
gets next to him does he use his scythe against him.
Once Death has been destroyed, a Red Crystal Orb appears. Along with this appears the Rib of


1. This room contains a mass of bones and skeletons, none of which are active as a result of
negative energy. If a PC makes a perception check of 26 around here, they will find a small box
which contains the eyes of the eagle.
2. This wall is fake, and requires a perception check of 25 to notice. The wall’s hardness is 8, and
the HP of it is 70.
3. This is an illusion created as a result of Death’s magic. Perceiving the illusion requires a Will
save of 30. Other than that, this wall appears to be a wall with no secret doors behind it.
4. There are 3 chests here, one made of silver, one made of bronze, and the other made of Gold. On
a plaque behind the chests, there is an inscription written in Infernal. It reads as follows:

Three treasures lie before thee

But only one can be freed
Choose you’re fate with care
Or your life will not be fare

The fair bark carries the ultimate steel

The gleaming mithral contains more splinters than shards
And the covet of man leads to his downfall

May these clues be your guide

If the PCs open up the bronze chest, the PCs will find the Crissegrim katana. The silver one will
contain a Necklace of Strangulation. The gold one has a Summon Monster VII spell, with opening the
chest as a contingency spell.
Once any of the chests are opened, the other two fade away in a puff of smoke. Subjecting any
one of the chests to a Dispel magic trap simply acts as if the chest was opened, and the other two still fade
away. If the PCs attempt to be smart alecks and open all the chests at the same time, simply roll a d100
and use it determine which chest was opened first (each chest had a 33% chance it was opened first).
5. There are many bones and corpses here. Searching around this area with a Perception check of 26
reveals a Elixir of Invulnerability in this pile.
6. There are many bones and corpses here. Searching around this area with a Perception check of 26
reveals a Mace of Blood in this pile.
7. These 5 foot areas under the bones have active bear traps ready and armed. Due to the fact they
are covered, they have a +9 to the Perception DC to find, and the check can only be made within
30 feet of the trap.
8. There is something sticking out of this area. Searching this area with a Perception DC of 24
reveals a bag that contains 6 Greater Anti-Toxins and 2 Uncurses.
9. This statue’s weapon appears to be falling out of the hand of the statue. By checking out the
statue, the PCs discover a +2 Flaming Burst Great Axe in the hands of the statue. Removing the
great axe requires a STR check of 24.
10. There are many bones and corpses here. Searching around this area with a Perception check of 26
reveals a Magic Pot Roast in this pile.
11. There are two chests here. Both are locked and require a Disable device check of 25 to unlock.
Inside the first chest is 2,000 SP. The next chest has a Periapt of Foul rotting and a Scarab of
12. There are many bones and corpses here. Searching around this area with a Perception check of 26
reveals a Triple Shot Plaque in this pile.
13. Bear trap. See APG for details.
14. Flame Strike Trap. See CRB for details.
15. This 15 long alter is made of silver and gold, and has a blood red cloth draped over it in the
middle (one half of the alter is gold, the other is silver). On the top of the alter, there are 2
carvings, each looking like it is suited for some form of ring. On the alter in the middle (if the
cloth is removed), it says, “Present the rings of Death.”
To activate the alter, and open the door leading to Death, the PCs must destroy the Pet Succubus
and Shaft to acquire the Silver Inscription Ring, and the Gold Inscription ring. Once the PCs
possess this, if they place the gold ring in the gold slot, and the silver ring in the silver slot, the
alter sinks into the ground, and the door to Death opens, allowing the PCs to face the Demilich.
16. This large section of wall is actually a secret door. The wall is made so well that one would never
be able to tell it is fake, no matter what check is made. This door and wall it is made from is
impervious to any damage or spell that would create an opening. The only way to open it is to
retrieve the rings mentioned above, and then to place them in the alter. Only then will the door
17. This wall is fake, and cannot be damaged in any way. Only after Death’s destruction does the
wall disappear, allowing the PCs to claim the treasures in it.
18. There is a hole here, and it is 80 feet up on the wall. The only way to see this hole is with a
perception check of 34 (+20 added to the DC if the PC does not have Dark vision).
Inside, the PCs will find a chest that contains a Ruby Circlet.
19. These platforms are animated, and move above the lava of their own will. The platforms have a
move speed of 15 feet a round. The platforms will move in the direction of the arrow as far as it
points, and will then turn around to the starting point for it.
20. These are two chests here. One of them contains a Beryl circlet and opal circlet. The other
contains the Staff of Sypha.
21. This mound of gold, in addition to the coins listed above, also possesses the following mundane
treasures: 4d6 Golden goblets (worth 300 GP each), 2d6 silver and gold treasure boxes (worth
400 GP each), 10d6 medium quality gems, 6d6 high quality gems, 2d4 regal crowns (worth 1,000
GP), 1d4 royal scepters, 6d6 regal jewelry, 1d4+1 grand jewels.
22. Same as 21.
23. There are 3 chests here. One contains a Death’s Scythe Replica, Lapis Lazuli, and a Talisman.


Olrox’s quarters is a private section of the Castle

owned by a powerful Vampire Wizard known as EXITING OLROX’S QUARTERS
Olrox. Within here is a small art gallery, fountain, a
dance floor, a kitchen, and even a private study.
Throughout the area, Olrox’s victims can be seen on Olrox’s quarters is difficult to enter, but really
occasion lying dead in a pool of blood. easy to leave. If the PCs walk towards the
statue which prevents them from entering
Walls and doors cannot be damaged in this area. when they are already in Olrox’s Quarters, it
allows them to leave. It does not do this in
Paintings in this area are worth varying values of 400-
reverse however.
600 GP.

1. 6 Skeleton Archers. 4, 3, 5, 2, 3, 7. 2 Axe Knights. 43, 44.
Olrox’s preliminary defense force stands guard on the stairs here. The Archers stay behind the
Axe knight, who keeps enemies from crossing over him.
The Axe Knight stands guard in front of the skeleton archers, and keeps the PCs from reaching
them. The skeleton archers bellow they’re targets with poisoned arrows, attempting to poison the
2. 1 Spectral Sword. 121.
A animated sword floats above the 90 foot tall room, with many other swords floating around it.
The sword appears to be a fixture in the room, unless the PCs succeed a perception check of 20.
They then recognize the sword is animated. If they don’t without 2 rounds, the sword gains one
surprise round.
The sword has used telekinesis at will on several floating swords, to which it then hurls them at
the PCs. It then retrieves the swords, and does it again, until it dies, or all the swords have been
destroyed. After that, it then uses telekinesis on the PCs and then lifts them up, before using
telekinetic charge on them straight down 90 feet.
3. 1 Dhuron. 34. 1 Sword Lord. 98.
This encounter is more or less for humorous purposes.
A Dhuron is putting away wine bottles, which a Sword Lord watches. The Sword Lord and
Dhuron are actually paying no attention to the PCs, even if the PCs assume fighting positions.
Only if the PCs attack do the Sword Lord and Dhuron defend themselves. On occasion, if the PCs
watch, the Dhuron will make a slight mistake, to which the Sword Lord takes his head, and places
it on its head. It then smacks it off, tells it to pick it up, and correct its mistake.
The Dhuron aims for the PC with the lowest HP, with the Sword Lord giving it a hand. If the
Sword Lord turns into a Vandal Lord, it then proceeds to aid in the Dhuron’s fight.
4. 2 Ghostly Dancers. 65, 77.
Two Ghosts dance around the room. Unlike the ones beforehand with the couple who was
murdered in cold blood, these are emanations of foul dark magic, and have been created simply to
kill the PCs.
Each one of the Ghostly dancers, aim for the weakest PCs, and then attack them. They employ the
use of their spells against the PCs, staying in the air to avoid attacks. They always target the
weaker PCs in order to thin them out.
These dancers do not reappear.
5. 2 Frost Shades. 45, 67.
Two Frost Shades float above the pond, awaiting the PCs arrival.
The Frost shades all use they’re strongest spells, and attempt to freeze the PCs if at all possible.
6. Olrox. 154. Olrox Transformed
Olrox sits in his chair, drinking a bit of wine as the PCs approach him. As soon as they do, he
looks at them with an evil look. “Ahhh…some snacks have arrived…I have finished my
dinner…but it has been awhile since entrees such as yourself have appeared. I think I can gorge
this once.” He then gets off the table and grabs his staff.
Olrox uses Greater Invisibility to start things off, and then Quickens Glitterdust, concentrated in
the center of where the PCs are. He then uses Summon Monster VI and summons an Eryines
Devil to engage the PCs. Once this has happened, he casts Fly and Quickens Protection from
arrows. From there, he begins to barrage the PCs with an array of spells to weaken them, before
he starts using large amounts of other spells to kill them. If PCs get too close, he will use the
Conjuration school ability to leave; or will use Hellfire to disappear and reappear.
Once he is dead, allow the party sometime to recover from the ordeal they just faced. Let them
into the room where the treasure chests are. Immediately after they have spent time acquiring the
chests, read this paragraph:

A loud gurgling sound appears to be coming from behind

you. A gut wrenching explosion that sounds like the burst of
meat is heard somewhere in the other room.

Once that happens, ask the PCs to roll their initiative the moment they leave.
Olrox transformed goes for the weakest PC possible, and attacks it, attempting a grapple check if
possible. If the PCs are clumped up, Olrox instead uses his breath weapon to attempt to nauseate and
damage the PCs via acid.
Once defeated, a Red Crystal Orb appears where he perished, along with the Eyeball of Vlad.

7. This encounter mimic’s encounter 2 at Main Hall 1st floor.


1. This painting is a portrait of Olrox himself, sitting on a chair drinking wine. The painting it is
worth 800 GP.
2. This table contains a variety of food items, which are all well prepared and delicious. One of
them on the first time a PC comes here is a Magic Pot Roast.
3. This cupboard contains another Magic Pot Roast, though the cupboard is locked and boarded.
The DC Disable device check.
4. Same as 2, but there is a elixir of Invulnerability in there.
5. This statue is weak and crumpling, and it looks like it is about to give out as a result of structural
damage. This statue’s HP is 50, and its hardness is 10. Destroying it reveals a 0 Shot item.
6. There is something in the water here, which occasionally gleams. If the PCs search this pond,
they will discover 3d4 Elemental Gems (Water) in it.
7. This state has a Golden Spear in its hand. Removing the spear requires a STR check of 24.
8. This painting has a golden rim around it, and appears to as if someone did a high rise painting of
the dance floor in Olrox’s quarters. There are people all around the floor, dancing to an orchestral
piece playing.
9. There is a journal here.
This wound has cut deep…Dracula…he’s prepared for
me…he…the poison is festering deeper than I thought…I…I
need to find a place to rest…my ancestors…I hope I do not
fail them now…

10. This is a toilet. Someone also clearly did not eat something right…or had a bad day when it came
to health. This toilet has dung and crap all over it. Looking in the toilet causes the PC to make a
fortitude check of 13, or be nauseated for one hour. Throwing a natural 1 causes them to be
sickened and nauseated at the same time, and instantly causes them to throw up.
11. There is a journal on the table.

Richter has managed to barricade himself in that room

that’s opened by a time stop spell. From what Dracula has
told us, we’re to leave him there till he dies. Finally…without
an heir, the Belmont legacy will end here.

12. There are 2 golden wine goblets here, and 3 regal plates. The regal plates are 100 GP each, while
the goblets are worth 200 GP each.
13. There is the Key to Olrox’s Quarters here.
14. There are 10 Fine bottles on this table, and each one of them seems to be of a different flavor or
15. On this table, there is the Dance room key on the table.
16. There middle section of the room is a large wine rack, with many assorted wines stacked all over
it. When the PCs walk in, there is approximately 12d12 Fine wine bottles that are currently on the
rack. The Axe Knight who is in this room will currently have 2d10 on him at the time the PCs
decide to fight him.
17. There is an open hole on the ceiling here. Due to the darkness all around the area, the PCs must
make a Perception check of 30 to notice it, and must be actively looking to have a check to make
it. (A PC with Dark vision has only a DC of 10). The hole is 60 feet up, and requires the PC to
find a method to reach up there.
18. This table has jewelry on it that is worth 100 GP. There is also 1d4 Meal tickets on the table.
19. There is a chest here. In the chest contains a Sword Card.
20. This door is locked, and requires the Dance room key to open. If anyone attempts to fiddle with
the lock by any means, read this paragraph:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

21. This wall is cracked and crumbling. A Perception check of 25 reveals that something is inside the
wall. The wall has a hardness of 8, and a HP of 100. Breaking the wall reveals a switch. If the PC
ducks down and presses the switch, something like the sound of metal is heard at 22. A
Perception DC of 25 reveals that.
22. This statue appears to be that of an ordinary knight. If the switch at 21 is pressed, the knight will
have a Glittering crown on its head. This glittering crown is worth 1,000 GP.
23. There are three chests in the room. The chest in the middle has a Cloak of Immolation, and a
Cannibal’s ring. The chest above it possess a Red Rust. The below chest has a +2 Long sword.
24. This door is locked, and requires the Key to Olrox’s Quarters to open. If anyone attempts to
fiddle with the lock by any means, read this paragraph:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

25. On this table here a Magic Pot Roast, a Sealord Wine bottle, a Decanter of Endless water, and
regal silverware, which is worth 100 GP.
26. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 25 they will
find a book called “Scientific Alternatives to Magical crafting.” This book is worth about 100
GP. A PC who studies this book for 2 hours reduces the cost for magical crafting by 5%.
27. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 14 they will
find a Manual of Gainful Exercise+4.
28. This large glass window appears to be a beautiful work of stained glass. The depiction made on
the glass is that of a vampire descending from the sky and grabbing a hold of a maiden. The
maiden however does not resist being grabbed by her captor and appears to be enjoy it, while
other maidens crowd around it. The stained glass generally use darker than normal colors. In the
hands of the maiden, there is a key, which a perception check of 30 reveals to be an actual key,
being that of the Simon’s Armor key.
29. There are three chests here. The one in the middle has 5,000 GP in it. The one on the left side has
2 Talismans. The one on the right has Secret boots.
30. This painting is a depiction of a massive bat swarm descending on a village. It is worth 600 GP.


Once the PCs have succeeded in obtaining the 5 body parts

of Vlad, the magic of the Castle turns against them. Any
doors the PCs use immediately shut behind them, sealing to
prevent them from reopening. In addition, the use of library
cards and of any scrying attempts to see beyond the walls
(as well as Planar travel) fail instantly. The only way PCs can
go is a direct route towards the Count. Doors that lead to
Dracula will not close, until the PCs have crossed them, in
which case they shut immediately and seal.

The Throne room is one of the darker areas within the Castle. While the rooms are well decorated, and the
carpets, and drapes all around the area are of high value, all of are designed with evil imagery.

When the PCs first walk in, read them this paragraph.
A tingling sensation of cold hits you’re skin the very moment
you walk into the room. There are plenty of light illuminated all
around the area, but none of it pushes back the darkness that
virtually stems all around you. Even you’re magical powers and
light from you’re weapons seems to shrink in illumination, but
none so significantly that the magic itself seems to stop. The
room is accompanied by an immediate sensation of loneliness,
as unlike the previous rooms of which you have tread, this room
seems to have no signs of life anywhere. It doesn’t seem like
anyone has been in this area for quite some time.

Light effects and spells that cause light in this room only can emit half the original light that is created as
a result of this spell.

Transitioning from this place to Main Floor 2nd floor causes no half hour time skip, and vice versa.

Carpets are worth 1,000 GP.

The entire area is filled with a desecrate spell.

When the PCs unlock access to the room, if they decide to go straight in, Erica, Maria, and Richter (if he
was revived) appear and join the PCs. If not, they are seen on the inside at Encounter 1.

Unless noted otherwise, each mound of gold is 5 feet in height. Each 5 foot box of gold usually contains
2d4 X 1,000 GP in them. If the mound is higher than 5 feet, moving through it to the top forces the PC to
move at half speed at all time. If moving down the mound, they move at full speed.


1. SCENE 21
Erica’s Fall
When the PCs walk in here, Erica and Maria are here, looking around. If Erica and Maria have
not met the group, simply do the same introduction that was done when she was first met. If they
have, she immediately bids the group hello, and looks around the room. “Dracula sure has his
tastes.” She says nonchalantly. “Well…enough of this, it’s time we end this.” She then runs on
ahead of the party.
Assuming none of the party members follow alongside her, Erica will immediately trigger a trap,
which causes a pothole to appear. The trap is as follows:


Type Magic; Perception DC 40; Disable Device DC ---
Trigger Proximity; Reset None
Causes a pothole to appear which swallows up the PC. Reflex save of 29 needed to avoid. 20-29 allows the
PC to grip onto the edge. Trap hole is slippery, and cannot be climbed without aid.

Erica should be able to grip onto the edge, but if not, you should probably use DM feit in order to
make sure the PCs have a chance to rescue her.
Once Erica grips onto the side, she will call out for aid and beg the party to help her. At this point,
a Summoning circle appears in the middle of the room and summons a Hezrou Demon onto the

Hezrou Demon. 145. (Pathfinder Bestiary 1 PG 62).
The Hezrou moves towards any PCs who is close by Erica, and begins to attack them, slashing at
them with its natural attacks to prevent them from reaching Erica and pull her to safety. The
demon continues to do this until Erica falls into the pit.
Once the battle begins, the PCs have 1d4+1 rounds to rescue Erica. While this happens, the PCs
come under attack from the demon. If a PC reaches her, they can use a swift action to grab her
hand. It takes a full round action to pull her up. While this happens, the Hezrou continues to
attack the PC trying to do this.
After 1d4+1 rounds, Erica falls into the hole. The PCs will need to find Shaft’s Coven to rescue
her within 1d3 days. Failure to do this fails the good ending for this quest, and the PCs will fight
her as a Castlevanian Vampire instead of Shaft’s Ghost. More information on this is available on
the True Throne.
If the PCs managed to rescue Erica, she will thank the PC who rescued her. This automatically
moves that PC to Friendly status in terms of Diplomacy.
If Shaft has already been slain, this encounter does not happen.
After the fight, regardless of circumstance, the PCs can advance.

2. SCENE 22
Versus Alucard
If the PCs have slain Shaft, this encounter does not happen.
When the PCs walk into this room, they find Alucard, who is simply standing there. A Perception
check of 22 makes it seem like he is a daze, and not entirely conscious. If a PC approaches him,
Alucard immediately makes an attack against that said PC or NPC and forces them to go back.
“Death to all who oppose my father!!” He then shouted, and then prepares to fight the PCs.

Alucard. 198.
Alucard first uses Hellfire and jaunts to the group of the PCs. When he reappears, he will target
the weakest PC with a fireball. From there, he then casts Greater Invisibility, and casts Fox’s
Cunning on himself. On his next round, he uses the Magus Arcane Accuracy to increase his to hit,
and then moves towards a PC to attack them with the Alucard sword. If the PCs attempt to buff,
or they possess a lot of magic items, he will use a Greater Dispel magic in order to weaken them
by rendering many of their items worthless.
If a PC in the fight is wearing the Holy Glasses, they will see a green orb floating above Alucard
at all times. A Knowledge Arcane of 20 reveals this orb is cursing Alucard to make him a pawn
of Dracula. The PCs can call an attack on the orb. This orb possesses a HP of 50, hardness of 15,
and a fly speed of 20 feet. The Orb has an AC of 21.
Alucard with his stats may be too difficult for the PCs to hit; as with his armor and shield;
combined with everything else, Alucard’s AC is 42. If you feel this is too difficult for the PCs to
take at the time, remove Alucard’s shield and sword, placing it somewhere in the room itself.
If the orb is destroyed, Alucard immediately stops fighting and goes on the floor staggered. He
looks around, and then exclaims… “I’m free…thank you.” He then goes on to explain that in the
middle of fighting his father, Dracula poured his full might into a curse that took control of his
son. Dracula did not want to fight his son, as he still has an attachment to him, but since he would
not come willingly, he decided to curse him so he wouldn’t have to convince him.
From here, Alucard joins the group to fight Dracula, and becomes a permanent party member.
If Shaft has already been slain, Alucard will simply by here waiting for the PCs to arrive. From
here, he joins the group to face his father.

3. SCENE 23
Versus False Dracula
Read this paragraph when the PCs first come into the throne room. The first paragraph in the very
description of the area, while the first line seen in the text box transitions into what Dracula says
to the party if there is no PC Belmont present, while the second line is if there is.

You have finally come to the throne room itself. The very cold tingling
sensation only intensifies as you walk in the room. As you walk down the
carpet, light from an unknown source illuminates the entire area and
spreads all around. There in the middle of a black throne sits the Count of
the Children of the Night himself: Count Vlad Tepish Dracula.

“So…” he says. “You have arrived. For a minute, I thought you would
never come. I was certain my minions within the Castle would be able to
overwhelm you, but it seems you have done well to hold them off. Of this
I congratulate you. If things were differently, and you all didn’t come here
to follow your orders on the church, I would gladly admit you into my
ranks. Shamefully, that is not the case.”

“Belmont!” He shouts. “So we meet at last. I am pleased to see you have

made it to here in the Castle. Then again…you are of the same bloodline
which has defeated me for six hundred years. This time however, I do not
plan to allow you to win!!”
Right after whatever dialogue goes about, Dracula then talks to Alucard.

Alucard: Father...
Dracula: Well met, my son! It's been a long time.
Alucard: I was hoping we would not see each other again. I can't allow you to leave here, Father.
Dracula: You have ever been the ally of humans. Have you forgotten what they did to your mother?!
Alucard: Think you I would forget such a thing?! No! But neither do I seek revenge against them.
Dracula: Still uttering the same nonsense. No matter. Now is the time to put aside your weak human side.
And join me in REMAKING THIS WORLD!!!
Alucard: Dracula! In the name of my mother, I will defeat you again!

If the PCs managed to rescue Richter Belmont, and resurrect him, read this after the top middle

Richter: Dracula. Die now, and leave this world! You'll never belong here!
Dracula: Oh, but this world invited me. Your own kind called me forth with praise and tribute.
Richter: Tribute? You're a thief. You steal men's souls, their freedom...
Dracula: Freedom is always sacrificed to faith, good hunter. Or are you truly here by choice?
Richter: All I'm here for is you. To hell with your heresy! You're nothing but a blight on all the creatures
on this earth.
Dracula: Ha! Mankind. Dwarf kind! Elvenkind! It matters not! (throws glass) A cesspit of hatred and
lies. Fight for them, then, and die for their sins!

From here, Dracula uses Hellfire and the battle begins. If at any point a PC charges right at him, Dracula
ceases dialogue and begins to fight.
False Dracula. 302.
Dracula first starts off by teleporting right next to the individual, and then casting Burning hands as a
result of Hellfire. He then uses Soul Steal as a Quickened spell, and empowers Scorching Ray, directly it
at the weakest PC. From there, he uses Greater Invisibility, and then flies 60 feet up to avoid attacks.
From here, he uses Children of the night to summon Bat swarms on the field. Throughout the fight,
Dracula always uses Hellfire whenever the opportunity is present, and always attempts to weaken the PCs
using spells and his energy drain slam attack. While Dracula fights, his Castlevanian Bat Familiar flies
around the PCs, and helps him with spells if the PCs are too far away from him to cast blasting spells
reliably. Throughout the fight, Dracula always attempts to down the Belmont first (Richter or PC), and
deliberately avoids fighting Alucard, unless he absolutely no choice but to do so.
If the party mentions him to about Iouna and what Shaft did to her, Dracula will become immediately
enraged with Shaft for killing the nursemaid for his daughters. He plans to reprimand Shaft after the fight,
but first the intruders must be dealt with. As a reward for giving Dracula this information, he will allow
the party a 2 round reprieve to apply spells and buffs, and he will not attack them during this time,
providing he allows him the same recourse. After this though, Dracula resumes fighting.
Once destroyed, Dracula does not say anything. He simply explodes in a burst of flame, and a burning
skeleton falls down to the ground. All of his gear is destroyed instantly as well. All that is left is the Tooth
of Vlad.
Seconds after his death, the whole area around the PCs begins to crumble and fall apart, or at least it
appears so. Anyone who succeeds a Knowledge Engineering or Dungeoneering check of 23 knows that
the Castle begins to crumble after Dracula is slain. From here, the party may begin to panic and attempt to
leave through the door. However, as they do so, a PC who succeeds a Will save of 20 when the crumbling
begins realize that the crumbling is an illusion. The Castle is not crumbling or falling apart at all.

It is here that Alucard examines the skeleton (If Alucard was slain by the PCs, a Knowledge Arcana
check of 30 will be needed). From here, he informs the PCs that this was not Dracula, but some form of
Half-Undead Construct made in Dracula’s image.

The PCs journey has yet to be concluded.


1. On the table, there is a platinum dining set on both sides of the table. There is also 2d4 of Devil
berry wine. This wine in a bottle is worth 1,000 GP each due to its rarity.
2. There are 3d4 bottles of Devil berry wine on the table here.
3. This is a closet meant for clothes. Inside, the PCs find 4d4 Royal outfits. At the back of the
drawer, the PCs will find a Dracula Tunic.
4. On the table here, there is Greater Metamagic rods of Quicken.
5. On the top of this mound of gold coins, there is a regal crown, worth 2,000 GP.
6. On this wall right here, there are 2 bathrobes. One of these robes is meant for a large sized
creature, which might be for Dracula himself. The other may be used for a female courtesan.
7. Inside this wardrobe here are 6d6 bathrobes.
8. Inside this drawer is a diary, which was kept by Dracula. All of the pages other than one entry
have been ripped out. There is also a Dracula Tunic here as well as an Ornate Coffin worth
10,000 GP.

If you are reading this knaves of the church, clearly you know
that what you have slain is not me. I am still here, hiding in the
Castle. Find me, and I will face you for real. No more tricks, no
more illusions, a straight fight to the death. I will await at where
true darkness lies.

This secret chapel was made by Shaft himself, so that he and his followers can worship Dracula all
throughout the evil night. It serves as a living quarters, and as a personal study for all those who have
joined Shaft’s ranks. The rooms here are made of pure black stone, and extremely dark colors. At the end
of the location is a large monastery and chapel, where the condemned make they’re unholy vows to
Dracula. This place is almost as dark as Dracula’s chambers himself.

Doors and walls cannot be damaged here. This place is a dimensional pocket created by Shaft, which
functions like that of a demiplane. Scrying attempts fail here.

Paintings here are worth 1,000 GP.

The Golden candle stands are worth 200 GP. Each candle stand has 4 good candles on it.

No encounters ever respawns here. PCs who clear out this area are safe from attack.


1. This encounter mimics that of Encounter 2 on Main Hall 1st floor…however, the skeletons attack
the PCs immediately.
The skeletons here suicidality charge at the PCs, trying to do whatever damage they can.
2. 2 Level 8 Clerics. 43, 33.
Two clerics are staying in the room. Once invaders bust through the door, the clerics begin to
fight them off.
The Clerics both use their highest level of Summon Monster, and then simply use Channel
Negative energy on the PCs. If he PCs slay they’re summons, they do it again and continue to use
Negative energy on them. If a PC becomes too troublesome, they then use Hold Monster on them
to keep them still.
3. Same as 2.
4. 2 Castlevanian Werewolf Monks. 54, 90.
Two monks are guarding the door, and preventing PCs from accessing it.
Both Werewolves walk on the walls to avoid being attacked, and then run on the surface of the
walls towards the PCs. As soon as they reach the PCs, they then attempt to flurry of blows with
unarmed attacks. One of them will drop off prematurely and then use flipping strike and then
attempt to knock PCs prone. After that, the werewolf will walk on the wall, and then use fireballs
to deal damage to them.
5. Same as 2.
6. SCENE 25
Facing Shaft
The PCs enter the chapel to see Shaft with his arms spread out, praying to Dracula for success. He
is surrounded by a Wall of Force, and an Anti-magic field. Below his platform is a glowing circle
of some kind. After a few seconds later, when all the PCs have entered the area, Shaft throws one
of his orbs in front of the door, which casts stone shape onto the door, sealing it up. The PCs are
now left in the room with Shaft, who then turns to greet them. The line above is for parties who
have a Belmont among them, while for below is assumed if the party does not have a Belmont.

“I have been waiting for you Belmont. I am the Dark Priest

Shaft…I have been waiting for you and you’re friends to arrive. I
am surprised you managed to decipher the riddle before my
initiates have…and with that; I welcome you to my coven. Gaze
upon it…for it will be the last thing you ever gaze eyes on.

“I have been waiting for you all. I am the Dark Priest Shaft…I
have been waiting for you and you’re friends to arrive. To think
someone like you would be able to make it through here. You
managed to decipher the riddle before my initiates have…and
with that; I welcome you to my coven. Gaze upon it…for it will
be the last thing you ever gaze eyes on.
Shaft does not fight the party right away though. Instead, his platform ascends towards the
ceiling, and then moves into a cavity, thereby preventing Shaft from being harmed. From there,
the party must fight an endurance wave of four powerful monsters in order to face Shaft.
Asking Shaft about what he did with Iouna, he will simply state that he took care of the whore
awhile ago. The party has their answer if they are looking into the Blue Venus Weed.
Dark Wing bat. 112.
The Dark Wing bat emerges from the magic circle first.
The Dark Wing bat first flies into the air and uses its breath weapon in order to immobilize the
party with slow effects and damage. If it gets too difficult, it will split into a swarm form and
overwhelm the party through that.

Medusa Naga. 121.
Another Medusa naga appears from the summoning circle.
This encounter mimics the same encounter of the Medusa Naga in the Marble Gallery.

Mummy Lord. 105.
A Mummy Lord emerges from the ONE AT A TIME:
summoning circle.
TACTICS: Even the most skilled parties won’t be able to defeat
The Mummy Lord first creates walls using all of these creatures at once. It is a good idea after
Wall of Stone and Wall of Ice to separate every monster slain to grant the party at least one or
party members, and then moves towards two rounds of preparation.
an isolated party member. Once it isolates
them, it then uses its fear aura with hopes If the party needs more, the party can cast Dispel
of keeping them unable to fight for a few magic on the summoning circle (DC 29 to dispel). If
rounds. It then uses a bite attack to transfer successful, the magic of the circle is suppressed for
mummy rot onto another individual. Once 1d4+1 rounds.
there, it will either ignore the individual
and turn to another, or kill them outright.

Frankenstein. 132.
This encounter mimics the Frankenstein encounter at the Place of Arms.

Once all four monsters have been slain, the summoning circle shatters. Shaft’s platform emerges
with Shaft in the middle, to which he deactivates the Wall of Force, and prepares to fight the PCs.

Shaft. 191
Shaft appears on a floating platform, and behind a wall of special glass, protecting him from
attacks. This floating platform allows him to use his spells, while protecting him from spells. The
glass has spell turning placed onto it. The glass has hardness 10, and hp of 300, and the platform
moves 20 feet a round, hovering 30 feet in the air.
Shaft first starts off by casting Divine Power, Prayer, and Greater Spell Immunity. He then
begins spending a mythic power point to increase the DC of his Implosion spell, aiming for the
spellcasters first, then fighters. On his first round, he activates the Green Crystal Balls he
activates his green crystal balls to hover about the area, attacking PCs with either Shaft of Fire or
Shaft of Lightning (see Green Crystal ball; or Shaft’s stats for details). From there, Shaft uses his
highest Summon Monster, and then constantly uses Channel Negative energy, deselecting the
summoned creatures as targets. Shaft will try to bestow a curse if a PC gets too close to him, and
will use spells such as Flame Strike and Cone of Cold if the PCs group up.
Once Shaft is slain, a Red Crystal orb appears. Shaft also possesses the Ring of Vlad and the Gold
Inscription ring. The stone shape on the door dissipates and the PCs can move on.


1. This is the entrance to the extra-dimensional coven that the PCs entered when they found the
secret way to Shaft’s location. By standing here for one minute, the PCs are swept up in a
whirlwind which takes them back to the Clock tower.
2. This table has many food items placed all over it. There are 6d6 food items lying on the table
when the PCs arrive here.
3. This door is locked, and requires the High Access Key to unlock. If the PCs attempt to fiddle with
the lock in anyway, read this paragraph:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

4. Under this bed is what looks to be a personal treasure chest for this bunk mate. Within the chest is
6 Cure Moderate wounds, Priests Vestments, 1 Hip flask, 2 bags, 456 SP, 100 GP, 1 Holy Text
(Good, Dracula), 1 Magnifying glass, 4 Flasks, 1 Greater Anti-toxin.
5. Under this bed, there is a chest. Within it is the same gear as 4, but there are 5 Manna Prisms
instead of 1 Greater Anti-toxin.
6. Same as above, but there is 3 Uncurses instead of 1 Greater Anti-toxin.
7. This door is locked, and requires the Shaft’s room key to unlock. If the PCs attempt to fiddle with
the lock in anyway, read this paragraph:

This door’s lock is too complex to pick, and is warded

against spells. You will have to find the proper key.

8. There is a chest here. Inside of the chest is a Royal Cape.

9. There is a chest here. Inside is 3,500 GP.
10. There is a note here.

I’ve finally ascertained the location of the Treasure

room…well…not the location…but definitely the floor
of where it’s at. It is somewhere on Hallway 3 or
4…that much I know for sure. Now…the matter of the
key to get inside is still an ordeal. Wonder why
Dracula doesn’t let people in there…he has unlimited
treasure for his sake!

11. This door is locked and requires Jailer Key to unlock…I think you get the idea.

The Third Maiden; and Erica’s Rescue
If the PCs rescued Erica before she fell in the pit, then Erica will not be here, and the chests will be

When the PCs have acquired the Jailer key and open this room, they will find a lone woman in
there, who has been jailed by Dracula. She is the final tribute that was sent over by the village,
and has been here as an obvious sex slave.
The maiden goes into the arms of the adventurers and then requests them to escort her to a safe
area. Any place such as a dormitory not on this floor, or a safe area will count as such. While the
PCs are escorting her, all of the encounters that are met will specifically target the girl at any
given opportunity.
Once the PCs have gotten her to a safe area, she thanks for the PC, and believes she can make it
on her own. She then gives the PC a knife she found while being taken to Shaft’s temple, which is
the Dynasty Knife.
If the PCs did not rescue Erica, Erica will be also chained to the wall here, though it is obvious
from bumps and scars she had received that she had attempted to escape on numerous occasions.
“What took you so long?” She shouts as soon as the PCs arrive. “For a minute, I thought you had
abandoned me.” Breaking the bonds she is attached to requires a Disable device check of 20, a
DC STR Check of 26, or to destroy it (Hardness 10, HP 50). After that, Erica will go over to the
chests and try to open them, only to find they are magically enchanted. “I guess they figured even
if I got loose that I wouldn’t be able to get my gear anyway.” She comments when she tries to
open the chests. “Hey…think you can find some kind of magic negating spells. My gear is
trapped in these.”
The only way to open the chests is through a Dispel magic, or the use of an Anti-magic field. The
chest’s Caster level is 25. The chest also has a Spell Resistance of 21, which must be overcome
first. After that, the chests open up, revealing Erica’s gear. The chest receives no damage from
any source.
If the PCs do not reach this area in 1d3 days, Erica will not be here when they arrive. At this
point, the PCs have failed the good ending. More information on this is available at the True
Throne room map.
12. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 21 they will
find a book called “Well known Vampire Badasses.” The book is worth 44 GP.
13. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 24 they will
find a book called “Heart of the cards: the secrets of gambling tricks.” The book is worth 120
GP. Reading this book for one hour grants the individual a +10 Profession, Gambler for 2 hours.
14. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 39 they will
find a book called “Particularly Useful Vampire spells.” The book is worth 200 GP. Reading this
book grant a spell caster who can cast arcane spells through a spellbook can add all the spells
listed in the new spells section in their spellbooks.
15. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 21 they will
find a book called “Bloodsuckers: Other blood sucking species in the Mutli-verse.” The book is
worth 100 GP.

16. If the PCs search for a book around here, and if they succeed a Perception check of 15 they will
find a map that has the whereabouts of several well-known Vampire colonies on it. The map is
worth 100 GP.
17. If the PCs fail to reach Erica in the time determined after she is captured, there will be a note
here. Most of it is frantic and incoherent, and it was obviously Erica in a panic attempting to
scribble down her last rites. If the PCs have
yet to rescue the maiden, she will point it out ALWAYS PREPARED
to them.
18. This chest contains Erica’s gear if she is If the party has spent more than 4 days in the Castle,
captured. all of the enemies now will generally have spells cast
19. Same as above. on them in advance before the party arrives.

TRUE THRONE ROOM This includes bosses.

This throne room is obviously used to protect the owner of the Castle in the case of an attack from
outsiders that even the unlimited forces of the Castle cannot withstand. It is a place for Dracula to
contemplate and plan for counter attacks, as well as a final meeting place for nay travelers capable of
solving the riddle to open the door.

When the PCs walk in here for the first time, all the NPCs of which they have befriended and rescued will
appear at this location. They all band with the PCs to fight Dracula once and for all.

The entire area is in complete blackness, and under a desecrate spell.

When the PCs first walk in, read this paragraph:

A foul eerie sensation hangs above you as you venture down

the stairs into this location. The blackened rooms and
hallways, give you the sensation that the air of evil is
watching you from every angle. In this foul darkness,
anything and everything seems possible. Yet as you walk,
you also cannot help but feel your journey is nearing it’s end
as well.

1. SCENE 26
Fight against Shaft’s Ghost or Erica
The opponent of the PCs at this moment is entirely dependent on what the PCs have done as they
ventured throughout the Castle.
If the PCs managed to rescue Erica, but not save all 3 maidens, no one will be here to fight. The
PCs can go straight through to Encounter 2.
If the PCs managed to rescue all 3 maidens; or failed to do so, but not rescue Erica, Erica will be
here, looking as if she was alright. She will greet the PCs and will complain about a small wound
she has on her leg. She will then attempt to Diplomacy a PC to come to her and see if they can
patch it up.
However, she is lying. She has been turned into a Vampire while the PCs were searching for her.
If the PCs do not succeed a Perception vs Stealth, or Bluff vs Sense motive when she does her
diplomacy, she will use the Dracula spear to full round attack the party member that moved to
her. At this point, she strips her clothing down and then reveals her vampire form to everyone.
The PCs now have to fight Erica as a Vampire.

Castlevanian Vampire Erica. 154.
Erica flies in the air, and then uses Hellfire to disappear away from the PCs. From there, she
reappears and then uses Burning hands to deal damage to all the PCs. Erica reappears where she
believes is the weakest PC. She then uses a standard action to power attack (reduce her attack as
low as you want), and then attempt to use Felling smash feat to trip said party member. Erica does
not full round attack, as she attempts to gain the benefits of the Wind stance feat by moving every
round, and then attacking a party member from a distance. If she is in trouble, she’ll use Hellfire
to morph into the Ethereal realm, and then reappear to fight more.
Once she dies, she cries out to be forgiven for her act, and then bursts into flames.

If the PCs have managed to prevent Erica from falling into the pit below, as well as rescued all 3
maidens throughout the Castle, Shaft’s Ghost will appear at this location to fight the PCs.

Shaft’s Ghost. 178.
Shaft does the same tactics as he did when he was alive, but he gains new abilities of which the
DM should look over to add to his tactics.
Once destroyed, Shaft fades out, leaving the PCs with 2d4 days to defeat Dracula; though it
should not take that long.

Whether or not the PCs managed to prevent Alucard’s death or find the Vampire killer or save
Richter matters not in this dilemma.
2. SCENE 27
Versus Dracula; and the Conclusion
When the PCs first come here, Dracula will be on his throne. He will remain sitting until
everyone has come into the room. Once they have gathered, he will sit up and take a few steps
towards them.

“So…even after all the tricks and deceptions laid before you, you were still
able to decipher them and come before me to my true throne. I am
impressed. I had believed for such a long time that you would all would
falter and attempt to leave this uncursed place, yet you all have preserved.
You are truly to be commended for all of this. Well…I am a man of my
word…you and I shall now face each other…no more tricks, no more
illusions. You may however find that you will regret this decision shortly.

Even after this, Dracula will continue to speak to the PCs. He will wait for the PCs to cast a spell, or get
within 20 feet of him. After that, he will use Hellfire and disappear, beginning the battle.
Count Vlad Tepish Dracula 646.
Dracula does the same tactics as his earlier counterpart. He however possesses more spells to consider
and more dangerous abilities.

First and foremost, Dracula will use a Time stop spell right at the start to pre buff himself; and enshroud
any casters in the group in a prismatic wall. He will use haste, divine power, Shield, and Spell Turning.
Doing these spells should boost his AC to that of 45 (which in turn is 50 for those whom do not possess
weapons capable of harming him). He then uses Hellfire to prepare his sudden attack.

Dracula first scans in the room after he has used Hellfire for the PC he feels in the most dangerous PC.
He will make a Spellcraft check as an immediate action to identify any magical items that grant
immunities or resistances to fire. From there, he will quicken a dispel magic from the use of Metamagic
mastery to dispel the item, and then will cast MMeteor Swarm on the PC, ensuring that the Fireballs are
concentrated on this one PC. More than likely, he will fell at least one of the PCs in this round, and
possibly more than one; in which case he switches to the next one, but will hold off on his spells until he
is sure he needs them. He will then proceed to use the Voidsword whenever PCs get close to deal both
Constitution drain as well as Negative levels to a said PC. If given the opportunity, Dracula will focus on
the use of his highest Summon Monster spell to bring another creature in this fight as well. PCs that have
acquired items that are more effective by him are immediately targeted on any round. Like before,
Dracula avoids direct confrontation with Alucard as much as possible; unless he has no other choice than
to fight him; and will immediately target Richter Belmont and Erica Lecarde if they are within his reach.
If Dracula’s HP begins to run low, he will immediately Soul Steal in a 60 foot radius. Though many might
be able to resist the spell, Dracula still recovers a lot of HP from the use of this spell; and it works for him
either way.
Dracula has many other skills and abilities in battle, which should be overlooked by the DM to give the
PCs the final confrontation they have been waiting for.
If the party has told him of Iouna, Dracula will again allot them the 2 round reprieve for fighting.

With the final attack brought on him, Dracula will ignite on fire and slowly burn away. He will still be
alive at this time, though any PCs going in a 20 feet radius to him take 6d6 fire damage as he is dying
from his Death throes ability. As he dies, he speaks to the PCs one last time.

“Once again…I have been defeated. Perhaps this too is my fate…though

remember this…it is not by own power that I am resurrected. It is the
greed of your kinds of which calls me back. And thus, by might I rule. Might
becomes the one and only justice in this world. Do you all not have any
desires? It is by those desires of which all of your races prosper.
Considering that, can you really call me evil?...In ways, even I admit you
might be right…but I think that’s probably not what you think now.

After this, if a Belmont is present at the time he speaks, Dracula will call out to him saying, “We shall
meet again Blood of Belmont!” After this, he cackles wickedly as his body crumbles away into dust.

From here, the Castle begins to collapse



With Dracula finally laid to rest, Dracula’s soul is sent to a demiplane in Hell for the next 100 years, or
until such time as a group of fanatics resurrects him prematurely. With Dracula no longer present, the
magic around the Castle ceases, and thus begins to collapse. The process of its unraveling is slow, and
gives the PCs more than enough time to escape it, especially if the PCs employ the use of spells to hasten
they’re escape. All of the creatures and Constructs that Dracula has made within the Castle either perishes
or cease working, and none of the traps are even active now. If Death is still here as a result of coming
back, or any ghost for that matter, even they perishes as a result of Dracula no longer being present, and
will not return for another 100 years. All of the group reach the exit of the Castle, and move towards the
hilltop on the mountain that overlooked the Castle, and continue to watch in awe (unless any decide to
leave now), and watch as the castle crumbles completely, creating a large column of dust into the air.
When the dust finally clears after 1d4 hours, the castle’s parts have disappeared completely; as if it was
never there to begin with. Dawn breaks through the mountains above for the first time in many months.

RETURNING HOME: With Dracula destroyed, the PCs are set to return back to the cathedral from
where they originally journeyed to report of the death of Dracula. Along the way, they may run into the
village of Ashfall, which praises the PCs for their success against the evil which had plagued their lands,
and spreads news of this to the surviving counties who were also under siege by Dracula with the names
of each one of them who had returned back from the Castle.

RICHTER BELMONT: Did the PCs discover the location of Richter Belmont’s body? Did they
discover his journal on him? A PC who discovers his journal indicates that he has a fiancé by the name of
Annette Renard, who is the older sister of Maria Renard. A PC who knows this may want to return the
assets of Richter to Annette so that she may grieve for his loss. If they have time, they might be able to
recover his body from the location it was at, and move it outside of the Castle. Returning it to Annette and
the church allows the church to confirm that the famous Vampire hunter had indeed been slain, which
although causes them much distress, allows them to give him a proper burial.
If Richter was resurrected, Richter thanks each and every one of the PCs for all they’re hard work in
ensuring that Dracula was defeated. With this, Richter returns home to see his fiancé. Richter writes the
tales of his journey and all that he had learned about the Castle in a book which is placed in the archives
of the church. The PCs names are all written in there, and with this, the PCs name pass into legend,
though it takes over a twenty years for their names to be known around the Continent.

VAMPIRE KILLER: Did the Ghost of Richter choose a new family to pass on the Vampire Killer too?
If so, the PC is now aware of the destiny he has placed before him, as now they are to pass along the
blood which is legendary for slaying Vampires. This could be used as a plot point for future adventures to
come, as the Vampire killer is a legendary weapon, and an extraordinary artifact to given the right to use.

Of course, if the party did opt in for a Belmont at the beginning of the quest, then the top two paragraphs
don’t matter as Richter Belmont does not exist in this time frame.

MARIA RENARD: Did Maria survive the journey within the Castle? If she did, she simply returns home
with her sister at the end of the journey, obtaining each and every one of the PCs names. She writes to
them every so often, keeping up with them in their journeys and studies.

ALUCARD: Did Alucard survive the journey? Did the PCs have to kill him as a result of not wearing the
Holy glasses? If so, the PCs who know of the history of the Belmonts, or perhaps if the PC is a Belmont
himself may not be so gay upon returning. For as a result of this mission, a great ally of over 600 years
old had to be slain. This may cause the Belmont or Richter to become depressed as a result of this, as he
may often think back of what he could have done, and what may have happened.

If he survived however, Alucard originally plans to return to the gravesite of where he laid himself to rest,
and return there to go to sleep for the next hundred years, until it is time for him to return back to the
world of Transila to stop his father once again. However, if Maria also made it out alongside Alucard, the
PCs will hear from him that he has decided to remain awake for the time being instead of returning to
sleep right away. From here, he goes with Maria Renard. If the PCs choose to keep in touch with Maria,
they will eventually discover that Alucard has been living with Maria for quite some time. And while
Alucard hasn’t been doing too much, it does seem like he is enjoying his time there…for the most part.

ERICA: Did Erica survive? Was she turned into a Vampire and forced to fight the PCs due to the blood
lust inside of her? If so, the PCs may have to offer an explanation to her grandfather Teledros. Upon
learning of her death, he asks if the PCs can leave, and grieves for her in silence. If the PCs ever come
this way again, they learn from the mayor that Teledros passed away sometime after the fate of his grand-
daughter was known.

If she did survive, Erica simply reunites with her grand-father and tells him all of the adventures she had
when she journeyed into the Castle. When the PCs depart from Ashfall, she will give them her goodbyes
and then returns to Ashfall. PCs that are male which have developed strong bonds with her will see a
large volume of letters from her, to which she inquires many things of their lives and such. A PC who has
given her advances in the terms of sexual nature may move her to even go to the cities around there to
visit them at times to spend a night in their beds. Movement towards marriage is a likely scenario this PC
could face if he pushes for it.
CRISIE: Because of her crimes against humanity, if Crisie was recruited by the PCs by giving her the
letter, Crisie will not accept her Castlevanian Vampire state; yet she is too scared of death to desire to
leave the world. With this, Alucard (assuming he survived) tells the PCs that he will deal with the woman
himself, and place her in the same sleep that he had done to himself. From there, she can sleep peacefully
throughout all the days, and perhaps one day she can awaken and accept what she has done many years
ago. If Alucard is not there, Crisie will move to a remote area, and eventually submerge herself into this
sleep, although without Alucard’s comforting words, recovering from her problems may not be as simple;
and may take much longer.

THE BLUE VENUS WEED: Did the PCs spare her or her sisters? If so, Dracula will activate a Teleport
spell that he had placed onto them via contingency when the party first arrived here to send them away.
Raising these fey girls as his own, he still views them as if he was a protective father. Most of these girls
end up becoming nymphs of other nearby groves. If the party did not help them with Iouna, they treat
them as hostile.

THE NYMPH AND THE DRAYD: The Nymph and the Dryad that the PC can rescue also keep in
touch with them in the same manner, though the nymph makes much less of an effort to do so. PCs who
seek the nymph have trouble for the most part, but persistence yields reward and they do make their way
to her. This can lead to many different scenarios, such as a night with her as a bed mate, or receiving a
lock of hair to inspire their confidence. The Dryad constantly keeps in touch with them, and makes the
location of her tree known, so that a willing PC may visit her.

THE THREE MAIDENS: Did the PCs rescue them? If so, they eventually make their way back to
Ashfall when the PCs stop there on their way back to the church to report their success. This raises the
confidence of the village sky-high, and makes the PCs patriarchs of the town. If not, the maidens are
ultimately doomed to be crushed under the weight of the Castle rocks and stone, and perish as a result,
though this does not affect morale of the town at all, as the town had already assumed they were dead
when Shaft had come to take them.


Unfortunately, not all things go as planned.

If the PCs did not fight Shaft’s Ghost, they may not have a chance to finish the job.

The very instant Dracula has lost 90% of his HP, a Wall of Force (Standard action) suddenly appears all
around Dracula, surrounding him. Shaft’s Ghost then descends from the ceiling (move action) and hovers
over Dracula, calling out to the PCs. “No! You shall not harm the Count! We will meet again!!” (Free
action), he cries out. Before the PCs can do anything else, Shaft uses Greater Teleport (Swift action
through the use of a Metamagic rod) and moves Dracula somewhere far away, hundreds of miles away
from Castlevania. Though the Castle bars the use of teleportation and dimension door, Shaft had shut
down the barrier around the Castle as the PCs fought, allowing him to use the teleport.

With Dracula now gone, the Castle is no longer supported magically, and begins to collapse. The process
of its unraveling is slow, and gives the PCs more than enough time to escape it, especially if the PCs
employ the use of spells to hasten they’re escape. All of the creatures and Constructs that Dracula has
made within the Castle either perish or cease working, and none of the traps are even active now. All of
the group reach the exit of the Castle, and move towards the hilltop on the mountain that overlooked the
Castle, and continue to watch in awe (unless any decide to leave now), and watch as the castle crumbles
completely, creating a large column of dust into the air. When the dust finally clears after 1d4 hours, the
castle’s parts have disappeared completely; as if it was never there to begin with. Dawn breaks through
the mountains above for the first time in many months, but the threat still lingers over the land.

RETURNING HOME: The PCs have ultimately failed in their mission to stop Dracula, but they have at
least managed to avert his threat for the time being. Along the way home, the PCs may run into the village
of Ashfall, which praises the PCs for their success against the evil which had plagued their lands, and
spreads news of this to the surviving counties who were also under siege by Dracula with the names of
each one of them who had returned back from the Castle.

Still, a job is a job, and your job is not over yet. You have no choice but to report to the church and
inform them of the quest’s failure. Though the leaders are displeased with your results, they acknowledge
that you managed to contain the threat at Brinford. From there, you become part of a larger force to find
the Count before he rebuilds Castlevania, and holes up in it once again.

RICHTER BELMONT: Did the PCs discover the location of Richter Belmont’s body? Did they
discover his journal on him? A PC who discovers his journal indicates that he has a fiancé by the name of
Annette Renard, who is the older sister of Maria Renard. A PC who knows this may want to return the
assets of Richter to Annette so that she may grieve for his loss. If they have time, they might be able to
recover his body from the location it was at, and move it outside of the Castle. Returning it to Annette and
the church allows the church to confirm that the famous Vampire hunter had indeed been slain, which
although causes them much distress, allows them to give him a proper burial.

If Richter was resurrected, Richter thanks each and every one of the PCs for all they’re hard work in
ensuring that Dracula’s threat was repelled, though he knows his job is not done. With this, Richter
returns home to see his fiancé for the next few months, marries her. After this, Richter then sets out on his
own to find clues about the Count’s possible location.

VAMPIRE KILLER: Did the Ghost of Richter choose a new family to pass on the Vampire Killer too?
If so, the PC is now aware of the destiny he has placed before him, as now they are to pass along the
blood which is legendary for slaying Vampires. This could be used as a plot point for future adventures to
come, as the Vampire killer is a legendary weapon, and an extraordinary artifact to given the right to use.

Of course, if the party did opt in for a Belmont at the beginning of the quest, then the top two paragraphs
don’t matter as Richter Belmont does not exist in this time frame.

MARIA RENARD: Did Maria survive the journey within the Castle? If she did, she simply returns home
with her sister at the end of the journey, before once again setting out on her own to stop the threat that
the Count represents.

ALUCARD: Did Alucard survive the journey? Did the PCs have to kill him as a result of not wearing the
Holy glasses? If so, the PCs who know of the history of the Belmonts, or perhaps if the PC is a Belmont
himself may not be so gay upon returning. For as a result of this mission, a great ally of over 600 years
old had to be slain. This may cause the Belmont or Richter to become depressed as a result of this, as he
may often think back of what he could have done, and what may have happened.
If he survived however, Alucard originally plans to return to the gravesite of where he laid himself to rest,
and return there to go to sleep for the next hundred years, until it is time for him to return back to the
world of Transila to stop his father once again. However, due to the fact that his father has escaped,
Alucard has no choice but to continue to seek out his father until he has laid him to rest, in order to stop
him for good. If Maria Renard survived, she and Alucard align themselves together, and promise to bring
word as soon as they have located his father.

ERICA: Did Erica survive? Was she turned into a Vampire and forced to fight the PCs due to the blood
lust inside of her? If so, the PCs may have to offer an explanation to her grandfather Teledros. Upon
learning of her death, he asks if the PCs can leave, and grieves for her in silence. If the PCs ever come
this way again, they learn from the mayor that Teledros passed away sometime after the fate of his grand-
daughter was known.

If she did survive, Erica simply reunites with her grand-father and tells him all of the adventures she had
when she journeyed into the Castle. When the PCs depart from Ashfall, she will give them her goodbyes
and then returns to Ashfall. Only after some months later does she set out on her own to find where the
Castle is, hoping to show the people the power of the Alucard Spear is superior to that of the Vampire

CRISIE: Because of her crimes against humanity, if Crisie was recruited by the PCs by giving her the
letter, Crisie will not accept her Castlevanian Vampire state; yet she is too scared of death to desire to
leave the world. With this, Alucard (assuming he survived) tells the PCs that he will deal with the woman
himself, and place her in the same sleep that he had done to himself. From there, she can sleep peacefully
throughout all the days, and perhaps one day she can awaken and accept what she has done many years
ago. If Alucard is not there, Crisie will move to a remote area, and eventually submerge herself into this
sleep, although without Alucard’s comforting words, recovering from her problems may not be as simple;
and may take much longer.

THE BLUE VENUS WEED: Did the PCs spare her or her sisters? Did the PCs spare her? If so, Dracula
will activate a Teleport spell that he had placed onto them via contingency when the party first arrived
here to send them away. Raising these fey girls as his own, he still views them as if he was a protective
father. Most of these girls end up becoming nymphs of other nearby groves. If the party did not help them
with Iouna, they treat them as hostile.

THE NYMPH AND THE DRAYD: The Nymph and the Dryad that the PC can rescue also keep in
touch with them in the same manner, though the nymph makes much less of an effort to do so. PCs who
seek the nymph have trouble for the most part, but persistence yields reward and they do make their way
to her. This can lead to many different scenarios, such as a night with her as a bed mate, or receiving a
lock of hair to inspire their confidence. The Dryad constantly keeps in touch with them, and makes the
location of her tree known, so that a willing PC may visit her.


Also likely, it is possible for the mission to find and slay the Count will go awry all together. With the
never ending supply of servants, it is entirely possible that the party may in fact be routed and slain. If this
happens, Dracula eventually becomes bored with people like Erica and Maria, and simply hunts them
down endlessly until they are all slain. Alucard eventually succumbs to the curse planted on him and
becomes the son Dracula wants.

From there, Dracula spreads out his influence even farther, forcing the church to fight him head on. This
effort however is a futile on, and only ends with defeats on their side, and land taken. From here, the
church organizes a new party to sneak into the lands, though this party is met with a far less than gracious
Count than the party earlier.


Dracula’s power and eternal life comes as a result of the mighty Crimson Stone, an Alchemical Regent
over a thousand years old. While most PCs will not be aware of this, some may actually be. And with
this, an option to stop Dracula forever may occur.

If your PCs are aware of the events of Aria of Sorrow, and wish to pursue destroying him for good, ensure
that you let them know this option is available.

To destroy the Count for Good, the PCs must first reach him, and have made a successful spellcraft check
of 60. Once then, they can then roll a Knowledge Arcana check of 45. Doing this means the party member
has full knowledge of the Crimson Stone, and then can make preparations to destroy it.

To destroy Dracula for good, the PC first must make a successful steal combat maneuver on Dracula
during the fight. Note that if someone succeeds in doing this, Dracula will immediately target that
individual with his highest level spells and abilities, and will do whatever it takes to kill the PC as quickly
as possible. After this, the PC must Plane Shift to the Astral or Ethereal Plane. Finally, they must then
place the Crimson Stone in an Anti-magic field. From there, they must remain there until the fight has
been concluded, and Dracula is dead. With this, Dracula’s soul is never able to return to the Stone, and
disappears from existence.

Of course, grabbing the stone comes massive temptations. If the PC when grabbing the stone fails a Will
save of 30, he immediately becomes fascinated with the stone; and does nothing that round, because of
the paragon of artifacts he has in his hand.

The ending and epilogue you should base for your PCs endings still use the standard Good ending, but
emphasize on the fact Dracula is dead…for good.

If the PCs wait until they slay Dracula, and then attempt the procedure, Dracula will not be slain. Rather,
his soul will have already departed into the stone, safe from harm and attack. After the next 100 years,
Dracula will more than likely appear when the stranger is a moment of weakness, and slay him/her as his
first deed upon returning to the Material Plane. If the individual is using the Stone for himself, Dracula
uses the stone’s ability (since he is the true owner of it), and severs the user’s connection to the Stone,
paralyzing them for 10 rounds. This makes it easy for Dracula to deliver the Coup de grace, and then slay
the victim, once again returning the powerful gem for himself.

If the PCs manage to destroy him for good, as part of the endings, select one of the PCs who you think is
either the most chaotic, most easy to tempt, or whomever first picked up the stone. Have him make a Will
save (DC 35). If the PC fails this save, have him follow whomever has the stone for a time as you read out
the endings for your party. This person will have been tempted by the Crimson Stone, and is doing
whatever it takes to get close to it. After some time for the character in game, have him/her make a Will
save a second time (DC 35). If he/she fails, she will then attempt to hold onto the Crimson Stone for 2d12
days to become a Castlevania Vampire. Whomever does this first becomes the new True Owner of the
Crimson Stone and gains all the benefits of the item. Of course, this intentionally makes the individual an
evil being because of the Stone’s powers, which you should use to make an interesting story for the
character ending.


This secret room is where the evil count stores all of his valuables, which are not magic items. This
endless supply of money and gems are often used to garner the loyalty of nations to further his cause upon
the Material plane for the destruction of the human race.

Treasure in this room does not respawns. Once PCs arrive here, Dracula is aware they know of the
Treasure and will cease making it with the Crimson Stone.

All of the rooms have an unnatural light about it. All of the rooms are fully illuminated.

Walls cannot be damaged, but doors can be destroyed here.

Unless noted otherwise, each mound of gold is 5 feet in height. Each 5 foot box of gold usually contains
2d4 X 1,000 GP in them. If the mound is higher than 5 feet, moving through it to the top forces the PC to
move at half speed at all time. If moving down the mound, they move at full speed.

1. 14 Golden Skeleton Archers. 12, 13, 14, 15, 11, 13, 12, 14, 12, 11, 10, 13, 12, 13.
14 Golden Skeletons are hiding among the mounds of gold in this room. Because of where they
are at, the PCs need a Perception DC of 38 to see them.
Each one of the archers concentrates they’re firepower on the PC with the lowest Fortitude save
and uses they’re Black Lotus Extract arrows to deal poison damage to the PCs. If a PC gets close
to them, the archers then flee, leaving their buddies to fire at them still.
2. 2 Golden Bone Pillars. 54, 55.
2 Golden Bone Pillars stand in guard in front of the door.
The Golden Bone Pillars use Scorching Ray from a distance to harm the PCs. When they get
close, they use they’re golden flames to harm the PCs, and transmute they’re equipment to Gold,
weakening them.
3. 2 White Dragons. 34, 55.
This encounter mimic’s encounter 8 in the Place of Arms. The White dragons here though
generally take ready actions to hit PCs with Scorching Rays when they get close via hopping or
flying. They also do not have an Anti-magic aura to help them.
4. Same as 1.
5. 1 Demilich. 180.
A Demilich hides in the pile of gold. The Demilich’s skull is heavily hidden; and requires a
Perception score of 44 in order to locate it. Once the Demilich is found, if picked up, it
immediately attempts to suck a soul of an individual; and activates Telekinetic storm immediately
on its next round. It then continues to attempt to suck souls; using greater bestow curse when it is
6. 1 Gold Coin Dark wing bat. 121.
This encounter mimics the Dark Wing bat encounter in Shaft’s Coven, but it uses its swarm
abilities against the PCs in addition to all its other abilities.


1. On the top of the mound here rests a Gold scepter that has several blue gems encrusted into it.
The scepter is worth 800 GP.
2. Buried somewhere in the gold here is a Silver goblet. It is worth 200 GP.
3. There is a Golden Treasure chest on the top of the mound here. Inside is 3d4 High quality gems,
and 300 CP.
4. Same as 3, but replaced with 100 PP.


Type Magic; Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 20
Trigger touch; Reset none
Effect Casts Cloudkill in a 20 feet area. Persists for 5 rounds.
6. There are 2 chests in the area here. One of them contains 2,000 GP. The other contains 2,000 SP,
and 6 Jeweled Rings, each worth 200 GP each.
7. There are 3 chests in this area. One of them contains 3,000 GP, and a Golden Dagger. The middle
one contains a lever, which is disguised to look like an Ectoplasmic Rod (Greater). Pulling the
lever causes the following trap to activate:


Type Magic; Perception DC 29; Disable Device DC ---
Trigger Touch; Reset none
Effect Casts Flame Strike, and empowers the spell. Spell is at 9th CL.

The final chest contains a Golden Headband, which is worth 200 GP.

8. On the top of this pile is a pearl necklace. This piece of jewelry is worth 1,200 GP.
9. There are 1d12 Golden Steel Shields in this area.
10. There is a Moai Statue in here.
11. Under this pile of gold coins is Silver Dining set, 6d6 high quality gems, and a silver bowl.
Uncovering this bowl requires a DC perception check of 15.
12. There is a statue of Rovagug here. The statue is worth 200 GP. It is also cursed (Spellcraft DC of
32 to identify). A Cursed PC instantly becomes Chaotic Evil, and must be subject to a remove
curse spell to become normal again.
13. There are 2d6 Masterwork instruments here.
14. The door to the next room nearby has been covered by coins. The PCs must remove the coins
from the front of the door in order to open it. The process takes roughly 20 minutes to do so.
Also…there is a trap nearby the door.


Type Magic; Perception DC 29; Disable Device DC 28
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Effect Casts Black Tentacles. Activates if the PCs are above it, even with coins on it.
15. There is 2d4 Golden Great Swords on the mound here.
16. There is a Golden Musket here as well as 20 Golden Ammo right next to it.
17. There is a Silver chest here. Inside is a Silver bowl, Silver Spyglass, 2d4 Silver mugs, and a single
18. There is an Immovable Rod buried in the coins here. Seeing this rod requires a Perception check
of 12.
19. There are 3d4 High quality gems here.
20. There are 2 chests here. Inside the chest on the left is 3,000 GP and 10 Medium Quality gems.
The other chest contains 2,000 SP.
21. Same as 1.
22. There are 1d3 grand jewels here.
23. This wall is an illusion created by magic. Revealing the illusion requires a will save of 22 in order
to perceive it as not real.
24. Buried under this pile of gold coins is a portrait of Dracula. The portrait is worth 400 GP.
25. There is a Moai Statue in here.
26. There are two chests here. One of them contains 4,000 SP. The other one contains a golden bowl,
and a golden dining set.
27. Same as 24.
28. There are 2d12 sets of jewelry, each one worth 100 GP.
29. Buried under this mound of coins is a Regal Silver crown, with the continual flame enchantment
on it. Seeing this crown is a Perception check of 20.
30. Same as 4.


Type Magic; Will Save DC 27; Disable Device DC ---
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Effect This platform is merely a mirror image, and is not actually there. Jumping on this platform
without realizing this subjects the PC to 18d6 fall damage.
32. If the PCs make the jump from the platform below it, upon landing on the other side, due to the
amount of coins, and the fact they don’t make a stable ground, a PC must make a Reflex save of
12, or fall into the pit behind them.
33. Same as 4.
34. There is a Platinum Regal Scepter on the top of this mound. It is worth 2,000 GP.
35. There are 3 chests here. The topmost one contains 10 Scrolls of Mage Armor, 10 Scrolls of Shield,
and 1 Ring of Feather fall. The middle one contains piece of paper with 3 Exploding runes on
them, dealing 18d6 damage. The bottom one contains 300 PP.
36. Same as 3.
37. Same as 3.
38. Same as 22.
39. There are 4 Golden Treasure chests, each with 100 GP in them, and 1 Pearl each.
40. Same as 39.


Type Magic; Perception DC 29; Disable Device DC ---
Trigger Proximity; Reset Automatic
Effect Activates 3 sets of Exploding Runes, dealing 18d6 damage. Never miss.
42. Same as 14, without the trap.
43. This treasure chest is locked, and requires a Disable device check of 24 to open. Unlocking it
reveals the Map of Castlevania.
A descendant of the legendary Vampire hunter family.
LG Medium Humanoid
Human Monk 4/Undead Scourge 10/ Paladin 1/Ranger
3/Champion 3
Init +8, Senses Dark Vision 60 feet
Aura Good, Courage, Life, Justice
AC 32, touch 32, flat-footed 10 (+8 Dex, +2 Dodge,
+7 Wisdom, +4 Monk)
hp 298 (14d10, 4d8+122, +15 Champion)
Fort +24, Ref +22, Will +25 (+2 Against Spells)
Defensive abilities: Evasion, Slow Fall (20 feet)
Immunities Fear, Charms, Spell-like abilities,
Special Abilities: Channel Positive Energy 6d6, Lay
on hands, Mythic Power 9/day
Mercy – Sickened
Mercy – Diseased
Mercy – Cursed
Speed 40 ft
Reach 15 Feet
Melee Unarmed +25/+20/+15/+10 (1d8+8)
Vampire Killer +31/+26/+21/+16 (1d4+14)
Silver Rapier +24/+19/+14/+9 (1d6+8)
Ranged Silver Throwing Axe +17/+12/+7/+2
Silver Dagger +24/+19/+14/+9 (1d4+8)
Cross Boomerang +23 (1d8+8, +2d6 against evil)
Special Attacks Stunning Fist +25/+20/+15/+10 (1d8+8, plus fatigue)
Flurry of Blows +23/+23/+18/+18/+13/+13/+8/+8
Flurry of Blows (Vampire Killer) +29/+29/+23/+23/+18/+18/+13/+13
Smite Evil (Undead Scourge version) 4/day
Holy Cross, Hydro Storm, Sudden Attack +31, Mythic Smite
Cleansing Fire
Paladin Spells Prepared (CL 7th Concentration +14)
3rd – Dispel Magic, Remove Curse, Burst of Speed
2nd – Shield Other, Resist Energy, Bull’s Strength, Eagle’s Splendor,
1st – Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Lesser Restoration, Challenge Evil
Spell-like abilities
At Will – Detect Evil
Str 26, Dex 26, Con 22, Int 22, Wis 24, Cha 24
Base Atk +17; CMB +24; CMD 37
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Endurance, MDodge, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Mobility, Spring Attack,
Whirlwind Attack, Weapon Focus (Whip), Whip Mastery, MPower Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Whip), Improved
Vital Strike, Step up
Skills Acrobatics+18, Climb+17, Craft (Weapon)+13, Craft (Alchemy)+16, Craft (Varies)+13 Diplomacy +15, Escape
Artist+15, Heal+14, Intimidate+15, Knowledge (History)+15 Knowledge (Nobility)+16, Knowledge (Religion)+16,
Perception +12, Profession (Accountant)+12, Ride +18, Sense Motive+14, Spellcraft+16, Stealth+18, Use Magic
Device +15,
Languages Common, Elf, Dwarf, Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic
Gear 10 Silver Knives, 15 Throwing Axes, 1 Silver Holy Symbol, 2 backpacks, 1 Weapon Cord, 20 Trail rations, 1
Waterskin, 3 Alchemist fire, 2 Sapling leaf, 3 Scrolls of Mage Armor, 1 Pouch, 542 GP, 1 Double Shot plaque, 4 Potion
Cure Serious wounds, 2 Healer’s kit, 1 Masterwork tool Knowledge (History), 2 Books, 1 Spellbook, 1 Spell
component pouch, 1 noble’s clothing (tattered and ruined), 40 Holy Water, Vampire Killer whip, 1 Silver Rapier, Cross
Boomerang (Sarenrae), 1 Elixir of Invulnerability, 1 Rosary, Ring of Sustenance, Bracers of the Avenging Knight,
Crystal of Healing Hands,
SQ: Ki Pool (Magic), Fast Movement, Maneuver training, 1st Favored enemy (Undead), Track, Wild Empathy, Divine
Bond (Vampire Killer), 1st Favored Terrain (Dungeon), Amazing Initiative, Recuperation, Hard to Kill, Surge 1d6, ,
Pierce the Darkness, Always a Chance, Monk Training

Special abilities:

Holy Cross (Su): If Richter possesses a Holy symbol that is made of silver or higher, he can perform the
Holy Cross attack. By sacrificing the Holy Symbol, and expending 2 mythic power points, he can
summon an aura which expands out for 60 feet for one round. This aura appears to be majestic crosses
coming from the ground in a blinding light, which deal 8d6 damage to all enemies; except for those
within 5 feet of Richter. This damage bypasses the DR of any creatures that are in the aura. Any Undead
caught within the area of 4 HD or less are instantly destroyed. Those who possess 5-7 HD must make a
Will save of 25 or instantly perish. Those of 8 HD or more become blinded for 18 rounds if they fail the
Will save. Living creatures must make a Will save of 25 or they will become blinded for 9 rounds. The
Holy Symbol used in the ritual is destroyed afterwards. This attack can only be used once per day.

Hydro Storm (Su): By using 20 vials of Holy Water, and expending 2 mythic power points Richter can
use the Hydro Storm ability. This causes a rainfall to appear (even indoors) to fall on the ground in a 200
foot radius centered on Richter. Those who are exposed to the rain receive 6d6 Acid damage each round,
though Richter can designate who receives the damage, and who is immune. After 3 rounds of exposure,
this damage increases to 8d6. This rainfall lasts for 5 rounds. The rainfall always bypasses resistances.
Undead who are caught in the rainfall always receive 2d8 additional damage.

Cleansing Fire (Su): Because of the power of the Belmont flowing in his veins, Richter can augment the
power of his family into an attack by expending 2 mythic power points. Richter adds half his HD into his
attack rolls and damage onto one weapon of his choice. This attack also deals 2d6 fire damage per hit, and
bypasses Damage Reduction. The fire damage resolves all resistance to fire.

Monk Training (Ex): Richter uses his full character level to determine his Monk Flurry of Blows and

Richter Belmont is the descendant of Simon Belmont, and the next in line of the Belmont clan to face
Dracula. He is the youngest Belmont in history to go up against Dracula, and his victories over Vampires
are well known throughout the land.

During his youth, Richter’s family used the fortunes obtained from their families’ years of service as with
every Belmont destined to face Dracula to school Richter, and raise him as a warrior. Richter as a youth
learned how to effectively use the Vampire killer, survive in the wild, as well as duel with a blade should
the need arise. From there, Richter visited the legendary monks trained by Tulkas, who taught Richter the
arts of the Monk. From there, Richter went to the church of the land and pledged his service to the church
of Iomedae as a Paladin. Using all that Richter had learned beforehand, as well as the schooling and
powers he received there, Richter became a mighty paladin. From there, Richter went on at the age of 18
to perform mighty deeds to the church, and brought many evil doers to justice.

Sometime within his youth, Richter met a girl by the name of Annette Renard. The two quickly fell in
love and engaged an affair that dragged on for over a year, before Richter finally proposed to her.

Soon after, Dracula finally appeared over the land. With his bloodline calling him to his destiny, Richter
postponed the marriage until after he had returned from his mission. As he entered the castle and searched
for the count, Richter was hit with a fatal poison that eventually killed him. His death would remain
unknown for a long time. His soul is currently waiting for him to be resurrected, or to pass the Vampire
killer off to someone new.


XP 38,400
LE Medium Humanoid
Human Ghost Monk 4/Warrior 6/Ranger 3/ Champion 3
Init +5 Senses Dark Vision 120 feet
AC 34, touch 34, flat-footed 10 (+5 DEX, +2 Dodge, +4 WIS, +5
Magic, +1 Monk, +8 CHA)
hp 103 (9d10, 4d8+104, +15 Champion)
Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +9 (+2 Against Spells)
Defensive abilities: Evasion, Slow Fall (20 feet), Channel Resistance
+4, Mythic Power 9/day
Immunities Undead Traits
Speed 40 ft, Fly 30 feet (Perfect)
Reach 15 Feet
Melee Unarmed +19/+14/+9/+4 (1d8+7)
Vampire Killer +25/+20/+15/+10 (1d4+11, plus whip’s
abilities…see whip for details)
Silver Throwing Axe +17/+12/+7/+2 (1d8+7)
Silver Dagger /+19/+14/+9/+4 (1d4+7)
Special Attacks Stunning Fist +19/+14/+9/+4 (1d8+7, plus fatigue)
Flurry of Blows +17/+17/+12/+12/+7/+7/+2/+2
Flurry of Blows (Vampire Killer) +23/+23/+18/+18/+13/+13/+8/+8
Cleansing Fire
Corrupting Touch +19 (13d6 DC 23)
Corrupting Gaze (30 feet cone, 2d10 damage, 1d4 CHA Fortitude save DC 25)
Frightful Moan (Fear effect 2d4 rounds, DC 25)
Spell like abilities (CL 13th Concentration +21)
At will –Telekinesis (DC 25)
Str 24, Dex 21, Con 18, Int 20, Wis 18, Cha 27
Base Atk +17; CMB +24; CMD 36
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Endurance, MDodge, Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Mobility, Spring Attack,
Whirlwind Attack, Weapon Focus (Whip), Whip Mastery, MPower attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Whip)
Skills Acrobatics+18, Climb+17, Craft (Weapon)+12, Craft (Alchemy)+15, Craft (Varies)+12 Diplomacy +15, Escape
Artist+15, Heal+14, Intimidate+15, Knowledge (History)+12 Knowledge (Nobility)+15, Knowledge (Religion)+15,
Perception +20, Profession (Accountant)+12, Ride +18, Sense Motive+14, Spellcraft+15, Stealth+24,
Languages Common, Elf, Dwarf, Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic
Gear 10 Silver Knives, 15 Throwing Axes, 1 Silver Holy Symbol, 2 backpacks, 1 Weapon Cord, 20 Trail rations, 1
Waterskin, 3 Alchemist fire, 2 Sapling leaf, 3 Scrolls of Mage Armor, 1 Pouch, 542 GP, 1 Double Shot plaque, 4 Potion
Cure Serious wounds, 2 Healer’s kit, 1 Masterwork tool Knowledge (History), 2 Books, 1 noble’s clothing (tattered
and ruined), Vampire Killer whip, Ring of Sustenance,
SQ: Ki Pool (Magic), Fast Movement, Maneuver training, 1st Favored enemy (Undead), Track, Wild Empathy, 1st
Favored Terrain (Dungeon), Corporeal Form, Amazing Initiative, Recuperation, Hard to Kill, Surge 1d6, Pierce the
Darkness, Always a Chance

Special Abilities:

Corporeal Form (Ex): Despite being a ghost, Richter does not gain the Incorporeal Type in his
Defensive abilities.

Cleansing Fire (Su): Because of the power of the Belmont flowing in his veins, Richter can augment the
power of his family into an attack by expending a mythic power point. Richter adds half his HD into his
attack rolls and damage onto one weapon of his choice. This attack also deals 6d6 fire damage per hit, and
bypasses Damage Reduction. The fire damage resolves all resistance to fire.

A woman’s whose connection to nature is unparalleled to others.
LN Medium Humanoid
Human Monk 6/Urban Druid 9/1 Hunter
Init +6
AC 29, touch 25, flat-footed 14 (+6 Dex, +1 Dodge, +7
Wisdom, +1 Monk, +4 Armor)
hp 126 (15d8+30)
Fort +15, Ref +16, Will +20 (+2 Against Spells)
Defensive abilities: Evasion, Slow Fall (30 feet)
Immunities: Diseases, Charms, Compulsions
Special Abilities: Wild Shape 1/day, Animal Focus
Speed 50 ft
Melee +15/+10 Unarmed Strike (1d8+4)
Special Attacks Flurry of Blows +13/+13/+8/+8/+3 (1d8+4)
Storm Burst +17 (1d6+5 non-lethal, plus -2
Attack roll)
Lightning Lord
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 15th Concentration +16)
8th - Sunburst
7th – Heal, True Seeing, Wind Walk
6th – Dust Form, Owl’s Wisdom, Eagle Aerie, Tar Pool
5th – Cure Critical Wounds, Stoneskin, Ice storm, Fickle Winds, Hallow, Fire Snake
4th – Flame Strike, Air Walk, Summon Nature’s Ally IV, Sleet Storm,
3rd – Protection from Energy, Wind Wall, Water Breathing, Spike Growth, Neutralize Poison, Call lightning,
2nd – Heat Metal, Restoration Lesser, Owl’s Wisdom, Bull’s Strength, Animal Messenger, Resist Energy, Fog
1st – Entangle, Shillelagh, Produce Flame, Obscuring Mist, Jump, Longstrider, Detect Snares or Pits, Cure
Light wounds,
0 – Spark, Guidance, Mending, Virtue, Know direction
Hunter Spells Known (CL 1st)
1st 7/day – Entangle, Monkey Fish, Produce Flame, Magic Stone, Cure Light Wounds
0 – Spark, Know direction, Flare, Mending, Guidance
Str 18, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 24, Cha 24
Base Atk +11; CMB +15; CMD 40
Feats Scorpion Style, Gorgon’s Fist, Deflect Arrows, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augmented Summoning, Dodge,
Improved Unarmed Strike, Selective Spell, Shaping Focus, Powerful Shape
Skills Acrobatics+18, Climb+8, Craft (Varies) +6, Craft (Weapons)+10, Diplomacy+14, Escape Artist+16, Handle
Animal+14, Heal+10, Knowledge (History)+18, Knowledge (Local)+15, Knowledge (Nature)+10, Knowledge
(Nobility)+5 Knowledge (Religion)+17, Perception+19, Profession (Cook)+14, Sense Motive+18, Spellcraft+10,
Languages Common, Alko, Druidic, Sylvan, Undercommon,
Gear Druid’s Vestments, Bracers of Armor+4, Cloak of Displacement (Minor), Ring of Freedom of Movement, Ring of
Ki Mastery, Staff of the Woodlands, Belt of Foraging, Mantle of Faith, Noble’s Clothing, Masterwork Backpack,
Caltrops 6, Coffee pot, mug 2, Masterwork Backpack, Holy Symbol (Silver), Jewelry (worth 200 GP), Masterwork
Survival tool, Healer’s kit, Parasol, Spell component pouch, Veterinarians kit, Surgeon’s tools, Feed 2, trail rations 10,
Coffee 3, Wine bottle, tea 3, Meditation tea 3, Ever-burning torch, Key to the room, Ring of Sustenance
SQ: Ki Pool (Magic), Fast Movement, Maneuver training, High Jump, Nature Bond (Domains: Weather), Nature
Sense, Orisons, Wild Empathy, Lorekeeper, A Thousand Faces, Animal Companion (Owl), Nature Training, Druid’s


Sacred Animal’s power (Ex): Maria Renards effective caster level is her total level, and any animals she
summons always has the Celestial Template. Her Animal Companion also has the Celestial Template.

Maria Renard is the younger sister to that of Annette, and the sister in law to Richter Belmont.

Maria grew up in a rural village along with her sister. When Annette decided to move into her own home,
Maria decided to go with her.

During her younger years with Annette, Maria had run into a great monk, who just so happened to be
Tulkas. Interesting with the arts of the Monk, Tulkas trained her to be a great unarmed fighter, even
superior to that of Richter Belmont, as she stayed to learn the arts longer. Tulkas eventually had to leave
her, but Maria thanked him for all that he managed to impart before he left. It wasn’t until much later that
Maria had found out she had seen the ghost of Tulkas, as no one in town even acknowledged he existed.

Throughout her life, Maria has always had an affinity for animals and nature. Many times in her life with
her family and sister, she would always go to the wilderness and call all the animals there, learning their
ways and instincts. Maria befriended an owl during this time, who would be her Animal companion for
her life; to the annoyance of her sister.

When she heard that Annette was to be married to Richter Belmont, she squealed with delight for her
sister’s fortune, though was scared for Richter’s Belmont behalf when he went to face Dracula. When his
return had not been heard for months, she quickly left to her own accord to find her sister’s fiancé.

Maria Renard’s trust Owl
N Small Celestial Animal
Init +4; Senses Low-light vision 60 feet;
AC 22; touch 16, Flat foot 16 (+1 Size, +4 DEX, +6 Natural, +1 Dodge)
hp 72 (10d10+20)
Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +7
Defensive abilities Evasion SR 18
Resistances Cold 5, Electricity 5, Acid 5
Speed 10 ft; 60 feet fly (Good)
Melee +10 Beak (1d4+3), 2 Magic Fang Talons +11 (1d6+4)
Special Attacks Smite Good 1/day
Str 16, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 18, Cha 14
Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 21
Feats Improved Natural Attack, Multi-attack, Improved Natural Armor, Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +10, Fly +10, Perception +14, Survival +14
SQ: Share Spells, Link, Devotion

A youth from the fishing village of Ashfall. Her combat expertise with a spear is unrivaled.
CG Medium Humanoid
Human Expert 3/Polearm Master 11
Init +4
AC 22; touch 18, Flat foot 15 (+2 Magic, +5 DEX, +5 Armor, +1 Dodge)
hp 172 (4d8, 11d10+30)
Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +11
Speed 30 ft
Melee +23/+18/+13 Unarmed (1d3+5)
+33/+28/+23 Alucard Spear (1d10+14)
+23/+18/+13 Dagger (1d4+5)
Special Attacks Alucard Spear Orb +20 (6d6 Lawful damage, 8d6 to undead)
Str 20, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 19, Cha 20
Base Atk +15; CMB +20; CMD 35
Feats Improved Trip, Feeling Smash, Power Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Combat Reflexes, Disruptive, Spring Attack,
Lighting Stance, Greater Weapon Focus (Glaive), Weapon Specialization, Whirlwind attack, Dazzling Display, Shatter
Defenses, Deadly Stroke,
Skills Acrobatics +12, Bluff+10, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +14, Escape Artist +10, Handle Animal +10, Intimidate
+13, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (Geography) +6, Knowledge (Local) +6, Profession (Fisher) +14,
Survival +10, Swim +11, Stealth +12 Use Magic Device +10
Languages Common, Elf, Dwarf
Gear Alucard Spear, Mithral Kikko, Hat, Cloak, Traveler’s Outfit, Disguise kit 1+number of PCs, Perfume, Masterwork
Backpack, Key to the room 1+number of PCs, Forger’s kit, Healer’s kit, Parasol, Symptom kit, Fighter’s kit, Trail
rations 10, Coffee pot, Coffee 3, Belt pouch 10, backpack, bedroll, flint and steel, iron pot, a mess kit, rope 50 feet,
soap, torches (10), waterskin, hip flask (Whiskey), Cards 100, Dice 3, Cap of human disguise, Bracers of Sworn
Vengeance, Cloak of Elvenkind, Potion of Cure Critical wounds 5, Wand of Cure Critical wounds, Weapon Cord
(Alucard Spear), Ring of Sustenance.
SQ: Pole Fighting, Polearm Training 2, Steadfast Pike, Flexible Flanker,
Erica Lecarde is the grand-daughter to Teledros Lecarde, of the village of Ashfall. Her parents died when
she was young to a vampire attack, and she was left in the care of her bitter grandfather. While she lived
with him, she learned the arts of fishing, and of the many people that resided within Ashfall.

Sometime as she lived there, she went to the Ashfall Graveyard, where she found a strange coffin within
the mausoleum. She opened this coffin to find a man who did not look in anyway shape or form dead.
After some attempts, the man woke from his slumber, slightly annoyed with his situation. Erica
befriended this strange individual and met with him often.

While Erica and him talked, she had mentioned to him of her family’s demise, to which he asked if she
was curious to know how to fight. From here, this man taught Erica how to fight using her hands and a
spear, and dagger.

When the events befell Ashfall, Erica told the man that she was going to go to the Castle to destroy
Dracula. Despite the man’s attempts to dissuade her, she was insistent. He sighed with annoyance, but
conceited to let her go, under the condition she wait at least one week. She did just so, and was given a
powerful Red spear that he dubbed the Alucard Spear. She thanked him and departed for the Castle,
heading out by boat.


CE Medium Augmented Humanoid
Human Castlevanian Vampire Expert 3/Polearm Master Fighter 11
Init +10 Senses dark vision; 60 ft
AC 30; touch 18, Flat foot 21 (+2 Magic, +7 DEX, +5 Armor, +1 Dodge, +6 Natural)
hp 143 (3d8, 1d8, 10d10+112)
Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +12
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 10/Silver, Magic. Fast Healing 10, Channel Resistance +4, Swarm Protection
Resistance Cold 10, Electricity 10
Immunities Undead Traits
Weakness Castlevanian Vampire Weaknesses
Speed 30 ft Fly 30 feet (Good)
Melee +26/+21/+16 Unarmed (1d3+8, plus energy drain)
+36/+31/+26 Dracula Spear (1d10+17)
+26/+21/+16 Dagger (1d4+9)
Special Attacks Dracula Spear Orb +20 (6d6 Lawful damage, 8d6 to living targets)
Blood Drain, Dominate Person (DC 24), Children of the Night, Create Spawn, Hellfire (DC 24), Energy Drain (DC 24)
Spell like abilities (CL 14th Concentration +21)
At will – Dimension Door (7 day)
Str 26, Dex 24, Con ---, Int 16, Wis 21, Cha 24
Base Atk +16; CMB +24 (+26 on trip); CMD 40
Feats Improved Trip, Feeling Smash, Power Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Combat Reflexes, Disruptive, Spring Attack,
Lighting Stance, Greater Weapon Focus (Glaive), Weapon Specialization, Whirlwind attack, Dazzling Display, Shatter
Defenses, Deadly Stroke, Improved Initiative, Alertness, Toughness, Lightning Reflexes
Skills Acrobatics +12, Bluff+18, Diplomacy +18, Disguise +14, Escape Artist +10, Handle Animal +10, Intimidate
+13, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +6, Knowledge (Geography) +6, Knowledge (Local) +6, Perception +14,
Profession (Fisher) +14, Sense motive +14, Survival +10, Swim +11, Stealth +20 Use Magic Device +10
Languages Common, Elf, Dwarf
Gear Dracula Spear, Mithral Kikko, Hat, Cloak, Traveler’s Outfit
SQ: Pole Fighting, Polearm Training 2, Steadfast Pike, Flexible Flanker, Toxic Cloud, Gaseous form, Shadowless,
Spider Climb


Swarm Protection (Ex): At all times, Erica has a powerful Bat Swarm fluttering all about her. Treat this
bat swarm as if it was the stock Bat swarm with +6 HD. While the swarm surrounds Erica, the swarm
grants her Immunity to weapon damage. A PC calling a melee attack on Erica without reach suffers 3
Bleed damage with no save.
Removing the swarm around Erica is the same procedure as dealing with swarms normally.
At any time, Erica can disperse the swarm to form into 4 bat swarms to attack the PCs.
When the swarm is slain, it temporarily disperses for 1d4 rounds, before reforming back around Erica
with its HP restored. More bats appear from the walls to reform and rebuild the swarm, and then reemerge
back around Erica.

The traitorous son of Dracula, this young man attempts to fulfill his mother’s wishes.
LN Medium Humanoid (Augmented)
Dhampir Magus 13/ Ki Mystic Monk 5/Archmage 4
Init +10 Senses Low-light vision; dark vision 180 feet
AC 45; touch 18, Flat foot 36 (+12 Armor, +6 Natural, +8 DEX, +8
Shield, +1 Dodge, +2 Luck)
hp 150 (16d8+112 +12 Archmage)
Fort +22, Ref +19, Will +23 (+4 to all Undead immunity related
effects, such as Mind effects, death attacks, etc)
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 25/--- (Damage Reduction
10/Magic and Silver without armor and shield), Resist Energy Drain,
Evasion, Slow Fall 20 feet, Illusionary Movement, Fast Healing 3,
Mirror Dodge
Resistance Electricity, Cold 25, all other elements 10, SR 19
Immunities: Castlevanian Vampire Traits (modified, see below)
Weakness Negative Energy Affinity, Light Sensitivity
Special abilities Mythic Power 11/day, Panache 8/day (Dodging
Speed 40 ft
Melee +32/+27/+22/ Alucard Sword (1d8+22, plus 1d10 fire,
2d10 on critical)
+26/+21/+16 Unarmed attack (1d8+11, plus 1d4 slam,
plus Energy drain)
Special Attacks Flurry of Blows +20/+20/+15/+15/+10
Blood Drain (1d4 CON), Energy Drain (DC 25), Dominate (DC 25)
Magus Spells Prepared (CL 19th (23 for spell durations, damage, etc) Concentration +31)
6th 4/day – Walk through Space, MDisintegrate, Freezing Sphere, Greater Dispel Magic,
5th 7/day – Cloudkill, Teleport, Telekinesis, Cone of Cold, Baleful Polymorph, Interposing Hand, Wall of Force
4th 7/day – Black Tentacles, Dimension Door, Wall of Ice, Arcane Theft, Firefall,
3rd 8/day – Dispel Magic, Keen Edge, Fly, MHaste, MSlow, Lightning bolt, Wind Wall, Stinking Cloud,
2nd 8/day – Bull’s Strength, Alter Self, Scorching Ray, Web, Blur, Elemental Touch, Gust of Wind, See
1st 8/day – MMagic Missile, Shield, True Strike, Grease, Unseen Servant, Hydraulic Push, Mount,
0 – Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Disrupt Undead, Open/Close, Detect Magic
Spell like abilities
12/day – Dark Metamorphosis, Tetra Spirit (DC 20), Soul Steal (DC 23), Purple Lightning (DC 22), Sword
Brothers (DC 24)
8/day - Dimension Door
16/day – Detect Undead (CL 18th)
Str 29, Dex 26, Con 20, Int 26, Wis 22, Cha 24
Base Atk +15; CMB +24; CMD 43
Feats MDodge, Lightning Reflexes, Alertness, Toughness, Improved Initiative, Combat Reflexes, Stunning Fist
(Fatigued), Deflect Arrows, Intensify Spell, Amateur Swashbuckler, Improved Trip, MPower attack, Furious Focus,
Mobility, Lightning Stance, Eschew materials, Greater Weapon Specialization, Combat Expertise, Empower spell,
Scribe Scroll, Craft Weapons and Armor, Quicken Spell, Double Jump, Skill Focus (Acrobatics), Mythic Spellcasting
Skills Acrobatics +33, Bluff +25, Climb+12, Diplomacy +26, Escape Artist +14, Fly+12, Intimidate +11,
Knowledge (Arcane+25), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +23, Knowledge (History)+25, Knowledge (Planes)+17,
Knowledge (Religion )+25, Perception +29, Perform (Musician) +11, Profession (artist) +10, Ride +10 Sense motive
+29, Stealth +23, Spellcraft +31, Stealth +12, Use magic Device +24,
Languages Common, Alko, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Elf, Dwarf, Duergar, Samsaran
Gear Alucard Sword, Alucard Mail, Alucard Shield, Royal Outfit (Very old), Robe of the Archmagi, Ring of Arcana 2,
Lapis Lazili, Greater Metamagic rod of Quicken, Twilight Cape, Regal Sheathe (worth 1,000 GP), Familiar Pouch,
Familiar Card (Fearie, Sword, Devil), Alucard’s Blessed Spellbook (Has all spells from CRB, APG, ACG, UM, etc
written), Scroll of Restoration, Potions of Inflict Serious wounds 10, Duelist Gloves, Mystic Pendant, Headband of
Familiar Owl, Fearie, Fairy, Sword,
SQ: Fast Movement, Ki Mystic, Mystic Insight, Ki Pool (Magic), High Jump, Arcane pool, Cantrips, Greater Spell
Combat, Spellstrike, Magus Arcana (Arcane Accuracy), Magus Arcane (Improved Familiar), Magus Arcana (Maximized
Magic), Magus Arcana (Close range), Improved Spell Recall, Knowledge Pool, Heavy Armor, Fighter Training, Toxic
Cloud, Shadowless, Spider Climb, Gaseous form, Wild Arcana, Deep Understanding, Flexible Counterspell, Surge 1d8,
Amazing Initiative, Recuperation, Hard to Kill, Mythic Sustenance, Change Shape


Castlevanian Vampire Traits (Ex): Alucard is still considered a full Castlevanian Vampire; and at the
same time, he is not. Alucard has the following modifications to the Vampire and Castlevanian Vampire
template applied to him:

Undead Trait: Alucard does not have Immunities granted to him by the Undead Creature type, though he
has a +4 to any of these checks made. Alucard possesses a Constitution score unlike other undead.
Determining Alucard’s hit points uses the CON score, unless the CHA score is higher, in which case the
DM uses that. Alucard enters bleedout normally like a regular humanoid.

Defensive abilities: Alucard does not have Fast healing 10 as per normal Vampires. Alucard does not
require a Coffin home.

Weakness: Alucard possesses none of the Castlevanian Vampire, nor the Vampire weaknesses.

Speed: Alucard does not have a Fly speed.

Special attacks: Alcuard does not have the Create Spawn, or the Children of the Night ability.

Change Shape (Su): Alucard can alter his appearance as through alter self spell, though he has an
unlimited duration.

Alucard is the son of Dracula, and to that of Lisa Tepes; his full name being Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes.
Alucard was raised in Castlevania for most of his life, where he was schooled in the arts of science,
magic, history, and that of a warrior. For the time being, Alucard enjoyed his life at the Castle. When it
came to his family, Alucard always choose his mother over his father, as he was clearly more human than
he was Vampire, a quirk which annoyed his father to no end (though his father still loved him with all his

During an outing with him and his mother, Alucard went off on his own for awhile. When he returned, he
found that his mother was about to burnt alive at the stake, under the accusations that she was a witch.
Though Alucard could have easily slain all the humans there, Lisa begged him not to harm them, as their
lives were already full of hardship. Unable to go through with slaying all of them, Alucard kept his
promise and could only watch in horror as she perished.

When he heard that his father planned to exterminate the entire human race for this offense, Alucard
became bewildered and confused, always questioning his father’s intentions. Eventually, Alucard could
no longer stand by as the brutal massacres occurred, and turned his efforts to destroying his father’s army,
hoping he would reconsider. When he did not, he then realized he had no choice but to slay his father,
though he knew it would bring him great pain to do so. He joined with Trevor Belmont, the first Belmont
to slay Dracula; and assisted in the patricide. After this, unable to deal with the guilt, Alucard submerged
himself in a dark sleep, of which he would hope he would not awaken.

Despite this attempt, Alucard did awaken, as a result of Erica’s fiddling with his coffin home. From there,
he formed a small attachment to her, teaching her ways to fight off Vampires. When the Castle
reappeared, and Erica’s determination to stop Dracula, he forged the Alucard Spear for her, as he saw a
great destiny in her eyes if she would survive.

Alucard went to the Village of Ashfall after this, hoping that Richter Belmont would beat her to the Castle
first. However, he was curious when Richter had was not there to deal with the Castle, and the Castle
stood for longer than it should have with the Belmont around. Realizing he would have to go in himself;
and that his father had placed marginal defenses, Alucard decided to go. However, he eventually received
a vision of a party that was on its way to the town. He then decided to wait, to see if this party was
capable of entering the Castle themselves, hoping to even the playing field with Dracula’s forces and cult.

The village chief of Ashfall.
NG Medium Humanoid
Human Aristocrat 4
Init +1
AC 11; touch 11, Flat foot 10 (+1 DEX)
hp 20 (4d8+8)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6
Speed 30 ft
Melee Rapier +4 (1d6)
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 13
Feats Skill Focus (Profession), Dodge, Deceitful
Skills Appraise +8, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Knowledge (Geography) +2, Knowledge (Local) +2, Profession
(Economics) +12, Sense motive +6, Survival +3
Languages Common, Dwarf
Gear Noble outfit, paper 20, ink pen, ink 4, Abacus, Rapier (Masterwork)

Haromin is the village chief for Ashfall. He was placed in charge by the baron of the Brinford region,
along with his whole family. Haromin is a kind charismatic leader who is well versed with economics,
though cowardly in nature. When the invasion on the Brinford region began, Haromin originally wanted
to surrender, but Nomis encouraged him not to. Going along with Nomis’ idea, Haromin did not surrender
until after it was clear that they could not hold out, in which he surrendered to Shaft.

At times, he wishes he could have continued the war, as now Ashfall is worse off than ever.


The Armory Captain of Ashfall
LG Medium Humanoid
Human Fighter 6
Init +1
AC 17; touch 11, Flat foot 16 (+1 DEX, +6 Breastplate)
hp 39 (6d10+18)
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +4
Speed 30 ft
Melee Masterwork long sword +11/+6 (1d8+4)
Ranged Masterwork Composite Long bow (STR 3), +8/+3 (1d8+3)
SQ: Bravery+2, Weapon Training (Swords) 1, Armor Training 2
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 20
Feats Point Blank shot, Power attack, Great Cleave, Vital Strike, Improved Trip, Diehard, Run
Skills Climb +12, Handle Animal +8, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (Engineering) +7, Ride +7, Survival +8, Swim +9,
Languages Common, Dwarf
Gear Masterwork Long sword, Masterwork Composite long bow, 20 arrows, Breastplate, Captains crest (worth 50
GP), Hip flask, 10 trail rations, Cape, Helmet, Area map, Chalk, Paper 20, Ink, ink pen, 3 Sacks, Waterskin, Flint and

Nomis Cruz is the Captain of the barracks at the village of Ashfall.

Nomis is not actually native to Ashfall. He was born in a rural village somewhere much farther. His
family had actually known Simon Belmont, and named Nomis after him. However, Nomis did not feel as
if the name suited him, as his exploits on the world were marginally less great than Simons. He renamed
himself to Nomis when he left his family’s home, and became an adventurer, learning how to use swords
and bows remarkably well.

Eventually, he decided to settle down for a bit, and came to the village of Ashfall. Realizing they needed a
new captain, and having enough to his name to earn the job, Nomis settled down in Ashfall.

Three years after he took the job, Dracula’s forces attacked. Having a righteous mind, and a hatred for
evil, Nomis convinced Haromin to fight him off.

As his name implies, if he survives, his family line will eventually give birth to that of Soma Cruz.


An elder whom has seen his fair share of turmoil and despair.
CG Medium Humanoid
Half-Elf Expert 5
Senses Low-light vision; 60 feet
AC 10; touch 11, Flat foot 10 (+1 Dodge)
hp 20 (4d8)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +6
Defensive abilities Elven Immunities
Speed 30 ft
Melee Dagger +3 (1d4)
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 18
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Skill Focus (Profession: Sailor), Skill Focus (Perform: Musician), Dodge, Skill Focus (Craft),
Skills Acrobatics +7, Craft (Varies) +14, Knowledge (Arcane) +11, Knowledge (Engineering)+11, Knowledge
(Geography) +11, Knowledge (Local) +11, Perform(Musician) (+14), Profession (Sailor) +14, Spellcraft +11, Survival
Languages Common, Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Gnome,
Gear Traveler’s outfit, Dagger, Fishing net, Rod and tackle, boat, Glass cutter, Artisan’s tools, Hip flask, Flask, Mug,
Coffee 4, Fishing kit, Block and tackle, Blue book, Area map, Hat, Tobacco 4, Ale 4,

Teledros is one of the many half-elves born in Ashfall, due to the small elf population of women, and the
large human population here.

Teledros father was always fond of the sea and lakes, and took his son out to fish often. Because of this
upbringing, Teledros too enjoyed fishing and the water. He eventually left his father and mother’s home,
and started his own business in Ashfall. He served as the fisherman for Ashfall for over a hundred years,
and as a ferrymen to the miners who lived in the town. Teledros was made quite wealthy with this.

He eventually married a young girl, and gave birth to two sons. The sons grew up and learned the trade as
well, and went off on their own. Teledros wife died ten years later in the marriage due to disease. One
become an adventurer, whose location is still unknown to everyone, and the other married a girl and had a
daughter. During the first few years of the marriage, and Vampire came and killed them both, the vampire
being slain by Richter before he could slay Erica. Richter eventually returned the girl to Teledros, to tell
them of his son’s fate, which broke him and made him quite bitter. Still, realizing the daughter had
survived, he raised her as if she was a daughter he never had, and made her into a skilled fisherman

When Erica secretly left home to face Dracula, Teledros only assumed the worst, and remained as an even
bitter old man. When he left the miners for dead when Dracula first appeared, this only made things


An elder Lich who enjoys reading above all else.
LE Medium Augmented Undead
Human Lich Divination Wizard 15/ Lore Master 5/Archmage 2
Init +16 Senses dark vision 60 feet
Aura ( Fear DC 26, Shaken)
AC 20, touch 19, Flat-footed 20 (+2 DEX, +5 Natural, +5 Deflection, +2 Dodge, +5 Armor)
hp 126 (20d6+120 Archmage +6)
Fort +6, Ref +13, Will +26
Defensive abilities Channel Resistance +4, Damage Reduction 15/Bludgeoning, Magic. Rejuvenation
SR 18
Special Abilities Mythic Power 9/day, Gate of Babylon
Immunities Undead Traits, Cold, Electricity,
Speed 30 ft
Melee +16/+11 Touch attack (1d8+20 negative energy)
+32 touch (Gate of Babylon; damage pending)
Special Attacks Paralyzing Touch (DC 26)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 20th Concentration +32)
9th – Summon Monster IX, Wail of the Banshee,
Foresight, Dominate Monster, Meteor Swarm, Wish,
8th – Moment of Prescience, Create Greater Undead,
Demand, Scintillating pattern, Horrid Wilting, Temporal Stasis,
Prying Eyes; Greater
7th – Summon Monster VII, Prismatic Spray, Finger of
Death, Scrying Greater, Arcane Sight, Plane Shift, Vision,
6th – Flesh to Stone, Permanent image, True seeing,
Anti-magic field, Chain lightning, Disintegrate, Legend Lore
5th – Permanency, Prying eyes, Feeblemind, Contact
Other plane, Cloudkill, Telepathic Bond,
4th – Rainbow Pattern, Mnemonic Enhancer, Wall of Fire,
Wall of Ice, Confusion, Arcane Eye, Greater Invisibility, Scrying
3rd – Gaseous form, Lightning bolt, Fireball, Hold Person,
Arcane sight, Dispel Magic, Protection from energy, Tongues,
2nd – Scorching Ray, Web, False Life, Gust of Wind, Blur,
Detect Thoughts, Continual Flame, Locate Object
1st – Magic Aura, Mage Armor, Shield, True Strike,
Expeditious Retreat, Detect Undead, Detect Secret doors, Comprehend Languages
0 – Detect Magic, Acid splash, Prestidigitation, Bleed
Str 12, Dex 14, Con ---, Int 36, Wis 30, Cha 22
Base Atk +15; CMB +24; CMD 40
Feats Brew Potion, Quicken spell, Selective Spell, Skill Focus (Knowledge Arcane), Toughness, Craft Wondrous
items, Craft Weapons and Armor, Scribe Scroll, Craft Ring, Improved Initiative, Dodge, Improved Lightning Reflexes,
Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augmented Summoning, Mythic Crafter
Skills Appraise +29, Craft (Alchemy) +29, Diplomacy +24, Fly +20, Handle Animals +20, Heal +23, Knowledge
(Arcane) +41, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +32, Knowledge (Engineering) +32, Knowledge (Geography) +32,
Knowledge (Local) +32, Knowledge (Nature) +32, Knowledge (Nobility) +31, Knowledge (Planes) +32, Knowledge
(Religion) +32, Linguistics +27, Perception +20, Profession (Librarian) +28, Profession (Scribe) +29, Sense motive
+14 Spell craft +30, Stealth +10, Use Magic Device +19
Languages All
Gear Security Belt, Robe of the Archmagi, Eyes of Keen sight, Winged Boots, Cloak of the Hedge Wizard, Book of the
Loremaster, Spellbook (Contains every spell in the CRB), Abacus, Merchant Scale, Mapmaker’s kit, Portable
Alchemist’s Lab, Formula book, Traveling Spellbook, Noble outfit, Gear maintenance kit, hip flask, Ever burning torch,
40 paper, ink pen, ink 3, Ghost Card
Familiar Ghost
SQ: Arcane Bond (Familiar: Ghost), Arcane School: Divination, Cantrips Forewarned, Diviner’s Fortune, Scrying
Adept, Lore, Secrets (+1 Dodge, +2 Will, +2 Reflex), Harmonious Mage, Surge 1d6, Amazing Initiative, Hard to Kill,
Wild Arcana, Competent Caster


Gate of Babylon (Su): The Master Librarian has a massive demiplane that he has created believed to
carry large numbers of various magic items on the planet, and incalculable amounts of gold and treasure
amassed from his service to Dracula. Only the Master Librarian can access this demiplane, and all other
attempts to enter it, or scry within it fail automatically. Whenever the Master Librarian needs to retrieve
something, he can retrieve as an immediate action, as a golden portal appears to hand him the item he
needs. It has never been proven, but it is believed he has multiple copies of all the magical items that can
be conceivably found throughout Golarion. The Gate of Babylon can also be used to launch an attack by
firing a magical weapon stored there at an opponent, or by having the portal open and attack as a melee
attack. All attacks launched in this way are touch attacks, and all melee attacks from the Gate provoke
from all distances. Attacks made this way are made at double the highest attack the owner has, regardless
if melee or ranged. This is a Summoning Effect.

The Master Librarian is simply one of the many occupants of the Castle, and one of the well renowned
ones at that. He has so much prestige among Dracula’s men that he has been given authority to rule the
entire library wing of the Castle. A powerful wizard and lore master, the Master Librarian has turned
himself into a Lich, in order to continually be able to persist to see all of the world as it goes on.

The Master Librarian generally does not harm intruders in the Castle, more or less actually dealing
magical items to them and regular items, in order to make the game Dracula plays with the intruders
much more entertaining. Only to defend himself does he attempt to fight back; and will generally attempt
to leave rather than stay and fight.

Blinded by pain, this woman follows Dracula blindly.
NE Medium Augmented Humanoid
Undine Castlevanian Vampire Sorcerer 9
Init +10 Senses dark vision; 60 ft
AC 23; touch 17, Flat foot 16 (+1 Dodge, +6 Natural, Deflection +5, +2 DEX)
hp 92 (8d8+64)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +10
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 10/Silver, Magic. Fast Healing 10, Channel Resistance +4
Resistance Cold 35, Electricity 10
Immunities Undead Traits
Weakness Castlevanian Vampire Weaknesses
Speed 30 feet, Fly 30 feet (Good)
Melee +6 Slam (1d4+3, plus energy drain)
Special Attacks Elemental Ray (1d6+6)
Elemental Burst (9d6, Reflex
Save DC 22)
Blood Drain, Dominate Person (DC 21), Children
of the Night, Create Spawn, Hellfire (DC 21),
Energy Drain (DC 21)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 8th Concentration
4th 6/day – Summon Monster IV, Black
Tentacles, Stoneskin, Bestow Curse, Elemental
Body I
3rd 8/day – Hold Person, Haste, Slow,
Stinking Cloud, Dispel Magic, Protection from
2nd 8/day – Eagle’s Splendor, Scorching
Ray, Resist Energy, Acid Fog, See invisibility,
Gust of Wind, Web,
1st 8/day – Magic Missile, Shield, Mage
Armor, Grease, Feather Fall, Floating Disk,
Burning hands,
0 – Prestidigitation, Detect Magic,
Detect Poison, Ray of Frost, Acid Splash, Daze,
Flare, Open/close
Bloodline Elemental (Water)
Spell like abilities (CL 9th)
Hydraulic Push 9/day, Change Shape
Str 16, Dex 14, Con ---, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 24
Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 25
Feats Improved Trip, Dodge, Mobility, Combat Reflexes, Alertness, Toughness, Lightning Reflexes, Eschew Materials,
Empower Spell, Craft weapons and armor, Skill Focus (scribe), Selective spell, Intensify spell, Deceitful
Skills Appraise +16, Bluff +28, Diplomacy +28, Knowledge (Arcane) +13, Profession (Scribe) +16 Perception +21,
Sense motive +23, Spellcraft +13, Use Magic Device +18
Languages Common, Celestial, Undine, Alko, Infernal, Abyssal, Elf
Gear Robe of Arcane Heritage, Royal Outfit, Boots, Gloves, Wine bottle, Hip Flask, Flint and steel, Perfume 4, Flask
5, Book, 20 paper, ink, Ink pen, Ever-burning torch
SQ: Elemental Resistance, Cantrips, Toxic Form, Illusionary movement, Change Shape, Gaseous form, Spider climb,

Originally known as Crisie Foaris, she was the child of a renowned family within the church, who were
great wizards. Her family openly opposed Dracula, and slandered his name to increase morale among the
people who feared him. Angered by this, Dracula had her family murdered secretly by Olrox.

Crisie was recovered, and Dracula raised her as a ward, corrupting her with his influence. Eventually,
Crisie choose to become a Vampire to live her out her days in eternal beauty.
Crisie works within the Castle as a scribe, helping the Master Librarian with his work. She has no idea to
this day about Dracula’s deceit.

These familiars await new owners. Only by possessing the Familiar Card with their appearance on it can a
familiar be obtained.


N Small Magical Beast
Init +4; Senses blind-sight; low-light vision 60 feet
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +4 Natural, +1 Dodge)
hp 22 (5d10-5)
Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +2
Defensive abilities Summon Swarm, Summon Bat
Special Abilities Perception Bonus
Speed 5 feet, Fly 60 feet (Good)
Melee +7 Bite (1d3-2)
Special attacks Breath weapon (5d6 fire, Reflex DC 12)
Str 7, Dex 18, Con 8, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +4; CMB +1; CMD 16
Feats Weapon Finesse, Empower-spell like ability
Skills Fly +16, Perception +20, Spellcraft +2
Languages Common

Special abilities:

Summon Swarm (Su): A Castlevanian Bat familiar can split its body into many pieces, creating a Bat
Swarm. This Bat swarm lasts 3d6 rounds before turning back into the Bat familiar. It can do this once per
day. This is a Summoning effect.

Summon Bat (Ex): As a swift action, the Castlevanian bat can split itself into two bats. This bat acts like
an exact copy of the original bat. It can do this once per day, and lasts for 2d6 rounds. The copy of the bat
can assume a Swarm form. This is a Summoning effect.

Perception Bonus (Ex): The owner of the Castlevanian bat Familiar gains a +3 to Perception.

Made with the essence of a bat, the Castlevanian bat is a particular favorite among the wizards and
Magus’ who live within the Castle.

Fairy Familiar (CR +1): The Fairy Familiar is one of the many familiars
constructed in Castlevania. It is made from a pixie’s essence, and looks like a
beautiful pixie with long blonde hair, and a blue dress. The Fairy Familiar uses the
Pixie’s stats as a base with the following changes done to it:
 Caster level increases by +2
 Fairy in addition to the spells she knows has Cure Critical wounds, Cure serious wounds, Cure
moderate wounds, Cure light wounds, Restoration. These spell like abilities can be cast three
times a day.
 +1 base attack
 +2 Natural AC
 Fairy has the Craft Wand feat and Brew potion feat. She also has the Creationist bond (Ex). This
special ability allows the owner of the fairy familiar to pay a 20% less fee when constructing
wands and brewing potions, if the fairy assists.
 +8 in Craft.
 Owner gains a +3 to Spellcraft.
 Lawful Good

Fearie Familiar (CR +2) The Fearie Familiar is one of the many familiars constructed in Castlevania. It
is made from a pixie’s essence, and looks like a beautiful pixie with long blonde hair, and a green dress. It
was an updated version to the previous Familiar card, which is why the two look so similar. The Fearie
looks upon the “fairy” as her younger sister, while the Fairy looks at her as the
older sister, dashing up rivalry between the two. The Fearie uses the pixie as a
base, along with the updated stats from the Fairy, and has the following changes
done to it.

 +6 to Spell Resistance
 +1 Base attack
 Possesses Evasion Defensive ability
 In addition to its spell like abilities that it knows, it also gains Obscuring mist, Dominate person,
Prestidigitation, Mind Fog, Burning hands, Legend Lore, Glibness, Tongues, Fly. Fly, Glibness,
Burning hands and Obscuring mist can be cast three times a day, Mind Fog and legend lore can
be cast one time a day, and Prestidigitation is an At will spell like ability.
 Knows Celestial and Alko as a language
 Gains the Midnight Nocturne Special ability, and the Sisterhood Special ability.

Midnight Nocturne (Su): The Fearie Familiar begins singing a song of her own creation called
Midnight Nocturne. The Fearie first must make a perform check, with a DC of 15. Those who she
does not designate as immune must make a Will save of 22, or fall asleep. Even if they succeed,
they are fatigued for 1 round after succeeding the save. This song goes through an Elf’s immunity
to sleep magic, and they must make a save, though with a +8 to the attempt. Enemies
automatically succeed if the Fearie throws a natural 1 on her perform check.
Sisterhood (Ex): If the Fearie Familiar is alongside the Fairy Familiar (as in the PC himself owns
both Familiar cards, or the two are nearby one another), the two put their power together to aid
their master or a PC of his choice, granting him/her a divine bond to a weapon of his/her choice.
See the paladin ability for details.

 +8 to Perform (singing), +8 Spellcraft

 Owner gains a +3 to Perform.
 Can use the following bard special abilities: Inspire Courage, Inspire Confidence.
 Lawful Good
CN Small Outsider (Extra planar, Demon)
Init +6; Senses Dark-vision; 60 feet
AC 20, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+6 Dex, +4 Natural,)
hp 33 (5d10+10)
Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +3
Defensive abilities Evasion
Resistance Fire, Cold, Acid 10,
Immunities Electricity, Poison
Special Abilities Knowledge (Planes) Bonus
Speed 20 feet, Fly 60 feet (Good)
Melee +11 Bite (1d3+2)
+11 Small Spear+3 (1d4+5)
Spell like abilities (CL 6th Concentration +7)
Summon 1/day (4 Dretches 100%)
Str 14, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +5; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Weapon Finesse, Fly-by attack
Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Escape Artist +8, Fly +11, Knowledge (Arcane) +4, Knowledge
(planes) +5, Knowledge (Religion) +5, Perception +5, Sense motive +5, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +10, Use magic
Device +4
Languages Common, Draconic, Abyssal, Infernal, Telepathy (100 feet)

Special abilities:

Knowledge (planes) bonus (Ex): The familiar grants its owner a +3 to Knowledge (planes).

This small purple imp is a favorite familiar among wizards who dive into the divine and demonic natures
of magic and sorcery. Unlike other demons, these particular familiars are not evil, and follow the
alignment of their master willingly.

N Demon (Demon Familiar; +1 CR): The N Demon appears to be a small

purple Imp, but with a large oversized nose, in comparison to its more normal
looking counterpart. The N Demon uses the Demon Familiar as a base, along
with the following changes.

 N Demon gains the Scent ability.

 Owner of the Familiar is granted the Trap-finding ability. This ability
acts the same as the Rogue’s trapfinding.
 Owner of the Familiar gains Scent 60 feet
 +4 STR, -6 CHA.

N Small Ghost Undead/Outsider (Native, Incorporeal)
Init +7; Senses Dark-vision; 60 feet
AC 22, touch 22, flat-footed 10 (+7 Dex, +4 Deflection, +1 Dodge)
hp (10d10+40)
Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +3
Immunities Undead Traits, Incorporeal Traits
Special Abilities Stealth Bonus
Speed Fly 60 feet (Perfect)
Melee +16 Touch (1d8+7 Negative Energy, plus attach)
Special attacks Possession
Spell like abilities (CL 12th Concentration +16)
At will – Greater Invisibility
1/day - Magic Jar, Telekinesis,
Str ---, Dex 24, Con ---, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 19
Base Atk +7; CMB +14 (+18 on Grapple); CMD 29
Feats Weapon Finesse, Fly-by attack, Improved Grapple
Skills Bluff +10, Diplomacy +9, Fly +11, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (Arcane) +6, Knowledge (planes) +6,
Knowledge (Religion) +5, Linguistics +2, Perception +14, Sense motive +7, Stealth +19
Languages Common (Cannot Speak), Telepathy 100 feet
SQ Undead Outsider

Special abilities:

Stealth Bonus (Ex): The owner of the Ghost Familiar adds +3 to his/her stealth check.

Possession (Su): If the Ghost succeeds its touch attack, it immediately attempts a grapple attempt. If it
succeeds, it attaches to its victim. The victim as long as the Ghost is attached receives 3d8+7 negative
energy damage, and goes under the effects of Slow as long as the Ghost is attached. The Ghost can be
removed by making a will save of 19. This is an enchantment effect.
Possession does not work on creatures that have a deflection AC of +1, nor does it work on any creature
that casts a force effect to AC.

Undead Outsider (Ex): The Ghost Familiar is considered both Undead and an Outsider creature type. It
gains all the abilities by each creature type, taking the better results of the two in terms of skills, HP, base
attack, Saves, etc.; but counts as an Outsider and Undead for spell effects.

Adored by Necromancers and the like, these small incorporeal skulls make a great familiar for those who
wish to disrupt their victims, and gain knowledge of incoming attacks.

N Large Construct
Init +5; Senses Life sense, Blind sight ;60 feet
AC 22, touch 22, flat-footed 10 (+7 Dex, +4 Deflection, +1 Dodge)
hp 42 (8d10+20)
Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +4
Defensive abilities Hardness 15, Magic; Evasion
Immunities Construct Traits
Speed Fly 60 feet (Perfect)
Melee +17 Sword Familiar body (Large Long sword+3) (+15/+9 1d10+9)
Spell like abilities (CL 12th Concentration +12)
At will – Telekinesis, Teleport (Only itself), Unseen Servant,
Str 22, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +8; CMB +14; CMD 30;
Feats Fly by attack, Whirlwind attack, Spring attack, Combat Expertise, Dodge
Skills Acrobatics +12, Escape Artist +12
Languages Common
SQ: Sword in Arms, Grapple Restrictions, Sword Brothers Spell

Special abilities:

Sword in Arms (Ex): When the character has reached the 12th level, the Sword Familiar can transform
into a wieldable sword. The sword becomes whichever blade the owner desires (long sword, short sword,
bastard sword, etc). This sword is a +6 called, flaming weapon, and can harm Dracula without having to
make a called shot on his head. Wielder acts as if he is proficient with the weapon. This is a creation

Grapple Restrictions (Su): The Sword Familiar cannot grapple, or pin a target.

Sword Brothers Spell (Su): At the 14th level, the PC who owns the Sword Familiar gains the Sword
Brothers spell. If he is not a spellcaster, it is obtained as a 1/day spell like ability, with his or her caster
level equal to his/her HD.

More or less favored by Magus type wizards, this floating sword supports his wielder in battle with its
fast movements and swift strikes.

XP 19,200
An evil man who craves power.
CE Medium Augmented Humanoid
Human Lich Conjurer Wizard 11
Init +2 Senses dark vision; 60 feet
Aura Fear (60 foot radius; DC 21)
AC 22, touch 17, Flat-footed 15, (+2 DEX, +5 Natural, Deflection +5)
hp 72 (11d6+66)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +12
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 15/Bludgeoning, Magic, Channel Resistance +4, Rejuvenation
Immunities Cold, Electricity, Undead Immunities
Speed 30 ft
Melee +7 Touch (1d8+6 Negative energy)
Special Attacks Paralyzing Touch (DC 21)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 11th Concentration +20)
6th – Circle of Death, Summon Monster VI, Conjure Black Pudding,
5th – Cone of Cold, Summon Monster V, Cloudkill, Telekinesis, Wall of Stone
4th – Black Tentacles, Summon Monster IV, Wall of Ice, Invisibility Sphere, Animate Dead, Dimension Door
3rd – Ray of Exhaustion, Displacement, Summon Monster III, Hold Person, Haste, Slow, Mad Monkeys
2nd – Command Undead, Summon Monster II, Scorching Ray, Continual Flame, Fog Cloud, See invisibility,
1st – Magic Missile, Obscuring Mist, Shield, Mage Armor, Shocking Grasp, Reduce Person, Grease, Unseen
0 – Flare, Ghost Sound, Bleed, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
Opposition Schools Divination, Illusion
Str 14, Dex 14, Con ---, Int 28, Wis 20, Cha 22
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 24
Feats Craft Wondrous items, Toughness, Empowered spell, Maximize spell, Improved Lightning Reflexes, Intensify
spell, Selective Spell, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augmented Summoning, Scribe Scroll, Quicken Spell,
Skills Appraise +23, Knowledge (Arcane) +23, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +23, Knowledge (Geography) +23,
Knowledge (Local) +23, Knowledge (Nobility) +23, Knowledge (Planes) +23, Knowledge (Religion) +23, Perception
+27, Sense motive +27, Spellcraft +23, Stealth +10
Languages Common, Elf, Draconic, Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial, Undercommon, Alko, Orc, Infernal,
Gear Ring of Protection +5, Robe of the Archmagi, Ring of Arcana, Rod of Negation, Robes, Headband of Vast
Intelligence, Brooch of Shielding, Books 5, Staff of Necromancy, History books, 4 Blue Opals (worth 1,000 GP), Staff
of Abjuration, Lich’s Robe, 10 Acid flasks

An ordinary man, whose origins and purpose are unknown, Dmitri was always fond of the black arts.
When Dracula’s reign invited new possibilities of power, how could Dmitri refuse? He turned to Dracula
who made him a powerful wizard, and then into a powerful lich. He now watches over the Museum
portion of the Castle.


XP 25,600
A Vampiric Sorcerer who had won allegiance to Dracula.
LE Medium Undead (Augmented Human)
Castlevanian Vampire Elf Sorcerer 10, Monk 1
Init +9; Senses Dark Vision 120 ft
AC 30, touch 24, flat-footed 16 (+5 DEX, +6 Natural, +1 Dodge, +4 Deflection, +4 Wisdom)
hp 105 (10d6, 1d8+88)
Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +13
Defense abilities Damage Reduction 10/Silver and Magic, Channel Resistance+4, Fast Healing 5
Immune Undead Traits
Resistances Cold 10, Electricity 10,
Weakness Castlevanian Vampire Weakness
Speed 30 ft Fly 30 ft (Good)
Melee +8 Slam (1d6+8, plus Energy Drain) Flurry of Blows +7/+7 (1d6+8, plus Energy drain)
Astral Dagger +12 (1d4+6: Force)
Special attack Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Create Spawn, Dominate (DC 23), Energy Drain (DC 23), Hellfire
Shadowstrike 8/day
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 15th Concentration +23 )
5th 4/day Cloudkill, Mind Fog, Magic Jar,
4th 7/day Rainbow Pattern, Wall of Fire, Greater Invisibility ,Bestow Curse, Illusionary Wall, Shadow
3rd 8/day Wind Wall, Haste, Summon Monster III, Dispel Magic, Stinking Cloud, Deeper Darkness,
2nd 8/day Eagle’s Splendor, Blindness/Deafness, Scorching Ray, Darkness, Glitter dust, Protection from
Arrows, Dark vision,
1st 8/day Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Shield, Burning Hands, Grease, Reduce Person, Jump, Ray of
0 – Read Magic, Acid Splash,
Spell like abilities 18/day Acid Splash
Bloodline Shadow
Str 14, Dex 20, Con ---, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 26
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 31
Feats Dodge, Lightning Reflexes, Alertness, Toughness, Improved Initiative, Intensify Spell, Quicken Spell, Extend
Spell, Expanded Arcana, Arcane Talent, Deflect Arrows, Craft Wondrous item, Combat Reflexes,
Skills Appraise+12, Bluff+26, Craft (Magic Items)+9, Fly+9, Knowledge (Arcane)+17, Knowledge (Religion)+17,
Perception +23, Sense motive+26, Spellcraft+12, Stealth+25, Use Magic Device+13,
Languages: Common, Elf, Dwarf, Abyssal, Draconic, Orc
Gear Ring of Protection +4, Cloak of the Elvenkind, Monster Vial 3; 4, Ruby Circlet, Bloodstone, Astral Dagger, Holy
Text (Good), Hip Flask, Hourglass, Masterwork Artisans tools, Nobles Clothes, Merchant’s tool, Sextant, Rod of
Cancelation, Vampiric Gloves, Vambraces of Defense
SQ: Change Shape, Gaseous Form (Toxic or Non), Shadowless, Spider Climb, Cantrips, Bloodline Power, Unarmed
Strike, Stunning Fist, Flurry of Blows, Illusionary Movement,

Like many other vampires who flocked to Castlevania, Gigori was one of them. He traveled far and out of
his way, and managed to successfully complete the trials to earn Dracula’s respect. With that, he
transformed into a Castlevanian Vampire and now lives within the Castle.

XP 307,200 XP
A Demilich, whose very appearance is that of Death himself.
Dracula’s only friend in a world turned cold against him.
LE Medium Demilich Undead (Augmented, Lawful, Evil, Mythic)
Init +16; Dual initiative -7, Senses dark vision; 60 feet
Aura Fear (60 foot radius; DC 34)
AC 41, touch 29, Flat-footed 23, (+7 DEX, +5 Natural, +10
Deflection, +2 Dodge, +8 Armor)
hp 504 (28d8+280)
Fort +18, Ref +18, Will +26
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 20/Epic; Channel
Resistance +20, Magical Resistance, Rejuvenation, Mythic Saving
Throws, Recuperation, Block Attacks, Enduring Armor, Mirror
Resistance Fire 20, Sonic 20, Acid 20
Immunities Cold, Electricity, Polymorph, Mind effects, Undead
Special Abilities Telekinetic Storm, Channel Negative energy 10d6, Mythic Power 13/day
Weakness Vorpal Susceptibility, Divine Susceptibility
Speed 30 ft, Fly 60 feet (Perfect)
Melee +25/+20/+15/+10 Death’s Scythe (2d4+9)
+19 Touch (6d8+16 Negative energy, plus paralyzing touch)
Special Attacks Paralyzing Touch (DC 34)
Soul Suck 18/day (DC 34)
Summon Scythes
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 18th Concentration +28)
9th – MMeteor Swarm, Energy Drain, MTime Stop
8th – Prismatic Wall, Create Greater Undead, Horrid Wilting, Incendiary Cloud
7th – Spell Turning, Force Cage, Delayed Fireball Blast, MProject Image
6th – Summon Monster VI, Greater Dispel Magic, Circle of Death, Create Undead,
5th – Permanency, Wall of Force, Magic Jar, Blight, Cloudkill,
4th – Stoneskin, Wall of Fire, Greater Invisibility, MBlack Tentacles, Bestow Curse,
3rd – Keen edge, Fireball, MLightning bolt, Arcane sight, Dispel Magic, Heroism,
2nd – Scorching Ray, Blur, False Life, Ghoul touch, Bull’s Strength, Eagle’s Splendor, Fox’s Cunning
1st – MMagic Missile, Shield, Grease, Mage Armor, Burning hands, Obscuring Mist, Unseen servant, Disguise
0 – Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Ray of Frost, Acid Splash, Flare, Prestidigitation
Spell like abilities (CL 28th Concentration +38)
Constant – True Seeing
At will – Greater Bestow Curse (DC 26), Telekinesis (DC 25), Wail of the Banshee (DC 26), Alter Self,
3/day – Quickened Greater Bestow Curse
1/day – Summon (Ice Devil 50%)
Str 14, Dex 24, Con ---, Int 30, Wis 28, Cha 30
Base Atk +21; CMB +13; CMD 42
Feats MDodge, Mobility, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augmented Summoning, MPower Attack, Improved Trip, Felling
Smash, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Skeleton Summoner, Flyby attack, Command Undead, Divine Protection, Combat
Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Great Cleave, Spell Mastery, Empower spell, Quicken spell, Quicken Spell like ability
Skills Acrobatics +19, Bluff +23, Craft (Varies) +16, Diplomacy +28, Escape Artist +23, Fly +15, Heal +23,
Knowledge (Arcana) +20, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +14, Knowledge (Geography) +20, Knowledge (History) +21,
Knowledge (Local) +15, Knowledge (Nature) +22, Knowledge (Planes) +23, Knowledge (Religion) +30, Linguistics
+12, Perception +27, Sense motive +15, Stealth +20, Swim +21, Use magic Device +24
Languages Omnilingualism
Gear Blue Cloak, Death’s Scythe, Spellbook (Contains spells listed above),
SQ Cantrips, 18th level wizard, Perfect Preparation, Throw Spell, Energy Conversion

Special Abilities:

Soul suck (Su): Death gains the ability soul suck, which functions exactly like that of Soul Suck of the
DemiLich, but has the following changes:
Soul Suck has only an effective range of 75 feet, unlike the regular Demilich Soul suck ability. In order to
drain the soul, Death must spend a Full round action. If the target fails his Will save on the first roll, he
immediately becomes paralyzed and can spend no actions that round. On the second round, failing a
fortitude save causes him to die under the effects of a regular Soul Suck. Death must maintain
concentration during this time, and may only move as if he is staggered. If the PC succeeds the check,
they are staggered for 2d6 rounds.
If Death receives damage (unless it is all cycled out from his DR), Death must make a concentration
check in the same manner as if he was using a spell and receiving damage (this ability counts as a 9th level
spell). Failing the check releases the PC, but he or she is staggered then for 2d6 rounds.
Death can expend 2 points from his mythic pool to use the actual Demilich soul suck ability as listed on
the Demilich monster in Bestiary 3. This is a death effect.
The DC to resist this is a 34.

Magical Resistance (Ex): Death is far more powerful than most standard monsters, and because so;
mortal magic in this world has very little effect. Death treats all magic as if he is immune to any spell or
spell-like ability that allows spell resistance, in the same matter as any creature with magic immunity. In
addition, certain spells function differently against the creature, which are the same as a DemiLich.

Dispel Evil: Deals 2d6 points of damage, with no saving throw.

Holy Smite: Affects a Demilich normally.
Power word kill: Spoken by an ethereal caster deals 50 points of damage to the Demilich if it fails a
Fortitude save (with a DC determined as though the spell allowed a saving throw).
Shatter: Deals 1d6 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 10d6), with no saving throw.

Death’s Magical resistance is not magic immunity, and he can cast spells on himself freely with the full

Individuals who wear the Twilight Cape, Armor of Leon Belmont, Simon Belmont’s armor, uses the
Coat of Arms Tome to cast spells, or wield the Staff of Sypha negate this magic immunity. Instead, those
individuals from the power of those weapons treat Death as if he had a Spell resistance of 29. Any magic
wielder holding an epic weapon gains this benefit as well, though at a -6 to any spell resistance checks.
Anyone with a mythic rating of 1 can expend 2 mythic power point to negate the Magical Resistance for 1

Summon Scythes (Su): As a free action, Death can summon 4 floating scythes onto the field up to 100
feet around him. On the beginning of the next round, the scythes choose one target within 50 feet of them
and fly towards said target spinning. The scythes have a +20 to hit, and hit on touch attacks, dealing
2d4+1 damage. The scythes are considered magic for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction. The
scythes do not attack an opponent until the next round. The scythes have a hardness of 5, and a HP of 1. If
they lose their HP, they fizzle into useless energy and disappear. If the scythes miss, they disappear in the
same manner.
Death can expend 2 points from his mythic power to have the scythes add +15 to hit on touch, add +5 to
damage, and absolves all damage reduction. This is a Summoning effect.

18th level wizard (Ex): Death gains the spell slots and list of a 18th level wizard.

Cantrips (Su): Death gains the benefit of the Cantrips ability, and can prepare a number of 0 level spells
per day. These are not expended when used.

Inferno (Su): As a full round action, Death can summon a whirling tornado of flame towards an enemy.
This tornado as it flies towards a PC has a +17 to hit them, and hits on touch. PCs engulfed in this tornado
receive 10d6 fire damage (no save), and must make a reflex save of 34 , or be knocked 20 feet from
where they were, prone. Death can do this equal to half his HD every 24 hours. Inferno has an effective
range of 100 feet.
No one should fear outright; this is not the true angel of Death. However, they should fear him all the
same, as this frightful being is none other than a fact a Demilich whose body had collapsed many years
ago. His name, origins, and entire being seems to have vanished in history with no known records of his
existence afterward. The only thing known about him is that he was a great Lich who was known as the
eerie image of Death himself.

When Mathias invaded his home, he found his 9 phylacteries of which he had lay hidden in his tomb
sacrificing hired merchants and mercenaries in order to deplete his soul sucking abilities. After this,
Mathias made him a deal after bounding the souls to the Crimson Stone. If he served him willingly, he
would not only let him live, but recraft him a new body using the dark arts he knew, allowing him to
move and think consciously again. If not, he would destroy the souls and end him. Death willingly agreed
to this.

Mathias held up his end of the bargain, and rebuilt him a new body.

It is said that despite the way they met, Dracula and Death have become good friends…to the shock of

XP 102,400
A deluded soul who wishes for nothing else than to
burn the world.
LE Medium Outsider (Native, Mythic)
Tiefling Cleric 17
Int +8; Senses dark vision, All around vision; 120 feet
AC 24, touch 19, Flat-footed 15, (+3 DEX, +1 Dodge,
+5 Deflection, +5 Armor)
hp 96 (17d8+17 +8 Hierophant)
Fort +10, Ref +11, Will +20
Defensive abilities Death’s Embrace, Damage
Reduction 15/Epic
SR 21
Resistance Fire, Cold, Electricity 5
Special Abilities Fiendish Sorcery, Damage Teleport,
Channel Negative energy 9d6, Destructive Smite,
Mythic Power 7/day, Battle Rage, Weapon Master
Speed 30 ft
Melee +12/+7/+2 Melee (1d4)
+17/+12/+7 +5 Long sword (1d8+5)
Special Attacks Bleeding touch (1d6 Bleed, Heal
check 15)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 17th Concentration +27)
9th – Summon Monster IX, Ascension, Implosion, Wail of the Banshee, Power word kill
8th - Spell Immunity Greater, Summon Monster VIII, Create Greater Undead, Shield of Law, Earthquake,
Fire storm, Power word stun
7th – Summon Monster VII, Inflict Serious Wounds Mass, Dictum, Word of Chaos, Repulsion, Control
Weather, Destruction, Ethereal Jaunt, Power Word Blind,
6th – Create Undead, Harm, Greater Dispel Magic, Inflict Moderate wounds Mass, Owl’s Wisdom Mass,
Antilife shell, Harm, Forbiddance, Blade Barrier,
5th – MFlame Strike, Spell Resistance, True seeing, Unhallow, Break Enchantment, Insect Plague, Shout, Slay
4th – Air Walk, Dimensional Anchor, Summon Monster IV, Order’s Wrath, Sending, Dismissal, Inflict Critical
wounds, Restoration, Divine Power,
3rd – Searing light, Speak with dead, Deeper Darkness, Bestow Curse, Animate Dead, Summon Monster III,
Dispel Magic, Inflict Serious wounds, Call lightning, Contagion, Magic Vestment,
2nd – Death Knell, Desecrate, Owl’s Wisdom, Shield Other, Status, Aid, Hold Person, Inflict Moderate
wounds, Gust of wind, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon,
1st – Doom, Inflict Light wounds, Entropic shield, Obscuring Mist, Summon Monster I, Magic Weapon, Curse
water, Cause fear, True Strike, Sanctuary,
0 – Guidance, Light, Virtue, Bleed, Mending,
Spell like abilities (CL 17th)
17/day – Darkness
Domains War, Death
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 30, Cha 22
Base Atk +12; CMB +12; CMD 31
Feats Turn Undead, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augmented Summoning, MChannel Smite, Improved Channel,
Toughness, Dodge, Toppling Spell, Diehard, Selective Channeling,
Skills Appraise +18, Craft (Alchemy) +18, Diplomacy +15, Escape Artist +23, Heal +23, Knowledge (Nobility) +18,
Knowledge (Planes) +15, Knowledge (Religion) +18, Linguistics +20, Profession (Priest) +20, Sense motive +20,
Spellcraft +13, Survival +20,
Languages Human, Tiefling, Abyssal, Infernal, Draconic, Orc
Gear Heavy load belt, Green Crystal Ball 2, Robe of Eyes, Mantle of Spell Resistance, Headband of Mental Prowess
+6 (Wisdom, Charisma), Ring of Protection +5, Bracer’s of Armor +5, Ring of the Ecclesiarch, Dark Robes, Abacus,
Merchant Scale, Bag of Holding MK II, Healer’s kit, Formula book, Portable Alchemy Lab, Unholy Text, Unholy Symbol
(Platinum), trail rations 10, Fine wine bottle, Sacks 5, Belt, Traveler’s clothing, 9 Bottles, +5 Long sword, Silver
Inscribed Ring, Shaft’s Bedroom key, Jailer key
SQ Domains, Orisons, Aura, Amazing Initiative, Hard to Kill, Surge 1d6+1, Inverted Spontaneous Casting, Alter
Deity Dracula

Special abilities:

Damage Teleport (Ex): Whenever Shaft receives 1 point of damage as a result of an attack, Shaft
teleports automatically to a square up to 60 feet away. This can be done as often as he receives damage.
This is a teleportation effect.

Many people are always seduced by power, and Shaft is no exception. A Dark priest whose family had
followed Dracula for years, Shaft was eager to resurrect the Count to acquire his power and glory. His
place of birth is unknown, but it is assumed to be in a rural village of Transila. Because of his family’s
influence, Shaft grew adept in the dark arts and became a powerful priest. All he needed was the Count to
appear to gain his true powers.

When Dracula appeared again, Shaft gathered for him a large coven of cult worshippers, to which Dracula
was well pleased with. He made Shaft his head priest, and made him the leader of most affairs of the
Castle, barring military and social.


XP 153,600
LE Medium Humanoid (Augmented, Mythic)
Tiefling Ghost Cleric 17
Int +6; Senses dark vision, All around vision; 120 feet
AC 27, touch 27, Flat-footed 10, (+6 DEX, +1 Dodge, +7 Deflection)
hp 166 (17d8+119, +8 Hierophant)
Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +20
Defensive abilities Death’s Embrace, Damage Reduction 15/Epic, Incorporeal
Immunities: Undead traits
SR 21
Resistance Fire, Cold, Electricity 5
Special Abilities Fiendish Sorcery, Damage Teleport, Channel Negative
energy 9d6, Destructive Smite, Mythic Power 7/day
Speed 30 ft Fly 30 Feet (Perfect)
Melee +19/+14/+9 Melee (1d4)
+22/+17/+12 +5 Long sword (1d8+5)
Special Attacks Deadly Weather
Bleeding touch (1d6 Bleed, Heal check 15)
Corrupting Gaze (2d10 damage, 1d4 CHA damage DC 26)
Frightful Moan (Fear 2d4 rounds DC 26)
Corrupting Touch (17d6 DC 26)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 17th Concentration +27)
9th – Summon Monster IX, Ascension, Implosion, Wail of the Banshee, Power word kill
8th - Spell Immunity Greater, Summon Monster VIII, Create Greater Undead, Shield of Law, Earthquake,
Fire storm, Power word stun
7th – Summon Monster VII, Inflict Serious Wounds Mass, Dictum, Word of Chaos, Repulsion, Control
Weather, Destruction, Ethereal Jaunt, Power Word Blind,
6th – Create Undead, Harm, Greater Dispel Magic, Inflict Moderate wounds Mass, Owl’s Wisdom Mass,
Antilife shell, Harm, Forbiddance, Blade Barrier,
5th – MFlame Strike, Spell Resistance, True seeing, Unhallow, Break Enchantment, Insect Plague, Shout, Slay
4th – Air Walk, Dimensional Anchor, Summon Monster IV, Order’s Wrath, Sending, Dismissal, Inflict Critical
wounds, Restoration, Divine Power,
3rd – Searing light, Speak with dead, Deeper Darkness, Bestow Curse, Animate Dead, Summon Monster III,
Dispel Magic, Inflict Serious wounds, Call lightning, Contagion, Magic Vestment,
2nd – Death Knell, Desecrate, Owl’s Wisdom, Shield Other, Status, Aid, Hold Person, Inflict Moderate
wounds, Gust of wind, Darkness, Spiritual Weapon,
1st – Doom, Inflict Light wounds, Entropic shield, Obscuring Mist, Summon Monster I, Magic Weapon, Curse
water, Cause fear, True Strike, Sanctuary,
0 – Guidance, Light, Virtue, Bleed, Mending,
Spell like abilities (CL 17th)
17/day – Darkness
At will – Teleport, Magic Jar, Telekinesis, Greater Teleport, Wall of Force
Domains War, Death
Str ---, Dex 22, Con ---, Int 20, Wis 30, Cha 24
Base Atk +12; CMB +12; CMD 28
Feats Turn Undead, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augmented Summoning, Mythic Channel Smite, Improved Channel,
Toughness, Dodge, Toppling Spell, Diehard
Skills Appraise +18, Craft (Alchemy) +18, Diplomacy +15, Escape Artist +23, Heal +23, Knowledge (Nobility) +18,
Knowledge (Planes) +15, Knowledge (Religion) +18, Linguistics +20, Perception +18, Profession (Priest) +20,
Sense motive +20, Spellcraft +13, Stealth +16, Survival +20,
Languages Human, Tiefling, Abyssal, Infernal, Draconic, Orc
Gear Heavy load belt, Green Crystal Ball 2, Robe of Eyes, Mantle of Spell Resistance, Headband of Mental Prowess
+6 (Wisdom, Charisma), Ring of Protection +5, Bracer’s of Armor, Ring of the Ecclesiarch, Dark Robes, Abacus,
Merchant Scale, Bag of Holding MK II, Healer’s kit, Formula book, Portable Alchemy Lab, Unholy Text, Unholy Symbol
(Platinum), trail rations 10, Fine wine bottle, Sacks 5, Belt, Traveler’s clothing, 9 Bottles, +5 Long sword, Greater
Metamagic Rod Quicken (All items are Ghost touch and vanish after he perishes)
SQ Domains, Orisons, Aura, Amazing Initiative, Hard to Kill, Surge 1d6+1, Inverted Spontaneous Casting, Alter
Deity Dracula

Special abilities:

Damage Teleport (Ex): Whenever Shaft’s Ghost receives 1 point of damage as a result of an attack,
Shaft’s Ghost teleports automatically to a square up to 60 feet away. This can be done as often as he
receives damage. This is a teleportation effect.


XP 51,200
A demon intrigued by this mortal’s power, she wraps herself up in loyalty to Dracula.
CE Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Chaotic, Evil, Demon, Mythic)
Int +6; Senses dark vision; 60 feet
Aura Subduing 120 feet (See information below)
AC 30, touch 27, Flat-footed 17, (+6 DEX +7 Natural, +10
Profane, +2 Dodge )
hp 260 (20d10+60)
Fort +15, Ref +15, Will +8
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 15/Epic, Hard to Kill,
Surge 1d6+1
Immunities Electricity, Poison
SR 26
Resistance Fire 10, Acid 10, Cold 10
Special Abilities Dream Invasion, Alluring Armor, Mythic
Powers 4/day,
Speed 40 feet, Fly 60 feet (Perfect)
Melee 4 Sharp Claws +26 (1d8+2, Bleed 5, plus energy drain)
Special Attacks Nightmare, Energy Drain, Profane Gift
Spell like abilities (CL 14th Concentration +24)
Constant –Detect Good, Mirror Image, Displacement,
At will – Charm Monster (DC 24), Detect Thoughts (DC
22), Ethereal Jaunt (Itself plus 50 lbs), Suggestion (DC 23),
Greater Teleport (Itself, plus 50 lbs of material; up to 1d10
people), Vampire Touch, Flame Strike (DC 24), Alter Self, Greater Invisibility, Greater Dispel Magic, Dominate Person
(DC 25),
1/day –Summon (1 Balor 20%)
Str 14, Dex 22, Con 16, Int 20, Wis 18, Cha 30
Base Atk +20; CMB +26; CMD 38
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Combat Reflexes, Empower Spell like ability, Improved Iron Will, Weapon Finesse, Mythic
Dodge, Mobility, Spring attack, Flyby attack, Deceitful,
Skills Acrobatics +17, Appraise +16, Bluff +36, Craft (Alchemy) +16, Craft (Shields) +16 Diplomacy +26, Disguise
+21, Escape Artist +17, Heal +19, Knowledge (Arcane) +17, Knowledge (Geography) +17, Knowledge (Planes)
+20, Knowledge (Religion) +16, Linguistics +19, Perception +27, Sense motive +27, Stealth +17, Use Magic Device
Languages Abyssal, Common, Undercommon, Celestial, Infernal, Draconic, Telepathy (100 feet)
Gear Tome of Leadership and Influence +2, Gold Inscribed Ring


Subduing Aura (Su): DC Fortitude save 30. If the PC fails, the PC falls unconscious. The aura can be
used through walls and even through different dimensions (the Pet Succubus can be in the Astral Plane,
yet all those in the Material plane are still affected). If a PC resists the save, the PC must make it again in
the next round with a +2 to the save, which is added consecutively after every round saved. Elves are not
immune to this aura, and no spells can be cast within it. PCs that wake up after falling asleep are immune
to this aura for 24 hours. The save is CHA based. Anyone who falls asleep/unconscious from this spell
are sent into the dream demiplane.

Dream Invasion (Su): When the PCs fail the Sleep Aura save, or fall asleep of their own violation, the
Succubus is able to enter the individual’s dream, and attempt to cause them unnerving confusion or
disloyalty, and sending them into the dream demiplane. The PCs are forced to fight the creature in a
dream like world resembling the town of Ashfall. Recognizing the Succubus’ spell in the dream requires
the PC to disbelieve the illusion with a DC Will save of 30. Alternatively, if everyone disbelieves the
illusion, the special ability ends. The PCs can make the check to break the illusion every 1d4 rounds, and
it is a free action to attempt, or by expending 1 mythic point to make another save. As long as they are in
the dream world, the Nightmare supernatural ability continues to function. This is an enchantment effect.

Nightmare (Su): While in the Dream world with the PCs, the Succubus can do the following attacks
against the PCs as a standard action. She can only have one affect in place at a time. There are no saves to
these effects. PCs who successfully disbelieve the Dream Invasion are not subject to these effects.

Dice roll % Effect

1-10% The PCs minds begin to slow down in these phases of sleep. All PCs act as if they
have Slow placed on them for 2d4 rounds.
11-20% The PCs cannot remember their supernatural powers due to the imagery all around
them. Magic, divine, and spell like abilities cease functioning for 2d4 rounds.
21-30% The PCs take a -4 to two ability scores, due to the Succubus’ dream weakening them.
31-40% The PCs saving throws all have -10 due to the nightmarish imagery that they see.
41-50% The PCs act as if they have fear on them for 2d4 rounds due to the nightmarish
imagery they see.
51-60% The PCs act as if they have been affected by a Suggestion spell to each other due to
enticing images that they see.
61-70% A monster appears to fight the PC, as if summoned through a Summon Monster 6
spell. This monster stays for 2d4 rounds and then vanishes.
71-80% 1d6 dungeon hazards such as moss and oozes appear all around the PCs.
81-90% 1d6 Magic traps appear around the area. Lasts for 2d4 rounds, or until all the traps
have been set off.
91-99% A startling image of Dracula appears for 1 round to fight the PCs. Use the False
Dracula monster.
100% Reroll the %. Two effects happen this round.

Alluring Armor (Ex): The Pet Succubus gains half her CHA modifier as a Deflection bonus.

Energy Drain and Profane gift (Ex): The Succubus’ abilities here are the same for that listed on the
Succubus page in Bestiary 1.

Demons from all over the Abyss flock to Dracula’s castle. One particular Succubus was well seduced by
Dracula, and came to him of her violation from the Abyss, asking to be Dracula’s elite servant and
concubine. Dracula easily agreed, but held her close to him to be sure she had no intentions from the
Abyss itself.

XP ------- XP
A powerful Vampire who has been augmented by Dracula himself.
NE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid)
Drow Castlevanian Vampire Teleportation Wizard 12
Int +7; Senses dark vision; 120 feet
AC 26, touch 14, Flat-footed 21, (+3 DEX, +6 Natural, +1 Dodge, +5 Armor )
hp 84 (12d6+96)
Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +18
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 10/Silver Magic, Fast Healing 5, Channel Resistance
+4, Drow Immunities
Immunities Undead Traits
SR 18
Resistance Cold 10, Electricity 10
Special Abilities Poison Use, Transformation
Weakness Light Blindness, Castlevanian Vampire Weaknesses
Speed 40 feet, Fly 30 feet (Good)
Melee +9/+4 Slam (1d4+3, plus energy drain)
Special Attacks Children of the Night, Blood Drain, Dominate Person (DC 24), Energy Drain
(DC 24), Hellfire (DC 24)
+9 Aura Sphere (4d6 damage, hits on touch, Dazing, no save)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 14th Concentration +21)
6th – Circle of Death, Freezing Sphere, Chain Lightning, Conjure Black Pudding,
5th – Cone of Cold, Greater Invisibility, Cloudkill, Wall of Stone, Hostile Juxtaposition
4th – Wall of Fire, Wall of Ice, Black Tentacles, Dimension Door, Solid Fog
3rd – Haste, Slow, Hold Person, Dispel Magic, Protection from energy, Rage, Fireball, Stinking Cloud,
2nd – Blur, scorching ray, Protection from Arrows, Glitterdust, False Life, Blindness/Deafness, Create pit
1st – Enlarge Person, Burning hands, Grease, Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Armor, Unseen Servant
0 – Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Jolt, Ghost Sound, Flare
Spell like abilities (CL 14th Concentration +25)
Constant - Blur
2nd 12/day – Fearie Fire, Darkness
0 12/day – Dancing Lights
16/day – Dimension Door (4 times up to 360 feet, 12 times up to 55 feet)
14/day – Dimension Door (itself only)
School Teleportation
Opposition Schools Divination, Illusion
Str 16, Dex 16, Con ---, Int 24, Wis 22, Cha 26
Base Atk +6; CMB +9; CMD 23
Feats Dodge, Combat Casting, Improved Lightning Reflexes, Alertness, Toughness, Improved Initiative, Intensify
spell, Spell Mastery, Quicken Spell, Maximize spell, Improved Iron Will
Skills Appraise +19, Bluff +23, Diplomacy +25, Knowledge (Arcane) +19, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +19,
Knowledge (Local) +19, Knowledge (Planes) +19, Perception +23, Sense motive +23, Spellcraft +19, Stealth +19,
Languages Common, Undercommon, Drow, Elf, Dwarf, Duergar, Samsaran, Draconic, Abyssal
Gear Robe of Components, Headband of Mental Superiority +6, Boots of Striding, Bracers of Armor +5, Royal Outfit,
Spellbook (Has all prepared spells), Fine wine bottle, Wine glass (worth 100 GP), Monocle, Candles 10, Lantern, Oil 6,
Cologne 3, Collar of Perpetual attendance
Familiar Castlevanian Bat
SQ: Cantrips, Arcane Bond, Arcane School, Change Shape, Gaseous form, Toxic form, Shadowless, Spider Climb,
Illusionary Movement


Transformation (Su): Upon when Olrox’s HP drops to 0 or below, he immediately begins transforming
into the Olrox transformed monster below. The process takes 1d4 rounds, and he appears slain during this
time. PCs gain no XP from Olrox.

Originally a normal Vampire, Olrox always desired to find ways to expand his power. When he heard the
Vampires of the Castle were more powerful than normal, he immediately flocked to the Castle, asking to
become one of them. Dracula agreed to this. It is said within the months Dracula was in Brinford, Olrox
committed many atrocities in his name, so many that Dracula has given him his own quarters in the

XP 51,200
Olrox in his transformed state
CE Huge Castlevanian Vampire Monstrous Humanoid
Init +4; Senses Dark Vision 60 ft;
Aura Terror (Will save DC 28 30 feet, paralyzed for 2d4 rounds)
AC 34, touch 24, flat-footed 20 (+6 Natural, +1 Dodge, -2 Size
+11 Deflection, +4 Shield, +4 Mage Armor)
hp 418 (22d8+172)
Fort +5 Ref +5, Will +12
Defensive Abilities Damage Reduction 20/Magic, Silver,
Slashing; Regeneration 30 (Good or Lawful), Acid body
Resistances Electricity, Sonic, 30
Immunities Undead Traits, Acid, Fire,
Special Abilities Amorphous body
SR 26
Weakness Extreme Cold Vulnerability, Castlevanian Vampire Weaknesses
Speed 40 ft
Space/Reach 20 feet/20 feet
Melee 4 Claws +22 (2d8+9, plus 6d6 Acid damage, plus energy drain)
Bite +22 (1d12+9, plus 6d6 acid, plus Nauseated 1d6 rounds)
Special attacks Children of the Night, Blood Drain, Dominate Person (DC 27), Energy Drain (DC 27), Hellfire (DC
27), Scorching gaze (3d8 burn)
Breath Weapon (12d6 acid damage, Reflex save 22. Failed save inflicts Nausea)
Spell like abilities (CL 16th Concentration +27)
Constant – True Seeing, Heightened Acid Cloud, Mage Armor, Shield
At will – Greater Dispel Magic, Slay Living, Persistent Feeblemind
Str 28, Dex 10, Con ---, Int 24, Wis 16, Cha 26
Base Atk +22; CMB +31 (+37 on grapple); CMD 53
Feats Dodge, Combat Casting, Lightning Reflexes, Alertness, Toughness, Improved Initiative, Multi-attack, Improved
Natural Armor, Combat Reflexes, Lunge, Improved Grapple, Improved Natural attack
Skills Appraise +19, Bluff +23, Diplomacy +25, Knowledge (Arcane) +19, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +19,
Knowledge (Local) +19, Knowledge (Planes) +19, Perception +23, Sense motive +23, Spellcraft +19, Stealth +19,
Languages Common, Undercommon, Drow, Elf, Dwarf, Duergar, Samsaran, Draconic, Abyssal
SQ: Gaseous form, Toxic form, Shadowless, Spider Climb, Illusionary Movement


Scorching gaze (Su): As a swift action, Olrox can glare into an individual. Those who look into his glare
are immediately set ablaze by a massive pillar of flame. The pillar deals 10d6 fire damage and engulfs the
PC in flames. A Reflex save of 22 cuts this in half, and prevents the wielder from being lit ablaze.

Acid body (Ex): Those who attack Olrox within 5 feet immediately have some of his ooze from his body
fall onto them, dealing 4d6 acid damage. Any weapon that strikes Olrox receives 6d6 acid damage for
1d3 rounds.

Extreme cold Vulnerability (Ex): Olrox receives 200% additional damage from all spells of the Cold
descriptor; and loses Amorphous body for 2d6 rounds after he is hit with an effect from it.

Amorphous body (Ex): Olrox receives only half damage from all physical attacks.
XP 1,640,000 XP
The very king of shadow himself…his power and
form tower above all else.
LE Large Castlevanian Vampire Undead
(Augmented, Lawful, Evil, Mythic)
Int +16; Dual Initiative -6 Senses See in
darkness, life sense; 120 feet
Aura Dominance (60 foot radius DC Will save
38), Fear (60 foot radius DC 38 2d6 rounds;
AC 39, touch 25, Flat-footed 23, (+3 DEX, +6
Natural, +2 Dodge, +11 Profane, +8 Armor , -1
hp 646 (34d8+408)
Fort +21, Ref +24, Will +25
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 25/Epic
and Good; Invulnerable body, Magical Resistance,
Evasion, Fast Healing 100 (suppressed for 1
round if damaged by positive energy), Channel
Resistance +20, Hard to Kill, Mythic Power
18/day, Recuperation, Fortification, Block Attacks,
Stake resistance, Mirror Dodge, Enduring Armor
Immunities Undead Traits, Ability damage, Mind
effects, Paralysis, Petrification, Disrupting, Polymorph, Instant Death effects, Ability Drain
Resistance Cold 20, Electricity 20, Acid 10, Sonic 10, Sunlight (10 rounds), Positive Energy 10,
Weakness Castlevanian Vampire Weaknesses, Vorpal Susceptibility, Divine Vulnerability,
Special Abilities 20th Level Caster, 20th level Alchemist, Channel Negative Energy 10d6, Death Throes, Surge
1d8+1, Wild Arcana
Size/Reach 10 feet/10 feet
Speed 20 feet, Fly 60 feet (Perfect)
Melee +37/+32/+27/+22 Slam (1d6+12, plus energy drain and bull rush, 1 CON drain(heals Dracula for 2d8 hit
+38/+33/+28/+23 Voidsword (+40/+35/+30/+25 against humans) (1d10+21, plus 1d6 Cold, 2d6 to Good
aligned targets, 2d6 against humans, plus energy drain DC 30, heals Dracula for total damage inflicted)
+28 Bomb 10d6+10 (Fire damage)
Blood Whip +30/+25/+20/+15/+10 (1d4+11 damage, plus trip, steal, disarm, or grapple, 1 CON damage)
Chaos Claws +30/+25/+20/+15/+10 (1d4+5 damage, 2d6+5 damage on equipment)
Special Attacks Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Dominate Person (DC 38), Energy Drain (2 levels DC 38),
Hellfire (DC 38), Demonic Megiddo (DC 38)
Spells Known and Prepared (CL 26th Concentration +41)
9th 5/day – MMeteor Swarm, Summon Monster IV, Time Stop, Hold Monster; Mass, Wail of the Banshee
8th 5/day – Dimension Lock, Create Greater Undead, Storm Bolts, Scintillating Pattern, Summon Monster
7th 6/day – Spell Turning, Delayed Fireball Blast, Insanity, Prismatic Spray, MFinger of Death, Project Image,
6th 6/day – Antimagic Field, Dispel Magic; Greater, Envious Urge, Mislead, Eagle’s Splendor Mass, Fox’s
Cunning Mass
5th 6/day – Break Enchantment, Cloudkill, Summon Infernal Host, Cone of Cold, Telekinesis, Suffocation,
Avalanche Punch
4th 6/day – Dimensional Anchor, MBlack Tentacles, Terrible Remorse, Greater Invisibility, Detonate, Divine
3rd 7/day – Haste, Slow, Keen Edge, Countless Eyes, Lightning Bolt, Rage, Blink, Prayer
2nd 7/day – False Life, Mad Hallucination, Burning Gaze, Web, Resist Energy, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility,
1st 7/day – Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Armor, Mirror Strike, Shield of Faith, True Strike, Bless
0 – Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Spark, Jolt, Mage, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation
Alchemist Formula Prepared (CL 26th)
6th 7/day – Heal, Form of the Dragon, Statue, Transformation, Wind Walk, Mislead
5th 7/day – Nightmare, Planar Adaption, Sending, Spell Resistance, Polymorph, Resurgent Transformation,
Contact other plane,
4th 7/day – Air Walk, Arcane Eye, Restoration, Greater Invisibility, Stoneskin, Universal Formula, Detonate
3rd 8/day – Water Breathing, Haste, Heroism, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, Seek Thoughts, Thorn Body,
Amplify Elixir
2nd 8/day – Bull’s Strength, Alchemical Allocation, Alter self, Eagle’s Splendor, Undetectable Alignment, Blur,
Vomit Swarm, False Life,
1st 8/day – Ant Haul, Detect Undead, Disguise Self, Keen senses, Bomber’s Eye, Negate Aroma, Detect
Secret Doors, Endure Elements
Spell like abilities (CL 26th)
Constant – True Seeing, Arcane Sight, Telepathic Bond, Archdevil Wings
At will – Deeper Darkness, Fireball, Alter Self, Message, Discern Location, Demand, Sending, Legend Lore,
Form of the Dragon III, Bloody Rain,
5/day – Scrying Greater, Dark Magic, Light Magic
25/day – Dimension Door (Self only, 100 feet)
20/day – Dark Metamorphosis, Tetra Spirit (DC 24), Soul Steal (DC 26), Purple Lightning (DC 24)
Str 20, Dex 16, Con ---, Int 30, Wis 30, Cha 32
Base Atk +25; CMB +30; CMD 58
Feats Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Quicken Spell, Empower Spell, Power attack, Improved Trip, Felling Smash,
Extend Spell, Maximize spell, Persistent Spell, Greater Weapon Focus (long sword), MDodge, Combat Casting,
Improved Lightning Reflexes, Alertness, Toughness, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Still Spell, Control Undead, Craft
Wondrous items, Craft Ring, Scribe Scroll, Craft Weapons and Armor, Craft Construct, Toppling Spell, MGreater
Weapon Specialization, Destructive Dispel, Divine Protection, Combat Expertise, Extra Path, Channel Smite, Pin
Down, Greater Two weapon fighting
Skills Acrobatics +12, Appraise +29, Bluff +35, Climb +15, Craft (Alchemy) +30, Diplomacy +30, Escape Artist
+22, Fly +25, Handle Animal +20, Heal +26, Intimidate +27, Knowledge (Arcana) +24, Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
+23, Knowledge (Engineering) +26, Knowledge (Geography) +21, Knowledge (History) +30, Knowledge (Local)
+20, Knowledge (Nature) +15, Knowledge (Nobility) +17, Knowledge (Planes) +24, Knowledge (Religion) +24,
Linguistics +20, Perception +30, Profession (Apothecary) +21, Ride +20, Sense motive +18, Spellcraft +23, Stealth
+30, Survival +16, Use Magic Device +20
Languages Omnilingualism
Gear Dracula Tunic (doesn’t gain SR from it), Voidsword, Crimson Stone, Ebony Stone, Dracula’s Spellbook (Has
every known spell in the CRB, APG, UM, UC, ACG), Dracula’s Formula book (Has all known formulas), Catalyst Vial,
Grand Jewelry (worth 10,000 GP), Royal Clothing, Expensive Wine Glass (worth 500 GP), Ring of Evasion, Ring of
Spell Turning, Fine Wine, Triple Shot Plague, Spell Guard Bracers, Bodywrap of Mighty Strikes +7, Bracers of the
Avenging Knight (Antipaladin)
Familiar Castlevanian Bat
SQ Metamagic Mastery, Gaseous Form, Toxic Cloud, Spiderclimb, Shadowless, Cantrips, Change Shape, Alchemy,
Mutagen, Dispelling Bomb, Eternal Potion, Fast Bombs, Grand Mutagen, Smoke Bomb, Stink Bomb, Inferno Bomb,
Frost Bomb, Feral Mutagen, Poison Use, Poison Immunity, Swift Alchemy, Swift Poison, Persist Mutagen, Instant
Alchemy, Grand Discovery: Philosopher’s Stone, Illusionary Movement, Unholy Grace, Mythic Spell casting,


Unholy Grace (Ex): Dracula adds his CHA modifier to his AC as a Profane bonus.
Dominance Aura (Su): Will save 38. PCs who fail this check are dominated by Dracula’s will, and
immediately come to serve him. If they succeed a Will save of 28 should they fail the first save, they
merely go under a insanity spell. Creatures with INT scores less than 3 automatically fail. Evil aligned
creatures automatically fail. Once subjected to the aura, the PC or NPC willingly obeys Dracula’s every
whim. A PC can make the save again if a party member damages him/her. They must make the save to
end the effect. Using this ability requires 2 points of a mythic power to be spent, and can only affect one
individual in this manner per use. This is an enchantment effect.

Metamagic Mastery (Ex): Dracula gains Metamagic Mastery as if he was an 8th level Universalist
Wizard. Dracula gains 5 uses of it instead of 1, and can regain uses of it by expending 2 mythic points.

Magical Resistance (Ex): Dracula’s vast power from the Crimson Stone has made him similar to a deity,
so that mortal magic cannot affect him as much. Treat Dracula as if he has magical immunity, and is
immune to all spells that allow for Spell Resistance. Some Spells listed below work differently:

Any spell that deals fire or divine based damage still function normally. If a divine spell does not do
damage, it has no affect.
Prayer: Works normally, Dracula suffers a -5 instead of -1.
Any spell that banishes Outsiders: Dracula becomes staggered for 1d6 rounds, no save.
Chaos Hammer: Works normally.
Resurrection or True Resurrection: Resurrection deals 10d10 points of damage that automatically goes
through Dracula’s Spell resistance. Dracula has a saving throw to half the damage. True Resurrection
deals 12d12 with no save.
Cure spells: Deals damage with no save for half to Dracula.

Dracula’s Magical resistance is not magical immunity, and does not affect any of his magic items, and
spells he casts on himself function normally.

Individuals who wear the Twilight Cape, Armor of Leon Belmont, Simon Belmont’s armor, uses the Coat
of Arms Tome to cast spells, or wield the Staff of Sypha negate this magic immunity. Instead, those
individuals treat Dracula as if he had a Spell resistance of 36. Any magic wielder holding an epic weapon
gains this benefit as well, though made at a -6 to the attempt. A Mythic individual can expend 3 mythic
power points to negate this, though at a -6 at the check.

Stake Resistance (Ex): Hitting Dracula in the heart with a stake deals damage as if the stake was 4 size
categories higher with it bypassing his damage reduction automatically. It does not however slay him.

Demonic Meigddo (Sp): Dracula calls upon powerful demonic energies to form a powerful sphere of
destructive power, capable of wiping individuals out of existence; and even reducing cities to rubble. This
move requires Dracula to spend 2 mythic power points and requires 2 full round actions to fully charge.
Once this is complete, Dracula launches this burning orb onto the ground, creating a dome of destructive
energy in a 10 mile radius, ignoring Dracula as a target. Anyone caught with the orb must make a
fortitude save of 38, or take 999 damage instantly. This damage is considered epic for the purposes of
overcoming damage reduction and force for resistances. Succeeding the save reduces the damage to
merely 4 points of damage per caster level Dracula possesses. This counts as a 10th level spell. Dracula
usually uses it only as a last resort. This is a death and evocation effect.

Invulnerable Body (Ex): Dracula’s body is nigh impenetrable to almost all forms of attacks. Even if the
damage is enough to bypass his Damage Reduction, individuals who do not call an attack on Dracula’s
head or Neck always deal 0 damage. There are certain weapons that negate this ability. PCs cannot deal
INT, WIS, or CHA damage to Dracula through called shots.

20th level caster (Ex): Dracula gains the spell slots of a 20th level wizard and Cleric. Any spells inscribed
into any spell book he owns instantly become known to him as if he was a sorcerer; and needs to not
prepare them in advance. The spells listed above are the spells he mostly uses, though he can use others if
so desired. Dracula can also cast Cleric spells as well, but prefers arcane over them. Dracula uses his
CHA to determine saving throws.

20th level Alchemist (Ex): Dracula gains the abilities of a 20th level Alchemist because of the Crimson
stone. He gains no base attack, saves, feats, or ability scores as a result of this.

Death Throes (Ex): Once Dracula’s HP hits 0, his body begins to combust in flames, which are so
searing hot they deal 6d6 fire damage to all beings in a 20 foot radius. This continues for 1d6 -1 rounds;
after which Dracula’s body crumbles to dust. This fire overcomes resistances and immunities. Anyone
who enters the flames exits them as if they are under a repulsion spell.

Sunlight Resistance (Ex): Being the lord of vampires, and imbued with divine power from the Crimson
Stone, Dracula can resist the effects of bright light for up to 10 rounds before having to make a Will save
to avoid losing his vampire traits. During this 10 round period, he can spend a full round action to make
the Will save right then and there to reset the counter back to 10 rounds.

Blood Whip (Su): Dracula can coat his arm with red demonic magic to form a whip. This whip is
considered a light weapon. Whenever Dracula hits someone with this whip, he can make combat
maneuver check against them. This can repeated many times in the same round and as often as he hits

Chaos Claws (Su): Dracula as an immediate action can assume powerful gauntlets that damage one’s
equipment when he hits them. Once they are assumed, they must remain for the duration of his attacks.
Whenever he successfully hits an opponent with the gauntlets, he gains one sunder attempt per hit with
them. Dracula cannot drain constitution damage when using these.

Vorpal Susceptibility (Ex): If a called shot at his head or neck with a Vorpal Weapon hits Dracula, it
always goes through his Damage Reduction.

Divine Vulnerability (Ex): Divine spells that harm Dracula always deal 50% additional damage, and he
always takes a -4 to all saves if he is affected by them. Only Good aligned deities gain this benefit, and
they must possess the necessary items to bypass his Magic Immunity.

Count Dracula was originally a man known as Mathias. Early in his childhood, Mathias delved deep into
the heart of Alchemy, and was always intrigued by the wonders that it brought to the world. Urged by his
young friend Leon Belmont, he eventually entered the business himself, and succeeded in becoming a
great alchemist very early in his career.

When he was a young man, he eventually became smitten with a young woman named Elizabeth. The
two began a steaming affair that seemed to last for an eternity in Leon’s eyes, before he finally sat down
and proposed to her. The marriage was delayed however. The Shining Crusade occurred and Mathias
utilized his Alchemy to aid in the effort as a tactician (as in addition to alchemy, Mathias had a extensive
knowledge of military tactics), leaving his fiancée to tend to herself. While he was away however, she
contracted a disease and perished.

Mathias bellowed in despair when this happened, unable to find any form of relief when he learned this.
He was so grief stricken that he became bed ridden…for a small time. It was in his quiet contemplation
here that Mathias eventually came to the conclusion that the religions of the world were evil and he
devised a plan to take revenge against the gods.

Fortune befell Mathias. While searching for a method to take his revenge and spite the gods, he
discovered a fragment of the Starstone. Using this mighty fragment, he forged the Crimson Stone. With
this, Mathias was able to do great and extraordinary things. He soon found himself turning into a
vampire. However, to truly complete his plans, he needed more power, and more resources. With this,
Mathias soon began to go on expeditions, all of which with the purpose to increase the stone’s power,
specifically to become a vampire; a form of the undead he had great interest in. He acquired the Demilich
Death, and several other demonic servants in order to increase his power, but it was still not enough.
Finally, Mathias learned of a powerful Vampire by the name of Walter Bernard.

Mathias then devised a scheme that would force Leon Belmont to destroy Walter for him. He first tricked
Walter into kidnapping his beloved, forcing Leon to go on a series of expeditions within Walter’s Castle
to find her. By the time he did however, it was too late and his wife Sera had been cursed with vampirism,
and would turn soon. Sera however, in an act of good faith, choose to give her material essence into the
whip Leon acquired, transforming it into the Vampire Killer. Leon then went to face Walter and slew him,
but not before Mathias took his soul to power the Crimson Stone, allowing it to reach its full potential at
last. Grief stricken with his loss, Leon promised revenge on Mathias as he flew off, leaving Death to
attempt to finish him off.

Mathias renamed himself Dracula and then built a Castle somewhere north of Transila. There he created a
cult of which all who were scorned by the Deities could come and live. It was here that he remarried to a
woman named Lisa, the would be mother of Alucard. During this time however, Lisa was captured by
church of Iomeda and was burnt at the stake. It was here that Dracula lost his sanity and ordered that all
sentient races were to be exterminated, specifically humanity. Only those who worship him could live.

Sometime after he launched his campaign, Dracula was slain by Trevor Belmont. From there his
reincarnation cycle began.

Dracula’s cult usually consists of disheartened people that have grown to detest the religions of
Golarion. Often, Dracula disperses agents throughout all of the land, to recruit and bring people
into the folds of the Castle, where their talents that are often scrutinized are put to use by the
Count. Those who reject him are killed by his servants, for they are nothing but humans who
cling to their mortality. These beings usually give back to the Count with supreme obedience,
and pledge un-breaking loyalty to him. Dracula usually considers most of these people mere flies
to his power; and merely additions to his cult, but a select few can usually earn his friendship, to
where Dracula ensures their loyalty is rewarded.
The edicts of Dracula’s religion are merely to sneer and despise all other religions, and simply to
continue the expansion of the Castle, and the assimilation of all kingdoms under himself. He also
conspires his servants to reject their humanity, join the undead, and purge all of the humanoid
races on Golarion.


Evil aligned Clerics and Divine casters can select Dracula as a Deity. Dracula is associated with the Law,
War, Chaos, Magic, Death, and Destruction domains, and has access to the judgment, demon, arcane,
undead, and hatred subdomains. Dracula’s weapon of his faith is a long sword, usually crafted in the
image of the Voidsword.

XP 204,800
LE Large Castlevanian Vampire Undead
Int +9; Senses dark vision, ;60 feet
Aura Fear (Will save DC 32, 2d6 rounds, Panicked)
AC 24, touch 20, Flat-footed 15, (+3 DEX +6 Natural, +1 Dodge, +5 Deflection, -1 Size )
hp 190 (24d8+288)
Fort +18, Ref +18, Will +20
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 10/Silver, Magic;
Illusionary Movement, Evasion, Fast Healing 5, Channel
Resistance +10, Invulnerable body
Immunities Undead Traits SR 30
Resistance Cold, Electricity 10
Weakness Castlevanian Vampire Weaknesses, Vorpal
Susceptibility, Divine Vulnerability,
Special Abilities 20th Level Wizard, Channel Negative Energy
Size/Reach 10 feet
Speed 20 feet, Fly 60 feet (Perfect)
Melee +24/+19/+14 Slam (1d6+5, plus energy drain, 1 CON
Blood Whip +24/+19/+14/ (1d4+5 damage, plus trip,
steal, disarm, or grapple, 1 CON damage)
Chaos Claws +24/+19/+14 (1d4+5 damage, 2d6+5
damage on equipment)
Special Attacks Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Dominate
Person (DC 32), Energy Drain (2 levels DC 32), Hellfire (DC 32),
Spells Known and Prepared (CL 20th Concentration +34)
9th 5/day – Clashing Rocks, Summon Monster IV,
Interplanetary Travel, Hold Monster; Mass, Wail of the Banshee
8th 5/day – Dimension Lock, Create Greater Undead,
Storm Bolts, Scintillating Pattern, Summon Monster VIII
7th 6/day – Spell Turning, Summon Monster VII, Insanity, Prismatic Spray, Finger of Death, Project Image,
6th 6/day – Antimagic Field, Dispel Magic; Greater, Envious Urge, Mislead, Eagle’s Splendor Mass, Fox’s
Cunning Mass
5th 6/day – Break Enchantment, Cloudkill, Summon Infernal Host, Cone of Cold, Telekinesis, Suffocation,
4th 6/day – Dimensional Anchor, Black Tentacles, Terrible Remorse, Greater Invisibility, Detonate, Obsidian
3rd 7/day – Haste, Slow, Keen Edge, Countless Eyes, Lightning Bolt, Rage, Stinking Cloud,
2nd 7/day – False Life, Mad Hallucination, Burning Gaze, Web, Resist Energy, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility,
1st 7/day – Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Armor, Mirror Strike, Burning Hands, True Strike, Grease
0 – Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Spark, Jolt, Mage, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation
Spell like abilities (CL 20th)
Constant – True Seeing
At will – Deeper Darkness, Fireball, Alter Self,
5/day – Scrying Greater
20/day – Dimension Door (Self only, 100 feet)
20/day – Dark Metamorphosis, Tetra Spirit (DC 24), Soul Steal (DC 26), Purple Lightning (DC 24)
Str 20, Dex 16, Con ---, Int 30, Wis 30, Cha 30
Base Atk +18; CMB +23; CMD 38
Feats Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Quicken Spell, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize spell, Persistent Spell,
Weapon Focus (long sword), Dodge, Combat Casting, Improved Lightning Reflexes, Alertness, Toughness, Improved
Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Still Spell, Divine protection
Skills Acrobatics +12, Appraise +29, Bluff +35, Climb +15, Craft (Alchemy) +30, Diplomacy +30, Escape Artist
+22, Fly +25, Handle Animal +20, Heal +26, Intimidate +27, Knowledge (Arcana) +24, Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
+23, Knowledge (Engineering) +26, Knowledge (Geography) +21, Knowledge (History) +30, Knowledge (Local)
+20, Knowledge (Nature) +15, Knowledge (Nobility) +17, Knowledge (Planes) +24, Knowledge (Religion) +24,
Linguistics +20, Perception +30, Profession (Apothecary) +21, Ride +20, Sense motive +18, Spellcraft +23, Stealth
+30, Survival +16, Use Magic Device +20
Languages Omnilingualism
Gear Dracula Tunic, Spellbook (Has every known spell in the CRB, APG, UM, UC), Grand Jewelry (worth 10,000 GP),
Royal Clothing, Expensive Wine Glass (worth 500 GP), Ring of Evasion, Ring of Protection +5, Fine Wine
Familiar Castlevanian Bat
SQ Metamagic Mastery, Gaseous Form, Toxic Cloud, Spiderclimb, Shadowless, Cantrips, Change Shape,

Metamagic Mastery (Ex): Dracula gains Metamagic Mastery as if he was an 8th level Universalist

20th level caster (Ex): Dracula gains the spell slots of a 20th level wizard and Cleric. Any spells inscribed
into any spell book he owns instantly become known to him as if he was a sorcerer; and needs to not
prepare them in advance. The spells listed above are the spells he mostly uses, though he can use others if
so desired. Dracula can also cast Cleric spells as well, but prefers arcane over them.

Invulnerable Body (Ex): Dracula’s body is nigh impenetrable to almost all forms of attacks. Even if the
damage is enough to bypass his Damage Reduction, individuals who do not call an attack on Dracula’s
head or Neck always deal 0 damage. There are certain weapons that negate this ability. PCs cannot deal
INT, WIS, or CHA damage to Dracula through called shots.

Vorpal Susceptibility (Ex): If a called shot at his head or neck with a Vorpal Weapon hits Dracula, it
always goes through his Damage Reduction.

Divine Vulnerability (Ex): Divine spells that harm Dracula always deal 50% additional damage, and he
always takes a -4 to all saves if he is affected by them.


Castlevanian Vampires are vampires born within the walls of Castlevania. Because of this, and the
powers of the Crimson Stone, these vampires are much more powerful and seductive than any other
known Vampire variant in the multiverse. Most choose to remain within the abode of the Castle, but a few
can be seen out in the world if Dracula has some business that he needs seen to.


A Castlevanian Vampire uses the same statistics as the Vampire template, but there are the following
changes done to it.

CR: +3

Caster level: A Castlevanian Vampire treats his/her Caster level as +2, due to the amount of magic
vampires born in Castlevania are exposed to throughout their lives.

Spell like abilities: A Castlevanian Vampire can cast Dimension Door as a swift action up to 3 times a
day, plus half their HD. A Castlevanian Vampire can only bring himself/herself, and can bring no allies
along with him; and may only travel half the distance.

Defensive abilities: The following changes are done to the Castlevanian Vampire.

Unlike other Undead, A Castlevanian Vampire enters bleedout as if it was alive, and is able to continue its
actions for one round after before falling over unconscious and dying. After this point, it continues to take
1 HP point of damage a round. Its CHA score substitutes as its CON score for determining when it
perishes; but it is divided in half due to their Undead nature (round down always). Once its HP hits half
their CHA in negative damage, it dies. Its Fast Healing ceases to function when it is in Bleedout; and does
not reactivate until 2 hours later.

When a Castlevanian Vampire perishes, its body erupts in flames, which deal 1d6 damage to a PC per CR
if they are 5 feet from it. A reflex save of 20 halves this damage.

Weaknesses: Castlevanian Vampires weaknesses are unchanged, except for the following:

Recoiling from Mirrors or Holy Symbols: In addition to Recoiling, a Castlevanian Vampire receives 2d6
holy damage per round of recoiling when they are in the presence of a Holy Symbol. They continue to
receive this damage until they are 10 feet away from it, or overcome their repulsion. This damage goes
through their Damage Reduction, and cannot be restored as a result of Fast Healing for one hour.

Sunlight: Castlevanian Vampires do not perish as a result of sunlight. However, when a Castlevanian
Vampire is exposed to sunlight, they must make a Will save of 25, or lose all Vampire abilities granted
from the Vampire Template, and the Castlevanian Vampire template for 1 hour. A Castlevanian Vampire
loses all feats, skills, and ability scores in addition to abilities lost as a result of this too.
The Castlevanian vampire must make the save after 1d3+1 rounds with a +2 to the DC. This +2 increases
incrementally for each time the vampire makes the save.

Castlevanian Vampires have Light Blindness

Holy water deals an additional 2d6 fire damage to a Castlevanian Vampire.

Resurrection: A Castlevanian Vampire exposed a Resurrection of True Resurrection spell perishes
instantly if it fails the Will save. It does not return to its original self, as most do not have an original self
to return to.

Speed: A Castlevanian Vampire gains a Fly speed of 30 with Good Maneuverability.

Special Attacks: Castlevanian Vampires gain Hellfire as a Special attack.

Hellfire: A Castlevanian Vampire can immediately jaunt into the Ethereal Realm for 1 round,
disappearing in a pillar of light. While it is there, it chooses it’s positioning in the Material Plane, which
can be up to 100 feet from where it jaunted. On the next round, it reappears and immediately casts
Burning hands as an Immediate action, or Fireball, which does not consume any spells per day. These
spell like abilities act as if they are at the 9th CL. Feats and abilities never apply to them in this fashion.
Fireball can only target one PC, and does not possess the radius that it does normally.
A Castlevanian Vampire may choose to Jaunt into the Material Plane if it is already in the Ethereal Plane.
A Castlevanian Vampire can use this ability infinitely, but must wait a minimum of 2d6 rounds before it
can do it again.

Special Qualities: A Castlevanian Vampire gains the following special qualities, and changes done to

Gaseous form: A Castlevanian Vampire can assume Gaseous form, but can also change the gas into a
toxic cloud, which acts like Cloudkill, but does not deal instant death. Rather it deals CON damage with
the save being the same of that of its special attacks. It only deals 1d4 CON damage instead of 1d6. If it
chooses to use a Toxic cloud form, it can only remain the gaseous form for a number of rounds equal to
half of its HD, and then cannot use it for 3 hours. Resisting the fortitude save (DC equal to 10 + ½ the
Castlevanian Vampire’s HD) deals no CON damage to the PC. Determining what form to use must be
done at the start before it changes shape.

Illusionary movement: A Castlevanian Vampire projects images of itself which last for 2 seconds when
it moves. All attacks have a 10% miss chance as a result of this.


Much like Castlevanian Vampires, the Castlevanian Werewolves are born much in the same manner as
the Vampires. Because of the powerful energies within the Castle, the Werewolves within here are much
stronger than that of their normal variants.


A Castlevanian Werewolf keeps all of statistics of the Lycanthrope Template, but has these differences:

CR: +2 CR.

Caster level: A Castlevanian Werewolf has a +1 to its Caster level due to the amount of magic he/she has
been exposed to since they lived in the Castle.

Defensive abilities: A Castlevanian Werewolf gains immunity to fall damage.

Special attacks: Castlevanian Werewolves gain the following special attacks.

Fireball: A Castlevanian Werewolf can throw a fireball as a ranged touch attack as a standard or move
action. The fireball deals 3d6 fire damage.

Flipping Strike: If a Castlevanian Werewolf makes a charge attack, as long as it has 20 feet of movement
to do so, inflicts an additional 3d6 damage to its full attack. A Castlevanian Werewolf using flipping
strike can call an attack on all enemies within the line it is charging, and does not provoke an attack of
opportunity by running through an opponent’s square. A PC who receives a hit by this is immediately
knocked prone.
A Castlevanian Werewolf is fatigued for 1d4 rounds after this.

Special Qualities: A Castlevanian Werewolf has the following special qualities:

Walk on walls: A Castlevanian Werewolf, can walk up a wall as if it was a surface.

Attributes: +4 STR, +4 DEX.

Limitations: A Castlevanian Werewolf is only a Werewolf. It can take no other Were forms, other than a
wolf. A PC affected by the Curse of Lycanthropy will always be a Werewolf.

XP 200
A Skeleton made specifically to be an expert in archery.
NE Medium Undead
Human Skeleton Warrior 1
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.;
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+5 Dex, +2 natural,)
hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +0
Defensive Abilities DR/5 Bludgeoning; Immune; Cold, Undead Traits
Speed 30 ft
Melee slam +2 (1d4+1),
Composite Long Bow +6 (1d8+1)
Str 12, Dex 20, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 17
Feats Improved Initiative
Gear Composite Long Bow, 20 Poisoned arrows (Black Lotus Extract)

Undead skeletons fashioned by Dracula’s Necromantic powers to serve as marksman for his keep.
Golden Skeletal Archer (Skeletal Archer; CR +0): These skeletons are made entirely out of gold. They
gain a +25 Racial bonus to hiding in areas with large amounts of gold. However, they lose their Damage
Reduction, and move only half their normal speed.

XP 1,200
A moving piece of armor, with a will and intelligence it can call its own. Its magic axe strikes foes from unheard
LN Large Construct
Init 0; Senses darkvision, low light vision 60 ft.;
AC 22, touch 10, flat-footed 22 (+9 Armor, Shield +2 +2 natural, -1 Size)
hp 40 (5d10+20)
Fort ---, Ref +1, Will ---
Defensive Abilities Construct Traits, Damage Reduction 10/Bludgeoning and Magic
Speed 20 ft
Space/Reach: 10 Feet/10 Feet
Melee slam +14 (1d4+5),
Battle Axe +14 (1d8+7)
Returning Axe Knight Battle Axe +15 (1d8+7)
Str 20, Dex 11, Con ---, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +9; CMB +10; CMD 20
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Battle Axe), Weapon Specialization, Throw anything
Skills Disguise +5 (+15 if there are other statues in the room), Perception+6, Profession (Guard)+5, Use Magic
Gear Full plate (Is destroyed upon death), heavy Steel Shield, Axe Knight Shield (10% chance) Battle Axe, Axe
Knight Battle Axe (Is destroyed upon death), 1 Monster Vials 1 or 2 (10% chance)

These animated knights were originally constructs owned by Walter Bernard. After Dracula had Leon
Belmont slay him and absorb his soul, they immediately swore fealty to him. A typical Axe Knight
appears to be a suit of full plate moving on its own. The Axe Knight stands at about 8 feet tall, and
weighs about 200 pounds. The armor that they are adorned with a blue metal that covers them head to toe.
There is no body inside the armor, as the armor can move find on its own.

Axe Knights are commonly found throughout Castlevania, and are the general enforcers of Dracula’s will.
Baring no emotion other than complete devotion to Dracula, Axe Knights constantly enforce his will.
Whether it be committing acts of cruelty or malice, or assisting servants in the Castle, Axe Knights will
see it through.

Axe Lord (CR +1): An Axe Lord appears the same as an Axe Knight, but an Axe Lord has Bronze armor
body as full plate, and are much more powerful. An Axe Lord has the Advanced Template, +4 STR, +2
Natural AC, and +20 HP. An Axe Lord also carries 3 Scrolls of Shield or Mage Armor (pick whichever;
unless the Encounter specifically lists it using that one item), and also carries 2 Wands, each containing a
blasting spell. An Axe Lord can make 2 attacks on a Full round attack, and has a movement speed of 30

XP 400
A twisted evil version of Merfolk made to serve Dracula’s bidding.
CE Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft, scent 60 ft;
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 DEX, +2 natural,)
hp 15 (2d10+4)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3
Resistances Fire 10
Speed 20 ft
Melee Claw +4 (1d4+2),
Special Attacks Breath Weapon (25 foot cone, 2d6 fire damage; Reflex DC 12),
Flaming Burst
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 6
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Skill Focus (Swim)
Skills Climb+6, Swim +9 (+8 racial bonus)
SQ Amphibious

Flaming Burst (Su): A Merman may substitute his breath weapon to fire a single bolt of fire. This bolt of
fire acts like a Scorching Ray spell used at the 4th CL.

Mermen are aquatic creatures, made in the image as a mockery to that of the Merfolk. Unlike Merfolk,
these creatures are vicious killers who enjoy nothing more than pain and suffering. A typical merman
stands about 8 feet tall, and weights 200 lbs. These merman have special sacks within their body that they
use specifically to produce flames within them. They can also supernaturally concentrate the flames into a
single bolt, though this deprives them of the needed fluids to produce any more flames.


XP 200
This blue head grins evilly as it flies towards its victim.
CE Small Aberration
Init +4; Senses Life Sense 60 ft;
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+1 Size, +4 DEX, +2 natural,)
hp 2 (1d8-2)
Fort -2, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed Fly 60 ft
Melee Touching Bite +5 (1d4-1)
Str 9, Dex 18, Con 6, Int 14, Wis 7, Cha 9
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Weapon Finesse (Bite)
Skills Acrobatics (+8), Escape Artist (+8), Fly (+16), Survival+3
Medusa heads are a favorite of Dracula, as he uses them to inflict constant terror and distress towards
groups daring to enter his castle. A Medusa head has a blue body with green hair, stands usually about 3
feet in height, and weighs 60 pounds. They possess the same snake like hair as a Medusa, but the snakes
on it are dead and dying as a result of its incomplete form. They have very little purpose in life, other than
to kill and die.

Yellow Medusa Head (+1 CR): A Yellow Medusa head is a variant monster. Its body appears to be
yellow instead of blue. It has 1 more HD, and its bite attack is a touch attack. If the PCs are hit by its
touch attack, and fail a Will Save of 12, the PC turns to Stone for 1d6 rounds. A PC in this stone cannot
be damaged by anybody other than the Medusa Head. A PC cannot make attacks, but cannot be attacked
by anything; other than the Medusa head. The Yellow Medusa head always deals critical damage on a PC
in this Stone form.

XP 400
A very tough orc.
CE Medium Humanoid
Orc Warrior 3
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +4 Armor,)
hp 18 (3d10+6)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will 0
Defensive Abilities Orc Ferocity
Weakness Light Sensitivity
Speed 30 ft
Melee Falchion +9 (2d4+6)
Long Bow +9 (1d8)
Str 22, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 6, Wis 9, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +9; CMD 20
Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack
Gear Falchion, Chain shirt, Boots, GP 195, Bag 2, Backpack 2, Long Bow, 20 Arrows, Mug 3, Flint and steel
Languages Common, Orc


XP 1,200
Hired by Dracula to cause suffering to local villages, this Lycan hopes he will be able to be transformed into a
Castlevanian variant.
CE Medium (Augmented Human) (Lycanthropic)
Init +2; Senses Low Light vision, Scent 60 ft;
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+4 Chain shirt, +2 DEX, +2 natural, Dodge+1)
hp 27 (4d10+8)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +1
Defense abilities Damage Reduction 10/Silver
Speed 30 ft
Melee Bite +8 (1d4+4)
(Masterwork Glave+10) (1d10+6)
Str 19, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 11, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +8; CMD 21
Feats Weapon Focus (Glaive), Power Attack, Dodge, Improved Grapple, Weapon Specialization, Combat Expertise,
Improved Trip
Skills Climb +8, Diplomacy+4 Knowledge (Dungeoneering)+2, Stealth +5,
Languages: Common
Gear: Chain Shirt, Masterwork Glaive, Boots, 243 GP, 145 SP, Necklace (worth 45 GP), Gauntlets, Trail rations 10,
Meat 2, Backpack
SQ: Change Shape, Lycanthropic Empathy (Wolves), Curse of Lycanthropy, Bravery+1, Armor Training 1


XP 800
Hired by Dracula to cause suffering to local villages, this Lycan hopes he will be able to be transformed into a
Castlevanian variant.
NE Medium (Augmented Human) (Lycanthropic)
Init +4; Senses Low Light vision, Scent 60 ft;
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+4 Chain shirt, +2 DEX, +2 natural, Dodge+1)
hp 20 (3d8+6)
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +3
Defense abilities Damage Reduction 10/Silver, Evasion
Speed 30 ft
Melee Bite +4 (1d4+2)
+2 (2 Short Swords) (1d6+2)
Special attack Sneak Attack +2d6
Str 15, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 13
Base Atk +4; CMB +8; CMD 21
Feats Two Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Short Sword), Dodge, Skill Focus (Stealth)
Skills Acrobatics+9, Climb+8, Diplomacy+7, Escape Artist+10, Intimidate+7, Knowledge (Dungeoneering)+5,
Sleight of Hand+10, Stealth+12, Perception+8,
Languages: Common, Elf
Treasure: Chain Shirt, Short swords, Boots, Hood, Cape, Thieves Tools 3, Masterwork Thieves Tools, Trail rations
12, Waterskin, Backpack, 2 Pouches,
SQ: Change Shape, Lycanthropic Empathy (Wolves), Curse of Lycanthropy, Trap Sense+1, Rogue Talent, Trapfinding


XP 4,800
Hired by Dracula to cause suffering to local villages, this Vampire hopes he will be able to be transformed into a
Castlevanian variant.
Vampire Half-Elf Sorcerer 6
LE Medium Undead (Augmented Human)
Init +8; Senses Dark Vision 60 ft
AC 23, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+4 DEX, +6 Natural, +1 Dodge, +3 Ring of Protection)
hp 18 (6d6+30)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +8
Defense abilities Damage Reduction 10/Silver and Magic, Immune Undead Traits Resist Cold 10, Electricity 10,
Fire 10, Fast Healing 5, Channel Resistance +4
Weakness Vampire Weakness
Speed 35 ft
Melee +6 Slam (1d4+3, plus Energy Drain)
Special attack Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Create Spawn, Dominate (DC 22), Energy Drain (DC 22)
Elemental Ray 11/day
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 6th Concentration +15)
3rd – 4/day Slow, Dispel Magic, Hold Person, Protection from Energy,
2nd – 6/day Scorching Ray, Darkness, Blur, Eagle’s Splendor, Summon Monster II, Invisibility, Cat’s Grace
1st - 8/day Mage Armor, Grease, Burning Hands, Ray of Enfeeblement, True Strike, Magic Missile, Shield,
Bloodline: Elemental (Fire)
Str 16, Dex 19, Con ---, Int 15, Wis 17, Cha 20
Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 24
Feats Silent Spell, Eschew Materials, Dodge, Combat Casting, Lightning Reflexes, Alertness, Toughness, Improved
Initiative, Fleet
Skills Appraise+8, Bluff +19, Knowledge (Arcane)+8, Knowledge Religion +8, Perception+12, Spellcraft+12, Sense
Motive+16, Stealth+12, Use Magic Device +14,
Languages: Common, Elf, Dwarf,
Gear Metamagic Rod (Quicken), Sorcerer’s Robe, Potion of Inflict Serious wounds, Ring of Protection +3, Wand of
Summon Monster III,
SQ: Change Shape, Gaseous Form, Shadowless, Spider Climb, Cantrips, Bloodline Power

Maionel is a vampire that hails from the North. He was in the busy of digesting a meal when news of
Dracula’s resurrection came to him. With a desire to further increase his power, he has come down to
Ashfall with hopes that Dracula will give him further power; and to bathe in the eternal night that the
Castle has created.

XP 4,800
This grinning bronze skull delivers pain to those who bring it pain.
CE Huge Undead
Init +4; Senses Soul Sight 60 feet
Aura: Fear (DC 21, 2d6 rounds, 60 feet)
AC 14, touch 6, flat-footed 14 (+8 Natural, -2 Size, -2 DEX
hp 50 (10d8+20)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +10
Defense abilities Damage Reduction 15/Bludgeoning, Channel Resistance 8
Immune Cold, Undead Traits
Weakness Divine Vulnerability
Speed Fly 60 feet (Perfect)
Space/Reach: 20 Feet/15 feet
Melee 4 licks +15 Bladed Tongue (2d8+8 (19-20), plus Bleed 2)
Special Attacks Shrapnel Storm
Str 26, Dex 7, Con ---, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 15
Base Atk +7; CMB +17; CMD 27
Feats Improved Initiative, Power attack, Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Improved Critical, Bleeding Critical
Skills Acrobatics +8, Disguise+14, Fly+10, Intimidate+11, Perception+15, Spellcraft+4, Stealth+14,
Languages: Common (Understands, Cannot speak)
SQ: Unnatural Invisibility

Shrapnel Storm (Ex): Whenever Puwexyl receives 1 HP of damage, he can direct a rain of sharp bone
fragments in a 20 feet column above the PCs. This column deals 5d6 slashing damage to the PCs, unless
they make a Reflex save of 17, in which case they receive half damage. Evasion and Improved Evasion
still function with this ability as normal. This is an air effect.

Unnatural Invisibility (Su): A Puwexyl can bend light waves around it, making it appear completely
invisible, so much so that it can make attacks as per normal as per Greater Invisibility. While in this state,
spells that reveal its presence such as See invisibility do not function. This ability lasts 10 rounds per day.
The rounds do not need to be consecutive. Puwexyl can end the effects of this ability as a swift action,
and Sharpnel storm does not work when this ability is active.

Divine Vulnerability (Ex): Puwexyl receive 50% additional damage as a result of any divine spells cast
on it. If dealt damage while invisible, Puwexyl’s invisibility rebounds in the form of disruptive energy,
dealing damage equal to the rounds it has left with invisibility, and drains its use of the ability.

Puwexyls are a variant creature in Castlevanian, made by Dracula’s sorcerous powers. Originally
fashioned from the skulls of giants, these skulls are magically imbibed with several frightening powers,
making it a terrible foe to encounter.

From what is known, Puwexyls are generally found in ruins of Castles, or in graveyards. They search for
those who they assume are a threat to Dracula’s rule, and appear before them to cause them fear and
distress. Those who do not oppose Dracula, or have no intentions it usually ignores, unless boredom has
kicked in. It then usually goes invisible, to which then it responds with its nasty barbed tongue. Those
who harm the creature will be shocked to see the fragments come to life and hurl themselves at them.

Castlevanian Stone Golem (+2 CR; Wood Golem). A Castlevanian Stone Golem is a favored creature
among Dracula’s horde to use as guards for his Castle, particularly at the entrance. A Castlevanian Stone
Golem has these changes done to the Wood Golem:

1. Skin changes to stone. Vulnerability to fire is removed.

2. Splintering changes to a Breath Weapon attack of fire. Reflex save is bumped by +3, and there is
two additional damage die added to the attack (8d6). Damage type is fire.
3. Magic Immunity is changed. The Magic Immunity differences use the Stone Golem’s differences
instead of the Wood Golem’s differences on certain spells.
4. Natural AC increased by +4.

5. Gains Awesome Blow Feat.

6. Size category changes to Large.

7. Weakness: Waist Vulnerability. Called shots (-5 to attack) on the Waist section of the Golem deal
50% additional damage.
8. Attribute changes: +4 STR, -4 DEX, +2 CON.

XP 800
A mass of deformed heads, all appearing to be in pain hovers about.
CE Medium Outsider (Incorporeal)
Init +4; Senses Life sense 60 ft;
AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 10, (Deflection+8, Dodge+1)
hp 20 (4d8+8)
Fort +2, Ref +10, Will +8
Defense abilities Incorporeal Traits
Weakness Divine Vulnerability, Negative Energy Affinity
Speed Fly 60 ft
Melee Touch +8 (2d8 Negative Energy)
Special attack Curse (Will Save 15)
Str ---, Dex 20, Con ---, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 15
Base Atk +3; CMB +8; CMD 29
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse (Touch)
Skills Bluff+7, Fly+11, Knowledge (Planes)+7, Perception+8, Stealth+11,
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Infernal

Curse: DC Will Save 15. Frequency 2 days. PC suffers a -4 to two ability scores, and has Slow casted on
them. This requires a Remove Curse spell to cure (Break DC 24). The save is WIS based.

Divine Vulnerability: Ectoplasm receive 50% additional damage as a result of any divine spells cast on

Dracula fashions these outsider beings in the Negative energy realm, where their power flourishes much
more potently than before. Creating this ectoplasm creature requires the souls of at least 15 humanoids, or
creatures with INT scores above 3 to be gathered in the Negative energy realm, and then cast Extraplanar
binding, and a Quickened Create Undead. By doing these spells together, and by creating it in another
plane, this creature is both an Outsider and Undead, giving it the best of both worlds.

Ectoplasm are made to do nothing more than curse and kill, floating among towns and villages to induce
terror and fear. They then select targets and then use their touch attack, inflicting harm and a dreadful
curse on them.

Green Ectoplasm (+1 CR): Green Ectoplasm is a much more powerful version of the Ectoplasm
monster. The DC for its curse increases by 2, and the cursed PC has a 30% chance to make no action
during a round. Green Ectoplasm can also bestow a negative level on a PC if they hit them on a Touch
attack, unless the PC makes a Fortitude save of 17.


XP 6,400
It is well known that most Werewolves in Castlevanian are trained in the arts of a Monk.
Drow Werewolf Monk of the Four Winds 8
LE Medium Humanoid (Augmented Human)
Init +4; Senses Dark vision 120 ft, Low light vision, Scent 60 feet
AC 23, touch 23, flat-footed 10 (+4 DEX, +5 Wisdom, +1 Ring of
Protection, +1 Dodge, +2 Monk)
hp 63 (8d8+16)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +11
Defense abilities Damage Reduction 10/Silver
Immune Drow Immunities, Fall damage

SR 18
Weakness Light Blindness
Speed 40 feet
Melee +13/+8 Unarmed Strike (2d10+7)
Bite +13/+8 (1d4+7, plus curse of lycanthropy DC 18)
Spell like abilities (CL 9th Concentration +10)
1/day – Fearie Fire, Dancing Lights, Darkness
Special Attacks Flurry of Blows +11/+11/+6/+6/+1
Fireball +12 (3d6 Fire damage, touch attack)
Flipping Strike (+3d6 damage)
Str 23, Dex 18, Con 15, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 13
Base Atk +7; CMB +16 (+18 ; CMD 38
Feats Elemental Fist (fire), Improved Unarmed Strike, Dodge, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Grapple, Deflect
Arrows, Gorgon’s Fist, Scorpion Style
Skills Acrobatics+12, Climb+15, Escape Artist+15, Intimidate+12, Knowledge History+5, Knowledge Religion+9,
Perception+13, Profession (Scribe) +4, Sense motive+3, Swim+13,
Languages: Common, Elf, Drow
Gear Ring of Protection, Monk’s Vestment, periapt of Health, Monk Robe, Waterskin, Ale 5, Mug 4,
SQ: Change Shape, Lycanthropic Empathy (Wolves), Curse of Lycanthropy, Slow fall 40 ft, Wholeness of Body, High
Jump, Purity of Body, Ki Pool, Fast movement, Maneuver training, Still Mind, Poison use, Walk on Walls
XP 6,400
Possibly one of the most fearsome and well known guardians in all of the Castle.
LN Large Construct
Init +4; Senses darkvision, low light vision 60 ft.;
AC 24, touch 9, flat-footed 24 (+11 Armor, +4 natural, -1 Size)
hp 95 (12d10+20)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7
Defensive Abilities Construct Traits, Hardness 15
Immunities Fire
Speed 15 ft
Space/Reach: 10 Feet/15 Feet
Melee 2 slams +18 (2d4+7),
Mithral Large Great Sword+2 +18/+13/+8 (2d8+11, 17-20)
Special Attacks Fire Trail (12d6 fire damage, 40 foot cone or 80 foot line,
reflex save of 16 for half),
Rapid Strike 7/day
Spell like abilities(CL 12th Concentration +20)
At will - Cat’s Grace, Quickened Blur, Make Whole, Quickened Wall of Force (only in front of it)
3/day - Dimension Door, Haste, Dispel Magic, Shield, Empowered Magic Missile, Glitterdust (DC 16), Resist
Str 24, Dex 11, Con ---, Int 18, Wis 17, Cha 10
Base Atk +12; CMB +18; CMD 28
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Great Sword), Improved Critical, Combat Expertise, Fleet, Combat Casting
Skills Appraise+8, Bluff+8, Craft (Weapon)+8, Escape Artist+9, Knowledge (Arcane)+7, Knowledge
(Dungeoneering)+7 Knowledge (Nature) +7, Perception+11, Spellcraft+12, Use Magic Device+9,
Gear Full plate+2 (Is destroyed upon death), +1 Large Mithral Great Sword (50% destroyed upon death), Noble
Crest (worth 100 GP), Castlevanian Cape, Scroll of Shield 2, Assortments of coins and other mundane treasure

Special attacks:

Rapid Strike (Ex): An Armor Lord can flurry of blow it’s weapon as if it was a Monk weapon. The
attack becomes +17/+17/+15/+15/+13/+13. It can only do this 6 times a day.

With Dracula already obtained the Axe Knights, it wasn’t long until he decided to improve upon the
design. Armor Lords were the next step up.

Armor Lords are powerful creatures who wield giant swords so well that they can stab with them at an
alarming speed. These guardians are also imbued with powerful magic, making them well adept to
counter distasteful situations. A typical Armor Lord is about 10 feet tall, and weights over 300 pounds,
not counting their equipment.

Despite their fearsome appearance, Armor Lords generally do not attack on site. They deal with all hostile
intruders swiftly…but will allow them to have a moment to prepare before they slowly walk over to them
with their fearsome blades and magic. Armor Lords see themselves more as protectors than soldiers.
An Armor Lord can be constructed from a solid slab of Adamantine weighing at least 2,000 lbs.
Securing this costs 30,000 GP. It also must be anointed with special mixtures from the Castlevania
Alchemy lab, which cost 1,000 GP to procure from the Master Librarian.

CL: 14th Price: 50,500 GP

Requirements Craft Construct Feat, Spellbook with its entire spell like abilities written into it, Armor
Lord Scroll, Book titled: “The basics to Constructing Armor Lords.” CL14th. Spells: Animate Object,
Make Whole, Stone Shape, Burning Hands, Dictum
NOTE: Armor Lord Scroll and Book are not consumed when crafting. In addition, adding a Quickened
permanency spell to the mixture instantly creates the Armor Lord.

XP 600
Skeletal cooks that prepare meals.
Human Skeletal Champion Expert 1
NE Medium Undead
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.;
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 DEX,+2 natural,)
hp 15 (3d8+6)
Fort ---, Ref +3, Will +1
Defensive Abilities Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning. Channel Resistance +4
Immunities Cold
Speed 30 ft
Melee 1 slams +0 (1d4),
Cast Iron pot -4 (1d4)
Silverware -4 (1d4)
Str 11, Dex 16, Con ---, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Profession)
Skills Appraise+2, Diplomacy+6, Escape Artist+7, Knowledge (Nature)+2, Profession (Cook)+8, Profession
(Baker)+8 Survival+2,
Gear Pots and Pans, Cooking kit, Utensils, cliché chef’s hat
Languages: Common, Planar

Head Skeleton Chef (CR +1): The head Skeleton chef has one additional level of Expert added onto it.

XP 4,800
A large demon brought from the abyss. Both heat and cold emanate from its body, burning and freezing the soul at
one time,
CE Large Outsider (Demon, Evil, Extraplanar, Chaotic)
Init +1; Senses See in Darkness
Aura: Fear (Will Save 17, Shaken; lasts for 5 rounds)
AC 16, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 DEX, +6 natural, -1 Size)
hp 65 (10d10+30)
Fort ---, Ref +10, Will +11
Defensive Abilities Damage Reduction 10/Good or Lawful
Immunities Electricity, Fire, Cold, Poison
Speed 20 ft, Fly 60 feet (Good Maneuverability)
Space/Reach: 10 Feet/10 Feet
Melee 2 Claws +15 (1d8+9, plus 1d6 cold, and 1d6 fire)
1 Bite +15 (2d6+6, plus Poison)
Special attacks: Breath Weapon (Cold or Fire 10d6, Reflex save 18, 10/day)
Spells like abilities (CL 10th Concentration +13)
Constant – Detect Good, Detect Evil, True Seeing
At will – Greater Dispel Magic, Telekinesis (DC 22)
3/day – Cone of Cold, Ice Storm, Wall of Fire, Dimension Door, Quickened Scorching Ray, Flaming Sphere,
Fire Breath
1/day - Summon (3 Dretches 100%)
Str 22, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +10; CMB +16; CMD 26
Feats Flyby Attack, Improved Grapple, Quicken Spell like ability, Lightning Reflexes, Multi-attack
Skills Appraise+7, Bluff+6, Craft (Alchemy)+8, Diplomacy+8, Knowledge (Arcane)+13 Knowledge (Nature)+10,
Knowledge (Planes)+12, Perception+14, Use Magic Device+13
Languages: Common, Infernal, Abyssal, Telepathy 100 feet, Celestial
Gear Above Average Treasure
SQ: Death Throes, Fortitude save immunity


Poison (Ex): Save; DC 18. Onset; one minute, Frequency 1 hour/6 hours, Effect 1d4 DEX damage

Death Throes (Ex): When a Malachi is slain by a PC, it explodes in a fiery burst in a 10 foot radius,
which deals 10d6 damage, unless the PC makes a Reflex save of 18, in which case halves the damage.

Fortitude save immunity (Ex): Malachi’s are immune to all fortitude based saves and abilities.

Malachi in the language of the Abyss means devil. These are one of the few demons that are used
specifically to counter devils from the Nine circles of Hell. Utilizing both fire and cold, these demons are
a fearsome foe.

XP 1,200
Beneath the rather cute pumpkin, is a threatening eye that is aimed at his victim.
Human Skeletal Champion Gunslinger 2
CE Medium Undead
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.;
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+4 DEX, +4 Chain shirt +2 natural,)
hp 27 (4d8+4)
Fort +3, Ref +8, Will 0
Defensive Abilities Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning. Channel Resistance +4
Immunities: Cold
Speed 30 ft
Melee Short Sword +3 (1d6+1)
Ranged Darkwood Musket +7 (1d8 Bludgeoning and Piercing damage)
Dragon Breath Cartridge (2d6 fire damage)
Str 12, Dex 20, Con ---, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 13
Base Atk +2; CMB +1; CMD 18
Feats Improved Initiative, Quick Draw, Rapid Reload
Skills Acrobatics+8, Perception+5, Sleight of hand+8
Gear Darkwood Musket, 20 Shots, 10 shots (Dragon Breath), Pumpkin headgear, Purple coat, Chain shirt
Languages: Common
SQ: Deeds, Grit, Gun-smithing, Nimble+1

Bone Muskets as they are called, are really just marksmen whose souls have been implanted within a
skeleton. They are dressed in strange fashions not to intimidate, but to confuse and bewilder. And then
when their victim is in this state, they unleash rounds from their muskets into their chests.

XP 200
An evil grin is displayed on the face of this monstrous humanoid.
CE Fine Monstrous Humanoid
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.;
AC 21, touch 21, flat footed 10 (+7 DEX, +4 Size)
hp 4 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +9, Will 0
Defensive Abilities Swift Movements
Speed 60 ft
Melee Bleeding Claw +12 (1d2-5, plus Bleed 2)
Special attacks Sneak attack +2d6
Str 3, Dex 24, Con 10, Int 4, Wis 12, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB -4 ; CMD 13
Feats Weapon Finesse (Claws)
Skills Acrobatics+12, Climb +14 Stealth+10
Gear Ruined clothing,
Languages: Common
SQ Mighty Leap

Special abilities:

Mighty leap (Ex): A Fleaman can leap at least 60 feet in the air as a regular jump. It can move up to 60
feet in a straight line by doing this, and it is not subject to an attack of opportunity when performing this.
This is a Full round action.

Swift movements (Ex): A Flea Man can automatically avoid one attack of opportunity made against it
when moving through a threatened square.

Flea men are creatures born within the crypt of Castlevania. They are wicked horrific creatures who
cackle wickedly as they leap about victims, taunting them every seconds that is possible. They use their
fearsome speed to daunt their foes, and then move at them with their claws to tear away at their flesh.
They only weight 40 lbs, and are only a foot or 2 high, making them difficult to hit and kill.

Flea Knight (CR +1): A Flea knight is a flea man who has constructed a piece of armor that he currently
has donned. This piece of armor acts like a Fine piece of Agile Breastplate+2 which is Mithral, granting
the flea man a +8 to his current armor class. The flea man also carries with him a fine battle axe, which
inflicts 3 bleed damage if it hits, and 1 additional HD. When this flea man runs out of HP, the armor on it
shatters, and the creature becomes a regular flea man.

XP 400
A skeleton made to fight with a sword.
NE Medium Skeleton Undead (Augmented)
Human Warrior 1
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.;
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 Shield,
+4 Chain shirt)
hp 10 (1d8+1)
Fort ---, Ref +2, Will -1
Defensive Abilities DR/5 Bludgeoning; Immune; Cold,
Undead Traits
Speed 30 ft
Melee slam +6 (1d4+4),
Masterwork Scimitar (1d6+4)
Str 18, Dex 14, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 8, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 17
Feats Improved Initiative
Gear Masterwork Scimitar, Chain shirt, Heavy steel shield, Horned Helmet
XP 4,800
One of the lesser demons of the Abyss.
CE Large Outsider (Evil, Chaotic, Extraplanar, Demon)
Init -1; Senses See in Darkness
Aura Fear; 40 Feet radius, (Shaken 1d6 rounds, DC 23)
AC 14, touch 8, flat-footed 14 (+6 Natural, -1 DEX, -1 Size, +2 Deflection)
hp 70 (10d10+40)
Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +8
Defensive Abilities Damage Reduction 10/Lawful or Good,
Immunities Evil, Electricity, Cold
Resistance Acid 10, Fire 10
Special Abilities: Summon Lesser Demon, Ferocity, Death Throes
Weakness Divine Vulnerability
Speed 30 ft, Fly 60 ft
Space/Reach: 10 Feet/10 Feet
Melee 2 Claws +15 (1d6+6) 1 Bite (2d6+6)
Aura Sphere +9 (4d6+3 damage, plus Dazed Condition, no save)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 11th Concentration +14)
4th 2/day - Invisibility Greater, Shout,
3rd 3/day - Fire Breath, Stinking Cloud, Dazing Fire ball
2nd 4/day - Fog Cloud, Web, Scorching Ray, Bull’s Strength
1st 5/day - True Strike, Heightened Burning Hands, Ray of Enfeeblement, Mage Armor, Shield
0th 5/day - Detect Magic, Flare, Acid Slash,
Spell-like abilities (CL 12th Concentration +15)
At will - Teleport, Rainbow Pattern (DC 17), Fly, Black Tentacles (DC 17)
Special Attacks Aura Sphere
Str 23, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 17, Wis 9, Cha 17
Base Atk +10; CMB +16; CMD 33
Feats Intensify Spell, Die hard, Spell Focus: Conjuration, Augmented Summoning, Multi-attack
Skills: Acrobatics+15, Bluff+6, Diplomacy+6, Escape Artist+12 Knowledge Arcane+12, Knowledge Planes+6,
Knowledge Religion+6, Perception+11 Spellcraft+15, Use Magic Device+15,
Gear Pants, Lesser Metamagic Rod: Quicken, Ring of Protection +2 (Disappears unless stolen by players),
Masterwork Backpack, Amulet (worth 400 GP), Holbein Dagger (30% chance), Spellbook (Listed spells prepared)
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Elven, Draconic, Celestial, Telepathy 100 feet


Summon Lesser Demon (Su): If a Lesser Demon spends 2 full round actions in place, it can perform a
dark ritual in which summons another one of its brethren onto the Material Plane. This functions like
Summon Monster, but with a permanent duration. When commencing the ritual, a powerful pillar of light
appears under the demon as it brother takes shape. While performing the ritual, the Lesser Demon’s
Damage Reduction goes up by 5;and becomes a static damage reduction, but it must remain Flat footed at
all times until the ritual is complete. Once the ritual is complete, another Lesser Demon has come forth to
fight for it. This Lesser Demon possesses none of the equipment that its brother has. Unlike a regular
summon spell, this ritual’s concentration cannot be broken, and can be repeated as often as needed.
A summoned Lesser Demon may also use this ability; and unlike normal Summon spells, the Summoned
Lesser Demon does not vanish if its Summoner is slain.

Death Throes (Ex): When a Lesser Demon’s HP drops to 0 or lower, its body is lit ablaze and runs into
the PCs. When this happens, the Lesser Demon’s claw attacks gain 2d6 fire damage on top of its regular
attack, deals 2d6 fire damage to all PCs who make a melee attack on it, gains immunity to fire and deals
1d6 fire damage to being 5 feet around a PC. However, it also takes 1d6 damage each round, and can only
remain up for 2 rounds before collapsing and perishing. A Lesser Demon cannot use spells or special
qualities as it perishes.

Divine Vulnerability (Ex): Lesser Demons receive 50% additional damage as a result of any divine
spells cast on it.

Lesser demons are lesser beings who inhabit the Abyss. These beings appear to a shirtless humanoid
demon like creature with horns and fanged teeth. Lesser demons are adept spellcasters, and have mastered
many magical arts to hound at their prey.

XP 600
Human Alchemist 3
LE Medium Humanoid
Init +3;
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 DEX, +4 Chain shirt, +1 Dodge)
hp 15 (3d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +5
Resistance: Poison Resistance +2
Speed 30 ft
Melee Dagger +1 (1d4-1)
Ranged Bombs +5 (2d6+5)
Alchemist Formula Prepared (CL 3rd)
1st 3/day – Cure Light wounds, Bombers Eye, Expeditious Retreat
Str 9, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Extra Bombs, Extra Discovery, Dodge
Skills Appraise+11, Craft (Alchemy) +11, Disable Device+9, Heal+8, Knowledge (Arcane)+11, Knowledge
(Nature)+11, Spellcraft+11, Use magic device+7,
Gear Chain shirt, Ink, Ink pen, Hourglass (1 minute), Paper 20, Poison Pill Ring, Oil 6, Lamp, Candles 10, Sack,
Backpack, Dagger, Traveler’s dictionary, Antidote kit, Healer’s kit, Portable Alchemist’s lab, Explorer’s outfit,
Bloodblock 2, Invisible ink, Alchemist’s fire 5, 142 GP
Languages: Common, Elf, Dwarf, Abyssal, Draconic, Halfling
SQ: Alchemy, Bomb 2d6, Mutagen, Poison Use, Swift Alchemy, Discovery: Explosive bomb, Discovery: Smoke Bomb

XP 800
Human Alchemist 4
LE Medium Humanoid
Init +3;
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 DEX, +4 Chain shirt, +1 Dodge)
hp 24 (4d8+4)
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +5
Resistance: Poison Resistance +2
Speed 30 ft
Melee Dagger +4 (1d4+1)
Ranged Bombs +7 (2d6+5)
Alchemist Formula Prepared (CL 3rd)
2nd 2/day – Fox’s Cunning, Bulls Strength,
1st 3/day – Cure Light wounds, Bombers Eye, Expeditious Retreat
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 18
Feats Brew Potion, Throw Anything, Extra Bombs, Extra Discovery, Dodge
Skills Appraise+12, Craft (Alchemy) +12, Disable Device+10, Heal+9, Knowledge (Arcane)+12, Knowledge
(Nature)+12, Spellcraft+12, Use magic device+8,
Gear Chain shirt, Ink, Ink pen, Hourglass (1 minute), Paper 20, Poison Pill Ring, Oil 6, Lamp, Candles 10, Sack,
Backpack, Dagger, Traveler’s dictionary, Antidote kit, Healer’s kit, Portable Alchemist’s lab, Explorer’s outfit,
Bloodblock 2, Invisible ink, Alchemist’s fire 5, 342 GP, Robe of Components, Scroll of True Seeing, Nithrat Poison vial
Languages: Common, Elf, Dwarf, Abyssal, Draconic, Halfling
SQ: Alchemy, Bomb 2d6, Mutagen, Poison Use, Swift Alchemy, Discovery: Stink Bomb, Discovery: Smoke Bomb,
Discovery: Feral Mutagen

XP 800
A skeletal butterfly whose venomous fangs bring swift death.
CE Tiny Outsider (Extraplanar, Chaotic, Evil)
Init +5; Senses Life sense, Dark vision 60 ft;
AC 23, touch 23, flat-footed 12 (+5 DEX, Deflection+6, +2 Size)
hp 18 (5d10-5)
Fort 0, Ref +9, Will +8
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning
Immunities Magic Immunity, Cold
Special abilities Natural Invisibility
Speed Fly 80 ft
Melee Bite +9 (1d2-4 plus poison)
Str 4, Dex 20, Con 8, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 13
Base Atk +4; CMB 0; CMD 21
Feats Flyby attack, Weapon Finesse (Fangs)
Skills Acrobatics+12, Fly+12, Knowledge (Nature)+8, Knowledge (Planes)+8, Perception+11, Spellcraft+8
Gear Mystic Pendant (10% chance)
Languages: Undercommon, Abyssal

SQ: Poisonous Fangs


Poisonous fangs (Ex): The fangs of the Bitter fly are highly poisonous. Contact - Touch. Fortitude DC,
11. Onset: --- Frequency 1 rd for 5 rds. Effect: 1d4 CON, Unconsciousness for 1d4 hours. Cure 1 save.

When a bitterfly has been slain, its skull contains to produce poison for the next 2d6 hours, after which
the skull degrades into dust. A PC who keeps a Bitterflies skull before it vanishes can store up to 20 flasks
of bitterfly poison or produce 20 vials of Anti-toxin. Bitterfly poison is worth 200 GP a vial.

Natural Invisibility (Su): A Bitterfly can as an immediate action turn invisible; but it must return to
visible sight every 2d6 rounds. After 1 round of being visible, it returns to being invisible.

Magic Immunity (Ex): A Bitterfly is immune to all magic spells that require Spell resistance, and all
spells made against it fail. Some spells when used however operate differently.
Disrupt undead Deals damage to the Bitterfly.
Dismissal Dismissal Dazes the Bitterfly if it fails its Will save for 1d6 rounds.
Fireball Singes its wings for 1 round, revealing its location, and halving its flying speed. A second fire
spell destroys it instantly.
Cone of Cold Deals no damage, but forces the Bitterfly down by 20 feet.

Bitterflies are evil outsiders hailing from Abbadon, appearing to a skull with butterfly wings. Bitterflies
true forms are rarely seen by humans, as the Bitterfly makes sure it is well concealed before assuming
invisibility for the few moments it chooses to attack. Bitterflies target individuals who have separated
from groups, and then slowly creep up behind them invisible. When the opportunity is right, they then
sink their fangs into their target, hoping their poison and unconsciousness will slay their victim. They
then feast upon the remains.

XP 2,400
This beaked demon swings it’s lance with utmost grace and
CE Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Chaotic, Demon)
Init +1; Senses See in Darkness
AC 17, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+7 Natural, +1 DEX, -1 Size)
hp 64 (8d10+48)
Fort +11, Ref +7, Will 0
Defensive abilities: Damage Reduction 10/Good, Fast Healing
Resistance: Acid, Cold 10, Fire 10
Immunities: Fall damage, Electricity, Poison
Special abilities: 40 Foot jump
Speed 20 ft,
Space/Reach: 10 Feet/10 Feet
Melee 2 Claws +14 (3d6+7)
1 Bite +14 (2d8+6)
+2 Fire Starter +16/+11 (2d10+9, plus 1d10 fire)
Ranged +9 (Fire Starter: Ball of Flame 6d6)
Special Attacks: Gaze attack: 40 ft. Stunned 1d6 rounds (DC Will DC 12)
Spell like abilities: (CL 8th Concentration +9)
Constant - True Seeing
3/day - Dimensional Anchor (DC 15), Unholy Blight (DC 14) Dispel Magic, Persistent Hold Person (DC 14),
Scorching Ray
Str 25, Dex 12, Con 22, Int 13, Wis 7, Cha 9
Base Atk +8; CMB +15; CMD 26
Feats Power Attack, Vital Strike, Combat Expertise, Cleave
Skills: Acrobatics+11, Bluff+2, Diplomacy+3, Escape Artist+11, Knowledge (Nature)+11, Knowledge (Planes)+8,
Knowledge (Religion)+7, Lingustics+8, Perception+10, Sense motive +9, Use Magic Device+10,
Gear Fire Starter Lance, Various Magic items
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Celestial, Draconic, Telepathy 100 feet

Slogra is a name of a demon variant that comes from the Abyss. It is actually a foul creation by Count
Dracula of which he sold to the Abyss in exchange for loyalty, along with the Gabion variant. These
demons appear to be large muscular humanoids with the beak of a crane, which carry a fiery red lance. A
typical Slogra weights about 300 lbs, and is 8 feet tall. The feet of Slogras are capable of leaping
extraordinary heights, as well as resisting large falls. Most Slogras generally prefer ambushing their prey
to get an early edge against them, or working with Gabion variants, since those can fly.

XP 1,600
These winged devil swoops over its foes with utmost grace.
CE Huge Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Chaotic, Demon)
Init +4; Senses See in darkness
AC 14, touch 8, flat-footed 14; (+6 Natural, -2 Size)
hp 36 (6d10+12)
Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +2
Defensive abilities: Damage Reduction 10/Good, Fast Healing 10
Resistance Acid, Cold, Fire 10
Immunities Electricity, Poison
Special abilities Enraged Form
Speed 20 ft, 60 ft Fly (Good)
Space/Reach: 20 Feet/15 Feet
Melee 2 Claws +12 (4d8+7)
1 Bite (2d10+7)
Spell like abilities: (CL 6th Concentration +8)
At will - Fly, Dimension Door
3/day - Dimensional Anchor (DC 15), Burning Hands (DC 14) Resist Energy, Quickened Hold Person (DC
5/day - Toppling Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Armor
Special Attacks: Breath Weapon (6d6 Fire damage, 40 ft cone, Reflex DC 15 for half, adds Sickened condition; no
save 6 times a day), Flaming Burst
Str 25, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 14
Base Atk +6; CMB +13 (+21 on Grapple and Bullrush); CMD 22
Feats Vital Strike, Improved Grapple, Improved Bullrush
Skills: Acrobatics+10, Bluff+3, Diplomacy+4, Heal+4, Knowledge (Nature)+9, Knowledge (Planes)+6, Knowledge
(Religion)+5, Lingustics+5, Perception+10, Sense motive +9, Use Magic Device+9,
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Celestial, Draconic


Enraged form (Ex): When Gabion has lost 50% of its HP, it’s body changes from a Blue hue to that of a
Red one. In this form, Gabion gains 5 more points of Damage Reduction, and it becomes a static
Damaged Reduction. Gabion gains unlimited use of its Breath weapon, and his damage is bumped up one
damage die. Its attributes and speed are affected then in the same way as a Barbarian’s rage ability. Once
in this form however, Gabion can no longer cast spells, and his Fast Healing ceases to function.

Flaming Burst (Ex): Gabion can substitute one of its uses of its breath weapon for Scorching Ray spell
like ability. This Scorching Ray attack hits on touch, and acts as if Gabion is an 8th level caster. The
sickening effect is added if the attack hits as per regular breath weapon.

Gabion demons are another variant created by Dracula with the foul souls that the Abyss provided. These
winged demons generally ally themselves with the Slogra variants in combat. A typical Gabion weighs
about 280 lbs and is 7-9 feet tall. Gabions ususally serve as guards for grounded demons and protect them
with their fiery breath. Should a demon need to retreat, Gabion’s swoop in and remove them from

XP 1,200
This imp loves to cause confusion and disarray.
CE Tiny Outsider (Evil, Chaotic, Extraplanar, Demon)
Init +4; Senses See in darkness
AC 24, touch 19, flat-footed 14; (+4 Natural, +7 DEX, +2 Size, +1 Dodge)
hp 11 (5d10-18)
Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +5
Defensive abilities: Damage Reduction 5/Good, Cursing Shield
Resistance Fire, Acid, Cold 10
Immunities Electricity, Poison
Special abilities Pass through walls, Change Shape (Beast Shape I),
Speed 40 ft, 60 ft Fly (Good)
Melee 2 Claws +2 (1d2-2, plus Attach)
1 Bite +2 (1d3-2, plus Attach and poison)
Tiny spear+2 +4 (+12 on throw) (1d3-2)
Spell like abilities: (CL 6th Concentration +10)
At will – Detect Good, Detect Magic, Detect Evil
1/day - Augury, Suggestion (DC 16)
1/week – Commune (9 questions, DC 16)
Special Attacks: Confusion Attack, Death Throes,
Str 6, Dex 24, Con 5, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 15
Base Atk +5; CMB +12 (+20 on Grapple); CMD 18
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Improved Unarmed attack, Improved Grapple
Skills: Acrobatics+13, Bluff+10 Escape Artist+13, Fly +24, Knowledge Arcane+9, Knowledge (Planes)+7,
Knowledge (Religion)+7, Perception+12, Spellcraft+5, Use Magic Device+5
Gear +2 Tiny Spear, Kings Stone (20% chance),
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Celestial, Draconic, Elf, Telepathy 100 feet


Poison (Ex): Bite—injury; save Fort DC 11; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dex; cure 1 save.
The save DC is Constitution-based, and includes a +2 racial bonus. This poison is the same as the imps.

Cursing Shield (Su): If an Attaching Imp is attached to someone, it acts as if it has cast Shield Other on
its victim; except that the Attaching Imp receives no damage, while the victim receives the full damage.
This effect does not end, until the imp is removed. A Dispel magic check of 17 temporarily removes this
effect for 1d4 rounds.

Pass through walls (Su): An attaching Imp can pass through walls as if it was incorporeal.

Confusion attack (Su): If an Attaching Imp successfully attaches to a PC as a result of a grapple check,
or its attach attack, it immediately bestows Confusion to the PC for 1d3 rounds. There is no save for this.
A PC may attempt to make a Will DC of 17 after 1d3 rounds. If the PC fails, the PC is again confused. If
he/she succeeds the save, they are immune to the confusion from that point on for the next 24 hours.

Death Throes (Ex): If an attaching Imp is slain, it’s body immediately combusts in a burst of flame in a 5
foot radius, dealing 2d6 fire damage to everyone. Reflex save of 19 halves the damage.

The Abyss has had Dracula mold numerous corrupted souls into newly recruited demons, and improve on
their designs. The Attaching imp is one said design. Attaching imps are modified imps in terms of size
and abilities. A typical one will weigh only 50 lbs, and be at usually 3-4 feet.

An attaching imp should be considered a cousin of the standard demon Imp, but is superior one in terms
of thought, ability. The only thing the imp excels at superior than the Attaching imp is strength, but
attaching imps rectify this deficiency by responding their confusion powers.

Typical Attaching imps stay out of combat for the most part, waiting for a victim to ignore them to attend
to other matters in a fight, or to stray away from a group. Then then swoop down and make an attack with
their bite or claw and attach themselves, causing immediate confusion and disarray.

XP 9,600
These demons are followers of the Demon Lord Marsil, who they revere even in death.
CE Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Chaotic, Demon)
Int -2 Senses See in Darkness
Aura Fear 60 feet (Frightened 2d6 rounds, DC 17)
AC 19, touch 18, flat-footed 19 (+11 Natural, -2 Size)
hp 80 (12d10+72)
Fort +13, Ref +3, Will +11
Defensive Abilities Damage Reduction 10/Good,
Immunities Evil, Fire, Electricity
Resistance Acid 10, Sonic 10 SR 20
Special Qualities Fiery Skin, Fire Affinity
Weakness Cold Vulnerability
Speed 10 Feet
Space/Reach: 10 Feet/10 Feet
Melee 2 Claws +19 (2d8+8, plus 1d10 fire)
Marsil +24/+19/+14 (2d6+14, plus 2d6 fire, and Burn)
Spell like abilities (CL 15th Concentration +20)
Constant – True Seeing, Darkness, Flaming Sphere
At will - Quench, Flame Strike (DC 20), Stoneskin, Wall of Fire (DC 20), Fire Seeds, Fire Storm (DC 22),
Burning hands (DC 16), Scorching Ray , Continual Flame, Fire Breath (DC 18)
3/day - Quickened Fire ball
1/day - Summon (2 Dretches 50%, 1 Nabasu 40%)
Str 26, Dex 6, Con 22, Int 20, Wis 18, Cha 14
Base Atk +12; CMB +18; CMD 28
Feats Intimidating Prowess, Weapon Focus (Claws), Quicken Spell spell like ability, Vital Strike, Improved Natural
Skills: Appraise+3, Bluff+12, Climb+21, Craft (Alchemy)+18, Escape Artist+3, Fly+13, Intimidate+21, Knowledge
(Arcane)+10, Knowledge (Planes)+18, Knowledge (Religion)+10, Perception+17, Sense Motive+15, Survival +18,
Use Magic Device +18
Gear Shield of Flame, Sword of Marsil (10% chance), Staff of Fire, Blazing Robe (20%)
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Elven, Dwarven, Halfling, Drow, Diabolic, Draconic, Celestial, Telepathy 100 feet,

Special abilities:

Fiery Skin (Ex): A Flame Demon’s skin is made entirely out of both flames and stone. The intense heat
from the flames deals 1d10 fire damage to all PCs who are within 5 feet of the Flame Demon, and 2d10 if
a PC makes a Melee attack on it.

Fire Affinity (Su): The Flame Demon’s very essence is directly tied to that of fire, and burns through the
magical essence that encompasses its body. All Fire related spells that the Flame demon casts deal 2
additional damage die in addition to their damage. Any Fire spells that are made as attacks against the
Flame Demon not only deal no damage, but also grant the Flame demon that much temporary HP that
was dealt as damage.

Hailing from some of the more infernal locations in the Abyss, the Flame Demons follow the fallen
Demon Marsil, and his unholy words. Even with Marsil slain, they continue to support his ends and
Flame Demons generally prefer to go to the Material Plane to find followers or cause untold havoc on the
land. Almost all Flame Demons prefer to remain in lands that are fiery and volcanic, trekking only out
when they need to expand their landscape. Flame Demons typically weight 300 lbs, and are 9 feet tall.

XP 800
These suits of armor are adept with their swift spears.
CN Medium Construct
Init +2; Senses low light vision; darkvision 60 ft.
AC 21, touch 12, flat-footed 19; (+2 Natural, +2 DEX, +7 Armor,)
hp 30 (4d10+20)
Fort ---, Ref +3, Will +3
Defensive abilities: Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning, Deflecting Spin
Immunities: Construct Immunities
Speed 30 ft,
Reach 10 Feet
Melee Slam +7 (1d4+3)
Extender Spear+1 +8 (1d6+4, plus Bleed 1)
Str 16, Dex 15, Con ---, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +4; CMB +6 CMD 18
Feats Improved Unarmed attack, Deflect arrows
Skills: Acrobatics+9, Intimidate+5, Profession (Soldier) +7, Stealth +20 (If employed by other statues), Use Magic
Gear Extender Spear (20% to not disintegrate upon death), Banded Mail (Disintegrates upon death) 1 Scroll of Mage
Armor, 1 Scroll of Shield, 1 Scroll of Make Whole,
Languages: Common, Dwarven

Special Qualities:

Deflecting Spin (Ex): A Spear Guard can as an immediate action spin his spear around when any ranged
attack comes his way. This spin automatically negates up to 2 ranged attacks per round; and stacks with
deflect arrows . The spin can be used to deflect incoming ranged weapons or attacks at him, or another
monster that the arrow is trying to hit, so long as it is within the Spear Guard’s reach.
This ability has no effect on spells with the ranged touch feature or cone shaped attacks. Bullets fired
from guns are also not affected by this ability.

Spear guards are constructs created by Dracula to help patrol sectors. They are suits of purple colored
banded mail, each carrying a magically enchanted spear. They are mostly seen in areas where preventing
important from crossing into certain areas is important.

XP 3,200
Another model of the Armor Lord, which forgoes magic for raw undisputed strength.
LE Large Construct
Init +2; Senses darkvision, low light vision 60 ft.;
AC 23, touch 12, flat-footed 21 (+8 Armor, +4 natural, +2 DEX, -
1 Size)
hp 60 (9d10+30)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4
Defensive Abilities Construct Traits, Hardness 10
Immunities Fire
Speed 20 ft
Space/Reach 10 Feet/20 Feet
Melee 2 slams +14 (2d4+6),
Mithral Huge Cold Iron Great sword+1 +15/+10 (3d8+6)
Str 22, Dex 7, Con ---, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 14
Base Atk +9; CMB +14; CMD 26
Feats Step Up, Vital Strike, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Furious Focus
Skills Acrobatics+13, Escape Artist+13, Knowledge (Arcane)+3, Knowledge (Engineering)+9, Knowledge
(Geography)+4, Knowledge (Planes)+3, Perception+12
Gear Mithral Half Plate (Turns to dust upon death), Huge Cold Iron Great Sword, Noble Symbol, Huge Buckler, 2
Everburning Torches, 1 Muramasa (10% chance), Bekatowa (20% chance), 2 Monster vials 3,
SQ: Massive Weapon, Vandal Lord,


Massive Weapon (Ex): A Sword Lord can wield weapons one size category higher than normal.

Vandal Lord (Su): Upon slain, a Sword Lord has a 20% chance to transforming into a Vandal Lord. The
transformation takes 1d4 round upon being destroyed. If this happens, PCs do not gain XP as a result of
slaying the Sword Lord.

These construct knights are another variant of the Axe Knight that Dracula made before crafting the
Armor Lord. They are made from a huge sized half plate, which weighs about 200 lbs, and wield a large
sword weighing at about 30 lbs. Unlike Armor Lords which are seen as protectors, Sword Lords fight for
honor and dedication to Dracula, and care not for who is in their way to glory.

XP 4,800
A ghostly visage of the once great Sword lord has returned to haunt the lands
LE Large Construct (Incorporeal)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.;
AC 27, touch 27, flat-footed 9 (+13 Deflection, +5 DEX, -1 Size)
hp 70 (10d10+50)
Fort ---, Ref +8, Will ---
Defensive Abilities Construct Traits, Damage Reduction 10/Bludgeoning and Magic, Incorporeal Traits
Immunities Fire
Speed 30 ft, Fly 60 ft (Perfect)
Space/Reach: 10 Feet/15 Feet
Melee 2 slams +14 (2d4),
Mithral Huge Cold Iron Ghost touch Great sword+1 +14/+9 (4d6+5)
Str ---, Dex 20, Con ---, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 20
Base Atk +10; CMB +14; CMD 39
Feats Step Up, Vital Strike, Power Attack, Combat Reflexes, Furious Focus
Skills Acrobatics+13, Fly+13, Knowledge (Arcane)+3, Knowledge (Engineering)+9, Knowledge (Geography)+4,
Knowledge (Planes)+3, Perception+12
Gear Mithral Ghost Touch Half Plate (Turns to dust upon death), Huge Cold Iron Ghost Touch Great Sword (10%
chance to remain)
SQ: Massive Weapon, Deflective armor, Swift strike


Massive Weapon (Ex): A Vandal Lord can wield weapons one size category higher than normal with 2
subtracted off the penalty as if he was a Level 6 Titan Mauler.

Swift Strike (Ex): Any attacks made by the Vandal Lord adds its DEX to damage.

Deflective armor (Ex): The armor bonus granted from the armor the Vandarl Lord has counts as
deflection instead of natural.

Sometimes, the magic imbued in Sword Lords goes erratic and unstable when the Sword Lord’s defenses
have finally been pierced and destroys it. This unstable magic when released recreates the Sword Lord
without its physical form, thus creating what Dracula calls a Vandal Lord. Vandal Lords look exactly like
a Sword Lord, but as if they were a ghostly image of it. One should be careful as Vandal Lords are far
more unpredictable than the Sword Lords are.

XP 600
Made to look like statues, Corner guards wait patiently to ambush creatures.
N Medium Construct
Init +3; Senses darkvision, low light vision 60 ft.;
AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+6 Armor, +2 natural, +3 DEX, +2 Shield)
hp 25 (2d10+20)
Fort ---, Ref +4, Will ---
Defensive Abilities Construct Traits, Hardness 5
Speed 30 ft
Melee Slam +5 (1d4+3),
Cold Iron Long sword +5 (1d8+3)
Str 16, Dex 19, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 15, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +5; CMD 19
Feats Step Up
Skills Perception+7, Stealth+9 (+10 if the room is full of statues of similar design), Use magic Device+3
Gear Mithral Banded Mail (turns to dust upon death), Cold Iron Long Sword, 2 Make Whole Scrolls, Monster vial 1; 1,
Heavy Steel Shield,

Corner Guards are suits of banded mail, animated by Dracula’s power. These suits come to life and act as
if someone is inside of them. They serve the Castle as Knights and protectors, hoping to stop all enemies
from proceeding any further within the Castle.


XP 6,400
NE Medium Undead (Augmented)
Castlevanian Vampire Human Fighter 6
Init +8; Senses Dark Vision 60 ft
AC 29, touch 14, flat-footed 24 (+4 DEX, +6 Natural, +1 Dodge, +8 Chain mail,)
hp 52 (6d10+36)
Fort ---, Ref +6, Will +2
Defense abilities Damage Reduction 10/Silver and Magic, Immune Undead Traits Resist Cold 10, Electricity 10,
Channel Resistance+4, Fast Healing 5
Weakness Castlevanian Vampire Weakness
Speed 30 ft Fly 30 ft (Good)
Melee +14/+9 Slam (1d4+8, plus Energy Drain)
Living Steel Great sword+1 +14/+ (2d6+9)
Special attack Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Create Spawn, Dominate (DC 18), Energy Drain (DC 18), Hellfire
(DC 18)
Str 24, Dex 19, Con ---, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 21
Base Atk +6; CMB +13; CMD 28
Feats Dodge, Lightning Reflexes, Alertness, Toughness, Improved Initiative, Combat Reflexes, Toughness, Weapon
Focus (Great Sword), Greater Cleave, Vital Strike, Weapon Specialization, Step Up, Power attack, Lunge
Skills Bluff+11, Climb+14, Intimidate+11, Knowledge (Engineering)+7, Perception +8, Sense motive +13, Stealth
Languages: Common
Gear Living Steel Greatsword+1, Mithral Banded mail, Boots, Adventurers Clothing, Hat, Healer’s kit, Hip Flask, Ale,
Fine Wine bottle, Light Detector, Smoke Pellet, Alchemist Fire 6, Liquid Ice 4,
SQ: Bravery+2, Weapon Training 1, Armor Training 1, Change Shape, Gaseous form, Toxic form, Shadowless, Spider
Climb, Illusionary Movement

XP 800
A skeleton of immeasurable power.
CE Medium Undead (Augmented)
Skeleton Human Warrior 3
Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.;
AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+5 Dex, +2 natural,)
hp 9 (3d8-6)
Fort ---, Ref +7, Will +3
Defensive Abilities Damage Reduction/5 Bludgeoning; Immune; Cold,
Undead Traits
Speed 30 ft
Melee slam +1 (1d4+2),
Special Attacks Nova Beam
Str 7, Dex 21, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 16, Cha 6
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 17
Feats Improved Initiative
Gear Monster Vial 3; 1, Terminus Est (10% chance), 2 Neutron Bombs


Nova beam (Su): By becoming Flat footed and spending 3 full round actions, Nova skeletons can draw
energy straight from the Astral Plane and unleash it as a 100 foot beam from the lower torso. Anyone
caught in the beam receives 10d12 damage, and is immediately dazed. There is no save to this attack.
Those slain by the Nova Beam are subject to a disintegrate spell. This is a death effect.

Nova Skeletons are beings that are within the Astral plane that have been constructed by Dracula, and
then brought back onto the Material Plane. They appear to be normal skeletons, only that the bones are
bright green. Because they were made there however, they have access to the powerful energies that
encompasses that plane of existence.

XP 12,800
Both Medusa and snake, this creature looks for individuals to hunt.
CE Large Monstrous Humanoid
Init +8; Senses All-around vision, Darkvision 60 ft.
AC 27, touch 13, flat-footed 23 (+3 Dex, +11 Natural, +1 Dodge,
+2 Shield -1 Size)
hp 91 (14d10+52)
Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +12
Defensive abilities: Damage Reduction 5/Magic Resistance: Fire
10, Acid 10
Immunities Mind Effects
SR 22
Speed 30 ft
Space/Reach 10 Feet/15 Feet
Melee Blood Crystal Keen Long sword+2 +19/+14/+9 (2d6+8)
Snake bite +17/+12/+7 (2d4+4, plus poison),
2 Claws +17/+12/+7(1d8+4 plus Bleed 3)
Special Attacks Petrifying gaze, Petrification Glare, Snake Storm
Naga’s Tail Sweep (20 Feet cone, 2d6+6)
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 16
Base Atk +14; CMB +15; CMD 29
Feats Improved Initiative, Dodge, Weapon Focus (Long Sword), Vital Strike, Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon
Specialization, Multi-attack
Skills Bluff+15, Diplomacy+15, Escape Artist+14, Intimidate+12, Knowledge (Dungeoneering)+6, Knowledge
(Religion)+, Perception+15, Sense Motive+15, Stealth+18, Use Magic Device+8
Languages Common, Draconic
Gear Blood Crystal Keen Long sword+2, +2 Cold iron Shield, Ring of Evasion, Hand of Glory, Manual of Gainful
Exercise +2, 4 Blood diamonds (worth 1,000 GP each)
SQ: Severed Head

Special Qualities:

Poison (Ex): Bite—injury; save Fort DC 21; frequency 1/round for 3 rounds; effect 1d6 Dex and STR;
cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Petrifying Gaze (Su): The Medusa Naga’s Petrification gaze the same as the Medusa. DC save is now

Petrification Glare (Su): Up to 11 times a day, a Medusa Naga can use an energy wave in a 50 foot cone
from her eye. All PCs within the cone must make a Fortitude save of 23, or permanently turned to stone.
Even if they succeed, they still change into stone statues for 1d3 rounds. They cannot be attacked if they
turn to stone as a result of succeeding the save. This is a gaze attack.

Snake storm (Ex): The Medusa Naga can unleash a horde of snakes from her hair as a cone attack. This
works like a Breath weapon. It fires in a 50 foot cone, and deals 10d6 damage, plus poison. Reflex save is
20 for half and to avoid poison. After the attack, 1d6 Venomous snakes will appear in the area of where
the cone attack was. It can use this attack up to 7 times a day. This is a summoning effect.

All around vision (Ex): The Medusa Naga possesses all around vision; in the same fashion as a normal

Severed head (Ex): Once the Medusa Naga’s HP drops to 0, her head splits off from her body and acts of
its own accord. This counts as an entirely new creature with the same stats as the Medusa Naga, but half
the HP, CON, STR, but +8 to DEX. The Medusa Naga now makes a bite attack that deals the same as her
claw attack, but cannot use her sword, claw, or shield; nor can she use Tail sweep. She now counts as a
tiny Monstrous Humanoid and can still use all of her normal abilities. She also gains a Flight speed of 30
with perfect maneuverability. Once she is slain again, she is dead for good.
If the PCs deal enough damage in the blow to slay her (as in her HP equaling her CON in negative
numbers) she dies before can use this ability.

The Medusa Naga is Half Naga, and half Medusa. This foul aberration was created by Dracula for the
purposes of luring victims to their immediate demise. The typical Medusa Naga has the upper torso of a
medium humanoid, and has a 30 foot long tail as a lower torso.

Medusa Nagas generally remain within the Castle, or stay within a decent distance within the Castle as
their hunting grounds. Both with a desire to feed and petrify, they don’t like to be locked up. Most prefer
to remain in the Marble Gallery, to look at those they have turned to stone, or simply to admire the art.
XP 12,800
CE Large Monstrous Humanoid
Init -1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft.
AC 21, touch 8, flat-footed 23 (-1 Dex, +15 Natural, -
1 Size)
hp 120 (11d10+55)
Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +11
Defensive abilities: Damage Reduction 10/---
Speed 30 ft
Space/Reach 10 Feet/15 Feet
Melee 4 Claws +20 (1d8+10)
Bite +18 (2d6+5)
Gore +18 (2d6+5)
Special Attacks Rend (2d8+20)
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +11; CMB +21; CMD 30
Feats Alertness, Improved Bull rush, Awesome Blow,
Power attack, Great Cleave, Multi-attack,
Skills Perception+18, Stealth+13 (+20 if Frozen),
Sense motive +18,
Languages Common, Draconic
SQ: Freeze

Special qualities:

Freeze: Refer to the Gargoyle’s freeze from the CRB.

XP 51,200
This Golden Armor Lord is the most fearsome of the whole series.
LE Large Construct (Evil)
Init +5; Senses darkvision, Life sense, low light vision 60 ft.;
AC 30, touch 11, flat-footed 28 (+13 Armor, +1 DEX, +8 natural, +1 Dodge, -1
hp 115 (20d10+20)
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +12
Defensive Abilities Construct Traits, Damage Reduction 20/---
Immunities: Magic Resistance, Fire, Cold, Electricity
Speed 15 ft
Space/Reach: 10 Feet/15 Feet
Melee 4 slams +28 (1d6+9),
Mithral Large Great Sword+3 +31/+26/+21/+16 (3d6+15)
Special Attacks Fire Trail (17d6 fire damage, 40 foot cone or line, reflex save of 22 for half),
Rapid Strike 15/day
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 18th Concentration +29)
8th – Iron Body
7th - Hold Person Mass, Project Image, Insanity,
6th - Chain Lightning, Summon Monster VI, Disintegrate, Acid Fog
5th - Cone of Cold, Hold Monster, Cloudkill, Dismissal, Telekinesis
4th – Dimension Door, Rainbow Pattern, Ice Storm, Enervation, Black Tentacles,
3rd – Haste, Dispel Magic, Keen Edge, Slow, Lightning Bolt, Arcane Sight, Fly
2n – Cat’s Grace, Blur, Make Whole, Blindness/Deafness, Blur, Glitterdust,
1st – Shield, Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Resist Energy, Web, True Strike
Spell like abilities:
At will - Quickened Wall of Force, Teleport
Str 28, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 24, Wis 20, Cha 10
Base Atk +20; CMB +29; CMD 41
Feats Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Great Sword), Furious Focus, Combat Expertise, Fleet, Combat Casting,
Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augmented Summoning, Quicken Spell, Power attack, Combat Reflexes
Skills Appraise+14, Bluff+7, Climb+15, Craft (Weapon)+9, Craft (Alchemy)+16, Diplomacy+9 Escape Artist+7,
Intimidate+18, Knowledge (Arcane)+20, Knowledge (Dungoneering)+17, Knowledge (Engineering)+19, Knowledge
(Nature) +16, Knowledge (Planes)+16, Perception+16, Spellcraft+18, Survival+14, Use Magic Device+18,
Gear Golden Mithral Full plate+4 (Is destroyed upon death), +3 Large Mithral Great Sword, Noble Crest (worth 500
GP), Castlevanian Cape, Scroll of Mage Armor 2, God’s Garb (5% chance)
SQ: Cantrips, Absorb Evil, 18th level wizard

Special qualities:

Rapid Strike (Ex): A Guardian can flurry of blows it’s Great sword. The attack becomes
+29/+29/+24/+24/+19/+19/+14/+14. It can use this up to 10 times a day.

Cantrips (Ex): A Guardian gains the benefits of the cantrips ability, same as a Wizard.

Absorb Evil (Su): If exposed to Evil aligned spell or weapon, or attacked by a creature whom is evil not
only does the spell or attack fail, but the Guardian gains temporary hit points which is equal to the CL of
the spell wielder, and the spell level. If the Evil aligned weapon hits it, it gains temporary Hit points equal
to the damage it takes without the Damage Reduction.

18th level wizard (Ex): Guardians gain the spell slots of a 18th level wizard.

Magical Resistance (Ex): A Guardian is built to be one of Dracula’s strongest soldier, and therefore
magic does not affect it as much. Treat the Guardian as if it was immune to all spells and spell like
abilities that allow Spell Resistance. Some spells mentioned below work differently than normal.

Disintegrate: Deals 6d10 damage to the Guardian.

Stone to flesh: If the Guardian is hit by this spell, it goes under the effects of Slow for 1d10 rounds.
Mind fog: Mind Fog gives the Guardian Confusion for 1d10 rounds if it fails a Will save.
Transmute Metal to wood: Slows the Guardian for 1d4 rounds, no save.
Shatter: Deals 5d10 damage, no save.
This effect is not magic immunity, and the Guardian may still cast spells on itself freely. It’s spell
resistance must be lowered first, unlike Death and Dracula.

Guardians are the same as Armor Lords, except for the duties they are given. Like most Armor Lords,
Guardians main duties are that of protecting and defending; except that Guardians never go out of their
way to help others. The only thing they want to do is protect Dracula above all else.

The typical Guardian weights over 400 lbs, and is 9 feet tall.


XP 200
LN Medium Humanoid
Human Warrior 2
Init +7;
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +6 Armor,)
hp 10 (2d10)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +1
Speed 20 ft
Melee Masterwork Great Sword +7 (2d6+4)
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +6; CMD 19
Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack
Skills Knowledge (Dungeoneering)+6, Ride+6
Gear Banded Mail, Masterwork Great sword, Flask, Mug, Waterskin, Trail rations 5, Adventurers Clothing, Healer’s
kit, Crowbar, Dagger, Caltrops, Dungeoneering Kit, Eyepatch, Sack 2, Masterwork Backpack, GP 212, SP 332,
Medium Quality Gems (1d3),
Languages Common

XP 1,200
N Medium Humanoid
Elf Enchanter 5
Init +7; Senses Low-light vision 60 ft;
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex, +1 Deflection,)
hp 13 (5d6-5)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +1
Defensive Abilities Elf Immunities
Speed 30 ft
Melee Masterwork Dagger +3 (1d4)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 3rd)
3rd – Haste, Hold Person,
2nd – Invisibility, Resist Energy, Glitter dust, Fog Cloud
1st – Magic Missile, Shield, Grease, Ray of Frost, Shocking Grasp
0 – Detect Magic, Ray of Frost, Acid Splash, Spark
Opposition schools Necromancy, Abjuration
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 8, Int 22, Wis 12, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Improved Initiative, Intensify Spell, Scribe Scroll
Skills Appraise+13, Bluff+8, Craft (Alchemy)+13, Knowledge (Arcane)+13, Knowledge (Dungeoneering)+13,
Knowledge (Engineering)+13, Knowledge (Local)+13, Knowledge (Planes)+13, Perception+10, Spellcraft+13, Use
Magic Device+11,
Gear Wizards kit, Masterwork Dagger (Bonded Weapon), Noble’s Clothing, Spell Component Pouch, Ring of
Protection, Mantle of Spell Resistance, Book, Marbles 20, Torch, Lantern (Bullseye), Oil 4, Signet Ring, Wrist Sheathe,
Parasol, Flint and Steel, Masterwork Backpack, Silver rings (worth 20 GP), Jewelry (worth 100 GP), Masterwork tool
(Appraise), Golden Circlet, Spellbook (Contains the spells he has prepared)
Languages Common, Elf, Draconic, Abyssal, Celestial, Dwarf, Orc, Goblin
School Enchantment
SQ: Arcane Bond (Bonded Weapon), Cantrips, Elven Magic, Augment, Physical Enchantment

XP 9,600
This Half-woman, Half Monster is a deadly force to be reckoned with.
CE Huge Aberration
Init -2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.;
Aura Fear Aura 60 feet radius (DC 19, 2d6 rounds)
AC 16, touch 6, flat-footed 16 (+10 natural, -2 DEX, -2 Size)
hp 112 (15d10+75)
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +14
Defensive Abilities Damage Reduction 5/Magic SR 21
Special abilities Death Throes
Resistance Acid 30
Weakness Ice Vulnerability, Fire Vulnerability, Tail Sever
Speed 20 ft
Space/Reach: 10 Feet/15 Feet
Melee 3 Bites +19 (2d6+8, plus poison)
Rend (2d6+12, plus poison)
Masterwork Composite Long Bow (STR 8) +19/+14 (1d8+8)
Spell like abilities (CL 12th Concentration +17)
3/day – Fire Breath (DC 19), Persistent Cloudkill (DC 20), Shield, Light, Persistent Grease (DC 16), Toppling
Magic Missile, Resist Energy, Wind Wall
1/day – Flesh to Stone (DC 21), Bestow Curse (DC 21)
Str 26, Dex 6, Con 20, Int 9, Wis 20, Cha 15
Base Atk +11; CMB +18; CMD 26
Feats Multi-attack, Power Attack, Improved Grapple, Improved Sunder, Improved Natural Attack, Improved
Unarmed Strike, Deadly aim
Skills Craft (Alchemy)+6, Intimidate+12, Knowledge (Arcane)+6, Knowledge (Dungeon)+8, Knowledge
(Engineering)+6, Knowledge (Planes)+8 Perception+12, Survival+14, Stealth -6, Use magic Device+10
Gear Masterwork Long Bow (Composite), 40 Arrows, Wand of Cure Serious Wounds, Wand of Shield, Scroll of
Scorching Ray, Scroll of Grease,
Languages Common, Planar, Abyssal,
SQ: Two Minds,

Special Qualities:

Poison (Ex): Injury – Bite. Save Fortitude DC 23. Onset 1 round. 1d6 CON. Frequency 1/1day.

Two Minds (Ex): The Diplocephalus has two heads, and both are capable of sentient thought. Since the
two are connected, the Diplocephalus can both move and use its bite attack from its bottom head area, and
can then fire arrows from her long bow, or cast spells from her hand in the same round.

Tail Sever (Ex): If a PC calls a shot on the tail (-5 to hit) where the Diplocephalus is, and deals 40 points
of damage, the PC severs off the tail, and thus the woman who is attached to the snake tail dies along with
it. If this happens, the Diplocephalus perishes instantly.

Death Throes (Ex): When the Diplocephalus is slain, it explodes in a burst of flame that deals 10d6
damage to all people around the PCs in a 10 foot radius, unless they make a Reflex save of 23, in which
case deals half damage.

Diplocephalus’ are creatures created within the foul bestiary of the Castle. Made from taken maidens
from around the lands, and evil outsiders, these creatures are deadly forces to be reckoned with. A typical
Diplocephalus is about 18 feet tall (9 feet counting the tail and humanoid imbibed into it, and the rest as
the actual creature), and weighs 300 lbs. This evil creature wishes for nothing more than to consume and

XP 1,200
This purple clothed skeleton is reminiscent of an old warrior.
NE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid)
Human Skeletal Champion Duelist 3
Init +10; Senses Dark Vision 60 ft;
AC 20, touch 20, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex, +5 Intelligence, +1 Dodge)
hp 22 (5d10+25)
Fort ---, Ref +6, Will +3
Defensive Abilities Undead Immunities, Channel Resistance+4 Damage
Reduction 5/Bludgeoning
Immunities: Cold
Speed 30 ft
Melee Masterwork Rapier +8 (1d6+6)
Str 16, Dex 18, Con ---, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 20
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 21
Feats Improved Initiative, Dodge, Precise Strike (Light Weapons), Weapon Focus (Rapier), Mobility, Weapon
Finesse, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics+14, Escape Artist+14, Perception+11
Gear Chain Shirt, Ragged Clothing, Masterwork Rapier, Skeletal Head, Flint and Steel, Boots,
Languages Common, Elf, Dwarf, Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic
SQ: Duelist Nature, Canny Defense, Improved Reaction, Parry, Enhanced Mobility

Special Qualities:

Duelist Nature (Ex): A Dhuron has the ability to be a Level 3 duelist, without fulfilling all the

Dhurons are one of Dracula’s main infantry force. These creatures are made from the bodies of
decapitated guards around the lands, and then reanimated. From there, Dracula recreates them and schools
them in the arts of fencing, making them a difficult opponent to defeat.

XP 12,800
This frozen creature emerges from the ice to bring swift retribution for those who disturb it’s sleep.
LE Large Undead (Cold)
Init +1; Senses Blindsight 60 ft.;
AC 18, touch 9, flat-footed 18 (+9 natural, -1 Size)
hp 96 (16d8+60)
Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +14
Defensive Abilities Damage Reduction 10/Bludgeoning,
Undead Immunities
Immunity Ice
Weakness Fire Vulnerability
Speed 20 ft
Space/Reach: 10 Feet/10 Feet
Melee 3 Slams +18 (1d6+6)
Large Icy Burst Lance+3 +21/+16/+11 (2d10+8, plus 1d10 Cold, X3 2d10, X4 3d10)
Special Attacks: Ice Needles
Str 22, Dex 10, Con ---, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 19
Base Atk +12; CMB +18; CMD 28
Feats Power Attack, Multi-attack, Weapon Focus (Lance), Weapon Specialization (Lance), Run
Skills Acrobatics+10, Bluff+10, Climb+10, Intimidate+11, Knowledge (Arcane)+8, Knowledge (Dungeon)+8,
Knowledge (Geography)+7, Knowledge (Nature)+4, Perception+8, Survival+12, Use Magic Device+10
Gear Large Mithral Full Plate+1 (Is destroyed upon death), Icy Burst Lance+3, Former Head (Is destroyed upon
death), Ice Sigel (worth 300 GP), Royal Cape,
Languages Common
SQ: Severed Head,

Special Qualities:

Severed Head (Su): The Frost Dhuron carries around its head, but unlike its weaker versions, the head is
a creature of sorts; while considered an item at the same time. The Head has 30 HP, Damage Reduction of
7, which is weak against Bludgeoning, a DEX of 20 (treat all of its other scores as 10), Spell Resistance
of 20, and AC of 25. The head is immune to all fortitude saves and will save rolls, and its reflex is +10.
The head has a fly speed of 60 feet with perfect maneuverability. The head has two special abilities: Slow
Curse and Ice Breath. When it uses Slow Curse, the head is wrapped in a green aura and attempts to make
a touch attack on a PC (has a +10 to hit). If it hits, the PC must make a Will save of 22, or be imbued with
Slow for the next 5 days. Caster check to break the curse is 20. Its breath weapon attack deals 6d6 ice
damage to a PC, and does it in a 30 foot cone. Reflex save of 22 to avoid.
If a PC destroys the head, the Frost Dhuron is staggered for the next 2d10 rounds.

Ice Needles (Su): The Frost Dhuron can slam its lance on the floor to summon a barrage of icy sharp
needles on the ground below the PCs. The barrage deals 12d6 Ice damage in a 20 foot radius. Reflex save
of 22 avoids for half. Anyone who fails the reflex save in addition to the cold damage suffers 4 points of
bleed damage a round. The save is WIS based.

Unlike the Dhurons which are trained to be graceful and adept, the Frost Dhuron is the exact opposite.
Weighing at about 150 lbs, and wielding a large sized lance, this foe is much more daunting.

Frost Dhurons generally spend most of their time sleeping with thick sheets of ice. When disturbed
however, they quickly break out and attempt to stomp out those who have disrupted it. Because of their
violate nature when awoken, Dracula has restricted them to only the coldest parts of his Castle, and
generally attempts to dissuade his residents from going near them. When the Castle has intruders
however, this is when the creatures are seen more in the open.

XP 1,200
This fluttering skeletal creature strikes at foes with its wicked lance.
NE Medium Undead (Augmented, Skeleton)
Init +8; Senses Dark Vision 60 ft;
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +2 Shield, +2 Natural, +1 Dodge)
hp 26 (4d8)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +4
Defensive Abilities Undead Immunities Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning
Immunities: Cold
Speed 30 ft, Fly 60 feet (Perfect)
Melee Masterwork Serrated Glaive (+8 1d10+2, plus Bleed 2)
Str 15, Dex 18, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 20
Feats Improved Initiative, Dodge
Gear Heavy Steel Shield, Serrated Glaive
SQ: Dodge


Dodge (Ex): Winged Guardian gains Dodge as a bonus feat.

This creature is merely a large animal like skeleton that is proficient with a glave.

XP 2,400
LE Dwarf Cleric 7
Init +2; Senses Dark Vision 60 ft;
AC 24, touch 16, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +2 Shield, +6 Armor, +4 Magic)
hp 40 (7d8+42)
Fort +4 (+6 Against poisons), Ref +4, Will +10
Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 5/Magic
Special Abilities: Channel Energy 6d6 (Negative), Aura (Evil), Defensive Training (Giant), Hardy, Hatred, Stone
Cunning, Battle Rage, Bleeding Touch
Speed 20 ft,
Melee Masterwork Blood Crystal Long Sword +8 (+9 Against Goblins and orcs) (1d8+2)
Masterwork Dwarven Urugrosh (+9 Against Goblins and orcs) (1d8/1d6+2)
Ranged Crossbow +7 (+9 Against Goblins and orcs) (1d8)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 4th)
4th - Summon Monster VI, Unholy Blight, Inflict Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Divine Power
3rd - Summon Monster III, Contagion, Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic, Animate Dead, Magic Vestment,
2nd - Owl’s Wisdom, Hold Person, Darkness, Bull’s Strength, Shield Other, Death Knell, Spiritual Weapon
1st - Magic Weapon, Cause Fear, Shield of Faith, Entropic Shield, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary, Bane, Divine
Favor, Inflict Light Wounds
0th Bleed, Guidance, Mending, Stabilize, Resistance, Detect Magic
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 19
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 19
Feats Selective Channeling, Empower Spell, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augmented Summoning
Skills Appraise+11, Diplomacy+8, Knowledge (History)+9, Knowledge (Planes)+6 Knowledge (Religion)+9,
Spellcraft+9, Use Magic Device+8,
Gear Mithral Indestructible Lamellar+3, +1 Wooden Shield, Gloves of Arrow Snatching, Mitre of the Hierophant,
Phylactery of Negative Channeling, Holy Symbol (Dracula), Masterwork Blood Crystal Long Sword, Crossbow, 20
bolts, Healer’s kit, Unholy text (Good), Backpack, Pouch 3, Flint and Steel, Mirror, Bag 2, 325 GP, 212 SP, 332 CP,
Masterwork Backpack, Cleric’s Vestments, Master Dwarven Urgrosh
Languages Common, Dwarf, Abyssal, Devil
Deity Dracula
SQ: Orisons, Domains (War, Death),

XP 3,200
This white dressed woman is not what she appears to be.
CE Medium Undead (Augmented Humanoid, Incorporeal)
Human Witch 6
Init +6; Senses Dark Vision 60 ft;
AC 24, touch 24, flat-footed 10 (+6 DEX +8 Deflection)
hp 57 (6d6, 2d8+35)
Fort +2 Ref +8, Will +12
Defensive Abilities: Damage Reduction 5/Magic, Undead Traits
Immunities Incorporeal Traits SR 18
Special Abilities Salem Witch Abilities
Speed 30 ft, Fly 40 Feet (Good)
Melee Negative Energy Touch +6 (3d6 damage)
Special Attacks Wave of Light (40 foot cone, 6d6 damage, Blinds Opponents 1d6 rounds, Fortitude DC 19 Negates)
Witch Spells Known (CL 11th Concentration +16)
3rd 4/day - Dispel Magic, Cup of Dust, Twilight Knife,
2nd 5/day - Feast of Ashes, Scorching Ray, Pox Pustles, Vomit Swarm
1st 7/day - Magic Missile, Charm person, Ill Omen, Mask Dweomer,
0 4/day - Putrefy Food and Drink, Spark
Str ---, Dex 22, Con ---, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 20
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 28
Feats Intensify Spell, Expanded Arcana, Weapon Finesse (Touch), Skill Focus (Fly),
Skills Acrobatics+10, Bluff+9, Craft (Alchemy)+13 Fly +16, Knowledge (Arcane)+13, Knowledge (History)+13,
Knowledge (Nature)+9, Knowledge (Planes)+ 13 Profession (Seamstress)+7, Spellcraft+13, Use Magic Device+13,
Gear Witch’s Vestments, Hennin, Corset of Dire Witchcraft (10% chance), Ring of Protection+2 (Disappears after
death), Staff (Holds 1 charge of each of the Witch’s spells, disappears after death), Gold Circlet (10% chance) (All
equipment is Incorporeal until the Witch is destroyed)
Languages Common, Dwarf, Abyssal, Goblin, Infernal, Draconic
SQ: Light (60 Feet), Cantrips, Hex (Evil Eye), Hex (Misfortune), Hex (Cackle)


Salem Witch Traits (Ex): A Salem Witch, being a ghostly visage of former witches back in the day, has
much of their tainted power within her. A Salem Witch is considered Undead, possesses a Damage
Reduction of 5/Magic, Spell Resistance of 17, Dark vision, A flight speed of 40 feet with Good
maneuverability, Incorporeal State, A deflection modifier to her AC which is equal to her HD, Wave of
Light and Light (60 Feet) tacked onto her. She is still considered a Level 6 Witch.

Light (Ex): A Salem Witch emits a radiant light up to 60 feet.

It is not unknown knowledge that many churches of the land engaged in unlawful witch hunts. For as
many actual witches that they actually found, many more innocents were lost. The ones however that
were truly guilty and knew Dracula cried out to him for retribution; and he responded by restoring them
into Undeath. Salem witches appear to be beings that are bathed in pure white light, and mean good
intention, but truly are there to torture and kill for Dracula, to gain their revenge.

XP 600
N Drow Warrior 4
Init +2; Senses Dark Vision 120 ft;
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +2 Shield, +6 Armor,)
hp 28 (4d10+16)
Fort +7 Ref +3, Will +3
Defensive Abilities: Drow Immunities SR 10
Weakness Light Sensitivity
Speed 20 ft,
Melee Masterwork Great Sword +11 (2d6+7)
Ranged Composite Long Bow (STR 5) +6 (1d8+5)
Spell-like abilities (CL 4th Concentration +6)
1/day – Darkness, Fearie Fire, Dancing lights
Str 21, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 16
Base Atk +4; CMB +9; CMD 21
Feats Weapon Focus (Great Sword), Weapon Specialization
(Great Sword)
Skills Climb+11, Handle Animal+9, Intimidate+9,
Perception+4 Swim+8
Gear Masterwork Great Sword, Composite Long Bow (STR 5),
20 Arrows, Drow Poison 5, Clothing, Flint and Steel, Boots,
Quiver, Backpack, Pouch, 212 GP
Languages Undercommon, Drow, Elf,
SQ: Poison Use

XP 12,800
An incorporeal wizard who has transcended his human form.
CE Medium Humanoid (Augmented Humanoid, Incorporeal)
Incorporeal Necromancer Level 10
Init +6; Senses Dark Vision 60 ft;
AC 21, touch 21, flat-footed 10 (+6 DEX +5 Deflection)
hp 55 (10d6+50)
Fort +2 Ref +9, Will +10
Defensive Abilities: Incorporeal Traits
Immunities: Cold
Special Abilities:, Damage Teleport, Ghostly Equipment,
Weakness Fire Vulnerability
Speed 30 ft, Fly 60 Feet (Perfect)
Melee +11 Frost Slam (2d6 Cold damage)
Special Attacks Grave Touch +11 (Will Save 21)
Acid Daggers +11 (1d3 Daggers, 60 feet, 1d4+6 Acid Damage)
Cold Daggers +11 (1d3 Daggers, 60 feet, 1d4+6 Cold Damage)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 11th Concentration +17)
5th – Telekinesis, Ice Prison, Summon Monster V
4th – Ice Storm Wall of Ice, Animate Dead, Bestow Curse,
3rd – Ray of Exhaustion, Hold Person, Sleet Storm, Haste,
2nd – Scorching Ray Fox’s Cunning, Blindness/Deafness, Ghoul’s Touch, Hideous Laughter, Web, See
1st – Chill Touch, Ray of Enfeeblement, Grease, Mage Armor, Shield, Magic Missile, True Strike,
0 – Ray of Frost, Bleed, Touch of Fatigue, Resistance
Spell like abilities
1/day Summon Monster VI
Opposition Schools: Abjuration and Enchantment
Str ---, Dex 22, Con ---, Int 22, Wis 17, Cha 20
Base Atk +11; CMB +11 CMD 32
Feats Command Undead, Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augmented
Summoning, Quicken Spell, Intensify Spell, Craft Wondrous items
Skills Appriase+19, Craft (Weapon)+11, Craft (Item)+11, Knowledge (Arcane)+19, Knowledge (Dungeoneering)+19
Knowledge (Nature)+19, Knowledge (Planes)+19, Spellcraft+19, Use Magic Device+15
Gear Frost Staff (5 Cone of Cold, 4 Wall of Ice, 3 Mage Armor, 3 Shield), Voidfrost Robe, Metamgaic Rod (Quicken),
Metamagic Rod (Maximize), Ring of Strength Sapping, Ring of Return, Frost Fist Amulet, Vambraces of the Genie
(Marid), Liquid Ice 10, Masterwork Backpack, Signet Ring, Wizard’s Robe (worth 300 GP), Gemstone Necklace (worth
500 GP), Flint and Steel, Spyglass, Spell Component Pouch, Abacus,
Languages Common, Dwarf, Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Draconic, Elf
SQ: Cantrips, Transmute Water Elemental, Ground of Ice, Use Magic Device, Life sight, Arcane Bond (Frozen Staff),
Chilling Spells


Damage Teleport (Ex): When a Frost Necromancer receives any form of damage, it is able to teleport
away from where it was instantly up to 30 feet from where it received damage, negating any full round

Ghostly Equipment (Su): All of the equipment the Frost Necromancer is carrying has been transformed
into incorporeal versions of themselves, giving off no apparent weight. Only by slaying the Frost
Necromancer does the equipment return to their original states.

Chilling Spells (Su): Any spells cast from the Frost Necromancer that has a elemental descriptor have the
cold descriptor.

Use Magic Device (Ex): A Frost Necromancer has Use Magic Device as a class skill.

Transmute Water Elemental (Su): As a Swift action, a Frost Necromancer can touch his icy powers
into a Water Elemental. This touch, transforms the Water Elemental into an Ice Elemental, and heals it
fully if it had received any damage in the round. However, this Water Elemental loses all traits and
abilities gained from being a Water Elemental, and gain all of those traits and abilities of an Ice

Ground of Ice (Su): A Frost Necromancer as an immediate action can transform the ground below it into
a thick sheet of ice, barring and impeding movement.

Not much is known about this creature. At one point this being was human, but this is clearly not the case
anymore. The Frost Nercomancer appears to be a transparent humanoid cloaked in a blue Voidfrost robe.
It is said through rumors in the Castle that this being used to be a powerful wizard, and through foul craft
made himself into something new.

XP 19,200
This large golden skeleton walks as if it’s an ape.
NE Large Undead (Skeleton)
Init +6; Senses Dark Vision 120 ft;
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 Natural, +2 DEX, -2 Size)
hp 72 (17d8+85)
Fort +6 Ref +8, Will +14
Defensive Abilities Damage Reduction 20/Bludgeoning, Half
damage, Magic Immunity
Speed 20 ft,
Melee +19/+14 Bone Club (1d6+10)
+19 Bite (1d6+10, plus energy drain)
+19 Slam (1d6+10 plus energy drain)
Special attacks Energy Drain (1d4+1 levels DC Fortitude save 23)
Str 30, Dex 14, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 19, Cha 20
Base Atk +12; CMB +9; CMD 21
Feats Improved Initiative
Gear Large sized Bone Club, Ring of Varda


Magic Immunity (Ex): Parathropus is immune to all spells that allow Spell Resistance. Some spells that
are cast on it function differently.
Dispel Magic: Stops its half damage ability from working for 1d6 rounds.

Half Damage (Ex): Parathropus only takes half damage from all attacks. This ability is negated if a PC
possesses a weapon that has the Holy Enchantment. A Dispel magic or Greater Dispel Magic ends this
effect for 1d6 rounds.

Parathropus is the name of a particularly rare skeleton in Castlevania. It appears to be a golden skeleton
that walks like that of an ape. This creature walks around the Castle, generally avoiding everyone as
Dracula has charged it with keeping a magic ring in its possession. In fact, Dracula entrusts many magic
items with this creature; seeing as the creature pretty much avoids everyone.

XP 2,400
This Armor Lord variant prefers to hurl large objects at his enemies.
N Large Construct
Init +6; Senses Dark-vision, low light vision 60 ft;
AC 17, touch 8, flat-footed 17 (-1 Dex, +9 Armor, -1 Size)
hp 50 (8d10+20)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +6
Defensive Abilities Construct Immunities, Hardness 10
Rock Catching SR 17
Speed 20 ft
Size/Reach 10 feet/10 feet
Melee 2 Slams +14 (1d6+6)
Special Attacks Rock Throwing 130 feet +13 (1d10+11)
Spell-like abilities (CL 8th Concentration +12)
Constant – True Seeing
Str 22, Dex 8, Con ---, Int 7, Wis 18, Cha 10
Base Atk +8; CMB +14; CMD 32
Feats Throw Anything, Weapon Focus (Rocks), Improved Natural Attack, Weapon Specialization (Rocks)
Skills Acrobatics+10, Craft (weapons) -1, Knowledge (nature)+2, Perception+5, Survival +5,
Gear Mithral Full Plate (Is destroyed upon death)
Languages Common
SQ: Summon Rock


Summon Rock (Su): As a swift action, a Rock Knight can conjure a rock that is well within the size for
throwing at a PC by lifting his hands in the air. The rock appears in a puff of smoke.

Rock Knights aren’t exactly Dracula’s most fond creation, but they are an interesting soldier; as well as
the precursor to the Bomb Knight. Rock Knights are made of an orange steel animated Full plate for a
large size creature, and then animated by foul craft.

As implied, the favorite weapon of a Rock Knight is their magical ability to summon large sized boulders
to their hand, and then hurling them at their opponents with extreme accuracy and precision. The weight
and force of which they hurl these boulders are well capable of killing someone. Rock Knights are not
known for their intelligence with Dracula’s castle, and are often used as fodder or sent on sucidie runs.

Because of the creation of the Bomb Knight, Rock Knights are no longer created and used in Dracula’s
forces, making encounters with this creature a rarity.

XP 3,200
The final version of the Rock Knight.
N Large Construct
Init +6; Senses Dark-vision, low light vision 60 ft;
AC 17, touch 8, flat-footed 17 (-1 Size, +9 Armor, -1 Size)
hp 60 (9d10+20)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +7
Defensive Abilities Construct Immunities, Hardness 10
Rock Catching, SR 18
Speed 20 ft
Size/Reach 10 feet/10 feet
Melee 2 Slams +13 (1d6+6)
Special Attacks Rock Throwing 130 feet +14 (Rock 1d10+11)
Large Bomb +14 (1d10+11, plus 6d6 fire damage, 10 foot radius,
Reflex save 16 for half)
Spell-like abilities (CL 9th Concentration +13)
Constant – True Seeing
Str 22, Dex 8, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 10
Base Atk +9; CMB +15; CMD 31
Feats Throw Anything, Weapon Focus (Rocks), Improved Natural Attack, Weapon Specialization (Rocks)
Skills Acrobatics+11, Craft (Alchemy)+4 Craft (Alchemy) +4, Knowledge (nature)+5, Perception+6, Survival +6,
Gear Mithral Full Plate (Is destroyed upon death)
Languages Common
SQ: Summon Rock, Summon Bomb


Summon Rock (Su): As a swift action, a Rock Knight can conjure a rock that is well within the size for
throwing at a PC by lifting his hands in the air. The rock appears in a puff of smoke.

Summon Bomb (Su): As a swift action, a Bomb Knight can summon a large bomb in his hand, and hurl
it as if it was a rock. It is done as in the same manner as Summon Rock. This bomb is a huge sized fuse
grenade, which is designed to go off instantly the moment it hits a target. The bomb deals 6d6 fire
damage in a 10 foot radius. A reflex save of 16 halves this. A PC who is hit by the bomb as a ranged
attack cannot make the save. If the bomb misses, it goes off in 1d2 rounds after it lands. The bomb is like
that of an alchemical bomb, and goes inert if anyone else but the Bomb Knight uses it.

Bomb Knights are the final creation that came about as a result of creating the Rock Knight, and thus is a
completely improved version both in intelligence and ability. Bomb Knights have the same functions of
that of a Rock Knight, but they are able to summon Alchemical bombs to help them instead of just Rocks.
The function exists on them, but it is rarely used due to the superior bomb that can be made with a flick of
their wrist.


XP 200
NE Human Warrior 2
Init +2
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 Armor, +1 dodge)
hp 11 (2d10+2)
Fort +4 Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 20 ft,
Melee Glaive +8 (1d10+5)
Ranged Composite Long Bow (STR 5) +6 (1d8+5)
Str 20, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +7; CMD 20
Feats Weapon Focus (Glaive), Dodge
Skills Intimidate +5, Climb+10
Gear Glaive, Chain shirt, Composite Long bow (STR 5), Arrows 20, Clothing, Boots, Quiver, Flint and steel, bag, sack,
200 GP, 123 SP, Crowbar, Flask, Hip flask (Ale), Ink 4, Inkpen, Signal horn, Whistle
Languages Common


XP 200
LE Dwarf Warrior 2
Init +2 Senses Dark-vision 60 feet
AC 16 (20 versus giants), touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 Armor, +4 against Giants)
hp 13 (2d10+6)
Fort +4 (+2 against Poisons) Ref +2, Will +1 (+2 against spells)
Speed 20 ft,
Melee Dwarven Urgrosh +8 (1d8/1d6+5)
Ranged Composite Long Bow (STR 5) +4 (1d8+5)
Str 20, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 8
Base Atk +4; CMB +9; CMD 25
Feats Weapon Focus (Urgrosh), Two-weapon fighting
Skills Appraise +3, Climb +9, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +3, +3 Perception,
Gear Dwarven Urgrosh, O-yori, Composite Long bow (STR 5), Arrows 20, Clothing, Boots, Quiver, Flint and steel,
bag, sack, 332 GP, 123 SP, Crowbar, Flask, Hip flask (Ale), Ink 4, Inkpen, Signal horn, Whistle, Trail rations 4, Bread,
Whiskey 2, 2 emeralds
Languages Common, Dwarf, Elf, Abyssal
SQ: Slow and Steady, Hatred (orcs and goblins), Stone Cunning

XP 3,200
This red eyed panther is notoriously deceptive.
N Medium Magical beast
Init +11; Senses Dark-vision 60 ft;
AC 21, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+7 Dex, +4 Natural,)
hp 49 (9d10+9)
Fort +7, Ref +13, Will +5
Defensive Abilities Morph into Shadows
SR 18
Speed 60 feet
Melee Bite +14 (1d8+4, plus grab) 4 claws +12 (1d8+4)
Special Attacks Pounce, Rake (1d8+4)
Spell-like abilities (CL 5th Concentration +7)
At will – Darkness
Str 18, Dex 24, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +9; CMB +13 (+17 on grapple); CMD 30
Feats Weapon Finesse, Multi-attack, Improved Initiative, Power attack, Furious Focus
Skills Acrobatics+12, Climb +8, Intimidate +10, Perception +4, Stealth +12 (+16 in undergrowth, +16 in dark
Languages Common

Special abilities:

Morph into shadows (Su): As an immediate action, a Black Panther can dissolve into a black like
substance. Treat this substance as if the Black Panther possessed the Swarm subtype, though the Black
Panther cannot attack in anyway once morphed. The substance reforms into the panther as a swift action,
after which the panther must wait one round before doing this ability again. While as the swarm, the
Black Panther gains immunity to weapon damage. If the Panther is an area of full darkness, it gains
immunity to any form of attack until it reforms.
This ability cannot be used in areas of Bright light.

The Black Panther is one of the most tricky monsters that is seen within the Castle. Black Panthers appear
to be ordinary panthers found in jungles and the like, but they are magically enchanted. They are
intelligent, capable of speech, and have a powerful supernatural ability to split into the very shadows it
hides in.

Black Panthers are generally well fed when intruders are not present, and are very sociable at this time.
When intruders do come in however, they are given much less food, in order to encourage hunting the


XP 4,800
Castlevanian Vampire Draconic Sorcerer 6
NE Medium Undead (Augmented Human)
Init +9; Senses Dark Vision 60 ft
AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 17 (+5 DEX, +7 Natural, +1 Dodge,)
hp 61 (6d6+58)
Fort ---, Ref +7, Will +8
Defense abilities Damage Reduction 10/Silver and Magic, Immune Undead Traits
Resistance Cold 10, Electricity 10, Fire 5,
Ferocity, Channel Resistance+4, Fast Healing 5
Weakness Castlevanian Vampire Weakness
Speed 30 ft Fly 30 ft (Good)
Melee +6 Slam (1d4+3, plus Energy Drain)
2 Magic Claws +6 (1d4+3)
Special attack Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Create Spawn, Dominate (DC 21), Energy Drain (DC 21), Hellfire
(DC 21)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 8th Concentration +15)
4th 4/day – Phantasmal Killer, Reduce Person Mass, Wall of Fire, Black Tentacles,
3rd 6/day – Haste, Summon Monster III, Dispel Magic, Fly, Displacement,
2nd 7/day – Eagle’s Splendor, Invisibility, Glitterdust, Scorching Ray
1st 8/day – Magic Missile, Shield, Mage Armor, Grease, True Strike, Protection from
0 – Prestidigitation, Flare, Ray of Frost, Acid Splash, Detect Magic
Bloodline Draconic (Brass Dragon)
Str 16, Dex 20, Con ---, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 24
Base Atk +3; CMB +6; CMD 22
Feats Dodge, Lightning Reflexes, Alertness, Toughness, Improved Initiative, Combat Reflexes, Toughness, Expanded
Arcana, Eschew Materials, Intensify Spell, Heighten Spell
Skills Bluff +23, Diplomacy +12, Knowledge (arcane) +11, Perception +19, Sense motive +15, Spellcraft +11,
Stealth +13, Use Magic Device +15
Languages: Common, Halfling, Elf, Dwarf
Gear Sorcerer’s Robe, Tunic of careful casting, Spellstrike Gloves, Wand of Inflict Serious wounds, Hat, 2 Elemental
Gems, 4 Manna Prisms, Bag of Holding MK I, Scroll of Greater Invisibility, Wand of Magic Missile, Chalk 5, Backpack,
Sack, 343 GP, 566 SP, Folding chair, Torch 3, Lantern 2, Perfume 3, 4 Alchemist fire, Masterwork Bluff tool
SQ: Change Shape, Gaseous form, Toxic form, Shadowless, Spider Climb,

XP 1,200
This magical sword forms the deceptive image of a woman.
LE Medium Construct
Init +11; Senses Life sense; dark vision; low light vision 60 feet
AC 22, touch 18, flat-footed 14 (+7 Dex, +4 Natural, +1 Dodge)
hp 35 (5d10+20)
Fort ---, Ref +9, Will ---
Defensive Abilities Hardness 10
Immunities Construct Immunities
SR 15
Speed Fly 60 feet
Melee +10 Keen Rapier (1d6+5 15-20 X2)
Spell-like abilities (CL 4th Concentration +3)
At will – Persistent Image (always the appearance of a beautiful girl
wielding the sword)
Constant – Telekinesis, Fly
Str 20, Dex 24, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 7, Cha 16
Base Atk +5; CMB +10 (Cannot grapple); CMD 28
Feats Power attack, Dodge, Spell Focus (Illusion)
Languages Common

Hunting girls are a deceptive creature. While sword appears to be held in the arms of a woman, the
woman is in fact an illusion projected by the sword in order to encourage intruders from attacking it
instead of them. In fact, hunting girl is the name imprinted on the sword, proving that the name has no
meaning to the one holding it.

When not in use, Hunting girls are generally placed in an armory. When intruders appear in the Castle
however, Dracula opens the vault with these swords and has his servants place them in the Castle. There
they continue to sleep until intruders reach out to grab them, in which case then the sword comes to life
and attacks them.

XP 3,200
This mass of Dragon skulls still spews the same flame as their
living brethren.
LE Medium Construct
Senses Life sense; dark vision; low light vision 60 feet
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 20 (+10 Natural,)
hp 65 (9d10+20)
Fort ---, Ref +3, Will ---
Defensive Abilities Hardness 10 Immunities Construct
Speed 5 feet
Spell-like abilities (CL 8th Concentration +8)
At will – Scorching Ray, Burning hands, Flame
Breath, Dispel Magic
3/day – Empowered Scorching Ray, Burning hands
Constant – True Seeing
Str 10, Dex 10, Con ---, Int ---, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +9; CMB (cannot make combat maneuvers) CMD 39 (+30 Racial)
Skills Perception +3, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +4,
Feats Intensify Spell, Empower-spell like ability, Point blank shot,
SQ: Staggered

Bone Pillars are a favorite defensive item that Dracula uses when defending his keep; though the design
here is much improved than his previous ones. A Bone Pillar simply waits for an intruder to get close,
after which it uses its flaming breath and blasts to hurl attacks against them. Generally, Bone Pillars care
not for their existence, seeing as it’s a very limited one; and have no problems sacrificing themselves for
Dracula’s cause.

Golden Bone Pillar: (Bone Pillar; CR +1): A Golden Bone Pillar looks exactly like that of a regular
Bone Pillar, but made of solid god. The Golden Bone Pillar gains a breath weapon of fire which deals 8d6
damage (Reflex save 18 for half). If a PC is hit by this attack, the weapons and armor of the PC must
make a will save of 18, or be transmuted into solid gold, increasing their weight, armor check penalty, etc.
Golden Bone Pillars receive 50% additional damage from all melee attacks.

XP 4,800
Despite appearances, this angel was not from the heavens.
LN Large Outsider (Extraplanar, Lawful, Aeon)
Init +9; Senses Dark Vision 60 ft
Aura Fear (2d6 rounds Will DC 22)
AC 27, touch 21, flat-footed 16 (+6 DEX, +6 Natural, +5 Deflection,
+1 Dodge -1 Size)
hp 126 (18d10+72)
Fort +10, Ref +18, Will +14
Defense abilities Damage Reduction 15/Chaotic
Resistance Electricity, Fire 10
Immunities Cold, Poison, Lawful, Critical hits SR 24
Speed 10 ft Fly 30 ft (Good)
Melee Slam +22/+17/+12 (1d6+4)
Ranged +2 Negating, Dispelling, Frost Composite Long Bow (STR 4)
+21/+21/+16/+16/+11 (1d8+8, plus 1d6 Cold)
Spell-like abilities (CL 16th Concentration +19)
Constant – True Seeing
At will – Greater Teleport, Dimension Door,
Fearie Fire, Dispel Invisibility, Abundant ammunition
3/day – Flame Arrow, Dispel Magic, Haste
1/day – Dimensional Anchor, Ice storm, Wall of Fire, Rainbow Pattern, (DC 18)
Str 18, Dex 22, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 18
Base Atk +18; CMB +22; CMD 44
Feats Deadly Aim, Point Blank Shot, Mobility, Rapid Shot, Many Shot, Shot on the Run, Dodge, Weapon Focus
(Long bow), Flyby attack
Skills Acrobatics +19, Bluff+15, Craft (Ammo) +17, Diplomacy +15, Escape Artist+22, Intimidate +17, Knowledge
(Arcane) +19, Knowledge (Engineering) +19, Knowledge (Geography) +15, Knowledge (Local)+10, Knowledge
(Nature) +19, Knowledge (Planes) +26,, Knowledge (Religion) +14, Perception +15, Sense motive +19, Stealth+18,
Use Magic Device +14,
Languages Envisaging
Gear 100 Arrows, Wings of Flight, +2 Negating Frost Composite Long Bow,
SQ: Envisaging, Extension of All

The Sniper of Goth (or Alamaric Archer is the Aeon’s Plane) is one of Dracula’s most proud creations.
They are the only Aeons who seem to have an attachment towards Dracula; partially because Dracula
molded energies he stole from the Monad to craft them as servants. To prevent reprisal from the Monad,
he returned much of what he stole, keeping only one of which he would use as a base for all others.

Sniper of Goth appears to be a four armed angelic creature with two beautiful white wings, and a
remarkably beautiful silver bow. This appearance of course is only to throw off to its victims that perhaps
it is not on Dracula’s side, when it in fact is. It weighs 500 lbs, and is about 12 feet tall.

Sniper of Goth’s are only called upon by Dracula at times where they are needed most; and are often used
also to display Dracula’s powerful crafting energies. When the Sniper of Goth is slain, Dracula recycles
the energy and recreates it anew, ensuring that there is a balance.

XP 3,200
This woman appears to be trapped within a thick sheet of ice.
CN Medium Outsider (Cold, Incorporeal, Extraplanar)
Init +4; Senses dark vision 60 feet
Aura Aura of Chill DC 19 (30 feet radius)
AC 24, touch 20, flat-footed 14 (+4 Deflection, +4 DEX, +4 Shield)
hp 56 (9d10+36)
Fort +3, Ref +10, Will +11
Defensive Abilities Damage Reduction 5/Magic, Incorporeal Traits
Immunities Cold, Staggered,
Weakness Fire Vulnerability, Loss of Shield,
Speed Fly 40 feet (Perfect)
Melee Ice touch +13 (4d6 cold damage)
Spell-like abilities (CL 12th Concentration +17)
Constant – Shield
3/day – Wall of Ice, Cone of Cold (DC 19), Shout (DC 17)
1/day – Ice Storm (DC 20), Wall of Force, Feeblemind, Teleport (Self and 50 lbs of objects)
Str ---, Dex 19, Con ---, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 19
Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 27
Skills Acrobatics+12, Bluff+14, Escape Artist+11, Knowledge (Geography) +8, Knowledge (Nature) +8 Knowledge
(Planes)+13, Perception+17, Stealth+14, Survival +13, Use magic Device +9
Feats Empower-spell like ability, Dodge, Improved Natural Armor, Spell Focus (Evocation), Quicken spell-like ability
Languages Celestial, Common, Alko
SQ: Ice affinity


Ice Affinity (Ex): The Frozen Shade’s very essence is directly tied to that of ice, and freezes through the
magical essence that encompasses its body. All Ice related spells that the Frozen Shade casts deal 2
additional damage die in addition to their damage. Any Ice spells that are made as attacks against the
Frozen Shade not only deal no damage, but also grant the Frozen Shade that much temporary HP that was
dealt as damage.

Chill Aura (Su): The Frozen Shade emits a chilling aura around it. Those who go within 30 feet of her
must make a Fortitude save of 19 for, or be at half their speed due to the icy cold hitting their bones for
1d12 minutes. Continued exposure after the first round causes a PC to receive damage from extreme cold
(using the rules for extreme cold conditions). This can be cured by moving into warm environments, or
with spells such as endure elements.

Loss of Shield (Ex): If the Frozen Shade is ever hit by a fire spell that deals over 15 points of damage,
the Frozen Shade loses the constant effect of her Shield spell for 24 hours.

The Frozen Shade are spirit remnants of travelers who perished in the Planes of Ice. Dracula molded their
spirits into terrifying outsiders, and then allowed them to wander his Castle. A typical Frozen shade
appears to be as tall as an average humanoid, but her skin and dress is pale blue, and with long blue hair;
similar to that of Samsarans. Not entirely evil, they simply serve Dracula only because Dracula was the
one who breathed life back into them…if one can call their existence life.


XP 3,200
LE Medium Humanoid
Changeling Master Summoner 8
Init +3 Senses Dark vision; 60 feet
AC 26, touch 20, flat-footed 15 (+1 Natural, +4 DEX, +6 Deflection, +4 Armor, +1 Dodge)
hp 33 (7d8-7)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +11
SR 13
Speed 30 feet
Melee Masterwork Dagger +5 (1d4-1)
Claws +5 (1d4-1)
Summoner Spells Known (CL 8th Concentration +14)
3rd 6/day – Black Tentacles, Charm Monster, Dimension Door, Wall of Fire, Reduce Person, Fly,
2nd 7/day – Alter self, Barkskin, Eagle’s Splendor, Haste, Invisibility, See invisibility, Wind Wall, Slow
1st 8/day – Grease, Alarm, Mage Armor, Jump, Shield, Endure Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Mount
0 8/day – Resistance, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Mage Hand, Daze, Acid Splash, Mending, Open/Close,
Read Magic
Spell-like abilities
8/day – Summon Monster IV
Str 8, Dex 17, Con 8, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 22
Base Atk +6; CMB +5; CMD 25
Skills Craft (Alchemy) +7, Handle Animal+11, Knowledge (Arcane)+6, Knowledge (Geography)+6 Knowledge
(Planes)+8, Knowledge (Religion)+8, Spellcraft +6, Use Magic Device +9
Feats Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augmented Summoning, Expanded Arcana, Dodge, Spell Focus (Abjuration)
Languages Celestial, Common, Alko
Gear Mithral Chain shirt, Staff of Conjuration, Ring of Protection +3, Castlevanian cape, Traveler’s outfit, Spellbook
(contains all the spells she knows), Potion of Cure serious wounds, Wand of Cure critical wounds, Wand of Summon
Monster V, Monster vials III 4, Shirt of Immolation, Halo of Inner calm, Backpack, Wine glass (worth 100 GP), Fine
wine bottle, Trail rations 4, Flint and steel, Cauldron, Compass, Torch 4, Summoner’s kit
SQ: Cantrips, Eidolon, Life Link, Green Widow, Shield Ally, Maker’s call, Transposition


LE Medium Outsider (Extraplanar)
Init +3 Senses Dark vision 60 feet, Scent
AC 19, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16 (+3 DEX, +7 Natural, -1 Size)
hp 22 (3d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +1
Defensive abilities Evasion
Resistance Fire 5
Speed 40 feet, Climb 20 feet, Fly 20 feet (Average)
Space/Reach 10 feet/15 feet
Melee 4 Slam +6 (1d8+2, plus 1d6 fire, plus grab)
Bite +6 (1d6+2, plus trip)
Special attacks Pounce
Str 17, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17 (+8 against trip)
Skills Acrobatics +12, Climb +6, Escape Artist +4, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (Planes) +3, Knowledge (Religion) +3,
Perception +5, Sense motive +3, Spellcraft +3,
Feats Improved Natural Armor, Weapon Focus (Natural attack)
Languages Celestial, Common, Alko
SQ: Shared Spells, Link, Improved Natural Armor, Mount, Energy Attacks (Fire)

XP 400
LE Medium Humanoid
Duergar Cleric 2
Init +2 Senses dark vision; 120 feet
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +6 Armor)
hp 12 (2d8+8)
Fort +7 Ref +2, Will +9
Defensive abilities Duergar Immunities
Weakness Light Sensitivity
Special Abilities: Channel Negative Energy 1d6,
Speed 20 ft,
Melee Dwarven Urgrosh +3 (1d8/1d6+2)
Great sword [will always be thrown] +3 (2d6+2)
Ranged Heavy Crossbow +3 (1d8)
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st Concentration +7)
1st – Protection, Shield of Faith, Entropic Shield, Curse Water, Divine Favor, Doom, Identify, Magic Weapon
0 – Guidance, Light , Resistance
Spell-like abilities (CL 2nd)
At will – Enlarge Person, Invisibility
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 12, Wis 22, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 19 (+4 Racial)
Feats Selective Channeling
Skills Craft (Alchemy)+2, Handle Animal+7, Knowledge (Religion)+5, Survival+10,
Gear Dwarven Urgrosh, Heavy Crossbow, 20 Bolts, Unholy Symbol, Mithral Breastplate, Bear trap, Antidote kit,
Masterwork Handle Animal tool, Foot-print tool, Masterwork Survival Tool, Jewelry (40 GP), Bag, GP 213, Shield
Other Scroll 3,
Languages Common, Duergar, Undercommon, Elf
Deity Dracula
SQ: Slow and Steady, Orisons, Domains (Magic and War), Hand of the Acolyte, Battle Rage,
XP 19,200
The only Armor Lord variant capable of holding its own against the
Guardian series.
CN Large Construct
Init +5; Senses dark vision 60 feet
AC 24, touch 13, flat-footed 21 (+12 Natural, +4 DEX, -1 Size)
hp 85 (16d10+30)
Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +10
Defensive Abilities Hardness 15, Magic , Cold Iron; Construct
Immunities, Magic Immunity
Special Abilities Perfect two weapon fighting
Speed 20 Feet
Melee 2 Large Sized +2 Cold Iron flaming long swords +23/+18/+13
(1d10+10, plus 1d6 fire)
3 Slams +24 (1d8+10)
Str 26, Dex 20, Con ---, Int 14, Wis 20, Cha 10
Base Atk +16; CMB +24 CMD 39
Skills Acrobatics+17, Escape Artist +17, Perception+17, Stealth +17 (+21 when among statues)
Feats Awesome Blow, Double Slice, Improved Natural attack, Power attack, Furious Focus, Improved Trip, Cleave,
Cleaving Finish
Gear 2 +2 Flaming Long swords,
Languages Common

Special abilities:

Perfect two weapon fighting (Ex): The Blade Brother gains the benefits of the Greater Two Weapon
fighting feat. It suffers no penalties to using two weapons.

Magic Immunity (Ex): The Blade Brother is immune to all spells that allow Spell resistance. Some
spells work notable different on it.

Transmute rock to mud: Inflicts slow on it for 1d6 rounds.

Stone to Flesh: Gives it the following temporary modifiers to its attributes: -4 STR, +2 DEX, -4 CON.
Ice Prison: Functions normally.
Rusting Grasp: Deals 3d10 damage to it, instead of 3d6.

The Blade Brother is probably the most dangerous Armor Lord variant within the castle. It is not only
extremely well trained in the arts of a swordsman, but its magical aura is almost immune to all forms of
attack. The Blade Brother appears to be an animated suit of full plate made with a green metal, with a
long green cape in the back. The Sword Brother weighs in at about 600 lbs, and is about 12 feet tall.

The problem with the Blade Brother is the cost for animating it. Dracula has said to have made tens of
thousands of expenditures in GP just to animate the being, and therefore only one is usually functioning at
one time; as it is easier to reanimate and repair the Blade Brother rather than rebuilding a whole new one.
XP 19,200
This mass of white energy can copy anything.
CE Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Evil)
Init +12; Senses life sense 60 feet
AC 26, touch 26, flat-footed 10 (+8 DEX, +6 Deflection)
hp 256 (16d10+96)
Fort +5, Ref +18, Will +17
Defensive Abilities Incorporeal Traits, Damage Reduction
17/Lawful and Good
Immunities Incorporeal Traits, Magic Immunity
Special Abilities Assume Form
Speed Fly 60 feet (Perfect)
Special Attack Analyze Ray +24 (Read description)
Str ---, Dex 26, Con ---, Int 10, Wis 24, Cha 22
Base Atk +16; CMB +16; CMD 40
Skills None
Feats Improved Initiative
Languages Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Azata


Analyze Ray (Su): This ray attack, if it hits the PC, buries deep within the subconscious of the PC, and
then returns to the formless Doppleganger02 all in the matter of one round. When this happens, the PC is
staggered for 1 round with no save. After this, the Doppleganger02 cannot use this ability for 24 hours.
Once it has successfully analyzed a target, the Doppleganger02 gains all the abilities, feats, skills, saves,
HD, speed, etc from the creature it has analyzed, but gains none of the gear. The Doppleganger02 can use
Assume form on the next round to morph into the creature, with copies of all of its gear and weapons.

Assume form (Su): A Doppleganger02 can use its special morphing powers to assume the shape of an
analyzed target. Assuming this form gives the Doppleganger02 the same gear and attributes as the
morphed creature, though the Doppleganger02 still retains its alignment, feats, and known languages.
Penalties that would affect the character class as a result of alignment still apply as normal (A
Doppleganger02 cannot assume the form of a paladin, but expect to use the paladin abilities). All
weapons and spells employed from the copy of the PC are all treated as Evil aligned for overcoming
Damage Reduction. A Doppleganger02 can only morph into one creature, and only if it has successfully
analyzed that creature within 24 hours. Any damage the Doppleganger02 has received prior to this still
apply to the morphed state that it had taken, and will carry over even when it’s HD changes, to a
minimum of 1 (A Doppleganger02 does not ever drop below 1 HP when it morphs into another creature).
After 24 hours, the Dopplegnager02 returns to its formless state. When morphed, a Doppleganger02 loses
its magic immunity, Damage Reduction, and Incorporeal state.
Magic Immunity (Ex): When not morphed, a Doppleganger02 has immunity to all spells that allow for
Spell Resistance.

The Doppleganger02 is a extraplanar creature found near the edges of the Monad, which has said to have
been created by Dracula; as his castle is the only known location of where they are found. They are
materialess beings with no shape, similar to that of the Dopplegangers in the Material Plane, that are
looking for a shape that they can all their own.

Dopplegangers02 are shapeless creatures that have the form of a white mist that floats above the ground.
They mostly float around the Castle or Monad, looking for anything that they might be able to take as a
shape. Once they find it, they analyze it so that whatever part of them that can be considered a mind will
remember it. After this they assume the shape of the victim, and dispose of him quickly to prevent

Sadly, their quest to find a shape is fruitless. Their materialess bodies cannot hold the shape for longer
than 24 hours, and they then once again begin their quest anew.

XP 19,200
The elite witches of Dracula’s cult.
NE Medium Humanoid
Changeling Universalist Wizard level 11
Init +2; Senses Dark Vision 60 ft;
AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 11 (+1 Natural, +6 DEX )
hp 54 (12d6+36)
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +14
SR 17
Special Abilities Metamagic Mastery
Speed 30 ft,
Melee +6 +1 Dagger (1d4+1)
+5 2 Claws (1d4)
+12 Hand of the Apprentice
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 11th Concentration +22)
6th – Suggestion Mass, Dispel Magic Greater, Disintegrate
5th – Cloudkill, Hold Monster, Telekinesis,
4th – Black Tentacles, Dimensional Anchor, Rainbow Pattern,
Bestow Curse,
3rd – Dispel Magic, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Wind Wall, Blink, Haste,
2nd – Fox’s Cunning, Alter self, Blur, Gust of Wind, Protection from arrows, Glitterdust, Web
1st – Magic Missile, Feather fall, Jump, Reduce Person, Shocking Grasp, Mount ,Shield
0 – Jolt, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation
Spell like abilities (CL 12th)
At will – Beast Shape I (Always Cat)
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 24, Wis 18, Cha 20
Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 17
Feats Mother’s Gift, Spell Penetration, Combat Casting, Defensive Combat Training, Empower spell, Deceitful, Scribe
Skills Appraise +19, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Knowledge (Arcane) +19, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +19,
Knowledge (Engineering) +19, Knowledge (History) +19, Knowledge (Nature) +19, Knowledge (Religion) +19,
Profession (Scribe)+16, Spellcraft +19,
Gear Salome Broom, Dagger+1, Rod of Cancelation, Sultry dress, Magician’s hat, Cloak of the Dustwalker, Flint and
steel, Spellbook (Has all spells prepared), Wand of cure critical wounds, boots, Velvet gloves,
Languages Common, Undercommon, Dwarf, Abyssal, Alko, Infernal, Elf, Celestial,
SQ: Green Hag type,

It is said that Dracula has a rank for the witches that are in his coven, and Salome is said to be the highest
rank one can achieve within the Castle. These witches are given special brooms to help deliver their
magical assaults against foes. They are mostly changelings due to their adaptability to magic.


XP 9,600
This magical beast is both wise and cunning.
NE Large Magical Beast
Init +2; Senses Dark Vision; Scent 60 ft;
AC 25, touch 22, flat-footed 14 (+4 Natural, +4 DEX, +7 WIS, +1 Dodge, -1 Size)
hp 54 (12d10+48)
Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +10
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 10/Chaotic, Evasion, Slow Fall 30 feet
Special Abilities: 7th level Monk
Speed 50 ft,
Space/Reach 10 feet/10 feet
Melee +19/+14/+9 Claws (1d6+6 plus 1d8 Unarmed, plus grab)
+19 Bite (1d6+6)
Rend +19/+14/+9 (1d6+12)
Stunning Fist
Special Attacks Flurry of Blows +14/+14/+9/+9/+4
Whirlwind Slash
Str 22, Dex 18, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 24, Cha 14
Base Atk +13; CMB +19 (+4 On Grapple); CMD 41
Feats Dodge, Lightning Stance, Run, Improved Unarmed Strike, Perfect Strike, Elemental Fist, Run, Combat
Expertise, Tiger Style, Tiger claws
Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Escape Artist +10, Knowledge (Arcane) +4, Knowledge (Planes) +7,
Knowledge (Religion) +4 Survival +13, Stealth +8,
Gear Monk’s Vestments, Trail Rations 10, Meat 4, Ale 10, Flask 10, Clothing, Hip Flask, Belt, Pouch, GP 435
Languages Common, Alko, Sylvan,
SQ: Flurry of Blows, Stunning Fist, Fast Movement, Ki Pool 10 (Magic, Cold Iron, Silver), Wholeness of Body, Hi

Special abilities:
7th level monk (Ex): An Armored Lion Monk gains the special abilities of a 7th level monk, but none of
the Base attack or saves.

Whirlwind Slash (Ex): The Armored Lion Monk can swing its mighty claws into the air, creating virtual
whirlwinds around a target that strike in the same manner of his unarmed claw attack. These whirlwinds
can be summoned up to 40 feet away, allowing the Armored Lion Monk to full round attack his targets
from a distance. It can do this up to 7 times a day. It does not gain its Claw damage, or grab attack in this
manner, but can apply his ki pool into it.

These beasts were once formally normal lions found in the multi-verse, to which Dracula created into
powerful warriors to further his cause on the land. Both wise and intelligent, they defend his Castle to
their last breath as thanks for the gift of understanding.


XP 25,600
NE Undead (Augmented Humanoid)
Human Ghost Fighter 13
Init +10; Senses Dark Vision; 60 ft;
AC 24, touch 24, flat-footed 10 (+6 DEX, +7 CHA, +1 Dodge)
hp 153 (12d10+84)
Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +10
Defensive abilities Incorporeal Traits, Rejuvenation
Immunities Undead Traits
Special Abilities Paired Initiative, Partners
Weakness Dancer Pairing
Speed 30 ft, Fly 30 feet (Perfect)
Melee +24/+19/+14 Rapier+2 (1d6+9)
Special Attacks Corrupting Touch +19 (13d6)
Draining Touch +19 (1d4 Ability score damage)
Frightful Moan (30 foot cone, Fear 2d4
Spell like abilities (CL 13th Concentration +20)
At will – Telekinesis
Str ---, Dex 22, Con ---, Int 14, Wis 22, Cha 24
Base Atk +13; CMB +13; CMD 36
Feats Improved Initiative, Power attack, Combat Reflexes,
Pin Down, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Lunge, Great Cleave,
Greater Vital Strike, Step up, Strike back, Spring attack,
Whirlwind attack
Skills Appraise +10, Bluff +11, Diplomacy +11, Disguise
+11, Escape Artist +13, Heal +13, Intimidate +14,
Perception +21, Perform (Dance) +22, Stealth +21,
Gear Ghost touch Rapier+2, Noble Clothing,
Languages Common, Elf, Celestial
SQ: Bravery+3, Weapon Training 3, Armor Training 3
XP -----------
NE Undead (Augmented Humanoid)
Human Ghost Sorcerer 13
Init +6; Senses Dark Vision, blind-sense; 60 ft;
AC ---
hp ---
Fort ---, Ref +10, Will +13
Defensive abilities Incorporeal Traits, Rejuvenation
Immunities Undead Traits
Special Abilities Paired Initiative, Partners
Weakness Dancer Pairing
Speed 30 ft, Fly 30 feet (Perfect)
Melee +12/+6/ Dagger+2 (1d4+8)
Special Attacks Corrupting Touch +19 (13d6)
Draining Touch +19 (1d4 Ability score damage)
Frightful Moan (30 foot cone, Fear 2d4 rounds)
Sorcerer Bloodline Stormborn
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 13th Concentration +20)
6th 4/day – Chain Lightning, Circle of Death, Create Undead, Flesh to Stone
5th 5/day – Overland flight, Feeblemind, Cloudkill, Break Enchantment, Wall of Force
4th 7/day – Bestow Curse, Rainbow Pattern, Ice storm, Confusion, Dimension Door, Shout
3rd 8/day – Lightning Bolt, Haste, Slow, Keen Edge, Wind Wall, Stinking Cloud, Dispel Magic
2nd 8/day – Gust of Wind, Blindness/Deafness, Blur, Darkness, See invisibility, Protection from Arrows,
Scorching Ray
1st 8/day – Shocking Grasp, Magic Missile, Shield, Grease, Color Spray, Unseen servant, Mage Armor
0 – Detect Magic, Jolt, Create Water, Acid Splash
Spell like abilities (CL 13th)
At will – Telekinesis
Str ---, Dex 22, Con ---, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 24
Base Atk +6; CMB +6; CMD 29
Feats Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (Transmutation), Spell Focus (Evocation), Sorcerous Bloodstrike, Echoing
Spell, Eschew materials, Empower spell, Enlarge Spell, Wind Stance, Skill Focus (Perform)
Skills Acrobatics +13, Appraise +11, Bluff +12, Diplomacy +12, Escape Artist +14, Intimidate +12, Knowledge
(Arcane) +11, Perception +18, Perform (Dance) +24, Spellcraft +11, Stealth +22, Use Magic Device +15,
Gear Ghost touch Dagger+2, Noble Clothing,
Languages Common, Elf, Celestial, Dwarf,
SQ: Thunderstaff, Storm Child, Thunder bolt, Sorcerer Bloodline, Cantrips,

Special abilities:

Partners (Ex): Though the Ghost Dancers are two separate creatures, they are considered one whole
creature. The two ghosts share their HP, AC, saves, and abilities. If one of the creature’s stat is higher,
both creatures use the same statistic for calculating their stats.
Paired Initiative (Ex): The Ghostly Dancers use the same initiative as the other. If one of the other has a
higher initiative, the two use the same initiative.

Dance Pairing (Ex): The two dancers must always roll a perform check every round they move, and it
must always succeed a 34 DC check. If they fail, neither of the dancers can move on that round. If the
dancers are separated in any way, they will forgo all actions to try and make it back to each other. If one
of the dancers HP hits 0 and dissipates, the other does too.

XP 19,200
Beneath the moving vines, and evil rose in the center, unveils a beautiful woman.
NE Medium Fey
Init +2; Senses low light vision 60 ft;
Aura Seduction 60 feet radius (DC 28)
AC 21, touch 21, flat-footed 10 (+2 DEX, +8 CHA, +1 Dodge )
hp 90 (20d6-60)
Fort +11, Ref +22, Will +28
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 15/Cold Iron
SR 23
Special Abilities: 11th level Druid, Rose
Weakness Fire Vulnerability
Speed 40 ft,
Reach 40 feet Radius (outdoors only)
Melee +9/+4 Slam (1d4-1)
+9/+4 Rose 60 feet (1d8-1, 1d3 roses per attack, plus
+22 8 Rose Vines (1d8+6, plus grab)
Special Attacks Constriction +8 (2d8+20)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 12th Concentration +24)
6th – Plague Storms, Anti-life shell, Summon Nature’s Ally VI
5th – Rest Eternal, Fickle Winds, Call Lightning Storm, Baleful Polymorph
4th – Dispel Magic, Flame Strike, Ice Storm, Volcanic Rocks, Summon Nature ally IV
3rd – Protection from energy, Remove Disease, Plant Growth, Fungal Infestation, Burst of Nettles, Mad
Monkeys, Ash Storm,
2nd – Resist Energy, Flame Blade, Pox Pustules, Owl’s Wisdom, Animal Trance, Tree Shape, Summon
Nature’s Ally II
1st – Produce Flame, Obscuring Mist, Keen Senses, Ray of Sickening, Remove Sickness, Ant Haul, Long
0 – Flare, Spark, Guidance, Virtue, Detect Magic
Spell like abilities (CL 12th)
Constant – Selective Entangle, Selective Black Tentacles
At will – Teleport, Dimension Door, Change Weather,
Str 9, Dex 14, Con 5, Int 19, Wis 26, Cha 26
Base Atk +10; CMB +9 (+22 Grapple, trip, or disarm via rose); CMD 28 (48 when the rose is grappling)
Feats Improved Grapple, Dodge, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Mobility, Spring attack, Selective spell,
Toppling Spell, Parry Spell, Improved Counterspell,
Skills Acrobatics +14, Bluff +20, Diplomacy +20, Escape Artist +24, Knowledge (Geography) +20, Knowledge
(Local) +20, Knowledge (Nature) +24, Perception +20, Perform (Dance) +20, Sense motive +20, Spellcraft +24,
Stealth +22, Swim +20, Use Magic Device +38
Languages Common, Undercommon, Sylvan, Alko, Infernal, Draconic
SQ: Unearthly Grace, Wild Empathy +21, Woodland Stride,


Seduction Aura (Su): The Venus Weed has the powerful ability to seduce men and women to indulge in
her body as though fascinated. Those who fail a Will save of 28 will attempt to move towards the Venus
weed and attempt to clasp her. Those who succeed are immune to the aura for 24 hours.

Poison (Ex): Injury – Contact. Save Fortitude DC 17. Onset 1 round. Frequency 1/3 rounds. Effect 1d4
CON damage; unconsciousness for 3 hours.

Rose (Su): Under the Venus Weed is a magical red rose of which she uses to conceal herself and
disappear when needed. When the rose is not present, it is directly under her, under the ground. As a full
round action, she can cause the rose to bloom under her, wrapping her in it. The Venus Weed can use this
rose for the following uses:
Restore hit points: When the Venus Weed uses the rose as a shield, she envelops herself within the rose
and conceals herself within. The Venus Weed cannot move or use spells that require line of sight, but the
rose can still attack for her. While inside the Rose, the Venus Weed gains total concealment. The Venus
weed gains Regeneration 20 within the rose, but must leave it after her HP is at max. Using the Rose as a
shield in this fashion is a Full round action. A Venus Weed can only do this once per day.
Cover:A Venus Weed can partially conceal herself in the Rose. This grants her a cover bonus of +4.
Attack: The vines and roots of the rose can be used to attack an individual. These vines have an effective
range of 40 feet radius. Anyone hit by the roses are subject to an automatic grapple attack. The vines of
the rose deal 2 points of bleed damage on a successful hit, and use the full HD of the Venus weed to
determine to hit.
Descend: The Venus Weed can conceal herself within the rose, and then sink into the ground. This grants
her a Burrow speed of 60 feet, but she cannot use any ability to attack.
Difficult Terrain: Within the 40 feet radius of attack range the Venus Weed has, it is considered difficult
terrain due to the vines and roots the flower has around the area. This area is always centered on the
Venus weed, regardless if the rose if on ground level or not.

The rose has an HP of 90, an AC of 15, DR 10/Cold Iron, Weakness to fire, 40 foot movement (and a 60
foot burrow movement) and has the Plant Creature type. If the Rose perishes, the Venus Weed is sickened
and loses 1d3 CON an hour. Preparing another rose takes a full hour to do so.

11th level Druid (Ex): The Venus Weed gains the Spell slots of an 11th level druid and abilities, but
cannot swap them out for unprepared Summon Nature’s ally spells, or gains Wild Shape.

Unearthly Grace (Su): The Venus Weed gains a Deflection bonus to AC equal to her CHA modifier and
saving throws, in the same matter of a Nymph.

Venus Weeds are fey that are birthed from flowers watered in demon’s blood. These fey appear as
children within the flower after it has reached nearly twelve times its normal size. From there the child is
removed from the flower and then raised as a normal humanoid. Always female, and always beautiful
these chaotic fey are found in similar locations to that of fey. These are one of the few creatures that
Dracula raises himself as wards until they reach adulthood, in which case they are then sent to work for
him. The flower of the Venus weed does its best to stay near its child. If it cannot reach them, it simply
waits for them to return to where it can travel.

Because of the demon blood used to make them, Venus weeds typically are chaotic neutral to chaotic evil
creatures. But unlike other beings, these fey have been raised as a child to an adult or young adult,
meaning they are far more intelligent than Dracula’s other creations, and can be reasoned with. Though
many will prefer siding with their father instead of outsiders they know nothing of.

Blue Venus weed (CR +1): Blue Venus Weed appears to be a unearthly
beautiful woman with long blue hair trapped within a blue flower,
though she sometimes chooses to walk on the ground herself. The Blue
Venus weed is far more powerful than her lesser cousins, and has the
following changes to it.

 +1 DC to all spells.
 Seduction DC has a +1
 Flower has +20 HP, and +4 Deflection AC.
 Blue Venus Weed has Fast Healing 10 normally.
 Vine natural attack deals poison damage.
 The Blue Venus weed gains a Fear Aura, which she can use right after her Seduction aura fails.
The save is the same as the Seduction. PCs who fail become shaken which affects them for 2d6

XP 25,600
A heavily magically enchanted Construct awaits its victims.
LE Medium Construct
Init +2; Senses Dark vision, low light vision 60 ft;
Aura Fear 40 feet (2d6 rounds, Panicked, DC 24)
AC 25, touch 15, flat-footed 20 (+4 DEX, +1 Dodge, +10 Natural)
hp 110 (18d10 +20)
Fort ---, Ref +10, Will +
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 15/Bludgeoning and Magic
Resistance Acid 10, Electricity 10, Fire 10
SR 29
Special abilities Incorporeal Form
Speed 40 ft, Fly 60 feet (Perfect)
Melee 4 Slams +23/+18/+13 (1d4+5, plus energy drain)
Heaven Sword +29/+24/+19 (1d8+8)
Flame Tongue +24/+19/+14 (1d8+8)
Special Attacks Energy Drain (2 levels Fortitude DC 26)
Spell like abilities (CL 13th Concentration +20)
Constant – Greater Telekinesis (DC 23), Fly,
At will – Feeblemind (DC 19), Magic Missile,
3/day – Flesh to Stone (DC 23), Disintegrate (DC 23), Circle of Death (DC 23), Chain Lightning (DC 23)
Scorching Ray, Empowered Magic Missile
1/day – Scintillating Colors (DC 25)
Str 20, Dex 18, Con ---, Int 14, Wis 24, Cha 20
Base Atk +18; CMB +23 CMD 38
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Wind Stance, Empower Spell like ability, Flyby attack, Improved Natural Armor,
Weapon Focus (Long sword), Furious Focus, Power attack, Cleave
Skills Acrobatics +12, Craft (Varies) +6, Escape Artist +8, Fly +10, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (Arcane) +6,
Knowledge (Engineering) +6, Knowledge (Local) +10, Knowledge (Planes) +6 Perception +15, Stealth +12, Use
Magic Device +15
Gear Splint Mail+3 (is destroyed upon death), Heaven Sword, Flame Tongue
Languages Common, Undercommon


Greater Telekinesis (Sp): The Cloaked Knight has the special ability Greater Telekinesis, which
functions like Telekinesis, but the Cloaked Knight is capable of concentrating on up to 1d3+1 humanoid
targets at one time for the purposes of combat maneuvers. This counts as a 7th level spell.

Incorporeal form (Su): The Cloaked Knight is capable of assuming an incorporeal form as a swift
action. This lasts for 1 round per 1 number of CR.

A Ghost Knight is another member of the Armor Lord series, and is actually superior to that of the normal
Armor Lord. However, Ghost Knights are far more expensive to make, and harder to maintain than
Armor Lords.
Because of their higher affinity to magical energies, and skill in combat, Dracula generally crafts superior
items for them, and gives them more authority. However, Ghost Knights are not protectors…they are
merely killers; and will make consistent efforts to do so.

XP 1,600
This animated book lies in wait for a foolish man to come near it.
N Medium Construct
Init +4; Senses Blind sense, life sense 60 ft;
Aura Anti-magic 20 feet radius (DC 18, 1d6 rounds)
AC 25, touch 20, flat-footed 15 (+4 DEX, +1 Dodge, +5 Natural, +5 INT )
hp 40 (6d10 +20)
Fort ---, Ref +6, Will ---
Defensive abilities Hardness 8
Resistance Electricity 10
SR 16
Weakness Fire Vulnerability, Melee Stagger, CMB barred
Speed Fly 60 feet (Perfect)
Melee Multiple weapons (1d6+1 weapons, +5 to hit)
Ranged Beam of light +9 (3d6 fire, 50 foot range)
Special Attacks Multiple weapons +5
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 8th Concentration +13)
3rd – Dispel Magic, Haste, Wind wall
2nd – Scorching Ray, Web, Invisibility, Fox’s Cunning, Blur
1st – Magic Missile, Shield, Grease, Reduce Person, Mount
0 – Read magic, Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 20, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +6; CMB --- CMD 26
Feats Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Intensify Spell
Skills Knowledge (Arcane) +12, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +12, Knowledge (Engineering) +10, Knowledge
(Geography) +12, Knowledge (Local) +12, Knowledge (Planes) +12, Knowledge (Religion) +12 Racial modifiers
+15 Disguise (When placed among books)
Languages Common, Undercommon
Gear Monster can be used as a spellbook after defeated.
SQ: Unearthly intelligence, 6th level Wizard, Restoration


Anti-Magic Aura (Su): Spellcasting classes must throw a DC Will save of 18. Failure causes a magic’s
classes supernatural abilities and spells to be barred from use for 1d6 rounds. Succeeding the save makes
one immune to the aura for 24 hours.

Unearthly Intelligence (Ex): A Magic Tome gains a Deflection bonus to its Armor class from its
intelligence modifier.

Multiple Weapons (Su): When the magic Tome uses a melee attack against an enemy, it summons
1d6+1 weapons from its pages to attack. The weapons are completely randomized and up to DM
discretion, but they cannot be reach weapons or monk weapons. A PC hit by multiple weapons takes
damage from all the weapons summoned. Weapons are considered magic for overcoming DR, and all
have a +1 modifier to them. Weapons disappear on next round.

Melee Stagger (Ex): A Magic Tome cannot move and make a melee attack at the same time.

6th level Wizard Spells (Ex): The Magic Tome gains the spell slots of a 6th level wizard.

Restoration (Su): Once a Magic Tome is defeated, any damage done to it is instantly repaired, though
the spellbook then returns to being a mundane spellbook. Any spells the Magic Tome knew are still
encoded on the book.

CMB Barred (Ex): Magic Tomes cannot use checks that require CMB, but still can in fact be subject of
grapples themselves.

Magical Tomes are spellbooks that have been given sentience and understanding. Because of that, these
creatures are technically considered Intelligent items more so that monsters. Magic Tomes are generally
given a clear brown spine which is used to indicate to those who are aware of their existence to warn them
that they are there. Those foolish enough to continue on evoke their wrath. Magic Tomes always appear
to be regular sized books, until goaded into combat. After this, they assume the size of a medium
humanoid and attack.

XP 1,200
This sheet like creature runs into its foes, draining them of their life force.
NE Medium Outsider (Extraplanar, Incorporeal)
Init +8; Senses Dark Vision 120 ft; Life sight 60 feet
AC 21, touch 21, flat-footed 10 (+5 Dex, +5 Deflection, +1 Dodge)
hp 37 (5d10+25)
Fort +3, Ref +8, Will +12
Defensive Abilities Damage Reduction 5/Magic
Immunities Incorporeal Traits
Speed Fly 120 feet (Perfect)
Melee +10 touch (2d8 Negative Energy, plus energy drain)
Special Attacks Energy Drain (DC 17, 1d2 levels)
Str ---, Dex 20, Con ---, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 20
Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 26
Skills Acrobatics +17, Bluff +15, Diplomacy +15, Escape Artist +12, Intimidate +15, Knowledge (Planes) +9,
Knowledge (Religion) +9, Spellcraft +9, Stealth +15
Feats Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack
Languages Undercommon, Abyssal
SQ Fleeting movement

Schmoos are creatures from the Outer Planes that derive on pleasure and death’; which makes them
suitable creatures to occupy Dracula’s keep. They appear to white creature like beings that might as well
look like a lamp shade, with an evil smile on their face. They terrorize their victims by assaulting them,
draining their life force, and then departing into the walls to wait for them to drop their guard.


XP 400
NE Human Warrior 3
Init +3
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 Armor, +1 dodge)
hp 11 (2d10+4)
Fort +5 Ref +4, Will +3
Speed 30 ft,
Melee Glaive +8 (1d10+5)
Ranged Composite Long Bow (STR 5) +5 (1d8+5)
Str 20, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 14, Cha 12
Base Atk +2; CMB +7; CMD 20
Feats Power attack, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes
Skills Climb +9, Intimidate +3
Gear Glaive, Chain shirt, Composite Long bow (STR 5), Arrows 20, Clothing, Boots, Quiver, Flint and steel, bag, sack,
200 GP, 123 SP, Crowbar, Flask, Hip flask (Ale), Ink 4, Ink pen, Signal horn, Whistle
Languages Common
XP 25,600
The result of science and alchemy birthed this foul beast.
NE Huge Magical Beast
Init +7; Senses Dark Vision; Scent; Blind-sight 60 ft;
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+9 Natural, +3 DEX, +1 Dodge, -2
hp 153 (18d10+126)
Fort +19, Ref +14, Will +10
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 15/Slashing and Magic
SR 24
Speed 50 ft,
Space/Reach 20 feet/20 feet
Melee 6 Bites +32 (2d8+12, plus grab)
2 Claws +32 (2d8+12)
Special Attacks Breath Weapon 13/day ( 60 foot cone 13d6 fire
damage, Reflex save DC 24)
Gore (2d8+18)
Spell like abilities (CL 10th Concentration +12)
At will – Wall of Fire (DC 15)
Str 34, Dex 16, Con 25, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +18; CMB +32 CMD 48
Feats Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Awesome Blow, Multi-attack, Snatch, Run, Mobility, Dodge, Wind Stance,
Improved Initiative, Combat Expertise, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will
Skills Escape Artist +9, Intimidate +23, Knowledge (Nature) +5, Survival +10,
Languages Common
SQ: Mighty Leap


Mighty leap (Ex): A Cerberus Panther can leap at least 60 feet in the air as a regular jump. It can move
up to 60 feet in a straight line by doing this, and it is not subject to an attack of opportunity when
performing this. This is a Full round action.

The Cerberus Panther was another creation of Count Dracula, made entirely to be a defender. It appears to
be a huge sized Black Panther with three heads. It is used as a loyal
guardian, though is very violate and difficult to control due to its evil

XP 12,800
Beneath the birds that flutter around, a lone visage of a man appears.
CE Medium Outsider (Extra planar, Demon, Evil, Chaotic)
Init +2; Senses Dark vision 60 ft;
Aura Fear 40 feet radius (2d6 rounds Will DC 21)
AC 24, touch 17, flat-footed 17 (+6 DEX, +1 Dodge, +7 Natural,)
hp 104 (16d10+48)
Fort +13, Ref +11, Will +15
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 15/Lawful or Good
Immunities Electricity, Poison, Evil
Resistance Acid 10, Cold 10, Fire 10
SR 22
Special Abilities Death Throes
Speed 50 ft, Fly 60 feet (Perfect)
Melee +17/+12/+7 Claws (1d6+6, plus disease)
+17 Bite (1d4+6, plus disease)
Special Attacks Cone of Vermin (8d6 evil aligned damage, Reflex DC 21)
Spell like abilities (CL 11th Concentration +16)
Constant – True Seeing, Detect Magic,
At will – Chaos Hammer (DC 19), Greater Dispel Magic, Flame Breath (DC 17), Telekinesis (DC 19)
3/day – Summon Monster VI, Summon Monster V, Summon Vermin, Insect Plague, Darkness, Greater
Invisibility, Gust of Wind (DC 17), Tetra Spirit (DC 18)
1/day – Summon (Lesser Demon 40%, 3 Attaching Imps 70%)
Str 23, Dex 22, Con 17, Int 19, Wis 20, Cha 16
Base Atk +16; CMB +21 (+25 on Grapple) CMD 38
Feats Empower spell like ability, Dodge, Lightning Stance, Lunge, Strike Back, Step up, Cleave, Power attack
Skills Acrobatics +23, Bluff +19, Diplomacy +18, Escape Artist +21, Fly +19, Intimidate +11 Knowledge (Planes)
+17, Knowledge (Religion) +19, Perception +19, Spellcraft +14, Stealth +20, Use Magic Device +18,
Languages Common, Draconic, Abyssal, Celestial, Telepathy (100 feet)


Disease (Ex): Raven’s pustules. Contact-Injury. Save Fortitude save 21. Onset 1 hour. Frequency. 1/day.
Cure 2 Consecutive saves. 1d4 CON damage, Fatigue, Sickened.

Cone of Vermin (Su): The Karasuman has the ability to unleash a cone aura of diseased birds in a cone.
The powerful beaks and ferocious talons of the birds deal 12d6 slashing damage; which are considered
Evil for the purpose of overcoming Damage Reduction. Reflex save of 23 halves the damage. Anyone
who fails the save must make a fortitude save to resist disease as well. This is a breath weapon attack.
After the attack is concluded, 1d4 creatures will be left behind within the cone shaped area. These
monsters are hawks with the advanced template. These creatures gain the disease of the Karasuman.

Death Throes (Ex): When the Karasuman is slain, it bursts into an array of flame, which deals 8d6
damage to all opponents around it, and spreads it’s disease in addition. A Reflex save of 21 halves this.

Karasuman are demons that are from the Abyss, and are said to be the demons of crows and Ravens. They
are generally summoned by Druids, who Karasuman generally do not harm, as Druids can bring to them
what they love. They covet birds so much that they regard them with sanctity. Sometimes on the material
plane, if a flock of crows is present, a Karasuman can be seen in them if it has been left to its own accord.

Castlevanian Minotaur (Minotaur; +2 CR): Dracula has captured Minotaurs in the past, and through
foul craft and research, he has improved upon these half man, half bull beings, making them far deadlier
opponent’s than before. A Castlevanian Minotaur gains the following changes done to it, using the
Minotaur as a base:
 +6 STR, -2 DEX, +4 CON, +2 INT, +4 WIS, and -4 CHA to its
 Gains +2 HD, +2 to their natural armor, and +2 to Will saves.
 Gains the Cleave and Step up feats.
 +4 to Perception, Survival, and Acrobatics
 +2 Base attack bonus.
 Breath weapon. Deals 6d6 Cold damage. Reflex save DC 16 for
half. 6/day. Those who fail the reflex save must make a
Fortitude save of 16 or be turned to stone for 2d4 rounds.
 Special Abilities: Discern Intruders location (Su) and Unbinding
(Su). Discern Intruders location allows the Minotaurs to be able to know exactly where enemies
are in the Castle if they are on the same floor as them. Unbinding allows the Castlevanian
Minotaurs to actually damage and destroy parts of the Castle. Anything they destroy reforms in 1
 Gains Scent.

XP 4,800
NE Medium Humanoid
Orc Two Handed Fighter 9
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.
AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +6 Armor, Dodge +1, Ring of Protection +2,)
hp 75 (9d10+45)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will 0
Defensive Abilities Orc Ferocity
Weakness Light Sensitivity
Speed 30 ft
Melee Masterwork Falchion +17/+12 (2d4+16)
Masterwork Great Sword +17/+12 (2d6+16)
Str 24, Dex 14, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8
Base Atk +9; CMB +16; CMD 28
Feats Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Vital Strike, Weapon Specialization, Combat Reflexes, Furious Focus,
Dodge, Wind Stance, Weapon Focus (Great sword), Deflect Arrows, Improved Unarmed Strike
Skills Climb +11, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (Engineering) +1, Perception +2, Stealth +4,
Gear Breastplate (Mithral), Masterwork Cold Iron Great sword, Masterwork Falchion, Ring of Protection+2, Locked
Gauntlet, Hip Flask (Ale), 5 Mugs (Ale), Flint and steel,
Languages Common, Orc
SQ: Overhand Chop, Back swing, Weapon Training 2 (Two handed weapons), Shattering Strike 2,

XP 19,200
This modified flesh golem enjoys making things go boom.
LE Large Construct
Init +6; Senses Dark vision, low light vision 60 ft;
AC 28, touch 13, flat-footed 25 (+2 DEX, +1 Dodge, +9 Natural, +6
hp 90 (16d10+20 )
Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +10 (+4 racial bonus to Fortitude and Will)
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine, Magic Immunity
Immunities Construct Immunities, Electricity
Resistance Cold 20
Weakness Fortitude Vulnerability, Will Vulnerability
Speed 20 ft,
Space/Reach 10 feet/10 feet
Melee 4 Slams +23 (1d8+7, plus Alchemy, plus 1d10 Electricity)
Ranged Alchemical Bomb (10d6 fire)
Special Attacks Alchemy, Bomb
Alchemist Formula Prepared (CL 12th)
3rd – Haste, Heroism
2nd – Alchemical Allocation, Vomit Swarm, Bull’s Strength, Cat’s
Grace, See Invisibility,
1st – Enlarge Person, Jump, Keen Senses, Bomber’s Eye, True Strike, Reduce Person, Endure Elements
Str 24, Dex 14, Con ---, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 10
Base Atk +16; CMB +21 CMD 34
Feats Throw Anything, Brew Potion, Vital Strike, Master Alchemist, Dodge, Blind Fight, Combat Reflexes, Combat
Expertise, Improved Initiative, Power attack,
Skills Appraise +12, Bluff +7, Craft (Alchemy) +20, Craft (Varies) +14, Escape Artist +9, Knowledge (Arcane) +12,
Knowledge (Nature) +12, Perception +17, Profession (Apothecary) +17, Swim +9, Use Magic Device +10
Languages Undercommon, Infernal, Elf, Duergar, Dwarf
Gear Belt of Giant’s Strength +4, Vest of Stable Mutagen, Mithral Breastplate, Clothing (Ragged and tattered), 10
Flasks, Catalyst Vial, Portable Alchemy Lab, Merchant’s scale, Admixture Vial, Cauldron of Brewing, Boots, Healer’s kit
2, Traveling Formula book, Hip Flask
SQ: Mutagen, Formulas


Alchemy (Ex): Frankenstein’s Monster gains Alchemy in the same fashion of an Alchemical Golem.

Formulas (Ex): Frankenstein’s Monster gains the Formula slots of a 7th level Alchemist.
Mutagen (Ex): Frankenstein’s Monster gains Mutagens in the same fashion of an Alchemist. It also has
the Grand Mutagen and Feral Mutagen discoveries.

Magic Immunity (Ex): Frankenstein’s Monster is immune to all spells that allow for Spell Resistance. In
addition, some spells listed below work differently than others.
Stone to Flesh/Flesh to Stone: Casting these spells on Frankenstein’s Monster causes it to be stunned for
1d4 rounds.

In addition, the Frankenstein’s Monster has the same spell effects that function differently on it as a Flesh

Fortitude and Will Vulnerability (Ex): Unlike other Golems or Constructs, Frankenstein’s Monster is
affected by Fortitude and Will saves normally, instead of normal immunities (poisons affect it normally in
other words). It does however make these checks with a +4 to the check.

This creature was one of Dracula’s first creations when he acquired his power. He covets it so much that
even when the Belmonts destroy it, he continually remakes it. The Frankenstein’s Monster appears to be a
humanoid with grey skin, green tattered clothing, and two bolts that stick out of his head.

Because Dracula gave it both sentience and flesh through Alchemy, Frankenstein generally attempts to
use the same things that which made it; as to understand it better. Time and time again, this creature can
be seen experimenting with assorted chemicals and compositions, as if it wants to understand its existence
more than it should.

XP 2,400
Fashioned from the long neck of a dinosaur, and a dragon’s head, this creature is not one to mess with.
NE Large Undead
Init +2; Senses Life sight 60 ft;
Aura Anti-magic (60 feet)
AC 14, touch 4, flat-footed 14 (+9
Natural - 5 DEX, -1 Size )
hp 41 (9d8+54)
Fort ---, Ref +2, Will +7
Defensive abilities Damage
Reduction 5/Bludgeoning,
Invulnerable Body
Weakness Cannot move
Speed N/A
Space/Reach 10 feet/30 Feet
Melee 2 Bites +13 (1d6+7)
Rend (1d8+14)
Special Attacks Breath Weapon 6/day (6d6 Fire 90 foot Line, Reflex Save DC 20)
Flaming Burst
Str 24, Dex ---, Con ---, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 22
Base Atk +6; CMB +10 (+18 On Grapple); CMD 30
Feats Dodge, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Grapple, Power attack,
Skills None
Gear 8 Bags with 100 GP in them
Languages Common, Sylvan


Anti-Magic Aura (Su): Those who walk within 60 feet of the White Dragon lose all supernatural
abilities and spells until they leave the aura. White Dragons are not affected by this aura.

Flaming Burst (Ex): A White Dragon can substitute one of its uses of a Breath Weapon for a Scorching
Ray spell like ability. This blast operates at the 8th CL. It is not affected by the anti-magic aura.

Invulnerable body (Ex): Even if the White Dragon is hit by an attack, unless the attack is a called shot to
the head, the White Dragon receives 0 damage from the attack. White Dragons cannot take INT, WIS,
and CHA damage.

Cannot move (Ex): White Dragons cannot move, and must rely on others to move them. Attaching and
removing White Dragons from the walls is a Full round action.

One of Dracula’s first creatures he ever made, the White Dragon stands as a constant deterrence in
intruders pathways. White Dragons are reanimated creatures who are then attached to walls to safeguard
areas Dracula desires. From there, they burn and bite at intruders who dare get close to their master’s
protected treasures and gash away.

XP 4,800
NE Medium Humanoid
Kitsune Abyssal Sorcerer 9
Init +8; Senses Low-light vision 60 ft.
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+4 Dex, Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Bracers of Armor +3)
hp 36 (9d6)
Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +14
Resistances Electricity 10
Special Abilities Kitsune Magic
Speed 30 ft
Melee Bite +5 (1d4+1)
Staff of Cackling Wrath +5 (1d6+1)
Claws +5 (1d6+1)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 9th Concentration +16)
4th 6/day – Black Tentacles, Confusion, Shout, Greater Invisibility, Stoneskin
3rd 8/day – Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Sleet Storm, Wind Wall, Haste, Dispel Magic, Rage,
2nd 8/day – Fog Cloud, Resist Energy, Scorching Ray, Shatter, Blur, See invisibility, Bull’s Strength,
1st 8/day – Obscuring Mist, Shield, Grease, Shocking Grasp, Ray of Enfeeblement, Magic Missile, Cause Fear,
0 – Detect Magic, Jolt, Acid Splash, Detect Poison
Spell like ability (CL 9th)
3/day – Dancing Lights
Bloodline Abyssal
Str 12, Dex 19, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 22, Cha 24
Base Atk +4; CMB +5; CMD 19
Feats Expanded Arcana, Improved Initiative, Improved Counter spell, Create Sanguine Elixir, Sorcerous Bloodstrike,
Skill Focus (Bluff), Eschew Materials,
Skills Acrobatics +6, Appraise +13, Bluff+19, Diplomacy +16, Knowledge (arcane) +13, Spellcraft +13, Use Magic
Device +16,
Gear Staff of Cackling Wrath, Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Bracers of Armor +3, Sorcerer’s Robe, Spell Component
Pouch, Sorcerer’s kit, 10 Trail ration 10, Waterskin, Hip Flask (Vodka), Sheathe, Signet ring, Jewelry (worth 200 GP),
Regal Tiara (worth 1,000 GP),
Languages Common, Sylvan, Elven, Tengu, Alko, Dwarf
SQ: Change Shape (Medium Humanoid), Sorcerer Bloodline, Cantrips

XP 4,800
LE Medium Humanoid
Elf Conjurer Wizard 9
Init +8; Senses Low-light vision 60 ft.
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+3 DEX, +1 Dodge, +6 Mithral Breastplate)
hp 42 (9d6+9)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +13
Defensive abilities Elven Immunities
Special Abilities Elven Magic,
Speed 40 ft
Melee Staff of Conjuration +4 (1d6)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 9th Concentration +16)
5th – Summon Monster V, Cloudkill
4th – Summon Monster VI, Black Tentacles, Reduce Person; Mass
3rd – Summon Monster III, Phantom Steed, Sleet Storm, Stinking Cloud, Dispel Magic
2nd – Summon Monster II, Fog Cloud, Gust of Wind, Glitterdust, Web, Summon Swarm, Acid Arrow
1st – Summon Monster I, Grease, Mage Armor, Mount, Unseen Servant, True Strike
0 – Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Jolt, Prestidigitation
School Conjuration
Opposition Schools Illusion, Necromancy
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 24, Wis 20, Cha 16
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 17
Feats Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augmented Summoning, Empower Spell, Extend spell, Dodge
Skills Craft (Alchemy) +19, Fly +15, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (arcane) +19, Knowledge (Nature) +19, Knowledge
(Planes) +19, Knowledge (Religion) +19, Perception +18, Spellcraft +19,
Gear Staff of Conjuration, Ring of Counterspells, Ring of Force Shield, Robe of Components, Spectacles of
Understanding, Boots of Striding, Noble’s clothing, Hip Flask, Spellbook, Portable Alchemy lab, Masterwork Perception
tool, Artisan’s tools, Boots, Hat, Ink, Paper 20, Ink pen, Trail rations 10, Waterskin, Flask 10
Languages Common, Elf, Dwarf, Goblin, Orc, Draconic, Gnome, Infernal
Familiar Sword
SQ: Arcane Bond, Arcane School, Cantrips,
XP 400
NE Human Adept 3
Init +2
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex,+1 dodge)
hp 18 (3d6+6)
Fort +3 Ref +3, Will +7
Special Abilities Summon Familiar
Speed 30 ft,
Melee Dagger +2 (1d4+1)
Adept Spells Prepared (CL 3rd Concentration +7)
1st – Obscuring Mist, Burning Hands, Cause fear, Protection from Good
0 – Ghost Sound, Light, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Eschew Materials, Iron Will
Skills Handle Animal +4, Knowledge (Nobility) +2, Heal +8, Spellcraft +2, +2 Use Magic Device
Gear Cleric’s Vestments, Hat, Spell Component pouch, Unholy symbol (Wooden), Flint and steel, flask 3, Bottle (ale),
Dagger, Backpack, Belt, Belt pouch 3, Unholy text, 1, 3 Scrolls of Invisibility, 3 Scrolls of Scorching Ray
Languages Common
Familiar Castlevanian Bat

Castlevanian Bloody Skeleton (Bloody Skeleton; CR + ½): Castlevanian Bloody Skeletons are undead
conjurations made by Dracula himself. These skeletons are made specifically to disorientate attackers,
with their ability to come back. Castlevanian Bloody Skeletons have +5 to their Fast Healing, and revive
in 1d4 rounds instead of 1 hour.


XP 9,600
NE Medium Undead (Augmented Human)
Human Castlevanian Vampire Knife Master 5/Assassin 3
Init +9; Senses Dark Vision 60 ft
AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 17 (+5 DEX, +7 Natural, +1 Dodge,)
hp 71 (8d8+56)
Fort ---, Ref +11, Will +7
Defense abilities Damage Reduction 10/Silver and Magic, Ferocity, Channel Resistance+4, Fast Healing 5, Uncanny
Dodge, Evasion, Blade sense+1
Immune Undead Traits
Resist Cold 10, Electricity 10,
Weakness Castlevanian Vampire Weakness
Speed 30 ft Fly 30 ft (Good)
Melee +14/+9 Kukri+2 (1d4+8)
Special attack Blood Drain, Children of the Night, Create Spawn, Dominate (DC 21), Energy Drain (DC 21), Hellfire
(DC 21)
Death Attack
Sneak Attack +5d8
Spell like abilities (CL 8th Concentration +15)
At will – Dimension Door (Only self, half the movement)
Str 22, Dex 20, Con ---, Int 19, Wis 20, Cha 22
Base Atk +6; CMB +12; CMD 28
Feats Dodge, Lightning Reflexes, Alertness, Toughness, Improved Initiative, Combat Reflexes, Toughness,
Skills Acrobatics +14, Bluff +21, Disguise +14, Escape Artist +14, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (Local) +13,
Linguistics +14, Perception +23, Stealth +26, Use Magic Device +14,
Languages: Common, Celestial, Infernal, Elf, Dwarf, Undercommon
Gear +2 Kukri 2, Flint and steel, Rogue’s kit, Belt pouch, Vest of the Cockroach, Cloak of the Elvenkind, +2 Armored
Coat Mithral, Trail Rations 10, Masterwork Thief’s tools, Masterwork Stealth tool, Masterwork Perception tool,
Caltrops 4, Bear trap 3, Climber’s kit, Disguise kit, Scroll of Darkness 3, Scroll of Gust of Wind 2, Scroll of Greater
Invisibility, Potion of Invisibility 3, Scroll of Obscuring Mist 2, Scroll of True Seeing
SQ: Change Shape, Gaseous form, Toxic form, Shadowless, Spider Climb, Rogue Talent: Weapon Training, Rogue
Talent: Surprise Attack, Sneak Stab, Hidden Blade, Illusionary Movement

XP 6,400
This cloaked warrior brings death to the living, and undeath to the dead.
NE Medium Undead
Init +7; Senses Dark Vision 60 ft
AC 29, touch 27, flat-footed 12 (+7 DEX, +2 Natural, +1 Dodge, +5 Wisdom,
+2 Snapping Turtle Shell, +2 Monk)
hp 84 (14d8+56)
Fort +3, Ref +11, Will +14
Defense abilities Damage Reduction 10/Bludgeoning, Slow Fall 40 feet,
Immune Cold, Electricity
Weakness Light Sensitivity, Divine Vulnerability
Special Abilities Restore Undead, Fast Movement
Speed 50 feet
Melee +9/+4 Unarmed Strike (1d10+3, plus energy drain)
+9/+4 Sai (1d6+3)
Special attack Energy Drain (1 level, DC 19)
Flurry of Blows +13/+13/+8/+8/+3
Spell like abilities (CL 12th Concentration +17)
At will – Quickened Expeditious Retreat, Jump, Quickened Haste, Darkness,
3/day - Create Greater Undead, Greater Invisibility
Str 16, Dex 24, Con ---, Int 12, Wis 20, Cha 19
Base Atk +10; CMB +13; CMD 40
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Perfect Strike, Quick Draw, Dodge, Deflect Arrows, Mobility, Snapping Turtle Style,
Clutch, Shell, Improved Grapple, Greater Grapple, Rapid Grappler, Power attack
Skills Acrobatics +21, Climb +16, Escape Artist +15, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (Religion) +15, Perception +18,
Sense motive +18, Stealth +18, Swim +14,
Languages Common, Sylvan
Gear Sai, Monk’s Vestments, Cloak, Monk’s hat, Book on Undead,
SQ: 8th level Monk, Ki pool (Magic, Cold Iron, Silver), Wholeness of Body, Maneuver Training, Stunning Fist, High
Jump, Purity of Body,


Restore Undead (Su): A Grave Keeper can move to a pile of bones, or the corpse of a destroyed undead,
and touch it as a swift action. By doing so, he revives that undead instantly. Destroyed undead who are
revived in this manner come back with only 50% of their total HP restored. Dried bone piles touched in
this manner simply create a CR ½ skeleton with at least one HD. A Grave Keeper can revive a number of
Undead equal to his CR.

8th level Monk (Ex): A Grave Keeper gains the bonus feats and abilities of an 8th level monk. He does not
gain the BaB or saves however.

Divine Vulnerability (Ex): Grave Keepers receive 50% additional damage as a result of any divine spells
cast on it.

Grave Keepers are reanimated corpses that are set to the lowest parts of Castlevania’s keep to fetch fresh
bones and body parts to Dracula for reanimation. When they are not busy looking for body parts, they
generally keep to themselves in private meditation. Disturbing these foul creatures results in immediate

XP 6,400
Surrounded by countless weapons, this sword hurls them at targets with
NE Huge Construct
Init +7; Senses Life sense, low light vision, Dark vision; 60
AC 18, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+7 Natural, +3 DEX, -2
hp 90 (16d10 +20)
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +7
Defense abilities Hardness 15
Immune Construct Immunities, Mind affects, Telekinesis,
Speed Fly 50 feet
Space/Reach 20 feet/30 feet
Melee +27 4 Slashes (Itself 4d6+12, counts as magic and
Cold Iron, 17-20 X2)
+18 Telekinetic charge
Spell like abilities (CL 15th Concentration +17)
At will – Superior Telekinesis (DC 25), Greater
Telekinetic charge (DC 23)
Str 28, Dex 16, Con ---, Int 6, Wis 14, Cha 22
Base Atk +16; CMB +27; CMD 40
Feats Greater Spell Focus (Transmutation), Furious Focus, Improved Critical Power attack, Awesome blow, Greater
Skills Spellcraft +18
Languages Common (Understands, cannot speak)
Gear Huge sized Great sword (its own body), 3d12 miscellaneous weapons around it


Superior Telekinesis (Sp): The Spectral Sword gains Telekinesis as a Spell like ability, but can
concentrate on up to 3d12 objects, and 1d4 creatures at one time. This counts as a 9th level spell.

Greater Telekinetic charge (Sp): The Spectral sword can use telekinetic charge on up to 8 targets
instead of 4.

Spectral Swords are one of the finest Constructs Dracula has ever made. A Spectral Sword is a Huge
sized magically enchanted, weighing at a whopping 200 lbs. This Huge sword has powerful telekinetic
energy, in which it uses to trap opponents; and then hurl them at the wall, along with everything else it
ensnared in its grasp. Spectral swords require large amounts of money to be spent to get them operational;
and only the most trust worthy of Dracula’s cult may use them.

XP 3,200
LE Medium Humanoid
Duergar Clerics 7
Init +8; Senses Superior Dark-vision; 120 feet
Aura Destructive Aura (+4 Morale bonus; Atk & Dmg; 8 rounds)
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+1 DEX, +6 Armor, +2 Magic )
hp 65 (8d8+40)
Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +13
Defensive abilities Duergar Immunities, Damage Reduction 10/Evil 5, Magic 5
Weakness Light Sensitivity
Special Abilities Battle Rage, Weapon Master, Channel Negative Energy 4d6
Speed 20 ft
Melee +3 Unholy Mace +11/+6 (1d8+5)
Special attacks Destructive Smite
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 8th Concentration +14)
4th – Unholy Smite, Magic Weapon; Greater, Summon Monster VI, Inflict Critical Wounds, Divine Power
3rd – Deeper Darkness, Magic Vestment, Blindness/Deafness, Dispel Magic, Rage, Summon Monster III,
2nd – Sound Burst, Shield Other, Enthrall, Owl’s Wisdom, Hold Person, Aid, Shatter, Spiritual Weapon
1st – Bane, Curse water, Obscuring Mist, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, Entropic Shield, Inflict light wounds,
True Strike
0 – Bleed, Guidance, Create Water, Virtue, Mending
Domains War, Destruction
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 20, Int 17, Wis 22, Cha 14
Base Atk +6; CMB +8; CMD 17 (+4 against Bull-rush or trips)
Feats Channel Smite, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Quick Channel, Augmented Summoning
Skills Acrobatics +9, Appraise +11, Bluff +7 Craft (Alchemy) +8, Diplomacy +7, Knowledge (Religion) +11,
Spellcraft +11, Use Magic Device +10
Gear Phylactery of Additional Channeling, +2 Indestructible Lamellar, +3 Unholy Mace, Mantle of Faith, Belt of Fallen
Heroes, Swarm Hive 3, Unholy Text (Dracula), Unholy Symbol (Gold), Flint and steel, Soap 3, Flask (Water) 10,
Unholy Water 4, Abacus, Artisan’s tools (Masterwork), Holly, Spell component pouch, Parasol, Traveler’s clothing,
Potion of Cure Critical wounds 4, Potion of Invisibility 4,
Languages Common, Duergar, Dwarf, Alko, Infernal
Deity Dracula
SQ: Orisons, Domains, Aura


XP 9,600
This purple bat dissolves into many if attacked.
NE Huge Magical Beast
Init +3; Senses Blind-sight 60 ft;
AC 24, touch 14, flat-footed 22 (+12 Natural +3 DEX, -2 Size, +1 Dodge )
hp 119 (13d10+81)
Fort +23, Ref +11, Will +7
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 10/Piercing and Magic
Special Abilities Swarm Form
Speed 10 feet, 40 fly speed
Space/Reach 20 feet/20 Feet
Melee 1 Bite (3d6+7, plus disease)
4 Claws (1d8+7)
Special Attacks Tornado Wind
Breath Weapon (DC 23, 13d6 fire damage, Slow spell on failure; 2d6 rounds)
Str 24, Dex 16, Con 24, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 20
Base Atk +13; CMB +20 (+8 On Grapple); CMD 33
Feats Dodge, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Attack, Multi-attack, Flyby attack
Skills Knowledge (Geography) +6, Perception +18, Survival +16, Stealth +10
Languages Common, Sylvan


Swarm Form (Su): Whenever the Dark Wing bat is hit by an attack that deals 1 point of damage, it can
as an immediate action assume a swarm form, in which case it splits off into many dark little dark wing
bats, giving it immunity to weapon damage. It can reassume shape as an immediate action. Dark Wing bat
cannot attack in this form.

Breath Weapon (Ex): If a PC fails a reflex save from the Dark Wing Bat’s Breath weapon, it goes under
the effects of a Slow spell for 2d6 rounds.
Tornado Wind (Ex): As a Full round action, the Dark Wing Bat can spread its mighty wings and blow
powerful gusts of air at its foes in a 100 foot cone. Those who fail a Reflex save of 23 are pushed into the
air as from a Telekinetic charge spell towards a wall.

Disease (Ex): Dark Blot. Bite – Injury. Save Fortitude DC 24.. Incubation period 1 minute. Frequency
1/day. Cure 3 Consecutive saves. 1d6 CON, 1d6 STR, sickened.

A Dark Wing bat was once formally a Dire bat, of which Dracula transformed into a mighty beast. Dark
Wing Bats are primarily used by Dracula to find females on the land, and then kidnap them to bring
before Dracula. If Dracula approves, then they are his; and usually are transformed into a Vampires. If
not, it is food for the bat and everyone else.

Gold Coin Dark Wing Bat (Dark Wing Bat: CR +0): These animated Gold coins form the image of a
Dark Wing bat. The Dark Wing bat gains the Swarm subtype. It gains immunity to Weapon and Cold
damage. When hit for melee damage, the target of the attack takes 5 points of bleed damage a round; and
deal 8d6. They can use a Heal check of 15 to stop the bleeding. The Gold Coin Dark Wing bat loses its
breath weapon, damage reduction, and Tornado Wind; and gains Vulnerability to fire.

XP 19,200
This mummy is superior to that of its weaker brethren.
LE Medium Undead
Init +5; Senses Dark vision 60 ft;
Aura Despair (30 foot Paralysis 2d4 rounds, Will save DC
AC 21, touch 11, flat-footed 20 (+10 Natural +1 DEX, )
hp 110 (17d8+)
Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +13
Defensive abilities Damage Reduction 15/---
SR 23
Weakness Fire Vulnerability
Special abilities Death Throes
Speed 20 feet
Reach 10 feet
Melee +14/+9 Slam (1d6+6, plus Mummy Rot)
+13 Bite (1d4+6, plus Mummy Rot)
Special Attacks Magical Wrappings
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 12th Concentration +16)
5th – Insect Plague, Summon Monster V, Slay living
4th – Air Walk, Dismissal, Unholy Blight, Giant Vermin,
3rd – Contagion, Bestow Curse, Deeper Darkness, Inflict Serious Wounds, Protection from Energy
2nd – Enthrall, Death Knell, Bull’s Strength, Hold Person, Inflict Moderate wounds
1st – Shield Other, Death watch, Doom, Entropic Shield, Shield of Faith
0 – Bleed, Guidance, Virtue, Detect Magic
Spell like abilities (CL 12th)
Constant – Cloudkill (Centered on it)
At will – Greater Telekinesis, Wall of Stone, Wall of Ice
Str 22, Dex 12, Con ---, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 21
Base Atk +12; CMB +18 ; CMD 29
Feats Improved Natural Armor, Power attack, Weapon Focus (Slam), Improved Trip, Felling Smash, Combat
Expertise, Improved Initiative, Persistent Spell, Divine protection
Skills Appraise +10, Knowledge (Religion) +10, Perception +14, Stealth +14,
Languages Common, Infernal, Celestial
Gear Magical Pot Roast
SQ: 10th level Cleric

Greater Telekinesis (Sp): The Mummy Lord has the special ability Greater Telekinesis, which functions
like Telekinesis, but the Mummy Lord is capable of concentrating on up to 1d3+1 targets at one time.

Mummy Rot (Ex): Functions as Mummy Rot on the Mummy monster, but with a +6 to the DC save.

10th level Cleric (Ex): The Mummy Lord gains the spells of a 10th level Cleric, but cannot swap them out
for unprepared Cure or inflict spells. It also gains no Domains. All these spells use CHA to determine

Magical Wrappings (Su): A Mummy Lord can hurl parts of its wrappings at a target up to 30 feet away
as a swift action. This ranged touch attack upon hit deals no damage, but subjects the target to an
automatic trip attack, using its WIS instead of STR for calculating CMB. It can only do this up to 10
times, after which is must acquire additional bandages to wrap around itself, and wait one day for the
magic to be imbibed in them. Those who are tripped by this attack must remove the bandages (HP 20,
Immunity to Bludgeoning, Hardness 1; or DC STR Check of 18) or they will not be able to get up.

Death Throes (Ex): When the Mummy Lord’s HP hits 0, it explodes in a burst of decay and flame.
Those who are within 15 feet of it must make a Reflex save of 17, or receive 15d6 fire damage. If they
fail, they are also subject to Mummy rot, which requires the same save as Mummy Rot.

Do not confuse this Mummy for the commonly found Mummy Lord. This one is far more powerful than
any known Mummy Lord on the Multi-verse. It is rarely seen due to the fact that this particular one can
only be found in Dracula’s castle.

Like all Mummy Lords, this one was made in the same way as standard mummies are made in the multi-
verse. However, at the final procedure, Dracula imbibes parts of his own blood into the resins that is used
to coat the mummy. With this, large amounts of Dracula’s power seeps into the mummy, granting it
powerful energies when it is reanimated; and thus making it a deadly force to deal with.
Aura Overwhelming Evocation; CL 21st ; Weight 23 lb
This +6 Mithral Heavy Fortification, Glamored, Spell Resistance 19 Full Mirror
Breastplate is adorned with gold and black layers. It is the personal armor of
Alucard. It has no Spell Failure check, and no armor check penalty, and the
armor appears weightless. The Armor also grants Damage Reduction 15/---, and
this damage reduction stacks with all existing damage reduction.

There is no known way to destroy the Alucard Sword.

Aura Overwhelming Enchantment; CL 20th ; Weight 4 lb
This +6 Heavy Steel Shield is very light despite being made of solid metal. It is the
personal shield of Alucard, and is seen with him always. The shield grants
Resistance 15 from all elements and also grants Fast Healing 3.

There is no known way to destroy the Alucard Sword.

Aura Overwhelming Conjuration; CL 22th; Weight 12 lb
This +6 Long spear was made to be an alternate weapon to destroy Dracula (due to the sheer
shortage of weapons that can do so), and is fairly new to existence. As the
name implies, the creator of this weapon was indeed Alucard, which was
bestowed onto Erica Lecarde for her bravery in entering the Castle. The red
spear is made with Adamantine, Fire-forged steel, and Alchemical Silver,
and assumes the properties of all three special materials.

First, the Alucard Spear has the Holy, Good, and Returning Enchantment
bestowed onto it. In addition, the spear has the ability to extend forward,
gaining 10 feet of additional range. PCs who wield this act as if they
possess the Whirlwind attack, Weapon Specialization, and Weapon Focus
(Long Spear) feat, even if they do not possess the proper requisites. The Alucard spear also can
launch a series of powerful orbs towards enemies, which deal 6d6 damage (8d6 to evil aligned foes).
The PC can fire this attack indefinitely, but must wait 2d6 rounds after every shot. Despite the sheer
ridiculous length the spear can achieve at times, the wielder can wield it without any penalties.

This weapon always deals epic damage to Dracula, regardless of where it hits.

There is no known way to destroy the Alucard Spear.

Aura Overwhelming Enchantment; CL 22nd; Weight 1 lb
This +6 Flaming, Flaming Burst, Dueling, Holy, and Ghost Touch
Silver Long Sword is very light and easy to handle. It is the
personal sword of Alucard, the son of Dracula. The sword weights
half as much as a regular long sword. The sword also allows a PC
to use Dimension door up to 60 feet as an immediate action once
a round while still doing his full round, but the PC will automatically return to original spot he was at
earlier at the end of the round.

This sword always deals epic damage to Dracula, regardless of where it hits.

There is no known way to destroy the Alucard Sword.

Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 15th ; Weight 23 lb
This +2 Mithral Full Mirror Breastplate is adorned with gold and black layers.
It is made to be a replica of Alucard’s Full mirror armor he wears, though it’s
abilities are far less potent than the original. The Mithral Full Mirror armor
reduces the spell failure penalty by 15%, and reduces the Armor check
penalty by another 2.
If the Armor is adorned, along with the Alucart Shield and Alucart Sword, the
armor becomes exactly like that of the original. It gains +4 to further add to
the enchant bonus, it has no Spell Failure check, and no armor check penalty,
and the armor appears weightless along with the Heavy Fortification,
Glamored, Spell Resistance 19 abilities. The Armor also grants Damage Reduction 15/---, and this
damage reduction stacks with all existing damage reduction. Removing this equipment removes the
effects, along with the other Alucart equipment to its original state.

Cannot be Constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 15th ; Weight 4 lb
This +2 Heavy Steel Shield is very light despite being made of solid metal. It
is made to be a replica of Alucard’s Heavy Steel Shield, though the abilities of
the shield are far less potent. The wielder of the shield gains Resistance 5
against Fire, Cold, and Electricity.
If the Shield is used, alongside the Alucart Sword and Alucart Mail, the shield
becomes exactly like that of the original. The shield’s enchantment bonus
becomes +6, and the Resistances granted from the shield are increased to
15. The Shield also gains resistance against Sonic and Acid, and also grants
Fast Healing 3. Putting the shield away returns the shield to its original state,
along with the other Alucart equipment to its original state.

Cannot be Constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 15th ; Weight 1 lb
This +2 Flaming Silver Long Sword is very light and easy to
handle. It is made to be a replica of Alucard’s Long Sword that
he carries, though the abilities of the sword are far less potent
than the original. The sword weights half as much as a regular
long sword.
If the sword is used, alongside the Alucart Shield and Alucart Mail, the sword becomes exactly like
that of the original. The sword’s enchantment bonus becomes +6, and the sword gains the Flaming
Burst, Holy, Dueling, and Ghost Touch abilities. The sword also allows a PC to use Dimension door up
to 60 feet as an immediate action during a round and still move his full round, but the PC will
automatically return to original spot he was at earlier at the end of the round. Sheathing the sword
returns to the sword to its original state, along with the other Alucart equipment to its original state
for 24 hours.

Cannot be Constructed

Price 50,000 GP; Aura Medium Divine; CL 8th ; Weight 1 lb Slot Slotless
This golden holy symbol is made the in shape of a cross, and emits a 20 foot yellow
light. Undead who walk into this light must succeed a Will save of 18, or take 1d6
damage while the Holy symbol is presented. In addition, as long as any adventurer
who uses divine spells wields it, his healing spells gain 2 additional die (Cure light
wounds for example is now a 3d8 Healing spell instead of 1d8) and gives his
channel energy 2d6 additional die if he can use this ability. If the individual is not a
cleric, then he/she gains a channel energy of 2f6 3/day.

Cannot be Constructed

Price N/A; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight --- lb
This key looks rugged and tough, made from a rusted silver. It looks like it’s used to unlock a certain

Cannot be Constructed

Price 95,000 GP; Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 14th; Weight 2 lb
This +5 Cold Iron dagger has powerful telekinetic energy on it. By pressing a
button on the dagger, the dagger flies of its violation and begins to attack
enemies whom the PC designates as hostile. The dagger cannot be grabbed as if
it does, will teleport out of the individuals’ hands behind them. The dagger deals
force damage.

Cost 47,500 GP
Craft weapons and armor. Spells: Telekinesis, Teleport


Price 9,000 GP; Aura Medium Enchantment; CL 9th ; Weight 7 lb
This +2 Heavy Steel shield is made of a light orangish metal. It is specifically forged
for that of Axe Knights. Wielding an Axe Knight shield against their own kind grants
the PC a DR 20/--- when fighting against them, or any of the other Armor Lord
Cannot be constructed


Price N/A; Aura Medium Enchantment; CL 5th ; Weight 4 lb
This +1 Battle Axe has the returning function on it. An Axe Knight axe has an
effective throw range of 50 feet.

Cannot be constructed


Price N/A; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight --- lb
This old and crumpled armor has seen better days. It has the same appearance
as that of an Axe Knight. Exposing this full plate to an animate objects spell will
create a Axe Knight that loyally follows the caster around.

Cost 2,000 GP, Full plate
Craft Weapons and Armor, Craft Construct.

Price 15,000 GP; Aura Medium Abjuration; CL 12th ; Weight 1/2 lb Slot Headband
This red bandana is made of a soft cloth, and has a gold patch on the front,
showing a symbol of the Castle. Wearing the bandana imbues the wearer with a
+3 Dodge bonus to AC.

Cost 7,500 GP
Craft Wondrous items, Spells: Shield of Faith, Haste,

Price N/A; Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 19th ; Weight --- Slot Slotless
This card has a bat drawn onto it. The wielder of the card gains the Castlevanian Bat
Familiar. If the wielder already has a familiar, this familiar stacks alongside his own.

Cannot be constructed

Price 18,000 GP; Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 12th ; Weight 2 lb
This +2 Darkwood Bane Punching Dagger is used by tribes from a far off place. This
weapon’s bane enchantment switches to all races different than the wielder. The
wielder also gains sneak attack against all other races except his own of 2d6. If he is
a rogue, this stacks. This remains as long as the punching dagger is held.

Cost 9,000 GP
Craft Weapons and Armor, Spells: Identify, Summon Monster I, Know the Enemy

Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 14th; Weight 2 lb Slot Headband
This circlet is made of a green emerald from Dracula’s treasure chamber, and is specifically meant to
counter lightning based attacks. If a PC is hit by an attack that deals electrical
damage, the PC may attempt a will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ the damage
received). If the PC succeeds the Will save, not only does the attack deal 0 damage,
the PC is also healed in hit points equal to the damage received. Any HP left over if
the PC is healed fully becomes temporary Hit points.
The wielder always has an innate Resistance to electricity of 10.
There is a 50% chance that the item activates without making the save.

Cannot be Constructed

Price 40,000 GP; Aura Medium Necromancy; CL 10th ; Weight 1 lb Slot Neck
This red ruby gem necklace has a powerful necromancy aura to it, and a strange
affinity for blood. If a wielder possesses a weapon that normally does Bleed
damage, the weapon deals 2 times the normal damage. In addition, a Bloodstone
causes Undead, which are normally immune to bleed to receive bleed damage.
If the wearer is also wearing the Cloak of Blood, they gain access to a powerful
spell known as Dark Metamorphosis, which they can cast as a Spell-like ability. A
PC can cast it a number of times per day equal to their HD. Wearing a bloodstone
increases the blood drain CON damage to 1d6, instead of 1d4.

Cannot be constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 19th; Weight 1 lb Slot Slotless
This pocket watch has a blue case to it, and has a white background on the
actual clock, with a silver chain that is strung on the top. On the inside, in
addition to the watch, are three glowing blue jewels. On the top of the
watch, there is a button that can be pressed. When this button is pressed,
it casts Time Stop. Once it is pressed, one of the jewels stops glowing. The
PC can only use this pocket watch, which is equal to the number of jewels
still glowing; thus a PC can use Time Stop as a Spell like ability three times
a day. On the next day, the jewels begin to glow again.

Cannot be Constructed
Aura Overwhelming Transmutation; CL 20th; Weight 1 lb Slot Slotless
This pocket watch has a gold case to it, and has a white background on the actual clock, with a silver
chain that is strung on the top. On the inside, in addition to the watch, are
three glowing blue jewels. On the top of the watch, there is a button that
can be pressed. When this button is pressed, it casts Time Stop; but
unlike normal Time Stop, this Time Stop allows the PC to attack frozen
enemies. Once it is pressed, one of the jewels stops glowing. The PC can
only use this pocket watch, which is equal to the number of jewels still
glowing; thus a PC can use Time Stop as a Spell like ability 3 times a day.
On the next day, the jewels begin to glow again.

The following enemies are immune to the effects of the updated Time
stop: Dracula, Death, Pet Succubus, Frost Dhuron, Frost Necromancer, Olrox, False Dracula, Gabion,
Slogra, Doppelganger 20, Medusa Naga, Richter’s Ghost, Gigori, Blue Venus Weed, Ghost Knight,
Guardian, all creatures with Magic Immunity, Ice Devil, Frankenstein.

There is no known way to destroy the Golden Pocket watch.


Price N/A; Aura Strong Unholy; CL ???; Weight N/A

Cannot be constructed

Price 10,000 GP; Aura Faint Transmutation; CL 4th ; Weight 2 lb Slot Shoulders
This brown cape strengthens the wielder constitution, and is cool to look at. Wearing
it grants the wielder a +2 enhancement bonus to CON, and a +2 enhancement to all
saving throws.

Cost 5,000 GP
Craft Wondrous items, Eagle’s Splendor

Price 8,000 GP; Aura Faint Transmutation; CL 6th ; Weight 1/2 lb Slot Head
These sunglasses are made with a silver rim, and have a red lens to it. Upon taking
a -2 to Intelligence, the wielder gains a insight modifier to his AC of +2. In
addition, the wearer gains Charm person as a spell like ability once per day (CL

Cost 4,000 GP
Craft Wondrous items, ID Moss Poison. Shield.
Price N/A; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight --- lb
This gold key is used to unlock the doors in the Cathedral.

Cannot be Constructed

Price 40,000 GP; Aura Medium Necromancy; CL 10th ; Weight 1 lb Slot Shoulders
This Red flowing cape has the exact color and appearance to that of blood. The
wearer of this cape is immune to Bleed damage.
If the wearer is also wearing the Bloodstone, they gain access to a powerful spell
known as Dark Metamorphosis, which they can cast as a Spell-like ability. A PC can
cast it a number of times per day equal to their HD.

Cannot be constructed


Aura Overwhelming Transmutation; CL 20th; Weight 2 lb Slot Slotless
This magical brown spellbook contains vast magical powers within it; far more than any normal
magical Tome.
The Coat of Arms Tome functions like that of a Blessed Spellbook, but has 2,000
pages instead of 1,000. It also raises the caster level of the individual by 2 if wielded
by an arcane caster who prepares their spells. In addition, there is an additional 100
pages to the Tome, which allows using the Coat of Arms Tome’s three additional
It has spell pages within to allow one to have one 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th level spell slots available.
These spell slots are spells that have been modified by metamagic feats passed the 9th level
spellcasting (if one were to quicken a Meteor Swarm for example, he would have the prerequisite spell
slot needed to cast such a spell through this Tome). This Tome also contains pages, allowing one to
cast a spell modified with a metamagic feat that he/she knows once per day, even if he/she does not
meet the prerequisite spell casting level (if one casts a intensified distinegrate, but can only cast 6th
level spells, the individual can use this book’s power to use the 7th level version of the spell once per
A non spellcaster can study this Tome for 1d4 hours, and use any spell scribed into the book once per
day. He must meet the prerequisite Intelligence score to use the spell, uses his modifier to determine
saves, and uses the spell at the minimum caster level.
The second function enables one when he/she studies the Tome to grant him a temporary level in any
class he/she wishes. A fighter who studies this Tome once per day for 8 hours can give himself a level
in paladin as an example. This level lasts until the individual whom has this bonus takes one point of
The third function of the Tome enables one to increase the enhancement bonus of a weapon by +5.
The individual can divide this bonus out into any weapon enchantments should he not want just static
bonus to attack or damage, and can exceed the +10 limit on weapons. This again lasts until one takes
a point of damage. Otherwise, it lasts as long as the individual avoids being hit.
When using this Tome to cast spells against Dracula, the spellcaster is always able to go through
Dracula’s Magic Immunity, and has a +4 to the DC against Dracula. Damaging spells such a Scorching
ray and others always go through Dracula’s Resistances.

If the owner of the Tome has his spells countered over 20 times in a single battle by a mythic being,
and is then killed, the Tome is destroyed in a burst of magic that deals 20d6 damage. In addition, if
the individual has the effects ended on the second and third function of it 3 times in a row on 3
consecutive days before he/she has any chance to even use it, the Tome teleports to some random
location in Golarion.

Price N/A; Aura Strong Abjuration; CL 14th; Weight 2 lb Slot Headband
This circlet is made of purplish coral from a far off reef in an ocean, and carries
powerful magic within it. By wearing the circlet, the PC is immune to curses.

Cannot be Constructed

Aura Overwhelming Multiple schools; CL 45th; Weight N/A Slot Slotless
This glowing red stone is the paragon of all alchemical projects completed on Golarion, using a piece
of the Starstone to forge it, and the soul of Walter
Benard to complete it. It is the most sought out
possession by any Vampire in the universe, many using
armies to commit massive genocides in order to obtain.
No one knows where the stone was created, or who
was the one who started such a heinous project, but
the one who did wanted to obtain power close to that
of a deity.
While the stone’s origins, and its location is still
unknown to this day, some of its uses are known:

 While wearing the Crimson stone, the user

turns into a Castlevanian Vampire after holding the gem for 2d12 days. The change is
completely permanent, and cannot be reversed, without the aid of a Wish or Miracle spell. The
days do not have to be consecutive.
 As a powerful Alchemical gem, the owner of the stone gains the benefits of a 20 th level
Alchemist in terms of abilities. The user does not gain base attack bonus, feats, or saving
throw bonuses when using this…only the special abilities can be obtained. The owner gains no
benefits as a result of archetypes.
 The individual gains the spell slots of a 20th level Wizard and Cleric, in addition to all abilities
earned from a Universalist wizard. He gains no additional base attack bonus, saves, or abilities
as a result of this. The owner however can cast any arcane spells he scribed into his spellbook
as if he was a sorcerer, and needs not to prepare any of his spells when cast. Cleric spells are
cast as if the individual is an oracle, but has access to all of them as if he was a Cleric. The
owner can choose to use his Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma to determine saving throws for
his spells. Once this ability is chosen, it cannot be reversed.
 The owner of the stone is nigh near immortal. If slain, the owner’s soul and body (along with
the stone, unless stolen) is taken to the Astral Plane, deep underground. There the individual
sleeps for roughly 100 years before awakening back on the Material plane again, somewhere
within 100 miles of where the individual was slain. Particular dark rituals can be done to
accelerate the rejuvenation time, usually requiring 100,000 GP worth of material components,
and the slaying of virgin upon a coffin on the night of the full moon. If another manages to
obtain the stone, that individual gains the benefits as well; but they can be canceled out
instantly by the Stone’s true owner. A person who loses the abilities granted by the stone acts
as if he or she is paralyzed for 10 rounds. This paralysis affects Undead. Only by truly slaying
the owner can the individual use the stone without repercussions.
 The user gains access to the demon Castle, known as Castlevania. This castle is an
indestructible fortress of which allows the owner to remain safe at all times. The owner uses
this castle as his base of operations for whatever purposes him or her intendeds. The process
of creating the Castle requires 3d6 days. Once the Castle is established, the wielder cannot
leave the grounds of the Castle for more than 30 days, or go farther than 100 miles than the
Castle. Doing this causes the magic on the castle to cease functioning, and the castle will
collapse as a result. Though none of the materials and items stored in the Castle will be
destroyed, all of the occupants will. The user when creating the Castle can have as many
rooms as he or she likes within the Castle, as long as the castle does not exceed more than 3
square miles, but the Castle will always have the following rooms within it: Alchemy lab, Long
Library, Museum, Marble Gallery, Clock Tower, Throne Room. These rooms under the will of
the wielder can be immune to scrying attempts, as well as any form of dimensional or planar
travel coming and out of the Castle, making it the perfect defensible fortress
 The wielder can automatically once per day create up to 1,000,000 GP worth of items or
valuables. This acts as a Fabrication and Wish spell; but can create magical items as well.
 A wielder of the stone who attempts to control undead or turn undead always succeeds while
the Stone is in their hands.
 Wielder gains +20 to all skill checks from vast knowledge swallowed up within the Stone.
 The wielder gains +10 to all attribute scores.
 The wielder gains up to 15 feats of his choice. He does not have to meet the prerequisites to
take these feats.
 The wielder gains Life Sense of 120 feet, as well as the Dominance Aura and Fear Aura from
being Dracula. They also gain all spell like abilities Dracula possesses. The size category of the
individual increases by 1 size category.
 The wielder of the stone gains the mighty armament known as the Voidsword. The wielder who
uses this sword automatically acts as if he is automatically proficient with it; as well as gains
the Greater Weapon Focus and Greater Weapon specialization feats for it.
 The Crimson stone has the regents of many monsters stored in its structure. Once per day, a
wielder can summon 16d12 of these creatures onto the field. These creatures essence upon
them perishing will be returned to the stone at the end of the day. There is no duration that
the creatures have once summoned. In addition, unless creatures are of the Outsider type,
they cannot be banished.
 Wielder gains Damage Reduction 25/epic, Death Throes, and gains Magical Immunity. They
also gain the Blood Whip, Chaos Claws special attacks. Their slam attacks from being a
vampire also cause 1 point of Constitution damage per hit, and they gain the Demonic Migeddo
ability. The wielder gains their CHA modifier to profane AC, See in darkness and gains the
lawful, evil, augmented, and mythic subtypes. The wielder also gains 5 mythic tiers, and gain
stake and light resistance.
 The wielder gains resistance of Cold 10, Electricity 10, Acid 10, Sonic 10, Positive Energy 10.
 The wielder becomes a Godlike figure in terms of power. The wielder is considered a God; and
may select up to 1d8 domains of his choice, and 1d8 subdomains. Anyone who worships the
owner as a God gains access to those domains.
 The owner of the stone garners the loyalty of the Demilich Death. Death will willingly follow the
owner of the stone without question.
The stone is said to have a variety of other functions and abilities in addition to the above mentioned,
but they are not known due to the stone’s disappearance into history.
Only the true owner, and the one who stole it off of the previous owner gain the benefits of the item.
Using the stone is considered a willfully evil act, as the stone is living sentient evil being. Paladins will
become ex-paladins when using the stone, and good clerics become ex clerics, etc.

There are but only one known method for destroying the stone. To destroy the Crimson stone, the
individual first must remove the stone from the owner in the midst of the fight. The owner must then
go to the Ethereal Plane and seal the stone in a field that bars evil from passing. The owner must then
return to the owner and slay him. This will cause the man’s soul to separate into all children of the
land born at the very moment the owner was slain. In addition, all souls gathered within the stone will
also be released. From here, the child that has the most fragments of the owner must then return to
the Castle, which will appear 20-40 years after the owner is dead, absorb the souls of all the creatures
that were released from the stone when the owner was slain, as well as gather all the fragments of
the soul to form it back into one being. With this, the child must then take the stone into the Astral
plane, and invoke a ritual that will cause the stone to turn into a sentient monster with a CR of 30 and
a MR of 10 (statistics not provided). By destroying the stone here, the stone is destroyed for good. If
at any point the individual gives into the stone and chooses to use it’s power, this process must be
started anew.

Aura Overwhelming Evocation; CL 20th; Weight 1 lb
This +7 Adamantine, Dueling, Impact, Frost, Flaming Keen
katana is a powerful sword, forged with the remains of the
ancient demon swords Glacium and Igneas.

As long as the PC wields the Crissaegrim, the PC is imbued

with the following spells: Freedom of Movement, Long
strider. This weapon attacks in a 15 radius in the form of
multiple slashing attacks. All enemies in this radius are subject to attacks and full round attacks.

If this weapon calls a shot to the heart or neck, this weapon gains a 50% damage bonus. On a
successful critical hit when the shot is called, the critical multiplier increases by +1.

This weapon always deals damage to Dracula, regardless if it hits his head or not.

Destroying the Crissegrim requires the PC to go in the middle of a hurricane, and use spells to
summon forth a Tornado onto the horizon. By dipping the Crissegrim in the blood of a thousand
demons, and hurling it into the storm, the crissegrim breaks apart in the middle of it, and is lost

Price 55,500 GP; Aura Medium Illusion; CL 9th ; Weight 3 lb Slot Shoulders
This cloak is a strange one, found in very remote Elven countries. It has a purple
inside lining, while the rest of it is impossible to see, as there appears to be no
top overlay on it. Once per day, the wearer can cast Greater Invisibility,
Invisibility, and vanish at the 9th Caster level. Wearing this also increases the
wearer’s stealth by 10, makes stealth a class skill, and grants him concealment
miss chance from enemies (30%).

Cost 22,750 GP
Craft Wondrous Items. Spells: Greater Invisibility, Freedom of Movement

Price 15,000 GP; Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 18th; Weight 2 lb Slot Weapon
This +1 Holy Returning Boomerang is usually in the shape of a golden or
silver holy symbol for a deity. Whenever a Cleric of the same faith uses this
boomerang he or she acts as if the boomerang is a martial weapon, and it
deals damage two size categories higher than normal (1d8). It has a 30 foot
If a platinum holy symbol is used during construction, the damage die again
increases another step.
If an evil cleric creates this, the cross boomerang becomes an Unholy
returning weapon.

Cost 5,000 GP, A silver, golden, or platinum Holy Symbol to a deity
Craft weapons and Armor, creator must be a divine caster. Spells: Divine Favor, Returning Weapon,
Align Weapon


Price N/A; Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 16th; Weight 2 lb Slot Headband
This gleaming silver crown was once said to have been wielded by a powerful wise
man, and is now in the hands of Dracula. Wearing the crown grants the wearer an
enhancement bonus to Intelligence of +8.

Cannot be Constructed


Aura Overwhelming Evoation; CL 20th; Weight 6 lb
This +6 Composite Adaptive, Long bow is made of multiple gems, though the gems act as if they are
wood and not stones. It is said that this bow was originally used by an Azata champion, but was killed
by Dracula on an expedition in Elysium, and then taken by Dracula as a reward.

The bow carries the Good, Conserving Frost, Flaming, and Shocking burst enchantments. Arrows that
are strung onto the bow are polymorphed into a crystal arrow, which appears to be made of gems that
have multiple colors on them, and when fired created a prism like trail. Enemies struck by these
arrows are automatically placed under a Fearie fire spell. This bow reduces any rapid fire attempts by

Finally, this bow can allow the individual to cast Prismatic Wall as a spell like ability 1/day (CL 20th).

This weapon always deals epic damage to Dracula, regardless of where it hits.

By melting down over 100,000,000 GP worth of gems, and then pouring the blood of a Vampire into
the mix, dunking the bow in will make it so brittle that it shatters the moment any force is applied to

Price N/A; Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 17th ; Weight ---
This silvery cube glows with an unnatural light, and gleams power all around the
individual. Its power and unnatural glow always seems to increase when the PCs are
close by the presence of a torch. The light generated by this cube emanates up to 60
feet, and increases to 120 feet when a torch is 10 feet from it. If a PC attacks and
destroys a torch, candle, light source, etc while wielding this Cube, the following
equipment will be generated as a result:

% Roll Items Generated

1-25 Nothing.
26-34% 2d12 pieces of ammunition for any ranged weapons the PC is carrying.
35-44% 2d6 Silver daggers
45-52% 2d6 Silver Throwing Axes
52-61% 2d6 Vials of Holy Water
62-70% Bag of 300 GP.
71-79% 1 Rosary
80-86% 1 Cross Boomerang.
87-96% 1 Elixir of Invulnerability
97-99% 1 Double Shot
100% Throw the dice again. If it’s 100% again, a Double Shot Plaque appears.

Cannot be constructed

Price 10,500 GP; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight 10 lb
This +2 Adamantine long sword is completely unbreakable. When it is used during
a sunder attempt, it grants a +5 bonus to the CMB and damage.

Cost 5,250 GP
Craft weapons and Armor Spells: Break


Price N/A; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight --- lb
This key has the figure of a woman with a dress on. It looks like it opens a certain door.

Cannot be constructed

Price N/A; Aura Medium Conjuration; CL 11th ; Weight 30 lb
This +3 Obsidian Scale Mail is pure black, and appears to be very evil looking…but
actually carries a Good Aura around it. While this armor is worn, a PC has Damage
Reduction 10/Good to all evil creatures who attempt to fight him/her.

Cannot be Constructed

Aura Overwhelming Necromancy; CL 20th; Weight 4 lb
This +7 Cold Iron Silver Scythe is owned by the accursed
Demilich Death who serves Dracula unquestionably. The
scythe gleams a radiant silver light all around it, warning
those are around that they’re end is nigh.
The scythe in terms of function has the Returning, Unholy,
Evil, and Frost Burst enchantments on it. In addition, if the
scythe hits a PC, the PC must succeed a fortitude save of
30, or be subject to 2 negative levels. Death can only inflict
these negative levels on one attack, even if he full round attacks with it. On a critical hit, the
individual must make the same save or die. The scythe grants the following feats to the individual who
holds it: Spell Focus: Necromancy, Combat Expertise, Spring attack, Whirlwind attack, Control
Undead. The wielder acts as if possesses Channel Negative Energy 10d6, and gains Life sense 60 feet.

By destroying Death, the Scythe also disappears along with it, though the scythe will reform when
Death does 100 years later.


Price N/A; Aura Strong Necromancy; CL 17th; Weight 4 lb
This +6 Cold Iron Silver Scythe is a replica of the scythe
owned by the accursed Demilich Death who serves Dracula
unquestionably. The scythe gleams a radiant silver light all
around it, warning those are around that they’re end is
The scythe in terms of function has the Returning, and
Frost Burst enchantments on it. In addition, if the scythe
hits a creature, the creature must succeed a Will save of
22, or be subject to 1 negative level. An adventurer can
only inflict these negative levels on one attack, even if he
full round attacks with it. The scythe grants the following
feats to the individual who holds it: Combat Expertise,
Spring attack, Whirlwind attack. The wielder gains Life
sense 60 feet

Cannot be constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 19th ; Weight --- Slot Slotless
This card has a demon drawn onto it, which appears to be a winged imp with a small
spear. The wielder of the card gains the Demon Familiar. If the wielder already has a
familiar, this familiar stacks alongside his own.

Cannot be constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Necromancy; CL N/A; Weight 2 lb
This golden box contains the spirit of the Lich Dmitri.

Cannot be Constructed \


Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 17th ; Weight 5 lb Slot Slotless
This item appears to be a white Plaque, similar to that of awards given for certain
criteria. The plaque is made of a White marble, and has the number 2 in common
inscribed on the plaque. Around the award, there are five medium quality gems engraved around it.

When using this item, the wielder is imbued with the power of swift movements, and is able to
perform another standard, move, full-round, swift, etc action in the same round. When the individual
uses this, one of the jewels on the plaque disintegrates into dust. When all five are disintegrated, the
plaque becomes mundane treasure worth 200 GP and has no further use afterward.

Cannot be constructed


Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 19th ; Weight 5 lb Slot Slotless
This item appears to be a bronze Plaque, similar to that of awards given for certain
criteria. The plaque is made of a bronze and gold, and has the number 3 in common
inscribed on the plaque. Around the award, there are five medium quality gems
engraved around it.

When using this item, the wielder is imbued with the power of swift movements,
and is able to perform another two standard, move, full-round, swift, etc action in
the same round. When the individual uses this, one of the jewels on the plaque disintegrates into
dust. When all ten are disintegrated, the plaque becomes mundane treasure worth 500 GP and has no
further use afterward.

Cost 25,000 GP, 10 Medium Quality gems, Bronze, Unused Double Shot item, Spells: Haste
Craft Wondrous items

Price N/A; Aura Overwhelming Conjuration; CL 20th; Weight 12 lb
This weapon is the exact same spear crafted by Dracula, for a specific
purpose that has yet to be identified. It exhibits all the properties of the
Alucard Spear, with the exception of that fact that is an Evil and Unholy
aligned weapon.

When the owner of the spear is slain, the spear turns to ash.

Aura Overwhelming Necromancy and Transmutation; CL 20th ; Weight 1 lb Slot Chest
This flowing black and red tunic comes complete with a flowing black cape, along with a black and
golden coat to match it with. This tunic was made by Dracula himself, and is seen
wearing it almost everywhere. By wearing this tunic, the wearer gains +2 untyped
bonus to all attributes, and a Spell resistance of 16, plus the wearer’s HD. The wearer
also has his/her Caster level increase by 4, and the DCs for all of his/her spells by 2.
The wearer of the robe can still cast spells on himself normally, and not have to
voluntarily lower his or her Spell resistance.

There is no known way to destroy Dracula’s tunic…although it is possible that more than one tunic was
made…perhaps to be pilfered.
Price 70,000 GP; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 12th; Weight 15 lb Slot Helmet
This helmet looks like the head of a blue dragon. While donning the helmet, the PC
gains a Fear aura, which frightens foes around them for 3d6 rounds (DC 10 + CHA
modifier). In addition, the helmet allows the PC to use the following spell like abilities:
3/day: Fly, Flame Breath, and Mage Armor.
Finally, on a critical hit, on the next round the monster who is hit acts as if his AC is
10 for 1 round.
A sorcerer of the Draconic Bloodline who wears this helmet acts as if his level is 2 levels higher for
determining bloodline abilities.

Cannot be constructed

Price 500,000 GP; Aura Overwhelming Universal; CL 30th; Weight 2 lb Slot Neck or Slotless
This glowing necklace has an array of Blue fire on it, and has the symbol of
the infinite sign on it. When worn, the user finds that his inventory of items,
and array of spells is virtually limitless by the power of the artifact. When the
wielder uses any piece of ammunition, Alchemical item, or item that has a
limit of uses, the artifact expends it’s infinite supply of energy into the item,
or on the user’s person, creating an exact duplicate of the item in its place,
and will continue to do so infinitely. This includes items such as slotless
items, magical items, wands, etc, that have limited amounts of charges.
Even when the user is a spell caster, the Duplicator empowers the PC with a
little of its own power when the PC casts a spell, replacing the spell slot with a new spell instantly;
including any limited use abilities granted from classes. However, this power does not come free, and
the user of the item must take a -4 to all attributes when using this item. Once used, the penalties
take place instantly, and do not abate for 24 hours, even with the greatest of restoration or curse
removing spells.

By placing the Duplicator into a Bag of Holding, and using a portable hole in that said bag of Holding,
the Duplicator as a result of the infinite energy created is destroyed as the two magic items create a
hole into the Astral Plane.

Aura Overwhelming Illusion and Transmutation; CL 20th; Weight 2 lb Slot Weapon
This +6 Glamored, Anarchic, Called, Countering, Keen, Dueling Alchemical silver
Scimitar is the legendary weapon of the Swashbuckler Grant Dynasty. It enables
the wielder to have a constant, undispellable Spider climb and air walk spell on at
all times. Despite being a light weapon, this weapon can be two handed, and adds
both DEX and STR to attack.
A Swashbuckler who wields this gains 2 additional panache points. A Rogue who has
sneak attack gains +2d6 to his sneak attack.

A Swashbuckler who is defeated in battle by an opponent less than him causes the scimitar to break
apart, its magic disappearing forever.
Aura Overwhelming Transmutation and Illusion; CL 20th; Weight 2 lb Slot Slotless
This white translucent stone, is very cold to the touch. On the inside of the stone, there appears to be
a black material moving about it. At the very center is a crystal that looks
striking similar to a full moon.
This stone when used creates a large black night over an established area in a
90 mile radius. Creatures that are within 5 miles of the night see as if the sun
is setting much earlier than it should. Continued movement towards the
eternal night causes the sun to go down further, until finally it is nightfall. This
eternal night spreads out by the movement of one mile a day. The only way to
end the night is by the owner willingly stopping the stone’s function, or if the
owner is slain.

If the Crimson Stone is destroyed, the Ebony Stone’s power will cease functioning, causing the stone
to become a non-magical grand jewel worth 10,000 GP.

Price 10,000 GP; Aura Medium Conjuration; CL 12th; Weight 1 lb
This blue thick potion has a powerful healing energy about, and drinking it is said to
cure all injuries. Drinking this restores a user’s HP to full.
This effect is not a potion, and cannot be used continually as through Alchemical

Cost 5,000 GP.
Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous items Spells: Healing

Aura Overwhelming Illusion; CL 20th; Weight 1 lb
This golden jar contains a rare concoction in it. Drinking this imbues the drinker with
extreme defensive powers. The drinker gains immunity to spells as if he/she had a
unbeatable spell resistance, Damage Reduction ∞/---, Resistance against everything
of ∞, a 100% miss chance from all incoming attacks, a CMD of ∞, and immunity to
all harmful status effects. This potion lasts for 1d3+1 rounds. The drinker looks
transparent when it is active, and flashes white when the effects are about to wear
This effect is not a potion, and cannot be used continually as through Alchemical

The item is destroyed if broken on the floor.

Price 55,000; Aura Medium Evocation; CL 10th ; Weight 2 lb
This +2 Impact Rapier has a much more powerful blow to it than its normal cousin.
Hitting an enemy with this sword on a charge attack will deal 4d6 additional damage.
This damage is precision damage, and is not added if the enemy has immunity to
critical hits.
Cost 27,500 GP.
Craft weapons and Armor Spells: Enlarge Person, Invisibility,

Price 15,000 GP; Aura Medium Enchantment; CL 9th; Weight 2 lb
This +1 Short spear has the ability to extend out twice its length, giving it the
Reach quality. In addition, the Extender Spear can block two ranged missile
attacks a round, though the wielder must ready an action prior to this happening.

Cost 7,500 GP.
Craft weapons and armor Spells: Enlarge Person, Lockjaw

Price N/A; Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 19th ; Weight --- Slot Slotless
This card has a fairy drawn onto it, which is wearing a blue dress, white boots, white
wings, and beautiful blonde hair. The wielder of the card gains the Fairy Familiar. If
the wielder already has a familiar, this familiar stacks alongside his own.

Cannot be constructed


Aura Overwhelming Evocation; CL 20th; Weight 8 lb
This +3 Adamantine Great sword, is made with pure silver and Adamantine, and was forged to be
given to as an offering to a great Dragon Hunter, possibly but never specified in
history. Before it arrived to the location of where it would be taken, Dracula’s men
overtook the envoy and made off the sword, supposedly making it lost forever.
An individual who wields Gram and faces off against a dragon, a sorcerer of the
Dragon bloodline, anyone who uses a Form of the Dragon spell, or a Dragon
Disciple, the sword instantly becomes a +7 Bane of Dragons Adamantine Great
sword. The wielder gains the benefits of favored enemy against that individual as if he was a 20th level
ranger, and has a +10 caster check when attempting to beat any spell resistance that individual may

If the owner of the sword faces off against an elder dragon, and is killed, the sword is destroyed.

Price N/A; Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 19th ; Weight --- Slot Slotless
This card has a fairy drawn onto it, which is wearing a green dress, white boots, white
wings, and beautiful blonde hair, striking similar to the Fairy Card. The wielder of the
card gains the Fearie Familiar. If the wielder already has a familiar, this familiar stacks
alongside his own.

Cannot be constructed

Price 25,000 GP; Aura Medium Enchantment; CL 12th; Weight 12 lb
This +2 Fire-forged steel lance is the preferred weapon of the Demon
variant known as Slogra. It possesses the Flaming Burst Enchantment, and
can deliver a ranged touch attack up to 60 feet three times per day. This
fireball shot out from it deals 6d6 fire damage.

Cost 12,500 GP.
Craft weapons and armor, Spells: Scorching Ray, Burning hands.

Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 20th; Weight 2 lb Slot Wrists
These powerful green bracers, were used by a great monk warrior known as
Tulkas. He was a powerful warrior, whose Monk teachings the Belmont’s follow
when they train for battle. He was slain during the time of Sonia Belmont, and
his bracers have since been in Dracula’s hands.

Wearing these bracers grants a wielder the benefits of the Unarmed Strike
special ability and Improved Unarmed Strike feat. A person who wears these
bracers have the same unarmed attack damage as a monk equal to their level,
-3. A Monk wearing these increases his/her unarmed strike damage by +3 his level. These bracers are
considered brass knuckles in a sense, and deal an additional 1d3 untyped damage upon any hit.

Finally, the wielder can form a fireball in his hands and launch it out at enemies. This fireball deals 5d6
lawful damage to an enemy. The to hit of the fireball is base attack + DEX modifier + 5, and has an
effective range of 60 feet.

This weapon always deals epic damage to Dracula, regardless of where it hits.

Cannot be constructed

Price 45,550; Aura Medium Evocation; CL 10th ; Weight 8 lb
This +3 Flaming Fire Forged Steel Bastard sword contains powers of flame, and is
able to slice through metal as if it is nothing. The Flame Berge reduces the DR of
any monster when it is employed against it by 5. In addition, one per day, the
user may make it use a maximized Burning hands, or an Empowered Scorching
ray at foe (CL 9th). The wielder may only choose one, and not the other.

Cost 22,775 GP.
Craft weapons and Armor, Scorching Ray, Burning Hands

Price N/A; Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 19th ; Weight --- Slot Slotless
This card has a skull that appears to be on fire on it. The wielder of the card gains
the Ghost Familiar. If the wielder already has a familiar, this familiar stacks
alongside his own.

Cannot be constructed


Price N/A; Aura Strong Unholy; CL N/A; Weight 1 lb Slot Slotless
This red evil looking gem has the appearance of skull, and emits a red light up to 20
feet. It is said that initiates who wish to join Shaft’s coven at Castlevania must use this
gem to solve a nearly impossible riddle, with this gem as the key. Those who solve the
riddle can gain access to Shaft’s Coven at Castlevania.

Cannot be Constructed

Price 200,000 GP; Aura Strong Abjuration; CL 17th ; Weight 2 lb Slot Chest
This flowing blue robe is a powerful robe made from the remains of a dead god in
the Astral Plane. This robe acts like that of a Breastplate, with a +6 Enchantment
bonus, but with no weight, no armor check penalty, and no spell failure. While the
robe is donned, a PC has Damage Reduction 10/Lawful. The bonus to AC granted
from the garb is MISC.
A PC wearing this can still place armor over the robe.

Cannot be constructed

Price 10,000 GP; Aura Medium Transmutation; CL 9th ; Weight 1/2 lb Slot Head
These silvery eye goggles are comfortable to wear and conform to any creature’s
face with relative ease, and the blue lens sparkle in the light. Wearing these
goggles grants the wielder a +3 insight bonus to INT, and a +1 Deflection modifier
to AC.

Cost 5,000 GP
Craft Wondrous items, Spells: Fox’s Cunning, Mage Armor

Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 14th; Weight 2 lb Slot Headband
This circlet is made of pure gold from Dracula’s treasure chamber, and is specifically meant to counter
Positive energy based attacks. This particular circlet however is a botched
version, which works against Negative energy. If a PC is hit by an enemy who
deals negative energy damage, the PC may attempt a will saving throw (DC 10 +
½ the damage received). If the PC succeeds the Will save, not only does the
attack deal 0 damage, the PC is also healed in hit points equal to the damage
received. Any HP left over if the PC is healed fully becomes temporary Hit points.
There is a 50% chance that this item functions, even if the PC fails the check.

Cannot be Constructed


Price N/A; Aura Medium Evocation; CL 10th; Weight --- lb Slot Ring
This ring has a ruby gem placed on the top of the ring, and is made of solid gold. Upon
the band of the ring has the words “Present…death’s…”

Cannot be Constructed


Price N/A; Aura Medium Evocation; CL 10th; Weight --- lb Slot Ring
This ring has a sapphire gem placed on the top of the ring, and is made of pure silver.
Upon the band of the ring has the words “…at…Door”

Cannot be Constructed

Price 200 GP; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight 1 lb
This regent is made from a combination of poisons, and other ingredients, making it one of the most
powerful anti-toxins around. Drinking this will cure any poison automatically.

Cost 100 GP
Craft check 30 Alchemy


Price N/A; Aura Medium Transmutation; CL 12th; Weight 2 lb Slot Slotless
This glowing green crystal ball has fire, stone, and lightning boiling inside of it. This powerful crystal
ball is used by dark priests to assist them when in the middle of fight. The green
Crystal ball acts like that of a regular Crystal ball with True seeing, but also has a
fly speed of 30 feet, and floats around the owner. By shouting Fire, the owner can
have the sphere attempt to make a touch attack on an enemy (+12 to hit) to deal
fire damage (12d6 damage). He can also have it use a Lightning Bolt spell at
enemy creatures (Reflex save 22 for half, 8d10 electricity damage). Finally, he can
have the Crystal ball use Stone shape on nearby structures if willed. The Crystal
ball has a hardness of 1, and a HP of 200 if subject to attacks. The sphere shatter instantly if the
owner of them is slain. The maximum a PC can control of these spheres is 2.

Cannot be constructed
Price 90,000 GP; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight 8 lb
This Frost Forged Great sword, is made with pure sapphires and gold that is
decorated all around the blade itself. This sword was personally forged for the
Harper family, which has treasured the sword’s might in the Dwarves world under
the belief it slew a great Medusa, until the family was wiped out by Dracula. While
the sword has no magical powers, it is immensely valuable to the right buyer.

Cannot be constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 12th ; Weight 23 lb
This +3 Alchemical silver Breastplate has a powerful aura about it. A PC who dons
this armor gains 1 Hit point back every round every time he walks over 90 feet
when he is in combat. When he is not in combat, he has Fast Healing 15. This Fast
Healing ceases to function when the PC is in combat, and does not resume for 1
hour afterward. If a PC already has Fast Healing, this will stack alongside it.

Cannot be Constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 16th; Weight 2 lb
Intelligence 18 Wisdom 10 Charisma 10 Ego 10
Alignment Neutral Senses Blind Sight 120 feet
Languages Common, Celestial,
This Adamantine +6 Bastard sword has a powerful ability about. Unlike other
swords that are swung in hand, this sword’s magic causes it to levitate
alongside the wielder. As long as the wielder holds onto the sword for one hour
a day, the sword listens to his or her thoughts and will attack enemies on its
own without the need for a wielder. The sword has a fly speed of 60 feet with
perfect maneuverability, and uses the wielders full STR bonus and base attack
for attack and damage. If the PC demands the sword to return to its hand, and
if it is in combat, the sword splits, creating an illusionary copy of it that the PC can wield, but the
enchantment bonus goes down to 2 until it is returned. The wielder of the sword always acts as if he is
proficient with the blade, and the sword when moving has the benefits of the Whirlwind attack feat.

This weapon always deals damage to Dracula, regardless if it hits his head or not.

This sword turns to dust completely after 24 hours if a new wielder is not chosen by then.


Price N/A; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight --- lb
This silver key looks like it opens a certain door.

Cannot be constructed
Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 17th ; Weight 1/2 lb Slot Eyes
These silver glasses have beautiful green lens, and a powerful holy divine aura
about it. Wearing these glasses grant a wielder a +5 to their Wisdom. While
they are worm, they also gain DR 15/Good, and when casting spells to
Remove Curses of other party members, they have a +5 to the attempt.

There are rumors that these glasses have a secondary function, and are
specifically made to combat curses that can’t be dispelled by normal means,
but it has never been used in action yet.

Cannot be constructed

Price 30,000 GP; Aura Medium Enchantment; CL 9th; Weight 1 lb
This +2 Cold Iron dagger is very light and easy to swing. In addition to
possessing the Keen weapon ability, this dagger allows a PC to roll an attack roll
again if the previous attack with it missed.

Cost 15,000 GP.
Craft weapons and armor. Keen Weapon, Feather fall.

Price N/A ; Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 18th; Weight 4 lb
This pearl white rod has a golden holy symbol of Iomeda fashioned on the top of
it. It contains powerful clerical energies inside of it, making it a viable item in the
hands of the right healer. The holy symbol can be swapped out, and a new one
can be attached if so desired.

The rod exhibits different effects based on entirely who wields it, though the rod
is also a +2 holy light mace.

If a arcane caster has this item in their possession, an arcane caster adds all of the cure or inflict
spells on the divine spell list if they are not present on it; and can cast them as he/she was a divine
caster. These spells can only be used if the caster has the appropriate level to cast them (If the wizard
adds cure critical wounds to his spell list, he must still be at the minimum caster level to use the
spell). A sorcerer acts as if he/she already knows the spell on their spell known list, while a wizard can
add any of the cure or inflict spells into his spellbook and prepare them as if he/she knew them. Any
prepared caster can sacrifice any of his spells for a cure or inflict spell, as if they were a cleric.
Alignment still restricts the caster from using cure or inflict, and the rod must be present in their hand
at the time the spell is being cast for the spell to be cast successfully. An arcane caster who discards
the rod loses the ability to cast these spells until he/she picks it up again.

If a divine caster wields this item, the divine caster can change the range of his/her touch spells as if
they had a minimum range of 30 feet. In addition, the caster level of the divine caster increases by +2
as long as the rod is in his/her possession, and the divine caster gains access to one cleric domain.
The domain’s power is equal to their level -4 for determining domain abilities. The domain chosen
must either be one of the domains or subdomains granted by their deity, or any of the domains
granted from the deity whose holy symbol is attacked to the rod.
Cannot be constructed

Price 25,000 GP; Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 11th; Weight 2 lb Slot Hand
This silver glove is made for Monks who are keen in the arts of fighting. A Monk
who wields this item acts as if his Unarmed attack deals 2 damage dice higher than
normal. Anyone wearing this gains the benefit of the Improved Unarmed Strike

Cost 12,500 GP
Craft weapons and Armor. Bull’s strength

Price N/A; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight --- lb
This key looks like it was made for a jailer of sorts. It looks like it unlocks a certain door.

Cannot be constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 10th; Weight --- lb
This glowing blue rock emits a blue light up to 5 feet. Using the Jewel of Open
opens any and all locks in the Castle, other than the following doors: Entrance
to the Throne Room, True Throne, Arcane Lab, Death’s Door, the room before
the treasure room in the Arcane lab, and entrance to the Treasure Room

Cannot be Constructed

Price N/A; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight --- lb
This key has an assortment of small gemstones in it. It is used to unlock a certain door.

Cannot be Constructed

Price 50,000 GP; Aura Medium Conjuration; CL 9th ; Weight 2 lb
This +3 Rapier is adorned with many jewels all around the sword, and glows a
multitude of colors when swung around. On occasion when swung in a fight, there is
a 5% chance that 4d10 gold coins will be created as a result of the sword’s power.
If an enemy is slain, their body transforms into gold coins upon their death, which is
equal to 10% of their max wealth, along with a 10% chance for 2d4 Medium Quality
gems to be created along with this.
If they possess no wealth, then 30 GP is created instantly.
Cannot be constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Illusion; CL 16th ; Weight 3 lb Slot Shoulders
This multi-colored robe constantly changes colors, as if it formed the pattern of a rainbow, and is quite
amazing to look at. This robe was owned by someone named Joseph, and it looks extraordinarily
When donning the robe, the wielder immediately has a +4 enhancement bonus to
saving throws. In addition, the wielder also gains a +10 to their CON. At will, the
wielder may change the color of the robe as to how they feel, but simply thinking
about the color they have in mind. Also, while the robe is worn, the PC has a +20
to bluff, as if under a glibness spell, and a +20 to Disguise.
Finally, the wielder has access to the following Spells as spell-like abilities: Color
Spray, Glitterdust, Alter self, Dispel Magic, Rainbow Pattern, and project image. All of these abilities
are cast at a Caster level of 12th.

Cannot be Constructed

Price 2,500 GP; Aura Faint Enchantment; CL 5th; Weight --- Slot Slotless
These bronze coins are used in situations where the PCs really need to call upon their luck. It appears
to be a single bronze coin with a cross on side representing heads, and a
symbol of fire to represent tails. To use the coin, the PC must say “Let luck be
on my side.” And then flip the coin in the air. If the coin lands on heads, the PC
is healed fully, and has all attribute damage cured. If the coin lands on tails
however, a lightning bolt crashes down on the PC, dealing 8d6 force damage.
Regardless of the outcome, the coin disintegrates afterwards. Karma coins must
be flipped within 1 hour of each other.

Cost 1,250 GP; with at least 100 of the coins being copper
Craft Wondrous items, Spells: Healing, Explosive Runes, Divine Favor


Price N/A; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight --- lb
This silver key unlocks the display case to Leon Belmont’s armor.

Cannot be Constructed


Price N/A; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight --- lb
This looks old, and it’s handle is made of Darkwood. It looks like it opens a certain door.

Cannot be Constructed
Price N/A; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight --- lb
This key is purple with gold adorned all around it. It looks like it opens a certain door.

Cannot be constructed

Price 120,000 GP; Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 16th; Weight 2 lb Slot Belt
This glowing purple belt has a red grand jewel put in it on the front. Wearing the
belt grants the wielder a +10 Enhancement bonus to STR.

Cost 60,000 GP. 1 Grand Jewel. Any STR increasing magic item.
Craft Wondrous items. Spells: Mass Bull’s Strength

Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 17th; Weight --- Slot Ring
This silver ring has a blue diamond on the band. There is an inscription upon the band that says “To
the fortunate one who found me.” Wearing this ring grants a +2 luck bonus to AC
attack, and damage rolls. Whenever a PC is subject to a saving throw or skill check
that he had failed, the PC is able three times a day to throw another d20 and reroll.
He takes the better of the 2 checks. This ring stacks with feats suck as Improved
Iron will, Improved Lightning reflexes, etc.

Cannot be Constructed


Aura Strong Abjuration; CL 20th; Weight 12.5 lbs Slot Armor
This +6 Mithral Balance, Bolstering, glamored, Expeditious, Defiant against Undead Agile Breastplate
is the armor believed to have been worn by Leon Belmont. It appears to be a
Noble’s outfit worn over the Breastplate that has black boots, grey slacks, a
red and white coat, and black gloves when the glamored effect is active.

Donning this armor grants the individual a 20 foot jump that can be made as
part of a move action. The armor also allows one to attack with their melee
attacks as a ranged attack by firing an energy wave from their weapon. This
ranged attack’s to hit is one’s base attack, plus DEX modifier, plus any
existing modifiers from using a melee attack normally. The individual can also
call down a smite once per day against evil.

This armor has no check penalty and no spell failure chance.

When a Belmont dons this armor, the armor gains the Champion, Determination, and Deathless
special abilities. The Belmont gains the Block Attacks mythic monster ability that can be used three
times a day, and gains a favored enemy bonus against undead of +4.
This armor can only be destroyed if sundered by a Belmont.

Price 300 GP; Aura Medium Transmutation; CL 11th ; Weight --- Slot Slotless
This small plastic card teleports the wielder to the Master Librarian’s personal study.
It disappears after it is used.

Cannot be constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Divine; CL 15th ; Weight 1 lb.
This Golden Apple is ripe to pick, and extremely delicious to eat. Eating the apple
gives a PC Fast Healing 10 for 1 hour. In addition, a PC who lets a fallen PC eat a
bite of the apple, they are imbued with a Raise dead spell.

Cannot be constructed

Price 78,562 GP; Aura Strong Evocation; CL 10th ; Weight 2 lb.
This +5 Elven Curved sword has a powerful damaging aura about, and blows from
this sword always deal more damage. The wielder acts as if he possesses the
Greater Vital Strike feat if he wields this sword.

Cannot be constructed

Price 34,340; Aura Medium Evocation; CL 10th ; Weight 8 lb.
This +2 Keen Scimitar has a powerful defensive barrier about it, which is used to
block attacks. While the sword is being wielded, a PC has the Shield spell cast on

Cost 17,170 GP.
Craft weapons and Armor Spells: Shield, Shield of Faith, Keen

Price 6,000 GP; Aura Strong Conjuration and Divination; CL 16th ; Weight --- Slot Slotless
This magical herb has two functions to it. It appears to be a single stalk with several
green leaves on it, usually 1d6+3. If a leaf is consumed, the individual is restored
8d6 hit points. A adventurer can also expend the use of any abilities that have
limited uses, a hero point, or any spells to avoid using a leaf, but this only restores
4d6 hit points. He/she can also do this to add a +2 luck bonus to attack and
damage, AC, or give him a 20% chance to chance the outcome of any percentile
roll. He/she must eat one of the herbs leaves to do this, but it this luck bonus
remains on the individual until used then. He/she cannot stack these bonuses, and
must expend the use already stored beforehand. A dispel magic check of 27+5 (27 minimum, +5 if
the individual has another spell on him already) negates this effect if an individual is exposed to it.
Once all leaves are consumed, it is useless.

Cost 3,000 GP
Craft Wondrous items, creator must be a divine caster or druid: Spells: Goodberry or Divine Favor,
Cure Critical wounds, Obscuring Mist


Price N/A; Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 15th ; Weight 3 lb.
This appears to a well-cooked pot roast, which is ripe and ready to eat. It
never loses heat, and always is piping hot. No foul regiments, such as dirt
and cobwebs are incapable of even touching the pot roast, as they all are
jaunted away immediately. If a PC eats a portion of the pot roast, they
immediately have 6d6 HP restored instantly. A PC must eat 10% of the pot
roast before they can gain the benefits of this healing. The Pot roast has 10
uses before it is consumed.

Cannot be constructed


Price 90,000 GP; Aura Medium Illusion; CL 11th; Weight --- Slot Head
This mask looks like a classic Victorian mask used for ballroom dances. It is
made of a purple velvet, and can conform to any face. The wearer of the mask
gains a +2 to his dodge AC. In addition, the mask acts like a Hat of Disguise.
Once per day, the wearer can use a Project Image as a spell-like ability (CL

Cost 45,000 GP
Craft Wondrous items, Alter self, Project Image, Shield of Faith

Price 4,000 GP; Aura Medium Universal; CL 8th ; Weight ½ lb
This silver flask contains a purple liquid that glows a purple light up to 5 feet.
Once consumed, restores 1 spell per day to the wielder. This spell restored must
be at the lowest level spell slot used. Non-magic users gain no benefit from this
This effect is not a potion, and cannot be used through alchemical allocation.

Cost 2,000,
Feats Brew Potion, Spells: Magic Weapon

Price N/A; Aura N/A; CL ---; Weight ½ lb
This large piece of parchment contains every known room and location within the Castle, with the
exception of the Throne room, and the True Throne Room. In addition, it reveals the locations of all
known traps and mechanisms within the Castle.
Cannot be constructed

Price 1,000 GP; Aura Medium Conjuration; CL 5th ; Weight ---
This piece of paper contains the picture of food. If thrown on the floor, it will
create 2d10 Magic Food items. These items never spoil, and heal 2d6 HP when

Cost 500 GP
Feats Craft Wondrous item, Create Food/Water, Cure Light wounds


Price 20,000 GP; Aura Medium Enchantment; CL 9th; Weight --- Slot Wrist
This wristband is made of a brown leather, and has a gold medallion on it. Wearing it
grants a PC a +4 Competence STR bonus, and a +2 Deflection bonus to AC.

Cost 10,000 GP
Craft Wondrous items, Spells: Shield of faith, Bull’s Strength

Price 35,432 GP; Aura Strong Abjuration; CL 12th ; Weight 28 lb
This +4 Alchemical Silver Breastplate is extremely well polished and reflects every
detail, as if it was a very well-crafted mirror. Most of the magic is imbued into the
polished surface as well. Once donned, the PC has a 25% chance to reflect all
incoming Ranged touch attack spells back at the caster. In addition, the PC is
immune to all forms of Petrification, and can cause all Gaze attacks to rebound
against the caster.

Cannot be constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Universal; CL 14th ; Weight 15 lb Slot Slotless
This head appears like that of a Moai head statue. By holding it above one’s head, the
individual gains 4,000 XP automatically. It then loses all magic power and is then a
mundane treasure worth 1,000 GP.

Cannot be Constructed

Price varies; Aura Weak Conjuration; CL 5th ; Weight ½ lb
Since Dracula began to experiment with magic, one thing he wanted to create was an easier way to
summon more monsters onto the field, and allow inept to conjure more when their spells failed them.
This was the result.

A Monster vial appears to flask with a different colored liquid in it (Blue if Monster
Vial 1,Red if Monster vial 2, and Green if Monster Vial 3). Once opened, these
vials will spew an endless stream of smoke from them until the end of the round.
After this, the vials will cast Summon Monster, the level of Summon Monster
dependent on the number of the vial (A Monster vial 2 casts Summon Monster II,
a Monster Vial 1 casts Summon Monster I, etc).
A Monster vial 1 costs 200 GP, and any level above that costs 200, plus the number of the vial, times
1.5 (200*(x) + (y*1.5)). A Monster vial can be used as a swift action, and is exhausted after

Cost 100 GP, add equation for higher levels, Summon Monster spell I, II, or III (depending on which
vial you make), 1 flask
Create Wondrous items, Brew Potions Spells: Summon Monster I, II, or III

Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 16th ; Weight 1 lb Slot Neck
This necklace is made of glittering Silver, which gleams in the Moonlight. The
gemstone itself is a white opaque pearl which is carved into the shape of a
Crescent Moon. If a PC wears this necklace between the hours of 6:00 PM to 6:00
AM, the PC gains a +4 MISC bonus on all Attribute scores. When 6:01 AM occurs,
the item loses its effect until the next night.

Cannot be Constructed

Price N/A; Aura Medium Transmutation; CL 14th; Weight 5 lb
This blue and crystal rod has a golden crescent moon on the top of it. This rod shimmers a faint blue
light, and has energy fizzling from it whenever the rod moves. The rod if used as a weapon is
considered a +2 Angelskin Mace.

The wielder of the moon rod first gains Dark vision 60 feet if he does not have
it already. If the wielder already has dark vision, then it is extended by an
additional 60 feet. In addition, if the PC is immersed in moon light with the
rod in hand, the PC becomes completely invisible, as if per a Greater
Invisibility spell.

In addition, this rod can use a powerful ranged touch attack against enemies.
The rod has a button when pressed will fire out several crescent moons at the
enemy. These crescent move in a cone shaped area up to 100 feet, dealing 6d6 force damage to the
enemy. There is no reflex save for this attack.

Finally, this rod can be used as a Greater Ectoplasmic Metamagic Rod.

Cannot be constructed
Price N/A; Aura Strong Necromancy; CL 14th; Weight 1 lb
This +2 Cold Short sword glows an evil blue light, and is cold to touch. When
this blade strikes an enemy’s flesh, it slices they’re soul along with it, and
draws it into the wielder. When damaged, in addition to the 1d6 cold damage
dealt to an enemy, the enemy suffers 3d6 additional points of disruptive
energy damage. This damage is converted into hit points that the PC is
healed with. If the PC is already at max health, the PC gains this HP as
temporary Hit points. In addition, if the target fails a fortitude save of 24, the
target receives 2 negative levels. Undead damaged by this receive 5d6
damage instead of 3d6.

Cannot be constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Necromancy; CL 16th; Weight 1 lb
This +4 Blood Crystal Katana seems to have blood dripping from it at all times, and feels evil to hold.

The Katana possesses the Keen weapon ability. In addition, if it hits an

enemy, the enemy must make a fortitude check of 26, or be subject to 3
points of Bleed damage. Even if they are Undead, they must make this

If the wielder is under the effects of Dark Metamorphosis, the wielder has
the effects of Haste and Shield as long as the effects are active.

Good aligned PCs who grip the sword must make a Will save of 26, or they
will go down one alignment step. They must continue to make this save every day, for as long as they
wield the sword, though they are usually unaware of this.

Cannot be constructed

Aura Overwhelming Evocation; CL 20th; Weight 1 lb
This +6 Alchemical Silver katana is a prized sword, forged specifically to be
personal side arm for Dracula, though it is unknown if it has reached him
Masemune possesses the Keen, Dueling, Impact, and Vorpal weapon
abilities. In addition, when the PC attacks, the PC gains the benefit of the
following feats, even if he does have the proper requisites: Great Cleave,
Critical Focus, Bleeding Critical, Weapon Specialization, Weapon Focus
(Katana). When attacking, a PC can call attacks on all adjacent targets from
the target. Finally, the wielder of this katana can use the same dimension
door ability as the Alucard sword, and Alucart Sword when the Alucart gear is donned together.

This weapon always deals damage to Dracula, regardless if it hits his head or not.

There is no known way to destroy the Masemune.
Price N/A; Aura Strong Necromancy; CL 16th ; Weight 7 lb
This +3 Frost Forged Shield is made in the same manner to represent a
Medusa’s head. The shield supposedly has the function to use Flesh to Stone as
a spell like ability. However if used, the ability backfires and attempts the check
on the PC wielding it (DC 26). While worn, the shield gives the PC a -6 to AC,
though the wielder does not recognize that it does.
Successful spellcraft checks to identify the Medusa head shield will only highlight
it’s supposed good qualities. A spellcraft check of 41 reveals the truth of this

+3 Heavy Steel Shield

Price 75,000 GP; Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 16th ; Weight 1 lb Slot Neck
This necklace has a silver chain on it, and has an Emerald imbedded into a
locket. The wearer of this necklace gains the benefits of the Expanded Arcana
feat, even if they do not meet the special requirements. If a PC wears 2 of them,
the benefits of the feat double, and they only need 2 hours of rest to regain lost

Cannot be Constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 19th ; Weight --- Slot Slotless
This card has a demon drawn onto it, with possesses a rather large nose. The
wielder of the card gains the N Demon Familiar. If the wielder already has a
familiar, this familiar stacks alongside his own.

Cannot be constructed

Price 50,000; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 13th ; Weight 3 lb Slot Neck
This necklace is made of gleaming gold, and is pleasing to look at. The links on
the gold chain where it would be worn all seem to be made in the shape of a J.
Wearing this necklace grants a +5 Dodge modifier to AC.

Cost 25,000 GP. Gold Necklace
Craft Wondrous Items, Spells: Mage Armor, Shield.

Price 100 GP; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight 2 lb
This Alchemical Bomb is made by compressing raw energy into an extremely
small and tight space. A fuse is placed on the top of the bomb, where it
eventually makes it to a small amount of gun powder. Once it hits this powder and causes the gray
clay to burst, the energy is unleashed in a blue array of light in a 15 foot radius. The fuse goes off in
1d3 rounds, and the bomb itself deals 6d6 force damage (Reflex save 18 for half).

Cost 50 GP
Craft check 30 Alchemy

Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 14th; Weight 2 lb Slot Headband
This circlet is made of a blue sapphire from Dracula’s treasure chamber, and
is specifically meant to counter ice based attacks. If a PC is hit by an attack
that deals ice damage, the PC may attempt a will saving throw (DC 10 + ½
the damage received). If the PC succeeds the Will save, not only does the
attack deal 0 damage, the PC is also healed in hit points equal to the
damage received. Any HP left over if the PC is healed fully becomes
temporary Hit points.
The user always has an innate Resistance to Cold of 10.
There is a 50% chance that this item functions normally, even if the PC fails the check.

Cannot be Constructed

Aura Strong Necromancy; CL 5th; Weight --- Slot Slotless
These 5 pieces are said to be an older body of Dracula, which Dracula uses as his key to the True
Throne Room. The five pieces consist of as follows: Eye, Ring, Heart, Rib, and tooth. As long as these
indestructible items are intact, there are by no means any way to enter the True Throne Room.

To destroy the Pieces of Vlad, and break the enchantment over the True Throne Room, one must unite
the 5 pieces of Vlad, and lay them on a specially prepared alter and anoint them with specially
prepared oil. One must then burn the items on the pyre until they are nothing but dust. In order for
the items to work their power, one must create a method to destroy them, or the magic will not seal
the True Throne Room.


Price N/A; Aura Strong Necromancy; CL 17th ; Weight 3 lb
This glowing red orb emits a red light up to 10 feet, and has an evil presence
about it. It is said that these jewels contain the souls of Dracula’s defeated
minions, and that the Belmonts use these as proof of their victories over
Dracula. This crystal looks like a grand jewel worth 5,000 GP normally.

When a Red Crystal Orb is picked up the first time (whether by magical or
mundane means), it immediately restores all PCs in a 500 foot radius to their
maximum HP instantly, and clears all poisons, conditions, attribute damage instantly; restoring all
exhumed spells per day to casters. It never does this affect again, and is worthless afterward…though
it’s possible that these orbs might be useful later on and should be kept.

Cannot be constructed
Price ---; Aura Strong Evocation; CL 16th ; Weight 2 lb
This red rusting sword appears to come off as a +3 Long sword. If however grabbed by a PC, they are
immediately afflicted with a curse from this sword. This sword is always drawn,
even if the PC intends to draw another sword, and always inflicts 3 less damage
than intended, and hits with a -3 to attack. There is also a 30% chance that the
sword will make the wielder in battle take no action, and make him flat-footed
that round. Breaking the curse requires a Remove Curse, Wish, or Miracle spell,
after which the sword can be discarded.

+3 Long sword

Price N/A; Aura Strong Evocation; CL 15th ; Weight 1 lb Slot Shoulders
This Red and blue flowing cape has powers of flame and ice all around it.
When the cape is worm, the PC gains a +4 insight bonus to their DEX
immediately. As long as the cape is worn, the PC also has immunity to all
damage from Fire and Cold attacks, though he must choose one or the other.
Also, the PC can cause the colors of the cape’s overlay and lining to switch on a
moment’s thought.

Cannot be constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 18th; Weight --- Slot Ring
This Golden ring has a blue diamond in it. When worn, it imbues its owner with
powerful magical energies. The owner of this ring has his Caster level increase by 4
for the purposes of spell duration, effects, damage, and for qualifying for feats; and
increases the DC for all spells by 1. In addition, whenever a creature is subject to a
spell from the wielder, the creature once per day (at caster’s discretion) must make 2
saving throws, and take the worst result of the 2.
Although the Ring of Arcana consumes one ring slot, a second ring of arcane can be worn and
rendered active without consuming a second ring slot, though doing this while wearing 2 rings only
gives the wielder an additional use of forcing the enemy to roll 2 saving throws.

Cannot be Constructed

Aura Strong Transmutation and Evocation; CL 20th; Weight N/A Slot Ring
This silver ring has a green emerald crafted into the band. The ring once was said to have been owned
by an old God, and has the numbers “24” written onto it in Celestial. When the ring is
worn, the PC’s STR is increased by 24. However, as long as the ring is worn, the PC
acts as if his/her AC was reduced by 24 (it goes no lower than 10). If the ring is
removed or rendered inactive, it requires to be worn for 24 hours before it activates

The ring of Ares is destroyed when doused in the blood of Goliaths and a Celestial being, at which
point the ring can be destroyed as normal as long as the wielder’s STR is higher than 24.

Aura Strong Transmutation CL 20th; Weight N/A Slot Ring
This solid gold ring has an overwhelming power inside of it. While wearing the ring,
the wearer’s stats are all increased by +8. While the ring is worn, the wielder also
gains 3 additional ring slots, 1 additional neck slot, and one additional headband slot.
However, during combat, the wielder always has a 20% chance to do nothing, as if
afflicted by a Bestow curse spell. Immunity to curses does not negate the effects of
the artifact. If the ring is removed or suppressed, it requires to be worn for 24 hours before it
activates again, though the penalties do not abate.

Destroying the ring of varda requires a Parathropus skull to be grinded into dust, and placed into a
boiling cauldron. By placing the ring in it, the ring melts instantly.

Price N/A; Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 12th ; Weight 3 lb Slot Shoulders
This blue colored royal cape seemly gleams nobility. Donning the cape grants the
wielder a +8 enhancement bonus to CHA.

Cannot be Constructed

Price 5,000 GP; Aura Strong Evoation; CL 14th; Weight --- Slot Slotless
This white and blue necklace usually appears like a small sized silver holy
symbol. As a full round action, the wielder can crush the Holy symbol in his
hand, unleashing a massive white light in a 200 foot radius. This white light
deals 10d6 damage to all enemies he wishes to unleash this disruptive
energy on, while sparing any he deems from the damage. The item is
worthless afterwards.

Cost 2,500 GP
Craft Wondrous items, Spells: Enervation, Daylight, Holy Smite

Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 14th; Weight 2 lb Slot Headband
This circlet is made of a red ruby from Dracula’s treasure chamber, and is
specifically meant to counter fire based attacks. If a PC is hit by an attack that
deals fire damage, the PC may attempt a will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ the
damage received). If the PC succeeds the Will save, not only does the attack deal
0 damage, the PC is also healed in hit points equal to the damage received. Any
HP left over if the PC is healed fully becomes temporary Hit points.
The wielder always has an innate Resistance to fire of 10.
There is a 50% chance that this item functions normally, even if the PC fails the check.
Cannot be Constructed

Price 60,000 GP; Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 14th; Weight 2 lb
This Adamantine +4 Bastard sword functions like the Heaven sword, but cannot
create an illusionary copy of itself that can be used as a weapon, nor is it an epic

Cannot be constructed

Price N/A; Aura Medium Enchantment; CL 12th; Weight 1 lb Slot Slotless
This broom looks to be an ordinary broom. The user may mount the broom as if the user was a witch.
The broom has a fly speed of 80 feet. After the user has used it longer than 24 hours, the user gains
a particular bond with the broom, unlocking its true abilities. While riding the
broom, the wielder has a 75% chance to negate all attacks called against it, while
having a 25% chance to negate all spells cast against it. The owner can also as an
immediate action teleport back on the broom if the owner slips. The broom will
remain stationary if the owner falls in the air. While riding the broom, the owner
acts as if they have a 22 DEX for determining AC. If the owner dies, the broom is
destroyed along with it. If the item is dispelled and inactive at the time of the
wielders death, then the item can select a new owner.

Cannot be Constructed

Price N/A; Aura Medium Transmutation; CL 15th; Weight 2 lb Slot Boots
These bluish boots are smooth and slip easily into one’s feet. Wearing these boots
subjects the person to an Enlarge person spell. A person who wears these boots
and becomes the target of an actual enlarge person spell causes the effects to

Cannot be Constructed


Price N/A; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight --- lb
This brown key is a personal one for Shaft to unlock the door to his bedroom.

Cannot be constructed

Price 20,000 GP; Aura Medium Evocation; CL 10th ; Weight 7 lb
This +3 Fire Forged Steel shield is made of burning flames, and is hot to be around.
Once gripped in hand though, the flames suddenly feel normal to the PC, and grant him a Resistance
10 to fire. Shield Bashing with this deals 2d6 fire damage, and the individual with this shield can use it
as if he was proficient with it.

Cost 10,000 GP. Fire-forged steel.
Craft Weapons and Armor, Resist Energy, Protection from Energy, Wall of Fire

Aura Strong Abjuration and Enchantment; CL 24th; Weight 6 lb
This Sapphire blue rod has a small statue of a shield molded into it on the top,
and has a grip on the top, similar to that of a cane. This rod always glows a blue
light of 20 feet when a shield is within 20 feet of it, implying that it was made to
be used with such defense items.

The wielder of the Shield Rod always has a +4 Misc bonus to AC, and the rod
acts like a +2 Mace (the rod can also deal epic damage to Dracula). The wielder
as a swift action is also capable of projecting a Wall of Force. The Wall of Force
operates at a 10th Caster level, but can only be 15 feet wide, and 10 feet tall. The wielder at maximum
can employ two of these walls. If a third one is created, the oldest wall disperses first. There is no
limit to how many walls can be made, but only two can be existing at one time. Each wall employed
lasts 7 rounds before vanishing, but can be canceled out at will by pressing a button on the rod.

In addition, the rod has a special affinity to shields. As mentioned, it glows 20 feet in the presence of
a shield. A shield which has the light of the rod on it gains a +1 Enchantment bonus for one hour. If
the shield is made of a special or primitive material, the shield rod glows 40 feet instead of 20.

Finally, the Shield Rod can bestow powerful magical energies into the air by borrowing ethereal energy
created from shields exposed to its light. Depending on the material of the shields in the area, a PC
can cast a powerful spell built into the shield. To do this, the PC must sacrifice one of his highest level
spells to cast the effect (the first effect bestowed is always free, but after that requires one highest
level spell per day to be sacrificed in order to do so afterward. This free cost is renewed at the end of
the day. A non-spell caster in this case can use the Shield Rod’s ability one time.) The table below
lists the effects created. The range of each of these auras are 40 feet, plus the range of the light that
the Shield Rod has at the time (generally 80 feet…PCs can cast spells such as light if they want to
extend the distance), and (unless listed otherwise) last 4 rounds. Only one aura can be active at one
time. The PC must designate who the targets of the effect are when choosing the aura prior to using
it. Using the extended spell Metamagic feat doubles the duration of the auras if the PCs use it.

The following enemies are immune to the effects of the Shield Rod’s auras, with the exception of auras
that augment the PCs: Dracula, Death, Pet Succubus, Frost Dhuron, Frost Necromancer, Olrox, False
Dracula, Gabion, Slogra, Doppelganger 20, Medusa Naga, Richter’s Ghost, Gigori, Blue Venus Weed,
Ghost Knight, Guardian, all creatures with Magic Immunity, Ice Devil, Frankenstein.

Material of Shield Effect Created

Standard (no special A mere ? mark appears above the shield. No effect
material used)

Adamantine Bestows an energy effect on all allies the PC designates in the area that coalesces
into the PCs weapons. The PCs weapons are capable of going through Damage
Reduction for 10 rounds.
Alchemical Silver (or An energy emitted from the Shield Rod creates a powerful aura that effects
Pure Silver) Vampires and Lycanthropes. Anyone of these creatures caught in the aura must
make a Will save of 29, or be staggered, fatigued, and blinded. This aura affects
creatures that are normally immune to this. Aura lasts only 1 round, and has a
range of 60 feet. Status effects remain on the afflicted creature for half of their HD.
Angelskin A powerful paladin aura emits from the Shield Rod. This aura mimics the auras
granted by the Paladin as if the aura was a 17th level Paladin.
Blood Crystal A wicked blood red light emits from the Shield Rod, which effects all creatures in it.
Creatures caught in the aura must make a fortitude check of 29, or be subject to 8
points of bleed damage a round. Undead are immune to this aura, but receive 2d6
damage a round in its place.
Cold Iron A freezing chill aura imbues onto the weapons of the PC, granting them the Frost
enchantment. If their weapons already have this enchantment, it simply stacks
with it. In addition, these ice weapons can go through Ice Resistance.
Darkwood An aura of Haste is emitted from the rod. The wielders caught in the light of the
aura are granted the effects of Haste, Long strider, and Expeditious retreat for as
long as the aura remains active.
Dragon hide All the individuals in the area gain Resistance 10 to all energy types, even force.
Elysian Bronze A bright light with the sound of a chorus echoes from the staff. PCs caught in the
light are able to select a favored enemy for as long as the light lasts in the same
manner of a Ranger.
Fire-forged steel A burning aura encases the PCs. PCs designated by the aura are granted immunity
to fire. All weapons act as if they have the Flaming special ability.
Frost-forged steel A chilling aura encases the PCs. PCs designated by this aura have immunity to cold.
All weapons act as if they have the Frost special ability.
Greenwood and/or A peaceful nature aura emits from the staff, in the form of a vision from the forest,
Living Steel and the illusions of birds and insects flying about. PCs caught in this aura have
Regeneration 5.
Mithral A powerful aura incases the body of the PCs, changing the skin of the PCs to Steel
and metal for as long as the aura lasts. PCs gain Damage Reduction
Bone and Bronze A powerful destructive aura touches all weapons and armor not designated by the
wielder of the rod as immune. Weapons and armor that are not designated receive
3d6 damage that goes through they’re hardness. This aura lasts only 1 round.
Gold A golden aura targets creatures that the wielder does not designate as immune to
the rod. Creatures caught in the light have their speed cut in half.
Stone A Petrification aura emits from the rod in the form of a gray dim light. Enemies
caught in this aura must make a Will save of 29, or be subject to a Flesh to Stone

Attempting to use a shield made of a metal or substance not mentioned above causes the Shield Rod
to go erratic and self-destruct, dealing 30d6 force damage to all subjects in the area.

Price 35,550; Aura Medium Necromancy; CL 10th ; Weight 2 lb
This curved +2 Blood Crystal Scimitar is very sharp and easily tears away flesh.
Hitting a person with this deals 2 points of bleed damage a round. Hitting an already bleeding enemy
with the Blood crystal sword continues to inflict further bleed damage in this way.
This sword also carries with it the Returning weapon ability, and has an effective throw range of 40

Cost 17,775 GP.
Craft weapons and Armor, Spells: Bleed


Aura Overwhelming Conjuration; CL 20th ; Weight 20 lb Slot Armor
This +7 Obsidian Mithral Balancing, Benevolent, Bolstering, Champion,
Defiant Against Undead Darkwood studded leather is believed to be the armor
of Simon Belmont. It is made with black leather with a red pelt around it, and
comes with boots and gloves made to match. Simon Belmont wore this armor
when he first defeated Dracula.

This armor grants the individual a 20 foot jump that can be made as part of a
move action. In addition, the armor grants the individual to eight times per
day utilize the dodging panache and the parry and riposte ability of a
swashbuckler, as well as use smite evil once per day as though he/she was a

A monk and war priest can wear this armor, and still gain the AC bonus from wearing no armor.

When a Belmont dons the armor, the armor gains the Brawling, Champion, and Deathless
enchantments. This individual also becomes immune to critical hits, and four times a day when
damaged from a spell or attack may move 15 feet away immediately. This movement does not
provoke attacks of opportunity. Any further damage inflicted is negated entirely.

This armor can only be destroyed if sundered by a Belmont.

Price 3,500; Aura Faint Necromancy; CL 6th ; Weight 1 lb
This +2 Bone Light wooden Shield is light and easy to handle. It appears to have a
skull on the front of it. The wielder of this shield gains DR 15/--- when fighting
against any skeletons.

Cost 1,750 GP, Bone Wooden shield
Craft Weapons and Armor

Aura Strong Evocation and Conjuration; CL 20th; Weight 2 lb
This staff is the staff of Sypha Belnades, more than likely grave robbed by Dracula. The staff contains
powerful holy magic within it. Those who wield the staff can obtain the power that Sypha once
wielded. The staff as a weapon is considered a +6 Holy, Good, Conductive, Quarterstaff.
First the staff carries the following spells on it:

Fireball – 1 Charges
Lightning Bolt – 1 Charges
Freezing Sphere –1 Charge
Inflict Critical Wounds – 1 Charge
Cure Critical wounds - 1 Charge

Second, the wielder of the staff can choose to gain immunity to Cold, Fire, or
Electricity at all times whiles the staff in his hand. He/she may only gain one of
these immunities at all times, and changing the energy type is a full round
action. Damage inflicted by the PC as a result of any of the chosen energy type
always deals 50% additional damage.

Third, the wielder of the staff has +1 added to all of his spells per day, and +4
to all saving throws.

By merely holding the staff, the individual is able to apply for the mystic
theurge prestige class even if he/she does not meet the prerequisites.

When using this staff against Dracula, the spellcaster is always able to go
through Dracula’s Magic Resistance, and has a +4 to the check against
Dracula. Damaging spells such a Scorching ray and others always go through
Dracula’s Resistances.

The Staff of Sypha can only be destroyed if it is sundered by a Belmont.

Price 15,000 GP; Aura Medium Enchantment; CL 12th; Weight 4 lb
This +2 Star Flail is light and easy to swing. If a PC hits an enemy with this, a burst
of magic emits from the flail, calling an attack on all foes within 10 feet of the struck

Cannot be constructed

Price 10,000 GP; Aura Medium Transmutation; CL 5th Weight 3/4 lb
This +1 Stone Short Sword has the power of a Medusa running through it. On a
Critical hit, the targeted creature must succeed a Fortitude save of 17, or be subject
to Flesh to Stone spell. This weapon despite being Magic has the Fragile quality, and
is destroyed if a Natural 1 is rolled.

Cost 5,000 GP. Stone Short Sword.
Craft Weapons and Armor, Spells: Flesh to Stone

Price N/A; Aura N/A; CL N/A; Weight --- lb
This key looks rugged and tough, made from a rusted bronze. It looks like it’s used to unlock a certain
Cannot be Constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 16th ; Weight 1 lb Slot Neck
This necklace is made of gleaming well shaped gold, which glows yellow in the
Sunlight, as well as in the moon light. The gemstone itself is an orange topaz which is
carved into the shape of the sun. If a PC wears this necklace between the hours of
6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, the PC gains a +4 on all Attribute scores. When 6:01 PM occurs,
the item loses its effect until the next morning.

Cannot be Constructed

Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 20th; Weight 8 lb
This Fire Forged +6 Great sword glows an ethereal light. Sensing any
presence within the sword reveals multiple consciousness’s strewn throughout
the blade. A PC who wields the sword can as a swift action can cast Summon
Monster IX once per every 1d6 rounds. All monsters summoned act as if the
wielder possessed the Augmented Summoning feat and can move on the
same round. However, these creatures last for only one round before

This weapon always deals damage to Dracula, regardless if it hits his head or not.

Cannot be constructed

Aura Overwhelming Transmutation; CL 20th; Weight 6 lb
This +2 Pure silver bastard sword is a blade used by a legendary human king
of old. In all other races hands, this sword is merely as it is. In the hands of a
human however, the sword becomes of that of a +6 Dueling, Defending,
Allying, Impact, bastard sword.

In the hands of a human, this weapon always deals damage to Dracula,

regardless if it hits his head or not.

Cannot be constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Evocation; CL 20th; Weight 2 lb
This +6 Fire Forged long sword has the pure aura of flames drenched all across the sword, and is
burning to the touch. It is said that this black and orange sword was forged
with the remains of a mighty demon drenched in flames. In fact, this sword is
so hot, that those without a minimum resistance to fire of 6 cannot wield the
sword without taking 1d6 fire damage each round.
If the individual receives damage from Marsil, the magic powers of the sword
diminish and disappear until the owner is able to have resistance fire 6.
This sword possesses the Igniting, Flaming Burst, and Flaming qualities. Three times a day, the sword
can be used to summon a Wall of Fire at 14th CL. In addition, if the wielder can wield the sword, the
wielder gains immunity to fire. And finally, this sword grants the wielder the Fire Affinity ability,
allowing the wielder to gain HP as a result of fire damage, and all of his fire related spells deal 2
additional hit die.

By taking the sword of Marsil into the Plane of Ice, dipping it into a Cold Iron Blanche, with an
equivalent of 20 gallons of it, and throwing it in the deepest part of the Plane’s subterranean levels,
the sword’s fire finally dies out on it, and becomes a normal +1 long sword

Price N/A; Aura Strong Conjuration; CL 19th; Weight --- Slot Slotless
This card has a sword drawn onto it, with a greenish-silver blade, and a golden hilt
to it. The wielder of the card gains the Sword Familiar. If the wielder already has a
familiar, this familiar stacks alongside his own.

Cannot be constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Illusion; CL 16th; Weight 2 lb Slot Ring
This ring possesses a red ruby, green emerald, and blue sapphire, which is made
on a silver band. It always reacts by glowing slightly whenever the PC receives
damage. If the PC receives damage, there is a 25% chance that the talisman will
negate the attack completely.

Cannot be Constructed

Aura Strong Necromancy and Illusion; CL 18th; Weight 2 lb
This -5 Living Steel Temple sword possesses a powerful aura that makes it
appear to be a Luck Blade. A PC must make a Will save of 25 to disbelief the
illusion, or any Spellcraft check they make reveals it only to be a Luck Blade
(see Ultimate Equipment). If the PC uses this sword once, the curse activates.
The PC loses 1d6 CON every day while wielding this sword and cannot recover
this CON damage. If the PC fails to break the curse by the end of the day, the
CON damage becomes permanent. A PC will always draw this sword, even they
meant to draw some other item, and will always inflict 1d10 less damage with
it. A Wish or Miracle spell is needed to be able to discard the sword. Permanent
CON damage never recovers.


+5 Long sword, Life Drinker

Aura Overwhelming Necromancy; CL 20th ; Weight N/A lb Slot Shoulders
This cloak is a powerful cloak, made only in Castlevania. Wizards and
spell-casters alike covet the powers of this cloak, and the strength it
carries in it. The cloak made of a black cloth for the overlay, and the
lining on the bottom periodically changes from red to black over and over.

The wearer’s casting stat is then increased by +4, and is given a +2 caster level increase. The wearer
of the cloak is immune to all fortitude based saves. Once a day, the wearer of the cloak can use any
one of his known Metamagic feats for no additional cost, as if he possessed a Greater Metamagic rod
of the same type.

When using this cloak against Dracula, the spellcaster is always able to go through Dracula’s Magic
Immunity, and has a +4 to the check to cast a spell against Dracula. Damaging spells such a
Scorching ray and others always go through Dracula’s Resistance.

Cannot be Constructed

Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 20th ; Weight 8 lb
This red glowing +6 Fire-Forged long sword is a legendary blade forged by the great Dwarf smiths of
old. If used in combat however, the individual at his discretion will act if his
STR score is always set to 10 for the purposes of damage (though the
individual keeps any bonuses granted from magic items, spells, or anything
else; and mythic ability score increases remain; the wielder still uses his full
STR score for calculating to hit).
In exchange for this, the sword gains the flaming, frost, shocking, corrosive,
good, and evil enhancements (a good aligned character can still wield this
sword, even if evil). These weapon abilities cannot be absorbed as per normal resistances.
Every time the sword is drawn, it must slay at least one humanoid individual before it is sheathed.
Failure to do so will cause the wielder to die under mysterious circumstances at random (1% chance,
plus 1% for every 1d4 days).

This sword always deals epic damage to Dracula, regardless of where it hits.

By returning this blade to the sight of where it first took blood, and by spilling the blood of the three
dwarf lords who forged onto a hallowed ground, the sword will fall apart.

Price 1,100 GP; Aura Medium Abjuration; CL 10th ; Weight ½ lb
This white flask contains powerful healing agents inside of it, and has an opaque
white liquid within it. If consumed, the subject is imbued with a Remove Curse
spell, with a +10 to the Caster check.
This effect is not a potion, and cannot be used continually as through Alchemical

Cost 550 GP
Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous items Spells: Remove Curse


Aura Overwhelming Conjuration and Evocation; CL 20th ; Weight 2 lb
This may seem like an ordinary whip, with an orange rope made at the end of it. But this whip is so
much more than that. This whip is the bane of all of Vampires and undead, made specifically for the
Belmont clan. It is this whip solely that has made the clan feared among undead necromancers,
vampires, and undead alike.
This whip is a +6 weapon Deadly, Holy, Dueling,
Countering, Conductive, Bane of Undead Elysian Bronze
Whip, and the whip threatens in its full range. The whip also
has the ability to change into different forms by spending
one standard action. The different forms are as follows:

Whip form: Standard whip stats.

Morning star form: deals 1d6 damage, range lowered by 5
Thorn form: Deals 1d2 damage. All enemies hit take 2
points of bleed damage a round. Undead also receive this
damage. Range extended by 5 feet. Stopped with a heal
check of 20. Gains the Disrupting enchantment (DC 30 for
Fire form: Deals 1d3 damage. Gains both Flaming and
Flaming Burst Enchantments.
Combat Cross form: Deals 1d4+1 on hit. Critical range
drops to 18-20. Must attack in melee range. Looks like that of a platinum holy symbol and can be
used as a stake.

The only family that can wield the whip are Belmonts. Anyone else who grips the whip, the whip's
properties will become inert, until a Belmont picks it up again. In addition, the wielder is dealt 1d4
CON drain a day if he uses the whip, until he drops it. This CON damage cannot be healed until after
24 hours. Having the Descendant of the Belmont trait enables one to wield this whip.

Against a vampire, the whip’s enhancement bonus goes up by 1.

The Vampire Killer whip always deals epic damage to Dracula, regardless of where it hits.

There is no known way to destroy the Vampire killer.

Aura Overwhelming Necromancy; CL 25th; Weight 2 lb
This +7 Living Steel Large long sword is the personal weapon of
Dracula himself. This weapon glows a radiant ethereal blue light,
and looks extremely cold to the touch. Aura of mist and frost
comes from the sword as it is used. It is rumored that this sword
was forged somewhere in deep in between the depths of the
Negative energy plane and icy depths of the Elemental Plane of
Water, and then claimed by Dracula at an unknown time.
The Void sword upon striking a PC drains 1d4 points of CON
damage each time they are struck by the sword. In addition, each
time the wielder is struck, they must succeed a fortitude save of
30, or be bestowed with 2 negative levels. For every point of
damage Dracula deals with this sword, he is restored that much
HP using Negative energy. The sword also possesses the Called,
Frost, Evil, Bane of Humanoids (Humans) and Unholy
enchantments on it.
Only the owner of the Crimson Stone can wield this sword. Anyone else who lays hands upon is
instantly paralyzed for one minute

When the owner of the Crimson stone perishes, the Voidsword crumbles to dust with him. The sword
does not reform until the true owner of the Stone returns.

Aura Faint Enchantment; CL 11 th; Weight 45 lb
This +1 Gold Breastplate shimmers brightly in candlelight and other light sources.
It’s aura actually seems to get stronger as the PC wears the armor. For each 2 areas
of the Castle that the PC has explored (areas being considered maps), the armor’s
enchantment bonus increases by +1, and the aura increases one level (the aura
starts at small, but then increases to medium, then strong, then overwhelming). For
every 3 levels that the enchantment bonus increases, a PC can select one armor
ability that becomes permanently part of the armor (this armor lacks the +5
enchantment bonus limit, and the PCs may select whatever ability they want). When the bonus is +5,
the PC can change the metal of the armor to any metal he or she feels.

Cannot be Constructed

Price N/A; Aura Strong Transmutation; CL 16th; Weight 1 lb Slot Head
This plain old Wizard’s hat has more power than most. Wearing this hat grants the
wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to all mental attributes. A arcane caster who uses
their intelligence for their spells while wearing this hat can use his intelligence
modifier in place of one saving throw.

Cannot be constructed

Price 15,000 GP; Aura Faint Transmutation; CL 9th; Weight 10 lb
This is an extremely long and heavy +2 Impact Great Sword, that is favored among Barbarians. This
Great Sword is 10 feet long and large sized, but can be wielded without penalty by a medium sized
creature. When using it to make a called shot to the head, the wielder takes no penalty.

Cost 7,500 GP
Craft Weapons and Armor, Spells: Bulls Strength, Lead Blades,

Price N/A; Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 15th; Weight 5 lb Slot Slotless
This item appears to be a white Plaque, similar to that of awards given for certain criteria. The plaque
is made of a white marble, and has the number 0 in common inscribed on the plaque. This item
created as the result of attempting to make a Triple shot plaque, but with a used Double shot Plaque.
Despite its appearance, this item is a curse. If a PC attempts to use it, the curse activates. When this
happens, a PC always have a 70% chance to do nothing any round. Throwing the item away, or
attempting to dispose of it has no effect, as the item simply returns to the owner in some strange
fashion. The only way to remove it to use a Remove Curse spell, or to be subject to a Wish or Miracle
spell. After that, the item must be destroyed in 24 hours, or the curse resumes. The item has a
Hardness of 8, and a HP of 50.

Double Shot Plaque, Triple Shot Plaque

Writer’s notes: Any items that have a creation cost and a price on it are available to purchase at the start of the campaign when one is
building their character. All N/A items cannot be obtained at the start, and only adventuring in the Castle can they be found. An
item with a price tag can be sold to the Master Librarian; and purchased from him. An item that has a price tag, but no creation
cost is considered never seen before to the adventurers; and while purchasable by the Master Librarian is unknown to them until
they see it. An item that lacks a price tag and creation cost cannot be sold or purchased.

School Necromancy Level bloodrager 3, cleric 5, Inquisitor 4, oracle 5, magus 5, shaman 5, sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S
Range touch
Target you or willing creature
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no

Upon casting this spell over you, the PC is engulfed in a blood red aura which encases him. While you are
under this aura, you deal bleed damage to target creatures with your melee attacks. You deal 1 point of
bleed damage per 2 caster levels. In addition, for every point of bleed damage you deal, you gain 1d6
temporary hit points. Individuals under this effect also possess a Blood Drain attack as if they were

School Evocation [Electricity] Level magus 5, sorcerer/wizard 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V
Range 100 feet, +10 feet per level
Target creatures in line
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw Reflex halves, Fortitude negates (Staggering); Spell Resistance Yes

You emit a blast of corrupted lightning from you’re hand in a single line. This spell functions like
Lightning bolt, except it deals d10 damage instead of d6 (maximum 10d10). If they fail the reflex, they
must make a Fortitude save. If they fail, they are staggered for 1 round.

School Necromancy [Death] Level Cleric 5, Inquisitor 5, Magus 5, Warpriest 5, sorcerer/wizard 6,
Casting Time 1 Full round action
Components V, S, 1 vial of blood
Range 60 foot radius
Target Creatures designated as targets by you mentally
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw Will halves, Spell Resistance Yes

You unleash a powerful aura from your body resonating all around you. This aura enters in living or dead
beings and saps they’re life force. Creatures hit by this take 1d4 damage per 2 caster level (maximum of
20). All damage received is returned to you as Positive or Negative (which you designate as the energy
returns to you) energy which coalesces into a sphere. You may hurl this sphere at a PC or creature to deal
damage, or heal, depending on the creature type and energy type. You may also squeeze you’re hands to
have the sphere enter your body, healing or damaging you depending on your creature type and the
energy used. This sphere lasts 2 rounds after the spell before vanishing into nothing.

School Necromancy [fear, mind-effecting][Fire] Level bard 2, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 2, druid 3, hunter 3, oracle 3,
witch 3,
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, a piece of iron
Range 5 feet
Target N/A
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (Fear); Spell Resistance Yes

You unleash four separate ghoulish spirits that all take the form of fireballs in four separate squares
around you. These fireballs wait until hostile targets move within 30 feet of them, in which case they fly
at them for a ranged touch attack (+1 per caster level). These fireballs deal 3d6 fire damage, plus 1 per
caster level. Those who are hit and possesses a HD less than 10 must make a Will save, or be frightened
for 10 rounds. These fireballs vanish after the attack, whether they hit or miss

School Conjuration [Force] Level bloodrager 4, paladin 4, cleric 5, inquisitor 5, oracle 5, magus 5, sorcerer/wizard 6,
witch 6,
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, Sword Familiar in hand
Range 50 foot radius
Target All in the radius not designated by you mentally
Duration 1 round for damage, 1 round invulnerability
Saving Throw Reflex halves; avoids grounded effect and trip Spell Resistance No

You raise the Sword Familiar in hand and summon a rain of energy swords on the target as it glows a
bright green all around you, dealing 1d8 per caster level against all targets you have designated 50 feet
around you. Targets who are hit if they are flying are sent to the ground instantly if they fail reflex. All
targets who fail reflex are subject to a trip attack (uses INT instead of STR for CMB). After this, the
sword incases you a powerful shield, blocking all negative effects for 1 round.

School Necromancy [Acid] Level bloodrager 4, cleric 5, inquisitor 5, oracle 5, magus 4, sorcerer/wizard 5, witch 5
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (Piece of a heart)
Range Long (400 feet/40 level)
Target 60 foot radius
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Fortitude halves; Spell Resistance Yes

You cause a cloud to appear and begin calling down bloody raindrops. The bloody rain acts like acid,
dealing 1d6 acid damage per caster level (maximum 15d6). A Fortitude save reduces the damage by half.
On every failed saving throw, affected targets suffer 1 Constitution drain, and become sickened from the
pungent blood smell for 1d6 minutes (a failed save after this upgrades this to Nauseated for 1d6 rounds)
School Conjuration [Force] Level druid 6, cleric 6, magus 6, sorcerer/wizard 6,
Casting Time 1 full round (Radius), 1 Standard action (touch)
Components V, S, M (piece of obsidian)
Range touch or 20 foot radius
Target 1 target; and everyone in a 10 foot radius of that target, or everyone in a 20 foot radius
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Reflex halves and negates (trip); Spell Resistance No

You cause powerful kinetic energy to build up in your fist. You can either unleash this energy as a melee
touch attack. Hitting someone with this melee touch attack causes explosive energy to emit from the
target, hitting everyone else in a 10 foot radius; and dealing 1d4 damage per caster level against them.
Those who were not directly hit are allowed a reflex save to half the damage. You can optionally slam
this energy onto the ground, dealing half the normal damage dice to hit everyone in a 20 foot radius
around you. Anyone who fails their reflex save when doing this is subject to the full damage dice when
doing this option, and is subject to a trip attempt.

School Transmutation [Good] Level cleric 4, inquisitor 4, paladin 4, oracle 4,
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF, (Dove feather)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Will negates (Harmless); Spell Resistance Yes (Harmless)

You cause brilliant angel wings to morph onto your body. This spell functions like fly except that the fly
speed only is at 30 feet, and the wielder gains no bonus to fly checks. However, the affected individual
gains a Wing Smash attack that is made at his highest base attack, or as an offhand attack at -5 (dealing
1d8 damage, plus strength modifier or half if off hand). These wings count as holy weapons.

School Transmutation [Evil] Level cleric 4, inquisitor 4, antipaladin 4, oracle 4,
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, DF, (Imp’s wing)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw Will negates (Harmless); Spell Resistance Yes (Harmless)

You cause twisted demon wings to morph onto your body. This spell functions like fly except that the fly
speed only is at 30 feet, and the wielder gains no bonus to fly checks. However, the affected individual
gains a Wing Smash attack that is made at his highest base attack, or as an offhand attack at -5 (dealing
1d8 damage, plus strength modifier or half if off hand). These wings count as Unholy weapons.

School Transmutation [Lawful] Level cleric 6, druid 6, hunter 6, inquisitor 6, oracle 6,
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M:DF (Cool color gem worth 25 GP)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (Harmless); Spell Resistance Yes (Harmless)

You become encased in a glowing blue aura that covers your entire body, and have glowing white clouds
surrounding your surface. While in this form, you have Damage Reduction 10/Chaotic. In addition, every
time you strike an enemy with your weapon, you absorb their life force from their body into your own,
healing you for as much damage as you deal to the enemy.
Taking one point of damage from a chaotic aligned weapon or natural attack ends the effect.

School Transmutation [Chaotic] Level cleric 6, druid 6, hunter 6, inquisitor 6, oracle 6,
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M:DF (Warm color gem worth 25 GP)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (Harmless); Spell Resistance Yes (Harmless)

You become encased in a glowing red aura that covers your entire body, and have blackish clouds
surrounding your surface. While in this form, you have Damage Reduction 10/Lawful. In addition, all of
your attacks always add 1 ½ your STR modifier (DEX if you use ranged weapons), and increases power
attack damage by +1 (+3 damage for light and one handed weapons; +4 for two handed weapons or two
handing a one handed weapon). In the case for using weapons two handed, you add double your STR
Taking one point of damage from a lawful aligned weapon or natural attack ends the effect.

School Evocation [Air] Level druid 3, hunter 3, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M (bird feather)
Range 90 feet
Effect 1 creature
Duration 1 round
Saving Throw Fortitude negates; Spell Resistance yes

This spell functions like gust of wind, but the wind also has magical birds that fly through the cyclone,
dealing 4d6 slashing damage, +1 per 2 caster levels.
This spell cannot be made permanent through a permanency spell.


Pure silver (Silver): It is rumored that items made entirely of pure silver have a more effective
means at combating supernatural creatures, instead of metal made from alchemical silver. A pure
silver weapon has a 20$% to affect an incorporeal creature as if the weapon had ghost touch. A
pure silver weapon costs double the listed price for alchemical silver weapons.

Dracula’s attacks on the land (Knowledge History)

DC 10: Dracula’s attacks on the land happened roughly 600 years ago, striking
against Taldor as his first target. He managed to destroy most of the armies sent
after him, capturing most of the land and besieging Nerosyan until Trevor Belmont;
using a combination of cunning, skill, heroism, and his party, defeated Dracula.

DC 20: 100 years later, and for each consecutive century since, another undead
attack of mysterious origin appeared, attacking Nirmathas next, which other
countries following each century. Each of these attacks were led by a powerful
vampire who claimed himself to be Dracula.

DC 30: It is believed that these undead attacks that occur annually are in fact led by a
resurrected Dracula; and every attack that occurred in the next century was also led
by him. While no one knows why Dracula is restored to life, they can generalize it is
roughly once per century.

Transila (Knowledge Geography)

DC 10: Transila is large county in Lastwall, mostly known for its dark atmosphere and
dark history where Dracula appeared 600 years ago to strike back at a nation that
paid reverence to Iomedae. It is mostly large plainslands, along with rolling hills and
large lakes. Most of the people who live here make their living as fishers on Lake
Encarthan, store owners, and farmers.

DC 15: The dominate religions in the land is Iomedae and Gorum as per norm, but
Sarenrae also has prevalence there. Asomdeus is rumored to also be worshipped,
but usually in secret.

DC 20: Most of the land is filled with gothic architecture, though most consider these
ruins cursed. Because of that, the ruins are usually havens for the undead and evil
Dracula (Knowledge Nobility)

DC 10: Dracula was an ancient vampire in Golraion who first took power after the
death of the baron in the land. He was regarded as a powerful, towering being who
people worshiped as a god among men who tried to destroy all the humanoids of
Golarion. He met his end at the hands of Trevor Belmont.

DC 20: Dracula originally was a very peaceful individual when he first took power.
Although his Castle held numerous undead servants, they mostly were used to guard
his borders. The servants who were not undead remained in the Castle, where they
were allowed to practice their taboos, sneer at the Gods who betrayed them, and
practice anti-religious behavior, free from influence from the church.

DC 30: Dracula was originally named Mathias Cromquvist, a pure blooded Alzanti
who was a well known Alchemist and Paladin of the church of Iomedae. To become
Dracula, Mathias tricked his friend; Leon Belmont and the legendary vampire, Walter
Benard, to face each other (Leon Belmont was tricked into killing his wife to forge
the Vampire Killer whip, and Walter was tricked into facing the Belmont by
kidnapping his wife). Walter’s soul was then absorbed by Dracula, and then used to
forge his power. He then left Leon without a wife, and went on to become Dracula.

DC 40: Dracula had 2 wives in both his life, and unlife. His first wife died while during
a crusade for Iomedae, the Goddess Mathias revered at the time. It is believed that
Dracula was prompted to become an immortal vampire purely out of rage and
despair. His second wife, was killed at the stake; accused of witchcraft. This is often
believed why Dracula snapped and cursed at humanity.
Castlevania (Knowledge Engineering or Dungeoneering)

DC 10: Castlevania is a mythological Castle, told in stories by older men from tales
from old, believed to appear in Isger. The tale goes that a mysterious vampire would
go around kidnapping maidens or loved ones to someone, and force the individual in
the maze that is the Castle to find them, filled with undead and evil outsiders, before
being felled by the master of the Castle.

DC 20: The most intriguing part of this tale is the fact that this ancient Castle actually
exists, but no signs of its ruins have ever been found.

DC 25: Castlevania was originally owned by the vampire Walter Benard, who was the
reason why the Castle earned its evil reputation. Walter reigned as a Lord of
Vampires for a period of time longer than Dracula, before being felled by Leon
Belmont. After which, the Castle seemly disappeared.

DC 35: The Castle Dracula uses as his fortress every century or so is in fact
Castlevania itself.
Grant Dynasty (Knowledge Local)

DC 25: Grant Dynasty was a pirate whose origins came from the Shackles. He and his
pirate crew had gone to Castlevania on the rumors of treasure stored within it. The
group failed and was killed, except for Grant, whom was transformed into a demon.
When Trevor Belmont defeated him, he regained human form. Grant was one of the
original four who defeated Dracula.

DC 30: It’s believed that Grant had feelings for Sypha Belnades, but she chose
Trevor. He never appeared at the wedding.

Sypha Belnades (Knowledge Religion)

DC 25: Sypha Belnades was a mystic theurge whose origins are that from Rahadoum.
While she was growing up, a hunt for religious followers came from the Sword of
Man to her town, where many of her friends were killed; including her family. Sypha
managed to escape, where she came to a traveling group of clerics whom took her
out of the country. She eventually came to Mendev to help the cause of defeating
Dracula. She was captured by Dracula and turned to stone, but freed by Trevor
Belmont. After Dracula’s defeat, Sypha married Trevor Belmont.

Alucard (Knowledge Nobility)

DC 40: Alucard is the son of Dracula. He was born from the second wife to Dracula,
and served Dracula willingly, up until his mother was killed. Although angered, his
mother begged him to not hate humans, for their lives were hard enough already.
With this last request planted in his mind, Alucard questioned his father’s motives,
and eventually sided with Trevor Belmont when he realized Dracula would not stop
his quest to destroy humanity. Alucard defeated Dracula twice and then

DC 45: It is often believed that Alucard and Sonia Belmont went to bed together,
which resulted in a pregnancy that continued the Belmont legacy, but this is never
been proven; and is a constant subject of debate among the Belmont family and
historians. Alucard’s true name is Adrian Tepish.
Castlevania’s magic (Knowledge Arcana)

DC 10: Castlevania is believed to be a powerful Castle, radiating with powerful

energies all throughout the Castle. Creatures born in the Castle are often more
powerful due to their exposure to such energies.

DC 15: The Castle has powers that protect its owner from most attempts magically
to maneuver around the Castle. Spells that allow for short and long range
teleportation cannot be used to move in and out of the Castle. In addition, all of the
traps, whether made mechanically or magically automatically reset and realign after
24 hours, and all monsters birthed within the Castle are restored to life after 24

DC 30: The Castle’s powers span that of different planes itself. The Castle is in fact a
nexus of multiple evil aligned planes brought together. Individuals who plane shift
within the Castle merely find themselves in a different Castle that matches
Castlevania on a different plane, and are unable to plane shift into the astral plane.
In addition, the creation of planes, dimensional space, and other spells have no
effect while within the Castle walls.

DC 45: Not only that, the Castle is itself a living entity, and can change its
appearance, structure, and organization at will. The Castle is believed to be
impervious to any form of attack; inside of it or out. No form of structural damage
can occur within the Castle.

DC 60: The Castle itself is formed from the legendary artifact; the Crimson Stone.
This ancient red glowing gem is the very reason how the Castle appears. The owner
of the stone can use it to summon the Castle at any location he or she chooses. The
Crimson stone is the only means to summon the Castle into existence.
The Belmont Family (Knowledge Nobility)

DC 10: The Belmont family are descendants to that of Trevor Belmont, the legendary
Vampire Hunter who slew Dracula over 600 years. Many of the Belmont family train
in the arts of a paladin, and learn how to fight against the undead, as homage to
their ancestor. The Belmont family is often hired by local churches and town guards
to remove undead threats that arise.

DC 20: The Belmont family also carries with their blood powerful magic within them.
During the time where Trevor slew Dracula, he married a woman by the name of
Slypha Belnades. She was a ex-cleric within the church who had also practiced
sorcery. Because she had great powers, most of the Belmont family is able to use
magic and other supernatural powers.

DC 25: The most notable Belmonts were as follows: Trevor Belmont. Famous for first
defeating Dracula, alongside three others. Sonia Belmont: Believed to have defeated
Dracula, and the only female Belmont who was a hunter like the rest. Christopher
Belmont, who lost his son to Dracula when he possessed him. Soleiyu Belmont, the
possessed son of Christopher who slew Dracula when he grew up. Simon Belmont,
the only Belmont who not only single-handedly destroying Dracula’s defensive
forces, but slew Dracula twice. Juste Belmont, the only Belmont who used both the
powers of a sorcerer and paladin to defeat their enemies. The current Belmont alive
is Richter Belmont, who makes his living as a lawyer when not adventuring.

DC 30: The main reason the Belmonts are so effective at slaying vampires and other
undead is a legendary artifact known as the Vampire Killer whip that they have in
their possession from their oldest ancestor; Leon Belmont. Leon forged the whip by
letting it absorb the corrupted soul of his wife, who was bitten by Walter Benard.
The Vampire Killer whip is extremely effective against all undead, and one of the
only weapons that is rumored to harm Dracula normally.

Ashfall (Knowledge Local)

DC 10: Ashfall is a small farming town that lives in one of the providences of Transila.
It makes most of its living through catching fish, and growing wheat and corn. It also
serves as a rest stop for those crossing towards Oldon, or to the West were other
major cities are.
Oldon (Knowledge Local)

DC 10: Oldon is a large walled town that serves as a border village for that of
Transila’s main road. It mostly serves as a rest stop for those who travel into
Transila, or are traveling from Ashfall. It is mostly known for its own ale brewing
New Feats

Double Jump
Your acrobatics are so majestic and your leaps so bold, it almost looks like you can jump in

Prerequisites: Skill Focus (Acrobatics), DEX 16

Benefit: Whenever you make an acrobatics check to leap over an area, if you fail, you can reroll
the d20, though you must take the second result, even if it is worse.

Dodging Flip
You can maneuver around even the most finesse of enemies.

Prerequisites: Skill Focus (Acrobatics), Acrobatic, DEX 16

Benefit: When you make an acrobatics check to avoid an attack of opportunity from an enemy,
you can roll a d20, and roll it again. You add both d20 rolls together before applying your
acrobatics check.

These are campaign traits that can be added into the adventure. Use them at your own discretion.
These all count as campaign traits.

Artifact researcher: Many curious artifacts surround that of the mysterious Castlevania, and
you have heard that these magical artifacts can bestow great power that magic items made
nowadays cannot achieve. You have a +2 trait bonus to spellcraft to identify items within the
Castle, and spellcraft is a class skill for you.

Ancient Architect: You have long researched ancient structures, and have even seen renderings
of ancient Castles. One that has pierced your eye is that of the legendary Castlevania; the ancient
Castle of a legendary vampire. You gain a +1 trait to knowledge dungeoneering and engineering,
and one of these two is a class skill for you.

Crusader: You have come to the land of Transila, hearing rumors of an large undead invasion to
purge the threat outright. Your zealous faith inspires you attempt this regardless of the inherent
risk with this undertaking carries. You add a +1 trait bonus to each dice roll on any divine spell
that deals damage against undead, or outsiders of the evil subtype.

Descendant of the Belmont: You have a very minimal, thinned out connection through your
blood and genes of the Belmont clan, though you are still have recordings of your family’s
fighting style. You add weapon proficiency to whips and spike chains to any class you take, and
you increase the range increment for throwing axes and daggers by 5 feet. In addition, if you
come into contact with the vampire killer whip, you are able to wield it.
Ecclessian Cleric: You have come from the Order of Ecclessia, a clerical order coalition of
Sarenrea, Abadar, Desna, and Torag that has been founded specifically for dealing with Dracula.
As such, your order knows far more from of these dealings than any other, and can gain
information using knowledge checks up to DCs of 20, even when untrained over matters on
Dracula and their family.

Forbidden Knowledge: You personally, or your family has had a history with the Belmont clan;
the mighty fighters and warriors who have defeated Dracula for over 600 years, or have come
into possession of ancient dark knowledge itself. Because of this, you have much more
knowledge of this manner than any normal person would, gaining a +4 trait bonus on knowledge
rolls concerning Dracula, the Belmonts, and all they’re connected to.

Occult Historian: You have researched many things on the land concerning Dracula, and have
gone over ancient scrolls and tomes with knowledge over him. As such, you have a heightened
knowledge on dealing with his legendary power, and have a +1 bonus to knowledge history or
arcane; and one of these is a class skill.

Savior: Your land of Transila has been taken over by Dracula, and as such, you have gained the
will to fight against his armies, no matter what the cost is. You gain a +1 to your will save, which
increases to +3 against illusion and enchantment based effects.

Treasure Hunter: You have heard rumors of treasure brimming within the ancient halls of
Castlevania, and have come here; purely to strike it rich. Knowing the treasure is guarded has
prepared your wits for it; and you have a +2 to disable device or escape artist. Whatever you do
not choose to give the +2 to is a class skill for you.

Undead slayer: You have trained yourself well in fighting the wretched false representation of
life, and can fight these much better than others. You have a +1 trait bonus to attack and damage
when you face these opponents.
Timeline of Events
This timeline shows all the Castlevania related events that happened in Golarion.
Age of Destiny
Date Event
-692 An unknown artificer acquires what is believed to be a fragment of the
philosopher’s stone.
-672 This same artificer finishes his experiments on the fragment, and draws up plans
to create the Crimson Stone.
-641 The unknown artificer perishes before the artifact is complete. His apprentice
picks up the reigns and continues his legacy.
-633 A breakthrough is made and the Ebony Stone is forged as a prototype to the hoped
for Crimson Stone.
-632 The Tarrasque destroys Ninshabur where the artificer is stationed at, and the
Ebony Stone and plans for the Crimson Stone are lost for many centuries.

Age of Enthronement
Date Event
1,323 Rumors of the Crimson Stone spread throughout, though the rumors only describe
the Ebony Stone’s power to control day and night. These rumors are often
believed why the Crimson stone is regarded as a vampire treasure.
1,892 A vampire and a large cult of undead from Geb launches an attack on Taldor
based on rumors of the Crimson Stone being held there.
1,902 The vampire’s attempts all end in vain, and the undead are destroyed. The
vampire is slain, but rumors of why he attacked begin to circulate around Taldor.
1,972 Other surrounding regions learn of the vampire’s crusade, and rumors of the
Stone among other magic practitioners begin to emerge.
2,132 Various attacks from undead led by vampires are seen and heard of as the children
of the night attempt to find the Crimson Stone.
2,832 A vampire in the ruins of Nishabur uncovers the Ebony Stone, and the plans to
create the Crimson Stone.
2,835 The vampire is killed before he can return to his
coven, and the stone and the plans to create the stone
are again lost to history.
2,983 The man who will become Death is born into the
2,999 The man who will become Death ascends to
3,514 Death’s boredom catches up to him and he becomes a
3,534 Walter Benard is born.
3,576 Walter Benard gains Vampirism and becomes an
immortal creature of the night.
3,645 Death returns to his shriveled body and becomes an Awakened Demilich.
3,698 Walter Bernard successfully dupes his master and kills him.
3,702 Asmodeus and Uragathoa both favor Walter Bernard. As such, the two beings
grant him power. Uragathoa grants him great abilities beyond mortals, while
Asmodeus gives him special materials to create a great Castle.
3,703 The devil’s Castle; Castlevania’s construction begins.
3,725 Castlevania’s construction is completed.
3,754 Taldor launches the Shining Crusade against the Whispering Tyrant.
3,762 Rionaldo Gandolfi is born.
3,795 The pure blooded Alzanti, Mathias Cronquivst is released from stasis. He is 5 at
the time.
3,798 Leon Belmont is born.
3,800 Walter Benard begins kidnapping maidens from the land, dragging warriors to
their deaths to stop him.
3,809 Gandolfi’s daughter is kidnapped by Walter Bernard.
3,812 Rinaldo Gandolfi fails to slay Walter Benard after his daughter is kidnapped, and
takes up residence outside his Castle. Leon and Mathias meet each other and
become great friends.
3,818 Leon Belmont and Mathias Cronquvist both are raised to nobility, as a result of
Leon’s and Mathias’ knighthood
3,819 Leon becomes bethroted to Sara Trantoul, and Mathias to Elizabetha in the same
3,820 Leon and Mathias enter the Shining Crusade, under Iomedea. This is believed to
be why most of the Belmont family became paladins.
3,825 Elizabetha dies of an illness while Mathias is away. Upon learning of his
betrothed’s death, Mathias withdraws from the war. Sensing an ill omen, Iomedea
and Leon attempt to convince him otherwise, but all attempts fail.
3,826 On his way back, Mathias acquires both the Ebony Stone, and the incomplete
Crimson Stone as a result of chance.
3,828 The Shining Crusade officially comes to an end
with the founding of Lastwall, a holding of
Taldor tasked with watching over the prison of
the Whispering Tyrant. Mathias’ sanity snaps
and curses the goddess Sarenrae for Elizabeth’s
3,830 Iomedae journeys to attempt the test of the
Starstone. Leon Belmont wishes her farewell and
good luck in her journey. She asks him to watch
over Mathias, whom she still worries about, as
the omen has not left her mind.
3,831 Mathias uses forbidden knowledge from his
chamber where he was placed in stasis to begin
the finished product of the Crimson Stone.
During this year, Mathias finds by accident a
piece of the starstone and uses this to forge the
Crimson Stone’s power. Mathias’ power
drastically increases.
3,832 Mathias journey’s to death’s chambers and promises to rebuild the Lich’s body if
he pledges servitude to him, and uses the prototype Crimson Stone to bind him to
it. Interested with having a body once more, Death agrees to the terms.
3,833 Mathias chooses to hold off in finishing the Crimson Stone to seek out a powerful
vampire as the form he will take to take his revenge to the Gods. He eventually
discovers the vampire Walter Bernard, and chooses him as his target. He journeys
to Ustalav and tricks the vampire to kidnap Sara Trantoul to force Leon Belmont
to have a confrontation with him. The two meet, and Mathias intrigues the
vampire when he comes before him with no fear. In exchange for kidnapping Sara
Trantoul, Mathias will hand over the Crimson Stone. However, Mathias hands
him the Ebony Stone, and has Death trick him to thinking he is loyal.
3,834 Sara Trantoul is kidnapped. Leon Belmont departs for Ustalav, abandoning his
title as knight.
3,835 Leon arrives and manages to maneuver the dreaded Castle, given the Whip of
Alchemy by Gandolfi. Sara Trantoul is killed by Leon when discovered she was
bitten and beginning to turn into a vampire because of being bitten by Walter.
Sara sacrifices her life to forge the Vampire Killer whip, and Leon defeats Walter.
Mathias initiates his trap and steals Walter’s soul. Mathias confesses to Leon his
trap and offers him immortality, but Leon refuses and declares his family line will
hunt him down. Mathias leaves and the Castle collapses. The remains of the
Castle are eventually absorbed into the Crimson Stone also.
3,837 Leon Belmont returns to Taldor without a title or wife. Iomedea comforts him in a
dream, and sends a maiden to him whom eventually he marries as his second
3,840 The Crimson Stone is at last finished after millenniums of disappearing and work.
Mathias clasps it for 13 days before changing into a vampire. Castlevania is
summoned into a remote area of Mendev
3,841 Gabriel Belmont is born.
3,872 Leon Belmont passes away, leaving the vampire killer whip to his child. The
Belmonts create their vampire hunting
legacy from this day forward, hunting
vampires and passing the whip down from
father to son.
3,888 After creating a name for himself, Gabriel
Belmont journeys to seek out Mathias to
avenge his father’s name.
3,890 Mathias renames himself as Count
Dracula Vlad Tepish, and finishes his
promise to Death by restoring a corporeal
body for him. He then binds Death to the
Crimson Stone as his new phylactery.
3,893 Gabriel Belmont falls to corruption from
the goddess Uragathoa, and becomes an
anti-paladin. He is transformed into a
vampire, and the vampire killer is lost.
3,901 Dracula’s cult becomes established.
3,922 Dracula acquires the Voidsword. Intrigued with this artifact, Dracula binds its
power to the Crimson Stone, and claims it as his own. He demands all clerics to
his faith craft their favored weapon in the Voidsword’s image. Dracula establishes
the long sword as his cult’s weapon.
3,923 Surviving members of the Belmont clan find the Vampire Killer and return it to
the manor.
3,925 Gabriel Belmont attempts to via control of the Belmont family to consolidate his
newfound power after he discovers the Vampire Killer was found. He is killed by
the Belmont family, but not before desolating the region.
3,934 The Belmont family loses prominence as a result of Gabriel’s fall and is run out
of the Taldor region.
4,052 Elizabetha reincarnates as Lisa.
4,078 Mathias and Lisa meet, who he falls in love with and marries.
4,080 Adraian, who will eventually become Alucard is born.
4,104 Lisa is accused of witchcraft in Taldor and is sentenced to die as she is spotted
with several skeletons wandering around her to protect her. Alucard flees to try
and save his mother, but she tells him not to and tells him not to hate humans.
Dracula discovers this on the next night fall and becomes enraged, declaring to
genocide all races of Golarion.
4,108 Dracula destroys most of Taldor as the armies are destroyed one after the other.
4,111 In desperation, Taldor finds
the warrior named Trevor
Belmont, a descendent of
Leon Belmont, and asks him
to aid in the battle. Trevor
departs to Castlevania’s
rumored location; meeting
Alucard, Sypha, and Grant
along the way.
4,112 Dracula is slain by Trevor
Belmont. Alucard disappears
from Trevor’s life.
4,114 Trevor and Sypha marry.
Grant does not attend the
wedding and goes to rebuild
his former lands.
4,178 Trevor and Sypha die, leaving behind a powerful family legacy.
4,216 Sonia Belmont is born.
4,232 Dracula rises from the grave, and renews his attacks on the land.
4,240 Upon hearing of Dracula’s attacks in Kyonin, Sonia Belmont rushes to the lands
to quell the threats. She is met with by Alucard who journeys with her.
4,242 Sonia defeats Dracula and goes down as the only female Belmont who wielded
the Vampire Killer whip and defeated Dracula. It is unknown, but believed that a
brief relationship was shared between Alucard and Sonia occurred; something the
Belmonts have been unable to gain concrete proof of for years to come.
4,246 Alucard enters what he intends as an eternal sleep, leaving Sonia alone.
4,300 Christopher Belmont is born.
4,320 Dracula rises again from the grave,
targeting Druma.
4,340 Christopher defeats Dracula.
Dracula feigns death, and allows
Castlevania to collapse, and bides
his time to plan revenge.
4,355 Dracula reemerges and possesses
Soleiyu Belmont to fight
Christopher Belmont. Christopher
succeeds in saving his son and
slays Dracula once again.
4,420 The Order of Ecclesia is founded.
4,466 Simon Belmont is born.
4,468 Dracula again rises from the grave,
beginning his attacks in Mendev.
4,490 Simon Belmont single handedly destroys Dracula’s armies, and eventually arrives
at Castlevania, slaying the count by himself. Dracula plants his curse on him as he
dies, and sends his body all over the land.
4,491 Simon begins experiencing terrible pain, but does not believe it is a result of
Dracula. Dracula’s creatures continue to attack and destroy the land.
4,492 Iomedae in the form of a woman meets Simon in a graveyard and warns him
about the curse.
4,498 For the next six years, in terrible agony, Simon travels all over Golarion and
recovers Dracula’s body parts. He then engages in an evil ceremony to resurrect
the Count, forsaking his paladin powers as a result. Dracula is revived, and is
slain minutes later again by Simon; thus ending the curse, and establishing Simon
as the most prominent and powerful Belmont.
4,499 Simon is reinitiated as a Paladin.
4,528 Simon dies as a result of old age.
4,538 Juste Belmont is born.
4,555 Maxin Kischine attempts to gather Dracula’s remains to resurrect the dark lord
and prove his family’s superiority over the Belmonts. Exposure to Dracula’s body
creates an evil version of Maxin and Death utilizes this to try and bring Dracula
back to life.
4,557 Juste Belmont frees Maxin and sends Dracula’s spirit back to Hell.

Age of Lost Omens

Date Event
4,606 Aroden dies, leaving the Empire of Cheliax without a divine mandate. The Eye of
Abendego forms off of Garund’s northwestern coast, drowning the nations of
Ligren and Yamasa. The worldwound opens in the north, consuming the
barbarian kingdom of Sarkoris. Storms wrack the Inner Sea region for several
4,650 The Dark priest Shaft is born.
4,671 Shaft becomes infatuated with the dark history that Dracula made and then seeks
out a way to restore the Count to life.
4,687 Richter Belmont is born.
4,693 Shaft successfully resurrects Dracula. Dracula would have been restored to life in
two more years if Shaft had waited.
4,707 Alucard awakens from his sleep despite never intending to awaken.
4,709 Richter marries Annette Renard. Maria Renard becomes his sister in law.
4,711 Richter departs to Lastwall hearing Dracula has been attacking the region. Richter
meets the Count in battle, but fails and is slain. Fearing something terrible
happened to the Belmont, Alucard speeds off to Lastwall. A group of elite
adventurers are also being rounded up to head into the Castle as Richter failed to
report back at the expected time.
Because those who rage quit, angry, confused, or anything else might want some answers.
Some of these are legit questions I have been asked; others are questions I think some people
might be asking in their heads.

Q: Why did you write this?

A: Because I like Castlevania…and I like Pathfinder; and/or Dungeons and Dragons. What more
do you need?

Q: What was your inspiration for this module?

A: The main inspiration was Tomb of Horrors, and all of the Gameboy Advance and PSX
Castlevanias which had a maze like environment. I wanted to try and recreate that experience in
a more D20 environment. There’s generally a lot of fan recreations or adaptations for D20 games
such as Final Fantasy or Zelda; but I never saw a module based on those games; or at least good
ones. So I wanted to try something that others hadn’t attempted yet…one that fused both
Dungeons and Dragons and the Castlevania game series all together. Castlevania features similar
themes to dungeon crawling, so it seemed like a good fit.

Q: Why is this module so hard!? Why are we so limited in the options we can do in the
A: The purpose of this was to recreate the same constrictive environments that you are used in
the older Castlevanias, while still giving you the ability to choose your own paths like in
Symphony of the Night. Remember, there wasn’t much in the way of leeway or ability to deviate
from the paths like the newer ones that the older ones had. In addition, all of the older titles
(specifically Castlevania and Castlevania III) would always place you in unfair situations where
you had to rely on cunning and superior equipment (aka having a lot of hearts and the right
subweapons) in order to continue (such as a bridge that is collapsing with a bone pillar guarding
a door, and the collapsing bridge instantly kills you if you fall). To keep you from having these
leeway, many of the spells that you have are rendered useless (a lot of the Conjuration spells) or
may end up harming the party itself (Plane Shifting).
It’s also why the character creation options give you access to so many items and gold at the
start. It would be very difficult to do this campaign otherwise.
It’s all about reminiscing about the past. You didn’t have a wizard who could warp you straight
to Dracula in Castlevania. Having the iconics’ doing that in the Castle would be far too easy.

Q: Why are the enemies so tough?

A: Because the enemies in any of the Castlevanias are no pushovers, and are really hard!
Remember the Axe Knights before Death in Stage 5 of Castlevania I!? Fucking brutal man.
The real reason I wanted to challenge players beyond what they would normally be asked to do,
and this was the result. Honestly, it is also because I took way too many liberties in this
campaign than I should have, which made everything beyond what should be expected.
Q: Why is Maria even here? She has almost no role in the plot; contrast to Symphony of
the Night?
A: Honestly, I wasn’t originally planning on having her in here. Her addition was a last minute
thing my friend Alex goaded me into doing; which worked out well. He was one of the guys
mentioned in the playtester list.
Her addition kinda reminds of me of the addition as playing as Vergil in Devil May Cry 3
Special Edition…sort of a last minute thing that they didn’t focus on that much.

Q: Eric’s a girl…really?
A: I don’t remember anything as a kid about Bloodlines; or any of the games when Eric Lecarde
is…alright!? I played Castlevania Judgment when I had an actual ability to comprehend…and
the first thing I thought of from the shitty voice acting…was a chick. Alright!?
Voice acting in any game is important. Without it done right, you can easily confuse gender
ambiguous characters as another gender they are not. Because of Eric’s appearance in Judgment,
it wasn’t exactly easy to tell the difference between him being a male or female. This is
unfortunately what happened to me; which is nice because it did add a bit of originality to the
This was also apparent in earlier versions of Bloodlines, where Eric appeared far more feminine
in his original designs; and why he had a concept art change to make him appear more

Q: You know Erica has a daughter you could have used. Two in fact.
A: STFU Alex. Let me be me!!!

Q: The items in game are very powerful. Why is that?

A: You need it. Most of the monsters in this module are very tough that would challenge even
skilled players, and the restrictive environment will hamper you severely.

Q: Why did you add the option of becoming a Belmont, when most of the plot requires you
to forgo it?
A: It’s just another option to play. I’m sure if you and your friends go through this a few times,
you might get bored with the same way, and try something different.

Q: Why is Maionel and the Werewolves you fight earlier the only normal Pathfinder
Vampires and Werewolves you fight?
A: Because the rest of them are in the Castle, where their born from simply being in there.

Q: There is a staggering difference in difficulty during the first third of the module when
you are adventuring as compared to the Castle. Why is that?
A: I think that may have been done on accident. Honestly it took my first playtest to notice that. I
guess that’s why I made the character creations rules as liberal as possible; to give players a
decent edge to start with.

Q: Why are Castlevanian Vampires more powerful than regular ones; and the same with
A: My guess is that the Vampires Dracula commands are created from the Crimson Stone, and
through the stone’s powers grant them much more powerful benefits than being born a regular
Vampire. At least that’s how I look at it.

Q: Why are some of the items and monsters stats left blank with no pictures to show them?
A: Some of those items were made by me to help fill up holes in weapon departments, or used
actual Pathfinder creatures to make. Since I have no drawing talent beyond Microsoft Paint, I left
them blank.
I was thinking about hiring Alex to do some drawings for the module, but I shot it down since I
R poor college student. Alex is a rather well artist who goes by the name of “Inuyuru” on
deviantart…and he can draw characters rather well and in record times.
For those characters, its best to take the descriptions given and fill in the blanks yourselves.

Q: Dracula and Death OP. Why!?

A. Dracula and Death are powerful because you fight them specifically with all of your allies
you find in the Castle as your search. Your damn right their going to have powerful stats to
combat all of that. Each version they have received nerfs and buffs accordingly. Honestly
though, if you give a character enough gold, even the best enemies with the best stats will still
have trouble.

Q: Why are their references to Lords of Shadow since this is not the same canon?
A: Why did Capcom make new Dante troll old Dante? Answer that; and you probably have the
same answer here.
I will say right now that I am not too big into the new Castlevania canon. However, I do like
some of the characters and story elements, and I know I am not the only one. I added them in
specifically so those people would see those references; though I do not claim to be a Lords of
Shadow fan. I did try to go through the game, but it was so long and unchallenging as compared
to any of the NES titles.

Q: Many aspects of the story are changed from the original canon. Why?
A: It was changed to fit into Golarion, as well as Castlevania.

Q: Dmitri the Lich…as in…

A: Stop yourself right there and read the Trivia. You’ll get your answer there.

Q: The Cerberus Panther is OP! Why!?

A: Think of it like a secret boss in a game…their always harder than the true boss. Same aspect
for this.
I originally wanted Galomoth from SoTN as the secret boss…but I figured I would make him
way too OP.
Well…more OP than Cerberus Panther at least.

Q: What is the Simon’s Quest cart for?

A: It’s a joke item. It’s left blank with ? marks for the DM fill in on his choosing. As a rule of
thumb, if you decide to make it work, you should make it have a condition the PCs need to do to
it in order to have the item’s effect activate…and then you make the effect of what happens
when they use it.
Last time I used it, I made it cause a non-removable curse of which would lower all attributes by
6 if the party broke it.
Have some fun with this…and either curse your PCs or reward them.

Q: There’s some spelling and grammar errors here.

A: I suck at spelling. I have no excuse for the grammar…just roll with it; or spam my facebook
enough and I’ll fix it.

Q: Why was Hector removed from the Timeline you created?

A: I never really played Curse of Darkness. I didn’t want to add anything and accidently create
an error.

Q: Why is Sonia in this timeline despite being removed from official canon?
A: Because I feel having Sonia listed in this timeline would shake things up a bit, and give a little
bit of feminism. Also, I really liked Sonia Belmont as a character.

Q: Why is Gabriel Belmont on the timeline despite your earlier statement?

A: Filler.

Q: What would you recommend for a party?

A: Definitely a Paladin. There really isn’t too many hard choices to make here, although
depending on the deity the paladin follows, it could be hard. Sarenrea or Iomedae probably
works best for this since there are people in the Castle who give you aid; and a Paladin won’t
attack them right away. If no one wants to play Paladin, then I would recommend a cleric or
oracle as a second choice. The other party members should be an optimized damage dealer (so
either barbarian, fighter, or gunslinger). A wizard is also a good idea to help traverse some of the
narrow areas. I also heavily recommend a rogue; or some other class to deal with the large influx
of traps and spot checks.

Q: Would you ever make another module for a game series?

A: No. This one took way too long to write…and held no merit for me since everything was
copywrited. All it’s good for is for everyone to have fun that gets this copy.
I wrote it because I wanted to get a feel for writing modules and such, and writing a fan module
seemed like a good start. Never did I think it would take this long to write, and stretch this far

Q: Are you doing any other modules right now?

A: Yeah I am writing my own original stuff now. I finished it early January 2016, and I am
playtesting it now.

Q: Are you ever going to stop making updates?

A: I would like the things I write to not be a jumbled mess like every single Bethesada game.
 Nomis’ Cruz’s name spelled backwards is Simon. In addition, obviously his last name is that of
Soma Cruz, implying that in this world, Soma will be born through his line.
 The first encounter with the Grim Reaper was meant to be reminiscent of Stage 0 in Rondo of
Blood, and Dracula X Chronicles.
 The village of Ashfall and the events surrounding it were made in a similar fashion of that of the
Village of Ossington from the D&D 3.5 Module: The Standing stone.
 Puwexyl is the Stage 4 Boss from Super Castlevania.
 The module was designed the way it was to make it feel exactly like playing the Metroidvania
like Castlevania games, such as Aria of Sorrow, and Symphony of the Night. It was not meant
for ordinary players who were looking for a causal game to play and non Castlevanian fans, as the
module can go on forever if no one knows what to do.
 Unlike in Symphony of the Night, Richter Belmont is slain, and it is Alucard who is possessed by
Shaft. The whole module gives players the expectation of the same events from Symphony of the
night…the story was done in a way so that it throws a curveball at the players when they come to
the parts.
 The Two Draculas’ were both reminiscent of in SoTN when you had to face Dracula twice
throughout the whole game: once at the intro, and again at the end. It is also a reference to Tomb
of Horrors were Acererack has a false Lich of him in room 18A.
 Erica Lecarde is what the writer of the module forever looks at Eric Lecarde due to bad voice
acting from Castlevania Judgment.
 In addition, Vampire Erica Lecarde; and in regards to the first scenes in the True Throne Room is
based entirely on how to obtain the Good Ending in the PSP game, Dracula X Chronicles.
 The Void sword is one of the weapons Gabriel Belmont gets some time after he has become
Dracula; although this module follows the canon of the original games, and not the Lords of
Shadow saga. It is placed in there merely as a reference; and to make Dracula a harder opponent.
 In accordance with the official Castlevania timeline, technically this should be Simon Belmont’s
era and not Richter’s. Considering that Golarion is a different world and different universe, and
considering there are rules for allowing PCs to make their own Belmont, this number was not
considered to be important.
 Obviously, Transila is derived from Transylvania.
 The Frost Necromancer is derived from the Stage 3 Boss in Castlevania Chronicles.
 A man by the name of Zobek mentioned in one of the letters is the same name of the antagonist of
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Seeing as this man is obviously part of Dracula’s cult in the land
with a desire for power, this makes sense. There is obviously no correlation between the two.
 The man Sephiron mentioned in one of the letters who is the recipient of the Masemune sword’s
is closely related to that of Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII.
 The letter that mentions about telling members of the cult to stop writing down their thoughts on
was made as a joke at the absurd number of people who wrote down their thoughts on paper or in
a journal.
 The letters are done in a similar way to the bad text in Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest. As you as
the DM (or GM) may have noticed, some of the letters tell the PCs right out what the PCs can
define as useful, some are extremely cryptic, some have no useful information, and some are flat
out lies.
 The Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest NES cart item is a joke item, which basically is there for the
DM to fill in the question marks as what he wants it to do. It is marked as Strong Unholy as again
a joke, seeing as Simon’s quest is the unholy grail of the Castlevania series.
 The note that says “Hit the Clock Tower corridor with your head to make a hole.” is a reference
to a villager in Simon’s quest who says “Hit Deborah Cliff with your head to make a hole.” It was
a mistranslation when discussing how to use the red gem to find one of the mansions.”
 The Blue Venus Weed named Mina has the same name as a character in Dawn of Sorrow.
 Bathory Liz; a Vampire whose name is mentioned in the museum is derived from the name of
Elizabeth Báthory, a famous mass murder who bathed in her victim’s blood. She was one of the
first few cases of actual Vampire’s in recorded history.
 The Dracula Memoir book was made purely for lols; and an obvious reference to the book
Dracula by Bram Stoker.
 Becoming a Lich for Dummies is a reference to the Dummy Books series.
 The book called Hellsing: how to achieve a state of Overpoweredness that is not fair, was a
reference of the anime series: Hellsing, where the Vampires were basically the equivalent to the
entire cast of Final Fantasy 7, but more gory. The book was left blank again for lols.
 The Ring of Arcana and Axe Lord Full Plate items that were under the Master Librarian’s chair
were placed there for those were smart enough to remember the secret items that the Master
Librarian held under his chair. There were no hints provided for this, as there were no hints
provided on this in Symphony of the Night.
 The Long Library is the only place that bears some similarity to that of the actual map in
Symphony of the Night, despite obvious additions and changes to fit a more D20 structure.
 The Ghost Richter fight is based on the boss battle from Portrait of Ruin.
 The Castle entrance is the first level from Castlevania I, remade to fit a more D20 environment.
 Despite his name, Dmitri the Lich has no similarity to that of Dmitrii Blinov from Dawn of
 Burning the 5 pieces of Dracula’s body at the later was the same way to reach Dracula in
Symphony of the Night. The two rings that were obtained were the original way to reach Maria
Renard in the right side up Castle in Symphony of the Night.
 Maria was not originally intended to be in the module. This is shown as she as minimal
involvement in the story, contrary to her role in Symphony of the Night.
 The reason there are two Stop watches is that in all subsequent games of Castlevania, the stop
watch would always be blue. However, in Dracula X Chronicles, the stop watch was Gold, and
played by different rules. In the older titles, the blue watch would stop time for a few moments if
you spent 5 hearts, making it costly; but very useful tool to maneuvering around enemies. The
gold one only slowed them down for 5 hearts, unless you used the hyper version by spending 30
to stop time completely.
 In addition, the Stop watch is the one piece of gear in game Richter doesn’t have on him.
 The Cross Boomerang was the one item that never made an appearance here; up until version 1.3.
 The Dark Wing Bat was intended to be the Stage 2 Boss from Dracula X, but the writer forgot the
difference between the two and gave it the name of one of the bosses in the Inverted Castle from
Symphony of the night. The end result fused the two monsters together.
 The Gold Coin Dark Wing Bat is the Stage 9 boss from Super Castlevania.
 In addition, the treasure room itself is based on Stage 9 in Super Castlevania.
 The Fearie’s special ability Midnight Nocturne is the name of the song she sings if in the Saturn
version or PSP version of Symphony of the Night.
 The way the Succubus meets the PCs is the same manner of that in Symphony of the Night where
she met Alucard.
 It is undeniably clear from reading this section and apparent from the module itself that
Symphony of the Night was the primary inspiration for this module.
 Some of the traps and mechanisms in this module were inspired by traps and mechanisms from
Tomb of Horrors.
 The Four Armed Gargoyle was actually a monster taken right out of Tomb of Horrors, it’s stats
converted over into Pathfinder. The image provided next to its stats is the same image on the
same page.
 Paizo the Great is a reference to the company that made Pathfinder.
 The book Act like a Human, Think like a Vampire is a reference to the book “Act like a lady,
think like a man.” By Steve Harvey.
 The book called Heart of the Cards is a reference to Konami’s TCG; YugiOh.
 The book known as Twilight in the Museum is a reference to the book series of the same name
written by Stephanie Meyer. The obvious details surrounding the book in this area; and the fact it
is worth 0 GP is merely a reference to the mockery it faces over the internet.
 The book known as “Interview with Dracula” is a reference to the book “Interview with a
Vampire” written by Ann Rice.
 The book known as “Diaries of a Vampire” is a reference to the TV series the “Vampire Diaries.”
 The painting in the Museum that depicts the Dracula from Lords of Shadow had the words.
“From another Era” written on it. This phrase is taken from the Team Fortress 2 hat; the “Proof of
Purchase.” This hat was given to players who had purchased the game when it was on a CD and
not steam; thus signifying the era when Steam wasn’t around. It is symbolically used to represent
the two eras of Castlevania; just as the hat was given to players who were around in the era of no
 The Gnoll invasion mentioned in the beginning intro from the Pale Mountain Range is very
similar to the Legacy of Fire Pathfinder Adventure path. The Pale mountain range is also a direct
reference to the Pale Mountain in book 2.
 The village of Bree mentioned in the introduction of the story is the same name of the village of
Bree in the “Lord of the Rings.”
 The weapon called Fire Starter than Slogra uses is a reference to the movie of the same name.
 Despite being a Pathfinder module, the Dungeon & Dragons term for DM is used far more
frequently than GM; which is merely used once at the beginning of the module.
 One of the watermarks mentioned in the Museum for the paintings is by the name of Carmilla.
This is a reference to the name of a recurring boss seen throughout the entire series.
 The Seraphim Wings spell in the spell section is a reference to a relic in Lords of Shadow called
the Seraphim Shoulders.
 Avalanche Punch spell is based on a technique unlocked in Lords of Shadow.
 The swords Tryfing, Gram, Hardor, and Harper are all based on different swords used in different
mythologies. Tryfing and Gram are both based on Norse myths, Hardor is a sword found in
Tolkien fantasy, and Harper is the sword used in Greek Mythology. Of these four swords, only
three of them have any sort of powers. Harper was left to be basically mundane treasure, simply
because the Medusa heads are too weak to pose a threat; and there are only 2 encounters of the
Medusa Nagas in game. Many of the sorcerers here use the Draconic bloodline, and there are 2
encounters of Dragons that are consistent if the areas are revisited so Gram was more useful.
All of these swords were obtainable in Symphony of the Night.
 Double Jump is based on a game mechanic in most 2D side scrollers these days, while Dodging
Flip is based on the backflip ability Richter has in Rondo of Blood, Symphony of the Night, and
Dracula X.
 The Light and Dark Energy spells are based on the light and dark energy gems Gabriel Belmont
obtains in Lords of Shadow.
 The Merchant’s supernatural ability, Gate of Babylon, is a reference to the Gate of Babylon used
by Gilgamesh in the Fate Stay Night series.
 The image of Crisie provided to show her appearance is actually the succubus from the Pachi Slot
machine version of Castlevania…you know I’m still mad that trailer was just for a slot machine
and not an actual game.
 Both Mathias Cronqvist and Leon Belmont were originally depicted as Crusader Knights in the
Castlevania canon; which is why in the Pathfinder canon for here, they are depicted as soldiers
from the Shining Crusade.
 The Coat of Arms Tome is based on the hidden spellbook pickup in Castlevania Bloodlines.
 The Magic Herb is based off a rare subweapon drop in Castlevania Chronicles.

V 1.0: Original Release.

V 1.1: All monsters stats were buffed due to errors made when creating their CRs. Certain
monsters were removed from encounters to ease up the encounters. Environmental hazards from
Game Mastery Guide were added. The Alucart items were placed in different locations around
the area. Various nerfs and buffs to spells were applied. Ad hoc XP bonuses were added into
certain encounters. Spelling and grammar errors were corrected.

V 1.2: Added mythic adventures to the module. Monsters abilities and stats were changed again.
Magic items found in the Castle have increased power. Added character building rules for the
campaign in how it’s designed. Hellfire was removed from the additional spells. Character traits
were added to the game. Added version history.

V 1.3: Added the locations and origins of every non original monster in this campaign. Items and
monsters mentioned that have no stat blocks are removed in place of creatures that already exists. Magic
items have various buffs and nerfs accordingly. New Magic items: Rosary, Cross Boomerang, Elixir of
Invulnerability. Allied NPCs were modified. Added Classes from Advanced Class Guide. Knowledge
tables added in order for players to make knowledge checks and gather information accordingly. Added
new NPC (Osca; Maria’s Animal Companion). Added additional Mythic character abilities for NPCs.
New Metal: Pure Silver. Edited the benefits of being a Belmont.

V 1.3.5 Added materials needed to play the module. Updated information on playing as a Belmont PC.
Added new feat. Added new spells: Bloody Rain, Avalanche Punch, Seraphim Wings, Archdevil Wings.
Spells received nerfs and buffs. Dracula’s Dominance Aura nerfed. Magic items received various buffs,
and nerfs to prevent loopholes. Alucard received major buff.

V 1.4: New spells were added to the campaign. Certain items effects changed (mostly the stat block
increasing ones). Dark and Light magic special attacks Dracula possesses are now merely spells. Dracula
gains Demonic Meigddo from some of the games. Tryfing, Hardor, and Gram have been completely
changed into artifacts. Items have been given various buffs. Illusionary walls in the Castle have been
swapped around. Added a new feat. Added more the Master Librarian’s services; but placed a hard limit
on what he allows.

V 1.4.1 Fixed CMD for creatures upon learning deflection, dodge, etc goes into it. Added two players to
the credits who played the module. Tweak to the Ring of Ares.

V 1.4.5 Staff of Sypha was missing; placed it in the game. Added the name of bonuses granted from
certain magic items. Major changes to Magic items; including various nerfs to their effectiveness. Richter
and Alucard receieved a buff. Alucart gear received a buff. 2 new traits. Concentration checks for
creatures given. Gave Dracula a few magic items, along with Richter and Alucard. Staff of Sypha is now
considered an artifact.

V 1.4.6 Minor Fixes to traits.

V 1.5: Richter’s saves fixed (his CON, WIS, and DEX were not added to his saves on a misreading of the
paladin’s abilities). Alucard received more gear, and traded on Ki Mystic Monk level for another Magus
level. All enemies have the proper amount of Mythic spells they should have. Richter and Alucard have
several switched around feats. Several scenes in game are complete different now. New Trivia added.
Master Librarian is now a mythic character. All mundane weapons are changed to magic weapons
(excepting Harper). Placed the Crown of Silver Intelligence in the game. Changed some text. Shaft fight
is different. Modified Traps.

V 1.6: The Inner Sea World Guide was added to tie this module with Golarion, placing Transila in
Lastwall, and combining Castlevania’s story lore with Golarion. Removed redundancies. Fixed monster
hp creation mistake. More flavor text added, and more DM notes placed to help the know how to run the
campaign. Added more information on the quest. Various changes to magic items. Created a Timeline
based on the Inner Sea World Guide to tie Castlevania’s lore with Golarion’s. Five new magic items were
added. Various changes to magic items.

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