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The Delay/Doppler Radar Altimeter

R. Keith Raney, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract— The key innovation in the delay/Doppler radar al- Pulse-limited operation necessarily implies that conven-
timeter is delay compensation, analogous to range curvature cor- tional altimeters are relatively wasteful of radiated power. For
rection in a burst-mode synthetic aperture radar (SAR). Follow- example, the footprint diameter of GEOSAT over a quasiflat
ing delay compensation, height estimates are sorted by Doppler
frequency, and integrated in parallel. More equivalent looks are surface is less than 1/10 of the antenna pattern within the
accumulated than in a conventional altimeter. The relatively half-power width. Hence, most of the radiated power falls
small along-track footprint size is a constant of the system, outside of the pulse-limited area and cannot be used for
typically on the order of 250 m for a Ku-band altimeter. The height estimation. Other disadvantages of conventional radar
flat-surface response is an impulse rather than the more familiar
step function produced by conventional satellite radar altimeters. altimeters include footprint dilation over rougher terrain, and
The radar equation for the delay/Doppler radar altimeter has the tendency of the footprint location to hop from one elevated
an h05=2 (c )1=2 dependence on height h and compressed pulse region to another rather than to trace out the elevation profile
length  , which is more efficient than the corresponding h03 c without negative influence from the topography. Footprint
factor for a pulse-limited altimeter. The radiometric response dilation leads to less than optimal estimation of surface height
obtained by the new approach would be 10 dB stronger than
that of the TOPEX/Poseidon altimeter, for example, if the same and roughness.
hardware were used in the delay/Doppler altimeter mode. This Doppler beam-sharpened (DBS) altimeters have been pro-
new technique leads to a smaller instrument that requires less posed as a means of reducing the along-track footprint size of a
power, yet performs better than a conventional radar altimeter. radar altimeter. The performance of DBS altimeters has proven
The concept represents a new generation of altimeter for earth
to be very disappointing. The main reason is that relatively
observation, with particular suitability for coastal ocean regions
and polar ice sheets as well as open oceans. few “looks” are available, virtually eliminating most of the
incoherent averaging that is essential to precision altimetric
Index Terms—Doppler beam sharpening, radar altimeter, syn-
thetic aperture radar.
measurements. The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics
Laboratory (JHU/APL) delay/Doppler approach is fundamen-
tally different; there is far more averaging in the delay/Doppler
I. INTRODUCTION approach than is possible from a DBS altimeter.
The principal objectives of the delay/Doppler altimeter [12],
T HE PRINCIPAL objective of a satellite radar altimeter
is to measure the height of reflecting facets scanned by
passage of the instrument overhead. Geophysical elevation
[13] are to operate more efficiently and more effectively. The
first objective is met by compensating for systematic range
is derived from the record of radar height measurements, delay errors; thus, the entire (beam-limited) along-track signal
corrected with respect to precise orbit knowledge and path history contributes to height measurement rather than only
delays. Height precision is set by the radar pulse length and the much smaller pulse-limited area. Stated another way, the
by the amount of averaging available for each estimate. Height delay/Doppler altimeter uses much more of the instrument’s
is defined in the context of this paper as the minimum range radiated energy than does a conventional beam-limited altime-
between the radar and scatterers that lie along the ground track ter. The second objective is met by using Doppler selectivity
of the satellite. to reduce the width of the postprocessing along-track footprint;
By definition, a conventional satellite altimeter [Fig. 1(a) this minimizes unwanted terrain dependency of the footprint
and (b)] uses the echo delays from within the pulse-limited size and position.
footprint to estimate minimum radar range [8]. Outside of the The delay/Doppler altimeter uses pulse compression in the
pulse-limited footprint, each scatterer’s echo appears at rela- range dimension, just as is customary for incoherent radar
tively greater delay. The (compressed) pulse length determines altimeters [5]. The range signal is a long linearly frequency
the diameter of the pulse-limited footprint associated with a modulated (FM) pulse, which is multiplied by a delayed replica
quasiflat surface [2]. For a typical radar altimeter, such as FM pulse immediately upon reception, and low-pass filtered.
GEOSAT, the pulse-limited footprint is on the order of 2 km The delay is chosen to match the expected range to the mean
in diameter [6], expanding to many kilometers as large-scale reflecting surface, the so-called track point. This “deramp”
surface roughness increases. strategy transforms “range” into a continuous wave (CW)
signal whose frequency is proportional to height, relative to
the track point [7], [15], [16]. A conventional altimeter and the
Manuscript received April 1, 1997; revised October 27, 1997. delay/Doppler altimeter both complete range compression by
The author is with The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Labora-
tory, Laurel, MD 20723-6099 USA (e-mail: keith.raney@jhuapl.edu). application of an inverse Fourier transform (IFFT) to convert
Publisher Item Identifier S 0196-2892(98)04976-6. the CW signals into height. These are summed to produce
0196–2892/98$10.00  1998 IEEE

(a) (c)

(b) (d)
Fig. 1. Comparison of a conventional pulse-limited radar altimeter’s (a) illumination geometry side view and (b) footprint plan view, to a delay/Doppler
altimeter’s (c) illumination geometry side view and (d) footprint plan view. The conventional radar altimeter measurement space is inherently 1-D, whereas
that of the delay/Doppler altimeter is 2-D.

the output height waveforms. The compressed pulse length is

inversely proportional to the duration of the CW signals.
The delay/Doppler altimeter introduces along-track pro-
cessing steps after the range deramp and before the range
IFFT, the net effect of which is to transform the signal space
to two dimensions [Fig. 1(c) and (d)]. The delay/Doppler
technique requires coherent correlation within each burst of
pulses, in contrast to a conventional altimeter for which
pulse-to-pulse correlation is not desirable [16]. The received
signals from each burst are stored in memory. A Fourier
transform is applied to these data in the along-track dimension,
implemented in real time onboard as a set of parallel FFT’s
that span the range gate width. Signals in the resulting two-
dimensional (2-D) range CW/Doppler domain are processed
to eliminate the curvature of the range delay. The delay-
Fig. 2. The round-trip delay time from a scatterer is always longer for all
corrected data are partitioned by Doppler frequency, which altimeter locations (A, C) that differ from the minimum range position (B),
is isomorphic to along-track distance from spacecraft nadir. giving rise to the well-known step-function waveform from a conventional
At each Doppler frequency bin, range data are inverse trans- altimeter. The delay/Doppler altimeter compensates for the extra delay, from
which much sharper waveforms derive.
formed, detected, and accumulated in parallel to form many
equivalent looks at that position. As a consequence of the 2-D
signal processing unique to the delay/Doppler altimeter, its Although familiar to those versed in synthetic aperture radar
flat-surface response has an impulse-like shape, in contrast to (SAR), 2-D coherent signal processing is likely to be a new and
the step-function response of a conventional radar altimeter perhaps foreign concept to those used to the one-dimensional
(Fig. 2). The JHU/APL has received patent protection on this (1-D) world of conventional radar altimeters. The key ideas
new concept [12]. are introduced in Sections II and III. Section II describes the

in which is the (local) radius of the earth, is the

height (at nadir) of the th scatterer, is the velocity of the
altimeter’s antenna illumination along the terrain, and is
the spacecraft orbit velocity. For typical values ( km,
, and km), the extra range delay
goes from zero to about 45 m. Although this may not seem
like much, it is large when compared to a typical (compressed)
altimeter pulse length of 0.5 m. It is essential that this extra
delay be removed if the along-track signal is to be used for
precise elevation estimates outside of the pulse-limited zone.
The change in relative delay as a function of range is
comparatively small. To prove this, the sensitivity of relative
delay to a change in height may be estimated from

Fig. 3. Each individual range history is hyperbolic, and for a given altitude,
its shape is known very well. Delay offset r can be calculated readily if
the scatterer’s (along-track) position is known. Unfortunately, the problem is (3)
multivalued in the range time/along-track position domain and, hence, admits
no unique solution.
Using the same numbers as before, the difference in range
delay for a 1-km change in reference height , say from 800
objective of range delay compensation. The desired compen-
to 801 km, is only 45 1/800 cm. In similar fashion,
sation cannot be applied directly, as the range delays in the
it may be shown that the change in relative delay due to the
2-D signal domain are multivalued. Following the along-track
orbital factor is much less than 1 mm. It follows that
FFT’s, however, data in the resulting range (delay)/along-
an acceptable range delay estimate can be derived with only
track frequency (Doppler) domain are single-valued, as derived
an approximate knowledge of the scatterer’s height, and this
in Section III. Range delay compensation can be applied in
value may be held constant over the width of the range gate
this domain. Section IV introduces the new 2-D footprint
and over the duration of the azimuth signal.
of the delay/Doppler approach and offers comments on its
Delay compensation implies that the extra delay is removed
salient features. Section V describes the flat surface response
from the signal over its history. Given that this unwanted delay
function of the delay/Doppler altimeter and contrasts it with
is known, and that the signal locus is known, the extra delay
that from a conventional radar altimeter. Section VI derives the
could be compensated completely by subtracting an equivalent
new radar equation applicable to the delay/Doppler altimeter,
amount from the indicated range at all points on the along-
including its substantial gain advantage when compared to
track range history. This would lead to the range locus having
a conventional pulse-limited altimeter. Section VII outlines
a constant effective height at all observation opportunities.
one method of range gate and pulse timing for a practical
Unfortunately, it is not possible to apply the delay com-
spacecraft instrument. The paper closes with comments and
pensation scheme directly to the received data because to do
so would require knowledge of the along-track position of
each scatterer. Even more frustrating, the signal loci from more
than one scatterer are present in each echo ensemble. Echoes
The key to delay/Doppler processing is suggested by the are received simultaneously from all individual scatterers
range histories sketched in Fig. 3. The curves describe the within the illuminated beam width of the antenna, which spans
relative delay suffered by the signal loci at all points away from the observation space of the system. Three representative range
minimal radar range. The objective of delay compensation is to histories are shown in Fig. 3. Clearly, at any position in the
eliminate the unwanted extra delay, compared to the minimum data field, the delay compensation problem is multiple valued,
range measurement, suffered by the round-trip signal at all for which a single delay compensation is impossible in the
other along-track altimeter positions. After compensation, the range/along-track domain.
range indicated for each scatterer over its entire illumination
history is equal to its minimum range. The relative delay
for the th scatterer, given the altimeter along-track position
, and the scatterer’s along-track position and (minimal) Transformation from the along-track signal domain to the
height , is along-track frequency (Doppler) domain reduces delay com-
pensation to a single-valued problem. Recall that the Fourier
(1) shift theorem [17] states that application of a Fourier transform
to a function with position shift leads to the Fourier
transform of the function, multiplied by a CW phase term
where the orbital factor is given by
whose frequency is proportional to the shift. Let the along-
(2) track signal history for each scatterer be . Let be
the nadir position of the altimeter and be the along-track

Fig. 4. In the delay/Doppler domain, the relative delay r (f ) is a known

function of Doppler frequency. Hence, the problem is single valued; relative
delay can be eliminated from all signals simultaneously.

position of the th scatterer. Then the Fourier transform ,

taken with respect to position for the th scatterer, is
(4) Fig. 5. Logical flow of the delay/Doppler processing scheme. After delay
compensation (by application of multiplicative phase shifts) and range IFFT’s,
data are detected and accumulated by Doppler bin. The process is repeated
where is (Doppler) frequency in the along-track direction. burst by burst. Each scatterer moves from higher Doppler locations to lower
Thus, an along-track Fourier transform over the ensemble of as the altimeter passes overhead.
signal histories in memory yields a unified set of signal range
loci (Fig. 4) for which the along-track position of all scatterers It follows that the required delay compensation is a known
relative to spacecraft nadir (zero Doppler) has been relegated and single-valued function over the delay/Doppler space. The
to CW phase terms, the ensemble of which constitutes the delay increment, in terms of Doppler frequency [14] as its
Doppler spectrum of the transformed signals. independent variable, is
The Doppler spectrum has a geometric interpretation.
Doppler frequency is a measure of the slope of the signal (7)
(range) history, which has a known functional form. Hence,
slope knowledge is equivalent to (along-track) angular Furthermore, such compensation may be applied simulta-
offset knowledge, which may be inverted to evaluate the neously to all echoes included in the Fourier transform.
corresponding extra range delay. The angle at time Compensation of this delay could be realized by brute force
between the radar and a scatterer at location along track operations on the data in the range/Doppler domain, using
is one-to-one equivalent to the Doppler shift imposed on the integer shifts and an interpolator. However, there is a better
signal. The Doppler is given by the dot product of the viewing way.
unit vector and the velocity vector Recall that the deramped data in the range direction appear
as constant (CW) frequencies. Each range delay increment
translates into an equivalent CW frequency shift. These un-
wanted frequency shifts may be nullified by multiplying the
(5) data field by equal and opposite range CW signals prior to the
range IFFT, implementing in effect an inverse Fourier shift
Within the constraints of the near-vertical small angle ge- operator.
ometry of a satellite altimeter, the Doppler scaling factor is A block diagram of the principal signal processing stages is
approximated very well by shown in Fig. 5. The 2-D delay compensation phase multiplier
shown in the figure is
Hz (6)
Thus, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the ob-
served Doppler frequency (relative to zero) and an individual where is the linear FM rate of the transmitted signals.
scatterer’s along-track position (relative to the altimeter’s The effect of this phase multiply is to correct the range
position ) at all points along track [10]. This powerful rule frequency from each scatterer to CW signals that have the
serves as the radar altimeter Doppler equivalence theorem. same (range) frequency at all Doppler (along-track) positions
The Fourier shift theorem and the Doppler equivalence at which it is observed. The phase multiply acts on all signals
theorem may be applied to open new possibilities for radar simultaneously.
altimetry. As noted in (6), Doppler frequency is related to The data at this stage consist of an ensemble of 2-D CW
along-track data position relative to the subsatellite point. signals. For each element, frequency in the range direction

is proportional to (minimum) delay relative to the range will add Doppler shift to the signals, which if not compensated
track point, and frequency in the along-track direction is will add unwanted along-track shift to all data positions. To
proportional to the scatterer’s along-track position relative to neutralize the effects of vertical velocity, offsetting Doppler
the zero-Doppler position. shifts can be applied to assure registration of the height
The remaining data processing is carried out in parallel, estimates accumulated over the sequence of processed bursts
consisting of a range IFFT at each Doppler frequency bin, that span the along-track length of the antenna illumination
detection, and assignment of the height estimates to their pattern.
respective along-track positions. The process is repeated over The along-track velocity ( 6.5 km s ) of a conventional
subsequent blocks of data, from which many looks are accu- altimeter causes the effective footprint for a multipulse wave-
mulated at each along-track position. As the altimeter passes form to be elongated along track. Detected returns from
over each scatterer, the corresponding height estimates move many pulses are averaged together to build each multilook
in sequence from the highest Doppler filter to each lower waveform. Such signal summations typically extend over 0.1 s,
frequency filter until the scatterer is out of sight. Thus, during which time the antenna illumination pattern progresses
the final height estimate at each along-track position is the in the along-track direction by a distance ( 650 m) that is
average (incoherent sum, normalized) of estimates from all comparable to the radius of the pulse-limited circle. As a
Doppler filters. If the Doppler filters are designed to span the result, the effective footprint for a conventional altimeter, after
along-track antenna beamwidth, all data along track contribute multilook summation, is a set of elliptical annuli, elongated
to the height estimates. The along-track impulse response along track, rather than the circular single-pulse footprints nor-
is determined by the Doppler filter weightings. Along-track mally cited in the literature. In contrast, multilook processing
impulse position is determined by the zero-Doppler position in the delay/Doppler altimeter does not cause spreading of the
for each burst of data. along-track footprint. Instead, Doppler signal analysis not only
reduces the length of the effective footprint along track, but
also synchronizes the relative location of each height estimate
IV. FOOTPRINT with the forward motion of the instrument, thus eliminating
Refer again to the altimeter footprints sketched in Fig. 1. along-track elongation of the footprint.
Fig. 1(a) shows the side view of a pulse radiating from It follows that the customary concept of “flat surface re-
a conventional altimeter toward a quasiflat surface. As the sponse” applies only to the delay time dimension for a
pulse propagates, its radially symmetric intersections with the delay/Doppler altimeter. This means that the inherent de-
surface define a sequence of spreading annuli as in Fig. 1(b) lay/elevation ambiguity that plagues pulse-limited altimeters
[8]. It can be shown that the annuli each have equivalent areas, is reduced from two spatial dimensions to only one dimen-
which give rise to a relatively constant backscatter level after sion. The cross-track ambiguity that remains is suggested in
the initial response. Fig. 1(d), which shows that at any given Doppler frequency,
As introduced above, the delay/Doppler altimeter [Fig. 1(c)] there are two possible sources for reflections having a given
uses coherent processing over a block of received returns (relative) time delay. These arise from either side of the mini-
to estimate the Doppler FM imposed on the signals by the mum delay locus, which nominally is the subsatellite track. Of
forward motion of the altimeter. Doppler analysis of the data course, the point of first reflection (at zero relative delay time)
allows their relative along-track positions to be estimated may be to one side of the subsatellite track, as would be true in
relative to the position of the altimeter. It follows that the general when there is a nonzero cross-track terrain slope. The
along-track dimension of the signal data and the cross-track cross-track ambiguity and the delay/elevation ambiguity both
(range or time-delay) dimension are separable. In contrast to may be at least partially resolved through application of other
the response of a conventional altimeter, which has only one means, such as the monopulse phase sensing technique [4].
independent variable (time delay), the delay/Doppler altimeter
response has two independent variables: along-track position
( ) and cross-track position (functionally related to time-
delay ). After delay/Doppler processing, these two variables V. FLAT SURFACE RESPONSE
describe an orthonormal data grid, as shown in Fig. 1(d). With The average flat surface response function describes the
this data space in mind, delay/Doppler processing may be time-delay history of reflections observed by an altimeter
interpreted as an operation that flattens the radiating field in over a quasiflat horizontal surface [2]. (In this work, quasiflat
the along-track direction. In this transformed data space, the means that the observed reflectivity per area increment is
resolved ( ) cells have constant along-track length, but their independent of incidence over the restricted set of angles
cross-track width decreases as the square root of delay time. illuminated by the radar and there is no perceptible variation
The true nadir point is contained in the plane orthogonal in terrain elevation within the illuminated region.) To accom-
to the satellite ground track for which the Doppler shift is modate the delay/Doppler altimeter, the concept of flat surface
zero. The along-track location of this plane is independent of response must be extended to two independent variables, one
satellite attitude as well as terrain slope. The delay estimates at corresponding to relative delay time and one corresponding
all Doppler frequencies can be located along track with respect to the along-track position of the altimeter. The shape of the
to nadir. Ideally, the along-track nadir location is equivalent delay-time response is determined primarily by the resolved
to along-track spacecraft position. Vertical spacecraft velocity scattering area in the cross-track direction. The shape of

the corresponding along-track response function is set by

weighting in the processor and subject to design optimization.
It is helpful to distinguish between two closely related “flat
surface” functions, denoted here as and . The
(idealized) flat surface response was first described
by Moore and Williams [8] as the function that accounts
for the effects of antenna pattern, illumination geometry, and
incoherent surface scattering. The flat surface response
includes the physical constraints of the illumination and an-
tenna geometry as well as the impact of (compressed) pulse
shape and signal processing. It is this flat surface response
that serves as the primary analytical basis for description of
the spatial properties of radar altimeters [2], [5].
The difference between these two flat surface functions is
subtle, but significant. Recall that the impulse response
describes the output of a (linear) system when its input is
an arbitrarily short test signal. Under reasonable conditions,
the expected output from any linear sensor is given by
the convolution of the sensor’s impulse
response over the distribution function that describes
the input data source. It has been shown that the average input
data distribution function for a (conventional) radar altimeter (b)
is well modeled by a convolution Fig. 6. Typical quasiflat surface response waveforms from (a) conventional
of the (idealized) flat surface response with the satellite pulse-limited radar altimeter and (b) delay/Doppler altimeter. (Note
that the power scales are normalized to unity.)
topographic distribution of the reflective points on the
surface [2]. The resulting radar altimeter linear model is a
triple convolution or (impulse of the flat surface response function that corresponds to the
response) (idealized flat surface response) (topographic dis- area illuminated by the pulse during the second pulse delay
tribution) in plain language. This triple convolution may be interval is shaded in the figure. The defining characteristic
regrouped as (flat surface response) (topographic distribution) of this response function is that the curve is essentially a
or , where . step function: once attained, the maximum value is supported
The flat surface (delay time) responses for both a con- for many delay intervals. This is because the areas of the
ventional radar altimeter and the delay/Doppler altimeter are concentric annuli defined by the radiating (compressed) pulse
shown in Fig. 6. The droop imposed by antenna weighting are constant with time.
is also suggested. The underlying analysis assumed that the
effective (compressed) radiated pulse was rectangular in both
B. Delay/Doppler Altimeter
cases. Time delay is shown in units of pulse length. If
the effective pulse were weighted, as might be expected in The delay time response (after processing) of the de-
practice, the corners of these response functions would be lay/Doppler altimeter is shown in Fig. 6(b) and has the
smoother. functional form

A. Conventional Pulse-Limited Altimeter

The behavior of a conventional satellite radar altimeter
[Fig. 6(a)] is well known. Its flat surface response function is


This curve represents the (average) strength of the altimeter’s

(9) response to illumination of a quasiflat surface as a function of
time delay, just as in the previous case. As before, the second
where is the effective pulse length, is the altitude, and delay interval is more darkly shaded in the figure. Note that
is the speed of light. After an initial rise, the response the response to a flat surface for all regions in the second
remains constant, more-or-less, subject primarily to decreases delay zone and beyond have much less relative power for
from off-boresight antenna pattern weighting. (Of course, the delay/Doppler altimeter than for the conventional radar
antenna pointing errors, or nonzero slope of the illuminated altimeter. This is because the area contributing to the response
surface, cause departures from this norm [2].) The portion signal decreases as the square root of time.


The delay/Doppler altimeter uses signal data from the
entire length of the antenna illumination pattern in the along-
track direction to estimate the height of each resolved patch
of subsatellite terrain. This implies that substantially more
integration is possible than in a pulse-limited altimeter. Under
the assumption that the dominant scattering mechanism is
nonspecular, the integration gain is linear in power. It follows
that the total power arising from each resolved cell is larger
for the delay/Doppler altimeter than for a conventional pulse-
limited altimeter, even though the postprocessing footprint size
is smaller.

A. Conventional Altimeter Radar Equation

The classical radar equation [9], including the range time-
bandwidth product (TBP), may be written

where is the effective radar cross section of the resolved

terrain patch. In the literature of altimetry [7], [8], the radar
cross section usually is interpreted to mean
(12) Fig. 7. Area APL that contributes to the single-pulse height measurement
for a conventional altimeter is purely beam-limited. For the delay/Doppler
where is the normalized scattering coefficient of the terrain altimeter, the equivalent area ADD that contributes to the integrated power
(dimensionless) and is the area of the resolved footprint. from each resolved cell is pulse-limited across track and its along-track length
is determined by the arc length along the orbit from which each resolved cell
When the altimeter is pulse-limited, the radius of the is illuminated.
limiting circle for the quasiflat surface response function on a
spherical earth may be derived from (1) to be
contributes to the received signal power for a delay/Doppler
(13) altimeter on a single-pulse basis. The cross-track dimension is
set by the pulse-limited condition. Thus
The area of the footprint for the pulse-limited altimeter is
The corresponding integrated received power for the de-
Thus, the effective received power for a pulse-limited altimeter lay/Doppler altimeter is
is TBP
which has an altitude (range) dependence.
At one level, this result should be expected. At least with
B. Delay/Doppler Radar Equation
respect to the altitude dependence, it is the geometric mean
The same approach may be extended to cover the case between the pulse-limited case ( ) and the beam-limited
of a delay/Doppler altimeter. Its distinguishing feature is case ( ) derived by Moore and Williams [8]. Furthermore,
delay compensation, after which all reflections from a given integration along track for orbital systems always benefits from
scattering area have the same radar range at each and every the ratio of the orbital path to the footprint path radii. Beyond
point in the accumulated signal history. As a consequence, these, however, the result shows another effect that is subtle
height estimation for each resolved scattering cell benefits but may be helpful in system optimization: reduced sensitivity
from integration as long as that cell is illuminated by the to compressed pulse length .
antenna pattern. The delay/Doppler radar equation can be The relative power efficiency of the two altimeters is given
developed in a manner that is similar to well-known results by the ratio
in SAR. For each scattering cell, the equivalent along-orbit
integration length is proportional to the length of the (18)
antenna footprint (Fig. 7), expanded [11] by the orbital factor
(2). Here is the equivalent rectangle width of the antenna in which it is assumed that all other factors (such as average
along-track power pattern. The along-orbit integration may be transmitted power and antenna gain) are equal in the two
interpreted in terms of an equivalent along-track area that cases. To first order, the relative radiometric advantage of

Fig. 9. Timing plan for a burst mode realization of a delay/Doppler altimeter.

Fig. 8. Given comparable hardware (the same average transmitted power, the received during the 100- s interval between transmitted
same antenna gains, etc.), the response of a delay/Doppler altimeter can be pulses. The timing between bursts is controlled so that the
more than 10 dB stronger than the response of a conventional pulse-limited
altimeter. receive intervals are synchronized with the arriving echoes.
These parameters were chosen to make the best use of the
available time, under the constraints of minimizing transmitted
the delay/Doppler altimeter over the pulse-limited altimeter is peak power and maximizing the number of looks.
given simply by the ratio of the equivalent areas over which The approach described in more detail in the following
the signals are integrated. It is evident that the delay/Doppler paragraphs has a superficial similarity to TOPEX, in that the
altimeter makes better use of transmitted power, primarily burst length corresponds to the round-trip range delay time. In
because more of its integration contributes directly to energy contrast to the TOPEX model, however, for the delay/Doppler
at the estimated height of each scatterer. altimeter, the interburst interval is used for echo reception, not
the interpulse periods. As will be seen, this supports a robust
C. Example range gate timing scheme yet maintains an efficient duty cycle.
The magnitude of the potential gain improvement can be This burst sequence strategy has other features that work well
illustrated through an example. Consider an altimeter that is with the delay/Doppler data processing requirements.
similar to TOPEX/Poseidon [7] in most regards, having the The suggested burst mode plan is shown in Fig. 9. Burst
same average radiated power, same beamwidth, same pulse length can be constant, chosen to be a little less than the
compression and range resolution, etc. The only difference minimum round-trip delay time from the altimeter to the
is that the altimeter is operated in the delay/Doppler mode. surface. The PRF must be higher than the Doppler bandwidth
The radiometric performance of the delay/Doppler altimeter of the echo ensemble, yet it must be low enough that the pulse
compared to that of TOPEX/Poseidon is given by the ratio length is less than the pulse period (1/PRF). Once chosen, the
of their two (flat surface) response functions, scaled by their PRF can be constant. The number of pulses transmitted in each
relative powers (18). The result, plotted in Fig. 8, shows that burst can be a constant. The burst period should be variable,
the radiometric response of the delay/Doppler altimeter is but a variation of only 5% would be more than adequate to
more than ten times stronger at the desired altitude mark than accommodate the expected span of ranges to be presented
the response of a conventional radar altimeter, which is an to a system onboard a satellite in circular orbit. The burst
advantage of more than 10 dB. period is constrained to map the position of all height estimates
onto along-track locations that are congruent with those of the
VII. ONBOARD ALONG-TRACK PROCESSING previous burst. The processing is completed for each along-
track position by summation of the detected height estimates
The delay/Doppler altimeter requires pulse-to-pulse signal from the entire Doppler spectrum as the altimeter passes over.
coherence to support the along-track fast Fourier transform
(FFT). Coherence implies that the pulse repetition frequency
(PRF) must be higher than that used on previous radar altime- A. Design Constraints
ters, such as TOPEX. This section elaborates on consequences This particular burst mode strategy, combined with the
of the high PRF requirement and suggests a design approach desire for pulse-to-pulse coherence, leads to design rules and
that leads to a satisfactory solution for the along-track timing performance constraints for the delay/Doppler altimeter, which
and data sequencing issues. are explored in this section. It turns out that election of the
At each of its two frequencies, the TOPEX altimeter [7] uses interburst interval as the echo reception window, rather than
a burst sequence of 38 pulses. Each pulse has about 100- s the interpulse period, constrains the design to a relatively
length and 220- s pulse repetition period (4500-Hz PRF). The narrow set of options. Fortunately, these options should be
burst length corresponds to the round-trip pulse propagation acceptable for many applications. There are tradeoffs that are
time from the altimeter to the surface. Reflected signals are considered further as they arise in the discussion.

where is the speed of light. Thus, the number of pulses per

burst is constrained by


There is one design choice implicit in this constraint: antenna

size. An antenna diameter of 1.5 m and an orbit at 800-km
altitude leads to the constraint . Since the along-
track processing strategy is based on an FFT, it makes sense
to select to be a power of two, which in this case would
be 64. As will be seen below, the burst length may be fine
tuned to optimize output sample spacing. For the moment, let
. The corresponding burst length would be 4.8
ms, which implies a pulse period s and a PRF
Fig. 10. Along-track processing plan for a delay/Doppler altimeter. kHz.
The band of Doppler frequencies that is unambiguously
sampled by the PRF is given by ( PRF PRF/2).
The principal signal sequences are sketched in Fig. 10. The along-track FFT leads to discrete frequencies
Each received pulse echo is deramped in the usual way [7] in the frequency (Doppler) domain, with uniform intersample
and recorded into memory. Subsequent operations are carried spacing PRF . Using the numbers derived above,
out burst by burst. The transformations shown are applied Hz. It may be shown that the Doppler frequencies
in parallel to all data within the range gate. At each range that span one PRF interval correspond to an along-track spread
index, the along-track transform integrates over the block of of scatterers that also are unambiguously sampled [10].
(complex) data in memory after all pulses from each burst Neglecting the second-order effects of earth rotation
are received. Delay compensation is applied at this stage,
included by inference in the FFT operator shown in the (22)
figure. The resulting frequency distribution is the Doppler
domain, constrained to the Nyquist band defined by the PRF. where is the radar wavelength.
The frequency increments and the corresponding along- The design question now becomes: what is the size of the
track position increments are determined by system and along-track cell that corresponds to each resolved Doppler
burst parameters. In each Doppler frequency bin, the data are cell ? From the above
detected and added to sums being accumulated for each along-
track position , whose locations are known through the (23)
Doppler frequency and the burst location . The questions
to be addressed here relate to the size and location of these where the enclosed term in effect is a constant of the sys-
various sequences. tem. For a given orbital altitude, the velocity parameters are
predetermined. Wavelength may be open to designer option,
B. Timing Within Each Burst but it is often determined by other criteria. Spacecraft velocity
Pulse-to-pulse coherence requires that the on-orbit distance is only weakly dependent on altitude for the low earth orbits
between transmissions should be less than half of the along- of interest to altimetry. The ratio of round-trip delay time to
track aperture diameter of the radar antenna. The same burst length is subject to choice, but it must be larger than
limitation follows from the requirement that the Doppler unity. Surprisingly, the along-track cell is not dependent on the
spectrum arising from the antenna pattern should be sampled radar PRF, even though cell size is derived directly from the
at or above the Nyquist rate. Thus, the pulse period must Doppler spectrum. Thus, for an altimeter that uses interburst
satisfy echo reception, the Doppler resolved along-track footprint is
a constant of the system, independent of orbital altitude, to
first order.
(19) Fortunately, the ensuing cell spacing is useful;
m in the present case. The cell size can be adjusted (within
limits) by small changes in the burst length . In general,
where is the spacecraft velocity along its orbit. The a Ku-band delay/Doppler burst mode altimeter in an 800-km
number of pulses per burst is given by the ratio of burst orbit would have an along-track cell size of 219 ( ) m.
length to pulse period. Burst length must be less than Let be the along-track location of the altimeter at the
the round-trip delay time corresponding to the altimeter end of the th burst, at which time the FFT transformation
height of that data block to the Doppler domain is completed. There
is a one-to-one mapping between Doppler frequency and
along-track position relative to the zero Doppler position
[as in (6)], such that for .

Thus, the range history at every Doppler frequency can be which in the present case is approximately 150 looks at 800-
assigned to its corresponding along-track position as each km altitude. This would expand to about 200 looks at the
block is processed. TOPEX altitude of 1334 km. Note that these looks are for each
The upper bound on pulse length is set by the PRF cell whose dwell time is about 35 ms. In order to compare 200
according to looks to the TOPEX example, the number of looks needs to be
increased in proportion to its 53-ms track interval [7]. Thus,
(24) 200 (53/35) 300, which is larger than the 228 samples
that TOPEX averages in an equivalent time period.
which for 13.333 kHz is about 75 s. In the burst mode
described here, there is no need for an interpulse period larger
than zero. The mode allows the pulses to be concatenated to D. The Need for Focusing
completely fill the burst length, becoming in effect a sawtooth- The foregoing has been predicated on a simple isometry
modulated CW signal. The PRF also sets an upper limit on the between Doppler frequency and along-track spatial position.
unambiguous range gate length This equivalence is valid for an along-track resolution that is
comparable to or larger than the first Fresnel zone [1]. In SAR
(25) parlance, this zone is known as the unfocused SAR resolution
where for 13.333 kHz is about 11.25 km, which is more than [3]. Using the classic quarter wavelength criterion, it may be
adequate. shown that the radius of the first Fresnel zone is

C. Timing Between Bursts (30)

For each burst period , the altimeter footprint progresses
along its surface track. The along-track burst spacing which leads to an along-track (unfocused) dimension of 180
is given by m from an altitude of 800 km (or about 230 m from an
(26) altitude of 1334 km). As these quantities are less than the
desired along-track cell size of 250 m, the principle of Doppler
where is the velocity of the altimeter footprint along the equivalence can be applied in its simplest form and the along-
illuminated track on the surface [10]. The minimum allowable track processing task is trivial. If a smaller along-track cell
burst period is 2 or about 10 ms for the example under size is desired, such as for altimetry over land, or a very high
discussion, for which case, m. Any larger satellite altitude or longer wavelength were chosen, the along-
burst period is admissible, although it is reasonable to adopt track processor would have to incorporate phase matching to
the along-track cell dimension as the upper bound. Then achieve the focusing required.
E. Comments
The data points from each block should be colocated with This section attempts to make two general points. First, the
the corresponding data points from all other blocks, which high-level timing and pulse sequencing for a delay/Doppler
implies that the burst period must be an integer fraction altimeter can be organized so that useful performance is
of the cell period , which for this example is about obtainable without stressing hardware limits, in spite of the
35 ms. Furthermore, it is desirable to maximize the number rather high PRF requirement. Second, there are several general
of range samples per cell. Then the optimum burst period rules within which a design may be optimized. It is noteworthy
and burst periods per cell may be found from that an along-track spatial cell of about 220 m emerges as a
canonic number for a Ku-band altimeter. Furthermore, it is
s.t. (28) satisfying that this number may be achieved with along-track
processing that consists primarily of one set of parallel FFT’s
For the present example, and m. The output and associated accumulators.
positions of all range estimates are indexed along track by one The burst technique described here uses the quiescent part
bin after each group of three bursts are processed. This leads of the burst period for echo reception. This might be called
to an along-track impulse response that is weighted and has a the closed burst method. An alternative approach would be
half-power width of , or about 250 m for this example. to use the interpulse periods in subsequent bursts for echo
The number of statistically independent looks available reception, as is done by TOPEX. This might be called the open
at each along-track cell position may be found from the burst method. Design constraints for the open burst method
equivalent rectangle width of the antenna pattern and the differ from those derived here. The open burst method imposes
numbers derived above. Let the antenna beamwidth in the increasingly difficult constraints as the radar PRF is increased.
central along-track section be . Then the equivalent In particular, range gate acquisition and convergence are
along-track distance is . The number of looks compromised and the available pulse length and range gate
at each cell is window are decreased considerably, in comparison to the
(29) closed burst method. Nevertheless, the open burst method
remains a possibility if there is a requirement to sharpen along-

track resolution below about 200 m, and the radar wavelength [4] J. R. Jensen, “Angle measurement with a phase monopulse radar
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radar altimeter. The onboard algorithm compensates for the [7] P. C. Marth, J. R. Jensen, C. C. Kilgus, J. A. Perschy, J. L. MacArthur,
along-track component of the incrementally larger range delay D. W. Hancock, G. S. Hayne, C. L. Purdy, L. C. Rossi, and C. J.
suffered by all scatterers when they are not within the beam- Koblinsky, “Prelaunch performance of the NASA altimeter for the
TOPEX/Poseidon project,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol.
limited (minimum range) footprint. Implementation depends 31, pp. 315–332, Mar. 1993.
on access to the delay/Doppler signal domain. In turn, this im- [8] R. K. Moore and C. S. Williams, Jr., “Radar terrain return at near-vertical
plies that the pulse-to-pulse data sequence must be coherent, so incidence,” Proc. IRE, Feb. 1957, vol. 45, pp. 228–238.
[9] E. M. Purcell, “The radar equation,” in Radar System Engineering, L.
that a Fourier transform can be used to expose the along-track N. Ridenour, Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1947, ch. 2.
(Doppler) frequencies. In this domain, the delay curvatures [10] R. K. Raney, “Doppler properties of radars in circular orbits,” Int. J.
are known and can be fully compensated by a phase multiply. Remote Sensing, vol. 7, no. 9, 1986, pp. 1153–1162.
[11] , “Considerations for SAR image quantification unique to orbital
The technique is analogous to range curvature correction used systems,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. 29, pp. 754–760,
in SAR processing. Data rates admit real-time implementation Sept. 1991.
[12] , “Delay compensated Doppler radar altimeter,” United States
with compact onboard hardware. Patent 5 736 957, April 7, 1998 (international patents pending).
An example has been worked to show that substantially [13] , “A delay/Doppler radar for ice sheet monitoring,” in Proc., Int.
sharpened along-track resolution can be achieved with a simul- Geosci. Remote Sensing Symp. IGARSS’95, Florence, Italy, July, 1995,
pp. 862–864.
taneous increase in the number of looks, at least in comparison [14] R. K. Raney, H. Runge, R. Bamler, I. G. Cumming, and F. H. Wong,
with the best available pulse-limited altimeter. Indeed, it can “Precision SAR processing using chirp scaling,” IEEE Trans. Geosci.
be shown that the number of statistically independent looks Remote Sensing, vol. 32, pp. 786–799, July 1994.
[15] J. L. Walker, “Range-Doppler imaging of rotating objects,” IEEE Trans.
per along-track distance is always larger for the delay/Doppler Aerosp. Electron. Syst., vol. AES-16, pp. 23–52, Jan. 1980.
radar than for a conventional radar altimeter. These benefits are [16] E. J. Walsh, “Pulse-to-pulse correlation in satellite radar altimeters,”
Radio Sci., vol. 17, pp. 786–800, July/Aug. 1982.
a direct consequence of integration over the full along-track [17] P. M. Woodward, Probability and Information Theory, with Applications
beamwidth, a feature unique to the delay/Doppler approach. to Radar. London, U.K.: Pergamon, 1953.
Direct benefits of the delay/Doppler delay compensation in-
clude: 1) increased efficiency of height estimation, 2) increased
geometric stability of the height estimation footprint, and 3)
increased averaging for each elevation estimate, leading to
reduced estimation variance. These technical benefits lead
R. Keith Raney (S’61–M’62–SM’80–F’91) was
to an ocean altimeter that provides improved performance with the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing, Ot-
while requiring fewer onboard resources. Furthermore, the tawa, Ont., from 1976 to 1994, where he helped to
peaked impulse response waveform and the stability of the initiate the Radarsat mission and was responsible
for the conceptual design of the SAR system. He
instrument’s footprint should help to extend radar altimetry to contributed to the conceptual design of NASA’s
more demanding applications, such as polar ice sheets. Magellan, the European Space Agency’s ERS-1
SAR and scatterometer, and the Shuttle Imaging
Radar SIR-C. He was scientific authority for the
ACKNOWLEDGMENT world’s first digital processor for satellite SAR data
(Seasat, 1978) and contributed to the design of the
The author has benefitted from numerous animated dis- X-SAR digital processor at DLR, Germany. He is currently a member of the
cussions with colleagues. The comments, suggestions, and Principal Professional Staff, Space Department, The Johns Hopkins University
creative questions from R. Jensen have been especially helpful, Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD, and is the Assistant Supervisor of
the Ocean Remote Sensing Group. He is the principal inventor for the United
and they are gratefully acknowledged. States patent on the chirp scaling SAR processing algorithm and has a patent
on the delay/Doppler radar altimeter. These and other contributions in remote-
REFERENCES sensing systems, theory, and applications are documented in more than 300
professional publications.
[1] P. Beckman and A. Spizzichino, The Scattering of Electromagnetic Dr. Raney has been an Associate Editor for the International Journal of
Waves from Rough Surfaces. London, U.K.: Pergamon, 1963. Remote Sensing since its inception in 1980 and Associate Editor (radar) for
[2] G. S. Brown, “The average impulse response of a rough surface and its the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING since 1982. He
applications,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-25, pp. 67–74, is a past President of the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (1988 and
Jan. 1977. 1989) and a Fellow of the Electromagnetics Academy. He is a recipient of the
[3] L. J. Cutrona and G. O. Hall, “A comparison of techniques for achieving Outstanding Achievement Award and the Outstanding Service Award of the
fine Azimuth resolution,” IRE Trans. Military Electron., vol. MIL-6, pp. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, a Group Achievement Award
119–133, 1962. for the Magellan Radar Science Team, as well as other awards.

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