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International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’14)

Cordoba (Spain), 8th to 10th April, 2014

Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ)
ISSN 2172-038 X, No.12, April 2014

Predictions of the Hydrodynamic Performance of Horizontal Axis Marine Current

Turbines Using a Panel Method Program
Mahrez Ait-Mohammed1, Mostapha Tarfaoui1 and Jean Marc Laurens1
Department of Fluid Dynamics, Materials and Structures
ENSTA Bretagne – LBMS, 29806 Brest (France)
Phone number: +33(0) 298348713, e-mail: mahrez.ait_mohammed@ensta-bretagne.fr
Phone number: +33(0) 298348705, e-mail: mostapha.tarfaoui@ensta-bretagne.fr
Phone number: +33(0) 298348752, e-mail: jean.marc_laurens@ensta-bretagne.fr

Abstract. This new approach, called GGS model by the authors,

The marine current turbine is the mechanical device that captures indicates a limit of 30.1% for horizontal axis turbines. As
the kinetic energy of marine current to generate electrical power. we will show later in this paper, this lower limit has been
This paper presents the application of an academic panel code established using a model that cannot be applied for
based on potential flow theory for the analysis of marine current marine current turbines.
turbines. The aim of this work is also to analyze the effect of the
addition of a duct on the hydrodynamic performance of the
turbine. The numerical results show that the addition of duct
improves significantly the efficiency of the turbine.


Marine Current Turbines, Panel Method, Boundary

Element Method, Turbine Design, Performances
Predictions, Ducted turbine.
Fig.1. Comparison between the Betz limit and the GGS limit [2].
1. Introduction
Regardless of the adopted limit, it is impossible to extract
The kinetic energy available within tidal currents is an un- all the hydrokinetic energy contained in the flow.
tapped source of renewable energy. If an effective method However it is possible to improve the hydrodynamic
of capturing this energy can be developed, tidal currents performance in terms of power coefficient of a bare
could be harnessed to help satisfy the world’s growing turbine (without duct) by installing a duct. There has been
energy needs. Horizontal axis marine current turbines are considerable effort and discussion in the literature
one promising technology that is being developed for this concerning the addition of a duct to wind/water turbines to
purpose [1]. extract more power than a bare turbine [3], i.e. to surpass
Various global studies have shown that marine currents the theoretical power extraction limit defined by Betz and
have a large potential as a predictable sustainable resource Gorban et al [2] for horizontal axis turbines. In this
for commercial scale generation of electrical power. context, the introduction of duct systems increase
There has been a growing interest in the use of marine significantly the performance of such turbines.
current turbines for electrical power production. The This paper presents the application of an academic panel
ability to predict the hydrodynamic performance of marine code based on potential flow theory to the analysis of
current turbines is essential for the design and analysis of marine current turbines. In theory this code has been
such systems. developed for the hydrodynamic analysis of marine
The performance of marine current turbines is often propellers. However, to extrapolate the results in propeller
expressed by the power coefficient . There is a limit format corresponding to a marine current turbine, three
output of one-dimensional Betz model initially applied for important variables need to be correlated. They are the
turbine with horizontal axis, indicating that the power advance coefficient versus tip speed ratio ,
coefficient value cannot exceed 16/27. This means that the thrust coefficient versus turbine thrust coefficient
turbine cannot extract more than 59.3% of the energy and torque coefficient versus turbine power
contained in the flow. Gorban et al. [2] also redefined the coefficient . When the and the are
Betz theory limit taking into account the deflection of the obtained, versus from the panel method code, they can
streamlines passing through the rotor (figure 1). be represented as and for turbine as a function
of tip speed ratio . With the definitions of propeller
advance coefficient, , propeller thrust From there, the panel methods consist in placing
coefficient , propeller torque coefficient singularities such as dipoles (or doublets) and sources on
, turbine tip speed ratio , the surface of the obstacles. The singularities are
turbine thrust coefficient , and turbine particular solutions of the Laplace equation and their
intensities are computed to fit the boundary conditions.
power coefficient , the three parameters
For a non-lifting body, the only boundary condition is a
for marine current turbines in terms of propellers are: slip condition at its surface. For a lifting body such as a
wing, the slip condition is not sufficient since
(1) theoretically, a body in an inviscid fluid flow does not
produce any hydrodynamic forces. To mimic the behavior
of viscous fluid flow around a lifting body, an additional
(2) condition is also required. It consists in forcing the flow to
be lined up with the trailing edge. This boundary
condition is known as the Kutta-Joukowski condition and
in practice it only can be applied for bodies presenting a
sharp trailing edge. Once the intensities of the singularities
And have been computed respecting the boundary conditions,
(3) we can compute the velocities and the pressure anywhere
in the fluid domain.
The panel method code we use belongs to what
2. Theory, Models and Numerical Hoeijmakers, H.W.M.; [4] refers to as "second
generation" panel methods involving the Dirichlet
Methods condition ( in the inner body). Body surfaces are
discretized into first order panels carrying constant source
The panel methods are based on potential flow theory. and doublet distributions. The wake developing behind
The potential flow model is derived from the Navier- the rotor is formed with a sheet of first order
Stokes model as follows: panels carrying constant doublet distributions and it is
We first consider an uncompressible and generated with time in a Lagrangian manner. Thanks to
Newtonian fluid . Applying the principle of the Dirichlet condition, imposing the slip condition on the
mass conservation, we obtain: body surface, determines the sources directly from the
inlet velocity and the normal vectors. Hence, the unknown
(4) of the problem are the dipoles. The locations of the sheet
panels vertices are recalculated at each time step but not
Where is the velocity vector. the dipoles they carry. Non-lifting bodies such as the hub
are discretised using first order panels carrying constant
Applying the second Newton law, if gravity is ignored, we source and dipole distributions. The rotor hub can be
obtain: easily modelled this way but in most cases it does not
(5) influence the hydrodynamic coefficients so in the results
presented here, we do not simulate its presence. The code
allows for unsteady state flow simulation and the body
thickness representation leads to an accurate distribution
Where the left term is the substantial (or total) derivative
of pressure coefficients (Cp) on duct and blades surfaces.
of the velocity vector multiplied by the density, p is the
From the velocities, we compute the local Reynolds
pressure, and μ is the fluid molecular viscosity.
number, , on each surface panel which gives us the
local friction coefficient Cf using standard formulae:
Equations (4) and (5) are the Navier-Stokes equations for
an uncompressible and Newtonian fluid. We now assume
that the fluid is inviscid , and the flow is non for turbulent flow and for laminar
rotational . This last assumption is equivalent to
state that a potential function exists such as . flow. The transition is forced at .
With these assumptions, equation (5) becomes the
Bernoulli equation and equation (4) becomes the Laplace The panel method only requires a surface mesh of the
equation for ϕ: solid objects. We developed a friendly user mesh
generator for the blades and duct surfaces. A typical
(6) configuration is presented in Figure 2. In this example, we
also show the wake which has been automatically
Solving the potential flow is therefore to find a potential generated by the potential flow code. Since the rotor
Function ϕ which satisfies the Laplace equation. The blades and the duct are computed as lifting bodies, they
velocities are derived from the potential function since, must present a sharp trailing edge from which the wake
, and the pressure is computed from the Bernoulli modelled as a sheet of first order panels carrying constant
equation which is true everywhere in the fluid for a doublet distributions originates.
potential flow. The procedure consists in separating the flow around the
rotor and the flow around the duct into two different runs. The lift and drag coefficients curves for the NACA 63-415
Once the flow around the duct has been solved, we profile computed with XFoil are presented on Figure 4. It
compute the duct induced velocities at the blades control clearly appears that a severe flow separation occurs after
points (i.e. the centers of all panels). The flow around the 6°.
rotor is then computed in the presence of the duct induced
velocities. We then compute the rotor induced velocities 1,5 0,2
on the surface of the duct. The procedure is repeated until
convergence which occurs after only a few iterations [5]. 0,15

0 -3,89E-16
0 5 10 15 20

Cl Cd

Fig.4. Lift and Drag coefficients versus the angle of attack for
the NACA 63-415 section as computed with XFoil

B. Performance comparison between theory and

data experiments

The results of the performance of the model turbine from

boundary element method (panel method code) in flow
Fig.2. Example of ducted water turbine. The wake behind the speed at has been compared with the
blades is generated by the computation
experimental data [6] at blade set angles of 0°, 5°, 10° and
13°. Figures 5 to 8 show a comparison of the numerical
3. Numerical Methods and analytical power coefficient Cp with the experimental
data. The analytical expression of the power coefficient is
A. Model Turbine given by Werle et al. [3]:

The turbine rotor described and tested by Bahaj et al. [6] (7)
is considered. For this rotor a considerable set of
experimental data obtained from cavitation tunnel and Where is the duct drag coefficient and is the rotor
towing tank tests is available in the literature [6]. The thrust coefficient. In the case of un-ducted turbine, the
turbine is a three-bladed turbine with NACA 63-415 duct drag coefficient is equal to zero.
sections. The standard geometry has a pitch angle at the
blade root equal to 15°, corresponding to a 0° set angle,
the blade set angle is the angle at the tip of the blade 0,8
(pitch). In the present work, 0°, 5°, 10° and 13° blade set
angle were considered. The rotor hub can be easily
modelled but in most cases it does not influence the 0,6
hydrodynamic coefficients so in the results presented here,
we do not simulate its presence. 0,4
A view of the blade mesh and the turbine rotor geometry Panel Method
Cp Cav. Tunnel 1.40 m/s
is shown in figure 3. analytical

2 4 TSR 6 8 10

Fig.5. Comparison of power coefficient Cp predicted by Panel

code at 0° set angle with experimental data

Fig.3. Design of blade with NACA 63-415 and 0° set angle

al. [3] is slightly pessimistic but follows the tendencies
0,6 indicated by the experimental results. The panel method
code, although more accurate, gives some even lower Cp
values. Baltazar and Falcao de Campos. [8] obtained some
0,4 similar results with an equivalent method. They
introduced a refinement to their model to adjust the drag.
Cp When they only take the friction into account, as we do,
0,2 Panel Method they obtain the same results we do. They also adjust the
Cav. Tunnel, 1.73 m/s drag to include all viscous effects including flow
Tow. Tank, 1.46 m/s
Analytical separation. With this latter correction, they get much
closer to the experimental results but it requires 2D
sections XFoil analysis. The ultimate tool would be to use
2 4 6 8 10 a Navier-Stokes solver with a proper turbulence model as
in Afgan et al. [9] who obtained results very close to the
Fig.6. Comparison of power coefficient Cp predicted by Panel experimental results of Bahaj et al. [6]. All this proves
code at 5° set angle with experimental data that even when the turbine operates within its high Cp
range, some flow separation occurs.
0,6 Before we discuss the flow separation in more detail, we
0,4 must underline the fact that all the results, experimental
Cp and numerical, predict a Cp well over the limit of 30.1%
0,2 given by the GGS model [2]. Examining this paper in
0 more detail, we found out that it is based assuming
TSR Darcy’s law which only applies for Stokes’ flows.
2 4 6 8 10
-0,2 Surprisingly this paper has been cited over 150 times
(according the Google Scholar) but this inconsistency has
-0,4 Panel Method never been highlighted. Only McNaughon [10] in his
Cav. Tunnel, 1.54 m/s
-0,6 Tow. Tank, 1.42 m/s
voluminous report has indicated that the GGS model was
Analytica probably wrong.
The discrepancy between the panel method code results
-1 and the experimental results are essentially due to the fact
that potential flow code cannot simulate flow separation.
Fig.7. Comparison of power coefficient Cp predicted by Panel In Figures 7 and 8 the differences between our model and
code at 10° set angle with experimental data the experiment are even more important. In these cases the
set angles are 10° and 13 ° which correspond to 25° and
0,4 28° root pitch angles respectively. These pitch angles lead
the poorest hydrodynamic efficiency curves because the
0,2 blades are in propulsion mode (angle of attack is
Cp negative). This is in full consistent with the results of the
0 literature [6] and [11]. Figure 5 presents the comparative
2 4 6 TSR 8 10 results for the lowest pitch angle. The numerical results
-0,2 are closer to the experimental results, until flow separation
Panel Method occurs at .
-0,4 Cav. Tunnel 1,30 m/s
Analytical To illustrate the flow separation occurrence, Figure 9
-0,6 presents the sections angles of attack from blade root to
tip when the set angle is 13°. As can be seen, in most
-0,8 cases, the angle of attack reaches high values. Referring to
Abbott and Von Doenhoff [12], all 2D symmetrical foil
-1 approaches the stall at 15° angle of attack. With the
NACA63415, flow separation occurs even earlier.
Although 3D effects reduce the apparent angle of attack,
Fig.8. Comparison of power coefficient Cp predicted by Panel the values presented in Figure 9, are such that separation
code with 13° set angle rotor and the experimental data occurs for all configuration at least at the blade root. The
separation and stall cannot be simulated with the panel
C. Discussion method code. However, as for a propeller, it is not
advisable to operate a water turbine in a flow separation
condition. In other word, the best configuration for the
Examining the four rotor set angles, we note that the best
performance (Cp lower than measurements data) was present turbine is the 5° blade set angle at .
obtained for a 5° set angle corresponding to a 20° root
pitch. It is also noted that the maximum numerical power
coefficient attains a maximum value of about 0.34 at
. See Figure 6. The analytical model of Werle et
NACA 4-Digit profile on the hydrodynamic performance
of the turbine with 5° set angle rotor.
TSR=2 TSR=3 Several axial positions of the rotor to the inner of the duct
50 TSR=4 TSR=5 were tested and the numerical results with panel method
40 showed that it is at 25% of the duct chord from the leading
edge where we find the best efficiency.
Angle of Attack α°

30 Figure 11 illustrate the duct surface pressure coefficient

distribution at maximum power extraction, according to
20 at .


0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
Chord r/R

Fig.9. angle of attack versus chord of 13° set angle

4. Ducted Turbine
Augmentation channels induce a sub-reference pressure
within a constrained area and thereby increase the flow
velocity. If a turbine is placed in such a channel, the flow
velocity around the rotor is higher than the current
velocity. Since the potential power is proportional to the
cube of the inlet velocity, the expected gain can be very
These structures are fixed at the periphery of the rotor to
increase the power extracted by the marine current
turbine, geometry of marine current turbines facilitates the Fig.11. Distribution of the pressure coefficient on the duct at
introduction of this type of device. These systems create a TSR=7.5
funnelling effect which increases the flow through the
rotor. Drag exerted by the fluid on the duct is translating Figure 12 shows the evolution of the power coefficient Cp
on a depression at the output of the duct which is at the of the ducted turbine with a NACA4424 profile and the
origin of the suction phenomenon [13]. bare turbine with 0.950m rotor diameter. The numerical
Figure 10 shows the evolution of the power coefficient as results show, for the same overall area, that the ducted
a function of the rotor drag coefficient and the duct drag turbine produces more power than the bare turbine. The
coefficient. The analytical expression of the power TSR are not the same since the action of the duct shifts the
coefficient in the presence of a duct is the equation (7). advance parameter ( at versus
at ). If these findings are confirmed, it
means that it is advisable to install water turbines
equipped with a duct.




2 4 TSR 6 8 10
Panel Method with duct
Fig.10. Evolution of the power coefficient as function of the Analytical Cp with duct
rotor drag coefficient and the duct drag coefficient Panel Method without duct
Analytical Cp without duct
In addition, the aim of this work is also to analyze the Fig.12. Comparison of power coefficient Cp predicted by Panel
Method between ducted and un-ducted turbine for the same
effect of a 0.950 m diameter and 0.4m chord duct with overall
Conclusion and future work [4] H. W. M. Hoeijmakers, “Panel Methods for Aerodynamic
Analysis and Design”, AGARD Report 783. 1992, pp. 5.1-
An academic panel code based on potential flow theory [5] J. M. Laurens, S. Moyne and F. Deniset, “A BEM Method
has been used to assess the hydrodynamic performance of for the Hydrodynamic Analysis of Fishing Boats Propulsive
a marine current turbine with and without a duct. The Systems”, in Proc. ISFVEE 2012, pp.1-7.
numerical results for the bare turbine have been compared [6] A.S. Bahaj, W. M. J. Batten, G. McCann, “Experimental
with the experimental results reported in reference [6]. Verifications of Numerical Predictions for the
Although the trend is the same, the numerical results Hydrodynamic Performance of Horizontal Axis Marine
present significantly lower values for the power Current Turbines”, Renewable Energy. 2007, Vol. 32, pp.
coefficient. Baltazar and Falcao de Campos [8] obtained [7] W. M. J. Batten, A. S. Bahaj, A. F. Molland, J. R. Chaplin,
the same results with a very similar method and they “Experimentally Validated Numerical Method for The
propose to correct the section drag to account for flow Hydrodynamic Design of Horizontal Axis Tidal Turbines”,
separation. From the spanwise distribution of sections Ocean Engineering. 2006, Vol. 34, pp. 1013-1020.
angles, it appears that flow separation must occur even for [8] J. Baltazar, J. A. C. Falcão de Campos, “Unsteady Analysis
configurations with high power coefficient values. Flow of a Horizontal Axis Marine Current Turbine in Yawed
separation and cavitation being closely linked, serious Inflow Conditions with a Panel Method”, in Proc. SMP2009,
investigation has to be carried out to decide whether it is pp.1-9.
advisable to design a water turbine presenting flow [9] I. Afgan, J. McNaughton, S. Rolfo, D. D. Apsley, T. Stallard,
and P. Stansby, “Turbulent Flow and Loading on a Tidal
separation even in normal operational mode. Simulations Stream Turbine by LES and RANS”, International Journal of
with a Navier-Stokes solver are needed as long as the Heat and Fluid Flow. 2013, Vol 43, pp.96-108.
turbulence model is capable of predicting the correct [10] J. McNaughon, “ Turbulence Modelling in the Near-Field of
hydrodynamic forces in presence of flow separation which an Axial flow Tidal Turbine in Code-Saturne”, First Year
is known to be a challenging problem. Experimental Report, 2010, pp.1-15.
results with flow separation monitoring are also needed. [11] P. Liu, “A Computational Hydrodynamics Method for
Horizontal Axis Turbine, Panel Method Modeling Migration
In the course of our study, we questioned the upper limit from Propulsion to Turbine Energy”, Energy. 2010, Vol. 35,
given by the GGS model [2] which is half the Betz limit. pp. 2843-2851.
We found that the GGS model is based on a wrong [12] I. H. Abbott and A. E. Von Doenhoff, Theory of Wing
assumption and serious contradiction are embedded in the Sections, Dover Edition, New York (1959), pp. 110-187 and
proof. Surprisingly the paper has been cited more than a 536-537.
hundred times and only one author suspected something [13] B. Multon, Energies Marines Renouvelables, Lavoisier
Edition, Paris (2011), pp. 277-281.
was wrong and no one investigated any further.
Finally, the results of our simulations with the presence of
a duct show that the addition of this appendix produces a
very significant increase in power outlet with a same
overall area.
The arguments given against the addition of a duct are
usually coming from the structural point of view. Our
future line of investigation will therefore concern the
material and structure behaviour of the ducted water


We would like to thank “Brest Métropole Océane” for

their financial support for this research work.


[1] P. Fraenkel, “Power From Marine Current, Proceedings of

the Institution of Mechanical Engineers”, Part A: Journal of
Power and energy, 2002, pp. 1-14.
[2] A. N. Gorban, A. M. Gorlov and V. M. Silantyev, “Limits of
the Turbines Efficiency for Free Fluid Flow”, Journal of
Energy Resources Technology. 2001, Vol. 123, pp. 311-312.
[3] M. J. Werle, and W. M. Presz, “Ducted Wind/Water
Turbines and Propellers Revisited”, Journal of Propulsion
and Power. 2008, Vol. 24, pp. 1146-1150.

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