2D Numerical Simulations of Blade-Vortex Interaction in A Darrieus Turbine
2D Numerical Simulations of Blade-Vortex Interaction in A Darrieus Turbine
2D Numerical Simulations of Blade-Vortex Interaction in A Darrieus Turbine
Blade-Vortex Interaction in a
E. Amet
Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques
Industriels (LEGI),
Darrieus Turbine
Grenoble 38041, France
The aim of this work is to provide a detailed two-dimensional numerical analysis of the
physical phenomena occurring during dynamic stall of a Darrieus wind turbine. The flow
T. Maître is particularly complex because as the turbine rotates, the incidence angle and the blade
1 Introduction speed ratio and for solidity parameter below 0.2, because the
Glauert momentum theory is not valid outside this range 关5,6兴.
Basically, wind turbines can be divided in two groups depend-
Also, the flow is assumed quasisteady and predicted blade loads
ing on their rotational axis direction: horizontal axis wind turbine
are inaccurate. The normal component to the free-stream flow is
共HAWT, or axial flow turbine兲, and vertical axis wind turbine
neglected. The momentum models are inadequate to model the
共VAWT, or cross-flow turbine兲. VAWT has a smaller efficiency
wake developed downstream of a wind turbine farm 关7兴.
than HAWT, but did not benefit from the years of development The vortex methods applied to rotor wake problems ranges
undergone by the HAWT. A typical Darrieus turbine is a fixed from “prescribed” 共fixed兲 to “free” vortex techniques. The devel-
pitch VAWT with straight blades and its simplicity lies in the opment of a vortex wake model is based on the assumption of an
absence of the yawing mechanism. On the other hand, the rotor incompressible potential flow with all vorticity being assumed
aerodynamics is far from being simple since it involves highly concentrated within the vortex filaments 关8兴. In the vortex models,
unsteady flow fields. This unsteadiness is due to large variations in based on the vorticity equation, the blade element is replaced with
the angle of attack on the blades during their rotation. a lifting line or surfaces that depend on the azimuthal position.
Figure 1 presents a typical performance curve in term of power The advantage is that the pressure does not explicitly appear in the
coefficient C P versus the tip speed ratio . This curve is divided in vorticity equation and the pressure field is not needed to compute
three regions according to the importance of the primary 共dy- for the velocity field 关5兴. The fluid velocity is obtained by adding
namic兲 and secondary 共viscous兲 effects. At low tip speed ratios, the undisturbed fluid velocity and the vortex induced velocity. On
blades undergo deep stall, leading to large dynamic loadings. the other hand, lift and drag static coefficients are needed to com-
Losses come from the large scale vortices detached from blades pute the bound element vortex strength. The vortex models are
and convected in the wake. These dynamic effects are strongly relatively higher in computational overhead, mainly because the
influenced by the solidity of the turbine. At higher tip speed Biot–Savart law is computed for every vortex shed in the flow but
ratio, the shaft, the added mass effects, and the viscosity friction they are more realistic than the momentum models.
prevail due to smaller angles of attack. Between the two zones, Ponta and Jacovkis 关9兴 combined a free vortex model with a
there is a narrow optimal transition zone, corresponding to a bal- finite element analysis 共FEVDTM兲. The free vortex model acts as
ance between primary and secondary effects. a macromodel, whose results are used as a boundary condition on
Since 1970, several aerodynamic prediction models have been the boundary of the micromodel 共the finite elements area which
formulated for Darrieus machines. The momentum models 共single include the airfoil兲. The bound vortex strength is obtained by in-
streamtube model 关1兴, multiple streamtubes model 关2兴, double- tegrating the velocity obtained with the finite element analysis.
multiple streamtubes model 关3,4兴, and other variants are all de- Once converged, the surface pressure distribution over the airfoil
rived from the actuator disk theory. They are limited to small tip is obtained by integrating the momentum equation model. Know-
ing the pressure and velocity distributions, a boundary layer
model is used to compute for the viscous shear stress over the
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the
JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received July 2, 2008; final manuscript
airfoil surface. Then, the instantaneous forces are calculated by
received August 31, 2009; published online October 21, 2009. Assoc. Editor: Joseph integrating the pressure distribution and shear stress. This method
Katz. is attractive because it is free of empirical data; rotational effects
Journal of Fluids Engineering Copyright © 2009 by ASME NOVEMBER 2009, Vol. 131 / 111103-1
0015 VAWT with infinite aspect ratio. DES models give the most
accurate description of the generation and shedding of the vortic-
ity and an acceptable sensitivity to grid refinement 共both in time
and space兲. LES models perform worse than DES models, prob-
ably because they model the wall region less accurately. DES and
LES models present large force oscillations at frequencies higher
than the frequency of the turbine rotation, due to either a continu-
ous shedding of small vortices or either due to some numerical
convergence effects. A nonzero value of the normal force for a
zero geometric angle was found for both URANS models, while
for DES and LES models, a zero normal force was found. It is
more likely that, for a zero geometric angle, a symmetric airfoil in
circular motion develops a nonzero lift, unlike a symmetric airfoil
et al. 关20兴 compared two URANS models 共with Spalart–Allmaras where is measured from the tip position in the counterclockwise
and k- turbulence models兲, and the LES and DES models with direction 共Fig. 2兲.
experimental vorticity visualization for a single-bladed NACA The maximum incidence angle is given by
Fⴱ = 冉 冊冉 冊
1 1
− 1 2␣max
dimension is 1 m兲 as follows:
Parameter Brochier et al., 1986 Fujisawa and Shibuya, 2001 Laneville and Vitecoq, 1986
Technique LDV in water channel PIV in water channel Separately measurements of N and T by strain gauge
Blade profile NACA 0018 NACA 0018 NACA 0018
Number of blades nb 2 1 2
Blade chord C 0.02 m 0.01 m 0.061 m
Turbine radius R 0.06 m 0.03 m 0.3 m
Curvature C / R 0.33 0.33 0.20
Blade length ᐉ 0.2 m 0.135 m 0.6 m
Reynolds number ReD = 10,000 共fixed兲 ReD = 3000共fixed兲 ReC = 38,000共fixed兲
Angular velocity ⍀ variable variable 300 rpm 共fixed兲
冦 冧
L adjacent cells, with 188 nodes on each blade face. The ratio for
CL = the other zones is incremented from 1.15 to 3 at the boundary. To
共7兲 properly resolve the viscous affected region, an O mesh is used
D around the airfoils and y+ at the wall adjacent cell is chosen
CD =
0.5C1共⍀R兲2 around 1, corresponding to a size of 25 m. Grid sensitivity
study presented in Appendix A show that a finer grid provide very
similar results.
3 Numerical Study
Numerical simulations on a Darrieus turbine were carried out, 3.2 Numerical Governing Equations. The flow solver TURB-
the hysteretic behavior of which was investigated experimentally FLOW is used to perform computations on the Darrieus turbine.
by Laneville and Vittecoq 关23兴. The various parameters are shown The equations solved here are the full unsteady compressible
in Table 1. RANS equations in the absolute frame, where the laminar viscos-
The two blades have a NACA 0018 foil shape and are attached ity is assumed constant. The equations are solved for the conser-
to the rotor radius at the quarter point from the leading edge in an vative 共Favre mass-averaged兲 variable density , momentum vec-
infinite flow field. The offset pitch angle is set to zero 共␣0 = 0兲. tor components ui, and total energy E. In the present study, the
Due to some numerical instabilities at the trailing edge, the sharp turbulence model k- of Kok 关26兴 is used. To avoid unphysical
edge was transformed into a round edge with a ratio radius/chord production of eddy viscosity, the production of kinetic energy is
of 0.1%. The results are not affected by this tiny transformation. limited with a limiter relating the maximum allowable production
to the double of the dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy.
3.1 Grid Setup. The computational domain extends 30 blade To take into account the blades rotation, an arbitrary
chord lengths from the center. The mesh is a multiblock structured Lagrangian–Euler 共ALE兲 method was used 关27兴, with an adiabatic
grid composed by a mix of “O” blocks near the blades and near zero normal velocity condition on the blade surface. At the outlet,
the frontier and a “H” bloc in the center 共Fig. 5兲. The whole the atmospheric pressure was imposed, and at the inlet, the up-
domain was meshed with the GAMBIT software 共version 2.4兲 of stream velocity was used.
FLUENT and then divided in 12 blocks, roughly of the same num- The space discretization is based on a monotone upstream-
ber of grid points, to take advantage of the parallel virtual ma- centered schemes for conservation laws 共MUSCL兲 关27兴 finite vol-
chine 共PVM兲 parallel programming. The computations were per- ume formulation, with a third-order upwind scheme 关28兴 for the
formed on two Dell PowerEdge 1950 machines equipped with convective terms. To advance the solution in time, a dual-time
two Intel Xeon dual core processors. step procedure was used. Also, due to the stiffness and low con-
The reference grid contains 160,000 points and will be refer- vergence of the compressible solvers when low Mach numbers are
enced as grid N1. Two blocks contain each blade and extend half encountered 关29兴, a low Mach preconditioning is employed 关30兴.
a chord, meshed with a ratio of a maximum of 1.15 between two The solution is advanced in pseudotime with a three-step Runge–
Kutta method until a pseudosteady-state is reached. The following
numerical parameters come from a study presented in Appendix
B. The physical time step was limited to 1.38⫻ 10−4 s, which
corresponds to 0.25 deg of incremental azimuthal angle. To cover
a chord, 48 time steps are necessary. For the inner time step, a
local time step was employed with CFL= 1, which gives a
pseudotime step of 10−8 s near the blade region. To ensure stabil-
ity at the beginning of a time step, a linear slope of the CFL
number was imposed for the first 300 pseudotime steps, ranging
from 10−3 to 1. A maximum number of 3000 inner-iterations was
used 共see Appendix A兲. In the following simulations, a transient
behavior is noticed, with large differences between the first and
the second revolutions, and negligible differences between the
second and the third revolutions. Similar transient behaviors are
found in Refs. 关31,32兴. The presented results correspond to the
Fig. 5 Overview of the grid mesh N1 second revolution.
opment and the shedding of a counter-rotative vortex g 共Figs. 7.20 vortices, detaching from leading and trailing edges, are shed in the
and 7.21兲. As the incidence angle decreases 共 = 293– 322 deg, wake. These pairs of vortices appear weaker than the ones ob-
Figs. 7.21–7.24兲 many other pairs of alternate counter-rotating served in the first half disk.
Figures 8 and 9 show the lift and drag coefficients on one blade lations are observed between the two curves兲, some significant
versus the geometrical angle of attack ␣. The black and dotted differences exist. They can come from four factors, as follows:
lines correspond to the calculated and experimental coefficients,
respectively. The number plotted on the calculated curves corre- 共1兲 The first one is the grid sensitivity, or more generally, the
sponds to the picture number in Fig. 7. Though the global numeri- influence of the numerical parameters of the solver like the
cal and experimental curve shapes are similar 共some global trans- time step, the number of inner-iterations of the dual-time
due to the influence of the a and b vortices as they get closer to mechanism is similar. Fujisawa and Shibuya 关35兴 mentioned the
the blade. Position 20 confirms this influence; as the incidence presence of two pairs of counter-rotating vortices, one at the small
keeps its maximum between positions 19 and 20 共⫺28 deg兲, the incidence angle and the other one at the higher incidence angle.
lift coefficient changes from ⫺1 to about 0. The corresponding The present computed results confirm the existence of two pairs of
streamlines presented on Fig. 7 show that the counterclockwise a such counter-rotating vortices, 共c-c⬘兲 and 共a-b兲, although the pair
vortex induces a flow blockage at position 19, which increases generated at low incidence angle is more quickly dissipated than
locally the negative incidence. At position 20, this flow blockage the 共a-b兲 pair of vortices.
is completely removed due to the convection of the a vortex
downstream. From position 21 to position 24 incidence decreases 4.2 Case = 7. Figure 10 presents the vorticity field for four
as the blade revolution completes. The oscillating behavior of the blades positions, actually eight positions if one blade is consid-
lift during this phase is a direct consequence of the alternate vor- ered. The flow field appears much less complicated than in the
tices developing at the leading and trailing edges and sheds in the case = 2. In the first half of the revolution alternate vortices, very
blade wake. Finally, the large hysteresis loops obtained for the lift similar to those observed in the second half of the revolution for
and the drag curves show the aforementioned strong influence of = 2, are observed. In the second half of the revolution, the alter-
the vortex structures on the blade. nate vortices are replaced by an attached boundary layer. Figures
The vortex formation and its convection downstream are found 11 and 12 present the corresponding lift and drag coefficients. The
also in visualizations by Brochier et al. 关24兴 or by Fujisawa and experimental coefficients are not available for this tip speed ratio.
Shibuya 关35兴. For low tip speed ratios 共 = 1 , 2 , 3兲, the counter pair It is important to notice that flow incidences are now less than 8
of vortices a-b is mentioned in the two articles and the convection deg compared with 30 deg in the case = 2. This explains the light
stall regime observed. The figures also show a small hysteresis for passing. Figure 15 presents the drag turbine coefficient versus the
the lift and practically no hysteresis for the drag. The hysteresis is azimuthal blade position. It confirms that the drag for = 7 is
restricted to the first half of the revolution where a light stall is larger than for = 2, the corresponding mean drags being 2.2 and
observed. This demonstrates that the importance of the hysteresis 0.64, respectively. It must also be noticed that for the = 0 deg
directly depends on the dynamic stall strength. Figure 11 also position, the turbine drag is practically zero though the flow slow-
shows a remarkable slope change between the first and second ing down, found at the same position in Figs. 13 and 14, is im-
half disks. The slope for a negative ␣ is about half of the one for portant. This explains why the behavior of the macroscopic flow
a positive ␣. This curve behavior can be explained by the varia- field around the turbine depends not only of the current flow in-
tion in the main flow velocity shown in Figs. 13 and 14 for side but also of the flow time history.
= 2 and 7, respectively. The flow velocity decreases along the
turbine, particularly for = 7. As a result, the local tip speed ratio
at the blade position, based on the local flow field, is strongly
5 Conclusion
increased for downstream blade positions. This leads to smaller The unsteady flow field in a cross-flow turbine was numerically
local flow incidences in this region and consequently to smaller computed with a 2D URANS method and a k- turbulence model.
lifts values. The flow slowing down in front of the turbine comes Two extreme tip speed ratios = 2 and 7, of the straight two
from the turbine drag and is associated to a global turbine by- bladed Darrieus turbine investigated experimentally by Laneville
and Vittecoq 关23兴, have been considered. The grid and numerical 共a-b兲 pair, created near the maximum incidence angle in the
parameters have been chosen to avoid any sensitivity effects on upstream half disk, is the strongest. The maximum lift co-
the results. efficient corresponds to the convection of the a vortex from
共1兲 The comparison with the experiment is made at = 2 on the the leading edge to the trailing edge of the blade. The sud-
basis of the lift and drag coefficients. Though the global den lift drop is caused by the vortex passage at the trailing
numerical and experimental curve shapes are similar, some edge. It is shown that this vortex continues to influence the
significant differences exist. Several arguments lead to ask same blade at ulterior positions. It is responsible for the
oneself about the experimental data. Unfortunately, the un- strong increase in the negative lift in the downstream half
certainties of the lift and drag measurements are not pre- disk and then for its drop at the maximum negative inci-
cisely provided. dence angle. The drag varies practically in phase with the
共2兲 The dynamic stall undergone by the blades has been studied
lift during the blade rotation. The large hysteresis loops
in detail using the numerical results. For = 2, pairs of
counterclockwise vortices close to those observed in ex- obtained for the lift and the drag curves express the strong
perimental works are sequentially shed from the blade. The influence of the vortex structures on the blade.
共3兲 The = 7 case is characterized by a weak shedding of al- Ecoulements Géophysiques Industriels 共LEGI兲 hydrodynamic tun-
ternated vortices in the upstream half disk and by an at- nel. It will allow measurement of average and instantaneous tur-
tached flow in the downstream half disk. This light stall bine torques and powers on cross-flow turbine models. Flow vi-
regime, due to smaller incidence angles, tends to flatten the sualizations and velocity measurements will also be possible.
hysteresis loops of the lift and drag curves. A strong de- Further numerical works will focus especially on the comparison
crease in the main flow is also found inside the turbine. with the experimental data obtained.
This explains the smaller slope of the lift curve in the
Once fully validated, this modeling will allow to obtain the
downstream half disk. It is shown that the flow blockage,
addressing the macroscopic flow around the turbine, is in- optimal foil section of the turbine, particularly its camber-line.
duced not only by the current turbine drag but also by its Indeed, an inverse camber-line leads to a power increase in the
time history. half upwind disk of rotation, but to a power decrease in the half
downwind disk. The choice of the optimal camber-line could be
A new experimental setup is being built in the Laboratoire des obtained only using CFD calculations.
toward the trailing edge. From the relative stream traces VT = Vz/A0 共B4兲
in Fig. 20.1, the decrease is a consequence of a larger a
vortex on the inner-surface of the foil. The slip condition in the physical plane for one point i, located on
共c兲 The main difference between the coarse mesh and the the airfoil 共affix z P兲, has the following form in the transformed
冋 冊 册
other two meshes appears in the zone corresponding to
the convection downstream in the inner part of the rotor
of the counter-rotating pair of vortices 共a-b兲. The 共a-b兲
pair of vortices follows more closely the blade in the case
Im eiVTP + eiU⬁ ei + i
z̄ P z P
R A0
=0 共B5兲
of the finer grid 共Figs. 20.2 and 20.3兲. Their influence is where Im is the imaginary part of a complex function, and is the
particularly obvious. At = 180 deg, the coarser mesh tangent angle at the point P of the transformed foil. At instant t, in
indicates a positive lift 共as predicted by the theoretical the transformed plane, the static foil is attacked by the complex
model, Appendix B兲, while the other two meshes produce velocity VT0 = U⬁共ei + i共z̄ P / R兲兲共z P / A0兲. The velocity is a function
a negative lift coefficient. of time and point position in the transformed plane. To simplify
共d兲 At the end of the revolution, the N2 and the N1 meshes the calculation, a steady flow is considered and the attack velocity
produce similar results. is the average velocity on the foil. The magnitude of 0 is calcu-
lated in order to provide a positive real value of the mean velocity
Vm . Thus, in the transformed plane, the velocity at infinity up-
Appendix B: Conformal Transformation stream is always directed along the positive xT axis.
A conformal mapping technique was used which transforms the In the physical plane, at any time, the flow has a period of 2.
complex plane z = x + iy into a complex plane zT. In the complex In the transformed plane, a space periodicity of direction 0
plane zT = f共z , t兲, the entrainment velocity of a point belonging to + / 2 is, thus, obtained. The potential flow is calculated in a two-
the moving complex plane z = x + iy 共Figure 4兲 becomes zero rela- dimensional cascade of transformed foils. The method is the
tive to the transformed frame of reference zT. Thus, the trans- boundary elements method 共singularities methods兲. The pressure
formed foil is at rest. It is easy to demonstrate that zT has the integrations along the foil provide the efforts that the fluid exerts
following form 共characteristics theory兲 on the foil. For the calculation of the pressure p, the Lagrange
equation is written in the physical moving plane 共generalized Ber-
zT = f共z,t兲 = U⬁t + F1关ze−i兴 共B1兲 nouilli equation兲 as
F1 is an arbitrary holomorphic complex function. F1 is determined 1 oxy⌽
so that the velocity at infinity vanishes. A class of functions which p + 兩V兩2 + + ⍀ Im共Vz兲 = p⬁ 共B6兲
have this property is the complex logarithm function 2 t
where p⬁ stands for the upstream pressure. The nonstationary term
zT = A0 log B0共z − z0兲 共B2兲
oxy⌽ / t due to the partial derivative of the velocity potential
The complex constants are chosen so that the foil leading edge is relative to the moving plane is neglected. The results are presented
located at the origin of the plane zT. The transformation has to in Fig. 21.
respect the domain topology. In fact, z0 should not be taken inside
the foil. It is selected simply at the origin of coordinates 共z0 = 0兲.
With these restrictions the transformation becomes References
关1兴 Templin, R. J., 1974, “Aerodynamic Performance Theory for the NRC Vertical
zT = A0 log共z/zL兲 共B3兲 Axis Wind Turbine,” National Research Council of Canada, Report No. LTR-
where A0 = CTei0 / 兩log共zF / zL兲兩, and zF and zL designate the affixes 关2兴 Strickland, J. H., 1975, “The Darrieus Turbine: A Performance Prediction
of the trailing and leading edges points in the complex plane z, Model Using Multiple Streamtubes,” SANDIA Laboratory, Report No. SAND
respectively, and CT is the chord. Under the assumptions of non- 75-041.
关3兴 Loth, J. L., and McCoy, H., 1983, “Optimisation of Darrieus Turbine With an
viscous fluid and irrotational flow, the complex velocity V of the Upwind and Downwind Momentum Model,” J. Energy, 7, pp. 313–318.
physical plane is transformed into the complex velocity VT 关4兴 Paraschivoiu, I., and Delclaux, F., 1983, “Double Multiple Streamtubes. Model