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A Single-Machine in Finite-Bus Power System Installed With A Power System Stabilizer

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Chapter 2

A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power

System Installed with a Power System

2.1 Linearized Model of a Single-Machine Infinite-Bus

Power System Installed with a Power System

2.1.1 General Linearized Mathematical Model Full Mathematical Model of a Synchronous Generator

Fundamental equations describing the dynamics of a synchronous generator are

the well-known Park’s voltage equations. They are given based on a coordinate
system consisting of a d-axis (direct axis) fixed on the field winding axis of syn-
chronous generator and a q-axis (quadrature axis). After Park’s transformation,
three armature phase windings a, b, and c on the stator of synchronous generator are
replaced by two equivalent armature phase windings, d and q. Two damper
windings on the rotor, D and Q, are permanently short-circuited. Field winding f is
DC excited. Park’s voltage equations of those five windings have the simplest form
as follows:

w_ d ¼ x0 ðvtd þ ra id þ xwq Þ
w_ q ¼ x0 ðvtq þ ra iq  xwd Þ
w_ ¼ x0 ðvf  rf if Þ
f ð2:1Þ
w_ D ¼ x0 rD iD
w_ Q ¼ x0 rQ iQ

where wd ; wq ; wf ; wD ; wQ , id ; iq ; if ; iD ; iQ , vtd ; vtq ; vf , and ra ; rf ; rD ; rQ are the mag-

netic flux linkage, current, voltage, and resistance of each corresponding winding,
respectively, x0 is the synchronous speed, and x is the rotor speed in per unit (p.u.)

© Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016 17

H. Wang and W. Du, Analysis and Damping Control of Power System
Low-frequency Oscillations, Power Electronics and Power Systems,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4899-7696-3_2
18 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

of synchronous generator. Since there is no static coupling between any d-axis

winding and q-axis winding, the relationship between the magnetic flux linkage and
the current of those windings is as follows:
2 3 2 32 3
wd xd xad xad id
6 7 6 76 7
4 wf 5 ¼ 4 xad xf xad 54 if 5
wD xad xad xD iD ð2:2Þ
" #   
wq xq xaq iq
wQ xaq xQ iQ

where xd ; xq ; xf ; xD ; xQ are the self-reactance of winding d, q, f, D, and Q,

respectively. In Eq. (2.2), it is assumed that the mutual reactance of all windings on
a common axis is same, being xad or xaq respectively.
The rotor motion equation of synchronous generator is as follows:
d ¼ x0 ðx  1Þ
: 1 ð2:3Þ
x ¼ ½Tm  Tt  Dðx  1Þ

where M is the inertia of the rotor, D the damping coefficient of the rotor motion, d
the rotor angular position of synchronous generator to a reference axis, and Tm and
Tt the mechanical torque and electric torque applied on the rotor of generator,
respectively. Excitation System and the Automatic Voltage Regulator


Voltage control in a power system is closely related to the regulation of reactive

power flow. The objectives of voltage and reactive power control in the power
system are as follows:
1. To maintain the voltage at terminals of all equipment in the power system within
acceptable limits. As far as the system voltage profile is concerned, a constraint
of system voltage deviations is imposed normally to be within ±5 % of the
nominal value of voltage.
2. To improve system stability in order to maximize the utilization of the trans-
mission system.
3. To minimize reactive power flow so as to reduce transmission losses.
Power system voltage control has a hierarchy structure with multiple levels. At
the primary level, control devices attempt to compensate the rapid and random
voltage variations by maintaining their output variables close to the setting refer-
ence values. The highest level of voltage control uses global information of power
2.1 Linearized Model of a Single-Machine … 19

Fig. 2.1 Arrangement of an if


vf0 vf

vf' TE(s)
+ u pss

system and is implemented by solving some optimization problems. A synchronous

generator can generate or absorb reactive power depending on its excitation, which
is controlled by a voltage control device, the automatic voltage regulator (AVR).
Figure 2.1 shows simple illustration on the arrangement of the AVR on the syn-
chronous generator.
In Fig. 2.1, TE(s) denotes the transfer function of the AVR. The excitation
provided to the field winding of synchronous generator is vf which is from two
sources. One is a constant excitation, vf0 , and another is the output from the AVR,
v0f . The AVR measures the terminal voltage of synchronous generator, Vt , and
compares it to a reference setting value Vtref . The AVR responds to the deviation of
terminal voltage to change the excitation of generator and hence regulates the
reactive power supply or absorption by generator. By doing so, the terminal voltage
of generator is effectively maintained close to the reference setting value. Therefore,
the AVR works at the bottom of the hierarchy of voltage control of power system to
eliminate voltage variations at generator’s terminal. On the other hand, the refer-
ence setting value of the AVR is provided by the result of voltage and/or reactive
control optimization of the whole power system such that the voltage profile of the
system is kept within required constraints and the transmission losses are mini-
mized. Hence, Vtref is from the higher level of hierarchy of voltage control of the
power system.
Historically, the role of excitation system to improve power system performance
has been growing. Early excitation systems were for the maintenance of constant
voltage level at generator’s terminals and were implemented manually. Gradually,
fast-acting AVRs were installed in many generators not only providing a satis-
factory voltage control performance, but also considerably improving power system
steady-state and transient stability. However, during 1960s to 1970s, it was found
that fast-acting AVRs have an adverse effect in providing negative damping to
power system oscillations in some occasions. This results in a conflict requirement
in the design of the AVRs. Subsequently, the power system stabilizer (PSS) was
introduced into excitation control to overcome the problem. Nowadays, it is quite
common to have a combination of a fast-acting AVR and a PSS for the excitation
control of synchronous generators. Stabilizing signal, upss , is superimposed on that
of the AVR as shown in Fig. 2.1.
20 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

synchronous generator
DC motor

slip ring

field winding of - Vt
dc motor Vtref

Fig. 2.2 Arrangement of a DC excitation system

Based on the difference of the excitation power sources used, excitation systems
can be classified into three major types.
1. DC excitation systems
A DC excitation system uses a DC generator as the source of excitation power to
provide field current and is connected to field winding through slip rings. The
exciter may be driven by a motor or by the generator itself. The DC excitation
system represents the early application of excitation control. Figure 2.2 shows the
arrangement of the DC excitation system.
2. AC excitation systems
An AC excitation system uses an AC machine (alternator) as the source of exci-
tation power to provide field current. The AC excitation current is rectified to
provide the DC excitation to the synchronous generator. Usually, the AC exciter is
on the same shaft of synchronous generator. There are two major types of AC
excitation systems, depending on the difference of the arrangement of AC excitation
from either the stationary or rotating armature winding of the exciter, as shown in
Figs. 2.3 and 2.4, respectively. In a rotating rectifier excitation system, the armature
windings of the AC exciter and the diode rectifiers rotate with the synchronous
generator field. Thus, the need for slip rings and brushes is eliminated. Hence, such
a system is also called a brushless excitation system.
3. Static excitation systems
In a static excitation system, power supply is from the synchronous generator.
The DC excitation is provided to the field of generator through slip rings after being
rectified. There are three major types of static excitation systems. They are
potential-source controlled-rectifier systems, compound-source rectifier systems,
and compound-controlled rectified excitation systems. Figure 2.5 shows the
arrangement of a potential-source controlled-rectifier excitation system.
2.1 Linearized Model of a Single-Machine … 21

alternator stationary diode synchronous generator

slip ring
field winding of -

Fig. 2.3 Arrangement of a stationary rectifier excitation system

rotational armature and

alternator diode rectifier synchronous generator

field winding of − Vtref

Fig. 2.4 Arrangement of a rotating rectifier excitation system

controlled rectifier



Fig. 2.5 Arrangement of a potential-source controlled-rectifier excitation system

22 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

From Fig. 2.1, it can have

vf ¼ vf0 þ TEðsÞðVtref  Vt þ upss Þ ð2:4Þ

where vf0 is the constant excitation, upss the stabilizing signal of the PSS, and Vt
and Vtref the terminal voltage of generator and its reference setting value, respec-
tively. Various forms of transfer function have been recommended for different
types of excitation systems and the AVR. In this book, the following simplest form
is used for the purpose of simple presentation,

TEðsÞ ¼ ð2:5Þ
1 þ sTA

where KA is the gain and TA the time constant of the AVR. Hence, from Eqs. (2.4)
and (2.5), mathematical model of the AVR can be written as

vf ¼ vf0 þ v0f
1 KA   ð2:6Þ
v_ 0f ¼  v0f þ Vtref  Vt þ upss
TA TA A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System

Figure 2.6 shows the configuration of a power system where a generator sends
power to a large network. Capacity of the large network is much greater than that of
the generator such that operation of the large network is not affected at all by any
changes in the part of the power system on the left-hand side of busbar b in Fig. 2.6.
This effectively means that the voltage and frequency at busbar b are constant when
the focus of the study is the part of the left-hand side of the power system. Thus,
from the point of view of operation of the part of left-hand side of the power
system, capacity of the large network is “infinite”. Hence, busbar b is called the
“infinite busbar”, and the part of the power system on the left-hand side of busbar b
is a “single-machine infinite-bus” power system. The single-machine infinite-bus
power system is an approximate representation of a kind of real power systems,
where a power plant with a generator or a group of generators are connected by
transmission lines to a very large power network.

Vt Vb
A large network

Pt It
busbar b

Fig. 2.6 A single-machine infinite-bus power system

2.1 Linearized Model of a Single-Machine … 23

Fig. 2.7 d–q coordinate of q

generator Vt

jxt I t

vq Vb

iq δ
id vd

For the single-machine infinite-bus power system shown in Fig. 2.6, it can have

 t ¼ jxtIt þ V
V b ð2:7Þ

In the d–q coordinate of the generator shown in Fig. 2.7, Eq. (2.7) can be written
as follows:

vtd þ jvtq ¼ jxt ðid þ jiq Þ þ vd þ jvq ð2:8Þ

where vtd ; vtq and id ; iq vd ; vq are the d and q components of terminal voltage of
generator, V t , line current, It , and voltage at the infinite busbar, V
 b , respectively.
Comparing the real and imaginary part on the both sides of Eq. (2.8), it can have

vtd ¼ xt iq þ vd
vtq ¼ xt id þ vq

where vd ¼ Vb sin d; vq ¼ Vb cos d and the terminal voltage of generator is as

Vt ¼ v2td þ v2tq ð2:10Þ

In per unit, the mechanical and electric torque, Tm and Tt , in Eq. (2.3), is equal to
the mechanical power input from the prime mover to the electric power supplied by
the generator, respectively, i.e. Tm ¼ Pm and Tt ¼ Pt . While Pt is equal to the
electric power received at the infinite busbar, that is

Pt ¼ vdt id þ vqt iq ¼ vd id þ vq iq ð2:11Þ

24 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

Equations (2.1)–(2.3), (2.6) and (2.9)–(2.11) are the complete dynamic model of
the single-machine infinite-bus power system shown in Fig. 2.6 where Vb and Pm
are constant. Linearized Model of Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power


Linearization of Eqs. (2.1) and (2.2) is as follows:

Dw_ d ¼ x0 ðDvtd þ ra Did þ x0 Dwq þ wq0 DxÞ

Dw_ q ¼ x0 ðDvtq þ ra Diq  x0 Dwd  wd0 DxÞ
Dw_ ¼ x0 ðDvf  rf Dif Þ
f ð2:12Þ
Dw_ D ¼ x0 rD DiD
Dw_ Q ¼ x0 rQ DiQ
2 3 2 31 2 3
Did xd xad xad Dwd
6 7 6 7 6 7
4 Dif 5 ¼ 4 xad xf xad 5 4 Dwf 5
DiD xad xad xD DwD ð2:13Þ
   1 " #
Diq xq xaq Dwq
DiQ xaq xQ DwQ

where prefix, D, and subscript 0 are used to denote small increment of a variable
(linearized variable) and value of the variable at the power system steady-state
operating condition where the linearization is carried out, respectively. This nota-
tion will be used throughout this book.
Linearization of Eqs. (2.10) and (2.11) is as follows:
vtd0 vtq0
DVt ¼ Dvtd þ Dvtq ð2:14Þ
Vt0 Vt0

DPt ¼ vdt0 Did þ vqt0 Diq þ id0 Dvdt þ iq0 Dvqt ð2:15Þ

By using Eqs. (2.14) and (2.15), linearization of Eqs. (2.3) and (2.6) can be
obtained to be

Dd_ ¼ x0 Dx
Dx_ ¼  ðDPt þ DDxÞ ð2:16Þ
¼  ðvdt0 Did þ vqt0 Diq þ id0 Dvdt þ iq0 Dvqt þ DDxÞ
2.1 Linearized Model of a Single-Machine … 25

Dvf ¼ Dv0f
1 KA vtd0 vtq0 ð2:17Þ
Dv_ 0f 0
¼  Dvf þ  Dvtd  Dvtq þ Dupss
TA TA Vt0 Vt0

Arranging Eqs. (2.12), (2.13), (2.16), and (2.17) in matrix form with all lin-
earized current variables be cancelled, it can have

sDXgdq ¼ Agdq DXgdq þ Bgdq DVdq þ bpss Dupss

DIdq ¼ Cgdq DXgdq


DXgdq ¼ Dd Dx Dvf Dwd Dwq Dwf DwD DwQ ;
DVdq ¼ ½ Dvtd Dvtq  ; DIdq ¼ ½ Did Diq 

For the single-machine infinite-bus power system, the network voltage equation
is Eq. (2.9). Its linearization is as follows:

Dvtd ¼ xt Diq þ Dvd ¼ xt Diq þ Vb cos d0 Dd

Dvtq ¼ xt Did þ Dvq ¼ xt Did  Vb sin d0 Dd

In matrix form, the above equation can be written as follows:

DVdq ¼ Fdq1 DIdq þ Fdq2 DXgdq ð2:20Þ

0 xt Vb cos d0 0
Fdq1 ¼ ; Fdq2 ¼
xt 0 Vb sin d0 0

Substituting Eq. (2.20) into (2.18), state-equation model of the single-machine

infinite-bus power system is obtained to be

sDXgdq ¼ Agcdq DXgdq þ bpss Dupss ð2:21Þ

where Agcdq ¼ Agdq þ Bgdq Fdq1 Cgdq þ Bgdq Fdq2 :

26 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

2.1.2 Heffron–Phillips Model Simplification

For the study of power system oscillations, full mathematical model of synchronous
generator of Eqs. (2.1)–(2.2) can be simplified based on the following
1. Effect of damper windings is not considered or directly included in the damping
coefficient D in the rotor motion equation in Eq. (2.3). Thus, Eq. (2.1) is sim-
plified to be
w_ ¼ x0 ðvtd þ ra id þ xw Þ
d q

w_ q ¼ x0 ðvtq þ ra iq  xwd Þ ð2:22Þ

w_ f ¼ x0 ðvf  rf if Þ

2. Effect of fast transient and the resistance of d and q armature windings are
neglected. Equation (2.22) is further simplified to be

0 ¼ vtd þ xwq
0 ¼ vtq  xwd ð2:23Þ
w_ f ¼ x0 ðvf  rf if Þ

3. In small-signal power oscillations, variation of rotor speed is very small, x  1.

Hence, the first two equations in Eq. (2.23) become

vtd ¼ wq
vtq ¼ wd

To transform the third equation in Eq. (2.23) into a different form, it is defined
xad xad vf
E0q ¼ w ; Eq ¼ xad if ; Efd ¼ ð2:25Þ
xf f rf

where E0q is called the q-axis transient excitation voltage, Eq the q-axis excitation
voltage, and Efd the excitation voltage. Multiplying both sides of the third equation
in Eq. (2.23) by xradf , it can have
2.1 Linearized Model of a Single-Machine … 27

T0d0 E_ q ¼ Efd  Eq ð2:26Þ

where T0d0 ¼ xx0 rf f , which is the time constant of the field winding.
Equation (2.26) together with Eq. (2.3) forms the simplified third-order model of
synchronous generator. Equation (2.2) becomes
wd xd xad id
wf xad xf if ð2:27Þ
wq ¼ xq iq

From Eqs. (2.24), (2.25), and (2.27), it can have

vtd ¼ wq ¼ xq iq
vtq ¼ wd ¼ xad if  xd id ¼ Eq  xd id

From Eqs. (2.25) and (2.27), it can be obtained that

xad xad x2  
E0q ¼ wf ¼ ðxf if  xad id Þ ¼ Eq  ad id ¼ Eq  xd  x0d id ð2:29Þ
xf xf xf

where x0d ¼ xd  xadf , which is called the transient d-axis reactance. Thus, Eq. (2.26)
T0d0 E_ q ¼ Efd  E0q  xd  x0d id ð2:30Þ A Simplified Model of Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power


For the single-machine infinite-bus power system shown in Fig. 2.6, from Eqs. (2.9)
and (2.28), it can have

vtd ¼ vd  xt iq ¼ xq iq
vtq ¼ vq þ xt id ¼ Eq  xd id ¼ E0q  x0d id


vd ¼ ðxt þ xq Þiq ¼ xqR iq

vq ¼ Eq  ðxd þ xt Þid ¼ E0q  ðx0d þ xt Þid ¼ Eq  xdR id ¼ E0q  x0dR id
28 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

Fig. 2.8 Equivalent circuit iq id

model of single-machine + +
infinite-bus power system

x dΣ (x dΣ ')
x qΣ vd vq

Eq (Eq ')

d winding
- -
q winding

Fig. 2.9 Phasor diagram of q

single-machine infinite-bus EQ
power system

j(x q − x 'd )I t

Eq '
jx 'd I t

jx t I t
Vt b
vq Vb

iq It

id vd

The single-machine infinite-bus power system can be represented by a circuit

model of Fig. 2.8. Figure 2.9 shows the phasor diagram of the system on the d–q
From Eq. (2.32) or Fig. 2.8, it can have
E0q  Vb cos d
id ¼
Vb sin d
iq ¼

By substituting Eqs. (2.9) and (2.33) into Eq. (2.11), the electric power supplied
by the generator can be expressed as follows:
2.1 Linearized Model of a Single-Machine … 29

Vb sin d Eq  Vb cos d
Pt = Vb cos d þ Vb sin d
xqR x0dR
0   ð2:34Þ
Eq Vb V2 xq  x0d
¼ 0 sin d  b 0 sin 2d
xdR 2 xdR xqR

From Eqs. (2.29) and (2.33), it can be obtained that

    E0q  Vb cos d
Eq ¼ E0q þ xd  x0d id ¼ E0q þ xd  x0d
0  0
Eq xdR xd  xd Vb cos d
¼ 0 
xdR x0dR

where xdR ¼ xd þ xt . From Eqs. (2.31) and (2.33), it can have

Vb sin d xq Vb sin d
vtd = Vb sin d  xt iq ¼ Vb sin d  xt ¼ ;
xqR xqR
E0q  Vb cos d xt E0q Vb x0d cos d
vtq = Vb cos d þ xt id ¼ Vb cos d þ xt ¼ þ
x0dR x0dR x0dR

Hence, the simplified model of single-machine infinite-bus power system is as

d ¼ x0 ðx  1Þ
: 1
x ¼ ½Pm  Pt  Dðx  1Þ
0 1   ð2:37Þ
E_ q ¼ 0 Eq þ Efd
0 1 KA  
E_ fd ¼  E0fd þ Vtref  Vt þ upss

E0q Vb V2b xq  x0d
Pt ¼ 0 sin d  sin 2d
xdR 2 x0dR xqR
E0q xdR xd  x0d Vb cos d
Eq ¼ 0 
xdR x0dR ð2:38Þ
Efd ¼ Efd0 þ E0fd
xq Vb sin d xt E0q Vb x0d cos d qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
vtd ¼ ; vtq ¼ 0 þ 0 ; Vt ¼ v2td þ v2tq
xqR xdR xdR
30 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

The model is a group of 4 first-order differential equations plus 6 algebraic

equations. Heffron–Phillips Model [1–3]

By linearizing Eqs. (2.37) and (2.38) at an operating point of power system, where
Vt ¼ Vt0 ; Vtd ¼ Vtd0 ; Vtq ¼ Vtq0 ; d ¼ d0 ; x0 ¼ 1; E0q ¼ E0q0 ; Efd ¼ Efd0 , it can have

Dd_ ¼ xo Dx
Dx_ ¼ ðDPt  DDxÞ
0 1 ð2:39Þ
DE_ q ¼ 0 ðDEq þ DE0fd Þ
0 1 KA
DE_ fd ¼  DE0fd  ðDVt  Dupss Þ

DPt ¼ K1 Dd þ K2 DE0q
DEq ¼ K3 DE0q þ K4 Dd ð2:40Þ
DVt ¼ K5 Dd þ K6 DE0q


E0q0 Vb x0dR V 2 ð xq  x0 Þ
K1 ¼ cos d0  bx0 xqR d cos 2d0

K2 ¼ xV0 b sin d0
K3 ¼ xxdR
ðxd x0d ÞVb sin d0
K4 ¼ x0dR
X q Vb cos d0 V V x0 sin d0
K5 ¼ VVt0
xqR  Vtq0 b0 xd0
t0 dR
K6 ¼ Vtq0 xx0 t
t0 dR

Substituting Eq. (2.40) into Eq. (2.39), it can be obtained that

Dd_ ¼ xo Dx
Dx_ ¼ ðK1 Dd  K2 DE0q  DDxÞ
_ 0 1 ð2:41Þ
DEq ¼ 0 ðK3 DE0q  K4 Dd þ DE0fd Þ
0 1 KA
DE_ fd ¼  DE0fd  ðK5 Dd þ K6 DE0q  Dupss Þ
2.1 Linearized Model of a Single-Machine … 31


ΔPt Δω ω0 Δδ
_ 1
Ms + D s

K4 K5
_ _
ΔEq’ 1 + KA + Δupss
Td0's+K3 1+sTA _


Fig. 2.10 Heffron–Phillips model of a single-machine infinite-bus power system

Equation (2.41) is the so-called Heffron–Phillips model of single-machine

infinite-bus power system, which is shown in Fig. 2.10.
The Heffron–Phillips model can be written in the form of state-space repre-
sentation of Eq. (2.21) where
2 3
2 3 0 xo 0 0
Dd 6 7
6 Dx 7 6 K 1
MD K 2
0 7
6 7 6 M M 7
DXgdq ¼6 7; Agcdq ¼6
6  K0 4 1 7;
4 DE0q 5 6 0  K0 3
4 Tdo Tdo T0do 7
DE0fd  TA K5
K 0  TA K6
K  T1 ð2:42Þ
2 3 A A A

6 7
6 0 7
bpss ¼6
6 0 7
4 5
32 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

2.2 Modal Analysis

2.2.1 Basis of Modal Analysis Theory Modal Decomposition

State-space representation of a linear system is as follows:

sX ¼ Ao X þ bo u
y ¼ cTo X ð2:43Þ
u ¼ HðsÞy

where Ao , bo and cTo is the state matrix, control vector, and output vector of
open-loop system, respectively, and HðsÞ is the transfer function of feedback
controller. Transfer function of open-loop system is as follow:
GðsÞ ¼ ¼ cTo ðsI  Ao Þ1 bo ð2:44Þ

The system is shown in Fig. 2.11. Transfer function of closed-loop system is as


y GðsÞ
TðsÞ ¼ ¼ ð2:45Þ
w 1  GðsÞHðsÞ

Eigen solution is one of the basic techniques in the modal analysis, involving the
computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of state matrix, Ao . An eigenvalue of
matrix Ao , k, is a scalar parameter, which satisfies the following equation

Ao v ¼ kv ð2:46Þ

with a non-trivial solution ðv 6¼ 0Þ.

Fig. 2.11 Block diagram of a closed-loop control system

2.2 Modal Analysis 33

Obviously, Eq. (2.46) can be written in the following form

ðAo  kIÞv ¼ 0 ð2:47Þ

where I is an unity matrix. In order for Eq. (2.47) to have the non-trivial solution, it
should have

jAo  kIj ¼ 0 ð2:48Þ

Equation (2.48) is the following polynomial equation if Ao is an M  M matrix

ð1ÞM kM þ aM1 kM1 þ    þ a1 k þ a0 ¼ 0 ð2:49Þ

which is called the characteristic equation of state matrix Ao . The characteristic

equation should have M solutions; that is, matrix Ao has M eigenvalues, if the
dimension of matrix is M.
For the ith eigenvalue of matrix Ao , ki , if a nonzero vector vi satisfies the

Avi ¼ ki vi ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; M ð2:50Þ

vi is called the right eigenvector of matrix A associated with ki . Equation (2.50)

can be arranged as follows:
2 3
k1 0 0 0
60 k2 0 0 7
6 7
A½ v1 v2 . . . vM  ¼ ½ v1 v2 . . . vM 6 .. 7 ð2:51Þ
40 0 . 0 5
0 0 0 kM

That is

V1 AV ¼ K ð2:52Þ

2 3
k1 0 0 0
60 k2 0 0 7
6 7
V ¼ ½ v1 v2 ... vM ; K ¼ 6 .. 7
40 0 . 0 5
0 0 0 kM
34 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

2 3
6 wT 7
6 2 7
V 1
6 ..
7 ¼ ½ w1
7 w2 . . . w M  T ¼ WT ð2:53Þ
4 . 5

From Eqs. (2.52) and (2.53), obviously it can have

wTi A ¼ wTi ki ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; M ð2:54Þ

Hence, wTi is called the left eigenvector corresponding to eigenvalue ki .

If a new state variable vector z is introduced and defined to be

X ¼ VZ ð2:55Þ

From Eqs. (2.43), (2.52), and (2.53), it can be obtained that

sZ ¼ KZ þ WT bo u
y ¼ cTo VZ

That is

szi ¼ ki zi ; þ wTi bo u i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; M
M ð2:57Þ
y ¼ cTo vi z i

According to Eq. (2.57), the system can also be shown in Fig. 2.12. This is the
modal decomposition representation of state-space model of open-loop system.

1 z1
w1T b 0 c0 T v1
s − λ1

1 z2
w 2Tb0 c0 T v 2
s − λ2
u y

1 zM
w M Tb0 c0 T v M
s − λM

Fig. 2.12 Block diagram of modal decomposition representation of state-space model of

open-loop system
2.2 Modal Analysis 35 Stability of Open-Loop System and Closed-Loop System

Considering the open-loop system when u ¼ 0, the state-space representation of

Eq. (2.57) is as follows:

szi ¼ ki zi ð2:58Þ

Solution of Eq. (2.58) is as follows:

zi ðtÞ ¼ zi ð0Þeki t ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; M ð2:59Þ

where zi ð0Þ is the initial value of state variable zi ðtÞ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; M. From

Eqs. (2.55) and (2.59), it can have
2 3
z1 ð0Þek1 t
6 z2 ð0Þek2 t 7
6 7
X ¼ V6 .. 7 ð2:60Þ
4 . 5
zn ð0ÞekM t

Hence, time response of the kth state variable of the system,

xk ðtÞ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; M, is as follows:

xk ðtÞ ¼ vk1 z1 ð0Þek1 t þ vk2 z2 ð0Þek2 t þ    þ vkM zM ð0ÞekM t ¼ vki zi ð0Þeki t

Obviously, the time response of system state variables is decided by the

eigenvalues of state matrix Ao . If there is one or more eigenvalues on the right-hand
half of the complex plan (the real part of eigenvalue is equal to or greater than zero),
the system is unstable. If all the eigenvalues of Ao are on the left-hand side of the
complex plane, the system is stable. Hence, eigenvalues of Ao determine the system
stability. They often are called the modes of the system. If a pair of eigenvalues are
conjugate complex number, i.e. k i;i þ 1 ¼ n  jxi , the corresponding component in
the time response of the kth state variable of the system should be

vki zi ð0Þeki t ¼ vki zi ð0Þeðni þ jxi Þt ¼ vki zi ð0Þeni t ½cos xi t þ j sin xi t

The component is oscillatory in respect of time. The oscillation angular fre-

quency is xi . The decaying and increasing of the oscillation are determined by the
36 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

real part of the mode ni . The pair of conjugate eigenvalues of state matrix Ao are
often called the oscillation mode of the system.
The oscillation frequency f i (Hz) and damping fi associated with k i;i þ 1 ¼
ni  jxi are normally defined as follows:

xi ni
fi ¼ ; f ¼  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð2:63Þ
2p i n þ x2
i i

From Eq. (2.59), it can be seen that zi ðtÞ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; M is related only with the
ith mode of the system ki . Hence, zi ðtÞ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . .; M often is seen as the ith mode
of the system. Equation (2.57) is often called the modal decomposition of
state-space representation.
From Eq. (2.61), it can also be seen that the magnitude of vki measures how
much the ith mode ki contributes to the kth state variable xk ðtÞ. Thus, jvki j is a kind
of measurement of the “observability” of the ith mode in the kth state variable.
On the basis of above discussion, from Fig. 2.12, it can be seen that wTi bo is the
weight on how much the control signal u affects the ith mode of the open-loop
system, the so-called controllability index, whereas cTo vi is the weight on how much
the ith mode is observed in the system output, which is called the observability
index. The product of controllability and observability index is called the residue.
That is

Ri ¼ wTi bo cTo vi ð2:64Þ

From Eqs. (2.53) and (2.55), it can have

Z ¼ V1 X ¼ WT X ð2:65Þ


zi ðtÞ ¼ w1i x1 ðtÞ þ w2i x2 ðtÞ þ    þ wMi xM ðtÞ ð2:66Þ

wki is the ith row kth column element of matrix W. Equation (2.66) indicates that
the magnitude of wki measures the influence of the kth state variable xk ðtÞ on the ith
state variable zi ðtÞ, or the ith mode ki of the system. It is a kind of measurement of
“controllability” of the kth state variable on the ith mode.
Let the realization of the transfer function of feedback controller HðsÞ be

sXf ¼ Af Xf þ bf y
u ¼ cTf Xf
2.2 Modal Analysis 37

That is HðsÞ ¼ cTf ðsI  Af Þ1 bf . Thus, from Eqs. (2.43) and (2.67), the
state-space representation of closed-loop system can be obtained to be
sX Ao bo cTf X X
¼ ¼ Ac ð2:68Þ
sXf bf cTo Af Xf Xf

where Ac is the state matrix of closed-loop system. Obviously, based on the dis-
cussion above, eigenvalues of Ac or modes of closed-loop system determine the
stability of closed-loop system.
From Eq. (2.68), it can be obtained that

Ac ¼ Ao þ HðsÞbo cTo ð2:69Þ

Denote a variable parameter of feedback controller as a. Thus, state matrix is a

function of the parameter. Influence of the parameter on the ith mode of closed-loop
system can be calculated by use of the following equation

@ki @Ac ðaÞ @Hðki ; aÞ T T @Hðki ; aÞ

¼ wTi vi ¼ wi bo co vi ¼ Ri ð2:70Þ
@a @a @a @a

Hence, the residue measures how much the mode of closed-loop system is
affected by the parameter of the controller.

2.2.2 Applications of Modal Analysis Modal Analysis for the AVR

Consider the simple case of a single-machine infinite-bus power system expressed

 the Heffron–Phillips
 model shown in Fig. 2.10 without the PSS installed
Dupss ¼ 0 . The upper part can be considered as the open-loop system and lower
part the feedback controller. Thus, Eq. (2.41) can be rearranged as follows:
  " # " #
sDd 0 xo  Dd  0
¼ þ DE0q
sDx K 1
Dd ð2:71Þ
Dd ¼ ½ 1 0
DE0q ¼ Fdelta ðsÞDd
38 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

In the above state-space model of the power system, the input to the open-loop
system is DE0q , the output is Dd, and the transfer function of feedback controller is
Fdelta ðsÞ. Obviously, the state-space realization of Fdelta ðsÞ is as follows:
2 3 2 3
   K0 3 1  0   K0 4
sDE0q 6 Tdo 0
Tdo 7 DE Tdo 5
¼4 5
þ4 Dd
sDE0fd K
 TA K6
T 1 DE0
 TA K5
A ð2:72Þ
DE0q ¼ ½ 1 0 

According to Eq. (2.48), the modes of open-loop system can be found by solving
the following characteristic equation
0 xo 1 0 k xo D K1
D  k 0 1 ¼  K1 D  k ¼ k þ M k þ M xo ¼ 0
 K1 M M

Solution of Eq. (2.73) gives the oscillation mode of the single-machine

infinite-bus power system when DE0q ¼ 0, that is the case when the generator is
modelled as a constant voltage source. The oscillation mode is as follows:
2 ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
s 3

1;2 14 D D 2 4x0 K1 5
k ¼    ¼ no  jxNOF ð2:74Þ
2 M M M

The oscillation mode is related to the rotor motion of generator, i.e. state vari-
ables Dd and Dx. It is often called the electromechanical oscillation mode of the
power system.
From Eq. (2.71), it can have
sDd 0 xo Dd Dd
¼ K K D ¼ Ac ð2:75Þ
sDx  M  M2 Fdelta ðsÞ
M Dx Dx

where Ac is the state matrix of closed-loop system.

2.2 Modal Analysis 39

From Eq. (2.72), it can be obtained that

2 31 23
s þ K0 3  1
0  K0 4
6 Tdo T 7 4 Tdo 5
Fdelta ðsÞ ¼ ½ 1 0 4 5

TA sþ T1
 TA K5
2 32 3
s þ T1 1
 K0 4
1 T0do Tdo 5
4 54
¼  ½1 0 K K
s þ K0 3 s þ T1 þ KTA K6 10  TA 6 s þ K0 3  TA K5
Tdo A A Tdo A Tdo A

2 3
T0do TA h i  K0 4
s þ T1 1 4 Tdo 5
¼ T0do
ðsT0do þ K3 ÞðTA s þ 1Þ þ KA K6 A
 TA K5

ðTA s þ 1ÞK4 þ KA K5
ðsT0doþ K3 ÞðTA s þ 1Þ þ KA K6

Hence, according to Eq. (2.70), it can have

ðTA ki þ 1ÞK4 þ KA K5

 @  0
@ ki ð i do þ K3 ÞðTA ki þ 1Þ þ KA K6
k T
¼ Ri ð2:77Þ
@a @a

where a ¼ KA or TA . By using Eq. (2.77), effect of the AVR on the damping of

electromechanical oscillation, i.e. power oscillation, can be examined. Modal Analysis for the PSS

The general linearized model of the single-machine infinite-bus power system with
the PSS installed is Eq. (2.21) which can be rearranged as follows:
2 3 2 32 3 2 3
sDd 0 x0 0 Dd 0
6 7 6 a21 a22 aT238 76 7 6 7
4 sDx 5 ¼ 4 54 Dx 5 þ 4 0 5Dupss
sDx38 a138 a238 A33 Dx38 bpss3
2 3
Dd ð2:78Þ
6 7
y ¼ Dx ¼ ½ 0 1 0 4 Dx 5
Dupss ¼ Tpss ðsÞDx
40 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

a 21

1 Δω ω0 Δδ
- Ms + a 22 s

a 23-8 T a 23-8 a13-8

ΔX 3-8

( sI - A 33 ) −1 + bpss-3 Δu pss

Fig. 2.13 General linearized model of single-machine infinite-bus power system with PSS

The model is shown in Fig. 2.13.

i and the
Let the oscillation mode of the system without the PSS installed be k
corresponding left and right eigenvector be
2 3

wTi ¼ wi1 wi2 wTi3 ; vi ¼ 4 vi2 5 ð2:79Þ

That is
2 3

0 x0 0

wi1 wi2 wTi3 4 a21 a22 aT238 i wi1

5¼k wi2 wTi3 ð2:80Þ
a138 a238 A33

It can have
a21 i w
w  Ti3 a138 ¼ k
þw  i1
a22 i w
x0 w  i2
 i1  w  Ti3 a238 ¼ k
þw  i2 ð2:81Þ
aT i w
 i2 238 þ w
w  Ti3 A33 ¼ k  Ti3
2.2 Modal Analysis 41


 Ti3 ¼ w
w  i2 ðki I  A33 Þ1 ð2:82Þ

From Eqs. (2.64), (2.78), and (2.82), the residue can be obtained to be
2 3 2 3
0 vi1

6 7 6 7
Ri ¼ wi1 wi2  Ti3 4
w 0 5½ 0 1 0 4 vi2 5
bpss3 vi3
¼ wTi3 bpss3 vi2
aT i I  A33 Þ1 bpss3
¼ w  i2 vi2 238 ðk
M Design of PSS by Pole Assignment

If the feedback signal and transfer function of the PSS to be designed is y and
TPSS ðsÞ respectively, Eq. (2.78) can be written more generally as follows:

sX ¼ AX þ bDupss
y ¼ cT X ð2:84Þ
Dupss ¼ Tpss ðsÞy

Transfer function of open-loop system is as follows:

GðsÞ ¼ cT ðsI  AÞ1 b ð2:85Þ

Characteristic equation of closed-loop control system is as follows:

1 þ GðsÞTpss ðsÞ ¼ 0 ð2:86Þ

If design of the PSS is to assign the electromechanical oscillation mode of the

single-machine infinite-bus power system to a target position, k c ¼ n  jxc ,

kc must be the solution of the characteristic equation of closed-loop control system
of Eq. (2.86). Hence, it should have

c ÞTpss ðk
1 þ Gðk c Þ ¼ 0 ð2:87Þ
42 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

By separating the real and imaginary part of the above equation, two equations
will be obtained which can be used to determine two parameters of the transfer
function of PSS. If the transfer function of PSS adopts the following format of a
lead–lag block,

ð1 þ saTÞ2
Tpss ðsÞ ¼ Kpss ð2:88Þ
ð1 þ sTÞ2

With a predetermined T, parameters of the PSS, Kpss and a , can be set according
to Eq. (2.87), thus completing the design of PSS via the pole assignment.

2.3 Damping Torque Analysis

2.3.1 Damping Torque and Synchronizing Torque Damping Torque and Synchronizing Torque Derived

from Heffron–Phillips Model

The damping torque analysis (DTA) was firstly introduced on the basis of the
Heffron–Phillips model for a single-machine infinite-bus power system to examine
the effect of excitation control, such as the AVR, on power system small-signal
stability [1–3]. It was developed based on the understanding that the dynamic of the
electromechanical oscillation loop of a generator decides the damping of power
oscillations in the single-machine infinite-bus power system.
In the Heffron–Phillips model shown in Fig. 2.10, the upper part obviously is the
linearized rotor motion equation and lower part is formed from the mathematical
description of dynamic of the field winding of generator and the AVR. Figure 2.14
shows the upper part of the model which is called the electromechanical oscillation
loop. Signal DTe from the lower part in the Heffron–Phillips model is obviously an
electric torque. Hence, from Fig. 2.14, it can have


Electromechanical oscillation loop

Δω ω0 Δδ
_ 1
Ms + D s


Fig. 2.14 Electromechanical oscillation loop of generator

2.3 Damping Torque Analysis 43

D x0 K1 x0
s2 Dd þ sDd þ Dd þ DTe ¼ 0 ð2:89Þ

If firstly the contribution from the lower part of Heffron–Phillips model, DTe , is
not considered, the electromechanical oscillation loop of generator shown in
Fig. 2.14 is described by the following second-order differential equation

D x0 K1
s2 Dd þ sDd þ Dd ¼ 0 ð2:90Þ

Equation (2.90) in fact is the linearized model of the single-machine infinite-bus

power system when the dynamic of exciter and the AVR are not considered. This is
the case when the generator is modelled only by the rotor motion equation in
Eq. (2.3).
Solution of Eq. (2.90) is as follows:

DdðtÞ ¼ a0 e2Mt cos xNOF t þ b0

r ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
where a0 and b0 are two constants and xNOF ¼ 1 D  4x0 K1 .
2 M M
Equation (2.91) describes the behaviour of rotor motion, i.e. the acceleration and
deceleration to store or release electric power. Hence, it determines the variations of
active power supplied by the generator during dynamic transient (electromechanical
transient), when the power system is subject to small disturbances. If 2D M is small or
negative, a poorly damped or magnitude-increasing power oscillations occur. This
is the electromechanical oscillation associated with the rotor motion of synchronous
generator, i.e. the power system low-frequency oscillation.
In Eq. (2.91), xNOF is called the angular frequency of natural oscillation. The
angular oscillation frequency, xs , of power oscillation in the single-machine
infinite-bus power system is normally very close to the angular frequency of natural
oscillation. Equation (2.91) indicates that the damping of power oscillation of the
single-machine infinite-bus power system is determined by the coefficient of the
first-order derivative in the second-order differential equation in Eq. (2.91) M D.
At the angular oscillation frequency xs , the electric torque contributed from the
lower part of Heffron–Phillips model can be decomposed into two components

DTe ¼ Td Dx þ Ts Dd ð2:92Þ
44 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

Equation (2.89) becomes

D Td x0 K1 x0 Ts
s2 Dd þ þ sDd þ þ Dd ¼ 0 ð2:93Þ
M Mx0 M M

Obviously, from the discussion on Eq. (2.91), it is easy to understand that the
component in the decomposition of DTe , Td Dx, contributes to the damping of
power oscillation. This component is called the damping torque. In Eq. (2.92), Ts Dd
is called the synchronizing torque. Electric Torque Contributed from the PSS

From Fig. 2.10, it can be seen that the electric torque contributed from the lower
part of Heffron–Phillips model is as follows:

DTet ¼ Fdelta ðsÞDd þ Fpss ðsÞDupss ð2:94Þ

where Fdelta ðsÞ and Fpss ðsÞ are the transfer function from Dd and Dupss respectively,
to form the electric torque contribution to the electromechanical oscillation loop of
The electric torque contribution from the PSS is as follows:

DTpss ¼ Fpss ðsÞDupss ð2:95Þ

Figure 2.15 shows that the PSS contributes the electric torque, DTpss , to the
electromechanical oscillation loop of generator. Obviously, Fpss ðsÞ is the transfer
function of forward path from the stabilizing signal of the PSS to the



ΔE q’ 1 KA + Δupss
Td0's+K3 1+sTA


Fig. 2.15 Forward path of stabilizing signal of the PSS

2.3 Damping Torque Analysis 45

electromechanical oscillation loop of generator in the Heffron–Phillips model.

From Fig. 2.15, it can be obtained that

1 KA
K3 þ sT0d0 1 þ sTA K
Fpss ðsÞ ¼ K2 ¼ K2  0
 A ð2:96Þ
1 þ K6 1
K A K3 þ sT d0 ð1 þ sTA Þ þ K6 KA
K3 þ sTd0 1 þ sTA

Hence, at the angular oscillation frequency, xs , the electric torque provided by

the PSS to the electromechanical oscillation loop is as follows:

pss ðjxs ÞDupss

DTpss ¼ F

For example, if the PSS is a pure-gain controller and takes the deviation of rotor
speed of generator as the feedback signal, i.e. Dupss ¼ Kpss Dx, the electric torque
contributed from the PSS to the electromechanical oscillation loop of generator is as

pss ðjxs ÞDx ¼ Kpss Re½F

DTpss ¼ Kpss F pss ðjxs ÞDx þ jKpss Im½F
pss ðjxs ÞDx ð2:97Þ

where Re F pss ðjxs Þ and Im Fpss ðjxs Þ denote the real and imaginary part of
pss ðjxs Þ, respectively (this notation will be used throughout the book). From the
first equation in Eq. (2.41), it can have sDd ¼ x0 Dx, i.e.

Dx ¼ Dd ð2:98Þ

By substituting Eqs. (2.98) into Eq. (2.97), it can be obtained that

pss ðjxs ÞDx  xs Kpss Im F

DTpss ¼ Kpss Re½F pss ðjxs Þ Dd ð2:99Þ

pss ðjxs ÞDx, and the

Hence, the damping torque supplied by the PSS is Kpss Re½F
pss ðjxs ÞDd.
synchronizing torque is  x0 Kpss Im½F
xs Damping Torque and Synchronizing Torque Derived

from the General Linearized Model

In Eq. (2.78) or Fig. 2.13, denote DTe ¼ aT238 Dx38 . From Eq. (2.78) or
Fig. 2.13, it can have
a22 a21
s2 Dd þ sDd þ x0 Dd þ DTe ¼ 0 ð2:100Þ
46 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

Taking the similar procedure of DTA presented above in Sects. and, transfer function of the forward path of stabilizing signal of the PSS can be
obtained to be

Fpss ðsÞ ¼ aT238 ðsI  A33 Þ1 bpss3 ð2:101Þ

At the angular oscillation frequency, xs , the electric torque contribution from the
PSS is as follows:

DTpss ¼ aT238 ðjxs I  A33 Þ1 bpss3 Dupss ð2:102Þ

The electric torque can be decomposed into the damping and synchronizing
torque. The damping torque contribution from the PSS determines its effect on the
damping of power oscillation.
Assume that the installation of PSS brings about a change of damping coefficient
Dpss Dx in the electromechanical oscillation loop of generator. The state-space
representation of power system with the PSS installed can be equivalently written
as follows:
2 3 2 32 3
sDd 0 x0 0 Dd
6 7 6 a21 a22 þ Dpss aT238 76 7
4 sDx 5 ¼ 4    M 54 Dx 5 ð2:103Þ
Dx38 a138 a238 A33 Dx38

From Eqs. (2.70) and (2.103), it can have

@k @Ac
¼w vi
@Dpss @Dpss
2 32 3
0 x0 0 vi1

@ 6 aT238 76 7
¼ w i1  i2
w  i3
w T
4  a21 
a22 þ Dpss
 M 54 vi2 5 ð2:104Þ
@Dpss M M
a138 a238 A33 vi3
w vi2

From Eqs. (2.83), (2.102), and (2.104), it can be seen that the residue in fact
measures the effect of the PSS on the electromechanical oscillation mode of the
system. At the complex frequency k i , it is equal to the forward path of the PSS
multiplied by the sensitivity of the mode to the damping torque contribution.
2.3 Damping Torque Analysis 47

2.3.2 Damping Torque Analysis and Design of PSS

by Phase Compensation Theoretical Basis of the Damping Torque Analysis

This section explains the theoretical basis of the damping torque analysis by use of
the Phillips–Heffron model as follows.
Firstly, the effect of PSS is not considered, i.e. Dupss ¼ 0. From Fig. 2.10, it can
Ms þ Ds þ x0 K1 DdðsÞ ¼ x0 DTðsÞ
DTðsÞ ¼ Fdelta ðsÞDdðsÞ

where Fdelta ðsÞ is the transfer function from DdðsÞ to DTðsÞ. Combining two
equations above gives

Ms þ Ds þ x0 K1 þ x0 Fdelta ðsÞ DdðsÞ ¼ 0 ð2:106Þ

Thus, characteristic equation of the system is as follows:

Ms2 þ Ds þ x0 K1 þ x0 Fdelta ðsÞ ¼ 0 ð2:107Þ

Solutions of the characteristic equation are the eigenvalues of state matrix of

system model given by Eq. (2.42). One of the pair of complex solutions is called the
electromechanical oscillation mode. Its real part defines the damping of power
s ¼ n þ jxs . In the complex frequency domain, it
oscillation. Denote the mode as k s
should have

2 þ Dk
Mk  s þ x0 K1 þ x0 F s Þ ¼ 0
delta ðk ð2:108Þ

The second equation in Eq. (2.105) expressed in the complex frequency domain
is as follows:

s Þ ¼ F
DTðk s ÞDdðk
delta ðk s Þ ð2:109Þ

Also in the complex frequency domain, the first equation in Eq. (2.41) becomes

s Þ ¼ ns þ jxs s Þ ¼ ns Ddðk
s Þ þ j xs Ddðk
s Þ
Dxðk Ddðk ð2:110Þ
x0 x0 x0

Let the electric torque defined by Eq. (2.109) be decomposed as follows:

s Þ ¼ Ts1 Ddðk
DTðk s Þ þ Td1 Dxðk
s Þ ð2:111Þ
48 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

From Eqs. (2.109), (2.110), and (2.111), it can be obtained that

s ÞDdðk
delta ðk
F s Þ þ Td1 ns Ddðk
s Þ ¼ Ts1 Ddðk s Þ þ jT xs Ddðk
s Þ ð2:112Þ
x0 x0

That is

F s Þ ¼ Ts1 þ Td1 ns þ jT xs
delta ðk ð2:113Þ
x0 x0

From Eq. (2.113), it can have

delta ðk
Td1 ¼ xx0s Im½F s Þ
Ts1 ¼ Re½F s Þ  Td1 ns
delta ðk

The above derivation indicates that in the complex frequency domain, the
electric torque can be decomposed into damping and synchronizing torque
according to Eq. (2.111). Substituting Eqs. (2.111) into (2.108), it can have

 2 þ Dk
ðMk s þ x0 K1 ÞDdðk
s Þ ¼ x0 Ts1 Ddðk
s Þ  x0 Td1 Dxðks Þ
¼ x0 Ts1 Ddðk s Ddðk
s Þ  Td1 k s Þ


Mk s þ x0 K1 þ x0 Ts1 ¼ 0
2 þ ðD þ Td1 Þk ð2:116Þ

Solution of the above equation is as follows:

D þ Td1
ns ¼  ð2:117Þ

Equation (2.117) indicates that the damping torque affects the real part of
electromechanical oscillation mode, i.e. the damping of power oscillation. Graphical Explanation of the Damping Torque Analysis

Equations (2.16) and (2.39) include the following linearized rotor motion equation
of generator
D d ¼ x0 Dx
: 1 ð2:118Þ
D x ¼  ðDPt þ DDxÞ
2.3 Damping Torque Analysis 49

Without referring to any linearized model of single-machine infinite-bus power

system, assume DPt being comprised of contributions from Dd and stabilizing
signal of the PSS, Dupss . That is to let

DPt ¼ DPt ðDdÞ þ DPt ðDupss Þ

DPt ðDdÞ ¼ Fdelta ðsÞDd; DPt ðDupss Þ ¼ Fpss ðsÞDupss

At a known angular oscillation frequency xs , if DPt is decomposed in the

complex frequency domain, then

DPt ðDdÞ ¼ F delta ðjxs ÞDd ¼ Cdelta Dd þ Ddelta Dx;

pss ðjxs ÞDupss ¼ Cpss Dd þ Dpss Dx
DPt ðDupss Þ ¼ F

Obviously, Ddelta Dx and Dpss Dx are the damping torque contributed to the
electromechanical oscillation loop of generator from Dd and Dupss , respectively.
Function of the damping torque component in suppressing the power oscillation can
be explained graphically by the use of the linearized equal-area criterion as follows.
Without affecting the conclusions of following discussion,
 it is assumed
 that in
Eq. (2.120), Ddelta ¼ 0. When there is no PSS installed DPt ðDupss Þ ¼ 0 ,

DPt ¼ DPt ðDdÞ ¼ Cdelta Dd ð2:121Þ

The linearized DPt  Dd curve is line a–f as shown in Fig. 2.16. In Fig. 2.16, the
operating point of system at steady state is d (Pt0 ; d0 ) and it moves to point a
(Pt1 ; d1 ) after the system is subject to a small disturbance. Hence, when the oper-
ating point moves down from the initial point a (Pt1 ; d1 ) along line a–f, it will stop at
point f (Pt20 ; d20 ) with area a–d–c being equal to area d–g–f. Obviously, in this case,
jPt1  Pt0 j ¼ jPt20  Pt0 j; jd1  d0 j ¼ jd20  d0 j, power oscillation is of unchanged
magnitude and not damped at all.
When the PSS is installed to provide a pure positive damping torque,

DPt ðDupss Þ ¼ Dpss Dx ðassuming Dpss [ 0Þ ð2:122Þ

From Eqs. (2.120), (2.121), and (2.122), it should have

DPt ¼ DPt ðDdÞ þ DPt ðDupss Þ ¼ Cdelta Dd þ Dpss Dx; ð2:123Þ

When the operating point moves down from point a (Pt1 ; d1 ), power angle of
generator decreases and thus Dx\0. Dpss Dx\0 is added on Cdelta Dd as shown in
Eq. (2.123). Hence, the operating point should move below line a–f along curve
DPt ¼ Cdelta Dd þ Dpss Dx;. When the operating point stops moving, Dx ¼ 0. Thus,
it should stop on line a–f at point c (Pt2 ; d2 ) with area A1 being equal to area A2 .
50 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

Fig. 2.16 Graphical Pt ΔPt=CdeltaΔδ+Dpss Δω a

explanation of the DTA


Pt0 g d e
Direction of
f Δω < 0

δ2' δ2 δ0 δ1

Time response
with the PSS

Time response without the PSS

Obviously, jPt2  Pt0 j\jPt1  Pt0 j; jd2  d0 j\jd1  d0 j, indicating extra positive
damping is provided by the PSS to the power oscillation. A similar analysis can be
carried out to examine the case when the operating point moves up from point c
(Pt2 ; d2 ).
The above discussion explains the function of damping provided by the PSS in
suppressing the power oscillation. It is important to note that the explanation relies
only on the linearized rotor motion equation in Eqs. (2.118), (2.119), and (2.120)
without referring to any particular type of model of power system. This means that
for any type of linearized model of power system, including that of a multi-machine
power system, if Eqs. (2.119) and (2.120) can be established on the basis of the
model, the above procedure can be applied. Design of PSS by the Phase Compensation Method [4]

If the rotor speed of generator is taken as the feedback signal of the PSS, transfer
function of the PSS is Tpss ðsÞ, that is
2.3 Damping Torque Analysis 51

DuPSS ¼ Tpss ðsÞDx ð2:124Þ

From Eqs. (2.95) or (2.102) and above equation, it can have

DTpss ¼ Fpss ðsÞTpss ðsÞDx ð2:125Þ

At the angular oscillation frequency, xs , the decomposition of the electric torque

contributed by the PSS is as follows:

pss ðjxs ÞT
DTpss ¼ F  pss ðjxs ÞDx

¼ Re F pss ðjxs ÞT  pss ðjxs Þ Dx þ jIm½F

pss ðjxs ÞT
 pss ðjxs ÞDx
pss ðjxs ÞT  pss ðjxs ÞDx  xs Im½Fpss ðjxs ÞT pss ðjxs ÞDd ð2:126Þ
¼ Re½F
¼ Tpssd Dx þ Tpsss Dd

The damping and synchronizing torque provided by the PSS is Tpssd Dx and
Tpsss Dd, respectively. In order to achieve the most efficient design, ideally the PSS
should provide only the damping torque, that is,

DTpss ¼ Dpss Dx; Dpss [ 0 ð2:127Þ

where Dpss is the coefficient of the damping torque which needs to be provided by
the PSS. Hence, from Eqs. (2.126) and (2.127), it can be seen that design of the PSS
should satisfy that

pss ðjxs ÞT
Dpss ¼ F  pss ðjxs Þ ð2:128Þ

According to Eq. (2.128), design of the PSS should set the phase of the PSS,
\T pss ðjxs Þ, to be equal to the minus phase of the forward path, \F
pss ðjxs Þ, that is to
design the PSS such that it can compensate the phase lag of the forward path and
ensure it to provide a pure positive damping torque. Hence, the method to design
the PSS based on Eq. (2.128) is called the phase compensation method.
If it is denoted that

pss ðjxs Þ ¼ Fpss \/; T
F  pss ðjxs Þ ¼ Tpss \c ð2:129Þ

The phase compensation method requires

Tpssd ¼ Fpss Tpss cosð/ þ cÞ ¼ Dpss
Tpsss ¼ Fpss Tpss sinð/ þ cÞ ¼ 0
52 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

This can be achieved by setting

c ¼ /; Tpss ¼ ð2:131Þ

Often the PSS is constructed as a lead–lag block with its main part of transfer
function to be

ð1 þ sT2 Þ ð1 þ sT4 Þ ð1 þ sT2 Þ ð1 þ sT4 Þ

Tpss ðsÞ ¼ Kpss ¼ Kpss1 Kpss2 ð2:132Þ
ð1 þ sT1 Þ ð1 þ sT3 Þ ð1 þ sT1 Þ ð1 þ sT3 Þ

where Kpss ¼ Kpss1 Kpss2 . Parameters of the PSS then can be set to satisfy

ð1 þ jxs T2 Þ Dpss /
Kpss1 ¼ \
ð1 þ jxs T1 Þ Fpss 2
ð1 þ jxs T4 Þ /
Kpss2 ¼ 1:0\
ð1 þ jxs T3 Þ 2

for the PSS to provide a positive damping torque Dpss Dx.

With the PSS installed, from Fig. 2.10, it can have

ðMs2 þ Ds þ x0 K1 ÞDdðsÞ ¼ x0 DTdelta ðsÞ  x0 DTpss ðsÞ

DTdelta ðsÞ ¼ Fdelta ðsÞDdðsÞ ð2:134Þ
DTpss ðsÞ ¼ Fpss ðsÞTpss ðs)DxðsÞ

c ¼ n þ jxc be the electromechanical oscillation mode of the closed-loop

Let k c
system with the PSS installed. According to the DTA discussed above in
Sect., in the complex frequency domain, it can have

c Þ ¼ F
DTdelta ðk c ðsÞDdðk
delta k c Þ ¼ C1 Ddðkc Þ þ D1 Dxðkc Þ
DTpss ðkc Þ ¼ F c ÞT
pss ðk c ÞDxðk
 pss ðk c Þ ¼ Cpss Ddðk
c Þ þ Dpss Dxðk
c Þ

Taking the similar procedure of discussion in Sect., it can easily prove
c Þ affects the damping of the electromechanical oscillation mode.
that Dpss Dxðk
Hence, the PSS can be designed to satisfy

c ÞTpss ðk
Fpss ðk c Þ ¼ Dpss ð2:136Þ

When the PSS is being designed, if k c ¼ n þ jxc is given, the PSS can be
designed by using the phase compensation method defined by Eq. (2.136) to move
c ¼ n þ jxc in
the electromechanical oscillation mode strictly to the position at k c
the complex plane. If only the amount of damping torque provision
Dpss Dx; Dpss [ 0 is given, the PSS can also be designed by the phase compensation
method introduced above from Eqs. (2.126) to (2.133).
2.4 Examples 53

2.4 Examples

2.4.1 Linearized Mathematical Models of an Example

Power System Linearized Mathematical Model with Full Model

of Generator Used

Parameters (in p.u.) of an example single-machine infinite-bus power system are as

1. Generator:

xd ¼ 1:18; xq ¼ 0:78; xad ¼ 1:0; xaq ¼ 0:6; xD ¼ 1:11; xQ ¼ 0:73; xf ¼ 1:13;

ra ¼ 0:005; rf ¼ 0:00075; rD ¼ 0:002; rQ ¼ 0:04; M ¼ 7 s; D ¼ 0; T0d0 ¼ 5 s

2. AVR: KA ¼ 100; TA ¼ 0:01 s

3. Transmission line: xt ¼ 0:15
4. Steady-state operating point: Pt0 ¼ 0:5; Vt0 ¼ 1:05; Vb0 ¼ 1:0
At the steady-state operating point, the complex power received at the infinite
busbar is as follows:
 t0  V
V  b0 

Vb0 ¼ Pt0 þ jQb0

where Qb0 is the reactive power received at the infinite busbar and * denotes the
conjugate of a complex phasor. By choosing V  b0 as the reference phasor, that is,
  ¼ Vb0 , from the above equation, it can be obtained that
 b0 ¼ V
V b0
2sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3
Vb0 4 xt Pt0
Qb0 ¼ V2t0   Vb0 5 ¼ 0:3155 p:u:
xt Vb0

In the above, calculation is in p.u. Throughout the following calculation in p.u.,

p.u. is omitted.
The line current is as follows:

It0 ¼ Pt0  jQb0 ¼ 0:5  j0:3155

54 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

Terminal voltage of generator is :

 t0 ¼ jxtIt0 þ Vb0 ¼ 1:0473 þ j0:075


At steady state, iD0 ¼ iQ0 ¼ 0; x0 ¼ 1, Eqs. (2.1) and (2.2) become

0 ¼ vtd0 þ ra id0 þ wq0

0 ¼ vtq0 þ ra iq0  wd0
0 ¼ vf0  rf if0
wd0 xd xad id0
wf0 xad xf if0
wq0 ¼ xq iq0

Thus, according to Eq. (2.28)

vtd0 ¼ ra id0  wq0 ¼ ra id0 þ xq iq0

vtq0 ¼ ra iq0 þ wd0 ¼ ra iq0 þ xad if0  xd id0 ¼ ra iq0 þ Eq0  xd id0

Hence, in d–q coordinate of generator,

 t0 ¼ Vtd0 þ jVtq0 ¼ ra id0 þ xq iq0 þ jðra iq0 þ Eq0  xd id0 Þ

¼ ra ðid0 þ jiq0 Þ þ xq iq0  jxq id0 þ jðEq0  xd id0 þ xq id0 Þ

Let an imaginary electromotive force (EMF) be

EQ0 ¼ Eq0  xd id0 þ xq id0 ¼ Eq0  ðxd  xq Þid0


 t0 ¼ ðra þ jxq Þðid0 þ jiq0 Þ þ E

V  Q0

Thus, the q-axis of generator can be found by calculating the imaginary EMF E

 Q0 ¼ V
E  t0 þ ðra þ jxq ÞIt0 ¼ 1:2959 þ j0:4634 ¼ 1:38\19:68

Hence, d0 ¼ 19:68 . From the above equation about Eq0 and EQ0 , it can have

Eq0 ¼ EQ0  ðxq  xd Þid0 ¼ 1:1506

if0 ¼ ¼ 1:5624
2.4 Examples 55

Fig. 2.17 Phasor diagram for

computing initial values of q
state variables

[ra + j(x q − x d )]I t

jx d I t
v tq
jx t I t
Vt b

δ ϕ
vtd d

Above computation can be shown by the phasor diagram of Fig. 2.17 where
subscript 0 is omitted. From Fig. 2.17, it can be seen that

id0 ¼ It0 sinðd0 þ u0 Þ ¼ 0:4654; iq0 ¼ It0 cosðd0 þ u0 Þ ¼ 0:3646

vd0 ¼ Vb0 sin d0 ¼ 0:3368; vq0 ¼ Vb0 cos d0 ¼ 0:9416


 t0 ¼ vtd0 þ jvtq0 ¼ jxtIt0 þ Vb0 ¼ jxt ðid0 þ jiq0 Þ þ vd0 þ jvq0



vtd0 ¼ vd0  xt iq0 ¼ 0:2820

vtq0 ¼ xt id0 þ vq0 ¼ 1:0114

From Eq. (2.23), it can have

if0 ¼ ¼ 1:5624
56 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

Because iD0 ¼ 0; iQ0 ¼ 0, thus according to Eq. (2.2), it can be obtained that
2 3 2 32 3 2 3
wd0 xd xad xad id0 1:0132
6 7 6 76 7 6 7
4 wf0 5 ¼ 4 xad xf xad 54 if0 5 ¼ 4 1:3001 5
wD0 xad xad xD iD0 1:0970
" #     
wq0 xq xaq iq0 0:2844
¼ ¼
wQ0 xaq xQ iQ0 0:2187

2 31 2 3 2 3
xd xad xad a11 a12 a13 4:2331 1:8311 2:1640
6 7 6 7 6 7
4 xad xf xad 5 ¼ 4 a21 a22 a23 5 ¼ 4 1:8311 5:1570 2:9963 5
xad xad xD a31 a32 a33 2:1640 2:9963 5:5498
xq xaq b11 b12 3:6842 2:8653
¼ ¼
xaq xQ b13 b14 2:8653 3:7249

From Eqs. (2.12) and (2.13), it can have

2 3
0 x0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 b V b V 7
60 MD 0  a11M
Vtd0  11M tq0  a12M
Vtd0  a13M
Vtd0  12M tq0 7
6 7
60  T1 7
6 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
6 A 7
60 x w 7
Agdq ¼6
0 q0 0 a11 x0 ra x0 x a12 x0 ra a13 x0 ra 0 7
6 0 x0 wd0 0 x0 x b11 x0 ra 0 0 b12 x0 ra 7
6 7
60 a21 x0 rf a22 x0 rf a23 x0 rf 7
6 0 x0 0 0 7
6 7
40 0 0 a31 x0 rD 0 a32 x0 rD a33 x0 rD 0 5
0 0 0 0 b21 x0 rQ 0 0 b22 x0 rQ
2 3
0 314:16 0 0 0 0 0 0
60 0:0738 0:0872 0:4140 7
6 0 0 0:1706 0:5037 7
6 7
60 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 7
6 7
6 0 89:3377 6:6494 7
6 0 314:16 2:8762 3:3992 0 7
¼6 7
6 0 318:3167 0 314:16 5:4760 0 0 4:5008 7
6 7
60 1:2151 7
6 0 314:16 0:4314 0 0:7060 0 7
6 7
40 0 0 1:35797 0 1:8826 3:4871 0 5
0 0 0 0 36:0068 0 0 46:8088
2.4 Examples 57

2 0 0 3 2 3
0 0
6  id0 iq0 7 6
6 M 7 0:0665 0:0521 7
6 M 7 6 7
6 KA Vtd0 KA Vtq0 7 6 2686:1 9632:5 7
6 T V T V 7 6 7
6 t0 7
6 7
6 x 7 6 314:1593
A t0 A

6 0 7
0 7
Bgdq ¼6 0 ¼
7 6 6 7
6 7 0 314:1593 7
6 0 x0 7 6 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 0 0 7 6 0 0 7
6 7 4 7
4 5 0 0 5
0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 a11 0 a12 a13 0
Cgdq ¼
0 0 0 0 b11 0 0 b12
0 0 0 4:2331 0 1:8331 2:1640 0
0 0 0 0 3:4862 0 0 2:8653
0 xt 0 0:15
Fdq1 ¼ ¼
xt 0 0:15 0
Vb cos d0 0 0:9416 0
Fdq2 ¼ ¼
Vb sin d0 0 0:3367 0

Thus, state matrix and control vector of linearized state-space model are obtained
to be

Agcdq ¼ Agdq þ Bgdq Fdq1 Cgdq þ Bgdq Fdq2

2 3
0 314:16 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0:045 0:09 0:104 0:38 7
6 0 0 0:20 0:47 7
6 7
6 714:3 0 100 6116:3 1404:6 2646 3127 1154:5 7
6 7
6 295:8 89:34 6:64 135:03 7
6 0 478:4 2:88 3:39 7
¼6 7
6 105:78 318:3 0 513:64 5:48 86:29 101:9 4:50 7
6 7
6 1:22 7
6 0 0 314:2 0:43 0 0:70 0 7
6 7
4 0 0 0 1:36 0 1:88 3:48 0 5
00 0 0 36:0 0 0 46:8
2 2 3 3
0 0
6 0 7 6 0 7
6 7 6 7
6 KA 7 6 7
6 T 7 6 10000 7
6 A7 6 7
6 0 7 6 0 7
6 7 6 7
bpss ¼6 7¼6 7
6 0 7 6 0 7
6 7 6 7
6 0 7 6 0 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
4 0 5 4 0 5
0 0
58 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

Eigenvalues of above state matrix are computed to be

 1 ;k
k 2 ¼ 24:14  j971:56
 3 ;k
k 4 ¼ 36:33  j359:63
k5 ¼ 35:57
k6 ; k
7 ¼ 0:71  j8:44
k8 ¼ 5:71

According to Eq. (2.63), the oscillation frequency f i (Hz) and damping fi for the
electromechanical oscillation mode, k 6 and k7 , are as follows:
fi ¼ ¼ 1:34 Hz
fi ¼  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 0:0838; i ¼ 6; 7
ni þ x2i
2 Heffron–Phillips Model of Example Power System

With D and Q damping winding of generator being ignored, from the given
parameters of above example power system and results of calculation, it can have
x0d ¼ xd  ad ¼ 0:2951
E0q0 0
¼ EQ0  xq  xd itd0 ¼ 1:1506

From Eq. (2.40), it can be obtained that

K1 ¼ 1:5248; K2 ¼ 0:7602; K3 ¼ 2:9885;

K4 ¼ 0:6727; K5 ¼ 0:0027; K6 ¼ 0:3245

State equation of (2.41) can be obtained to be

2 : 3 2 32 3 2 3
Dd 0 314:16 0 0 Dd 0
6 : 7
6 D x0 7 6 0:2178 0 0:1086 0 7 6 7 6 7
76 Dx0 7 þ 6 0 7Dupss
6 _ 7¼6
4 DEq 5 4 0:1346 0 0:5978 0:2 54 DEq 5 4 0 5
0 0
DE_ 26:4729 0 3245 100 DEfd 10000

Eigenvalues of state matrix are as follows:

2;3 ¼ 0:0114  8:2610; k4 ¼ 7:6008

k1 ¼ 92:9741; k
2.4 Examples 59

According to Eq. (2.63), oscillation frequency f i (Hz) and damping fi for the
electromechanical oscillation mode, k2;3 , are as follows:

fi ¼ ¼ 1:315 Hz
fi ¼  qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 0:0014; i ¼ 2; 3
ni þ x2i

2.4.2 Modal Analysis of Example Power System

Heffron–Phillips model established above is used to demonstrate the modal analysis

of example power system in this section. Modal Decomposition and Stability of Example Power System

Right eigenvectors corresponding to each of eigenvalues of state matrix of Heffron–

Phillips model are calculated to be
2 3 2 3
8:4781  106 0:9014
6 2:5091  106 7 6 7
6 7 6 j0:0237 7
v1 ¼ 6 7; v2 ¼ 6 7
4 0:0022 5 4 0:0050 þ j0:0050 5
1 0:3868  j0:1930
2 3 2 3
0:9014 0:0077
6 j0:0237 7 6 0:0002 7
6 7 6 7

v3 ¼ 6 7; v4 ¼ 6 7
4 0:0050  j0:0050 5 4 0:0284 5
0:3868 þ j0:1930 0:9996


 ¼ ½ v1 
V v2  v3 v4 
2 3
8:4781  106 0:9014 0:9014 0:0077
6 2:5091  106 j0:0237 7
6 j0:0237 0:0002 7
¼6 7
4 0:0022 0:0050 þ j0:0050 0:0050  j0:0050 0:0284 5
1 0:3868  j0:1930 0:3868 þ j0:1930 0:9996
60 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

From Eq. (2.53),

 T ¼ ½ w1  1
W 2
w 3
w w4 T ¼ V
2 3
0:2524 0:5554  j0:0001 0:5554 þ j0:0001 0:1773
6 0:8529 0:0312  j21:1226 0:0312 þ j21:1226 7:3269 7
6 7
¼6 7
4 38:0214 0:1626 þ j0:1475 0:1626  j0:1475 38:2206 5
1:0823 0:0003 þ j0:0003 0:0003  j0:0003 0:0827

Modal decomposition thus is obtained to be

szi ¼ ki zi ; þ wTi bo u, i ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4
Without considering the PSS Dupss ¼ 0 , solution of modal decomposition is
obtained to be

zi ðt) ¼ zi ð0Þeki t ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4

From Eq. (2.55), it can have

Zð0Þ ¼ V1 Xð0Þ ¼ WT Xð0Þ

Time response of state variables can be written as follows:

4 X
xk ðt) ¼ vki zi ð0Þeki t ¼ vki zi ð0Þeni t ½cos xi t þ j sin xi t
i¼1 i¼1

It can be seen that when time approaches infinity ðt ! 1Þ,

4 X
lim xk ðt) ¼ lim vki zi ð0Þeki t ¼ lim vki zi ð0Þeni t ½cos xi t þ j sin xi t
t!1 t!1 t!1
i¼1 i¼1
¼ lim fe vk1 z1 ð0Þ þ e0:0114t vk2 z2 ð0Þ½cosð8:2610tÞ þ j sinð8:2610tÞ
þ e0:0114t vk3 z3 ð0Þ½cosð8:2610tÞ  j sinð8:2610tÞ þ e7:6008t vk4 z4 ð0Þg ¼ 0

Since XðtÞ ¼ DdðtÞ DxðtÞ DE0q ðtÞ DE0fd ðtÞ and

DdðtÞ ¼ dðtÞ  d0 ; DxðtÞ ¼ xðtÞ  x0 ;

DE0q ðtÞ ¼ E0q ðtÞ  E0q0 ðtÞ; DE0fd ðtÞ ¼ E0fd ðtÞ  E0fd0 ðtÞ
2.4 Examples 61

lim xk ðt) ¼ 0; k ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4 should give


lim dðtÞ ¼ d0 ; lim xðtÞ ¼ x0 ; lim E0q ðtÞ ¼ E0q0 ðtÞ; lim E0fd ðtÞ ¼ E0fd0 ðtÞ
t!1 t!1 t!1 t!1

All the state variables return to their initial points Xð0Þ, the equilibrium point of
the system. Hence, the system is stable in terms of small-signal stability. Modal Analysis of the AVR

State matrix, control vector, and output vector of Eq. (2.71) are as follows:
" #  
0 w0 0 314:16
A0 ¼ D ¼ 0:2178
" #  
0 0
b0 ¼ K ¼ cT0 ¼ ½ 1 0 
M 2

1;2 ¼ j8:2725 with the corresponding

Its eigenvalues are calculated to be k
eigenvectors to be
0:9997 0:9997
v1 ¼ ; v2 ¼
j0:0263 j0:0263


 T ¼ ½w
W 1 w  1 ¼ ½ v1 v2 1
 2 T ¼ V
0:9997 0:9997 1 0:5002 0:5002
¼¼ ¼
j0:0263 j0:0263 j18:9947 j18:9947

Hence, the controllability and observability index, respectively, can be obtained

to be
 T1 b0
w ¼ ½ 0:5002 j18:9914  ¼ j2:0628
 T2 b0
w ¼ ½ 0:5002 j18:9914  ¼ j2:0628
v1 ¼ ½1 0 ¼ 0:9997
v2 ¼ ½1 0 ¼ 0:9997
62 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

The residue is as follows:

1 ¼ w
R  T1 b0  cT0 v1 ¼ j2:0622
2 ¼ w
R  T2 b0  cT0 v2 ¼ j2:0622

From Eq. (2.77), when a ¼ KA , it can have

ðTA ki þ 1ÞK4 þ KA K5

@k @  0 i þ 1Þ þ KA K6
ðki Tdo þ K3 ÞðTA k
¼ Ri
i T0 þ K3 ÞðTA k
K5 ½ðk i þ 1Þ þ KA K6   ½ðTA k
i þ 1ÞK4 þ KA K5 K6
¼ Ri do
½ðki T0 þ K3 ÞðTA ki þ 1Þ þ KA K6 2
¼ 0:00018158  j0:00005839 i ¼ 1; 2

When a ¼ TA it can have

@k @  0ðTA ki þ 1ÞK4 þ KA K5
ðki Tdo þ K3 ÞðTA ki þ 1Þ þ KA K6
¼ Ri
 i K4 ½ðk
k  i T0 þ K3 ÞðTA k i þ 1Þ þ KA K6   ½ðTA k i þ 1ÞK4 þ KA K5 ðk
 i T0 þ K3 Þk
¼ Ri do do
½ðki T þ K3 ÞðTA k
0  i þ 1Þ þ KA K6  2
¼ 0:0357  j0:1533 i ¼ 1; 2

Above results indicate that increase of the gain value and time constant will
move the electromechanical oscillation mode towards the right on the complex
plane and hence is detrimental to the small-signal angular stability of the power
system. It has been well known that the fast-acting high-gain AVR may be detri-
mental to the damping of power system electromechanical oscillation modes. This
means that increase of gain value of the AVR could move the oscillation mode to
the right. However, increase of the time constant (slower action of the AVR) should
In order to further clarify the results of derivative of the oscillation mode in
respect to the parameters of the AVR obtained above, Fig. 2.18 presents the loci of
movement of the electromechanical oscillation mode on the complex plane with the
change of gain value and time constant of the AVR. In Fig. 2.18, KA increases from
KA ¼ 50 to KA ¼ 100 with TA ¼ 0:01 and TA increases from TA ¼ 0:01 to TA ¼
0:1 with KA ¼ 100. From Fig. 2.18, it can be seen that although at the point
KA ¼ 100; TA ¼ 0:01 where the derivatives are calculated, the trend of loci
movement is towards the right with the increase of the gain value and time constant,
and the oscillation mode in fact moves towards left when the time constant of the
AVR increases. The trend of the loci with the increase of the time constant of the
AVR actually changes the direction at the point KA ¼ 100; TA ¼ 0:01.
2.4 Examples 63

Fig. 2.18 Loci of the movement of the oscillation mode on the complex plane with the changes of
parameters of the AVR Design of the PSS by Pole Assignment for the Example Power

A PSS can be installed to increase the damping of example power system by

assigning the electromechanical oscillation mode, k2;3 ¼ 0:0114  j8:2611, to a
target position on the complex plane, kc ¼ 0:9  j8:2611, which is damping over
10 %.
Let the transfer function of the PSS be (see Eq. (2.88)) with T ¼ 0:1 s

ð1 þ saTÞ2
Tpss ðsÞ ¼ Kpss
ð1 þ sTÞ2
64 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

State-space model of example power system with the PSS to be installed is

2 3 2 32 3 2 3
Dd_ 0 314:16 0 0 Dd 0
6 7 6 76 Dx 7 6 7
6 Dx_ 7 6 0:2178 0 0:1086 76 0 7 6 7 0
6 7¼6 76 7 þ 6 7Dupss
6 DE_ 0 7 4 0:1346 0:5978 0:2 54 DE0q 5 4 0 5
4 q 5 0
26:4729 0 3245 100 DE0fd 10000
2 3
6 Dx 7
6 7
Dx ¼ ½ 0 1 0 0 6 7
4 DE0q 5
Dupss ¼ Tpss ðsÞDx

Thus, the transfer function of open-loop system can be obtained to be

GðsÞ ¼ cT ðsI  AÞ1 b ¼
1:1s4 þ 110:6s3 þ 854:5s2 þ 7563s þ 53020

From the characteristic equation of closed-loop control system of Eq. (2.85), for
the electromechanical oscillation mode k c , it should have

c Þ ¼ 1 1
Tpss ðk c Þ ¼ 0:0753  j0:0996

That is
c aTÞ2
ð1 þ k 1
Kpss ¼

ð1 þ kc TÞ 2 0:0753  j0:0996

By solving the above equations, parameters of the PSS can be obtained to be

Kpss ¼ 2:6151
a ¼ 2:4256

In order to establish the state-space model of closed-loop system with the PSS
installed, let

ð1 þ saTÞ
Dx1 ¼ Dx
ð1 þ sTÞ
ð1 þ saTÞ
Dupss ¼ Kpss Dx1
ð1 þ sTÞ
2.4 Examples 65

Thus, state equation of the PSS is as follows:

1 1
sDx1 ¼ Dx þ a  sDx  Dx1
T  T 
K1 1 D K2 1
¼  aDd þ  a Dx  aDE0q  Dx1
1 1
sDupss ¼ Kpss Dx1  Dupss þ Kpss a  sDx1
K1 2 1 D K2 0
¼ Kpss a Dd þ Kpss að  aÞDx  Kpss a2 DEq
1 1
þ ð1  aÞ Kpss Dx1  Dupss

By writing the state equation of open-loop system and the PSS together, the
state-space model of closed-loop system is obtained to be
2 : 32 32 3
Dd 0 314:159 0 0 0 0 Dd
6 : 7 6
6 Dx 7 6 0:218 0 0:109 0 0 0 7 6
76 Dx0 7
6 0 7 6
6 DE_ q 7 6 0:134 0 0:597 0:200 0 0 7 76
6 DEq 7
6 0 7 ¼ 6 26:582 3245:044 100 10000 7 6 0 7
6 DE_ 7 6 0 0 76 DEfd 7
6 fd 7
4 Dx_ 1 5 4 0:528 10 0:263 0 10 0 54 Dx1 5
Du_ pss 3:352 63:432 1:671 0 37:281 10 Dupss

Eigenvalues of state matrix are calculated to be

1 ¼ 93:4535
2;3 ¼ 0:8995  j5:2621
4;5 ¼ 9:4136  j5:0918
k6 ¼ 6:5176

Hence, the electromechanical oscillation mode is successfully assigned to the

target position.
Figure 2.19 shows the simulation result of example power system without and
with the PSS installed. At 1.0 s of simulation, a three-phase to-earth short circuit
occurred on the transmission line which was cleared in 100 ms. From Fig. 2.19, it
can be seen that the low-frequency oscillation is damped effectively by the PSS
designed by use of the method of pole assignment.
66 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

rotor angle δ (degree)

without PSS with PSS installed





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
time (second)

Fig. 2.19 Simulation result of example power system without and with PSS installed

2.4.3 Damping Torque Analysis of Example Power


Heffron–Phillips model established is again used in this section to demonstrate the

DTA of example power system. Damping Torque Provided by the AVR in the Example Power


From Fig. 2.10, it can be seen that the electric torque provided by the AVR to the
electromechanical oscillation loop of generator is as follows:

K5 1 KA
sT0do þ K3 sTA þ 1
DTavr ¼ K2 Dd
1 þ 0 K6 sTKAþ 1
sTdo þ K3 A
K2 K5 KA
¼ Dd ¼ Favr ðsÞDd
K6 KA þ ðsT0do þ K3 ÞðsTA þ 1Þ

At the complex frequency of the electromechanical oscillation with

s ¼ n þ jxs ¼ k1 ¼ 0:0114 þ j8:2610, let the decomposition of the electric
k s
torque provided by the AVR be
2.4 Examples 67

s ¼ Tsavr Dd k
DTavr k s þ Tdavr Dx k


s Þ ¼ ns þ jxs s Þ ¼ ns Ddðk
s Þ þ j xs Ddðk
s Þ
Dxðk Ddðk
x0 x0 x0


DTavr ðk s Þ þ Tdavr ns Ddðk

s Þ ¼ Tsavr Ddðk s Þ þ jT xs s Þ
x0 x0

That is
xs s Þ
Tdavr ¼ ImFavr ðk


s Þ ¼  K2 K5 KA
Favr ðk  s TA þ 1Þ
K6 KA þ ðks T0do þ K3 Þðk
K2 K5 KA
K6 KA þ K3 þ ðK3 TA þ T0d0 Þk 2
s þ T0 TA k
d0 s
K2 K5 KA
K6 KA þ K3 þ ðK3 TA þ T0d0 Þðns þ jxs Þ þ T0d0 TA ðns þ jxs Þ2
K2 K5 KA K2 K5 KA
¼ ¼ 2 ða  jbÞ ¼ 0:0024 þ j0:0031
a þ jb a þ b2

a ¼ K6 KA þ K3 þ K3 TA þ T0d0 ns þ T0d0 TA n2s  x2s ¼ 31:9695
b ¼ K3 TA þ T0d0 xs þ 2T0d0 TA ns xs ¼ 41:5426

thus it can be obtained

x0 s Þ ¼ x0 K2 K5 KA b
Tdavr ¼ ImFavr ðk
xs xs a2 þ b2
¼ 0:0988
68 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …


@a @a
@ KA
¼ K6 ¼ 0:3245; @ TA
¼ K3 ns þ T0d0 n2s  x2s ¼ 341:2561
@ KA
¼ 0; @b
@ TA
¼ K3 xs þ 2T0d0 ns xs ¼ 23:7488

sensitivity of the damping torque provided by the AVR to its parameters can be
obtained to be
h   i
@Tdavr x0 K2 K5 b þ KA @@Kb a2 þ b2  KA b 2a @@Ka þ 2b @@Kb
¼ A A A
¼ 0:0003
@KA xs ða2 þ b2 Þ2
h i
@b @a @b
x0 K2 K5 KA @ TA ða þ b Þ  b 2a @ TA þ 2b @ TA
2 2
¼ ¼ 0:9055
@TA xs ða2 þ b2 Þ2

The above results indicate that (1) with the increase of the AVR gain, less
damping torque will be provided by the AVR, detrimental to the system
small-signal angular stability and (2) with the increase of the AVR time constant,
less damping torque will be provided by the AVR, also detrimental to the damping
of low-frequency power oscillations. Design of PSS Installed in the Example Power System

by the Phase Compensation Method

The PSS to be designed is to provide a damping torque DTpss ¼ Dpss Dx; Dpss ¼ 15.
From Eq. (2.96), the forward path of stabilizing signal of the PSS can be obtained to
be ðjxs ¼ j8:44Þ
Fpss ðjxs Þ ¼ K2 0
ðK3 þ jxs Td0 Þð1 þ jxs TA Þ þ K6 KA
¼ 0:8598  j1:1451 ¼ 1:4320\53:0989

The PSS adopts the deviation of rotor speed of generator as the feedback signal,
and its transfer function is as follows:

ð1 þ sT2 Þ ð1 þ sT4 Þ
Tpss ðsÞ ¼ K1 K2 with T1 ¼ 0:09 s; T3 ¼ 0:09 s
ð1 þ sT1 Þ ð1 þ sT3 Þ
2.4 Examples 69

According to Eq. (2.133), parameters of the PSS are set to compensate the phase
of the forward path and thus obtained to be

Kpss ¼ Kpss1 Kpss2 ¼ 3:2271; T2 ¼ 0:2405 s; T4 ¼ 0:2405 s

ð1 þ sT4 Þ
Dx1 ¼ Kpss2 Dx ¼ ð9:3706 þ j4:6819ÞDx
ð1 þ sT3 Þ
ð1 þ sT2 Þ
Dupss ¼ Kpss1 Dx1 ¼ ð0:8946 þ j0:4470ÞDx1
ð1 þ sT1 Þ

Thus, state-space realization of the PSS is as follows:

1 Kpss2
sDx1 ¼  Dx1 þ ðT4 sDx þ DxÞ
T3 T3
1 Kpss2 T4
¼  Dx1 þ ðK1 Dd  K2 DE0q  DDxÞ þ DxÞ
T3 T3 M
Kpss2 T4 K1 Kpss2 T4 Kpss2 T4 K2 0 1
¼ Dd þ 1  D Dx  DEq  Dx1
T3 M T3 M T3 M T3
¼ 0:3230Dd þ 6:1672Dx  0:1224DE0q  11:1111Dx1
1 Kpss1 T2 Kpss1 Kpss1 T2 Kpss2 T4 K1
sDupss ¼  Dupss þ  Dx1 þ  Dd
T1 T1 T3 T1 T1 T3 M
Kpss2 T4 K2 0 Kpss2 T4
 DEq þ 1  D Dx
T3 M T3 M
Kpss T2 T4 K1 Kpss T2 T4 Kpss T2 T4 K2 0
¼ Dd þ 1  D Dx  DEq
T1 T3 M T1 T3 M T1 T3 M
Kpss1 T2 Kpss1 1
+  Dx1  Dupss
T1 T3 T1 T1
¼ 5:0182Dd þ 95:8026Dx  2:5018DE0q  108:0008Dx1  11:1111Dupss

By writing the state equation of open-loop system and the PSS together, state
matrix of closed-loop system is obtained to be
70 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

2 0 x0 0 0 0 0 3
6  K1  D K 0 7
6 0 0 7

6 M M M 7
6 K 7
6  K0 4 0  03  1
0 0 7
6 Td0 Td0 T0d0 7
6 7
A¼6 KA 7
6  KTA K5 0  KTA K6 K A
0 TA 7
6 A
A TA 7
6 7
6  Kpss2 T4 K1 Kpss2
1  TTM  KT 20 T4 K2
K2 0  T1 0 7
6 7

4 T 3M T 3M

3 3 3

T 2 T 4 K1
T2 1  T4 D K
T1 T3 M PSS T 2 T 4 K2
T1 T3 M KPSS 0 T1 1  T2
T3 T1
2 3
0 314:16 0 0 0 0
6 0:2178 0:1086 7
6 0 0 0 0 7
6 7
6 0:1345 0 0:5977 0:2 0 0 7
6 26:5821
6 0 3245 100 0 10000 7
6 7
4 0:3230 6:1672 0:1224 0 11:1111 0 5
5:0182 95:8026 2:5018 0 108:0008 11:1111

Eigenvalues of state matrix are calculated to be

k1 ¼ 93:6838
2;3 ¼ 1:2125  j8:0051
k4;5 ¼ 8:7171  j6:2080
k6 ¼ 9:2771

Hence, damping of the electromechanical oscillation mode is successfully

increased by the PSS designed above via the phase compensation method.
Figure 2.20 shows the simulation result of the example power system without
and with the PSS installed. At 1.0 s of the simulation, a three-phase to-earth short

Fig. 2.20 Simulation result of power system without and with the PSS designed by use of the
phase compensation method
2.4 Examples 71

circuit occurred on the transmission line which was cleared in 100 ms. From
Fig. 2.20, it can be seen that the low-frequency oscillation is damped effectively by
the PSS designed by use of the phase compensation method. Theoretical Basis and Graphical Explanation of the Damping

Torque Analysis

From Fig. 2.10 and Eq. (2.105), it can be obtained that

0 1
K4 1
0 0
B sT þ K3 sT sTA þ 1C
þ K3
Fdelta ðsÞ ¼ K2 @ þ
do do
1 þ 0 6 sTKAþ 1 1þ 0 K 6
sTdo þ K3 A sTdo þ K3 sTA þ 1

K2 ½K4 ðsTA þ 1Þ þ K5 KA 
K6 KA þ sT0do þ K3 ðsTA þ 1Þ

At the complex frequency of electromechanical oscillation with

s ¼ n þ jxs ¼ k1 ¼ 0:0114 þ j8:2610,
k s
delta ks ¼ 0:0042 þ j0:0042

According to Eq. (2.114)


Td1 ¼ xx0s Im F s Þ ¼ 0:1591

delta ðk

Ts1 ¼ Re F s Þ  Td1 ns ¼ 0:0042

delta ðk

Substituting the above result into Eq. (2.116), it can have

2 þ 0:1553k
7k s þ 477:7128 ¼ 0

Solution of above equation is ks ¼ 0:0114 þ j8:2610. It is the electrome-

chanical oscillation mode of example power system without the PSS being
From Fig. 2.10, it can have

s ÞDd ¼ K1 Dd þ Ts1 Dd þ Td1 Dx ¼ 1:5207Dd þ 0:1553Dx

DPt ¼ K1 Dd þ Fdelta ðk

This is the first equation in Eq. (2.120). Figure 2.21 presents the Pt  d curve
from simulation. At 1 s of simulation, the mechanical power input to the generator
72 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

without PSS
with PSS installed

Fig. 2.21 Pt  d curve, corresponding variation of rotor angle and power output of the generator
of example power system

increased by 1 % and then returned to its original value in 10 ms. Pt  d curve

depicted in Fig. 2.20 is the first cycle of power oscillation starting from its first
peak. Dashed curve is the case without the PSS installed.
With the PSS designed in Sect. being installed,

c ÞDd þ F
DPt ¼ K1 Dd þ Fdelta ðk c ÞT
pss ðk c ÞDxðk
 pss ðk c Þ
¼ K1 Dd þ Ts1 Dd þ Td1 Dx þ Dpss Dxðk c Þ
¼ 1:5207Dd þ 15:1553Dx

where kc ¼ 1:2279 þ j8:0264 is the electromechanical oscillation mode of

example power system with the PSS being installed. Solid Pt  d curve in Fig. 2.21
is the case that the PSS is installed in the example power system. Figure 2.21
confirms the graphical explanation of the DTA illustrated in Fig. 2.16.
2.4 Examples 73

2.4.4 Equivalence Between the Damping Torque and Modal


i , the residue is equal to

It is concluded in Sect. that at a complex frequency k
the forward path of the PSS multiplied by the sensitivity of the mode to the
damping torque contribution. In this section, this conclusion is to be demonstrated
by example power system. Demonstration by Use of Heffron–Phillips Model of Example

Power System

In Sect., state-space model of the example power system is obtained to be

2 : 2 3 32 3 2 3
Dd 0 314:16 0 0 Dd 0
6 : 7 6
6 D x0 7 6 0:2178 0 0:1086 0 7 6 7 6 7
76 Dx0 7 þ 6 0 7Dupss
6 _ 7¼4 5 4 5 4
4 DEq 5 0:1345 0 0:5977 0:2 DEq 0 5
0 0
DE_ 26:5821 0 3245 100 DEfd 10000
fd 2 3
6 Dx 7
Dx ¼ ½ 0 1 0 0 6 4 DE0 5

The electromechanical oscillation modes are as follows:

k2;3 ¼ 0:0114  j8:2610

In Sect., matrix formed by right eigenvectors is as follows:

 ¼ ½ v1
V v2 v3 v4 

Thus, the right eigenvectors related to the electromechanical oscillation modes

are as follows:
2 3 2 3
0:9014 0:9014
6 j0:0237 7 6 j0:0237 7
2 ¼ 6
v 7 6 7
4 0:0050 + j0:0050 5 v3 ¼ 4 0:0050  j0:0050 5
0:3868  j0:1930 0:3868 + j0:1930
74 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

Matrix formed by left eigenvectors is as follows:

 T ¼ ½ w1 1
W 2
w 3
w w 4 T ¼ V

The left eigenvectors related to the electromechanical oscillation modes are as


 T2 ¼ ½ 0:5554  j0:0001 0:0312  j21:1226 0:1626 þ j0:1475 0:0003 þ j0:0003 

 T3 ¼ ½ 0:5554 þ j0:0001 0:0312 þ j21:1226 0:1626  j0:1475 0:0003  j0:0003 

Thus, according to Eq. (2.64), for the electromechanical oscillation modes, the
residue is calculated to be

2 ¼ w
R  T2 bo cTo 
¼ ½ 0:5554  j0:0001 0:0312  j21:1226 0:1626 þ j0:1476 0:0003 þ j0:0003 
2 3 2 3
0 0:9014
6 0 7 6 7
6 7 6 j0:0237 7
6 7½ 0 1 0 0 6 7
4 0 5 4 0:0050 + j0:0050 5
10000 0:3868  j0:1930
¼ 0:0633 þ j0:0822

3 ¼ w
R  T3 bo cTo 
¼ ½ 0:5554 þ j0:0001 0:0312 þ j21:1226 0:1626  j0:1475 0:0003  j0:0003 
2 3 2 3
0 0:9014
6 0 7 6 j0:0237 7
6 7 6 7
6 7½ 0 1 0 0 6 7
4 0 5 4 0:0050  j0:0050 5
10000 0:3868 + j0:1930
¼ 0:0633  j0:0822

From Eq. (2.104), sensitivity of the electromechanical oscillation modes to the

coefficient of damping torque provided by the PSS can be computed to be

@k  22 v22
w ð0:0312  j21:1226Þðj0:0237Þ
¼ ¼ ¼ 0:0715
@Dpss M 7
@k  32 v32
w ð0:0312 þ j21:1226Þðj0:0237Þ
¼ ¼ ¼ 0:0715
@Dpss M 7
2.4 Examples 75

At the complex frequency k 2;3 ¼ 0:0114  j8:2610, the forward path can be
calculated from Eq. (2.96) as

2;3 Þ ¼ K2 KA
Fpss ðk
2;3 T0 Þð1 þ k2;3 TA Þ þ K6 KA
ðK3 þ k d0
0:7602  100
½2:9885 þ ð0:0114  j8:2611Þ  5½1 þ ð0:0114  j8:2611Þ  0:01 þ 0:3245  100
¼  0:8845  j1:1493


R2;3 ¼  Fpss ðk2;3 Þ ¼ ð0:0715Þ  ð0:8845  j1:1493Þ
¼ 0:0633  j0:0822

Thus, it is conformed that the residue is equal to the forward path of the PSS
multiplied by the sensitivity of electromechanical oscillation modes to the coeffi-
cient of damping torque contribution from the PSS. Demonstration by Use of General Linearized Model

of Example Power System

In Sect., state matrix and control vector of state-space model of example
power system are obtained to be
2 3
0 314:16 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 0:045 0:09 0:104 0:39 7
6 0 0 0:20 0:47 7
6 7
6 714:29 0 100 6116:3 1404:6 2646 3127 1154:5 7
6 7
6 295:81 89:35 6:65 135:03 7
6 0 478:4 2:88 3:40 7
Agcdq ¼6 7
6 105:79 318:31 0 513:64 5:48 86:29 101:98 4:50 7
6 7
6 1:22 7
6 0 0 314:16 0:43 0 0:71 0 7
6 7
4 0 0 0 1:36 0 1:88 3:49 0 5
0 0 0 0 36:0 0 0 46:8
2 3
6 0 7
6 7
6 7
6 10000 7
6 7
6 0 7
6 7
bpss ¼6 7
6 0 7
6 7
6 0 7
6 7
6 7
4 0 5
76 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

Eigenvalues of state matrix are as follows:

1;2 ¼ 24:12  j971:56

3;4 ¼ 36:32  j359:63
k5 ¼ 35:57
6;7 ¼ 0:71  j8:44
k8 ¼ 5:71

The pair of electromechanical oscillation modes are as follows:

k6;7 ¼ 0:71  j8:44

For each of eigenvalues, right eigenvector is calculated to be

2 3 2 3
0:000005  j0:000011 0:000005 þ j0:000011
6 0:000032 þ j0:000016 7 6 0:000032  j0:000016 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 0:9507 7 6 0:9507 7
6 7 6 7
6 0:0001 þ j0:0182 7 6 0:0001  j0:0182 7
6 7 6 7
v1 ¼ 6 7v2 ¼ 6 7
6 0:0369 þ j0:0014 7 6 0:0369  j0:0014 7
6 7 6 7
6 0:0072  j0:3072 7 6 0:0072 þ j0:3072 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
4 0:000569 þ j0:000026 5 4 0:000569  j0:000026 5
j0:0014 j0:0014
2 3 2 3 2 3
0:000215  j0:000026 0:000215 þ j0:000026 0:0527
6 0:000055  j0:000244 7 6 0:000055 þ j0:000244 7 6 0:006 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 0:7251 7 6 0:7251 7 6 0:0539 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 0:0163  j0:2196 7 6 0:0163 þ j0:2196 7 6 0:1055 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
v3 ¼ 6 7v4 ¼ 6 7 v5 ¼ 6 7
6 0:1654 þ j0:025 7 6 0:1654  j0:025 7 6 0:2563 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 0:0615  j0:6274 7 6 0:0615 þ j0:6274 7 6 0:4925 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
4 0:0041 þ j0:0006 5 4 0:0041  j0:0006 5 4 0:0334 5
0:003  j0:0165 0:003 þ j0:0165 0:8209
2 3 2 3 2 3
0:7004 0:7004 0:000104
6 0:0016 þ j0:0188 7 6 0:0016  j0:0188 7 6 0:000002 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 0:000061  j0:000914 7 6 0:000061 þ j0:000914 7 6 0:0095 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 0:1482 þ j0:0043 7 6 0:1482  j0:0043 7 6 0:000116 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
v6 ¼ 6 7v7 ¼ 6 7 v8 ¼ 6 7
6 0:5516 þ j0:0283 7 6 0:5516  j0:0283 7 6 0:000082 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 0:0317 þ j0:0041 7 6 0:0317  j0:0041 7 6 0:7636 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
4 0:0077 þ j0:0284 5 4 0:0077  j0:0284 5 4 0:6456 5
0:413 þ j0:0977 0:413  j0:0977 0:000072
2.4 Examples 77

They form the following matrix

 ¼ ½ v1
V v2 ... v8 

 ¼ ½w
T 1
 ; left eigenvectors corresponding to
As W 1 w  2 . . . w8 T ¼ V
eigenvalues are calculated to be
2 3T 2 3T
1:2419  j0:4483 1:2419 þ j0:4483
6 0:0486  j0:262 7 6 0:0486 þ j0:262 7
6 7 6 7
6 0:4494 þ j0:0412 7 6 0:4494  j0:0412 7
6 7 6 7
6 0:2153  j3:8659 7 T 6 0:2153 þ j3:8659 7
w ¼6 7 w ¼ 6
6 1:9686 þ j0:7712 7 2 6 1:9686  j0:7712 7
6 7 6 7
6 0:0188 þ j1:3997 7 6 0:0188  j1:3997 7
6 7 6 7
4 0:0288 þ j1:6542 5 4 0:0288  j1:6542 5
0:6025  j0:5408 0:6025 þ j0:5408
2 3T 2 3T 2 3T
1:6552 þ j0:1633 1:6552  j0:1633 0:7411
6 0:1388 þ j0:9214 7 6 0:1388  j0:9214 7 6 6:8756 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 0:1003  j0:0038 7 6 0:1003 þ j0:0038 7 6 0:000219 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
6 0:2788 þ j1:9563 7 T 6 0:2788  j1:9563 7 T 6 0:0934 7
 T3 6
¼6 7 6
4 ¼ 6 7 6 7
w 7 w 7 w5 ¼ 6 0:0106 7
6 2:5805  j0:126 7 6 2:5805 þ j0:126 7 6 7
6 0:0246 þ j0:1141 7 6 0:0246  j0:1141 7 6 0:000045 7
6 7 6 7 6 7
4 0:0277 þ j0:1353 5 4 0:0277  j0:1353 5 4 0:00006 5
0:7412  j0:2714 0:7412 þ j0:2714 1:3311
2 3T 2 3T
0:7422 þ j0:06 0:7422  j0:06
6 0:2586  j27:632 7 6 0:2586 þ j27:632 7
6 7 6 7
6 0:000019 þ j0:00094 7 6 0:000019  j0:00094 7
6 7 6 7
6 0:0034 þ j0:0146 7 T 6 0:0034  j0:0146 7
w ¼6 7 w ¼ 6
6 0:0004 þ j0:000131 7 7 6 0:0004  j0:000131 7
6 7 6 7
6 0:000019 þ j0:000298 7 6 0:000019  j0:000298 7
6 7 6 7
4 0:000139 þ j0:0002727 5 4 0:000139  j0:0002727 5
0:0499 þ j0:2027 0:0499  j0:2027
2 3T
6 2:7921 7
6 7
6 0:0021 7
6 7
6 0:003 7
wT8 ¼6
6 0:0283 7
6 7
6 0:000637 7
6 7
4 1:5496 5
78 2 A Single-Machine Infinite-Bus Power System …

According to Eq. (2.64), for the pair of electromechanical oscillation modes, the
residue is calculated to be

 6;7 ¼ w
R  T6;7 bo cTo v6;7
2 3T 2 3
0:7422  j0:06 0
6 0:2586
j27:632 7 6 0 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
6 0:000019  j0:00094 7 6 10000 7
6 7 6 7
6 0:0034  j0:0146 7 6 0 7
6 7 6 7
¼6 7 6 7
6 0:0004  j0:000131 7 6 0 7
6 7 6 7
6 0:000019  j0:000298 7 6 0 7
6 7 6 7
6 7 6 7
4 0:000139  j0:0002727 5 4 0 5
0:0499 þ j0:2027 0
2 3
6 0:0016  j0:0188 7
6 7
6 7
6 0:000061
j0:000914 7
6 7
6 0:1482  j0:0043 7
6 7
 ½0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 7
6 0:5516  j0:0283 7
6 7
6 0:0317  j0:0041 7
6 7
6 7
4 0:0077  j0:0284 5
0:413  j0:0977
¼ 0:1772

From Eq. (2.104), the sensitivity of electromechanical oscillation modes to the

coefficient of damping torque provided by the PSS can be computed to be

@k  62;72 v62;72
w ð0:2586
j27:632Þð0:0016  j0:0188Þ
¼ ¼
@Dpss M 7
¼ 0:0743

At the complex frequency k6;7 ¼ 0:71  j8:44, the forward path can be cal-
culated to be
2.4 Examples 79

6;7 Þ ¼ aT ðsI  A33 Þ1 bpss3

Fpss ðk 238
¼ ½ 0 1:425 3:283 0:617 0:729 2:698 
0 2 3 11
B 6 7 C
B 6 1 7 C
B 6 7 C
B 6 1 7 C
B ð0:71  j8:44Þ6 7 C 2 3
B 6 7 C
B 6 1 7 C 10000
B 6 7 C 6
B 4 1 5 C 6 0 7 7
B C 6
B C 6 0 7 7
B 1 C
B 2 3C 6 7
B 100 6116:3 1404:6 2646 3127 1154:5 C 6 6 0 7
B C 6 7
B 6 0 6:65 7 C
135:03 7 C 4 0 5
B 6 478:4 2:88 3:40
B 6 7C
B 6 0 513:64 5:48 86:29 101:98 4:50 7 C 0
B 6 7C
B 6 314:16 1:22 7C
B 6 0:43 0 0:71 0 7C
B 6 7C
@ 4 0 1:36 0 1:88 3:49 0 5A
0 0 36:0 0 0 46:8
¼ 2:3823  j0:0253


R6;7 ¼  Fpss ðk6;7 Þ ¼ ð0:0743
j0:0056Þð2:3823  j0:0253Þ
¼ 0:1772

It is thus confirmed that the residue is equal to the forward path of the PSS
multiplied by the sensitivity of oscillation modes to the coefficient of damping
torque contribution from the PSS.


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