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Practical Workbook

Object Oriented Programming

Name : _____________________________
Year : _____________________________
Batch : _____________________________
Roll No : _____________________________
Department: _____________________________

Department of Information Technology Sindh University Campus Dadu


Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that uses abstraction to create

models based on the real world. Object-oriented programming is intended to promote greater
flexibility and maintainability in programming, and is widely popular in large-scale software
engineering. By virtue of its strong emphasis on modularity, object oriented code is intended
to be simpler to develop and easier to understand later on, lending itself to more direct
analysis, coding, and understanding of complex situations and procedures than less modular
programming methods

This laboratory workbook is developed to strengthen topics covered in theory classes.

Each lab session include many sample programs and programming problems to promote
learning and aid students in developing new and useful programming skills.

Lab Session No. Object Page No.

1 Study of object and classes in Object Oriented Programming 7

2 19

3 25

4 30

5 34

6 40

7 44

8 47

9 52

10 61
Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 01
Sindh University Campus Dadu– Department of Information Technology

Lab Session 01

Getting Familiarized with C++ Programming and working with Visual Studio 2008


Introduction to C++
C++ is a high level language with certain low level features as well. C++ is a superset of C.
Most of what we already know about C applies to C++ also. However, there are some
differences that will prevent C programs to run under C++ compiler. C++ programs differ
from C programs in some important respects. Most of the differences have to do with taking
advantage of C++'s object-oriented capabilities. But C++ programs differ from C programs in
other ways, including how I/O is performed and what headers are included. Also, most C++
programs share a set of common traits that clearly identify them as C++ programs. Before
moving on to C++'s object-oriented constructs, an understanding of the fundamental elements
of a C++ program is required

The New C++ Headers

When you use a library function in a program, you must include its header. This is done using
the #include statement. Standard C++ still supports C-style headers for header files that you
create and for backward compatibility. However, Standard C++ created a new kind of header
that is used by the Standard C++ library.
The new-style C++ headers are an abstraction that simply guarantee that the appropriate
prototypes and definitions required by the C++ library have been declared. Since the new-
style headers are not filenames, they do not have a .h extension. They consist solely of the
header name contained between angle brackets. For example, here are some of the new-style
headers supported by Standard C++.
<iostream> <fstream> <vector> <string>

When you include a new-style header in your program, the contents of that header are
contained in the std namespace. A namespace is simply a declarative region. The purpose of a
namespace is to localize the names of identifiers to avoid name collisions. Elements declared
in one namespace are separate from elements declared in another. Originally, the names of
the C++ library functions, etc., were simply put into the global namespace (as they are in C).
However, with the advent of the new-style headers, the contents of these headers were placed
in the std namespace.

I/O Operators
cout << “This is output. \n”;

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 01
Sindh University Campus Dadu– Department of Information Technology

This statement introduces new C++ features, cout and <<. The identifier cout is a predefined
object that represents output stream in C++. The standard output stream represents the screen.
The operator << is called the insertion operator. It inserts (or sends) the contents of the
variable on its right to the object on its left.

Note that you can still use printf( ) or any other of C's I/O functions in a C++ program.
However, most programmers feel that using << is more in the spirit of C++. Further, while
using printf( ) to output a string is virtually equivalent to using << in this case, the C++ I/O
system can be expanded to perform operations on objects that you define (something that you
cannot do using printf( )).

The statement cin<<num1; is an input statement and causes program to wait for the user to
type in number. The identifier cin is a predefined object in C++ that corresponds to the
standard input stream. Here stream represents the keyboard. The operator >> is known as
extraction or get from operator. In general, you can use cin >> to input a variable of any of
the basic data types plus strings.

A Sample C++ Program

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
{ int i;
cout << "This is output.\n"; // this is a single line comment
/* you can still use C style comments */
// input a number using >>
cout << "Enter a number: ";
cin >> i;
// now, output a number using <<
cout << i << " squared is " << i*i << "\n";
return 0;

Notice that the parameter list in main( ) is empty. In C++, this indicates that main( ) has no
parameters. This differs from C. In C, a function that has no parameters must use void in its
parameter list. However, in C++, the use of void is redundant and unnecessary. As a general
rule, in C++ when a function takes no parameters, its parameter list is simply empty.

Introduction to dot net framework

.NET is a collection of tools, technologies, and languages that all work together in a
framework to provide the solutions that are needed to easily build and deploy truly robust
enterprise applications. These .NET applications are also able to easily communicate with
one another and provide information and application logic, regardless of platforms and
Figure 1 shows an overview of the structure of the .NET Framework.

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 01
Sindh University Campus Dadu– Department of Information Technology

Figure 1.1 Structure of .Net Framework.

The first thing that you should notice when looking at this diagram is that the .NET
Framework sits on top of the operating system. Presently, the operating systems that can take
the .NET Framework include Windows XP, Windows 2000, and Windows NT. There has
also been a lot of talk about .NET being ported over by some third-party companies so that a
majority of the .NET Framework could run on other platforms as well.

At the base of the .NET Framework is the Common Language Runtime (CLR). The CLR is
the engine that manages the execution of the code.

The next layer up is the .NET Framework Base Classes. This layer contains classes, value
types, and interfaces that you will use often in your development process. Most notably
within the .NET Framework Base Classes is ADO.NET, which provides access to and
management of data.

The third layer of the framework is ASP.NET and Windows Forms. ASP.NET should not be
viewed as the next version of Active Server Pages after ASP 3.0, but as a dramatically new
shift in Web application development. Using ASP.NET, it’s now possible to build robust
Web applications that are even more functional than Win32 applications of the past.
The second part of the top layer of the .NET Framework is the Windows Forms section. This
is where you can build the traditional executable applications that you built with Visual Basic
6.0 in the past. There are some new features here as well, such as a new drawing class and the
capability to program these applications in any of the available .NET languages

Introduction to visual studio 2008

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft for
creating, documenting, and debugging programs written in a verity of .net programming
It is used to develop console and graphical user interface applications along with Windows
Forms applications, web sites, web applications, and web services in both native code
together with managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows
Mobile, Windows CE, .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework and Microsoft

Working With Visual Studio 2008

Open Visual Studio 2008. You will see the start page.
Select "File Menu-->New-->Project" (as shown in Figure 1.2).

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 01
Sindh University Campus Dadu– Department of Information Technology

Figure 1.2

In the dialog box that pops up, select Visual C++ in project type and select "Win32 Console
Application." Enter the name of project and leave the default path the same (Figure 1.3--You
can leave the Create Directory for Solution box checked and you can change the path also).
Click ok.

Figure 1.3
The Win32 Application Wizard will pop up (as shown in Figure 1.4).
Make sure that the following are checked (as shown):
1. Under "Application type": Console Application
2. Under "Additional Options": Empty Project
Then Press Finished

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Figure 1.4

After clicking on finish, project will be created. Now you need to add a CPP file to the
project. Go to the "Solution Explorer" on the left side and right-click on "Program1" (name of
project). Once you have right clicked on Program1 select "Add-->New Item" (Figure 1.5).

Figure 1.5
In the Dialog Box that appears, select "C++ file (.cpp)" and change the name to program1 (as
shown in figure 1.6). Press "OK".

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Figure 1.6

A blank screen will appear showing the contents of "program1.cpp". Type the following code
into this blank white area

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// declaring function prototypes
float addition (float a, float b);
//main function
int main ()
{ float x; //
float y; //declares variables
float n; //
int b;
b = 1; //sets value of b to 1
cout << "Simple Addition Calc- First Program"; //displays info about
while (b==1) //creates loop so the program runs as long as the person
wants to add numbers
{ //following code prompts the user for 2 numbers to add and calls
function addition to display results
cout << "\n" << "Type a number to add (can also use negetive,
decimals, etc.): ";
cin >> x;
cout << " Second number: ";

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

cin >> y;
n = addition (x,y);
cout << "Ans: " << x << " + " << y << " = " << n << "\n";
//following code sets b to the value the user imputs to determine if the
loop is broken to end the program
cout << "Solve another operation? (1=yes, 2=no): ";
cin >> b;
cout << "\n";
if (b==2)
cout << "Terminating application.";
} //ends the main function of the code
return 0; }
//following function adds the numbers
float addition (float a, float b)
{ float c;
c = a+b;
return (c);}//END C++ CODE

The blank area with the code in it is shown below (Figure 1.7)

Figure 1.7

Go to the Build Menu and select "Build Solution" (Figure 1.7).

Go to the Debug Menu and select “Start Without Debugging” or simply PRESS F5 on your
keyboard, and a small box should pop up that is running your program that will add 2
numbers together (Figure 1.8). This is command to debug your application,

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Figure 1.8

Debugging Your program in Visual Studio 2008

The most basic aspect of any debugging session is the use of breakpoints, which allows you
to specify a location in your application (a line of code) where program execution will stop
(break) and allow you to inspect the internal state of the application at that exact moment.
To add a break point place mouse pointer on the gutter (narrow gray strip on left of code) and
click on it in the line you want to debug. A red circle will appear, as shown in figure 1.9

Figure 1.9

To run your program in debugging mode, select 'Start Debugging' from Debug menu.
Program execution will stop at the line of break point (see Figure 1.10). Yellow arrow is
pointing to the line which will be executed next. At this point, you can view the contents of
all variable in different tabs of bottom left window.
Watch will allow the user to select the variables and objects in the program and display their
Autos is very similar to the watch and locals windows except along with the value of the
object or variable, it also displays the expressions from the current line of code some of it
around it. You can see that it picks up more than just the current scope of the instruction
pointer; it has picked up the variables from the entire function

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Locals Similar to watch except that it displays all the local variables and objects that are
being referenced in the current scope.
Threads Gives an overview of the currently running threads, their ID's category, Name,
Location and priorities

Figure 1.10

Bottom Right window allow you to view the following:

Call Stack is very useful when a breakpoint is hit or when the program calls an exception.
Assuming the call stack is intact, it gives the user a history of program calls to get to the stop
execution point. The user can then select any of the entries to go back in time of the
execution and trace backwards things that were happening.
Breakpoints window displays the status and the descriptive items associated with program
Output: The 'Trace' window, it is usually displayed in both code and debug views.

Now you can use following options for single stepping from Debug menu
Step Into (F11): Step Into executes only the call itself, then halts at the first line of code
inside the function. Use Step Into to go inside your method and stop immediately inside it.
Step Over: Moves to the next step in your code also, but doesn't break inside any methods.
Step Out: Ignores the rest of the current method and goes to the calling method.
After debugging desired portion of code, you can execute the remaining code at once by
selecting Continue from Debug menu.

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Figure 1.11

Advanced Breakpoints
In order to set an advanced breakpoint, you must first set a normal breakpoint and then
choose a modifier to set from a context menu. To display the context menu from a breakpoint
symbol in the gutter, simply right click mouse on the breakpoint symbol or the line
containing the breakpoint.(see Figure 1.12)

Figure 1.12

Location option is used to set the location of breakpoint.

Condition option allows you to restrict when the breakpoint will hit based on the evaluation
of a Boolean expression. You can choose to hit the breakpoint when the condition is true or
when the result of the condition has changed.(Figure 1.13)

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Figure 1.13

Hit count is the number of times the breakpoint location has been hit. By setting the hit count
modifier, the breakpoint will only hit when the condition is satisfied.(Figure 1.14)
 break always: Behaves just like a normal break point.
 break when the hit count is equal to: Stop only when the hit count equals the initial
 break when the hit count is a multiple of: Stop every x times.
 break when the hit count is greater than or equal to: Continues to stop after
equaling the initial value.

Figure 1.14
Applications of advanced breakpoint techniques
Advanced breakpoints are very helpful in debugging in following cases:

 Loop counting
 Recursion debugging
 Counting number of times a variable changes

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 01
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering


Q1. Write a program to implement four function calculator that can Add, Subtract, Multiply
and Divide two numbers, taken from user as input. Also allow user to select the operation to
be performed.

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 02
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Lab Session 02
Study of object and classes in Object Oriented Programming


Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) represents an attempt to make programs more closely

model the way people think about and deal with the world. Object-oriented programming is a
paradigm in which a software system is decomposed into subsystems based on objects.
Computation is done by objects exchanging messages among themselves. The paradigm
enhances software maintainability, extensibility and reusability.

Figure 2.1


Object is the basic unit of object oriented programming. Object represents a Physical/real
entity. All real world objects have three characteristics:

 State/Attributes: The states of an object represent all the information held within it
 Behavior: Behavior of an object is the set of action that it can perform to change the
state of the object.
 Identity: Object is identified by its unique name

Classes are data types based on which objects are created. Objects with similar attributes and
methods are grouped together to form a class. Thus, a class is a logical abstraction, but an
object has physical existence. In other words, an object is an instance of a class.

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 02
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Classes are created using the keyword class. A class declaration is similar syntactically to a
structure. The attributes of object are represented by variables or data structures (arrays, list
The behavior is specified by defining methods, also known as member functions.

class classname
access specifier:
data member;
member functions;
access specifier:
data member;
member functions;

Here, access-specifier is one of the three C++ keywords:

 public
 private
 protected

By default, functions and data declared within a class are private to that class and can be
accessed only by other members of the class. The public access specifier allows functions or
data to be accessible to other parts of your program. The protected access specifier is needed
only when inheritance is involved. Once an access specifier has been used, it remains in
effect until either another access specifier is encountered or the end of the class declaration is

Inline and Out of line methods

Member functions defined within the class definition are called inline functions. Member
functions which are only declared in the class definition, and defined outside it, are called
out-of-line. The implementation code of inline methods is duplicated for every function call.

The inline functions allow you to create very efficient code. Since classes typically require
several frequently executed interface functions (which provide access to private data), the
efficiency of these functions is of critical concern. As you know, each time a function is
called, a significant amount of overhead is generated by the calling and return mechanism.
However, when a function is expanded in line, none of the calling and return mechanism
occur. Although expanding function calls in line can produce faster run times, it can also
result in larger code size because of duplicated code. For this reason, it is best to inline only
very small functions. Further, it is also a good idea to inline only those functions that will
have significant impact on the performance of your program.

Sample Program
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class BankAccount{

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 02
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

int Account_no;
double Balance;
void setBalance(double b);
void setAccno(int no);
double getBalance();
int getAccno();
void display();
void withdraw(double amount);
void deposit(double amount);
void BankAccount::setBalance(double b)
{ Balance=b;}
void BankAccount::setAccno(int no)
{ Account_no=no;}
double BankAccount::getBalance()
{ return Balance;}
int BankAccount::getAccno()
{ return Account_no;}
void BankAccount::display()
{ cout<< "Account no is"<< Account_no << "\n Balance is"<< Balance;}

void BankAccount::withdraw(double amount)

{ if(amount>=Balance)
void BankAccount::deposit(double amount)
{ Balance+=amount;}

int main()
BankAccount b1;
BankAccount b2;
return 0;
It is very common for some part of an object to require initialization before it can be used.
C++ allows objects to initialize themselves when they are created. This automatic
initialization is performed through the use of a constructor function. A constructor is a special
function that is a member of a class and has the same name as that class.
It is also possible to pass arguments to constructors. Typically, these arguments help initialize
an object when it is created. To create a parameterized constructor, simply add parameters to
it the way you would to any other function. When you define the constructor's body, use the
parameters to initialize the object For example, we can add a parameterized constructor for
BankAccount class.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 02
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Class BankAccount{
int Account_no;
double Balance;
void setBalance(double b);
void setAccno(int no);
double getBalance();
int getAccno();
void display();
void withdraw(double amount);
void deposit(double amount);

//constructor declaration
BankAccount(int Accno, double Bal);
// constructor definition
BankAccount::BankAccount(int Accno, double Bal)
// get, set method definitions
int main()
BankAccount b1(1,2000.0);
BankAccount b2(2, 1000.0);
return 0;
Even in the presence of parameterized constructor, you may still need set methods to edit the
attributes of an object.

Constructor with Default Arguments

It’s possible to defined constructor with default arguments. For e.g. BankAccount( ) can be
declared as
BankAccount(int Accno, double Balance=500.0 );

The default value of the argument Balance is zero. Then, the statement BankAccount B(1);
assigns the value 1 to the Accno variable and 500.0 to Balance (by default).

Copy Constructor
A copy constructor is used to declare and initialize an object from another object. For e.g. the
following statement would define the object b2 and at the same time initialize it to b1
BankAccount b2(b1); // b1 is an object of BankAccount type
The process of initializing through a copy constructor is known as copy initialization. A copy
constructor takes a reference to an object of the same class as itself as an argument. Here is
the code for copy constructor of BankAccount class

BankAccount::BankAccount(BankAccount& b)

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 02
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering


A destructor as name implies, is used to destroy the objects that have been created by a
constructor. Like constructor, the destructor is a member function whose name is the same as
the class name but is preceded by tilde. For Example, the destructor for the class
BankAccount can be defined as shown below
~BankAccount() { }
A destructor never takes any argument nor does it returns any value. Destructors are used to
free memory, release resources and to perform other clean up. Destructors are automatically
named when an object is destroyed. If you want to perform some specific task when an object
is destroyed, you can define the destructor in the class. If you don’t define, the default one is

It is possible to grant a nonmember function access to the private members of a class by using
a friend. A friend function has access to all private and protected members of the class for
which it is a friend. To declare a friend function, include its prototype within the class,
preceding it with the keyword friend. Consider this program:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class myclass {
int a, b;
friend int sum(myclass x);
void set_ab(int i, int j);
void myclass::set_ab(int i, int j)
a = i;
b = j;
// Note: sum() is not a member function of any class.
int sum(myclass x)
{ /* Because sum() is a friend of myclass, it can directly access a and
b. */
return x.a + x.b;
int main()
myclass n;
n.set_ab(3, 4);
cout << sum(n);
return 0;
In this example, the sum( ) function is not a member of myclass. However, it still has full
access to its private members. Also, notice that sum( ) is called without the use of the dot
operator. Because it is not a member function, it does not need to be (indeed, it may not be)
qualified with an object's name.


Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 02
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Q1.What is the difference between object and a class?

Q2. What is the criterion for defining a functions inline or out of line?

Q3. Define a class Complex_No that has two member variables; Real and Imaginary. Also
include following in the class
 A parameterized constructor that takes Real and Imaginary values as argument.
 A default constructor that assign zero to Real and Imaginary.
 A copy constructor
 A method Display that shows the value of complex number in appropriate format.
 A method Magnitude that calculates the magnitude of complex number
 A method Add that adds two complex numbers and return result; take one complex
number as argument.
Write a driver program to test your class

Q4. Define a class Counter having an attribute value. Provide a constructor that initializes
value to zero. Also provide following methods:
 Increment () : that increment the value by one.
 Decrement () : that decrement the value by one.

Q5. Define a function Reset that takes a Counter type object as input and resets its value to
zero. Make this function a friend of Counter class

Q6. Define a class Student that has following attributes:

Name: allocated dynamically by a character pointer.
Rollno: an integer.
Marks: a double type array of 5 elements.
Percentage: a float
Include a constructor that takes values of Name, Rollno and Marks from user as input. Also
include following methods:
CalculatePercentage: that adds all 5 elements of array Marks and calculate percentage
according to formula Percentage = (Total marks/ 500 )*100 and stores result in member
variable Percentage.
Grade: that calls CalculatePercentage method and displays the grade accordingly
Write a driver program to test your class.

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 03
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Lab Session 03
Working with arrays of objects, pointers to objects and dynamic allocation of objects in


Arrays Of Objects

In C++, it is possible to have arrays of objects. The syntax for declaring and using an object
array is exactly the same as it is for any other type of array. The general format is:

classname ob[3]; // declaring array of objects of classname

ob[i]. functionname(); // calling member function using object of array

Initializing Arrays of objects

If a class defines a parameterized constructor, you may initialize each object in an array by
specifying an initialization list, just like you do for other types of arrays. However, the exact
form of the initialization list will be decided by the number of parameters required by the
object's constructors. For objects whose constructors have only one parameter, you can
simply specify a list of initial values, using the normal array-initialization syntax

classname ob[3] = {1, 2, 3}; // initializing one-variable class; short form

classname ob[3] = { cl(1),cl(2),cl(3) };//initializing one-variable class; long form

As each element in the array is created, a value from the list is passed to the constructor's
parameter. The short form is more common. The short form works because of the automatic
conversion that applies to constructors taking only one argument. Thus, the short form can
only be used to initialize object arrays whose constructors require one argument. If an object's
constructor requires two or more arguments, you will have to use the longer initialization
form. For example:

classname ob[3] = {cl(1,2),cl(3,4),cl(5,6)}; //initializing two-variable class

Pointers to Objects
Just as you can have pointers to other types of variables, you can have pointers to objects.
When accessing members of a class, given a pointer to an object, use the arrow (–>) operator
instead of the dot operator. The following program illustrates how to access an object given a
pointer to it:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class cl {
int i;
cl(int j) { i=j; }
int get_i() { return i; }

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 03
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering


int main()
cl obj(88), *p;
p = &obj; // get address of obj
cout << p->get_i(); // use -> to call get_i()

// initializing array of objects

cl objarray[3] = {1, 2, 3};
int i;
p = objarray; // get start of array
for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
cout << p->get_i() << "\n";
p++; // point to next object
return 0;
when a pointer is incremented, it points to the next element of its type. The same is true of
pointers to objects. The above program uses a pointer to access all three elements of array
objarray after being assigned objarray's starting address.

Initializing Pointer Variables

C++ does not automatically initialize variables. Pointer variables must be initialized if you do
not want them to point to anything. Pointer variables are initialized using the constant value
0, called the null pointer. The statement p = 0; stores the null pointer in p, that is, p points to
nothing. Some programmers use the named constant NULL to initialize pointer variables.
The following two statements are equivalent:
p = NULL;
p = 0;
The number 0 is the only number that can be directly assigned to a pointer variable.

Dynamic Allocation

C++ provides two dynamic allocation operators: new and delete. These operators are used to
allocate and free memory at run time. The new operator allocates memory and returns a
pointer to the start of it. The delete operator frees memory previously allocated using new.
The general forms of new and delete are shown here:

p_var = new type;

delete p_var;

Here, p_var is a pointer variable that receives a pointer to memory that is large enough to
hold an item of type type. The dynamically created object acts just like any other object.
When it is created, its constructor (if it has one) is called. When the object is freed, its
destructor is executed.

Here is a short program that creates a class called balance that links a person's name with his
or her account balance. Inside main( ), an object of type balance is created dynamically.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 03
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

class balance {
double cur_bal;
char name[80];
balance(double n, char *s) {
cur_bal = n;
strcpy(name, s);
~balance() {
cout << "Destructing ";
cout << name << "\n";
void get_bal(double &n, char *s) {
n = cur_bal;
strcpy(s, name);
int main()
balance *p;
char s[80];
double n;
p = new balance(12387.87, "Ralph Wilson");
p->get_bal(n, s);
cout << s << "'s balance is: " << n;
cout << "\n";
delete p;
return 0;

You can allocate arrays of objects, but there is one catch. Since no array allocated by new can
have an initializer, you must make sure that if the class contains constructors, one will be
parameter less. If you don't, the C++ compiler will not find a matching constructor when you
attempt to allocate the array and will not compile your program. To allocate an array of
object of class balance, modify the definition of class balance as follows.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
class balance {
double cur_bal;
char name[80];
balance(double n, char *s) {
cur_bal = n;
strcpy(name, s);
balance() {} // parameterless constructor
~balance() {
cout << "Destructing ";
cout << name << "\n";
void set(double n, char *s) {
cur_bal = n;
strcpy(name, s);
void get_bal(double &n, char *s) {
n = cur_bal;
strcpy(s, name);

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 03
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

int main()
balance *p;
char s[80];
double n;
int i;
p = new balance [3]; // allocate entire array
// note use of dot, not arrow operators
p[0].set(12387.87, "Ralph Wilson");
p[1].set(144.00, "A. C. Conners");
p[2].set(-11.23, "I. M. Overdrawn");
for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
p[i].get_bal(n, s);
cout << s << "'s balance is: " << n;
cout << "\n";
delete [] p;
return 0;

Q1. Write a program that takes the record of 10 students from user in an array and display all
the records.[use Student class, defined in lab session 02]

Q2.Define a pointer to student class to access the contents of array defined in Q1. Allow user
to search a record in array by means of Rollno

Q3. Develop a class to represent an integer array. The member variables include an integer to
represent the size of array and an integer pointer to represent the address of the first element
of the array. The user is allowed to create an array at runtime using this class. Include
appropriate constructors (parameterized and copy). Also include a method that adds the
contents of array.

Q4.Consider following code:

class myclass
{int data[2];
int* p;
int main()
{ myclass* cp;
cp=new myclass[3];
return 0;
How would you access the contents of data of each element of myclass array? Add code in
the above program to do the following:

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 03
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

a. Assign values to array data of each element of myclass array.

b. Display contents of data of each element of myclass array

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 04
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Lab Session 04
Study of Inheritance in Object Oriented Programming

Inheritance is one of the cornerstones of OOP because it allows the creation of hierarchical
classifications. Using inheritance, you can create a general class that defines traits common to
a set of related items. This class may then be inherited by other, more specific classes, each
adding only those things that are unique to the inheriting class. In keeping with standard C++
terminology, a class that is inherited is referred to as a base class. The class that does the
inheriting is called the derived class. Further, a derived class can be used as a base class for
another derived class. In this way, multiple inheritance is achieved.

When a class inherits another, the members of the base class become members of the derived
class. Class inheritance uses this general form:

class derived-class-name : access base-class-name {

// body of class

The access status of the base-class members inside the derived class is determined by access.
Access Type Description
All public members of the base become public members of the derived class, and
Private all protected members of the base become protected members of the derived
Protected All public and protected members of the base class become protected members
of the derived class.
Private All public and protected members of the base class become private members of
the derived class.

In all cases, the base's private elements remain private to the base and are not accessible by
members of the derived class.

Sample Program
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class base {
int i, j;
void set(int a, int b) { i=a; j=b; }
void show() { cout <<"i="<< i << " j=" << j << "\n"; }
// i and j inherited as protected.
class derived1 : public base {
int k;

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 04
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void setk() { k = i*j; } // legal
void show() {// overriding base class method show()
base::show(); // calling base class method
cout << "k="<< k << "\n";
// i and j inherited indirectly through derived1.

class derived2 : public derived1 {

int m;
void setm() { m = i-j; } // legal
void show() {
derived1::show();// calling derived1 method
cout << "m="<< m << "\n";
int main()
base ob;
derived1 ob1;
derived2 ob2;
ob.show();// calling base class method
ob1.set(2, 3);
ob1.show();// calling derived1 method
ob2.set(3, 4);
ob2.show(); // calling derived2 method
return 0;
In the above example, if base were inherited as private, then all members of base would
become private members of derived1, which means that they would not be accessible by

Function Overriding
A derive class can redefine a method, already defined in its base class. This is called function
overriding, as shown in above program. When a method is called by reference of a derived
class object, compiler first search it in derived class, if found, compiler executes it and if not
found, the compiler will execute the base class method. In the above program, derived1 and
derived2 classes override the method show(), already defined in their base classes.

Order of Execution of Constructors and Destructors

When an object of a derived class is created, the base class’ constructor will be called first,
followed by the derived class’ constructor. When a derived object is destroyed, its destructor
is called first, followed by the base class' destructor i.e. constructors are executed in their
order of derivation. Destructors are executed in reverse order of derivation. Following
Program demonstrates this.
#include <iostream>

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 04
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

using namespace std;

class base {
base() { cout << "Constructing base\n"; }
~base() { cout << "Destructing base\n"; }

class derived1 : public base {
derived1() { cout << "Constructing derived1\n"; }
~derived1() { cout << "Destructing derived1\n"; }
class derived2: public derived1 {
derived2() { cout << "Constructing derived2\n"; }
~derived2() { cout << "Destructing derived2\n"; }
int main()
derived2 ob;
// construct and destruct ob
return 0;

Constructing base
Constructing derived1
Constructing derived2
Destructing derived2
Destructing derived1
Destructing base


Q1. If A is derived from B and B is derived from C and an object of class A is created. What
will be the sequence of constructor execution? What will be the sequence of destructor

Q2. What would you do if you want the public methods of base class to be accessible by the
derived class, but not by objects of the derived class? Mention syntax.

Q3. Extend the Student class( defined in lab session 02) to represent science and arts student.
Science student has additional practical course of 150 marks while arts student has an
optional course of 100 marks. In each class redefine CalculatePercentage method.

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 04
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Science student: Percentage =Total marks/650*100

Art student: Percentage=Total marks/600*100
Include constructor and display method in each class. Write a driver program to test your

Q4. Develop a class Post that has following attributes

Name: a string
To : a string that holds the reciever's address
StampCost: a float that holds the value of postal stamp required
The class should include following:
 A constructor that initializes StampCost to 1$ and To to empty address
 Read(): a method that reads data member's values from user
 Print(): a method that displays data member's values on screen
 TotalCost(): a method that returns stampCost value
Develop another class RegisteredPost that inherits from Post class and has following
additional attributes:
Weight: a float that holds the weight of post
ReistrationCost: a float that holds registration charges
Also include following in the class.
 A constructor that initializes weight to 20 gms and RegisterationCost to 10$
 Read(): a method that reads data member's values from user
 Print(): a method that displays data member's values on screen
 TotalCost(): a method that returns stampCost+RegistrationCost.

Q5. Develop a class InsuredRgisteredPost that inherits from RegisteredPost class and has
additional attribute AmtInsured to hold the insured value of post. The class should include
 A constructor that initializes AmtInsured to 20$
 Read(): a method that reads data member's values from user
 Print(): a method that displays data member's values on screen
 TotalCost(): a method that returns StampCost+RegistrationCost+AmtInsured.

Q6. Use following driver program to test your classes

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
{ InsuredRegisteredPost envelope;
cout<<"Post Details..";
return 0;

Q7. Define classes to represent following products available in a shopping mall.

 Utility Items having attributes name. product id and discount
 Food Items having attributes name, product id and date of expiry
Also define a method to show data in each class.
Write efficient code for handling constructors and methods using Inheritance.

Object Oriented Programming ____ Lab Session 05
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Lab Session 05
Studying Polymorphism in Object Oriented Programming

In object-oriented programming, polymorphism (from the Greek meaning "having multiple
forms") is the characteristic of being able to assign a different meaning to a particular
function or "operator" in different contexts. Polymorphism is supported by C++ both at
compile time and at run time. Compile-time polymorphism is achieved by overloading
functions and operators. Run-time polymorphism is accomplished by using inheritance and
virtual functions.

Figure 5.1 Types of Polymorphism

Static Binding and Dynamic Binding

Binding means the actual time when the code for a given function is attached or bound to the
function call
Static Binding Dynamic Binding
Actual code will be attached during Actual code is attached during compile
runtime/execution time time.
Implementing function overloading Implementing virtual functions

Function Overloading.

The term overloading means ‘Same thing for different purposes’. Overloading of functions
involves defining distinct functions which share the same name, each of which has a unique
signature. Function overloading is appropriate for:
 Defining functions which essentially do the same thing but operate on different data
 Providing alternate interfaces to the same function.

Object Oriented Programming ____ Lab Session 05
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Using Function Overloading we can perform verity of different tasks, for instance consider a
function, GetTime, which returns in its parameter(s) the current time of the day, and suppose
that we require two variants of this function: one which returns the time as seconds from
midnight, and one which returns the time as hours, minutes, and seconds. Given that these
two functions serve the same purpose, there is no reason for them to have different names.
C++ allows functions to be overloaded, that is, the same function to have more than one
long GetTime (void); // seconds from midnight
void GetTime (int &hours, int &minutes, int &seconds);
When GetTime is called, the compiler compares the number and type of arguments in the call
against the definitions of GetTime and chooses the one that matches the call. For example:
int h, m, s;
long t = GetTime(); // matches GetTime(void)
GetTime(h, m, s); // matches GetTime(int&, int&, int&);

To avoid ambiguity, each definition of an overloaded function must have a unique signature.
Member functions of a class may also be overloaded:

class Time {
long GetTime (void); // seconds from midnight
void GetTime (int &hours, int &minutes, int &seconds);

Function overloading is useful for obtaining flavours that are not possible using default
arguments alone. Finally before we go to implement, we have to remember some points:
 If the compiler doesn’t found exact match of actual and formal parameters then
compiler implicitly converts the actual parameters value types to any of overloading
function parameter types, if the conversion is possible to have multiple matches, then
the compiler will generate an error message.
 We cannot overload functions with same signature but have different return type

Virtual Functions

A virtual function is a member function that is defined within a base class and redefined by a
derived class. To create a virtual function, precede the function's declaration in the base class
with the keyword virtual. When a class containing a virtual function is inherited, the derived
class redefines the virtual function to fit its own needs. In essence, virtual functions
implement the "one interface, multiple methods" philosophy that underlies polymorphism.
The virtual function within the base class defines the form of the interface to that function.
Each redefinition of the virtual function by a derived class implements its operation as it
relates specifically to the derived class. That is, the redefinition creates a specific method.
When accessed "normally," virtual functions behave just like any other type of class member
function. However, what makes virtual functions important and capable of supporting run-
time polymorphism is how they behave when accessed via a pointer. A base-class pointer can
be used to point to an object of any class derived from that base. When a base pointer points
to a derived object that contains a virtual function, C++ determines which version of that
function to call based upon the type of object pointed to by the pointer. And this

Object Oriented Programming ____ Lab Session 05
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

determination is made at run time. Thus, when different objects are pointed to, different
versions of the virtual function are executed. Following example illustrate this:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class base {
virtual void vfunc() {
cout << "This is base's vfunc().\n";
class derived1 : public base {
void vfunc() {
cout << "This is derived1's vfunc().\n";
class derived2 : public base {
void vfunc() {
cout << "This is derived2's vfunc().\n";
int main()
base *p, b;
derived1 d1;
derived2 d2;
// point to base
p = &b;
p->vfunc(); // access base's vfunc()
// point to derived1
p = &d1;
p->vfunc(); // access derived1's vfunc()
// point to derived2
p = &d2;
p->vfunc(); // access derived2's vfunc()
return 0;
In the above example, base class pointer p is assigned the address of b, and vfunc( ) is called
via p. Since p is pointing to an object of type base, that version of vfunc( ) is executed. Next,
p is set to the address of d1, and again vfunc( ) is called by using p. This time p points to an
object of type derived1. This causes derived1::vfunc( ) to be executed. Finally, p is assigned
the address of d2, and p ->vfunc( ) causes the version of vfunc( ) redefined inside derived2
to be executed. The key point here is that the kind of object to which p points determines
which version of vfunc( ) is executed. Further, this determination is made at run time, and
this process forms the basis for run-time polymorphism.

Pure Virtual Functions

When a virtual function is not redefined by a derived class, the version defined in the base
class will be used. However, in many situations there can be no meaningful definition of a
virtual function within a base class. For example, a base class may not be able to define an
object sufficiently to allow a base-class virtual function to be created. Further, in some

Object Oriented Programming ____ Lab Session 05
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

situations you will want to ensure that all derived classes override a virtual function. To
handle these two cases, C++ supports the pure virtual function.

A pure virtual function is a virtual function that has no definition within the base class and all
derived classes must provide their own definition for this function. If the derived class fails to
override the pure virtual function, a compile-time error will result.
To declare a pure virtual function, use this general form:
virtual type func-name(parameter-list) = 0;

The following program contains a simple example of a pure virtual function

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class shape {
virtual void draw() = 0; // draw() is a pure virtual function
class circle : public shape {
void draw() {
cout << "drawing circle...\n";
class rectangle : public shape {
void draw() {
cout << "drawing rectangle..\n";

int main()
circle c;
rectangle r;
return 0;
Although this example is quite simple, it illustrates how a base class may not be able to
meaningfully define a virtual function. In this case, shape simply provides the common
interface for the derived types to use. There is no reason to define draw( ) inside shape.. Of
course, you can always create a placeholder definition of a virtual function. However, making
show( ) pure also ensures that all derived classes will indeed redefine it to meet their own

Abstract Classes
A class that contains at least one pure virtual function is said to be abstract. Because an
abstract class contains one or more functions for which there is no definition (that is, a pure
virtual function), no objects of an abstract class may be created. Instead, an abstract class
constitutes an incomplete type that is used as a foundation for derived classes. Although you
cannot create objects of an abstract class, you can create pointers and references to an abstract
class. This allows abstract classes to support run-time polymorphism, which relies upon base-
class pointers and references to select the proper virtual function.

Object Oriented Programming ____ Lab Session 05
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

class abc{
virtual void func()=0;
class xyz:public abc
{ public:
void func()
{ cout << "this is function of xyz";}
int main()
abc obj1;
xyz obj2;
return 0;

Is there any error in the above code? Explain.

Q2. Show the output of the sample programs.

Q3. Define a class Shape having an attribute Area and a pure virtual function
Also include following in this class.
 A constructor that initializes Area to zero.
 A method Display() that display value of member variable.
Now drive two classes from Shape; Circle having attribute radius and Rectangle having
attributes Length and Breadth. Include following in each class.
 A constructor that takes values of member variables as argument.
 A method Display() that override Display() method of Shape class.
 A method Calculate_Area() that calculates area as follows:
Area of Circle= PI* Radius2
Area of Rectangle=Length*Breadth

Q4. Use following driver program to test above classes.

int main()
Shape *p;
Circle C1(5);
Rectangle R1(4,6);
return 0;

Object Oriented Programming ____ Lab Session 05
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Q5 Rewrite the program of Q3 Lab session 04 to use a pointer to student class to access the
objects of science and art students.

Q6. Define a class DateTime that has member variables to hold day, month, year, hours,
minutes and seconds value. The class should include following versions of SetValue()
method to set date and time values.
 SetValue(day,month,year)
 SetValue(day, month,year,hours)
 SetValue(day,month,year,hour,minutes)
 SetValue(day, month,year,hour,minutes,seconds)

Object Oriented Programming ______ Lab Session 06
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Lab Session 06
Overloading operators in C++


C++ has ability to provide the operators with a special meaning for a data. The mechanism of
giving such special meanings to an operator is known as operator overloading. We can
overload the entire C++ operator except following.
1. Class member access operator (. )
2. Scope resolution operator (::)
3. Size operator (sizeof)
4. Conditional operator (? :)

Why do we need operator overloading?

Before we proceed further, you should know the reason that why we do operator overloading.
Do we really need it? For instance, compare the following syntaxes to perform addition of
two objects a and b of a user defined class fraction (assume class fraction has a member
function called add() which adds two fraction objects):

C = a.add(b);
C = a+b;
Which one is easier to use?
Obviously the second one is easy to use and is more meaningful. After overloading the
appropriate operators, you can use objects in expressions in just the same way that you use
C++'s built-in data types.
If you use the operator without providing the mechanism of how these operators are going to
perform with the objects of our class, you will get error message

Defining operator overloading

Operator overloading is done with the help of a special function, called operator function,
which defines the operations that the overloaded operator will perform relative to the class
upon which it will work. An operator function is created using the keyword operator.
Operator functions can be either members or nonmembers of a class. Nonmember operator
functions are almost always friend functions of the class, however. The way operator
functions are written differs between member and nonmember functions.
The general format of member operator function is:
return type class name :: operator op(arglist)
function body // task defined

Here is a simple example of operator overloading. This program creates a class called point,
which stores x and y coordinate values. The program overloads the + , - and ++operators
relative to this class.

Object Oriented Programming ______ Lab Session 06
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class point {
int x_coordinate, y_coordinate;
point() {}
point(int x, int y) {
x_coordinate = x;
y_coordinate = y;
void show() {
cout << x_coordinate << " , ";
cout << y_coordinate << "\n";
point operator+(point op2);
point operator++();
// Overload + for point.
point point::operator+(point op2)
point temp;
temp.x_coordinate = op2.x_coordinate + x_coordinate;
temp.y_coordinate = op2.y_coordinate + y_coordinate;
return temp;
// Overload prefix ++ for point.
point point::operator++()
return *this;
int main()
point ob1(10, 20), ob2( 5, 30);
ob1.show(); // displays 10 20
ob2.show(); // displays 5 30
ob1 = ob1 + ob2;
ob1.show(); // displays 15 50
return 0;

Creating Prefix and Postfix Forms of the Increment and decrement

Standard C++ allows you to explicitly create separate prefix and postfix versions of the
increment or decrement operators. To accomplish this, you must define two versions of the
operator++( ) function. One is defined as shown in the foregoing program. The other is
declared like this:

point operator++(int x);

If the ++ precedes its operand, the operator++( ) function is called. If the ++ follows its
operand, the operator++(int x) is called and x has the value zero.

Object Oriented Programming ______ Lab Session 06
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Operator Overloading Using Friend Function

You can also overload an operator for a class by using a nonmember function, which is
usually a friend of the class. Since a friend function is not a member of the class, it does not
have a this pointer. Therefore, an overloaded friend operator function is passed the operands
explicitly. This means that a friend function that overloads a binary operator has two
parameters, and a friend function that overloads a unary operator has one parameter. When
overloading a binary operator using a friend function, the left operand is passed in the first
parameter and the right operand is passed in the second parameter.

Overloading Stream Insertion(<<) and Extraction (>>) operators

To overload insertion and extraction operators, Operator function must be a nonmember
function of the class. Here is the general syntax.

Function Prototype ( to be include in definition of class)

friend ostream &operator<<( ostream &, const classname& );

friend istream &operator>>( istream &, const classname& );

Function Defination
ostream &operator<<( ostream& osobject, const classname& object )
// local declaration if any
//output member of object
//osobject << ...
return osobject;
istream &operator>>( istream& isobject, const classname& object )
// local declaration if any
// read data into object
//isobject >> ...
return isobject;

Limitation on operator overloading

Although C++ allows us to overload operators, it also imposes restrictions to ensure that
operator overloading serves its purpose to enhance the programming language itself, without
compromising the existing entity. The followings are the
 Cannot change the original behavior of the operator with built in data types.
 Cannot create new operator
 Operators =, [], () and > can only be defined as members of a class and not as global
 The arity or number of operands for an operator may not be changed. For example,
addition, +, may not be defined to take other than two arguments regardless of data
 The precedence of the operator is preserved, i.e., does not change, with overloading

Object Oriented Programming ______ Lab Session 06
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering


Q1. Overload +, - ,* , / ,++ , - - (both postfix and prefix), >, < , == operators for the class
Complex_No.(you have defined in lab session 02). Comparison should be done on the basis
of magnitude. Write a driver program to test your class.

Q2. Define a class Matrix to represent 2x2 matrix. Overload operators for addition and
subtraction of two matrices using friend function. Write a driver program to test your class.

Q3. Overload [ ] , insertion (<<) and extraction(>>) operators for class vector that represents
2D vector. Write a driver program to test your class.

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 07
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

Lab Session 07
Studying Aggregation in Object Oriented Programming

Aggregation is a relationship between two classes that is best described as a "has-a" and
"whole/part" relationship. The aggregate class contains a reference to another class and is
said to have ownership of that class. Each class referenced is considered to be part-of the
aggregate class. For example; a computer has components keyboard monitor, mouse and
processor box. The relationship between computer and its component is aggregation.

Containment vs. Containership

Containment is a composition hierarchy in which an object is composed of other object in a

fixed relation. The aggregate object cannot exist without its components, which will probably
be of a fixed and stable number or at least will vary with in fixed set of possibilities.

Container class contain objects of other classes but the existence of container is independent
of whether it actually contains any objects at a particular time, and contained objects will
probably be a dynamic or possibly heterogeneous collection

Aggregation can be fixed, variable or recursive:

 Fixed: The particular number and type of the component part are predefined. For
example, a car has one engine, four wheels, and one steering wheel.

 Variable: The number of levels of aggregation is fixed, but the number of parts may
vary. For example, rooms in a building.

 Recursive: The object contains components of its own type. For example, an object
contains a pointer of its own type, allowing it to send messages to other objects of the
same class.

Sample program
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class CAccessories
int mouse;
int keyboard;
class CCPU {
int cd;
int floppy;

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 07
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

int proc_speed;

class CMonitor {
char make[80];
float size;

// implementation of the CComputer class.

class CComputer {
void print(void);
void get(void);

CAccessories access;
CCPU cpu;
CMonitor monitor;

void CComputer::get()
cout << "Enter Information of CPU: \n ";
cout <<"Enter Processor speed: ";
cin >> this->cpu. proc_speed;
cout << "Is floppy present (l for yes, 0 for no) ";
cin >>this->cpu.floppy; cout<< "Is CD present (I for yes, 0 for no) ";
cin >> this->cpu.cd;
cout << endl<< "Enter Information for Monitor: \n" ;
cout << "Enter the \"Make\" of Monitor: ";
cin >> this->monitor.make; cout << "Enter Monitor size: ";
cin >> this->monitor.size;
cout << endl<<"Enter Information for the Peripherals: \n" ;
cout << "Enter Number of buttons of keyboard: ";
cin >> this->access.keyboard; cout << "Enter Number of buttons of
mouse: ";
cin >> this->access.mouse;
void CComputer::print()
cout<< endl<< endl<<"CPU:"<< endl;
cout<< "Processor Speed: "<<this->cpu.proc_speed;
cout<< endl<<"Floppy not installed";
else cout<< endl<<"Floppy Installed ";
cout<<endl<< "CD not installed" ;
cout<< endl<<"CD Installed";
cout<< endl<< endl<<"Monitor: "<< endl;
cout<< "\"Make\" of Monitor: "<< this->monitor.make<< endl;
cout<< "Monitor size: "<< this->monitor.size<< endl;
cout<< endl<< endl<< "Peripherals: "<< endl;
cout<<" umber of buttons of keyboard: "<< this->access.keyboard;
cout<< endl<< "Number of buttons of mouse: "<< this->access.mouse;

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 07
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering

// Defines the entry point for the console application.

int main()
CComputer comp;
cout << endl;
return 0;


Q1. Relationship of book with its pages can be modeled as containership. Comment.

Q2. Define a class Priority_Queue that represents a bounded priority queue of nodes.
To represent a node you must define a class Node having member variables Data (description
of node,type string) and a Priority_No.
In Priority_Queue class, provide following two methods.
Enqueue: that inserts a node in the queue at appropriate position, based on its Priority_No,
if queue is not full.
Dequeue: that displays and removes a node from front of the queue, if queue is not empty.

Q3. Create a class Employee, the member data should include Employee number (type
integer), Name of employee [to be allocated dynamically] and Salary (comprising of three
float variables; Gross pay, Deductions and Net pay). Also include date of joining of
employee. The date should comprise of three integers representing day, month and year.
You need to define separate classes for Date and Salary. Include necessary constructors,
destructors and member functions to enter and display the data in each class.

Q4. Define a class Database that uses a dynamic array of Employee’s objects to stores the
record of employees. Also provide following methods in Database class.
Add: To add a new employee
Delete: To remove an employee’s record
Search: To search a record by employee number.

Q5. Write a driver program that creates an object of Database class and calls its functions
according to user requirement.

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 08
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Lab Session 08
Handling Exceptions in C++


An error result or an unpredictable behavior of your program not caused by the operating
system but that occurs in your program is called an exception. The ability to deal with a
program’s eventual abnormal behavior is called exception handling. Using exception
handling, your program can automatically invoke an error-handling routine when an error

C++ provides three keywords to handle an exception: try, catch and throw
1. Trying the normal flow: To deal with the expected behavior of a program, use
the try keyword as in the following syntax:

try {Behavior}
The try keyword lets the compiler know that you are anticipating an abnormal
behavior and will try to deal with it. The actual behavior that needs to be evaluated is
included inside the try block.
2. Catching Errors: During the flow of the program as part of the try section, if an
abnormal behavior occurs, instead of letting the program crash or instead of letting the
compiler send the error to the operating system, you can transfer the flow of the
program to another section that can deal with it. The syntax used by this section is:

catch(Argument) {What To Do}

This section always follows the try section and there must not be any code between
the try’s closing bracket and the catch section. The catch behaves a little like a
function that defines the behavior of program in case if exception occurs. It uses an
argument that is passed by the previous try section. The argument can be a regular
variable or a class. If there is no argument to pass, the catch must at least take a three-
period argument as in catch(…).
The general syntax would be:

try {
// Try the program flow
// Catch the exception
3. Throwing an error: The general form of the throw statement is shown here:

throw exception;

throw generates the exception specified by exception. If this exception is to be caught,

then throw must be executed either from within a try block itself, or from any function
called from within the try block (directly or indirectly).

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An exception can be of any type, including class types that you create. Actually, in real-world
programs, most exceptions will be class types rather than built-in types. Perhaps the most
common reason that you will want to define a class type for an exception is to create an
object that describes the error that occurred. This information can be used by the exception
handler to help it process the error.

The Standard C++ library provides standard exception classes. Generally it is easier and
faster to start with a standard exception class than to try to define your own. If the standard
class does not do exactly what you need, you can derive from it.
All standard exception classes derive ultimately from the class exception, defined in the
header <exception>. The two main derived classes are logic_error and runtime_error,
which are found in <stdexcept> (which itself includes <exception>). The
class logic_error represents errors in programming logic, such as passing an invalid
argument. Runtime errors are those that occur as the result of unforeseen forces such as
hardware failure or memory exhaustion. Both runtime_error and logic_error provide a
constructor that takes a std::string argument so that you can store a message in the
exception object and extract it later with exception::what( ).

Note: std::exception does not provide a constructor that takes a std::string argument.
Exception classes derived from logic_error
domain_error Reports violations of a precondition.
invalid_argument Indicates an invalid argument to the function from which it is
length_error Indicates an attempt to produce an object whose length is greater
than or equal to npos(the largest representable value of context size
type, usually std::size_t).
out_of_range Reports an out-of-range argument.
bad_cast Thrown for executing an invalid dynamic_cast expression in
runtime type identification.
bad_typeid Reports a null pointer p in an expression typeid(*p).

Table 8.1

Exception classes derived from runtime_error

range_error Reports violation of a postcondition.
overflow_error Reports an arithmetic overflow.
bad_alloc Reports a failure to allocate storage.

Table 8.2

Here is a simple example that shows the way C++ exception handling operates.

#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;

int main()

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int StudentAge;
cout << "Student Age: ";
cin >> StudentAge;
try {
if(StudentAge < 0)
throw logic_error("Invalid age");
cout << "\nStudent Age: " << StudentAge << "\n\n";
catch(logic_error& e)
cout << e.what() << endl;
return 0;

Catching Multiple Exceptions

The exceptions as we have seen so far dealt with a single exception in a program. Most of the
time, a typical program will throw different types of errors. The C++ language allows you to
include different catch blocks. Each catch block can face a specific error. The syntax used is:

try {
// try block
catch (type1 arg) {
// catch block
catch (type2 arg) {
// catch block
catch (type3 arg) {
// catch block
catch (typeN arg) {
// catch block

The compiler would proceed in a top-down as follows:

1. Following the normal flow control of the program, the compiler enters the try block.
2. If no exception occurs in the try block, the rest of the try block is executed.
If an exception occurs in the try block, the try displays a throw that specifies the type
of error that happened.
a. The compiler gets out of the try block and examines the first catch
b. If the first catch doesn’t match the thrown error, the compiler proceeds with
the next catch. This continues until the compiler finds a catch that matches
the thrown error.
c. If one of the catches matches the thrown error, its body executes. If no catch
matches the thrown error, the compiler has two alternatives. If there is no
catch that matches the error (which means that you didn’t provide a matching
catch), the compiler hands the program flow to the operating system (which

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 08
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calls the terminate() function). Another alternative is to include

a catch whose argument is three periods: catch(…). The catch(…) is used if
no other catch, provided there was another, matches the thrown error.
The catch(…), if included as part of a catch clause, must always be the
last catch, unless it is the only catch of the clause.

Creating Your Own Exception Classes

· Programmers can create exception classes to handle exceptions not covered by C++’s
exception classes.
· C++ uses the same mechanism to process the exceptions you define as for built-in
· You must throw your own exceptions using the throw statement
· Any class can be an exception class
· You can also derive your exception class from an standard exception class.

The following example demonstrates the creation and usage of a user defined exception class.
The program prompts the user for a positive number. If a negative number is entered, an
object of the class MyException is created that describes the error. Thus, MyException
encapsulates information about the error. This information is then used by the exception

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
class MyException {
char str_what[80];
int what;
MyException() { *str_what = 0; what = 0; }
MyException(char *s, int e) {
strcpy(str_what, s);
what = e;

int main()
int i;
try {
cout << "Enter a positive number: ";
cin >> i;
throw MyException("Not Positive", i);
catch (MyException e) { // catch an error
cout << e.str_what << ": ";
cout << e.what << "\n";
return 0;

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Q1. Define a class Timer having attributes Hour, Minute and Second. Include a constructor
that initializes all attributes to zero. Also add a method Tick that increments Second by one,
if Second reaches 60, increment Minute by one, if Minute reaches 60, increment Hour by
one and if Hour reaches 24, throws an exception ‘Timer overflow’. Write a driver program
that creates an object of class Timer, calls Tick in a loop and catches the exception.

Q2. Redo Q1 by defining your own exception class to represent ‘Timer Overflow Exception’

Q3. Create a class Stack to represent stack of integers of fixed size. The member functions
Push and Pop must generate exception in case of overflow and underflow respectively. Write
a driver program that creates an object of stack and catches the exception.

Q4. Define a class Date to represent date in format DD/MM/YYYY. Provide a method
SetDate that takes date value from user and generates exception if user enters incorrect value.
You can define a separate class DateException that store messages for possible exceptions.
Use following deriver program to test your classes.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
Date date;
try {
catch(DateException e)
{ cout << e.what();}
return 0;

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 09
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Lab Session 09
Reading and writing files by using C++ IO Stream Library


A File is a collection of related data stored in a particular area on the disk. Although C++ I/O
forms an integrated system, file I/O is sufficiently specialized that it is generally thought of as
a special case, subject to its own constraints and quirks.
The file operations make use of streams as an interface between the programs and the files.
The stream that supplies data to the program is known as input stream. It reads data from a
file and hands it over to the program. The stream that receives data from the program is
known as the output stream. It writes the received data to the file

Figure 9.1 File I/O

To perform file I/O, you must first obtain a stream. There are three types of streams: input,
output, and input/output. To create an input stream, you must declare the stream to be of class
ifstream. To create an output stream, you must declare it as class ofstream. Streams that
would perform both input and output operations must be declared as class fstream. These
classes are derived from istream, ostream, and iostream, respectively. istream, ostream,
and iostream are derived from ios, so ifstream, ofstream, and fstream also have access to
all operations defined by ios. Another class used by the file system is filebuf, which provides
low-level facilities to manage a file stream. Usually, you don't use filebuf directly, but it is
part of the other file classes

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Figure 9.2 Standard I/O stream Library

Opening and Closing a File

Once a stream has been created, next step is to associate a file with it. Thereafter the file is
available (opened) for processing. Opening of a file can be achieved in two ways:
 Using the constructor function of the stream class.
 Using the function called open( ).
The first method is preferred when a single file is used with a stream; however, for managing
multiple files with the same stream, the second method is preferred.

Opening a file using constructor

A constructor of a class initializes an object of its class when it (the object) is being created.
This involves following steps.
1. Create file stream object to manage the stream using appropriate class, i.e.class ofstream is
used to create output stream and class ifstream to create input stream
2. Initialized the file object with desired file name. For example, following statement opens a
file for output, this creates outfile as a outstream object that manages output stream and also
opens the file result and attaches it to the output stream outfile.

ofstream outfile(“result”);

Similarly, the following statement declares infile as an ifstream object and attaches it to the
file data for reading (input).

Ifstream infile(“data”)

Opening a file using open()

Function open() can be used to open multiple files that use the same stream object. For
example, for processing a set of file sequentially we may create a single stream object and
use it to open each file in turn. This function is a member of each of the three stream classes.
The prototype for each is shown here:

void ifstream::open(const char *filename,ios::openmode mode =ios::in);

void ofstream::open(const char *filename,ios::openmode mode =ios::out | ios::trunc);
void fstream::open(const char *filename,ios::openmode mode =ios::in | ios::out);

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Here, filename is the name of the file; it can include a path specifier. The value of mode
determines how the file is opened. It must be one or more of the following values defined by
openmode, which is an enumeration defined by ios.

Mode Description
ios::app If FileName is a new file, data is written to it. If FileName already exists
and contains data, then it is opened, the compiler goes to the end of the file
and adds the new data to it.
ios::ate If FileName is a new file, data is written to it and subsequently added to
the end of the file. If FileName already exists and contains data, then it is
opened and data is written in the current position.
ios::in If FileName is a new file, then it gets created fine as an empty file.
If FileName already exists, then it is opened and its content is made
available for processing
ios::out If FileName is a new file, then it gets created fine as an empty file.
Once/Since it gets created empty, you can write data to it. If FileName
already exists, then it is opened, its content is destroyed, and the file
becomes as new. Therefore you can create new data to write to it. Then, if
you save the file, which is the main purpose of this mode, the new content
is saved it.*This operation is typically used when you want to save a file
ios::trunc If FileName already exists, its content is destroyed and the file becomes as
ios::nocreate If FileName is a new file, the operation fails because it cannot create a
new file. If FileName already exists, then it is opened and its content is
made available for processing
ios::noreplace If FileName is a new file, then it gets created fine. If FileName already
exists and you try to open it, this operation would fail because it cannot
create a file of the same name in the same location.

Each one of the open() member functions of the classes ofstream, ifstream and fstream has a
default mode that is used if the file is opened without a second argument:
Class Default Mode Parameter
ofstream ios:: out
ifstream ios::in
fstream ios::in | ios::out

Since the mode parameter provides default values for each type of stream, the long syntax of
open() is seldom used, Therefore, the statement for opening a file will usually look like this:

ofstream outfile; // create stream( for output)

outfile.open(“DATA1”); //connect stream to file
outfile.close(); //disconnect stream from DATA1

ifstream infile; // create stream( for input)

infile.open(“DATA2”); //connect stream to file

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infile.close(); //disconnect stream from file

Error handing during file operations

One of the following things may happen when dealing with the file.
1. A file which we are attempting to open for reading does not exists
2. The file name used for new file already exists
3. Attempting an invalid operation, use of an invalid file name
4. There may not be space I the disk for storing more data, etc.
The class ios supports several member functions that can be used to read the status recorded
in a file stream
Function Return value and meaning
eof() Returns true if a file opened for reading has reached the end
fail() Returns true in the same cases as bad(), but also in the case that a
format error happens
Good It is the most generic state flag: it returns false in the same cases in
which calling any of the previous function would return true
bad() Returns true if a reading or writing operation fails

Reading and Writing Text Files

It is very easy to read from or write to a text file. Simply use the << and >> operators the
same way you do when performing console I/O, except that instead of using cin and cout,
substitute a stream that is linked to a file. For example, this program creates a short inventory
file that contains each item's name and its cost:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
ofstream out("INVENTRY"); // output, normal file
if(!out) {
cout << "Cannot open INVENTORY file.\n";
return 1;
out << "Radios " << 39.95 << endl;
out << "Toasters " << 19.95 << endl;
out << "Mixers " << 24.80 << endl;
return 0;

Figure 9.3 shows contents of INVENTRY file.

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 09
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Figure 9.3 Contents of INVENTRY

The following program reads the inventory file created by the previous program and displays
its contents on the screen:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream in("INVENTRY"); // input
if(!in) {
cout << "Cannot open INVENTORY file.\n";
return 1;
char item[20];
float cost;
in >> item >> cost;
cout << item << " " << cost << "\n";
in >> item >> cost;
cout << item << " " << cost << "\n";
in >> item >> cost;
cout << item << " " << cost << "\n";
return 0;

Object Serialization

Object serialization consists of saving the values that are part of an object, mostly the value
gotten from declaring a variable of a class. At the current standard, C++ doesn't inherently
support object serialization. To perform this type of operation, you can use a technique
known as binary serialization.

Binary I/O

When performing binary operations on a file, be sure to open it using the ios::binary mode
specifier. To read and write blocks of binary data is to use C++'s read ( ) and write ( )
functions. Their prototypes are:

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 09
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istream &read(char *buf, streamsize num);

ostream &write(const char *buf, streamsize num);

The read( ) function reads num characters from the invoking stream and puts them in the
buffer pointed to by buf. The write( ) function writes num characters to the invoking stream
from the buffer pointed to by buf. To indicate that you want to save a value as binary, when
declaring the ofstream variable, specify the ios option as binary.

Here is an example that stores objects of a class Employee in a file using binary serialization:

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Employee {
char Name[40];
int Age;
double Salary;
Employee (){}
Employee(char *n, int age,double sal){
Age =age;

int main()
Employee e1("Ahmed",40,1000.00);
ofstream ofs("employeefile", ios::binary);
if(!ofs) {
cout << "Cannot open file.\n";
return 1;
ofs.write((char *)&e1, sizeof(e1));
return 0;

Figure 9.4 shows the contents of employeefile. The contents are unreadable because the file
is written in binary format

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 09
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Figure 9.4 Contents of employeefile

Reading from the Stream

Reading an object saved in binary format is as easy as writing it. To read the value, call the
ifstream::read() method. Here is an example:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
int main()
Employee e2;
ifstream ifs("employeefile", ios::binary);
if(!ifs) {
cout << "Cannot open file.\n";
return 1;
ifs.read((char *)&e2, sizeof(e2));
cout << "Employee Information\n";
cout << " Name: " << e2.Name << endl;
cout << "Age " << e2.Age << endl;
cout << "Salary " << e2.Salary << endl;
return 0;

Random Access

In C++'s I/O system, you perform random access by using the seekg( ) and seekp( )
functions. Their most common forms are

istream &seekg(off_type offset, seekdir origin);

ostream &seekp(off_type offset, seekdir origin);

Here, off_type is an integer type defined by ios that is capable of containing the largest valid
value that offset can have. seekdir is an enumeration defined by ios that determines how the
seek will take place. The C++ I/O system manages two pointers associated with a file. One is
the get

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 09
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pointer, which specifies where in the file the next input operation will occur. The other is the
put pointer, which specifies where in the file the next output operation will occur. Each time
an input or output operation takes place, the appropriate pointer is automatically sequentially
advanced. However, using the seekg( ) and seekp( ) functions allows you to access the file in
a nonsequential fashion. The seekg( ) function moves the associated file's current get pointer
offset number of characters from the specified origin, which must be one of these three
ios::beg Beginning-of-file
ios::cur Current location
ios::end End-of-file
The seekp( ) function moves the associated file's current put pointer offset number of
characters from the specified origin, which must be one of the values just shown. Generally,
random-access I/O should be performed only on those files opened for binary operations. The
character translations that may occur on text files could cause a position request to be out of
sync with the actual contents of the file.

The following program uses seekg( ). It displays the contents of a file beginning with the
location specified by user. You need to create a text file Myfile.txt and save it on D: drive
before running this program

#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()
int i;
char ch;
ifstream in("D:\\Myfile.txt", ios::in | ios::binary);
if(!in) {
cout << "Cannot open file.";
return 1;
cout << "Enter file location: ";
cin >> i;
cout << ch;
return 0;

Q1. Write a program that reads strings entered at the keyboard and writes them to disk. The
program should stop when the user enters an exclamation point.

Q2.Write a program that allows user to change a specific character in a file. Take filename,
number of the character in the file you want to change, and the new character as user input.

Q3. Write a program that creates an object of class Priority_Queue (defined in Lab 7). Fill it
by taking inputs from user and store it in a file.

Q4. Redefine the class Database (you have defined in Lab 7) to include Save and Retrieve

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 09
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methods. Save method creates a file named ‘db.txt’ and stores the records of employees in
the file. Retrieve method opens the same file ‘db.txt’ and retrieves the data from file. Also
write a driver program to test your class.

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 10
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Lab Session 10
Implementing Function Templates and Class Templates in C++

Templates are a feature of the C++ programming language that allows functions and classes
to operate with generic types. This allows a function or class to work on many different data
types without being rewritten for each one. Templates are very useful when implementing
generic constructs like vectors, stacks, lists, queues which can be used with any arbitrary type

C++ templates provide a way to re-use source code as opposed to inheritance and
composition which provide a way to re-use object code.

There are two kinds of templates: function templates and class templates
Use function templates to write generic functions that can be used with arbitrary types. For
example, one can write searching and sorting routines which can be used with any arbitrary
type. The Standard Template Library generic algorithms have been implemented as function
templates, and the containers have been implemented as class templates
Function templates
A function template behaves like a function except that the template can have arguments of
many different types In other words; a function template represents a family of functions. The
general format of a function template is as follows:

template <class T>

return type functionname(argument of type T )
// body of function with Type T

The following example declares a function template max(x, y) which returns either x or y,
whichever is larger

template <class myType>

myType max (myType a, myType b) {
return (a>b?a:b);}
The above definition of function max() can work with different kinds of data types. A
function template does not occupy space in memory. The actual definition of a function
template is generated when the function is called with a specific data type. The function
template does not save memory.
#include <iostream>
int main()
// This will call max <int> (by argument deduction)
std::cout << max(3, 7) << std::endl;
// This will call max<double> (by argument deduction)
std::cout << max(3.0, 7.0) << std::endl;

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return 0;

In the above program, the template argument T is automatically deduced by the compiler to
be int and double, respectively. This function template can be instantiated with any copy-
constructible type for which the expression (y < x) is valid. For user-defined types, this
implies that the less-than operator must be overloaded.

Class templates
A class template provides a specification for generating classes based on parameters. Class
templates are commonly used to implement containers. A class template is instantiated by
passing a given set of types to it as template arguments. The C++ Standard Library contains
many class templates, in particular the containers adapted from the Standard Template
Library, such as vector.

Implementing a class template

A class template definition looks like a regular class definition, except it is prefixed by the
keyword template. For example, here is the definition of a class template for a Stack.

const int SIZE = 10;

template <class StackType>
class stack {
StackType stck[SIZE]; // holds the stack
int tos; // index of top-of-stack
stack() { tos = 0; } // initialize stack
void push(StackType ob); // push object on stack
StackType pop(); // pop object from stack


StackType is a type parameter and it can be any type. For example, Stack<Token>, where
Token is a user defined class. StackType does not have to be a class type as implied by the
keyword class. For example, Stack<int> is a valid instantiation, even though int is not a

Implementing template member functions is somewhat different compared to the regular

class member functions. The declarations and definitions of the class template member
functions should all be in the same header file.

While implementing class template member functions, the definitions are prefixed by the
keyword template. Here is the complete implementation of class template Stack:

// This function demonstrates a generic stack.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 10;
// Create a generic stack class
template <class StackType>

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 10
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class stack {
StackType stck[SIZE]; // holds the stack
int tos; // index of top-of-stack
stack() { tos = 0; } // initialize stack
void push(StackType ob); // push object on stack
StackType pop(); // pop object from stack
// Push an object.
template <class StackType> void stack<StackType>::push(StackType ob)
if(tos==SIZE) {
cout << "Stack is full.\n";

stck[tos] = ob;
// Pop an object.
template <class StackType> StackType stack<StackType>::pop()
if(tos==0) {
cout << "Stack is empty.\n";
return 0; // return null on empty stack
return stck[tos];

Using a class template

Using a class template is easy. Create the required classes by plugging in the actual type for
the type parameters. This process is commonly known as "Instantiating a class". Here is a
sample driver class that uses the Stack class template.

#include <iostream>
#include "stack.h"
using namespace std ;
int main()
// Demonstrate character stacks.
stack<char> s1, s2; // create two character stacks
int i;
for(i=0; i<3; i++)
cout << "Pop s1: " << s1.pop() << "\n";
for(i=0; i<3; i++)
cout << "Pop s2: " << s2.pop() << "\n";
// demonstrate double stacks
stack<double> ds1, ds2; // create two double stacks

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 10
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for(i=0; i<3; i++)
cout << "Pop ds1: " << ds1.pop() << "\n";
for(i=0; i<3; i++)
cout << "Pop ds2: " << ds2.pop() << "\n";
return 0;

In the above example we defined a class template Stack. In the driver program we
instantiated a Stack of characters and a Stack of double. Once the template classes are
instantiated you can instantiate objects of that type

We can use more than one generic data type in a class template. They are decided as a
comma separated list within the template specification as shown below


Template<class T1, class T2 …>

class classname
…… (Body of the class)

Q1. What is the output of the above program?

Q2. Define a function template to implement bubble sort algorithm.

Q3. Define a function template that finds maximum value in an array.

Q4. Define a function template Power(x,y) that calculates xy

Q5. Define template class Matrix that represenst a 2x2 matrix. Include following methods

 Determinant: that calculates and displays the determinant of matrix

 Display: that displays matrix in appropriate format.

Also overload + and – operator for matrix class.

Q6. Write a program that define two matrices of type float using template class Matrix,
calculate their determinants and perform addition and subtraction on them.

Q7. Write a program that defines two matrices of type Complex_No using template class
Matrix and perform addition and subtraction on them.[use Complex_No class, defined in lab

Object Oriented Programming Lab Session 10
NED University of Engineering & Technology – Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering


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