Lesson Plan Form: Learning Goals
Lesson Plan Form: Learning Goals
Lesson Plan Form: Learning Goals
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Name and discuss where the French settled in Indiana.
Define what a French trapper and trader is.
4.3.9 Explain the importance of major transportation routes, including rivers, in the exploration,
settlement and growth of Indiana and in the state’s location as a crossroad of America.
In my class, I have a variety of learners. To approach this, I will incorporate seeing, hearing, and doing. We
have not been doing history for that long. We switched from science to social studies this previous week. My
initial impression of the students and how they enjoy history is they are interested in what happened and the
students like to stop and discuss to ask questions about what is going on. This surprised me because the
majority of my students indicated they do not like history on the “Student Survey.” I hope that talking about
Indiana and discovering how our state became the way it is motivates them to continue to be curious about
this subject. My students indicated in their “Student Survey” they like working with partners. I plan to have
the students work with a partner throughout parts of the lesson.
One Significant Learning Modality [not linguistic] and how it will be utilized:
Interpersonal: Students will work together to read from the book. They will have to discuss what they learned
from the book in order to fill in the missing spots in the notes I give them while they are working with one
another. They will have to listen to others ideas and respect what is being said.
RECALL PREVIOUS LEARNING-LESSON: I will ask the students “What did we learn about or talk
about yesterday?”(We talked about the Europeans arriving in America) Who was one famous
explorer that went further into the continent to explore? (La Salle)
Visual: I will hold up a bag filled with a few items. I will tell the students, “I have a few different items
in my bag. The items in my bag have to do with what the Europeans had and what they wanted.” I
will allow the students to guess what might be in my bag. I will not tell them right away because I
want to talk about trading and what they may have traded in the time frame we are discussing. Tell
the students, “In order to find out, you must listen to what I am going to teach you.”
(Motivating Learning activity) The students will be motivated to listen so that they can find out what
objects are in the bag.
(Motivating Learning Activity) Tell the students, “If you guys are able to listen, figure out what might
be in the bag, and fill in your notes over the slides, you will be able to read the book with a partner.
-I will have a presentation on the board for the students. The students will follow along as I read the
information off the slides. ACTIVE LEARNING-LISTENING STRATEGY/IES (ALLS): (Large
ALLS) Since there is a lot of information regarding the French exploration, I have provided students
with notes that they will fill in as I read and talk about the information. (Give Students notes)
-I will be stopping throughout the presentation and asking about the information and deepening their
understanding of the information in the presentation.
-There are a few, short videos we will be watching over the topic.
-Once we stop and talk about the notes, the student will need to share their information altogether
as to what goes in the blank.
- ATTENTIONAL PROMPT(S): Once the presentation is finished and we have discussed what was
in the notes and who traded what, pull out the bag of items. Hold the bag out for everyone to see.
Ask the students, “Now that we have talked about Europeans and what they may have wanted,
what do you think might be in my bag?” Have students guess what might be in the bag. In the bag
there will be a few items the Europeans traded with the Native Americans. There will be buttons and
a blanket. These are a few of the items they traded.
- ACTIVE LEARNING-LISTENING STRATEGY/IES (ALLS): When discussing the items they
traded and finding out what is in the bag, flip to the slide on the presentation, and ask the students,
“What might they trade these items for?” All the students should answer with animal fur or fur.
-After we discuss our notes over French explorations, tell the students they did a great job listening,
figuring out what was in the bag, and answering questions, they will be able to work with a partner.
-Before assigning partners, tell students we are reading page 44 in our books and we have notes to
follow along with.
-I will assign partners in order to keep on track and there is no messing around.
-Once assigned a partner, the students will be able to move throughout the room and read page 44
students will have a note taking chart in order to fill in the information about what they are reading.
This will keep them on task in their partners. They will have to listen to each other in order to decide
what goes in the blank.
-Once groups complete this activity, have them return to their desk and reread their notes over the
-If time allows, review over the terms they used to fill in the blanks and discuss what they read i in
the book.
-Have the notes on the board and fill them in as the students give you the answers in order for the
students to follow along.
CLOSURE: Who is one explorer we talked about today? (La Salle) What territory was Indiana part
of, which the French also claimed and they eventually settled in? (Louisiana Territory)
Prepared by TC:
Bag of blanket and buttons
Guided notes, one for each student
Prepared by CT:
French Expedition:
-In the fall of 1679, La Salle, led an expedition around the eastern shore of
Lake Michigan. An ____________________ (Expedition) is a journey into an
area to learn more about it.
-La Salle and his crew reached the southern bend in the river, which is in
___________________ (South Bend) today.