Kehamilan Mola
Kehamilan Mola
Kehamilan Mola
Disease (GTD)
Part I : Molar Pregnancy
• Dr. Mohamed El Sherbiny
MD Ob.& Gyn. Senior Consultant
• Damietta, Egypt
Part I: Molar Pregnancy
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (GTD)
It is a spectrum of trophoblastic diseases
that includes:
Complete molar pregnancy
Partial molar pregnancies
Invasive mole
Placental site trophoblastic tumour
The last 2 may follow abortion, ectopic or normal pregnancy.
Vesicular Mole
Hydatidiform Moles (H.M.)
Hydatidiform moles are abnormal
pregnancies characterized histologically
by :
Trophoblastic proliferation &
Edema of the villous stroma (Hydropic) .
Based on the degree and extent of these
tissue changes, hydatidiform moles are
categorized as either
Complete hydatidiform mole.
Partial hydatidiform mole.
Features Of Partial And Complete Hydatidiform Moles
Feature Partial mole Complete mole
Most commonly Most commonly
69, XXX or - XXY 46, XX or -,XY
Fetus Often present Absent
Amnion, fetal RBC Usually present Absent
Villous edema Variable, focal Diffuse
Trophoblastic proliferation Focal, slight-moderate Diffuse, slight-severe
Clinical presentation
Diagnosis Missed abortion Molar gestation
Uterine size Small for dates 50% large for dates
Theca lutein cysts Rare 25-30%
Medical complications Rare 10-25%
Postmolar CTN 2.5-7.5% 6.8-20%
Disaia &Creasman Clinical Gynecological Oncology 2007
Epidemiology& Risk Factors
Incidence:USA 1/1000 South East 1/100 (Hospital)
Risk Factors:
Age: <20y (2fold) , > 40y(10 fold) & >50y (50% V.mole)
Prior Molar Pregnancy
Second molar: 1% - Third molar : 20%!
Diet:↑ in low fat Vit. A or carotene diet (complete mole)
Contraception :COC double the incidence
Previous spontaneous abortion: double the incidence
Repetitive H. moles in women with different partners
2-Hydropic Degeneration
Uterine wall
Pathogenesis of
–(Not a multiplication of 23
chromosome )
Partial H. Mole
Microscopically: The enlarged, edematous villi and
abnormal trophoblastic proliferation are slight and
focal and did not involve the entire villi.
There is a scalloping of chorionic villi
Fetal or embryonic or fetal RBCs
Maternal side
Partial Hydatiform Mole
Fetal hand demonstrating syndactyly. The fetus had a triploid karyotype, and the chorionic
tissues were a partial mole
Partial H. mole.
How Do Molar Pregnancies Present
To The Clinician?
The classic features are
Irregular vaginal bleeding
Excessive uterine enlargement &
Early failed pregnancy.
Clinicians should check a urine pregnancy test
in women presenting with such symptoms.
A. Hyperemesis
B. Bilateral enlarged theca lutein cysts
C. Vaginal bleeding
D. Uterine enlargement> than expected for GA
E. Pregnancy-induced hypertension
What Is The Most Common Presenting
Symptom Of A Complete Molar Pregnancy?
A. Hyperemesis 10%
E. Pregnancy-induced hypertension 1%
How Is Complete Mole Diagnosed?
U/S is helpful in making a pre-evacuation
diagnosis but the definitive diagnosis is
made by histological examination.
U/S: Early detection reduced from 16 weeks
(passage of vesicles) to 12 ws
βhCG levels > 2 multiples of the median may
be of value in the diagnosis
Complete H.Mole
Associated theca-lutein
cysts. U/S Power Doppler
How Is Partial H .Mole Diagnosed?
In most patients with a partial mole,
the clinical and U/S diagnosis is
Usually missed or incomplete abortion.
This emphasizes the need for a
thorough histopathologic evaluation of
all missed or incomplete abortions
U/S DD :
Differential Diagnosis:
Long standing missed abortion
with cystic degeneration of the placenta
What Is The Recommended Subsequent Test ?
β subunit hCG
The B subunit hCG assay:
195,000 mlU/mL
1-What is the most likely diagnosis?
2-How can the patient be managed?
1-What Is The Most
Likely Diagnosis?
The snowstorm pattern on U/S&
The abnormally high hCG level
are diagnostic of
Vesicular Mole
Probably complete V. mole
Why It Is Probably Complete V. Mole?
It demonstrates the typical U/S
appearance of complete V. mole :
a complex, echogenic intrauterine
mass containing many small cystic
Fetal tissues and amnionic sac are
However the final differentiation is
after histopathology.
What Is The Plan of Management?
There are 2 important basic lines :
1-Evacuation of the mole
2-Regular follow-up to detect
persistent trophoblastic disease
If both basic lines are done
appropriately, mortality rates can be
reduced to zero.
What Is The Best Method Of Evacuating This
Molar Pregnancy?
A. Cervical priming with misoprostol then suction
B. Suction evacuation to be repeated 1-2 weeks later
C. Single suction evacuation
D. Medical trial with misoprostol &oxytocine before
What Is The Evidence ?
What Is The
Evidence ?
The Management Of
Gestational Trophoblastic
RCOG Guideline No. 38 ;
What Is The Best Method Of
Evacuating A Molar Pregnancy?
For Complete mole is:
Suction curettage
Cervical preparation with prostaglandins or
misoprostol , should be avoided to reduce
the risk of embolisation (No sufficient
RCOG Guideline No. 38 ; 2010
Is That The Same For Partial Mole?
For Partial mole: It depends on the fetal
Small fetal parts :Suction curettage
Large fetal parts: Medical (oxytocics)
In partial mole the oxytocics is safe ,as the
hazard to embolise and disseminate
trophoblastic tissue is very low
Also, the needing for chemotherapy is 0.1-
RCOG Guideline No. 38 ; 2010
Can Oxytocic Infusions Be Used
During Surgical Evacuation?
• The use of oxytocic infusion prior to
completion of the evacuation is not
recommended (fear of embolisation).
• If the woman is experiencing significant
haemorrhage prior to evacuation, surgical
evacuation should be expedited and the
need for oxytocin infusion weighed up
against the risk of tumour embolisation.
RCOG Guideline No. 38 ; 2010
Should Products Of Conception Be
Examined Histologically?
Histological examination is indicated in:
Failed pregnancies (missed or
molar) :All medically or surgical managed
Products of conception, obtained after all
repeat evacuations (post abortive or
There is no need after therapeutic termination
: provided that fetal parts is identified on
U/SRCOG Guideline No. 38 ; 2010
Return to Case Scenario 1
Suction curettage has been performed
using 10mm canula under U/S guidance
U/S Guided Suction Curettage
Suction curettage can be
performed under U/S
guidance to:
Facilitate the procedure
Confirm complete
evacuation of contents.
Garner UpToDate 2010
The Molar Content For Histopathological Examination
Meticulous histopathological examination revealed:
Villi have extensive stromal edema
Abnormal trophoblastic proliferation
No embryonic or fetal tissue or RBCs
These findings
are diagnostic
The Case is Now Confirmed Histopathological
As A Complete H. Mole
What Is The Most Appropriate Management?
Hysterectomy may be preferred to
suction curettage at age ≥ 40 with no
desire for further pregnancies especially
with other risk factors for GTN as :
Large theca lutein cysts( >6 cm)
Significant uterine enlargement
Pretreatment βhCG ≥ 105.
Although hysterectomy does not eliminate
possibility of GTN this, it markedly
reduces its likelihood.
Soper. Obstet Gynecol 108:176, 2006 Garner UpToDate 2010
Development of preeclampsia or
Fetal karyotype is not normal dioploidy
β hCG level levels consistent with GTN.
Evidence of metastases
Accidental hemorrhage