Questions & Answers On Synchronous Machines
Questions & Answers On Synchronous Machines
Questions & Answers On Synchronous Machines
Answer: d
Explanation: Angle γ is the angle between adjacent slots.
1 of 6 3/16/18, 3:06 PM
EMF Polygon - Electrical Machines Questions a... about:reader?url=
Answer: c
Explanation: Distributed armature winding does not reduce
copper in the overhang of the winding, also kdn=(sinqnγ/2)
/(qsinnγ/2), kdnd1, implies it has the effect of reducing nth
harmonic EMF, where q=slots per pole per phase.
Answer: a
Explanation: Coil span= number of slots/number of poles=
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EMF Polygon - Electrical Machines Questions a... about:reader?url=
Answer: c
Explanation: The other coil-side must be in slot 10=1+coil
span=1+9 .
Answer: c
Explanation: Belt factor or distribution factor or breadth
factor = kd= phasor sum of coil EMFs/arithmetic sum of coil
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EMF Polygon - Electrical Machines Questions a... about:reader?url=
Answer: b
Explanation: The phase displacement will be given by slot
angular pitch γ.
Answer: a
Explanation: kdn=(sinqnγ/2)/(qsinnγ/2) and examples will
show that kdn is less than kd1. This has the effect of
reducing the nth harmonic EMF in comparision with
fundamental EMF. This is certainly an advantage of
distributing the winding in slots.
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EMF Polygon - Electrical Machines Questions a... about:reader?url=
Answer: b
Explanation: q= (s/m)/p=k.Sk/k.Pk=Sk/Pk for fractional slot
winding where k is the highest common factor between s/m
and P, here q= 48/3*6 =16/6= 8/3 = Sk/Pk
The distribution factor for fractional slot winding’s is
obtained by replacing q by Sk and kdn = (sinnγ/2)/(Sksinnγ
/2Sk), if n=3, kd3=0.6407.
Answer: d
Explanation: The fractional pitch winding results in reduction
of copper in overhang and it results in less cost of the
machine. kpn=cos(nε)/2 implies reduces harmonics and
thereby rendering the output EMF wave almost a sine
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EMF Polygon - Electrical Machines Questions a... about:reader?url=
Answer: d
Explanation: Kp= Resultant EMF of a chorded coil/Resultant
EMF of a full pitched coil = cosε/2
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EMF Polygon - Electrical Machines Questions a... about:reader?url=
Answer: c
Explanation: Kp=cosε/2
(i) Slots per pole= 36/4=9, for a coil span of 8 slots, the coil
is short pitched by 1 slot and the chording angle is ε=γ= 20°
⇒ Kp=cos10°=0.985
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EMF Polygon - Electrical Machines Questions a... about:reader?url=
(ii) Slots per pole= 72/6=12, for a coil span of 10 slots, the
coil is short pitched by 2 slots and the chording angle is
ε=2γ and γ=180/12 ⇒ ε= 30° ⇒ Kp=cos15°=0.9659
(iii) Slots per pole= 96/4=24, for a coil span of 21 slots, the
coil is short pitched by 3 slots and the chording angle is
ε=3γ and γ=180/24 ⇒ ε= 24.5° ⇒ Kp=cos12.25°=0.97723.
Answer: d
Explanation: Slots per pole= 48/4=12, for a coil span of 10
slots, the coil is short pitched by 2 slots and the chording
angle is ε=2γ and γ=180/12 ⇒ ε= 30° ⇒ Kp=cosε/2=0.9659.
We know, Kd=(sin(qγ/2))/qsin(γ/2), here q=48/4∗3 = 4 ⇒
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Answer: b
Explanation: Slots per pole= 48/4 =12 ⇒ γ=180/12=15° and
coil of the winding is short chorded by one slot pitch ⇒
ε=γ=15°, Kw=Kp&lowest;Kd= cos7.5(sin(4∗15/2))
/(4∗sin(15/2)) = (cot7.5)/8.
Answer: c
Explanation: To eliminate 5th harmonic kp5 must be zero,
kpn= cosnε/2 ⇒ kp5= cos5ε/2=0=cos90° ⇒ 5ε/2=90° ⇒ ε
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EMF Polygon - Electrical Machines Questions a... about:reader?url=
(vi) kp3 may be less or more than kp1 depending upon the
number of slots and poles
Answer: a
Explanation: Examples will show that kdn < kd1 and has the
effect of reducing the nth harmonic EMF in comparison with
the fundamental EMF, similarly kpn < kp1.
Answer: a
Explanation: Slots per pole =36/6=6, q=6/2=3 ⇒
γ=180°/6=30°, coil is short pitched by one slot ⇒ ε=γ=30°
and Kp=cosε/2=cos15° and Kd=sin(γq/2)/q(sinγ/2)=sin45
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EMF Polygon - Electrical Machines Questions a... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: kpn=cosnε/2=0 ⇒ nε/2=90° ⇒ ε=180°/n= full
Answer: a
Explanation: The odd harmonics of the order 5,7,11,13 etc
are called belt harmonics.
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EMF Polygon - Electrical Machines Questions a... about:reader?url=
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Answer: c
Explanation: kdA=(sinσ/2)/σ/2, σ=60° ⇒ kdA=0.9556
kdB=(sinσ/2)/σ/2, σ=120° ⇒ kdB=0.827
thus, kdA/ kdB=1.155.
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Torque Production in Non-Salient Pole Machines... about:reader?url=
Answer: d
Explanation: Te also depends on the sine of the angle
between the axis of the two fields(or MMFs) Te =-(P/2)
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Torque Production in Non-Salient Pole Machines... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: The torque acts in such a direction as to align
the two MMFs Fs and Fr and thereby reduce the angle λ
between them.
Answer: c
Explanation: Both stator and rotor experience equal and
opposite torques.
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Torque Production in Non-Salient Pole Machines... about:reader?url=
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Answer: b
Explanation: As stator is fixed, Teis transmitted to ground
through its foundation.
Answer: b
Explanation: The electrical space angle λ between stator
and rotor MMFs is called the torque angle.
Answer: d
Explanation: The electrical space angle δs between Fs and
FR ; and δr between Fr and FR are called load angles.
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Torque Production in Non-Salient Pole Machines... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: The maximum value of MMF is limited from a
consideration of temperature rise.
Answer: b
Explanation: Fr is not fixed in synchronous and induction
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Torque Production in Non-Salient Pole Machines... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: If the relative speed between stator field and
rotor field is not zero, then the load angle δr varies with
From equation Te=-(Π/8)P2ΦFrsinδr Nm, we can say that
average torque over a complete cycle is zero, implies Te=0.
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MMF Produced by Distributed Windings - Electr... about:reader?url=
Answer: d
Explanation: The winding MMF depends only on the
winding arrangement and the winding current.
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MMF Produced by Distributed Windings - Electr... about:reader?url=
Answer: d
Explanation: The winding mmf depends only on the winding
arrangement and the winding current.
Answer: c
Explanation: If the coil current is DC, the magnitude of MMF
wave does not vary with time and space.
Answer: a
Explanation: For AC in the coil, the air-gap MMF wave is
time variant but space invariant.
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MMF Produced by Distributed Windings - Electr... about:reader?url=
b) 2/Π(Ni)
c) 1/Π(Ni)
d) 1/2Π(Ni)
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Answer: b
Explanation: The fundamental component of rectangular
wave is found to be Fα1=(4/Π)(Ni/2)cosα, for 2-pole
machine where α=electrical space angle
The peak value of the sine MMF wave for a 2 pole machine
is given by F1p=(4/π)(Ni/2)AT’s per pole= 2/π(Ni) AT.
Answer: d
Explanation: The armature MMF for a DC machine remains
constant in amplitude and does not depend on the armature
speed, also the MMF wave produced is seen to be a
triangluar MMF wave.
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MMF Produced by Distributed Windings - Electr... about:reader?url=
it replaces
d) Any of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: The MMF produced by uniformly distributed
current sheet is identical with the MMF produced by
uniformly distributed winding. If the distributed winding in
the slots is on the rotor, then the uniformly distributed
current sheet would be wrapped around the rotor
Answer: b
Explanation: A uniform current sheet produces trapezoidal
MMF wave and sinusoidal current sheet produces
sinusoidal MMF wave leading by 90°.
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MMF Produced by Distributed Windings - Electr... about:reader?url=
Answer: d
Explanation: When the machine has more than 3 slots per
pole per phase, the steps in the MMF wave are neglected
and MMF variation is taken as smooth over these slots and
as a consequence, stepped MMf wave changes to
trapezoidal MMF wave.
The trapezoidal MMF wave amplitude =3Ni/2.
Answer: a
Explanation: The MMF variation due to one N-turn coil is
seen to be a rectangular wave of amplitude +1/2(Ni) or
Answer: a
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MMF Produced by Distributed Windings - Electr... about:reader?url=
Answer: c
Explanation: Sinusoidal current sheet produces sinusoidal
MMF wave leading by 90°.
Answer: d
Explanation: The peak value of the fundamental sine
component Fa for a DC machine is Fa=8/&Pi2;[(z/p)(Ia/a)]
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MMF Produced by Distributed Windings - Electr... about:reader?url=
(i) rotates with respect to stator
(ii) is stationary with respect to stator
(iii) rotates with respect to armature
(iv) is stationary with respect to armature
Which of the above statements are correct?
a) (ii) only
b) (iii) only
c) (i) and (iv)
d) (ii) and (iii)
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Answer: d
Explanation: In a DC machine, armature current doesn’t
vary with time. Therefore, the armature MMF wave for a DC
machine remains constant in amplitude and doesn’t
depends on the armature speed. Hence the armature MMF
wave is stationary with respect to stator and armature.
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Electrical Machines Quiz Online - Sanfoundry about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: The 3 phase synchronous machine has two
excitations. Ac excitation at armature while dc excitation at
field winding.
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Electrical Machines Quiz Online - Sanfoundry about:reader?url=
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Answer: a
Explanation: Field is always given supply from dc system so
it always absorbs power as it is necessary to produce the
Answer: a
Explanation: The field winding is placed on the stator as it
will carry less current while the ac supply is fed at stator as
it will have to carry large amount of current.
Answer: a
Explanation: Pilot exciter is dc shunt generator which
supplies the field of main winding.
2 of 5 3/16/18, 3:07 PM
Electrical Machines Quiz Online - Sanfoundry about:reader?url=
Answer: d
Explanation: The conventional dc exciters have all the
above mentioned losses which make them out dated and
least efficient.
Answer: b
Explanation: SCRs are used in the rectifier configuration as
a static system for excitation for dc field winding.
Answer: a
Explanation: As the excitation energy is directly taken from
alternator terminals, excitation voltage is directly
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Electrical Machines Quiz Online - Sanfoundry about:reader?url=
proportional to speed.
Answer: a
Explanation: The brushless excitation involves a brushless
permanent motor which acts as an auxiliary exciter.
Answer: a
Explanation: The main exciter used in DC excitation is field
on stator.
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Electrical Machines Quiz Online - Sanfoundry about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: When the dc excitation is disconnected from
the supply, it will start acting as synchronous motor as the
prime mover will still be mechanically coupled.
5 of 5 3/16/18, 3:07 PM
Flux & MMF Phasors in Synchronous Machines ... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: The 3 phase synchronous machine has two
excitations. Ac excitation at armature while dc excitation at
field winding.
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Flux & MMF Phasors in Synchronous Machines ... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: Field is always given supply from dc system so
it always absorbs power as it is necessary to produce the
Answer: a
Explanation: The field winding is placed on the stator as it
will carry less current while the ac supply is fed at stator as
it will have to carry large amount of current.
Answer: a
Explanation: Pilot exciter is dc shunt generator which
supplies the field of main winding.
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Flux & MMF Phasors in Synchronous Machines ... about:reader?url=
Answer: d
Explanation: The conventional dc exciters have all the
above mentioned losses which make them out dated and
least efficient.
Answer: b
Explanation: SCRs are used in the rectifier configuration as
a static system for excitation for dc field winding.
Answer: a
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Flux & MMF Phasors in Synchronous Machines ... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: The brushless excitation involves a brushless
permanent motor which acts as an auxiliary exciter.
Answer: a
Explanation: The main exciter used in DC excitation is field
on stator.
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Flux & MMF Phasors in Synchronous Machines ... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: When the dc excitation is disconnected from
the supply, it will start acting as synchronous motor as the
prime mover will still be mechanically coupled.
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Physical Concepts of Synchronous Machine Ope... about:reader?url=
Physical Concepts of
Synchronous Machine Operation
Questions and Answers
by Manish
5-6 minutes
Answer: a
Explanation: Floating means the armature flux is zero and it
neither motoring nor generating.
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Physical Concepts of Synchronous Machine Ope... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: Field mmf leads the resultant mmf so it is
Answer: a
Explanation: At steady state the net torque is zero in the
Answer: a
Explanation: Active power is proportional to the torque of
the synchronous machine.
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Physical Concepts of Synchronous Machine Ope... about:reader?url=
proportional to
a) torque
b) excitation
c) sinϕ
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Reactive power depends on the excitation of
the synchronous machine.
Answer: a
Explanation: The resultant flux will be leading in nature, so
after loading it from loading it from floating, alternator will
operate at leading p.f.
Answer: b
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Physical Concepts of Synchronous Machine Ope... about:reader?url=
Answer: d
Explanation: All the alternatives are same, varying the field
flux matters at the end to change the reactive power in a
synchronous machine.
Answer: a
Explanation: Mechanical speed = electrical
speed*2/Number of Poles.
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Physical Concepts of Synchronous Machine Ope... about:reader?url=
b) 45°
c) more than 90°
d) 180°
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Answer: a
Explanation: As per the parabolic graph, the maxima is
obtained at 90°.
Answer: a
Explanation: It is preferred due to better power factor and
low starting torque.
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Physical Concepts of Synchronous Machine Ope... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: A synchronous motor is used at low speed.
Answer: a
Explanation: Using dampers to start the synchronous
motor, it will produce induction motor torque initially along
with the torque due to shorted field winding.
Answer: a
Explanation: To start the synchronous motor, it is first run
as field excitation as zero, so we short circuit them.
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Physical Concepts of Synchronous Machine Ope... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: This method is based on the operation of the
induction motor, hence it will not operate at synchronous
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Power Factor Control of Synchronous Machines... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: Magnetizing current sets up the flux needed in
the machine.
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Power Factor Control of Synchronous Machines... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: it is given by armature winding mmf.
Answer: a
Explanation: Excess flux is neutralized y the demagnetizing
Answer: a
Explanation: The V-curves of synchronous motor is plotted
between Ia Vs If with constant shaft load.
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Power Factor Control of Synchronous Machines... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: For constant real power output the component
of the excitation voltage lagging to Vt should remain
constant as per the phasor diagram.
Answer: a
Explanation: Efsinδ is to be maintained constant. so if
excitation voltage increases then the load angle must
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Power Factor Control of Synchronous Machines... about:reader?url=
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Answer: a
Explanation: At leading pf armature current will be high as
the emf will be high.
Answer: a
Explanation: At leading pf armature current will be high as
the emf will be high for a synchronous motor.
Answer: a
Explanation: inverted v-curves are plotted between power
factor and field current for constant shaft load.
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Power Factor Control of Synchronous Machines... about:reader?url=
b) degrades
c) becomes upf
d) remains same
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Answer: a
Explanation: An over excited synchronous motor acts as a
source of lagging reactive power and so the overall power
factor improves.
Answer: a
Explanation: Adding synchronous motor will improve the pf
of the system but then the induction motor will still work at
lagging pf only.
Answer: a
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Power Factor Control of Synchronous Machines... about:reader?url=
a) A-Inductor, B-Capacitor
b) A-Capacitor, B-Resistor
c) A-Inductor, B-Inductor
d) A-Capacitor, B-Inductor
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Answer: a
Explanation: A will act as the inductor curve consuming the
reactive power while the B curve is like capacitor.
Answer: a
Explanation: Speed of the alternator connected to the
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Power Factor Control of Synchronous Machines... about:reader?url=
Answer: c
Explanation: For an isolated alternator working at constant
power, we can not alter the armature current to have a
v-curve while the is possible for the machine connected to
infinite bus bar.
Answer: a
Explanation: By varying the prime mover torque, the load
angle as well as the operating frequency also get affected.
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Power Factor Control of Synchronous Machines... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: The load angle will increase and so the real
power will increase in case the prime mover input is
8 of 8 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Two Reaction Theory of Salient Pole Machines ... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: Due to saliency of the of the rotor poles, the air
gap varies and the so one reactance is not sufficient to
express the armature mmf.
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Two Reaction Theory of Salient Pole Machines ... about:reader?url=
current will be
a) 0.5 pu
b) 0.866 pu
c) 1.73 pu
d) 0
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Answer: a
Explanation: Id = Ia*sinψ = 1*sin30
= 0.5 pu.
Answer: a
Explanation: Id = Ia*cosψ = 1*cos(3*0).
Answer: a
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Two Reaction Theory of Salient Pole Machines ... about:reader?url=
Answer: b Explanation:
6. Mark the correct expression for alternator working at a
lagging power factor
a) tanψ = (IaXq – Vtsinθ)/(Vtcosθ – Ia*ra)
b) tanψ = (IaXq + Vtsinθ)/(Vtcosθ – Ia*ra)
c) tanψ = (IaXq + Vtsinθ)/(Vtcosθ + Ia*ra)
d) tanψ = (IaXq – Vtsecθ)/(Vtcosecθ – Ia*ra)
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Answer: a
Explanation: The internal power factor angle is given as
tanψ = (IaXq – Vtsinθ)/(Vtcosθ – Iara) for an alternator.
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Two Reaction Theory of Salient Pole Machines ... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: Z = Vt/Ia at the same field current = 380/38 =
38 ohms.
Answer: a
Explanation: The given voltage regulation is mentioned as
negative. So it must have a load which is a source of
reactive power and hence it must be a capacitor.
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Two Reaction Theory of Salient Pole Machines ... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: A per the inverted V- curves it can be easily
concluded that as the excitation increases synchronous
motor becomes leading.
Answer: b
Explanation: The maximum current is observed at low
reluctance which is along q-axis.
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Power Angle Characteristics of Synchronous Ma... about:reader?url=
1 of 9 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Power Angle Characteristics of Synchronous Ma... about:reader?url=
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: In the generator mode, the power is positive
and it is taken out of the terminals.
Answer: a
Explanation: P = EV/X = 1.2*1/0.5 = 2.4 pu.
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Power Angle Characteristics of Synchronous Ma... about:reader?url=
d) 1.375pu
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Answer: c
Explanation: P = EVsinδ/X = 1.1*1*sin36.67 = 6.6 pu.
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Power Angle Characteristics of Synchronous Ma... about:reader?url=
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Answer: a
Explanation: The power angle curve is not completely
sinusoidal due to the salient nature of the poles.
Answer: a
Explanation: The reluctance power generated will be
proportional to sin(2δ).
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Power Angle Characteristics of Synchronous Ma... about:reader?url=
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Answer: a
Explanation: The net reluctance power for a cylindrical rotor
type alternator will be zero if the field excitation is made
Answer: b
Explanation: The net reluctance power for a cylindrical rotor
type alternator will be zero if the field excitation is made
zero. There will not be any torque generated.
Answer: a
Explanation: The total reactance will be the reactance
offered to the synchronous motor in the machine.
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Power Angle Characteristics of Synchronous Ma... about:reader?url=
angle of
a) 90 degree
b) 45 degree
c) less than 90 degree
d) 180 degree
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Answer: a
Explanation: The maximum power will occur at exact 90°
for a cylindrical rotor alternator.
Explanation: dP/dδ = EVcosδ/X
So the change in P will also be 1%.
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Power Angle Characteristics of Synchronous Ma... about:reader?url=
b) 0.475%
c) 4.75%
d) -4.75%
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Answer: a
Explanation: dQ/dδ = -EVsinδ/X
dP/dδ = EVcosδ/X
dQ/dP = -tanδ = -tan25.4 = -0.475
dQ = -0.475%.
Answer: a
Explanation: Due to the condition here that it is providing
the real power to the infinite bus bar here, the machine will
need more flux to produce the real power in the machine.
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Power Angle Characteristics of Synchronous Ma... about:reader?url=
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Answer: c
Explanation: The phasor addition is possible due to the fact
that the two mmfs are stationary with respect to each other.
Answer: c
Explanation: T α E*V*sinδ
Answer: d
Explanation: The hunting is damped by the copper losses in
the rotor.
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Power Angle Characteristics of Synchronous Ma... about:reader?url=
9 of 9 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Xd & Xq Measurement - Electrical Machines Qu... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: Both the OCC as well as short circuit test are
used to calculate the d-axis reactance.
Answer: a
1 of 10 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Xd & Xq Measurement - Electrical Machines Qu... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: The impedance during slip test is low so the
voltage drop will be less and the current will be more.
Answer: a
Explanation: Slip test is conducted at low terminal voltage to
avoid large slip in the synchronous machines.
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Xd & Xq Measurement - Electrical Machines Qu... about:reader?url=
b) field is short-circuited
c) load is removed
d) damper is removed
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Answer: a
Explanation: If the excitation itself is made zero, then
machine will stop.
Answer: b
Explanation: It will act as induction motor as there will be
difference in the speed.
Answer: a
Explanation: When suddenly the terminals of the
synchronous machine will be short circuited, at that
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Xd & Xq Measurement - Electrical Machines Qu... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: SCR is directly proportional to voltage
regulation. Even stability limit is directly proportional to
SCR = 1/X.
Answer: a
Explanation: The induced voltage leads the bus voltage,
which means that it is at leading pf and then excitation
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Xd & Xq Measurement - Electrical Machines Qu... about:reader?url=
Answer: b
Explanation: Excitation is coupled with the reactive power of
the machine majorly.
Answer: a
Explanation: Because there is variable air gap due to
saliency of the poles.
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Xd & Xq Measurement - Electrical Machines Qu... about:reader?url=
b) Xd = 6, Xq = 3.86
c) Xd = 3, Xq = 3.86
d) Xd = 6, Xq = 2.5
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Answer: d
Explanation: Xd=V(max)/I(min) = 30/5 = 6 ohms;
Xq=V(min)/I(max) = 25/10=2.5 ohms.
Answer: d
Explanation: E = V-I*X = 1-0.5=0.5 pu.
6 of 10 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Xd & Xq Measurement - Electrical Machines Qu... about:reader?url=
7 of 10 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Xd & Xq Measurement - Electrical Machines Qu... about:reader?url=
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Answer: a
Explanation: The short circuit current will be a constant
value till it flows.
Answer: a
Explanation: When a stationary synchronous machine is
connected to the infinite bus, due to lack of synchronism
there will be short circuit in the machine as the impedance
reached very negligible.
8 of 10 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Xd & Xq Measurement - Electrical Machines Qu... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: The medium reactance is not any
disadvantage to the synchronous machine.
Answer: a
Explanation: As the relative speed will be zero in the
damper winding and the torque too.
Answer: a
Explanation: Slip test is used to determine the direct axis
and quadrature axis reactance.
9 of 10 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Xd & Xq Measurement - Electrical Machines Qu... about:reader?url=
10 of 10 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Synchronous Machine Applications - Electrical... about:reader?url=
Synchronous Machine
Applications - Electrical Machines
Questions and Answers
by Manish
5-6 minutes
Answer: a
Explanation: Synchronous machines are the main
generating section of the power plants.
1 of 7 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Synchronous Machine Applications - Electrical... about:reader?url=
d) Cylindrical-rotor, cylindrical-rotor
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Answer: a
Explanation: Due to salient poles, the machine will not run
at very large speed and it becomes less rugged.
Answer: a
Explanation: Synchronous compensator is a source for the
reactive power.
Answer: a
Explanation: All the listed factors are disadvantages for
using a synchronous motor.
2 of 7 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Synchronous Machine Applications - Electrical... about:reader?url=
b) pull-in torque
c) pull-out torque
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: All the performance torques are needed to
know before using any synchronous motor.
Answer: d
Explanation: All are correct.
Answer: d
Explanation: As the field is on rotor itself, the sir gap will be
stationary w.r.t. rotor.
3 of 7 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Synchronous Machine Applications - Electrical... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: Thermal plants use cylindrical rotor
synchronous machines.
Answer: a
Explanation: Thermal and nuclear power plants have high
speed requirements and hydel power plants have salient
pole generators so the speed is also less.
4 of 7 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Synchronous Machine Applications - Electrical... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: Synchronous motor acts a capacitor when
operated at leading p.f. with no load.
Answer: a
Explanation: To obtain mmf and emf drops the loading is
done as a synchronous motor.
Answer: d
5 of 7 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Synchronous Machine Applications - Electrical... about:reader?url=
Answer: a
Explanation: Air gap voltage will lead the field flux by 90° in
a cylindrical-rotor alternator.
Answer: a
Explanation: During short circuit condition, the magnetizing
current flows to provide the core losses compensation. So
the pf is slightly zpf lagging.
6 of 7 3/16/18, 3:08 PM
Synchronous Machine Applications - Electrical... about:reader?url=
b) field mmf leads air gap flux, air gap flux lags armature
c) armature mmf leads air gap flux and air gap flux leads
field flux
d) armature mmf leads air gap flux and air gap flux lags
field flux
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Answer: a
Explanation: Check the phasor diagram.
7 of 7 3/16/18, 3:08 PM