Native Studies Medicine Wheel Lesson Plan 6
Native Studies Medicine Wheel Lesson Plan 6
Native Studies Medicine Wheel Lesson Plan 6
- Respect Aboriginal cultural traditions.
- Explore the unique ways in which Aboriginal peoples experience spirituality.
PGP Goals:
1.4 – a commitment to service and the capacity to be a reflective, lifelong learner and inquirer
(information being focused on)
3.2 – the ability to use a wide variety of responsive instructional strategies and methodologies to
accommodate learning styles of individual learners and support their growth as social, intellectual,
physical and spiritual beings.
4.1 – knowledge of Saskatchewan curriculum and policy documents and applies this understanding
to plan lessons, units of study and year plans using curriculum outcomes as outlined by the
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education
4.2 – the ability to incorporate First Nations, Metis, and Inuit knowledge, content and perspective
into all teaching areas
Stage 2- Assessment
Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help determine next
- asking questions to keep students engaged and focused on what they are learning and to
determine if they are ready to move on
- the written explanations are broken down and are very specific, simple, and concise which helps
the EAL students in the class
- the manipulatives will be beneficial the students who are kinesthetic learners
- the students are allowed to work alongside each other, but will be doing their own project so this
will encourage collaboration and support the diversity within the class
- students with disabilities will have the opportunity to work with me or other students for extra
help if they are struffling
Closing of lesson:
Students will be required to hand in their first 2 assignments before they leave, but will have 2 more
classes to work on the medicine wheel