The Connection
The Connection
The Connection
non and Riley. We have been blessed to be a part from M.S. and his dad did an amazing job of rais-
of Rolla First Assembly since October of 2017. ing Josh and his brother and sister with the sav-
Josh had a ing knowledge of Christ, though life was not
job reloca- easy.
tion with the I was one raised in a home of “good peo-
Missouri Na- ple”. The only Christ I knew was the one in the
tional Guard manger during Christmas time. When I entered
as their Pub- high school, my life seemed to be ran by a
lic Affairs force of self-destruction. My parents tried eve-
Officer in Jef- rything, including counseling. When their every-
ferson City thing ran out, they tried church when I was 16
and we years old. I tell my kids all the time that it was
moved from a literal veil of darkness that was removed
Marshfield, from my life when a youth pastor told me
Missouri, to about the Jesus on the cross. Within a year my
Belle. two sisters and dad were also saved. My mother
Josh had been saved and baptized in the Holy accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior five years later.
Spirit when he was a kid. He had always been Josh and I have been married for 20 years
raised in the church and had a very faithful father. (Breig continued on page 6)
Seth was born in Rolla and was raised in the church by his parents.
He has remained in Rolla and is employed at MS&T. He has worked
there for 7 years and is currently working in the Ed Tech Department as a
Media Producer. Some of his hobbies include: archery, target shooting,
DIY Projects, and watching movies (superhero ones are his favorite!).
Kaitlyn was born in Omaha, NE and lived in Council Bluffs, Iowa, until
she was 15. She moved to Rolla with her parents, Pastor Brian and Bev-
erly Feller in October of 2008. She was also raised in church. Kaitlyn cur-
rently works part time as a Custodian for MS&T and is also a stay-at-
home mom. She enjoys cooking, spending time with friends, and reading
books by her favorite author, Karen Kingsbury.
Seth and Kaitlyn met in April of 2011 at First Assembly's young col-
lege and career group that met on Sunday nights. After Kaitlyn returned
from a missions trip that summer, Seth asked to start dating. They dated
(Hodge continued on page 4)
We remember the Protestant Reformation for of the Christian life. He promoted marriage, raising
returning to the Church the five Solas as our theologi- children and teaching the young the ways of God. He
cal foundation: Sola Scripture (“Scripture alone”), So- elevated the status of women and praised them as
la Fide (“faith alone”), Sola Gratia (“grace alone”), So- those that could shape future generations. Luther
lus Christus (“Christ alone”) and Soli Deo Gloria (“to himself married a former nun, Katherine von Bora,
the glory of God alone”). Thus, the doctrine of justifi- and they raised six children together. He valued her
cation by faith through grace because of Christ’s partnership and left his estate to her at his death in
atoning sacrifice (not because of our works) and contrast to the practice of the day of leaving your es-
Scripture as our ultimate authority (not popes or tate only to a male trustee. Luther wrote a Catechism
councils) was restored to the Church. Hallelujah! to teach children the faith, and led his family in Scrip-
However, did you know that in addition to the ture memorization and hymn-singing too. He truly
theological reformation, the Protestant Reformation was a family man!
also had a tremendous impact on congregational Christianity is a teaching religion. In addition to
worship, family life, education, science, free enter- Jesus’ commands to go, make disciples and baptize,
prise and civil government? You see, the Word of He instructed us to “teach them to obey everything I
God speaks on each of these. So a return to the au- have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19, 20) In the
thority of God’s Word would naturally influence many Middle Ages, the children of nobility received an edu-
other areas of life too. Let’s examine this further. cation, but not the common people. John Calvin, the
It used to be when you went to Church, the only Swiss reformer, championed education for all people.
music you heard was sung by a choir in a language Both he and Luther wanted everyone to be able to
(Latin) that you did not understand. Martin Luther, an read the Scriptures for themselves in their own lan-
excellent musician himself, introduced congregation- guage, and of course, the Scriptures were to be the
al singing in the common language in the church ser- central part of any educational endeavor. Many uni-
vices. He stated, “Next to the Word of God, music de- versities were begun by Christians to fulfill the Great
serves the highest praise.” Luther wrote many hymns Commission. In fact, 123 out of 126 universities be-
to be used in worship and encouraged German pas- gun in America were Christian. Education for the
tors to do the same using the Psalms as a basis. The common man has its roots in the Reformation.
most well-known of Luther’s hymns is “A Mighty For- There’s more: Scientific study, free enterprise,
tress is Our God” based on Psalm 46. If you like con- and civil government were all transformed as the re-
gregational singing, thank Martin Luther! formers taught a Biblical worldview on each of these.
Luther also radically transformed the family. For Their teachings became the foundation of Western
the previous millennium, you were considered Civilization and continue to impact us today.
“spiritual” only if you did not get married and, instead, Beverly Flori
became a priest, monk or nun. Luther declared that References: Dr. Peter Hammond, The Greatest Century of
Reformation, pp. 143-156
family life was the best place to learn the disciplines Dr. Peter Hammond and Todd Friel, “Drive By Church History” CD
We will once again be offering a course from Berean School of the Bible courses satisfy the
Global University’s Berean School of the Bible in our educational requirements for ministerial credentials
study center. It will begin on Wednesday, January 17, with the Assemblies of God. They can also be taken
2018, and will be facilitated by Joe Cunningham. This for your own personal enrichment. This course would
semester’s course will be Relationships and Ethics in be a good one for anyone involved with ministry at
Ministry. We will discuss a Biblical approach to the any level to take, whether you are interested in pursu-
relationships that are important to the minister, both ing ministerial credentials, or not.
personally and professionally. We’ll also look at tem- The cost of the course (subject to change, as
perament theory and its relevance to human rela- Global University frequently adjusts their prices in Jan-
tions. The course examines relationships and ethics uary) will be $101. There is also a $30 application fee,
in view of the minister’s personal growth, ministry if you have not taken courses from Global University
challenges, people in the community, and other min- through our study center in the past. The optional
isters. textbook Ministerial Ethics, 2nd edition, by T. Burton
Pierce is available for your purchase for $22, if you’d
JUNIOR BIBLE QUIZ like for us to order it for you. If you will be a new stu-
dent in our study center, please submit your applica-
tion as soon as possible, since it has to be processed
This is our third year participating in Junior Bible
Quiz, and we have three teams competing this year. by Global University before we can order materials for
In the A League we have The Gospel you.
Knights which is comprised of Margaret Lee and Regular enrollment ends on January 3, 2018.
Seenam Dumor. This is our first year having an A There will be a $20 late fee charged after that date.
League team, which is very competitive. These girls The last date to enroll will be January 24. No more
are working very hard, and we are quite proud of their enrollments will be accepted after that day. For ques-
positive attitudes. They are currently in 7th place as a tions or more information, please contact Sandy
team, and individually Margaret is in 5th and Seese is Schmid at the church office, 573-364-1266, or
in 17th.
The Warriors, which includes Hannah & Gracie Sandy Schmid
Gibson, Belen Lane, and Zeke Lauth, are in the B
League. They are currently in 3rd place out of 12 ROYAL RANGERS
teams! Individually, Hannah is 3rd, Belen is 8th, Zeke
is 27th, and Gracie is 31st.
Our final team is The Courageous Crusaders in
the C League. Zetta Ringeisen, Jabari Smith and Josi- Are you a gardener? Do you like to use only
ah Gibson make up this team. They are currently in the best seeds to plant? This February,
9th place as a team. Individually standings are: Josi- our Royal Rangers program will be
ah - 11th, Zetta - 17th, and Jabari - 25th. selling garden seeds, both for vege-
Junior Bible Quiz is a lot of hard work, but also a tables and for flowers! This event
lot of fun. The medals and trophies the quizzers earn
will not only help our boys earn
are always celebrated, but the rewards they get from
hiding God's Word in their hearts are eternal! badges, but also help us pay for sup-
Erin Gibson (Seeds continued on page 5)
Our Spring Mission Trip is quickly approach- can donate towards the mission trip costs, and
ing! We are making plans to return to the Yucatan even give to help someone else go. Perhaps you
Peninsula to continue our work on the Church & have the funding but can't go. There may be
Bible School in Tekax, Mexico. We hope you can someone who doesn't have the funding who
participate in some way! Please take note of how would love to go! Consider giving to help provide
you can be involved in our mission trip! a partial scholarship for someone to go.
Pray. We need men and women throughout Thanks again for partnering with us for our up-
our church family lifting up holy hands that God coming trip!
would guide us, protect us, and use us. We hope Sam Parker
you ALL can participate in this way!
Go. We need able-bodied men and women to
work on the construction site and participate in
VBS outreaches. It is hot in Tekax, and the work is
A new year is upon us already! It’s hard to
very taxing. Our goal is to have 40-50 come this
believe that it is 2018. But as we think about
year. We need you.
what the future holds for us, we are looking
Pay. The funds for this year's trip, with build-
ahead to another great camp season! Kids’
ing supplies, materials, transportation, lodging,
Camp this year will be the week of July 30 – Au-
and airfare, will be tens of thousands. We strive to
gust 3. And while we don’t know what our theme
be as fiscally responsible as possible, while also
for this year will be yet, we do know what the
stretching ourselves for the Kingdom of God. You
cost will be. Camp this year will once again be
$157 if registered by the deadline, with an addi-
(Hodge continued from page 1)
tional fee of $5 if your child has medications to
until December, when Seth proposed at Christ-
help offset the cost of hiring a camp nurse for
mas. In September of 2012, Seth and Kaitlyn
the summer. $162 can be a lot, especially if you
were married. They have been married for 5
have more than one child between the ages of 8-
years and have two children, Emma and Aaron.
12 years old wanting to attend camp, so we are
Emma is 4. She loves going to Sunday school to
going to try and help parents out this year by al-
learn and play with her friends. Emma wants to
lowing you to make payments starting now, all
be a doctor when she grows up just like her pedi-
the way up to the day we leave for camp. There
atrician, Dr. Evelyn Aboayge. Aaron is 2. He loves
are approximately 30 weeks between now and
superheroes, just as much as his daddy does.
the week of camp, which if you spread the cost
Spider Man is his favorite, followed closely by Bat-
of camp over time, would make your weekly pay-
man. He loves to give his sissy hugs and kisses.
ment only $5 per child! Payment plans can be
Aaron and Emma love spending time with their
set up any way you wish, just see Pastor Brian
and he will work with any budget and timeline
Kaitlyn Hodge
that will work best for you.
Brian Feller
During the new year, it’s a great time to start faced with so much confusion and temptation in
forming new habits! And if you have children be- their daily lives, but in a setting catered to girls they
tween the ages of newborn to 8th grade, have we can connect with
got something for you! On Wednesday nights, each other and an
from 6:30pm-7:45pm, we have our Boys and Girls older mentor who
Ministry Programs, both of which are designed with can invest in them
your kids in mind. through Bible study
The Royal Rangers program is an activity- and activities and
based, small group help them grow in
church ministry for their faith and discov-
boys and young er the answers to the
men in grades K- questions they face.
8th grade. Our mis- We provide resources
sion is to evangelize, to help teach girls
equip and empower biblical truths that
the next generation will help them learn
of Christ-like men to ma ke Go d -
and lifelong servant pleasing decisions. The vision of Mpact Girls Minis-
leaders. We provide try is to see every girl moving toward a deep rela-
Christ-like character tionship with Jesus Christ. We seek to empower
formation and servant leadership development for girls to realize their importance and potential in the
boys in a highly relational and fun environment. We kingdom of God. We seek a future where girls and
affirm the male hands-on, interactive learning style leaders — through mentoring and discipleship —
by featuring an intentional discipleship journey for form lasting, life-changing friendships. Her heart ...
boys and young men based on their unique design, her world ... His purpose!
needs and interests. We provide men with the tools Brian Feller
to model Christ-like manhood as they mentor boys
on a Bible-based, Christ-centered, Spirit- (Seeds continued from page 3)
empowered journey to maturity in the faith. Boys plies and travel to this year’s Pow-Wow. The com-
learn to study and apply what the Bible says about pany we are working with is the Baker Creek Heir-
integrity, doctrine, biblical worldview, cultural is- loom Seed Company located in Mansfield, MO.
sues and manhood. In addition, the Royal Rangers These seeds are heirloom seeds, cultured for
ministry molds boys into servant leaders, teaching many years to give you only the very best pesti-
them vital social, equipping, attitude, leadership cide-free and non-GMO seeds you can find. You
and service skills. Every meeting, outing or service can check out the company online
activity is designed to encourage boys and young at They are very excited to
men in their walk with God. work with us, and we are very blessed to be able
Mpact Girls Ministries is about intentional out-
to provide you with the best garden around! Be
reach and Christian discipleship for girls. Girls are
watching for our display in the foyer.
Did you know that there is a way to give that has appreciated in value, you can donate it to the
to the church that will also give you some church, as others have done through the years, and
additional tax benefits? If you own stock avoid capital gains tax. You can also deduct the current
that you have held for at least one year and value of the stock, rather than the purchase price, and
the church will receive the full value of the stock. On the
(Breig continued from page 1)
and homeschool Gannon, who is 14 years old, other hand, if you sell the stock first & then donate the
and Riley, who is 12 years old. We have a proceeds to the church, you will have to pay capital
small dairy goat farm called Creektop Farm, gains tax on the amount the stock has increased in val-
which also includes pigs and horses (Riley ue, and can only deduct the stock’s value when pur-
wants me to mention there being a hamster in chased. It will benefit both you and the church if you do-
residence, as well). We love being involved in nate the stock directly to the church through our broker-
our community and our church. We have been age account. Please see Sandy Schmid in the business
able to start a Teen Bible Quiz team at Rolla office, if you would like more information about donat-
First Assembly with much support and encour- ing stock to the church.
agement from the pastors and church leaders. Sandy Schmid
Our family has been involved with supporting
and coaching JBQ and TBQ for many years and
truly believe in the two as a ministry to our
youth. We have many testimonies of the bene-
fits in learning the Holy Word of God, as I’m
OUR PASTORS Jason Gibson
Youth Pastor
sure many have, but watching children and 573.202.4208
youth commit the scriptures to memory and
seeing the fruit that is produced from this disci- Sam Parker
pline in their lives is nothing short of miracu- After School &
lous. Their very presence, thoughts and words Missions Pastor
are changed in ways that only God’s Word can kcatsc@rolla-
do. We want to share this with others in a fun
and encouraging way. Brian Feller
Children’s Pastor
Besides Bible Quiz, Riley enjoys horseback 573.202.3307
riding, reading and music. She plays piano, pastorbrian@rolla-
ukulele and has a beautiful singing voice. Gan-
Ray Cook
non enjoys many outdoor sports and plays bas- Associate Pastor
ketball, piano and guitar. Between the two of fireguy@rolla-
them, our home is filled with lots of laughter
and music.
Chuck Whitmire
Lead Pastor
Thank you to all of Rolla First Assembly for ADDITIONAL STAFF MEMBERS 573.578.4760
welcoming us to your church and hearts. Our Mark Berry Facility Manager
move was an unexpected one, but you have Karen Turner Administrative Assistant
made it feel like home. Sandy Schmid Business Administrator
1 Church Office Closed 1 1
2 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 2 2
7:00pm Alcoholics Victorious 3 Pastor Chuck on call this weekend 3 Pastor Chuck on call this weekend
3 4 Missions Sunday 4 Missions Sunday
4 5 5
5 6 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 6 6:30am Men’s Bible Study
6 Pastor Chuck on call this weekend 7:00pm Alcoholics Victorious 7:00pm Alcoholics Victorious
7 Missions Sunday 7 6:00pm Grief Recovery Group Meeting 7 6:00pm Grief Recovery Group Meeting
8 Directory Photos 8 Board Meeting 8 Board Meeting
9 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 9 9
7:00pm Alcoholics Victorious 10 Pastor Brian on call this weekend 10 Pastor Brian on call this weekend
10 11 Communion 11 Communion
11 Board Meeting 12 12
12-14 Spiritual Emphasis Weekend 13 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 13 6:30am Men’s Bible Study
13 Pastor Brian on call this weekend 7:00pm Alcoholics Victorious 7:00pm Alcoholics Victorious
14 14 6:00pm Grief Recovery Group Meeting 14
15 15 6:30am Men’s Breakfast at Penelope’s 15 6:30am Men’s Breakfast at Penelope’s
16 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 16 16
7:00pm Alcoholics Victorious 17 Pastor Jason on call this weekend 17 Pastor Jason on call this weekend
17 5:00pm Family Feast 18 Baptism Sunday Annette Whitmire’s Birthday
6:00pm Grief Recovery Group Meeting Building Fund Sunday 18 Baptism Sunday
6:30 Missions Committee Meeting 6:00pm Life Groups Building Fund Sunday
18 6:30am Men’s Breakfast at Penelope’s 19 6:00pm All Church Skate at The Zone 6:00pm Life Groups
19 20 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 19
20 Pastor Jason on call this weekend 7:00pm Alcoholics Victorious Meeting 20 6:30am Men’s Bible Study
21 Baptism Sunday 21 5:00pm Family Feast 7:00pm Alcoholics Victorious Meeting
Building Fund Sunday 6:00pm Grief Recovery Group Meeting 21 5:00pm Family Feast
6:00pm Life Groups 6:30 Missions Committee Meeting 6:30 Missions Committee Meeting
22 22 23-31 Mission Trip to Mexico
23 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 23 23
7:00pm Alcoholics Victorious 24 Pastor Sam on call this weekend 24 Pastor Sam on call this weekend
24 6:00pm Grief Recovery Group Meeting 25 National Women’s Day 25
25 26 26
26 Pastor Chuck’s Birthday 27 6:30am Men’s Bible Study 27 6:30am Men’s Bible Study
27 Pastor Sam on call this weekend 7:00pm Alcoholics Victorious 7:00pm Alcoholics Victorious
28 6:00pm Annual Business Meeting 28 6:00pm Grief Recovery Group Meeting 28 6:00pm Grief Recovery Group Meeting
30 6:30am Men’s Bible Study
7:00pm Alcoholics Victorious Meeting
31 6:00pm Grief Recovery Group Meeting
1608 N Oak St
Rolla MO 65401-2342
Wednesday Evenings and Summer