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The Connection

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Hello Church Family!

We are the Briggs family, should have listened to my Grandmother sooner

recently moved here from Salt Lake City Utah. My and known the wisdom of her words! I thank God
wife Naomi, youngest daughter for my wife Naomi every day. She
Alie, youngest son Blaze, and I re- is a wonderful blessing and gift. I
located to Rolla in September of remain in awe of what God can
last year after I accepted a new and will do through faith and
position with the U.S. Forest Ser- grace. By keeping Him at the cen-
vice. We have called Rolla First ter of our relationship, I know my
Assembly our church home since marriage to Naomi was and re-
relocating here, and have been mains a pivotal point in my daily
active members of an AG church walk.
from the beginning of our mar- While at Life Church in Salt
riage 15 years ago. Naomi was Lake City, I served as an Usher,
born in California, “Raised in Greeter, Parking attendant, and
Church”, and has had a strong as a Ranger Commander. I cur-
foundational Christ-centered life. rently work as the Forest Assistant
Her parents were active members Fire Management Officer on the
in several AG churches. Naomi’s Mark Twain National Forest. I love
father served as a Deacon and being in the woods, hunting, hik-
Worship team member, while her ing and trying to improve my
mother served as the Missonettes coordinator for shooting skills to be better than my wife’s, trying
15 years. Naomi was very involved with Misson- being the key word.
ettes as a child and young woman. Those founda- We have been blessed with 6 children, Nick
tional influences carried into her adult life, and in 33, Dominique 32, Chance 25, Baileigh 22, Re-
particular with our two youngest children, serving ganne (Alie) 14, Ezekial (Blaze) 13, and 5 grand-
in Mpact Girls Ministries and as a Ranger Mom. children ranging in age from 12 to 1 year.
She currently works for Sky West Airlines, loves Reganne, or Alie as we call her, is truly a
being active in the outdoors, likes riding horses, special young lady! She is a very good artist/writer,
hiking, and shooting sports. She loves to fly, and creating her own characters, comics, memes, and
has a passion for travel and visiting new places, stories. She has been drawing since she could
especially if there is a beach involved. hold a crayon, has a vivid imagination, and brings
I was a “Late Bloomer” in my spiritual life and her art to life with her talents. She also likes sing-
walk with God. Although most of my Christian up- ing, and has a beautiful voice. She has been in-
bringing occurred when I was young, I chose not volved with Mpact Girls Ministries from Rainbows,
to be still and know. I was baptized in April of through S.T.A.R.S., honoring in each step, and was
2009, and I realize now that God has always been crowned as an Honor S.T.A.R. in Camp Cedar
with me, and has never deserted or forsaken me. I (Briggs continued on page 10)
Research shows that seventy to eighty per- or actual history form. There is nothing about life
cent of people in America, even many born-again on earth being seeded by aliens here or life creat-
Christians, believe in the existence of extra- ed elsewhere in the cosmos.
terrestrials (ETs), also called space aliens. Many Let’s see what else we can infer from Scrip-
who believe in Darwinian evolution believe that ture about the existence of ETs. Romans 8:20-22
since life is here, it must also have evolved else- speaks of the whole creation groaning and wait-
where in the universe on other planets similar to ing for deliverance from death and decay. You
ours. Some evolutionists even teach that life on see, the entire universe was put under a curse
earth was seeded by aliens from other parts of when Adam sinned. Hebrews 2:14 (NLT) says
the cosmos. Do these beliefs line up with Scrip- “Because God’s children are human beings –
ture? Let’s take a look. made of flesh and blood – Jesus also became
Mankind is the pinnacle of God’s creation. flesh and blood by being born in human form.”
Mankind was a special creation made in God’s Read all of Hebrews 2:14-18. So if the entire uni-
image, not an accident of evolution on earth and verse came under the curse, and there were ETs
who may have also evolved by some slim chance or aliens “out there,” they would be under the
on some other planet elsewhere in the cosmos. curse too. However, Jesus came as a man to re-
From a Biblical perspective, this notion of life deem only fallen mankind. Therefore, the ETs
elsewhere is absurd and unfounded, as we shall would have no way of being redeemed or being
see. And before you argue, “Well, God could have released from the curse. That would make God
created life on other planets,” let’s discipline our- unfair, but Scripture declares that God is perfectly
selves to stay with Scripture and see what God just. Deuteronomy 32:4 (NIV) confirms, “He is the
Almighty actually said He did. Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are
Biblically, all of creation – the earth itself, all just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright
animals and plants, the sun, moon, planets and and just is he.” So, according to the Bible, there
stars – were made for man and to reveal God’s are no ETs.
glory. Isaiah 45:18 (NIV) says concerning the The U.S. government agency SETI, Search for
earth, [God] “did not create it to be empty, but Extraterrestrial Intelligence and other agencies
formed it to be inhabited.” In addition, the heav- around the world have spent billions of dollars
ens were created to declare the glory of God searching for ETs by scanning millions of radio
(Psalm 19:1) and to “serve as signs to mark sea- frequencies in the heavens for several decades
sons and days and years and . . . to give light on looking for intelligent coded messages. Science
the earth.” (Genesis 1:14, 15) The creation ac- has found nothing. No ETs. Hmm. That matches
count in Genesis 1 and 2 is written in a narrative (ETs continued on page 10)
On Sunday, July 1, we will have our annual Oklahoma, as a pilot
patriotic celebration in a combined service at on the E-3 Airborne
10:00 am. Each year we invite everyone, and Warning and Control
specifically veterans and city and county officials, System (AWACS).
to attend this service. City and county officials Captain Bell is a sen-
are offered preferential seating, and those who ior pilot and evaluator
have served our country are honored with a spe- in the E-3 and has
cial commemorative coin. There will also be a over 2,200 hours in-
display of military photographs in the foyer and a cluding over 400 com-
slide show prior to the service. bat and combat sup-
This year Rolla City Fire Department will dis- port hours. He has
play a large flag to greet those arriving at church. deployed to South
We will America for Counter-
continue Drug Operations, the
the tradi- Middle East in support
tion of of Operation Enduring
handing Freedom, and most
out small recently, to Okinawa, Japan, where he spent the
flags to last 3-and-a-half years supporting operations in
attendees the Pacific. He and his family recently returned to
to wave Oklahoma after their tour in Japan, and are set-
throughout tling back into life in America. He currently in-
the ser- structs new E-3 pilots at the 966th Airborne Air
vice, as desired. Veterans are encouraged to wear Control Squadron and is the Deputy Chief of Safe-
their military uniform, if possible, and the congre- ty for the 552nd Air Control Wing. Captain Bell was
gation is encouraged to wear red, white and blue saved by Jesus in March 2004, and has had the
colors. opportunity to serve in camp ministries, inner-city
Our speaker this year is Brett Bell. Captain ministries, and through the local church. He has
Bell is an active duty E-3 Pilot in the United States been married to his wife, Michelle, for 9 years and
Air Force. He was born in Rolla, Missouri in 1983, together they have 3 beautiful children: Elias 7,
and graduated from Rolla High School in 2001. Adelyn 3, and Braddock 2.
Captain Bell earned his bachelor’s degree from Our choir has been preparing a musical,
the University of Central Missouri and commis- “This Is My Country,” which will be presented fol-
sioned through Officer Training School in 2009. In lowing the speaker. The choir will also be singing
2011, he earned his wings through Undergraduate at the Missouri Veteran’s Home in St James, on
Pilot Training at Columbus Air Force Base, Missis- Saturday, June 30. We are looking forward to cel-
sippi, and was assigned to Tinker Air Force Base, ebrating America and all it stands for.
We have had a wonderful year of discipleship along with a visit to Missouri S&T to learn more
and mentoring young boys and girls on Wednes- about rockets from their Rocket Design Team.
day nights through our programs, Royal Rangers This was also be our first
and Mpact Girls Ministry. If you don’t know what year in many that we
these programs are, let us give you a brief over- attended the District
view of what each program is all about. Pow Wow at the Royal
Ranger Campground
ROYAL RANGERS near the Lake of the
The Royal Rangers program is an activity- Ozarks.
based, small group church ministry for boys in
grades K-7th grade. Our mission is to evangelize, MPACT GIRLS’ MINISTRIES
equip, and empower the next What is Mpact Girls Ministries? It is a church-
generation of servant leaders based discipleship program that has a legacy of
by providing Christ-like charac- godly women coming alongside girls, guiding
ter formation and servant them on a path to become mature and godly
leadership development for women. Our goal is simple: To see every girl
boys and young men in a high- moving toward a deep relationship with Jesus
ly relational and fun environ- Christ, and to realize her im-
ment. We affirm the male portance and potential in the
hands-on, interactive learning kingdom of God. Research
style by featuring an intention- shows girls learn more quickly
al discipleship journey for boys and deeply when they are
based on their unique design, needs and interests. taught by a role model. Girls
Every meeting, outing, or service activity is de- need a real-life example. When
signed to encourage boys and young men in their a girl understands what it
walk with God. We provide men with the tools to means to be a godly woman,
model Christ-like manhood as they mentor boys she aspires to the design that God intended. A
on a Bible-based, Christ-centered, Spirit- single-gender classroom has many benefits, but
empowered journey to maturity in the faith. Boys the greatest of these is for a girl to feel safe and
learn to study and apply what the Bible says about secure in her discovery of who God intended her
integrity, doctrine, biblical worldview, cultural is- to be. The girls will experience adventures, activ-
sues, and manhood. ities, and games that show them how discovering
This year in Royal Rangers we learned many God's Word is fun! They also learn lessons in val-
new skills like rocket building, agriculture and uable life skills from sportsmanship and integrity,
homesteading, fire building, woodworking, and to cooking and outreach. And finally, they re-
tool use. One of our favorite projects was making ceive one-on-one help in choosing actions, atti-
vertical planters for growing crops and flowers, tudes, and behaviors that please God. By inten-
tionally fostering relationships between girls and Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m., led by Kristen
leaders through Mpact Girls Ministry, we create a Schmid. If you are interested in helping Kristen
safe environment for girls to discuss issues they this summer, please contact her at heartfork-
face and get godly counsel. Most importantly, ids.ks@gmail.com as soon as possible. Thank you
Mpact Girls Ministries shows each girl that God all and have a great summer!
loves her and wants a relationship with her.
This year saw Beverly Feller become our
Mpact Girls Ministries Section Leader, which lead
us to our first ever Spring Tour stop which was a Our Honor Star Crowning is Sunday, August 26
day full of fun and activities for girls from all at 6:00 p.m. Girls make their way up the Stairway
across our section. We had 84 girls, and several of the Stars achievement program as they com-
leaders come that day to have a great time fel- plete units in the four
lowshipping with other out- worlds: The World of
posts. Our girls learned so Truth (basic Christian
much this past year, from doctrine), The World
cooking to the importance of Around You (missions),
missions, all while memoriz- The World About You
ing scripture and completing (activities), and The
worksheets each week. World Within You
We will have one girl re- (character develop-
ceiving the honor of being ment). Memorization, projects, and Bible reading
crowned in late August. It is are all a part of completing the achievement pro-
an incredible time of cele- gram as an Honor Star. Come and celebrate with
brating what these girls have achieved in growing our girls as they have studied and worked hard
their relationship with God. If you have never ex- through Mpact Girls Ministries to achieve this
perienced an Honor Star Crowning, we invite you great honor. There will be refreshments following
to come be a part on Sunday, August 26, at 6:00 in the Roberts’ Family Life Center.
p.m. Refreshments will be served afterward in
the Roberts Family Life Center.
We will take a break for the summer, but will
start both ministries back up Wednesday, August
22 at 6:30 p.m. If you have a young boy or girl
you would like to see mentored, or feel God call-
ing on you to serve in one of these ministries, see
Pastors Brian & Beverly Feller for details. During
our summer break, we will have our all-inclusive
kids program named “SPARK” happening each
VBS Christ. Come and enjoy daily services, swimming,
Coming this July 9-13 from 8:00 a.m. until climbing the rock wall, and so many other great
noon, get lost with us with “Shipwrecked!” Vaca- things for the week. The
tion Bible School. Venture onto an uncharted is- registration deadline was
land where kids survive and thrive, as we anchor June 25. There will be a par-
kids in the truth that Jesus carries them through ents’ meeting on Sunday,
life’s storms. Each day at Shipwrecked VBS, kids July 22, after morning ser-
travel through field-tested rotations that reinforce vices to discuss camp specifics and all remaining
relevant Bible Points and immerse kids in new payments are due on this date. For any ques-
adventures. At Shipwrecked, one memorable Bi- tions, please see Pastor Brian or Beverly Feller.
ble Point is reinforced throughout each station Make this the best week of your child’s summer!
each day, making it easy to apply long after VBS
is over. Registration for participants and volun-
teers can be done at the church by seeing Pastor Forge Youth Mercy Ships Trip July 14-21
Brian or Karen in the church office for a form, or Forge Youth Church will be traveling to Lin-
by going online to https://vbspro.events/p/ dale, Texas, to the Mercy Ships Academy campus.
events/59abe4 and registering there. The ages Mercy Ships provides free life-saving surgeries for
for VBS participants are 4 years old through 5th people in countries where medical care is nearly
Grade. non-existent. Volunteers from all over
the world participate in this life-
Back-To-School Splash Bash saving medical missions team.
On Wednesday, August 8, from 7:00–9:00 As in years past, our students
p.m., we will be holding our annual Back-To- will be gaining some real hands-on
School Splash Bash at Splash Zone here in Rolla. experience in servanthood. They will
All ages are invited to come and participate in be working alongside current staff in
our celebration of the summer ending and the a variety of tasks including warehouse,
kicking off of a new school year. Children 5 years farming, and overall grounds maintenance. In
old and under must be accompanied by an adult addition, students will spend time in devotion and
to ensure their safety. This is a free event, so in- worship plus hearing some amazing testimonies
vite your friends to come and have a great time! from the staff of Mercy Ships.
There is no rain date if this event has to be can-
celed. Forge Youth is National Fine
Arts Bound!
Kid’s Camp Six of our youth will be traveling
July 23 – 27 is district Kid’s Camp time! Our to Houston Texas on July 29-Aug. 3,
theme for this year is “Happy Camper”, an emoji- 2018 to participate in the National
based adventure about God and who we are in (Youth continued on page 7)
This August, KidCare America will begin its volunteers. KidCare America is in session during
15th year of providing our community with valua- the course of the Rolla Public Schools’ school
ble after-school programming. We’ve come a year. Students are di-
long way over that time. We know the success vided by ages, ranging
and longevity of this program belong to God’s from first grade up to,
provision! and occasionally includ-
For those of you who have just a surface-level ing, high school stu-
understanding, allow me to explain more of what dents. Last year, our
KidCare America & Thrive Student Center is all roster averaged about
about. KidCare America is a mentoring program. 40 students, with 11
Research shows that the highest success of influ- staff, and nearly 20 vol-
encing young lives is through a sustained and unteers.
safe relationship between a caring adult and KidCare America
child. Our mentors spend a KidCare day with no runs three days each
more than 5 students in each group. Mentors week; Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Students
and students spend the KidCare day going are picked up by church vans, or ride a school bus
through our daily schedule of snacks, rec activi- to the program, relieving parents from the diffi-
ties, tutoring, and growth groups. This schedule culty of transporting children here. Kitchen staff
provides students with help in 3 core areas: life prepare a top-notch snack for the students, and
skills, academics, and Bible lessons, all while be- mentors sit with their groups during the snack,
ing applied by regular and consistent staff and modeling the importance of sitting together over
(Youth continued from page 6)
a meal and discussing the day. As already men-
Fine Arts competition. Our students are super tioned, they will then go through the daily sched-
excited! Students will be performing in the fol- ule, with the program ending at 6:00 p.m. each
lowing categories: short sermon, piano solo, vo- day. Enriching, educational, or just-for-fun trips
cal solo, photography and human video. Stu- are made throughout the year as well. These in-
dents will also be attending workshops and wor- clude trips to go skating, bowling, visit locations
ship services planned throughout the event. on the Missouri S&T campus, or go to the Centre
for a day. All of our activities and program com-
ponents are designed with the hope and goal that
we can be a part of laying a strong foundation,
planting a budding seed, and guiding students
towards a rewarding, Godly future.
To provide for such a program, we rely on the
giving of individuals, businesses, and multiple
fundraisers throughout the year. Donations have
(KidCare continued on page 10)
On Sunday, July 1, our an- special commemorative coin.
nual Celebrate America Patri- Our choir will present the musical,
otic Service will be held at “This Is My Country,” which takes
10:00 am. This is a day set a look back at our heritage as we
aside to reflect upon our God, journey through American history.
our country, and our veterans This country was forged through
who have served or are cur- hard work and determination,
rently serving to protect our and fortified by a sense of adven-
freedom. Our special guest ture and dreams of a better life.
speaker is Captain Brett Bell, But most of all, it was built on the
an active duty E-3 Pilot with the United States Air biblical principles of Almighty God.
Force. Captain Bell was born in Rolla and gradu- Childcare will be available for children birth
ated from Rolla High School in 2001. Veterans through 2 years old. Children’s church will be of-
present will be recognized and honored with a fered to children 3 years old through 4th grade.


In your prayers, do you ever ask the Lord how Each year, we look for 20+ men and women
He might use you in His Kingdom? Do you ever to join in on this mission. The date for the trip
wonder if you are doing His will, or if you have tal- will be approximately March 22-March 30, 2019.
ents that are not being used? Have you consid- We will be doing additional concrete and dirt
ered if a mission trip might be in your future? This work this next year, as well as continuing VBS-
coming March of 2019 we are planning to return style outreaches to local children. Please be
to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico to continue praying about your involvement! Mission trips
our work on the Bible Institute and Church located are a wonderful way to serve God, to grow in your
in Tekax. This is a multi-year project, and we are personal faith, and to grow in relationship with
glad to partner with our sister church to help see others in the church family. Please contact Kathi
the gospel taught and to see pastors and teachers Garner or Pastor Sam if you have any further
raised up to reach out to the local villages. questions, and be on the lookout for further in-
formation as the time approaches.
Our Annual Friends’ Day Picnic, an event for roads and country lanes and compel them to
our churchgoers, students, and the community, come in, so that my house will be full.” This year,
will be Sunday, Sep- we want to encourage you to invite your family,
tember 9, after friends, and neighbors to Friends’ Day.
morning services at Start your day by attending a service and
Schuman Park. Christian
In Luke 14:23, the Education
master told his serv- class. Af-
ant, “Go out to the ter church
is over, we

I CAN ONLY IMAGINE will gather

at Schu-
It’s the song that brings ultimate hope to so man Park
many, often in the midst of life’s most challenging for an afternoon of food and fun. The church will
moments. Amazingly, the song was written in provide meats and drinks. Regular church at-
mere minutes by MercyMe’s lead singer, Bart Mil- tendees are asked to bring a side dish and dessert
lard. In reality, those lyrics took a lifetime to craft. to share. We will have wonderful food, activities
Although he found for everyone, a bounce house and other inflata-
faith at a young age, life bles for the kids, and ample opportunity for visit-
wasn’t easy for Bart. He ing with our church family and visitors alike.
leaned into an active We look forward to seeing everyone there!
imagination and his
love of music as es- With the guidance of a grizzled music-industry in-
capes from a troubled sider, the band begins a journey none of them
home life. As he grew could ever have imagined.
older, Bart turned to Directed by the Erwin Brothers (October Baby,
football in hope of Mom’s Night Out, and Woodlawn), I Can Only Im-
somehow connecting with his abusive father. But agine stars J Michael Finley, Madeline Carroll,
a career-ending injury—combined with the vision Trace Adkins, Priscilla Shirer, with Cloris Leach-
of a teacher who saw unlimited potential—set man and Dennis Quaid.
Bart on a musical pathway. A gripping reminder of the power of for-
Chasing a dream while running from broken giveness, I Can Only Imagine beautifully illustrates
relationships with his father and Shannon, his that no one is ever too far from God’s love—or
childhood sweetheart, Bart hits the road in an old, from an eternal home in Heaven.
decrepit tour bus with his new band MercyMe— Come join us to view this inspirational movie
named for his grandmother’s favorite expression. on July 29, 2018, at 6 pm.
(ETs continued from page 2) (Briggs continued from page 1)
with Scripture. Perhaps when looking for Ridge, Colorado, in 2015. Alie loves animals, and has
intelligent coded messages they should thoughts of becoming a veterinarian. Her faith is strong
have used microscopes instead to examine and she loves Jesus!
DNA, the most complex information stor- Ezekial, or Blaze, was also an Honor Rainbow, and
age mechanism in the universe. Why not has been involved with the Ranger program after leaving
acknowledge an Almighty, Intelligent Crea- Rainbows. He has Honored in Ranger Kids after com-
tor when seeing these brilliant coded mes- pleting all of the Trails required, received two Bronze
sages? Buffalos and Honored in Discovery, and is well on his
Consider this. There are spiritual be- way to getting a Silver Buffalo in the Adventure program.
ings “out there,” demons whose purpose is His goal as a Ranger is to reach the Gold Medal of
to deceive mankind, who have used the Achievement with Merit & Honor, and follow the Trail of
world’s fascination with ETs, aliens, and the Saber. He has a heart for service, often thinking of
UFOs, etc. to turn people away from Jesus things to help others first. He loves playing video games,
Christ. For an excellent examination of this riding his bike, and is especially good at skateboarding.
subject as well as the Christian response, Blaze gave his life to Christ in September of 2015 at
plan to come for the 65 minute DVD, Aliens, Ranger Camp in the High Uinta Mountains during a fire-
UFOs and the Bible by Gary Bates of Crea- side service.
tion Ministries International on Sunday, Our family thanks you for making us feel right at
September 23, at 6pm at First Assembly. home, and for the fellowship, love and spiritual guidance
Gary will discuss the origin and growth of we receive. I pray that God blesses and keeps each of
UFO sightings, the link between ETs and you.
evolution, how science fiction has popular- Allen, Naomi, Reganne & Blaze Briggs
ized evolutionary theory, the many prob-
lems with interstellar space travel, the truth
about alien abductions, and how Christians
should respond to this cultural fascination Chuck Whitmire
Lead Pastor
with UFOlogy. 573.578.4760
Beverly Flori pastor_chuck@rolla-firstassembly.org
References: Gary Bates, Aliens, UFOs and the
Bible DVD
Darren Nelson, Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evo- Ray Cook
lution Connection: An Interview with Gary Bates Associate Pastor

Brian Feller
(KidCare continued from page 7) Children’s Pastor
also come via sale of stocks, memorial 573.202.3307
gifts, and tax-deductible donations. Per-
haps in reading this, you might consider
helping sustain our program! We are al- Sam Parker
ways in need of those who can contribute, After School & Missions Pastor
either by volunteering or by donating. 573.578.1770
As we look to this fall, we are also look-
ing to hire several mentors, and we also
have several vital volunteer positions that Sue Lawson
Interim Youth Pastor
we need to fill. We would appreciate your 618.920.8997
prayers, and hope to find a way that you pastorsue@rolla-firstassembly.org
can partner with us as we serve Rolla
youth. For questions call Pastor Sam Par- Mark Berry Facility Manager
ker at 573-364-4700 or email at Karen Turner Administrative Assistant office@rolla-firstassembly.org
kcatsc@rolla-firstassembly.org. Sandy Schmid Business Administrator sandy@rolla-firstassembly.org

1608 N Oak St
Rolla MO 65401-2342

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