The Connection
The Connection
The Connection
Ilesanmi are of the Yoruba tribe been with the United Nations Eighth & Fourth Grade in
of western Nigeria, the Fall of 2017 after
but we were origi- spending two satisfactory
nally based in La- sessions at Rolla Middle
gos. We received School & Harry S Truman
Gods direction for Elementary School.
our family to move Feyi discovered the
to Abuja in the First Assembly Church of
northern part of Ni- Rolla in the fall of 2015,
geria for a few and introduce us to the
years, before we church when we arrived
were called to pro- (Ilesanmi ontinued on page 3)
ceed to the US. We
moved to Rolla in August 2015, under the International Labor FRIENDS DAY PICNIC
when my wife, Feyi began her Organization where she worked 9/10ALL WELCOME!
study for a PhD degree in Geol- as a Program Officer, while I
ogy & Geophysics at the Mis- am the Co- Publisher/CEO of Its almost time for
souri University of Science & African Development Magazine First Assemblys annual
Technology, Rolla. based in Africa, and have over Friends Day picnic, an
Feyi holds a Bachelor de- two decades of experience as a event for our churchgo-
gree in Geology and a Master of Sales/Marketing specialist. Afri- ers, students, and the
Science degree in Geological can Development Magazine fo- community. Start your
Information Systems (GIS) from cuses on the progress of Africa day with service and a
the University of Ibadan, Nige- with respect to international Christian Education class.
ria, while I hold a Bachelor of business development in Eu- After church is over, we
Science in Economics and a rope, the Caribbean, and Africa will gather at Schuman
Master of Science degree in & America. Park for food and fun.
Business Administration with We have two lovely daugh- This year, the church will
specialization in Marketing ters: Ayosoreoluwa Ilesanmi provide meats and
from University of Lagos, Nige- who will be 13 years old in Oc- drinks. Regular church
ria. tober 2017, and Anjolaoluwa attendees are asked to
We have several years of Ilesanmi who will be 10 years bring a side dish and des-
work experience between us, by November 2017. Our chil- (Picnic continued on page 3)
First Assembly Discussion Group: Bible as Foundation of West-
recognizes the ern Culture
great opportunity When: 7:30 to 9, Sunday evenings
we have in Rolla to Where: 1019 Lynwood Dr.
make friends with What: Small-group interactive discussion focused
S&T students and on understanding the Bible. Designed for stu-
visiting scholars dents who have English as their non-native lan-
from all over the US guage and/or are from a culture that does not
and from around highlight the Bible.
the world! There are many ways that students Discussion Group: Spoken English and Culture
can become involved both with church and When: 3:30 to 4:30 pm Wednesdays (currently,
church-sponsored activities on special occasions but subject to change, based upon class sched-
and weekly events. ules)
Where: 202 S&T Library (currently, but subject to
College and Career class change, based upon room availability)
When: 10:45, Sunday mornings Ross Haselhorst
Where: room 200, First A/G main building
What: Small-group interactive discussion about
the Bible and Bible topics. OPERATION GO MEETING
Ladies, mark your calendars! The annual This years Operation GO will be the last two
womens fall retreat will be October 14, 2017 weeks of August and the first week of Septem-
from 9:00 AM - 2PM here at the church. Guest ber. Teams of volunteers will go door to door
speaker is Traice Akins. Traice canvassing the neighborhood and inviting our
was born in Arizona and has neighbors to church. We go specifically into
lived in 9 states, recently settling MS&T student housing areas near the church
in Rolla, Missouri. She is a widow building. This outreach has been well received in
with three sons; her youngest is the past with many students becoming Chris-
a sophomore at Missouri S&T. tians and active in church. If you have a heart for
She currently works as a parale- young people and would like to participate in this
gal and enjoys reading, playing her violin and outreach, please meet Pastor Chuck in the
spending time with friends. Traice has learned church foyer for instructions and materials on
much through her life experiences and is grateful Wednesday, August 23the first night of the out-
God is faithful. She has been blessed to speak to reach, or either of the next two Wednesday eve-
many groups and earnestly desires to obey God nings. We will leave at 6:30 p.m. and return near
with the story He has given her. the end of the church service.
More details about the retreat will be availa-
ble soon.
The International Choir was formed in 2010 our Christian faith is welcome to be part of this
to encourage international participation in church team.
services through praise and worship with an in- If you are interested in becoming part of this di-
ternational perspective. This enhances shared verse group, please contact Dr. Evelyn at abe-
cultures and solidifies diversity, yet unity, in the or the church at office@rolla-
body of Christ. It is a great opportunity to serve Everyone is welcome!
and share in the joy of fellowship. Evelyn Aboagye
Since its inception, the International Choir
(Ilesanmi continued from page 1)
has been blessed with Christians from various
in September 2015. We have since settled down
countries across 4 continents coming together,
here largely because of the unction of God on
worshipping and praising the Lord in different
the teachings in the church which has continu-
languages. From Brazil, China, Ghana, Liberia,
ously been a blessing to our family. Ayosore vol-
Nigeria, Botswana, India, South Korea, and USA,
unteers in the childrens church while Feyi serves
we worship together bound by our shared salva-
as ANCF Secretary and enjoys being part of the
tion experience through God's grace. Every per-
International Praise and Worship team.
son whose heart is open to the Lord and shares
The Rolla First Assembly community has
continued to nourish our physical, spiritual &
AV TO HOST FALL OUTREACH moral need with great experiences and spiritual
encounters in all the services and outreaches.
On September 23 from 11am to 4pm, Alco- We are grateful that Pastor Chuck has also
holics Victorious is having its annual fall outreach. shown fatherly love to us as a family and made
It is kid-friendly with free food, our settlement in Rolla through this great family
drinks, giveaways, and a small church a great experience to date.
hayride. Chad Mattson from the We have also enjoyed the friendship and
Christian band Unspoken will be support of the pastoral team, members of the
sharing his testimony at the event. church and Kidcare America which has been
Exact time for his testimony will quite impactful on our girls as they have become
be announced at a later time. more resourceful and found peace with their
Everyone is welcome to attend peers and teachers alike.
this event. Steve Merz We are sincerely honored to be singled out
of this great Christian family church to be fea-
(Picnic continued from page 1)
tured in this edition of the First Assembly Church
sert to share. We will also have bounce houses
Rolla newsletter. It could only be that Gods
and activities for the kids.
grace is resting on our family, and we are not un-
Bring your family, friends, and neighbors to
mindful of this, while thanking Pastor Chuck &
Friends Day. It is a good opportunity to bring un-
Sister Annette for this great gesture.
churched acquaintances to church with you to en-
joy fellowship and fun with your church family. Ayodele Ilesanmi
Fall is in the air! School, busy schedules, and schedule.
hopefully some cooler weather are around the This fall, we are in need of several im-
corner! I wanted to take a little space here in the portant positions to be filled. Several are paid
newsletter to talk to the church about KidCare mentor positions and several are volunteer posi-
America. We are so excited to begin our 14th year tions. The mentor positions require a 10-12 hour
of KidCare America here at First commitment each week. The
Assembly. God has blessed us im- days are Mondays, Tuesdays,
mensely, and we know He has and Thursdays after
used KidCare America in numer- school. We also are in need of
ous ways to bring families to van drivers and tutors. These
church, teach children about God, volunteer positions are usually
and build relationships that are one day per week. High School
still thriving. Over the past 13 students participating in the A+
years, several hundred students program can also do their ser-
have benefitted from this hands- vice work here.
on ministry. We need our church family
For those of you who may be unfamiliar with praying for these spots to be filled so we can
exactly what KidCare America is, or what we do, minister after-school to these 35-40 children
please give me a moment of your time. each week. Please also pray how you may possi-
During the school year, we open our doors bly be able to partner with us. We need prayer
here at First Assembly three days each week to support, financial support, and volunteer sup-
students in 1st grade through high school. We port. Each year, we have to raise most of our
help with schoolwork, teach them about God, and budget through financial partners and fundrais-
teach them about life, while building relation- ers. Many in our church congregation already
ships with the students and their families. Many give monthly, and we thank you deeply for help-
of the students in the program are not from our ing us financially. But I know there are some in
church, and we wouldnt have it any other the church that I think with a little encourage-
way! This is a ministry for the community, and ment could make a big impact in this pro-
there is no cost involved for families enrolling gram. We have slowly grown over the past 13
their child. Many students struggle with school, years, and so have our expenses. This year our
while others deal with difficult home situa- budget has grown to $90,000. Please pray
tions. But many students simply need a solid, about being a financial partner with us! As First
safe, positive place to be during the after-school Assembly ministers to the Rolla community
period. Volunteers fix meals for the students, tu- through this program, this is an excellent way for
tor students, drive vans, and teach lessons. We you to become involved in a multitude of ways.
also have paid positions. These Mentors work di- Thank you again for your support, for your
rectly with a small group of students each day prayers, and I look forward to hearing from you.
they are here, guiding them through our daily Pastor Sam
All Nations Christian Fellowship is a ministry
lowship is open for everyone who would like to be
of international students where people of all cul- a part of reaching out to the campus, especially
tures and backgrounds are welcomed and en- international students.
couraged to pursue Jesus, learn to love and We meet during the academic year on Thurs-
serve one another, and proclaim the good news days at 7:00 p.m. for prayer, worship, and Bible
to all nations on campus. study in the Havener Center on the MS&T cam-
We are a campus Christian organization that pus. One Thursday per month we celebrate Love
seeks to serve the student community at Mis- Feast, where we get to spend time together in a
souri University of Science and Technology. Our more special and relaxed way as we share food,
activities include prayer, worship, Bible study, cultural exchange, and personal testimonies and
fellowship, outreach, and evangelism. The fel- songs.
1608 N Oak St
Rolla MO 65401-2342
AV Fall Outreach, Womens Fall Retreat, Operation GO
To Begin its Fourteenth Year at First Assembly