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Verb of Tense

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1. Simple Present Tense

Simple Present Tense merupakan bentuk waktu dalam bahasa Inggris yang dipergunakan
untuk mengungkapkan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa yang terjadi secara berulang-ulang
(secara teratur) atau merupakan suatu kebiasaan (habit).

Kata Keterangan yang sering dipergunakan dalam tense ini antara lain adalah :
Always : selalu
Usually : biasanya
Sometimes : kadang-kadang
Occasionally : kadang-kadang
Often : sering
Frequently : sering
Seldom : jarang
Every Day : setiap hari
Every... : setiap ....
Once a week : sekali seminggu

a. Kalimat Positif (Positive Sentence)

S (I / You / We/ They) + V1 + O

S (He / She/ It) + V1 +s/es + O

Contoh :
1. They go to school every day.
2. He usually plays tennis every Sunday moning.

b. Kalimat Negative (Negative Sentence)

S (I / You / We/ They) + do not (don’t) + V1 + O

S (He / She/ It) + does not (doesn’t) + V1 + O

Contoh :
1. They don’t go to school every day.
2. He doesn’t usually play tennis every Sunday morning.

c. Kalimat Tanya (Interrogative Sentence)
Do + S (I / You / We/ They) + V1 + O

Does + S (He / She/ It) + V1 + O

Contoh :
1. Do They go to school every day?

Yes, They do / No, They don’t

2. Does He usually play tennis every Sunday moning?

Yes, He does / No, He doesn’t

Catatan :

Simple Present Tense dapat juga dipergunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu kebenaran
umum (General Truth).

Contoh :

- The sun rises in the east.

- A year has 12 months.


Masukkanlah kata kerja yang terdapat dalam tanda kurung ke dalam kalimat dalam bentuk
Simple Present Tense, kemudian ubahlah menjadi kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya!

1. We ......... our grandparents every weekwend. (visit)

2. He .......... Arabic three times a week. (study)
3. Budi ........ the car carefully. (drive)
4. The secretary .........the letters very neatly. (type)
5. The director of this company always......... on time. (come)
6. The boy ........... magazines and newspapers every morning. (sell)
7. I usually ........... fishing once a month. (go)
8. Putri ............. the flowers every afternoon. (water)
9. Budi and Doni ............... as waiters in a restaurant. (work)
10. They ............. playing chess. (like)

2. Simple Past Tense
Simple Past Tense digunakan mengungkapkan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa yang terjadi di
waktu lampau.
Keterangan waktu yang dapat digunakan antara lain adalah :
Yesterday : kemarin
Just now : tadi, baru saja
This morning : tadi pagi, pagi ini
A year ago : setahun yang lalu
.......... ago : ............ yang lalu
Last night : semalam
Last ............. : ............ yang lalu

a. Kalimat Positif (Positive Sentence)

S + V2 + O

Kata kerja kedua (Verb 2 / V2) ada dua macam :

1. Kata kerja beraturan (regular verb)  V1 + d/ed
2. Kata kerja tidak beraturan (irregular verb)  Lihat daftar di dalam kamus

Contoh :

1. We studied English last night.

 studied berasal dari kata kerja study dan termasuk regular verb.

2. My father went to Germany yesterday

 went berasal dari kata kerja go dan termasuk irregular verb.

b. Kalimat Negatif (Negative Sentence)

S + did not (didn’t) + V1 + O

Contoh :

1. We didn’t study English last night.

2. My father didn’t go to Germany yesterday

c. Kalimat Tanya ( Interrogative sentence )

Did + S + V.1 + O

Contoh :

1. Did we study English last night ?

Yes,we did / No, we didn’t.
2. Did My father go to Germany yesterday ?
Yes, he did / No, he didn’t.

Masukkanlah kata kerja yang terdapat dalam tanda kurung kedalam kalimat dalam
bentuk simple past tense, kemudian ubahlah menjadi kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya!
1. I ................... this story last night. ( write )
2. All participants .................. the test. ( pass )
3. My mother ..................... fried rice this morning. ( cook )
4. John ...................... his key on the drawer. ( leave )
5. Dina ........................ a new dictionary yesterday. ( buy )
6. He ......................... a big house in London. (have)
7. We ........................ the answer to that problem. (know)
8. I ............................ English at TEXAS English Course last year. (teach)
9. He ......................... you carry this heavy box. (help)
10. My uncle ......................... me some fruit. (bring)


Present Continuous Tense dipergunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu kegiatan atau

peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada saat sekarang.

Kata keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan antara lain adalah :

Now : sekarang

At the present : pada saat sekarang

At this moment : pada saat ini

a. Kalimat Positif (Positive Sentence)

S + am / is / are + V1 + ing + O

Contoh :

1. Susan is reading a novel now.

2. I am typing a letter at the present.

b. Kalimat Negatif (Negative Sentence)

S + am / is / are + not + V1 + ing + O

Contoh :

1. Susan isn’t reading a novel now.

2. I am not typing a letter at the present.

c. Kalimat Tanya (Interrogative Sentence)

am / is / are + S + V1 + ing + O

Contoh :

1. Is Susan reading a novel now ?

Yes, she is / No, she isn’t.
2. Am I typing a letter at the present ?
Yes, I am / No, I am not.

Catatan :

Tidak semua kata kerja dapat dipergunakan didalam “Present Continuos Tense”. Kata kerja tersebut
adalah :

 Kata kerja yang menyatakan kepemilikan ( verbs of possession ), seperti belong, have, own,
 Kata kerja yang berhubungan dengan panca indera ( verbs of sense ), seperti hear, notice,
smell, taste.
 Kata kerja yang mengungkapkan perasaan/emosi ( verbs of emotional state ), seperti
admire, adore, dislike, hate, like , mind.
 Kata kerja yang menyatakan aktivitas mental berupa pikiran/pendapat ( verbs of mental
activity ), seperti agree, assume, believe, forget, know, remember, understand.
 Beberapa kata kerja lainnya, seperti appear, consist, seem, sound.

Masukkanlah kata kerja yang terdapat dalam tanda kurung kedalam kalimat dalam bentuk
present continuos tense, kemudian ubahlah menjadi kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya!

1. The workers .................. the building. ( paint )

2. The secretary .................. with the director. ( talk )
3. Budi ..................... a kite ( make )
4. Someone ....................... at the door. ( knock )
5. I ...................... to BBC London now. ( listen )
6. The boy .................. under the tree. ( sleep )
7. The students ..................... the exercises. ( do )
8. Susi ....................... the floor. ( sweep )
9. It .................... heavily. ( rain )
10. We ...................... TV. ( watch )

Present Perfect Tense digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa
yang telah dilakukan atau telah terjadi pada saat yang tidak tertentu di waktu lampau.

Kata keterangan yang dapat digunakan antara lain adalah :

Since ............. : sejak ................
For .............. : selama ................
Already : sudah
Recently : baru-baru ini
Lately : akhir-akhir ini
So far : hingga kini

a. Kalimat Positif (Positive Sentence)

S ( I,You,We,They ) + have + V3 + O
S ( She, He, It ) + has + V3 + O

Contoh :

1. I have studied English for three years.

2. Bayu has worked since this morning.
b. Kalimat Negatif ( Negative Sentence )

S ( I,You,We,They ) + have + not + V3 + O

S ( She, He, It ) + has + not + V3 + O

Contoh :

1. I haven’t studied English for three years.

2. Bayu hasn’t worked since this morning.
c. Kalimat Tanya ( Interrogative sentence )

Have + S ( I,You,We,They ) + V3 + O
Has + S ( She, He, It ) + V3 + O

Contoh :

1. Have I studied English for three years ?

Yes, I have / No, I haven’t.
2. Has Bayu worked since this morning ?
Yes, he has / No, he hasn’t.

Masukkanlah kata kerja yang terdapat dalam tanda kurung kedalam kalimat dalam bentuk
present perfect tense, kemudian ubahlah menjadi kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya!
1. We ......................... the homework. ( do )
2. Dina and Desy ........................ to Singapore. ( go )
3. Rudi ............................ some mistakes. ( make )
4. She .............................. in this firm for about five years. ( work )
5. Anton ............................. his house since yesterday. ( leave )
6. The house maid ............................. the house for two hours. ( clean )
7. The man .................................... my money. ( steal )
8. The inflation rate ................................ lately. ( increase )
9. The children .................................... scrabble since this morning. ( play )
10. I .................................. three stories this month. ( write )


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