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1 THE USE OF PRESENT CONTINOUS TENSE We use The Present Continuous Tense when we talk about something which is happening at the time of speaking. Example :Please dont make so much noise. Im studying. We also use The Present Continuous Tense when we talk about something which is happening around the time of speaking, but not necessarily exactly at the time of speaking. Example : Silvia is learning English at the moment. We often use the Present Continuous when we talk about a period around the present. Example :Youre working hard today. Yes, I have a lot of to do We use the present continuous when we talk about the changing situation. Example : The population without jobs is increasing very fast. 1.2. THE ADVERBS OF TIME USED The adverbs of time used in Present Continous tense are NOW, RIGHT NOW, TOMORROW,ETC

1.3. THE PATTERN OF PRESENT CONTINOUS TENSE The patterns of Present continous tense consist of : 1.3.A. Positive Pattern S + am/is/are + Verb 4.Now Examples : 1. I am studying English now. 2. We are going to Jakarta tomorrow (akan) 3. You are singing now. 4. He is making a cake now. 5. she is sewing a shirt now. 1.3.b The Negative Pattern S + am/is/are + Not + Verb 4 Now Example : 1. I am not studying now 2. He is not sleeping now 3. My father is not watching television now. 4. we arent going to Jakarta Tomorrow.

1.3.c. The Interrogative Pattern Am/Is/Are + S + Verb 4..Now? Examples : 1. Are you studying English now ? Yes, I am/ No, I am not 2. Is he eating fried rice now? Yes, he is/ No, he isnt 3. Is your father working in the office now? Yes, He is/No, He isnt 1.3.d. Question-word Pattern QW + Am/Is/Are + S + Verb 4...Now? Examples : 1. what are you doing now ? studying 2. Where is he studying English now ? at school

2.1. The Use of Simple Past Tense We use the past simple to talk about actions or situations in the past. 2.2. The Adverbs of time used The adverbs of time used in this tense are Yesterday, last.., a week ago, this morning , last night, yesterday morning, last week, last month, yesteryear, etc. 2.3. The Patterns of Simple Past Tense 2.3.1. The Positive Pattern S + Verb 2 (Adverb of time) Examples : 1. John saw a crocodile in the river yesterday. 2. We studied English here last week. 3. They played football in the field yesterday 2.3.2. The Negative Pattern S + didnt + Verb 1 ..Yesterday Examples : 1. John didnt see a crocodile in the river yesterday. 2. We didnt study here last week. 3. They didnt play football in the field yesteryear 2.3.3. The Interrogative Pattern

Did + S + Verb 1..Yesterday? Examples: 1. Did John see a crocodile in the river yesterday ? Yes, he did/No, he didnt 2. Did you study here last week ? Yes, we did/ No, we didnt 2.3.4. The Question-word Pattern QW + did + S + Verb 1.Yesterday? Examples: 1. What did John see in the river yesterday ? a crocodile 2. When did John see a crocodile in the river? Yesterday QW + Verb 2.Yesterday? S + did Examples : 1. Who saw a crocodile in the river yesterday ? John did 2. What grew in the rice-field last year? A coconut tree did

3. PRESENT FUTURE TENSE We often usew ill in this situation: Offering to do something: e.g. That bag looks heavy. Ill help with it. Agreeing and refusing to do something: e.g. Ive asked john to help me but he wont Promising to do something. e.g. I will come to your house tonight. I promise. Asking someone to do something. Will you close the window, please! The pattern :
S + will/shall + Verb 1 Tomorrow S + wont/shant + Verb 1 Tomorrow Will/Shall + S + Verb 1.. Tomorrow? QW + will/shall + S + Verb 1.Tomorrow?

We often use will to be going to when we say what we have already decided to do, what we intend to do in the future. e.g. A:Theres a film on television tonight. Are you going to watch it? B: No, I am too tired. I am going to have an early night
The pattern : S + am/is/are + going to + Verb 1 S +am/is/are + not + going to + Verb 1

Am/is/are + S + going to + Verb 1 QW + am/is/are + S + going to + verb 1

4. PRESENT TENSE Present Tense is used to talk about something in general. And it is also used to talk about something which is happened repeatedly or habituallly activities.

e.g. + The earth goes round the sun - The earth doesnt go round the sun ? Does the earth go round the sun ?

+ I get up at 8 oclock every morning - I dont get up at 8 oclock every morning ? Do you get up at 8 oclock very morning?

The pattern :
S + Verb 1 (s/es) Everyday/today S + dont/doesnt + Verb 1 Everyday/today Do/Does + S + Verb 1Everyday/today? QW + Do/does + S + Verb 1.Everyday/today?

We use the present simple when wse say how often we do things: e.g. How often do you go to the dentist ? Mary doesnt often drink tea. 5. PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE We use past continuous Tense to say that someone was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this time but hadnt finished: This time last year I was living in Brazil We often use the past continuous Tense and the past simple together to say that something happened in the middle of something else: When I was working in the garden, I hurt my back.

The pattern :
S + was/were + verb 4.When + s + Verb 2. S + was/were + not + Verb 4.When + s + Verb 2 Was/were + S + verb 4. When + s + Verb 2 . .? QW + was/were + S + verb 4When + s + Verb 2? e.g. + She was cooking rice when Tom came yesterday - She wasnt cooking rice when Tom came yesterday ? Was she cooking rice when Tom came yesterday ?

6. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE We often use the present perfect Tense to give new information or to announce recent happening: e.g. Do you know about Mary ? Shes gone to Jakarta. We can use the Present Perfect Tense with already to say that something has happened sooner than expected : e.g. Dont forget to post this letter, will you? Ive already posted it. We can use the Present Perfect Tense with just (= a short time ago) e.g. Would you like something to eat? No, thanks. Ive just had lunch. We talk about a period of time that continuous up to the present, we use the present perfect. e.g. Dave: Have you travelled a lot, Nora? Nora: Yes, I have been to 47 different countries. We often use ever and never with the present perfect: e.g. have you eve r eaten caviar? We have never had a car. We have to use present perfect Tense with This is the first time, It the first time e.g. This is the first time he has driven a car. (not drives) We often use the present perfect with yet. Yet shows that the speaker is expecting something to happen. Use yet only in questions and negative sentences: e.g. Has it stopped raining yet ? (not did it stop).

The pattern:
S + have/has + verb 3.etc S + havent/hasnt + Verb 3..etc Have/has + S + verb 3.. .etc? QW + have/has + S + verb 3..etc? 7. PAST PERFECT TENSE We use the Past perfect to say that something had already happened before this time : Example :

- When I arrived at the party, Tom had already gone home - When I got home, I found that someone had broken into my flat and had stolen my fur coat. - George didnt want to come to the cinema with us because he had already seen the film twice. - It was my first time in an aeroplane. I was very nervous because I hadnt flown before.

The pattern: S + had + verb 3when/before S + V2 S + hadnt + Verb 3 when/before S + V2 Had + S + verb 3 when/before S + V2 ? QW + had + S + verb 3 when/before S + V2 ? 8. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE S + have/has + been + verb 4etc S + havent/hasnt + been + verb 4etc Have/has + S + been + verb 4.etc ? QW + have/has + S + been + verb 4etc ? Example : + The students have been singing since this morning - The students havent been singing since this morning ? Have the students been singing since this morning ? 9. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE S + had been + verb 4when S + V2 S + hadnt been + Verb 4 when S + V2 Had + S + been + verb 4 when S + V2 ? QW + had + S + been + verb 4 when S + V2 ? Example: + They had been doing the homework when I came yesterday - They hadnt been doing the homework when I came yesterday ? Had they been doing the homework when I came yesterday ? 10. PRESENT FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE S + will be + Verb 4 + O + at..oclock S + wont be + Verb 4 + O + at..oclock Will + S + be + Verb 4 + O + at.oclock ? QW + will + S + be +Verb 4oclock ? Example:

+ You will be going to school at seven oclock tomorrow morning - You wont be going to school at seven oclock tomorrow morning ? Will you be going to school at seven oclock tomorrow morning ? 11. PRESENT FUTURE PERFECT TENSE S + will have + verb 3 + .by the end S + wont have + Verb 3 + ..by the end. Will + S + have + Verb 3 + by the end. ? QW + will + S + have +Verb 3 +by the end ? Example: + We will have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon - We wont have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon ? Will we have arrived in Jakarta tomorrow afternoon ? 12. PRESENT FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE S + will have been + verb 4since. S + wont have been + verb 4.since. Will + S + have been + verb 4since.? QW + will + S + have been + verb 4.since..? Example : + They will have been studying since this morning - They wont have been studying since this morning ? Will they have been studying since this morning ? 13. PAST FUTURE TENSE S + would + V1IF + S + verb 2.etc S + wouldnt + verb 1.+ object..etc Would + S + verb 1 .+ object ...etc ?

Example : 1. Saya akan datang ANDAIKATA kamu mengundang saya I would come if you invited me 2. Tom akan melakukan perjalanan JIKAdia punya uang Tom would travel if he had more money
14. PAST FUTURE CINTINUOUS TENSE S + would be + Verb 4when S + verb 2.etc S + wouldnt + be + verb 4.when S + verb 2etc Would + S + be + verb 4 .. when S + verb 2etc ?

Example : - Sedianyamer eka sedang akan pulang KETIKA kami datang

+ They would be going home when we came - They wouldnt be going home when we came ? Would they be going home when we came ?
15. PAST FUTURE PERFECT TENSE S + would have + verb 3..IF + S + had + verb 3. S + wouldnt have + verb 3 object..etc Would + S + have + verb 3 .object..etc ?

Example : - Ia sudah akan menjadi presiden ANDAIKATA partainya menang dalam pemilihan umum. - He would have become a president if his party had won in general election
16. PAST FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE S + would have + been + verb 4..IF + S + had + verb 3. S + wouldnt have been + verb 4.objectetc Would + S + have been + verb 4.. .object..etc ?

Example : - Sedianya rapat tengah akan dimulai sejak pagi ANDAIKATA walikota sudah datang tepat pada waktunya - The meeting would have been starting since this morning if Mayor had come on time

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