Anthony J. Urquiza
This manual was developed and produced by The Circle, Inc., McLean, VA,
under Contract No. HHS-105-88-1702.
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Psychiatry 2
Psychology 2
Psychiatric Nursing 3
Counseling 3
Tertiary Intervention 7
Advocate 8
Educator 8
Expert Witness 9
Inappropriate Interventions 12
Whether to Tell the Client That the Mental Health Professional is Making a Report 13
Operational Definitions 17
Physical Abuse 17
Sexual Abuse 17
Emotional/Psychological Abuse 18
Child Neglect 18
Incidence 18
Physical Abuse 20
Sexual Abuse 21
Neglect 22
Forensic Evaluations 23
Parents 24
Isolation 27
Sexual Distortions 27
Intervention Issues 28
Marital Therapy 30
Aggression Management 32
Self-Help Groups 32
Physical Environment 37
Support Personnel 37
Confidentiality 38
Release of Information 38
Countertransference 39
The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act was signed into law in 1974. Since that time, the Federal
Government has served as a catalyst to mobilize society’s social services, mental health, medical,
educational, legal, and law enforcement systems to address the challenges in the prevention and treatment
of child abuse and neglect. In 1977, in one of its early efforts, the National Center on Child Abuse and
Neglect (NCCAN) developed 21 manuals (the User Manual Series) designed to provide guidance to
professionals involved in the child protection system and to enhance community collaboration and the
quality of services provided to children and families. Some manuals described professional roles and
responsibilities in the prevention, identification, and treatment of child maltreatment. Other manuals in the
series addressed special topics, for example, adolescent abuse and neglect.
Our understanding of the complex problems of child abuse and neglect has increased dramatically since
the user manuals were first developed. This increased knowledge has improved our ability to intervene
effectively in the lives of “at risk” children and their families. For example, it was not until the early
1980’s that sexual abuse became a major focus in child maltreatment research and treatment. Likewise,
we have a better grasp of what we can do to prevent child abuse and neglect from occurring. Further, our
knowledge of the unique roles key professionals can play in child protection has been more clearly defined,
and a great deal has been learned about how to enhance coordination and collaboration of community
agencies and professionals. Finally, we are facing today new and more serious problems in families who
maltreat their children. For example, there is a significant percentage of families known to Child
Protective Services (CPS) who are experiencing substance abuse problems; the first reference to drug-
addicted infants appeared in the literature in 1985.
Because our knowledge base has increased significantly and the state of the art of practice has improved
considerably, NCCAN has updated the User Manual Series by revising many of the existing manuals and
creating new manuals that address current innovations, concerns, and issues in the prevention and
treatment of child maltreatment. This manual is intended to provide a foundation for mental health
professionals, to broaden their roles and responsibilities, and to discuss the issues that should be considered
in the evaluation and treatment of maltreated children and their families. This manual may also be used by
other professionals to increase their knowledge about the work of mental health professionals and to
improve the ability of all social services disciplines to work together collaboratively.
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Marilyn Strachan Peterson, M.S.W., M.P.A., is the Director of the Child Protection Center, Department
of Pediatrics, University of California, Davis Medical Center (UCDMC), located in Sacramento,
California. The Child Protection Center, established in 1987, provides patient services, teaching, and
research on behalf of abused and neglected children. Each year, more than 1,300 children receive medical
evaluations, social services, psychological assessments, and psychotherapy at UCDMC. Multidisciplinary
training and pio-neering research on medical evaluations of sexually abused children and the psychological
sequelae of child abuse and neglect are underway at the Center. As the former Branch Chief, Sexual
Assault Victim Services Program, State Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP), Ms. Peterson was
responsible, in conjunction with an advisory committee, for the development of the California Medical
Protocol for Examination of Sexual Assault and Child Sexual Abuse Victims and assisted in the
development of the OCJP State Training Curriculum for sexual assault/child sexual abuse medical
Anthony J. Urquiza, Ph.D., is a clinical child psychologist and Clinical Assistant Professor at the Child
Protection Center, Department of Pediatrics, UCDMC. He has extensive clinical experience with
children, adolescents, and adults in a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings. His primary clinical and
research interests and publications center on all types of family violence, with specific focus on violence
within racial and ethnic minority families, the sexual victimization of males, the treatment of children and
adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, the development of children’s sexuality, and mental health
psychodiagnostic issues as they apply to child maltreatment. Dr. Urquiza also serves as a member of the
Board of Directors of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children.
The following were members of the Advisory Panel for Contract No. HHS-105-88-1702:
Thomas Berg
Private Practice Helen Donovan
Washington, DC National Committee for Prevention of Child
Richard Cage Chicago, IL
Montgomery County Department of Police
Rockville, MD Judee Filip
American Association for Protecting Children
Peter Correia Englewood, CO
National Resource Center for Youth Services
Tulsa, OK Kathleen Furukawa
Military Family Resource Center
Howard Davidson Arlington, VA
ABA Center on Children and the Law
Washington, DC Judy Howard
University of California at Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
Molly Laird
League Against Child Abuse
Westerville, OH
Michael Nunno
Family Life Development Center
Ithaca, NY
Marsha K. Salus
Chair, Advisory Panel
Alexandria, VA
Mental health professionals promote healthy human development and functioning through clinical work
and/or teaching and research. Their professional expertise includes personality theory; stages of human
development; normal and abnormal psychology; personality traits, disorders, and psychopathology; the
interactional influence of the family, peers, and the community; the effect of social, historical, and
economic periods upon attitudes, values, and behavior; and therapeutic modalities and interventions with
children, adults, and families.
It is common for mental health professionals to encounter clients with either a childhood history of abuse
or neglect, or a suspicion of or actual evidence of current abuse. Childhood histories of emotional,
physical, or sexual abuse or neglect and the subsequent development of maladaptive traits and behavior
are at the root of many clients’ presenting problems. These faulty or injurious childhood relationships with
primary caretakers exist on a continuum of low to high adverse impact. Child maltreatment affects
personality development, interpersonal relationships, school and job functioning, and the development of
chronic life adjustment problems, personality disorders, psychopathology, and multiple personality
disorders. For these reasons, it is essential that mental health professionals:
� know the definitions, dynamics, and effects of all forms of child maltreatment;
� understand how contextual (environmental) and developmental factors affect the experience;
� obtain specialized training to provide effective clinical intervention for children and their
Mental health professionals include several disciplines with varying professional orientations, length of
education/training, and clinical supervision requirements for licensure and/or clinical practice.
Psychiatrists, psychologists, and clinical social workers have the most extensive specialized training in child
abuse and neglect. Other mental health providers, depending on State and local practice, may include
psychiatric nurses, counselors, and art therapists.
Psychiatrists, psychologists, and clinical social workers engaged in therapeutic intervention with children
and families provide clinical evaluations, psychotherapy, consultation to child protective service (CPS)
agencies, and expert testimony in court. The main differences among these professions are the scope of
the evaluation performed, the degree of case difficulty requiring specialized training and expertise, the
ability to prescribe medications, the training and expertise to administer and interpret psychological testing,
and training in experimental and applied research. Mental health professionals employ approaches similar
to psychotherapy by drawing upon theories of personality development and theories regarding cognitive,
behavioral, and emotional functioning of clients. These intervention models and approaches have a
foundation in modern psychoanalytic, psychodynamic, and cognitive theory and incorporate other theories
as appropriate (e.g., object relations and attachment theory, role theory, learning theory, family systems
theory, and behavioral theory).
Psychiatrists have a medical degree and a 3- to 4-year residency training program in psychiatry. They are
the only mental health professionals legally authorized to prescribe any medications. Both psychiatric
residency training and elective postresidency fellowship training focus on working with either adults or
children. The cornerstone of child psychiatric training is the body of knowledge about child development.
Psychiatrists provide evaluation and treatment of children, adults, and families. Although it involves a
range of referrals, a psychiatric assessment is helpful with parents and children in cases involving:
� aggressive outbursts;
� aberrant relationships;
� developmental delay;
Psychologists either have a doctorate in philosophy, which emphasizes both clinical training in psychology
and training in scientific research, or they have a doctorate in clinical psychology, in which the primary
emphasis of training is clinical work rather than research. The average length of graduate training is
between 5 and 7 years. Psychologists may also complete postdoctoral training programs to acquire more
advanced clinical training and/or training in research.
Psychologists provide evaluation and treatment of children, adults, and families. They are the only mental
health professionals accredited to perform psychological testing and evaluation. Psychologists employ a
battery of tests that evaluate cognitive functioning (how one regards and understands the world), affective
functioning (emotions and fantasies), adaptive functioning (how feelings and skills are employed to deal
with the challenges and tasks life presents to an individual), and pathological functioning (ways in which
the individual’s internal conflicts and drives distort or overwhelm the ability to deal effectively with the
� What is the nature of past knowledge and achievements, interests, and aptitudes?
� What are the adaptive strengths (application of assets and liabilities to new problems;
flexibility of approach, persistence, frustration tolerance, and reaction to novelty)?
� How does the person defend psychologically (protect the self from feelings, ideas, and
experiences that create anxiety through avoidance, repression, etc.) against unacceptable
internal needs and demands or external experiences? How rigid are the client’s defenses?
The social work master’s degree is versatile and enables social workers to be involved as practitioners and
administrators in a range of subspecialties (e.g., CPS, medical social work, corrections, community
organizations, and clinical practice). For the purposes of this manual, the focus will be on clinical practice
or the provision of assessment and psychotherapy.
In most States, clinical social workers possess a 2-year master’s degree and postdegree requirements for
clinical supervision. The historical orientation and distinguishing characteristic of social work training is to
view the client in the context of intrapersonal, interpersonal, and intersystemic functioning. 3
Master’s level social workers are often actively involved in multidisciplinary training. They tend to have
less involvement in research because the emphasis of the master’s degree is on clinical practice. Social
workers obtain doctorates in social work to pursue university-level teaching, train in research design and
methodology, and develop expertise in research-based public policy setting. There are doctorates in the
clinical practice of social work; however, the majority of social workers practice with a master’s degree.
Psychiatric Nursing
Psychiatric nurses are involved in clinical practice with a nursing degree, a master’s degree, and
postdegree requirements for clinical supervision in most States. They may work in outpatient clinics but
are more often employed in inpatient units. Nurses obtain master’s degrees and/or doctorates in nursing to
pursue careers involving teaching, research, or health policy development.
Counselors may or may not have a master’s degree depending on the requirements of the State in which
they practice and the level of complexity of the work they perform. Some social service agencies employ
and train counselors with a bachelor’s degree to provide crisis intervention, problem solving, client support,
service referrals, and advocacy for social services or criminal justice intervention. The master’s degree is
most often obtained in counseling psychology or a related field. In some States, counselors working with
children and families obtain their licensing as marriage, family, or child counselors.
Art therapists or expressive arts therapists are professionals who have combined interests in psychology
and art. They typically practice with a master’s degree in art therapy or psychology and art. A variety of
art forms such as drawing, painting, sculpting with clay, sandplay, making puppets and art projects, or
woodworking are used. Poetry, drama, movement, and music may also be part of this treatment modality.
Traditional verbal communication during assessment and treatment may demand a skill or developmental
level not always available to the child. Art therapy helps to meet children’s needs by:
� creating a medium for children to express feelings of fear, pain, anger, anxiety, and conflict in
a manner less threatening than verbal expression;
Child abuse intervention has emerged as a subspecialty in many disciplines over the past 30 years. Social
work, law enforcement, and the judiciary have the longest history of specialization with the establishment
of CPS and juvenile officers investigating child abuse and neglect cases and the Juvenile or Family Court
to adjudicate the cases.
For mental health professionals, the dramatic increase in cases and in attention to the problem of sexual
abuse has led to clinical specialization with child victims and adult survivors of sexual abuse. As a result, a
new term to characterize this work has been coined: “abuse-focused therapy.” Abuse-focused therapy
focuses on the original abuse context as one of the key issues in treatment, relating this trauma to later and
current experiences and behavior. This perspective assumes that childhood abuse or neglect is relevant to
a variety of child, adolescent, and adult mental health problems and that therapeutic attention to these
events will have a significant impact on current psychological functioning. 6
Effective therapeutic interventions for physically abusive and neglecting parents have also been developed
by mental health professionals. Examples include standardizing parenting education curricula for parents
ordered by the court to attend classes as a condition of family reunification, expanding didactic parenting
education to include adult-child group play sessions facilitated by staff to teach parents how to interact
with and discipline children, refining home-based services programs as intervention methods for physically
abusive and neglecting parents, supporting the development of self-help groups, and targeting supportive
and home-based services for high-risk mothers during the pre- and postnatal periods.
Other evidence of the emergence of child abuse and neglect as a subspecialty is the organization of
national and statewide professional associations based on a multidisciplinary membership of mental health,
social work, medical, and criminal justice professionals and the judiciary. Professional journals that
specifically focus on child abuse and neglect and/or victimization are another important development
because they keep the field updated on new research. Since clinical practice with child abuse victims and
their families has entered its third decade, there has been a substantial increase in the number of books
and journals written by experienced clinicians and researchers on the psychodynamics of abuse and
neglect, therapeutic interventions, and treatment modalities. Child abuse intervention as a subspecialty in
mental health could be strengthened if basic and advanced training were offered in undergraduate- and
graduate-level courses, if courses in child abuse and neglect were required for those applying for licensure
and license renewal, and if licensing examination questions on this subject were required for all mental
health disciplines.
Mental health professionals may be involved in primary and secondary prevention depending on their
interests and expertise. Primary prevention is directed toward preventing a problem from ever occurring.
Broad-based public awareness, media campaigns, and school-based prevention programs are examples of
effective means of educating the public about health and social concerns. Secondary prevention is
targeted at a specific high-risk subpopulation or group. Examples include home visitor programs for
mothers of newborns identified at the hospital as being “at risk.”
The primary focus of mental health professionals’ training is tertiary intervention through the provision of
therapeutic services to clients with a psychological problem that impairs their day-to-day functioning and
relationships with others. In the field of child abuse and neglect, this involves working with both child
victims and parents who abuse or neglect their children. Therapeutic interventions with children are
directed toward preventing the harmful effects of child maltreatment. Therapeutic interventions with
abusive parents are directed toward preventing recidivism through education, developing problem-solving
skills, providing cognitive and behaviorally oriented counseling to prevent maltreatment, helping parents
identify when they are at risk of abusing or neglecting their children, and teaching parents how to obtain
support and resources to prevent abuse and neglect. The following roles briefly describe the activities in
which clinicians are involved as a result of providing tertiary intervention or therapeutic intervention with
The primary role of mental health professionals in cases of child abuse and neglect is evaluation and
treatment of children, nonoffending parents, abusive or neglecting parents, and/or the family as a unit.
Mental health professionals often specialize by working either with children, adolescents, or adults and by
working with victims or offenders. Professionals with expertise in working with adults typically limit their
practice to adults. Child and adolescent therapists, however, must also be knowledgeable about how to
work with parents and families.
Treatment begins by developing a therapeutic relationship, evaluating the overall functioning of the client,
and planning treatment goals and intervention strategies based on the initial and ongoing assessment of
client needs. Services for children and their families may be limited to crisis intervention and referral, brief
therapy (10 to 12 weeks), or long-term therapy. Treatment modalities vary and may include individual and
group therapy for children and parents, family therapy, and marital therapy. Group therapy may include
victims grouped by type of victimization, age, gender, or sibling group; or parents grouped by their role as
offending or nonoffending adults.
The frequency and length of treatment are often determined by financial considerations such as health
insurance, grant or contract funding for the treatment program, or whether the client is eligible for
participation in the State’s Victims of Crime Program. Every State has a Victims of Crime Program
under which crime victims’ expenses for medical and psychological services can be reimbursed by
applying to the program and meeting eligibility criteria. (See Appendix A for a listing of State Victims of
Crime programs.)
Evaluation and treatment are reviewed in this manual’s sections entitled “Mental Health Evaluations” and
“Mental Health Treatment Issues and Models.” The traditional therapeutic role expands when working
with child abuse and neglect cases to include that of an advocate, information and referral source,
educator, consultant, and member of a multidisciplinary team.
An advocate enables clients to become aware of their needs; receive competent intervention and
decisionmaking by social services, criminal justice, and mental health personnel; and receive fair and
equitable treatment. The number of cases, the many variables associated with child abuse and neglect
cases, and the complexity of the system designed to serve children and families create the need for client
advocacy. Individual client advocacy involves providing referrals, emotional support, assistance, and
sometimes accompanying clients to other agencies to enable clients to obtain resources, services, and fair
Mental health professionals may also be involved in program advocacy or public awareness activities to
promote improved or expanded services, increase funding for services, provide greater access for clients
to services, develop new approaches to prevention and intervention, or prevent the elimination or reduction
of services. Advocacy may also take the form of promoting new or revised laws, State regulations, or
social policies. This type of change is most often accomplished through analysis of existing problems
and/or research to establish a basis for proposing change. These proposals can be initiated by individuals
but are most often brought about through coalitions and associations of professionals from single or
multiple disciplines.
Clients and their families may have needs that cannot be met through traditional therapy. These clients
may need referrals to parenting classes, parent aide programs, homemaker services, alcohol and drug
treatment programs, self-help groups, battered women shelters, rape crisis centers, medical and legal
services, tutoring services, victim/witness programs, offender treatment programs, and services for
children with special needs such as hearing or vision problems or learning or developmental disabilities.
Some communities have service directories; otherwise, it is useful to develop a local referral list.
The role of educator is performed on several levels. Part of psychotherapy involves education of the
client regarding family and interpersonal dynamics; abuse and neglect dynamics; psychological and
behavioral signs of abuse and neglect; information regarding child abuse investigation procedures; and
Juvenile, Family, or Criminal Court proceedings.
Mental health professionals are also involved in the education and training of professionals from their own
as well as other disciplines such as medicine, law enforcement, prosecution, and the judiciary. Mental
health professionals may also be involved in public education through the media, community meetings, and
Children and adults experience anxiety about testifying in court. Part of the victim–witness advocates’
role is to prepare clients to testify in court. In communities without such services or in situations not
handled by advocates, other professionals such as therapists, police officers, or CPS social workers may
provide support. Anxiety and ambivalence about testifying can be reduced by familiarizing the client with
court procedures; the courtroom setting; and the roles of the judge, prosecutor, defense attorney, bailiff,
and court reporter.
County and State Departments of Social Services make referrals to mental health professionals for
assessments and treatment most often at one of three points during intervention in the child protection
system. The first point is during the CPS investigation but prior to the adjudication or dispositional hearing.
The purpose of this referral may be to obtain a psychological evaluation of the child to assess the mental
health status of the child as a result of the abuse or neglect, or to obtain a psychological evaluation of the
parent to assess the capability or nature and extent of the disabilities of the parent. These assessments
are used to develop case plans and to support the agency recommendations regarding the disposition of the
The second point in time may occur after the adjudication or dispositional hearing when the family is
ordered to participate in court-ordered protective supervision or the child is removed from his/her family
and placed in foster care. The purpose of the referral may be to request an assessment of the child
because of behavior that raises concern, provide psychological treatment for the child and/or parent, or
evaluate the effects of multiple failed foster placements.
The third point in time may occur after the parent has failed to comply with family reunification efforts or
is assessed to be incapable of parenting the child, and the decision is made to proceed with termination of
parental rights. Children may be referred for psychological assessment and treatment for preadoptive
therapy or conjoint therapy with adoptive parents.
Mental health professionals may be called to render an opinion or testify as an expert witness in Juvenile,
Family, or Criminal Court. The purpose of the Juvenile or Family Court adjudication hearing is to
determine whether the child needs protection through court-ordered supervision of the family or whether
the child must be removed from the home for a period of time to establish conditions for parental action for
family reunification. The mental health professional may be asked to testify either to provide support for
social service agency recommendations in the case or, if the professional has been working with the
parent, support the parent’s objectives. This is usually not a jury trial but a hearing conducted by a judge.
Mental health professionals are also called to serve as expert witnesses in criminal trials for the
prosecution or the defense, if felony offenses are charged.
� to provide objective testimony whether one is testifying for the prosecution or the defense;
� to be a scholar in the field or related fields, and be familiar with or have contributed to the
literature in that field;
� to consider the role of expert witness as a minimal part of professional activity and not as a
profession (in other words, the main activities of an expert witness should be those of scholar,
clinician, teacher, or investigator in the field of expertise);
� to be aware of the legal and ethical impact of the testimony, and the importance and potential
consequences of the testimony to the people involved in the case;
� to be aware of the basic elements of the law and the legal procedures with which the expert
will be involved;
� to understand that it is the expert’s job to provide information and/or render an opinion, not to
win or lose the case, and, therefore, avoid becoming consumed with the adversarial
atmosphere of the legal process; and
� to obtain all the facts from the attorneys and clients(s) to avoid being surprised by damaging
information later in the legal process.7
The requirement to report child abuse and neglect became public policy in all States by 1965 with the
passage of the first child abuse reporting law, which only required physicians to report physical abuse.
Since that time, neglect, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse have been recognized as injurious to a child’s
physical and mental health, and reporting laws were amended to include these forms of child
maltreatment. Those professionals required by law to make child abuse reports also expanded over the
years to include teachers, nurses, mental health professionals, social workers, school custodians, day care
providers, and others who are in regular contact with children.
Mental health professionals are now required by law in all States to report child abuse and neglect. The
specific language of the States’ reporting laws varies, but they typically cover circumstances when one
acquires knowledge of or observes a child under conditions that give rise to a reasonable suspicion of child
abuse and/or neglect; or, when one has knowledge of or observes a child whom he or she knows has been
the victim of child abuse and neglect. “Reasonable suspicion” definitions may vary, but it is generally
considered to occur when it is objectively reasonable for a person to entertain such a suspicion, based on
his or her training and experience.
The primary intent of these reporting laws is to protect children from abuse and neglect. The child
identified in the report may not be the only victim in the family; other children may be abused or at high
risk of maltreatment. The purpose of the social services and/or law enforcement investigation is to
evaluate the circumstances of all children in the family. In troubled families, parents need help but may
not be able to directly ask for assistance. The report of abuse may be a catalyst for bringing about change
in the home environment which, in turn, may help lower the risk of abuse or neglect in the family.
The majority of States require that oral reports (telephone or in-person contacts) of suspected child
maltreatment be made immediately to a specified authority, usually law enforcement or child protective
services (CPS). Many States require that a written report follow the oral report. In other States, written
reports are only required upon request. The time frame for submission of the written report varies from
within 36 hours to 5 days after making the initial oral report.
Reporting laws also contain provisions to protect the identity of the person making the report and protect
reporters from civil lawsuits and criminal prosecution resulting from filing a report. Civil and criminal
immunity is provided as long as the report is made in “good faith.” Most States have criminal and financial
penalties for failure to report, and there is also a risk of civil lawsuit liability for failure to report. By
requiring professionals to report suspected child abuse and neglect and by adding financial, criminal, and
civil penalties for noncompliance, States and the Federal Government have made a strong policy statement
that protection of children is important in our society and that there is a legal obligation attached to
professionals employed in these professions.
In addition to State laws, most professional codes of ethics require that their respective disciplines report
child abuse and neglect to authorities. Please refer to the chapter, “How Child Abuse and Neglect Is
Defined,” which contains operational definitions of child abuse and neglect, and the User Manual entitled
A Coordinated Response to Child Abuse and Neglect: A Basic Manual, for further discussion of child
abuse reporting laws.
Making a report of suspected child abuse may be difficult. There may be doubts about whether the
circumstances merit a report, how the parents will react, what the outcome will be, and whether or not the
report will put the child at greater risk from angry parents. The best way to minimize the difficulty of
reporting is to be prepared for the experience, to be knowledgeable about the reporting requirements, and
to be aware of the CPS agency intake criteria and the response that is initiated by making a report.
The most frequent concern about reporting is whether reporting severs the trust that the client must
establish in therapy. Not reporting has a greater potential to sever trust because the clients who are
abusing children are showing, in action or words, that they need help. The real question is, “How can
clients trust the mental health professional who fails to recognize their needs and avoids helping them?”
Parents who abuse children are out of control, and parents who neglect children need education and
supportive services. For various reasons, the parents’ internal controls and personal resources are
unavailable to them. As a result, they need as many external controls and support as possible, until they
are better able to utilize their own restraints and resources. The reporting law is an opportunity to set an
external control and limit that clearly states, “The abusive or neglectful behavior is unacceptable and must
stop.” Most abusive parents do not want to hurt their children, and hurting them affects their own self-
worth by reinforcing their worst fears about themselves. As the therapist models appropriate setting of
limits, the parents may become better able to do the same with themselves and with their children.
Most parents will feel relief because external controls or limits have been introduced to stop abuse.
Offering a matter-of-fact caring approach counters the parents’ sense of secrecy and shame about the
incident(s). By not responding to parents’ clues or statements, the therapist gives the message that he or
she does not take the abuse seriously, believes that it will go away by itself, or is willing to collude in
keeping the abuse hidden.
Inappropriate Interventions
� Threats: Threatening the clients with a report gives the impression that reporting is a
punishment and may further alienate the client from seeking needed services.
� Bargaining: Statements such as, “I won’t report you this time, but if you do it again I’ll have
to” give the message that sometimes it is all right to be abusive, but other times it is not.
Bargaining also undermines the client’s view of the therapist and sends double messages that
are confusing. The abusive behavior may also escalate in search of a limit.
� Abandoning the client: It is important to provide ongoing support to the client throughout
the investigation and followup services.
The law does not require mandated reporters to tell the parents that a report is being made; however, in
the majority of cases, advising the client is therapeutically advisable. First, the therapist is employing
clinical leverage by using authority to set a firm and necessary limit. Reporting responds to the parents’
nonverbal plea for help. The therapist can reassure the clients that steps will be taken to help the parents
regain control so that the abuse does not lead to serious injury or emotional trauma to the child. Second, if
the therapist does not mention the report, there is secrecy and tension, which may result in the clients’
feelings of suspicion, isolation, or betrayal. In some cases, reporting may elicit an extreme response from
the clients. It is contra-indicated to inform parents about the report if the individual seems psychotic, has
poor impulse control coupled with a history of violent behavior, has a problem with alcohol or drugs, or is
likely to flee. It can be very beneficial to give clients the opportunity to make the reports themselves in the
therapist’s presence. A self-report, however, does not negate the therapist’s mandate to report.1
Neglected, physically abused, and sexually abused children should be referred for a medical evaluation if
they have not received an examination prior to referral of the case to the therapist. Some communities
have hospital-based child protection teams that perform these evaluations. Other communities rely on
local hospitals or physicians in private practice.
Child sexual abuse medical/evidentiary examinations have emerged as a new form of medical expertise.
Some States have protocols for medical examiners to follow. The purpose of the evaluation is to examine
the child for forensic evidence of recent or chronic trauma, to assess the possibility of sexually transmitted
disease and pregnancy, and to provide medical treatment. If a medical/evidentiary examination is not
authorized by investigative agencies, a child should still be referred for a medical examination because
children frequently have concerns that their body has been irreparably damaged by the sexual contact.
Reassuring sexually abused children that their bodies are healthy is an important step in the recovery
Mental health professionals are often concerned about revictimization of the sexually abused child through
an insensitive medical examination. Sometimes they have made the assumption that these examinations
are traumatic and have given this information to parents and children without having inquired about how
the examinations are performed. This type of communication creates anxiety for the children, increases
the difficulty of examining young children, and can prevent medical examiners from performing a complete
medical examination. If these concerns exist, it is important to first inquire about the quality of these
This section on resistance was adapted from The California Child Abuse Reporting Law: Issues and Answers to
Professionals by Eliana Gil, Ph.D.
exams in the community and the philosophy and practices of the medical providers. If, after making
inquiry, concerns still exist, the local medical society or criminal justice and social service agencies can be
notified and requested to make an inquiry into local resources and practices and compare them to
established children’s or university hospital-based programs with expertise in sexual abuse
medical/evidentiary examinations.
Sexual contact between therapists and clients is considered ethical misconduct, and, in a few States, such
activity is considered a criminal act subject to prosecution. In other States, sexual misconduct with clients
is subject to review by licensing boards and is grounds for revocation of licensure. Civil suits have been
successfully brought against therapists by their clients. Therapists knowledgeable about sexual misconduct
by other therapists have an ethical duty to report this conduct to licensing boards and investigative
Expertise in the area of child abuse and neglect is best acquired through a combination of clinical
supervision from experienced service providers, experience in actual treatment programs prior to
practicing independently in the community, and training programs. Most training on child abuse and
neglect is offered through Federal, State, and local professional associations, child abuse prevention
organizations, or child abuse treatment programs.
Due to Federal and State funding requirements, community mental health clinics have established quality
assurance standards. Community-based organizations may or may not have developed organizationally to
this point. At a minimum, policies and standards regarding client intake and evaluation procedures,
establishing treatment goals and plans, charting and record-keeping requirements, client confidentiality and
release of information, and maintenance of records (including length of time records are kept after a client
has completed receiving services) should be established. Clinical supervision and supervisor or peer
review of client charts or records should take place on a regular basis. Mental health professionals
working independently of an agency or clinic should consider regular clinical consultation groups with
peers to stay in the mainstream of clinical practice and the literature and to avoid working in isolation.
The need for multidisciplinary teams emerged over 30 years ago from the realization that no one discipline
can successfully intervene in cases of child abuse and neglect cases. The first teams were established in
1958 at Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital, the Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles, and the University Hospital
in Denver. Since 1958, the number of teams has grown throughout the United States. The focus of these
university hospital-based child protection teams is to review all cases referred, provide training, and initiate
Today there are many different types of multidisciplinary teams. Some teams focus on investigation of
cases and are based in a public agency rather than a hospital. These teams concentrate on discussing
new cases to review findings and actions by all personnel (e.g., medical examination findings, CPS, and
law enforcement initial investigation results). Prosecutors sometimes serve on these teams to report on
filing decisions.
The purpose of this approach is to review cases to ensure a standard quality of intervention and
coordination among agencies at the initial stages of a case. If high numbers of cases (20–30) are
reviewed each week, there is limited feedback in the ensuing weeks as to individual case outcomes.
Lower numbers of cases make outcome information feasible to obtain and discuss. Some communities
have addressed this problem by establishing teams that specialize in different types of abuse (e.g., sexual,
physical, or neglect). This approach, however, necessitates specialized personnel that only investigate one
form of abuse—or assignment of personnel to more than one case review meeting per week.
If the team has a dual mission of case review and case planning, it will also include a public health nurse, a
mental health representative from a community mental health clinic, a child abuse treatment program, or a
practitioner in private practice. The focus of this team is also influenced by the number of cases. If the
team reviews a high number of cases each week, the focus of the discussion is a review of
decisionmaking to date, with a case planning discussion limited to recommendations. If the number of
cases reviewed is more manageable, the team will have time for case planning, feedback at later sessions
regarding individual case outcomes, making additional recommendations, or revising case plans.
A few communities have teams that take a retrospective look at decisionmaking and randomly select past
cases for review to evaluate how the child protective system is working. Cases are randomly selected
from three points in the system: child abuse reports, prosecutor filing decisions, and placement of children
in foster care. The review has several purposes: (1) to identify systemic or thematic problems that occur
repeatedly at the time of intake, investigation filing and prosecution decisions, child protective custody and
release actions, and foster placements; (2) to assess the quality of case planning; and (3) to determine
whether case plans were fully or partially implemented.
The focus of the review is to identify systemic or thematic problems that occur repeatedly at intake,
investigation filing and prosecution decisions, child protective custody and release actions, and foster
placements; review the quality of case planning; and assess whether case plans were fully or partially
Two new types of specialized multidisciplinary teams that have emerged are child death review teams and
perinatal substance abuse teams. The purpose of child death review teams is to review all cases of child
death in a community to determine whether they were abuse-related and, if so, to identify what could have
been done to prevent the death. The purpose of perinatal substance abuse teams is to review cases of
newborns with positive drug screens to evaluate whether the infants are at risk of abuse or neglect and to
recommend needed social services.
It is commonly recommended that mental health professionals serve on multidisciplinary teams. At the
same time, it must be recognized that, in many communities, these teams have evolved and changed, and
their focus has become driven by the numbers of cases. Caseworkers have become service brokers
securing the services of a cadre of mental health professionals in private practice, and it is not practical to
include all of them on a team.
The basic premise of the team is that no one professional can respond to the complexity of these cases.
In recognition of these changes, it is recommended that agency-based mental health professionals form
review teams within their own organization and plan case reviews involving the families’ caseworkers.
Clinicians in private practice should consider regular case review meetings with caseworkers and peer
consultation groups.
The Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (Public Law l02-295) defines child abuse and neglect as
the physical or mental injury, sexual abuse or exploitation, negligent treatment, or maltreatment:
� of a child, a person under the age of 18, or except in the case of sexual abuse, the age
specified by the child protection law of the State;
� by a person who is responsible for the child’s welfare, including any employee of a residential
facility or any staff person providing out-of-home care;
� under circumstances which indicate that the child’s health or welfare is harmed or threatened
Legal definitions of child abuse and neglect and child abuse reporting law requirements vary from State to
State. Because mental health professionals are mandated by all States to report child abuse and neglect,
they must be knowledgeable about reporting law requirements. Information about reporting requirements
can be obtained by calling State or county child protective services (CPS) or a local law enforcement
agency. The NCCAN publication entitled Child Abuse and Neglect: A Shared Community Concern
contains a list of State CPS agencies; how to access county agencies if a State’s child protection services
are organized by county, telephone number(s), address; and procedures on how to make a child abuse
The four types of abuse described below may occur alone or in combination. Physical and sexual abuse
and neglect are not separate, discrete categories. They overlap in the experiences of many children and
are linked to short- and long-term psychological sequelae.
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is characterized by inflicting physical injury by hitting, punching, beating, kicking, throwing,
biting, burning, or otherwise physically harming a child. The injury may be the result of a single episode or
of repeated episodes. The physical trauma can range in severity from minor bruising, abrasions,
lacerations, burns, eye injuries, and fractures to damage to the brain and internal organs (liver, spleen,
abdomen, pancreas, and kidneys). Head and internal injuries are the leading causes of child abuse-related
deaths. This form of abuse also includes extreme or bizarre forms of punishment such as torture or
confinement of children in dark closets, boxes, or rooms for days, months, or even years at a time.
Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse includes a wide range of conduct: genital exposure; masturbation between adult and
child; fondling breasts, genitals, buttocks, and thighs; oral copulation; vaginal or anal penetration by finger,
penis, or foreign object; dry intercourse (rubbing penis between child’s thighs or anal-genital area); and
commercial exploitation through prostitution or the production of pornographic materials.
Children are more often sexually abused by someone responsible for their care than by strangers. The
most commonly reported cases involve incest (sexual abuse occurring among nuclear family members)
between father or stepfather and daughter. Mother–son, father–son, mother–daughter, and brother–sister
incest also occurs. Sexual abuse may be committed by other relatives such as grandfathers,
grandmothers, cousins, aunts, and uncles or by nonrelatives such as babysitters and day care providers,
teachers, children’s activity group leaders, neighbors, and friends of the family.
Sexual abuse may also involve multiple child victims by a group of offenders, sometimes involving satanic
or ritualistic practices. Client histories of ritualistic abuse may include reports of torture, animal and human
sacrifice, and homicide. Similar reports have surfaced in many States and should not be dismissed
because they sound unbelievable.
Emotional/Psychological Abuse
Emotional abuse includes acts or omissions by the parents or other persons responsible for the child’s care
that have caused, or could cause, serious emotional, behavioral, cognitive, or mental disorders. Emotional/
psychological abuse exists on a continuum of habitual behavioral interactions such as belittling through
comments, comparisons, and name-calling; scapegoating; humiliating; isolating; screaming and raging; and
psychological inaccessibility or rejecting treatment.
Child Neglect
Child neglect is characterized by failure to provide for the child’s basic needs. Neglect can be physical,
educational, or emotional.
� Physical neglect includes refusal of or delay in seeking medical or dental care, abandonment,
inadequate supervision, passive drug intoxication with illicit drugs, accidental ingestion of illicit
drugs, and expulsion from home or refusing to allow a runaway to return home.
� Emotional neglect includes failure to respond to the child’s psychological needs for attention,
love, and emotional security; emotional deprivation and being psychologically inaccessible;
exposure to chronic or extreme spouse abuse in the child’s presence; and permission for drug
or alcohol use by the child.
In 1990, States received an estimated 1.7 million reports of alleged child abuse and neglect of an estimated
2.7 million children. After investigation, more than 618,200 allegations involving more than 846,000
children were substantiated or indicated. Because definitions and criteria vary from State to State and
data collection methods differ, it is difficult to obtain representative statistics. States do provide their
annual data on child abuse and neglect cases to NCCAN, which publishes them as reports and working
papers of the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System.
A commonly asked question is whether the incidence of child abuse is actually increasing or whether
public awareness has caused more people to report abuse and neglect. No one knows for sure; however,
many of the causative factors in child abuse have not been ameliorated but have worsened. Social
indicators include poverty and unemployment rates; drug and alcohol abuse; school dropout rates; high
incidence of low birthweight babies; stress; poor or inadequate housing; high divorce rates and resulting
increase in single-parent households headed by women; teen pregnancy; and increased social isolation
caused by decline of influence by the nuclear and extended family; by reduced participation in school,
community or church activities; and the gradual disenfranchisement or dissociation of individuals from the
community. For more information on the definitions and extent of child maltreatment, the reader is
referred to another manual in this series entitled A Coordinated Response to Child Abuse and Neglect:
A Basic Manual.
Child abuse and neglect have been found to be intergenerational in families, although not all maltreated
children mature to become parents who abuse and neglect their children. In many families, however,
models of parenting are passed on through the generations, and victims internalize or adapt the patterns of
their victimizers. These parenting and intergenerational patterns can be changed or modified through
education and effective treatment interventions with children and parents.
Child maltreatment by parents and caretakers has a significant impact on the organization and
development of personality. The child development literature is clear that the most significant factor in
children’s lives is their relationship to their parents. Interactions from birth form this relationship, and the
result is a continuum of high- or low-degree bonding, attachment, and family cohesiveness. Disruption and
impairment of bonding and attachment directly affect the child’s formation of internal beliefs about
him/herself and others. The child’s self-perception and subsequent responses and adaptations to the
maltreatment affect personality development and how the child relates to others.
Contextual (environmental) and developmental factors are important to consider in evaluating the impact
of child abuse and neglect because they affect the variability in the experience of abuse by the child and
the family’s response to the abuse. These mediating variables prevent a simple cause-and-effect response
to victimization. It is possible to identify certain maladaptive responses that occur with high frequency
(sexualized behavior, aggressive behavior, or passive or withdrawn behavior) in studies of sexually and
physically abused or neglected children. Despite the frequency, the mediating variables make it impossible
to predict that the behavioral indicators listed below will be present in every abused and neglected child.
Examples of contextual variables include:
� family dynamics and constellation (e.g., whether both or only one parent was abusive, the
quality of the relationship with the nonabusive parent, the presence of drug or alcohol abuse,
level of cohesiveness among siblings, support or nonsupport by extended family members, and
number of siblings);
� abuse characteristics (e.g., type, frequency, and duration of the maltreatment, whether
physical injury, illness, or disability resulted from the maltreatment);
� social and emotional support systems (e.g., mental health status of parents, quality of the
marital/partner relationship, isolation or access to other supportive individuals such as relatives,
neighbors, friends);
� school environment (e.g., relationships with peers and teachers, school attendance and
achievement, access to extracurricular activities).
� age and developmental stage of the child at the time of the maltreatment;
� intellectual and emotional maturity (developmental capacity to understand and interpret the
maltreatment); and
This section will present a brief summary of intrapersonal and interpersonal problems reported in the
literature about maltreated children—and issues that adults abused as children experience. Each form of
maltreatment is presented separately; however, it is important to emphasize that neglect and emotional,
physical, and sexual abuse can overlap in families.
The consequences of physical abuse on the developing child have been well documented. Salter,
Richardson, and Kairys state, “Abused children have learned that their world is an unpredictable, often
hurtful place. The adults who care for them may be angry, impatient, depressed, and distant. Further,
they can be transformed without warning, into hostile, violent persons.” 8 With a physically abusive parent,
the child’s attachment is affected in a manner that causes the young child to develop a perception of
himself as incompetent, unloved, and unlovable. This experience can result in a pattern of expecting the
infliction of pain or injury from others, of behaving in ways to incite pain and injury, of distrusting
closeness, of feeling helpless and powerless, and of developing wariness or suspicion of others.
Older children often demonstrate some type of affective problem (e.g., depression, sadness, anxiety).
They numb themselves to abuse, become limited in their ability to perceive their own feelings, and have
difficulty interpreting and responding to the emotional expressions of others. As a result of abuse, children
and adults may develop a pattern of denying or limiting certain emotional responses (i.e., feelings that may
be conflictual) which, in turn, limit their ability to be expressive or spontaneous in other contexts. Although
this blunted affective ability and response may be useful in coping with the psychic pain of being abused, it
may inhibit the range of emotional responses and impairs an important part of a child’s development.
Older physically abused children also have a tendency to become caretakers for their abusive parents.9
These children often engage in caregiving actions that serve to meet the needs of their parents and reduce
parents’ stress. The children may also provide similar caregiving behavior to younger children within the
family to provide assistance to their parents, meet the needs of the siblings, and reduce stress within the
family. A further explanation of this caregiver role reversal is the need to counteract feelings of
powerlessness and acquire positive meaning and appreciation within their life as a way of maintaining
closeness to their attachment figure.
Both verbally and physically aggressive behavior and passive compliance and avoidant behavior have been
reported by studies investigating physically abused children. Green suggests that aggressiveness is an
effort by abused children to avoid feelings of helplessness and anxiety. 10 Helfer suggests that being raised
in an environment where physical abuse is a common response to problems, feelings, and conflicts impairs
several important developmental behaviors such as problem solving, accepting delayed gratification, and
impulse control. 11 Without the opportunity to learn these behaviors, a child responds in ways that are
modeled within the family. In response to conflict, negative affect, or a problem, abused children resort to
some type of verbal or physical hostility or passive compliance to resolve the problem or to meet their
unmet needs.
Physically abused children frequently have significant problems in their ability to develop and sustain peer
relationships. In their review, Mueller and Silverman state that “the very heart of peer relations, a felt
equality between partners, involves developing a working model of relationships that is based on sharing,
equality, and non-exploitation. The experiences of abuse and neglect seem antithetical to developing such
a model.”12
In reviewing the empirical research on child sexual victimization, some type of intrapersonal disturbance in
children, adolescents, and adults has been consistently reported. A sexual abuse victim feels a sense of
shame unlike that from other forms of abuse. Even the youngest children drop their voices to barely
audible during interviews when describing the details of sexual abuse. The shame is in response to both
the misuse of the child and the abuse of the sexuality that is both a physical and psychological aspect of
human beings.
Sexual abuse victims experience a loss of power and control over their lives. They report symptoms of
fear, anxiety, isolation, vulnerability, feeling different from others, and feelings of low self-esteem. With
intrafamilial abuse, they also feel a sense of betrayal toward the abusive parent, grandparent, or sibling and
anger toward the nonabusive parent if they failed to believe or protect them. Porter, Block, and Sgroi
describe sexual abuse victims perceiving themselves as “damaged goods,” a characterization to describe
an overall sense of poor self-image.13
Finkelhor describes the dynamic of betrayal as shown through distrust in others 14 15 and conflicted
relationships with others as shown through reactions of fear and hostility. 16 17 Despite this sense of
distrust or wariness towards others, research regarding victims of sexual abuse has shown that they have
an increased risk of being revictimized. 18
A consistent finding in research describing consequences of child sexual abuse is the increase in
sexualized behavior in many children and promiscuity in adolescents and adults. Two studies using
standardized measures of assessment have indicated that sexually abused children tend to be more
involved with sexual ideation and behavior.19 20 One study reported that nearly three-fourths of the boys
and slightly more than two-fifths of the girls exhibited some type of sexual problem (e.g., preoccupation
with masturbating, masturbating in public, talks about sex too much).21 In a second study, approximately
one-fourth of the younger age group (4–6 years) and one-third of the older age group (7–13 years) were
elevated on a sexual behavior scale (which included items about excessive sexual curiosity, open
masturbation).22 In a smaller sample of 14 boys referred to therapy for sexual aggression, Friedrich and
Leucke identified 11 of them with a history of being sexually victimized. 23 Several clinical case studies
report a variety of sexual behavior problems in children with a history of sexual abuse, including problems
with sexual acting-out, an exaggerated interest in sexuality, and an increased interest in sexual material. 24
25 26
Finally, several researchers have suggested that having a history of sexual abuse may contribute to
becoming a sexual offender (either as a juvenile, adult, or both).27 28 It is important to note that, as a
group, sex offenders may possess a relatively high prevalence of child sexual abuse in their childhoods, but
this does not mean that children who have been sexually abused will become sexual offenders.
An extensive study conducted by the Tufts’ New England Medical Center, was one of the first research
reports to use standardized measures in examining sexually abused boys and girls.29 This study reported
that nearly half of the oldest age group (7–13 years of age) showed substantially elevated levels of hostility
on scales of aggression and antisocial behavior on the Louisville Behavior Checklist. Similarly,
approximately one-sixth of the younger age group (4–6 years of age) were reported as being elevated on
these same scales of aggression and antisocial behavior.
In neglectful families, the infant or child does not experience an actively involved, caring, responsible, and
reliable caretaker. These children do not experience recognition of themselves or their needs. The
consequences of this experience for overall personality development are profound. In contrast to physical
and sexual abuse (where children experience visibility, albeit negative) with neglect, the child feels
This childhood experience may manifest in symptoms of withdrawal, depression, passivity, and
disorientation or confusion. Neglected children have been shown to become helpless and passive, and
they tend to roam aimlessly when placed in a situation where they are temporarily separated from their
parent.30 Howes and Espinoza report that the neglected children appeared to display less affect, either
positive or negative, in their peer encounters.31 Helfer reports that being raised in such an abnormal
environment results in several intrapersonal problems because the child’s needs are not consistently met.
Core self-esteem is pervasively damaged. 32 The processes of decisionmaking and problem solving are
rarely modeled adequately, and the child has limited opportunity to build and practice these skills. Some of
these children do not fully develop the capacity to control their feelings and actions or develop delayed
gratification, which results in impulsive behavior.
It has been reported that many neglectful mothers have difficulty providing adequate care for their children
because of their past history of maltreatment.33 As a result of dysfunctional interpersonal relationships,
these mothers have difficulty coping with the demands of an intimate relationship and may not understand
their children’s cues and interactions because of their own emotional limits and instability. They may have
limited capacity to engage in healthy attachment relationships with their children. Consequently, their
children may never acquire the basic interpersonal skills and may grow up to perpetuate this
intergenerational transmission of relationship dysfunction.
When interacting with peers, neglected children tend to be withdrawn from schoolmates or relate to peers
in a disorganized, active, or aggressive manner. They may exhibit fewer positive play behaviors, such as
offering, sharing, showing, accepting, throwing, and following. This problem in peer relationships is
supported by Hoffman-Plotkin and Twentyman,34 who report that neglected children tend to be more
withdrawn than physically abused children and nonmaltreated children. Additionally, their research
suggests that both physically abused and neglected children exhibit less prosocial behavior than
nonmaltreated children. This is consistent with another study, which reports that neglected children
directed fewer positive behaviors toward their peers, initiated fewer interactions, and were involved in
simpler forms of play. 35 In a related study, it was found that neglected children appeared resistant to
approaches from a friendly playmate, confirming the researchers’ assumption of problems related to
prosocial abilities.36
Children and parents may be referred for evaluations for legal or forensic purposes or for case planning
and treatment purposes. Clarifying the reasons for the evaluation referral is important. The mental health
professional needs to identify the questions that need to be answered by this evaluation and the purposes
for which this information will be used. Professionals from the fields of criminal justice and CPS making
referrals may need information about mental health evaluations, what questions can be answered, the
different objectives of forensic and clinical assessments, psychological testing, and consultation on how to
interpret the results of psychological assessments. Mental health professionals must also understand the
difference between forensic and clinical evaluations, clearly explain their role to the client(s), and clarify
for clients such issues as client confidentiality and release of information as they relate to each type of
Children are referred for evaluations by law enforcement investigators, attorneys for the defense or
prosecution, or by CPS for help in determining whether abuse occurred. Sexually abused children are
most commonly referred for this reason because the case is often entirely based on statements made by
the child, and it has been determined that a specially trained clinician is needed to perform the interview.
Physical findings from medical/evidentiary exams, which can support the case, are only present in about
28 percent of the cases.37 This is in contrast to physical abuse and neglect cases, in which the case is
largely based on the physical evidence.
Because child sexual abuse cases are mainly based on children’s reports of what happened, children are
frequently subjected to multiple interviews by multiple interviewers. The purposes of these various
interviews are to obtain information for criminal investigations and make child protective custody decisions.
Multiple interviews by multiple interviewers have been found to be emotionally damaging to children.
Multidisciplinary interview centers are beginning to be established in some communities to reduce this
trauma to children. At these sites, specially trained specialists conduct interviews that meet the needs of
both criminal and CPS investigations. Law enforcement investigators, CPS social workers, and
prosecutors observe the interviews behind a one-way glass. The interviews are also videotaped to reduce
the need for repeated interviews.
Because many communities have not yet established this practice, it is not uncommon for mental health
professionals to receive referrals for forensic evaluations of children. Other reasons for these referrals
are: the child shows behavioral symptoms of being sexually abused, but will not make any verbal
statements; allegations in divorce/child custody disputes include abuse or neglect; confusion or conflict
exists in the case, and an independent professional is needed to sort out the issues; and, recently, in
physical abuse cases, mental health professionals have been called on to testify on “battered child
syndrome” as a defense for homicide. These are cases in which adolescents have murdered their parents
after years of physical and emotional abuse. Since nearly all of these types of evaluations require
submitting a report to the court and testifying, mental health professionals must be prepared to defend their
conclusions and recommendations, their education and credentials, and their knowledge of the literature.
The primary purposes of the forensic evaluation are to determine if there is sufficient information to file
charges related to child maltreatment and if the child is sufficiently capable of providing valid and reliable
information. Typically, this involves determining the child’s ability to recall information (i.e.,
developmental, intellectual, and affective functioning), acquiring basic information about the complaint, and
documenting psychological and behavioral symptoms associated with abuse that support the allegation.
This type of assessment requires knowledge of child development to enable the clinician to understand the
abilities of a child to recall information at various ages, how to approach and interview children, and how to
interpret the information provided by the child. A pitfall to avoid in interviewing young children for legal
purposes is to ask leading questions that suggest the answer. Training with law enforcement investigators
is recommended to distinguish between an appropriate question and a leading question that suggests or
promotes an answer. Videotaping interviews may be helpful to preserve the child’s answers to questions
and document the manner in which they were asked. The following format can be used in these
� Identifying information about the victim: Name, address, phone number, age, birth date,
school information (grade, teacher’s name), etc.
� Information about the victim’s family: Family size and membership, sibling ages,
occupation(s) of parent(s) or means of financial support, description of other people living in
the home, and description of all persons responsible for the child’s care.
� Descriptive information about the type and frequency of the offense: Specific
information about what occurred, when, how often, duration (weeks, months, or years), events
that occurred just prior to and after the abuse, and whether siblings or other children were
abused. For sexual abuse cases, it is also important to ask if photographs were taken or if
videotapes were made.
Evaluations are performed of both abusive parents and nonoffending parents. The purpose of the
evaluation of abusive parents is to assess their mental status; the presence of personality disorders,
psychiatric problems, or psychopathology; character strengths and weaknesses; the precipitant of the
abuse/neglect and whether the precipitants are chronic or situational; whether the person has a substance
abuse problem; whether the parent admits or denies the abuse/neglect and can acknowledge the emotional
or physical consequences to the child; whether the parent is amenable to treatment; the type of treatment
recommended; whether incarceration is recommended; and the presence or absence of supportive family
and friends.
The purpose of the evaluation of nonabusive parents includes all of the issues listed above with the
exception of recommendations for incarceration. The main focus of this evaluation is the nonabusive
parent’s ability to protect the child given the presence of any mental health, characterological, or substance
abuse problems. This evaluation extends to the nonabusive parent’s relationship to the abusive parent
from the standpoint of whether they are intimidated by or dependent on the abuser and whether they are
able and willing to protect the child and comply with court orders.
The purpose of the clinical evaluation is to assess the nature and extent of the presenting problem(s), the
client’s current level of functioning, the client’s capabilities of improved functioning, and the client’s
willingness and motivation to participate in treatment. The primary objectives of the clinical evaluation are
as follows:
� Identify the existing relative strengths of the client(s): Assess the client’s intellectual
functioning, social skills, peer relationships, family relationships, emotional stability, adaptations
and maladaptations, and the perception of the situation—especially attributions of responsibility
(self or others)—and defense mechanisms. Assess the client across domains, such as school
or work, to further identify strengths in functioning and determine whether adaptive strengths
are found in all areas.
� Identify the existing relative weaknesses of the client(s): Assess the existence or potential of
mental health problems, maladaptive behavior traits or disorders, the tendency to internalize or
externalize behavior, attributions of responsibility, and defense mechanisms. Assess the client
across domains such as school or work to further identify problems in functioning or whether
maladaptive traits carry over to all areas.
� Determine the capabilities and availability of supportive resources: Assess the degree of the
child’s and parent’s isolation, their ability to obtain and receive support, the corresponding
capability and availability of the support system, and the degree of family (both nuclear and
extended) cohesiveness.
� Assess the need for a medical, psychiatric, or psychological evaluation: Inquire about medical
problems, psychiatric history, or symptomatology.
� Target and prioritize symptoms or behaviors that may be particularly harmful to the child or
others (e.g., suicidal ideation, revictimization, or aggressive behavior toward others): Assess
the risk of suicide for both the child and the parents; the potential of revictimization of the
child; the potential of the child to act out sexually or physically toward other children; the
potential of parent’s aggressive, hostile, or impulsive behavior; and the potential of high-risk
behavior. (Additional information on assessing risk for suicide is presented later in this
� For children, assess for symptoms across areas of functioning and degree of parental support:
Assess for symptoms expressed by the child at home by interviewing parents or foster parents
and at school by talking to teachers. Establish a mental health treatment history, if indicated,
from past therapists. Assess the level of parental support and risk of withdrawal of support
due to diverse parental reactions to disclosure of maltreatment.
� Assess the motivation for treatment: Families may voluntarily seek treatment because one or
more family members are engaging in behavior that makes the family system unworkable or
that causes undue stressors. Parents may be court-ordered to participate in therapy to retain
custody of their children, to acquire custody of a previously maltreated child currently in foster
care (family reunification), to comply with sentencing requirements, or as an alternative to
incarceration (diversion programs). It is important for mental health professionals to
understand both the reasons for their client/family to be involved in therapy and their
motivation for change.
Although suicidal ideation and attempts are less frequent with children than adults, a consistent number of
children attempt suicide. According to the National Center on Health Statistics, the nationwide suicide
rate among teenagers in 1983 was 8.7 per 100,000.38 Pfeffer provides a description of the demographic
variables related to suicidal children. 39 She states that suicidal ideation and attempts are far more frequent
among boys than girls and that it is a much more frequent problem for teenage children than for younger
children. There may be several reasons or motivations perceived by the child that lead to suicidal
behavior. These include impulsive responses to aggressive or hostile situations; the influence of guilt and
remorse; manipulation and punishment of the parents (i.e., “You’ll be sorry when I’m dead”); or the need
to join a deceased relative, decrease or end a sense of loneliness, or seek a solution or end to an
unbearable situation.
� Change in behavior patterns (e.g., increased withdrawal or isolation, giving away prized
decreased concentration and decisionmaking ability, recurrent death thoughts or wishes, loss
of pleasure, loss of interest, and sadness).
� Suicidal risk increases with inadequate resources of social network (e.g., has no one to talk to
when feeling bad, has no one to ask for help, has unclear idea of when to get help, and has no
supportive relationships).
Professionals providing mental health services to children must have a solid foundation in the stages of
normal child development and how child maltreatment can adversely affect children’s development and
Two important caveats must be presented before discussing therapeutic issues in incestuous families. The
first is that insufficient empirical research has been conducted on the effectiveness of interventions with
incestuous families, particularly with sexual offenders who are at high risk for recidivism. Second, existing
research suggests that incestuous families are a very homogeneous group. There may be many different
types of incestuous families that have not yet been identified and grouped at this stage in our knowledge.
Regardless of whether different subtypes exist, common themes or patterns of behavior have been
identified in the clinical literature.
One of the more common features of incestuous families is the degree to which they are closed off and
outside the normal socialization processes that naturally occur with families. This isolation may be the
result of poor or underdeveloped social skills on the part of the parents or the family’s general avoidance
of activities that require them to function in interpersonal relationships. Isolation may also enable
perpetrators/fathers to have more control over the family and engage in their abusive behavior within an
environment that has a lower risk of disclosure. Alexander suggests that isolation also serves to prevent
exposure of family members to healthy, appropriate family models of functioning. 40
Within healthy families, one of the important characteristics of family functioning and the development of
individuals within the family is communication and the development of specific roles and boundaries within
the family. Incestuous families are characterized by limited intrafamily communication such as keeping
secrets and not discussing abuse-related behavior and feelings. Family members are not likely to discuss
topics such as sexuality, the limits of physical affection, acceptable behavior between siblings, and
questionable parental behavior. Incestuous families are also characterized by blurred interpersonal
boundaries. Without a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of family members (especially
between parents and their children), these issues may become ambiguous and more accessible to sexual
Sexual Distortions
Sexual abuse research has consistently reported an intergenerational component associated with child
sexual abuse. That is, many children who have been sexually abused may also have one or both parents
with a history of sexual victimization in their childhoods. As Finkelhor and Browne point out, one of the
common sequelae of child sexual abuse is a pattern of sexual distortions (i.e., traumatic sexualization).41
This pattern results in confusion about sexual identity and sexual norms, confusion between sex and
caregiving, aversions to sex or intimacy, and the conditioning of sexual activity with negative emotions.
Parents who were sexually abused as children may have developed distorted images and values about
sexuality, which they in turn transmit to their children and partner. Lack of information and confusion
about sexuality, including sexual boundaries and limits, and distortions about sexual roles and relationships
may foster the development and acceptance within the family of incestuous behavior.
Intervention Issues
Children may need crisis intervention if the disclosure has just occurred, investigative agencies have just
become involved, and a medical examination is required. The trauma of disclosure should not be
underestimated, even if the abuse has been taking place over a period of time or occurred long ago. The
assessment should include the need for crisis intervention, brief therapy, or long-term therapy to resolve
victimization issues.
As a prerequisite for any type of family therapy or effort to reunify the incestuous family, there must be a
focus on the safety of the child, the right of the child to be free from abuse, and the capability of the
nonoffending parent to maintain a protective attitude toward the child. Recantation of the sexual abuse
allegation by the child can distract professionals from the safety issue. It should not be assumed that
because a child recants, the abuse did not happen. Possible reasons for a child recanting include
nonsupport or withdrawal of support by the nonoffending parent; pressure by the nonoffending parent,
siblings, grandparents, and other relatives to deny previous statements; the child’s compassion and need to
protect and defend his/her parent; the child’s removal from the home and desire to return home under any
circumstances; poor intervention and management of the case by investigative agencies; and fear of going
to court and testifying.
In many incestuous families the nonoffending parent (typically the mother) is often described as passive,
dependent, and nonsupportive of the child. Some mothers may be initially supportive and later withdraw
support from the child. Nonsupport by the mother may cause the child to recant his/her report.
Supportive interventions are needed to help the mother support the child and establish herself apart from
the often dominant partner/spouse. The mother’s support may be because of coping style (denial,
distancing), prior victimization history, attachment history with her parents and subsequent relationship with
her child, emotional distress, mental health/health problems, poor social support, substance abuse, and
situational factors related to disclosure of sexual victimization such as criminal and dependency
investigations, court appearances, and the breakup of the family structure (e.g., displacement and
separation from the partner/spouse, the financial stress of independent living, and the increased
responsibilities of a single parent).
One of the most common symptoms and concerns associated with child sexual abuse is the premature
exposure and expression of inappropriate sexual ideas and behaviors. It may be necessary for the mental
health professional to provide sex education to both the child victim and the parents, while supporting the
parents’ open discussion of appropriate sexuality, sexual feelings, and guidance about sexual behaviors.
One of the components of treatment must involve breaking down the walls of isolation surrounding
incestuous families by developing social and communication skills, building self-confidence, providing
assertiveness training, strengthening abilities to identify limits and set boundaries, developing a sense of
entitlement, and promoting involvement in extrafamilial activities such as parent groups and school or
community organizations. The mental health professional may also need to be a primary source of
information and education about child development, sexuality, family values, parenting, and discipline.
Mental health professionals making treatment plans for children and families in which intrafamilial sexual
abuse occurred must know the legal status of the perpetrator (biological father or stepfather). There are
at least seven possibilities: (1) the case is pending, the alleged perpetrator is in or out of the home, and the
child is in or out of the home depending on the status of the alleged perpetrator; (2) the perpetrator is
incarcerated, and the mother is not interested in reunification; (3) the perpetrator is incarcerated, and both
parents plan to reunify after release; (4) the perpetrator receives a prison sentence that includes post-
release participation in treatment as a condition of probation; (5) the perpetrator is sentenced to weekends
or nights in the county jail with participation in treatment as a condition of weekday release; (6) the
perpetrator participates in a locally approved diversion program and receives treatment in lieu of
incarceration; or (7) there is insufficient evidence to prosecute the case but sufficient evidence for child
protective services involvement, and the alleged perpetrator seeks treatment as a condition of family
reunification. The following is a brief summary of four issues to consider in providing mental health
services if there is a possibility that the perpetrator will reunify with the family.
The principal defense mechanisms employed by sexual offenders are denial (“I didn’t do it”),
minimalization (“Everyone is making an issue out of this... I only..., It was only...”), and rationalization
(“She wanted me to touch her”). Sexual offenders are often highly manipulative individuals and may even
see limits as a challenge. Therapists need to be alert and adept at limit setting and must anticipate surface
compliance and undermining behavior. Genuine acknowledgment and assumption of complete
responsibility for the sexual abuse is the starting point for intervention and the eventual reestablishment of
family relationships. The perpetrator needs to demonstrate that he understands and recognizes what he
has done, understands the pain he has brought to the child, and desires to have a different, more healthy
relationship with the child. This message may need to be communicated several times and in many
different ways, and it is also important that the perpetrator demonstrate his commitment to a nonabusive
relationship through actions and behaviors (e.g., being responsive to the needs of other family members,
participating in ongoing therapy).
One of the hallmarks of the treatment of sexual perpetrators is the acknowledgment and disclosure of
sexual interest in children. As Ryan suggests, the development of sexual interest in children is not
impulsive but the gradual shifting of distorted or inappropriate thoughts to behaviors.42 Perpetrators must
learn to be aware of both their sexual urges toward children and the thoughts or actions that may lead to
inappropriate sexual activities. Behavior modification, anger management, stress reduction, and relapse
prevention are essential therapeutic strategies.
Highly specialized sexual offender treatment programs have been developed for adults, adolescents, and
young children. Pioneering programs for adult sexual offenders first began in the 1950’s. Research and
treatment programs expanded to include adolescents by the early 1980’s. By 1984, the need became
apparent to develop programs for children between the ages of 4 to l3 who sexually abuse other children.
“Abuse-reactive behavior” is the term now used to describe sexual acting-out behavior of young children
who have been sexually abused and now victimize other children. 43
Marital Therapy
Within the reunifying incestuous family, it is important to reestablish the marital partners as a coalition that
works together to meet the needs of the family and protect the child. In those instances in which the
marital relationship is viable and the parents wish to continue their marriage, it is important to address
marital conflicts and patterns of relationships that may be unbalanced or oppressive. Issues such as
marital communication and power distribution within the couple on issues such as conflict resolution,
decisionmaking, and sexuality may need to be explored.
Before reestablishing a parental relationship with his child, the sexual offender must address several
fundamental issues with both his spouse and his child. These issues include an examination of trust,
betrayal, and a commitment to the well-being of the child; distinctions between physical affection and
sexual behavior; assignment of responsibility for the sexual abuse; open expression of affect within the
family; and well-defined expectations of sexuality and sexual behavior. Related to this issue are arranged
confrontations between perpetrator and child by therapists. This is a controversial issue among
experienced clinicians and should not be considered without reviewing the literature and discussing the
ramifications with experts.
The first prominent model for treating incestuous families was developed by Henry Giaretto, Ph.D., in the
mid-1970’s and is now called the “Giaretto Model” or Parents United. In response to an absence of
treatment approaches to deal with incestuous families, Giaretto developed the Comprehensive Sexual
Abuse Treatment Program (CSATP), which consists of:
� marital counseling;
� family counseling;
� group counseling for nonoffending mothers and fathers, offending mothers and fathers,
couples, girls, boys, and nonvictimized siblings; and
� a self-help group component (e.g., Parents United, Daughters and Sons United).
CSATP has been a well-established model for over 15 years with city, State, and international chapters.
Variations of this model have developed over the years; however, the organizing theme of every program
is the development of a comprehensive and coordinated approach designed to meet the needs of all of the
family members. Local programs’ philosophies regarding incarceration and treatment services for the
perpetrator are the most frequent reason for the variation in approach.
One of the most significant factors in the sexually abused child’s adjustment is the level of emotional
support from his/her parents.44 45 Parents need specific information on how to support and provide
assistance to their child, how to discuss the incident and future safety precautions, how to respond to the
child’s questions and feelings, and how to talk to the child’s siblings about what happened. Parents may
also need to be educated about the importance of respecting children’s privacy by telling only selected
family members or friends after disclosure to investigative agencies, and prevent inappropriate people from
questioning the child about what happened. They also need information about how to anticipate the range
and changeability of their own feelings from anger, rage, guilt, and confusion to anguish, disbelief, and
blame. They may need counseling to address their own feelings to avoid creating tension, stress, shame,
or guilt in their child. Parents may need to discuss feelings of self-blame and recrimination for what
occurred, if they blame themselves, or they may need information about the need for parental supervision
and selection of appropriate caretakers, if they have been careless.
During the last decade, there has been a growing awareness of the multifaceted stress factors that
contribute to the physically abusive family. Risk factors include:
� intrapersonal problems such as low self-esteem, low sense of self-competence, poor self-
control, poor interpersonal skills, poor communication skills, poor problem-solving skills,
anxiety, depression, or substance abuse;
� poor parenting skills (rigid, authoritarian, or poor limit setting), with little knowledge about child
development and current child rearing practices; and
� child with behavioral problems or special needs that cause stress, such as developmental
delay, chronic illness, or physical disability.
Walker, Bonner, and Kaufman have developed a systematic Physical Abuse Assessment Model and a
Physical Abuse Process Therapy Worksheet that address the range of risk factors listed above through
complete problem identification, problem and strength assessment, planned interventions which correspond
to identified problems, and planned use of client strengths.46
Recommended interventions include individual, group, and marital counseling, and parenting education
classes with a curriculum that includes anger management and impulse control, stress reduction, increasing
self-esteem and coping skills, and child management skills. Some programs and communities also offer
parental stress toll-free telephone lines and respite care centers to provide information and relief for
parents experiencing stress or other overwhelming situations. The primary focus of many programs is to
provide services to the parents. There has been little focus in the clinical literature regarding treatment for
severely or chronically physically abused children, including burn victims with disfiguring injury.
Several research groups point out that education and skill training alone are not enough to remedy child
maltreatment.47 48 49 They stress the relationship between a defective self-image and a reduced ability to
cope with crisis and stress. The ability to cope is related to positive cognitive appraisals of oneself,
adequate social supports, and knowledge and skills. Nurius, Lovell, and Edgar found that abusing mothers
on a self-concept appraisal scale tended to view themselves in one-dimensional, fixed ways (e.g., “It’s just
my nature” “I guess you are who you are and that’s it”) and with negative self-attributes such as being
impatient, ineffective, and out of control. 50 These authors recommend that detailed attention to self-
appraisal be part of the assessment process prior to treatment and that building positive self-appraisal is a
critical step to increasing the parent’s ability to cope with stress and remain in control.
Aggression Management
Wolfe reports that establishing inhibitory controls for aggressive behavior such as relaxation and stress
management is a key factor in treatment for abusive parents.51 His associates found evidence of greater
levels of physiological arousal in the face of child-related stress among abusive parents than in non-abusive
parents.52 Since emotional arousal facilitates the development of aggression, this may suggest that
parents’ emotional arousal may contribute to a physical assault on their children. 53 Abusive parents
participating in a l3-week treatment program reported significant changes in their interactions with their
children. The treatment program adopted the multimethod approach recommended by Novaro,54 which
included anger management training to reduce physiological arousal; training in communication skills and
problem-solving skills to improve interpersonal and parenting skills; and training in developing an empathic
response to children by enabling parents to see the child’s perspective, to see the child as an individual and
not an extension of themselves, and to accurately interpret the child’s intentions.
Self-Help Groups
Self-help groups first emerged in the United States in the 1920’s, the best-known examples of which are
Alcoholics Anonymous and Gamblers Anonymous. The first self-help group for abusive parents, Parents
Anonymous, was established in 1970 by a mother, Jolly K., who found that traditional psychotherapy was
not enough to deal with her abusive tendencies. After that first group was formed, Jolly K. and the
Parents Anonymous model’s co-founder, Leonard Lieber, L.C.S.W., went on to develop groups and
chapters throughout the United States as well as worldwide.
In general, self-help groups comprise individuals with a common experience or problem that they are trying
to resolve, recover from, or handle in new and constructive ways. These groups can be described as
having one of two goals: to bring about a change in behavior or to enable members to constructively adapt
to life experiences or change. The first type of group focuses on the need to modify or control members’
attitudes, behaviors, and effects on others. These organizations provide intensive support systems that
reinforce the importance of the members’ behavior change. The second type of self-help group focuses
more on adaptation and coping through internal attitudinal, behavioral, or affective changes. The goal of
these groups is adaptation to major life changes or events such as death, catastrophic accidents or illness,
or victimization experiences.
Parents Anonymous has chapters in many communities that provide groups for parents and treatment
groups for children to reduce and prevent child abuse. The Parents Anonymous model works best for
parents who are more “explosive” in their behavior or those who have physical and verbal or emotional
abuse problems.
This model operates support groups, at no charge to members, that have a volunteer professional sponsor
with expertise in the provision of psychological or social services. The sponsor is involved as a group
consultant and as a resource for the parent–chairperson who leads the group. An important role of the
sponsor is to function as a positive authority figure. In this role, the sponsor can identify and refer
members who need additional services such as individual therapy or family counseling. The sponsor also
serves as a role model or positive authority figure for members who have abusive experiences with
caretakers. In this capacity, the sponsor can facilitate the resolution of individuals’ reactions toward past
authority figures and learn to incorporate new ways of being positive authority figures in their children’s
lives. Several factors have been identified as the reasons for the success of self-help groups in modifying
� Universality or Instant Identity: This describes the importance of being part of a group
that shares a common condition and understands each others’ experience. Universality is
considered the key to the self-help experience because it reduces the person’s sense of
isolation, of being “different,” or of having a unique problem, and it opens the possibility for
� Altruism: Helping others in the group is one of the guiding principles of many self-help
groups because it increases members’ self-esteem.
� Belief System or Set of Assumptions : This refers to an ideology, a belief system, or a set
of assumptions about human life and functioning that reframes the negative experience and
enables the individual to adapt and live effectively. Paul Antze has described this ideology as
a “cognitive antidote.”55
� Network of Peers : This refers to the intensive support system that includes group meetings
but extends to support provided outside the group through the telephone and/or home visits.
� Hope : Another important principle is the emphasis on hope—adopting a positive philosophy
about taking one day at a time and assuming that life will get better.
� Information: Sharing information from research and publications and from personal
experience helps members to change and adapt.56
Intensive, in-home therapeutic counseling and social services have been found to be most effective with
neglecting families. The primary goals of these services are to improve parents’ abilities to raise their
children in a healthy environment, keep families intact through supportive services, and reduce the risk of
an out-of-home placement for children. These services are designed to improve family coping skills and
functioning, provide emotional support to parents, model problem solving to cope with everyday problems
and parent–child interactions, promote positive parenting skills and optimal child development, and teach
household management skills, including nutrition and financial management. The programs’ “parent the
parent” strategy allows initial dependence before encouraging independence. “Do for, do with, cheer on”
describes the philosophy and approach of these programs.
These types of programs may be called by a variety of names, including “Family Preservation,”
“Homebuilders,” “Family-Centered Services,” “Home-Based Services,” “Intensive Family-Based
Services,” and “Home-Based Treatment.” The general characteristics and features of these programs
� Families at risk of their child being placed out-of-home are the target population served, and
the intake and assessment process ensures that the child is not in danger while remaining in
the home.
� Services are crisis oriented and intensive, usually from 3 to 6 weeks or longer depending on
the program.
� Services provide a combination of teaching skills and counseling to each family member and to
the family as a whole. Emphasis is placed on assisting both the child and parents to
understand how the family functions as a whole.
� Workers see families within the homes of their clients, make frequent visits, and visit at times
that are convenient to the family. Workers may also be actively involved in providing services
through school and neighborhood agencies/settings.
Each worker carries a small caseload—from one to three families at any given time. A general
perspective of family preservation programs is to work with family strengths and include the use of the
extended family, community, and neighborhood resources.57 Numerous theoretical approaches have been
described as being part of family preservation services including crisis intervention theory, family systems
theory, and social learning theory. 58
The process of determining the most appropriate type of intervention is based on the mental health
professional’s assessment of the child, parents, and family. The organization and delivery of treatment
services are also affected by public funding of mental health clinics and treatment services, health
insurance benefits, access to health insurance, and eligibility for treatment under Victims of Crime
Programs. Some considerations for individual therapy include:
� Nature of the presenting problem: Mental health issues (e.g., depression, schizophrenia,
anxiety disorder; personality disorder; substance abuse), self-esteem issues, sexualized
behavior, enuresis, or urgency of intervention required (e.g. suicidal or self-destructive
� The lack of organization of the family: Whether parents are able to appear for scheduled
appointments at an office. For example, many families may not have the finances and/or
ability to come to therapy on a weekly basis. In such cases, alternative interventions, such as
intensive home-based services have proven most effective with neglecting families or chaotic,
disorganized families.
� Low level or no support for the child: Acknowledgment that the child has been victimized,
belief in the child’s reports of abuse/disclosure, or blame placed on the child.
� The presence of behavioral problems or symptoms with siblings: Involves siblings who
may also have been physically and/or sexually abused and may have parallel issues which
need to be addressed within a family setting.
� Child’s age: Addressing the problems of young children typically requires significant parental
involvement, whereas older children (e.g., teenagers) are more able to benefit from individual
or group therapy approaches.
� An assessment that the client would benefit from being part of a group that shares a common
condition and can understand one anothers’ experience. This experience, often referred to as
“universality,” reduces isolation and the sense of being “different.” Participation in a group
also enables the client to interact with group members who have resolved some issues and
“moved on” as well as with others who are struggling with issues the client may have
mastered, thereby enabling the client to lend insight and support to others.
� A group therapy approach is typically not recommended for a child’s first encounter with
therapy for child sexual abuse, physical abuse, and/or neglect. Many of the issues that
children initially encounter in dealing with their victimization are too personal, embarrassing,
and painful to disclose and discuss within a group therapy setting. Group therapy is usually
indicated for children who have first been involved in either individual or family therapy and
have addressed many common abuse-related issues (e.g., distrust, betrayal, problems with
self-esteem, stigmatization).59
� Age and development are important considerations for selecting a group therapy approach.
Children with poorly developed expressive and receptive language skills may have difficulty
with a group therapy format. Similarly, many of the essential elements of “attending” within a
group are not adequately developed until at least the preschool years. Very young children
may not be able to verbally facilitate and process much victimization information and affect.
A group therapy approach to dealing with victimization issues is more appropriate for school-
age children and teenagers.
� Group therapy may be particularly helpful for children and adolescents who need assistance in
seeking validation and support. The process of disclosing victimization experiences and
feelings may alleviate children’s perceptions of themselves as different, stigmatized, and
� Group therapy is typically not indicated for children who have behavioral problems, which may
interfere with their ability to participate or their ability to be supportive to other group
members. This may include children who are hyperactive, aggressive, abusive, or sexually
acting–out. It should be noted that while children with these types of problems may not
benefit from group therapy approaches for victimization issues, they may require a group
approach that is more specific to their needs (e.g., groups for children with sexual behavior
It is not unusual for maltreated children and their families to be actively involved with either the Criminal,
Juvenile, or Family Court during the course of therapy. The investigation, law enforcement or investigative
social worker recommendations, prosecution, hearings, trials, and court outcomes can have a significant
impact on the child and family members’ emotional, cognitive, and daily functioning. To be effective,
mental health professionals must know the status of their client’s involvement in the investigative process
or court system and work to facilitate both the client’s cognitive understanding of this process and the
management of his/her emotional reactions. Mental health professionals must have knowledge of
terminology, roles of criminal justice and child protective services personnel, and local procedural steps and
This knowledge enables the therapist to educate and clarify the client’s information and understanding of
what is taking place; support the client to obtain assistance or timely, responsive, and appropriate
treatment; advocate for the client or serve as a liaison between investigative personnel and the child or
child’s family, if indicated; and help clients cope with court decisions that can change their lives either
temporarily or, in some cases, permanently.
The therapist can provide advocacy and advice on child protection issues such as:
� the need to place a child in foster care, prevention of multiple placements, or the need for a
change in placement;
� informing and preparing the child for a foster care placement or a change in placement;
� assisting the social worker, foster parents, or parents in managing the child’s behavior during a
transition to foster care or in returning home;
� discussing fears and concerns about court procedures and potential case outcomes, and ways
to manage emotional reactions to possible case outcomes;
The priority is to advocate in the best interests of the child by taking into consideration the child’s safety,
emotional, and developmental needs. This statement is frequently made and defended from the
perspective and context of the person proposing or defending a recommendation. In most of these
situations, there are many competing priorities, (e.g., child’s needs, parents’ desires versus their actual
capabilities, investigative and judicial procedures, and local and State policies regarding foster placement
and level of care). The safety of the child immediately followed by the emotional and developmental
needs of the child should take precedence.
Appropriate management of the therapeutic environment supports many aspects of the therapeutic
relationship and incorporates a diverse set of characteristics that includes the physical environment,
support personnel, and structure of the therapeutic session.
Physical Environment
The physical environment is important to provide a sense of security to the child and family. Therapists
should plan to create an atmosphere in which the child and family feel that they are safe, with ample
opportunity provided for expressing their concerns, and an environment free of interruption and
unnecessary risks and hazards to children (e.g., breakable objects that require constant child monitoring),
or hazardous elements (e.g., uncovered electric sockets).
Support Personnel
The first and last agency contact is often with a receptionist or secretarial support person. This individual
is in a unique position to provide an atmosphere of warmth, acceptance, and congeniality. In some cases,
children or their parents may feel a sense of shame, isolation, or stigmatization as a result of either being
maltreated or being involved in therapy. The value of friendly and attentive support personnel cannot be
Establishing a specific format or routine can facilitate the child or family’s ongoing resolution of clinical
issues. Children often need physical structure to facilitate their involvement with the therapist and to
remember the tasks or objectives of the therapy. By establishing a regular routine, the client develops
expectations about the therapist and the therapeutic process, may feel less threatened about involvement in
therapy, and more secure about therapy sessions. An example of such a routine related to the structure of
the therapeutic session involves the process of greeting the client in the waiting room, walking with the
client down the hall, entering the therapy room together, and beginning the session with a similar question
or activity (e.g., a question related to issues that may have occurred since the last session or starting a
session by playing with a particular toy). This structure also includes setting a specific and acknowledged
time for the duration and frequency of sessions.
Clients need to trust mental health professionals, feel free to confide information and concerns, and feel
comfortable exploring difficult issues and subject matter. Explaining confidentiality to children and parents
will facilitate their understanding of the scope and purpose of evaluation and clinical services.
Explanations to children must be tailored to their level of understanding. The statutory duty to report child
abuse and neglect, however, is not excused by the patient–psychotherapist privilege. In statements about
confidentiality, mental health professionals should be certain that their clients are aware that the following
must be reported if they are suspected:
It is recommended that parents and children be given a confidentiality statement at the beginning of
therapy, that the statements be made both verbally and in writing, and that the statements be included with
other guidelines regarding the therapeutic relationship. Suggested verbal statements for both a parent and
a child are:
� To Parent: “What we discuss in therapy is confidential with two exceptions: one, if I think
you’re going to hurt yourself; two, if I think you’re going to hurt someone else, including your
child. If either of these two events seems likely, I will need to take protective action, which
will include calling appropriate authorities.”
� To Child: “What we discuss in therapy is confidential with three exceptions: one, if I think
you’re going to hurt yourself; two, if I think you’re going to hurt someone else; and, three, if I
think someone or something is hurting you, including your parents. When any of those things
are going on, I’ll need to let someone know and try to get additional help for you.” 60
Release of Information
Clients often feel more comfortable talking about issues and their behavior when they know that clinicians
do not talk about their clients outside the clinical setting and understand the conditions and procedures for
release of information. In forensic evaluations, clients must be informed about the nature of the evaluation
and that the information will be given to the investigative agency requesting the evaluation. In clinical
evaluations and treatment services, clients should be informed that information can be released or
exchanged only after a consent form is signed. States’ laws regarding the possibility of mental health
records being subpoenaed should also be explained to clients.
Countertransference has been identified and described in the writings on psychoanalytic and
psychodynamic theory, but only recently has this internal reaction of therapists been specifically discussed
in the child maltreatment literature.61 Countertransference is defined as the therapist’s reactions (feelings,
thoughts, statements and behavior) directed toward the client and brought about by the therapist’s previous
life experiences. A therapist’s countertransference reactions may be generated by an aspect of the
client’s history, the client’s presentation, or the interaction between the client and therapist. Examples of
factors that may influence the therapist’s reactions when working with abused and neglected children and
their families include:
Countertransference is significant in any therapeutic context because it can affect the quality and direction
of the psychotherapy. Awareness of the issue is important in providing clinical services to abused and
neglected children and families, especially if the therapist has a history of child maltreatment. Some
mental health professionals suggest that therapists who have experienced child maltreatment may have
inherent difficulties in managing their own reactions. Examples of their concern include biased
interpretations of children’s behavior, anger toward abusive parents, a perceived lack of participation or
progress on the part of the abusive parent, limited or inappropriate interventions with abusive parents, and
biased rather than objective recommendations for removal of children from their home or for family
Therapists must be alert to countertransference and its impact on their therapeutic interventions. It is
helpful to discuss them with a clinical supervisor or colleague to develop objectivity. There is no indication
that a therapist with a history of child maltreatment should not work with abused children and their families
as long as potential countertransference reactions are identified and the issues are managed in a way that
is beneficial to the client.
Stress and burnout occur in many professions. Working with abused and neglected children and the
limitations of the systems designed to help them, however, present a unique set of stressors. Stress and
burnout are the most commonly recognized terms to describe professionals’ reactions.
Sources of stress most commonly reported in the field of child abuse and neglect are repeated exposure to
children’s histories of cruelty, abuse, and neglect inflicted by caretakers and the children’s adaptations; the
realities of working with chaotic, disorganized families or families with abnormal relationships;
overwhelming caseloads; anxious, demanding nonoffending parents and relatives; the limitations of the law,
the criminal justice system, and social service agencies designed to help children; constantly feeling
“unfinished” about work; social policies driven by fiscal resources; feeling unable or unwilling to talk about
cases with friends or family; lack of coordination and/or cooperation among public agencies; and agencies
and organizations unresponsive to employee stress.
New literature is beginning to evolve on the unique stress experienced by professionals working with
victims of trauma. Figley 65 has coined the term “secondary victimization” and McCann and Pearlman 66
have described it as “vicarious traumatization.” Both concepts describe the psychological reactions of
professionals to working with crime or trauma victims.
To help prevent secondary victimization and burnout, the mental health professional should:
� separate his/her personal and professional lives by balancing work and recreation;
� engage in regular physical activities such as walking, swimming, sports, gardening, etc.;
� balance trauma work with nontrauma work, clinical work with nonclinical work (such as
teaching, consultation, or research), or direct service with administrative activities;
� attend professional meetings, conferences, and workshops not only to build skills but to
develop supportive professional contacts and restorative breaks from the ordinary;
� assess the possibility of a personal basis for workaholic tendencies, (e.g., low self-esteem,
unresolved victimization, dissatisfying personal life);
� meet regularly with other professionals either from the same discipline or from related
disciplines to share perspectives and feelings (they may be more supportive than friends or
relatives who do not want to hear about the details of this work or cannot understand why
mental health and other professionals serving abused and neglected children choose this type
of work); and
� establish attainable goals for the week, month, or year and write them down (professionals in
this field should avoid the quagmire of “I am not doing enough,” with no means of comparing
these thoughts to a realistic, measurable list).
Supervisors, managers, and administrators have a responsibility to their employees to create a supportive
work environment for staff. Unfortunately, work-related stress has historically been viewed as the
employee’s problem. Stress from working with abused and neglected children should not be treated as
business as usual or burned-out employees as front-line casualties.67 Managers should consider the
following steps to build a positive, supportive organization:
� Assess how well the organization recognizes and responds to the levels of stress experienced
by its employees. Are there methods to help people cope built into daily operations? Do any
policies worsen the stress employees feel? Symptoms of dysfunction include low morale; high
turnover; absenteeism; scapegoated, angry, and frustrated workers; mistrust of management;
and lack of cooperation among staff.
� Assess whether the basic causes of job stress exist, such as unclear job descriptions and
unrealistic expectations regarding the scope and responsibilities of the position; conflicting
workload demands and priorities; an inability or resistance on the part of management to
clarify priorities; persistent job overload in which employees have more to do than what they
can reasonably accomplish; and lack of problem resolution and employee frustration over
problems and issues that constantly reoccur because they are unresolved.
� Discuss the problems with employees to obtain their perspective. Develop action plans to
address the issues and keep employees informed about progress toward resolution as well as
about obstacles and setbacks.
� Identify and reduce employee isolation by encouraging camaraderie and the development of a
common base of experience through informal and formal group activities. Promote
consultation, problem solving, and decisionmaking to both reduce the burden on individual
employees and encourage the creation of new approaches and alternatives.
� Provide consultation and regular supervision for employees to reduce feelings of isolation,
recognize work-related stress, and validate employees and their work.
� Create an environment in which employees feel valued and their work is recognized.
Celebrate accomplishments, no matter how small or incremental. Involve employees in
planning and implementing activities that will make them feel supported and appreciated.
Build intra-agency support systems so that employees feel part of a broader network of
professionals striving to serve the target population.
� Assert and act on the belief that the mental health and personal effectiveness of employees
are as important as the needs of the clients they serve.
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Adjudicatory Hearings - held by the Juvenile/Family Court to determine whether a child has been
maltreated or whether some other legal basis exists for the State to intervene to protect the child. Each
State has its own terms and definitions in the jurisdiction provisions of its law.
Anorexia Nervosa - eating disorder characterized by refusal to maintain body weight over a minimal
normal weight for age and height; intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though
Attachment Theory - a developmental theory that emphasizes the relationship between an infant and its
caretaker(s). Typically, attachment theory states that the preliminary framework for relationship patterns
is established through early childhood relationships (i.e., through interactions with parents and siblings), but
this framework is malleable and subject to change throughout an individual’s lifespan.
Behavioral Theory - initially established by John B. Watson, the theory that overt behavior is the sole
basis for scientific psychology. Founded on operant conditioning principles, behavioral theory attempts to
explain the cause–effect relationship between the class of stimulus variables and response variables, with
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Case Plan - the professional document that outlines the outcomes, goals, and strategies to be used to
change the conditions and behaviors resulting in child abuse and neglect.
Case Planning - the stage of the child protection process whereby the CPS caseworker and other
treatment providers develop a case plan with the family members.
Child Protective Services (CPS) - the designated social service agency (in most States) to receive
reports, investigate, and provide rehabilitation services to children and families with problems of child
maltreatment. Frequently, this agency is located within larger public social services agencies, such as
Departments of Social Services or Human Services.
Confidentiality - a provision in all State child abuse and neglect reporting laws that protects the privacy
of children and families by not permitting information about the finding of the child maltreatment report to
be released to other agencies without permission of the family. In some States, members of
multidisciplinary teams may receive information without a release of information.
Countertransference - the conscious and unconscious emotional reaction of the professional to the
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what services the children and family will need to reduce the risk and address the effects of maltreatment.
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unnecessary by the court, other measures, including mandatory participation by a parent in a drug abuse
treatment program, attendance at a parenting skills class, or regular meetings with a mental health
professional, may be ordered to protect the child.
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been implemented) when the CPS caseworker and other treatment providers evaluate and measure
changes in the family behaviors and conditions which led to child abuse and neglect, monitor risk
elimination/reduction, and determine when services are no longer necessary. Frequently, community
treatment providers coordinate their evaluation of case progress through periodic team meetings.
Family Assessment - the stage of the child protection process when the CPS caseworker, community
treatment providers, and the family reach a mutual understanding regarding the most critical treatment
needs that must be addressed and the strengths on which to build.
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and families should remain together if the safety of the children can be ensured.
Family Systems Theory - a view of how family members interact with one another in relationship
patterns that promote and/or accommodate the functioning of the family as a unit (or system).
Forensic Evaluation - a medical or psychological evaluation used for investigations or for submission to
Good Faith - the standard used to determine if a reporter has reason to suspect that child abuse or
neglect has occurred.
Immunity - established in all child abuse laws to protect reporters from civil lawsuits and criminal
prosecution resulting from filing a report of child abuse and neglect. Immunity is provided as long as the
report is made in good faith.
Initial Assessment - the stage of the child protection case process when the CPS caseworker and other
treatment providers determine the validity of the child maltreatment report, assess the risk of maltreatment,
and determine the safety of the child and the need for further intervention. Frequently, medical, mental
health, and other community providers are involved in assisting in the initial assessment.
Juvenile and Family Courts - established in most States to resolve conflict and otherwise intervene in
the lives of families in a manner that promotes the best interest of children. These courts specialize in
areas such as child maltreatment, domestic violence, juvenile delinquency, divorce, child custody, and child
Learning Theory - in clinical work and therapy, learning theory is typically referred to as social learning
theory, which assesses the synergistic effects of behavior, personal factors, and the environment. This
may involve observational learning, modeling, and/or cognitions.
Mandated Reporter - one who in his/her professional capacity is required by State law to report
“suspected” cases of child maltreatment to the designated State agency. Some States clearly define that
teachers, principals, nurses, and counselors are included.
Mediating Variables - factors that affect, offset, or influence (negatively or positively) an anticipated
cause-and-effect relationship.
Multidisciplinary Team - established between agencies and professionals to mutually discuss cases of
child abuse and neglect and aid decisions at various stages of the child protection systems case process.
These teams may also be designated by different names, including child protection teams, interdisciplinary
teams, or case consultation teams.
Multiple Personality Disorder - the existence within the individual of two or more distinct personalities.
Object Relations - in Freudian theory, the emotional attachment to another person. As described by
neo-Freudians, this term has been broadened to encompass the development of the capacity to engage and
maintain a significant interpersonal relationship with a primary significant other (e.g., primary caregiver).
Recently, theoreticians have developed therapeutic approaches based on problems associated with
interpersonal relationships, which are presumed to be based on fundamental tenets of an individual’s child-
caregiver relationship.
Out-of-Home-Care - child care, foster care, or residential care provided by persons, organizations, and
institutions to children who are placed outside of their families, usually under the jurisdiction of
Juvenile/Family Courts.
Personality Disorders - the implication of inflexible and maladaptive patterns of behavior, of sufficient
severity to cause either significant impairment in adaptive functioning or subjective distress.
Primary Prevention - activities geared to a sample of the general population to prevent child abuse and
neglect from occurring.
Psychodynamic Theory - the Freudian and neo-Freudian theories that attempt to understand the basic
motivations of human behavior. Both emotions and unconscious motivations play major roles throughout
an individual’s lifespan.
Psychopathology - the branch of medicine dealing with causes and nature of mental disease.
Psychotherapy - a method of treatment designed to produce a response by mental rather than physical
stimulus; it includes the use of suggestion, persuasion, reeducation, reassurance, and support as well as
hypnosis and psychoanalysis.
Reality Testing - verbal interaction or behavior directed toward distinguishing between a person’s
subjective reaction and others’ views of the same event; or the assessment of another’s ability to
accurately perceive other individuals’ intentions and/or behavior.
Reasonable Efforts - as required by State law, the State child welfare agency must make reasonable
efforts to keep the family together or, if the child has already been removed, to reunify the family. Before
a State may receive Federal financial support for the costs resulting from a child’s removal from home into
out-of-home care, a judge must determine that reasonable efforts have been made to keep the family
together. Similarly, placement may not be continued with Federal support without a finding by the judge
that such efforts have been made to reunite the family.
Review Hearing - held by the Juvenile/Family Court to review dispositions (usually every 6 months) to
determine the need to maintain placement in out-of-home care and/or court jurisdiction of a child. Every
State requires State courts, agency panels, or citizen review boards to hold periodic review to reevaluate
the child’s circumstances if he/she has been placed in out-of-home care.
Risk Assessment - an assessment and measurement of the likelihood that a child will be maltreated in
the future, usually through the use of checklists, matrices, scales, and/or other methods of measurement.
Risk Factors - behaviors and conditions present in the child, parent, and/or family that will likely
contribute to future occurrence of child maltreatment.
Role Theory - a view of how an individual may have a relationship that includes behavioral expectations
ascribed to each role (e.g., parent-child, employer-employee, husband-wife).
Secondary Prevention - activities targeted to prevent breakdowns and dysfunctions among families who
have been identified as at risk for abuse and neglect.
Substantiated - a finding made by CPS after investigating a child abuse or neglect report indicating that
credible evidence exists to support that child maltreatment did occur. The criteria used to substantiate a
report are different in each State. Other terms used in some States are “indicated,” “validated,” or
Tertiary Prevention - treatment efforts geared to address situations in which child maltreatment has
already occurred with the goals of preventing any further future child maltreatment as well as avoiding the
harmful effects of child maltreatment.
Transference - the unconscious transfer of feelings of hostility or affection from the patient to the
Treatment - the stage of the child protection process whereby specific treatment services geared to the
reduction of risk of maltreatment are provided by mental health and other social services professionals.
Unsubstantiated - a finding made by CPS after investigating a child abuse or neglect report indicating
that credible evidence does not exist to support that child maltreatment occurred. In some States, the
term “unfounded” is used.
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The Role of Educators in the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect
The Role of Law Enforcement in the Response to Child Abuse and Neglect