Chapter - Ii Theoretical View of Women Investors
Chapter - Ii Theoretical View of Women Investors
Chapter - Ii Theoretical View of Women Investors
2.1 Introduction
2.24 Conclusion
Men and women are born equal and both play an important role in the creation
family husband earns for the family and wife maintains it. Her role was mainly
confined to domestic works. She creates life, nurtures, guards and strengthens it. She
plays the role of wife, mother, sister, sister-in-law, daughter, daughter-in-law, grand-
daughter etc. She is the transmitter of tradition and the instrument by which the family
culture is preserved.
Women’s role which was confined to domestic areas has now switched over to
the other areas where she is competing with her male counterpart. This is due to the
education she is getting, the women centered policies, programmes of the government
and the job opportunities available to her in the wake of modernization, urbanization,
women paved the way for economic independence and their involvement in political
There were times when the prime role of women was confined to her
household duties. But as times changed, the world realized that her potential was
managing between a homely wife, a shrewd boss, a genuine companion, with such
The prosperity and growth of a nation is measured by the status and
development of its women as they not only constitute half of its population, but also
influence the growth of the remaining half of the population. Since time immemorial
women are known for juggling and balancing many roles at a time. The rural sector is
of utmost importance to the Indian economy, not only because of the income
generated and the employment potential of this sector but also because of the limit set
by this sector to the growth of other sectors. The upliftment of the rural economy
depends on the mobilization of savings and their transfer to the enterprising investors.
The status of women in India has been subject to many great changes over the
past few millennia. From equal status with men in ancient times through the low
points of the medieval period, to the promotion of equal rights by many reformers, the
history of women in India has been eventful. In modern India, women have adorned
high offices including that of the President, Prime minister, Speaker of Loksabha, etc.
In India, traditionally men have been the bread winners where as women
typically ran the household and saved for the rainy days. This was the scenario, till
women started working and took the command of financial matters. Today holds the
key to happiness; hence women should plan their finances and investment well.
Women have to save on a regular basis and smallest of the surplus income they like to
invest prudently. The role of women has changed from “Savers to Investors”. Most of
the working rural women have regular income because they work on the basis of
wages. Savings are seen as insurance against foreseeable future difficulties which are
future risks by saving in the form of various investments such as deposits, gold, lands,
A woman, if employed, she is the best asset of not only to her husband but also
to their entire family. Though money is a sole vital factor for a competent living, the
source of it is also equally much significant. Generally the source happens to be a job.
Hence, for a family man, his earnings alone are not copious for a happy life. Wife’s
The status and role of women is vacillating all over the world. Women’s
stepping out of the confines of the households multiplied their roles and
themselves in the professional arena. But the balance between the two fronts is
guileful exercise. The tilt on any side to a state of conflict generated from the related
Saving schemes are very important for countries which are experiencing
means advocating the need for more and more savings to improve the economic
policies. It is human need to save. Savings are to keep something for the future, by
foregoing its consumption in the present day. A person earns with the objective of
being able to spend and fulfill various basic needs. Keynes paradox of thrift advocates
that individual savings are good for an economy. However, overall savings for an
economy are bad as they pull down the consumption, reducing down the national
women mainly depended on their income. They used to save to meet emergencies as
well as for future requirements. Many forces have contributed to the growth of the
newly emerging middle class working women in India. The socio-economic liberation
of Indian women has itself being a product of, and an instrument in the change in their
lives due to employment. A deep of vital change has taken place in the economic
It is accepted fact now that women have to play a prominent role in the overall
economic development of our nation, as they constitute 50 per cent of the total
population, “when women move forward, the family moves, the village moves,”
claimed Jawaharlal Nehru. It is recognized through out the world that only when
women are in the mainstream of progress can economic and social development be
Freedom depends on economic conditions more than other reasons. Now, the
present women, who is equally employed, through their education have knowledge
about various aspects of investment and as result they invest in various investment
avenues such as shares, debentures, mutual funds and bank deposits. Indian savings
market has been expanding over the period and there is a steady increase of household
Women are not as active as men when it comes to investing money. They
generally keep themselves away from taking investment decisions, they are well
known for spending money or keeping it idle, rather that investing it for earning more.
Even non working women are mostly dependent on their spouses for meeting their
day to day expenses. Though to some extend it is true that women are dependent on
their spouses for finance, they should also think about their future.
savings and its investment aspect to avoid critical situations at any stage of their lives.
They need to develop skills to plan for their financial needs. Generally women tend to
keep cash idle rather than investing it. They tend to think that this “idle cash” can be
However, as an exception few women invest in less risk avenues such as bank
deposits and post office schemes. They generally avoid risky options such as equities,
as they think that it is difficult to understand equity market trends, patterns and as they
volatile in nature.
Their investment decisions depend on various attributes. There are so many factors
which influence their investment decisions. Every one has their own requirements. So,
Personal investment is affected by the level of knowledge, an individual
relationship between risk and return along with the knowledge of industrial sectors,
investment decisions. One of the most important factors affecting personal investment
is the availability of disposal funds. Apart from all these factors, invested money
should be convertible into cash in the hour of need and this is an important factor
in recent times. Making sound investment decision requires both knowledge and skill.
Skill is needed to evaluate risk and return associated with an investment decision.
economic environment.
The challenges and opportunities faced by women today honors some women
of substance, puts forward some social issues and hopes to offer realistic means
towards creation of a gender unbiased society. Women today have scaled great
heights. They are impervious to the traditional beliefs of our society in a non-defiant
but affirming way. They know what they want. They are not apprehensive in
discovering their capacity and carving their own niche in these contemporary yet
conventional times. They know striding a fight balance between personal life and
constitution itself, the role and contribution of women in society at large can never be
woman investors should understand the role what she plays in society. However, there
Savings is the simple process of putting aside the earnings, usually in the form
of cash in hand or savings account or in the form of some highly liquid and safe
money or capital to purchase an asset that would generate secure and reasonable
passive activity. It needs nothing more than putting aside a certain amount from what
spending money usually from the savings to purchase a particular asset. Thus savings
is usually short term in nature but investment has much larger in time lasting up to
several decades. Savings is mostly done with banks or even at home in the form of
Savings and Investment are really parts of the same process in which
investment starts where saving ends or the process of savings is preliminary to the
process of investment. Savings can be considered as the base of foundation for the
investment. But it is also important to understand that investment is not the sole or
exclusive purpose of saving. Investment is a vehicle that is used for long term
financial objectives.
Investment is purely with an intention to use money or any other asset with a
hope to generate income in the future or a capital gain, and risk is a integral part of
every investment. Savings are funded, generally by either reducing the current
expenses or doing some extra work to have extra amount available for savings. People
save or invest money based factors, such as availability of funds, sources of the funds,
liquidity and risk and return trade. Future forecast is another critical reason that helps
in the decision of either saving or Investment. The level of savings in the economy
1. A higher interest rate will give a greater return on savings as banks offer
3. Poor expectation for future economic growth, wages and job opportunities
In India the socio economic profile of the people changes dramatically. Today
people are not only spending on products and services, earlier considered a luxury but
are also looking at smarter ways of investing their money. This is mainly due to the
fact, that people today not only have a wider choice of investing in different saving
instruments, but are also more educated and aware about their choices. Women are
now moving beyond the traditional savings options of Fixed Deposits, Post office
savings to wider investment options in the form of Insurance, Mutual funds, Bonds,
financial environment, it is critical that individuals not only protect and enhance their
current financial resources, but also prepare for future security and against lass of
income. This requires careful planning and prudent management of ones financial
afforded immediately. Financial planning is the key and the first step towards
fulfilling ones dreams and aspirations. Good planning ensures financial security for
the family throughout life. An important component of a sound financial plan is not
only the inclusion of life insurance coverage in the plan. It is therefore unique needs
with qualified financial planning advisers who can assist in determining the right plan
Saving and Investment are two key macro variables with micro foundations,
which play a significant role in economic growth. Savings enable people to manage
homes, families and businesses and to provide for old age. Savings encourages
cohesion among women investors and serve as a reserve for repayment of loan from
financial institutions. Even though the women investors are poor, they contribute
some amount of money as savings on a regular basis. Most of the women investors
feel that savings is an important activity but the amount they save every month is not
uniform. Though some of the women investors are uneducated, they come to know
about various savings and investment avenues with the help of agents, family
informal rural financial system which can be a great benefit of women. Systematic
savings among women also helps to ensure good loan repayment rates.
The savings of women in investors provides the source of funds to make small
investments such as LIC schemes, Post office savings schemes, Bank Deposits, Chit
Fund, Mutual Funds are some of the key saving instrument. With the advent of the
investment options in the market, consumers are now exposed to an array of modern
and innovative products. For example, depending on the needs of the customers, life
insurers have introduced customized products in the market. Women investors also
prefer Insurance policy because they have to pay only small amount of money every
year and they prefer savings in post office because they can withdraw their amount at
times of necessity.
media, art & culture, service sectors, science and technology, etc. More investment
improves lot of rural women which creates a “virtuous circle” of better education,
improved health and higher income and women need to be given the right to have
more control over productive assets like land, water and credit.
Money occupies an important place in the modern economy for the efficient
and smooth functioning. In a modern economy, current money income represents the
remuneration of product services. The recipients of income spend the major part of it
on current consumption and save the rest representing a factor claim on the society.
Capital formation is the most crucial and strategic determinant of economic growth. It
implies the capacity to save and invest. India being a developing country requires
capital formation.
savings and investments have been properly planned promoted and channeled.
Investing is an activity that fascinated people from all walks of life regardless
of the occupational status, education and family background. Money and information
are the basis and major factor affecting investment decision. Various investment
Investments have become a basic necessity for everyone. In our country there
specific needs and goals. Each investor has different objectives that need to be met
depending on age, income and attitude towards risk. Investors have to work out with
their investment profile to determine which investments are right for them and should
Investment is the sacrifice of certain present value for the uncertain future
reward. Investment is the employment of funds with the aim of achieving additional
income or growth in value. Investments have the essential quality that involves
waiting for rewards. It involves the commitment of resources which have saved from
current consumption, the hope that some benefits will accrue in future. Investment is
expected to yield some gain or positive return over a given period of time. These
economic theory. It includes net additions to the capital; stock of society, by capital
stock of society is meant those goods which are used in the production of other goods.
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world is a popular savings about
women. Saving is a habit specially embodied to women. Even in the past, when
women mainly depended on their spouse’s income, they used to save to meet
emergencies as well as for future activities. In those days women did not have any
awareness about various investment outlets. But as time passed, the scenario has
totally changed.
As per the recent International Labor Organization (ILO) report, the deepening
economic and job crisis across the globe is expected to increase the number of
trends (GET) report by ILO indicated that, of the 3 billion people employed around
the world in 2008, 1.2 billion were women (40.4%). It said that, in 2009, the global
unemployment rate for women could reach 7.4%, compared to 7% for men.
Women from different age groups should start investing from the early stages of their
Going by the trend it is noticed that women have been more comfortable with
savings in bank accounts, storing money in lockers, or buying gold or bonds. Though
they are known for saving for a rainy day, they might not be smart in taking
investment decisions.
Women love to save on a regular basis and smallest of the surplus income they
like to invest prudently. Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) in mutual funds is a big
hit amidst working women. This has enabled them build up a disciplined approach
towards investing. Here women are benefited from the power of compounding and
The women investors may prefer to invest their money in physical and financial
assets. This investment pattern may differ according to the investor’s demographics
and behavior. The investment pattern in the present study covers various investment
particular or a set of assets in the present situation. The Indian capital market has
proved a fertile ground for investors to make money. As a matter of fact, a great
public disenhancement with paper assets has begun during 1980s. Of late, the
investor’s preference seems to have shifted from equity to debt capital. The investor’s
preference may significantly differ according to their location. The rural and urban
background of the investors may lead to the investor’s preference among the various
place, increasing use of finance instruments and reliance on the financial institutions
by different investors is becoming wide and sophisticated. The clever investors have
widely diverse taste for different wealth forms. All investment offer in general
uncertain future returns and asset holders may be distinguished according to the
degree of utility or disutility they expect to receive from bearing risks. The investors
can be grouped into risk neutrals, risk averters and risk lowers. Each investor tries to
build good portfolio. A good portfolio is more than a long list of good stocks and
bonds .
Markowitz, Harry M, Portfolio selection: Efficient diversification of Investment, London, Yale
university press, second Edition 1970, p.4
Risk may be defined as the chance that an investor will not achieve the
terminal amount necessary at time required. The investor must understand that they
cannot avoid risk and it is not possible to find a risk- free investment. Hence, he must
decide regarding the categories of risk to which they willing to expose their portfolio
and understand the return implications of that risk exposure. Risk is actually not a
position, health, family situation, age, temperament, etc. The Social Perception Scale
(SPS) and Behaviour Prediction Scale (BPS) are used to measure the individual
Investing has been an activity confined to the rich and business class in the
past. This can be attributed to the fact that availability of investable funds is a pre-
requisite to deployment of funds. But today, we find that investment has become a
household world and is very popular with people from all walks of life.
The following are the reasons for increasing the popularity of investment;
Investments are both important and useful in the context of present day
Medias are several kinds- some of the investments are simple and other represent
complex problems for analysis and investigation. Some investments are appropriate
for one type of investors and other may be suitable to another person.
1. Cash
2. Savings account
3. Savings Certificate
4. Government Bonds
1. Equity shares
2. Convertible Debentures
1. Real Estate
2. Mortgages
3. Commodities
4. Business ventures
Pension fund
Provident fund
Investment companies
UTI and other funds
Normally a person is likely to spend more than there income while she is at the
initial stage of earning. The balance amount is generally borrowed. During the peak
earnings, she will repay what she has borrowed and save for their retirement, whereas
after retires, they spends more than their income, drawings on savings. When looking
at savings, we find that a series of economists have proposed savings as a model for
mixed economic systems, have observed a prime concern for high savings. Even with
capitalistic economies leaving US economy, which has negative savings, all strive for
support expansion, diversification and value addition. In the industrial sector, both
public sector and private sector will be allowed to space to grow and compete with
each other. Government will pay the leading role in proving and facilitating
investment in public goods. The capital market, banks, insurance companies, pension
funds and superannuation funds would have a crucial role in mobilizing and
There has been a consistent increase in savings and investment rates in India
through the post- independence period, though with considerable fluctuations from
year to year. The Gross Domestic savings rate in Savings/ Investment sector increased
P.Chidambaram, Finance India, the quarterly journal of Indian institute of finance, Delhi, June 2005,
Vol.XIX No.1, p.8
from 6.2% in the early 1950s to 24.3% in the mid of 2000s. The private corporate sector
savings rate is increased from 0.9% in 1950s to 4.1% in 2004. The public sector savings
rate is increased from 1.8% in 1950s to 4.6% in 1985 and then declined to - 0.3 in 2004. It
reveals that there was a significant increase in the savings rate only in
private sector .
and investment behavior and the relationship between investment and growth. This is
particularly true for a country like India, where a highly interventionist government
has followed a complex set of economic policies in a wide variety of areas and sectors
since independence. During pre independence era in India, people spent most of their
income on consumption and only a small amount of income was left in the form of
savings. As a result the savings rate was very low, especially in the rural sector.
Gone are the days when men were deemed masters of moolah as recent studies
have proved that women are wiser investors than men. Different risk perception by
investment behaviours. Recent and past research has shown that these psychological
differences inherently make women better investors. The first point to be noted here is
how women like to be in absolute control. This trait is observed not only at work but
also home. Women adore being in control of their environment at all costs. They
Finance India, June 2005, Vol.XIX No.2.
might take time in doing so but will achieve it somehow. Being in control denotes
These certainly do not project what women would want from any situation. In such
situations women behave in a very typical womanly fashion – they get anxious and
strained. But these negative outcomes instigate women to fare as better investors.
When they are unsure, they exercise caution and invest gingerly. To women, having a
many other roles they play in life. That's why taking control today is essential ni
realizing their dreams for tomorrow. Whether women are just beginning to develop
their investment strategy or are refining a current one, it's important to keep in mind
that they should build a financial legacy for long term. At various stages of your life,
you are faced with important investment and financial decisions. Your success in
making these decisions with the help of a sound investment strategy can have a major
impact on your income, net worth and, ultimately, quality of life in retirement.
Women today have more earning potential and more influence over financial
decisions than ever before. Women represent almost half of the workforce and many
businesses are owned or managed by women. Many women influence or control the
majority of all consumer purchase decisions and many of the investment decisions. As
a result, it is important for women to focus on finances now more than ever.
Throughout their lives, as a woman, they will be faced with different financial
challenges than their male counterparts. If women are going to take control of their
financial future, it’s important that they recognize those differences and empower
Earning money is only half the equation for achieving financial independence.
Effectively putting your money to work for you is equally important. Though the size
of household income matters, how to manage the money women have - to meet short-
term obligations as well as long-term goals -determines how they live today and in the
future. That's why taking control of their finances is so important. The challenges of
investing are unique for each individual. In addition, circumstances are frequently
different for women - and whatever choices you make will be better as a result of
As a woman; the life expectancy is at an all time high. In fact, 90% of women
eventually end up living on their own. To help ensure that women will be able to
maintain their lifestyle, they should stay involved in investment decisions and
With a growing divorce rate, the number of single mothers is on the rise.
Providing for and raising a family, while also saving for college and retirement, can
be a daunting task. One way to help ensure that you have enough savings is to invest a
For whatever reason; many women are less willing than men to take risks. Yet,
all about investing, women can become more comfortable making investment
individual and the unique risk profile that results from employment can play a big role
in determining a suitable investment portfolio for women. These unique needs often
center on a woman’s stage in the life cycle. Retirement, housing and children’s
education and many other factors demand for funds and investment policy will
Since this research has been conducted on the women investors and a study of
investors. Women Investors have their own investing styles: some are risk takers by
Others prefer the safety and security of cash in the bank even if it means that the
actual buying power of their money is slowly dwindling because of inflation. Most
people fall somewhere in between these extremes, and are willing to assume some
risk, with the expectation that they’ll be rewarded with higher returns.