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Research Methodology and Technique

Research Proposal

Submitted to:
Sir. Usman Ali Warraich
Prepared by:
Mahnoor Fatima
Amna Khan
Faeq Khan
Ali Asgher Jamali
Topic: Identifying determinants of young children’s brand awareness:
Television, parents, and peers.
Author: “Patti M. ValkenburgT, Moniek Buijzen”
The aim of this study was to investigate the development of young children’s brand awareness, and the
relative influence of environmental factors (e.g., television, parents, peers) on brand awareness. We
presented 196 two- to eight-year-olds with 12 brand logos. After exposure to these logos, we asked
children to mention the brand name (brand recall), and to choose the right brand from a number of
available visual options (brand recognition). Two- to three-year-olds recalled only 1 out of 12 brands,
whereas they recognized 8 out of 12 brands. The results showed that exposure to television was
significantly related to the brand awareness of even the youngest children. The findings are discussed in
terms of contributions to national and international debates about the ethical aspects of a growing
trend to consider infants and young preschoolers as a commercial target group.

Chapter 1: Background and Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

The sole purpose of any organization is to earn a profit, rather maximum possible profit
and Telecom sector is no exception, but the road towards riches has become very bumpy for all service
providers because of the rising churning trend among subscribers. Though organizations are making so
much effort to develop and target segments that promise growth, sustainability and a pool of potential
customers, to analyze the needs and wants of the customers deeply and with accordance to the cultural
values of the particular place, to provide superior value to the customers so they continue a relationship
with the organization. But while doing so, they often fail to understand that long-termed relationship
with the clients cannot be enjoyed without making one’s employees satisfied with their job and loyal
towards the organizations they are working for.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Employees, if satisfied, feel pride in their association with the company, may act is one
of the biggest influencers in making the customers feel satisfied and proud to avail the service or to use
the product of their company. And when employees become loyal, they transmit that loyalty in their
customers. Such employees may become the volunteer advocates of their company to clients or even be
willing to go an extra mile to do their job and so ending up assuring lesser churn among the subscriber
and more benefits for the organization. The rule is simple, satisfy your employees to satisfy your
customers. Seed loyalty in your employee's heart to harvest loyal customers

1.3 Research Questions

1.4 Objectives of Study

To make organizations realize the importance of employee satisfaction.

To highlight the wonders, loyal employees can show

To establish a relationship between employee loyalty and satisfaction with customer churn.

To help organizations retain their customer base.

1.5 Justification/ Significance of Study

Employees get neglected most of the times when organizations are strategizing for
higher profitability and customer satisfaction leading towards customer retention because it is often
considered that employees are only a working tool to get things fixed for the organization and to follow
what is asked them to do while ignoring the fact that if they are not happy and satisfied with their
employer or organization they work for or the work they do, customers can’t be expected to have a
satisfying experience. In the same way, if an organization can’t make its employees loyal then how can it
be expected to be able to make its customers loyal. This is important for such organizations to realize
how important the existence of their employees is in the organization and how significantly they may
impact their fight to tame down the increasing rates of customer churn.

1.6 Limitation:

Interviews will be conducted with only the relevant employees of telecommunication in

Karachi because of limited contacts.

1.7 Scope of the Study

A first aim of this study is to investigate when and how brand awareness emerges and
developing early childhood. A second aim is to determine the relative influence of several environmental
factors (i.e., television, parents, peers) on young children’s brand awareness.

1.9 Definition of Keywords

Brand Awareness: The extent to which consumers are familiar with the qualities or
image of a particular brand of goods or services.

Brand recall: Brand recall is also known as unaided recall or

spontaneous recall and refers to the ability of the consumers to correctly elicit a brand name from
memory when prompted by a product category. Brand recall indicates a relatively strong link between a
category and a brand while brand recognition indicates a weaker link.

Brand Recognition: Brand recognition is extent to which a consumer can correctly

identify a particular product or service just by viewing the product or service's logo, tag line, packaging
or advertising campaign

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Introduction
The memory of each adult member of society holds an infinite number of brand
representations. While there is a sizeable body of research into the brand awareness of adults, only little
is known about how brand awareness develops in young children. A first aim of this study was to
investigate when and how brand awareness emerges and develops in early childhood. A second aim was
to determine the relative influence of several environmental factors (i.e., television, parents, peers) on
young children’s brand awareness.

Both brand recognition and recall are important when making purchase decisions. For a decision for a
particular brand in the retail environment, only recognition is necessary because the various alternatives
are alongside one another on the shelf. For a decision to be made in another context, recall is necessary,
because the various alternatives are not available at that time. In order to be able to function as a
consumer, a child must therefore be capable of both brand recognition and recall (Macklin, 1996).

2.3 Hypothesis

1) Children’s ability to recognize brands is already present at age 2, whereas their ability
to recall the same brands will be most discernible at around age 7.

2) Boys and girls will not differ in their ability to recall and recognize brand logos.

3) Television exposure will be more strongly related to the brand recognition of 2- to

8-year-olds than to their brand recall.

4) Parents’ brand awareness will be a significant predictor of children’s brand


5) Peer influence will be a significant predictor of children’s brand awareness.

3.1 Research Design

3.1.1 Type of Research

The article is based on quantitative research, since the variables are parents, television
and peers, which are been picked up from literature review and they are dependent variables.

3.1.2Method of Research

There is only one method used to test the hypothesis, therefore it is mono method of

3.1.3 Objective of Research

The objective of research is explanatory, because the type of research is quantitative

and hypothesis testing is involved.

3.1.4 Scope / Utility of Research

3.1.5 Technique / Way of Research

Application of statistical techniques used in this article is multi variate, because there
are three variables involved in this research.

3.1.6 Approach of Research

The approach of research is deductive approach, because the research is general to

specific, and hypothesis testing is involved.

3.1.7 Time Horizon

The time horizon is cross sectional, because the data collected from the sample is
collected once by one person one time.

3.1.8 Study Setting

The study setting is artificial, because the researcher involves the children in a field
experiment, by taking children into a quire area away from the classroom during school hours, and
interviewed them by showing them logos and questioning over it. While at other hand researcher
distributed questionnaire amongst the parents and took responses.

3.1.9 Type of Investigation

The type of research is causal because research setting is artificial.

3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Sampling Unit

Unit of analysis is individual because each child was brought to a quire area alone and
then interviewed.

3.2 .2 Sampling Technique

Sampling technique is non-probability, because the population size is unknown.

3.2.3 Sample Size

The sample size is 196 student of age 2-8years old, with 12 brand logos.

3.3 Instrumentation

3.3.1 Variables

There are 3 variables involved in this study television, parents, and peers.

3.3.2 Validity Test

Logical validity test is involved because the focus of the research on the content/ facts
of the research.
3.3.3 Reliability Test

The reliability test is parallel form reliability, because if the pattern of the questions is
been changed, then also the answers will remain the same

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