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Physics Symbols

and the SI (International System) System of Units

physical common name of symbol unit expressed unit expressed

quantity symbols unit for unit in base units in other SI units
Length, Distance l,d,r,x,y,z,s meter m Base Unit*
Area A m
Volume V m 1000 liters
Mass m kilogram kg Base Unit
Time t second sec or s Base Unit
Density ρ kg/m
Angle θ, φ radian rad arc length/radius (see note 9)

Temperature T kelvin K Base Unit (see note 9)

Velocity v, u, v m/s
Acceleration a, a m/s
Angular Velocity ω (see note 10) rad/sec 1/sec, or s
2 −2
Angular Acceleration α 1/s or s
Momentum p, p kg m/s
Frequency ν, ƒ hertz Hz 1/sec or s
Angular Frequency ω (see note 10) 1/sec or s
Period T, t s
Wavelength λ m
Force F, F newton N kg m/s
2 2
Torque T, τ, Γ (see note 11) Nm kg m /s
Moment of Inertia I kg m
Angular Momentum L, L kg m /s
2 2
Work, Energy, Heat W,K,E,U,Q joule J kg m /s Nm
Power P watt W
2 2
kg m /s J/s
2 2
Pressure p pascal Pa kg/m s N/m
Density ρ kg/m
Specific Heat c J/kg K
Current I ampere A Base Unit
Charge q, Q coulomb C A sec
2 2
Volume Charge Density ρ C/m A sec/m
2 2
Surface Charge Density σ C/m A sec/m
Linear Charge Density λ C/m A sec/m
2 3
Electric Potential V, Φ volt V kg m /A s W/A
2 2 3 V/A
Resistance R ohm Ω kg m /A s
Capacitance C farad F
2 2
A s /kg m
2 C/V
2 2 2
Inductance L henry H kg m /A s Wb/A
Electric Field E N/C kg m/A s
Electric Displacement D C/m
Electric Polarization P C/m
2 2 Vs
Magnetic Flux Φ weber Wb kg m /A s
Magnetic Induction B tesla T kg/A s N/A m
Magnetic Field H, B (see note 12) A/m
Magnetization M A/m
In 1983 the speed of light was fixed, effectively making m/s a base unit and m a derived unit. However, this difference is not important for our purposes.

Common Metric Prefixes

kilo (k) = 10 Mega (M) = 10 Giga (G) = 10
3 6 9

−2 −3 −6 −9
centi (c) = 10 milli (m) = 10 micro (µ) = 10 nano (n) = 10
Compiled by J. Brennan, TVCC Physics Dept. 1988-93. Please inform me of errors.
Some Usage Notes on Symbols for Physics Units and Quantities

1. Scalar quantities are expressed in italic script, like “x, d, s, T, . . .”

2. Vector quantities are expressed in bold script, like “v, a, F, . . .”. In handwriting, vectors are indicated by

putting an arrow over the symbol: v . Vector magnitudes are italic and not bold, or with no arrow over
them: “v, a, F, . . .”

3. Greek letters “ω, θ, α, Φ. . . ” are used for angular measurements and also for many other quantities. The
same conventions for italic scalars and bold vectors apply to Greek letters.

4. There is no special meaning to the choice of capital or lower-case letters for quantity symbols, but the
common usage should be followed. For example, t is usually used for time, but T is used for temperature.

5. Unit symbols are only capitalized if they are named after a person. Example: g (grams), N (newtons)

6. Capitalization is very important in metric prefixes: compare milli (m) and Mega (M).

7. The names of units are not capitalized, even if the symbol for it is: newton (N). If we capitalize it
(“Newton”), then we are talking about the man, not the unit.

8. The only SI units that have a symbol consisting of more than one letter are pascals (Pa) and webers (Wb).
Note the capitalization.

9. Angle and Temperature are dimensionless quantities. Their units are really just labels and do not have any
algebraic value. Including them in a result is not mathematically required (but is usually advised for the
sake of clarity). Ex: 5 rad/sec = 5 sec

10. A hertz (Hz) is only used in conjunction with ordinary frequencies (cycles per second or revolutions per
second). Although it is dimensionally equivalent to 1/seconds, it is never used for angular frequency or
angular velocity.

11. Similarly, the units for torque (N m) are dimensionally equivalent to the units for work and energy (joules),
but joules are strictly a unit of energy and we never use them as a unit of torque. Torque is just left as

12. There is some confusion in textbooks about the use of “B” for either the magnetic field or the magnetic
induction. Some authors mean “magnetic induction” when they say “magnetic field”. Use the convention
adopted by the particular book that you are using.

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