Unut Conversion 1
Unut Conversion 1
Unut Conversion 1
1018 exa E
length Metre m 1015 peta P
mass Kilogram kg 1012 tera T
time Second s 109 giga G
electric current Ampere A 106 mega M
thermodynamic Kelvin K 103 kilo k
temperature 102 hecto h
luminous intensity Candela cd 10' deca da
amount of Mole mol 10 ' deci d
substance 10 2 centi c
10 3 milli m
plane angle Radian rad 10 6 micro u,
solid angle Steradian sr 10 9 nano n
Derived 10 l2 pico p
force Newton kgm/s 2 N 10 15 femto f
pressure, stress Pascal N/m 2 Pa 10 18 atto a
energy Joule N m, W s J
power Watt J/s W 45.2.6 Common variations and auxiliary units
electric charge, Coulomb As C
flux The main variations that are commonly applied to civil engi-
magnetic flux Weber Vs Wb neering are:
electric potential Volt J/C V Stress expressed as N/mm instead of pascals (Pa) (1 N/mm
magnetic flux Tesla Wb/m2 T = 1 MN/m= IMPa)
density Pressure, e.g. underwater, expressed as bar instead of pascals
resistance Ohm V/A Q (1 bar= 10OkPa, 1 mbar = 0.1 kPa)
inductance Henry Wb/A, Vs/A H Temperature expressed as 0C (Celsius or centigrade) instead
capacitance Farad C/V, A s/V F of K (kelvin) (O0C = 273.16K, 10O0C = 373.16 K)
conductance Siemens A/V S Mass expressed as tonne instead of kilograms (kg)
frequency Hertz s ' Hz ( I t =1000 kg)
luminous flux Lumen cd sr Im
illuminance Lux lm/m2 Ix Some of the common variations from the strict SI system are
radiation activity Becquerel s ' Bq listed in Table 45.3 and are here termed 'auxiliary' units.
absorbed dose Gray J/kg Gy
mass density Kilogram per Table 45.3 Auxiliary units
cubic metre kg/m3
dynamic viscosity Pascal-second Pa s Quantity Symbol SI
concentration Mole per cubic
metre mol/m3 Angle
linear velocity Metre per second m/s degree (°) TC/180 rad
linear acceleration Metre per second- minute (') — —
squared m/s2 second (") - -
angular velocity Radian per second rad/s Area
angular Radian per second- acre a 100 m2
acceleration squared rad/s hectare ha 0.01 km2
torque Newton metre Nm barn barn 10 28 m2
current density Ampere per square
metre A/m 2 Energy
resistivity Ohm metre Qm erg erg 0.1 uJ
conductivity Siemens per metre S/m calorie cal 4.186 J
thermal capacity Joule per kelvin J/K electron-volt eV 0.160 aJ
specific heat Joule per kilogram gauss-oersted GaOe 7.96 uJ/m3
capacity kelvin J/(kg K)
thermal Watt per metre Force
conductivity kelvin W/(m K) dyne dyn 10 uN
luminance Candela per square
metre cd/m2 Angstrom A 0.1 um