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Data Dictionary Interview Questions

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1) What Is A Data Dictionary?

ANS : ABAP 4 data dictionary describes the logical structures of the objects used in application
development and shows how they are mapped to the underlying relational database in

Data Dictionary is a central source of data in a data management system. This manages all
definitions(metadata) required for different applications in SAP. ABAP dictionary is completely
integrated into ABAP development workbench. All other component of ABAP development
workbench can access the data definitions(meta data) stored in the data dictionary.
SAP’s data dictionary is called the ABAP Dictionary. ABAP Dictionary is accessed via transaction
code SE11.

Its main function is to support the creation and management of data definitions. It has details

· What data is contained?

· What are the properties and attributes of the data?

· What is the relationship existing between the various data objects available in database?

Role: ABAP data dictionary supports

 definition of user-defined types (data elements, structures, table types).

 structure of database objects (tables, indexes and views) can also be defined.
These user-defined types/objects are then automatically created in the underlying relational
database using the above data definitions.
 The ABAP dictionary also provides tools for editing screen fields (e.g., for assigning a field an input
help i.e. F4 help).
 Data dictionary ensures data integrity, consistency and security.

2) What are the different types of data dictionary objects/ What are the main object types of
ABAP dictionary??
Database tables, views , Datatype(data elements, structures , table type), type group,
domains, Search help, lock object, Matchcode objects.
The object types of ABAP dictionary can be of following type:

 Tables: Represent the Database Tables where data actually resides.

Tables are defined in the ABAP Dictionary independently of the database in ABAP Dictionary .
A table having the same structure is then created from this table definition in the underlying
. The fields of the table are defined with their (Database-independent) data types and lengths.
Using the table definitions stored in the ABAP dictionary, a table is automatically created in the
physical database(when the table is activated).

 Views: are logical views on more than one table. The structure of the view is defined in the ABAP
Dictionary. A view on the database can then be created from this structure.
 Data Types (data elements, structures, table types): Types are created in ABAP programs. The
structure of a type can be defined globally in ABAP programs. Changes to a type automatically take
effect in all the programs using the type.
 Lock objects :are used to synchronize access to the same data by more than one user. Function
modules that can be used in application programs are generated from the definition of a lock
object in the ABAP Dictionary.
 Domains: Different fields having the same technical type can be combined in domains. Domain
defines the value range of all table fields and structure components that refer to this domain.
 Data element: The ABAP Dictionary also contains the information displayed with the F1 and F4 help
for a field in an input template. The documentation about the field is created for a data element.
 Input help: The list of possible input values that appears for the input help is created by a foreign
key or a search help.

3) . What are the features of ABAP/4 Dictionary?

The most important features are:

· Integrated to aABAP/4 Development Workbench.

· Active in the runtime environment.

4) . What functions does a data dictionary perform?

In a data management system, the principal functions performed by the data dictionary are

· Management of data definitions.

· Provision of information for evaluation.

· Support for s/w development.

· Support form documentation.

· Ensuring that the data definitions are flexible and up-to-date.

5) . What are the uses of the information in the Data dictionary?

The following information is directly taken from the Data dictionary:

· Information on fields displayed with F1 help.
· Possible entries for fields displayed with F4 help.
· Matchcode and help views search utilities.

6) . In the ABAP/4 Dictionary Tables can be defined independent of the underlying database (T/F).


ABAP/4 Dictionary contains the Logical definition of the table.

7) What Is A Table?
Tables are defined in the ABAP Dictionary independently of the database in ABAP Dictionary .
A table having the same structure is then created from this table definition in the underlying
. The fields of the table are defined with their (Database-independent) data types and lengths.
Using the table definitions stored in the ABAP dictionary, a table is automatically created in
the physical database(when the table is activated).

8) What is the step-by-step process to create a table in data dictionary?

1.go to se11
2.give name the database table
3.give short description for the table
4.Give delivery class name as A and data browser / table view maint as Display/maintenence
5.select fields tab
6.give field name data type(user defined element type/built-in-type),short text
7.select technical settings tab ,give data class as appl0 and size category as 0
8.save it
9.go utillities menu click table contents select create and enter the field values then select
display in table contents and u can view the table values with field lables
step 1: creating domain(data type,field length,range).

step 2: creating data elements(properties and type for a table field), ,assign it with a domain
what we created now,save,activate it

step 3: creating a table(SE11) and assign it with the data element instead of assigning a
datatype to it,
like this create req fields:
on behalf of this:
table maintainence:
assign the type of the table ie.,A C G L S
allowed,not allowed ,allowed with restricions

Step 4: fields of a table:(as descripted above)

Step 5: technical settings:
9) How many types of tables exist and what are they in data dictionary?
ans :-
3 types of tables

i)Transparent tables -

Exists with the same structure both in dictionary as well as in database exactly with the same
data and fields. Both Opensql and Nativesql can be used.

ii)Pool tables &

iii)Cluster tables -
These are logical tables that are arranged as records of transparent tables.one cannot use
native sql on these tables (only opensql).They are not manageable directly using database
system tools.

10) What happens when a table is activated in DD?

ANS:- When the table is activated, a physical table definition is created in the database for the
table definition stored in the ABAP dictionary. The table definition is translated from the ABAP
dictionary of the particular database.

It is available for any insertion,modification and updation of records by any user.

11) What Is A Data Element?

Data Element : It is used to describe the semantic definition of the table fields like description
the field. Data element describes how a field can be displayed to end-user.
data elements are dictionary objects that are assigned with the domains.

A Field In R/3 System Is A Data Element.

12) What Is A Domain?

Domains :
Domain is the central object for describing the technical characteristics of an attribute of an
business objects.

 It describes the value range which describes allowed data values for the fields .
 Formal Definition Of The Data Types.They Set Attributes Such As Data

 domains are the dictionary objects that are assigned with constants and data types.

 Fields referring to the same domain (via the data elements assigned to them) are
changed when a change is made to the domain.
 Ensures consistency.

13) How Many Tables Are There In Sap?

Ans: i. Transparent tables, ii. Pooled tables, iii. Cluster tables.

14) What Is Transparent Table?

Ans: Whenever a table is created and defined through ABAP Dictionary, then it is called a
transparent table. When the table is activated in ABAP Dictionary, a table automatically gets
created in the underlying database with the same name as was defined in ABAP Dictionary.

So generally we say, transparent tables has one to one relationship with underlying database
which means there will be only one physical table on the database for each transparent table
created and defined through ABAP Dictionary. The tables which create 1-to-1 correspondence
between the table definition in the ABAP data dictionary and the table definition in the
physical database are called as transparent tables in SAP.

The names of the table and fields in underlying database will correspond or have the same
names as the logical table definition in the ABAP Dictionary.

Transparent tables can be used to store application data which include master data as well as
transaction data. Transparent tables are probably the only type of table that you will ever
create as a developer.

15) Give Examples Of Transparent Table.

Ans: VBAK, VBAP, KNA1 etc.

16) What Is Table Pool?

ANS: Table pool is a table in the SAP database in which many pool tables are assigned. A table
pool (or pool) is used to combine several logical tables in the ABAP/4 Dictionary.
As it is understood that for many pooled tables in ABAP dictionary, there is a single table called
as Table Pool in an underlying database.

Tables M_MTVMA, M_MTVMB, M_MTVMC, M_MTVMD and M_MTVME can be seen in ABAP
Dictionary. These all mentioned tables are Pooled Tables. All these tables have been assigned
to one Table Pool i.e. M_MTVM, which will be present in the underlying database and storing
data of all the five mentioned tables of ABAP Dictionary.

The definition of a pool consists of at least two key fields and a long argument field

17) What Are Pool Tables?

ANS : Tables in Data dictionary which has many to one relationship with an underlying database
table is called Pooled table. In simple words, Pooled tables appear as many tables in ABAP
dictionary, but the thing is they are stored as a single table in the underlying database.

In ABAP Dictionary, you can see each and every pooled table is assigned to a Table Pool.

Pooled tables are basically used by SAP to store temporary data or customizing data.
Pooled tables can be used to store control data (such as screen sequences or program
Generally as a developer, we will never create a Pooled table or Table Pool. It does not mean that
we cannot create them. SAP has given the option to create Pooled tables through SE80 transaction
and Table pool via ABAP Dictionary.

18) What Are Table Clusters?

ANS: Table cluster is a table in the SAP database in which many cluster tables are stored.

A table cluster combines several logical tables in the ABAP/4 Dictionary. Several logical rows
from different cluster tables are brought together in a single physical record. The records
from the cluster tables assigned to a cluster are thus stored in a single common table in the
Tables CDPOS and CDHDR are Cluster tables in SAP ABAP Dictionary and CDCLS is the table
cluster that exist in the underlying database. CDCLS table contains or hold data of both tables
CDPOS and CDHDR in the underlying database.

19) What Are Clustered Tables?

Ans: A cluster table is similar to a Pooled table. It has a many to one relationship with a table in
an underlying database. Many cluster tables are stored in a single table in an underlying
database called a table cluster.
Tables assigned to a Table cluster are called as clustered tables.
Table clusters store data from several cluster tables based on the primary key fields that they
have in common.

Rows from the cluster tables are combined into a single row in the table cluster. The rows are
combined based on the part of the primary key they have in common.
The biggest advantage of cluster table and pooled table is they reduce the number of
database reads and thereby improve performance.

20) How data is stored in cluster table?

Each field of cluster table behaves as tables which contains the no. of entries.
A cluster table conatins data from mulitple DDIC tables.
It stores data as a name value pair ( varkey, vardata)

21) Uses Of Table Pool Or Table Cluster.

Ans: Table pool or table cluster is used to store SAP’s internal control information (screen
sequences, program parameters, temporary data, continuous texts such as documentation).

22) Example Of Table Cluster And Cluster Tables.

i. The table cluster RFBLG holds data for five transparent tables i.e. BSEC, BSED, BSEG, BSES
and BSET.

ii. Other examples of table clusters are CDCLS, CDHDR, RFBLG, DOKCLU, DOKTL .

23) What are the differences between transparent and pool and cluster tables and how they are
stored at the database level?


i) Transparent tables have a one to one relationship with a physical table in an underlying
database where as pooled tables and cluster tables have many to one relationship with a
physical table in the underlying database (Relationship between tables in ABAP Dictionary &
Underlying database).

For each transparent table there will be exactly only one table in the underlying database
whereas many pooled tables are stored in a single table in an underlying database called table
pool. Similarly many cluster tables are stored in a single table in the database called a table

ii) In case of transparent tables, the underlying database table will have the same name,
same number of fields and the fields will also have the same names as defined in ABAP
Dictionary whereas for pooled tables and cluster tables the underlying database table will
have different name, different number of fields and fields will have different names from
what has been defined in ABAP Dictionary.
iii) Transparent tables can have one or more primary key Whereas Primary key of each pooled
table of a table pool need not be same whereas Primary key of each cluster table of a table
cluster should have at least one key in common.
iv) Secondary indexes can be created for transparent tables, but for pooled and cluster tables
we cannot create any secondary index.
v) Transparent tables can be accessed via both Native and Open SQL whereas pooled and
cluster table can be accessed by Open SQL only.
vi) Transparent tables are used to hold application data which includes both master data as
well as transaction data whereas table pool can store only system data based on the
transparent tables and Cluster table can be used to store control data they can also used
to store temporary data or text such as documentation

Pooled tables reduce the amount of database resources needed when many small tables
have to be opened at the same time.

Cluster tables are used when the tables have primary key in common and data in these
tables are all accessed simultaneously.

vii) Pooled tables are logical tables that must be assigned to a table pool when they are
Cluster table are logical tables that must be assigned to a table cluster when they are

24) What are tabs under the maintenance screen of the ABAP data dictionary screen?

Ans: There are five tabs under ABAP dictionary.


ii.Delivery & maintenance: -- Delivery Class/Table view Maintenance

iii. Fields,

iv. Entry help/check,

v. Currency/Quantity fields.

25) What are the components of a table definition.


 Table fields: For table fields, field names and data types are defined.
 Foreign keys: Relationship between the table and the other tables are defined.
 Technical settings: Data class and size category defines that what type of table
to be created and how much space required.
 Indexes: Secondary indexes are created for a table for faster data selection.
Again following are defined for a table fields:

 Field name can be of maximum 16 characters in a table and must start with a letter.
 Key flag determines if a field should be the table key.
 Field type depicts the data type of the field in the ABAP dictionary.
 Field length denotes the number of valid places in the field.
 Decimal places Number of places after decimal point for float type value.
 Short text describes the business meaning of the field.

Also fields from other structures can be added to the table definition as include.

26) How data Type, field Length and short Text of any field is assigned?
Ans: i. Data type, field length (and if necessary decimal places) short text can be directly
assigned to a field in the table definition.
ii. Data element can be assigned to a field so that data type, field length (and decimal places)
are automatically determined from the domain of the data element. The short description of
the data element is then assigned to the field as a short text.

27) How Can We Set The Table Spaces And Extent Sizes?

You can specify the extent sizes and the table space (physical storage area in the database) in
which a transparent table is to be stored by setting the size category and data class.

28) What Are The Differences Between Domain And Data Element?

i. Domain depicts the technical attributes of a field (its data type, field length, no. of decimal
places, appearance on the screen) of a SAP database table. Whereas data element denotes
the semantic attributes (short description, label names) for a field.
ii. Data elements are directly attached to the fields of SAP database tables and each data
element has an underlying domain within it. Whereas domains are not directly attached to
the fields and a single domain can be under many data elements.

iii. Within domain value range of a field can be described. Whereas within the data element
parameter id and search help for a particular field can be assigned.

29) What’s Value Table?

In some cases you already know when you define a domain that all the fields referring to this
domain should be checked against a certain table. This information can be stored in the domain
by entering a value table.
Ans: Value table is maintained at domain level in SAP. During domain creation, value range of
the domain is defined by specifying value table. Suppose for a particular domain, its value
table holds the values ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘Z’. So whenever the domain will be used, system will allow to
use these values only.

When ever you create a domain , you can entered allowed values. For example you go to
Domain SHKZG - Debit/credit indicator. Here only allowed values is H or S.

Whenever you use this Domain, the system will forces you to enter only these values.

This is a sort of master check . To be maintained as a customization object. This mean that if you
want to enter values to this table you have to create a development request & transport the

When ever we create a foreign key relationship for a field with another table the system will
look a value table field which is there at domain level.The system proposes that table as an
check table for the foreign key

30) What Is Check Table?

Ans: Check table is maintained at field level for data validation.
when foreign key is assigned to this field then it becomes the check table for the field.

A foreign key links two tables T1 and T2 by assigning fields of table T1 to the primary key fields
of table T2.
Table T2 is then known as the check table of the foreign key. As per DBMS what we call foreign
key table, is called as check table in SAP.

For example you have Employee master table & Employee Transaction table.

When ever an employee Transacts we need to check whether that employee exists , so we can
refer to the employee master table.

31) What Is Difference Between Check Table And Value Table ?

i) Check table will be at field level data validation and used to apply Foreign key
constraints .
Value table will be at domain level data validation ex: scarr table is check table for
ii) The contents of the check will be used as an input help(F4 Help) for a particular field
on which a check table is assigned.
But the contents of Value Table are never used in Input Help.
iii) The check table defines the foreign keys and is part of the table definition.
The value table is part of the domain definition.

32) When Value Table Becomes Check Table?

The system proposes the value table as check table when you try to define a foreign key for this
field. You can override this proposal.
Entering a value table does not implement a check. The check against the value table only takes
place when a foreign key is defined.

33) Where Do You Define Value Table?

34) What Is The Use Of Value Table?
35) Can We Create Both Value And Check Table For A Single Table?
36) Which Table (Value Or Check) Displays Help Values For A Field
Value Table
37) What Are Control Tables

ANS : The values specified for the size category and data class are mapped to database-specific
values via control tables.

is a type of delivery class in DDIC which has separate key areas for SAP and customer.
For example - Table TSADRV is a control table.
The Control Tables specify that it is the table where data is not changed frequently and pertains
to information for the flow of the system.
38) What Is Structure and what its use?

 Are record declarations that do NOT correspond to a Database Table.

 Just like user-defined data type.
 Defined like a table and can then be addressed from ABAP programs.
 Structures contain data only during the runtime of a program.
 Structures are used when we want to define the same work area in multiple programs

39) How Many Types Of Structures Are There In Sap Abap?

 Flat structures contain only fields of the elementary types C, N, D, T, F, I, P, and X, or
structures containing these types.
 Deep structures refers to another table type and contain strings, internal tables and
field or object references in addition to the elementary types.
 Nested structures are structures that contain other structures (or substructures) as
components, but not table types

40) What Is Include Structure?

Include structure allows to add one or more structure into structure or table.Also placed
positioning anywhere. Upto 6 include structure can be used in a table.
41) What Is Append Structure?
Append structure can be placed only at the end of a structure or table which also stops further
insertion of fields.Only one append structure can be used

42) Which Structure Is Reusable Structure?

Include Structure: Here we have to add an Existing Structure to a Table .. So it can be reused.
I mean you can INCLUDE the same structure in multiple tables, but you can APPEND a structure
in only one table.
43) How Can We Add The New Fields To The Standard Table?
Append structures are used to add customer fields to SAP tables
44) How Can You Create Include Structure/ How Can You Include A Structure Into Custom Table?

Including Structure for custom DataBase Table/Structure

-->Go to Tcode: SE11 then select the radio button database table/data type(structure) and give
the data base table name /structure name in which you want to include the structure then click
on display<=>change button from application tool bar for enable mode.
-->then enter name that should be .include (this is mandatory) in field column then enter the
structure name in the field of dataelement which structure you want include in this database

45) How Can You Include A Structure Into Standard Table?

You don't need to open a standard table in change mode to include a structure.

This is how you can include your custom structure within standard SAP tables

1. Open the standard table in SE11 display mode

2. Click on Append Structure button
3. Click on Create Append button in the popup that shows
4. Enter a name for the append (name it like ZZ_XXXXX
5. Enter the component = .INCLUDE and component type = <your custom structure name>
6. Activate the append structure

46) What Is The Difference Between Include And Append Structures?

Include Structure
1- It is used to add some extra field only to custom
database tables.
2- It is used to add extra field anywhere in te table
3- It requires database utility.
4-. we can't use that structure in another table.

Append Structure
1- It is used to add some extra fields both to custom and
built in or standard database tables.
2- It is used to add extra field only at the end of table
structure and the field name should begins with ZZ or YY.
3- It doesn't require database utility.
4-. Append structure : it will add Fields to the table from last 4-we can use include structure in
more than one table.

47) What are two methods of modifying SAP standard tables?

· Append Structures and

· Customizing Includes.

48) What is the max. no. Of structures that can be included in a table or structure.
/What’s the maximum depth of nested includes in a table?
Ans: Maximum depth is 9 i.e. maximum 9 structures can be included in a table/structure.

49) . What is the difference between a Substructure and an Append Structure?

In case of a substructure, the reference originates in the table itself, in the form of a
statement include….
In case of an append structure, the table itself remains unchanged and the reference
originates in the append structure.

50) To how many tables can an append structure be assigned.


51) If a table that is to be extended contains a long field, we cannot use append structures why?

Long fields in a table must always be located in the end, as the last field of the table. If a table
has an append structure the append line must also be on the last field of the table.

52) . Can we include customizing include or an append structure with Pooled or Cluster tables?
53) . Structures can contain data only during the runtime of a program (T/F)

54) What is the advantage of structures? How do you use them in the ABAP programs?


Adv:- GLOBAL EXISTANCE(these could be used by any other program without creating it
again). Reusability

55) What’s table include?

Ans: In addition to listing the individual fields in a table or structure, fields from another
structure can be included as includes.

56) What’s named include?

Ans: If an include is added to define a database table or database structure, a name can be
assigned to that included (included substructure). The group of fields of that include can be
addressed as a whole in ABAP application programs with a group name which is called as
named include.
E.g.:We can access field of a table/ structure in the ABAP application program in the following

1. - < FIELD NAME>

2. - -

3. -
57) Give an example of nested include.
Ans: Structure S1 may include structure S2 and again S2 may include S3.

58) What’s the number of characters limit for field name?

Ans: A field name may not have more than 16 characters in a table, but in a structure
maximum 30 characters are allowed for a field name.

59) What’s check field?

Ans: One of the foreign key field is marked as the check field. This depicts that the foreign key
relationship is maintained for that field. When a value is entered for that check field in the
table, input validation checking is done i.e. a checking is done that whether the inserted value
exists in the check table or not. If doesn’t exist then system rejects the entry else input
validation check for that field is successful.
60) What are base tables of an aggregate object?

The tables making up an aggregate object (primary and secondary) are called aggregate object.

61) . The data of a view is not physically stored, but derived from one or more tables (t/f)

62) What are the 2 other types of Views, which are not allowed in Release 3.0?

· Structure Views.
· Entity Views.

63) How Many Types Of size categories and Data Classes Are There In Sap?
ANS : There are five size categories (0-4) A certain fixed memory size is assigned to each
category in the SAP database.
and 11 data classes only three of which are appropriate for application tables:

· APPL0-
Master data (data frequently accessed but rarely updated).

· APPL1-
Transaction data (data that is changed frequently).

· APPL2-
Organizational data (customizing data that is entered when system is configured and
thenrarely changed).

The other two types are:

· USR1 - Intended for customer’s own developments.

64) What’s the utility of size category?

Ans: During table creation, the SAP system reserves an initial space i.e. an initial extent) in the
database.If in any case more space is needed, then additional memory is added according to
the mentioned size category for that table. correct size category prevents the creation of a
large number of small extents for a table i.e. prevents memory wastage.

65) Which Objects Are Independent Transport Objects?

Domains, Data elements, Tables, Technical settings for tables, Secondary indexes for
transparent tables, Structures, Views, Matchcode objects, Matchcode Ids, Lock objects.

66) Can A Transparent Table Exist In Data Dictionary But Not In The Data Base Physically?
Ans:- No.

Transparent Table Do Exist With The Same Structure Both In The Dictionary As Well As In The
Database,Exactly With The Same Data And Fields.
67) What is the significance of Technical specifications /technical settings (specified while creating a
table in the data dictionary)?/ What is ‘technical settings’ of a table?What are the important
parameters to be mentioned within it?

Ans : By specifying technical settings we can control how database tables are created in the
database. The technical settings allows us to

· Optimize storage space requirements.

· Table access behavior.

· Buffering required.

· Changes to entries logged.

Five contents in technical settings : Data class, size category, Buffering permission , Buffering
type and logging
68) What is a Table attribute?

Ans :The table’s attributes determine who is responsible for maintaining a table and which types
of access are allowed for the table. The most important table attributes are:

· Delivery class.

· Table maintenance allowed.

· Activation type.

69) What is delivery class?

Ans: We need to insert an delivery class value while creating customized table in SAP through
the transaction code SE11.

Delivery class is that which regulates the transport of the table’s data records (during SAP
installations, SAP software upgrade, client copies, and data transport to other SAP system).
SAP and its customers have different write types depending on the variety of delivery class. If
Delivery class is A, it depicts that the application table for master and transaction data
changes only rarely.
70) How many types of delivery classes are there in SAP?
Ans: There are following delivery classes:

i. A: Application table (master and transaction data) is maintained by the customers using
application transaction.

ii. C: Customer table. Data is maintained only by the customer.

iii. L: Table for storing temporary data.

iv. G: Customer table, new data records can be inserted but may not overwrite or delete
existing ones.

v. E: System table with its own namespaces for customer entries.

vi. S: System table, data changes have the status of program changes i.e. System table for
program’s nature. Maintained only by SAP. E.g.: Codes for SAP transactions.

vii. W: System table for system operation and maintenance. Table contents are maintained
by maintenance transactions. E.g.: function module table.

71) What Is The Significance Of Delivery Class ?

· The delivery class controls the degree to which the SAP or the customer is responsible for
table maintenance.

· Whether SAP provides the table with or without contents.

· Determines the table type.

· Determines how the table behaves when it is first installed, at upgrade, when it is
transported, and when a client copy is performed.

72) What Are The Two Ways For Restricting The Value Range For A Domain?
· By specifying fixed values.

· By stipulating a value table.

73) What Are The Uses Of Domain?

74) What are the functions of Domain?
· A domain describes the technical settings of a table field.

· A domain defines a value range, which sets the permissible data values for the
fields,which refers to this domain.
· A single domain can be used as basis for any number of fields that are identical in

75) Is It Possible To Create Fields With Out Domains?

YES. Data element can be create.d without using domain directly by giving data type and length
76) What Is The Use Of Sign In Domain?
77) What Happened When We Select Lower Case Option In Domain?
78) What Is The Use Of Domains In Foreign Key Relation Ships?
The system proposes the foreign key relation based on the domain.
79) What Are Indexes?

Indexes are use for fast retrieval of data from database.

Each index has a unique one to three character identifier, or id in R/3. An index can consist of more
than one field. The ID 0 is reserved for the primary index.

Primary Index:

Primary index is created automatically on key fields of data when table is created in SAP.

Secondary Index:

The secondary index is required when there is retrieval of data on non-key fields.Secondary
index is not created automatically.It is created menually depends on the requirement.

Indexes are described as a copy of a database table reduced to specific fields. This data exists
in sorted form. This sorting form ease fast access to the field of the tables.
For example - when you use a binary search.

In order that other fields are also read, a pointer to the associated record of the actual table
are included in the index. the indexes are activated along with the table and are created
automatically with it in the database.

80) What Are The Differences Between Structure And Table In Data Dictionary In Abap?

Structures are constructed the almost the same way as tables, the only difference using that no
database table is generated from them.

1. Table can store the data physically but a structure dose not store.
2. Table can have primary key but a structure dose not have.
3. Table can have the technical attribute but a structure dose not have.
4. Table store multiple records but structure can store single record at runtime

81) Did You Create Primary Index?

82) Did You Create Secondary Index?
83) What Are The Uses Of Secondary Indexes?
84) Tell Me A Scenario Where Did You Use Secondary Index?
85) Where Do You Create Indexes In Abap?
86) What Is The Tcode To Create Indexes?
87) What are the basic objects of the data dictionary?
Ans :

· Domains

· Data elements

· Structures

· Foreign Keys

88) What Are The Aggregate Objects In Data Dictionary?

ANS: · Views

· Match codes

· Lock objects.

89) What Is Meant By Search Help?

Search Help - In a simple word, A search help is an object of the ABAP Dictionary with which
input helps (F4 helps) can be defined. It helps to define the standard input help process.
It displays all the possible values for a field in the form of a list.this list is known as hit list.
An efficient and user-friendly search assists users where the key of a record is unknown

90) What Are The Types Of Search Helps?

There are two types of search help - Elementary search help and Collective search help. There is
also one serach help known as Append search help which can be used to enhance collective
search help.
91) What Is Elementary Search Help?
Elementary search helps create a single search path for providing the possible entries (F4).
92) What Is Collective Search Help?
Collective search helps combines several elementary search helps. Hence, it provides more
than one alternative search paths for possible entries.
93) What Is Append Search Help?
Append search help which can be used to enhance collective search help by appending further
search helps.
94) What you can define in Collective Search Help?
A. Following things are define in collective search help-
- Search help exit
- Search help parameter and
- Elementary search help
95) What Is Search Help Exit?
Search help exits are used to restrict the standard search help returned values according to
users’ requirement.


Scenario: When User1 require only Material type as Finished goods and User2 require only
Material type as Raw material, for this scenario we can use search help exit.

Each search help exit must have the same interface as function module
F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE (is used as pattern for all the search help exits to be created).
96) How Do You Assign Search Help At Program Level?

Method 1:

The statement MATCHCODE OBJECT can be used to assign a Search Help to a field.

Method 2:
Using the function module 'F4IF_INT_TABLE_VALUE_REQUEST'

97) How Can We Replace Standard Search Help At Table Level?

you can add search help to the standard field, but with an access key.... bcoz you are changing
the SAP standard field..

I have an another alternative as well... if you can look at the domain say MATNR.. on the value
ranges tab you can see a value table on the bottom... you can use a similar thing where value
table will be your ztable and any value entered will be checked in this table.. if we find an entry
it proceeds else.. raises and error message..


Go for the Screen field Enhancements in the standard program.


u can assign the search help to (A) data element level or (B) field table level.

After creating your search help:

A) Run SE11, insert your data element (Eg.,AUFEX), press edit and insert the search help in
"Search Help" area on DEFINATION tab;
B) Run SE11, insert your table (Eg.,AUFK), press edit, place the cursor on your field (Eg., AUFEX)
and go to GoTo->Search help->for field

But u should consider it'll mean to change a standard object for both cases: so u need to get the
access key from your OSS.

98) What Is The Difference Between Elementary And Collective Search Help?
 Elementary search help is for F4 help and Collective search help is the collection of Elementary
Search Helps.

 elementary search help is one where u used only one field in the search help and mostly from
one table...say u want material & description u create search help with MARA and fields matnr
& maktx.

collective search help is one where u use more than one field and also from various tables. say
material from MARA & plant from T001W..u combine these 2 using collective search help.

 Elementary search helps defines a search path where we will define the table from which the
data has to be read and the selection criteria. Through import and export parameters. Used
when we gets the data rom a single table. Collective Search Helps:- Combination of elementary
search helps. When we need to fetch data based on multiple selection criteria’s. More than one
tables are Selection from multiple tables

 In Elementary Search Help selection method should be entered but there is no selection method
to be entered for a Collective Search Help instead of the selection method, we enter the
included search helps for the Collective Search help.

99) Tell Me Procedure To Assign Search Help At Table Level?

This is how u can create "Search Help" for the fields of the ztables that u have created.

SE11- Create Search Help for 1 field, "Selection Method" box put the Table name to which the
field belongs to. "Dialog Type" box write: "Display Value Immediately".

Search Help Parameter is the Field name for which u want the Help. Tick Imp & Exp options and
assign LPOS = 1 and Enter. , save and Activate.

SE11- Go to the table , Click on the Field that needs to be assigned a search Help....Click at the
left side of the Field so that all the corresponding data Elements, Key field etc also gets selected.

Click on the "Search Help tab" just above the "Data Type " column.
Put the "Search Help" name that u just created. Mention the Field and Enter. it takes up the
required values. Now Copy.
U can repeat the process for whatever fields u want to assign a Search Help.

se51- Go to Screen Painter, Select Fields from Dictionary table to which u want search help to be
Double click on the Text box of the corresponding field,......> Screen Painter Attributes.......>
Search help Text box.........> Enter the name of the Search help that u created for a field.
Ok....>Save.........> Activate

Now u should be able to get the Search help for the fields that u wanted to.

100) What Is The Use Of F4if_Shlp_Exit_Example Function Module ?

This module has been created as an example for the interface and design of Search help exits
in Search help.


Associated Function Group: SDHI
Released Date: Not Released
shlp_tab = " shlp_desct Table of elementary search helps
record_tab = " seahlpres Hit list
shlp = " shlp_descr Single (current) search help
callcontrol = " ddshf4ctrl Control of the F4 process

101) What is hot key for search help?

A. The hot key permits the user to select elementary search help from the collective
search help directly in the input field with the short notation using either letters or digits.

Using transaction code SE11 you can create search help. This search help has to be assigned to
the field for which this input help is required. There are four ways you can assign the search help

1. By attaching the search help to a data element

2. By attaching the search help to a check table
3. By attaching the search help to a table field
4. By attaching the search help to a screen field

Scenario-1: In case if more than one search help is assigned to the field the conflicts in calling
the search help is resolved by the hierarchy of search help. So when a input help is called for the
field, first it checks if the search help is attached on the screen field or not. Here it also a case if
there is a program help written with PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST or not else it looks for the
search help attached to the screen field. If no serach help available here then it looks for the
input help attached using FIELD SELECT or FIELD VALUES.

Scenario-2: If the above first level if the field could not able to find the input help then it further
looks for the search help defined to the table field.

Scenario-3: If no search help define here, it tries to call the search help define at a check table. If
at check table it finds the search help then it displays else it displays the key values of the check

Scenario-4: Still there is no search help is define at the above level the system looks for the
search help define at the data element. If still the search help is not define at data element, the
fixed values of domain are displayed.
102) How You Attach Search Help To Data Element?

Assign a search help:

You can assign a search help to the data element. This search help is offered on all the screen
fields referring to this data element when the input help (F4 help) is called. For more
information, see Attaching Search Helps to Data Elements. To assign the search help, go to
the Further Characteristics tab page. Specify the name of the search help in the Name field and
an export parameter of the search help in the Parameters field.

103) What Is Match Code Object?

MATCH CODE OBJECT is used to trigger your own created search helps.The predecessors of
search helps in the ABAP Dictionary were called matchcode objects

It is a similar to table index that gives list of possible values for either primary keys or non-
primary keys.

104) What Is The Use Of Match Code Object In Sap Abap?

MatchCodes allow you to select a value from a list or search for a value by categories of data if
there are many possibilities.
105) What Is Lock Objects?
These types of objects are used for locking the access to database records in table.

Lock objects are used to lock the database table while making the modifications on the database
table to avoid the inconsistancy at the time of data is being insert/change into database.

When you create a lock object System automatically create two function module.
1. ENQUEUE_<Lockobject name>. to insert the object in a queue.
2. DEQUEUE_<Lockobject name>. To remove the object is being queued through above FM.
SAP Locks is used to program different types of lock which is set across more than one database
LUWs. The database locks is of much shorter period than the SAP lock. This database lock is set in
duration of transaction and remains there till DEQUEUE_'lockobjectname' function module is get

You can create a lock on a object of SAP thorugh transaction SE11 and enter any meaningful
name start with EZ


106) What is Locking?

It is a mechanism for defining and applying logical locks to database objects.

When two users simultaneously attempt to access the same data record, this is synchronized
by a lock mechanism.

107) What does a lock object involve?

The tables.
The lock argument.

108) What Is The Need Of Lock Objects?

Lock objects are use in SAP to avoid the inconsistency at the time of data is being
insert/change into database.

109) Where Do We Use Lock Objects?


The user goes to VA02 to change a sales order, in this program, a lock is set. You can see such locks in
transaction SM12. If a lock is set, and another user accesses the same sales order, then they will get a
message saying that the sales order is locked. The ENQUEUE function module is used to set the lock, the
DEQUEUE function module is to release the lock.

110) What Are The Steps To Be Followed To Set Lockobjects?


1.Select object type Lock object in the initial screen of the ABAP Dictionary, enter an object
name and choose Create. The name of a lock object should begin with an E (Enqueue).
The maintenance screen for lock objects is displayed.

2.Enter an explanatory short text in the field Short text.

You can then use the short text to find the lock object at a later time, for example with the R/3
Repository Information System.

3.Enter the name of the primary table of the lock object.

All other tables in the lock object must be linked with the primary table using foreign keys. There
are also some restrictions on the valid foreign key relationships.

4.Select the lock mode of the primary table in the field below it.
The lock mode is used as the default value for the corresponding parameters of the function
modules generated from the lock object.

5.Choose Add if you want to lock records in more than one table with the lock object.
A list of all the tables linked with the primary table using valid foreign keys is displayed. Select
the appropriate table. The lock mode of the primary table is copied as lock mode. You can
change this setting as required, for example you can assign the lock mode separately for each

6.Similarly, you can add a table linked with the secondary table just added with foreign keys. To
do this, place the cursor on the name of the secondary table and choose Add.

7.If no lock mode is assigned to a table, no lock is set for the entries in this table when the
generated function modules are called. You should not assign a lock mode if a secondary table
was only used to define a path between the primary table and another secondary table with
foreign keys.

8.Save your entries.

A dialog box appears in which you have to assign the lock object a development class.

9.You can (optionally) exclude lock parameters (see lock objects) from the function module
generation on the Lock parameter tab page. This makes sense for example if you always want to
lock a parameter generically.
To do this, simply deselect the Weight flag for the parameter. The parameter is not taken into
consideration in the generated function modules. This parameter is then always locked

9.The name of a lock parameter is usually the name of the corresponding table field. If two fields
with the same name are used as lock parameters in the lock object from different tables, you
must choose a new name for one of the fields in field Lock parameter.

10.You can define whether the function modules generated from the lock object should be RFC-
enabled on the Attributes tab page.
If you set the Allow RFC flag, the generated function modules can be called from within another
system with Remote Function Call.

11.If you permit Remote Function Calls for an existing lock object, you must ensure that the
generated function modules are called from within an ABAP program with parameters
appropriate for the type. You should therefore check all programs that use the associated
function modules before activating the lock object with the new option.

12 .Choose Activate .

When you activate the lock object, the two function modules ENQUEUE_<lockobjectname> and
DEQUEUE_<lockobjectname> are generated from its definition to set and release locks.

You can find information about the activation flow in the activation log, which you can display
with Utilities Activation log. If errors occurred during activation, the activation log is displayed
111) What Are The Function Modules That Are Generated When You Activate A Lockobject?
112) What Is The Use Of Enqueue Function Module?
113) What Is The Use Of Dequeue Function Module?
When you activate the lock, the two function modules ENQUEUE_'lockobjectname' and
DEQUEUE_'lockobjectname' get generated. These two locks are used to set and release the
locks respectively.

114) What Are The Modes In Lock Objects?

a) Shared lock :- - Read Lock

protects read access to an object. The read lock allows other transactions read access but not
write access to the locked area of the table

b) Exclusive lock. - Write Lock(exclusive lock)

protects write access to an object. The write lock allows other transactions neither read nor
write access to the locked

area of the table.

c) Exclusive but not cumulative lock(Enhanced write lock)

works like a write lock except that the enhanced write lock also protects from
further accesses from the same transaction.
- Exclusive locks can be requested by the same transaction several times and
are processed successively, but an exclusive but not cumulative locks can only
be called once from the same transaction. All further lock requests are rejected.
d) Optimistic Lock - This is a new lock mode. This lock is require if the data is
accessed by several user simultaneously and the lock needs to be set for
consistent data changes, in case if user displays the data in change mode. Thus,
initially it bahaves like a shared locks but if user goes for data change then this
needs to get converted into exclusive locks.

115) How can a lock object be called in the transaction?

By calling Enqueue and Dequeue in the transaction.

116) What is a view?

A view is like a telescope which just provides a picture of something. You can construct a view
with special lenses or filters to allow you to look at one or more dictionary tables. You can look
at parts of one table (selected records and/or fields) or combinations of tables and parts of
tables. A view is an ABAP Dictionary object. In simple words, a View simply mirrors an entire
database table. A view would just look like a table and act just like a table – but it isn't
actually a table.

A view does not contain data of its own - rather, the view provides specialized access to the data
that exists in other tables. For this reason, views are often called virtual tables.

Views combines more than one table. The structure of the view is defined in the ABAP
Dictionary. With the help of views, application-dependent view can be defined that combines
the data.

Data about an application object (like Purchase order, Sales Order, Invoice Verification, etc.) is
often distributed on several database tables. By defining a view, one can define an application-
dependent view that combines this data. The structure of such a view is defined by specifying
the tables and fields used in the view. Fields that are not required can be hidden, thereby
minimizing interfaces. A view can be used in ABAP programs for data selection.
117) What Are The Types Of Views?
· Database View

· Help View

· Projection View

· Maintenance View

118) What Is Database View ?

The database view is combining several fields of two or more tables into single table. At least
one relationship is required is required to combine tables to build a database view. Plus one can
only read data from database view and cannot modify the data in the view directly (if view
involves more than one table). Database views implement an Inner Join on the tables. The
database view is the only type of view in SAP that is physically created at the database level.

For example, consider two tables T1, T2.

Fields of table T1 are F1, F2 and F3. Fields of table T2 are F1, F5.

By using a Database view one can combine the fields of both tables T1 and T2, provided primary
and foreign key relation is maintained between the two tables and thus final view can have
fields like F1, F2, F3, F5.
119) What Is Projection View?
In standard SAP tables one can find there are a number of fields. Sometimes it happens or there
is a requirement of viewing only a fewer no of fields of a table, in such cases a projection view
can be created. Projection views are created only on a single table.
For example, if Table T1 has fields F1,F2,F3,F4,F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, etc…

Say there is a need to view data only for say Fields F1, F2, F4,F8 & F9, in such cases projection
view can be created.
120) What Is Maintenance View?
Just like we have table maintenance (SM30) for each table, similarly if there is a requirement to
maintain data for one or more tables in a single view, then maintenance view can be created.
All the tables in a maintenance view must be linked with foreign key. The join conditions for
maintenance views are always derived from the foreign key automatically and thus one cannot
directly enter the join conditions as for database views. Unlike Database views, one can modify
data from maintenance view.

Thus, a maintenance view allows you to maintain the data of an application object together.
121) What Is Help View?
Help views can be used as selection methods for Search Helps. It might be necessary to create a
Help View if you are trying to accomplish an outer join, since database views only create inner

122) State The Differences Between Database View & Projection View?

The basic differences between projection view and database view are:

Database view can built over many tables whereas projection view can be built over a single table only.

Database view can be updated if the view is built over a single table whereas in projection view data can
be updated.

In case of database view, data updates can use open SQL or native SQL whereas in case of projection
view, data updates must use open SQL.

Database view can be buffered whereas Projection view cannot be buffered.

123) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using views in ABAP programming ?
advantages: view is used to retrieve the data very fastly from the database tables
*memory wastage is reduced
*faster than joins to retrieve the data from database tables
view is not a container,it will not hold the data
*view memory is not permanent memory

124) What Are The Relational Operations That Can Be Performed On View In SAP?

There are three operations that can be performed on views in SAP: Join, Projection and

 The Projection Operation is used to narrow a view’s focus to certain fields in a table.
 The Selection Operation is used to narrow a view’s focus to certain records in a table.
 The Join Operation is used to combine information from multiple tables into a single view.

125) What Is The Use Of Views?

126) Views Store Any Data? If Yes Where? If No Why?
127) How Can You Execute Help Views? Do We Execute Help Views Directly?
we can not execute Help views directly, bcoz they are designed specially for "Search-
In elementary search help give the selection method as “Help View Name”.
Enter Parameter name to include in search help.
use this search help with the help of keyword ‘Matchcode object’ in Program.

128) What Is Primary Key ?

A primary key is a field or group of fields that uniquely identify a record in a table. Primary key
fields cannot be NULL and cannot contain duplicate values.

Primary Key: A combination of field(s) to uniquely identify a record in a table.Also known as primary

Index: Indexes are used to improve the performance while retrieving the data(records) from DB table.

Normally records will be arranged in a certain order in the table along with the index name if an index is
created on certain field(s). If the fields specified in the index is used to query the table, then data
retrieval will be fast.

In case, if one does not have a primary key fields to query the table,then he can consider using the fields
specified in the index to retrieve the records.

129) How Many Primary Keys Can Be Created For A Table?

The limit is 16 fields, or 15 if you have to use also the CLIENT (client-specific tables).
130) What Are The Main Uses Of The Primary Key?
In order to provide performance in SAP we use more than 1 primary key, primary key maintains
131) What Is Foreign Key?
Ans: Relationships between tables are defined in the ABAP dictionary by creating foreign keys.
If you want to link two tables, then primary key of one table will be added to another table
where primary key of first table will be become the foreign key of second table.
132) What Are Uses Of Foreign Key?

Ans: Using foreign keys(as main table-field is linked with check table), input value check for any
input field can be done.
 Foreign keys can also be used to link several tables.
Explaination on foreign keys:

Suppose, tab1(Foreign key table or dependent table) contains the following fields: fld1(primary
key), fld2, fld3, fld4, fld5 and Tab2(Referenced table) contains the following fields: fld6(primary
key), fld7(primary key), fld8, fld9 and tab1-fld2 is connected to tab2-fld5, tab1-fld4 is connected to
tab2-fld6Therefore, fld2 and fld4 fields of the table tab1 are called as foreign key fields to the
table tab2 and tab2 is called as check table or referenced table.

133) What Is Cardinality?

The cardinality (n:m) describes the foreign key relationship with regard to the number of
possible dependent records (records of the foreign key table) or referenced records (records of
the check table).

Cardinality specifies how many rows are allowed in foreign key table for a corresponding value in check
table. It specifies as X: Y (where X point to check table and Y points to foreign key table).

The allowed values for X are

 X=1: if a row in check table deleted then the corresponding rows from foreign key table also deleted.
 X=C: Deletion of check table rows won’t affect the foreign key table rows.
The allowed values for Y are

 Y=1: For each row in check table only one row is allowed in foreign key table
 Y=C: For each row in check table maximum one row is allowed in foreign key table
 Y=N: For each row in check table there is always at least one row in foreign key table.
 Y=CN: There might or might not be rows in the foreign key table for each row in the check table.

134) What Are The Prerequisites For Creating Foreign Key Relationship?
135) What are foreign key fields?

Ans: One field of the foreign key table corresponds to each key field of the check table. That
field of the is called as foreign key field.
Uses: A foreign key permits assigning data records in the foreign key table and check table.
One record of the foreign key table uniquely identifies a record of the check table (using the
value entries in the foreign key fields of the foreign key table).

136) What Are The Kinds Of Foreign Key Fields?

Compound Foreign Keys
.A compound foreign key made up with more than one fields. It is used when we want to
validate the combination of more than one field values against more than one field values of
check tables.
Generic foreign keys: When a primary key field is assigned as generic, it doesn’t have a
counterpart in the foreign key table, and it won’t participate in the check.
Constant foreign keys: Same as compound foreign keys. But one of the check table fields will be
replaced with a constant value. Used for checking against a constant value.
Adapted foreign keys: If all the fields of a compound foreign key are not from same table it is
called as an adapted foreign key.

Foreign Key field types

 Key fields/candidates: if the key is one of the primary key fields of foreign key table or that key is part
of Key candidates that can identity a unique row without using primary key.
 Non-key fields/candidates: (just opposite of the above)
 Key fields of a text table: The text table contains the language description of values in a check table.
It used for multi language purposes.
When we create foreign keys we need to specify the appropriate cardinality and key field type for the

What’s generic and constant foreign keys?

<b>Generic entry in partial foreign key</b>
Mark this flag if you want to remove the field from the assignment to the key fields of the check table.
The check is then made only against the rest of the fields.

<b>Constant value in foreign key</b>

If a constant is entered here, the foreign key field is assigned a constant value. Only values with a
corresponding record in the check table which contains these constant values are valid for the foreign
key field.

Enter the corresponding constant enclosed in apostrophes here (example: 'Const').

137) What Is A Text Table?

Text table is a table which contains descriptions in several languages for each key in the
main table. The key of a text table always contains the key of main table along with a
language key field(SPRAS).

138) Do We Create Table Fields With Out Data Elements And Domains? If Yes How? If No
Yes ,We can create a field without any data element and
domain, by using ( Predefined type ) option given on the
right of the fields Tab (near to search help tab).

Alternately, we can opt for the BUILT IN TYPE found beneath the domain at the time of the
creation of the data element.
139) Can you create a table with fields not referring to data elements?


eg:- ITAB LIKE SPFLI.here we are referening to a data object(SPFLI) not data element.

140) How Can You Create Data Element?

141) How Many Ways Are There For Creating Data Element?
142) What Is The Use Of Data Elements/function In Abap?

A data element describes the role played by a domain in a technical context. A data
element contains semantic information.

143) Can you delete a domain, which is being used by data elements?

144) . Can a domain, assigned to a data element be changed?

Yes. We can do so by just overwriting the entry in the field domain.

145) Can you delete data element, which is being used by table fields.

146) . Can you define a field without a data element?

Yes. If you want to specify no data element and therefore no domain for a field, you
can enter data type and field length and a short text directly in the table maintenance.

In SE11 one option is available above the fields strip. Data element/ direct type.

147) What Is A Predefined Type In Abap?

Predefined types:-
Elementary Types supported by ABAP :

 Fixed length:
 characters (C)
 numbers: numeric text (N), integers (I), packed (P), floating decimal point (F)
 Date (D)
 Time (T)
 Hexadecimal (X)
 Variable length:
 String
 Xstring


 Data
 Object

User-defined types (complex types):

 structure
 internal tables

148) What Is Buffering In Abap?

149) What Are The Buffering Types?
150) What Are The Buffering Options In Abap?
151) What are the different buffering permissions?
152) How database tables are buffered?
153) How buffers are filled up?
154) What are table buffers?
Table buffers reside locally on each application server in the system. The data of buffered
tables can thus be accessed
directly from the buffer of the application server. This avoids the time-consuming process
of accessing the database.
Buffering is useful if table needs to be accessed more no. of times in a program.

155) What Is The Use Of Buffering?

156) Did You Use Buffering?
157) What Is Generic Area Buffering In Abap?
158) What Will Happen When We Use Fully Buffered In Abap?
159) What Will Happen When We Use Single Buffered Selected?
160) What Is Buffering Allowed But Switched Off?
161) What Is A Join
162) How Many Types Of Joins Are There?
163) How Many Tables We Can Join Using Joins?
164) Did You Create Any Joins?
165) What Is Inner Join?
In this type of join, only the matching record b/w two (or) multiple tables will be
· The unmatched records will not be selected.

166) What Is Outer Join/ What Is Leftouter Join?

In this type of join , all the records from left table(1st table) will be displayed.
· If there is a matching record in the 2nd (or) 3rd table the data will be displayed.
· If there is no matching record, the data will be displayed as blank values.
167) What Is Difference Between Inner Join And Outer Join?
168) What Is The Diff Between Database View And Maintenance View?
169) Did You Create Help Views?
170) Where Do You Use Help Views?
171) What Is A Type Group?
172) What Is The Use Of Type Group In Abap?
173) Which Type Group Is Used For Alv Reports?
174) What Is 'Slis'?
175) What Is The Use Of Typepools?
176) How Can You Declare Type Group In Abap?
177) Have You Created Any Type Groups?
178) What Is The Tcode To Create Type Group?
179) What Is A Typepool?
180) What Is Your Current Client Number?
181) What Is Systemlandscape Of Your Project?
182) How Many Tables Are There In Sap At Data Base Level?
183) How Many Tables Are There In Sap At Client Level?
184) What Is Mandt?
185) What Is Display/ Maintenance In Abap Tables?
186) What is a Data Class?
ANS :The Data class determines in which table space the table is stored when it is created
in the database.
Data class is that which allows the table to get automatically assigned under specific
tablespace/dbspace during table creation in the SAP database i.e. dataclass determines that
under which table space/dbspace the table will be stored.

Master data: It is the data which is seldomly changed. Transaction data: It is the data which is
often changed. Organization data: It is a customizing data which is entered in the system
when the system is configured and is then rarely changed. System data:It is the data which
R/3 system needs for itself.

187) What Is Size Category?

The Size category describes the probable space requirement of the table in the database.
189) What Is Foreign Key Relationship?
A relationship which can be defined between tables and must be explicitly defined at
field level. Foreign keys are used to ensure the consistency of data. Data entered
should be checked against existing data to ensure that there are now contradiction.
While defining foreign key relationship cardinality has to be specified. Cardinality
mentions how many dependent records or how referenced records are possible.

190) What Is Foreign Key Table?

191) What Is Foreign Key Field?
192) What Is Master Table?
193) What Is Master Data?
194) What Is Topdown And Bottomup Approach In Abap?
195) Where Do You Maintain The Fixed Values?
196) What Is Conversion Routine?
Non-standard conversions from display format to sap internal format and vice-versa are
implemented with so called conversion routines.

197) What Are The “Curr” And “Quan”?

198) What Is Reference Field?
199) What Is Reference Table?
Ans: Reference table is specified for fields containing quantities(data type QUAN) or
currency(Data type CURR). This reference table must contain a field with the format for the
currency key (data type CUKY) or unit of measure (data type UNIT). This field is called the
reference field of the output field. The reference field can also reside in the table itself.

E.g.: TAB1 contains the field PRICE which holds price values. Field UNIT contains currency key
for PRICE.
So,TAB1 is the reference table for field PRICE and UNIT is the reference field for field PRICE.

200) A field containing currency amounts (data type CURR) must be assigned to a reference
table and a reference field. Explain.

As a reference table, a system containing all the valid currencies is assigned or any other table,
which contains a field with the currency key format.

This field is called as reference field. The assignment of the field containing currency amounts
to the reference field is made at runtime. The value in the reference field determines the
currency of the amount.

201) A field containing quantity amounts (data type QUAN) must be assigned to a reference
table and a reference field. Explain?

As a reference table, a system table containing all the valid quantity units is assigned or any
other table, which contains a field with the format or quantity units (data type UNIT). This
field is called as reference field.
The assignment of the field containing quantity amounts to the reference field is made at
runtime. The value in the reference field determines the quantity unit of the amount.

202) What Is Table Type?

203) What Is The Use Of Table Types In Abap?
204) What are the layers of data description in R/3?

· The external layer.

· The ABAP/4 layer.

· The database layer.

205) Define external layer?

The external layer is the plane at which the user sees and interacts with the data, that is, the
data format in the user interface. This data format is independent of the database system

206) Define ABAP/4 layer?

The ABAP/4 layer describes the data formats used by the ABAP/4 processor.

207) Define Database layer?

The database layer describes the data formats used in the database.

208) How is conversion of data types done between ABAP/4 & DB layer?

ANS : Conversion between ABAP/4 data types and the database layer is done within the
database interface.

209) How is conversion of data types done between ABAP/4 & external level?

ANS :Conversion between the external layer and the ABAP/4 layer is done in the SAP dialog manager

210) What are the Data types of the external layer?





181) . What are the Data types of the ABAP/4 layer?

Possible ABAP/4 data types:

C: Character.

D: Date, format YYYYMMDD.

F: Floating-point number in DOUBLE PRECISION (8 bytes).

I: Integer.

N: Numerical character string of arbitrary length.

P: Amount of counter field (packed; implementation depends on h/w platform).


V: Character string of variable length, length is given in the first two bytes.

X: Hexadecimal (binary) storage.

182) . What are null values?

If the value of a field in a table is undefined or unknown, it is called a null value.

183) . What is database utility?

Database utility is the interface between the ABAP/4 Dictionary and the underlying the SAP system.

184). What are the basic functions of Database utility?

The basic functions of database utility are:

· Create database objects.

· Delete database objects.

· Adjust database objects to changed ABAP/4 dictionary definition.

185) . What is Repository Info. Systems?

It is a tool with which you can make data stored in the ABAP/4 Dictionary available.

186) What is a Match Code?

Match code is a tool to help us to search for data records in the system. Match Codes are an
efficient and user-friendly search aid where key of a record is unknown.

A matchcode is an aid to finding records stored in the system whenever an object key is required in an
input field but the user only knows other (non-key) information about the object.

211) What are the two levels in defining a Match Code?

· Match Code Object.

· Match Code Id.

212) . What is the max no of match code Id’s that can be defined for one Match code object?

A match code Id is a one character ID that can be a letter or a number.

213) . Can we define our own Match Code ID’s for SAP Matchcodes?

Yes, the number 0 to 9 are reserved for us to create our own Match Code Ids for a SAP defined
Matchcode object.

214) . What is an Update type with reference to a Match code ID?

If the data in one of the base tables of a matchcode ID changes, the matchcode data has to be
updated. The update type stipulates when the matchcode is to be updated and how it is to be

The update type also specifies which method is to be used for Building matchcodes. You must
specify the update type when you define a matchcode ID.
215) Can matchcode object contain Ids with different update types?

216) What are the update types possible?

The following update types are possible:

· Update type A: The matchcode data is updated asynchronously to database changes.

· Update type S: The matchcode data is updated synchronously to database changes.

· Update type P: The matchcode data is updated by the application program.

· Update type I: Access to the matchcode data is managed using a database view.

· Update type L: Access to the matchcode is achieved by calling a function module.

217) What are the two different ways of building a match code object?

A match code can be built in two different ways:

· Logical structure: The matchcode data is set up temporarily at the moment when the match code
is accessed. (Update type I, k).

· Physical Structure: The match code data is physically stored in a separate table in the database.
(Update type A, S, P).

218) What are the differences between a Database index and a match code?

· Match code can contain fields from several tables whereas an index can contain fields from only
one table.

· Match code objects can be built on transparent tables and pooled and cluster tables.

219) What is the function of the transport system and workbench organizer?

The function of the transport system and the Workbench Organizer is to manage any changes made to
objects of the ABAP/4 Development Workbench and to transport these changes between different
SAP systems.
220) How can we access the correction and transport system?

Each time you create a new object or change an existing object in the ABAP/4 Dictionary, you branch
automatically to the Workbench Organizer or correction and transport system.

221) Which objects are independent transport objects?

Domains, Data elements, Tables, Technical settings for tables, Secondary indexes for transparent tables,
Structures, Views, Matchcode objects, Matchcode Ids, Lock objects.

222) How can we set the table spaces and extent sizes?

You can specify the extent sizes and the table space (physical storage area in the database) in which a
transparent table is to be stored by setting the size category and data class.

212) What is the function of the correction system?

The correction system manages changes to internal system components. Such as objects of the
ABAP/4 Dictionary.

213) What are local objects?

Local objects (Dev class$TMP) are independent of correction and transport system.

214) . What is a Development class?

Related objects from the ABAP/4 repository are assigned to the same development class. This
enables you to correct and transport related objects as a unit.

1. How do I set a flag for a field in any table?

Create a char field of length 1. for example field STAS-LKENZ is Deletion Indicator. It means that if the
value in the field is 'X' then that record has been deleted.

3. How do I find the output type of a table or a program?

Q. What’s the full form of ECC?
Ans: Enterprice Central Component.

Q. What’s the full form of IDES?

Ans: Internet Demonstration and Evaluation System.

Q. What are the assignment options to the field?

Ans: i. Direct assignment of data types, field length, short text to a field.
ii. Data element assignment to a field.
iii. An input check(check table) for a field can be defined with a foreign key.
iv. A search help can be assigned to a field.v. Reference field or reference table must be specified for a
table field that holds currency or quantity type value.

Q. What’s logging?
2. what is the logging of technical setting while creating db table. Answer

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