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325 Technology Lesson

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Lesson Plan Title: My Fitness Pal

Date: TBA
Subject: Health Science 20 Grade: 11
Topic: My Fitness Pal Essential Question: How can I use
technology as a way to improve my nutrition?

Materials: iPads or cell phones


SAMR-substitution , augmentation, modify, Redefinition

Stage 1- Desired Results – you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?

-need to understand the importance of macronutrients within our diet.

-be able to use the My Fitness Pal app to track meals
-use My Fitness Pal app as a way of determining caloric number to food items

Broad Areas of Learning:

Engaged citizens-. Students will be given the app that will allow them to record the food they are eating and
the caloric relation to that food. They will be able to use this information to make informed choices about
their nutrition.
Sense of self, community and place- Students will gain an understanding of how many populations use apps
like My Fitness Pal as a way of monitoring their caloric intake. Understand why this would be a benefit.
Lifelong learners-. Students will take the information from this lesson and be able to critically analyze future
food choices. The app they use in this lesson can be used throughout their life as a way to monitor they diet

Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Developing thinking-students will be given the opportunity to construct the knowledge to make sense of the
world around them. They will build on what they already know to make observations of various recipes from
various students.
Developing identity and interdependence- students will be given the opportunity to lead others in discussion
and also be active members within the group. They will work together to reach a common goal of blacking out
the whole bingo sheet.
Developing literacies-students will read their recipes and other students recipes and develop their abilities to
interpret information given from this activity.
Developing Social responsibility- In group work students will work harmoniously with each other to reach a
common goal.
Analyze dietary choices based on personal and cultural beliefs and scientific understanding of

PGP Goals:

2.6 ability to strive for/pursue new knowledge

-I will use a new website as a way to engage students in their own learning process. Use various technology
strategies in one lesson as a way to reach more students. I will persue knowledge by adapting instructional
strategies in order to reach more learners.

2.4 ability to use technologies readily, strategically and appropriately

- I use technology in a variety of ways in order to engage students in their learning. Students use google slide,
poolev.com and My Fitness Pal app in the lesson.

3.2 the ability to use a wide variety of responsive instructional strategies and methodologies to
accommodate learning styles of individual learners and support their growth as social, intellectual, physical
and spiritual beings.
-by using technology this will support students learning process. The learning styles of many students will be
accommodated for by using technology.

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help determine next steps.

-during the peer teaching review, I will use the voting percentage to determine if students understood last
class’s concepts.
-during work period of my fitness pal monitor the room to ensure students are able to use the app.

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate what they have learned.

-have students complete the online exit slip. The online survey will use google slides and will ask them to
write the number of calories each example ate in their breakfast. This will determine if students were able to
correctly use the app.
Stage 3- Learning Plan

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students) (5 mins)

Take a look at the McDonalds Burger. Get students to comment to look of the Burger? What does this mean?

Main Procedures/Strategies:

-REVIEW(and peer teaching (15 minutes) : start with a review of last class’s content by using peer teaching.
Questioning time
Lead: Is vitamin K a micronutrient? –Yes
Guide: explain the difference between Macronutrients and Micronutrients?
Hook: Ask students the question “Can you survive without having all 4 micronutrients in your diet?” Using
phones students will vote yes or no using the Pollev.com website. On the board students will be able to see
the percentage that voted yet and the percentage that voted no. Then in their groups they must discuss their
answers and explain why they chose it. Then have the class revote. After revote teacher will explain the
importance of having a diet that includes all macronutrients. Give the example that vegetarians have to get
their protein from other sources such as beans.

-My Fitness Pal(35) - have students log onto the My Fitness Pal app. Give them 2 different examples for them
to calculate the number of calories a hypothetical student consumed in one meal. Demonstrate using the
breakfast that I ate this morning and as a class demonstrate how to fill in the appropriate information using
Smart Board. Show on the board how to use the site to enter food information. Then have students work on
their own for example 1 and have the option to work with their desk mate to complete example 2 and 3.

Example 1: Mark had 2 eggs, 2 pieces of white toast with peanut butter and a banana with a glass of orange
juice for

Example 2. For supper Fatima had garlic toast, 1 cup of pasta, marinara sauce and 1 chicken breast. She had 1
cup of carrots for an appetizer while waiting for her supper to be made.

Example 3: For Lunch Isiah had a garden salad that had 1 cup of spinach, ½ cup carrots, ½ cup cucumbers and
toped with cheese and ranch dressing. With this salad he had a grilled cheese sandwich made on white bread.

-individual Work-students will then use the app to record everything they ate yesterday.

-Have the demonstrations have pictures associated with them for EAL learners
-If students are struggling with the app they are able to work with a partner for the first example in order to
understand the app
-students who need more of a challenge must create an example, write it on the board and then work on
someone else example meal.
-students who need more time will only have to do one example and then their own meals from yesterday.

Closing of lesson (5 mins)

End class with an exit slip that is a survey online using google doc. Everyone must answer about what they
have learned.

Personal Reflection:

M. Wilkinson ’16 *Adapted from Understanding by Design (McTighe and Wiggins, 1998)

I have made adaptations to my lesson that incorporated technology into various lessons. An example of

using technology will be encouraging students to use their cellphones during research time. I will make

sure that prior to using phones we as a class will have a discussion about appropriate cell phone use.

That cell phones can be used as a learning resource. We will also discuss criteria that is involved for

appropriate websites. In my unit plan, I revised it so students will also be given the opportunity to

present their Food Related Illness assignment in any way they want such as PowerPoint, Prezi or video.

Students will also be given the choice to use a video or computer to track their food journal. These

adaptations that incorporate technology is a way for students to present their work in a way that may suit

their learning needs. I also will use apps, google docs, iPads and iPhones as ways to incorporate

technology in my classes. The online Jeopardy game also was added to the Unit as a way to review

content that was learned in the lesson.

The PGP goal “2.4-ability to use technologies readily, strategically and appropriately” is evident within

my lesson. I use technology strategically for students to calculate the number of calories eaten as well as

tracking the food eaten. The students also use technology as a source to peer instruct each other and vote

for their understanding in an anonymous manner. Using a website to vote versus just having students

raise their hands allow students to choose without being swayed by majority or fear of being wrong. The

exit slip in this lesson will be done electronically. This is a way to incorporate technology and have

students improve their digital literacy. Through this lesson I have used technology as a resource, voting

device and exit slip.

Professional goals-A goal of mine was to use technology more in my lessons. In this lesson, I use

technology in three different ways. I use it as a way to for students to peer teach each other, it is used as

a resource for calculating calories and it is used as a tool to assess learning at the end of class. I will use
phones and technology throughout my lessons so that students can engage in their learning. Looking

forward I need to learn how I can use to modify learning for students. Moving forward I want to be able

to ask questions and lead a discussion that will benefit all my learners. I use all types of questions in this

lesson but I want to be able to be a leader of a discussion that benefits all learners. Another goal of mine

is to create lessons that are interactive and will motivate students to participate. By using technology and

having students work on problems that relate to themselves these are two ways I have made sure to

ensure my goal was met. Moving forward I want to learn more ways to incorporate Indigenous ways of

knowing within my lessons.

Ways in which I have met my outcomes:

1. I plan lessons and assessment based on provincial curriculum

-My lesson is based on the outcome HS20-NU2 which is Nu20Analyze dietary choices based on personal and
cultural beliefs and scientific understanding of nutrition. This is present within the lesson because students will
be recording their macronutrient intake for a specified period of time.

2. I make student learning goals for each lesson/task

The goal for the lesson was for students to gain a deeper appreciation for calculating macronutrient intake. The
goal is that students will be able to use the My Fitness plan app on their own for future assignments within the

3. I know which instructional strategies to pick at given times

I use peer instruction as a way of reviwing concepts. This is apportipate and a way to keep students engaging.
Modelling will be used as a way of demonstrating how to appropriately use the App.

4. My lessons are ready to be used

My lesson has all the materials listed and the progression of the lesson is detailed. A sub would be able to take
this lesson and use it with success.

5. I create formative assessments

Class will start with a review from the previous class to ensure they understand the concept, will be able to see
percentage of students understanding concept by the online vote they must complete.

6. I create summative assessment

Students will complete the exit slip that is on google slides to determine if students were able to reach the goal,
which was to use the app successfully.

7. I set and use goals for enhancing my professional development

A goal for mine in this lesson is to have students be comfortable with using the My Fitness Pal app in order to
track their food and understand the caloric intake of food items.

10. I can incorporate technology in my planning

students use their phones to vote on a topic to review Macronutrients, students will also use technology
in the form of an app to complete the assignment.
11. I can demonstrate a culturally responsive instructional stance
By using modelling, student centered learning are two ways I demonstrate a culturally responsive instructional

12. I can use all four types of questions

I demonstrate all 4 types of questions within the motivational set as well as the essential question for my lesson.
There are more guided questions as a way of creating a class discussion. I have an essential question, hook, lead
and guide.

14. I understand how to plan for differentiation and adaptation

My lesson plan incorporates various strategies for differentiation and adaptation such as EAL students will be
given guided notes and will be placed in master groups with students that will be able to help the students,
students who are unable to finish in allotted time will be given the opportunity to have more time and groups
will be predetermined based on strengths and weaknesses.

15. I create engaging learning activities and tasks

By using an app, students will be engaged in their learning process. They also must use the app to record
the food they ate the day before to engage them in their learning process.

16. My planned activities would improve the discipline specific literacy skills of my students
Students will be developing their technological literacy by using the app.

17. I can create a unit that would achieve the outcomes and the indicators
All lessons in the unit plan are reflective of the two outcomes surrounding Nutrition in the Health
Science class. They are indicative of indicators that are associated with the outcomes.

18. The final task in my unit elicits evidence of application in a new situation
My final task takes the information they have learned from previous lesson and apply it in a new
situation that relates to their current lives.

19. I can create a unit that would assess the outcomes and indicators
The assignments of the food related illness presentation, food guide assignment, and the final task all
assess the outcomes and indicators for this unit.

20. Improvements in my unit plan show my increased understanding

I have made changes to my unit plan in order to make it more culturally responsive. These changes have
made my unit stronger and better for my learners.

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