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Dell FluidFS Version 5

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Dell FluidFS Version 5.

Administrator’s Guide
Notes, cautions, and warnings
NOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.

CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you
how to avoid the problem.
WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.

Copyright © 2016 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and
intellectual property laws. Dell™ and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other
jurisdictions. All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.

2016 - 03

Rev. B
About This Guide....................................................................................................13
How to Find Information.....................................................................................................................13
Contacting Dell....................................................................................................................................13
Revision History................................................................................................................................... 13
Audience.............................................................................................................................................. 14
Related Publications............................................................................................................................ 14
Storage Manager Documents....................................................................................................... 14
Storage Center Documents.......................................................................................................... 14
Dell TechCenter.............................................................................................................................15

1 FS8600 Scale-Out NAS with FluidFS Overview............................................. 17

How FS8600 Scale-Out NAS Works................................................................................................... 17
FS8600 Terminology...........................................................................................................................18
Key Features of the FS8600................................................................................................................ 19
Overview of the FS8600 Hardware....................................................................................................20
Internal Backup Power Supply...................................................................................................... 21
Internal Storage..............................................................................................................................21
Internal Cache................................................................................................................................21
Overview of the FS8600 Architecture................................................................................................ 21
Storage Center.............................................................................................................................. 22
SAN Network................................................................................................................................. 22
Internal Network............................................................................................................................22
LAN/Client Network...................................................................................................................... 23
Data Caching and Redundancy.......................................................................................................... 23
File Metadata Protection..................................................................................................................... 23
Load Balancing and High Availability..................................................................................................23
Failure Scenarios............................................................................................................................23
Ports Used by the FluidFS Cluster.......................................................................................................25
Ports Provided by FluidFS..............................................................................................................25
Services Accessed by FluidFS........................................................................................................25

2 FluidFS System Management............................................................................27

Using the Dell Storage Client or CLI to Connect to the FluidFS Cluster.......................................... 27
Connect to the FluidFS Cluster Using the Dell Storage Client.................................................... 27
Reconnect to the FluidFS Cluster................................................................................................. 27
Connect to the FluidFS Cluster CLI Using a VGA Console..........................................................28
Enhanced SSH Security.................................................................................................................28
Connect to the FluidFS Cluster CLI Through SSH Using a Password......................................... 28
Connect to the FluidFS Cluster CLI Using SSH Key Authentication............................................29

Managing Secured Management....................................................................................................... 29
Add a Secured Management Subnet............................................................................................30
Change the Secured Management Subnet Interface...................................................................31
Change the Netmask or Prefix for the Secured Management Subnet........................................ 31
Change the VLAN Tag for the Secured Management Subnet..................................................... 31
Change the VIPs for the Secured Management Subnet.............................................................. 32
Change the NAS Controller IP Addresses for the Secured Management Subnet...................... 32
Delete the Secured Management Subnet.................................................................................... 32
Enable or Disable Secured Management..................................................................................... 33
Managing the FluidFS Cluster Name.................................................................................................. 33
View the FluidFS Cluster Name.....................................................................................................34
Rename the FluidFS Cluster..........................................................................................................34
Managing Licensing............................................................................................................................ 34
View License Information............................................................................................................. 34
Accept the End-User License Agreement....................................................................................34
Managing the System Time................................................................................................................ 35
View or Set the Time Zone............................................................................................................35
View the Time................................................................................................................................35
Set the Time Manually ..................................................................................................................36
View the NTP Servers.................................................................................................................... 36
Add or Remove NTP Servers.........................................................................................................36
Enable or Disable NTP...................................................................................................................37
Managing the FTP Server.................................................................................................................... 37
Access the FTP Server................................................................................................................... 37
Enable or Disable the FTP Server.................................................................................................. 37
Managing SNMP.................................................................................................................................. 38
Obtain SNMP MIBs and Traps....................................................................................................... 38
Change the SNMP Read-only Community.................................................................................. 38
Change the SNMP Trap System Location or Contact................................................................. 38
Add or Remove SNMP Trap Recipients........................................................................................ 39
Enable or Disable SNMP Traps......................................................................................................39
Managing the Health Scan Throttling Mode......................................................................................39
Change the Health Scan Settings.................................................................................................40
Managing the Operation Mode.......................................................................................................... 40
View or Change the Operation Mode..........................................................................................40
Managing Client Connections............................................................................................................40
Display the Distribution of Clients Between NAS Controllers..................................................... 41
View Clients Assigned to a NAS Controller.................................................................................. 41
Assign or Unassign a Client to a NAS Controller..........................................................................41
Manually Migrate Clients to Another NAS Controller.................................................................. 41
Fail Back Clients to Their Assigned NAS Controller..................................................................... 42
Rebalance Client Connections Across NAS Controllers............................................................. 42

Shutting Down and Restarting NAS Controllers................................................................................ 42
Shut Down the FluidFS Cluster..................................................................................................... 42
Start Up the FluidFS Cluster.......................................................................................................... 43
Reboot a NAS Controller.............................................................................................................. 43
Managing NAS Appliance and NAS Controller Blinking.....................................................................43
Enable or Disable NAS Appliance Blinking................................................................................... 44
Enable or Disable NAS Controller Blinking.................................................................................. 44
Validate Storage Connections...................................................................................................... 44

3 FluidFS Networking............................................................................................45
Managing the Default Gateway.......................................................................................................... 45
View the Default Gateway.............................................................................................................45
Change the Default Gateway........................................................................................................45
Managing DNS Servers and Suffixes...................................................................................................45
View DNS Servers and Suffixes..................................................................................................... 46
Add or Remove DNS Servers and Suffixes................................................................................... 46
Change the Order of Preference for DNS Servers and Suffixes..................................................46
DNS Settings Dialog Box............................................................................................................... 47
Managing Static Routes...................................................................................................................... 47
View the Static Routes.................................................................................................................. 48
Add a Static Route.........................................................................................................................48
Change the Gateway for a Static Route.......................................................................................48
Delete a Static Route.....................................................................................................................48
Managing the Client Networks...........................................................................................................49
View the Client Networks............................................................................................................. 49
Create a Client Network............................................................................................................... 49
Change the Netmask or Prefix for a Client Network...................................................................50
Change the VLAN Tag for a Client Network................................................................................ 50
Change the Client VIPs for a Client Network...............................................................................50
Change the NAS Controller IP Addresses for a Client Network.................................................. 51
Delete a Client Network................................................................................................................ 51
View the Client Network MTU.......................................................................................................51
Change the Client Network MTU..................................................................................................51
View the Client Network Bonding Mode......................................................................................52
Change the Client Network Bonding Mode.................................................................................52
Viewing the Fibre Channel WWNs......................................................................................................52
Managing iSCSI SAN Connectivity......................................................................................................53
Add or Remove an iSCSI Port....................................................................................................... 53
Add an iSCSI Fabric........................................................................................................................53
Change the VLAN Tag for an iSCSI Fabric....................................................................................53
Change the NAS Controller IP Addresses for an iSCSI Fabric..................................................... 54

4 FluidFS Account Management and Authentication..................................... 55
Account Management and Authentication........................................................................................ 55
Default Administrative Accounts........................................................................................................ 56
Administrator Account.................................................................................................................. 56
Support Account........................................................................................................................... 56
Enable or Disable Dell SupportAssist............................................................................................ 57
CLI Account................................................................................................................................... 57
Default Local User and Local Group Accounts................................................................................. 58
Managing Administrator Accounts..................................................................................................... 58
View Administrators...................................................................................................................... 59
Add an Administrator.....................................................................................................................59
Assign NAS Volumes to a Volume Administrator.........................................................................60
Change the Permission Level of an Administrator...................................................................... 60
Change the Email Address of an Administrator...........................................................................60
Change an Administrator Password..............................................................................................61
Delete an Administrator.................................................................................................................61
Managing Local Users and Groups Using MMC.................................................................................61
Managing Local Users.........................................................................................................................62
Add a Local User............................................................................................................................62
Change the Primary Local Group to Which a Local User Is Assigned........................................ 63
Change the Secondary Local Groups to Which a Local User Is Assigned..................................63
Enable or Disable a Local User..................................................................................................... 63
Set the Password Policy for a Local User.....................................................................................64
Change a Local User Password.................................................................................................... 64
Delete a Local User....................................................................................................................... 64
Managing Local Groups......................................................................................................................65
View Local Groups........................................................................................................................ 65
Add a Local Group.........................................................................................................................65
Change the Users Assigned to a Local Group............................................................................. 66
Delete a Local Group.................................................................................................................... 68
Managing Active Directory................................................................................................................. 68
Reduce the Number of Subtrees for Searches............................................................................ 68
Enable Active Directory Authentication....................................................................................... 68
Modify Active Directory Authentication Settings......................................................................... 70
Modify Active Directory Controller Settings.................................................................................70
Disable Active Directory Authentication...................................................................................... 70
View Open Files............................................................................................................................. 70
Managing LDAP....................................................................................................................................71
Enable LDAP Authentication..........................................................................................................71
Change the LDAP Base DN........................................................................................................... 72
Add or Remove LDAP Servers....................................................................................................... 72

Enable or Disable LDAP on Active Directory Extended Schema................................................. 72
Enable or Disable Authentication for the LDAP Connection.......................................................73
Enable or Disable TLS Encryption for the LDAP Connection...................................................... 73
Disable LDAP Authentication........................................................................................................ 73
Managing NIS...................................................................................................................................... 74
Enable or Disable NIS Authentication...........................................................................................74
Change the NIS Domain Name.................................................................................................... 74
Add or Remove NIS Servers.......................................................................................................... 74
Change the Order of Preference for NIS Servers.........................................................................75
Managing User Mappings Between Windows and UNIX/Linux Users...............................................75
User Mapping Policies................................................................................................................... 75
User Mapping Policy and NAS Volume Security Style................................................................. 76
Managing the User Mapping Policy.............................................................................................. 76
Managing User Mapping Rules..................................................................................................... 76

5 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports....................................................79

Managing the NAS Pool...................................................................................................................... 79
View Internal Storage Reservations.............................................................................................. 79
View the Size of the NAS Pool...................................................................................................... 79
Expand the Size of the NAS Pool.................................................................................................. 79
Enable or Disable the NAS Pool Used Space Alert...................................................................... 80
Enable or Disable the NAS Pool Unused Space Alert.................................................................. 80
Managing NAS Volumes......................................................................................................................81
File Security Styles......................................................................................................................... 81
Thin and Thick Provisioning for NAS Volumes............................................................................ 82
Choosing a Strategy for NAS Volume Creation........................................................................... 82
Examples of NAS Volume Creation.............................................................................................. 83
NAS Volumes Storage Space Terminology.................................................................................. 84
Managing the Storage Profile for a NAS Cluster or Pool.............................................................84
Configuring NAS Volumes............................................................................................................ 86
Organizing NAS Volumes in Storage Manager Using Folders.....................................................90
Cloning a NAS Volume.................................................................................................................. 91
Managing SMB Shares.........................................................................................................................93
Configuring SMB Shares............................................................................................................... 94
Enable or Disable SMB Message Signing......................................................................................96
Enable or Disable SMB Message Encryption................................................................................96
Viewing and Disconnecting SMB Connections........................................................................... 96
Using SMB Home Shares...............................................................................................................97
Changing the Owner of an SMB Share........................................................................................ 99
Managing ACLs or SLPs on an SMB Share................................................................................. 100
Accessing an SMB Share Using Windows.................................................................................. 102
Show Dot Files to SMB Client..................................................................................................... 103

Branch Cache.............................................................................................................................. 103
Configuring Branch Cache......................................................................................................... 103
Accessing an SMB Share Using UNIX or Linux...........................................................................104
Managing NFS Exports......................................................................................................................104
Configuring NFS Exports.............................................................................................................105
Setting Permissions for an NFS Export....................................................................................... 109
Accessing an NFS Export............................................................................................................ 109
Global Namespace............................................................................................................................ 110
Global Namespace Limitations................................................................................................... 110
Additional Documentation.......................................................................................................... 110
Using FTP........................................................................................................................................... 110
FTP User Authentication.............................................................................................................. 111
FTP Limitations............................................................................................................................. 111
Enable or Disable FTP.................................................................................................................. 111
Using Symbolic Links......................................................................................................................... 111
Limitations for Using Symbolic Links.......................................................................................... 112
File Access.................................................................................................................................... 112
Managing Quota Rules...................................................................................................................... 112
Quota Types.................................................................................................................................112
Group Quotas and User Groups................................................................................................. 113
Conflicts Between Group Quotas and User Quotas.................................................................. 113
Quotas and Mixed Security Style NAS Volumes......................................................................... 113
Configuring Quota Rules.............................................................................................................113
Managing Data Reduction.................................................................................................................118
Date Reduction Age-Based Policies and Archive Mode............................................................ 118
Data Reduction Considerations.................................................................................................. 119
Configuring Data Reduction....................................................................................................... 119
Viewing Data Reduction Savings.................................................................................................121

6 FluidFS Data Protection...................................................................................123

Managing Antivirus............................................................................................................................ 123
Supported Anti-Virus Applications..............................................................................................124
Configuring AntiVirus Scanning..................................................................................................124
Excluding Files and Directory Paths from Scans........................................................................126
Viewing Antivirus Events..............................................................................................................127
Managing Snapshots......................................................................................................................... 127
Dedicated FluidFS Replay Profiles...............................................................................................127
Creating On-Demand Snapshots............................................................................................... 127
Managing Scheduled Snapshots.................................................................................................128
Modifying and Deleting Snapshots............................................................................................. 129
Restoring Data from a Snapshot.................................................................................................130
Disabling Self-Restore.......................................................................................................................132

Managing NDMP............................................................................................................................... 132
Incremental Backups...................................................................................................................132
NDMP Two-Way Backup............................................................................................................ 133
Handling Hard Links.................................................................................................................... 134
Backing Up NAS Volume Data Using NDMP.............................................................................. 134
NDMP Environment Variables.....................................................................................................135
Supported DMA Servers...............................................................................................................137
Configuring NDMP...................................................................................................................... 137
Specifying NAS Volumes Using the DMA................................................................................... 139
NDMP Include/Exclude Path.......................................................................................................139
Viewing NDMP Jobs and Events................................................................................................ 140
Managing Replication....................................................................................................................... 140
How Replication Works............................................................................................................... 141
Target NAS Volumes................................................................................................................... 144
Managing Replication Partnerships............................................................................................ 144
Replicating NAS Volumes............................................................................................................147
Monitoring Replication Progress and Viewing Replication Events........................................... 150
Recovering an Individual NAS Volume....................................................................................... 150
Demote a Target NAS Volume.................................................................................................... 151
Using Replication for Disaster Recovery.....................................................................................151

7 File Access Notification....................................................................................157

8 FluidFS Monitoring........................................................................................... 159

Monitoring NAS Appliance Hardware...............................................................................................159
View a Diagram of the Rear View of a NAS Appliance...............................................................159
View a Diagram of the Front View of a NAS Appliance............................................................. 160
View a Diagram of the Rear View of a NAS Controller...............................................................161
View the Status of the Interfaces................................................................................................ 161
View the Status of the Disks........................................................................................................162
View the Status of a Backup Power Supply................................................................................162
View the Status of the Fans.........................................................................................................162
View the Status of the Power Supplies....................................................................................... 162
Viewing the Status of FluidFS Cluster Services................................................................................ 162
Viewing the Status of Background Processes..................................................................................163
Viewing FluidFS Cluster NAS Pool Trends........................................................................................163
Viewing FluidFS Cluster Storage Usage............................................................................................163
Viewing NAS Volume Storage Usage............................................................................................... 163
Viewing FluidFS Cluster Traffic Statistics..........................................................................................163
Viewing NAS Controller Traffic Statistics......................................................................................... 164
Viewing NAS Controller Load Balancing Statistics...........................................................................165

9 FS Series VAAI Plugin........................................................................................167
Enable or Disable the FS Series VAAI Plugin.....................................................................................167
Installation Instructions.....................................................................................................................168
Plugin Verification............................................................................................................................. 168
Removal Instructions........................................................................................................................ 169

10 FluidFS Maintenance...................................................................................... 171

Connecting Multiple Data Collectors to the Same Cluster..............................................................171
Adding and Removing FluidFS Clusters in Storage Manager........................................................... 171
View FluidFS Clusters Managed by Storage Manager.................................................................171
Add the FluidFS Cluster to Storage Manager.............................................................................. 171
Remove a FluidFS Cluster From Storage Manager.....................................................................172
Organizing FluidFS Clusters Using Folders.......................................................................................172
Create a FluidFS Cluster Folder...................................................................................................172
Rename a FluidFS Cluster Folder................................................................................................ 172
Change the Parent Folder for a FluidFS Cluster Folder..............................................................172
Move a FluidFS Cluster into a FluidFS Cluster Folder................................................................. 173
Delete a FluidFS Cluster Folder................................................................................................... 173
Adding a Storage Center to a FluidFS Cluster.................................................................................. 173
Adding and Deleting NAS Appliances in a FluidFS Cluster...............................................................175
Add NAS Appliances to a FluidFS Cluster....................................................................................175
Delete a NAS Appliance from the FluidFS Cluster...................................................................... 177
Detaching, Attaching, and Replacing a NAS Controller...................................................................177
Detach a NAS Controller............................................................................................................. 177
Attach a NAS Controller.............................................................................................................. 178
Replace a NAS Controller............................................................................................................178
Managing Service Packs....................................................................................................................179
View the Upgrade History........................................................................................................... 179
Receive Email Notifications for Available Upgrades...................................................................179
Install a Service Pack to Update the FluidFS Software...............................................................180
Managing Firmware Updates............................................................................................................ 181
Restoring the NAS Volume Configuration....................................................................................... 182
NAS Volume Configuration Backups..........................................................................................182
Restore the NAS Volume Configuration.....................................................................................182
Restoring Local Users....................................................................................................................... 183
Local Users Configuration Backups............................................................................................183
Restore Local Users.....................................................................................................................183
Restoring Local Groups.................................................................................................................... 184
Local Groups Configuration Backups........................................................................................ 184
Restore Local Groups..................................................................................................................184
Reinstalling FluidFS from the Internal Storage Device.....................................................................185

11 FluidFS Troubleshooting............................................................................... 187
Viewing the Event Log.......................................................................................................................187
View the Event Log......................................................................................................................187
View Details About an Event in the Event Log........................................................................... 187
Sort the Event Log....................................................................................................................... 187
Search the Event Log.................................................................................................................. 188
Running Diagnostics......................................................................................................................... 188
Run FluidFS Diagnostics on a FluidFS Cluster............................................................................ 188
Run Embedded System Diagnostics on a NAS Controller........................................................ 189
Configuring the BMC Network.........................................................................................................190
BMC Network Configuration Procedure....................................................................................190
Launching the iBMC Virtual KVM...................................................................................................... 191
Troubleshooting Common Issues....................................................................................................192
Troubleshoot Active Directory Issues.........................................................................................192
Troubleshoot Backup Issues.......................................................................................................193
Troubleshoot SMB Issues............................................................................................................194
Troubleshoot NFS Issues............................................................................................................ 198
Troubleshoot NAS File Access and Permissions Issues.............................................................203
Troubleshoot Networking Problems......................................................................................... 204
Troubleshoot Replication Issues................................................................................................ 205
Troubleshoot System Issues.......................................................................................................208

About This Guide
This guide describes how to use Enterprise Manager to manage and monitor your Dell storage
For information about installing and configuring required Enterprise Manager components, see the Dell
Storage Manager Installation Guide.

How to Find Information

To Find Action
A description of a field or option in In Storage Manager, click Help.
the user interface

Tasks that can be performed from a

1. In Storage Manager, click Help.
particular area of the user interface
2. See the Related Tasks section at the bottom of the topic.

A term in a .pdf file Using Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader:

• To find a matching terms, press Control+F, type the search

term, then press Enter.
• To find all matching term , press Control+Shift+F, type the
term in the search field, then click Search.

Contacting Dell
Go to www.dell.com/support.

Revision History
Document number: 680-111-001

Revision Date Description

A January 2016 Initial release
B March 2016 Updated for maintenance release (added new features)

Storage administrators make up the target audience for this document. The intended reader has a
working knowledge of storage and networking concepts.

Related Publications
The following documentation is available for Dell storage components managed using Storage Manager.

Storage Manager Documents

• Dell Storage Manager Installation Guide
Contains installation and setup information.
• Dell Storage Manager Administrator’s Guide
Contains in-depth feature configuration and usage information.
• Dell Storage Manager Release Notes
Provides information about Storage Manager releases, including new features and enhancements,
open issues, and resolved issues.
• Dell Storage Manager Online Help
Provides context-sensitive help for the Client, Data Collector Manager, and Server Agent.
• Dell Storage REST API Getting Started Guide
Contains command examples and usage instructions for the Dell Storage REST API.
• Dell Storage API PowerShell SDK Getting Started Guide
Contains setup instructions and examples for the Dell Storage API for PowerShell.

Storage Center Documents

• Storage Center Release Notes
Contains information about features and open and resolved issues for a particular product version.
• Storage Center Deployment Guide
Provides cabling instructions for Storage Center controllers, switches, and enclosures and provides
instructions for configuring a new Dell Storage Center using the System Manager Startup wizard.
• Storage Center System Manager Administrator’s Guide
Describes the Storage Center System Manager software that manages an individual Storage Center.
• Storage Center Software Update Guide
Describes how to update Storage Center software from an earlier version to the current version.
• Storage Center Maintenance CD Instructions
Describes how to install Storage Center software on Storage Center controllers. Installing Storage
Center software using the Storage Center Maintenance CD is intended for use only by sites that
cannot update Storage Center using the standard update options available through the Storage
Center System Manager.
• Storage Center Command Utility Reference Guide
Provides instructions for using the Storage Center Command Utility. The Command Utility provides a
command-line interface (CLI) to enable management of Storage Center functionality on Windows,
Linux, Solaris, and AIX platforms.

• Storage Center Command Set for Windows PowerShell
Provides instructions for getting started with Windows PowerShell cmdlets and scripting objects that
interact with the Storage Center via the PowerShell interactive shell, scripts, and hosting applications.
Help for individual cmdlets is available online.

Dell TechCenter
Provides technical white papers, best practice guides, and frequently asked questions about Dell Storage
products. Go to: http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/storage/.

FS8600 Scale-Out NAS with FluidFS
This section contains an overview of FS8600 scale-out Network Attached Storage (NAS).

How FS8600 Scale-Out NAS Works

Dell FS8600 scale-out NAS leverages the Dell Fluid File System (FluidFS) and Storage Centers to present
file storage to Microsoft Windows, UNIX, and Linux clients. The FluidFS cluster supports the Windows,
UNIX, and Linux operating systems installed on a dedicated server or installed on virtual systems
deploying Hyper-V or VMware virtualization.
The Storage Centers present a certain amount of capacity (NAS pool) to the FluidFS cluster. This NAS
pool is then divided into NAS volumes, which in turn are used to create SMB shares and NFS exports.

Figure 1. NAS Storage

To the client, the FluidFS cluster presents itself as a single file server, hosting multiple SMB shares and NFS
exports, with a single IP address and namespace. Clients connect to the FluidFS cluster using their
respective operating system's NAS protocols:

• UNIX and Linux users access files through the NFS protocol
• Windows users access files through the SMB protocol
• Users can also access files through the anonymous FTP protocol

The FluidFS cluster serves data to all clients concurrently.

FS8600 Scale-Out NAS with FluidFS Overview 17

FS8600 Terminology
The following table defines terminology related to FS8600 scale-out NAS.

Term Description
Fluid File System (FluidFS) Dell’s high-performance, scalable file system software installed on NAS

Appliance (NAS A rack-mounted 2U chassis that contains two hot-swappable NAS

appliance) controllers in an active-active configuration in a FluidFS cluster. Cache data
is mirrored between the paired NAS controllers within the NAS appliance.

Controller (NAS The two primary components of a NAS appliance, each of which functions
controller) as a separate member in the FluidFS cluster.

Peer controller The NAS controller with which a specific NAS controller is paired in a NAS

Standby controller A NAS controller that is installed with the FluidFS software but is not part of a
FluidFS cluster. For example, a new or replacement NAS controller from the
Dell factory is considered a standby controller.

Backup power supplies Each NAS controller contains a backup power supply that provides backup
battery power in the event of a power failure.

FluidFS cluster One to four FS8600 scale-out NAS appliances configured as a FluidFS

Storage Center Up to two Storage Centers that provide the NAS storage capacity.

Storage Manager Multisystem management software and user interface required for managing
the FluidFS cluster and Storage Centers(s).

FS8600 scale-out NAS A fully configured, highly available, and scalable FS8600 FluidFS cluster,
providing NAS (SMB and NFS) services. The cluster comprises NAS
appliances, storage provided by one or more Storage Centers and Storage

FTP File Transport Protocol, used to transfer files to and from the FluidFS cluster.

NAS pool The sum of all storage provided by up to two Storage Centers minus space
reserved for internal system use.

NAS volume A virtualized volumes that consumes storage space in the NAS pool.
Administrators can create SMB shares and NFS exports on a NAS volume and
share them with authorized users.

LAN or client network The network through which clients access SMB shares or NFS exports. This
network is also used by the storage administrator to manage the FluidFS

Client VIP One or more virtual IP addresses that clients use to access SMB shares and
NFS exports hosted by the FluidFS cluster.

SMB Share A directory in a NAS volume that is shared on the network using the Server
Message Block (SMB) protocol.

18 FS8600 Scale-Out NAS with FluidFS Overview

Term Description
NFS export A directory in a NAS volume that is shared on the network using the Network
File System (NFS) protocol.

Network Data Protocol used for NDMP backup and restore operations.
Management Protocol

Replication Copies NAS volume data between two FS8600 FluidFS clusters or between
two NAS volumes.

Replication partners FS8600 FluidFS clusters participating in a replication operation.

Snapshot An image of all the NAS volume data frozen as read-only at a specific point
in time.

Key Features of the FS8600

The following table summarizes key features of FS8600 scale-out NAS.

Feature Description
Shared back-end infrastructure The Storage Center SAN and FS8600 scale-out NAS leverage the
same virtualized disk pool.

Unified block and file Unified Storage Center SAN and FS8600 scale-out NAS management
management and reporting using Storage Manager.

High-performance, scale-out Support for a single namespace spanning up to four NAS appliances
NAS (eight NAS controllers).

Capacity scaling Ability to scale a single namespace up to 4-PB capacity with two
Storage Centers.

Connectivity options Offers 1GbE and 10GbE copper and optical options for connectivity to
the client network.

Highly available and active- Redundant, hot-swappable NAS controllers in each NAS appliance.
active design Both NAS controllers in a NAS appliance process I/O.

Automatic load balancing Automatic balancing of client connections across network ports and
NAS controllers, as well as back-end I/O across Storage Center

Multiprotocol support Support for SMB (on Windows), NFS (on UNIX and Linux), and FTP
protocols with ability to share user data across both protocols.

Client authentication Controls access to files using local and remote client authentication,
including LDAP, Active Directory, and NIS.

Quota rules Control client space usage.

File security style Choice of file security mode for a NAS volume (UNIX, Windows, or

Storage Center Data Automatic migration of inactive data to less-expensive drives.


FS8600 Scale-Out NAS with FluidFS Overview 19

Feature Description
Storage Center Dynamic Thin-provisions the block-level storage allocated to the NAS pool and
capacity NAS volumes and consumes space only when writes occur.

Cache mirroring The write cache is mirrored between NAS controllers, which ensures a
high-performance response to client requests and maintains data
integrity in the event of a NAS controller failure.

Journaling mode In the event of a NAS controller failure, the cache in the remaining
NAS controller is written to storage and the NAS controller continues
to write directly to storage, which protects against data loss.

Backup power supply Maintains data integrity in the event of a power failure by keeping a
NAS controller online long enough to write the cache to the internal
storage device.

NAS volume thin clones Clones NAS volumes without needing to physically copy the data set.

Deduplication Policy-driven post-process deduplication technology that eliminates

redundant data at rest.

Compression LZPS (Level Zero Processing System) compression algorithm that

intelligently shrinks data at rest.

Metadata protection Metadata is constantly checksummed and stored in multiple locations

on both the FS8600 appliance and within the Storage Centers for data
consistency and protection.

Snapshots Redirect-on-write snapshots that are user-accessible over the


Replication NAS volume-level, snapshot-based, asynchronous replication to

remote FS8600 FluidFS clusters to enable disaster recovery.

NDMP backup Snapshot-based, asynchronous, two-way backup (direct NDMP), or

three-way backup (remote NDMP) over Ethernet to certified third-
party backup solutions.

Antivirus scanning SMB antivirus scanning offloading using certified third-party, Internet
Content Adaptation Protocol (ICAP)-enabled antivirus solutions.

Monitoring Built-in performance monitoring and capacity planning.

Overview of the FS8600 Hardware

FS8600 scale-out NAS consists of one to four FS8600 appliances configured as a FluidFS cluster. Each
NAS appliance is a rack-mounted 2U chassis that contains two hot-swappable NAS controllers in an
active-active configuration. In a NAS appliance, the second NAS controller with which one NAS controller
is paired is called the peer controller. FS8600 scale-out NAS supports expansion, that is, you can start
with one NAS appliance and add NAS appliances to the FluidFS cluster as needed to increase
NAS appliance numbers start at 1 and NAS controller numbers start at 0. Appliance 1 contains Controller
0 and Controller 1, Appliance 2 contains Controller 2 and Controller 3, and so on. To identify the physical
hardware displayed in Storage Manager, you must match the service tag shown in Storage Manager with
the service tag printed on a sticker on the front-right side of the NAS appliance.

20 FS8600 Scale-Out NAS with FluidFS Overview

The following FS8600 appliance configurations are available. All NAS appliances in a FluidFS cluster must
use the same configuration—mixing 1GbE and 10GbE, or Fibre Channel and iSCSI, is not supported.

• 1Gb Ethernet client connectivity with 8Gb Fibre Channel back‑end connectivity to the Storage Center
• 10Gb Ethernet client connectivity with 8Gb Fibre Channel back‑end connectivity to the Storage
• 10Gb Ethernet client connectivity with 10Gb Ethernet iSCSI back‑end connectivity to the Storage
NOTE: There are two RAM configurations for the 10GbE models - 24GB and 48GB, which should
not be mixed in the same appliance, but can be mixed in the cluster.

Internal Backup Power Supply

Each NAS controller is equipped with an internal backup power supply (BPS) that protects data during a
power failure. The BPS provides continuous power to the NAS controllers for a minimum of 5 minutes in
case of a power failure and has sufficient battery power to allow the NAS controllers to safely shut down.
In addition, the BPS provides enough time for the NAS controllers to write all data from the cache to
nonvolatile internal storage.
The NAS controllers regularly monitor the BPS battery status, which requires the BPS to maintain a
minimum level of power for normal operation. To ensure the BPS battery status is accurate, the NAS
controllers routinely undergo battery calibration cycles. During a battery calibration cycle, the BPS goes
through charge and discharge cycles; therefore, battery error events during this process are expected. A
battery calibration cycle takes up to 7 days to complete. If a NAS controller starts a battery calibration
cycle, and the peer NAS controller BPS has failed, the NAS controllers enter journaling mode. Entering
this mode might impact performance, so you should repair a failed BPS as soon as possible.

Internal Storage
Each NAS controller has an internal storage device that is used only for the FluidFS images and for a
cache storage offload location in the event of a power failure. The internal hard drive does not provide
the NAS storage capacity.

Internal Cache
Each NAS controller has an internal cache that provides fast reads and reliable writes.
Related Links
Data Caching and Redundancy

Overview of the FS8600 Architecture

FS8600 scale-out NAS consists of these components:
• Hardware
– FluidFS cluster
– Storage Center
• NAS appliance network interface connections
– SAN network
– Internal network
– LAN/client network
The following figure shows an overview of the FS8600 scale-out NAS architecture.

FS8600 Scale-Out NAS with FluidFS Overview 21

Figure 2.

Storage Center
The Storage Center provides the FS8600 scale-out NAS storage capacity; the FS8600 cannot be used as
a standalone NAS appliance. Storage Centers eliminate the need to have separate storage capacity for
block and file storage. In addition, Storage Center features, such as Dynamic Capacity and Data
Progression, are automatically applied to NAS volumes.

SAN Network
The FS8600 shares a back-end infrastructure with the Storage Center. The SAN network connects the
FS8600 to the Storage Center and carries the block-level traffic. The FS8600 communicates with the
Storage Center using either the iSCSI or Fibre Channel protocol, depending on which NAS appliance
configuration you purchased.

Internal Network
The internal network is used for communication between NAS controllers. Each of the NAS controllers in
the FluidFS cluster must have access to all other NAS controllers in the FluidFS cluster to achieve the
following goals:

• Provide connectivity for FluidFS cluster creation

• Act as a heartbeat mechanism to maintain high availability
• Enable internal data transfer between NAS controllers
• Enable cache mirroring between NAS controllers
• Enable balanced client distribution between NAS controllers

22 FS8600 Scale-Out NAS with FluidFS Overview

LAN/Client Network
The LAN/client network is used for client access to the SMB shares, NFS exports, and the FTP landing
directory. It is also used by the storage administrator to manage the FluidFS cluster. The FluidFS cluster is
assigned one or more virtual IP addresses (client VIPs) on the client network that allow clients to access
the FluidFS cluster as a single entity. The client VIP also enables load balancing between NAS controllers,
and ensures failover in the event of a NAS controller failure.
If client access to the FluidFS cluster is not through a router (in other words, a flat network), define one
client VIP per NAS controller. If clients access the FluidFS cluster through a router, define a client VIP for
each client interface port per NAS controller.

Data Caching and Redundancy

New and modified files are first written to the cache, and then cache data is immediately mirrored to the
peer NAS controller (mirroring mode). Data caching provides high performance, while cache mirroring
between peer NAS controllers ensures data redundancy. Cache data is ultimately transferred to
permanent storage asynchronously through optimized data-placement schemes.
When cache mirroring is not possible, such as a single NAS controller failure or when the BPS battery
status is low, NAS controllers write directly to storage (journaling mode).

File Metadata Protection

The FluidFS cluster has several built-in measures to store and protect file metadata (which includes
information such as name, owner, permissions, date created, date modified, and a soft link to the file’s
storage location).

• All metadata updates are recorded constantly to storage to avoid potential corruption or data loss in
the event of a power failure.
• Metadata is replicated on two separate volumes.
• Metadata is managed through a separate caching scheme.
• Checksums protect the metadata and directory structure. A background process continuously checks
and fixes incorrect checksums.

Load Balancing and High Availability

For availability and performance, client connections are load balanced across the available NAS
controllers. Both NAS controllers in a NAS appliance operate simultaneously. If one NAS controller in a
NAS appliance fails, clients fail over automatically to the peer controller. When failover occurs, some SMB
clients will automatically reconnect to the peer NAS controller. In other cases, an SMB application might
fail and you must restart it. NFS clients experience a temporary pause during failover, but client network
traffic resumes automatically.

Failure Scenarios
The FluidFS cluster can tolerate a single NAS controller failure without impact to data availability and
without data loss. If one NAS controller in a NAS appliance becomes unavailable (for example, because
the NAS controller failed, is turned off, or is disconnected from the network), the NAS appliance status is
degraded. Although the FluidFS cluster is still operational and data is available to clients, you cannot
perform most configuration modifications, and performance might decrease because data is no longer

FS8600 Scale-Out NAS with FluidFS Overview 23

The impact to data availability and data integrity of a multiple NAS controller failure depends on the
circumstances of the failure scenario. Detach a failed NAS controller as soon as possible, so that it can be
safely taken offline for service. Data access remains intact as long as one of the NAS controllers in each
NAS appliance in a FluidFS cluster is functional.

The following table summarizes the impact to data availability and data integrity of various failure

Scenario System Status Data Integrity Comments

Single NAS controller Available, degraded Unaffected • Peer NAS controller
failure enters journaling
• Failed NAS controller
can be replaced
while keeping the file
system online

Sequential dual‑NAS Unavailable Unaffected Sequential failure

controller failure in assumes enough time is
single NAS appliance available between NAS
cluster controller failures to
write all data from the
cache to disk (Storage
Center or nonvolatile
internal storage)

Simultaneous dual-NAS Unavailable Lose data in cache Data that has not been
controller failure in written to disk is lost
single NAS appliance

Sequential dual‑NAS Unavailable Unaffected Sequential failure

controller failure in assumes enough time is
multiple NAS appliance available between NAS
cluster, same NAS controller failures to
appliance write all data from the
cache to disk (Storage
Center or nonvolatile
internal storage)

Simultaneous dual‑NAS Unavailable Lose data in cache Data that has not been
controller failure in written to disk is lost
multiple NAS appliance
cluster, same NAS

Dual‑NAS controller Available, degraded Unaffected • Peer NAS controller

failure in multiple NAS enters journaling
appliance cluster,
• Failed NAS controller
separate NAS appliances can be replaced
while keeping the file
system online

24 FS8600 Scale-Out NAS with FluidFS Overview

Ports Used by the FluidFS Cluster
You might need to adjust your firewall settings to allow traffic on the network ports used by the FluidFS
cluster. For a list of ports used by the FluidFS cluster, see the Dell Fluid File System Support Matrix.

Ports Provided by FluidFS

FluidFS systems provides services through the ports listed in the following table.

Port Protocol Service Name

22 TCP Secure Shell (SSH)

111 TCP and UDP RPC portmapper

161 UDP SNMP Agent

162 UDP SNMP Trap

427 TCP and UDP Server Location Protocol (SLP)

445 TCP and UDP SMB

2049–2057 TCP and UDP NFS

4000–4007 TCP and UDP NFS Statd

4050–4057 TCP and UDP Network Lock Manager (NLM)

5001–5008 TCP and UDP NFS Mount

5051–5058 TCP and UDP NFS Quota

9445 TCP Replication trust setup from v4 systems

100001 TCP Network Management Data Protocol


10550–10551, 10560–10568 TCP Replication data

35451 TCP Storage Manager communications

44421 TCP File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

44430–44439 TCP Passive FTP.

1Default port number. Can be reconfigured.

Services Accessed by FluidFS

FluidFS systems access services through the posts listed in the following table..

Port Protocol Service Name

53 TCP Domain Name Services (DNS)

88 TCP and UDP Kerberos

111 TCP and UDP RPC Portmapper

123 UDP Network Time Protocol (NTP)

FS8600 Scale-Out NAS with FluidFS Overview 25

Port Protocol Service Name
135 TCP Active Directory

138 UDP NetBIOS Datagram Service

139 TCP NetBIOS Session Service

389 TCP and UDP Lightweight Directory Access

Protocol (LDAP)

464 TCP and UDP Kerberos

543 TCP Kerberos Login

544 TCP Kerberos Shell

RPC/portmapper dependent UDP Network Information Service


636 TCP and UDP LDAP over TLS/SSL

749 TCP and UDP Kerberos Administration

13442 TCP Antivirus - Internet Content

Adaptation Protocol (ICAP)

8443 TCP Copilot Access (reverse tunnel

2 Default port number. Can be reconfigured.

26 FS8600 Scale-Out NAS with FluidFS Overview

FluidFS System Management
This section contains information about basic FluidFS cluster system management. These tasks are
performed using the Dell Storage Client.

Using the Dell Storage Client or CLI to Connect to the

FluidFS Cluster
As a storage administrator, you can use either the Dell Storage Client or command-line interface (CLI) to
connect to and manage the FluidFS cluster. By default, the FluidFS cluster is accessed through the client
NOTE: To avoid potential management conflicts, do not attempt to log on to both Storage Manager
and the CLI at the same time.

Connect to the FluidFS Cluster Using the Dell Storage Client

Log on to the Dell Storage Client to manage the FluidFS cluster.
The Storage Manager user account must have the Administrator privilege to view, manage, or add FluidFS
clusters in the Dell Storage Client.

1. Start the Dell Storage Client application. The Dell Storage Client appears.
2. If the Dell Storage Client welcome screen displays, click Log in to a Storage Center or Data
3. In the User Name field, type the EM Data Collector user name.
4. In the Password field, type the EM Data Collector password.
5. In the Host/IP field, type the host name or IP address of the server that hosts the Data Collector. If
the Data Collector and Client are installed on the same system, you can type localhost instead.
6. If you changed the web server port during installation, type the updated port in the Web Server Port
7. Click Log In. The Dell Storage Client connects to the Data Collector and displays the Storage view,
including FluidFS clusters.

Reconnect to the FluidFS Cluster

If Storage Manager cannot communicate with or log in to a FluidFS cluster, Storage Manager marks the
FluidFS cluster as down. Reconnect to the FluidFS cluster to provide the updated connectivity information
or credentials.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Summary tab.
3. Click Reconnect to FluidFS Cluster. The Reconnect to FluidFS Cluster dialog box appears.

FluidFS System Management 27

4. In the User Name field, type the FluidFS cluster administrator user name. The default user name is
5. In the Password field, type the FluidFS cluster administrator password. The default password is
6. Click OK.

Connect to the FluidFS Cluster CLI Using a VGA Console

Log on to the CLI using a VGA console to manage the FluidFS cluster.
Connect a monitor to a NAS controller’s VGA port and connect a keyboard to one of the NAS controller’s
USB ports.

1. From the command line, type the following command at the first login as prompt:
2. Type the FluidFS cluster administrator user name at the next login as prompt. The default user name
is Administrator.
3. Type the FluidFS cluster administrator password at the <user_name>’s password prompt. The default
password is Stor@ge!. You are logged on to the CLI and a Welcome window is displayed, listing the
available commands in the main menu.

Enhanced SSH Security

FluidFS v5 improves security by dropping support for unsecure or weak key exchange, cipher, and
message authentication code algorithms. Only the following algorithms are supported:

• Key exchange — deffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256

• Ciphers — aes256-cbc aes256-ctr aes128-cbc aes128-ctr aes192-cbc aes192-ctr 3des-cbc
• MACs — hmac-sha2-256 hmac-sha2-512

If the client and server cannot agree on a common set of algorithms, the connection will fail. For
example, older OpenSSH clients will produce an error message similar to: no matching mac found:
client hmac-md5,hmac-sha1,umac-64@openssh.com,hmac-ripemd160,hmac-
ripemd160@openssh.com,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5-96 server hmac-sha2-256,hmac-

Unable to negotiate with …: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer:
Recent versions of openssh (CentOS 6.6), putty (0.63), and SecureCRT (7.3.5) clients support the required

Connect to the FluidFS Cluster CLI Through SSH Using a Password

Log on to the CLI through SSH to manage the FluidFS cluster.

1. Use either of the following options:

• From Windows using an SSH client, connect to a client VIP. From the command line, type the
following command at the login as prompt:

28 FluidFS System Management

• From a UNIX/Linux system, type the following command from a prompt:
ssh cli@<client_VIP_or_name>
2. Type the FluidFS cluster administrator user name at the login as prompt. The default user name is
3. Type the FluidFS cluster administrator password at the <user_name>’s password prompt. The default
password is Stor@ge!. You are logged on to the CLI and a Welcome window is displayed, listing the
available commands in the main menu.

Connect to the FluidFS Cluster CLI Using SSH Key Authentication

You can grant trust to a specific machine and user by performing an SSH key exchange.

1. Generate an RSA SSH key.

NOTE: The following example uses the ssh-keygen utility. The steps to generate an RSA SSH
key can vary by operating system. See the documentation for the respective operating system
for more information.

a. Log on to a UNIX/Linux workstation for which you want to use SSH key authentication.
b. From the command line, type the following command:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
c. Press Enter at the Enter file in which to save the key (/home/<user_name>/.ssh/id_rsa) prompt.
d. Press Enter at the Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase) prompt and again at the Enter
same passphrase again prompt. An SSH key is generated at /home/<user_name>/.ssh/
2. Copy the SSH key to your clipboard.
3. Log on to the FluidFS cluster CLI through SSH using a password.
4. Type the following command, pasting in the copied SSH key:
system administrators passwordless-access add-ssh-keys Administrator add-
ssh-keys <SSH_key>

Now you can use the following command to log on to the FluidFS cluster from the workstation
without needing a password:

ssh <FluidFS_administrator_user_name>@<client_VIP_or_name>

You can also use the following format to run commands from the workstation without needing a

ssh <FluidFS_administrator_user_name>@<client_VIP_or_name> <CLI_command>

Related Links
Connect to the FluidFS Cluster CLI Through SSH Using a Password

Managing Secured Management

By default, all FluidFS cluster management ports are open on all subnets, along with the other ports
needed for client access (SMB/NFS), replication, and NDMP. Secured management, when enabled,
exclusively limits all management traffic to one specific subnet. The subnet on which secured
management is enabled also has the necessary ports open for client access, replication, FTP, and NDMP
traffic. Other subnets will not have any of the management ports listening on them, making them

FluidFS System Management 29

available only for client access, replication, and NDMP traffic. This setup prevents users on client (data)
access subnets from accessing any FluidFS cluster management functions.
In FluidFS, the management ports listed in the following table do not participate in SMB/NFS
communication, but are exposed on the client network by default. Enabling secured management allows
you to expose the management ports on a management subnet only.

Service Port
Web Services 80
Secure Web Services 443
FTP 44421
FTP (Passive) 44430–44439
SSH 22
Storage Manager communication 35451

Secured management can be enabled only after the system is deployed. To make a subnet secure:

• It must exist prior to enabling the secured management feature.

• It can reside on the client network (subnet-level isolation of management traffic) or the LOM (Lights
Out Management) Ethernet port (physical isolation of management traffic). The LOM Ethernet port is
located on the lower-right side of the back panel of a NAS controller.
• You must log in from this subnet.

Add a Secured Management Subnet

The subnet on which you enable secured management must exist prior to enabling the secured
management feature.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System panel, expand Environment, select Network, and then click the Management
Network tab.
4. Click Create Management Subnet. The Configure Client Network dialog box appears.
5. From the Interface drop-down menu, select the interface on which the secured management
subnet is located.
• Select Admin to use the LOM Ethernet port for physical isolation of management traffic. You
must also connect a network cable to the LOM Ethernet port.
• Select Client for subnet-level isolation of management traffic.
6. Add one or more management VIPs through which the administrator manages the FluidFS cluster.
a. In the Virtual IP Addresses area, click Add. The Add Client IP Address dialog box appears.
b. In the IP Address field, type a management Virtual IP address.
c. Click OK.
7. Add an IP address for each NAS controller. Repeat the following steps for each NAS controller.
a. Select a NAS controller and click Edit Settings. The Edit Controller IP Address dialog box
b. In the IP Address field, type an IP address for the NAS controller.
c. Click OK.
8. (Optional) Configure the remaining FluidFS management subnet attributes as needed. These options
are described in the online help.

30 FluidFS System Management

• To change the netmask or prefix of the network, type a netmask or prefix length in the Netmask
or Prefix Length field.
• To specify a VLAN tag, type a VLAN tag in the VLAN Tag field. When a VLAN spans multiple
switches, the VLAN tag is used to specify which ports and interfaces to send broadcast packets to.
9. Click OK.

Change the Secured Management Subnet Interface

Change the interface on which the secured management subnet is located.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System panel, expand Environment, select Network, and then click the Management
Network tab.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit FluidFS Cluster Settings dialog box appears.
5. Click Edit FluidFS Management Subnet. The Edit Client Network Settings dialog box appears.
6. From the Interface drop-down menu, select the interface on which the secured management
subnet is located.
• Select Admin to use the LOM Ethernet port for physical isolation of management traffic. You
must also connect a network cable to the LOM Ethernet port.
• Select Client for subnet-level isolation of management traffic.
7. Click OK.

Change the Netmask or Prefix for the Secured Management Subnet

Change the netmask (IPv4) or prefix (IPv6) for the secured management subnet.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System panel, expand Environment, select Network, and then click the Management
Network tab.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit Management Network Settings dialog box appears.
5. In the Netmask or Prefix Length field, type a netmask or prefix for the secured management subnet.
6. Click OK.

Change the VLAN Tag for the Secured Management Subnet

When a VLAN spans multiple switches, the VLAN tag is used to specify which ports and interfaces to send
broadcast packets to.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System panel, expand Environment, select Network, and then click the Management
Network tab.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit Management Network Settings dialog box appears.
5. In the VLAN Tag field, type a VLAN tag for the secured management subnet.
6. Click OK.

FluidFS System Management 31

Change the VIPs for the Secured Management Subnet
Change the secured management subnet VIPs through which the administrator manages the FluidFS

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System panel, expand Environment, select Network, and then click the Management
Network tab.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit Management Network Settings dialog box appears.
5. To add a management VIP:
a. In the Virtual IP Addresses area, click Add. The Add Client IP Address dialog box appears.
b. In the IP Address field, type a management VIP IP address.
c. Click OK.
6. To remove a management VIP:
a. Select a management VIP.
b. Click Remove.
NOTE: A secured management subnet must have at least one management VIP.
7. Click OK.

Change the NAS Controller IP Addresses for the Secured Management

To change the NAS controller IP addresses for the secured management subnet, for example, if you go
from an unsecured to a secured environment, or you physically relocate your equipment:

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System panel, expand Environment, select Network, and then click the Management
Network tab.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit Management Network Settings dialog box appears.
5. Select a NAS controller and click Edit Settings. The Edit Controller IP Address dialog box appears.
6. In the IP Address field, type an IP address for the NAS controller.
7. Click OK to close the Edit Controller IP Address dialog box.
8. Click OK.

Delete the Secured Management Subnet

Delete the secured management subnet if you no longer want to exclusively limit management traffic to
one specific subnet.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System panel, expand Environment, select Network, and then click the Management
Network tab.
4. In the right pane, click Delete. The Delete Management Network dialog box appears.
5. Select the Management Network to delete.
6. Click OK.

32 FluidFS System Management

Enable or Disable Secured Management
Enable secured management to exclusively limit management traffic to one specific subnet.
• The subnet on which you enable secured management must exist prior to enabling the secured
management feature.
• The FluidFS cluster must be managed by Storage Manager using the subnet on which secured
management will be enabled. To manage the FluidFS cluster on the secured management subnet,
remove the FluidFS cluster from Storage Manager and then re-add the FluidFS cluster to Storage
Manager using the secured management subnet management VIP.

About this task

After enabling secured management, if you are connected to Storage Manager through the secured
management subnet, your management session is temporarily interrupted while the change takes effect.
During this time the following message is displayed in Storage Manager:
Communication with the cluster was interrupted in process of issuing a command
that performs modification to the cluster.

After the change takes effect, your management session will resume automatically. Management sessions
on all other subnets are disconnected.

Disable secured management to allow management traffic from any subnet.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System panel, expand Environment, select Network, and then click the Management
Network tab.
4. In the right pane, click Modify Restriction Settings. The Modify Restriction Settings dialog box
5. Enable or disable secured management.
From the Restriction drop-down menu:
• To enable secured management, select Restricted.
• To disable secured management, select Unrestricted
6. Click OK.

Managing the FluidFS Cluster Name

The FluidFS cluster name is a unique name used to identify the FluidFS cluster in Storage Manager and the
name that clients use to access the FluidFS cluster. This name is also the FluidFS cluster NetBIOS name.
If clients access the FluidFS cluster by name (instead of IP address), you must add an entry in the DNS
server that associates the FluidFS cluster name to the FluidFS cluster client VIPs. If you are using multiple
client VIPs, add all client VIPs to the DNS server and associate them with the same FluidFS cluster name
(known as round-robin DNS). This association enables client load balancing between client VIPs.

FluidFS System Management 33

View the FluidFS Cluster Name
View the current FluidFS cluster name that is displayed in Storage Manager and the name that clients use
to access the FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Summary tab. The FluidFS cluster name is displayed at the top of the right pane.

Rename the FluidFS Cluster

Changing the FluidFS cluster name changes the FluidFS cluster name that is displayed in Storage Manager
and the name that clients use to access the FluidFS cluster.
About this task
After changing the FluidFS cluster name, you must also make the following changes:

• Change the FluidFS cluster name on the DNS server.

• If the FluidFS cluster is joined to an Active Directory domain, leave and then rejoin the FluidFS cluster
to the Active Directory domain. If the FluidFS cluster is joined to Active Directory using the old FluidFS
cluster name, it might affect the ability of Active Directory users to access the system.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the Summary tab.
3. In the right pane, click Edit FluidFS Cluster Settings. The Edit FluidFS Cluster Settings dialog box
4. In the Name field, type a new name for the FluidFS cluster.
5. Click OK.

Managing Licensing
The license determines which NAS features are available in the FluidFS cluster.

View License Information

All FluidFS cluster features are automatically included in the license for FS8600 scale-out NAS. Storage
Manager displays FluidFS cluster license information, but the license cannot be modified.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. Select Maintenance in the File System panel.
4. In the right pane, click the License tab. The license information is displayed.

Accept the End-User License Agreement

You must accept the end-user license agreement (EULA) before using the system. The EULA is initially
accepted during deployment, and the EULA approver name and title can be changed at any time.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. Select Maintenance in the File System panel.

34 FluidFS System Management

4. In the right pane, click the License tab.
5. Click Accept License Agreement. The Accept License Agreement dialog box appears.
6. Read the EULA.
7. In the Approver Name field, type your name.
8. In the Approver Title field, type your title.
9. Click OK.

Managing the System Time

Setting the system time accurately is critical for the proper functioning of the system. Setting the system
time enables:

• Windows clients to mount the file system.

• Scheduled activities, such as snapshot and replication tasks, to occur at the appropriate time.
• The correct time to be recorded in the Event Log.
• Time synchronization between the Active Directory authentication server and the FluidFS cluster,
which is necessary for Active Directory authentication.

You can set the system time using either of the following options:

• Manually set the time: Manually set the time for the FluidFS cluster.
• Automatically synchronize the time with an NTP server: Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronizes
clocks over a network. If the FluidFS cluster is part of a Windows network, the Active Directory server
can serve as the NTP server. If the FluidFS cluster is not part of a Windows network, configure it to
synchronize with a local NTP server (if such a server exists), or with an NTP server on the Internet.

View or Set the Time Zone

View or set the current time zone for the FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System panel, expand Environment and select Time.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Modify Time Settings dialog box appears.
5. The time zone is displayed in the Time Zone drop-down menu.
6. To set a time zone, select a time zone from the Time Zone drop-down menu.
7. Click OK.

View the Time

View the current time for the FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System panel, expand Environment and select Time.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Modify Time Settings dialog box appears.
5. The time is displayed in the Time menus.

FluidFS System Management 35

Set the Time Manually
Manually set the time for the FluidFS cluster if you are not using NTP.
NTP must be disabled.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System panel, expand Environment and select Time.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Modify Time Settings dialog box appears.
5. Clear the Use NTP Servers checkbox.
6. From the Time drop-down boxes, select the date and time.
7. Click OK.

View the NTP Servers

View the current NTP servers for the FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System panel, expand Environment and select Time.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Modify Time Settings dialog box appears.
5. The NTP servers are displayed in the NTP Servers list.

Add or Remove NTP Servers

Add one or more NTP servers with which to synchronize the FluidFS cluster time. Adding multiple NTP
servers ensures continued time synchronization in the event of an NTP server failure. If the FluidFS cluster
cannot establish contact with the first server, it will attempt to connect to the remaining servers in order.
Remove an NTP server if it is no longer available to synchronize the FluidFS cluster time with.
NTP must be enabled.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System panel, expand Environment and select Time.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Modify Time Settings dialog box appears.
5. Add or remove NTP servers.
• To add an NTP server, type the host name or IP address of an NTP server in the NTP Servers text
field and click Add.
• To remove an NTP server, select an NTP server from the NTP Servers list and click Remove.
6. Click OK.

36 FluidFS System Management

Enable or Disable NTP
Enable NTP to add one or more NTP servers with which to synchronize the FluidFS cluster time. Disable
NTP if you prefer to manually set the FluidFS cluster time.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System panel, expand Environment and select Time.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Modify Time Settings dialog box appears.
5. Enable or disable NTP.
• To enable NTP, select the Use NTP Servers check box.
• To disable NTP, clear the Use NTP Servers check box.
6. Click OK.

Managing the FTP Server

The FluidFS cluster includes an FTP server that provides a storage location for the following types of
system files:

• Diagnostic results files

• License file
• SNMP MIBs and traps
• Service pack files
• Other files for technical support use

Access the FTP Server

The FTP server can be accessed at:
Example: ftp://Administrator@

You will be prompted for the FluidFS cluster administrator password.

Enable or Disable the FTP Server

You can enable or disable the FTP server. The FTP server must be enabled if you want to manually upload
service packs without using Storage Manager.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab and select Authentication in the File System panel.
3. Click the Protocols tab, then click Edit Settings in the FTP Protocol section. The Modify FTP Settings
dialog box appears.
4. Enable or disable the FTP server.
• To enable the FTP server, select the FTP Enabled check box.
• To disable the FTP server, clear the FTP Enabled check box.
5. Click OK.

FluidFS System Management 37

Managing SNMP
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is one way to monitor the health of the system and
generate alert messages (SNMP traps) for system problems. To use SNMP, the FluidFS cluster-specific
Management Information Bases (MIBs) and traps must be compiled into a customer-provided SNMP
management station. The MIBs are databases of information specific to the FluidFS cluster.

Obtain SNMP MIBs and Traps

The SNMP MIBs and traps for the FluidFS cluster are available for download from the FluidFS cluster FTP
The FTP server must be enabled.

Download the SNMP MIBs and traps from:

Related Links
Managing the FTP Server

Change the SNMP Read-only Community

Change the read-only community for devices reading SNMP variables from the FluidFS cluster. By default,
the read-only community is FluidFS.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab and select Maintenance.
3. Click the SNMP tab in the Maintenance panel.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings in the SNMP MIB Access section. The Modify SNMP MIB Access
Settings dialog box appears.
5. In the Read Only Community field, type a read-only community.
6. Click OK.

Change the SNMP Trap System Location or Contact

Change the system location or contact person for FluidFS cluster-generated SNMP traps. By default, the
SNMP trap system location and contact person are unknown.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab and select Maintenance.
3. Click the SNMP tab in the Maintenance panel.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings in the SNMP Trap section. The Modify SNMP Trap Settings
dialog box appears.
5. Change the SNMP trap system location or contact.
• To specify a description for the location of the FluidFS cluster, type a location in the Trap System
Location field.
• To specify the name of the SNMP contact person, type a contact name in the Trap System
Contact field.
6. Click OK.

38 FluidFS System Management

Add or Remove SNMP Trap Recipients
Add or remove hosts that receive the FluidFS cluster-generated SNMP traps.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab and select Maintenance.
3. Click the SNMP tab in the Maintenance panel.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings in the SNMP Trap section. The Modify SNMP Trap Settings
dialog box appears.
5. Add or remove SNMP trap recipients.
• To add an SNMP trap recipient, type a host name or IP address in the Trap Recipients text field
and click Add.
• To remove an SNMP trap recipient, select an SNMP trap recipient and click Remove.
6. Click OK.

Enable or Disable SNMP Traps

Enable or disable SNMP traps by category (NAS Volumes, Access Control, Performance & Connectivity,
Hardware, System, or Auditing). For enabled SNMP traps, specify the severity of events for which to send
SNMP traps.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab and select Maintenance.
3. Click the SNMP tab in the Maintenance panel.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings in the Events to Send via SNMP Traps section. The Modify
Events Filtering dialog box appears.
5. Enable or disable SNMP traps.
• To enable SNMP traps, select the severity (Major or All) of events for which to send SNMP traps
from the relevant drop-down menus (NAS Volumes, Access Control, Performance &
Connectivity, Hardware, System, or Auditing).
• To disable SNMP traps, select None from the relevant drop-down menus (Access Control,
Hardware, NAS Volumes, Network, System, or Audit).
6. Click OK.

Managing the Health Scan Throttling Mode

Health scan throttling has three modes:

• Normal: (Default mode) Health scan is running and scanning the file system to identify potential
• Maintenance: Health scan is running in high priority and scanning the file system to identify potential
• Off: Health scan is off and will not run.

Keep the health scan throttling mode set to Normal unless specifically directed otherwise by your
technical support representative.

FluidFS System Management 39

Change the Health Scan Settings
If enabled, Health Scan background process will scan the file system to identify potential errors..

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab and select Maintenance.
3. Click the Internal tab in the Maintenance panel.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings in the Advanced section. The Modify Health Scan Settings
dialog box appears.
5. To enable health scan, click the Enabled checkbox.
6. To disable health scan, clear the Enabled checkbox.
7. Select either Normal or Intensive from the Scanning Mode drop-down menu.
8. Click OK.

Managing the Operation Mode

The FluidFS cluster has three operation modes:

• Normal: System is serving clients using SMB and NFS protocols and operating in mirroring mode.
• Write-Through Mode: System is serving clients using SMB and NFS protocols, but is forced to operate
in journaling mode. This mode of operation might have an impact on write performance, so it is
recommended when, for example, you have repeated electric power failures.
• No Service: System is not serving clients using SMB or NFS protocols and allows limited management
capabilities. This mode must be selected before replacing a NAS appliance.

View or Change the Operation Mode

Changing the operation mode might affect the accessibility and performance of SMB shares and NFS

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab and select Maintenance.
3. In the Maintenance panel, click the Internal tab.
4. Click Edit Settings in the Operation Mode section. The Edit Operation Mode dialog box appears.
To change the Operation Mode:

a. Select a new operation mode (Normal, Write-Through Mode, or No Service).

5. Click OK.

Managing Client Connections

The following options are available for managing client connections:

• Display the distribution of clients between NAS controllers

• Assign a client to a NAS controller
• Manually migrate clients to another NAS controller
• Fail back clients to their assigned NAS controller
• Rebalance client connections across NAS controllers

40 FluidFS System Management

Display the Distribution of Clients Between NAS Controllers
Display the current distribution of clients between NAS controllers.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Client Activity.
4. In the right pane, click the Clients tab. The table displays the NAS controller and interface to which
each client is connected.

View Clients Assigned to a NAS Controller

View clients that are currently assigned to a particular NAS controller.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Client Activity.
4. In the right pane, the table displays the NAS controller and interface to which each client is

Assign or Unassign a Client to a NAS Controller

You can permanently assign one or more clients to a particular NAS controller. For effective load
balancing, do not manually assign clients to NAS controllers, unless specifically directed to do so by your
technical support representative. Assigning a client to a NAS controller disconnects the client’s
connection. Clients will then automatically reconnect to the assigned NAS controller.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Client Activity.
4. Click the Clients tab and select a Client or Router IP.
5. Click Pin Client to NAS Controller. The Pin Client to NAS Controller dialog box appears.
• To unassign a client to a NAS controller, clear the Pin check box.
• To assign a client to a NAS controller, select the Pin check box.
1. From the Pin Client to drop-down menu, select the NAS controller to which to assign the
2. From the Use Client Interface drop-down menu, select the client interface on the NAS
controller to which to assign the client.
6. Click OK.

Manually Migrate Clients to Another NAS Controller

You can manually migrate clients between NAS controllers if, for example, the network load on the NAS
controllers is not balanced. Migrating a client to another NAS controller disconnects the client’s
connection. Clients will then automatically reconnect to the NAS controller to which they were migrated.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Client Activity.
4. Select a client and click Move Client to NAS Controller. The Move Client to NAS Controller dialog
box appears.

FluidFS System Management 41

5. From the Move Client to drop-down menu, select the NAS controller to which to migrate the client.
6. Click OK.

Fail Back Clients to Their Assigned NAS Controller

You must fail back client connections to their original NAS controller when a NAS controller that was
down becomes available. Failing back client connections disconnects only the client connections that
failed over due to the original NAS controller failure. Those clients will then automatically reconnect to
the assigned NAS controller.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Client Activity.
4. In the right pane, click Failback Clients. The Failback Clients dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.

Rebalance Client Connections Across NAS Controllers

Rebalancing client connections evenly distributes connections across all the available NAS controllers.
About this task
You must rebalance client connections in the following scenarios:

• After FluidFS cluster hardware changes (for example, adding a NAS appliance)
• When a NAS controller that was down becomes available

Rebalancing client connections disconnects all client connections. Clients will then automatically
reconnect to the FluidFS cluster.
1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Client Activity.
4. In the right pane, click Rebalance Clients. The Rebalance Clients dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.

Shutting Down and Restarting NAS Controllers

In some cases, you must temporarily shut down a FluidFS cluster or reboot a NAS controller.

Shut Down the FluidFS Cluster

In some cases, you might need to temporarily shut down all NAS controllers in a FluidFS cluster. For
example, you might need to do this if you are moving the NAS hardware to a different location. When a
FluidFS cluster is shut down, NAS volume data is no longer available to clients and clients are
Schedule a maintenance window and inform clients that the resources hosted by the FluidFS cluster will
be unavailable.

About this task

CAUTION: Follow the procedure exactly in the order that follows to prevent data inconsistency.

42 FluidFS System Management

1. Change the FluidFS cluster operation mode to No Service.
2. Press and release the recessed power button at the back of each NAS controller to shut down the
NAS controllers.
NOTE: Do not press and hold the power button down for several seconds. The NAS controllers
will not shut down.

Related Links
View or Change the Operation Mode

Start Up the FluidFS Cluster

Start up a FluidFS cluster to resume operation after shutting down all NAS controllers in a FluidFS cluster.
Before turning on the system, ensure that all cables are connected, and all components are connected to
a power source.

1. If previously shut down, turn the Storage Centers back on before starting the FluidFS cluster.
2. Press and release the recessed power button at the back of each NAS controller to turn on the NAS
3. Change the FluidFS cluster operation mode to Normal.

Related Links
View or Change the Operation Mode

Reboot a NAS Controller

Only one NAS controller can be rebooted in a NAS appliance at a time. Rebooting a NAS controller
disconnects client connections while clients are being transferred to other NAS controllers. Clients will
then automatically reconnect to the FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, double-click on a controller to select it.
4. In the right pane, click Reboot. The Reboot dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.

Managing NAS Appliance and NAS Controller Blinking

You can make the system identification button on a NAS appliance or NAS controller blink to easily locate
that particular NAS appliance or NAS controller within a rack. The system identification button for a NAS
appliance is located on the front panel and is labeled . The system identification button for a NAS
controller is located on the back panel and is labeled .

FluidFS System Management 43

Enable or Disable NAS Appliance Blinking
When NAS appliance blinking is enabled, the system identification button blinks so you can easily locate
the NAS appliance within a rack.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, expand Appliances, then select a NAS appliance.
4. In the right pane, click Blink. The Blink dialog box appears.
5. Enable or disable NAS appliance blinking.
• To enable NAS appliance blinking, select Blink this appliance.
• To disable NAS appliance blinking, select Stop blinking this appliance.
6. Click OK.

Enable or Disable NAS Controller Blinking

When NAS controller blinking is enabled, the system identification button blinks so you can easily locate
the NAS controller within a rack.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, expand Appliances and select a NAS controller.
4. In the right pane, click Blink. The Blink dialog box appears.
5. Enable or disable NAS controller blinking.
• To enable NAS controller blinking, select Blink controller in slot 1 or Blink controller in slot 2.
• To disable NAS controller blinking, clear Blink controller in slot 1 or Blink controller in slot 2.
6. Click OK.

Validate Storage Connections

Validating storage connections gathers the latest server definitions on the FluidFS cluster and makes sure
that matching server objects are defined on the Storage Centers providing the storage for the FluidFS

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Hadware tab.
3. In the right pane, select Actions→ Storage Centers→ Validate Storage Connections. The Validate
Storage Connections dialog box appears.
4. Click OK.

44 FluidFS System Management

FluidFS Networking
This section contains information about managing the FluidFS cluster networking configuration. These
tasks are performed using the Dell Storage Client.

Managing the Default Gateway

The default gateway enables client access across subnets. Only one default gateway can be defined for
each type of IP address (IPv4 and IPv6). If client access is not through a router (in other words, a flat
network), a default gateway does not need to be defined.

View the Default Gateway

View the current default gateway.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network. In the right pane, the default gateway is
displayed in the Static Route section.

Change the Default Gateway

Change the default gateway if it changes for the network.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, click Configure Default Gateway. A dialog box appears.
5. In the Gateway Address field, type a new default gateway IP address. To provide a default gateway
for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, you need a client subnet of the appropriate type that contains the
default gateway.
6. Click OK.

Managing DNS Servers and Suffixes

Domain Name Service (DNS) is a networking service that enables users to locate computers by providing
name-to-IP address and IP address-to-name resolution services. You can configure one or more external
DNS servers (external to the FluidFS cluster but within the site) to be used for name resolution. A DNS
suffix specifies a DNS domain name without the host part of the name (for example, west.example.com
rather than computer1.west.example.com).
If clients access the FluidFS cluster by name, you must add an entry in the DNS server that associates the
FluidFS cluster name to the FluidFS cluster client VIPs. If you are using multiple client VIPs, add all client
VIPs to the DNS server and associate them with the same FluidFS cluster name (known as round-robin
DNS). This association enables client load balancing between client VIPs. In addition, you must configure

FluidFS Networking 45
DNS if you are using Active Directory, and the DNS servers must be the same DNS servers that your Active
Directory domain controllers use.

View DNS Servers and Suffixes

View the current DNS servers providing name resolution services for the FluidFS cluster and the
associated DNS suffixes.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, the DNS servers and suffixes are displayed in the DNS section.

Add or Remove DNS Servers and Suffixes

Add one or more DNS servers to provide name resolution services for the FluidFS cluster and add
associated DNS suffixes. Adding multiple DNS servers and suffixes ensures continued name resolution
services in the event of a DNS server failure. If the FluidFS cluster cannot establish contact with the
preferred server, it will attempt to connect to the remaining servers in order. Remove a DNS server or
DNS suffix if it is no longer available or used.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings in the DNS section. The DNS Settings dialog box appears.
5. To add a DNS server, type the IP address of a DNS server in the DNS Servers IP Addresses text field
and click Add.
6. DNS servers are listed in descending order of preference.
• To increase the order of preference for a DNS server, select a DNS server and click Up.
• To decrease the order of preference for a DNS server, select a DNS server and click Down.
7. To remove a DNS server, select it from the DNS Server IP Addresses text field and click Remove.
8. To add a DNS suffix, type the DNS suffix in the DNS Suffixes text field and click Add.
9. DNS suffixes are listed in descending order of preference.
• To increase the order of preference for a DNS suffix, select a DNS suffix and click Up.
• To decrease the order of preference for a DNS suffix, select a DNS suffix and click Down.
10. To remove a DNS suffix, select it from the DNS Suffixes text field and click Remove.
11. Click OK.

Change the Order of Preference for DNS Servers and Suffixes

Change the order of preference for a DNS server or DNS suffix. If the FluidFS cluster cannot establish
contact with the preferred server, it will attempt to connect to the remaining servers in order.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings in the DNS section. The DNS Settings dialog box appears.
5. DNS servers are listed in descending order of preference.
• To increase the order of preference for a DNS server, select a DNS server and click Up.

46 FluidFS Networking
• To decrease the order of preference for a DNS server, select a DNS server and click Down.
6. DNS suffixes are listed in descending order of preference.
• To increase the order of preference for a DNS suffix, select a DNS suffix and click Up.
• To decrease the order of preference for a DNS suffix, select a DNS suffix and click Down.
7. Click OK.

DNS Settings Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to add or remove DNS servers and suffixes to a FluidFS cluster.

Field/Option Description
DNS Servers IP Specifies the IP address of the DNS server providing name resolution services for
Addresses the FluidFS cluster and the associated DNS suffixes.

DNS Suffixes Specifies the suffixes to associate with the FluidFS cluster.

Cancel When clicked, discards all changes and closes the dialog box.

OK When clicked, saves all changes and closes the dialog box.

Managing Static Routes

To minimize hops between routers, static routes are recommended in routed networks when the FluidFS
cluster has multiple direct paths to various routers. Static routes allow you to configure the exact paths
through which the system communicates with various clients on a routed network.
Consider the network shown in the following figure. The system can have only one default gateway.
Assume that router X is designated as the default gateway. Packets that are sent to clients in subnet Y are
routed to router X, and are then sent back (through the switch) to router Y. These packets travel through
router X needlessly, reducing the throughput to all subnets in the network.

Figure 3. Routed Network

The solution is to define, in addition to a default gateway, a specific gateway for certain subnets by
configuring static routes. To configure these routes, you must describe each subnet in your network and
identify the most suitable gateway to access that subnet.

FluidFS Networking 47
Static routes do not have to be designated for the entire network—a default gateway is most suitable
when performance is not an issue. You can select when and where to use static routes to best meet
performance needs.

View the Static Routes

View the current static routes.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the Client Network tab, the static routes are displayed in the right pane in the Static Routes list.

Add a Static Route

When adding a static route, you must specify the subnet properties and the gateway through which to
access this subnet.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, click Create Static Route. The Create Static Route dialog box appears.
5. In the Target Network IP Address field, type a network IP address (for example,
6. In the Netmask or Prefix field, type a netmask (for example,
7. In the Gateway IP Address field, type the gateway IP address through which to access the subnet (for
8. Click OK.

Change the Gateway for a Static Route

Change the gateway through which to access the subnet for a static route.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, click Configure Default Gateway in the Static Route section. A Configure Default
Gateway dialog box appears.
5. In the Default Gateway IP Address field, type the gateway IP address through which to access the
subnet (for example,
6. Click OK.

Delete a Static Route

Delete a static route to send traffic for a subnet through the default gateway instead of a specific

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, right-click a static route and select Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.

48 FluidFS Networking
Managing the Client Networks
The client networks define the client VIPs through which clients access SMB shares and NFS exports. To
ensure effective load balancing, use the following recommendations to determine the number of client
VIPs to define:

• If client access to the FluidFS cluster is not through a router (in other words, a flat network), define
one client VIP per FluidFS cluster.
• If clients access the FluidFS cluster through a router, define a client VIP for each client interface port
per NAS controller.

Related Links
LAN/Client Network

View the Client Networks

View the current client networks.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. The client networks are displayed in the right pane in the Client Networks section.

Create a Client Network

Create a client network on which clients will access SMB shares and NFS exports.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, click Create Client Network. The Create Client Network dialog box appears.
5. In the Netmask or Prefix field, type a netmask or prefix for the client network.
6. Add client VIPs through which the clients will access SMB shares and NFS exports.
a. In the Virtual IP Addresses area, click Add. The Add Client IP Address dialog box appears.
b. In the IP Address field, type a client VIP address.
c. Click OK.
d. Repeat these steps for each client VIP.
7. Add an IP address for each NAS controller.
a. Select a NAS controller and click Edit Settings. The Edit Controller IP Address dialog box
b. In the IP Address field, type an IP address for the NAS controller.
c. Click OK.
d. Repeat these steps for each NAS controller.
8. (Optional) Configure the remaining client network attributes as needed. These options are described
in the online help.
• To specify a VLAN tag, type a VLAN tag in the VLAN Tag field. When a VLAN spans multiple
switches, the VLAN tag is used to specify to which ports and interfaces to send broadcast packets.
9. Click OK.

FluidFS Networking 49
Change the Netmask or Prefix for a Client Network
Change the netmask (IPv4) or prefix (IPv6) for a client network.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, right-click a client network and select Edit Settings. The Edit Client Network
Settings dialog box appears.
5. In the Netmask or Prefix field, type a netmask or prefix for the client network.
6. Click OK.

Change the VLAN Tag for a Client Network

Change the VLAN tag for a client network. When a VLAN spans multiple switches, the VLAN tag is used to
specify which ports and interfaces to send broadcast packets to.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, right-click a client network and select Edit Settings. The Edit Client Network
Settings dialog box appears.
5. In the VLAN Tag field, type a VLAN tag for the client network.
6. Click OK.

Change the Client VIPs for a Client Network

Change the client VIPs through which clients will access SMB shares and NFS exports.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, right-click a client network and select Edit Settings. The Edit Client Network
Settings dialog box appears.
5. To add a client VIP:
a. In the Virtual IP Addresses area, click Add. The Add Client IP Address dialog box appears.
b. In the IP Address field, type a client VIP address.
c. Click OK.
6. To remove a client VIP:
a. Select a client VIP.
b. Click Remove.
NOTE: A client network must have at least one client VIP.
7. Click OK.

50 FluidFS Networking
Change the NAS Controller IP Addresses for a Client Network
Change the NAS controller IP addresses for a client network.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit Client Network Settings dialog box appears.
5. Select a NAS controller and click Edit Settings. The Edit Controller IP Address dialog box appears.
6. In the IP Address field, type an IP address for the NAS controller.
7. Click OK.

Delete a Client Network

Delete a client network if clients no longer need to access SMB shares and NFS exports on that network.
You cannot delete the Primary subnet.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, select a client network and click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.

View the Client Network MTU

View the current maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the client network.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network. The MTU is displayed in the Client Interface

Change the Client Network MTU

Change the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the client network to match your environment.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings in the Client Interface section.
5. In the MTU field, type a new MTU. If your network hardware supports jumbo frames, enter 9000;
otherwise, enter 1500.
6. Click OK.

FluidFS Networking 51
View the Client Network Bonding Mode
View the current bonding mode (Adaptive Load Balancing or Link Aggregation Control Protocol) of the
client network interface.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, the bonding mode is displayed in the Client Interface section.

Change the Client Network Bonding Mode

Change the bonding mode (Adaptive Load Balancing or Link Aggregation Control Protocol) of the client
network interface to match your environment.
• If you have ALB, use one client VIP per client port in the FluidFS cluster.
• If you have LACP, use one client VIP per NAS controller in the FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Network.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings in the Client Interface section. The Network Settings dialog box
5. From the Mode drop-down menu, select a bonding mode (ALB or LACP).
6. Click OK.

Viewing the Fibre Channel WWNs

Storage Manager displays the NAS controller World Wide Names (WWNs) needed for updating fabric
zoning on your Fibre Channel switch.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, expand Appliances → NAS appliance ID → NAS controller ID,
then select Interfaces. The WWNs for the NAS controller are displayed in the right pane in the Fibre
Channel list.

52 FluidFS Networking
Managing iSCSI SAN Connectivity
iSCSI SAN subnets (Storage Center fault domains) or "fabrics" are the network connections between the
FluidFS cluster and the Storage Center. The SAN network consists of two subnets, named SAN and SANb.
The FluidFS cluster iSCSI SAN configuration can be changed after deployment if your network changes.

Add or Remove an iSCSI Port

Add a Storage Center iSCSI control port for each connected subnet (Storage Center fault domain).At least
one iSCSI port must remain configured. If only one iSCSI port is configured, you will not be able to
remove it.

1. Click the Storage view, and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Storage Center tab.
3. Add or remove an iSCSI port. In the right pane, either:
• Click Add iSCSI Ports. The Add iSCSI Ports dialog box appears.
• Click Remove iSCSI Ports. The Remove iSCSI Ports dialog box appears.
4. Select an iSCSI port.
5. Click OK.

Add an iSCSI Fabric

The FluidFS cluster requires two iSCSI subnets (Storage Center fault domains) or "fabrics".

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Storage Center tab.
3. In the right pane, click Add iSCSI Fabric. The Add iSCSI Fabric dialog box appears.
4. In the VLAN Tag field, type a VLAN tag for the iSCSI fabric. When a VLAN spans multiple switches, the
VLAN tag is used to specify which ports and interfaces to send broadcast packets to.
5. Add an IP address for each NAS controller. Repeat the following steps for each NAS controller:
a. Select a NAS controller and click Edit Settings. The Edit Controller IP Address dialog box
b. In the IP Address field, type an IP address for the NAS controller.
6. Click OK.

Change the VLAN Tag for an iSCSI Fabric

Change the VLAN tag for an iSCSI fabric. When a VLAN spans multiple switches, the VLAN tag is used to
specify which ports and interfaces to send broadcast packets to.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster

2. Click the Storage Center tab.
3. In the right pane, select an iSCSI fabric and click Edit Settings. The Modify Settings for Fabric SAN
dialog box appears.
4. In the VLAN Tag field, type a VLAN tag for the iSCSI fabric.
5. Click OK.

FluidFS Networking 53
Change the NAS Controller IP Addresses for an iSCSI Fabric
Change the NAS controller IP addresses for an iSCSI fabric.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Storage Center tab.
3. In the right pane, select an iSCSI fabric and click Edit Settings. The Modify Settings for Fabric SAN
dialog box appears.
4. Add an IP address for each NAS controller. Repeat the following steps for each NAS controller:
a. Select a NAS controller and click Edit Settings. The Edit Controller IP Address dialog box
b. In the IP Address field, type an IP address for the NAS controller.
5. Click OK .

54 FluidFS Networking
FluidFS Account Management and
This section contains information about managing FluidFS cluster accounts and authentication. These
tasks are performed using the Dell Storage Client.

Account Management and Authentication

FluidFS clusters include two types of access:

• Administrator-level access for FluidFS cluster management

• Client-level access to SMB shares, NFS exports, and FTP folder

Administrator accounts control administrator-level access. Users and groups control client-level access
to SMB shares and NFS exports.

The FluidFS cluster supports administrator-level and client-level authentication for both local and remote
users and groups:

• Local users and groups: User and group identities defined and managed on and by the FluidFS
system. Local management is useful when you have only a limited number of users and groups. In
addition, authentication does not depend on external servers.
• External users and groups: User and group identities defined and managed on and by an external
repository. External management is useful when managing access of many users and groups to many
different resources, but depends on the availability of the external database. FluidFS supports the
following external identity repositories:

– Active Directory: Configure the FluidFS cluster to access an Active Directory database to
authenticate Windows users.
NOTE: Active Directory can also be used as an LDAP database for UNIX/Linux users.

– NIS or LDAP: Configure the FluidFS cluster to access an NIS or LDAP database to authenticate
UNIX and Linux users.

NOTE: Local and external users can be used simultaneously.

NOTE: If you configure Active Directory and either NIS or LDAP, you can set up mappings
between the Windows users in Active Directory and the UNIX and Linux users in LDAP or NIS to
allow one set of credentials to be used for both types of data access.

FluidFS Account Management and Authentication 55

Default Administrative Accounts
The FluidFS cluster has the following built-in administrative accounts, each of which serves a particular

Login Purpose SSH Access SSH VGA VGA Default

Name Enabled by Access Console Console Password
Default Allowed Access Access
Enabled by Allowed
Administrat FluidFS cluster Yes Yes Yes Yes Stor@ge!
or management (not
a UNIX or Linux
support FluidFS cluster No Yes No Yes None (must
troubleshooting be set by
(regular UNIX or Administrato
Linux user) r)
enableescal Enable escalation No No Yes Yes
ationaccess account
escalation FluidFS cluster No Yes No Yes
when unable to
log in with support
cli Gateway to Yes (can Yes (can N/A N/A N/A
command– line bypass bypass
interface access password password
using SSH using SSH
key) key)

Administrator Account
The Administrator account is used for FluidFS cluster management and provides access to the Dell
Storage Client and the FluidFS CLI. This account cannot be removed or renamed, and has write
permissions on all NAS volumes, folders, and files.

Support Account
The support account is used by Dell Technical Support when accessing the FluidFS system. The support
account and password are managed by the system administrator.
CAUTION: Operations performed as the support user are for advanced remote troubleshooting to
resolve critical system issues only. Misuse of this account can damage the FluidFS cluster and/or
its data.
NOTE: For strict security, enable the support account just before a remote troubleshooting session
and disable it immediately after the troubleshooting session.

56 FluidFS Account Management and Authentication

Enable or Disable the Support Account
Enable the support account to allow remote troubleshooting. When troubleshooting is complete, disable
the support account.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab and select Maintenance.
3. In the right pane, click the Support tab.
4. In the Support Assist section, click Modify Support Assist Settings. The Modify Support Settings
dialog box appears.
5. Enable or disable SupportAssist.
• To enable SupportAssist, select the Support Assistance check box.
• To disable SupportAssist, clear the Support Assistance check box.
6. Click OK.

Change the Support Account Password

Change the support account password to a new, strong password after each troubleshooting session is

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab and select Maintenance.
3. In the right pane, click the Support tab.
4. In the Support Assist section, click Modify Support Assist Settings. The Modify Support Assist
Settings dialog box appears.
5. In the Password field, type a password. The password must be at least seven characters long and
contain three of the following elements: a lowercase character, an uppercase character, a digit, or a
special character (such as +, ?, or ∗).
6. In the Confirm Password field, retype the password.
7. Click OK.

Enable or Disable Dell SupportAssist

You can enable Storage Client to send the FluidFS cluster diagnostics using Dell SupportAssist.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click Maintenance.
3. In the right pane, click the Support tab.
4. In the Support Assist section, click Modify Support Assist Settings. The Modify Support Assist
Settings dialog box appears.
5. Enable or disable SupportAssist.
• To enable SupportAssist, select the Support Assist Enabled check box.
• To disable SupportAssist, clear the Support Assist Enabled check box.
6. Click OK.

CLI Account
The cli account is used in conjunction with an administrator account to access the command-line
interface of the FluidFS cluster.
Related Links
Connect to the FluidFS Cluster CLI Using a VGA Console

FluidFS Account Management and Authentication 57

Connect to the FluidFS Cluster CLI Through SSH Using a Password
Connect to the FluidFS Cluster CLI Using SSH Key Authentication

Default Local User and Local Group Accounts

The FluidFS cluster has the following built-in local user and local group accounts, each of which serves a
particular purpose.

Account Type Account Name Purpose

Local User Administrator Account used for FluidFS cluster management
Local User nobody Account used for guest users
Local Group Administrators • Accommodates the Administrator account, and all
other (local and remote) administrator users
• BUILTIN domain group fully compatible with the
Windows Administrators group

Local Group nobody_group Accommodates the nobody account

Local Group Local Users Accommodates local user accounts
Local Group Users BUILTIN domain group fully compatible with the Windows
Users group
Local Group Backup Operators BUILTIN domain group fully compatible with the Windows
Backup Operators group

Managing Administrator Accounts

You can create both local FluidFS administrators and make remote users (AD/LDAP/NIS) FluidFS
administrators. System alerts will be sent to the email address specified for the administrator.
When creating an administrator, you specify an administrator permission level. The permission level
defines the set of actions that are allowed by the administrator. Permission levels are predefined in the
system as follows:

• NAS Cluster Administrator: The administrator can manage any aspect of the FluidFS cluster.
• NAS Volume Administrator: The following table summarizes which settings a volume administrator
can change for the NAS volumes to which they are assigned. They can also view, but not change, the
rest of the FluidFS cluster configuration.

NAS Volume Setting Volume Administrator Allowed to

Change Setting?
NAS volume name Yes
NAS volume folder to which the NAS volume is assigned Yes
Access time granularity Yes
Permissions interoperability Yes
Report zero disk usage Yes
Data reduction Yes
NAS volume space settings and alert thresholds Yes
SMB shares and NFS exports Yes

58 FluidFS Account Management and Authentication

NAS Volume Setting Volume Administrator Allowed to
Change Setting?
Snapshots and snapshot schedules Yes
Restore NAS volume from snapshot Yes
Restore NAS volume configuration Yes
Quotas Yes
NAS volume clones No
Replication No

View Administrators
View the current list of administrator accounts.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, and select Maintenance.
3. In the right pane, click the Mail & Administrators tab. The administrators are displayed.

Add an Administrator
Add an administrator account to manage the FluidFS cluster using the Dell Storage Client and CLI. You
can only define other administrators with permission levels that are hierarchically lower than your own.
Before you can create a local administrator, you must create a local user that will become an

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab, and select Maintenance.
3. In the right pane, click the Mail & Administrators tab.
4. In the Administrators section, click Create Administrator User. The Create Administrator User
dialog box appears.
5. Select a user to become an administrator:
a. Click Select User. The Select User dialog box appears.
b. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the user belongs.
c. In the User field, type either the full name of the user or the beginning of the user name.
d. (Optional) Configure the remaining user search options as needed. These options are described
in the online help.
To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
e. Click Search.
f. Select a user from the search results.
g. Click OK.
6. From the Privilege drop-down menu, select the permission level of the administrator:
• FluidFS Cluster Administrator: These administrators can manage any aspect of the FluidFS

FluidFS Account Management and Authentication 59

• NAS Volume Administrator: These administrators can only manage the NAS volumes to which
they are assigned and view the FluidFS cluster configuration.
7. In the Email Address field, type an email address for the administrator.
8. Click OK.

Assign NAS Volumes to a Volume Administrator

By default, new volume administrators cannot manage any NAS volumes. After a volume administrator is
created, you can change the NAS volumes that can be managed by the volume administrator.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, and select Maintenance.
3. In the right pane, click the Mail & Administrators tab.
4. In the Administrators section, click Manage Volumes.
5. Select a volume administrator and click Manage NAS Volumes. The Manage Volumes dialog box
6. Choose the NAS volumes to assign to the volume administrator:
• To assign a NAS volume to the volume administrator, select a NAS volume in the top pane and
click Add Volumes.
• To unassign a NAS volume from the volume administrator, select a NAS volume in the bottom
pane and click Remove Volumes.
7. Click OK.

Change the Permission Level of an Administrator

Change the permission level of an administrator account.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, and select Maintenance.
3. In the right pane, click the Mail & Administrators tab.
4. In the Administrators section, select an administrator and click Edit Settings. The Edit Administrator
Users Settings dialog box appears.
5. From the Privilege drop-down menu, select the permission level of the administrator:
• NAS Cluster Administrator: These administrators can manage any aspect of the FluidFS cluster.
• NAS Volume Administrator: These administrator can only view the FluidFS cluster configuration
and manage the NAS volumes to which they are assigned.
6. Click OK.

Change the Email Address of an Administrator

Change the email address to which system alerts are sent for an administrator account.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, and select Maintenance.
3. In the right pane, click the Mail & Administrators tab.
4. In the Administrators section, select an administrator and click Edit Settings. The Edit Administrator
Users Settings dialog box appears.
5. In the Email Address field, type an email address for the administrator.
6. Click OK.

60 FluidFS Account Management and Authentication

Change an Administrator Password
You can change the password for a local administrator account only. The password for remote
administrators is maintained in the external database.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment, and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Local Users and Groups tab.
4. Select an administrator and click Change Password. The Change Password dialog box appears.
5. In the Password field, type a password for the administrator. If password complexity checking is
enabled, the password must be at least seven characters long and contain three of the following
elements: a lowercase character, an uppercase character, a digit, or a special character (such as +, ?,
or ∗).
6. In the Confirm Password field, retype the password for the administrator.
7. Click OK.

Delete an Administrator
Delete an administrator account when it is no longer used for FluidFS cluster management. The built-in
Administrator account cannot be deleted.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment, and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Local Users and Groups tab.
4. Select an administrator and click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.

Managing Local Users and Groups Using MMC

You can manage local users and groups using the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) with the Local
Users and Groups snap-in. To gain administrative access to the cluster, log in to Windows as a member
of Domain Admins or as a member of Administrators group on the cluster.
The following limitations apply when managing FluidFS local users and groups using MMC:

• Renaming users and groups is not supported.

• The primary group cannot be deleted from the membership list.
• A local group cannot be deleted if it contains member users.
• Saving the following fields of user accounts is not supported:

– User profile settings

– Home folder settings
– User must change password at next logon checkbox
– User cannot change password checkbox

About this task

To manage local users and groups, connect to the FluidFS cluster by using the client VIP address in the
address bar of Windows Explorer. Log in with the administrator account and then connect to MMC.

FluidFS Account Management and Authentication 61

1. Select Start → Run.
2. Type mmc and click OK. The Console 1 - [Console Root] window is displayed.
3. Select File → Add/Remove Snap-in.
4. Select Local Users and Groups and click Add.
5. In the Local Users and Groups window, selecte Another computer and type the FluidFS cluster
name (as configured in the DNS). Alternatively, you can use the client VIP.
6. Click Finish. The new local users and groups tree is displayed in the Console Root window.
7. Select Users or Groups.
8. Select a local user or group, and select an action from the Actions pane.

Managing Local Users

You can create local users that can access SMB shares and NFS exports, or that will become a FluidFS
cluster administrator. You might want to create local users in the following cases:

• You do not have remote users (AD/LDAP/NIS)

• Both SMB/NFS will be used, but you have a remote user repository (AD/LDAP/NIS) relevant for only
one protocol and a small number of users using the other protocol

When prompted to authenticate to access an SMB share, local users must use the following format for
the user name: <client_VIP_or_name>\<local_user_name>.

Add a Local User

Add a local user account.
The local group to which the local user will be assigned must have been created already.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab and expand Environment, and then select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Local Users and Groups tab and click Create Local User. The Create
Local User dialog box appears.
4. In the Username field, type a name for the local user. The user name can contain only the following
characters: letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, spaces, and periods. Also, a period cannot be
used as the last character.
5. From the Primary Local Group drop-down menu, select the primary group to which the local user is
6. In the Password field, type a password for the local user. If password complexity checking is enabled,
the password must be at least seven characters long and contain three of the following elements: a
lowercase character, an uppercase character, a digit, or a special character (such as +, ?, or ∗).
7. In the Confirm Password field, retype the password for the local user.
8. (Optional) Configure the remaining local user attributes as needed. These options are described in
the online help.
• To enable the local user, select the Enabled check box.
• To add or remove secondary groups for the local user, use the Add and Remove buttons.
9. Click OK.

62 FluidFS Account Management and Authentication

Change the Primary Local Group to Which a Local User Is Assigned
The primary group to which a local user belongs determines the quota for the user.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab and expand Environment tab navigation pane, and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Local Users and Groups tab.
4. Select a local user and click Edit Settings. The Edit Settings dialog box appears.
5. From the Primary Local Group drop-down menu, select the group to which the local user is
6. Click OK.

Change the Secondary Local Groups to Which a Local User Is Assigned

Secondary groups determine Windows (SMB share) permissions.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Local Users and Groups tab.
4. Select a local user and click Edit Settings. The Edit Settings dialog box appears.
5. To add a secondary local group to which the local user is assigned:
a. In the Additional Groups area, click Add. The Select Group dialog box appears.
b. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the local group is assigned.
c. In the Group field, type either the full name of the local group or the beginning of the local group
d. (Optional) Configure the remaining local group search options as needed. These options are
described in the online help.
To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
e. Click Search.
f. Select a local group from the search results.
g. Click OK.
6. To remove a secondary local group to which the local user is assigned, select the local group in the
Additional Groups area and click Remove.
7. Click OK.

Enable or Disable a Local User

Disabling a local user prevents the local user from accessing SMB shares and NFS exports.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment, and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Local Users and Groups tab.
4. Select a local user and click Edit Settings. The Edit Settings dialog box appears.
5. Enable or disable the local user.
• To enable the local user, select the Enabled check box.
• To disable the local user, clear the Enabled check box.
6. Click OK.

FluidFS Account Management and Authentication 63

Set the Password Policy for a Local User
When password expiration is enabled, local users are forced to change their passwords after the specified
number of days.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Local Users and Groups tab, select a user in the Local Users area, and
then click Edit Password Policy.
4. The Edit Password Policy dialog box appears.
5. Enable or disable local user password expiration.
• To enable local user and administrator password expiration, clear the Password Never Expires
check box.
• To disable local user and administrator password expiration, select the Password Never Expires
check box.
6. If password expiration is enabled, in the Time for password expiration (days) field, type the number
of days after which the password will expire.
7. Enable or disable password complexity checking.
• To enable password complexity checking, select the Check Password Complexity check box.
• To disable password complexity checking, ear the Check Password Complexity check box.

When password complexity checking is enabled, passwords for local users must be at least seven
characters long and contain three of the following elements: a lowercase character, an uppercase
character, a digit, or a special character (such as +, ?, or *).
8. Click OK.

Change a Local User Password

Change the password for a local user account.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. Select a local user and click Change Password. The Change Password dialog box appears.
4. In the Password field, type a new password for the local user. The password must be at least seven
characters long and contain three of the following elements: a lowercase character, an uppercase
character, a digit, or a special character (such as +, ?, or ∗).
5. In the Confirm Password field, retype the password for the local user.
6. Click OK.

Delete a Local User

Delete a local user account when the user no longer needs to access SMB shares and NFS exports, or
manage the FluidFS cluster (in the case of an administrator based on a local user).
If the local user has an associated administrator account, you must delete the administrator account
before deleting the local user account.

64 FluidFS Account Management and Authentication

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Local Users and Groups tab.
4. Select a local user and click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.

Managing Local Groups

Create local groups to apply quota rules to multiple users. You can assign local users, remote users,
remote user groups, and external computers to one or more local groups. The primary group to which a
user belongs determines the quota for the user.

View Local Groups

View the current local groups.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Local Users and Groups tab. The local groups are displayed in the Local
User Groups list.

Add a Local Group

Add a local group containing local users, remote users, or remote user groups.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Local Users and Groups tab and click Create Local Group. The Create
Local Group dialog box appears.
4. In the Group Name field, type a name for the local group.
5. In the Local Users area, select the local users that should be assigned to the local group.
a. Click Add. The Select User dialog box appears.
b. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the local user is assigned.
c. In the User field, type either the full name of the local user or the beginning of the local user
d. (Optional) Configure the remaining local user search options as needed. These options are
described in the online help.
To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
e. Click Search.
f. Select a local user from the search results.
g. Click OK.
6. In the External Users area, select the individual remote users that should be assigned to the local
a. Click Add. The Select User dialog box appears.
b. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the remote user is assigned.
c. In the User field, type either the full name of the remote user or the beginning of the remote user
d. (Optional) Configure the remaining remote user search options as needed. These options are
described in the online help.

FluidFS Account Management and Authentication 65

To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
e. Click Search.
f. Select a remote user from the search results.
g. Click OK.
7. In the External Groups area, select the remote user groups that should be assigned to the local
a. Click Add. The Select Group dialog box appears.
b. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the remote user group is
c. In the Group field, type either the full name of the remote user group or the beginning of the
remote user group name.
d. (Optional) Configure the remaining remote user group search options as needed. These options
are described in the online help.
To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
e. Click Search.
f. Select a remote user group from the search results.
g. Click OK.
8. In the External Computers area, select the external computer account that should be assigned to the
local group.
a. Click Add. The Select Computer Accounts dialog box appears.
b. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the external computer account
is assigned.
c. In the Computer Account field, type either the full name of the external computer account or the
beginning of the external computer account name.
d. (Optional) Configure the remaining remote user group search options as needed. These options
are described in the online help.
To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
e. Click Search.
f. Select an external computer account from the search results.
g. Click OK.

Change the Users Assigned to a Local Group

Modify which local users, remote users, or remote user groups are assigned to a local group.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Local Users and Groups tab.
4. Select a group and click Edit Settings. The Edit Local User Group Settings dialog box appears.
5. To assign local users to the local group:
a. In the Local Users area, click Add. The Select User dialog box appears.
b. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the local user is assigned.
c. In the User field, type either the full name of the local user or the beginning of the local user
d. (Optional) Configure the remaining local user search options as needed. These options are
described in the online help.

66 FluidFS Account Management and Authentication

To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
e. Click Search.
f. Select a local user from the search results.
g. Click OK.
6. To assign individual remote users to the local group:
a. In the External Users area, click Add. The Select User dialog box appears.
b. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the remote user is assigned.
c. In the User field, type either the full name of the remote user or the beginning of the remote user
d. (Optional) Configure the remaining remote user search options as needed. These options are
described in the online help.
To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
e. Click Search.
f. Select a remote user from the search results.
g. Click OK.
7. To assign remote user groups to the local group:
a. In the External Groups area, click Add. The Select Group dialog box appears.
b. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the remote user group is
c. In the Group field, type either the full name of the remote user group or the beginning of the
remote user group name.
d. (Optional) Configure the remaining remote user group search options as needed. These options
are described in the online help.
To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
e. Click Search.
f. Select a remote user group from the search results.
g. Click OK.
8. To remove users or groups from the local group, select a user or group in the relevant area (Local
Users, External Users, or External Groups) and click Remove.
9. To assign external computers to the local group:
a. In the External Computers area, select the external computer that should be assigned to the local
b. Click Add. The Select Computer Accounts dialog box appears.
c. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the remote user group is
d. In the User field, type either the full name of the remote user or the beginning of the remote user
e. (Optional) Configure the remaining remote user group search options as needed. These options
are described in the online help.
To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
10. Click OK.

FluidFS Account Management and Authentication 67

Delete a Local Group
Delete a local group if it is no longer used.
Before a local group can be deleted, you must remove its members.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Local Users and Groups tab.
4. Select a group and click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.

Managing Active Directory

In environments that use Active Directory (AD), you can configure the FluidFS cluster to join the Active
Directory domain and authenticate Windows clients using Active Directory for access to SMB shares. The
FluidFS cluster supports mixed mode and native mode Active Directory configurations.

Reduce the Number of Subtrees for Searches

FluidFS allows you to narrow the number of subtrees in an LDAP tree used for searching.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Directory Services tab.
4. Click Configure External User Database. The Edit External User Database dialog box appears.
5. Select the LDAP Filters radio button, and select Enabled for the LDAP Filtering field.
6. Enter the LDAP name to be used for searching in the Filtered Branches field and click Add.
7. To use LDAP on Active Directory extended schema, select Enabled for the Extended Schema field.
8. To use LDAP over TLS to encrypt all communications with the LDAP server, select Enabled for the
LDAP over TLS field.
9. To install an LDAP certificate, select Enabled for the Install LDAP Certificate field, enter an LDAP
certificate and click Upload Certificate.
10. To use non-anonymous LDAP bind, select Enabled for the Non-Anonymous LDAP bind field, enter
the Bind DN and Bind Password.
11. Click OK.

Enable Active Directory Authentication

Join the FluidFS cluster to an Active Directory domain to allow it to communicate with the directory
service. By default, the FluidFS cluster uses the domain controller returned by Active Directory.
Alternatively, you can designate a domain controller if you want to ensure that the FluidFS cluster uses a
specific domain controller. Adding multiple domain controllers ensures continued authentication of users
in the event of a domain controller failure. If the FluidFS cluster cannot establish contact with the
preferred server, it will attempt to connect to the remaining servers in order.
• An Active Directory directory service must be deployed in your environment.

68 FluidFS Account Management and Authentication

• The FluidFS cluster must have network connectivity to the directory service.
• You must be familiar with the Active Directory configuration.
• The FluidFS cluster requires credentials from an Active Directory account for the join operation. The
join operation is the only time these credentials are required. They are not stored or cached by the
FluidFS cluster.
Use one of the following options for the account used to join the FluidFS cluster to the domain:

– Use a Domain Admin account (preferred method).

– Use an account that has been delegated the "join a computer to the domain" privilege, as well as
being delegated full control over all computer objects in the domain.
– If both of the previous options are unavailable, the minimum requirements for an account are as

* An Organizational Unit (OU) admin that has been delegated the "join a computer to the
domain" privilege, as well as being delegated full control over objects within that OU, including
computer objects.
* Before joining the FluidFS cluster to the domain, a computer object must be created by the OU
admin for the FluidFS cluster; privileges to administer are provided in the OU. The FluidFS
cluster computer object name, and the NetBIOS name used when joining it, must match.
When creating the FluidFS cluster computer object, in the User or Group field under
permissions to join it to the domain, select the OU admin account. Then, the FluidFS cluster
can be joined using the OU admin credentials.
• FluidFS clusters need read access for the tokenGroups attribute for all users. The default
configuration of Active Directory for all domain computers is to allow read access to the
tokenGroups attribute. If the permission is not given, Active Directory domain users that are in nested
groups or OUs encounter Access Denied errors, and users that are not in nested OUs or groups are
permitted access.
• The Active Directory server and the FluidFS cluster must use a common source of time.
• You must configure the FluidFS cluster to use DNS. The DNS servers you specify must be the same
DNS servers that your Active Directory domain controllers use.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Directory Services tab.
4. Click Configure External User Database. The Edit External User Database dialog box appears.
5. Click Join Domain. The Join Domain dialog box appears. If you have already joined Active Directory,
the Join operation is hidden. You must leave the domain to see the option to join.
6. In the Domain field, type a domain to join the FluidFS cluster to.
7. In the Username field, type an Active Directory account name.
8. In the Password field, type the Active Directory account password.
9. Click OK.

Related Links
Managing the System Time
Managing DNS Servers and Suffixes

FluidFS Account Management and Authentication 69

Modify Active Directory Authentication Settings
You cannot directly modify the settings for Active Directory authentication. You must remove the FluidFS
cluster from the Active Directory domain and then re-add it to the Active Directory domain.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Directory Services tab.
4. Click Leave Domain. The Leave Domain dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Join Domain. The Join Domain dialog box appears.
7. Configure the options as needed.
8. Click OK.

Related Links
Enable Active Directory Authentication

Modify Active Directory Controller Settings

The system selects which domain controllers to use automatically, based on the sites defined in Active
Directory. You can override this automatic selection and specify a list of preferred domain controllers.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the right pane, click the Directory Services tab.
4. Click Modify Active Directory Settings. The Modify Active Directory Settings dialog box appears.
5. Enter a new domain controller in the box below Preferred Domain Controller and click Add.
6. Click OK.

Disable Active Directory Authentication

Remove the FluidFS cluster from an Active Directory domain if you no longer need the FluidFS cluster to
communicate with the directory service.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
4. In the right pane, click the Directory Services tab.
5. Click Leave Domain. The Leave Domain dialog box appears.
6. Click OK.

View Open Files

You can view up to 1,000 open files.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select Client Activity..
3. In the Client Activity tab navigation pane, select Open Files. The Open Files dialog box appears.
4. A list of open files is displayed in the bottom portion of the dialog box.

70 FluidFS Account Management and Authentication

Filter Open Files
You can filter open files by file name, user, protocol, or maximum number of open files to display.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select Client Activity.
3. In the Client Activity tab navigation pane, select Open Files.
4. The Open Files dialog box appears.
5. In the top portion of the dialog box, fill in one or more of the fields listed (File name, User, Protocol,
or Number of Files to Display).
6. Click Apply Filter/Refresh. A list of open files is displayed.

Managing LDAP
In environments that use Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), you can configure the FluidFS
cluster to authenticate UNIX and Linux clients using LDAP for access to NFS exports. The LDAP database
can be provided by either an LDAP server or Active Directory.
The FluidFS clusters supports the following LDAP configurations:

• Anonymous LDAP: The connection from the FluidFS cluster to the LDAP servers is not authenticated.
The data is sent in plain text.
• Authenticated LDAP: The connection from the FluidFS cluster to the LDAP servers is authenticated
using a user name and password. The data is sent in plain text.
• LDAP over TLS/SSL: The connection from the FluidFS cluster to the LDAP servers is authenticated and
encrypted. To validate the certificate used by the LDAP server, you must export the SSL certificate
from the LDAP server and upload it to the FluidFS cluster.

Enable LDAP Authentication

Configure the FluidFS cluster to communicate with the LDAP directory service. Adding multiple LDAP
servers ensures continued authentication of users in the event of an LDAP server failure. If the FluidFS
cluster cannot establish contact with the preferred server, it will attempt to connect to the remaining
servers in order.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the Directory Services tab.
4. Click Configure External User Database in the NFS User Repository section. The Edit External User
Database dialog box appears.
5. Select LDAP.
6. In the Base DN field, type an LDAP base distinguished name to represent where in the directory to
begin searching for users. The name is usually in this format: dc=domain, dc=com.
7. In the LDAP Servers text field, type the host name or IP address of an LDAP server and click Add.
Repeat this step for any additional LDAP servers.
8. (Optional) Configure the remaining LDAP attributes as needed. These options are described in the
online help.
• To indicate that Active Directory provides the LDAP database, select the Extended Schema check
• To authenticate the connection from the FluidFS cluster to the LDAP server, select the Non-
Anonymous LDAP bind check box. Then, type the LDAP bind distinguished name used to

FluidFS Account Management and Authentication 71

authenticate the connection in the Bind DN field and type the LDAP bind password in the Bind
Password field.
• To encrypt the connection from the FluidFS cluster to the LDAP server using TLS, select the LDAP
over TLS check box.
• To validate the certificate used by the LDAP server, select the Install LDAP Certificate check box.
Then, click Upload Certificate and select the LDAP SSL certificate to upload to the FluidFS cluster.
9. Click OK.

Change the LDAP Base DN

The LDAP base distinguished name represents where in the directory to begin searching for users.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the Directory Services tab.
4. Click Configure External User Database in the NFS User Repository section. The Edit External User
Database dialog box appears.
5. In the Base DN field, type an LDAP base distinguished name. The name is usually in this format:
dc=domain, dc=com.
6. Click OK.

Add or Remove LDAP Servers

At least one LDAP server must be configured.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the Directory Services tab.
4. Click Configure External User Database in the NFS User Repository section. The Edit External User
Database dialog box appears.
5. Add or remove LDAP servers.
• To add an LDAP server, type the host name or IP address of an LDAP server in the LDAP Servers
text field and click Add.
• To remove an LDAP server, select an LDAP server and click Remove.
6. Click OK.

Enable or Disable LDAP on Active Directory Extended Schema

Enable the extended schema option if Active Directory provides the LDAP database.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the Directory Services tab.
4. Click Configure External User Database in the NFS User Repository section. The Edit External User
Database dialog box appears.
5. Enable or disable LDAP on Active Directory extended schema.
• To indicate that Active Directory provides the LDAP database, select the Use LDAP on Active
Directory Extended Schema check box.
• To indicate that an LDAP server provides the LDAP database, clear the Use LDAP on Active
Directory Extended Schema check box.

72 FluidFS Account Management and Authentication

6. Click OK.

Enable or Disable Authentication for the LDAP Connection

Enable authentication for the connection from the FluidFS cluster to the LDAP server if the LDAP server
requires authentication.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the Directory Services tab.
4. Click Configure External User Database in the NFS User Repository section. The Edit External User
Database dialog box appears.
5. Enable or disable authentication for the LDAP connection.
• To enable authentication for the LDAP connection, select the Non-Anonymous LDAP bind check
box. Then, type the LDAP bind distinguished name used to authenticate the connection in the
Bind DN field and type the LDAP bind password in the Bind Password field.
• To disable authentication for the LDAP connection, clear the Use Non-Anonymous LDAP bind
check box.
6. Click OK.

Enable or Disable TLS Encryption for the LDAP Connection

Enable TLS encryption for the connection from the FluidFS cluster to the LDAP server to avoid sending
data in plain text. To validate the certificate used by the LDAP server, you must export the LDAP SSL
certificate and upload it to the FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the Directory Services tab.
4. Click Configure External User Database in the NFS User Repository section. The Edit External User
Database dialog box appears.
5. Enable or disable TLS encryption for the LDAP connection.
• To enable TLS encryption for the LDAP connection, select the LDAP over TLS check box.
• To disable TLS encryption for the LDAP connection, clear the LDAP over TLS check box.
6. If TLS encryption is enabled, enable or disable LDAP certificate validation.
• To enable LDAP certificate validation, select the Install LDAP Certificate check box. Then, click
Upload Certificate and browse to and select the LDAP SSL certificate to upload to the FluidFS
• To disable LDAP certificate validation, clear the Install LDAP Certificate check box.
7. Click OK.

Disable LDAP Authentication

Disable LDAP authentication if you no longer need the FluidFS cluster to communicate with the directory

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the Directory Services tab.
4. Click Configure External User Database in the NFS User Repository section. The Edit External User
Database dialog box appears.

FluidFS Account Management and Authentication 73

5. Select None.
6. Click OK.

Managing NIS
In environments that use Network Information Service (NIS), you can configure the FluidFS cluster to
authenticate clients using NIS for access to NFS exports.

Enable or Disable NIS Authentication

Configure the FluidFS cluster to communicate with the NIS directory service. Adding multiple NIS servers
ensures continued authentication of users in the event of a NIS server failure. If the FluidFS cluster cannot
establish contact with the preferred server, it will attempt to connect to the remaining servers in order.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the Directory Services tab.
4. Click Configure External User Database in the NFS User Repository section. The Edit External User
Database dialog box appears.
Enable or disable NIS

a. To disable NIS, select the None checkbox.

b. To enable NIS, select the NIS checkbox.
5. In the NIS Domain Name field, type a NIS domain name.
6. In the NIS Servers text field, type the host name or IP address of a NIS server and click Add. Repeat
this step for any additional NIS servers.
7. NIS servers are listed in descending order of preference.
• To increase the order of preference for a NIS server, select a NIS server and click Up.
• To decrease the order of preference for a NIS server, select a NIS server and click Down.
8. Click OK.

Change the NIS Domain Name

The NIS domain name specifies which domain to query in the NIS directory service.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the Directory Services tab.
4. Click Configure External User Database in the NFS User Repository section. The Edit External User
Database dialog box appears.
5. In the NIS Domain Name field, type a NIS domain name.
6. Click OK.

Add or Remove NIS Servers

At least one NIS server must be configured.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the Directory Services tab.

74 FluidFS Account Management and Authentication

4. Click Configure External User Database in the NFS User Repository section. The Edit External User
Database dialog box appears.
5. Add or remove NIS servers.
• To add a NIS server, type the host name or IP address of a NIS server in the NIS Servers text field
and click Add.
• To remove a NIS server, select an NIS server and click Remove.
6. Click OK.

Change the Order of Preference for NIS Servers

If the FluidFS cluster cannot establish contact with the preferred server, it will attempt to connect to the
remaining servers in order.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the Directory Services tab.
4. Click Configure External User Database in the NFS User Repository section. The Edit External User
Database dialog box appears.
5. NIS servers are listed in descending order of preference.
• To increase the order of preference for a NIS server, select a NIS server and click Up.
• To decrease the order of preference for a NIS server, select a NIS server and click Down.
6. Click OK.

Managing User Mappings Between Windows and UNIX/

Linux Users
You can define mappings between Windows users in Active Directory and UNIX/Linux users in LDAP or
NIS. The mapping ensures that a Windows user inherits the UNIX/Linux user permissions and a UNIX/
Linux user inherits the Windows user permissions, depending on the direction of the mapping and the
NAS volume security style.

User Mapping Policies

The user mapping policies include automatic mapping and mapping rules.

• Automatic mapping: Automatically map all Windows users in Active Directory to the identical UNIX/
Linux users in LDAP or NIS, and map all UNIX/Linux users to the identical Windows users. Automatic
mapping is disabled by default.
• Mapping rules: Define mappings between specific Windows users in Active Directory and the identical
UNIX/Linux users in LDAP or NIS. These specific mapping rules take precedence over automatic
mapping. You can select the direction of the mapping, which can go in one direction or both.

– Mapping is allowed in one direction:

* Windows user to a UNIX/Linux user

* UNIX/Linux user to a Windows user
– Mapping is allowed in both directions between a Windows user and a UNIX/Linux user.

FluidFS Account Management and Authentication 75

User Mapping Policy and NAS Volume Security Style
User mapping permissions depend on the file security style for the NAS volume:

• NTFS security style: Permissions are controlled by Windows and NTFS. The UNIX/Linux user will
adhere to the permissions of the corresponding Windows user, regardless of the UNIX/Linux
permission settings.
• UNIX security style: Permissions are based on the UNIX/Linux permissions. The Windows user will
adhere to the permissions of the corresponding UNIX/Linux user.
• Mixed security style: Both UNIX/Linux and Windows permissions are used. Each user can override the
other user's permission settings; therefore, be careful when using the Mixed security style.

Managing the User Mapping Policy

Configure the FluidFS cluster mapping policy to automatically map all users or to allow mappings
between specific users only.

Automatically Map Windows and UNIX/Linux Users

Automatically map all Windows users in Active Directory to the identical UNIX/Linux users in LDAP or NIS,
and map all UNIX/Linux users to the identical Windows users. Mapping rules will override automatic

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the User Mappings tab.
4. Click Modify User Mapping Policy. The Edit User Mapping Policy Settings dialog box appears.
5. Select Automatically map SMB and NFS users with the same name.
6. Click OK.

Map Windows and UNIX/Linux Users by Mapping Rules Only

Only allow mappings between specific Windows users in Active Directory and the identical UNIX/Linux
users in LDAP or NIS.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the User Mappings tab.
4. Click Modify User Mapping Policy. The Edit User Mapping Policy Settings dialog box appears.
5. Select Map SMB and NFS users based on the Mapping Rules only.
6. Click OK.

Managing User Mapping Rules

Manage mapping rules between specific users. Mapping rules override automatic mapping.

Create a User Mapping Rule

Create a mapping rule between a specific Windows user in Active Directory and the identical UNIX/Linux
user in LDAP or NIS. Mapping rules override automatic mapping.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.

76 FluidFS Account Management and Authentication

3. In the Authentication pane, click the User Mappings tab.
4. Click Create Manual Mapping. The Create User Mapping Rule dialog box appears.
5. In the SMB User Name area, click Select User. The Select User dialog box appears.
6. Select a Windows user:
a. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the user is assigned.
b. In the User field, type either the full name of the user or the beginning of the user name.
c. (Optional) Configure the remaining user search options as needed. These options are described
in the online help.
To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
d. Click Search.
e. Select a user from the search results.
f. Click OK.
7. In the NFS User Name area, click Select User. The Select User dialog box appears.
8. Select a UNIX/Linux user:
a. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the user is assigned.
b. In the User field, type either the full name of the user or the beginning of the user name.
c. (Optional) Configure the remaining user search options as needed. These options are described
in the online help.
To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
d. Click Search.
e. Select a user from the search results.
f. Click OK.
9. Select the direction of the user mapping:
• The two users will have identical file access permissions (via any protocol)
• Enable Unix To Windows Mapping
• Enable Windows To Unix Mapping
10. Click OK.

Change the Direction of Mapping for a User Mapping Rule

Change the direction of mapping between a specific Windows user in Active Directory and the identical
UNIX/Linux user in LDAP or NIS.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the User Mappings tab.
4. Click Create Manual Mapping. The Create User Mapping Rule dialog box appears.
5. Select the direction of the user mapping:
• The two users will have identical file access permissions (via any protocol)
• Map NFS user to SMB user
• Map SMB user to NFS user
6. Click OK.

FluidFS Account Management and Authentication 77

Delete a User Mapping Rule
Delete a mapping rule between a specific Windows user in Active Directory and the identical UNIX/Linux
user in LDAP or NIS.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. In the File System pane, expand Environment and select Authentication.
3. In the Authentication pane, click the User Mappings tab.
4. Click Modify User Mapping Policy. The Edit User Mapping Policy Settings dialog box appears.
5. Select a user mapping rule and click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
6. Click OK.

78 FluidFS Account Management and Authentication

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports
This section contains information about managing the FluidFS cluster from the client perspective. These
tasks are performed using the Dell Storage Client.

Managing the NAS Pool

When configuring a FluidFS cluster, you specify the amount of raw Storage Center space to allocate to
the FluidFS cluster (NAS pool). The maximum size of the NAS pool is:

• 2 PB with one Storage Center.

• 4 PB with two Storage Centers

The usable size of the NAS pool depends on how much space the system deducts from the NAS pool for
internal use. On average, the system deducts approximately 400 GB per NAS appliance for internal use.
The exact amount of internal space varies by configuration, but it is roughly calculated as follows per
FluidFS cluster:

(256 GB ∗ number of NAS appliances) + (4 GB ∗ number of Storage Center volumes) + 20 GB + 0.5% of

the total NAS pool + (100 GB * number of NAS appliances, if data reduction is enabled)

View Internal Storage Reservations

View information about the space that the system deducts from the NAS pool for internal use.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System pane, select Maintenance.
4. In the right pane, click the Internal tab. The internal storage reservations are displayed in the Internal
Storage Reservations section.

View the Size of the NAS Pool

View the current configured size of the NAS pool.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Summary tab.
3. The configured size of the NAS pool is displayed in the NAS Pool Status section.

Expand the Size of the NAS Pool

You can increase the size of the NAS pool as your NAS storage space requirements increase, without
affecting the services to the clients. However, you cannot decrease the size of the NAS pool.
The Storage Centers must have enough capacity to allocate more storage space to the FluidFS cluster.

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 79

About this task
The maximum size of the NAS pool is:

• 2 PB with one Storage Center.

• 4 PB with two Storage Centers

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the Summary tab.
3. In the right pane, click Actions → Storage Centers → Expand NAS Pool. The Expand NAS Pool dialog
box appears.
4. In the NAS Pool Size field, type a new size for the NAS pool in gigabytes (GB) or terabytes (TB).
NOTE: The new size is bound by the size displayed in the Minimum New Size field and the
Maximum New Size field.
5. Click OK. If the container has more than one storage type, a drop-down menu will appear.
6. From the Storage Type drop-down menu, select the type of storage pool, which includes a single
data page size and a specified redundancy level.
7. Click OK. The progress of the expand NAS pool process is displayed in the Expand NAS Pool dialog

Related Links
Viewing the Status of Background Processes

Enable or Disable the NAS Pool Used Space Alert

You can enable or disable an alert that is triggered when a specified percentage of the NAS pool space
has been used.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Summary tab.
3. In the Summary tab navigation pane, select Edit NAS Pool Settings. The Edit NAS Pool Settings
dialog box appears.
4. Enable or disable the NAS pool used space alert.
• To enable the NAS pool used space alert, select the Used Space Alert check box.
• To disable the NAS pool used space alert, clear the Used Space Alert check box.
5. If the Used Space Alert check box is enabled, in the Used Space Threshold field, type a number
(from 0 to 100) to specify the percentage of used NAS pool space that triggers an alert.
6. Click OK.

Enable or Disable the NAS Pool Unused Space Alert

You can enable or disable an alert that is triggered when the remaining unused NAS pool space is below a
specified size.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Summary tab.
3. In the Summary tab navigation pane, select Edit NAS Pool Settings.
4. The Set NAS Pool Space Settings dialog box appears.
5. Enable or disable the NAS pool unused space alert.

80 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

• To enable the NAS pool used space alert, select the Unused Space Alert check box.
• To disable the NAS pool used space alert, clear the Unused Space Alert check box.
6. If the Unused Space Alert check box is enabled, in the Unused Space Threshold field, type a number
(from 0 to 100) to specify the percentage of unused NAS pool space that triggers an alert.
7. Click OK.

Managing NAS Volumes

A NAS volume is a subset of the NAS pool in which you create SMB shares and/or NFS exports to make
storage space available to clients. NAS volumes have specific management policies controlling their
space allocation, data protection, security style, and so on.
You can either create one large NAS volume consuming the entire NAS pool or divide the NAS pool into
multiple NAS volumes. In either case you can create, resize, or delete these NAS volumes.

NAS volume availability depends on the availability of the Storage Centers. If a Storage Center is offline,
storage center LUNs will not be available for the FluidFS cluster, and access to the shares and/or exports
will be lost. Correct the Storage Center problem to resume service.

The following NAS features can be configured on each NAS volume:

• File security styles

• Quota rules
• Data reduction
• Snapshots
• NDMP backup
• Replication

File Security Styles

The Windows and UNIX/Linux operating systems use different mechanisms for resource access control.
Therefore, you assign each NAS volume a file security style (NTFS, UNIX, or Mixed) that controls the type
of access controls (permission and ownership) for the files and directories that clients create in the NAS
A NAS volume supports the following security styles:

• UNIX: Controls file access using UNIX permissions. A client can change permissions only by using the
chmod and chown commands on the NFS mount point.
• NTFS: Controls file access by Windows permissions. A client can change the permission and
ownership using Windows (File Properties → Security tab).
• Mixed: Supports both NTFS and UNIX security styles. If you choose this option, the default security of
a file or directory is the last one set. Permissions and access rights from one method to another are
automatically translated. (For example, if a Windows administrator sets up file access permissions on a
file through an SMB share, a Linux user can access the file system through NFS and change all the file
permissions.) Therefore, this option is not recommended in production environments, except where
you are not concerned about file access security and just need some NAS volume space to store files

Both NTFS and UNIX security styles allow multi-protocol file access. The security style only determines
the method of storing and managing the file access permissions information within the NAS volume.

If you need to access the same set of files from both Windows and UNIX or Linux, the best way to
implement multi-protocol access is by setting up individual user mapping rules or by enabling automatic

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 81

user mapping. Ownership and access permissions are automatically translated based on user mapping
settings and file access credentials.

Modifying the file security style of a NAS volume affects only those files and directories created after the

Thin and Thick Provisioning for NAS Volumes

In addition to the thin provisioning applied to the NAS pool, NAS volumes can be thin‑provisioned. With
thin provisioning (the default), storage space is consumed on the Storage Centers only when data is
physically written to the NAS volume, not when the NAS volume is initially allocated. Thin provisioning
offers the flexibility to modify NAS volumes to account for future increases in usage. However, because it
is possible for the storage space used by the NAS volumes to exceed the Storage Center space allocated
to the NAS pool, you must monitor available capacity on the Storage Center(s) to ensure that the FluidFS
cluster always has sufficient free space available. You can also specify a portion of the NAS volume
(reserved space) that is dedicated to the NAS volume (no other volumes can take the space). The total
reserved space of all NAS volumes cannot exceed the available capacity of the NAS pool.
If a file is deleted from a thin-provisioned NAS volume, the free space as seen in Storage Manager
increases. The freed-up capacity is also visible and available to clients in the SMB shares or NFS exports.
However, the Storage Center does not report any capacity freed up in the NAS pool unless you enable
the SCSI Unmap feature.

Thick provisioning allows you to allocate storage space on the Storage Centers statically to a NAS volume
(no other volumes can take the space). Thick provisioning is appropriate if your environment requires
guaranteed space for a NAS volume.

Choosing a Strategy for NAS Volume Creation

Choosing to define multiple NAS volumes enables you to apply different management policies, such as
data reduction, data protection, file security style, and quotas, based on your needs.
Consider the following factors to help choose the right strategy based on your environment’s

• General requirements

– NAS volumes can be created, resized (increased or decreased), or deleted.

– A single NAS volume can contain NFS exports, SMB shares, or a combination of NFS exports and
SMB shares.
– The minimum size of a NAS volume is 20 MB (or if the NAS volume has already been used, the
minimum size should be more than the used space or reserved space, whichever is highest.)
• Business requirements: A company or application requirement for separation or for using a single
NAS volume must be considered. NAS volumes can be used to allocate storage for departments on
demand, using the threshold mechanism to notify administrators when they approach the end of their
allocated free space.
• Data reduction: Each NAS volume can have a dedicated data reduction policy to best suit the type of
data it stores.
• Snapshots: Each NAS volume can have a dedicated snapshot scheduling policy to best protect the
type of data it stores.
• Security style: In multiple protocol environments, it might be beneficial to separate the data and
define NAS volumes with UNIX security style for UNIX/Linux-based clients and NTFS security style for
Windows-based clients. This separation enables the administrator to match the security style with
business requirements and various data access patterns. The security style can also be set to Mixed,
which supports both POSIX security and Windows ACLs on the same NAS volume.

82 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

• Quotas: Different quota policies can be applied to different NAS volumes, allowing the administrator
to focus on managing quotas when it is appropriate.
• Client subnets: Different volumes can be restricted to different client subnets.
• Replication schedules: Different volumes can have different replication schedules and policies.
• Auditing SACL SMB Access: Different volumes can have different policies for handling Auditing SACL
SMB Accesses.

Examples of NAS Volume Creation

The following examples show how NAS volumes can be created to meet the needs of an organization
with the departments and NAS volume requirements described in the following table.

Department Security Snapshots Replication NDMP Number of Read/ Hourly

Style Backup SMB/NFS Write Mix Change %
Clients of Existing
Post UNIX Hourly No Weekly 20 20/80 1%
Administrati NTFS No No Weekly 10 50/50 None
on and
Broadcast Mixed No No Weekly 10 90/10 None
Press NTFS Daily No No 5 10/90 5%
Marketing NTFS Daily Yes No 5 50/50 None

An average read/write mix is 20/80. An average hourly change rate for existing data is less than 1%.

Example 1
Create NAS volumes based on departments. The administrator breaks up storage and management into
functional groups. In this example, the departmental requirements are different and support the design to
create NAS volumes along department lines.

• Advantages:

– The NAS volumes are easier to manage because they are set up logically.
– The NAS volumes are created to match the exact needs of the department.
• Disadvantage: The NAS volumes become harder to manage if the number of departments in the
organization increases.

Example 2
Group departments that have similar security requirements into NAS volumes. The administrator creates
three NAS volumes: one for UNIX, one for NTFS, and another for mixed.

• Advantage: The NAS volumes work separately between Windows and Linux.
• Disadvantage: Unwanted services could be provided to certain departments. For example, when the
SMB volume is backed up weekly for the administration and finance departments, the press and
marketing departments also get backups even though they do not require it.

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 83

Example 3
NAS volumes can be created based on the feature (snapshots, replication, NDMP backup, and so on).

• Advantage: The NAS volumes are created to match the exact needs for each feature.
• Disadvantage: User mapping is required. A user needs to choose one security style, either NTFS or
UNIX, and then, based on the security style chosen, the correct mapping for other users is set.

NAS Volumes Storage Space Terminology

Storage Manager displays storage space details for individual NAS volumes and for all NAS volumes
collectively. The following table defines terminology used in Storage Manager related to NAS volume
storage space.

Term Description
Size Maximum size of a NAS volume defined by the storage administrator.
Used space Storage space occupied by writes to the NAS volume (user data and
Reserved space A portion of a thin-provisioned NAS volume that is dedicated to the NAS
volume (no other volumes can take the space). The amount of reserved space
is specified by the storage administrator. Reserved space is used before
unreserved space.
Unreserved space A portion of a thin-provisioned NAS volume that is not reserved (other volumes
can take the space). The amount of unreserved space for a NAS volume is:
(NAS volume size) – (NAS volume reserved space).
Unused space Storage space that is physically currently available for the NAS volume. The
amount of available space for a NAS volume is: (unused NAS volume reserved
space) + (NAS volume unreserved space.
Overcommitted space Storage space allotted to a thin-provisioned volume over and above the
actually available physical capacity of the NAS pool. The amount of
overcommitted space for a NAS volume is: (Total volume space) – (NAS pool
With thin provisioning, storage space is consumed only when data is physically
written to the NAS volume, not when the NAS volume is initially allocated.
More storage space can be allocated to the NAS volumes than has been
allocated in the NAS pool itself.

Snapshot space Storage space occupied by snapshots of a NAS volume.

Data reduction saving Storage space reclaimed as a result of data reduction processing.

Managing the Storage Profile for a NAS Cluster or Pool

Storage Center Storage Profiles control how Storage Center manages volume data. The selected Storage
Profile dictates which storage tier accepts initial writes, as well as how data progression moves pages
between storage tiers to balance performance and cost.
For more information about Storage Profiles, see the Storage Manager Administrator’s Guide.

84 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

View the Storage Profile for the NAS Cluster or Pool
View the Storage Center Storage Profiles configured for the NAS cluster or pool. A unique Storage Profile
can be configured for each Storage Center providing storage for the FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Summary tab.
3. In the right pane, click Edit FluidFS Cluster Settings. The Edit FluidFS Cluster Settings dialog box
4. Click the SC Storage Profile tab. For each Storage Center, the Storage Profile is displayed in the right
pane in the Storage Profile drop-down menu.

Change the Storage Profile for the NAS Cluster or Pool

Change the Storage Center Storage Profiles configured for the NAS cluster or pool. A unique Storage
Profile can be configured for each Storage Center providing storage for the FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Summary tab.
3. In the right pane, click Edit FluidFS Cluster Settings. The Edit FluidFS Cluster Settings dialog box
4. Click the SC Storage Profile tab.
5. Locate the Storage Center providing storage for the NAS cluster or pool for which you want to
change the Storage Profile.
6. From the Storage Profile drop-down menu, select a Storage Profile.
7. Click OK.

Import Migrated NAS Volume Data to the Lowest Storage Tier

Migrating large amounts of data to the FluidFS cluster can cause Storage Center upper-storage tiers to fill
up, reducing write performance for other applications. If you plan to migrate data from another NAS
product to the FluidFS cluster, enable the Import to Lowest Tier option before you begin the migration.
This option temporarily configures the NAS volumes to write data to the lowest tier defined in the Storage
Profile configured for the NAS volumes, without waiting for data progression to move the data. After data
migration is complete, disable the Import to Lowest Tier option to resume normal operation using the
configured Storage Profile.

1. Configure the NAS volumes to write data to the lowest tier defined in the configured Storage Profile.
a. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
b. Click the Summary tab.
c. In the right pane, click Edit FluidFS Cluster Settings. The Edit FluidFS Cluster Settings dialog box
d. Click the SC Storage Profile tab.
e. Select the Import to Lowest Tier check box.
f. Click OK.
2. Migrate the data from the existing NAS product to the FluidFS cluster.
3. Configure the NAS volumes to resume normal operation and write data according to the configured
Storage Profile.
a. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
b. Click the Summary tab.
c. In the right pane, click Edit FluidFS Cluster Settings. The Edit FluidFS Cluster Settings dialog box

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 85

d. Click the SC Storage Profile tab.
e. Clear the Import to Lowest Tier check box.
f. Click OK.

Configuring NAS Volumes

Manage NAS volumes and NAS volume alerts.

Limit Access to Specific Client Networks

You can restrict access to a NAS volume to one or more client network subnets, so that any shares and
exports based on that volume are visible and accessible only through VIPs on those subnets.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume..
3. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
4. Click the Security tab.
5. In the Subnet Restrictions area,select the Enabled checkbox.
6. Use the add and remove links under the list of permitted subnets to add or remove subnets that are
permitted access to this NAS volume.
7. Click OK.

Optimize NAS Volume for Use as VMware vSphere Datastore

When you configure the NAS volume to use VM (virtual machine) consistent snapshots, each snapshot
creation (scheduled, manual, replication, NDMP and so on) automatically creates an additional snapshot
on the VMware server.
About this task
When enabled, if the VMware servers are defined, the NAS volume is aware that it is being used as a
repository for a VM datastore. The NAS volume creation is synchronized with relevant VM snapshot
creation in order to keep VMware data stored on the NAS volume in a consistent state.
NOTE: VM application awareness cannot be used on NAS volumes that use the global namespace
1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster..
2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS volume settings dialog box appears.
4. Select the Advanced tab.
5. Enable or disable VM consistent snapshots.
• To enable VM consistent snapshots, select the Optimize NAS Volume for use as VMware vSphere
Datastore check box.
• To disable VM conistent snapshots, clear the Optimize NAS Volume for use as VMware vSphere
Datastore check box.
6. Click OK.

Restrict Snapshot Access

You can restrict a user’s ability to access snapshot files or folders on a NAS volume.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.

86 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
5. Click the Security vertical tab.
6. Enable or disable a user’s access to a snapshot.
• To enable a user’s access to a NAS volume snapshot, clear the Limit Access to Specific Client
Networks check box.
• To disable a user’s access to a NAS volume snapshot, select the Limit Access to Specific Client
Networks check box.

– Enter a Network ID in the Allow Access Only to Users Coming from These Client Networks
box, and click Add
7. Click OK.

NOTE: Snapshot files and folders will continue to be accessible by backup operators and local
administrators even if Restrict Snapshot Access is enabled.

View NAS Volumes

View the current NAS volumes.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select NAS Volumes. The NAS volumes are displayed in the right pane
under the General tab.

Create a NAS Volume

Create a NAS volume to allocate storage that can be shared on the network. When a NAS volume is
created, default values are applied.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select NAS Volumes.
3. In the right pane, click Create NAS Volume. The Create NAS Volume dialog box appears.
4. In the Name field, type a unique name for the NAS volume.
5. In the Size field, type a size for the NAS volume in megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB).
NOTE: A NAS volume must have a minimum size of 20 MB.
6. In the Folder pane, select a parent folder for the NAS volume.
7. Click OK.

Rename a NAS Volume

Rename a NAS volume.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
4. In the Name field, type a new name for the NAS volume.
5. Click OK.
NOTE: Renaming a NAS volume impacts current NFS clients. Those clients receive stale NFS file
handle error messages. You must unmount and then remount the NFS mount point with the
new name of the volume.

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 87

Change Access Time Granularity for a NAS Volume
Change the access time granularity settings of a NAS volume to change the interval at which file-access
time stamps are updated.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
5. Click Advanced Settings.
6. In the Update File Access Time area, select the interval at which file-access timestamps are updated
by selecting the appropriate options. These options are described in the online help.
7. Click OK.

Change Permissions Interoperability for a NAS Volume

Change the permissions interoperability (file security style) settings of a NAS volume to change the file
access security style for the NAS volume. Modifying the file security style of a NAS volume affects only the
files and directories created after the modification.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
4. In the Interoperability area, select the file permissions interoperability for the NAS volume.
5. Click OK.

Enable or Disable Zero Disk Usage Reporting for a NAS Volume

When zero disk usage reporting is enabled for a NAS volume, the DU command reports 0 when the
actual allocated size of a file is unknown.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS volume settings dialog box appears.
4. Select the Space tab.
5. Enable or disable zero disk usage reporting.
• To enable zero disk usage reporting, select the Used Space Alert check box.
• To disable zero disk usage reporting, clear the Used Space Alert check box.
6. Click OK.

Change the Space Settings of a NAS Volume

Change the space settings of a NAS volume, including provisioning, size, and reserved space.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
4. From the Space Provisioning drop-down menu, select the space provisioning type (Thick or Thin).
These options are described in the online help.
5. In the Size field, type a new size for the NAS volume in megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes

88 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

NOTE: The new size must be larger than the space used by the NAS volume.
6. (For thin NAS volumes) In the Reserved Space field, type the size of the storage that is statically
allocated to the NAS volume in megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB).
NOTE: The reserved space must be smaller than the configured size of the NAS volume.
7. Click OK.

SCSI Unmap
When SCSI Unmap is enabled, deleted pages are returned to the storage pool as block or file storage.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Summary tab.
3. In the right pane, click Space Reclamation Settings
4. To enable SCSI Unmap, select the Enable SCSI Unmap checkbox.
5. Click OK.
NOTE: SCSI Unmap is supported only with Storage Center Version 6.5.1 and later.

Enable or Disable a NAS Volume Used Space Alert

You can enable an alert that is triggered when a specified percentage of the NAS volume space has been

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
4. Click Space in the left navigation pane.
5. Enable or disable a NAS volume used space alert.
• To enable a NAS volume used space alert, select the Used Space Alert check box.
• To disable a NAS volume used space alert, clear the Used Space Alert check box.
6. If a NAS volume used space alert is enabled, in the Used Space Threshold field, type a number (from
0 to 100) to specify the percentage of used NAS volume space that triggers an alert.
7. Click OK.

Enable or Disable a NAS Volume Unused Space Alert

You can enable an alert that is triggered when the remaining unused NAS volume space is below a
specified size. This an alert only, user has to maintain the space.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
4. Click Space in the left navigation pane.
5. Enable or disable a NAS volume unused space alert.
• To enable a NAS volume unused space alert, select the Unused Space Enabled check box.
• To disable a NAS volume unused space alert, clear the Unused Space Enabled check box.
6. If a NAS volume unused space alert is enabled, in the Unused Space Alert field, type a size in
megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) to specify the unused NAS volume space that
triggers an alert.
7. Click OK.

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 89

Enable or Disable a NAS Volume Snapshot Space Consumption Threshold Alert
You can enable an alert that is triggered when a specified percentage of the NAS volume space has been
used for snapshots.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
4. Click Space in the left navigation pane.
5. Enable or disable a NAS volume snapshot space consumption threshold alert.
• To enable a NAS volume snapshot space consumption threshold alert, select the Snapshot Space
Alert check box.
• To disable a NAS volume snapshot space consumption threshold alert, clear the Snapshot Space
Alert check box.
6. If a NAS volume snapshot space consumption threshold alert is enabled, in the Snapshot Space
Threshold field, type a number (from 0 to 100) to specify the percentage of used NAS volume
snapshot space that triggers an alert.
7. Click OK.

NOTE: Snapshot space is not available for NAS volumes with files processed by data reduction.

Delete a NAS Volume

After deleting a NAS volume, the storage space used by the deleted NAS volume is reclaimed by the NAS
pool. Deleting a NAS volume deletes all the files and directories as well as its properties, that is, SMB
shares and NFS exports, snapshots definitions, and so on. After it is deleted, the NAS volume cannot be
restored unless it is redefined and restored from an external backup.
• Before a NAS volume can be deleted, you must remove its SMB shares, NFS exports, replications,
quota rules, NAS volume clones, and any other reference to the NAS volume.
• Ensure that the NAS volume is not mounted and warn affected clients that the data will be deleted.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
4. Click OK.

Organizing NAS Volumes in Storage Manager Using Folders

By default Storage Manager displays NAS volumes in alphabetical order. To customize the organization of
NAS volumes in Storage Manager, you can create folders to group NAS volumes.

Create a NAS Volume Folder

Add folders to organize NAS volumes.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the right pane, click Create NAS Volume Folder. The Create NAS Volume Folder dialog box

90 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

4. In the Name field, type a name for the folder.
5. In the Parent Folder pane, select a parent folder.
6. Click OK.

Rename a NAS Volume Folder

Rename a NAS volume folder.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and right-click on a NAS volume.
3. Click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Folder Settings dialog box appears.
4. In the Name field, type a new name for the folder.
5. Click OK.

Change the Parent Folder for a NAS Volume Folder

Change the parent folder for a NAS volume folder.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume folder.
3. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
4. In the Parent Folder pane, select a parent folder.
5. Click OK.

Move a NAS Volume Into a NAS Volume Folder

Move a NAS volume into a NAS volume folder if you want to group it with other NAS volumes.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
4. In the Folder pane, select a parent folder.
5. Click OK.

Delete a NAS Volume Folder

Delete a NAS volume folder if you no longer want to group NAS volumes.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume folder.
3. In the right pane, click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
4. Click OK. If the folder contains NAS volumes, they are moved into the (default) root parent folder of
the NAS volume folder.

Cloning a NAS Volume

Cloning a NAS volume creates a writable copy of the NAS volume. This copy is useful to test against non-
production data sets in a test environment without impacting the production file system environment.
Most operations that can be performed on NAS volumes can also be performed on clone NAS volumes,
such as resizing, deleting, and configuring SMB shares, NFS exports, snapshots, replication, NDMP, and so

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 91

The clone NAS volume is created from a snapshot (base snapshot) taken on the original NAS volume
(base volume). No space is consumed by the clone NAS volume until new data is stored or it is modified.

NAS Volume Clone Defaults

The clone NAS volume will have the following default values:

• Has the same size as its base volume, is thin-provisioned, and its reserved space is 0 (and therefore it
consumes no space)
• Quota usage is copied from the base snapshot of the base volume
• Quota rules have the default definitions (as with a new NAS volume). Directory quotas have the same
definitions as the base volume at the time of the snapshot.
• Has the same permissions on folders including the root directory as the base volume
• Has the same security style and access time granularity definitions as the base volume
• No SMB shares, NFS exports, or snapshot schedules are defined

NAS Volume Clone Restrictions

The following restrictions exist with clone NAS volumes:

• You cannot create a clone NAS volume of a clone NAS volume (nested clones) unless a clone NAS
volume is replicated to another FluidFS cluster and then cloned.
• You cannot delete a base volume until all of its clone NAS volumes have been deleted.
• A snapshot cannot be deleted as long as clone NAS volumes are based on it.
• Restoring to an older snapshot fails if it would result in a base snapshot getting deleted.
• You can replicate a clone NAS volume only after the base volume is replicated. If the base snapshot in
the base volume is removed, and a clone NAS volume exists on the replication target FluidFS cluster,
replication between NAS volumes will stop. To resume replication, the cloned NAS volume on the
target FluidFS cluster must be deleted.
• You cannot create a clone NAS volume from a replication source NAS volume snapshot (a snapshot
with a name starting with rep_) or NDMP snapshot. However, you can create a clone NAS volume of a
replication target NAS volume.
• Prior to creating a clone NAS volume, data reduction and the snapshot space consumption threshold
alert must be disabled on the base volume (previously deduplicated data is allowed).
• Data reduction cannot be enabled on a clone NAS volume.
• After a NAS volume is cloned, data reduction cannot be reenabled until all clone NAS volumes have
been deleted.
• A clone NAS volume contains user and group recovery information, but not the NAS volume
• Clone NAS volumes count toward the total number of NAS volumes in the FluidFS cluster.

View NAS Volume Clones

View the current NAS volume clones.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click the Snapshots & Clones tab. The NAS volume clones are displayed in the
Cloned NAS Volume list.

92 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

Create a NAS Volume Clone
Cloning a NAS volume creates a writable copy of the NAS volume.
• The snapshot from which the clone NAS volume will be created must already exist.
• Data reduction must be disabled on the base volume.
• The snapshot space consumption threshold alert must be disabled on the base volume.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click the Snapshots & Clones tab and select a snapshot.
4. Click Create NAS Volume Clone. The Create NAS Volume Clone dialog box appears.
5. In the Name field, type a name for the NAS volume clone.
6. In the Folder pane, select a parent folder for the NAS volume clone.
7. Click OK.

Delete a NAS Volume Clone

Delete a NAS volume clone if it is no longer used.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click the Snapshots & Clones tab and select a clone.
4. Click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.

Managing SMB Shares

Server Message Block (SMB) shares provide an effective way of sharing files across a Windows network
with authorized clients. The FluidFS cluster supports SMB protocol versions 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, and 3.0.
When you first create an SMB share, access is limited as follows:

• The Administrator account has full access.

• If you are using Active Directory, the AD domain administrator has full access.

To assign other users access to an SMB share, you must log in to the SMB share using one of the these
administrator accounts and set access permissions and ownership of the SMB share.

Share-Level Permissions

The default share-level permissions (SLP) for a new share is full control for authenticated users. This
control can be modified either:

• Using the MMC tool

• In the Storage Manager Security tab of the Edit Settings panel

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 93

Configuring SMB Shares
View, add, modify, and delete SMB shares.

View All SMB Shares on the FluidFS Cluster

View all current SMB shares for the FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select SMB Shares. The SMB shares are displayed in the right pane.

View SMB Shares on a NAS Volume

View the current SMB shares for a NAS volume.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click the SMB Shares tab. The SMB shares are displayed.

Add an SMB Share

Create an SMB share to share a directory in a NAS volume using the SMB protocol. When an SMB share is
added, default values are applied for some settings. To change the defaults, you must modify the SMB

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select SMB Shares.
3. In the right pane, click Create SMB share. The Select NAS Volume dialog box appears.
4. Select a NAS volume on which to create an SMB share and click OK. The Create SMB share dialog
box appears.
5. In the Share Name field, type a name for the SMB share.
6. In the Path field, specify the directory that you want to share:
NOTE: A share path must be less than 512 characters long. Fewer characters are accepted if the
name is entered in Unicode, because Unicode characters take up a variable amount of bytes,
depending on the specific character.
• To share the root of the NAS volume, leave the Path field set to the default value of /.
• To enter an existing directory to share, type the path to the directory in the Path field.
• To browse to an existing directory to share:
Click Select Folder. The Select Folder dialog box appears and displays the top-level folders for
the NAS volume. Locate the folder to share, select the folder, and click OK.

– To drill down to a particular folder and view the subfolders, double-click the folder name.
– To view the parent folders of a particular folder, click Up.
• To enter a new directory to share, type the path to the directory to create in the Path field and
select the Create Folder If It Does Not Exist check box.
• To browse existing directories and create a new directory to share:
Click Select Folder. The Select Folder dialog box appears and displays the top-level folders for
the NAS volume. Navigate to the folder in which to create the new folder and click Create Folder.

94 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

The Create Folder dialog box appears. In the Folder Name field, type a name for the folder, then
click OK to close the Create Folder dialog box. Select the new folder and click OK.

– To drill down to a particular folder and view the subfolders, double-click the folder name.
– To view the parent folders of a particular folder, click Up.
7. (Optional) Configure the remaining SMB share attributes as needed. These options are described in
the online help.
• Type descriptive text for the benefit of administrators in the Notes field. This text is not displayed
to SMB clients.
• To prevent clients without permissions for the SMB share from being able to view the SMB share
and its folders and files, select the Access Based Enumeration check box.
8. Click OK.

Delete an SMB Share

If you delete an SMB share, the data in the shared directory is no longer shared but it is not removed.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select SMB Shares.
3. In the right pane, select an SMB share and click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
4. Click OK.

Set Share-Level Permissions for an SMB Share

Administrator can set initial permissions for an SMB share without having to log in to the share using
Windows and setting the folder security properties. To grant users share-level permission (full control,
modify, or read) for an SMB share:

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select SMB Shares.
3. In the right pane, select an SMB share and click Edit Settings. The Edit Settings dialog box appears.
4. Select Security in the vertical tab. The Edit SMB Share Settings dialog box appears.
5. Click the Add, Edit, or Remove link under the permissions table.
6. The Select Account dialog box appears.
7. Enter the required information and click OK.

Enable or Disable Access-Based Share Enumeration for an SMB Share

When SLP access-based share enumeration is enabled, if a given user or group does not have share-level
permissions for a particular SMB share, the SMB share and its folders and files will not be visible to the
user or group. When SLP access-based share enumeration is disabled, the SMB share and its folders and
files will be visible to users and groups regardless of whether they have permissions for the SMB share.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select SMB Shares.
3. In the right pane, select an SMB share and click Edit Settings. The Edit SMB Share Settings dialog
box appears.
4. Select Content in the vertical tab.
5. Enable or disable access-based share enumeration.
• To enable access-based share enumeration, select the Access Based Enumeration check box.
• To disable access-based share enumeration, clear the Access Based Enumeration check box.
6. Click OK.

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 95

Enable or Disable AES-Based Encryption for an SMB Share
Encryption requires SMBv3 or later. If you are using SMB versions earlier than v3, access to encryption-
enabled shares will be denied. To enable or disable Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)-based
encryption on an SMB share:

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select SMB Shares.
3. In the right pane, select an SMB share and click Edit Settings. The Edit SMB Share Settings dialog
box appears.
4. Select Advanced in the vertical tab.
5. In the Require AES-based Encryption field, select or cleart the Enabled checkbox.
6. Click OK.

Enable or Disable SMB Message Signing

To help prevent attacks that modify SMB packets in transit, the SMB protocol supports the digital signing
of SMB packets.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select Authentication.
3. Click the Protocols tab.
4. Click Edit SMB Security Settings in the SMB Protocol section. A dialog box appears.
5. To enable required message signing, select the Force SMB Clients Signing check box.
6. To disable required message signing, clear the Force SMB Clients Signing check box.
7. Click OK.

Enable or Disable SMB Message Encryption

SMBv3 adds the capability to make data transfers secure by encrypting data in-flight, to protect against
tampering and eavesdropping attacks.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select Authentication.
3. Click the Protocols tab.
4. Click Edit SMB Security Settings in the SMB Protocol section. A dialog box appears.
5. To enable message encryption, select the Force Encryption check box.
6. To disable message encryption, clear the Force Encryption check box.
7. Click OK.

Viewing and Disconnecting SMB Connections

You can view active and idle SMB client connections and disconnect individual SMB connections.

Display SMB Connections

To display active and idle SMB connections:

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select Client Activity.

96 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

3. In the right pane, click the Sessions tab. Under the Session Display Filter, use the protocol drop-
down All Protocols. The SMB and NFS connections are displayed.
4. To limit the display to SMB connections, select SMB from the drop-down list in the Protocol filter,
and click Apply Filter/Refresh.
5. To limit the display to active SMB connections, select None from the drop-down list in the Session
idle more than filter, and click Apply Filter/Refresh.
6. To limit the display to idle SMB connections, select a value from the drop-down list in the Session
idle more than filter, and click Apply Filter/Refresh.

Disconnect an SMB Connection

To disconnect a particular SMB connection:

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select Client Activity.
3. In the right pane, click the Sessions tab. Under Sessions Display Filter, select the drop-down for
protocol SMB. The SMB connections will display.
4. Right-click on a connection and click Disconnect. The Disconnect dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.

Using SMB Home Shares

The FluidFS cluster enables you to create a share for a user that is limited to that user. For example, when
a user "jsmith" connects to the FluidFS cluster, jsmith will be presented with any available general shares,
as well as a share labeled "jsmith" that is visible only to jsmith.

Automatic Creation of Home Share Folders

Automatic creation of home share folders automatically creates folders for users when they logs in for
the first time. The ownership of the home share is automatically assigned to the user, and the domain
administrator is automatically granted full access to the share. To enable automatic creation of home
share folders:

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select SMB Shares.
3. In the right pane, click Edit SMB Home Share Settings. The Set SMB Home Share dialog box appears.
4. Select the Enabled check box labeled SMB Home Share.
5. Select the Enabled check box for Automatic folder creation.
6. Click OK.

Manual Creation of Home Share Folders

Creation of home share folders can be accomplished with a script (user-created), batch file, or
PowerShell cmdlet that is written by the storage administrator. Alternatively, the storage administrator
can manually create these folders to provide stronger access controls to the storage administrator. The
storage administrator can decide whether some or all of the users will be given a home share.

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 97

Managing ACLs on an SMB Share Folder
When a new share root folder is created from Storage Manager on NTFS and mixed security styles, the
folder is assigned the default ACL. You can view and modify the owner, SACL, and DACL for root folders
of SMB shares using Storage Manager.

Configure SMB Home Shares

Enable SMB home shares to create a share for a client that is limited to that particular client.

1. Create an SMB share containing a user-based directory tree:

a. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
b. Click the File System tab, select SMB Shares.
c. In the right pane, click Edit SMB Home Share Setting. The Set SMB Home Share dialog box
d. Select the Enabled check box for the SMB Home Share option.
e. Click Change in the NAS Volume area. The Select NAS Volume dialog box appears.
f. Select the NAS volume on which the SMB home shares are located and click OK.
g. In the Initial path field, specify a folder that is the root of all the users’ folders, for example /
NOTE: A folder name must be less than 100 characters long and cannot contain the
following characters: >, ", \, |, ?, and *
• To type an existing folder, type the path to the folder in the Initial path field.
• To browse to an existing folder:

Click Select Folder. The Select Folder dialog box appears and displays the top-level folders
for the NAS volume. Locate and select the folder, and click OK.

– To drill down to a particular folder and view the subfolders, double-click the folder name.
– To view the parent folders of a particular folder, click Up.
• To browse existing directories and create a new folder:

Click Select Folder. The Select Folder dialog box appears and displays the top-level folders
for the NAS volume. Navigate to the folder in which to create the new folder and click Create
Folder. The Create Folder dialog box appears. In the Folder Name field, type a name for the
folder, then click OK to close the Create Folder dialog box. Select the new folder and click
– To drill down to a particular folder and view the subfolders, double-click the folder name.
– To view the parent folders of a particular folder, click Up.
h. From the Folder template drop-down menu, select the form that the user’s folders should take:
• Select /Domain/User if you want the user’s folders to take the form: <initial_path>/
• Select /User if you want the user’s folders to take the form: <initial_path>/<username>.
i. (Optional) Configure the remaining SMB home shares attributes as needed. These options are
described in the online help.
• To prevent clients without permissions for an SMB home share from being able to view the
SMB home share and its folders and files, click the Content tab and select the Access Based
Enumeration check box.

98 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

• To enable virus scanning for SMB home shares, click the Antivirus Scanners tab and select the
Virus Scan check box.
• To exempt directories from antivirus scanning, select the Enable virus scan directory
exclusion check box and specify the directories in the Directories excluded from scan list.
• To exempt file extensions from antivirus scanning, select the Enable virus scan extension
exclusion check box and specify the extensions in the Extensions excluded from scan list.
• To deny access to files larger than the specified antivirus scanning file size threshold, select
the Deny un-scanned large files check box.
• To change the maximum size of files that are included in anti-virus scanning, type a size in the
Virus scan file size threshold field in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or
terabytes (TB).
j. Click OK.
If you did not enable Automatic folder creation, perform steps 2 and 3.
2. Give ownership of the SMB home shares to the account that will create the folders (either using a
user created script or manually) for each user’s home share.
a. Using Windows Explorer, connect to the SMB home share initial path.
b. In the security setting of the SMB share, click Advanced and change owner to Domain Admins, a
specific domain administrator, or a FluidFS cluster administrator account.
c. Disconnect from the SMB home share and reconnect to it as the account that has ownership of
3. Using Windows Explorer, for each user that you want to be given a home share, create a folder for
them that conforms to the folder template you selected in Step h.

Changing the Owner of an SMB Share

When an SMB share is created, the owner of the SMB share must be changed before setting any access
control lists (ACLs) or share-level permissions (SLP), or attempting to access the SMB share. The following
methods can be used to initially change the owner of an SMB share:

• Use an Active Directory domain account that has its primary group set as the Domain Admins group.
• Use the FluidFS cluster Administrator account (used if not joined to Active Directory or Domain Admin
credentials are not available).

Change the Owner of an SMB Share Using an Active Directory Domain Account
The Active Directory domain account must have its primary group set as the Domain Admins group to
change the owner of an SMB share. These steps might vary slightly depending on which version of
Windows you are using.

1. Open Windows Explorer and in the address bar type: \\<client_VIP_or_name>. A list of all SMB
shares is displayed.
2. Right-click the required SMB share (folder) and select Properties. The Properties dialog box appears.
3. Click the Security tab and then click Advanced. The Advanced Security Settings dialog box appears.
4. Click the Owner tab and then click Edit. The Advanced Security Settings dialog box appears.
5. Click Other users or groups. The Select User or Group dialog box appears.
6. Select the domain admin user account that is used to set ACLs for this SMB share or select the
Domain Admins group. Click OK.
7. Ensure that Replace owner on subcontainers and objects is selected and click OK.
8. Click the Permissions tab and follow Microsoft’s best practices to assign ACL permissions for users
and groups to the SMB share.

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 99

Change the Owner of an SMB Share Using the FluidFS Cluster Administrator Account
If the FluidFS cluster is not joined to Active Directory, use the Administrator account to change the owner
of an SMB share. These steps might vary slightly depending on which version of Windows you are using.

1. Start the Map network drive wizard.

2. In Folder type: \\<client_VIP_or_name>\<SMB_share_name>
3. Select Connect using different credentials.
4. Click Finish.
5. When prompted, type the Administrator credentials and click OK.
6. Right-click the mapped SMB share (folder) and select Properties. The Properties dialog box appears.
7. Click the Security tab and then click Advanced. The Advanced Security Settings dialog box appears.
8. Click the Owner tab and then click Edit. The Advanced Security Settings dialog box appears.
9. Click Other users or groups. The Select User or Group dialog box appears.
10. Select the domain admin user account that is used to set ACLs for this SMB share or select the
Domain Admins group. Alternatively, the FluidFS cluster Administrator account can be used. Click
11. Ensure that Replace owner on subcontainers and objects is selected and click OK.
12. After the owner is set, unmap the network drive.
13. Remap the network drive as the account that has ownership of it, as previously set in step 10.
14. Click the Permissions tab of the Advanced Security Settings dialog box and follow Microsoft’s best
practices to assign ACL permissions for users and groups to the SMB share.

Managing ACLs or SLPs on an SMB Share

The FluidFS cluster supports two levels of access control to SMB shares, files, and folders:
• Access control lists (ACLs): Govern access to specific files and folders. The administrator can control
a wide range of operations that users and groups can perform.
• Share-level permissions (SLPs): Govern access to entire shares. The administrator controls only read,
change, or full access to an entire share.
SLPs are limited because they only address full control, modify, and read rights for any given user or
group at the SMB share level. ACLs control many more operations than only read/change/full access. Dell
recommends leaving the default setting for SLP (authenticated users has full control) and using ACLs to
control access to the SMB share, unless a specific requirement for SLPs cannot be accomplished using

A Windows administrator should follow the best practices defined by Microsoft for ACLs and SLPs.

• Do not attempt to create an SMB share using MMC. Use MMC only to set SLPs.

Automatic ACL to UNIX Word 777 Mapping

When files with Windows ACLs are displayed from NFS clients, the FluidFS mapping algorithm shows a
translated UNIX access mode. Perfect translation is not possible, so a heuristic is used to translate from
the rich Windows ACL to the 9 bits of the UNIX word. However when some special SIDs are used inside
ACL (for example, creator-owner ACE), the mapping can be inaccurate. For some applications, NFS
clients must see the exact mapping or a mapping for more permissive access. Otherwise, the NFS
applications might not perform denied operations.

100 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

This release adds an option that causes all objects with SMB ACLs to be presented with UNIX Word 777
from NFS clients (for display only). This option, which is disabled by default, can be configured under NAS
Volume settings.

NOTE: Actual data-access checks in FluidFS are still made against the original security ACLs.

This feature applies only to NAS volumes with Windows or mixed security style (for files with Windows

Setting ACLs on an SMB Share

To set ACLs, use Windows Explorer procedures. When defining an ACL for a local user account, you must
use this format: <client_VIP_or_name>\<local_user_name>

Setting SLPs on an SMB Share Using MMC

To set SLPs, you can use the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) with the Shared Folder snap-in to
set permissions. Administrators can use a predefined MMC file (.msc) from the Windows Server
2003/2008/2012 start menu and add a Shared Folder snap-in to connect to the FluidFS cluster.
About this task
The MMC does not let you chose which user to connect with a remote computer. By default, it forms the
connection through the user logged in to the machine. To connect through a different user:

• If the FluidFS cluster that you are trying to manage is joined to an Active Directory, log in to the
management station with <domain>\Administrator.
• Before using MMC, connect to the FluidFS cluster by using the client VIP address in the address bar of
Windows Explorer. Log in with the administrator account and then connect to MMC.
NOTE: You might need to reset the local administrator password first.

1. Select Start → Run.
2. Type mmc and click OK. The Console 1 - [Console Root] window opens.
3. Select File → Add/Remove Snap-in.
4. Select Shared Folders and click Add.
5. In the Shared Folders window, select Another computer and type the FluidFS cluster name (as
configured in the DNS). Alternatively, you can use a client VIP.
6. Click Finish. The new shares tree is displayed in the Console Root window.
7. Right-click the required SMB share, and choose Properties.
8. In the Share Properties window, click the Share Permission tab to set SLPs.

Displaying Security Audit Events

Storage Manager displays a centralized view of the security audit events generated in volumes where
SACL events are configured. To display security events:

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Events tab.
3. In the right pane, make your selections across the top of the pane to determine which security audit
events you want to display.

Audit SACL Access

Set Audit SACL (System Access Control List) Access to enable the type of auditing to be performed when
an object (file or directory with SACL entries) is accessed. If SACL access is not enabled for a NAS volume,

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 101

then even if a file or directory has SACL entries, the access does not generate an auditing event.
Generated events for a NAS volume can be limited to successes, failures, or both.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
3. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
4. Click Auditing in the vertical pane.
5. In the Audit File Access of SMB Users via SACL area, select On Success, On Failure, or both.
6. Click OK.

View Audit SACL Access

You can view SACL (System Access Control List) access to ensure that an auditing event is generated
when a file or directory is accessed. To view Audit SACL Access:

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. Click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
5. Click the Auditing tab. The SACL access settings for the volume are displayed in the right pane.

Accessing an SMB Share Using Windows

Microsoft Windows offers several methods for connecting to SMB shares. To access an SMB share, the
client must be a valid user (local or remote) and provide a valid password.

Option 1 - net use Command

Execute the net use command from a command prompt:
net use <drive_letter>: \\<client_VIP_or_name>\<SMB_share_name>

Option 2 - UNC path

Use the UNC path.

1. From the Start menu, select Run. The Run window opens.
2. Type the path to the SMB share to which you want to connect:
3. Click OK.

Option 3 - Map the Share as a Network Drive

Map the share as a network drive.

1. Open Windows Explorer and choose Tools → Map Network Drive. The Map Network Drive dialog
box appears.
2. From the Drive drop-down list, select any available drive.
3. Type the path to the SMB share to which you want to connect in the Folder field or browse to the
SMB share:
4. Click Finish.

102 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

Option 4 - Network
Connect to the share using the Windows Network. This option does not map the share.

1. From the Start menu, select Computer. The Computer window is displayed.
2. Click Network.
3. Locate the NAS appliance and double-click it.
4. From the SMB shares list, select the SMB share to which you want to connect.

Show Dot Files to SMB Client

You can enable or disable this setting for each SMB share. By default, the setting is enabled, which means
files with names that start with a dot character are shown to SMB clients. When disabled, files that start
with a dot are shown with a hidden flag set to SMB clients of all versions (SMB, SMB2) that access the
specific share. This setting applies to all files and folders in the system, regardless of the creation origin.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, select SMB Shares.
3. In the right pane, select an SMB share and click Edit Settings. The Edit SMB Share Settings dialog
box appears.
4. Select Content in the vertical tab.
5. Enable or disable showing files with names starting with a dot.
• To enable showing files with names starting with a dot, select the Show files with name starting
with a dot check box.
• To disable showing files with names starting with a dot, clear the Show files with name starting
with a dot check box.
6. Click Apply, then click OK.

Branch Cache
Branch cache, when properly configured in both the client computers and the FluidFS, significantly
improves performance for consecutive reads from different clients on the same network of large file over
WAN. To optimize WAN bandwidth when users access content on remote servers, branch cache reads
content from the main office and caches the content at branch office locations, allowing client
computers at branch offices to retrieve the data locally. When branch cache is configured, Windows
branch cache clients first retrieve content from the storage system and then cache the content on a
computer within the branch office. If another branch-cache-enabled client in the branch office requests
the same content, the storage system first authenticates and authorizes the requesting user. The storage
system then determines whether the cached content is still up-to-date and, if it is, sends the client
metadata about the cached content. The client then uses the metadata to retrieve content directly from
the local host of the cache, if such data exists locally.
Branch Cache Limitations

• FluidFs will not calculate hash for files smaller than 64KB, or larger than 256MB.
• The hash calculation will not be performed on read-only / full / replication destination volume.
• Branch Cache V2 segment will be a fixed size of TBD.

Configuring Branch Cache

Branch cache must be properly configured on each client that supports branch cache on the branch
office site. On Windows 7 or 8, set the appropriate group policies. Computer Configuration >
Policies > Administrative Templates > Network > Turn on BranchCache > Enabled.
On Windows 8.1, you can also configure branch cache using PowerShell cmdlets such as Enable-

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 103

BCHostedClient -ServerNames <Hosted Cache Server Name>. For more information about
branch cache configuration, refer to the technet article located at: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/
About this task
Branch cache is enabled by default. To disable (or re-enable) branch cache:
1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select SMB Shares.
4. In the right pane, select an SMB share and click Edit Settings. The Edit SMB Share Settings dialog
box appears.
5. Select Advanced in the vertical tab.
6. Select (or deselect) the Enable branch cache check box.
7. Click Apply, then OK.

Accessing an SMB Share Using UNIX or Linux

Mount the SMB share from a UNIX or Linux operating system using one of the following commands:
# mount -t smbfs -o user_name=<username>,password=<password>//
<client_VIP_or_name>/<SMB_share_name> /<local_folder>

# smbmount //<client_VIP_or_name>/<SMB_share_name> /<local_folder> -o


Managing NFS Exports

Network File System (NFS) exports provide an effective way of sharing files across a UNIX or Linux
network with authorized clients. After creating NFS exports, NFS clients then need to mount each NFS
export. The FluidFS cluster fully supports NFS protocol version 3 and all requirements of NFS protocol
versions 4.0 and 4.1.

• Supported NFSv4 features:

– File and byte-range locking

– Kerberos v5 security using an AD server
– AUTH_SYS legacy weak authentication
– UID translation using an LDAP server (UNIX or AD) or a NIS server
– UTF-8 file and directory names
• Unsupported NFSv4 features:

– Delegation of file locks to clients

– Full interoperability between NFSv3 and NFSv4 (for example, conflict resolution for locks from
clients using different protocols)
– Antivirus scanning and result caching
– LIPKEY and SPKM-3 security (not mandatory in NFSv4.1)
– Kerberos UNIX server

104 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

Configuring NFS Exports
View, add, modify, and delete NFS exports and control the maximum NFS protocol level the cluster will

View All NFS Exports on a FluidFS Cluster

View all current NFS exports for a FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select NFS Exports. The NFS exports are displayed in the right

View NFS Exports on a NAS Volume

To view the current NFS exports for a NAS volume:

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. Click the NFS Exports tab. The NFS exports are displayed.

Add an NFS Export

Create an NFS export to share a directory in a NAS volume using the NFS protocol. When an NFS export is
added, default values are applied for some settings. To change the defaults, you must modify the NFS

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select NFS Exports.
4. Click Create NFS export. The Select NAS Volume dialog box appears.
5. Select a NAS volume on which to create an NFS export and click OK. The Create NFS export dialog
box appears.
6. In the Folder Path field, specify the directory that you want to share:
NOTE: A folder name must be less than 100 characters long and cannot contain the following
characters: >, ", \, |, ?, and *.
• To share the root of the NAS volume, leave the Folder Path field set to the default value of /.
• To use an existing directory to share, type the path to the directory in the Folder Path field.
• To browse to an existing directory to share:
Click Select Folder. The Select Folder dialog box appears and displays the top-level folders for
the NAS volume. Locate the folder to share, select the folder, and click OK.

– To drill down to a particular folder and view the subfolders, double-click the folder name.
– To view the parent folders of a particular folder, click Up.
• To view a new directory to share, type the path to the directory to create in the Folder Path field
and select the Create Folder If It Does Not Exist check box.
• To browse existing directories and create a new directory to share:

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 105

Click Select Folder. The Select Folder dialog box appears and displays the top-level folders for
the NAS volume. Navigate into the folder in which to create the new folder and click Create
Folder. The Create Folder dialog box appears. In the Folder Name field, type a name for the
folder, then click OK to close the Create Folder dialog box. Select the new folder and click OK.

– To drill down to a particular folder and view the subfolders, double-click the folder name.
– To view the parent folders of a particular folder, click Up.
7. (Optional) Configure the remaining NFS export attributes as needed. These options are described in
the online help.
• Type descriptive text for the benefit of administrators in the Notes field. This text is not displayed
to NFS clients.
• To change the client access settings for the NFS export, use the Add, Remove, and Edit buttons.
8. Click OK.

Change the Folder Path for an NFS Export

Change the path to the directory that you want to share for an NFS export.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select NFS Exports.
4. In the right pane, select an NFS export and click Edit Settings. The Edit NFS Export Settings dialog
box appears.
5. In the Folder Path field, specify the directory that you want to share:
NOTE: A folder name must be less than 100 characters long and cannot contain the following
characters: >, ", \, |, ?, and *
• To share the root of the NAS volume, set the Folder Path field to /.
• To use an existing directory to share, type the path to the directory in the Folder Path field.
• To browse to an existing directory to share:
Click Select Folder. The Select Folder dialog box appears and displays the top-level folders for
the NAS volume. Locate the folder to share, select the folder, and click OK.

– To drill down to a particular folder and view the subfolders, double-click the folder name.
– To view the parent folders of a particular folder, click Up.
• To browse existing directories and create a new directory to share:
Click Select Folder. The Select Folder dialog box appears and displays the top-level folders for
the NAS volume. Navigate to the folder in which to create the new folder and click Create Folder.
The Create Folder dialog box appears. In the Folder Name field, type a name for the folder, then
click OK to close the Create Folder dialog box. Select the new folder and click OK.

– To drill down to a particular folder and view the subfolders, double-click the folder name.
– To view the parent folders of a particular folder, click Up.
6. Click OK.

Change the Client Authentication Methods for an NFS Export

Change the authentication method(s) that clients use to access an NFS export.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.

106 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select NFS Exports.
4. In the right pane, select an NFS export and click Edit Settings. The Edit NFS Export Settings dialog
box appears.
5. In the Authentication Methods area, select the check boxes for one or more authentication methods
(UNIX Style, Kerberos v5, Kerberos v5 Integrity, or Kerberos v5 Privacy) that clients are allowed to
use to access an NFS export. These options are described in the online help.
6. Click OK.

Change the Client Access Permissions for an NFS Export

Change the permissions for clients accessing an NFS export.
About this task
NOTE: The option Trust everybody is not allowed for All Clients and must be combined with a
restriction to a single client, a network, or a netgroup.
1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select NFS Exports.
4. In the right pane, select an NFS export and click Edit Settings. The Edit NFS Exports Settings dialog
box appears.
5. To add access permissions for clients accessing the NFS export:
a. Click Add. The Add Access Permission dialog box appears.
b. In the Client Machine Trust area, select an option to specify which client machines (All Clients,
Single Client, Client Machines in a Network, or Client Machines in a Netgroup) are allowed to
access the NFS export. These options are described in the online help.
c. Specify whether clients have read and write access or read-only access to the NFS export.
• To allow read and write access, select the Allow Access for check box.
• To allow read-only access, clear the Allow Access for check box.
d. From the Trust Users drop-down menu, select which client accounts (All but root, Everybody, or
Nobody) are allowed to access the NFS export. These options are described in the online help.
e. Click OK.
6. To change access permissions for clients accessing the NFS export:
a. Select an entry in the Access Details list and click Edit. The Edit Access Permission dialog box
b. In the Client Machine Trust area, select an option to specify which client machines (All Clients,
Single Client, Client Machines in a Network, or Client Machines in a Netgroup) are allowed to
access the NFS export. These options are described in the online help.
c. Specify whether clients have read and write access or read-only access to the NFS export.
• To allow read and write access, select the Allow Access for check box.
• To allow read-only access, clear the Allow Access for check box.
d. From the Trust Users drop-down menu, select which clients (All but root, Everybody, or
Nobody) are allowed to access the NFS export. These options are described in the online help.
e. Click OK.
7. To remove access permissions for clients accessing the NFS export, select an entry in the Access
Details list and click Remove.
8. Click OK.

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 107

Enable or Disable Secure Ports for an NFS Export
Requiring secure ports limits client access to an NFS export to ports lower than 1024.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select NFS Exports.
4. In the right pane, select an NFS export and click Edit Settings. The Edit NFS Export Settings dialog
box appears.
5. Enable or disable secure ports.
• To enable secure ports, select the Require Secure Port check box.
• To disable secure ports, clear the Require Secure Port check box.
6. Click OK.

Enable or Disable 32-Bit File ID Compatibility for an NFS Export

To preserve compatibility with 32-bit applications, the FluidFS cluster can force 64-bit clients to use 32-
bit inode numbers for an NFS export.

1. Click the Storage view.

2. In the Storage pane, select a FluidFS cluster.
3. Click the File System tab.
4. In the File System tab navigation pane, select NFS Exports.
5. In the right pane, select an NFS export and click Edit Settings. The Edit Settings dialog box appears.
6. Enable or disable 32-bit file ID compatibility.
• To enable 32-bit file ID compatibility, select the 32 bit file ID compatibility check box.
• To disable 32-bit file ID compatibility, clear the 32 bit file ID compatibility check box.
7. Click OK.

Delete an NFS Export

If you delete an NFS export, the data in the shared directory is no longer shared but it is not removed.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select NFS Exports.
4. In the right pane, select an NFS export and click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.

View or Select the Latest NFS Version Supported

NFS v4 is enabled or disabled on a systemwide basis. By default, NFS v4 is disabled, which forces clients
to use NFS v3 and earlier. You might want to use earlier versions if you have clients that are incompatible
with NFSv4.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab, and select Maintenance.
3. In the right pane, click the Internal tab, and then click Edit Settings. The Modify NFS Settings dialog
box appears.
4. For the Maximum NFS Protocol Supported field, click the down-arrow and select the version of NFS
that you want to use. The options are NFSv3, NFSv4.0, and NFS v4.1.

108 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

5. Click OK.

Setting Permissions for an NFS Export

To assign users access to an NFS export, you must log in to the NFS export using a trusted client machine
account and set access permissions and ownership of the NFS export using the chmod and chown
commands on the NFS mount point.

Accessing an NFS Export

Clients use the mount command to connect to NFS exports using UNIX or Linux.
NOTE: The parameters shown in the command lines are recommended parameters. See the mount
command manual page in the respective operating system for more information and other options.

Access an NFS Export With UNIX or Linux

Mount an NFS export folder with a UNIX or Linux client.

To mount an NFS export folder, from a shell on a client system, use the su command to log in as root
and run the following command:
# mount <options> <client_VIP_or_name>:/<volume_name>/<exported_folder>

Access an NFS Export With UNIX or Linux Using NFS v4

Mount an NFS export folder with a UNIX or Linux client and force the use of NFS v4.

To mount an NFS export folder and force the use of NFS v4, from a shell on a client system, use the
su command to log in as root and run the following command:
# mount —t nfs4 <client_VIP_or_name>:/<volume_name>/<exported_folder>

Access an NFS Export With UNIX or Linux Using NFS v3

Mount an NFS export folder with a UNIX or Linux client and force the use of NFS v3. If NFS v4 is enabled
on the FluidFS cluster, you can force a specific client to use NFS v3 if needed.

To mount an NFS export folder and force the use of NFS v3, from a shell on a client system, use the
su command to log in as root and run the following command:
# mount —o nfsvers=3,rsize=32768,wsize=32768 <client_VIP_or_name>:/
<volume_name>/<exported_folder> <local_folder>

Access an NFS Export With UNIX or Linux That Does Not Use TCP by Default
Mount an NFS export folder with a UNIX or Linux client that does not use TCP. Older versions of UNIX
and Linux do not use TCP by default.

To mount an NFS export folder, from a shell on a client system, use the su command to log in as root
and run the following command:

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 109

# mount —o hard,tcp,nfsvers=3,timeo=3,retrans=10,rsize=32768,wsize=32768
<client_VIP_or_name>:/<volume_name>/<exported_folder> <local_folder>

Access an NFS Export With a Mac

Mount an NFS export folder with a Mac client.

To mount an NFS export folder, run the following command:

# mount_nfs -T -3 -r 32768 -w 32768 -P <client_VIP_or_name>:/<volume_name>/
<exported_folder> <local_folder>

Global Namespace
Global namespace is a virtual view of shared folders in an organization. This feature allows the
Administrator to provide a single point of access for data that is hosted on two or more separate servers.
Global namespace is enabled by default, and can be configured using the CLI. See the Dell FluidFS
Version 5.0 FS8600 Appliance CLI Reference Guide for detailed information about global namespace

Global Namespace Limitations

• Global namespace is supported on SMB2.x, SMB3.x, and NFSv4.x clients only.
• Global namespace cannot be configured on these volumes:
– NAS volume that reached full capacity
– Replication destination NAS volume (or by any other read-only NAS volume)
• NFSv4 redirection targets support NFSv4 protocol (the remote NAS server supports NFSv4, enabling
NFSv4 redirections).
• SMB shares cannot be defined on the redirection folder directly. An SMB share is defined on a local
folder that contains the redirection folder. The redirection folder cannot be defined on SMB shared
folder (even when empty).
• Redirection folders cannot be set on non-empty directories.
• NAS virtual volume backup, restore, replication, and snapshots operations are not supported on the
remote target data. It is supported only on the redirection folders (including the redirection data
information) that reside inside the local volume data.
• After the NFSv4 or SMB client is redirected to the remote server and establishes the remote
connection, the client continues further communication with the remote server.

Additional Documentation
For more information about configuring namespace aggregation, see:
• http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/extras/m/white_papers/20442194
• http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/extras/m/white_papers/20442085

Using FTP
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used to exchange files between computer accounts, transfer files between
an account and a desktop computer, or to access online software archives. FTP is disabled by default.
Administrators can enable or disable FTP support, and specify the landing directory (volume, path) on a
per-system basis.

FTP user access to a file is defined by file permissions. FTP anonymous users are treated as nobody.
Access permission is denied or granted, depending on the file’s ACLs or UNIX access mode. FTP access

110 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

respects and interoperates with SMB/NFS file permissions: ACLs, NFSv4 ACLs, UNIX word, SID owner, and
UID ownership. FTP access to a file also considers SMB/NFSv4 open file state and byte-range locks. It
breaks oplocks when needed.

FTP User Authentication

FTP users can authenticate themselves when connecting to the FTP site or to use anonymous access (if
allowed by the FTP site). When authenticated using a user name and password, the connection is
encrypted. Anonymous users authenticate using anonymous as the user name and a valid email address
as the password.

FTP Limitations
• The number of concurrent FTP sessions is limited to 800 sessions per NAS Appliance.
• Idle FTP connections time out and close after 900 seconds (15 minutes).
• The FTP client does not follow symbolic links, NFS referrals, or SMB wide-links.
• FTP changes in directory structure (create new file, delete, rename) trigger SMB change notifications.
• FTP access triggers file-access notification events (the File Access Notification feature).
• FTP presents the underlying file system as case sensitive.
• File-name limitations:
– File names are case sensitive.
– File names cannot be longer than 255 characters.
– Names containing any of the following characters are not allowed:
* . and ..
* @Internal&Volume!%File
– Names that have a suffix of four, or multiple of three, characters between two ~ signs. For
example, ~1234~ and ~123123~ are not allowed.

Enable or Disable FTP

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System pane, click Authentication.
4. In the right pane, click the Protocols tab.
5. Scroll down to FTP Protocol and click Edit Settings. The Modify FTP Settings dialog box opens.
6. Enable or disable FTP.
• To enable FTP, select the Enable FTP Configuration check box.
• To disable FTP, clear the Enable FTP Configuration check box.
7. This dialog box also displays Landing Volume and a Landing Directory fields. To change the Landing
Volume or Landing Directory, click Select next to each field.
8. Click OK.

Using Symbolic Links

A symbolic link is a special type of file that contains a reference to another file or directory in the form of
an absolute or relative path and that affects path name resolution. Symbolic links operate transparently

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 111

for most operations: programs that read or write to files named by a symbolic link behave as if operating
directly on the target file. The symbolic link contains a text string that is automatically interpreted and
followed by the operating system as a path to another file or directory. Local file system symbolic links
are available in NTFS starting with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, but the symbolic links over
SMB are available only with SMB2.

Limitations for Using Symbolic Links

When using symbolic links, note the following limitations:

• SMB1, FTP, and NFS do not support symbolic links.

• Symbolic links are limited to 2,000 bytes.
• User and directory quotas do not apply to symbolic links.
• FluidFS space counting does not count symbolic link data as a regular file data.
• Symbolic links are not followed when accessed from snapshots view; they appear as regular files or
• If a relative symbolic link was moved to another location, it might become invalid.
• Cloning SMB symbolic links is not supported.

File Access
Symbolic links are enabled by default. You cannot configure symbolic links in FluidFS, but you can access
them using the following Microsoft tools:

• mklink – basic utility used to create both symbolic and hard links (hard links are not supported over
SMB, but locally only).
• fsutil – file system utility that enables working with reparse points and modifying symbolic links policy.

For detailed in formation about symbolic links, go to https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/


Managing Quota Rules

Quota rules allow you to control the amount of NAS volume space a user or group can utilize. Quotas
are configured on a per NAS volume basis.
When a user reaches a specified portion of the quota size (soft quota limit) an alert is sent to the storage
administrator. When the maximum quota size (hard quota limit) is reached, users cannot write data to the
SMB shares and NFS exports on the NAS volume, but no alert is generated.

Quota Types
The following quota types are available:

• Specific user quota: This quota applies only to the user. Example: A user named Karla is given a 10
GB quota.
• Each user in a specific group: This quota applies to each user that belongs to the group. Example:
Three users named Karla, Tim, and Jane belong to the Administrators group. Each user in this
group is given a 10 GB quota.
• Quota for an entire group: This quota applies to all users in the group collectively. Example: Three
users named Karla, Tim, and Jane belong to the Administrators group. This group is collectively
given a 10 GB quota, so the total combined space used by the three users cannot exceed 10 GB. If, for
example Karla uses 7 GB, and Tim uses 2 GB, Jane can use only 1 GB.

112 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

• Default per user quota: This quota applied to users for which no other quota is defined. A specific
quota for a user always overrides the default user quota. Example: Users with no other quota are given
a 10 GB quota.
• Default per group quota: This quota applies to groups for which no other quota is defined. A specific
quota for a group always overrides the default group quota. Example: Groups with no other quota are
given a 10 GB quota, so the total combined space used by each user in a group cannot exceed 10 GB.
• Quota directory: A quota‐based directory is a special type of directory that accounts for the logical
size of all its subfiles and subdirectories. This feature enables administrators to mark an empty
directory as a quota directory in order to limit the amount of total space within a NAS volume that the
directory can use. This quota can be useful for project directories that are used by diverse users.

Group Quotas and User Groups

Group quotas apply to users only when that group is their primary group. When files are counted against
a group quota, they are counted against the primary group of the user that owns the file at the time that
the file is created. If the user's primary group membership changes, the files they currently own, as well as
any files they might own in the future, will continue to be counted against the primary group of which
they were originally a member. For example, the system has two Active Directory groups, named GroupA
and GroupB. If User1 in GroupA uses 4 GB of capacity, that capacity is counted against GroupA's quota.
If User1 is subsequently moved to GroupB, that 4 GB will continue to be counted against GroupA's
quota. Furthermore, if User1 uses another 6 GB of capacity while being a member of GroupB, that
capacity will still be counted against GroupA's quota.

Conflicts Between Group Quotas and User Quotas

In the event of a conflict between a user's own quota and the per-user quota for the group to which the
user belongs, the user quota overrides the group quota. For example, if you applied a quota of 5 GB to
each user in the Administrators group, but also created a quota of 10 GB for a user named Karla
who belongs to the Administrators group, [Karla] is given a 10 GB quota.

Quotas and Mixed Security Style NAS Volumes

For NAS volumes with the mixed security style, a unique quota must be set for both the Windows (Active
Directory) users, and UNIX or Linux users (LDAP or NIS). The quotas for the Windows and UNIX or Linux
users are independent of each other even if the users are mapped (automatically or manually). For NAS
volumes with NTFS or UNIX security style permissions, only one unique quota must be set. The user
mapping functionality takes care of the cross-protocol interoperability. The Windows and UNIX or Linux
users share the same quota for both the Windows and UNIX or Linux accounts that are mapped.

Configuring Quota Rules

Quota rules allow you to control the amount of NAS volume space a user or group can utilize.

View Quota Rules for a NAS Volume

View the current quota rules for a NAS volume.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Quotas tab. The quota rules are displayed.

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 113

Set the Default Per-User Quota
Configure the quota applied to users for which no other quota is defined.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click Quota Rules → Set Default Quota Settings. The Set Default Quota Settings
dialog box appears.
5. To enable a soft quota limit, select the User Default Soft Quota check box and type a soft quota limit
in megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which an alert will be issued.
6. To enable a hard quota limit, select the User Default Hard Quota check box and type a hard quota
limit in megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which no more writing to the NAS
volume for the user exceeding the quota will be permitted.
7. Click OK.

Set the Default Per-Group Quota

Configure the quota applied to groups for which no other quota is defined.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, clickQuota Rules → Set Default Quota Settings. The Set Default Quota Settings
dialog box appears.
5. To enable a soft quota limit, select the Group Default Soft Quota check box and type a soft quota
limit in megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which an alert will be issued.
6. To enable a hard quota limit, select the Group Default Hard Quota check box and type a hard quota
limit in megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which no more writing to the NAS
volume for the group exceeding the quota will be permitted.
7. Click OK.

Add a Quota Rule for a Specific User

Configure the quota that is applied to a user.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Quotas tab.
5. Click Create User Quota Rule. The Create Quota Rule dialog box appears.
6. Select a user to which to apply the quota rule.
a. Click Select User. The Select User dialog box appears.
b. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the user is assigned.
c. In the User field, type either the full name of the user or the beginning of the user name.
d. (Optional) Configure the remaining user search options as needed. These options are described
in the online help.
To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
e. Click Search.
f. Select a user from the search results.

114 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

g. Click OK.
7. To enable a soft quota limit, select the Soft Quota check box and type a soft quota limit in
megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which an alert will be issued.
8. To enable a hard quota limit, select the Hard Quota check box and type a hard quota limit in
megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which no more writing to the NAS volume by the
specified user will be permitted.
9. Click OK.

Add a Quota Rule for Each User in a Specific Group

Configure the quota applied to each user that belongs to a group.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Quotas tab.
5. Click Create Group Quota Rule. The Create Quota Rule dialog box appears.
6. Select Any User in Group.
7. Select a group to which to apply the quota rule.
a. Click Select Group. The Select Group dialog box appears.
b. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the group is assigned.
c. In the Group field, type either the full name of the group or the beginning of the group name.
d. (Optional) Configure the remaining group search options as needed. These options are described
in the online help.
To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
e. Click Search.
f. Select a group from the search results.
g. Click OK.
8. To enable a soft quota limit, select the Soft Quota check box and type a soft quota limit in
megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which an alert will be issued.
9. To enable a hard quota limit, select the Hard Quota check box and type a hard quota limit in
megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which no more writing to the NAS volume by the
user exceeding the quota will be permitted.
10. Click OK.

Add a Quota Rule for an Entire Group

Configure the quota applied to all users in a group collectively.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Quotas tab.
5. Click Create Group Quota Rule. The Create Quota Rule dialog box appears.
6. Select Group itself.
7. Select a group to which to apply the quota rule.
a. Click Select Group. The Select Group dialog box appears.
b. From the Domain drop-down menu, select the domain to which the group is assigned.
c. In the Group field, type either the full name of the group or the beginning of the group name.

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 115

d. (Optional) Configure the remaining group search options as needed. These options are described
in the online help.
To change the maximum number of search results to return, select the maximum number of
search results from the Max Results drop-down menu.
e. Click Search.
f. Select a group from the search results.
g. Click OK.
8. To enable a soft quota limit, select the Soft Quota check box and type a soft quota limit in
megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which an alert will be issued.
9. To enable a hard quota limit, select the Hard Quota check box and type a hard quota limit in
megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which no more writing to the NAS volume by
any member of the specified group will be permitted.
10. Click OK.

Change the Soft Quota or Hard Quota Limit for a User or Group Quota Rule
Change the soft quota or hard quota limit of a user or group quota rule.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Quotas tab.
5. Select a quota rule and click Edit Settings. The Edit Quota Rule Settings dialog box appears.
6. To change the soft quota limit, type a new soft quota limit in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB),
gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which an alert will be issued.
7. To change the hard quota limit, type a new hard quota limit in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB),
gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which no more writing to the NAS volume by the user or group
exceeding the quota will be permitted.
8. Click OK.

Enable or Disable the Soft Quota or Hard Quota Limit for a User or Group Quota Rule
Enable or disable the soft quota or hard quota limit of a user or group quota rule.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Quotas tab.
5. Select a quota rule and click Edit Settings. The Edit Quota Rule Settings dialog box appears.
6. Enable or disable the soft quota limit.
• To enable the soft quota limit, select the Soft Quota check box.
• To disable the soft quota limit, clear the Soft Quota check box.
7. Enable or disable the hard quota limit.
• To enable the hard quota limit, select the Hard Quota check box.
• To disable the hard quota limit, clear the Hard Quota check box.
8. Click OK.

116 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

Delete a User or Group Quota Rule
Delete a user or group quota rule if you no longer need to control the amount of NAS volume space a
user or group can utilize.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Quotas tab.
5. Select a quota rule and click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
6. Click OK.

Create a Directory Quota Rule

Quota rules can be set on empty directories only. After the rule is set, it can be edited or deleted, but
cannot be turned off. When a rule is deleted, the directory reverts back to normal directory behavior. To
create a directory quota rule:

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click Quota Rules → Create Directory Quota Rule. The Create Directory Quota
Rule dialog box appears.
5. Enter a directory folder, or click Select Folder to display a list of available folders.
6. To enable a soft quota limit, select the Soft Quota check box and type a soft quota limit in
megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which an alert will be issued.
7. To enable a hard quota limit, select the Hard Quota check box and type a hard quota limit in
megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which no more writing to the directory tree will
be permitted.
8. Click OK.

Edit the Soft Quota or Hard Quota Settings for a Quota Directory
Administrators can enable or disable the hard and soft quota limits as well as change the quota values for
a quota directory.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Quotas tab.
5. Select a quota rule and click Edit Settings. The Edit Settings dialog box appears.
6. To delete the soft quota rule, clear the Soft Quota Enabled check box.
7. To delete the hard quota rule, clear the Hard Quota Enabled check box.
8. To change the soft quota limit, type a new soft quota limit in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB),
gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which an alert will be issued.
9. To change the hard quota limit, type a new hard quota limit in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB),
gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB) at which no more writing to the NAS volume will be permitted.
10. Click OK.

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 117

After setting up or changing a soft or hard quota limit on a quota directory, the space usage value
displayed on an SMB/Windows client is a function of the quota usage, but the NFS mount points
space usage reporting remains a function of the directory tree usage.

Delete Quota Settings for a Quota Directory

Administrators can delete quota rules for a quota directory.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Quotas tab.
5. Select a quota rule and click Delete. The Delete confirmation dialog box appears.
6. Click OK.

Managing Data Reduction

Data reduction is enabled on a per NAS volume basis. The FluidFS cluster supports two types of data

• Data deduplication: Uses algorithms to eliminate redundant data, leaving only one copy of the data
to be stored. The FluidFS cluster uses variable-size block level deduplication as opposed to file level
deduplication or fixed-size block level deduplication.
• Data compression: Uses algorithms to reduce the size of stored data.

Data reduction also provides space savings for snapshots taken after files have been reduced. The
minimum file size to be considered for data reduction processing is 64 KB. Data reduction is applied per
NAS controller, that is, the same chunks of data that are owned by the different NAS controllers are not
considered duplicates.

Because quotas are based on logical rather than physical space consumption, data reduction does not
affect quota calculations.

If you disable data reduction, data remains in its reduced state during subsequent read operations by
default. You have the option to enable rehydrate-on-read when disabling data reduction, which causes a
rehydration (the reversal of data reduction) of data on subsequent read operations. You cannot rehydrate
an entire NAS volume in the background, although you could accomplish this task by reading the entire
NAS volume.

Date Reduction Age-Based Policies and Archive Mode

By default, data reduction is applied only to files that have not been accessed or modified for 30 days to
minimize the impact of data reduction processing on performance. The number of days after which data
reduction is applied to files is configurable using Storage Manager. By default, the number of days is set
to 30, but can be changed to as low as 5 days.
It is also possible to start data reduction processing immediately (archive mode). Archive mode should be
used only for proof-of-concept installations or in scenarios where data will rarely be accessed after it is
written to the file system (such as backup-to-disk workloads). Archive mode can be enabled and disabled
using the command-line interface only. To enable archive mode, set the option
DataReductionFilesFilterType to AllFiles. For example:

118 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

NAS-volumes edit data-reduction vol1 -EnableDataReduction Yes
‑DataReductionFilesFilterType AllFiles.

For more information about enabling and disabling archive mode, see the Dell FluidFS Version 5.0
FS8600 Appliance CLI Reference Guide.

Data Reduction Considerations

Consider the following factors when enabling data reduction:

• Data reduction processing has a 5-20% impact on the performance of read operations on reduced
data. It does not have any impact on write operations or read operations on normal data.
• Storage Center data progression is impacted. After data reduction processing, the Storage
Centermigrate reduced data up to Tier 1 disks.
• Increased internal traffic during data reduction processing.
• Data is rehydrated for antivirus scanning.
• Data is rehydrated before being replicated to a target NAS volume. If replication is already configured,
the data being reduced was already replicated
• You cannot enable data reduction on a clone NAS volume.
• Data reduction stops automatically when a NAS volume has less than 5 GB of unused space.
Therefore, a NAS volume resize can inadvertently stop data reduction.

Configuring Data Reduction

Data reduction must be enabled at the system level and configured on a per NAS volume basis.

Enable or Disable Data Reduction on the FluidFS Cluster

Data reduction must be enabled at the system level before it will run on NAS volumes on which data
reduction is enabled. To minimize the impact of data reduction processing on system performance,
schedule data reduction to run during off-peak times.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. Click NAS Volumes.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
5. Click Data Reduction in the vertical tabs.
6. Enable or disable data reduction on the FluidFS cluster.
• To enable data reduction on the FluidFS cluster, select the Enable Data Reduction check box.
• To disable data reduction on the FluidFS cluster, clear the Enable Data Reduction check box.
7. Click OK.

Enable Data Reduction on a NAS Volume

Data reduction is enabled on a per NAS volume basis.
Data reduction must be enabled at the system level before it can run on individual NAS volumes.
1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster .
2. Click the File System tab.

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 119

3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
5. Click the Data Reduction vertical tab and click the Data Reduction Enabled check box.
6. For the Data Reduction Method field, select the type of data reduction (Deduplication or
Deduplication and Compression) to perform. Deduplication and compression will usually save more
space, but more resources will be used during data reduction and during reads of data that was
compressed, possibly reducing performance.
7. (Optional) Configure the remaining data reduction attributes as needed. These options are described
in the online help.
• To change the number of days after which data reduction is applied to files that have not been
accessed, type the number of days in the Exclude Files Accessed in the Last field. The number of
days must be at least 5.
• To change the number of days after which data reduction is applied to files that have not been
modified, type the number of days in the Exclude Files Modified in the Last field. The number of
days must be at least 5.
8. Click OK.

Change the Data Reduction Type for a NAS Volume

Change the data reduction type (Deduplication or Deduplication and Compression) for a NAS volume.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
5. Click the Data Reduction vertical tab.
6. For the Data Reduction Method field, select the type of data reduction (Deduplication or
Deduplication and Compression) to perform. Deduplication and compression will usually save more
space, but more resources will be used during data reduction and during reads of data that was
compressed, possibly reducing performance.
7. Click OK.

Change the Candidates for Data Reduction for a NAS Volume

Change the number of days after which data reduction is applied to files that have not been accessed or
modified for a NAS volume.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit NAS Volume Settings dialog box appears.
5. To change the number of days after which data reduction is applied to files that have not been
accessed, type the number of days in the Exclude Files Accessed in the Last field. The number of
days must be at least 5.
6. To change the number of days after which data reduction is applied to files that have not been
modified, type the number of days in the Exclude Files Modified in the Last field. The number of days
must be at least 5.
7. Click OK.

Disable Data Reduction on a NAS Volume

By default, after disabling data reduction on a NAS volume, data remains in its reduced state during
subsequent read operations. You have the option to enable rehydrate-on-read when disabling data

120 FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports

reduction, which causes a rehydration (the reversal of data reduction) of data on subsequent read

1. Click the Storage view.

2. In the Storage pane, select a FluidFS cluster.
3. Click the File System tab.
4. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
5. In the right pane, click Edit Data Reduction Settings. The Edit Data Reduction Settings dialog box
6. Clear the Data Reduction check box.
7. To rehydrate data on subsequent read operations, select the Rehydrate on Read check box.
8. Click OK.

Viewing Data Reduction Savings

Storage Manager displays data reduction savings for individual NAS volumes and for the FluidFS cluster.

View Data Reduction Savings for a FluidFS Cluster

View the amount (in megabytes) and percentage of storage space reclaimed for a FluidFS cluster as a
result of data reduction processing.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab. The data reduction savings are displayed in the Data Reduction Saving
field in the right pane in the NAS Pool Status section.

View Data Reduction Savings for a NAS Volume

View the amount (in megabytes) of storage space reclaimed for a NAS volume as a result of data
reduction processing.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume. The data
reduction savings are displayed in the Data Reduction Saving field in the right pane.

FluidFS NAS Volumes, Shares, and Exports 121

FluidFS Data Protection
This section contains information about protecting FluidFS cluster data. Data protection is an important
and integral part of any storage infrastructure. These tasks are performed using the Dell Storage Client.

Managing Antivirus
The FluidFS cluster antivirus service provides real-time antivirus scanning of files stored in SMB shares.
The antivirus service applies only to SMB shares; NFS is not supported. The scan operation is transparent
to the client, subject to the availability of an antivirus server.
Files are scanned when a client tries to read or execute the file.

The antivirus service consists of two components:

• Antivirus servers — one or more network-accessible computers running a supported third-party,

ICAP-enabled antivirus application to provide the antivirus scanning service to the FluidFS cluster.
• A FluidFS cluster antivirus scanning policy specifies file extensions and directories to exclude from
scans, an antivirus scanning file size threshold, and whether to allow or deny access to files larger
than the file size threshold.

When an SMB share client requests a file from the FluidFS cluster, the cluster passes the file to an antivirus
server for scanning and then takes one of the following actions:

• If the file is virus-free, the FluidFS cluster permits client access. The FluidFS cluster does not scan that
file again, providing it remains unmodified since the last check.
• If the file is infected, the FluidFS cluster denies client access. The client does not know that the file is
infected. Therefore:

– A file access returns a system-specific file not found state for a missing file, depending on
the client's computer.
– An access denial might be interpreted as a file permissions problem.

Figure 4. Antivirus Scanning

Only storage administrators can recover an uninfected version of the file, or access and process the
infected file. To gain access to an infected file, you must connect to the SMB share through another SMB
share on which the antivirus service is disabled. Otherwise, the FluidFS cluster recognizes the file as
infected, and denies access. You can also access the file through an NFS export, because NFS does not
support antivirus scanning.

FluidFS Data Protection 123

File transfers between the FluidFS cluster and the anti-virus server are not encrypted, so communication
should be protected or restricted.

Supported Anti-Virus Applications

For the latest list of supported anti-virus applications, see the Dell Fluid File System Version 5 Support

Configuring AntiVirus Scanning

To perform antivirus scanning, you must add an antivirus server and then enable antivirus scanning on a
per SMB share basis.
NOTE: If any of the external services are configured with IPv6 link-local addresses, the monitor will
always show these services as Unavailable.

Add an Antivirus Server

Add one or more antivirus servers. Add multiple antivirus servers to achieve high-availability of virus
scanning, and reduce the latencies for file access. NAS antivirus allocates scanning operations to the anti-
irus servers to maximize the available scanning bandwidth. The fewer the available antivirus servers, the
more time required to scan files.
• The antivirus server must be network accessible. The server should be located on the same subnet as
the FluidFS cluster.
• The antivirus server must run a supported ICAP-enabled antivirus application.
• The antivirus server must be present and working. If no server is available, file access is denied to

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Data Protection.
4. In the right pane, click the AntiVirus tab.
5. Click Add AntiVirus Scanner. The Add AntiVirus Scanner dialog box appears.
6. In the Name field, type the host name or IP address of the antivirus server.
7. In the Port field, type the port that the FluidFS cluster uses to connect to the antivirus server. The
default port number is 1344.
8. Click OK.

Delete an Antivirus Server

Delete an antivirus server when it is no longer available.
If you have only one antivirus server, you cannot delete that server until you first disable antivirus
scanning on all SMB shares.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Data Protection.

124 FluidFS Data Protection

4. In the right pane, click the AntiVirus tab.
5. Select an antivirus server and click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
6. Click OK.

Enable or Disable Antivirus Scanning for an SMB Share

Antivirus scanning is enabled or disabled on a per SMB share basis.
You must configure antivirus servers before enabling anti-virus scanning for an SMB share.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select SMB Shares.
4. In the right pane, select an SMB share and click Edit Settings. The Edit SMB Share Settings dialog
box appears.
5. In the Edit SMB Share Settings navigation pane, select AntiVirus Scanners.
6. Enable or disable Virus Scan:
• To enable Virus Scan, select the Enabled checkbox.
• To disable Virus Scan, clear the Enabled checkbox.
7. (Optional) If you are enabling Virus Scan, configure the remaining anti-virus scanning attributes as
needed. These options are described in the online help.
• To exempt directories from antivirus scanning, select the Folders Filtering check box and specify
the directories in the Directories excluded from scan list.
• To exempt file extensions from antivirus scanning, select the File Extension Filtering check box
and specify the extensions in the Extensions excluded from scan list.
• To change the maximum size of files that are included in antivirus scanning, type a size in the Do
not scan files larger than field in megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), terabytes (TB), or petabytes
• To deny access to files larger than the specified anti-virus scanning file size threshold, select the
Deny access to unscanned files check box.
8. Click OK.

Change the Antivirus Scanning File Size Threshold for an SMB Share
Change the maximum size of files that are included in antivirus scanning for an SMB share.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select SMB Shares.
4. In the right pane, select an SMB share and click Edit Settings. The Edit SMB Share Settings dialog
box appears.
5. In the Edit SMB Share Settings navigation pane, selectAntiVirus Scanners.
6. In the Do not scan files larger than field, type a file size in megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), terabytes
(TB), or petabytes (PB).
7. Click OK.

FluidFS Data Protection 125

Include or Exclude File Extensions and Directories in Antivirus Scanning for an SMB Share
Specify whether to perform antivirus scanning for all file extensions and directories for an SMB share, or
exempt some file extensions and directories from antivirus scanning.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select SMB Shares.
4. In the right pane, select an SMB share and click Edit Settings. The Edit SMB Share Settings dialog
box appears.
5. In the Edit SMB Share Settings vertical navigation panel, select AntiVirus Scanners.
6. Specify whether to perform antivirus scanning for all file extensions or exempt the specified file
extensions from antivirus scanning.
• To perform antivirus scanning for all file extensions, clear the File Extension Filtering check box.
• To exempt the specified file extensions from antivirus scanning, select the File Extension Filtering
check box.
7. To specify file extensions to exempt from antivirus scanning, add or remove file extensions in the File
Extensions field.
• To add a file extension to the antivirus scanning exemption list, type a file extension (for example,
docx) in the File Extensions text field and click Add.
• To remove a file extension from the antivirus scanning exemption list, select a file extension and
click Remove.
8. Specify whether to perform antivirus scanning for all directories or exempt the specified directories
from antivirus scanning.
• To perform antivirus scanning for all directories, clear the Folder Filtering check box.
• To exempt the specified directories from antivirus scanning, select the Folder Filtering check box.
9. To specify directories to exempt from antivirus scanning, add or remove directories in the anti-virus
scanning exemption list.
• To browse the directory and locate a directory to exempt from antivirus scanning, click Select.
The Select Folder dialog box appears and displays the top-level folders for the SMB share. Locate
the folder to exempt, select the folder, click OK to close the Select Folder dialog box, and then
click Add.

– To drill down into a particular folder and view the subfolders, double-click the folder name.
– To view the parent folders of a particular folder, click Up.
• To type a directory to exempt from antivirus scanning, type a directory (for example, /folder/
subfolder) in the Folders text field, and then click Add.
• To remove a directory from the antivirus scanning exemption list, select a directory and click
10. Click OK.

Excluding Files and Directory Paths from Scans

You can control what files and directory paths are scanned as follows:

• Extensions excluded from scan: Specifies file extensions (file types) to exclude from scanning, such as
• Directories excluded from scan: Specifies directory paths to exclude from scanning, such as /tmp/
logs (alternatively, folders and sub-folders).

126 FluidFS Data Protection

Viewing Antivirus Events
Events related to antivirus scanning can be viewed using Storage Manager.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Summary tab. The antivirus scanning events are displayed in the Recent Events area.

Managing Snapshots
Snapshots are read-only, point-in-time copies of NAS volume data. Storage administrators can restore a
NAS volume from a snapshot if needed. In addition, clients can easily retrieve files in a snapshot, without
storage administrator intervention.
Snapshots use a redirect-on-write method to track NAS volume changes. That is, snapshots are based on
a change set. When the first snapshot of a NAS volume is created, all snapshots created after the baseline
snapshot contain changes from the previous snapshot.

Various policies can be set for creating a snapshot, including when a snapshot is to be taken and how
long to keep snapshots. For example, mission-critical files with high churn rates might need to be backed
up every 30 minutes, whereas archival shares might only need to be backed up daily.

If you configure a NAS volume to use VM-consistent snapshots, each snapshot creation operation such
as scheduled, manual, replication, or NDMP automatically creates a snapshot on the VMware server. This
feature enables you to restore the VMs to the state they were in before the NAS volume snapshot was

Because snapshots consume space on the NAS volume, ensure that you monitor available capacity on
the NAS volume and schedule and retain snapshots in a manner that ensures that the NAS volume always
has sufficient free space available for both user data and snapshots. Also, to be informed when snapshots
are consuming significant NAS volume space, enable a snapshot consumption alert.

The FluidFS cluster automatically deletes one or more snapshots for a NAS volume in the following cases:

• If you delete a NAS volume, the FluidFS cluster deletes all of the snapshots for the NAS volume.
• If you restore a NAS volume from a snapshot, the FluidFS cluster deletes all the snapshots created
after the snapshot from which you restored the NAS volume.

Dedicated FluidFS Replay Profiles

For FluidFS deployments, Enterprise Manager creates a dedicated FluidFS replay that is automatically
assigned to FluidFS LUNs (storage volumes). The profile setting defaults to Daily, and the retention policy
is to delete after 25 hours.

Creating On-Demand Snapshots

Create a NAS volume snapshot to take an immediate point-in-time copy of the data.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Snapshots & Clones tab.
5. Click Create Snapshot. The Create Snapshot dialog box appears.

FluidFS Data Protection 127

6. In the Snapshot Name field, type a name for the snapshot.
7. (Optional) Configure the remaining snapshot attributes as needed. These options are described in the
online help.
• To retain the snapshot indefinitely, clear the Enable Expiration check box.
• To expire the snapshot in the future, select the Enable Expiration check box and specify a day
and time on which to expire the snapshot.
8. Click OK.

Managing Scheduled Snapshots

You can create a schedule to generate snapshots regularly. To minimize the impact of snapshot
processing on system performance, schedule snapshots during off-peak times. Snapshots created by a
snapshot schedule are named using this format <snapshot_schedule_name>_YYYY_MM_DD__HH_MM

Create a Snapshot Schedule for a NAS Volume

Create a NAS volume snapshot schedule to take a scheduled point-in-time copy of the data.

1. Click the Storage view.

2. In the Storage pane, select a FluidFS cluster.
3. Click the File System tab.
4. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
5. In the right pane, click the Snapshots & Clones tab.
6. Click Create Snapshot Schedule. The Create Snapshot Schedule dialog box appears.
7. In the Schedule Name field, type a name for the snapshot schedule.
8. Specify when to create snapshots.
• To create a snapshot based on a period of time, select the Take snapshot every option and type
the frequency in minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
• To create a snapshot based on day and time, select the Take snapshot on option and select the
days and times.
9. (Optional) Configure the remaining snapshot schedule attributes as needed. Replication provides
three different snapshot retention policies: Identical (default), No history, and Archive with Retention
Period in Days. These options are described in the online help.
• To retain all snapshots that are created by the snapshot schedule indefinitely, clear the Take
snapshot every option.
• To expire the snapshots that are created by the snapshot schedule in the future, select the Take
snapshot every option and specify the retention period for snapshots in minutes, hours, days, or
weeks in the adjacent fields.

Storage Manager has a Retain Each Snapshot for checkbox. When enabled, you can specify a value
for minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
10. Click OK.

Change the Snapshot Frequency for a Snapshot Schedule

Change how often to create snapshots for a snapshot schedule.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Snapshots & Clones tab.

128 FluidFS Data Protection

5. Select a snapshot schedule and click Edit Settings. The Edit Snapshot Schedule dialog box appears.
6. Specify when to create snapshots.
• To create a snapshot based on a period of time, select the Take snapshot every option and type
the frequency in minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
• To create a snapshot based on day and time, select the Take snapshot on option and select the
days and times.
7. Click OK.

Change the Retention Policy for a Snapshot Schedule

Specify whether to retain all snapshots that are created by a snapshot schedule or expire the snapshots
after a period of time.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Snapshots & Clones tab.
5. Click Edit Settings. The Edit Settings dialog box appears.
6. Specify the retention policy.
NOTE: Replication using current snapshot — An option of the “archive” retention policy that
affects setting up a new replication of a volume. You can replicate using the current snapshot,
rather than replicating from all the previous snapshots.
• To retain the snapshot indefinitely, clear the Enable Expiration check box in the Archive section.
• To expire the snapshot in the future, select the Enable Expiration check box in the Archive
section, and specify a day and time on which to expire the snapshot.
7. Click OK.

Delete a Snapshot Schedule

Delete a snapshot schedule if you no longer want to take a scheduled point-in-time copy of the data.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Snapshots & Clones tab and select a snapshot schedule.
5. Click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
6. Click OK.

Modifying and Deleting Snapshots

Manage snapshots that were created on demand or by a schedule.

Rename a Snapshot
Rename a snapshot.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Snapshots & Clones tab.
5. Select a snapshot and click Edit Settings. The Edit Snapshot Settings dialog box appears.

FluidFS Data Protection 129

6. In the Name field, type a new name for the snapshot.
7. Click OK.

Change the Retention Policy for a Snapshot

Specify whether to retain the snapshot indefinitely or expire the snapshot after a period of time.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Snapshots & Clones tab.
5. Select a snapshot and click Edit Settings. The Edit Snapshot Settings dialog box appears.
6. Specify the retention policy:
• To retain the snapshot indefinitely, clear the Enable Expiration check box.
• To expire the snapshot in the future, select the Enable Expiration check box and specify a day
and time on which to expire the snapshot.
7. Click OK.

Delete a Snapshot
Delete a snapshot if you no longer need the point-in-time copy of the data.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Snapshots & Clones tab.
5. Select a snapshot and click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
6. Click OK.

Restoring Data from a Snapshot

You can restore data in two ways:

• Restore individual files: After a snapshot is created, the FluidFS cluster creates a client-accessible
snapshots directory containing a copy of the files included in the snapshot. Clients can easily restore
individual files from a snapshot using copy and paste, without storage administrator intervention. This
method is useful for the day-to-day restore activities of individual files.
• Restore a NAS volume from a snapshot: The storage administrator can restore an entire NAS volume
by rolling the state back to the time of an existing snapshot. This method is useful in the case of an
application error or virus attacks.

Snapshots retain the same security style as the active file system. Therefore, even when using snapshots,
clients can access only their own files based on existing permissions. The data available when accessing a
specific snapshot is at the level of the specific share and its subdirectories, ensuring that users cannot
access other parts of the file system.

View Available Snapshots

View snaphots available for restoring data.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.

130 FluidFS Data Protection

4. In the right pane, click the Snapshots & Clones tab. The snapshots are displayed in the Snapshots

Restore a NAS Volume from a Snapshot

The storage administrator can restore an entire NAS volume from a snapshot. The restored NAS volume
will contain all the NAS volume data that existed at the time the snapshot was created. Each file in the
restored NAS volume will have the properties, such as permission and time, that existed when you (or a
schedule) created the snapshot.
About this task
CAUTION: The restore operation cannot be undone. Any data created or changed between the
time of the snapshot and when the restore operation is completed is permanently erased. You
should restore a NAS volume from a snapshot only if you first understand all the repercussions of
the restore operation.
After you restore a NAS volume from a snapshot:

• The FluidFS cluster deletes any snapshots created after the snapshot from which you restored the
NAS volume. Snapshots created before the snapshot from which you restored the NAS volume are
not affected.
• Current SMB clients of the NAS volume are automatically disconnected.
• Current NFS clients of the NAS volume receive stale NFS file handle error messages. You must
unmount and then remount the NFS exports.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Snapshots & Clones tab.
5. Select a snapshot and click Restore NAS Volume. The Restore NAS Volume dialog box appears.
6. Click OK.

Option 1 - Restore Files Using UNIX, Linux, or Windows

This restore option allows clients to restore a file from a snapshot using copy and paste.

1. Access the NFS export or SMB share.

2. Access the .snapshots directory.
3. Find the snapshot according to its time of creation.
4. Copy the file to its original location.

Option 2 - Restore Files Using Windows Only

Snapshots integrate into the Shadow Copies and previous versions features of Windows. This restore
option allows clients to restore a file using previous versions.

1. Right-click the file, select Properties, and then click the Previous Versions tab. A list containing
available previous versions of the file is displayed.
2. Click the version to restore, and then click Restore.

FluidFS Data Protection 131

Disabling Self-Restore
1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. Select a NAS volume and click Edit Settings.
4. In the left navigation pane, select Security.
5. To allow user access to snapshots content, enable the Access to Snapshot Contents checkbox. To
prevent user access to snapshot content, clear the Access to Snapshot Content checkbox.
6. Click OK.

Managing NDMP
The FluidFS cluster supports Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP), which is an open standard
protocol that facilitates backup operations for network attached storage, including FluidFS cluster NAS
volumes. NDMP should be used for longer-term data protection, such as weekly backups with long
retention periods.
The FluidFS cluster supports remote and three-way backup architecture implementations, wherein a
supported, external Data Management Application (DMA) server mediates the data transfer between the
FluidFS cluster and the storage device. The FluidFS cluster supports full, differential, and incremental
NDMP Level Based Backup (levels 0-9), Full, Incremental/Differential Token Based Backup, and Direct
Access Recovery (DAR). The FluidFS cluster supports NDMP versions 2, 3, and 4 (default mode).

The FluidFS cluster includes an NDMP server that is responsible for the following operations:

• Processing all NDMP backup and restore requests sent from DMA servers
• Sending all NDMP replies and notification messages to DMA servers
• Transferring data over the network to or from remote NDMP tape or data servers

The NDMP server handles all communications with the DMA servers and other NDMP devices through an
XDR encoded TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) data stream.

The NDMP server supports two backup types:

• dump: Generates inode-based NDMP file history

• tar: Generates path-based NDMP file history

The backup type is controlled by the NDMP environment variable TYPE. Both backup types support the
same functionalities, but the tar backup type might be able to process the information more efficiently
for certain DMA servers.

Incremental Backups
Each time a backup is performed, the NDMP server stores the timestamp for the backup. When the
NDMP server performs an incremental backup, it uses the timestamp stored for the previous full or
incremental backup to determine if a directory or file needs to be included.

132 FluidFS Data Protection

Both supported backup types (dump and tar) support incremental backup. The algorithm for traversing
the backup target directory is the same. However, because inode-based file history generation has
different requirements to support DAR, the backup data stream generated is different:

• dump: Each directory visited will be backed up and a file history entry will be generated. It does not
matter whether the directory has changed.
• tar: Backs up and generates a file history entry only for the directories that have changed.

Therefore, the amount of data backed up using a tar backup will be less than that of a dump backup. The
size difference depends on the number of directories in the backup data set.

NDMP Two-Way Backup

FluidFS supports two-way NDMP configurations where the tape device is directly attached to the data
host, either physically or through a fast internal network. The data service and the tape service both
reside on the same NDMP server, and the data connection is internal to the NDMP server. Both data and
tape control commands are communicated through one control connection from the DMA to the NDMP

NOTE: iSCSI solutions do not support the direct attach NDMP feature.

Figure 5. Two-Way configuration

NOTE: If a controller loses the connectivity to the tape, the NDMP session assigned to the controller
will fail.

Configuring and Adjusting NDMP Two-Way Backup

Tape Connectivity
You must define the zoning so that the FC-attached tape drive can be seen by the HBAs on all NAS
controllers. Dell recommends that the drives be available through every HBA port so that you can choose
which port to use for each backup, and balance the load between HBA ports.

FluidFS Data Protection 133

NOTE: The Linux multipathing driver does not support character devices; tape devices cannot be
multipathed. You must choose a specific SCSI device, which uses a specific HBA port for each
backup job.

Adding a Tape Device

1. Click the storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, click Data Protection.
4. Click the Backup tab and scroll down to Tape Devices.
5. Click Create Tape Devices. The Create Tape Devices dialog box appears.
6. Enter a Physical ID and a Name for the tape device.
7. Click OK.

Handling Hard Links

NDMP backup handles hard link files in the most efficient way by default. That is, the hard link files’ data
content will be backed up only once. After the backup operation encounters the first hard link file and
backs up its content, the backup process remembers the inode number of that file. Subsequently, when
the backup operation encounters files with the same inode number, only the header is backed up. When
this backup data stream is restored, the hard link files will be recovered as hard link files.

This mode of backup could create a problem in the case of a selective restore when the selected files or
directories to be restored contain hard link files that are not the first instance encountered during backup.
In this case, the restore fails and an NDMP message is sent to the DMA server indicating the first instance
of the file that should also be included in the selective restore.

To work around this problem, change the behavior during backup. If a backup is started with the
DEREF_HARD_LINK environment variable set to Y, the backup will back up all instances of the hard link
files as if they were regular files, rather than just backing up the first instance of the hard link files. In this
case, a selective restore will always have the file data. The disadvantage of this option is that backups
might take longer and more space is required to back up a data set with hard link files.

Backing Up NAS Volume Data Using NDMP

The FluidFS cluster does not use a dedicated IP address for backup operations; any configured client
network address can be used. Data is sent over Ethernet. Multiple NDMP backup and restore sessions can
run at the same time with a maximum of 48 sessions per NAS controller. To minimize the impact of
NDMP backup processing on system performance, schedule NDMP operations during off-peak times.
About this task
After you configure NDMP in a FluidFS cluster, the NDMP server monitors the client network for backup
requests from the DMA servers. The DMA server then accesses (mounts) the NAS volumes that it intends
to back up and initiates the backup operations.

134 FluidFS Data Protection

Figure 6. NDMP Backups

The following steps are involved in backing up NAS volume data using NDMP.

NOTE: NDMP does not provide high availability (HA). If a backup session is interrupted due to
connection loss, the session is terminated.
NOTE: Manually deleting the temporary snapshot for the current backup session is not allowed and
will immediately terminate the session.
NOTE: If a backup session is terminated with an error, the temporary snapshot might be left in
place, and the system will delete the snapshot automatically.
1. The DMA server creates a connection to the FluidFS cluster IP address.
2. The NDMP server on the FluidFS cluster creates a temporary snapshot of each NAS volume that the
DMA server designated for backup. Alternatively, when performing a backup of replication target NAS
volumes, the FluidFS cluster does not create a dedicated NDMP snapshot. Instead, it uses the base
replica snapshot from the last successful replication.
Temporary NDMP snapshots are named using the following format:
3. The NDMP server copies the NAS volume data to the DMA server.
4. After receiving the data, the DMA server moves the data to a storage device, such as a local disk or
tape device.
5. After the backup completes, the NDMP server deletes the temporary snapshots.

NDMP Environment Variables

NDMP environment variables are a mechanism to control the behavior of the NDMP server for each
backup and restore session. The following table summarizes the supported environment variables.
To determine whether the DMA server supports setting these environment variables, refer to the
documentation for your DMA server. If the DMA server cannot set a given environment variable, the
NDMP server operates with the default value.

Environment Variable Description Used In Default

TYPE Specifies the type of backup and restore application. Backup dump
The valid values are: and
• dump: NDMP server generates inode-based file Restore
• tar: NDMP server generates file based file history

FILESYSTEM Specifies the path to be used for the backup. The path Backup None
must be a directory.

FluidFS Data Protection 135

Environment Variable Description Used In Default
LEVEL Specifies the dump level for the backup operation. The Backup 0
valid values are 0 to 9.
HIST Specifies how file history is to be generated. The valid Backup y
values are:
• d: Specifies that node/dir-format file history will be
• f: Specifies that file-based file history will be
• y: Specifies that the default file history type (which
is the node/dir format) will be generated
• n: Specifies that no file history will be generated

DIRECT Specifies whether the restore is a Direct Access Backup Y

Retrieval. The valid values are Y and N. and
UPDATE Specifies whether the dump level and dump time for a Backup Y
backup operation should be updated on the NDMP
server so subsequent backups can reference the dump
level from previous backups. The valid values are Y and
EXCLUDE Specifies a pattern for matching to directory and file Backup No exclude
names that are not to be backed up. This environment pattern is
variable is a list of strings separated by commas. Each specified
entry is matched against nodes encountered during by default
backup. The string can contain an asterisk (*) as the
wildcard character, but the asterisk must be the first or
last character of the pattern. A maximum of 32
comma-separated strings are supported.
RECURSIVE Specifies whether the restore should be recursive. The Restore Y
valid values are Y and N. If this environment variable is
set to N, only files that are the immediate children of
the restore target are restored.
RESTORE_OVERWRITE Specifies whether the restore operation should Restore Y
overwrite existing files with the backup data. The valid
values are Y and N.
LISTED_INCREMENTAL Specifies whether an additional directory listing is Backup N
added to the backup stream during incremental and
backup so that the restore operation can handle files Restore
and directories deleted between the incremental
backups. This environment variable controls behavior
similar to the "listed incremental" option of the tar
application. The valid values are Y and N.

During backup, if this variable is set to Y, an additional

directory listing is added to the backup data stream.
Because of the additional processing required, this
option could impact the backup data stream size and

136 FluidFS Data Protection

Environment Variable Description Used In Default
During restore, if this variable is set to Y and the backup
data stream was generated with this variable set to Y,
the NDMP server will handle deleting files and
directories that are deleted between incremental
backups. Setting this variable to Y requires additional
processing time and increases the backup data stream
size (the size of the increase depends on the number of
elements in the backup data set). If this feature is not
important in your environment, this variable should not
be set.
BASE_DATE Specifies whether a token-based backup is performed. Backup -1
Token-based backup is used by Tivoli Storage Manager
as an alternative to backups using the LEVEL
environment variable. The valid values are:
• -1: Specifies that token-based backup is disabled
• 0: Specifies that a token-based backup is
performed. After the backup completes, a token
can be retrieved by using the DUMP_DATE
environment variable. This token can then be
passed in a subsequent backup as the value of
BASE_DATE. The backup performed in this case will
be an incremental backup relative to the time when
the token was generated.

DEREF_HARD_LINK Specifies whether hard link files’ data content is backed Backup N
up for all instances of the same file. The valid values are
Y and N.

Supported DMA Servers

For the latest list of supported DMA servers, see the Dell Fluid File System Version 5 Support Matrix.

Configuring NDMP
Before you can begin an NDMP backup, you must add a DMA server and configure the NDMP user name,
password, and client port.

Add or Remove a DMA Server

Configure one or more DMA servers from which the NDMP server can service NAS volume backup
requests. Any number of DMA servers can perform backups at any point in time.
• The DMA server must be network accessible.
• The DMA server must run a supported NDMP backup application.

Remove a DMA server if it is no longer needed for NDMP backups.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Data Protection.
4. In the right pane, click the Backup tab.

FluidFS Data Protection 137

5. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Modify NDMP Settings dialog box appears.
6. In the DMA Servers IP Addresses field, type the IP address of a DMA server.
• To add a DMA server, click Add.
• To remove a DMA server, click Remove.

Repeat this step for any additional DMA servers.

7. Click OK.

Change the NDMP Password

A user name and password are required when configuring an NDMP server in the DMA. The default
password is randomized and must be changed prior to using NDMP.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Data Protection.
4. In the right pane, click the Backup tab.
5. In the right pane, click Change Backup User Password. The Change Backup User Password dialog
box appears.
6. In the Password field, type an NDMP password. The password must be at least seven characters long
and contain three of the following elements: a lowercase character, an uppercase character, a digit,
or a special character (such as +, ?, or ∗).
7. In the Confirm Password field, retype the NDMP password.
8. Click OK.

Change the NDMP User Name

A user name and password are required when configuring an NDMP server in the DMA. By default, the
user name is backup_user. You can change this user name if needed.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the System tab navigation pane, select Data Protection.
4. In the right pane, click the Backups tab.
5. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Modify NDMP Settings dialog box appears.
6. In the Backup User field, type a new NDMP user name.
7. Click OK.

Change the NDMP Client Port

By default, the NDMP server monitors port 10000 for incoming connections. You can change the client
port to match the port used by the DMA.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Data Protection.
4. In the right pane, click the Backup tab.
5. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Modify NDMP Settings dialog box appears.
6. In the NDMP Port field, type a new client port.
7. Click OK.

138 FluidFS Data Protection

Specifying NAS Volumes Using the DMA
To perform backup and restore operations, the DMA server must be configured to be able to access the
FluidFS cluster.
On each DMA server, you must configure the following components:

• Client VIP (or a DNS name) that the DMA server accesses. If you ever change the client VIP, you must
also make the appropriate change on the DMA servers.
NOTE: NDMP has no load balancing built in. A single DMA backing up 10 NAS volumes from a
single client VIP forces all 10 sessions on the same NAS controller. Therefore, use DNS round-
robin to provide load balancing by specifying the DNS name of the FluidFS cluster in the DMA.
• NDMP user name and password (default user name is backup_user).
• Port that the NDMP server monitors for incoming connections (default port is 10000).

In addition, some DMA servers require the following information:

• Host name of the FluidFS cluster, which uses the following format:
• OS type: Dell Fluid File System
• Product: Compellent FS8600
• Vendor: Dell

Most backup applications automatically list the available NAS volumes to back up. Otherwise, you can
manually type in the NAS volume path. The FluidFS cluster exposes backup NAS volumes at the following


To improve data transfer speed, increase the number of concurrent backup jobs to more than one per
NAS controller, distributing the load across the available NAS controllers.

NDMP Include/Exclude Path

When you define a backup using DMA, you can select specific directories from the virtual NAS volume to
include in, or exclude from, backup jobs.

The following requirements must be met to include or exclude NDMP paths:

• The path specified can be a directory or a file. If the path is a directory, all child elements of that
directory will be included in (or excluded from) the backup.
Each path specified is a child of the backup root directory and must start with a forward slash (/).
• The maximum number of paths that you can include or exclude is 32.
• Each path can be a maximum of 128 bytes long.
• The first or the last element of the path can contain a wildcard character (*).
• If both include and exclude paths are defined, the NDMP server will first check for include, then check
for exclude.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Data Protection.

FluidFS Data Protection 139

4. In the right pane, click the Backup tab, then click Edit Settings.
5. The Modify NDMP Settings dialog box appears.

NDMP Exclude Paths and Patterns Using FluidFS

Configuring DMA clients with data-exclusion patterns might not work with a few backup vendors such as
BackupExec and Netbackup. FluidFS v5.0.x adds options for handling exclude paths and patterns, which
will be skipped when executing NDMP backup on the NAS volume.
This option can be configured at the NAS volume level, and is available under NAS Volume settings.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. Select a volume and click Edit Settings.
4. In the Edit NAS Volume Settings panel, click Advanced.
5. Select the NDMP Exclude Patterns Enabled checkbox.
6. Enter a path to exclude and click Add.

Viewing NDMP Jobs and Events

All NDMP jobs and events can be viewed using Storage Manager.

View Active NDMP Jobs

View all NDMP backup and restore operations being processed by the FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Data Protection.
4. In the right pane, select Backup.
5. The NDMP jobs are displayed in the NDMP Sessions area.

View NDMP Events

View events related to NDMP backups.

1. Click the Storage view.

2. In the Storage pane, select a FluidFS cluster.
3. Click the System tab.
4. In the System tab navigation pane, select Connections.
5. In the right pane, select NDMP Backups.
6. In the right pane, click the NDMP Events tab. The NDMP events are displayed.

Managing Replication
Replication allows you to copy NAS volume data from the local (source) FluidFS cluster to a remote
(target) FluidFS clusterFluidFS cluster to a different NAS volume on the local FluidFS cluster or to a remote
(target) FluidFS cluster.
The following figure shows an overview of remote replication between NAS volumes on different FluidFS

140 FluidFS Data Protection

Figure 7. Remote Replication

The following figure shows an overview of local replication between NAS volumes on a single FluidFS
cluster or to a different NAS volume on the local FluidFS cluster.

Figure 8. Local Replication

Replication can be used in various scenarios to achieve different levels of data protection.

Replication Scenarios Description

Fast backup and restore Maintains full copies of data for protection against data loss, corruption, or
user mistakes
Remote data access Applications can access mirrored data in read-only mode, or in read-write
mode if NAS volumes are promoted or cloned
Online data migration Minimizes downtime associated with data migration
Disaster recovery Mirrors data to remote locations for failover during a disaster

Configuring replication is a three step process:

• Add a replication partnership between two FluidFS clusters.

• Add replication for a NAS volume.
• Run replication on demand or schedule replication.

How Replication Works

Replication leverages snapshots. The first time you replicate a NAS volume, the FluidFS cluster copies the
entire contents of the NAS volume. For subsequent replication operations, the FluidFS cluster copies only

FluidFS Data Protection 141

the data that changed since the previous replication operation started. This design allows for faster
replication, efficient use of system resources, and saves storage space while keeping data consistent.
Replication is asynchronous, meaning that each source NAS volume can have a unique schedule for
replicating data to the target NAS volume.

The amount of time replication takes depends on the amount of data in the NAS volume and the amount
of data that has changed since the previous replication operation.

When replicating a NAS volume to another FluidFS cluster, the other FluidFS cluster must be set up as a
replication partner. Each FluidFS cluster can have multiple replication partners, enabling you to replicate
different NAS volumes to different partners, depending on operational requirements. However, each
individual NAS volume can be replicated to only one target NAS volume on one replication partner. The
following figure summarizes which replication scenarios are supported.

142 FluidFS Data Protection

Figure 9. Replication Scenarios

FluidFS Data Protection 143

After a partner relationship is established, replication between the partners can be bidirectional. One
system could hold target NAS volumes for the other system as well as source NAS volumes to replicate to
that other system.

A replication policy can be set up to run according to a set schedule or on demand. Replication
management flows through a secure SSH tunnel from system to system over the client network.

To access or recover data, you can promote a target NAS volume to a recovery NAS volume and grant
clients access to the recovery NAS volume data. The recovery NAS volume will appear as if it is a local
NAS volume.

Target NAS Volumes

A target NAS volume is a read-only copy of the source NAS volume that resides on the target FluidFS
cluster. The target NAS volume holds identical system configuration information (quota rules, snapshot
policy, security style, and so on) as the source NAS volume. You can promote target NAS volumes to
recovery NAS volumes temporarily or permanently and grant clients access to recovery NAS volume data.
The following considerations apply to target NAS volumes:

• Unlike source NAS volumes, you cannot create snapshots of target NAS volumes.
• The target FluidFS cluster must have enough free space to store the target NAS volumes.
• The system retains only the current replica of the source NAS volumes. To roll back to a previous
point in time, you must use snapshots.
• You can either replicate the source NAS volume to an existing NAS volume or to a new target NAS
volume. If you replicate to an existing NAS volume, the NAS volume must not contain any data you
want to retain. Any data residing on the NAS volume will be overwritten and cannot be recovered.
• Target NAS volumes count toward the total number of NAS volumes in the FluidFS cluster.

Managing Replication Partnerships

When replicating a NAS volume to another FluidFS cluster, the other FluidFS cluster must be set up as a
replication partner. This setup is a bidirectional replication trust; source NAS volumes and target NAS
volumes can be located on either system.

Add a Replication Partnership

Add a replication partner before configuring replication.
• Both the source and target FluidFS clusters must be managed by the same Storage Manager Data
• The target FluidFS cluster should be at the same or higher FluidFS version than the source FluidFS
• The source and target FluidFS clusters must be able to communicate with each other so that
replication operations can occur.
• Verify that the FluidFS replication ports are open on your firewall to allow replication between the
source and target FluidFS clusters. The list of required ports can be found in the Dell Fluid File System
Version 5 Support Matrix. FluidFS v5 supports using a single port for replication if both replication
partners are running FluidFS v5.
• The target FluidFS cluster has enough space to replicate the data from the source FluidFS cluster.

144 FluidFS Data Protection

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Replications.
4. In the right pane, click the Remote Cluster tab, then click Add Remote Cluster. The Add Remote
Cluster wizard starts.
5. Select the remote FluidFS cluster and click OK. Valid port numbers are 10560 or 3260.

Change the Local or Remote Networks for a Replication Partnership

Change the local or remote replication network or IP address for a replication partnership.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Replications.
4. In the right pane, click the Remote Cluster tab, select a remote cluster, then click Edit Settings. The
Edit Settings dialog box appears.
5. Configure the VIP of the remote cluster and the port to use for replication (10560 or 3260). The
chosen port must be open in any firewall between the clusters.
6. Click OK.

Delete a Replication Partnership

When you delete a replication partnership, the replication relationship between the source and target
FluidFS clusters is discontinued. When deleting a replication partnership, ensure that both systems are up
and running. If both systems are up, the replication partnership is deleted on both systems. If one of the
systems is down or unreachable, the partnership is deleted only on the system that is up. After the other
system comes back up, the partnership must be deleted on that system too.
Replications between the replication partners must be deleted.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Replications.
4. Click the Remote Cluster tab.
5. In the right pane, select a remote FluidFS cluster and click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
6. Click OK.

Replication Throttling
With replication throttling, users can fine-tune network bandwidth usage for replication of a pair of NAS
volumes between two clusters. Users can limit FluidFS replications bandwidth usage by:

• Lowering bandwidth usage during work hours and higher bandwidth consumption during nighttime.
• Increasing bandwidth usage during weekends

How Replication Throttling Works

• Creates a new system entity named QoS node and define bandwidth allocation in KBps.
• Defines usage percentage per hour of the week

FluidFS Data Protection 145

• Binds a QoS (Quality of Service) node (network level) of outgoing traffic to a replication. The average
network usage should not exceed the bandwidth allocation in a minute timeframe. The default is not
to limit the bandwidth for replication.

The following limitations apply to replication throttling:

• The maximum number of active outgoing replications is 10. If there are more, they are queued.
• The maximum number of active incoming replications is 100. If there are more, they are queued.
• The maximum number of replication partners is 100.
• The maximum number of replicated NAS volumes or containers (source and target) on a cluster is
• The maximum number of replication schedules per system is 1024.

Define a QOS Node

About this task
1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. Select Replications in the File System panel.
4. In the right pane, click the QoS Nodes tab.
5. Click Create QoS Node. The Create Replication QoS dialog box appears.
6. Enter a name and choose the bandwidth limit for the node in KB/s.
7. Click OK.
8. The Edit Replication QoS Schedule dialog box appears.
9. Drag the mouse to select an area, right-click on it, and choose the percentage of the bandwidth limit
to allow in these day and hour combinations.
10. Click OK.

Change a QoS Node

About this task
1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. Select Replications in the File System panel.
4. In the right pane, click the QoS Nodes tab.
5. Right–click on a QoS and select Edit Settings. The Edit Replication QoS Settings dialog box appears.
6. Change the name and/or the bandwidth limit for the node in KB/s.
7. Click OK.
8. The Edit Replication QoS Schedule dialog box appears.
9. Drag the mouse to select an area, right-click on it, and choose the percentage of the bandwidth limit
to allow in these day and hour combinations.
10. Click OK.

146 FluidFS Data Protection

Configure Replication Throttling
1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. Select Replications in the File System panel.
4. In the right pane, select a replication and right-click. Select Replication Actions from the drop-down
5. Select Edit Replication QOS from the drop-down menu.
6. Click the Enable QOS check box, and choose a predefined QOS node from the drop-down list.
7. Click OK.

Changing Replication Throttling

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. Select Replications in the File System panel.
4. In the right pane, select a replication, and right-click. Select Replication Actions from the drop-
down list.
5. Select Edit Replication QOS from the drop-down menu.
6. Clear the Enable QOS check box to disable using a QoS node.
7. Click OK.

Single Port Replication

With single-port replication, communication for all involved components uses only one port. The single
port infrastructure supports communication over IPv4 and IPv6, and is opened on all controller IPs and
client VIPs.
Single port replication provides the following features:

• Trusted cluster establishment

• File system communication using a single common replication port
• Replication management communication using a single common replication port

Replicating NAS Volumes

You can perform manual and scheduled replication operations, and pause, resume, delete, and monitor

Add Replication for a NAS Volume

Adding replication creates a replication relationship between a source NAS volume and a target NAS
volume. After adding replication, you can set up a replication policy to run according to a set schedule or
on demand.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click Create Replication. The Create Replication wizard starts.
5. Select a FluidFS cluster, choose a Snapshot Retention Policy, choose a QoS node (if desired) and
click Next. The Select Remote NAS Volume page appears.

FluidFS Data Protection 147

6. Specify a target NAS volume using one of the following options:
• Select an existing NAS volume on the target FluidFS cluster.
• Create a NAS volume on the target FluidFS cluster.
Click Create Remote Volume. The Create NAS Volume dialog box appears. In the Name field,
type a name for the NAS volume. In the Size field, type a size for the NAS volume that is the same
size or larger than the source NAS volume. In the Folder field, select a parent folder for the NAS
volume. Click OK to close the Create NAS Volume dialog box, then select the newly created NAS
7. Click Finish.

Delete Replication for a NAS Volume

Deleting replication for a NAS volume is similar to disabling replication for a NAS volume in that it does
not disrupt replication operations for other NAS volumes or the replication partnership between the
source and target FluidFS clusters. After deleting replication, the target NAS volume becomes a
standalone, writable NAS volume. You can delete replication from either the source or target FluidFS
• The target NAS volume must be promoted to a standalone NAS volume.
• You must remove replication schedules for the replication.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Replication tab.
5. Click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
6. Click OK.

Run Replication On Demand

After a replication is created, you can replicate a NAS volume on demand. You can run replication only
from the source FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Replications tab.
5. In the Replication Status area, click Start Manual Replication. The Start Manual Replication dialog
box appears.
6. Click OK.

Schedule Replication
After a replication is created, you can schedule replication for a NAS volume to run regularly. You can
schedule replication only from the source FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Replication tab.

148 FluidFS Data Protection

5. In the Replication Schedules area, click Create Replication Schedule. The Create Replication
Schedule dialog box appears.
6. In the Name field, type a name for the replication schedule.
7. Specify when to run replication.
• To run replication based on a period of time, select the Based on period of time check box and
type the frequency in minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
• To run replication based on day and time, select the Based on day and time check box and select
the day(s) and time(s).
8. Click OK.

Change a Replication Schedule

Change the frequency that replication runs for a replication schedule.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Replication tab.
5. Select a replication schedule and click Edit Settings. The Edit Settings dialog box appears.
6. Specify when to run replication.
• To run replication based on a period of time, select the Based on period of time check box and
type the frequency in minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
• To run replication based on day and time, select the Based on day and time check box and select
the day(s) and time(s).
7. Click OK.

Delete a Replication Schedule

Delete a replication schedule if you no longer want replication to run regularly. You can delete a
replication schedule only from the source FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Replications tab.
5. Select a replication schedule and click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
6. Click OK.

Pause Replication
When you pause replication, any replication operations for the NAS volume that are in progress are
suspended. While replication is paused, scheduled replications do not take place. If you require multiple
replications to be paused, perform the following steps for each replication. You can pause replication
only from the source FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Replications tab.
5. In the Replication Status area, click Pause Replication. The Pause Replication dialog box appears.
6. Click OK.

FluidFS Data Protection 149

Resume Replication
When you resume replication, any replication operations that were in progress at the time the operation
was paused will resume. In addition, any replication schedules will resume at their next scheduled time.
Replication may be resumed for individual NAS volumes. You can resume replication only from the
source FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Replications tab.
5. In the Replication Status area, click Resume Replication. The Resume Replication dialog box
6. Click OK.

Monitoring Replication Progress and Viewing Replication Events

The progress of replication operations and events related to replication can be viewed using Storage

Monitor Replication Progress

Monitor the progress of all replication operations being processed for the FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Replications.
4. In the right pane, click the Replications tab. The progress for each replication is displayed in the
Status column.

View Replication Events

Events related to replication can be viewed using Storage Manager.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Replications.
4. In the right pane, click the Replication Events tab. The replication events are displayed.
5. You can search for specific replication events by entering search text in the text box at the bottom of
the Replications pane.

Recovering an Individual NAS Volume

You can access or restore data from a target NAS volume if needed.

Promote a Target NAS Volume

Promoting a target NAS volume to a recovery NAS volume makes the target NAS volume writable, and
clients can manually fail over to it. This operation can be performed regardless of whether the source
NAS volume is available. The recovery NAS volume's data will be complete up to the point in time of the
most recent successful replication. When you promote a target NAS volume, any replication operations

150 FluidFS Data Protection

for the NAS volume that are in progress are suspended. You can promote a target NAS volume from
either the source or target FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Replication tab.
5. In the Replication Status area, click Promote Destination. The Promote Destination dialog box
6. Click OK.

Demote a Target NAS Volume

Demote the target NAS volume to resume the original replication operations. When you demote a target
NAS volume, all data written to the recovery NAS volume while it was temporarily promoted will be lost.
You can demote a target NAS volume only from the source FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
4. In the right pane, click the Replications tab.
5. Select Demote Destination. The Demote Destination dialog box appears.
6. Click OK.

Using Replication for Disaster Recovery

You can create a disaster recovery configuration in which you replicate data from a primary FluidFS
cluster to a target FluidFS cluster that you can fail over to if the primary FluidFS cluster stops responding
because of an unexpected failure (hardware, disk, and so on). The target FluidFS cluster could either be
used solely for backup for the primary site, or it could have its own NAS volumes sharing data at the
target site. In a bi-directional configuration, both FluidFS clusters can act as a failover target for each
After you have fixed the reason that caused the original FluidFS cluster to fail, you can manually fail back
to the original configuration in which clients access data on the source NAS volume, which in turn
replicates to the target NAS volume. Depending on time and bandwidth considerations, failing back to
the source NAS volume might take a considerable amount of time to complete.

The following considerations apply when using replication for disaster recovery:

• If the original source NAS volume is no longer available, you can configure the recovery NAS volume
to replicate to another NAS volume in the original source FluidFS cluster. However, if the original
source NAS volume is available, fail back to it. Failing back to the original source NAS volume usually
takes less time than failing back to a new NAS volume. If the FluidFS clusters have a common
snapshot, they only need to synchronize the data that changed after that snapshot was created. If no
common snapshot is available, or if replicating to a new NAS volume, all data must be synchronized.
• A single FluidFS cluster cannot contain two sets of SMB home shares. Consider the example that
Cluster A and Cluster B both have SMB home shares, for different sites or user bases. Cluster A and
Cluster B both serve as replication destinations for each other’s NAS volume that contains the SMB
home shares. If the administrator tries to fail over Cluster A’s NAS volume that contains SMB home
shares to Cluster B, Cluster B rejects this operation because it already has SMB home shares defined
on it.

FluidFS Data Protection 151

Managing the DNS Configuration for Single NAS Volume Failover
For single NAS volume failover, it is important that the environment is set up to properly migrate clients of
the NAS volumes you are failing over, without disrupting the clients of other NAS volumes you are not
failing over.
When a NAS volume is failed over from one FluidFS cluster to another, the IP addresses that are used to
access it change from Cluster A’s IP addresses to Cluster B’s IP addresses. You can facilitate this change
using DNS. It is recommended to set up a DNS entry to correlate to each NAS volume, and change the
DNS entry for single NAS volumes when they are failed over.

For example, suppose Marketing and Sales have their own NAS volumes, each with an SMB share on the
NAS volumes named marketing_share and sales_share respectively. A DNS entry named
FluidFSmarketing, is created for Marketing and another DNS entry for Sales named FluidFSsales is
created. Both NAS volumes point to the same set of client VIPs on source Cluster A. Marketing can access
the Marketing NAS volume or SMB share using \\FluidFS marketing\marketing, and Sales can access the
Sales NAS volume or SMB share using \\FluidFSsales\sales.

Initially, both DNS entries FluidFSmarketing and FluidFS sales point to the same set of client VIPs. At this
point, both the marketing and sales SMB shares can be accessed from either one of the DNS names,
FluidFSmarketing or FluidFS sales. When you want to fail over a single NAS volume (for example
Marketing) change the DNS entries for FluidFSmarketing to resolve to the client VIPs on Cluster B.

Maintain a table to track which DNS entries are used to access each NAS volume. This helps when
performing failover and setting up group policies.

Setting Up and Performing Disaster Recovery

This section contains a high-level overview of setting up and performing disaster recovery. In these
instructions, Cluster A is the source FluidFS cluster containing the data that must be backed up and
Cluster B is the target FluidFS cluster, which backs up the data from source cluster A.

• Cluster B is installed, but has no NAS volumes configured.

• Cluster A and Cluster B are at the same FluidFS version.
• Cluster B has different network settings (client, SAN, internal, and so on) than source Cluster A,
however, Cluster A and Cluster B must be able to communicate with each other so that replication
operations can occur.
• Cluster B has enough space to replicate all data from Cluster A.

Phase 1 — Build up the replication partnership between Cluster A and Cluster B

Set up replication between Cluster A and Cluster B.

1. From Cluster A, set up a replication partnership between Cluster A and Cluster B.

2. Create a regular replication schedule so that the target volumes in Cluster B always have an up-to-
date replication copy for Cluster A.
The replication policy must be a one-to-one match on a volume basis, for example:
Source volume A1 (Cluster A) to target volume B1 (Cluster B)

Source volume A2 (Cluster A) to target volume B2 (Cluster B)

152 FluidFS Data Protection

NOTE: If NFS exports are used, the NAS volume names of the source and target should be the
same, as the export path name includes the NAS volume name. This is not relevant for SMB


Source volume An (Cluster A) to target volume Bn (Cluster B)

3. Ensure that at least one successful replication has occurred for all the source volumes in Cluster A.
If the replication fails, fix the problems encountered and restart the replication process.
4. Record all Cluster A settings for future use. Replication restore is not a complete BMR (bare metal
restore). Settings such as network configuration (client, SAN, and internal) cannot be backed up and
restored using the replication method. Note all Cluster A settings (for use when restoring Cluster A)
including network configuration, cluster wide settings such as cluster name, alert settings, and so on
for future use. If the system restore operation fails to restore these settings, you can manually restore
the Cluster A settings back to their original values.

Phase 2 — Cluster A fails and clients request failover to target Cluster B

If Cluster A stops responding because of an unexpected failure, fail over to Cluster B.

1. From Cluster B, promote the target volumes in Cluster B. This transforms the original target volumes
(B1, B2, .. Bn) to standalone NAS volumes and makes them writable.
2. Delete the replication policies for the original source volumes (A1, A2, .., An).
3. Apply the source volume configuration from the original source volumes in Cluster A to the target
volumes in Cluster B.
4. Restore the users and groups configuration from Cluster A. This restores the Cluster B users and
groups to Cluster A settings.
5. Ensure that Cluster B is used to temporarily serve client requests during the failover time.
a. Choose one of the following options:
• IP address-based failovers: Change the IP addresses for Cluster B to match the IP addresses
used by Cluster A. Existing client connections might break and might need to be re-
• DNS-based failovers: Point the DNS names from your DNS server to Cluster B instead of
Cluster A.
Ensure that the DNS server on Cluster B is the same as the DNS server or in the same DNS
farm as the DNS server of Cluster A. Existing client connections might break and might need
to be re-established. You must unmount and re-mount the NFS exports on the clients.
b. (Single NAS volume failovers) Manually update the DNS entry for the NAS volume that was failed
over. This redirects clients that are accessing this volume from Cluster A to Cluster B, while other
clients keep accessing other volumes using the same DNS name. Client systems might need to
refresh their DNS cache.
c. (Single NAS volume failovers) To force SMB and NFS clients to Cluster B, you must delete the SMB
shares and NFS exports on Cluster A. This forces the SMB and NFS clients to reconnect, at such
time they are connected to Cluster B. After restoring the source volume’s configuration on
Cluster B, all of the SMB shares and NFS exports will be present on the target volume (on Cluster
B), so no SMB share/NFS export configuration information is lost.
The failed over volume can now be accessed using the exact same DNS name and SMB
share/NFS export name as it was when hosted on Cluster A, except now it is hosted on Cluster B.
d. Join Cluster B to the AD server or LDAP/NIS.
Ensure that the AD server and LDAP server are in the same AD/LDAP farm or same server.

FluidFS Data Protection 153

Phase 3 — Restore Cluster A and fail back from Cluster B to Cluster A
After you have fixed the reason that caused Cluster A to fail, fail back over to Cluster A.

1. Fix the reason that caused Cluster A to fail and if required reinstall FluidFS.
2. Rebuild the FluidFS cluster:
• IP address-based failovers: Use the settings for Cluster A that you recorded earlier, but change
the IP addresses for Cluster A to match the IP addresses originally used by Cluster B.
• DNS-based failovers: Use the settings for Cluster A that you recorded earlier.
3. From Cluster B, set up a replication partnership between Cluster B and Cluster A.
4. Configure replication for all the promoted recovery volumes in Cluster B, and specify that they
replicate back to the original source volumes in Cluster A.
The replication policy must be a one-to-one match on a volume basis, for example:

Source volume B1 (Cluster B) to target volume A1 (Cluster A)

Source volume B2 (Cluster B) to target volume A2 (Cluster A)


Source volume Bn (Cluster B) to target volume An (Cluster A)

5. Manually perform replication on the promoted recovery volumes in Cluster B (B1, B2, .., Bn). Proceed
to the next step when replication completes.
If the replication fails, fix the problems encountered and restart the replication process. Ensure that
all the NAS volumes are successfully replicated to Cluster A.
6. From Cluster A, promote the original source volumes (A1, A2, .., An).
7. From Cluster B, delete replication for the promoted recovery volumes (B1, B2, .., Bn) and apply the
source volume configuration from Cluster B to Cluster A. Repeat this procedure to delete all the
replication policies and bring all target volumes in Cluster A to standalone NAS volumes.
8. From Cluster A, restore the users and groups configuration from Cluster B. This restores the Cluster A
users and groups configuration to Cluster B settings.
NOTE: If the system configuration restore fails, manually set the system back to the original
settings (use the settings for Cluster A that you recorded earlier).
9. Start using Cluster A to serve client requests.
a. Choose one of the following options:
• IP address-based failovers: Change the IP addresses for Cluster A to match the IP addresses
originally used by Cluster A and change the IP addresses for Cluster B to match the IP
addresses originally used by Cluster B. Existing client connections might break and might
need to be re-established.
• DNS-based failovers: Point the DNS names from your DNS server to Cluster A instead of
Cluster B.
Ensure that the DNS server on Cluster A is the same as the DNS server or in the same DNS
farm as the DNS server of Cluster B. Existing client connections might break and might need
to be re-established. You must unmount and re-mount the NFS Exports on the client.
b. (Single NAS volume failovers) Manually update the DNS entry for the NAS volume that was failed
over. This redirects clients that are accessing this volume from Cluster B to Cluster A, while other
clients keep accessing other volumes using the same DNS name. Client systems might need to
refresh their DNS cache.
c. (Single NAS volume failovers) To force SMB and NFS clients to Cluster A, you must delete the SMB
shares and NFS exports on Cluster B. This forces the SMB and NFS clients to reconnect, at such
time they are connected to Cluster A. After restoring the source volume’s configuration on

154 FluidFS Data Protection

Cluster A, all of the SMB shares and NFS exports will be present on the target volume (on Cluster
A), so no SMB share/NFS export configuration information is lost.
The failed over volume can now be accessed using the exact same DNS name and SMB
share/NFS export name as it was when hosted on Cluster B, except now it is hosted on Cluster A.
d. Join Cluster A to the AD server or LDAP/NIS.
e. From Cluster A, configure replication between the original source volumes (A1, A2, .., An) and the
original target volumes (B1, B2, .., Bn) to prepare for the next disaster recovery.

FluidFS Data Protection 155

File Access Notification
File access notification occurs when both system-wide file access auditing configuration is enabled and
file operation matches any active (enabled) preconfigured file access notification policy for the volume.
Auditing events are generated after permissions check for the file operation and before the actual
execution of the operation.

1. Click the Storage view.

2. In the Storage pane, select a FluidFS cluster.
3. Click the File System tab.
4. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand Environment, and click Data Protection.
5. In the Data Protection pane, click the Auditing tab.
6. Click Edit Settings. The Edit Settings dialog box appears.
7. In the Modify File Access Notification area, select the File Access Notification Enabled check box.
8. Define the Subscriber Name and Auditing Server Hosts
9. Click OK.

File Access Notification 157

FluidFS Monitoring
This section contains information about monitoring the FluidFS cluster. These tasks are performed using
the Dell Storage Client.

Monitoring NAS Appliance Hardware

Storage Manager displays an interactive, graphical representation of the front and rear views of NAS
appliances. Storage Manager also displays the status of the following NAS appliance and NAS controller
hardware components:

• Interfaces
• Disks
• Backup power supplies
• Fans
• Power supplies

View a Diagram of the Rear View of a NAS Appliance

Storage Manager displays an interactive diagram of the rear view of a NAS appliance.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, expand Appliances, then select an appliance.
4. Select a controller.
5. In the right pane, click the Controller View tab. A diagram of the rear view of the NAS appliance is
displayed in the right pane.
Hardware components that report an error condition are indicated with a red overlay. For example,
the following graphic shows a failed power supply in NAS controller 0.

Figure 10. Appliance View Tab

6. To view more information about hardware components in the NAS appliance diagram, mouse over a
hardware component in the NAS appliance diagram. A tool tip appears and displays information
including the name and status of the hardware component.

FluidFS Monitoring 159

The following graphic shows an example of a tool tip that appears after hovering the mouse cursor
over a network port.

Figure 11. Appliance View Tab Tool Tip

7. To adjust the zoom on the NAS appliance diagram, change the position of the zoom slider located to
the right of the NAS appliance diagram.
• To zoom in, click and drag the zoom slider up.
• To zoom out, click and drag the zoom slider down.
8. To move the NAS appliance diagram in the Controller View tab, click and drag the NAS appliance

View a Diagram of the Front View of a NAS Appliance

Storage Manager displays an interactive diagram of the front view of a NAS appliance.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, expand Appliances, then select Appliance ID.
4. In the right pane, click the Appliance Front View tab. A diagram of the front view of the NAS
appliance is displayed in the right pane. Hardware components that report an error condition are
indicated with a red overlay.
5. To view more information about hardware components in the NAS appliance diagram, mouse over a
hardware component in the NAS appliance diagram. A tool tip appears and displays information
including the name and status of the hardware component.
The following graphic shows an example of a tool tip that appears after hovering the mouse cursor
over a fan.

Figure 12. Appliance Front View Tab

6. To adjust the zoom on the NAS appliance diagram, change the position of the zoom slider located to
the right of the NAS appliance diagram.
• To zoom in, click and drag the zoom slider up.
• To zoom out, click and drag the zoom slider down.
7. To move the NAS appliance diagram in the Appliance Front View tab, click and drag the NAS
appliance diagram.

160 FluidFS Monitoring

View a Diagram of the Rear View of a NAS Controller
Storage Manager displays an interactive diagram of the rear view of a NAS controller.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, expand Appliances→ Appliance ID, then select Controller ID.
4. In the right pane, click the Controller View tab. A diagram of the rear view of the NAS appliance is
displayed in the right pane. The selected NAS controller is indicated with a green overlay.
Hardware components that report an error condition are indicated with a red overlay. For example,
the following graphic shows a failed power supply in the NAS appliance.

Figure 13. Controller View Tab

5. To view more information about hardware components in the NAS controller diagram, mouse over a
hardware component in the NAS controller diagram. A tool tip appears and displays information
including the name and status of the hardware component.
The following graphic shows an example of a tool tip that appears after hovering the mouse cursor
over a network port.

Figure 14. Controller View Tab Tool Tip

6. To adjust the zoom on the NAS appliance diagram, change the position of the zoom slider located to
the right of the NAS appliance diagram.
• To zoom in, click and drag the zoom slider up.
• To zoom out, click and drag the zoom slider down.
7. To move the NAS appliance diagram in the Controller View tab, click and drag the NAS appliance

View the Status of the Interfaces

View the status of the interfaces in a NAS controller.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, expand Appliances→ Appliance ID→ Controller ID, then select
Interfaces. The status of each interface is displayed in the right pane.

FluidFS Monitoring 161

View the Status of the Disks
View the status of the disks in the internal storage device in a NAS controller.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, expand Appliances→ Appliance ID→ Controller ID, then select
Disks. The status of each disk is displayed in the right pane.

View the Status of a Backup Power Supply

View the status of a backup power supply in a NAS controller.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, expand Appliances→ Appliance ID→ Controller ID, then select
Backup Power Supply. The status of the backup power supply is displayed in the right pane.

View the Status of the Fans

View the status of the fans in a NAS appliance.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, expand Appliances→ Appliance ID, then select Fans. The
status of each fan is displayed in the right pane.

View the Status of the Power Supplies

View the status of the power supplies in a NAS appliance.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, expand Appliances→ Appliance ID, then select Power Supply.
The status of each power supply is displayed in the right pane.

Viewing the Status of FluidFS Cluster Services

Storage Manager displays the status of services configured on a FluidFS cluster (such as Active Directory,
LDAP, DNS, and NTP).

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Summary tab. The status of each service is displayed in the right pane in the Status
Summary section.

NOTE: If any of the external services are configured with IPv6 link-local addresses, the monitor will
always show these services as Unavailable.

162 FluidFS Monitoring

Viewing the Status of Background Processes
Some operations take some time to perform and do not complete immediately, such as detaching a NAS
controller. In these cases, you can monitor the progress of operations in Storage Manager.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Maintenance.
4. In the right pane, click the Internal tab. The status of each background process is displayed.

Viewing FluidFS Cluster NAS Pool Trends

Storage Manager displays statistics about the NAS pool for a FluidFS cluster, including total capacity,
unused reserved space, unused unreserved space, and used space.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab. The NAS pool trends are displayed in the right pane in the NAS Pool Trends

Viewing FluidFS Cluster Storage Usage

Storage Manager displays a line chart that shows storage usage over time for a FluidFS cluster, including
total capacity, unused reserved space, unused unreserved space, and used space.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, click the Trends tab. The FluidFS cluster historical storage
usage chart is displayed.

Viewing NAS Volume Storage Usage

Storage Manager displays a line chart that shows storage usage over time for a particular NAS volume,
including NAS volume size, used space, snapshot space, unused reserved space, and unused unreserved

1. Click the Storage view.

2. In the Storage pane, select a FluidFS cluster.
3. Click the File System tab.
4. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
5. In the right pane, click the Historical Storage Usage tab. The NAS volume storage usage chart is

Viewing FluidFS Cluster Traffic Statistics

Storage Manager displays line charts that show traffic statistics over time for a FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Performance tab. The traffic statistics chart is displayed.

FluidFS Monitoring 163

3. (Optional) Customize the display as needed. These options are described in the online help.
• To view the statistics of a different time frame, select one of the following time period options:
Last Day, Last 3 Days, Last 5 Days, Last Week, Last Month, or Custom. If you select Custom,
specify the Start Time and End Time of the data to display and then click Update.
• To combine the data into a single chart with multiple Y axes, click Combine Charts.
• To change the data metrics to display, select one or more of the following data metrics:

– Total MB/Sec: Displays all read and write traffic in Megabytes per second.
– SMB Write MB/Sec: Displays SMB write traffic in Megabytes per second.
– SMB Read MB/Sec: Displays SMB read traffic in Megabytes per second.
– Replication Write MB/Sec: Displays replication write traffic in Megabytes per second.
– Replication Read MB/Sec: Displays replication read traffic in Megabytes per second.
– NDMP Write MB/Sec: Displays NDMP write traffic in Megabytes per second.
– NDMP Read MB/Sec: Displays NDMP read traffic in Megabytes per second.
– NFS Write MB/Sec: Displays NFS write traffic in Megabytes per second.
– NFS Read MB/Sec: Displays NFS read traffic in Megabytes per second.
– NFSWrite IO/Sec: Displays NFS write Input/Output operations per second.
– NFS Read IO/Sec: Displays NFS read Input/Output operations per second.
– SMB Write IO/Sec: Displays SMB write Input/Output operations per second.
– SMB Read IO/Sec: Displays SMB read Input/Output operations per second.

Viewing NAS Controller Traffic Statistics

Storage Manager displays line charts that show traffic statistics over time for a NAS controller.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Performance tab.
3. In the Performance tab navigation pane, expand a FluidFS cluster and select acontroller.
4. In the right pane, click the Traffic Statistics tab. The traffic statistics chart is displayed.
5. (Optional) Customize the display as needed. These options are described in the online help.
• To view the statistics of a different time frame, select one of the following time period options:
Last Day, Last 3 Days, Last 5 Days, Last Week, Last Month, or Custom. If you select Custom,
specify the Start Time and End Time of the data to display and then click Update.
• To combine the data into a single chart with multiple Y axes, click Combine Charts.
• To change the data metrics to display, select one or more of the following data metrics:

– Total MB/Sec: Displays all read and write traffic in Megabytes per second.
– SMB Write MB/Sec: Displays SMB write traffic in Megabytes per second.
– SMB Read MB/Sec: Displays SMB read traffic in Megabytes per second.
– NDMP Write MB/Sec: Displays NDMP write traffic in Megabytes per second.
– NDMP Read MB/Sec: Displays NDMP read traffic in Megabytes per second.
– NFS Write MB/Sec: Displays NFS write traffic in Megabytes per second.
– NFS Read MB/Sec: Displays NFS read traffic in Megabytes per second.
– NFS Write IO/Sec: Displays NFS write Input/Output operations per second.
– NFS Read: IO/Sec Displays NFS read Input/Output operations per second.

164 FluidFS Monitoring

– SMB Write: IO/Sec: Displays SMB write Input/Output operations per second.
– SMB Read: IO/Sec Displays SMB read Input/Output operations per second.

Viewing NAS Controller Load Balancing Statistics

Storage Manager displays statistics about load balancing for a NAS controller, including processor
utilization and the number of connections to the NAS controller.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster, then select a NAS controller.
2. Click the Performance tab.
3. In the right pane, click the Load Balancing tab. The load balancing statistics are displayed.
4. (Optional) Customize the display as needed. These options are described in the online help.
• To view the statistics of a different time frame, select one of the following time period options:
Last Day, Last 3 Days, Last 5 Days, Last Week, Last Month, or Custom. If you select Custom,
specify the Start Time and End Time of the data to display and then click Update.
• To combine the data into a single chart with multiple Y axes, click Combine Charts.
• To change the data metrics to display, select one or more of the following data metrics:

– CPU Load Percentage: Displays CPU load as a percentage.

– Total SMB Connections: Displays SMB connections over time.

FluidFS Monitoring 165

FS Series VAAI Plugin
The VAAI plugin allows ESXi hosts to offload some specific storage-related tasks to the underlying FluidFS
appliances. The plugin supports the following VAAI NAS Primitives:

• Full File Clone– Offload the creation of a virtual disk full clone
• Fast File Clone (Native Snapshot) – Offload the creation of a virtual disk linked clone
• Extended Statistics – Query for space usage on FS series datastores

Installing the plugin enables VAAI NAS primitives for all datastores residing on FS Series v4 or later
systems, adding the following functionalities:

1. Virtual machine cloning from vCenter will request FS Series appliances to generate a full copy of the
corresponding machine.
2. The creation of virtual machine linked clones will be offloaded to FS series appliances.

The plugin is provided in two alternate forms. Both forms can be downloaded from the FTP server ftp://
FluidFS_Cluster_public IP:44421/vaai_plugin:

• A VIB file – FluidFSNASVAAI_For_Esx_v5.5.vib file

• A depot – FluidFSNASVAAI_For_Esx_v5.5.zip file

Both forms provide equal functionality, differing only in the way they are installed.

Enable or Disable the FS Series VAAI Plugin

Allows the NAS administrator to enable or disable VAAI plugin accessibility for security enhancements.
VAAI plugin is enabled by default.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand Environment and select VMware Servers.
4. In the right pane, click Edit Settings in the VAAI area.
5. The Modify VAAI Settings dialog box appears.
6. To enable VAAI, select the VAAI Enabled checkbox.
7. To disable VAAI, clear the VAAI Enabled checkbox.
8. Click OK.

FS Series VAAI Plugin 167

Installation Instructions
The FS Series VAAI plugin supports ESXi versions 5.5, 5.5U1, and 5.5U2.
About this task
NOTE: The FS Series VAAI plugin should be installed on each relevant ESXi host and requires a
1. Connect to FS Series via FTP on port 44421 using administrative credentials.
2. Download the VAAI plugin file located inside the /vaai_plugin folder.
3. Transfer the file to the /tmp/ folder of the ESXi host.
4. Install the plugin, depending on the file type that you transferred:
• ~ # esxcli software vib install -d /tmp/FluidFSNASVAAI_For_Esx_v5.5.zip


• ~ # esxcli software vib install –v esxcli software vib install -v

5. Reboot the ESXi host.

Plugin Verification
To check if the VAAI plugin is installed in an ESXi host, type the following command in the ESXi console:#
esxcli software vib list | grep Dell_FluidFSNASVAAI
A positive reply should return:
Dell_FluidFSNASVAAI 1.1.0-250 DELL VMwareAccepted 2015-02-17

To verify that an FS Series datastore has VAAI enabled use the command vmkfstools –P in the ESXi host
console. The following example illustrates the query and output for a datastore named FSseries_datastore
residing on a FS Series v4 or later system:

~ # vmkfstools -Ph /vmfs/volumes/FSseries_Datastore/

NFS-1.00 file system spanning 1 partitions

File system label (if any): FSseries_Datastore

Mode: public

Capacity 200 GB, 178.3 GB available, file block size 4 KB, max file size
16777216 TB

UUID: 1cec81cb-6db87d1c-0000-000000000000

Partitions spanned (on "notDCS"):


NAS VAAI Supported: YES

Is Native Snapshot Capable: YES

168 FS Series VAAI Plugin

Removal Instructions
To remove the VAAI plugin from an ESXi host:

1. Execute the following command in the ESXi host console:

~ # esxcli software vib remove -n Dell_FluidFSNASVAAI
2. Reboot the ESXi host.

FS Series VAAI Plugin 169

FluidFS Maintenance
This section contains information about performing FluidFS cluster maintenance operations. These tasks
are performed using the Dell Storage Client.

Connecting Multiple Data Collectors to the Same Cluster

You can have multiple data collectors connected to the same FluidFS cluster. To designate the Primary
data collector and/or whether it receives events:

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Summary tab
3. In the right pane, click Edit FluidFS Cluster Settings.
4. In the General tab, select or clear the Primary Data Collector Enabled checkbox.
5. Select or clear the Receive Events checkbox.
6. Click OK.

Adding and Removing FluidFS Clusters in Storage

Use Storage Manager to view, add, or remove FluidFS clusters.

View FluidFS Clusters Managed by Storage Manager

View FluidFS clusters that have been added to Storage Manager.

1. Click the Storage view.

2. In the Storage pane, select FluidFS Clusters. The FluidFS clusters that have been added to Storage
Manager are displayed in the right pane.

Add the FluidFS Cluster to Storage Manager

Add the FluidFS cluster to manage using Storage Manager.
The FluidFS cluster must be mounted in a rack, cabled, and deployed.
1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. In the right pane, click Add FluidFS Cluster. The Add FluidFS Cluster wizard starts and opens the
Register FluidFS w/ Storage Manager page.
3. Complete the Register FluidFS w/ Storage Manager page.
a. In the Hostname field, type the host or cluster name or a client VIP of the FluidFS cluster.
b. In the User Name field, type the name of a FluidFS cluster administrator.
c. In the Password field, type the password for the FluidFS cluster administrator.

FluidFS Maintenance 171

d. In the Folder pane, select the parent folder for the FluidFS cluster.
4. Click Next. The FluidFS cluster is added to the FluidFS clusters list in Storage Manager.

Remove a FluidFS Cluster From Storage Manager

Remove a FluidFS cluster if you no longer want to manage it using Storage Manager. For example, you
might want to move the FluidFS cluster to another Storage Manager Data Collector.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the right pane, click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
4. Click OK.

Organizing FluidFS Clusters Using Folders

By default Storage Manager displays FluidFS clusters in alphabetical order. To customize the organization
of FluidFS clusters in Storage Manager, create folders to group FluidFS clusters.

Create a FluidFS Cluster Folder

Add folders to organize FluidFS clusters.

1. Click the Storage view and select FluidFS Clusters.

2. In the right pane, click Create Folder. The Create Folder dialog box appears.
3. In the Name field, type a name for the folder.
4. In the Parent pane, select a parent folder.
5. Click OK.

Rename a FluidFS Cluster Folder

Rename a FluidFS cluster folder.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster folder.

2. Click the Summary tab.
3. In the right pane, click Edit FluidFS Cluster Settings. The Edit FluidFS Cluster Settings dialog box
4. In the Name field, type a new name for the folder.
5. Click OK.

Change the Parent Folder for a FluidFS Cluster Folder

Change the parent folder for a FluidFS cluster folder.

1. Click the Storage view and select a Storage Center.

2. In the Storage pane, expand FluidFS and select a FluidFS cluster folder.
3. Click the Summary tab.
4. In the upper right pane, click Move. The Select folder dialog box appears.
5. In the Parent pane, select a parent folder.
6. Click OK.

172 FluidFS Maintenance

Move a FluidFS Cluster into a FluidFS Cluster Folder
Move a FluidFS cluster into a folder to group it with other FluidFS clusters.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Summary tab.
3. In the right pane, click Move. The Select Folder dialog box appears.
4. Select a parent folder.
5. Click OK.

Delete a FluidFS Cluster Folder

Delete a FluidFS cluster folder if it is unused.
The folder must be empty.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster folder.
2. Click the Summary tab.
3. In the right pane, click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
4. Click OK.

Adding a Storage Center to a FluidFS Cluster

The back-end storage for a FluidFS cluster can be provided by up to two Storage Centers.
The Storage Center must be added to Storage Manager and have front-end connectivity to the FluidFS

About this task

If a FluidFS cluster uses only one Storage Center, you might want to add another Storage Center to
provide storage for the FluidFS cluster if:

• The Storage Center that currently provides storage for the FluidFS cluster is running out of space.
• You want to spread out the storage load.
• You want to allocate more storage to the NAS pool than is supported by a single Storage Center.

1. Click the Storage view.
2. In the Storage pane, expand FluidFS Clusters and select a FluidFS cluster.
3. Click the Summary tab.
4. In the right pane, select Actions→ Storage Centers→ Add Storage Centers. The Add Storage Center
wizard appears and displays the Select Storage Centers (only supported Storage Centers shown)
5. Select the additional Storage Center to provide storage for the FluidFS cluster and click Next.
6. (iSCSI only) Select two fault domains on the Select iSCSI Fault Domains from Storage Center page
and click Next.

FluidFS Maintenance 173

7. (iSCSI only) Use the Configure IP Addresses for NAS Controller iSCSI HBAs page to configure the IP
addresses for SAN / eth30. This page displays the existing values that were configured during
deployment. To use the existing values, click Next. To change the values:
a. Select a NAS controller and click Edit Settings. The Edit Controller IP Address dialog box
b. In the IP Address field, type an IP address for the NAS controller.
c. Click OK. Repeat the preceding steps for each NAS controller.
d. To specify a VLAN tag, type a VLAN tag in the VLAN Tag field. When a VLAN spans multiple
switches, the VLAN tag is used to specify to which ports and interfaces to send broadcast packets.
e. Click Next.
8. (iSCSI only) Use the Configure IP Addresses for NAS Controller iSCSI HBAs page to configure the IP
addresses for SANb / eth31. This page displays the existing values that were configured during
deployment. To use the existing values, click Next. To change the values:
a. Select a NAS controller and click Edit Settings. The Edit Controller IP Address dialog box
b. In the IP Address field, type an IP address for the NAS controller.
c. Click OK. Repeat the preceding steps for each NAS controller.
d. To specify a VLAN tag, type a VLAN tag in the VLAN Tag field. When a VLAN spans multiple
switches, the VLAN tag is used to specify to which ports and interfaces to send broadcast packets.
e. Click Next.
9. Use the Connectivity Report page to verify connectivity between the FluidFS cluster and the Storage
Center. The NAS controller ports must show the status Up before you can complete the wizard. If
you click Finish and the NAS controller ports do not have the status Up, an error will be displayed.
• For iSCSI NAS appliances, when the Connectivity Report initially appears, iSCSI logins might still
be occurring in the background, causing some or all of the FluidFS cluster iSCSI initiators to show
the status Not Found/Disconnected. If this happens, wait 30 seconds, then click Refresh to
update the Connectivity Report. When the iSCSI logins are complete and the Connectivity Report
has been refreshed, the status for each FluidFS cluster iSCSI initiator shows Up.
• For Fibre Channel NAS appliances, when the Connectivity Report initially appears, the FluidFS
cluster HBAs show the status Not Found/Disconnected. You must record the WWNs and
manually update fabric zoning on the Fibre Channel switch. Then, click Refresh to update the
Connectivity Report. When the zoning is configured correctly and the Connectivity Report has
been refreshed, the status for each FluidFS cluster HBA shows Up.
10. Click Finish.
NOTE: The Storage Center that was just added is not providing storage space to the FluidFS
cluster yet. After adding a Storage Center, you must expand the NAS pool to get the new
Storage Center to provide block level storage for the NAS pool.
11. Expand the NAS pool. When the expand NAS pool process is complete, both Storage Centers will be
displayed on the Storage Center tab and the Volume Status should show Up.

Related Links
Expand the Size of the NAS Pool

174 FluidFS Maintenance

Adding and Deleting NAS Appliances in a FluidFS Cluster
Use Storage Manager to add or delete a NAS appliance in a FluidFS cluster.

Add NAS Appliances to a FluidFS Cluster

You can add a NAS appliance (two NAS controllers) to a FluidFS cluster to increase processing power.
Adding a NAS appliance allows additional client connections and evenly redistributes client connections
and FluidFS cluster operations among more NAS controllers contributing their resources.
• The additional NAS appliance is mounted in a rack and cabled, and the NAS controllers are in standby
mode and powered on. A NAS controller is on and in standby mode if the power LED is flashing green
at around two flashes per second.
• NAS appliance service tags are recorded.
• New client VIP IP addresses are available to be added to the new NAS appliance. To ensure effective
load balancing, use the following recommendations to determine the number of client VIPs to define:

– If client access to the FluidFS cluster is not through a router (in other words, a flat network), define
one client VIP per FluidFS cluster.
– If clients access the FluidFS cluster through a router, define a client VIP for each client interface
port per NAS controller.
• New NAS controller IP addresses are available to be added to the new NAS appliance. Verify that there
are two additional IP addresses available per NAS appliance.

About this task

For high availability reasons, you must add NAS appliances as NAS controller pairs. You cannot add a
single NAS controller. Only one NAS appliance can be added at a time up to a maximum of four NAS
appliances (eight NAS controllers).
Adding a NAS appliance is a seamless operation that does not interrupt current FluidFS cluster operations.
After the NAS appliance is successfully added, new client connections are automatically distributed to all
NAS controllers, ensuring that there is efficient load balancing between all NAS controllers.

NOTE: Due to the complexity and precise timing required, schedule a maintenance window to add
the NAS appliance(s).
1. (Directly cabled internal network only) If the FluidFS cluster contains a single NAS appliance, with a
direct connection on the internal network, re-cable the internal network as follows.
a. Cable the new NAS appliance(s) to the internal switch.
b. Remove just one of the internal cables from the original NAS appliance.
c. Connect a cable from each NAS controller port vacated in Step b to the internal switch.
d. Remove the second internal cable from the original NAS appliance.
e. Connect a cable from each NAS controller port vacated in Step d to the internal switch.
2. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
3. Click the Hardware tab.
4. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, select Appliances.
5. In the right pane, click Add Appliances. The Add Appliances wizard appears and displays the Select
Appliances to Add page.
6. Select the NAS appliance to add to the FluidFS cluster.
a. In the top pane, select the NAS appliance.

FluidFS Maintenance 175

b. Click Add Appliance. The selected NAS appliance is moved to the bottom pane.
c. ClickNext.
7. (iSCSI only) Complete the Configure IP Addresses for NAS Controller iSCSI HBAs page to configure
the IP addresses for SAN / eth30.
a. Select a NAS controller and click Edit Settings. The Edit Controller IP Address dialog box
b. In the IP Address field, type an IP address for the NAS controller.
c. Click OK. Repeat the preceding steps for each NAS controller.
d. To specify a VLAN tag, type a VLAN tag in the VLAN Tag field. When a VLAN spans multiple
switches, the VLAN tag is used to specify to which ports and interfaces to send broadcast packets.
e. Click Next.
8. (iSCSI only) Complete the Configure IP Addresses for NAS Controller iSCSI HBAs page to configure
the IP addresses for SANb / eth31.
a. Select a NAS controller and click Edit Settings. The Edit Controller IP Address dialog box
b. In the IP Address field, type an IP address for the NAS controller.
c. Click OK. Repeat the preceding steps for each NAS controller.
d. To specify a VLAN tag, type a VLAN tag in the VLAN Tag field. When a VLAN spans multiple
switches, the VLAN tag is used to specify to which ports and interfaces to send broadcast packets.
e. Click Next. The Configure Client Network page displays.
9. If needed, add additional client VIPs through which the clients will access SMB shares and NFS
a. In the Virtual IP Addresses area, click Add. The Add Client IP Address dialog box appears.
b. In the IP Address field, type a client VIP IP address.
c. Click OK.
10. Add an IP address for each new NAS controller. Repeat the following steps for each NAS controller.
a. Select a NAS controller and click Edit Settings. The Edit Controller IP Address dialog box
b. In the IP Address field, type an IP address for the NAS controller.
c. Click OK.
11. (Optional) Configure the remaining client network attributes as needed.
• To change the netmask of the client network, type a new netmask in the Netmask field.
• To specify a VLAN tag, type a VLAN tag in the VLAN Tag field.
12. Click Next. After you are finished configuring each client network, the Connectivity Report page
NOTE: Adding the appliance to the cluster can take approximately 15 minutes.
13. Use the Connectivity Report page to verify connectivity between the FluidFS cluster and the Storage
Center. The NAS controller ports must show the status Up before you can complete the wizard. If
you click Finish and the NAS controller ports do not have the status Up, an error will be displayed.
• For iSCSI NAS appliances, when the Connectivity Report initially appears, iSCSI logins might still
be occurring in the background, causing some or all of the FluidFS cluster iSCSI initiators to show
the status Not Found/Disconnected. If this happens, wait 30 seconds, then click Refresh to
update the Connectivity Report. When the iSCSI logins are complete and the Connectivity Report
has been refreshed, the status for each FluidFS cluster iSCSI initiator shows Up.
• For Fibre Channel NAS appliances, when the Connectivity Report initially appears, the FluidFS
cluster HBAs show the status Not Found/Disconnected. You must record the WWNs and
manually update fabric zoning on the Fibre Channel switch. Then, click Refresh to update the
Connectivity Report. When the zoning is configured correctly and the Connectivity Report has
been refreshed, the status for each FluidFS cluster HBA shows Up.

176 FluidFS Maintenance

14. Click Finish.

Related Links
Viewing the Status of Background Processes

Delete a NAS Appliance from the FluidFS Cluster

If an attempt to add a NAS appliance to a FluidFS cluster fails, the entry for the NAS appliance must be
deleted from the FluidFS cluster before you can reattempt to add the NAS appliance or add a different
NAS appliance.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, expand Appliances, then select NAS appliance ID.
4. In the right pane, click Delete. The Delete dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.

Detaching, Attaching, and Replacing a NAS Controller

Use these procedures to replace a failed NAS controller.

Detach a NAS Controller

Detach a NAS controller only if the NAS controller needs to be replaced with a new NAS controller. After
you detach a NAS controller, it resets to its factory defaults and powers off, if possible. Otherwise, you
must reinstall the FluidFS software to reset the NAS controller to its factory defaults.
About this task
Only one NAS controller can be detached in a NAS appliance at a time. Detaching a NAS controller
disconnects client connections while clients are being transferred to other NAS controllers. Clients will
then automatically reconnect to the FluidFS cluster. While a NAS controller is detached from the FluidFS
cluster, SMB shares and NFS exports remain available (although performance might decrease because
data is no longer cached); however, most FluidFS cluster configuration changes are not allowed.
CAUTION: Only detach a NAS controller under the direction of Dell Technical Support.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, expand Appliances→ NAS appliance ID, then select NAS
controller ID.
4. In the right pane, click Detach. The Detach dialog box appears.
5. Click OK. The progress of the detach process is displayed in the Detach dialog box. If you close the
dialog box, the process will continue to run in the background. The NAS controller is detached when
the NAS controller State changes to Detached (the State is displayed at System tab→ Appliances→

Related Links
Viewing the Status of Background Processes

FluidFS Maintenance 177

Attach a NAS Controller
Attach a new NAS controller when replacing an existing NAS controller. Once attached, the new NAS
controller inherits the FluidFS cluster configuration settings of the existing NAS controller.
Verify that the NAS controller being attached is in standby mode and powered on. A NAS controller is on
and in standby mode if the power LED is flashing green at around two flashes per second.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the Hardware tab.
3. In the Hardware tab navigation pane, expand Appliances→ NAS appliance ID, then select NAS
controller ID.
4. In the right pane, click Attach. The Attach dialog box appears.
5. Click OK. The progress of the attach process is displayed in the Attach dialog box. If you close the
dialog box, the process will continue to run in the background. The NAS controller is attached when
the NAS controller State changes to Formatted (the State is displayed at System tab→ Appliances→
6. (Fibre Channel only) After the attach operation completes, record the new WWNs and manually
update fabric zoning on the Fibre Channel switch.

Related Links
Viewing the Status of Background Processes

Replace a NAS Controller

In the event of a failure where a NAS controller cannot be brought back online (for example, a
malfunctioning NAS controller), you must remove the existing NAS controller from the FluidFS cluster and
replace it with a different NAS controller.
Before replacing the NAS controller ensure that the existing NAS controller is verified as failed by Dell
Technical Support.

About this task

While a NAS controller is detached from the FluidFS cluster, SMB shares and NFS exports remain available
(although performance might decrease because data is no longer cached); however, most FluidFS cluster
configuration changes are not allowed. Therefore, it is important to replace a failed NAS controller as
soon as possible.
NOTE: Only replace a NAS controller under the direction of Dell Technical Support.

1. Detach the existing NAS controller.
2. Ensure that all cables are labeled.
3. Disconnect all cables from the back of the existing NAS controller.
4. Remove the existing NAS controller from the NAS appliance chassis.
a. Press the controller release button to disengage the controller handle.
b. Push the controller handle down until the controller disengages from the appliance.
c. Use the controller handle to pull the controller out of the appliance.

178 FluidFS Maintenance

5. Insert the new NAS controller in the NAS appliance chassis.
a. Ensure that the controller cover is closed.
b. Align the controller with the appropriate slot in the appliance.
c. Push the controller into the appliance until the controller seats into place.
d. Push the handle toward the front of the appliance until it locks.
6. Reconnect all cables to the same ports on the new NAS controller. The NAS controller automatically
powers on if at least one power supply is connected to a power source.
7. Attach the new NAS controller.

Related Links
Attach a NAS Controller
Detach a NAS Controller

Managing Service Packs

The FluidFS cluster uses a service pack methodology to upgrade the FluidFS software. Service packs are
cumulative, meaning that each service pack includes all fixes and enhancements provided in earlier
service packs.

View the Upgrade History

View a list of service pack upgrades that have been installed on the FluidFS cluster.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Maintenance.
4. In the right pane, click the Software Versions tab. The upgrade history for the FluidFS cluster is

Receive Email Notifications for Available Upgrades

Storage Manager can send an email to notify you when a FluidFS service pack upgrade is available.
Storage Manager will send only one alert email for every 24 hour period.
Storage Manager must be configured to send diagnostic data to Dell using Dell SupportAssist.

1. Configure the SMTP settings for the Data Collector.
a. In the top pane of the Dell Storage Client, click Edit Data Collector Settings. The Edit Data
Collector Settings dialog box appears.
b. Click the SMTP Server tab.
c. In the From Email Address field, enter the email address to display as the sender of emails from
the Data Collector.
d. In the Host or IP Address field, enter the host name or IP address of the SMTP server.
e. If the port number of the SMTP server is not 25, enter the correct port number in the Port field.
f. If the SMTP server requires authentication, select the Authentication check box, then enter the
username and password in the SMTP User Name and SMTP User Password fields.
g. Click OK.
2. Configure an email address for your Storage Manager user account.
a. In the top pane of the Dell Storage Client, click Edit User Settings. The General tab of the Edit
User Settings dialog box appears.

FluidFS Maintenance 179

b. Enter the email address of the current user in the Email Address field.
c. Select the format for emails to the current user from the Email Format drop-down menu.
d. To send a test message to the email address, click Test Email and click OK.
e. Verify that the test message is sent to the specified email address.
f. Click OK.
3. Configure email notifications for the New Data Collector event to receive email notifications for
available FluidFS service pack upgrades.
a. In the top pane of the Dell Storage Client, click Edit User Settings. The Edit User Settings dialog
box appears.
b. Click the Manage Events tab.
c. Select the check box for the New Data Collector event.
d. Click OK.

Install a Service Pack to Update the FluidFS Software

Use the Upgrade FluidFS Cluster wizard to update the FluidFS software. Each FluidFS service pack file is
downloaded only once and cached locally on the Storage Manager Data Collector at: C:\Program Files
(x86)\Compellent Technologies\Compellent Enterprise Manager\msaservice\etc\appupgrades. The same
service pack file is used to update each FluidFS cluster, but only one FluidFS cluster can be updated at a
• Contact Dell Technical Support to make service packs available for download to the FluidFS cluster.
• The Storage Manager Data Collector must have enough disk space to store the service pack. If there is
not enough space to store the service pack, a message will be displayed shortly after the download
starts. You can delete old service packs to free up space if needed.
• Installing a service pack causes the NAS controllers to reboot during the installation process. This
might cause interruptions in SMB and NFS client connections. In addition, active NDMP jobs are
terminated. Therefore, Dell recommends scheduling a maintenance window to perform service pack
• Ensure that all NAS controllers are powered on and their State is Formatted (the State is displayed at
System tab→ Appliances→ Controllers). You cannot upgrade the FluidFS software if a NAS controller
is down or detached.
• The Storage Center(s) providing the storage for the FluidFS cluster must be added to Storage

About this task

WARNING: The service pack installation process is irreversible. The FluidFS cluster cannot revert
to a previous version once updated.
1. Click the Storage view.
2. In the Storage pane, select a FluidFS cluster.
3. Click the File System tab, and click Maintenance.
4. In the right pane, click the Software Versions tab.
5. In the Software Versions Installed & Available for Upgrade section, click Look for Software Upgrade.
6. The Upgrade FluidFS Cluster wizard appears and displays a message indicating whether an update is
available for the FluidFS cluster. If an update is available, proceed to the next step. If no update is
available (for example, the FluidFS cluster is already at the latest version), click Finish to exit the
7. Click Next to upload, but not install, the service pack on the FluidFS cluster. The progress of the
upload process is displayed. When the upload process is complete, the following message is
displayed: The upgrade package has been delivered to the FluidFS Cluster.

180 FluidFS Maintenance

NOTE: You can manually cancel the upload process by clicking Cancel Operation, and then
clicking Yes when prompted Do you want to cancel the upgrade? This removes the partially
uploaded service pack. To restart the upload process, click Retry Delivery.

NOTE: The upload process is a long-running operation. If you close the wizard, the upload
process will continue to run in the background. At a later time you can click Check for Upgrade
again to re-enter the wizard and view the upload progress.

The following table describes the steps that occur during the upload process.

Step Description
Check for Update The Update FluidFS Cluster wizard checks for the latest FluidFS version

Download Package The FluidFS service pack is downloaded to the Data Collector.

Verify Package Integrity The checksum of the downloaded FluidFS service pack is re-computed
to verify the integrity of the service pack.

Upload Package to The FluidFS service pack is uploaded to a NAS controller in the FluidFS
FluidFS cluster.

Register Package Storage Manager waits for FluidFS to register that the package has
arrived and make the service pack available for installation.
8. Click Finish when you are ready to install the service pack. The progress of the installation process is
NOTE: During the installation process, communication with the FluidFS cluster will be
interrupted. This might result in a communication error. However, the installation process will
continue to run in the background.

NOTE: The installation process is a long-running operation. If you close the wizard, the
installation process will continue to run in the background. You can view the installation
progress using the File System tab→Maintenance → Internal→ Background Processes tab.

Related Links
Viewing the Status of Background Processes
Managing the FTP Server

Managing Firmware Updates

Firmware is automatically updated on NAS controllers during service pack updates and after a failed NAS
controller is replaced. After a firmware update is complete, the NAS controller reboots. It is important that
you do not remove a NAS controller when a firmware update is in progress. Doing so corrupts the
firmware. A firmware update is in progress if both the rear power-on LED and cache active/off-load LED
repeatedly blink amber 5 times and then blink green 5 times. If you connect a monitor to a NAS controller
VGA port during a firmware update, the following message is displayed: Executing firmware
updates for TopHat system.

FluidFS Maintenance 181

Restoring the NAS Volume Configuration
Restoring the NAS volume configuration provides an effective way to restore the following NAS volume
settings without having to manually reconfigure them:

• SMB shares
• NFS exports
• Snapshot schedules
• Quota rules

This is useful in the following circumstances:

• After recovering a system

• After recovering a NAS volume
• When failing over to a replication target NAS volume

NAS Volume Configuration Backups

Whenever a change in the NAS volume's configuration is made, it is automatically saved in a format that
allows you to restore it later. The configuration is stored and encrypted in the .clusterConfig folder,
which is located in the NAS volume's root folder. This folder can be backed up, either individually, or with
the NAS volume's user data, and later restored.
The configuration of a NAS volume can be restored on another NAS volume on the same system or on
another system.

A NAS volume configuration backup can be made available to be restored using the following methods:

• The storage administrator can manually copy the .clusterConfig folder to the NAS volume from its
backup or from another NAS volume. When using a backup from another system, the restore
operation works only if the saved configuration was taken from a system using the same FluidFS
• The storage administrator can copy the .clusterConfig folder to the NAS volume from its backup
or from another NAS volume using an NDMP restore. When using a backup from another system, the
restore operation works only if the saved configuration was taken from a system using the same
FluidFS version.
• The .clusterConfig folder is automatically copied to target NAS volumes during replication.

Restore the NAS Volume Configuration

When you restore a NAS volume configuration, it overwrites and replaces the existing configuration.
Clients that are connected to the FluidFS cluster are disconnected. Clients will then automatically
reconnect to the FluidFS cluster.

1. Ensure the .clusterConfig folder has been copied to the root folder of the NAS volume on which
the NAS volume configuration will be restored. One way to access the root folder of a NAS volume is
to open Windows Explorer and in the address bar type: \\<client_VIP_or_name>\C$
2. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster
3. Click the File System tab.
4. In the File System tab navigation pane, expand NAS Volumes and select a NAS volume.
5. In the right pane, click Restore Volume Config. The Restore Volume Config dialog box appears.

182 FluidFS Maintenance

6. Select the settings to restore from backup:
• To restore SMB shares, select the SMB Shares check box.
• To restore NFS exports, select the NFS Exports check box.
• To restore snapshot schedules, select the Snapshot Scheduling check box.
• To restore quota rules, select the Quota Rules check box.
7. Click OK.

Restoring Local Users

Restoring the local users configuration provides an effective way to restore all local users without having
to manually reconfigure them. This is useful in the following circumstances:

• After recovering a system

• When failing over to a replication target NAS volume

Local Users Configuration Backups

Whenever a change in the local users configuration is made, it is automatically saved in a format that
allows you to restore it later. The configuration is stored and encrypted in the .clusterConfig folder,
which is located in the NAS volume's root folder. This folder can be backed up, either individually, or with
the NAS volume's user data, and later restored.
A local users configuration backup can be made available to be restored using the following methods:

• The storage administrator can manually copy the .clusterConfig folder to a NAS volume in the
system from its backup or from another system. When using a backup from another system, the
restore operation works only if the saved configuration was taken from a system using the same
FluidFS version.
• The storage administrator can copy the .clusterConfig folder to a NAS volume in the system from
its backup or from another system using an NDMP restore. When using a backup from another
system, the restore operation works only if the saved configuration was taken from a system using the
same FluidFS version.
• The .clusterConfig folder is automatically copied to target NAS volumes during replication.

Restore Local Users

Local users can be restored by restoring the configuration stored on the most current NAS volume in the
FluidFS cluster and restoring it on the same system or on another system.
About this task
When you restore the local users configuration, it overwrites and replaces the existing configuration.
Clients that are currently connected to the FluidFS cluster are disconnected. Clients will then
automatically reconnect.
1. Ensure the .clusterConfig folder has been copied to the root folder of a NAS volume on the
system on which to restore local users. One way to access the root folder of a NAS volume is to
open Windows Explorer and in the address bar type: \\<client_VIP_or_name>\C$
2. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
3. Click the File System tab and select Authentication.
4. In the right pane, click the Local Users and Groups tab.
5. Click Restore Local User. The Restore Local Users dialog box appears.

FluidFS Maintenance 183

6. From the Backup Source drop-down menu, select the backup from which to restore local users.
7. Click OK.

Restoring Local Groups

Restoring the local groups configuration provides an effective way to restore all local groups without
having to manually reconfigure them. This is useful in the following circumstances:

• After recovering a system

• When failing over to a replication target NAS volume

Local Groups Configuration Backups

Whenever a change in the local groups configuration is made, it is automatically saved in a format that
allows you to restore it later. The configuration is stored and encrypted in the .clusterConfig folder,
which is located in the NAS volume's root folder. This folder can be backed up, either individually, or with
the NAS volume's user data, and later restored.
A local groups configuration backup can be made available to be restored using the following methods:

• The storage administrator can manually copy the .clusterConfig folder to a NAS volume in the
system from its backup or from another system. When using a backup from another system, the
restore operation works only if the saved configuration was taken from a system using the same
FluidFS version.
• The storage administrator can copy the .clusterConfig folder to a NAS volume in the system from
its backup or from another system using an NDMP restore. When using a backup from another
system, the restore operation works only if the saved configuration was taken from a system using the
same FluidFS version.
• The .clusterConfig folder is automatically copied to target NAS volumes during replication.

Restore Local Groups

Local groups can be restored by restoring the configuration stored on the most current NAS volume in
the FluidFS cluster and restoring it on the same system or on another system.
About this task
When you restore the local groups configuration, it overwrites and replaces the existing configuration.
Clients that are currently connected to the FluidFS cluster are disconnected. Clients will then
automatically reconnect.
1. Ensure the .clusterConfig folder has been copied to the root folder of a NAS volume on the
system on which to restore local groups. One way to access the root folder of a NAS volume is to
open Windows Explorer and in the address bar type: \\<client_VIP_or_name>\C$
2. Click the Storage view.
3. In the Storage pane, select a FluidFS cluster.
4. Click the System tab.
5. In the System tab navigation pane, select Access Control.
6. In the right pane, click the Local Users and Groups tab.
7. Click Restore Local User Groups. The Restore Local User Groups dialog box appears.
8. From the Backup Source drop-down menu, select the backup from which to restore local groups.
9. Click OK.

184 FluidFS Maintenance

Reinstalling FluidFS from the Internal Storage Device
Each NAS controller contains an internal storage device from which you can reinstall the FluidFS factory
image. If you experience general system instability or a failure to boot, you might have to reinstall the
image on one or more NAS controllers.
• If the NAS controller is still an active member in the FluidFS cluster, you must first detach it.
• Connect a monitor to a NAS controller’s VGA port and connect a keyboard to one of the NAS
controller’s USB ports.

About this task

CAUTION: Only reinstall the FluidFS software under the direction of Dell Technical Support.

WARNING: Reinstalling the FluidFS software on all NAS controllers will revert your system to
factory defaults. All data on the FluidFS cluster will be unrecoverable after performing the

1. Press and release the recessed power button at the back of the NAS controller to shut down the NAS
NOTE: Power off only the NAS controller on which you are reinstalling the FluidFS software. Do
not power off the remaining NAS controllers. Powering off a NAS controller disconnects client
connections while clients are being transferred to other NAS controllers. Clients will then
automatically reconnect to the FluidFS cluster.
2. Press and release the recessed power button at the back of the NAS controller to turn on the NAS
3. When you see the F11 = BIOS Boot Manager prompt, press F11.
4. Select the boot device USB Flash Disk.
5. Select Reinstall Dell FluidFS<FluidFS_release_to_install>.
NOTE: Reinstall the NAS controller to FluidFS version 2.0 only if you are redeploying the NAS
controller in a FluidFS version 2.0 cluster.
6. Confirm the action by typing resetmysystem (version 3.0) or resetmysystem -v2 (version 2.0)
and pressing Enter.
7. Once the reinstallation completes, the NAS controller will reboot into standby mode.
8. After reinstalling FluidFS, attach the NAS controller to a FluidFS cluster.

Related Links
Attach a NAS Controller
Detach a NAS Controller

FluidFS Maintenance 185

FluidFS Troubleshooting
This section contains information about troubleshooting problems with the FluidFS cluster. These tasks
are performed using the Dell Storage Client.

Viewing the Event Log

A FluidFS cluster generates events when normal operations occur and also when problems occur. Events
allow you to monitor the FluidFS cluster, detect and solve problems. Events are logged to the Event Log.

View the Event Log

View events contained in the Event Log.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Events tab. The events are displayed.
3. (Optional) Customize the events display as needed. These options are described in the online help.
• To View events for a different timeframe select one of the time period options.: Last Day, Last 3
Days, Last 5 Days, Last Week, Last Month, or Custom. If you select Custom, specify the Start
Time and End Time of the events data to display and then click Update.
• To change the maximum number of events to display, select the maximum number of events
(100, 500, or 1000) from the Max Count drop-down menu.
• To filter the events based on severity, select a severity from the Severity Above drop-down menu.
Options available are Inform, Warning, Error, and Exception.

View Details About an Event in the Event Log

View detailed information for an event contained in the Event Log.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Events tab.
3. Select an event. The event details are displayed in the bottom pane.

Sort the Event Log

Sort events contained in the Event Log by column heading.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Events tab.
3. Click the column headings of the table to sort the events.

FluidFS Troubleshooting 187

Search the Event Log
Search events contained in the Event Log for a specified string.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.

2. Click the Events tab.
3. In the Search field, type the text to search for.
4. Select search parameters as needed:
• To make the search case-sensitive, select the Match Case check box.
• To prevent the search from wrapping, clear the Wrap check box.
NOTE: By default, when a search reaches the bottom of the list and Find Next is clicked,
the search wraps around to the first match in the list. When a search reaches the top of the
list and Find Previous is clicked, the search wraps around to the last match in the list.
• To match whole phrases within the events, select the Full Match check box.
• To highlight all of the matches of the search, select the Highlight check box.
5. Click Find Next or Find Previous to search for the text you entered.
• If a match is found, the first event with matching text is selected from the list of events.
• If a match is not found, an Error dialog box appears and it displays the text that could not be

Running Diagnostics
Running diagnostics helps you detect problems with the FluidFS cluster. The diagnostic options available
for the FluidFS cluster are:

• FluidFS diagnostics: Used to diagnose software issues.

• Embedded system diagnostics: Used to diagnose hardware issues.

Run FluidFS Diagnostics on a FluidFS Cluster

FluidFS diagnostics can be run while the FluidFS cluster is online and serving data.
About this task
The following FluidFS diagnostic options are available:

• Client Connectivity Diagnostic: Tracks a specific client’s attempt to connect to the FluidFS cluster.
Once the diagnostic is running, ask the client to reattempt the connection.
• File Accessibility Diagnostic: Tracks a specific client’s attempt to access a file. Once the diagnostic is
running, ask the client to reattempt file access.
• File System Diagnostic: Collects information on the core file system activities, resource consumption,
and status. If a problem occurs only during a specific activity, repeat that activity once the diagnostic
is running.
• General System Diagnostic: Collects general information about the FluidFS cluster status and
• Network Diagnostic: Collects network information and tracks a specific client’s attempt to connect to
the FluidFS cluster. Once the diagnostic is running, ask the client to reattempt the connection.
• Performance Diagnostic: Monitors the FluidFS cluster performance while running a basic benchmark
and collecting statistics. If possible, run this diagnostic when activity on the FluidFS cluster is minimal.
• Protocols Log Diagnostic: Collects information for SMB and NFS protocol activities, resources, and
status. If a problem occurs only during a specific activity, repeat that activity once the diagnostic is

188 FluidFS Troubleshooting

On completion of the diagnostics, the compressed archive of the diagnostic result files are available from
the FluidFS cluster FTP server at:

ftp://<FluidFS_administrator_user_name>@<client_VIP_or_cluster name>:44421/

The diagnostic files can also be sent to a NAS volume location. They can then be collected via an SMB
share or NFS export.

1. Click the Storage view and select a FluidFS cluster.
2. Click the File System tab.
3. In the File System tab navigation pane, select Maintenance.
4. In the right pane, click the Support tab.
5. Select the diagnostic to run.
6. Click Run Diagnostic. The Run Diagnostic dialog box appears.
7. Enter any requested diagnostic parameters and click OK. The diagnostic parameters are described in
the online help. After the diagnostics have been run, Storage Manager will send diagnostic data using
Dell SupportAssist.

Related Links
Managing the FTP Server

Run Embedded System Diagnostics on a NAS Controller

The embedded system diagnostics (also known as Enhanced Pre-boot System Assessment (ePSA)
diagnostics) provide a set of options for particular device groups or devices.
Connect a monitor to a NAS controller VGA port and connect a keyboard to one of the NAS controller
USB ports.

About this task

The embedded system diagnostics allow you to:

• Run tests automatically or in an interactive mode

• Repeat tests
• Display or save test results
• Run thorough tests to introduce additional test options to provide extra information about the failed
• View status messages that inform you whether tests are completed successfully
• View error messages that inform you of problems encountered during testing

If a major component or device in the system does not operate properly, running the embedded system
diagnostics might indicate component failure. To run embedded system diagnostics, a NAS controller
must be offline, which means it is not serving data.

The following table summarizes the embedded system diagnostics menu options.

FluidFS Troubleshooting 189

Menu Description
Configuration Displays the configuration and status information of all detected devices.
Results Displays the results of all tests that are executed.
System Health Provides the current overview of the system performance.
Event Log Displays a time-stamped log of the results of all tests run on the system. This is
displayed if at least one event description is recorded.

1. Press and release the recessed power button at the back of the NAS controller to shut down the NAS
NOTE: Power off only the NAS controller on which you are running the embedded system
diagnostics. Do not power off the remaining NAS controllers. Powering off a NAS controller
disconnects client connections while their clients are being transferred to other NAS
controllers. Clients will then automatically reconnect to the FluidFS cluster.
2. Press and release the recessed power button at the back of the NAS controller to turn on the NAS
3. When you see the F10 = Launch Dell Embedded Diagnostics Module prompt, press F10. The ePSA
Pre-boot System Assessment window is displayed, listing all devices detected in the system. The
diagnostics starts executing the tests on all the detected devices.
4. After you are finished running the embedded system diagnostics, select Exit to exit the diagnostics
and reboot the NAS controller.

Configuring the BMC Network

You can configure the baseboard management controller (BMC) local area network (LAN) port to provide
KVM (keyboard, video, and mouse) service for the FluidFS controller serial console I/O. The BMC KVM
service enables the administrator or support engineer to access the FluidFS console I/O to troubleshoot
various issues over a computer network.

The FluidFS appliance hardware provides a special physical port known as the Lights-Out Management
(LOM) port. This port provides a standard TCP connection to a switch.

As of FluidFS v4, the interconnect network is an IPv6-only network. The BMC network configuration is no
longer dependent on the interconnect subnet.

You can configure a different IP address for each controller in the cluster. However, the network and
default gateway are shared among all controllers. If you check/uncheck the “Enabled” checkbox, you are
enabling/disabling the BMC network on all controllers.

BMC Network Configuration Procedure

Follow this procedure to configure the BMC network:
1. Click the Storage View and select the FluidFS cluster that you want to configure.
2. Click the Summary tab.
3. In the right pane, click Edit Settings. The Edit Settings dialog box appears.
4. In the left pane, click the BMC Network vertical tab.

190 FluidFS Troubleshooting

5. In the Allow BMC Access area, check the Enabled checkbox.
6. Select the controller and click Edit Settings.
7. Enter the controller IP address.
After you set the controller IP, verify that the netmask and default gateway are correct. Modify them
if needed.
8. Click Apply or OK.

Next steps
When you click the Edit link below the table of IP addresses, a new window will open in which you can
edit an IP address. Edit the IP address and click OK.

You cannot add or delete a controller IP address, you can only edit the IP address for a controller.

Launching the iBMC Virtual KVM

The iBMC (Integrated Baseboard Management Controller) virtual KVM (keyboard, video, and mouse)
allows you to view and manage the NAS controller console remotely over a network.
• To use the iBMC virtual KVM, you must use a computer with a web browser and JAVA enabled.
• Before connecting to the iBMC virtual KVM, determine the iBMC password. If the FluidFS cluster is
configured, the iBMC password is synchronized with the support account password.

1. Connect a network cable to the LOM (Lights Out Management) Ethernet port on a NAS controller.
The LOM Ethernet port is located on the lower right side of the back panel of a NAS controller.
2. Connect a Windows client to the iBMC.
a. Connect a Windows client to the same network used for the LOM Ethernet port.
b. Open a web browser. In the address bar of the web browser, type the iBMC IP address of the NAS
controller. The iBMC login page appears.
c. In the Username field, type ADMIN.
d. In the Password field, type the iBMC password.
e. Click OK. The iBMC Properties page appears.
3. Launch the iBMC virtual KVM.
a. In the navigation pane, expand vKVM & vMedia and click Launch.
b. In the right pane, click Launch Java KVM Client. The Video Viewer appears and displays the
FluidFS cluster console.

FluidFS Troubleshooting 191

Troubleshooting Common Issues
This section contains probable causes of and solutions to common problems encountered when using a
FluidFS cluster.

Troubleshoot Active Directory Issues

This section contains probable causes of and solutions to common Active Directory problems.

Group Quota For an Active Directory User Does Not Work

Description A group quota rule is defined for an Active Directory group; however, when a group
member consumes space, the actual usage of the group does not grow and the
group limitation is not enforced.

Cause Quota enforcement is performed based on the UID and GID of the file (UNIX) or
the SID and the GSID of the primary group of the user (NTFS), if defined.
For Active Directory users, the Primary Group setting is not mandatory, and if not
defined, the used space is not accounted to any group. For group quota to be
effective with Active Directory users, their primary group must be assigned.

Workaround To set up the primary group for an Active Directory user:

1. Open the Active Directory management.

2. Right-click on the user and select Properties.
3. Select the Member Of tab.
4. The group you need must be listed. Click the group and then click Set Primary

Now quotas takes effect for the user's group.

Active Directory User Authentication Fails

Description A valid Active Directory user fails to authenticate.

Cause Probable causes might be:

• The user is trying to authenticate using an incorrect password.
• The user is locked or disabled in Active Directory.
• The Active Directory domain controllers are offline or unreachable.
• The FluidFS cluster system time and Active Directory clock are out of sync.

Workaround 1. Check the FluidFS cluster Event Log for errors.

2. Verify that the user is not disabled or locked in Active Directory.
3. Verify that the domain controllers are online and reachable using the network.
4. The FluidFS cluster and Active Directory server must use a common source of
time. Configure NTP and verify the system time is in sync with the domain
controller time.

192 FluidFS Troubleshooting

Active Directory Configuration Issues
Description Unable to add Active Directory users and groups to SMB shares.

Cause Probable causes might be:

• Unable to ping the domain using a FQDN.
• DNS might not be configured.
• NTP might not be configured.

Workaround When configuring the FluidFS cluster to connect to an Active Directory domain:

1. Ensure that you use a FQDN and not the NetBIOS name of the domain or IP
address of the domain controller.
2. Ensure that the user has permissions to add systems to the domain.
3. Use the correct password.
4. Configure DNS.
5. The FluidFS cluster and Active Directory server must use a common source of
time. Configure NTP and verify the system time is in sync with the domain
controller time.
6. If multiple NAS appliances are used, ensure that you set different NetBIOS
names. The system defaults to SMB Storage as the name.

Troubleshoot Backup Issues

This section contains probable causes of and solutions to common NDMP problems.

Troubleshooting Snapshots
Description Snapshot creation and deletion fails.

Cause Probable causes might be:

• There are many client I/O requests waiting to be serviced, including a request to
remove a large directory.
• There are many snapshot creation/deletion requests being currently processed.
• Another snapshot request for the NAS volume is currently being executed.
• The total number of snapshots reached the system limit.
• The wrong IP address was specified in the backup job.

Workaround • For a manual request failure, retry taking or deleting the snapshot after a minute
or two.
• If the request originated from the snapshot scheduler, wait another cycle or
two. If the failure persists, try taking or deleting the snapshot manually on the
same NAS volume.
• If the system is under a heavy workload, wait until the workload decreases and
reissue the snapshot request.
• Check the snapshot schedule. A very dense snapshot schedule has a negative
impact on the overall performance of the system. The accumulated snapshot
rate must not exceed 20 snapshots per hour per system.
• Check the total number of snapshots in the system. If the number is in the
thousands, delete a few snapshots and retry.
• Ensure the client VIP is specified in the backup job.

FluidFS Troubleshooting 193

• Check if a recent delete of a big volume (TB) was executed. If so, wait for some
time and retry the activity.

Troubleshooting an NDMP Internal Error

Description Backup or restore fails with an internal error.

Cause NDMP internal errors are indicators of a file system not being accessible or a NAS
volume not being available.

Workaround If the backup application cannot connect to a FluidFS cluster:

1. Verify that NDMP is enabled.

2. Verify that the backup application IP address is configured in NDMP.

If the backup appliance can connect to a FluidFS cluster, but cannot log in:

1. Use the default user name “backup_user” configured in Storage Manager for
the NDMP client while setting up the NDMP backup/restore in your backup
2. Use the password configured in Storage Manager for the NDMP client while
setting up the NDMP backup/restore in your backup application.

If the backup application can log into the FluidFS cluster, but no NAS volumes are
available for backup, verify that the FluidFS cluster has NAS volumes created on it.

Troubleshoot SMB Issues

This section contains probable causes of and solutions to common SMB problems.

Access to SMB File Denied Due to Unavailable AV Server

Description When a file on an SMB share is opened by a client application, the FluidFS cluster
sends the file to an anti-virus server to be scanned.
If no anti-virus server is available, access to the file and to the whole SMB share is

Cause Because the anti-virus servers are not available on the FluidFS cluster, files cannot
be opened on an anti-virus enabled SMB share.

Workaround Ensure that the problem appears only on anti-virus enabled SMB shares, while
clients accessing other SMB shares do not experience such problems.
Check the status of the anti-virus servers and the network path between the
FluidFS cluster and the anti-virus servers.

Access to SMB File/Folder Denied Due to Permissions

Description SMB access to a file or folder is denied.

Cause A client without sufficient permissions performs an operation on a file/folder.

Workaround Check the permissions on the file/folder and set the required permissions.

194 FluidFS Troubleshooting

SMB ACL Corruption
Description SMB ACLs are corrupt.

Cause • ACLs were accidentally changed by a user or script.

• ACLs are corrupted after an anti-virus application accidentally quarantined
corresponding files.
• ACLs got corrupted after data recovery by a backup application due to
compatibility issues.
• ACLs got corrupted after migrating data from a different location by using a
third-party application, for example, RoboCopy.

Workaround Check the current ACL setting in the Windows client. Redefine the ACLs for the files
by using a Windows client the same way you initially defined it. Verify that you set
the ACLs as the owner of the files, directories, and SMB shares. If you cannot
redefine your ACLs because you currently do not have permissions, perform the
following steps:

1. Restore the files from snapshots or a backup.

2. If you have migrated the data from a different location, for example, using the
RoboCopy application, there is a good chance you can restore ACLs by
copying only ACLs metadata, instead of re-copying the whole data.
3. If all file system ACLs are corrupted you can restore all data from a NAS
replication partner.

SMB Client Clock Skew

Description SMB client clock skew errors.

Cause The client clock must be within 5 minutes of the Active Directory clock.

Workaround Configure the client to clock-synch with the Active Directory server (as an NTP
server) to avoid clock skews errors.

SMB Client Disconnect on File Read

Description The SMB client is disconnected on file read.

Cause Extreme SMB workload during NAS controller failover.

Workaround The client needs to reconnect and open the file again.

SMB Client Incorrect Password Login Failure

Description An SMB client fails to log in.

Cause The client supplied the wrong password upon connection.

Workaround 1. Interactive clients can retry with the correct password.

2. Applications and servers might need special attention as the user/password,
which is usually set in a script or configuration file, has probably expired.

FluidFS Troubleshooting 195

SMB Delete On Close Denial
Description Files are deleted while they are in use.

Cause If multiple users are working on the same file and one user deletes the opened file,
it is marked for deletion, and is deleted after it is closed. Until then, the file appears
in its original location but the system denies any attempt to open it.

Workaround Notify the client who tried to open the file that the file has been deleted.

SMB File Sharing Conflict

Description SMB file access is denied due to a sharing conflict.

Cause When a file is opened using the SMB protocol, the opening application
communicates the sharing mode that must be used while this file is open.
This sharing mode describes what other clients' activities are allowed on this file,
while it is open.

This definition is sent by the application and the client cannot control/configure it.

Once there is a violation of the sharing definition, the client receives an access
denied error and an event is issued.

Workaround This is an informative event. The administrator may contact the locking client and
request to close the application referencing this file.
It could be that the application that opened the file did not shut down gracefully. It
is recommended to reboot the client if possible.

SMB Locking Inconsistency

Description The SMB service is interrupted due to SMB interlocking issues.

Cause There are various SMB client interlocking scenarios.

Workaround The system recovers itself automatically, an event is issued when recovered.

SMB Maximum Connections Reached

Description The maximum number of SMB connections per NAS controller has been reached.

Cause Each NAS appliance is limited to a certain number of connections.

Workaround • If the system is in an optimal state (all NAS controllers are online) and the
number of SMB clients accessing one of the NAS controllers reaches the
maximum, consider adding another NAS appliance.
• If the system is in optimal state (all NAS controllers are online) but the clients are
significantly unbalanced between NAS controllers, rebalance the clients using
Storage Manager.
• If the system is in a degraded state (one or more NAS controllers are down) and
the SMB clients are connected to the remaining NAS controller, wait until the
system returns to optimal or decrease the number of SMB clients using the

196 FluidFS Troubleshooting

SMB Share Does Not Exist
Description Client attempts to connect to a nonexistent SMB share.

Cause • Spelling mistake on client side.

• Client is accessing the wrong server.

Workaround List the available SMB shares and verify that all SMB shares are displayed and
nothing has changed unintentionally.
Verify that you can access the problematic SMB share using a Windows client:

1. Click Run.
2. Enter the client access VIP and share name: \\<client_VIP_or_name>

SMB Share Name Truncated In Event After Mapping SMB Share

Description After a client maps a SMB share, the following event is generated and the SMB
share name is truncated in the event. In this example, the SMB share name is
SMB client connection failure. Un-available share \

Cause This is a known issue with Windows. Windows attempts to map the SMB share by
its name and also by the name truncated by one character.

Workaround This event can be safely ignored.

SMB Path Share Not Found

Description Client accessed a share that refers to a nonexistent directory in the NAS volume.

Cause This error usually occurs in one of the following scenarios:

• The FluidFS cluster is restored from a backup or remote replication. During
restore time, the directory structure is not complete and a few directories might
not exist.
• When a client with an authorization to access a higher directory in the same
path deletes or alters a directory that is being mounted by another client. When
multiple clients are accessing the same data set, it is recommended to apply a
strict permission level to avoid this scenario.

Workaround 1. If the FluidFS cluster is being restored, communicate the current status to the
client and instruct the client to wait for the restore process to complete.
2. In the case of another client deleting or altering a directory, there are three

• Restore the problematic path from a backup.

• Manually create the missing directories to enable access. Clients receive
errors when trying to access existing data in a deleted path.
• Remove the SMB share and communicate this to the client.
3. List all available SMB shares on the FluidFS cluster and identify the problematic
SMB share. It must have an indication that it is not accessible.

FluidFS Troubleshooting 197

SMB Write to Read Only NAS Volume
Description A client tries to modify a file on a read-only NAS volume.

Cause A NAS volume is set to read-only when it is the target of a replication.

The most frequent reason for this event is either:

• The client meant to access the target system for read purposes, but also tried to
modify a file by mistake.
• The client accessed the wrong system due to similarity in name/IP address.
• The client accessed a NAS volume that was made a replication target without
the client’s knowledge.

Workaround • Refer the client to the correct NAS volume.

• In order to write to the NAS volume, replication must be terminated first so the
NAS volume becomes standalone.

Troubleshoot NFS Issues

This section contains probable causes of and solutions to common NFS problems.

Cannot Mount NFS Export

Description When attempting to mount an NFS export, the mount command fails due to
various reasons such as:
• Permission denied.
• FluidFS cluster is not responding due to port mapper failure - RPC timed out or
input/output error.
• FluidFS cluster is not responding due to program not registered.
• Access denied.
• Not a directory.

Cause • The client connects using NFS/UDP and there is a firewall in the way.
• The client is not in the NFS export list, the FluidFS cluster could not recognize
the client system through NIS, or the FluidFS cluster does not accept the
identity the client provided.
• The FluidFS cluster is down or has internal file system problems.
• The mount command got through to the port mapper, but the rpc.mountd NFS
mount daemon was not registered.
• The client system’s IP address, IP range, domain name, or netgroup is not in the
NFS export list for the NAS volume it is trying to mount from the FluidFS cluster.
• Either the remote path or the local path is not a directory.
• The client does not have root authority or is not a member of the system group.
NFS mounts and unmounts are only allowed for root users and members of the
system group.

Workaround If the issue is due to NFS/UDP and firewall, check whether the client mounts using
UDP (this is usually the default) and there is a firewall in the path. If a firewall exists,
add an appropriate exception to the firewall.
If the issue is due to permissions:

• Verify the path you provided is correct.

• Check that you are trying to mount as root.

198 FluidFS Troubleshooting

• Check that the system's IP address, IP range, domain name, or netgroup is in
the NFS exports list.

If the FluidFS cluster is not responding due to a port mapper failure:

• Check the FluidFS cluster status.
• Check the network connection by trying to NFS mount from some other
• Verify whether other clients experience the same problem.

If the FluidFS cluster is not responding due to the program not being registered,
check if the port mapper on your client is up.
If the issue is due to access denied:

• Get a list of the FluidFS cluster exported file systems using the command:
showmount -e <client_VIP_or_name>
• Check the system name or netgroup name is not in the user list for the file
• Check the file systems related to the NFS export through Storage Manager.

If the issue is due to the directory, check the spelling in your command and try to
run the mount command on both directories.

NFS Export Does Not Exist

Description Attempted to mount an export that does not exist.

Cause This failure is commonly caused by spelling mistakes on the client system or when
accessing the wrong server.

Workaround 1. Check the available NFS exports on the FluidFS cluster; verify that all the
required exports exist.
2. On the problematic client, verify that the relevant export is available to this
% showmount -e <client_VIP_or_name>

Export list for <client_VIP_or_name>:



If the NFS export is available, review the NFS export name spelling in the
relevant mount command on the client. It is recommended to copy and paste
the NFS export name from the showmount output to the mount command.

NFS File Access Denied

Description This event is issued when an NFS client does not have enough permissions for the
file on a NAS volume.

Cause File ownership is UID/UNIX and the user is not privileged to access the file, or, file
ownership is SID/ACL and after translation to UID/UNIX the permissions do not
allow access to the file.

Workaround • For native access (when a SMB client accesses SID/ACL file or NFS client
accesses UID/UNIX file) change the permissions to allow access.

FluidFS Troubleshooting 199

• For non-native access, translation rules are involved and it is recommended to
contact Dell Technical Support.

NFS Insecure Access to Secure Export

Description A client tries to access a secure export from an insecure port.

Cause The secure NFS export requirement means that the accessing clients must use a
well-known port (below 1024), which usually means that they must be root (uid=0)
on the client.

Workaround Identify the relevant NFS export and verify that it is set as secure (requires secure
client port).
• If the NFS export must remain secure, see the NFS client documentation in
order to issue the mount request from a well-known port (below 1024).
• If a secure NFS export is not required (for example, the network is not public),
ensure that the export is insecure and retry accessing it.

NFS Mount Fails Due to Export Options

Description This event is issued when an NFS mount fails due to export options.

Cause The export list filters client access by IP address, network, or netgroup, and screens
the accessing client.

Workaround 1. Verify the relevant NFS export details. Write down all existing options so that
you are able to revert to them.
2. Remove IP address/client restrictions on the NFS export and retry the mount.
If the mount succeeds, verify that the IP address or domain is explicitly
specified, or that it is part of the defined network or netgroups. Once the
mount succeeds, adjust the original options accordingly.
Pay attention to pitfall scenarios, where the network netmask is not intuitive,
for example, is part of but not of

NFS Mount Fails Due to Netgroup Failure

Description This event is issued when a client fails to mount an NFS export because the
required netgroup information cannot be attained.

Cause This error is usually the outcome of a communication error between the FluidFS
cluster and the NIS/LDAP server. It can be a result of a network issue, directory
server overload, or a software malfunction.

Workaround Repeat the below process for each configured NIS/LDAP server, each time leaving
just a single NIS/LDAP used, starting with the problematic server.

1. Inspect the NIS/LDAP server logs and see whether the reason for the error is
reported in the logs.
2. Network tests: Try pinging the FluidFS cluster from a client located in the same
subnet as the NIS/LDAP server. Try pinging the NIS/LDAP server from a client
located in the same subnet as the FluidFS cluster.
If packet loss is evident on one of the above network tests, resolve the
network issues in the environment.

200 FluidFS Troubleshooting

3. Using a Linux client located in the same subnet as the FluidFS cluster and
configured to use the same directory server, query the netgroup details from
the NIS/LDAP server using the relevant commands. Ensure that the reply is
received in a timely manner (up to 3 seconds).

You can temporarily work around the problem by removing the netgroup
restriction on the NFS export and/or by defining an alternative directory server.
Identify the relevant NFS export and the options defined for it, while focusing on
the netgroup definition. Document the used netgroup in order to restore it once
the issue is solved and remove the netgroup limitation.

NFS Mount Path Does Not Exist

Description A client tries to mount a mount path that does not exists on a NAS volume.

Cause This error usually occurs in one of the following scenarios:

• The FluidFS cluster is restored from a backup or remote replication. During
restore time, the directory structure is not complete and a few directories might
not exist.
• When a client with an authorization to access a higher directory in the same
path deletes or alters a directory that is being mounted by another client. When
multiple clients are accessing the same data set, it is recommended to apply a
strict permission scheme to avoid this scenario.

Workaround 1. If the FluidFS cluster is being restored, communicate the current status to the
client and instruct the client to wait for the restore process to complete.
2. In the case of another client deleting or altering a directory, there are three

• Restore the problematic path from a backup.

• Manually create the missing directories to enable the mount. Clients
receive errors when trying to access existing data in a deleted path.
• Remove the NFS export and communicate this to the client.
3. List all available NFS exports on the FluidFS cluster and identify the
problematic NFS export. It must have an indication that it is not accessible.

NFS Owner Restricted Operation

Description An NFS client is not permitted to perform the requested action to the specific file.

Cause An NFS client attempted a chmod or chgrp operation while not being the owner of
the file.

Workaround This is a minor, user-level issue. Frequent events of this type might indicate a
malicious attempt to access restricted data.

NFS Write to Read-Only Export

Description An NFS client tries to perform modifications on a read-only NFS export.

Cause An NFS export can be defined as a read-only NFS export. A client accessing a read-
only NFS export cannot perform write operations or modify included files.

Workaround This event, by itself, does not require any administrative intervention.

FluidFS Troubleshooting 201

NFS Write To Read-Only NAS Volume
Description A client tries to modify a file on a read-only NAS volume.

Cause A NAS volume is set to read-only when it is the target of a replication.

The most frequent reason for this event is either:

• The client meant to access the target system for read purposes, but also tries to
modify a file by mistake.
• The client accesses the wrong system due to similarity in name/IP address.
• The client is accessing a NAS volume that was made a replication target without
the client’s knowledge.

Workaround • Refer the client to the correct NAS volume.

• In order to write to the NAS volume, replication must be terminated first so the
NAS volume becomes standalone.

NFS Write to Snapshot

Description An NFS client tries to modify a file located in a snapshot.

Cause NAS volume snapshots cannot be modified by design.

Workaround Inform the client that snapshot data cannot be modified. A snapshot is an exact
representation of the NAS volume data at the time of its creation.

NFS Access Denied to a File or Directory

Description A client cannot access the NFS file or directory despite the fact that the user
belongs to the group owning the NFS object and the group members are permitted
to perform the operation.

Cause NFS servers (versions 2 and 3) use the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol for
authentication of NFS clients. Most RPC clients have a limitation, by design, of up to
16 groups passed to the NFS server. If a user belongs to more than 16 UNIX groups,
as supported by some UNIX types, some of the groups are not passed and are not
checked by the NFS server and therefore the client's access might be denied.

Workaround A possible way to verify this problem is to use newgrp to temporarily change the
primary group of the user and thus ensure it is passed to the server.
The simple workaround, although not always feasible, is to remove the user from
unnecessary groups, leaving only 16 groups or less.

202 FluidFS Troubleshooting

Troubleshoot NAS File Access and Permissions Issues
This section contains probable causes of and solutions to common NAS file access and permissions

Cannot Change the Ownership of a File or a Folder

Description Every file on the FluidFS cluster is owned by either a UNIX or NTFS user. Inability to
change ownership is treated differently, depending on whether the access is native
or non-native.

Cause The user is not authorized to perform the ownership change.

Workaround An authorized user must perform this action.

Cannot Modify NAS Files

Description A user or an application cannot modify a file.

Cause • The client cannot modify a file due to lack of permissions on the file.
• The NAS volume has reached full capacity and the file system denies any write
requests, including overwrites.
• The NAS volume is a target in a replication and is read-only.

Workaround 1. If the problem appears only on some files, this is a permission issue. Verify that
the user account has modify permissions on the file or use a different user
2. If the problem is related to a specific NAS volume, verify there is enough free
space on the NAS volume or expand it, and verify that the accessed NAS
volume is not a target of a replication.

Mixed File Ownership Denied

Description Both the file owner and group owner must be from the same identity type (UNIX vs.
NTFS). An attempt to set different identity types was detected.

Cause It is impossible to change only the file owner ID to UID if the original file ownership

Workaround To change the file ownership to UNIX style ownership, set UID and GID at same

Problematic SMB Access From a UNIX/Linux Client

Description A UNIX/Linux client is trying to mount a FluidFS cluster SMB share using SMB
(using /etc/fstab or directly using smbmount).

Cause A UNIX/Linux client is trying to access the file system using the smbclient
command, for example:
smbclient //<FluidFS_cluster_name>/<SMB_share> -U user%password
-c ls

Workaround It is recommended that you use the NFS protocol interfaces to access the FluidFS
cluster file system from UNIX/Linux clients. To work around this issue:

FluidFS Troubleshooting 203

1. Ensure that the administrator creates NFS exports to the same locations that
you use to access using SMB and connect to them using the mount command
from UNIX/Linux clients.
2. Use NFS-based interfaces to access the FluidFS cluster. For example, from the
NAGIOS Linux management system, use the /check_disk command instead
of the /check_disk_smb command.

Strange UID and GID Numbers on Dell NAS System Files

Description New files created from Ubuntu 7.x clients get the UID and GID of 4294967294

Cause By default, Ubuntu 7.x NFS clients do not specify RPC credentials on their NFS calls.
As a result, files created from these clients, by any user, are owned by 4294967294
(nfsnone) UID and GID.

Workaround To force UNIX credentials on NFS calls, add the sec=sys option to the FluidFS
cluster mounts in the Ubuntu fstab file.

Troubleshoot Networking Problems

This section contains probable causes of and solutions to common networking problems.

Name Server Unresponsive

Description All NIS, LDAP, or DNS servers are unreachable or not responding.

Workaround For each server:

1. Ping the server from a client on the FluidFS cluster subnet and verify that it
2. Issue a request to the server from a client on the FluidFS cluster subnet and
verify that it responds.
3. Check the server logs to see what is causing the server not to respond to

Troubleshooting DNS Configurations

Description Clients are unable to connect to the FluidFS cluster using the system name and/or
unable to resolve host names.

Cause Probable causes might be:

• Client IP address information is not set correctly.
• The FluidFS cluster is not configured to use the correct DNS server.
• DNS records are incorrect.

Workaround 1. Verify that the client IP address information is set correctly.

2. Verify that the FluidFS cluster is configured to use the correct DNS server.
3. Contact the DNS server administrator to verify the DNS record creation.

204 FluidFS Troubleshooting

RX and TX Pause Warning Messages
Description The following warning messages might be displayed when Storage Manager
reports connectivity in a Not Optimal state:
Rx_pause for eth(x) on node1 is off.

Tx_pause for eth(x) on node 1 is off.

Cause Flow control is not enabled on the switch(es) connected to a FluidFS cluster

Workaround See the switch vendor's documentation to enable flow control on the switch(es).

Troubleshoot Replication Issues

This section contains probable causes of and solutions to common replication problems.

Replication Configuration Error

Description Replication between the source and target NAS volumes fails because the source
and target FluidFS cluster topologies are incompatible.

Cause The source and target systems are incompatible for replication purposes.

Workaround Verify that both the source and target have the same number of NAS controllers.

Replication Target FluidFS Cluster is Busy

Description Replication between the source NAS volume and the target NAS volume fails
because the target FluidFS cluster is not available to serve the required replication.

Cause Replication fails because the target FluidFS cluster is not available to serve the
required replication.

Workaround Verify the replication status on the target FluidFS cluster.

Replication Target File System is Busy

Description Replication between the source NAS volume and the target NAS volume fails
because the target FluidFS cluster file system is temporarily unavailable to serve the
required replication.

Cause Replication fails because the target FluidFS cluster is temporarily unavailable to
serve the required replication.

Workaround The replication continues automatically when the file system releases part of the
resources. Verify that the replication continues automatically after a period of time
(an hour).

Replication Target is Down

Description Replication between the source NAS volume and the target NAS volume fails
because the target NAS volume is down.

Cause Replication fails because the file system of the target NAS volume is down.

FluidFS Troubleshooting 205

Workaround Check whether the file system is down in the target system. If the FluidFS cluster
file system is not responding, you must start the file system on the target FluidFS
cluster. The replication continues automatically after the file system starts.

Replication Target is Not Optimal

Description Replication between the source NAS volume and the target NAS volume fails
because the target NAS volume is not optimal.

Cause Replication fails because the file system of the target NAS volume is not optimal.

Workaround Check the system status of the target system to understand why the file system is
not optimal. The replication continues automatically after the file system recovers.

Replication Target Volume is Busy Reclaiming Space

Description Replication between the source NAS volume and the target NAS volume fails
because the target NAS volume is busy freeing up space.

Cause Replication fails because the target NAS volume is busy freeing up space.

Workaround The replication continues automatically when the space is available. Verify that the
replication automatically continues after a period of time (an hour).

Replication Target Volume is Detached

Description Replication between the source NAS volume and the target NAS volume fails
because the target NAS volume is detached from the source NAS volume.

Cause Replication fails because the target NAS volume was previously detached from the
source NAS volume.

Workaround Perform the detach action on the source NAS volume. If required, reattach both
NAS volumes in a replication relation.

Replication Disconnection
Description Replication between the source NAS volume and the target NAS volume fails
because the connection between the source and target systems is lost.

Cause Network infrastructure connection issue between the source and the target.

Workaround Check whether the replication is automatically restored. If the replication is not
automatically restored, check the network communication between the source
FluidFS cluster and the target FluidFS cluster. Network communication can be
checked by using a third-party system in the same subnet that can ping both the
source and target FluidFS clusters. Also, verify that the FluidFS replication ports are
open on your firewall to allow replication between the source and target FluidFS

206 FluidFS Troubleshooting

Replication Incompatible Versions
Description Replication between the source NAS volume and the target NAS volume fails
because the FluidFS version of the source FluidFS cluster is higher than the FluidFS
version of the target cluster.

Cause Replication fails because the FluidFS version of the source FluidFS cluster is higher
than the FluidFS version of the target FluidFS cluster.

Workaround Upgrade the FluidFS version of the target FluidFS cluster to match the FluidFS
version of the source FluidFS cluster.

Replication Internal Error

Description Replication between the source and the target NAS volumes fails due to an internal

Workaround Contact Dell Technical Support to resolve this issue.

Replication Target Does Not Have Enough Space

Description Replication between the source NAS volume and target NAS volume fails because
there is not enough space in the target NAS volume.

Cause Replication fails because there is not enough space in the target NAS volume.

Workaround Increase the space of the target NAS volume.

Replication Source FluidFS Cluster is Busy

Description Replication between the source NAS volume and the target NAS volume fails
because the file system of the source NAS volume is busy replicating other NAS

Cause Replication fails because the file system of the source NAS volume is busy
replicating other NAS volumes.

Workaround The replication continues automatically when the file system releases part of the
resources. Verify that the replication automatically continues after a period of time
(an hour).

Replication Source is Down

Description Replication between the source NAS volume and the target NAS volume fails
because the file system of source NAS volume is down.

Cause The file system of the source NAS volume is down.

Workaround Check whether the FluidFS cluster is down in the source system. If the FluidFS
cluster is down, you must start the file system on the source FluidFS cluster. The
replication continues automatically when the file system starts.

FluidFS Troubleshooting 207

Replication Source is Not Optimal
Description Replication between the source and the target NAS volumes fails because the file
system of the source NAS volume is not optimal.

Cause Replication fails because the file system of the source is not optimal.

Workaround Check the file system status of the source system to understand why the file
system is not optimal.

Replication Source Volume Is Busy Reclaiming Space

Description Replication between the source NAS volume and the target NAS volume fails
because the source NAS volume is busy reclaiming space.

Cause Replication failed because the source NAS volume is busy reclaiming space.

Workaround The replication continues automatically when space is available. Verify that the
replication automatically continues after a period of time (an hour).

Troubleshoot System Issues

This section contains probable causes of and solutions to common system problems.

NAS System Time Is Wrong

Description Scheduled tasks are running at the wrong times. The date and time of Event Log
messages is wrong.

Cause • The time on the FluidFS cluster is incorrect.

• No NTP server is defined for the FluidFS cluster.
• The NTP server servicing the FluidFS cluster is either down or has stopped
providing NTP services.
• There are network problems communicating with the NTP server.

Workaround 1. If you manually configured the NAS system clock, verify that the time is set
correctly in Storage Manager.
2. Identify the FluidFS cluster NTP server from Storage Manager. Record the host
name(s) or IP address(es) for further reference.
3. If no NTP server is defined, define one. It is recommended synchronizing the
NAS system clock with the NTP server used by the Active Directory domain
controller. This avoids time difference issues and possible authentication
problems. In many cases the domain controller is also the NTP server.
4. Verify that the NTP server is up and provides the NTP service.
5. Check the network path between the FluidFS cluster and the NTP server, using
ping, for example. Verify that the response time is in the millisecond range.

Troubleshooting System Shutdown

Description During a system shutdown using Storage Manager, the system does not stop and
the NAS controllers do not shut down after 20 minutes.

Cause The system shutdown procedure is comprised of two separate processes:

• Stopping the file system

208 FluidFS Troubleshooting

• Powering down the NAS controllers

The file system might take a long time to clean the cache to storage either due to
lot of data, or due to an intermittent connection to the storage. During the
powering down stage, the issue could be due to the OS kernel hanging on the NAS
controller or failing to sync its state to the local drive.

Workaround • If the file system has stopped and if one of the NAS controllers is still up, you
can physically power down the NAS controller using the power button.
• If the file system has not stopped, you must let it continue stopping. The file
system reaches a 10 minute timeout, flushes its cache to local storage, and
continues the shutdown process.

NAS Volume Security Violation

Description NAS volume security violation.

Cause Selecting a security style for a NAS volume dictates the dominant protocol to be
used to set permissions on files in the NAS volume: NFS for UNIX security style NAS
volumes and SMB for NTFS security style NAS volumes.
Consequently, this makes some operations invalid:

• Setting UNIX permissions for a file in an NTFS security style NAS volume.
• Setting UID/GID ownership for a file in an NTFS security style NAS volume.
• Setting an ACL for a file in a UNIX security style NAS volume.
• Changing the read-only flag for a file in a UNIX security style NAS volume.
• Setting SID/GSID ownership for a file in a UNIX security style NAS volume.

The NAS volume security style must reflect the main protocol used to access its

Workaround If a user frequently needs to perform a cross-protocol security related activity, split
the data into separate NAS volumes based on the main access protocol.

Attach Operation Fails

Description The operation to attach the NAS controller to the FluidFS cluster fails.

Workaround • Connect a keyboard and monitor to the NAS controller that failed the attach
operation, and view the error message to determine why the attach operation
• Verify that while the NAS controller was detached, the IP assigned to it on the
client network was not allocated to another host. While the NAS controller is
detached, it loses its identity, including IP addresses. When it is attached, its
identity is applied back to the NAS controller, including the IP addresses.
• Verify that the default gateway is in the Primary subnet. If the default gateway is
not in the Primary subnet, change the default gateway. For attach to succeed,
the default gateway must be able to be pinged.
• After an attach operation fails, the NAS controller must manually be reset to
standby mode.

FluidFS Troubleshooting 209

Controller Taking Long Time to Boot Up After Service Pack Upgrade
Description The NAS controller takes a long time to boot up after upgrading the service pack of
the NAS controller firmware.

Cause The upgrade process can take up to 60 minutes to complete.

Workaround • Connect a keyboard and monitor to the NAS controller that is taking a long
time to boot up.
• If the system is booting, and is at the boot phase, let the upgrades finish. This
can take up to 60 minutes to complete.
• Do not reboot the NAS controller manually if it is in the boot phase.

210 FluidFS Troubleshooting

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