4034 C05 PDF
4034 C05 PDF
4034 C05 PDF
5.1 Introduction
A capacitor consists, basically, of two conductors separated by a dielectric. The operation of a capacitor in a
circuit is dependent upon its ability to charge and discharge. When a capacitor charges, an excess of electrons
is accumulated on one plate, and a deficiency of electrons is created on the other plate. Capacitance is deter-
mined by the size of the conductive material (the plates) and their separation (determined by the type and
thickness of the dielectric material). Capacitance is directly proportional to plate size and inversely propor-
tional to the distance between the plates. The unit of capacitance is the farad (F). A capacitance of 1 F results
when a potential of 1 V causes an electric charge of 1 coulomb to accumulate on a capacitor.
x ε ⎡⎣( N − 1) A ⎤⎦
C= × 10−13 (5.1)
C = Capacitance (F)
ε = Dielectric constant of the insulation
d = Spacing between the plates
N = Number of plates
A = Area of the plates
x = 0.0885 when A and d are in centimeters
The work necessary to transport a unit charge from one plate to another is
e=kg (5.2)
e = Volts expressing energy per unit charge
k = Proportionality factor between the work necessary to carry a unit charge between the two plates
and the charge already transported
g = Coulombs of charge already transported
The latter quantity (k) is equal to 1/C, where C is the capacitance in F.
The value of a capacitor can now be calculated from
C = q
--- (5.3)
W = ---------
- (5.4)
W = Energy (J)
C = Capacitance (F)
V = Applied voltage (V)
If a direct current is applied to a capacitor, the device will charge to the value of the applied voltage.
After the capacitor is fully charged, it will block the flow of direct current. However, if an ac voltage is
applied, the changing value of current will cause the device to alternately charge and discharge. In a
purely capacitive circuit, the situation shown in Figure 5.1 will exist. The greatest amount of current will
flow when the voltage changes most rapidly; that point occurs at the 0 and 180° positions in the sine wave
where the polarity reverses. At these positions, maximum current is developed in the circuit, as shown. It
is evident by studying the waveform that, in a purely capacitive circuit, voltage will lag current by 90°.
Because all practical circuits contain some resistance, a lag of 0 to 90° may be experienced in practice. Fig-
ure 5.2 illustrates a case in which voltage lags current by 30º.
AC Capacitive
load V
Voltage, current, power
90° 270°
Time 180° 360°
Figure 5.1 A purely capacitive circuit: (a) circuit diagram; (b) representative waveforms; (c) vector representation.
source V
Voltage, current, power
30° 90° 180° 210° 270° 360°
Figure 5.2 A resistive-capacitive circuit: (a) circuit diagram; (b) representative waveforms; (c) vector representation.
Because of the electrostatic field developed around a capacitor, an opposition to the flow of alternat-
ing current exists. This opposition is known as capacitive reactance, defined as
Xc = (5.5)
Xc = Capacitive reactance (Ω)
2 π R = The mathematical expression of one sine wave
f = Frequency (Hz)
C = Capacitance (F)
The dielectric used for a given capacitor varies, depending upon the application. Common dielec-
trics include air, gas, mica, glass, and ceramic. Each has a different dielectric constant, temperature range,
and thickness.
The dielectric constant of a material determines the electrostatic energy that may be stored in that
material per unit volume for a given voltage. The value of the dielectric constant expresses the ratio of a
capacitor whose dielectric is a vacuum to one using a given dielectric material. The dielectric constant of
air is 1, the reference unit employed for characterizing this parameter. As the dielectric constant is
increased or decreased, the capacitance will increase or decrease, respectively. Table 5.1 lists the dielectric
constants of various common materials.
The dielectric constant of most materials is affected by both temperature and frequency, except for
quartz, Styrofoam, and Teflon, whose dielectric constants remain essentially constant.
In addition to capacitance, a practical
capacitor has inductance and resistance com-
ponents, as shown in Figure 5.3. The stray com- Rp
ponents are identified as follows:
L Rs
• Rs = Series resistance of wire leads, con-
tact terminations, and electrodes
• Rp = Shunt resistance resulting from the C
resistivity of the dielectric and case mate-
Figure 5.3 The equivalent circuit of a capacitor.
rial, and dielectric losses
• L = Stray inductance resulting from the
leads and the electrodes
The equivalent series resistance (ESR) of a capacitor is the ac resistance of the device, reflecting both
the series resistance (Rs) and the parallel resistance (Rp) at a given frequency. This parameter permits the loss
resulting from the foregoing elements to be expressed as a loss in a single resistor in the equivalent circuit.
The power factor (PF) of a capacitor defines the electrical losses in the device operating under an ac
voltage. In an ideal device, the current will lead the applied voltage by 90°. A practical capacitor, because
of its dielectric, electrode, and contact termination losses, exhibits a phase angle of less than 90°. The
power factor of a capacitor is defined as the ratio of the effective series resistance to the impedance of the
capacitor. PF usually is expressed as a percentage.
The quality factor (Q) of a capacitor is the ratio of the capacitor reactance to the resistance of the
device at a specified frequency. The Q is determined by the equations
Q= (5.6)
Q = ------ (5.7)
Q = Quality factor
f = Frequency (Hz)
C = Value of capacitance (F)
R = Internal resistance (Ω)
PF = Power factor
1- 1 1 - + … + --------
----- = --------- + -------- (5.8)
sC sC 1 sC 2 sC n
where C1, C2, ... , Cn are the capacitances of the capacitors connected in series. Then, the equivalent capac-
itance C can be found as
1-⎞ –1
1- + … + -----
1- + -----
C = ⎛ ----- (5.9)
⎝ C1 C2 Cn ⎠
and is always less than the value of the smallest capacitance. This result can be used when the conditions
for using the impedance concept are valid, that is, the capacitors are discharged.
The series connection of two capacitors has the equivalent capacitance
C1 C2
C = -----------------
- (5.10)
C1 + C2
In a similar way one can obtain the equivalent capacitance of parallel connection as
C = C1 + C2 + … + Cn (5.11)
• The current applied to two capacitors connected in parallel is divided between these two capacitors
proportionally to their capacitance (thus, the larger part of the current goes through the larger
© 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
88 AC Power Systems Handbook
Plastic core
Extended foil construction Plastic case
Parallel plate
End disk dielectric
(a) (b)
coated lead
Butt weld
Anode lead
Porous anode
Teflon spacer
Silver case
Cathode lead
Figure 5.4 Construction of discrete capacitors. (From [2]. Used with permission.)
Ambient degrees centigrade circulating air
0 2 4 6 8 10
Years operation 33% duty cycle
Anode lead
riser wire Butt weld
TIG (tungsten inert gas) weld
Tantalum tube
Closure weld
to-tantalum seal
Top vibration spacer
Tantalum anode
Tantalum case
Sintered tantalum
cathode surface
Gelled sulfuric acid
Bottom vibration
Cathode lead
• Reverse voltage — the maximum voltage that can be applied to an electrolytic capacitor without
damage. Electrolytic capacitors are polarized and must be used accordingly.
5.4 References
1. Ballou, G., “Capacitors and Inductors,” in The Electrical Engineering Handbook, R. C. Dorf (Ed.),
p. 15, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1993.
2. Filanovsky, I. M., “Capacitance and Capacitors,” in The Electronics Handbook, 2nd ed., J. C. Whitaker
(Ed.), p. 371, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2005.
5.5 Bibliography
Meeldijk, V., “Why Do Components Fail?” Electronic Servicing & Technology, Intertec Publishing, Overland
Park, KS, November 1986.
Technical staff, “Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors: Reliability, Expected Life, and Shelf Capability,”
Sprague Applications Guide, Sprague Electric Company, Lansing, NC, 1989.
Technical staff, “Introduction to Tantalum Capacitors,” Sprague Applications Guide, Sprague Electric
Company, Lansing, NC, 1989.