H-AC-0017 Tire Shine PDF
H-AC-0017 Tire Shine PDF
H-AC-0017 Tire Shine PDF
Novemer™ EC-1 polymer is a multifunctional polymer used to provide rheology modification, which prevents “running” and “dripping” of
the tire shine when applied to tires. Novemer™ EC-1 polymer is also an effective emulsifier, which reduces the need for additional
emulsifying ingredients. The small amount of mineral oil in Novemer™ EC-1 polymer enhances the shine performance. The shine
performance and emulsification properties of the polymer provide the ability to produce cost effective formulations.
Supplier References:
1. (1) Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc.
Slowly add Novemer™ EC-1 polymer to deionized water. Mix at
(2) Air Products
medium speed until polymer is fully dispersed and begins to thicken. (3) Calumet Specialty Products Partners
(4) The Dow Chemical Company
2. Increase agitation and add emulsifier and shine agents. Mix well for
20-30 minutes.
Lubrizol Advanced Materials, Inc. / 9911 Brecksville Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44141-3247 / TEL: 800.379.5389 or 216.447.5000
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