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Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai Mumbai Fire Brigade

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No. :
Date :
Sub: N.O.C. for Proposed New Nurses Training Centre Bldg.
(Staff Quarters Building) for M.C.G.M. at Shri Harilal
Bhagwati Municipal General Hospital, Borivali (West),
Ref: No. CE/MA/ 2685 /I of 23.01.2009.
M.F.B. No. M/S/1419 of 27.01.2009.
M.F.B. No. HR/WS/120 of 02.07.2009
E.E.B.P. ( W.S. )
This is a proposal for construction of Nurses Training Centre Bldg. ( Staff Quarters
Building ) having Lower Ground + Ground + 10 upper floors + refuge floor with a total
height of 40.70 mtrs at the existing Bhagwati Hospital.
Nurses Training Centre Bldg. (Staff Quarters Building) :
For the proposed Nurses Training Centre Bldg. (Staff Quarters Building), Lower ground
floor will be used for Parking, General Store, kitchen store.
Ground floor will be used for Seminar Hall, Dining Hall, Kitchen, Matrons rooms,
Conference, Vice Principal, Administrative Office, Principal’s Cabin.
1st floor will be used for Class rooms 4 Nos, Recreation, dietary kitchen, Nutrition lab,
Anatomy lab, Principal room, Computer room, Teachers room.
2nd floor will be used for Class rooms 4 Nos, library, Technicians room, Lab, Community
Health Lab, Llab, Seminar room, Computer room, Teachers room.
3rd to 10th floor will be used as Nurses and Student Nurses accommodation.
Lower ground floor is parking, ground floor and first floor , second floor are Nurses
Training Center and 3rd to 10th floor wards are identical.
The site abuts on 18.3 mtrs. wide D.P. Road on West side.
Open spaces all around the building are as under:

South Side : 6.219 mtrs. to 6.522 including 6.00 mtrs. wide road.
North Side : 6.727 mtrs. minimum. to 7.048 mtrs. Including 6.00 mtrs wide
East Side : 4.5 mtrs. + 18.3 mtrs. wide D.P. Road.
West Side : 6.411 mtrs. to 6.574 mtrs. including 6.00 mtrs. wide road.

Refuge floor will be at entire floor above 6th floor, and the terrace of the building will be
treated as refuge area.
The proposal is considered favorably in view of the facts that,
i. The height of the building is 40.70 mtrs. Provision of sprinkler system in staircase
& lift lobbies, common passages of entire building shall be made.
ii. Compound wall shall not be provided in between road and open space on all road
sides of the building.
iii. During construction stage and before to final occupation party agreed to comply
additional requirements stipulated by Mumbai Fire Brigade Officer.
iv. The Architect during course of discussion agreed to provide recommended active
and passive fire protection requirements and also assured to provide and additional
fire recommendation / requirements in future from Mumbai Fire Brigade Officer.

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In view of the above, as far as this department is concerned there would be no
objection for the construction Nurses Training Center Bldg. having Lower + Ground + 10
floor + refuge floor with a total height of 40.70 mtrs. from general ground level upto
terrace level, as per the details shown on the enclosed plans signed in token of approval
subject to satisfactory compliance with the following requirements.
There shall be no compound wall on road side. The courtyards shall be flushed with the
road levels. However, removable bollards with link chain may be provided.
i) The available central courtyard shall be paved suitably.
ii) The courtyards shall be kept free from obstruction at all times.

1. Car Parking shall be restricted to at the locations shown on the enclosed plans.
2. No car parking in courtyards/ compulsory open spaces.

4. STAIRCASES ( For Both Buildings ) :

i) The layout of the staircase shall be of enclosed type as shown in the plan
through out its height and shall be approached ( gained ) at each floor level
through one hour fire resistant self closing door ( 45 mm. thickness ) placed
in the enclosing walls of the staircase at landing. The flight width of the
staircase shall not be less than 1.5 meters and 2.0 mtrs. as shown in
approved plan.
ii) Permanent vent at the top equal to 5% of the cross sectional area of the
staircase shall be provided.
iii) Openable sashes or R.C.C. grills with clear opening of not less than 0.5
sq.mtr. per landing on the external wall of the staircase shall be provided.
iv) Structural steel members connected to staircase shall be protected with fire
retardant coatings.
Both Buildings ) :
i) Electric cables shall not pass through the staircase walls or shall be taken in
concealed manner.
ii) Inspection door for the shaft if provided shall have two hours fire resistance.
iii) Electric meter room shall be provided at ground floor level at location easily
accessible from entrance door as marked on the plan. It shall be adequately
iv) Electrical shafts shall be sealed at each floor level with non-combustible
material such as vermiculite concrete.
v) Electrical cable shaft shall be exclusively used for electric cables. No
storage shall be permitted in electric cabin or shaft.
vi) Electric wring shall be having copper core having the fire resistance and low
smoke hazard cables for the entire building with provision of ELCB / MCB.


i) Corridor / Lift Lobby at each floor level shall be ventilated to outside air, as
shown on the plan. This natural ventilation shall not be blocked / obstructed
by partition etc.
ii) Proper signages for way to staircase, escape routes, staircase, floor nos. etc.
shall be provided at each floor of building.
iii) Location / Layout Plan of each floor shall be on walls in each hospital ward
rooms, other room, lift lobby etc.

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Common passage/ corridor at each floor level shall be kept free from obstruction
and encroachments at all times so as to enables easy escape and access to users and fire
service personnel in case of emergency.
i) Walls enclosing lift shaft shall have a fire resistance of not less that two
ii) Shafts shall have permanent vent of not less than 0.2 sq. mtrs in clear area
immediately under the machine room.
iii) Landing doors and lift car doors of the lifts shall be of steel shuttered with
fire resistance of one hour. No collapsible shutter shall be permitted.
iv) One lift for each lift bank shall be converted into fire lift and shall be as per
specifications laid down under the D.C. regulations.


1. Easy to kitchen areas shall be though fire resisting self closing door of half
as hour fire resistance.
2. The kitchen shall be separately ventilated through vent shafts as well as
through exhaust ducting. The exhaust duct shall not pass through any other
storage area.
3. The exhaust duct shall be provided with grease free ventilators to avoid
accumulation of carbon and condensed of oil vapors.
4. Necessary permission from Medical Officer of Health shall be obtained u/s
394 and C.F.O.’s dept.
The items and quantities of various items required for the hospital use shall be listed
alongwith the quantities and prior permission shall be obtained from Fire Brigade
Department for keeping the same in different accommodations in the building including
storage rooms.
i) Escape route lighting ( staircase and corridor lights ) shall be on independent
circuits as per rules.
ii) Portable lights / Install lights shall be provided at strategic locations in the
staircase & lift lobby.
All rooms entrance and doors shall be of solid core having fire resistance of not less
than one hour ( solid wood of 45 mm thickness )
Refuge Area shall be entire floor above 6th floor. Terrace shall be treated as refuge area and
shall be provided as under:
i) The entrance door to the refuge area shall be painted or fixed with a sign
painted in luminous paint mentioning “REFUGE AREA IN CASE OF
ii) Adequate drinking water facility shall be provided in the refuge area.
iii) Adequate emergency lighting facility connected to the electric circuit to the
staircase, corridor / passage etc. lighting shall be provided.

14. FIRE FIGHTING REQUIRMENTS (For Nurses quarters Building):

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One underground water storage tank of 1,00,000 liters capacity shall be provided at
the ground level at location marked on the plan, as per the design specified in the DC rules
with baffle wall and fire brigade collecting breaching.
One tank of 20,000 liters capacity shall be provided at the terrace level. The design
and layout shall be got approved from H.E.’s department prior to erection. The tank shall
be connected to the wet riser through a booster pump through a non-return valve and gate
Wet riser-cum-down comer of internal dia. of 15 cms. G.I.”C” class pipe shall be
provided in the duct adjoining the staircase with twin hydrant outlet and hose reel at each
floor in nitches in such a way as not to reduce the width of the staircase / lift lobby. The
hydrant outlet should be located at lift lobby / staircase landing at floor level. Pressure
reducing discs or orifices shall be provided at lower level, so as not to exceed the pressure
of 5.5 kgs. / sq.cms. A fire service inlet on the external face of the building near the tank
directly fronting the front side courtyards shall be provided to connect the mobile pump of
the fire service to the wet riser-cum-down comer.
Automatic sprinkler system shall be provided to the entire building in lift lobby and
common corridor at each floor level. The automatic sprinkler system shall be installed as
per the standard laid down by T.A.C. and relevant I.S. specifications.
i) Wet riser shall be connected to a fire pump at ground level of 1400 liters /
min capacity giving a pressure of not less than 3.2 kgs / sq.cms. at the
topmost hydrant along with jockey pump of a suitable size.
ii) Booster pump of capacity of 450 liters / min. having a pressure of not less
than 3.2 kgs. / sq.cms. at the hydrant outlets of the wet riser-cum-down
comer shall be provided at the terrace level of the building.
iii) An independent sprinkler pump of suitable capacity along with jockey pump
shall be provided for automatic sprinkler system.
iv) Electric supply ( normal ) to these pump shall be on independent circuit.
v) An alternate electric supply form diesel generator set shall also be provided
to fire pump, sprinkler pump, jockey pump and emergency lighting fire lift
etc. with change over switch.
vi) Four hose boxes, each box having two hoses of length 50 feet RRL standard
type & standard size branch and hose boxes shall be kept and equally
distributed in car parking area.
vii) Diesel operated standby fire pump of same capacity shall be provided.
Four external courtyard hydrants shall be provided within the confines of the site of
the wet riser-cum-down comer at the location marked on the plan. Four hose boxes with
two hose & branch shall be equally distributed in lower ground and stilt area.
1. One Dry Chemical Powder ( A.B.C. ) type fire extinguisher of 10 kgs.
Capacity having I.S.I. certification mark and two buckets filled with dray
clean sand shall be kept in electric meter room as well as lift machine room.
2. Twenty Dry Chemical Powder ( A.B.C. ) type fire extinguishers each of 10
Kgs. Capacity having I.S.I. certification mark shall be equally distributed on
each floor at strategic points.

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3. Four CO2 type fire extinguishers at capacity 3.5 k.g. each shall be equally
distributed in Computer Rooms.
1. The building shall be provided with manual fire alarm system with main
control panel at ground floor level and pill-boxes and hooters at each upper
floor level. The layout of fire alarm system shall b in accordance with I.S.
2. Addressable fire detection system with smoke detectors shall be installed in
entire Nurses Training Centre building.
3. Four CO2 type fire extinguishers at capacity 3.5 k.g. each shall be equally
distributed in Computer Rooms.
4. Trained security staff fire staff shall be posted on duty at strategic location
around the clock.
5. Security / fire staff shall be trained in evacuation procedure & use of fire
fighting equipments.
6. The entire building floors shall be provided with proper standard signage.
Self glowing / fluorescent exist signs in green colour shall be provided showing the
means of escape for the entire Nurses quarters building.
Dy. CE (P&D) Subs will inform for adjustment of capitation fees Rs. 68760/-
separately. The same should be transferred before starting the work at site.

However, E.E.B.P. (E.S.) is requested to verify the total built up area and inform
this Department if it is more for the purpose of levying Capitation Fee, if required.

Dy. Chief Fire Officer (W.S.)

Mumbai Fire Brigade
Copy to – 1. Dy.CE (P&D)

2. M/s. Shashi Prabhu & Associates

Ankhede Stadium, 1st floor, ‘D’ Road,
Churchgate, Mumbai-400 020.

Dy. Chief Fire Officer (W.S.)

Mumbai Fire Brigade

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